What to do if the drain pit fills up quickly? Causes of silting and rapid filling of the cesspool How to destroy silt in the drain pit.

reservoirs 17.06.2019

During the construction of small suburban or country houses most homeowners solve the problem of sewerage drainage simply - they dig a cesspool, where all the waste of the residents is drained through pipes. But the time “H” comes and the accumulated sewage reminds of itself with a pungent smell. So, it's time to get down to not very pleasant work - pumping out the contents and exporting them. And how to clean a cesspool without pumping? The current achievements of technologists make it possible to do this without spending money on attracting professionals.

Unlike a septic cesspool is a primitive storage without any signs of sewage treatment. And all its contents are stored there in full until the moment of pumping out. And not just stored: an "explosive" mixture of feces, food waste and detergents is a potential threat to human health if it enters the soil. Therefore, the timely cleaning of toilets and cesspools is so important: their overflow leads to infection. environment.

In addition, a drain pit filled to the brim emits a very unpleasant odor that can negate the delights of living in nature.

Tip: To avoid force majeure, you should take care of cleaning the cesspool in the country when it is two-thirds full.

Cleaning methods

Cleaning the drain pit can be done in three ways:

  • pumping out the contents with its subsequent export;
  • treatment with special chemicals;
  • with help .

When choosing a method for how to clean and how to remove the smell from a cesspool, the following points should be considered:

  • usage chemicals harms the metal components of the local sewer system;
  • the presence of a dishwasher in the house and washing machines involves the use of detergents that make useless the use of bacteria that cleans drains. They will quickly die from contact with household chemicals. As a result, you will spend money and not clean the drain hole.

From this point of view, the most universal is still mechanical way removal of sewage, but the use of special preparations will significantly reduce the number of calls for sewers.

Speaking about how much it costs to pump out septic tanks and cesspools, the price here can be in the range of 700-900 rubles per 1 cubic meter and also depends on the volume of the required machine.

How to pump out a cesspool with a pump is shown in the video.

In order to ensure comfortable accommodation in a private house or cottage, the owners must take care of the sewer system. As a rule, residents of the private sector prefer storage tanks. This is much cheaper than installing a sealed tank, which requires constant cleaning with the help of sewage equipment.

With all its simplicity and accessibility, the operation of the drain pit can cause difficulties for the owners of the site. One of the most common problems is filling it up quickly. Let's take a closer look at how to determine that the cesspool is filling up too quickly, and what actions to take in this case.

The main signs of filling the pit

It is not difficult to determine that the cesspool quickly filled up. There are several signs of reduced functionality. These include:

  • an unpleasant smell in the area even when the waste pit is tightly closed;
  • siltation at the bottom of the tank;
  • various deposits on the walls of the structure;
  • the need to pump out every 4-5 weeks.

The appearance of one or more of the listed signs indicates the insufficient efficiency of the structure.

Reasons for fast filling

For effective solution problems with the sewer, it is necessary to establish the reasons why the drain pit fills up quickly. The main factors contributing to the occurrence of violations of functionality are:

  • silting of a cesspool;
  • accumulation of fat and other deposits on the bottom and walls;
  • freezing of the structure winter period.

After the reasons for the premature overflow of the storage structure are determined, it is necessary to move on to options for solving the problem.

What to do if the bottom of the pit is silted up?

If the reason for the rapid filling of the drain pit is that it is silted up, there are several ways to solve the problem:

  1. Sewage pumping and major cleaning of the structure with the help of cesspool devices.
  2. Liquefaction of sludge deposits with water. To do this, pour into the tank a large number of water for 24 hours.
  3. The use of biological products to improve the functionality of the sewer system.

Most in a simple way The solution to the problem is to call a sewer, but such a service is not cheap. Many owners of private houses prefer to use preparations with biologically active substances in cases where the pit has silted up. The results of their application include:

  • elimination of unpleasant smells from the sewerage;
  • cleaning of sewer pipes and storage from various deposits;
  • reducing the level of sewage in the tank;
  • prevention of silting in the future;
  • restoration of the system.

IMPORTANT. You should be aware that products based on microorganisms and bacteria cannot be used in winter time. At low temperatures, the properties of the drug will be significantly reduced.

Choice of biological product

Specialty stores offer huge assortment biologically active drugs. Among them there are products of both foreign and domestic manufacturers of different price categories.

The form of release of the drug is also different, it can be a liquid concentrate, powder or tablets. What drug is better to buy?

