Presentation on the topic of the political system of modern Russian. Political system of the Russian Federation

Landscape design and layout 30.06.2020
Landscape design and layout

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Political Society Society Presentation of some issues" Policy "codifier policy"> ПОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ СИСТЕМА ОБЩЕСТВА Презентация некоторых вопросов раздела «Политика» Кодификатора по обществознанию 2010 год (подготовка к ЕГЭ) Автор Сафонова Н. С. , учитель истории и обществознания Лицея № 7, г. Саяногорск!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Codifier questions 1. Concept of power 2. Political system 3. Typology Political regimes"> ВОПРОСЫ КОДИФИКАТОРА 1. Понятие власти 2. Политическая система 3. Типология политических режимов 4. Демократия. Ее основные ценности и признаки 5. Государство, его функции 6. Гражданское общество и государство 7. Политическая элита 8. Политические партии и движения 9. СМИ в политической системе 10. Избирательная кампания в России Не рассмотрены 11. Политический процесс 12. Политическое участие 13. Политическое лидерство 14. Органы гос. власти РФ 15. Федеративное устройство РФ!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e The concept of power of the power is an opportunity and power is a relationship"> ПОНЯТИЕ ВЛАСТИ Вла сть - это возможность и Власть – это отношения способность осуществлять свою «господства – подчинения» волю, воздействовать на возникающее между людьми. деятельность и поведение Одни главенствуют, проявляя других людей свою волю, другие подчиняются этой воле. Источниками власти (по М. Веберу) : Насилие (физическая сила, оружие, организованная группа, личностные характеристики, угроза применение силы) Авторитет (семейные и социальные связи, харизма, экспертные (специальные) знания, вера) Право (положение и полномочия, контроль над ресурсами, обычай и традиция!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Political system, its components 1. Organizational \u003d"> ПОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ СИСТЕМА, ЕЕ КОМПОНЕНТЫ 1. Организационный = 2. Коммуникативный институциональный (политические отношения (государство, партии, по поводу гос. власти) общественные движения) Политическая система обшества-это совокупность организаций и учреждений, осуществляющих гос. власть и управляющих делами 3. Нормативный общества 4. Культурный (политические нормы: (политические идеи, обычаи и традиции; политические взгляды, правовые; корпоративные; политическая культура, моральные- регулируют политические идеологии) политические отношения)!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e typology of political regimes as a result of interaction"> ТИПОЛОГИЯ ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИХ РЕЖИМОВ В результате взаимодействия указанных компонентов ПС, складывается 1 2 3 4 определенный политический порядок или режим, т. е. способ функционирования политической системы. Система методов осуществления власти. Демократия. Авторитаризм. Тоталитаризм. Демократический Авторитарный Тоталитарный политический режим В переводе с греческого Функции власти Политическое "демократия" означает сконцентрированы в господство группы лиц, "власть народа" (demos руках группы лиц, либо возглавляемых - народ, cratos - власть). одного человека. лидером, тотальный контроль за жизнью Выучить характеристику режимов общества!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Democracy and its basic principles of democracy - political regime in which"> ДЕМОКРАТИЯ И ЕЁ ОСНОВНЫЕ ПРИНЦИПЫ Демократия – политический режим, при котором народ является источником власти Д Я -Народовластие -Принцип большинства, воля большинства выявляется Е через выборы и референдум П -Уважение прав меньшинства – право меньшинства на М оппозицию Р О -Парламентаризм – гос. власть, в которой ведущая роль И принадлежит народному представительству - парламенту К -Политический плюрализм (многообразие): Н Р многопартийность, многообразие политических идей, Ц СМИ и т. д. А -Гласность – открытость деятельности политических И институтов, доступность информации, свобода слова Т -Правовое государство, основой которого является П И верховенство закона и гарантия прав и свобод граждан Ы!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Democracy and its shape straight (immediate) Representative power is carried out by himself"> ДЕМОКРАТИЯ И ЕЁ ФОРМЫ Прямая (непосредственная) Представительная Власть осуществляется самим Осуществление власти народом без политических представителями народа – посредников. Как? депутатами ØОбязательно наличие ØВыборы на основе всеобщего представительного избирательного права законодательного органа – ØРеферендумы ПАРЛАМЕНТА ØСходы и собрания граждан Ø процессе В ØОбращения граждан в органы представительной власти демократии участвуют ØМитинги, демонстрации профессиональные политики!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e The concept of" state "of"> ПОНЯТИЕ «ГОСУДАРСТВО» Г О С Это политическая организация власти, Важнейший У действующая на территории страны; политический Д имеющая специальный институт аппарат управления; А обеспечивающая безопасность населения Р С Т СТРАНА= ГОСУДАРСТВО В О!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e State: signs, functions, forms 1. Territory"> ГОСУДАРСТВО: ПРИЗНАКИ, ФУНКЦИИ, ФОРМЫ 1. Территория 1. Внутренние: Различают Формы Признаки Функции 2. Публичная власть -экономическая 1. Формы правления 3. Система права -социальная защита 2. Формы 4. Суверенность -налогообложение государственного власти устройства -охранительная 5. Исключительное (законность и 3. Формы право сбора налогов порядок государства по политическому 6. Единая денежная 2. Внешние: режиму система оборона, м/н (демократические, сотрудничество и авторитарные, др. тоталитарные)!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e In the form of the state of the state, there are monarchy (uniform) - form"> ПО ФОРМЕ ПРАВЛЕНИЯ ГОСУДАРСТВА БЫВАЮТ Монархия (единовластие)- форма Республика – форма правления, при которой источником и носителем гос. власти является один носителем гос. власти является человек, занимающий престол по праву народ и выборные органы- рождения парламент и президент Абсолютная Конституционная Парламентская: (неограниченная) (ограниченная) Верховенство парламента единоличное монарх царствует, Прав-во ответственно перед правление но не правит Парламентом Премьер-министр формирует ивозглавляет прав-во Президентская: Президент – глава государства и прав-ва Смешанная (парламентско- Президент избирается населением или президентская): Сильный выборщиками парламент и сильный Прав-во ответственно перед Президентом президент; баланс полномочий!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Form State Unitary Foundation - Form Confederation - State -"> ФОРМА ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО УСТРОЙСТВА Унитарное Федерация – форма Конфедерация – государство – форма гос. устройства, при форма гос. устройства, при котором устройства, которой его части территориальные добровольное являются части являются гос. объединение административно- образованиями- независимых стран территориальными субъектами или республик, единицами, не имеют федерации (Россия, которые сохраняют статуса Германия, США, суверенитет государственного Мексика) (Евросоюз, СНГ, образования (Япония, США до 1865) Украина, Польша) ****** * * *!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Civil society and the state Civil society is a combination of non-state"> ГРАЖДАНСКОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО И ГОСУДАРСТВО Гражданское общество – это совокупность негосударственных общественных отношений и ассоциаций (объединений), выражающих разнообразные интересы и потребности членов общества.