Types of orchids at home. Ideal humidity for orchid growth

Engineering systems 12.06.2019
Engineering systems

Orchids are plants belonging to the Orchid family, which occupies 10% of the number of all plants on Earth. This representative of the flora has about 35,000 species. Their name comes from the Greek word "orchis", which means testicle. People have admired the beauty of the orchid for many centuries, in some countries it is even used as a national symbol. Representatives of this kind of flowers can be found on all continents of our planet; the tropics are their main habitat. Plant sizes can vary from 2 cm to 2 m.. All orchids, according to the place of growth, are divided into epiphytic (growing on trees), letophytic (settle on rocks and stones) and terrestrial, and some species even grow underground.

It is rare nowadays to meet a person who has never heard anything about orchids. Indoor plants differ significantly from their wild counterparts. Home orchids are presented in the form of flowerpots with thin stems, on the upper part of which luxurious and outlandish flowers are placed. Thanks to this, orchids have become incredibly popular among flower growers.

Another important factor is their unpretentiousness in care.

But care for indoor orchids must meet the requirements, and it is also necessary to understand the conditions for their growth in natural conditions. Particular attention should be paid to the selection of the appropriate substrate, planting capacity, fertilizer, organization proper watering, lighting, temperature and humidity. And also adhere to the recommended procedure for transplanting and breeding. In the same way, you should not lose sight of what kind of orchid you are going to grow, since each of them has its own characteristics.

Types of indoor orchids


Known to many orchid lovers, this flower is not very whimsical to care for. Prefers moderate temperatures and high humidity. The orchid is medium in size, has several interconnected leaves at the base of the pseudobulb and one linear at the top. Ada's flowers are bell-shaped red-orange in number up to 12 on one peduncle, which usually appear from January to May and flourish for about a month.


Desirable by many growers due to the beauty of its glossy white or color Ivory flowers that look like porcelain stars. Flowers pour out an incredible fragrance that appears after dark. But it is extremely difficult to achieve flowering at home, because this requires specific knowledge about plant care.

Angrekum needs in large numbers light, warmth, and high humidity air and soil.


This type of orchid is not very common. But it is attractive in that it has original flowers that resemble small babies in their appearance, and some species have flowers similar to tulips. There are white, yellow, red and brown colors. In care, Anguloa is not very demanding, but needs an abundance of air and sunlight, the temperature for the orchid is not high with well-defined differences day and night.


One of the few representatives of deciduous orchids, this feature is due to natural environment habitat - Africa, during a drought, the plant completely sheds its leaves. Multi-flowered inflorescences are placed at the top and are painted in yellow with brown patches. At home, it blooms in early summer for 5-6 weeks.

When growing at home important condition there is good illumination and enhanced feeding during the period of active growth.


The orchid got its name because of the similarity of its flowers to spiders. For normal growth and flowering at home, Arachnis needs to provide a very warm regime with high humidity, as well as bright sunlight. Abundant watering is needed during the active growth of orchids.


Representatives of this species are distinguished large sizes. Tall orchid inflorescences resemble huge candles of lilac-pink color, the flowers in which bloom almost simultaneously. The plant blooms for three weeks, during which Arpophyllum must be fed with fertilizer containing nitrogen and phosphorus, which help it bloom.


According to many flower growers, this orchid is the most unpretentious and at the same time one of the most beautiful representatives of the family. Outwardly, the flower resembles a gladiolus. The leaves of Bletilla are folded and pointed, reaching 30 cm. The length of the peduncles is from 60 to 90 cm, on which 6 to 12 pink-purple flowers grow.


The plant is not very whimsical, needs high humidity. It has fleshy leaves up to 20 cm long. On the upper part of the stem, peduncles are formed with a maximum of 5 flowers of a greenish tint. The lip of this flower white color and its shape resembles a heart, sometimes you can confuse a lip with a flower, since its petals, due to their shape and color, are more reminiscent of the leaves of a plant.


Orchid Brassia is perfectly cultivated when cared for at home.

A feature of this plant is its unusual type of flowers.

They are yellow with brown dots and vice versa. The sepals are extended outward to a distance of up to 15 cm. On average, the inflorescence is formed from 6-8 flowers, which together resemble a large centipede insect.


The genus of this flower is the most numerous among orchids. Its representatives differ significantly from each other. Therefore, it is impossible to highlight the general characteristics of the appearance, as well as the conditions for caring for these colors. Most often, Bulbophyllum Rothschild and Crescent Bulbophyllum are grown in houses and apartments.


A rather difficult plant to grow at home. But having seen at least once, immediately there is a desire to have this orchid at home. It fascinates with the exotic beauty of its flowers, they are large, fragrant and have an original color. A feature of this orchid is the way it is grown: having an unusual root system, the flower does not need soil, but feels great with bare roots.


For most people, it may be a revelation that everyone's favorite spice is an orchid.

