Reasons for siltation and quick filling of the cesspool. Silt has formed in the cesspool - how to get rid of it? How to get rid of water in a drain pit

Decor elements 17.06.2019
Decor elements

A cesspool is a convenient stand-alone installation, which is used to collect waste from residents. In order for the system to work for as long as possible, it must be properly maintained. In the absence of proper care, the cesspool will fail, and all waste will float to the surface. There are several ways to clean a cesspool, and most of them can be done independently.

Indications for cleaning the cesspool

If there is an unpleasant smell in the air, and midges fly over the installation, this indicates that it is high time to clean the cesspool. If this is not done, then silt will accumulate at the bottom of the sewer system, and this will lead to an early blockage. To avoid problems, it is recommended to clean at least once a year.

You can do the pumping of cesspools yourself, and for this it is not necessary to call a sewer truck. First, you need to purchase a special container, the volume of which should be equal to the volume of the pit and fecal pump.

Self-cleaning can be done if the sewer is not used a large number of of people. In this case, the pit fills up more slowly, and there will be no problems with pumping. After the procedure, the sump should be rinsed to slow down the formation of stony deposits.

Self-cleaning methods

There are three main ways to clean a sump, these are:

  • pumping method;
  • cleaning with biological agents;
  • cleaning chemically.

Pumping content

The very first and traditional method is pumping out. The process can be carried out both independently and with the help of special services. Calling specialists will be needed if the pit is of decent size, since this service is not cheap.

If the installation is small, for example on summer cottage, then the owner himself can cope with the task of eliminating impurities. This also requires caution. When cleaning cesspools, wear appropriate protection:

  • rubberized clothing;
  • respirator;
  • durable footwear;
  • rubber gloves.

Cleaning with a pump is not worth it alone, since methane is formed inside the cesspool. This gas is very dangerous for humans, so there must be a person nearby who can quickly come to the rescue in case of poisoning.

The use of biological products

Biologicals are perfect solution in order to clean the cesspool. The principle of operation of biological products is that under their action, feces and waste are transformed into a liquid. It is odorless and safe for humans. Advantages of using biological products:

  • the products break down fats, feces, toilet paper, and disinfect cesspools;
  • when cleaned, they do not provide negative impact on Construction Materials(metal, brick, plastic);
  • the preparations begin to work actively after 2 hours, and after 4 hours they eliminate the unpleasant odor.

Despite the advantages, this method has a disadvantage - the products cannot work at low temperatures, and their use in winter period excluded. This is where chemicals come to the rescue.

Chemical method

To clean the cesspool chemically, use the following tools:

  • nitrate oxidants;
  • ammonium compounds;
  • bleaching powder.

Such funds are not afraid of cold weather, but they are extremely toxic. They do well with different kinds household waste and resistant to aggressive environments. Chemicals have one significant drawback - they are unsafe for the environment.

At mechanical cleaning a sewer and sludge sucker is used. To use such a technique, it is only necessary to provide it with unhindered access to cesspool.

The flusher is a special machine that has a vacuum pump. It is used to remove the contents of the installation. This method is considered the most convenient, since the pumping of the cesspools is carried out quickly and efficiently. If desired, you can ask to flush the installation for an additional fee.

Like the previous methods, the flusher has a drawback - it only sucks up waste in liquid form. To remove solid impurities, it is wise to use a sludge pump, because it is able to turn them into liquid and easily pump out impurities. But it also has a drawback: after using such a device, the pit will cease to absorb moisture, and you will have to call specialists more often.

In order for the cesspool to function as long and efficiently as possible, you can use a few simple tips:

  • If it was noticed that there is an unpleasant odor in the air, it is necessary to place it in a cesspool special means(liquid formulations or powders) that accelerate the decomposition process.
  • The state of the system must be constantly monitored and subjected to mechanical cleaning. If the sewage system is full and it rains, then all unwanted waste will float out, and this is fraught with an unpleasant persistent odor.
  • To drain the soil faster, it is worth making a hole in the bottom of the hole and inserting a plastic pipe into it.
  • If ready installation does not cope with the incoming waste, it is advisable to dig another hole and connect them with a pipe.

