The cesspool fills up quickly. What to do? Why the cesspool fills up quickly How to improve the operation of the cesspool

garden equipment 17.06.2019
garden equipment

The main problem with all closed pit latrines is that they fill up extremely quickly. If this design is used for autonomous sewerage, it has to be cleaned 1-2 times a month, which promises serious financial losses. Some solve this problem quite simply, they choose cesspools without bottom or with perforation system. They differ from ordinary ones in that they are gradually cleared on their own. Liquid waste is absorbed into the deep layers of the soil. Use other cleaning methods in such situations should not be more often than semiannually. However, even this will not completely protect you from various problems in future. For example, after a couple of years of regular use of such a container, many are wondering why water does not leave the cesspool. Such a nuisance occurs quite often, but today there are already a lot of options for solving it.

As you already understood, even a cesspool without a bottom needs periodic cleaning. If you delay with this, the water inside it will quickly begin to accumulate. This is due to the fact that the amount of solid impurities increases markedly. There is very little liquid left in the pit and it will have to be cleaned.

If you have cleaned relatively recently, but the water is still lingering, most likely the problem lies in pollution. Especially often this applies to those structures that have a body, in the walls of which holes are made. Soap, grease and other deposits can simply clog holes, which becomes the main reason for water retention in the pit.

In the most rare cases, the drain of the liquid from the tank does not occur due to a sharp decrease in the ambient temperature. Formed on the surface of the liquid ice crust. New waste that has fallen into the pit remains on the surface, which creates the feeling that it quickly fills up and water does not leave it.

Ways to eliminate water retention in the cesspool

There can be many reasons why water is retained in the cesspool, but the ways to eliminate them depend little on this. You can choose the one that is most convenient for you.

Most effective method cleaning the cesspool, which will help eliminate the problem of water retention - this is pumping out waste using special equipment. According to the rules, it must be carried out at least once every six months, but if you neglect this, the water will stop leaving.

In addition to the fact that calling special equipment is the most effective method of fixing the problem, it also spends a minimum of your time. All the work is done by a specialist, you only need to pay for his services.

Cleaning takes from 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the volume of the pit and the level of its filling. In some cases, cleaning may be hindered by the excessive viscosity of the waste. In this case, you must first use other methods of purification.

When operating a cesspool without a bottom or with a perforation system, various preparations are very popular, which not only facilitate cleaning mechanically but also provide many other benefits.

Such products can be made on the basis of chemical reagents or live bacteria. First, let's talk about the first method.

The main reagents used in the manufacture chemicals for cleaning the cesspool - these are formaldehydes, ammonium compounds and nitrate oxidizers.

  • Formaldehyde cleaners it's been too hard to find lately. The fact is that they are extremely dangerous for the environment and are even banned in a number of countries. If they are regularly used to clean a cesspool without a bottom, even weeds will not grow around it for a long time. The soil will recover only after 7-10 years. Therefore, before choosing this type of drug, you should think several times. Is efficiency so important to you if you have to pay for it with serious harm, both for yourself and for the environment?
  • Ammonium compounds- This is a medium quality tool. It will perfectly clean the cesspool, get rid of the unpleasant smell, remove deposits on the walls of the structure. However, such drugs are quite whimsical and are best used at a positive temperature. Under such conditions, live bacteria will be no less effective, so the need for such a drug is rather controversial.
  • Nitrate oxidizersthe best option of all chemicals to clean the cesspool. According to their principle of action, they are very similar to the same type of fertilizer. The silty sediment that remains at the bottom can even be used as fertilizer. It will not only be safe for the soil, but will even benefit. In addition, nitrate oxidizers are the most unpretentious. It is they who are best used in the case when water does not leave the cesspool.

Live bacteria have recently become one of the most popular pit pit cleaning techniques.