But the Vanilla genus includes more than 100 representatives, and only one of these flowers is the supplier of this spice - flat-leaved. The rest of the plants are used in perfumery. To successfully grow a vanilla orchid at home, it is necessary to recreate conditions that will be very similar to those in which it grows in nature.


This plant is quite large, and for its comfort you need a lot of space indoors. Its leaves grow at the top of the stem, they are thin and ribbon-like, reaching a length of 15 cm. Flowers of various colors are often large and fragrant. Blooms for three weeks summer period.

The main requirement for an orchid is good lighting.


A very original orchid, which features embossed pseudobulbs with two folded leaves. The pedicel has a curved shape, and a large number of flowers with an elongated lip grow on the peduncle. They have a pleasant aroma and are colored in tones from yellow to brown. They do not require special care, like Vanda can be grown without being placed in the soil.


This orchid can be called one of the largest among those grown at home, since its minimum height is half a meter. Peduncles of a curved shape reach a meter long, about 60 small yellow flowers are formed on it, covered with multiple spots.

Growing Grammatophyllum at home is incredibly easy.


One of the most popular and easy home care orchid. Flower growth is small: 40-90 cm. Cylindrical pseudobulbs create a stem on which leaves are arranged alternately. Peduncles sprout from their sinuses, on which 1-4 flowers are placed with a pronounced smell and various colors: white, yellow, orange, purple.


One of the most interesting representatives of the genus. A special feature are the flowers, which in their appearance resemble the muzzle of a monkey or a small dragon. It is not very whimsical in care, although it has some requirements.


Very often this orchid can be seen in stores and at home with flower lovers. It is so popular due to its low maintenance requirements., as well as unusual flowers, which in Zygopetalum are very dense, fleshy and with a pleasant aroma.


A distinctive feature of this orchid is unusual shape lip, contrastingly different from the main tone of the flower. It is very common among flower growers due to its beauty, it requires care strict observance cultivation rules.


A flower of an unusual stunning shape - main feature orchids.

In the bowl of this fragrant flower collecting sweet nectar. The condition for successful cultivation is the placement of the plant, it is advisable to choose hanging baskets for it due to the peculiarity of the shape of the peduncles and the rapid growth of the rhizome.


The irrefutable advantage of this orchid is its unforgettable aroma. The genus Lelia is very plural, which makes it difficult to characterize them in general. Its closest relative is Cattleya, with which they are often confused. In care, these flowers are quite capricious.


The presented species of orchids belongs to the category "precious orchids", which means that its splendor lies not in flowers, but in leaves. The leaves are silky, iridescent, crimson or yellow-green in color, with lightish vessels. The size of the leaves is about 7 cm long, 3-4 cm wide. Flowers about 2 cm in diameter are white with yellow patches and are placed on the peduncle in large numbers, but as mentioned above, they are not an ornament of Ludisia, they are rather inconspicuous. This plant does not require special conditions of detention.


Along with the Phalaenopsis, this orchid is also often found in gardeners' home collections. This is a very easy flower to grow. Orchid leaves reach 40 cm, their color is not quite normal, grayish-yellowish hues. Peduncles extend from the axils of the leaves, the flowers are velvety of various colors.


The sweet tooth will really like the original smell of the flower, because the orchid exudes the aroma of sweets, which manifests itself more strongly in the evening.

On the peduncle there are from 3 to 15 flowers of white or pink color, less often yellow and greenish. Despite the fact that this species is natural, and not artificially bred, it gets along well at home.


One of the most popular types of orchids.

In connection with huge amount subspecies, it is very difficult to give a general description. Compared to Phalaenopsis, this plant is more photophilous, and more dependent on the difference between day and night temperatures. Another name for this orchid is "dancing dolls" because of the similarity of flowers with a girl in a wide skirt, and the inflorescences of some species resemble moths.


This orchid can be called a miracle of nature. - common name representatives of this genus, which they received due to the shape of a flower that resembles a woman's shoe. Besides original flower Paphiopedilum also attracts the eye with its iridescent leaves. At home, they are not very demanding, although they have some features.


The whole genus, and in particular some of it, are very flexible to temperature, as they can tolerate both short-term drops and increases in degrees and adapt well to different conditions. Sarcohilus has fleshy green leaves, and numerous flowers are placed on short racemes, which have a very pleasant smell.


The most common of all members of the Orchid family.

It is almost impossible to meet a flower lover who does not have at least one Phalaenopsis.

Due to the resemblance of flowers to moths, they are also called "butterfly orchids". Their coloring is very diverse. The leaves are juicy, green, arranged in such a way that they create a basal rosette. Cultivation does not require much effort and does not cause concern only subject to certain rules.

Khabenaria Radiata

The unusual name of the flower in translation means "white heron". The orchid received this name because of the unimaginable resemblance of a flower to a flying white bird. Habenaria has narrow leaves that are arranged alternately on the stem. The peduncle reaches a length of 50 cm, it has 2 to 8 flowers. For beginner flower growers, it will be very difficult to grow such a flower, as it is very whimsical.