In order to clear the pit of silt, many residents of private houses are advised to opt for liquid and powder preparations. This is due to the fact that these products contain anaerobic species of bacteria. These bacteria have the ability to process organic matter without access to oxygen.

It should be borne in mind that products with biologically active substances can only be diluted with water that does not contain chlorine. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the drug will be significantly reduced.

The degree of activity of microorganisms also decreases in the case when chemical substances are poured into the sewer. detergents, stain removers or bleaches.

Cleaning the bottom and walls of the drive

Deposits on the bottom and walls of the tank are common cause irregularities in his work. What to do in this case?

It is necessary to clean the pit and the performance will be restored. To do this, you need to follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Using a water or fecal pump, pump out waste from the storage tank.
  2. Fill the reservoir with water. This must be done in order to dissolve deposits and blockages.
  3. Pour the biopreparation into the pit for 4-5 hours.

The main advantage of using a biological product for clogged sewers is that there is no need to pump out after its application. Waste water will leave itself after the active substances of the drug destroy blockages that do not allow water to pass through.

In addition, the biological product improves the drainage layers, which increases the efficiency of the structure.

How to unfreeze a hole?

As a rule, the freezing of the drain pit in winter is prevented by the snow layer and the thermal insulation system, but it happens that at very low temperatures the waste freezes. What to do if the cesspool freezes in winter?

It is possible to carry out defrosting of waste in a cesspool using an extension cord, copper wire, a steel rod 20-30 cm long and a grip.

Important! When carrying out work related to the use of electricity, it is necessary to observe safety precautions and protect yourself with rubber gloves and shoes with thick rubber soles. And also it is necessary to limit access to the place of work of children and pets.

In cases where only the sewer pipe is frozen, it is wrapped with a copper conductor, which is connected to the phase wire. Under the influence of current, the thawing of the pipe will take 2-3 hours.

When the entire pit freezes, a steel rod is driven into the middle, to which a copper conductor is attached. This is followed by the phase voltage supply. In this case, the pit will thaw for at least 24 hours. After the work is completed, the voltage is first turned off, and then the rod and wires are removed.

The further functionality of the sewer system depends on how well the work will be done.

Despite the appearance on the market of easy-to-use septic tanks and biological treatment plants, many owners of suburban areas still prefer to equip ordinary cesspools to collect wastewater. The popularity of such receivers is primarily due to their cheapness. Digging a cesspool on your own will not be difficult even for a person who is completely far from all kinds of construction work.

However, in addition to the unconditional advantage in terms of cheapness, the cesspool has a number of disadvantages. To clean such a receiver, the owners of a suburban area will have to periodically order a sewage truck. And, of course, pay money for it. In addition, over time, the period between the necessary calls of specialists is reduced. This is primarily due to the fact that it fills up quickly. What to do in this case, and why they begin to seep into the ground more slowly, we will talk about this further.

Reasons for fast filling

Problems of this type with a cesspool can arise in the case of:

  • inconsistency of its volume with the amount of incoming wastewater;
  • bottom silting;
  • the appearance of fatty deposits on the walls that prevent normal drainage.

In the cold season, among other things, there may be the appearance of overflow due to the freezing of drains in the collector. Regular care of the cesspool, including winter, is a mandatory procedure. If the reservoir is already full, you need to take urgent action. Indeed, in this case, not only does the sewerage system stop working normally, but an extremely unpleasant smell appears, interfering with neighbors as well.

Causes of silting

The discrepancy between the volume of the pit and the amount of water drained from the house is the reason fast filling which is pretty easy to fix. In order for the collector to start working properly again, you just need to expand it. However, most often it is silting that is the reason that the cesspool quickly fills up. What to do in this case? There are several answers to this question.

Silting usually occurs due to the fact that the owners of the house dump leftover food, toilet paper, etc. into the sewer. At the same time, the bottom of the pit quickly silts up, and sewage stops seeping into the ground. To reduce the risk of such a problem, you need to install a mesh in the drain hole of the sink in the kitchen, and put a bucket in the toilet specially designed for using toilet paper.

How to deal with silting

But if the cesspool is still filled. what to do? Collector cleaning methods can be different. But, most likely, the owners of a suburban area will need to carry out one of the following procedures:

  • try to clean the hole manually;
  • try to pump out the sludge with a fecal pump;
  • use special biopreparations.