Their main advantage is that they do not harm at all. environment. In fact, they only accelerate the natural processes that take place in the sewage collection tank. Bacteria feed on organic debris, gradually decomposing it. As a result, all contents are divided into two layers: water and silt sediment. Water is absorbed into the soil without harm to it, and the sediment has to be pumped out periodically. It can be used as a fertilizer.

Bacteria used to clean cesspools can be divided into 2 categories: aerobic and anaerobic.

  • First for effective work need a constant supply clean air , so they are only suitable for those cesspools in which there is an air duct. They will also be useful for cesspools outdoor toilet. Aerobic bacteria are the most efficient. They clean the liquid so thoroughly that it can even be used for household purposes.
  • Anaerobic bacteria do not need constant access to air. They are quite enough and accessible environment. You can even use them in closed pit. True, this type of bacteria is not very effective. The water layer turns out to be very cloudy, and moisture slowly goes into the deep layers of the soil. Silty sediment is best not used for soil fertilization.

In addition, any type of bacteria is completely unsuitable for cleaning a cesspool. in winter time . Bacteria can only work in the temperature range from +4° to +30°C. They are afraid not only of negative temperatures, but also negative impact a number of chemicals. Therefore, you should not use bacteria-based and chemical-based cleaners at the same time. The first will simply not be effective.

Preventing stagnation of water in the cesspool is extremely simple. You just need to follow the frequency of cleaning. About semiannually be sure to pump out waste using a special machine.

In the intervals between this, it is recommended to use drugs based on bacteria. They will not only make further mechanical cleaning faster, but also allow you to delay it a little, as well as remove bad smell and deposits.

Care cesspool like any other technical system, is a necessary and unavoidable measure. The usual type of such maintenance is regular sewage, about once every twelve months, most often in the fall. However, this is true provided that the pit works with the same quality. Unfortunately, it suffers from the disadvantage that as it is used, the intensity of its action decreases, and it becomes necessary to service it more and more often. The deterioration of work occurs gradually, and at first it is even imperceptible, but sooner or later the need Maintenance becomes obvious. How to solve this problem, as well as eliminate other common problems, is described in the article.

The fight against dysfunction of the cesspool

Signs of bad performance

The main signs of a decrease in the efficiency of a septic tank are:

  • bottom silting;
  • contamination of the walls of the pit with hard-to-wash fractions (fat deposits), which is especially important for;
  • the appearance of an extremely unpleasant odor;
  • fills up quickly drain hole.

Bottom silting

If the cesspool is silted up, then urgent measures must be taken:

  1. Call a sewer truck.
  2. Fill sewage with water in order to liquefy the silt deposits as much as possible.
  3. Use biopreparations with a high concentration of bacteria.

Dirty walls and odor

One of the means by which the maintenance of cesspools is effectively carried out is biological preparations. They include microorganisms, for which the substances that clog the cesspool are food. It may sound a bit unappetizing, but you can't deny their usefulness.

The main result of the vital activity of these microbes is the cleaning of all elements sewer system. At the same time, an unpleasant odor is eliminated, the patency of pipes improves, and all organic components of waste products become chemically passive, and therefore harmless to the health of people and animals.

The result of the action of biological products is:

  1. Lowering the level of sewage in the cesspool;
  2. A kind of "cleaning cesspools", eliminating odors;
  3. Liquefaction of solid waste;
  4. Cleaning the internal surfaces of pipes and septic tanks from grease;
  5. Restoring the performance of drainage systems;
  6. Prevention of siltation of the bottom of cesspools.

Despite the similarity of the mechanism of action, biologics differ in the direction of their application.

Here are some examples of their specialization:

  1. The drug "Microbec" - is intended for biological neutralization of the contents of sewage collectors. It cleans underground utilities, eliminates odor and reduces the frequency of necessary sewage.
  2. The drug "Vodogray" - decomposes large inclusions of sewage. With its regular use, components that are dangerous for good sewage operation, such as cleanings and peels, paper, and fats, rot much faster. It is irreplaceable for use in street dry closets. The unpleasant smell disappears in two weeks, and in three months any sewage turns into a harmless compost suitable for use as fertilizer. It happens that the drain pit overflows - water does not go away. When using "Vodogray", the operation of the drainage system is restored if it was clogged, and the bottom and walls are completely cleaned.

