Sewer pumping unit for installation. Sewer pumping units: features of choice

Decor elements 17.06.2019
Decor elements

To be clean

It is not for nothing that the Nasos-Kotel company transports goods in Moscow and to the Odintsovo district for 500 rubles (to all the rest - with an additional payment of 30 rubles / kilometer after crossing the Moscow Ring Road). Our clients highly appreciate the quality of purchased technical systems, and therefore try to buy in the future new technology right here with us. We present to the attention of consumers high-end equipment of the latest generation, and now the sewer installation for 172.8 thousand rubles is next in line.

More about sewer installation

In many places, direct-flow sewage does not work at all without special pumps and auxiliary systems. Even with a normal slope of the terrain, it is worth moving the collector away from the connected object, as the principle of gravity ceases to work at all. Often the obstacle creates a complex terrain, which makes it extremely difficult for the waste masses to pass along the most convenient trajectory.

If you need a sewer installation, you can buy in Moscow the devices of the most different categories, and the differences between them are manifested in:

  • unequal power;
  • stability or instability to hot water;
  • the volume of the generated noise;
  • complexity of service work;
  • the presence in the scheme of one or two pumps;
  • the presence of a waste crusher or its exclusion.

The price of a sewer installation also includes payment for its cutting part, the design of the equipment allows you to develop the necessary power to service kitchens, laundries, bathrooms and toilets. To eliminate errors and get a high-quality, well-tuned system, installation should be entrusted only to professionals. There are offers in the assortment of the company from the lines of Sanicondens, Sanicubik, Sanispeed, Trimatic and others. The SANIVORT 400 A complex is equipped with three inlets - toilet, sink and shower. The non-return valve keeps the pumped liquid from flowing into the station, and the motor is equipped with a protection device against excessive heating. In an hour, 6 tons of sewage will pass.

Where to order a sewer pump in a private house?

When deciding which installation to prefer, you need to determine the parameters for its use, since it can serve the entire building or only one point. In addition, it must be taken into account that:

  • sewer installations have different capacities;
  • not all are designed to work with hot water;
  • some of them have a high noise threshold;
  • not all of them are equally easy to maintain;

the complete set of installations is various: one or two pumps or a waste grinder can be included in it.

Sump pump for sewage in a private house

The single-engine sewer pumping station (SPS) with a cutting mechanism effectively copes with the work of pumping out sewage. It is installed in private low-rise households or small businesses. The capacity of the SPS is sufficient to provide pumping Wastewater and faeces during the operation of the kitchen, laundry (washing machine), bathroom and toilet. It is a new generation installation and requires a professional to install and start up.

Depending on the model and performance of the installations, they can pump effluents of different composition and in different quantities, therefore, before deciding on the laying of sewers, especially in private households, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Sewerage with pump

The sewer pumping unit is used to divert polluted effluents into a collector or a centralized network in the absence of technical feasibility for laying a gravity system. It is used for pumping household and industrial liquid waste, as well as storm water to the disposal site.

Types of sewer pumping units

The sewer pumping unit consists of a housing, inlet and outlet pipes and a suction pump. To regulate the operation of the pumping device, an automatic control unit is installed. It prevents overloading of the equipment, protects the engine from overheating, and the fecal pump from functioning in the absence of contaminated effluents.

Depending on the power, sewer installations are divided into the following types:

  • Devices for servicing one bathroom or kitchen with no large quantity equipment and low volume of liquid waste.
  • Products of average productivity intended for the organization of drainage in private single-family houses and basements, as well as for the disposal of contaminated water in public toilets. They can be equipped with special traps for collecting large debris.

Some models are equipped with a pump with a chopping mechanism that cuts solid waste into small fractions and protects the installation from damage. For pumping waste different origin large quantities of sewerage pumping stations.

Selection of sewer pumping units

When buying a sewer pumping unit, the intensity of its use and operating conditions should be taken into account. To important criteria also include:

  • type and consistency of waste to be disposed of;
  • minimal and maximum size solid particles;
  • the performance of the equipment, which is selected in accordance with the volume of transported effluents;
  • the height of the rise of transported polluted waters and the range of their movement;
  • maximum temperature of the pumped liquid.