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e The formation of civil society is associated with the statement of the legal state. Legal state is unthinkable without"> Становление гражданского общества связано с утверждением правового государства. Правовое государство немыслимо без развитого гражданского общества. Гражданское общество возможно лишь в условиях демократического режима, правового государства. ПРАВОВОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВО- это тип государства деятельность которого реально ограничена правом, имеет место разделение властей (законодательная, исполнительная, судебная), гарантия прав и свобод личности и контроль за властью со стороны общества!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Signs of the rule of law The rule of law in society Submission to the law"> Признаки правового государства Верховенство права в обществе Подчинение закону всех граждан и самого государства, его! органов и должностных лиц Права человека, их охрана и гарантированность В правах человека выражена его свобода, но она не может! быть абсолютной. Принцип разделения государственных властей Принцип взаимной ответственности государства и личности(ответственность правительства перед представит. ! органами, юридическая ответ-ть гос. лиц перед законом, импичмент)!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Political elite elite - group or"> ПОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ ЭЛИТА Политическая элита – группа или совокупность групп занимающих привилегированное престижное положение в обществе, в связи с участием в принятии решений, связанных с использованием государственной власти Теория элит Г. Моска и В. Парето: 1. Общество делится на класс правящих и класс управляемых; 2. Элита – это люди, способные к управлению другими людьми, они обладают моральным, материальным, интеллектуальным превосходством 3. Кроме правящей элиты образуется оппозиционная элита – контрэлита, она стремиться к власти и когда наступает упадок правящего класса, происходит смена элит. Состав: главы государств, правительство, руководители парламента, лидеры партий и др. 4. Главный признак элит – оказание постоянного влияния на принятие политических решений!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Partis, Pars - part, group) - group"> ПАРТИЯ (partis, pars – часть, группа) – группа единомышленников, объединенных в политическую организацию, с целью выражения и защиты интересов определенной социальной группы общества ОБЩЕСТВЕННО-ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИЕ ДВИЖЕНИЯ – солидарная (совместная) активность граждан, направленная на достижение какой-либо значимой политической цели Полити Инициативн Клубы Союзы ая группа ческая цель ПАРТИИ ДВИЖЕНИЯ Общность идеологии Нет общей идеологии Выражение интересов определенных Не ставят цели прихода к власти социальных групп База массовая Борьба за завоевание политической После достижения цели могут власти – притязания на власть и распасться, а могут превратиться в участие во власти – важнейший партию признак партии!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Classification of parties in power"> КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ ПАРТИЙ Находящиеся у власти Консерваторы Левые Социал-демократы Центр Либералы Правые Коммунисты Фашисты По отношению к власти: правящие и оппозиционные По организационной структуре: массовые и кадровые По программным установкам: крайне левые, центристские, правые, крайне правые Функции партий: 1. Связь гражданского общества и государства 2. Электоральная – участие в выборах 3. Политическая социализация граждан 4. Воспитание политических элит!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Political leadership Political leadership - personal ability to influence"> ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЕ ЛИДЕРСТВО Политическое лидерство – личностная способность влиять на политическое поведение и политическую деятельность людей в группе, организации или обществе Настойчивость, воля, мужество Имидж, ораторские способности Характеристики Команда помощников политического Программа лидера Выражение интересов опред. группы Поддержка власти и масс!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Types of leadership in M. Weber Traditional leadership, based on traditions ( leaders tribes, monarchs)"> ТИПЫ ЛИДЕРСТВА ПО М. ВЕБЕРУ Традиционное лидерство, основано на традициях (вожди племен, монархи) ПРИВЫЧКА Рационально-легальное лидерство– лидерство, осуществляемое на основе и в рамках законов, принятых современным демократическим обществом. РАЗУМ Харизматическое лидерство основывается на вере в необыкновенные, выдающиеся качества вождя. Это лидеры по призванию, народные вожди «от Бога» . ВЕРА!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e state authorities">!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Federal Device of Russia based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and amendments to the Constitution Russian Federation Includes"> ФЕДЕРАТИВНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО РОССИИ На основе Конституции РФ и поправок к Конституции Российская Федерация включает в себя 83 субъекта Федерации. РОССИЯ= 21 республика+46 областей+9 краев+ 1 автономная область+4 автономных округа+ 2 города федерального значения (Москва и Принята 12 декабря 1993 по Санкт-Петербург) результатам референдума (всенародное голосование!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Political participation is a citizen's actions in order to influence the development, adoption and"> ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЕ УЧАСТИЕ Это действия гражданина, с целью повлиять на разработку, принятие и реализацию гос. решений, выбор представителей в институты власти Политическая элита (профессионалы) Рядовые граждане Признаки участия Прямое 1. конкретное (непосредстве нное) участие действие 2. добровольность 3. участие является Представительное действительным, а (опосредованное) через избранных не фиктивным представителей!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Media in the political system of media - means of creating, replication and dissemination of information"> СМИ В ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЙ СИСТЕМЕ СМИ – средства создания, тиражирования и распространения информации в массовой аудитории Пресса Важный социальный Радио Каналы институт, распространени ТV инструмент я информации управления Интернет поведением людей Функции: 1. Информационная; влияние на избирателя 2. Политическая социализация 3. Представление различных общественных интересов 4. Формирование общественного мнения!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Electoral process in Russia The electoral process - a set of actions in"> ИЗБИРАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ПРОЦЕСС В РОССИИ Избирательный процесс – комплекс действий в процессе выборов Выборы Этапы: v. Всеобщие v- Организационный v. Равные v- Выдвижение и регистрация v. Тайные кандидатов v. Прямые v- Предвыборная агитация v- Голосование и определение его Активное Пассивное результатов v- Обнародование итогов избирательн ное право Абсентеизм – уклонение от Лоббизм (лобби)= группы участия в выборах давления!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Lawmaking in the Russian Federation 1. Legislative initiative 2. Discussion 3 . Adoption"> ЗАКОНОТВОРЧЕСКИЙ ПРОЦЕСС В РФ 1. Законодател ьная инициатива 2. Обсуждение 3. Принятие (внесения з/п в ГД з/п в ГД) 4. Принятие 5. Подписание з/п в Президентом и Совете обнародование Федерации (опубликование)!}