Some knowledge is required for cultivation, but nevertheless it is one of the most popular types that are grown at home. Orchid leaves are leathery xiphoid or linear. The peduncle sometimes reaches a length of more than a meter and is a brush with a small or large number of flowers. Depending on the species, the flowers are large or small in a variety of colors, and the lip is usually spotted.

The exotic beauty and sophistication of orchids amazes people even far from floriculture. Is it difficult to tame a tropical beauty, what are the rules for caring for an orchid so that it pleases with both lush greenery and luxurious inflorescences?

Many lovers indoor floriculture, who had not previously grown these unusual plants, there may be a misconception about caring for an orchid at home, as an overly painstaking and time-consuming process. But having got to know the flowers closer, it turns out that keeping an orchid of one of the common species in the room is not so difficult.

How to care for an orchid at home, what conditions are required for an exotic culture that has fallen into a pot?

Properly organized care implies the creation of conditions close to natural. An orchid will remain healthy and decorative for a long time if:

  • all the needs of the flower in nutrition, lighting and watering are taken into account and provided;
  • the plant is satisfied with the temperature and humidity conditions, the composition of the soil and the applied top dressing.

When choosing an orchid for home cultivation, you need to remember that the plant has many varieties that differ in appearance, natural growth conditions, and needs.

Without leaving this fact without attention, it is possible to significantly simplify the care of orchids for beginners and for flower growers who already know a lot about the maintenance of this culture.

Most of the plants found in the interiors are epiphytes that arrived from the tropics. They are easy to recognize by their succulent aerial rhizomes, which not only provide the flower with moisture and nutrition, but also take part in the process of photosynthesis. There are orchids that are accustomed to living on stones, where the soil layer, like on trees, is extremely small.

For such plants, air humidity and friability of the substrate are important. But soil species, in addition to the usual care for an orchid, also need nutrient soil.

Orchid Lighting Features

In the tropics, where the vast majority come from indoor views, orchids grow in conditions of long daylight hours and moderately bright, diffused lighting. The same conditions are recreated in a situation where the orchid is cared for at home.

The optimal duration of daylight hours for actively growing and blooming orchids is 13–15 hours, practically not decreasing in winter time. Therefore, additional lighting will not be superfluous when caring for an orchid.

It is not necessary to put pots on the southern windows without pre-designed shading. Bright sunlight can leave brown or yellow marks on the foliage, and buds under direct hot rays will completely fall off. The best place Is it the east or west side. On the northern windows, lighting will be required even in the summer.

If the place for the plant is chosen incorrectly, even with proper care at home, orchids, as in the photo, turn yellow, their leaves lose their elasticity, dry, flowering becomes rare or does not occur at all.

Moisture in the air - the basic rules for caring for an orchid at home

High humidity is essential for successful cultivation. tropical plant. And if in the summer it is quite possible to achieve the desired 60-70%, then in the winter the grower will have to try.

How to properly care for an orchid with operating heaters that mercilessly dry the air in the room? Electric humidifiers and household products are used to maintain such air humidity.

The container in which flowers are grown can be placed on moist moss laid in a shallow tray. If there is no sphagnum on hand that retains moisture for a long time, the same way expanded clay is used. Plants feel best in a florarium or a room greenhouse, separated from the rest of the room by plastic or glass.

When the care grower uses foliage spraying, this should be done regularly and carefully. Try not to hit the flowers. It is highly undesirable to allow cooling of a still wet orchid. Since this will lead to the development of fungus on succulent leaves and aerial roots.

It is necessary to irrigate the flower in the first half of the day with water at room temperature, until the foliage has dried out, the pot is protected in every possible way from cold air and drafts.

Watering when caring for an orchid in a pot

Studying information on how to care for an orchid at home, a novice florist should not ignore such an issue as watering these natives of the tropics.

The very appearance of a plant can tell a lot about its preferences and needs. Powerful air and underground rhizomes are designed to extract and store moisture. In addition, a flower can save a certain amount of nutrients and water in the leaves, which in some species are noticeably thickened.

All orchids are moisture-loving and require abundant watering, in which the soil lump or loose coarse-grained substrate poured into the pot is completely wet.

But how to care for an orchid at different times of the year? Does the frequency of watering change? How to find out about the “thirst” of a flower that is in a mixture of bark, expanded clay, pieces of foam and other materials that bear little resemblance to traditional soil?

The watering schedule, like other orchid care procedures, must be adjusted when the season changes. In the warm season, the potted orchid receives water more often than in winter. But it is better to underfill the plant than to fill it.

Thick leaves and roots will help the orchid survive a short-term drought, but excess moisture, and especially its stagnation, is a sure step towards root rot.

Tropical guests at home are planted in transparent plastic pots or containers with special slots. This makes it possible to monitor the state of the root system. The rhizomes themselves are involved in photosynthesis and are easier to consume nutrients and moisture. But how to care for an orchid in a pot of such an unusual design?