The sewer pumping unit must be reliable, sealed and resistant to aggressive media. Small dimensions of the device and equipment necessary elements simplifies equipment installation and maintenance. Right choice sewer pumping unit will ensure efficient and timely pumping of any contaminated wastewater in the required volume.

The device of the sewer installation includes a plastic tank with a built-in pump. The body contains several holes that are designed to introduce outlets plumbing equipment. The outlet corresponds to the diameter of the sewer pipe. The equipment is most often mounted between the toilet and sewer riser. They flow into it sewer water, which are then pumped out with the help of a pump into the mains, guides, central sewerage, cesspool. The signal to turn on the pumps is the achievement of a certain level of accumulation.

Installation selection

The main parameters for choosing a sewer installation are:

  • volume of accumulation of sewage;
  • number of inputs for connecting plumbing;
  • the amount of water discharged at the same time;
  • the possibility of diverting hot drains;
  • power, flow, pump pressure;
  • equipment automation;
  • complete set of equipment with elements for connecting plumbing.

The choice of equipment depends on what the installation is used for - for servicing one plumbing point or for the whole house. You should also pay attention to whether shredding of waste is necessary. The noise level during operation, ease of maintenance, compactness of equipment may be important when choosing.


The Alfatep company offers products of Russian and European brands Grundfos, SFA, Unipump, Gileks.

The French company SFA always offers the most interesting solutions to the pump market. The company has an ISO 9001 quality certificate. It strictly monitors compliance with high standards at all stages of production. The company first made itself known on the market in 1958, when it introduced its innovative product - SANINASOS. In its assortment there are many original models of fecal pumps, complemented by grinders.

The Danish brand Grundfos is famous for its quality wastewater pumping equipment. The company has been on the market since 1945 and has a reputation as a reliable supplier of equipment with excellent performance. The products are certified in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard. During its work, the company often presented unique developments. The assortment of the store includes horizontal installation different power.

Russian trade marks Unipump and Gilex have also earned a good reputation in the global market. Domestic sewer installations are not inferior in product quality to foreign counterparts, while their cost is more loyal.

What if the sewer outlet is higher than the plumbing outlet? How then to organize the removal of wastewater? In private houses, they made a pit into which drains were collected, from there they pumped submersible pump into a sewer or septic tank. Today there is another solution - a sewage pump. In many cases, its installation is cheaper, and even easier - that's for sure.

Device and purpose

A pump with a chopper is a surface sewer pumping unit that allows you to organize the removal of wastewater where it is not possible to do this using a gravity system. This is a small plastic container with a powerful built-in pump that pumps wastewater into the sewer. Drainage can be moved both vertically and horizontally. There are installations with a grinder that can be connected to toilets, there are without a grinder - for "gray" drains from sinks, showers, bidets, etc.

Application area

A sewer pump is used in cases where it is impossible to make gravity sewer system. In most cases, when a plumbing fixture, washing machine or dishwasher is installed below the sewer inlet. For this, forced sewage pumps were invented. This solution allows you to transfer bathrooms and technical rooms to the basement or semi-basement.

Another pump with a chopper is installed if it is decided to make the bathroom after the repair is completed and the sewerage system has not been connected to the place of the proposed installation of plumbing. In this case, the installed equipment is connected to a compact sewer pump, and it is connected to the sewer. What's the Difference? In the following:

  • the diameter of the outlet pipes for the sewer pump is much smaller than for the gravity system (28-40 mm);
  • drains can rise up to a height of up to 9 meters;
  • horizontal sewage disposal is possible up to 100 meters (requires a minimum slope of 1-4%).

All this allows minimal cost organize a connection to an existing sewerage system almost anywhere.

Device and principle of operation

The sewer pump consists of a storage plastic container and pump. Some models that can be connected to the toilet have a chopper. The filling level is monitored by a sensor. When it works, the chopper and pump turn on, the waste is pumped into the sewer system. Shutdown controls the second sensor - it turns off the power when the level of drains falls below a certain level. This is a simplified algorithm for the action of a pressure sewer.