When it was noticed that pumping out the cesspool began to be required more and more often, it would not be superfluous to restore the operation of the installation using available methods. Usually, problems begin in the winter, when the drains begin to freeze, and the situation can only be corrected by defrosting them.

Usually used for the procedure heat gun or her homemade option... The method requires a power supply, but in the absence of it, the use of fires, blowtorches, etc. is allowed.

There is another method, but it is only suitable for those people who have at least minimal experience with electricity. The essence of the method is that a long metal pin is driven in in the middle of the cesspool, a stripped electrical cable is connected to it, and a current of 220 V is supplied. When working, it is required to observe safety precautions and wear rubberized protective equipment. The whole procedure can take 24 hours, it all depends on the size of the sewer.

What to do with waste if there is no centralized sewerage system? The most popular method is the construction of a cesspool on the site country house... There are several types sewerage systems, each of which differs in the peculiarities of installation and operation.

The common problems faced by the owners include siltation of the sewer pit. This is inevitable. During operation, not only watery waste, but also fecal matter and solid sewage enter the sewer system. They become the reason why the cesspool is silted up.

If sludge forms in the sewer tank, the functionality of the system is sharply reduced. She can no longer effectively cope with the waste entering it. As a result, the accumulation of liquid waste at the bottom, the overflow of the sewer pit with water. The situation is aggravated if the walls are also covered with fatty deposits. Then liquid waste simply cannot go into the ground due to the lack of a passage.

Silting and overflow of the cesspool

A cesspool needs to provide quality service so that problems such as silting do not arise. It is good if the owner of the house notices in time that there are some problems with the sewer system. If you start the condition, you will have to decide not only how to get rid of the silt in the cesspool, but also how to improve the sanitary and hygienic condition of the territory, because sewage can pour out, forming a persistent, unpleasant odor on the site, which also enters the house.

How to remove sludge from a cesspool

Sludge in a cesspool is a thick layer of sediment that microorganisms living in the ground cannot handle. Sludge accumulation occurs regardless of what type of sewer system is installed on your site. A timely solution to the problem will help prevent unpleasant consequences... Here the owner has the right to decide for himself whether to contact him for help from a sewage company or to do everything himself.

Professional cleaning of the cesspool with sewage equipment

Silting a cesspool is not an impossible task today. There are a number of ways you can remedy the situation:

  • professional cleaning with sewage equipment;
  • elimination of the sludge layer using a fecal or water pump;
  • use of biologics or chemicals.

You should not allow liquid waste to rise high due to siltation of the sewer pit. You need to solve the problem after the first signs appear. Pouring sewage waste outside is not only an aesthetic issue. In the sewage, bacteria live, which are carriers and pathogens of infections.

Vacuum cleaner's help

Over time, each owner is faced with the fact that the cesspool is silted up. What to do in this case, how to correct the situation and prevent the appearance bad smell? How to restore the performance of the sewerage system?

The easiest way is to call the sewage company and order the services of professionals. So you can save your nerves and efforts and save yourself from such an unpleasant job. But be prepared for the fact that sewer services are not cheap. The price includes not only cleaning the pit from the sludge layer, but also the disposal of sewage.

Before calling specialists, make sure that there is access for equipment on your site. The depth of the cesspool should not be more than three meters, since the hose of the sewer truck is designed for exactly this size.

Professional workers can use a device called a sludge pump instead of a traditional hose for pumping waste. it special device with a hose up to 16 meters long, which is used to destroy a layer of dense sludge. As a result, the functionality of the sewerage system is restored, problems with the accumulation of liquid waste or the appearance of a fetid odor on the site go away. Calling a sewer is the best, but not the most profitable solution for removing sludge from a cesspool.