It is necessary to water the flower in a solid container from above. Pots with slots are conveniently immersed in prepared water for 4-6 minutes. During this time, the substrate will be saturated with moisture, and the excess will drain unhindered.

In summer, the substrate is moistened 2-3 times a week, when the surface of the soil is dry to the touch. In the cold season, the frequency of watering is sharply reduced.

They learn about the need for water by having lost their elasticity, slightly wrinkled rhizomes and drooping leaves. A healthy plant recovers quickly after moistening the soil.

Sluggish foliage in regularly watered orchids should alert the grower. Perhaps the roots were once flooded and now need to be sanitized.

Feeding indoor orchids

Like other indoor crops, forced to grow in a limited amount of substrate, orchids need regular feeding. But these plants should not be fertilized too often. It is optimal if specialized liquid formulations are applied no more than twice a month. Do this only during the period of active growth and flowering.

The increased salt content in the soil negatively affects the condition of the plant. How to care for an orchid if there are traces of salinity on the surface of the filler in the pot? It is better not to fight this phenomenon, but to prevent its occurrence. Therefore, they alternate with washing the root system, for which the pot is immersed in warm soft water for several minutes.

If the top dressing included in the care of the orchid is excessive, the flower tolerates temperature changes worse. The plant is often affected by pests and fungi.

Orchid care after flowering

Withering flowers on an orchid is a sure sign that the plant is preparing for a dormant period. It will not lose foliage, but it will develop and eat much less until the future appearance of buds. How to care for an orchid at this time?

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the flower stalk left without bright corollas. As long as he keeps green color and juiciness, it is left.

In some cases, buds are formed repeatedly on the same peduncle. Daughter plants are also formed, tiny rosettes, which, when their own roots are formed, are cut off and planted in a separate pot. Choose a loose substrate for orchids. But signs of wilting of the peduncle suggest that it is time to cut it out.

If the indoor orchid bloomed for a long time and profusely, it is not correct to allow the buds to reappear, as happens on individual varieties of the plant. This will only further weaken the flower.

In order for the culture to quickly and well restore strength, the care of the orchid after flowering includes fertilizing or transplanting a flower. However, the latter procedure can be stressful for the plant, since the roots not only tightly wrap around the substrate, but also penetrate the holes and extend beyond the pot.

A video about caring for an orchid at home will explain all the intricacies of handling a spectacular tropical flower. Subject to simple rules even for a beginner, the indoor collection will be replenished with a surprisingly beautiful plant. The plant, feeling cared for, will respond with a long bright flowering.

Video: proper orchid care at home

The orchid flower is a charming plant! It is important to provide him with proper care. This article will detail every aspect of caring for this plant.

Hard to find more beautiful plant with a bewitching subtle fragrance than an orchid flower. Caring for him is not so simple, but if you still decide to purchase an orchid, it is important to learn how to follow it.

Adaptation period and quarantine

The conditions in the room or office are different from those created for the orchid in flower shop. To reduce the stress of a change of scenery, you should take the following steps:

  • Enter temporary quarantine. For the first two weeks, it is better not to put the orchid next to other flowers and plants.
  • No additional processing. A plant that has just experienced stress should not be exposed to chemicals. Immediately after the purchase, it is not necessary to replant the plant, this is done every one and a half to two years.
  • No direct rays.

After the quarantine period is over, you can transfer the care of the orchid to normal mode.

The subtleties of caring for such a flower as an orchid

To properly monitor the flower, you need to know several important parameters environment. Among them, the most important are illumination, air humidity, soil moisture.


Perhaps this factor can be called decisive in caring for an orchid. It is important not to allow the flower to stand under the direct rays of the sun: the light should be muffled, diffused. Under lighting, the flower should be about 10-12 hours a day.


The optimal temperature regime for an orchid depends on what species it belongs to. There are the following main types:

  • Heat-loving (dendrobiums, phalaenopsis). Such orchids grow in the tropics, because the temperature that is comfortable for them is 18-20 degrees.
  • Medium temperature (miltonia and odontoglossums). They grow in the mountain belts of the tropics, so during the day they will be comfortable at 18-22 degrees, and at night - at 15-20.
  • Cold-loving (lelia, paphiopedilums). They grow in subtropical climates and "like" temperatures from 16 to 24 degrees during the day and from 12 to 18 degrees at night.

When buying, it is important to find out which particular orchid you have purchased. Most often in stores you can find phalaenopsis, so it is important to remember their thermophilicity.

watering an orchid

First rule: An excess of moisture for an orchid is much more harmful than a lack. These flowers are simply not used to a lot of water, and with excessive watering, the roots can rot.

Second: after watering, the water should drain well through the drainage holes.


When fertilizing orchids, it is important not to overdo it: an excessive concentration of minerals in the soil is detrimental to these plants. Orchids are fertilized during the period of intensive development once every 2-3 weeks, and top dressing should be carried out once every 3 weeks.

How does orchid reproduction go?