There are sewer pumping stations designed to connect devices different type and quantities. The simplest one is designed to connect one or two devices, the most productive one has three additional pipes (and one main one). Accordingly, the container has one or more inlets (depending on the model) and one outlet. Pipes coming from plumbing are connected to the inlets, and the outlet is connected to the sewer.

For pumping high-temperature effluents from washing and dishwashers, bathrooms there are special models made of heat-resistant materials. A conventional sewer pump cannot cope with such a load. Therefore, to connect such equipment, you need to look for certain models.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of compact individual sewer installations is that they allow you to equip the sewer without carrying out large-scale construction or repair work. With their help, complex tasks are solved:

  • Drainage device when plumbing fixtures are located below the entry point to the sewer system.
  • Equipping a bathroom without carrying out large-scale civil works.

Another positive point is the use of small diameter pipes. Most of toilet pumps are connected to the sewerage using plastic pipes diameter 28 mm - 32 mm - 40 mm. Only high capacity installations require 50mm pipes. Such plumbing networks are easier to hide. Even if it was not possible to hide them, they do not attract as much attention as the standard one hundred millimeters.

However, there are also disadvantages:

Well, the main drawback is that the pumps burn out. If the power and performance are selected correctly, unsuitable items do not get into the sewer, they can work for years. But with a selection error, when the equipment is operated at its limit, the pumps often fail. Therefore, when choosing a sewer pump for a toilet, it is better to take it with a margin of performance. It will cost more, but such an installation will work longer.

Classification and types

There is no single classification of forced sewage installations, but they can be divided according to several parameters:

When choosing a pump for forced sewage, it is worth remembering that they are not designed to connect a bath. The bathrooms contain too much water, pumping out which the pump will overheat and block. As a result, it will take a long time to drain the water from the bathroom. There are only a few models of forced sewage that can handle this task - SFA Saniplus Silence and Sololift C3. These sewer pumps do an excellent job with a large amount of warm water discharged.

Other companies offer to make an intermediate pit for forced pumping out of the bathroom, into which to drain the water. From it, pump it into the sewer with any suitable device. Given that the pit must be below the level of the drain, this method is not always acceptable. And, despite the high cost of SFA Saniplus Silence and Sololift C3, it is more profitable to install it than to carry out a huge amount of excavation.

To prevent overfilling of the tank, there is an additional alarm device. In some companies, it simply beeps when the tank is full, in others it also turns off the device connected through it (washing machine or dishwasher).

Installation and connection rules

Installation and connection of pumps for toilet bowls and forced pumping of drains from different manufacturers occurs according to very similar rules. But before installation, you should read the instructions for a specific product - there may be features.

A sewage pump can stand in the kitchen - to drain drains from the sink and / or dishwasher


The installation location must be chosen so that the pump can be reached. It does not require special maintenance, but periodically there is a need for cleaning. If a dishwasher and washing machine, it is better to regularly check whether the sewer installation is clogged with grease, dirt, salt deposits. If necessary, cleaning with mild detergents is possible. Aggressive chemical compositions it is better not to apply, as they can damage the plastic and rubber parts of the installation.

So here are the general rules:

In general, installing and connecting a sewer pump for a kitchen or toilet is not a very difficult undertaking. But provided that you already have some idea about working with plumbing. In this case, you can do everything yourself.

Outlet pipeline features

Compact plumbing toilet pumps can pump drains not only vertically, but can also lift them up. In the presence of vertical section in its lower part, it is desirable to provide for the possibility of draining - if you have to clear the pipeline from blockage, it is better if the drains are drained in a certain place, and do not start pouring out during work.

The height of the vertical section of the outlet pipeline is determined taking into account the minimum slope of the horizontal section. Each manufacturer (sometimes each model) minimum slope its own, but in most cases it is 1-4% (1-4 cm per 1 meter).

Be careful. The description of the sewage pumps indicates maximum height lifting of drains and the maximum distance of transportation horizontally. For example: 8 m up, and 80 m horizontally. But this does not mean that by lifting the pipe 4 meters up, it will be possible to transport another 80 meters horizontally. AT this case- after a four-meter rise - the length of the horizontal section will be no more than 40 meters. Just climbing 1 meter up "takes away" about 10 meters of horizontal transportation. This is important and worth remembering.