Silt accumulates at the bottom of the pit also because the sewage equipment cannot pump it out. Therefore, it gradually accumulates in the collector. To get rid of this sediment, among other things, you can simply pour water into the pit. As a result, the sludge will become much more liquid and will be able to pump it out. But this, of course, will make the pit cleaning procedure more expensive. It is quite possible that calling a special silt pumping machine will cost a little less.

The use of biological products

This method is also likely to be cheaper than ordering special equipment. Using Biologics Is Really Easy perfect solution in the event that the cesspool is quickly filled. What to do in such a situation is understandable. You just need to purchase such a tool and pour it into the sewer.

On the this moment this cleaning technology is considered perhaps the most effective. Biological products of this type contain a large number of bacteria that decompose organic matter. As a result of their vital activity, the silt in the pit disappears very quickly. The residue brightens, becomes more liquid and seeps into the ground. Moreover, such bacteria are able to decompose solid residues. After a while, they turn into compost, suitable for feeding garden plants.

You can fight with biological products not only with silt, but also with fat deposits on the walls of the pit. After using the products of this variety, not only all organic residues disappear, but also an unpleasant odor.

What drugs can be used

So, the cesspool fills up quickly. What needs to be done, we found out - to apply a special biological product. But what kind of cleaning product should you buy? On the modern market There are both foreign and domestic preparations of this group. They can be sold in liquid concentrated, powdered form or in tablets. To clean the pit, it is better to purchase a tool of the first or second variety. Such preparations contain those capable of processing organic matter in the absence of oxygen. Among the most common options are "Vodogray", "Dzherelo", "Sanex".

Liquid products can be used to clean pits immediately. Powder must be diluted with water (not chlorinated) and kept for some time. The use of biological products is usually allowed only at air temperatures from +3 to +35 degrees. If any chemicals (powders, dishwashing detergents, bleaches, etc.) are poured into the sewer of a private house, a product with bacteria may not be effective. The fact is that anaerobic microorganisms cannot live in an aggressive environment.

What to do if the cesspool fills up quickly: do-it-yourself cleaning

This method is also effective. To clean the pit on your own, you will need to prepare only buckets, a shovel and a strong rope or pole. Upper layer sludge is usually liquid. Therefore, it can be scooped out with a bucket. At the next stage, the owner of the site will need a partner. To remove solid residues, you will have to go down the stairs to the pit with a shovel. The silt is scooped into a bucket, after which it rises to the top.

Using a fecal pump

Cleaning a cesspool using a shovel and buckets will not cost the owners of a suburban area a penny. However, to carry out such dirty work manually agree, of course, not all summer residents. Fastidious homeowners will have to spend money and purchase. Using such equipment is also an excellent solution if the cesspool fills up quickly. What to do after purchasing the pump? The answer to this question is simple. It is necessary to prepare a container of the same volume as the pit itself, and pump liquid and sludge into it. The waste water is then disposed of.

What to do when sewage freezes

Often the cesspool fills up too quickly simply because the liquid in it freezes. Such a problem usually occurs when the technology for assembling the external part of the sewer system at home is not followed. Pipes for water drainage should be laid below the freezing level of the soil at a slight angle. At the same time, it is desirable to additionally insulate them. The cesspool itself should also be covered with a lid with a layer of insulator.

But, of course, in winter it is unlikely that it will be possible to correct the shortcomings of the sewerage installation when the drains freeze. This operation should be postponed until spring. The pipes themselves and the pit will have to be thawed. The easiest way to do this is with electric current. The work in this case is as follows:

  • A copper rod rated for 2 kW is stuck into the ice formed in the cesspool.
  • The end of the rod is connected to a wire powered from the phase.

The owners of the site, who decide to defrost the pit in this way, will have to be patient. The sewage will melt for a day or two. Of course, such work should be carried out in compliance with all necessary safety measures. You need to wear special boots on your feet, and dielectric gloves on your hands. After the pit is defrosted, the rod is first de-energized, and only then pulled out. And, of course, only those people who have experience with electricity should use this method.

The cesspool is filling up - what to do? How to solve a frozen pipe problem

If the sewer line itself is frozen, it can also be warmed up with electricity. AT this case the wire is stripped to such a length that it can wrap the pipe in one layer. Defrost by this method will also take quite a lot of time. And you can use this method of solving the problem only if the external line is assembled from metal pipes.

Solve this problem with plastic sewer will be much more difficult. To do this, you will have to use a special apparatus that supplies a very high current (up to 400 A) to the ice in the pipe. Such equipment is not found in every household. Therefore, for defrosting, it will most likely be necessary to call a specialist. Sometimes employees of sewer service companies use equipment to remove ice that feeds hot steam under high pressure into the pipe.