Now let's talk about how to multiply orchid flowers. Reproduction is possible in three ways: stem offspring, layering and vegetative propagation. In the first case, young shoots are cut off from the stem and planted in the soil, in the second, a fragment of the cutting is cut off. At vegetative reproduction the orchid is simply divided into several parts.

Obviously, caring for orchids cannot be called simple, but a flower can be kept at home.

Now it is difficult to meet a person who has not heard anything about orchids. However, the indoor orchid is very different from its wild counterparts. Some orchids grow in the wild, in tropical latitudes, on trees, the trunks of which serve as their support. There are species that grow on rocks, while their roots grow into cracks between stones, where moisture and humus accumulate. But the most unusual are the species that lead an underground lifestyle.

There are many legends and myths associated with the origin of the orchid. For example, the Maori tribes and the Amazon Indians firmly believed in its divine origin. For residents South America the white orchid is a kind of insurance policy sent by the gods. And some people still believe that in the dense thickets of the jungle there are predatory species that can even devour a person. Of course, orchids have not yet matured to humans, but there are specimens that feed on spiders and other insects attracted bright color or the smell of flowers.

All about roommates

The flower got its name from the Greek word, which means "testicle". There are very capricious representatives of this family, but for the most part, orchids are not particularly whimsical, they are easy to care for, they bloom easily at home.

V room conditions orchid needs enough moisture room air. Flowers easily tolerate the lack of moisture. Their roots are arranged in such a way that they quickly absorb moisture and can retain it for a long time. For orchids developing indoors, the presence is inherent aerial roots. They are not removed; with their help, the orchid captures moisture from the air.

Although the orchid is native to the tropics, caring for it is not too different from caring for others. indoor plants. It does not require expensive fertilizers or special pots. But some features are still worth considering. Orchids in room conditions prefer placement on the eastern windows, as well as those looking to the northeast and northwest. If it is not possible to create such conditions for her, then you can simply darken, that is, create a shadow in the place where you plan to plant the flower.

Some place orchids in the depths of the rooms, then the flowers need additional lighting. This is where fluorescent lamps can come to the rescue. During the development indoor flower orchid requires a long daylight hours, about 12-15 hours. Direct sunlight on the plant should not fall. Light must be scattered. Otherwise, the orchid will simply burn. In order to answer the question of how to care for a room orchid, you should know the features during the flowering period. For a period of time when the plant is actively growing, winter and summer, the atmosphere around the plant should be humid. This will contribute to the regular spraying of the leaves. Aerial roots should also be treated, if any. The flower should not stand in a draft, but the air circulation in the room should be good. An orchid in favorable conditions can have a flowering period of up to six months. The optimum room temperature is 20-23 °C.

Blooming room orchid

The orchid is characterized by long and long flowering, for which it is loved. The flowers of the plant are dense and can bloom for a month, sometimes two. Peduncles have an even longer life span. At proper care they can branch and bloom several times. The older the plant, the denser its flowers will be and the more flower stalks will appear.

Your favorite houseplant is an orchid? How to care for her so that she blooms? Orchid flowering can begin at any time when conditions are most favorable for that. It all starts with the laying of a color bud, which at first is invisible. It becomes noticeable if the peduncle begins to develop. The period of time between budding and growth itself can be quite long. For the development of color buds into flower stalks, certain conditions must be met, depending on the orchid variety:

A sharp reduction in watering;

A sharp reduction in daylight hours.

But it should be noted that if the peduncle has already begun to grow, then the reduction in daylight hours will not affect this.

End of flowering: what's next

Many are concerned about the question of how to care for a room orchid after flowering. The first thing to note is that you should not rush and cut off the peduncle as soon as the flowers begin to dry out. Yes, and after all the buds have fallen, the peduncle must be observed. If it does not dry out, then new buds are likely to appear on it. You can cut it only if it begins to turn yellow and dry out. After cutting, a stump of 2.5 centimeters remains. Live flower stalks are cut to adjust the shape of the orchid.

Orchid propagation

The houseplant orchid is so beautiful that you want to have more and more. And sooner or later the question arises of how a flower reproduces and how to plant it correctly. Indoor orchid reproduction suggests in the following forms:

Often on a flower you can see "air babies". Most often they appear on peduncles. You should wait until the shoot acquires its roots, and then plant it in the ground for independent growth. Dendrobium and phalaenopsis reproduce in this way when they are in a room with high temperature and sufficient humidity.

Propagation by cuttings is suitable for phalaenopsis, vanda, ascocentrum. The stem of such orchids has one apical point of growth. A side shoot can become a cutting. A stalk can also be made from a faded flower shoot. The stem is cut into cuttings up to 15 centimeters long, they are laid on prepared soil, sand or moss. After that, the vessel is covered with a film. Each cutting must have at least a few nodes with axillary buds.