Manufacturers and models

Not many companies produce individual sewer installations. However, the price range is quite wide. Traditionally, European manufacturers are distinguished by good quality, but high prices. No one will be surprised if we say that Chinese sewage pumps cost less, but their quality is worse. In general, the choice, as usual, is expensive and high quality, or cheaper and…

Forced sewage installations Grundfos (Grundfos) - Sololift (Sololift)

The well-known plumbing manufacturer Grundfos (Grundfos) produces pumps for forced sewerage Sololift (Sololift). On the this moment launched a modified line of Sololift2. It has no moving parts in contact with drains. The exception is the chopper, but its drive is also “dry”. This makes the renovation less of a hassle. There are several Sololift models for different occasions:

Sololift sewer pumps are not the cheapest equipment, but they work reliably and correspond to the declared characteristics. The firm also supports warranty repairs.

Pumps for toilets, bathrooms, kitchens and technical rooms SFA

This company specializes in the production of sanitary pumps. There are several lines for solving different problems, connecting various devices:

SFA products work reliably and cost a little less than Grundfus. You can choose a model for any combination of plumbing. In general, the SFA sewage pump is a good option. Installation of equipment is standard - put in any convenient place. There is only one limitation - it is better that the branch pipeline starts from a vertical section, if there is one on your route. If this is not possible, the length of the horizontal section should be no more than 30 cm.

The height of the vertical section is calculated taking into account the fact that the horizontal section must have a slope towards the inlet of at least 1% (1 cm per 1 meter of pipe).

Aquatik CompactLift fecal pumps

Toilet pumps Compact Elevator is manufactured by the Chinese company Aquatik. It's over a budget option individual sewer installations. Differ in low level of noise.

At the moment there are only three modifications:

Aquatik guarantees its bathroom and toilet pumps for 1 year from the date of sale. Violation of operation (the presence of fibrous inclusions in drains) may cause a denial of warranty repairs.

Willo sewage pumps

The German company Willo is known for making reliable devices. Toilet pumps are no exception. Good quality plastic, thick tank walls, reliable pump. There are the following models:

The range of Willo sewage pumping units allows you to solve any problem if you need to equip bathrooms and toilet rooms in private houses. For commercial or more intensive use, Willo has other solutions.

Pressure sewer pumps STP (Jemix)

These customized sewer units are made in China. The price category is average. Reviews, as usual, are different - someone is completely satisfied, someone absolutely does not like it.

So, here are the sewer pumps Jemix offers:

It differs from those described above by increased power - some models raise drains by 9 meters. Most of the above sewer pressure pumps can raise drains up to 4-5 meters. So this is where the Jamixes win. In this parameter, they have only one competitor - Sololift Grundfos with its lifting height of 8 meters. But his price category is completely different (as is the quality, however).

As you know, in many houses, sewer drains flow by gravity (non-pressure). During the construction of cottages and country houses many people are faced with the problem when it is impossible to install a free-flow sewer. In such situations, a sewer installation comes to the rescue, which forcibly removes drains.

sewer installation forcibly removes drains through a pressure sewer.

This is very convenient if plumbing, Appliances and the souls are below or on a level with the risers, as well as at a considerable distance from them.

The principle of operation of such installations is simple: through pipes that connect the installation to sinks, bathrooms, toilets, etc. water flows into a special tank, when it is filled, the pump pumps waste into central system, septic tank or storage.

Someone may have a question, but at what distance is the installation capable of pumping wastewater.

It all depends on many factors:

  • From height between release internal sewerage and pump;
  • Pipe positions (vertical or horizontal);
  • The nature of stocks.

Conventional pumps are designed to transport wastewater up to 7 meters vertically and up to 100 meters horizontally. But, as you know, not all pipes run strictly horizontally and vertically.

For clarity, we can say that the pump can raise the drains to a height (vertically) of 5 meters, and then drive them in a straight line (horizontally) for another 15 meters.

At the same time, the smaller the height difference between the pump and the internal one, the greater the length of the effluent path.