Rapid filling of the drain hole

If the cesspool is filled too quickly, some owners of cottages and country houses express their intention to fill it up and dig a new one. Such a measure will not give the desired effect, it is much better to dig another one and connect it to the first overflow pipe. The capacity will double and the degree of purification will increase. It should only be remembered about sanitary measures to prevent contamination of wells with drinking water, to them from any of the pits should not be less than thirty meters according to.

Actions in case of freezing of the sewer system

The main reason that the cesspool and sewer pipes are frozen is, as a rule, its insufficient thermal insulation and other mistakes made during construction. However, in our latitudes there are such frosts that even an impeccably executed septic tank freezes through. This is especially true in relation to, because it is rarely used.

There is a way to defrost a cesspool, it is based on the principle of resistive heating of a conductor. For those who have never had experience with electrical diagrams and unfamiliar with at least the basics of electrical engineering, it is better not to use it.

Necessary materials:

  • copper wire"2 squares" (2 kW.);
  • a metal pin about 15-20 centimeters long;
  • small hook.

A voltage tester would also be useful in order to use a regular household outlet and an extension cord if it is not possible to connect to the input power terminals.

Pro tip:

Particular attention should be paid to electrical safety issues. You need to work only in rubber shoes and special gloves for electricians. Children should not be around.

There are two heating options:

  1. If the cesspool did not freeze in winter, and it's just a pipe, everything is solved simply. Frozen ground is a conductor, but its resistance is high enough, so the ground is a natural current limiter. In this case, it is necessary to strip the wire to a length slightly exceeding the value calculated by the formula L \u003d 3.14 x D. For example, if sewage pipe with a diameter of 110 mm, then the length of the stripped section of the copper wire will be 35 cm. Then this section wraps around the pipe, and the other end is inserted into the phase connector of the socket. In a couple of hours of current passing, the pipe will warm up, and the movement in it will be restored.
  2. If the pit is frozen through, then an iron pin should be driven into its middle. The stripped end of the wire is attached to the pin, and a voltage of 220 V is applied to its other end. To do this, you can use a hook attached to the wire, it can be carefully thrown onto the current-carrying element. You can also simply insert the wire into the phase connector of the socket, without a hook, if it reaches. It will take a lot of time, from half a day to a full 24 hours, but the result will be.

Pro tip:

It is even harder to drive a pin into a frozen pit than to drive it into ice, so it is still better to heat the surface of frozen sewage with a blowtorch.

In both cases, at the end of the defrosting, the current is first turned off, and only then the wires are removed.

More simple ways, associated with the heating of frozen volumes with fan heaters - "dukes", blowtorches or bonfires set up near fires, do not require special training and explanations.

Quite often, the owners of a private house are concerned about the question of what to do if the cesspool fills up quickly, what reasons contribute to this.

There are many ways to clean cesspools and septic tanks ( special preparations, pumping, etc.), depending on personal preferences, storage tank design Wastewater and financial capabilities of the owner of a country lady. In most cases, the increased rate of filling is caused by the formation of a strong silty layer, which makes it difficult for the liquid to pass into the soil.

If the problem is not addressed in a timely manner, the result will be sewage entering the site and spreading the stench.

Consider the signs of the rapid filling of the cesspool and for what reason this may occur

The moment of overflow of the cesspool can be tracked by a decrease in the efficiency of the sewer system and other signs. Let's take a look at them:

  • the level of impurity a short time rises to a critical level;
  • a stench spreads throughout the site even with a firmly closed lid;
  • water slowly drains when draining a bathtub, kitchen sink or toilet;

If the presence of one of the above signs has been noticed, you will need to take action and decide what to do when the pit latrine fills up quickly. For search effective solution you need to find out first what caused this situation.