Like many indoor flowers, the orchid can be propagated by division. But this method is suitable only for a few representatives, for example, catlea, lelia, dendrobium, miltonia. They differ in that they have several points of growth, each of which gives a sprout. The right time to divide is spring. During this period, the plant will take root better. To do this, it is removed from the pot, cleaned of the substrate or washed under a tap with warm water. The peeled rhizome is cut with a knife or secateurs so that at least a few pseudobulbs remain on each piece. Slices must be sprinkled with charcoal powder.

Variety of orchid species

Like many indoor flowers, the orchid has many types. Each plant variety is unique. In caring for them, there are also some differences that everyone who wants to enjoy the beauty of this flower should know. Indoor orchids species are as follows:

Katleya, the most popular representative found in homes. The color of the flowers can be raspberry, purple, pink, yellow. The diameter of the flowers is large (11-15 centimeters). She needs good ventilation minimum temperature air 15 ° and sufficient humidity.

- Orchid Vanda is a very beautiful, but whimsical plant. It has long peduncles and large flowers on them. To bloom, she needs to provide very bright lighting and high humidity air. Has a pleasant aroma. The lower temperature threshold is 14°. Flowering period - autumn-winter.

Lycasta has a large size, which is why it is rarely seen for sale. Prefers partial shade. The temperature likes cool and moderate. Flowers solitary, very fragrant.

Dendrobium is very variable in size. It has long fleshy stems. Colors range from white to bright purple.

Miltonia has variegated velvety flowers. Doesn't like drafts. Winter temperature is 12-15°, summer temperature is not higher than 25°.

Phalaenopsis indoors

Phalaenospis is also called butterfly orchids. This indoor orchid blooms twice a year. Duration of flowering from 2 months to six months. Flowers vary in size from 2 to 15 cm. The color is very diverse, there are species with veins, specks and spotted. Indoor phalaenopsis orchids bloom more often and more readily on the southern windows, which are naturally shaded. Requires thorough watering once a week. It is necessary to fertilize phalaenopsis several times a month, you can add it directly to the water when watering. This orchid variety does not have a dormant period, which means it can grow constantly, even during the flowering period. In order for the flower to bloom, you can deliberately slow down the growth process. In the spring, put it in a cool place and reduce watering. The temperature difference in the room during the day and at night should not exceed 5 °. In summer, at a temperature of 30-35 °, the orchid intensively grows leaves, but does not bloom.

Watering methods

For a fully healthy plant, water quality is very important. Indoor orchid prefers soft and moderately hard water. The hardness of water can be reduced by boiling. It is worth noting that many orchids in room conditions die precisely because of overflow. For orchids, drying the roots is a must. There are several ways to water an orchid.

We water with a watering can. A thin stream, passing over the entire surface of the pot, until water begins to accumulate in the pan. Excess must be drained from it. Morning watering is optimal for an orchid, then the plant will have time to dry out before evening. When watering a flower, you should avoid getting water on it. If this happens, then it is better to dry this place, for example, with a napkin.

Watering by immersion. To do this, lower the flower into a container of water until it is saturated. It takes about 30 seconds. After that, you must definitely let it drain and you can return it to its place.

bathing orchids

Indoor flower orchid loves to swim. You can carry out this procedure several times a month. To do this, the pot itself is placed in a plastic bag and tied, and the flowers and leaves are under a gentle pressure of warm water. Leave the plant in the bathroom to dry. Bathing is a more useful procedure than spraying. It cleans the leaves from dust and microorganisms. Remember that during the dormant period, moisture should be at a minimum. But, for example, the soil of phalaenopsis, which does not have a "hibernation" period, should not dry out much.

"House" for orchids

An orchid pot is not just a container, it is also a support. At room conditions, the orchid feels good in a pot. Suitable for this plastic transparent pots. This allows you to monitor the state of the roots, and in the case of phalaenopsis, this is a necessity, since its roots are involved in photosynthesis. Plastic contributes to a longer preservation of moisture, salt does not accumulate on the walls. To prevent overflow, additional side holes can be made.

Clay "houses" are good because they allow moisture and air to pass through. They cool more strongly, which will please more frost-resistant species orchids. Another advantage of a clay pot is its weight. The probability that the flower will fall under the weight of its own weight is small. The disadvantages of this pot include the roughness of its inner walls. Orchid roots may grow to them, and subsequently problems may arise during transplantation.

The substrate is not earth

Indoor orchid, unlike the flowers familiar to us, does not take root in the ground. Its roots need a lot of air. And the substrate consists of components that can provide the plant with a sufficient amount of air and moisture. One of the components of the substrate is the bark. On the territory of Russia, most often it is pine bark. True, oak bark has large quantity nutrients. Another component of the substrate should be moss. You can use not only live, but also dried sphagnum. It is needed primarily as a means for the accumulation of moisture, in addition, it is an excellent source of nutrients. It also absorbs excess salt well. However, it has to be replaced quite often if it was used alive.

Proper nutrition, lighting, air humidity and watering will be the key to a healthy, beautiful plant that will delight you and your guests for a long time.