Depending on the nature of the effluents, sewer installations are selected.

e.g. for sinks and showers normal fit pump, for toilet bowls - with a waste chopper, for swimming pools and bathtubs - increased productivity.

In general, all installations are divided into two categories:

  1. General - one for the whole building;
  2. Special - for each sewer point.

Their parameters and power depend on this. It is also worth paying attention that not all pumps are designed for pumping hot water.

Therefore, when buying, be sure to specify at what temperatures this unit can operate.

Advice! Consider in advance which category of installation you need. View information on manufacturers. And also read consumer reviews on the forums. This information will be helpful when purchasing.

The pressure sewerage device is such that it is in greatest demand among owners country cottages.

For example, if in ground floor there is a sauna or a swimming pool, then it will hardly be possible to do without it.

In addition, the installations are mounted in offices and premises where it becomes necessary to install plumbing, but the distance to the central riser is significant.

The advantages of this unit include:

  • Noiselessness in work;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Maintenance does not require special skills;
  • are compact and have modern design;
  • Diameter sewer pipes can be from 23 to 32mm, which makes it easy to hide them in the walls.

By the way, the latter is possible thanks to the shredders installed in the body, which cut the waste that has fallen into the tank.

The body of the unit is absolutely hermetic, the filter system and the self-cleaning function make it easy to care for and prevent odors.

The pump operates from a 220V network, the power consumption depends on the category and type of device.

At the moment, the grundfos sewer plant made in Denmark has won the greatest popularity.

The Sololift+ collection includes 6 models with built-in cutters that allow you to use smaller diameter pipes.

Thanks to these installations, you no longer need to think about how to equip the kitchen or bathroom closer to the sewer.

Now you choose a location and the installation removes the drains. Models of this collection are small-sized and completely ready to work.

You only need to install them, bring the pipes, and the installation will do the rest.

By appearance and the sizes of the devices, of course, differ, but the device is the same: a rigid plastic tank, it has a built-in pump, which has a thermal protection system.

Above the pump are a solid waste filter and cutting mechanism.

A hydrodynamic switch is installed to control the water level. The discharge pipe is equipped check valve.

Ventilation system equipped with a locking device that prevents overflow.

There are models that serve one unit, and there are for the bathroom in general.

But there are also restrictions. Such a sewer installation is not able to work where constant pumping of water is required ( public toilet) or you need to pump large volumes.

Also, in places where grundfos Sololift + units are used, warning signs should be hung.

They should be written on what to throw into the toilet or other appliances that are served by this installation, foreign objects (except toilet paper) FORBIDDEN! Also, do not pour solvents and other aggressive chemicals into them.

Sewer installations sfa made in France are also trustworthy.

Each installation ensures the removal of wastewater from all types of plumbing fixtures.

For example, SFASANI is capable of transporting wastewater vertically up to 10 meters, and horizontally up to 100 meters. These are economic, silent, having modern design of installation.

Installation of these systems does not require additional financial costs.

We mount it on the wall or install it on the floor, connect it to the plumbing, make a drain to the sewer, plug it into the outlet and that's it, the installation works.

Additional holes that the unit is equipped with allow you to simultaneously connect several items at once.

That is, with a single installation, you can organize a bathroom or kitchen anywhere in the house.

But it is worth knowing some installation rules, or rather recommendations:

  1. In the pressure water supply, it is imperative to provide a place for draining.
  2. If the pipeline passes through an unheated room, it is imperative to take care of the insulation of the pipes.
  3. During installation, stretching and sagging of pipes, sharp bends and kinks are not allowed.
  4. We connect pipes from the pressure sewer to the non-pressure sewer so that the drains from the installation enter under acute angle to the main stream.
  5. Combining two pressure pipelines from different installations not allowed.

Advice! When buying a unit, be sure to consider the place of its installation and the conditions under which it will be operated. Choose a model with the desired output of nozzles and their location, as well as for a particular room.

And so what conclusion can be drawn? The sewer plant is the perfect solution to the problem of sewerage where it is not possible to use a non-pressure system. It also gives a flight for fantasy when in an apartment. Now we can make a toilet or a bathroom where we want, and not where a non-pressure sewer pipe runs.

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