Common Causes

Consider the common reasons for the rapid filling of the cesspool:

  • the formation of sludge on the bottom and walls of the tank;
  • malfunction of the drainage pipeline;
  • deposits of fat and mud particles on the walls of the drain pipe;
  • small volume of the cesspool;
  • freezing of the sewer pipe or the pit itself.

Also, sometimes the storage tank can quickly fill up due to factors not related to its operation. Quite often, during construction, an incorrect calculation of the volume of sewage and incoming wastewater is made.

For example, if it was originally assumed that drains would only come from the kitchen and toilet room, and then the house was expanded, and one more bathroom, a kitchen were additionally completed, various washing machines were installed.

Then, accordingly, the total volume of waste liquids increases, and the tank ceases to cope with the new amount and is filled at an accelerated pace.

Another common reason for a pit sump to fill up quickly is an increase in the level. groundwater. Often, site owners or builders are unwilling to spend time and additional funds on a geological examination to find out the depth of the waters. However, in many cases this characteristic causes the cesspool to fill up quickly.

According to the rules construction works for the construction of sewerage should be carried out at the time of the year when the level of groundwater is minimal, i.e. in summer period. As a rule, in the process of digging a trench and the pit itself, they do not encounter groundwater. However, when snow melts or during heavy autumn showers, the groundwater level rises, as a result of which there are prerequisites for filling the tank at an accelerated pace.

What to do if the sewer pit fills up quickly

When the root causes of rapid filling have been identified, it is necessary to start thinking about what to do to fix the problem. If the cause is an incorrectly calculated or unsuitable volume of sewage and a storage tank, then the solution will be to increase the number of pumping out or increase the volume of the pit itself.

A similar approach to increase the number of pumpings can also be applied if the volume was not taken into account during construction ground water, and in spring - autumn period sewage rises from the container, and an unpleasant smell begins to spread throughout the area.

If the drainage system for some reason has stopped working correctly, you can use fecal pump. To carry out this procedure with your own hands, you will need to purchase this device (or rent it temporarily) and take a container for pumped out waste. You can also use the service - order a car Ilosos.

Pumping units are semi-automatic and fully automatic. The first variety assumes that the master will regulate and control the operation of the equipment, and the second - that the master will not interfere in the operation of the device. Automatic pumps are installed in the sewer tank and independently pump out biological waste.

It is important to note that before cleaning begins, a certain amount of water must be added to the drains to soften them. Then turn on pumping unit, which extracts waste from the cesspool.

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After that, it is advisable to fill in water again and pump out. Practice shows that such flushing should be repeated several times in order to further reduce the rate of filling the pit.

What to do when silting

If, after long-term operation of the sewer, the sewage stopped leaving through the walls, then it is most likely that they were covered with a layer of silt. All waste biological origin and the fat layer settles at the bottom of the tank.

Over time, this layer thickens, as a result of which the fluid stops passing, and the drainage stops functioning. What to do if the cesspool is silted up?

The problem can be fixed as follows:

  • use the services of special sewage equipment, which will completely clean the tank from waste;
  • soften the sludge, for this you need to fill it in for a day large quantity water;

Particular attention should be paid to the last way. Biological preparations are highly effective, because. in them. Thus, they provoke an increase in the rate of decomposition and do not allow the cesspool to fill up quickly.

Benefits of using special biopreparations:

  • these funds eliminate the stench;
  • clean the walls from a layer of fat;
  • liquefy solid silty formations;
  • reduce the level of waste in the pit;
  • reduce the likelihood of further silting;
  • improve the functioning of drainage in the structure.

It is important to remember that when using biological preparations, it is impossible to clean plumbing fixtures in the house with the help of potent chlorinated products. Such substances destroy beneficial bacteria and eliminate the positive effect of cleaning.

Then you will need to think again what to do if the cesspool fills up quickly. It is also undesirable to use drugs in the cold, because. negative temperature significantly reduces the effectiveness of the action of microorganisms.