  • The concept of power
  • Political system
  • Typology of political regimes
  • Democracy. Its basic values \u200b\u200band signs
  • State, its functions
  • Civil society and state
  • Political elite
  • Political parties and movements
  • Media in the political system
  • Election campaign in Russia
  • Political process
  • Political participation
  • Political leadership
  • The state authorities. RF power
  • Federal Device of the Russian Federation

Not considered

Power - This is the relationship of "domination - subordination" arising between people. Some dominates, showing their will, others obey this will.

Power - This is an opportunity and the ability to exercise their will, to influence the activities and behavior of other people.

Sources of power (according to M. Weber):

  • Violence (Physical Strength, Weapon, Organized Group, Personal Characteristics, Threat Application)
  • Authority (family and social ties, charisma, expert (special) knowledge, faith)
  • Right (Position and Powers, Resource Control, Custom and Tradition

As a result of the interaction of the specified components of the PS, a certain political order or mode , i.e., the method of functioning of the political system. System of the implementation methods.

Democracy. Democratic political regime. Translated from the Greek "Democracy" means "Power of the People" (Demos - People, Cratos - Power).

Totalitarianism. Totalitarian political regime Political domination of a group of persons led by the leader, total control of the life of society

Learn the characteristic of the modes

Democracy - political regime in which people are a source of power

  • Democracy
  • Principle of majority , the will of the majority is revealed through elections and referendum
  • Respect of minority rights - the right of minority to the opposition
  • Parliamentarism - State. The power in which the leading role belongs to the People's Representation - Parliament
  • Political pluralism (manifold):

multiparty, diversity of political ideas, media, etc.

- Publicity - openness of the activities of political institutions, availability of information, freedom of speech

- Constitutional state , the basis of which is the rule of law and guarantee of the rights and freedoms of citizens


Straight (immediate)

Power is carried out by the people themselves without political intermediaries. How?