DIY cleaning

To save money on the services of professionals, you can try to eliminate the silting of the cesspool yourself. What to do, where to start?

Do-it-yourself cesspool cleaning

First you need to decide which method you prefer to use to get the job done.

  • Pump. You will need a fecal or water pump and several nozzles for it. You need to pump out everything you can. The silt itself is destroyed and removed with a bucket and rope.
  • Bacteria. In this case, you also cannot do without a pump, but the procedure is simpler. We also pump out waste, fill the container with water, add a biological product. Microorganisms will corrode the silt layer, and water will easily go into the ground.
  • Chemicals. They act in the same way as biological ones. They are more aggressive, so precautions should be taken.

Note! If you use a water pump to pump out sewage from a sewer pit, do not forget to stock up on nozzles. They will need to be changed very often in order to prevent failure of the device.

If the cesspool is silted up, what to do will be the main issue that requires immediate effective solution... Timely cleaning of the bottom and walls of the cesspool is the key to its high-quality functioning. Do not spare time, effort or money, because if waste spills out, it will be a problem of a different scale.

Despite the appearance on the market of convenient septic tanks and stations biological treatment, many owners of suburban areas still prefer to equip ordinary cesspools for collecting wastewater. The popularity of such receivers is primarily due to their low cost. Digging a cesspool on your own will not be difficult even for a person who is completely far from all kinds of construction work.

However, in addition to the unconditional advantage in terms of cheapness, the cesspool also has a number of disadvantages. To clean such a receiver, the owners suburban area you will have to periodically order a sewer truck. And, of course, pay money for it. In addition, over time, the period between the necessary calls for specialists is reduced. This is primarily due to the fact that it fills up quickly.What to do in this case, and why they begin to seep into the ground more slowly, we will talk about this further.

Reasons for fast filling

Having this type of problem with cesspool may in case:

  • inconsistency of its volume with the amount of incoming wastewater;
  • silting of the bottom;
  • the appearance on the walls of fatty deposits that impede normal drainage.

During the cold season, among other things, there may be an appearance of overflow due to freezing of the drains in the collector. Maintenance of the cesspool is regular, including winter, is a mandatory procedure. If the collector is already full, urgent action must be taken. Indeed, in this case, not only the sewage system stops working normally, but an extremely unpleasant odor appears, interfering, among other things, with the neighbors.

Reasons for siltation

The discrepancy between the volume of the pit and the amount of water discharged from the house is the reason fast filling, which is quite easy to eliminate. In order for the collector to begin to perform its functions properly again, you just need to expand it. However, most often it is siltation that is the reason that the cesspool quickly fills. What to do in this case? There are several answers to this question.

Silting occurs usually due to the fact that the owners of the house dump food residues, toilet paper, etc. into the sewer. At the same time, the bottom of the pit quickly silts up, and wastewater stop seeping into the ground. To reduce the risk of such a problem, you need to install a mesh in the drain hole of the sink in the kitchen, and put a bucket in the toilet specially designed for using toilet paper.

How to deal with siltation

But if the cesspool is still full. what to do? Cleaning methods for collectors can vary. But, most likely, the owners of the suburban area will need to carry out one of the following procedures:

  • try to clear the pit manually;
  • try to pump out the sludge with a fecal pump;
  • use special biological products.

Sludge accumulates at the bottom of the pit also because the sewage equipment cannot pump it out. Therefore, it gradually accumulates in the collector. To get rid of this sediment, among other things, you can simply pour water into the pit. As a result, the sludge will become much more liquid and will be able to pump it out. But this will of course make the pit cleaning procedure more expensive. It is quite possible that the call for a special sludge pumping machine will be somewhat cheaper.

The use of biological products

This method is also likely to be cheaper than ordering special equipment. The use of biologicals is actually just a great solution if the sump fills up quickly. What to do in such a situation is clear. You just need to purchase a similar product and pour it down the drain.