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What to do when the hole freezes

What to do if the cesspool fills up quickly in winter? In most cases, this occurs as a result of freezing of the contents, which prevents drainage and absorption of runoff liquids into the soil. It is impossible to use biological agents, because. microorganisms die at negative temperatures.

What can be done when freezing the contents of the cesspool:

  • use heat fans;
  • apply blowtorch;
  • light a large fire next to the sewer. This is the most hard way. However, it differs in efficiency;
  • use resistive heating.

If frosts have come recently and the ice is not yet very thick, then it is possible to defrost it by pouring hot water inside. However, for a thick icy layer, another solution to the problem will be required. You can restore thermal insulation by installing a cable and passing electric current through the conductor. To implement this, you will need the following tools:

  • 20 cm pin of any metal;
  • copper wire for 2 kW;
  • hook.

The algorithm of actions is quite simple, you can do it yourself. The procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Attach the stripped end of the copper wire to the pin.
  2. Insert the resulting object into the middle of the container.
  3. The other end of the wire is fed electricity under voltage of 220 volts. This can be done with a hook to which the wire and current source are connected.
  4. Leave for a day.

Such heating of the cesspool is quite effective if it is quickly filled in winter period. It is necessary to remember the safety precautions when handling current conductors. The wires can only be removed after the power supply has been turned off.

The master conducting the procedure must wear rubber boots and use special gloves designed for electricians. Children, animals without adult supervision, as well as foreign liquids should not be near the warming pit.

What to do when the sewer freezes

Sometimes, if frosts have occurred recently, it is not the contents of the drain pit that freezes, but the pipes, thanks to which sewage flows into the sewer. In this case, the frozen soil will be a conductor with high value resistance, and the ground will not allow the amount of current to increase too much.

Of the tools you will need all of the above. The technology for increasing the thermal insulation of wires is also quite similar. You will need to strip the copper wire (its length is calculated using the formula L = 3.14 * d). Then, with this wire, you need to wrap the pipeline section, and connect its other end to the outlet.

Thus, for some time (usually 2-4 hours), an electric current will flow through the pipes, due to which the pipes will warm up. Gradually, the frozen drains will begin to melt, and the liquids will go into the soil.

It is desirable to use for these purposes on all areas of the pipeline.

The above method is not suitable for defrosting plastic nozzles. To do this, use specialized equipment that can work with high strength current (400 A).

In most cases, such installations are used by specialists, they allow you to most effectively clean the pipeline from icing. Both contacts of the apparatus must be in ice.

Problem Prevention

In order not to worry later about what to do if the cesspool quickly fills up, it is important to adhere to the operating rules and regularly carry out a set of preventive procedures.

The main rules of prevention include:

  • it is required to flush the tank with clean water under strong pressure approximately once every 6-8 weeks;
  • to carry out waste pumping out in a timely manner;
  • periodically apply biological preparations containing microorganisms to clean the cesspool and prevent blockages.


To prevent the formation of sludge and a layer of fat, experts advise putting special grease traps on all plumbing fixtures that interact with water.

Especially it concerns kitchen sinks through which organic waste often enters the pipeline. The use of filters is necessary to improve the efficiency of the system.


To prevent freezing in winter, it is recommended to install a heat-insulating layer in advance or to regularly warm up the pit and pipes.

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Before creating a sewer system project and digging a pit, you should think about laying some space for thermal insulation.

This will significantly reduce the risk of freezing of the sewage container and the owner of the site will not have to decide what to do if the pit fills up too quickly in winter.

Small tank volume

If an error was made when calculating the volume or after a long operation the number of drains increased, best solution will dig an additional hole. After that, you will need to connect the two containers with overflow pipes. The resulting kind of septic tank will effectively clean and drain sewage.

Thus, there are several ways by which you can get rid of the rapid filling of the cesspool. First of all, you should find out the cause of the problem.