Implementation of power representatives people - Deputies

  • Elections based on universal election law
  • Referendums
  • Gotes and meetings of citizens
  • Appeals citizens to the authorities
  • Rallies, demonstrations
  • Necessarily the presence of a representative legislative body - Parliament
  • In the process of representative democracy, professional politicians participate



Akvinsky, Mareita



1. State - Product of the Divine Will

2. People inequality are predetermined

Aristotle Philmer

Theory of violence

1. People essentials collective → Family → Enlargement of families → Combining people → State \u003d family, sovereign - father

The state is a rational association of people on the basis of an agreement on which part of freedom and power → the state

Gumplovich Kautsky


Violence, enslavement of some tribes by others, to manage the submissive need a device for coercion - the state

Materialistic (class)


The state is a product of social evolution. In the process of struggle and wars (natural selection) there are a state

The division of labor + improvement from → ↗tt → The emergence of an excess product → The appearance of parts. Property → Classes appearance → State


Features of the human psyche: the need for people in power over other people, the readiness of the latter obey.

Republic - The form of the board in which the source and carrier of the state. The authorities are the people and elected bodies. Parliament and president

Monarchy (Unifiedness) - the form of the board in which the source and carrier of the state. authorities are one person who occupies the throne on the right of birth


  • The rule of parliament
  • Right-responsive to parliament
  • The Prime Minister forms and heads the right-

Constitutional (limited) monarch reigns, but not rules

Absolute (unlimited) sole board


  • President - Head of State and Right
  • President is elected by the population or electors
  • Right-responsive to the president

Mixed (parliamentary-presidential): Strong parliament and strong president; Balance of Powers

Unitary state - Form State Devices in which its parts are administrative-territorial units, do not have the status of state formation (Japan, Ukraine, Poland)

Federation - Form State Devices in which territorial parts are state. Education-subjects of the Federation (Russia, Germany, USA, Mexico)

Confederation - Form State Devices, voluntary association of independent countries or republics that preserve sovereignty (European Union, CIS, USA to 1865)

Civil society - This is a combination non-state public relations and associations (associations) expressing a variety of interests and needs members of society.

Formation civil society associated with the statement legal state . The rule of law is unthinkable without a developed civil society. Civil society is possible only in the conditions of a democratic regime, a legal state.

CONSTITUTIONAL STATE- this type of state activity of which is really limited right There is a separation of the authorities (legislative, executive, judicial), guarantee of the rights and freedoms of the individual and control over the authorities from the Company

Political elite - group or totality of groups privileged prestigious position in society, in connection with the participation of decisions related to using state power

Theory of Elite Moska and V.Parto :

1. Community is divided into class of ruling and class managed;

2. Elite - these are people who are able to manage other people, they possess moral, material, intellectual superiority

3. In addition to the ruling elite, the opposition elite is formed - the controller, it strives for power and when the decline of the ruling class comes, the elite change occurs. Composition: heads of states, government, parliamentary leaders, party leaders, etc.

4. The main sign of elites - the provision of continuous impact on the adoption of political decisions

THE CONSIGNMENT (Parties, Pars - part, group) - a group of like-minded people, combined into a political organization, to express and protect the interests of a certain social group of society

Social and political movements - Solidarity (joint) activity of citizens aimed at achieving any significant political goal

Political goal


  • Commonness of ideology
  • The expression of certain social groups
  • The struggle for the conquest of political power - claims to power and participate in power - the most important sign of the party


  • No general ideology
  • Do not put the goals of coming to power
  • Mass base
  • After reaching the goal can be filled with, and can turn into a batch

In power





Social Democrats



Transportation Party






  • In relation to power : ruling and opposition
  • According to the organizational structure : Mass and personnel
  • Software installations : extremely left, left, centrist, right, extreme right
  • According to ideological installations: Conservative, liberal, social.

Parties functions:

1. Civil society and state

2. Electoral - participation in the elections

3. Political socialization of citizens

4. Education of political elites

Party System - this is mechanism interaction I. fight Party for power

Fr. political scientist Duverge: "Party System is a stable ensemble of parties , for a long time participating in elegant power »

One party system

Two party System \u003d Bipartism

System "2 and a half party "or" 2+ »

Lot party system

Political leadership - Personal the ability to influence on political behavior and political activities of people in a group, organization or society

Perseverance, will, courage

Image, oratorical abilities


political leader


Team assistants

Support power and masses

The expression of interests is determined. Groups

Subjects of the Federation

Based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and amendments to the Constitution, the Russian Federation includes 83 Subject Federation.

RUSSIA = 21 republic +46 regions +9 region + 1 autonomous region +4 autonomous District + 2 cities of federal significance (Moscow and St. Petersburg)

These are a citizen actions in order to influence the development, adoption and implementation of the state. solutions, the choice of representatives to the institutions of power

Private citizens

Political elite (professionals)

Direct (immediate) participation

Signs of participation

one . Specific action

2. Voluntaryness

3. Participation is valid, not fictitious

Representative (indirect) through elected representatives


  • Information; Influence on the voter
  • Political socialization
  • Presentation of various public interest
  • Formation of public opinion

The electoral process is a complex of action during the election process.