On this moment this cleaning technology is considered to be one of the most effective. Biological products of this type contain a large number of bacteria that decompose organic matter. As a result of their vital activity, the silt in the pit disappears very quickly. The residue brightens, becomes more liquid and seeps into the ground. Moreover, such bacteria are also capable of decomposing solid residues. After a while, they turn into compost, suitable for feeding garden plants.

It is possible to fight with biological products not only with silt, but also with fat deposits on the walls of the pit. After using the products of this variety, not only all organic residues disappear, but also an unpleasant odor.

What drugs can be used

So the cesspool fills up quickly. What needs to be done, we have found out - to apply a special biological product. But what should you buy for cleaning? On modern market there are both foreign and domestic drugs in this group. They can be sold in concentrated liquid, powder or tablets. To clean the pit, it is better to purchase a product of the first or second variety. Such preparations contain organics capable of processing in the absence of oxygen. Among the most common options are Vodogray, Dzherelo, Saneks.

Liquid detergents can be used to clean the pits right away. Powdered ones need to be diluted with water (not chlorinated) and kept for some time. The use of biological products is usually allowed only at an air temperature of +3 to +35 degrees. If any drains are discharged into the sewerage system of a private house chemical substances(powders, dishwashing detergents, bleach, etc.), bacteria containing detergents may be ineffective. The fact is that anaerobic microorganisms cannot live in an aggressive environment.

What to do if the cesspool fills up quickly: do it yourself cleaning

This method is also effective. To clean the pit on your own, you will need to prepare only buckets, a shovel and a strong rope or pole. Upper layer sludge is usually liquid. Therefore, it can be scooped up with a bucket. At the next stage, the owner of the site will need a partner. To remove solid residues, you will have to go down the stairs with a shovel into the pit. The silt is scooped up into a bucket and then rises upstairs.

Using a fecal pump

Cleaning the cesspool using a shovel and buckets will not cost the owners of the suburban area a dime. However, such dirty work Of course, not all summer residents will agree manually. Squeamish homeowners will have to spend money and purchase. Using this equipment is also an excellent solution in the event that the cesspool fills up quickly. What to do after purchasing a pump? The answer to this question is simple. It is necessary to prepare a container of the same volume as the pit itself, and pump out liquid and sludge into it. Then the waste water is disposed of.

What to do when sewage freezes

Often, the sump fills up too quickly simply due to the freezing of the liquid in it. Such a problem usually arises when the technology for assembling the outer part of the house's sewer system is not followed. Pipes for water drainage should be laid below the freezing level of the soil at a slight angle. Moreover, it is desirable to additionally insulate them. The cesspool itself must also be closed with a lid with a layer of insulator.

But, of course, in winter, it is unlikely that it will be possible to correct the defects in the installation of the sewage system when the drains freeze. This operation should be postponed until spring. The pipes and the pit themselves will have to be defrosted. The easiest way to do this is using electric current... Work in this case is done as follows:

  • A copper rod designed for 2 kW is stuck into the ice formed in the cesspool.
  • The end of the rod is connected to a wire supplied from the phase.

The owners of the site, who decided to unfreeze the pit in this way, will have to be patient. Wastewater will melt for a day or two. Of course, such work should be performed in compliance with all necessary safety measures. You need to put on special boots on your feet, and dielectric gloves on your hands. After the pit is thawed, the rod is first de-energized, and only then pulled out. And, of course, only those people who have experience with electricity should use this method.

The cesspool is being filled - what to do? How to solve a frozen pipe problem

If the sewer line itself is frozen, it can also be warmed up with electricity. V this case the wire is stripped to such a length that it can wrap the pipe in one layer. Defrosting using this technique will also take quite a long time. And this method of solving the problem can be used only if the external line is assembled from metal pipes.