So, we hope we have answered the question of what to do if the cesspool fills up very quickly. If such a problem occurs, the owners of the house will most likely have to get rid of the sediment or ice formed inside the collector. It can be done different ways. But to remove sludge, it is still better to use some kind of biological product, and to defrost the pit, call specialists.

Even the simplest type of sewerage with a cesspool can significantly increase the level of comfort on suburban area. However, this solution has a significant disadvantage - the capacity for the accumulation and primary processing of wastewater requires periodic removal of the contents. Agree, the cleaning of cesspools should be carried out according to the rules so that the environment is not damaged.

Owners of private houses and dachas not connected to centralized sewer networks, we offer scrupulously checked, systematized information about the methods and specifics of cleaning. With our help, you can choose best option disposal of waste accumulation and learn how to implement it.

A detailed description of the methods used in practice is based on personal experience household owners. The requirements of the standards of public utilities are taken into account. The information is confirmed by photo and video applications.

There are three main ways for modern summer residents and homeowners to do this:

  • removal of sewage by pumping;
  • the use of preparations for the biological decomposition of waste;
  • chemical cleaning.

When figuring out how to effectively clean a cesspool, you should consider the specifics of using each of these methods. Depending on the situation, only one of them may be needed, but it is often necessary to carry out cleaning activities in the complex. For example, after the use of biological preparations, additional pumping of sewage may be necessary.

When should you start cleaning up? The work strategy should be considered at the stage of creating a sewer, for example, by providing access roads for a sewage truck.

No need to wait until the drains fill the last cubic centimeter of the tank. Excessive filling of the cesspool several times increases the likelihood of contamination of the site. If two-thirds of the capacity is occupied by runoff, it's time to reduce their level using available funds.

Method # 1 - emptying and pumping out the cesspool

If desired, the cesspool can even be cleaned manually, using an ordinary bucket on a rope. Owners of small summer cottages they do so. The work is extremely unpleasant, it requires preparation. First you need to put on a protective suit or other clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty. This is necessary in order to protect the skin, drains can be quite aggressive.

For mechanical cleaning of cesspools, special machines are used - sludge pumps, which pump out the contents of the tank and take it out for disposal.

Then you need to take care of protection respiratory tract, and it's not just the characteristic stench. Vapors coming from the sewer contain methane, the inhalation of which is extremely dangerous for humans. For the same reason, it is not recommended to carry out cleaning work alone, especially if work is planned inside the cesspool.

If the one below should pass out from the poisonous fumes, a partner can help him. In addition to a protective suit and a respirator, you need to wear high rubber boots or shoe covers, as well as gloves.

You will also need an airtight container in which the contents of the cesspool will be disposed of. Later, these sewage must be taken to a place intended for their discharge.

The distance between the vacuum truck and the cesspool should be no more than four meters. This point should be considered when choosing a place for sewerage, as well as with further redevelopment of the site.

Manual cleaning is a long, dangerous and unpleasant business. If the budget allows, it is better to use not a bucket, but a special one for pumping sewage into a container.

Things will go much faster, there will be much less dangerous contacts with a mass of effluents. But in this case, we must not forget about security measures.

To clean the cesspool with your own hands, you can use a fecal pump. Periodically, such a pump must be flushed, as it is clogged with solid waste.

It is much more convenient to clean the cesspool with the help of specialized equipment, for example, a sludge pump. This is a machine that drives up to the site and pumps out waste through a special wide hose.

The distance between the sludge pump and the object to be cleaned should be no more than four meters. Pits more than three meters deep are not served by such equipment, but such deep structures are usually not found.

For the sake of safety, when manually cleaning the cesspool, it is better to perform all procedures together: one works at the bottom, and the second insures it from above

Even during the construction of the pit, one should take into account such a nuance: the sewers charge not for the volume of pumped out effluents, but for each exit. In order to reduce costs, it is necessary to calculate the volume of the cesspool in such a way that the amount of wastewater that is a multiple of the capacity of the sludge pump is intended for pumping. At the same time, it must be remembered that pumping starts if the pit is two-thirds full, and not “to the eyeballs”.

Method #2 - Biological Decomposition of Effluent

The process of processing wastewater with the help of microorganisms is widely used in various septic tanks and VOCs. industrial production. But even for cesspools, today a line of biological products has been developed that can do what is not possible when emptying cesspools - to reduce or completely eliminate the unpleasant smell characteristic of sewers.