Stages :

  • - Organizational
  • - nomination and registration of candidates
  • - Pre-election agitation
  • - voting and determination of its results
  • - promulgation of the final


  • Universal
  • Equal
  • Secret
  • Straight

Active selective law

Passive electoral law

1.obbism (lobby) \u003d pressure groups;

2. Lobbism is the process to promote the interests of individuals, corporate structures in order to achieve a political decision beneficial to them.

Absenteism - Evasion from participation in elections

Slide 2.

Codifier questions

  • The concept of power
  • Political system
  • Democracy. Its basic values \u200b\u200band signs
  • State, its functions
  • Political elite
  • Political parties and movements
  • Media in the political system
  • Election campaign in Russia
  • Political process
  • Political participation
  • Political leadership
  • The state authorities. RF power
  • Federal Device of the Russian Federation
  • Not considered
  • Slide 3.

    The concept of power

    • Power is an opportunity and ability to exercise their will, to affect the activities and behavior of other people.
    • Power is the relationship of "domination - subordination" arising between people. Some dominates, showing their will, others obey this will.
    • Sources of power (by M. Weber):
    • Violence (physical strength, weapons, organized group, personal characteristics, threat use of force)
    • Authority (Family and Social Communications, Charisma, Expert (Special) Knowledge, Faith)
    • Right (position and authority, resource control, custom and tradition
  • Slide 4.

    Political system, its components

  • Slide 5.

    Typology of political regimes

    As a result of the interaction of these components of the PS, a certain political order or regime is developing, i.e. the method of functioning of the political system. System of the implementation methods.

    Learn the characteristic of the modes

    Slide 6.

    Democracy and its basic principles


    Democracy - political regime in which people are a source of power


    The principle of the majority, the will of the majority is detected through elections and referendum

    Respect of Minority Rights - Minority Right to Opposition

    Parliamentarism - state. The power in which the leading role belongs to the People's Representation - Parliament

    Political pluralism (manifold):

    multiparty, diversity of political ideas, media, etc.

    Publicity - openness of political institutions, information availability, freedom of speech

    Legal state, the basis of which is the rule of law and guarantee of the rights and freedoms of citizens


    Slide 7.

    Democracy and her forms


    • Straight (immediate)

    Power is carried out by the people themselves without political intermediaries. How?

    • Elections based on universal election law
    • Referendums
    • Gotes and meetings of citizens
    • Appeals citizens to the authorities
    • Rallies, demonstrations
    • Implementation of the authority of the representativemart - by deputies
    • Necessarily the presence of a representative legislature - parliament
    • In the process of representative democracy, professional politicians participate
  • Slide 8.

    The concept of "state"


    Country \u003d State

    Slide 9.

    State: signs, functions, forms

  • Slide 10.

    According to the form of government of the state there are

    • Monarchy (unintelligence) is a form of government in which the source and carrier of the state. authorities are one person who occupies the throne on the right of birth
    • The republic is a form of government in which the source and carrier of the state. The authorities are the people and elected bodies. Parliament and president
    • Absolute (unlimited) sole board
    • Constitutional (limited) monarch reigns, but not rules
    • Parliamentary:
    • The rule of parliament
    • Right-responsive to parliament
    • The Prime Minister forms airstrikes
    • Presidential:
    • President - Head of State and Right
    • President is elected by the population or electors
    • Right-responsive to the president
    • Mixed (parliamentary-presidential): a strong parliament and a strong president; Balance of Powers
  • Slide 11.

    Form of state device

  • Slide 12.

    Civil society and state

    Civil society is a combination of non-state public relations and associations (associations) expressing a variety of interests and needs of members of society.

    Slide 13.

    The formation of civil society is associated with the statement of state state. The rule of law is unthinkable without a developed civil society. Civil society is possible only in the conditions of a democratic regime, a legal state.

    The legal state is the type of state whose activities are really limited by the right, there is a division of the authorities (legislative, executive, judicial), guarantee of the rights and freedoms of the individual and control over the authority from the Company

    Slide 14.

    Signs of legal state

    Slide 15.

    Political elite

    Political elite - a group or a set of groups occupying a preferred prestigious position in society, in connection with participation in decision-making related to the use of state power

    Theory of Elite Moska and V.Parto:

    1. Community is divided into class of ruling and class managed;

    2. Elite - these are people who are able to manage other people, they possess moral, material, intellectual superiority

    3. In addition to the ruling elite, the opposition elite is formed - the controller, it strives for power and when the decline of the ruling class comes, the elite change occurs. Composition: heads of states, government, parliamentary leaders, party leaders, etc.

    4. The main sign of elites - the provision of continuous impact on the adoption of political decisions

    Slide 16.

    Partis, Pars - part, group) - a group of like-minded people combined into a political organization for the purpose of expressing and protecting the interests of a certain social group of society

    Public and political movements - solidarity (joint) activity of citizens aimed at achieving any significant political goal

    Political goal

    Slide 17.

    Classification of parties

    • Centre
    • Left
    • Rights
    • In power
    • Communists
    • Fascists
    • Social Democrats
    • Liberals
    • Conservatives
    • In relation to power: ruling and opposition
    • According to the organizational structure: mass and personnel
    • Software installations: extremely left, left, centrist, right, extremely right

    Parties functions:

    1. Civil society and state

    2. Electoral - participation in the elections

    3. Political socialization of citizens

    4. Education of political elites

  • Slide 18.