Solve a similar problem with plastic sewer will be much more difficult. To do this, you will have to use a special apparatus that supplies a very high current (up to 400 A) to the ice in the pipe. Not every household can find such equipment. Therefore, for defrosting, you will most likely need to call a specialist. Occasionally, workers in sewerage companies use equipment to remove ice to remove hot steam under high pressure into the pipe.

So, hopefully, we have answered the question of what to do if the cesspool fills up very quickly in a fairly detailed way. If such a problem arises, the owners of the house will most likely have to get rid of sediment or ice formed inside the collector. You can do it different ways... But to remove silt, it is still better to use some kind of biological product, and to defrost the pit, call specialists.

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Nitrate oxidants are considered safe chemicals. In composition, they are similar to nitrate fertilizers, as a result of which they are harmless to the environment, and the product of their processing can even be used as fertilizer. The scheme of operation of this reagent is simple: it quickly liquefies the muddy medium, removes unpleasant odor and reduces the volume of the residual mass. A big plus is that they work even in an aggressive environment (an environment with waste household chemicals). The downside lies in the high cost of the drug.

Cleaning a septic tank from silt

Sludge pipes are often provided by the manufacturer in the designs of septic tanks, and the sludge is removed by gravity. If this is not the case, then there is a need to pump out the sludge. This can be done by vacuum drain pump or using a sewage machine.

One of modern methods sludge control in septic tanks are special biological products, the so-called "bacteria for septic tanks". They are added to the chambers of septic tanks, they are activated and quickly break down sewage, sludge and fatty layers into completely harmless neutral substances. When removing sludge with the help of bacteria, you should know that bacteria cannot tolerate direct exposure toxic substances chlorine type. They just die and don't work.

Having considered all possible ways, we can safely say that you have reliable and proven information on how to get rid of silt in a cesspool on your own or with outside help... Do not forget about the prevention of your cesspool, preventive measures are what will save you from the hassle and costs in the future. To prevent the cesspool from filling up often, do the preventive maintenance on time! Good luck with your silt control!

Very often summer residents are faced with the fact that a lot of silt settles in the cesspool. Removing it can be a serious headache, so it's best to know a few things that can do it. It mainly depends on design features, that is, on what type of cesspool you use - a cesspool without a bottom, which is a pit without frills; a sealed pit with waterproofing so that drains do not leak into the soil, or a septic tank. Choice correct method cleaning will save you a myriad of time, effort and nerves.

If you use the first option, a regular cesspool, then it uses a natural method of processing wastewater, but the bacteria living in the soil are hardly able to process the muddy residues. So you need to add water to the sediment, then scoop it out with a bucket and a rope and take it out. Wait for the hole to dry and cover the bottom with gravel to make maintenance easier. In the event that it is very large and heavily contaminated, it may be more expedient to bury it, and then dig out a new one.

If you are using an airtight pit, then there are three main methods on how to scoop up the muddy sediment. It can be a fecal pump, which, moreover, grinds large waste... However, with this method, it will also be necessary to add water to the cesspool in order to liquefy the waste, then immerse a hose into it and pump out the contents. Then you will need to pour water and pump it out again to clean the walls and bottom.

The second option for how to clean sludge in a sump is biological products in the form of powders, liquids or tablets, which contain special bacteria that reduce the amount of silt deposits, prevent stench, and reduce the amount of solid fractions.

The third option is chemicals. Sludge disposal can be carried out using nitrate oxidants, harmless to both humans and the environment. They will dissolve sludge, remove stench, and reduce the volume of sewage, which, after such treatment, can be used as fertilizer.

Nevertheless, even if you use chemical and biological agents, periodic pumping will still be needed, but this will need to be done much less frequently.

And you can also foresee the appearance of such a problem in advance and make special pipes for removing sludge from the cesspool by gravity. In this case, no effort is required from you. If you decide to install such pipes, but do not know how to do it, contact our managers, and they will advise you for free.

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