Depending on the form of release of preparations for biological treatment, their preliminary preparation may be necessary. Usually the granules or powder just needs to be dissolved in a small amount of water.

The sewage truck leaves, and a suffocating sewer spirit hovers over the site for several more hours, or even days. The use of biological preparations significantly improves the situation.

To do this, you need to choose the appropriate tool and use it in accordance with the instructions. They are produced in the form of gels, liquids, powders, granules, etc.

Microorganisms decompose the contents of the sewage system into water and environmentally neutral sludge. From the permeable pit, water escapes into the surrounding soil, and silt gradually accumulates. Naturally, the degree of such purification is lower than that of high-tech VOCs, water cannot be used for irrigation, and sediment can not be used as fertilizer. But the filling rate of the cesspool is reduced significantly.

Of course, the residue sewer facility by itself will not go anywhere, it also needs to be removed or pumped out using the method described above with the involvement of vacuum trucks. There is one more important nuance- not all wastewater can be processed with the help of bacteria.

For biological cleaning of cesspools are intended special preparations. Some of them are designed to recycle toilet paper dissolved in drains.

Inorganic waste that enters the sewer accumulates at the bottom and reduces the amount of free space in the storage tank. Harsh household chemicals, such as those containing chlorine, can create an environment that is harmful to microorganisms. Owners of washing machines dishwashers you should be careful in this regard.

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Method # 3 - the use of chemicals

If a biological treatment is just a holiday for the environment, then the use of chemicals can pose a threat.

To remove waste from cesspools, the most commonly used:

  • formaldehyde preparations;
  • nitrate oxidizing agents;
  • ammonium salts.

Even those who are far from chemistry know that formaldehyde is a dangerous substance. Its only merit is relatively low price. This drug is toxic and can cause cancer. For these reasons, formaldehyde is practically not used to clean cesspools.

Cleaners based on nitrate oxidants in terms of safety have much best performance. Their composition is close to the components of fertilizers of this type, i.e. with the correct dosage and following the instructions, such a cleaner is quite safe. These drugs are characterized by a high price, which is fully justified by high efficiency.

Ammonium salts are effective Chemical substance for cleaning cesspools, but such chemicals should be used with caution in accordance with the instructions

When added to the sewer, the drug effectively dilutes the waste, while neutralizing unpleasant odors. After the effect of the drug is over, the recycled contents of the cesspool can be quickly pumped out and disposed of.

Another useful property nitrate cleaners is that their effectiveness is not reduced by contact with even the most aggressive household chemicals. Means of this type are suitable for cleaning not only the pit, but the entire sewer system.

About how safe preparations based on ammonium salts, accurate data is currently not available. Therefore, when using this tool, like any aggressive chemistry, you need to carefully study the instructions and follow them exactly.

The presence of chlorine-containing agents in sewage may weaken the effect of the use of this drug, but according to reviews, it copes with unpleasant odors perfectly.

Waiting until the cesspool is filled to the top is a bad strategy. Cleaning should begin when the amount of sewage is 60-70% of the capacity

When choosing a sewer cleaning method, the specific situation should be taken into account. For example, if you need to clean a cesspool under a separate toilet, you should pay attention to products that can dissolve not only drains, but also toilet paper.

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Solving the problem with silting

Silting is a serious problem for both permeable and sealed cesspools. In the first case, the liquid part of the sediment will not be able to enter the soil due to the dense silty layer that covers the inner walls of the structure. In the second case, sewage will have to be pumped out more often, since deposits will reduce the volume of the tank.

One of the signs that silt is forming inside the cesspool is the appearance of a characteristic bad smell- hydrogen sulfide vapor. When figuring out how to clean a silted cesspool, you need to remember that in this case you need not just neutralize the waste or pump out the contents.

If the cesspool fills up too quickly or silts up frequently, you may want to consider upgrading it with an additional container and an overflow.

All plaque should be removed from the walls and bottom of the container. To do this, chemical agents or chemical cleaning methods are used, but a combination of these methods is often the most effective. During mechanical cleaning, the bulk of the sewage is first pumped out. After that, using a hose, water must be supplied to the container under strong pressure.

The inner surface of the cesspool is treated with a jet in such a way as to break up the silt sediment and dismember it into separate small particles. Processing is carried out until the container is filled by about 25%. After that, the contents or silososom, and then disposed of.