    Political leadership

    Political leadership - personal ability to influence the political behavior and political activities of people in a group, organization or society

    Characteristics of the political leader

    • Program
    • The expression of interests is determined. Groups
    • Perseverance, will, courage
    • Image, oratorical abilities
    • Team assistants
    • Support power and masses
  • Slide 1.

    Political system of society
    Political system

    Slide 2.

    Political system, its components

    Slide 3.

    Functions of the political system
    1. Function of goaling Definition of goals, tasks, ways to develop society. 2. Organization of the Company's activities to fulfill the adopted goals and programs. 3. Distribution of material and spiritual values. 4. Formation of political consciousness, the introduction of members of society to political participation and activities. 5. Integrative is the coordination of the diverse interests of the state and social communities. 6. Internal and external security and stability of political system. 7. Regulatory - This is the development of rules and laws of the behavior of people and groups in society. 8. Control over compliance with the implementation of laws and rules, suppressing actions that violate political norms.

    Slide 4.

    The concept of "state"
    Country \u003d State

    Slide 5.

    Causes of state

    Slide 6.

    Name Theory Authors Essence
    Theological Aquinca, Mature 1. State - Product of the Divine Will 2. People's inequality are predetermined
    Patriarchal Aristotle Filmer 1. People-creatures collective → Family → Enlargement of families → Combining people → State \u003d Family, Sovereign - Father
    Negotiated groties Rousseau State - a rational association of people on the basis of an agreement on which part of freedom and power → state
    The theory of violence Gumplovich Kautsky violence, enslavement of some tribes by others, to manage the submissive needed a device for coercion - the state
    Organic Spencer State is a product of social evolution. In the process of struggle and wars (natural selection) there are a state
    Materialistic (class) Marx Lenin Labor separation + Improvement from → ↗Th → The emergence of excessive product → the appearance of parts. Property → Classes appearance → State
    Psychological Petrazhitsky Freud Features of the human psyche: the need for people in power over other people, the readiness of the latter obey.

    Slide 7.

    State: signs, functions, forms

    Slide 8.

    The concept of power
    Power is an opportunity and ability to exercise their will, to affect the activities and behavior of other people.
    Power is the relationship of "domination - subordination" arising between people. Some dominates, showing their will, others obey this will.
    Sources of power (according to M. Weber): violence (physical strength, weapons, organized group, personal characteristics, threats Applying force) Authority (family and social connections, charisma, expert (special) knowledge, faith) Law (position and authority, control over resources, custom and tradition

    Slide 9.

    Typology of political regimes
    As a result of the interaction of these components of the PS, a certain political order or regime is developing, i.e. the method of functioning of the political system. System of the implementation methods.
    Democracy. Democratic political regime. Translated from the Greek "Democracy" means "Power of the People" (Demos - People, Cratos - Power). Authoritarianism. The authoritarian political mode of the function of power is concentrated in the hands of a group of persons or one person. Totalitarianism. Totalitarian political regime Political domination of a group of persons led by the leader, total control of the life of society
    Learn the characteristic of the modes

    Slide 10.

    Slide 11.

    Slide 12.

    Democracy and its basic principles
    Democracy - political regime in which people are a source of power
    Peopling The principle of most, the will of the majority is revealed through the elections and referendum. Respect of the minority rights - the right of the minority to the opposition of parliamentarism - state. The government in which the leading role belongs to the People's Representativeness - Pluralism Pluralism (Diversity): Multi-Parliament, the diversity of political ideas, the media, etc. -Dechnology - the openness of the activities of political institutions, the availability of information, the freedom of speech-management, the basis of which is the supremacy Law and guarantee of rights and freedoms of citizens

    Slide 13.

    Democracy and her forms
    Straight (immediate)
    Power is carried out by the people themselves without political intermediaries. How? Elections on the basis of the universal electoral right of referendum gathering and meeting of citizens of the appeal of citizens to the authorities of rallies, demonstrations
    Implementation of the authorities by representatives of the people - the deputies of the presence of a representative legislative body - Parliament in the process of representative democracy participate professional policies

    Slide 14.

    Weak places of democracy
    1. The absence of political opportunities of those who have only formal rights, and those who have money, the media, administrative levers of impact on making decisions. 2. Effective implementation of democratic principles generates disappointment in the masses of voters, distrust of power, unwillingness to participate in elections and other democratic procedures. It loosens a democratic mode!

    Slide 15.

    How do you assess the political system of Russia? What type of mode prevails?

    Slide 16.

    According to the form of government of the state there are
    Monarchy (unintelligence) is a form of government in which the source and carrier of the state. authorities are one person who occupies the throne on the right of birth
    The republic is a form of government in which the source and carrier of the state. The authorities are the people and elected bodies. Parliament and president
    Absolute (unlimited) sole board
    Constitutional (limited) monarch reigns, but not rules
    Parliamentary: the rule of parliament rights, responsibly before parliament, the Prime Minister forms and heads the right-
    Presidential: The President - The Head of State and the President of the President is elected by the population or the elements of the rights-responsible to the President
    Mixed (parliamentary-presidential): a strong parliament and a strong president; Balance of Powers

    Slide 17.