Based on this information, you can choose how to fix the problem. Most often, the pit quickly fills up due to the formation of a silt layer and the appearance of a fatty deposit, or as a result of freezing of the contents.

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With increased speed, the tank will also fill when there is insufficient capacity. This is solved by creating an additional compartment. When installing a septic tank with drainage system, as a rule, the cesspool stops filling quickly.

Too fast filling of the septic tank becomes a disaster for its owner. There are several reasons for this. Of particular note is the situation when the cesspool silted up. It is unfortunate, but the occurrence of similar problems is inevitable even with proper maintenance of the system. The latter, however, completely eliminates force majeure associated with an unpleasant odor, lack of liquid care.

What to do if the cesspool fills up when the pit has stopped draining water? Sewage pumping is the main method of preventing such situations - it removes large particles, silt, which interferes with the natural absorption of moisture into the ground. As a rule, the procedure should be done every 10-12 months. If problems occur systematically, this period can be reduced, but it is better to focus on improving the sump.

What are the reasons?

  • Silting of the bottom;
  • A large amount of foreign debris;
  • High speed of filling of storage for waste;
  • Increased fat content on the walls of the sewer.

Groundwater can seep in. To avoid this, it is recommended to seal the bottom by setting check valve in the descent.

Water consumption optimization

Sometimes, the cesspool simply doesn't have enough room for all your water, causing it to fill up too quickly, and a muddy bottom will only make things worse. If its expansion is not included in the plans, actions must be taken to reduce fluid consumption. Take a look at ways to optimize your plumbing system:

  • Use washing machine with front loading;
  • Reconfigure the toilet cistern to draw less water;
  • Shower more often or fill the tub below normal levels.
  • Turn off the faucet while washing dishes so that resources are not wasted.

People often waste water more than necessary, which should not be allowed, since the sump, even if it is of impressive size, will fill up too quickly.

Cleaning methods

What to do if the cesspool fills up quickly? The answer is obvious, first you have to clean it up, and only after that you can move on to eliminating the likelihood of a recurrence of events. Take a look at the waste disposal methods depending on the type of storage:

Bottomless: usually water leaves on its own, and the product of human vital activity is processed by microorganisms living in the earth. But, the silted layer does not allow bacteria to access food, which leads to the formation of stagnation. In case of absence drainage pump, it is necessary to make a structure consisting of a bucket and a rope, you can turn on the washing so that powders and water get into the pit, and then start manually removing the contents.

Bottom (sealed): to service such a sump, you need a fecal or water pump (in case of using the second, you will need to install a filter or chopper). It can be installed inside the system in advance, configured to automatically pump out waste as the septic tank fills up. In any case, the lower part will be silted up, and therefore, before unloading the waste, it is recommended to liquefy the sediment using biological products.

You should also consider the benefits of calling a sewage truck. The service includes not only the maintenance of a pit that has had time to silt, but also the disposal of human waste products, which saves the owner from a number of troubles. Take a look at other cleaning methods:

help to cope with sludge and the addition of special chemicals that make the cleaning process simple and enjoyable. After they are discharged into the tank, various sediments and deposits are liquefied, the total amount of content decreases, and the smell disappears. It is permissible to use funds in the winter.

Biological Substances: what to do if it silted up, the cesspool began to overflow? Apply biologics, produced in the form of powder or tablets. They can make a septic tank virtually clean by removing approximately 75% of solid waste. They are safe and easy to use. Damage to metal and other surfaces is excluded.

    • Operating principle - such substances contain microorganisms that feed on waste. Thanks to this, the processing procedure occurs naturally. detailed instructions written on the package.

Sump defrosting

If the water does not leave with the onset of cold weather, the cesspool is most likely frozen. What to do? It is necessary to apply resistive heating of the conductors. We drive a metal pin in the center of the drain. A bare wire made of copper, capable of transmitting 2 kW, is firmly attached to it, we throw the other side onto the phase. The process can take up to two days.