For chemical cleaning of a silted structure, chemical cleaners are used to dissolve solid inclusions - the nitrate oxidizers already described above. They usually cope with silty deposits as well. After some time, all or almost all of the contents will become liquid, it can be pumped out without problems.

It is worth noting that the use of chemicals will cost significantly more than emptying by pumping, but this operation is easier to perform and takes less time. In the process of physical removal of sludge, you will have to come to terms with large quantity dirt that usually accompanies this procedure.

In cesspools without a bottom, you will also have to clean or renew the sand and gravel filter, which is located below. The safest bet is to remove the entire contents of the filter and re-lay the clean components: a layer of sand, crushed stone and / or gravel about 40 centimeters thick.

To prevent silting of the cesspool, it is recommended to divert water from it to the filtration field. It is best to do it at the stage of creating a structure, but if you wish, you can perform this operation later. To do this, you need to install a horizontal one at about half the height of the cesspool to drain liquid waste.

If the cesspool is silted up, it should be immediately pumped out and the walls cleaned using a scraper or chemicals, for example, nitrate oxidizers

For the device of the filtration field, it is necessary to excavate the soil to the level of laying the outlet pipe. A layer of agrofibre is laid down, and crushed stone is poured on top. A pipe coming out of the cesspool is laid on this “pillow”. The pipe must be perforated, you just need to make holes in it at an equal distance.

Another layer of rubble is poured on top of the pipe, and then again covered with agrofiber. It turns out that the pipe is surrounded on all sides by filter materials. This will ensure the rapid removal of liquid contents from the cesspool and its safe disposal in the ground.

If problems with the cesspool began to occur more often, it makes sense to improve the operation of the structure accessible ways. Some suit, which functions like a septic tank. To do this, next to the existing capacity, they arrange another one, approximately the same.

The first container must be airtight, and the second must be permeable or without a bottom. It is possible to make the second container airtight, but then it is necessary to provide for the output of juices to the filtration field or to drainage well. The overflow between these two departments is installed with a slight slope in the upper third of the containers.

First, the effluents will flow into the first compartment, where they will settle, solid waste will sink to the bottom, and the liquid component of the sewage content will overflow when it reaches the desired level.

The second compartment will receive mainly liquid effluents, which will move faster to the filtration field for further disposal. As a result, the pit will have to be cleaned much less frequently, and the likelihood of silting the structure will noticeably decrease.

Freezing of sewer pipes occurs most often due to flaws during installation. If this happens, the pipe needs to be warmed up in order to restore the sewerage.

In winter, drains in the cesspool can freeze, which will lead to problems in the sewerage system. To correct the situation, the frozen mass must be thawed. Traditionally, or is used for this. In the absence of power supply, fires are made near the frozen pit, a blowtorch is used, etc.

For craftsmen who have at least a little experience with electrics, another way to defrost a cesspool is available - heating directly with an electric current. In the middle of a frozen cesspool, a metal pin is driven in approximately to the freezing depth.

Then you need to take an electrical cable of a suitable length. Its end is cleaned and attached to the pin, and 220V power is supplied to the opposite end.

It may take quite a long time to completely defrost the structure, sometimes you need to wait about a day, it all depends on the size of the pit. When performing this kind of work in without fail comply with electrical safety requirements, for example, use protective rubber gloves, shoes, etc. .

If it is not the pit that freezes, but the one leading to it sewage pipe, this indicates flaws in the laying of communications, for example, the trench was not deep enough or there was no insulation. You can fix these problems in the summer, and during cold weather, you should take care of defrosting the pipes.

For this you can also use electricity. At the end of the cable, you need to strip a segment equal to the circumference of the pipe. To calculate this value, you just need to multiply the pipe diameter by 3.14, i.e. to the number "pi".

Then the protected wire is wound around the frozen pipe. Power is supplied to the cable, after a couple of hours of such heating, the contents of the pipe will melt, and the operation of the sewer system will resume.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

A practical option for cleaning a silted cesspool is presented in this video:

Here is a demonstration of the procedure for pumping waste from a cesspool using fecal pump, which should be washed periodically:

The process and result of using a bioactivator to clean a cesspool can be viewed in this video:

Although the cesspool is very simple option devices autonomous sewerage, it requires proper maintenance and timely cleaning. Modern means allow you to get rid of waste accumulated in the construction quickly and efficiently.

Still have questions about cleaning cesspools? Or maybe you know others effective ways And have you already tried them out? Ask your questions, share your experience in the block located at the bottom of the article.

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