    Form of state device
    Unitary state is the form of state. The devices in which its parts are administrative-territorial units, do not have the status of state. Education (Japan, Ukraine, Poland) Federation is a form of state. Devices in which territorial parts are state. Education-subjects of the Federation (Russia, Germany, USA, Mexico) Confederation is a form of state. Devices, voluntary association of independent countries or republics that preserve sovereignty (European Union, CIS, USA to 1865)
    * * *

    Slide 18.

    Civil society and state
    Civil society is a combination of non-state public relations and associations (associations) expressing a variety of interests and needs of members of society.

    Slide 19.

    The formation of civil society is associated with the statement of state state. The rule of law is unthinkable without a developed civil society. Civil society is possible only in the conditions of a democratic regime, a legal state.
    The legal state is the type of state whose activities are really limited by the right, there is a division of the authorities (legislative, executive, judicial), guarantee of the rights and freedoms of the individual and control over the authority from the Company

    Slide 20.

    Signs of legal state

    Slide 21.

    Political elite
    Political elite - a group or a set of groups occupying a preferred prestigious position in society, in connection with participation in decision-making related to the use of state power
    Theory of Elite Moska and V.Parto: 1. The community is divided into class of ruling and class managed; 2. The elite is people who are able to manage other people, they possess moral, material, intellectual superiority 3. In addition to the ruling elite, the oppositional elite is formed - the controller, it is striving for power and when the ruling decline comes, the elite change occurs. Composition: heads of states, government, parliamentary leaders, party leaders, etc. 4. The main sign of the elite - the provision of constant impact on political decision-making

    Slide 22.

    Parties, Pars - part, group) - a group of like-minded people, combined into a political organization, to express and protect the interests of a certain social group of society
    Public and political movements - solidarity (joint) activity of citizens aimed at achieving any significant political goal
    Political goal
    Parties Commonness of the ideology Express the interests of certain social groups The struggle for the conquest of political power - claims to power and participate in power - the most important sign of the party of movement is no common ideology does not put the goal of coming to power the base mass after reaching the goal, but can turn into a party

    Slide 23.

    Political scientists in the party structure allocate three levels
    Civil society
    Civil society
    Parties provide a link between civil society and the state

    Slide 24.

    Classification of parties
    In power
    Communists anarchists
    Nazis monarchists Cleberry
    Social Democrats
    In relation to power: the ruling and opposition on the organizational structure: mass and personnel on software installations: extremely left, left, centrist, right, extremely right on ideological installations: conservative, liberal, social.
    Functions of parties: 1. Civil society and the state. Electoral - participation in elections 3. Political socialization of citizens 4. Education of political elites
    Liberals Transportation Party

    Description of the presentation on individual slides:

    1 Slide

    Slide description:

    2 Slide

    Slide description:

    According to Art. 1 Constitution of the Russian Federation, Russia is a democratic federal legal state with the republican form of government.

    3 Slide

    Slide description:

    Since 1991, the Russian political system has undergone radical changes. Until 1991, the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic (RSFSR) was part of the USSR as one of the Union republics. In the Soviet period, the political system of the USSR and the RSFSR in essence was totalitarian (until 1956) and authoritarian, as in accordance with Art. 6 of the Constitution of the USSR and the RSFSR of the governing and guiding force of the Soviet society, the core of its political system, state and public organizations was the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. This meant that one political institution (CPSU) dominated all other.

    4 Slide

    Slide description:

    With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the CPSU in 1991, a new period begins in the development of the political system of Russia: the institution of the presidency is established, the parliament is elected, political parties and other civil society institutions arise.

    5 Slide

    Slide description:

    In 1993, a political crisis began in the country. The confrontation between the President of Russia and the Parliament led to bloody clashes in Moscow and the shooting of the White House (October 1993), where at that time the parliament began. The conflict between the legislative and executive power was resolved in favor of the latter.

    6 Slide

    Slide description:

    The adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation through the All-Russian referendum on December 12, 1993, contributed to the creation of a regulatory framework for a new stage of reforming the political system of Russian society.

    7 Slide

    Slide description:

    The most important institution of the Russian political system is the state. The peculiarity of the state structure of Russia is that the President of the Russian Federation is legally not included in the system of any branch of government. He as if towers over the power institutions, implementing the interaction between them. This position of the president in power structures gives it almost unlimited powers and minimal responsibility.

    8 Slide

    Slide description:

    In addition to the state in the political system of Russia, political parties, social and political and public organizations and movements, labor collectives, individual citizens, regulatory acts, ideological flows, etc.

    9 Slide

    Slide description:

    A serious disadvantage of the Russian political system is the disunity of state institutions and civil society institutions (states and society); The lack of effective mechanisms for the influence of society to the state. Obviously, aware of this disadvantage, President V. V. Putin proposed to create a public chamber that could be a link between society and the state. In December 2005, the formation of a public chamber consisting of 120 members ended. It is currently one of the socio-political institutions of the Russian political system. In general, the Russian political system is in the formation and development stage.