In plastic structures:
if the liquid is frozen in PVC pipes, it is better to call a special service. The process of its defrosting is carried out with the help of current high voltage(400 A) which requires a special technique to supply. You can do it yourself, but this will require some knowledge in the field of electrics.

By using hot water: it is supplied under pressure through a special heater. Further, the evaporation of ice in the system and on the surface occurs.

Let's pay attention to safety measures when using electricity - you need to be near the pit, having dry feet, wearing rubber gloves and shoes.

For the normal functioning of the sewerage in a private house or in the country, care for the cesspool is necessary. The most important procedure is its sewage, which is carried out approximately once every 12 months (when it is filled with waste).

However, over time, such a frequency is not enough, since the efficiency of operation decreases, the drain pit quickly fills up.

Decreased performance results in the need for additional maintenance.

Signs of poor cesspool performance are:

  • bottom silting;
  • fatty deposits on the walls of the sewer, which are difficult to wash off;
  • quick filling of the cesspool;
  • bad smell from the hole.

Consider the reasons for the decrease in its performance and how to eliminate them so that the sewer does not quickly fill with sewage.

Bottom silting

Very often, the drain pit fills up quickly due to silting of the bottom. In this case, the following measures must be taken:

  • pump out sewage using a sewage machine;
  • fill the remains with clean water to make the silt deposits as liquid as possible;
  • add special biological products with a high concentration of bacteria to the pit.

Bacteria are also used to clean the walls of fatty deposits. Such biological preparations are very effective. They include microorganisms that feed on sediment. The result of the use of biological preparations:

  • reducing the amount of sewage in the cesspool;
  • liquefaction of solid waste;
  • elimination of an unpleasant smell;
  • cleaning of internal elements, sewer pipes from fatty deposits;
  • restoration of the drainage system;
  • prevention of further silting of the bottom and the formation of fatty deposits;
  • all organic waste components become passive and safe for humans.

Biological preparations differ in their field of use. Some are designed to clean sewers, sewers, destroy fats and odors. Others speed up the process of decomposition of various solid wastes, such as peel, paper, and so on.

Such preparations are widely used in outdoor dry closets. Waste and sewage quickly turns into compost, which can even be used in gardening. In general, if the pit is silted up, then the use of microorganisms is the most effective method.

Sometimes the exit fast filling sewerage wastewater is the device of the second collector. The second wastewater storage facility is arranged at some distance from the first one and is connected to it by means of an overflow pipe. Such a scheme will provide a two-level cleaning system and will work more efficiently. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the sewage pit should be located at a distance of at least 30 m from the well, which is required according to sanitary rules.


If in winter the cesspool began to quickly fill with sewage, then freezing of the waste may be the cause. Most often, ice formation occurs due to poor thermal insulation of sewers, improper design and construction. However, severe frosts can lead to freezing and properly arranged sewers.

One of effective ways defrosting drains is the resistive heating of the conductor. To do this, you need to prepare a copper wire for 2 kW, a metal pin 15-20 cm long and a small hook. It is important to remember that this method is recommended for those who are at least a little familiar with electrical engineering, as it requires compliance with safety regulations. Work should be in rubber shoes and special gloves.

If only the pipe is frozen, then the heating is carried out as follows. It is necessary to strip the end of the wire to a length calculated by the formula l \u003d 3.14 * d, where d is the diameter of the pipe. This cleaned segment is wrapped around the pipe, and the other end of the wire is connected to the phase connector of the outlet. After several hours of current flow, the pipe will completely thaw.

If the whole pit is completely frozen, then you need to act in a different way. A metal pin is driven into the center of the frozen sewage, which is connected to the stripped end of the wire. The other end of the cable is thrown over the current-carrying element with a hook, or the wire is inserted into the phase connector of the socket. It will take 12 to 24 days to completely defrost the cesspool. At the end of the defrosting process, the wire is first disconnected from the power source, and only then removed.

It is possible to defrost cesspools and more simple methods- with the help of fan heaters, blowtorches. However, they are less effective.

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