You have been choosing a plant in the store for a long time and finally opted for an orchid. These are very beautiful flowers, but they are also demanding to care for. But if you take care of them correctly, then they will grow at home on the windowsill, and for a long time please the hostess with their beautiful flowers. Many are interested in: how is the care of an orchid at home? It's all about choice correct soil, watering, lighting and air humidity.

And so, you brought a beautiful orchid home. But what to do so that the plant endures stress with the least loss and perfectly adapts to new conditions and does not damage other flowers that grow in your apartment? And how to properly care for an orchid that you just brought home?

Quarantine and its duration

The very first thing is to provide the orchid with a kind of quarantine for two weeks. To do this, it must be placed separately from other colors. If there is no place for her on the windowsill, you can put her on the bedside table or in some other place. But here it is necessary to take into account the fact that the newly purchased plant does not need direct sunlight, the flower must stand alone. Also, you should not feed it with fertilizers during this period, which are often offered by sellers in a flower shop when buying an orchid.

Watering the orchid during the dormant period is also undesirable, just constantly monitor its leaves, as well as other parts. This is necessary for the timely identification of possible flower pests in order to prevent them from multiplying. After the quarantine is over, gradually accustom the flower to the sun on the window and water it a little if necessary.

Transplant and other nuances

It is worth noting that transplanting an orchid that was recently brought from the store is not required. It is able to grow in its substrate for two years. An immediate transplant is needed only if the flower in the store was planted in sphagnum moss.

How to make a transplant:

No need to treat a new plant with some kind of flower "anti-stress", just keep it dry and it will cope with stress and adapt to new conditions. Also, do not treat the leaves with insecticides, especially if they are not there. Why poison an orchid that has already survived the move? A plant left dry and at rest activates its own funds protection, while perfectly adapting to new conditions.

Lighting, watering, fertilizer and more

If you are wondering how to care for orchids at home, then you need to know that this plant is considered capricious and tender, so it requires the creation of certain conditions for it. But caring for a flower is not difficult, the most important thing is to know exactly what and when to do.

This is the most main factor when caring for an orchid, which determines whether the plant will bloom or not. After all, if the flower has enough light, the flowering will be regular, and if it is not enough, the leaves will gradually begin to become a light green hue, then they will stretch and turn yellow.

When choosing lighting for your beauty, the following rules:

  • orchids love a lot of diffused light. Direct sunlight is not suitable for them, this must be taken into account when caring for an orchid at home;
  • in summer it is desirable to darken the flower. Especially if there is a high probability of getting on the sheets of direct sun rays. For dimming, plastic or matte film is well suited;
  • autumn blackout can be omitted. The intensity of sunlight decreases at this time and the orchid begins to rest - shoots ripen, flower shoots are laid. You need to take this point into account when caring for a room orchid;
  • the length of daylight hours is also important for the plant. The normal daylight hours for this plant are considered to be 12 hours, if the daylight hours last less than 10 hours, then the flower needs artificial lighting. Caring for orchids at home involves using lamps with fluorescent bulbs for this purpose.

Temperature regime

All orchids are divided into three groups according to temperature:

  1. thermophilic flowers. These orchids are native to tropical coastal forests and plains and include dendrobiums, phalaenopsis, and some varieties of catleys. Such species need warm conditions, so the daytime summer temperature for them should be from 15 to 32 degrees, and the nighttime winter temperature should be from 15 to 18 degrees. The daily difference should not be more than three to five degrees;
  2. medium temperature plants. Such varieties of orchids grow in the middle mountain belts of the tropics and include miltonia and odontoglossums .. For such an orchid at home, care should be taken in a cooler temperature regime. Daytime temperature in summer for them ranges from 18 to 22 degrees, and winter night temperature - from 12 to 15 degrees;
  3. cold-loving flowers. These orchids are native to subtropical or highland areas and include Australian dendrobiums, many lelias and most of varieties of paphiopedilums. most optimum temperature for them there will be daytime summer - 22 degrees, and night winter - from 12 to 15 degrees.

In general, it can be noted that almost all types of orchids that grow in your home will feel good at a temperature of 18-27 degrees during the day and from 13 to 24 degrees at night.

How to properly water an orchid

If you are interested in how to care for an orchid, then you should also be interested in how to water it. It is worth noting that in nature most of these plants are never found in water, since their roots cannot stand stagnant moisture. But each variety of orchids has its own peculiarity of watering. For example, Paphiopedilium and Phalaenopsis like moist soil all the time, while Dendrobium and Oncidium need a drier substrate and need to be watered only when the soil is dry.

But, in general, all orchids are more tolerant of drying out than waterlogging. The orchid needs intensive watering only during the period of active growth, flowering and ejection of peduncles. If there is a lack of moisture, then you will definitely know about it: the pseudobulbs and leaves of the plant will wrinkle. If there is an excess of water, then the leaves will turn yellow and soak, and the roots will begin to rot.