    10 Slide

    Slide description:

    11 Slide

    Slide description:

    The beginning of the formation of the party system of Russia refers to the end of the XIX - the beginning of the XX century. In 1898, the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party (RSDLP) was established, in 1902 - the ESEROV party, in 1905 - the Party of Okabristov (Soyuz October 17), the Cadet Party (Constitutional Democratic Party), and others However, after the victory of the revolution, the Bolsheviks destroyed all parties, except for the RSDRP (b), and in the country more than 70 years have established the domination of one - the communist party. In fact, it was a totalitarian party-state, who did not allow any criticism and no opposition. The head of the party simultaneously was the head of the state.

    12 Slide

    Slide description:

    The revival of multiparty in the Russian party system began in the early 90s. XX century Some of the first (May 1990) were formed by the Democratic Party of Russia (DPR) - the leader N. Herkin and the Social Democratic Party of Russia (SDPR) - the creators of O. Rumyantsev, P. Kurdyukin, etc.

    13 Slide

    Slide description:

    In April 1990, the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) was formed - the leader V. Zhirinovsky. In the same year there was an appliance unit (Yavlinsky, Boldyrev, Lukin), which was subsequently transformed into the "Apple" party - the leader of the city of Yavlinsky. In February 1993, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (Communist Party) was formed from the fragmented groups of the former CPSU - the leader of Zyuganov.

    14 Slide

    Slide description:

    During the 90s. XX century Dozens of parties and party blocks have been created and disintegrated in Russia. Among them were even such as the "Party of Beer Lovers". Most of the parties that have emerged were "one-day" party. They were created by ambitious policies to participate in the next election campaign, and then stopped their existence.

    15 Slide

    Slide description:

    On December 12, 1993, in Russia for the first time after 1917, multiparty parliamentary elections took place. There were 35 electoral associations about their desire to participate in the elections, but only eight of them were able to overcome the 5% barrier and form factions in the State Duma. In the Duma election campaign, on December 7, 2003, 22 electoral associations took part. Most of them were also parties - "one-day". Only three parties ("United Russia", Communist Party of the Russian Federation, LDPR) and one party block - "Motherland" managed to overcome the 5% barrier. An unexpected defeat suffered such famous parties as the "apple", ATP (Union of Right Forces) and the Agrarian Party.

    16 Slide

    Slide description:

    In December 2004, substantial changes were made to the Federal Law of July 11, 2001. "On Political Parties". In particular, the minimum number of party members was increased from 10 to 50 thousand. In addition, now the party must have its regional branches at least in half of the subjects of the Russian Federation with a number of at least 500 people in each (earlier it was allowed to have 100 members). Starting from January 1, 2007, parties that do not meet the requirements of the law were subject to liquidation on the court. A threshold of passing into the State Duma from 5 to 7% was also increased, the graph "against all" and the minimum threshold of the turnout was abolished.

    17 Slide

    Slide description:

    In the December 2007 elections, 14 parties took part in the State Duma: "United Russia", "Fair Russia", Communist Party of the Russian Federation, LDPR, the Union of Right Forces, "Apple", "Patriots of Russia", "Civil force", Agricultural Party, " Green, "People's Union", Democratic Party. Party of the world and unity. Party of Social Justice. During the elections and counting, the following results were identified: "United Russia" - 64.3% (315 seats in the Duma), Communist Party of the Russian Federation - 11.57% (57 seats), LDPR - 8.14% (40 seats), " Fair Russia "- 7.74% (38 seats).

    18 Slide

    Slide description:

    One of the features of the Russian party system is that a party that has the opportunity to use an administrative resource (the party of power that the president, the Government of the Russian Federation, governors), invariably enjoys a success in voters. The role of an administrative resource in small cities and rural areas is especially great, where the role of the media is very limited, and interpersonal communications serve the channels for which political information reaches individuals. In such conditions, the position of the local "chief" plays a key role in the electoral choice.

    19 Slide

    Slide description:

    In the elections to the State Duma in 1995, the Administrative Resource used the party "Our House - Russia", the leader of which was the then Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V. M. Chernomyrdin. In the elections to the State Duma in 2003 and 2007. The party "United Russia" was used limitless administrative resource. First, because the core of the party was the ministers, governors, mayors of large cities and other officials. Secondly, she was supported by the President of the Russian Federation. As a result, the party received the absolute majority of places in the State Duma.

    20 Slide

    Slide description:

    The modern Russian party system is a multi-party. However, this multiparty is very amorphous, unstable. Along with the famous parties before each elections, suddenly appear, and after the election, dozens of new parties and party blocks disappear, whose programs are practically no different from each other. Such a "multiparty" spars the electorate, prevents the voters to make the right choice. However, the trend towards the reduction of parties and party blocks in recent years inspires certain optimism. For example, if 43 electoral associations took part in the elections to the State Duma in 1995, in 1999 - 26, in 2003 - 22, then in 2007 - only 14 parties.

    22 Slide

    Slide description:

    The main obstacle to the development of the Russian party system is an administrative resource that uses the ruling class to preserve its political monopoly and restrictions on democratic party construction.

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