In winter, when there is little light and cool, it is not necessary to water the flower strongly, and the plant does not need a lot of moisture after flowering during the dormant period.

Proper care of a room orchid consists in watering the plant with soft water. Melted, settled rainwater is very well suited for this. You can also water the flower with plain boiled water. In summer, water it two or three times a week after the outer layer of soil dries out, and in winter, water it to a minimum - once or twice a week. See if the pseudobulb is wrinkled, if such a phenomenon is present - the plant asks for water.

Watering the plant is to put the orchid in a pot in a container with warm water for ten minutes or intensively pour it with water from the shower. In the latter case, the soil will be completely wet, while the water will come out of the drainage holes. After watering, hold the flower on a special grid, then all the water will drain, and then place it in a decorative pot.

Fertilizer and top dressing

You want to know how to properly care for an orchid, but you are unsure whether to fertilize it or not and when exactly to do it. The plant needs to be fed only during its growth period; it is recommended to fertilize the flower no more than once every three or two weeks. For this, special fertilizers are used - Greenworld, Pocon or Bona Forte.

The most important thing is not to overdo it and follow the indicated proportions on the package.

Orchids do not like the concentration of mineral salts in the soil and may not be able to stand it. Therefore, during the fertilization period, rinse the substrate with clean water, alternate feeding and watering every week. Never buy fertilizer intended for other flowers, do not feed the plant during dormancy and in winter.

Many experts oppose frequent feeding of orchids. They proved that frequent fertilizer reduces the immunity of the flower, so it is more susceptible to various diseases. Therefore, ideally, this flower does not need to be fertilized at all, since it receives all the necessary nutrients from the substrate, but this rule only applies if the substrate is renewed once every two years. So you have learned another answer on the issue of home care for an orchid.

Places for correct pruning orchids

How does an orchid reproduce?

If you know the basic features of caring for this flower, then you can easily propagate the required copy. Orchid propagation is carried out different ways Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Reproduction by "children" (stem offspring)

"Babies" are small new plants that can form new varieties of orchids. Such side shoots usually appear in those plants that have an increased nitrogen content. If you see "babies", then try to spray the orchid very often and wait for them to grow up and release roots. Now you can separate the new plant, treat it with charcoal powder and plant separately.

This method of propagating an orchid consists in using layering, such layering is found in sympodial orchids. Air suckers are very often formed in shoots that have elongated or cylindrical thickened shoots.

In this case, you will need a small greenhouse over the bent part of the stem. It can be made from a small plastic container and cut a slot on the side. Now start moistening the moss and wait for the dormant buds to wake up.

A leafless shoot, which is in a greenhouse in a horizontal position, needs to be heated and moistened regularly. In about a month, dormant buds will wake up, and young plants with leaves and roots will grow out of them.

After rooting, small orchids must be carefully separated from the mother shoot, then processed, you can also transplant the orchid into a small pot. Keep them in the greenhouse for a while.

Vegetative reproduction

This method is convenient to propagate almost all varieties of orchids. The rhizome of flowers will simply need to be divided, while leaving two or three pseudobulbs on each plot. But this breeding method is only suitable if the orchid is large enough.

Remove the flower from the pot, then carefully separate the soil from the roots. Cut the rhizome through with garden shears, two or three bulbs should remain on each divided part. Sprinkle the slices with charcoal, planting each fragment of the plant separately.

If the question arises, how to care for an orchid in this case, then everything is simple. Water new flowers a little, spray them every day until new shoots or leaves appear. This confirms that the orchid has been accepted.

Orchid care during and after flowering

Many are interested in what care should be taken at home for an orchid during its flowering. Features of flower care at this time are as follows:

  • flowering plant needs intensive watering. It is recommended to water it under a warm shower, and the water temperature should be 35 degrees, after watering, remove moisture from the growth point, otherwise it will rot;
  • it is recommended to raise the night temperature for a plant at five degrees;
  • during flowering it is impossible to transplant an orchid, otherwise she will drop all the buds and flowers;
  • during this period, the flower needs top dressing. To do this, use a special fertilizer designed specifically for these flowers, but you can not overfeed the plant.

If you want the orchid to bloom as long as possible, do not rearrange it from place to place.

How to care for a plant after flowering

Proper care of orchids after flowering is also very important. important point. The field of how flowering ends, and the peduncle has dried up and turned black, it must be cut to the very base and removed. After flowering, plant nutrition is reduced. In winter, watering should be reduced to once a month, it is advisable to spray the plant several times with water.

It is worth noting that if a flower needs a transplant, then it will not bloom and in order for it to bloom again - change the location of the pot, put it in another place.

If, while caring for orchids after flowering, you notice that the leaves of the flower have turned yellow and wrinkled, and it does not release the peduncle, also move the pot to another place. Then it will bloom regularly.

We hope that all of the above information was useful to you, and now you know how to care for orchids at home, and if the care is correct, this beautiful plant will regularly delight all residents of the house with flowers. After all, flowering is the most favorite period in the life of every flower lover.

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