Diesel heat guns and their varieties. Diesel heat gun: device, pros and cons, capabilities Types of diesel heaters

Engineering systems 15.06.2019
Engineering systems

It is used for heating hangars, tents, sports and exhibition halls, buildings of agro-industrial and livestock complexes, as well as other large industrial and construction facilities for various purposes. heat gun. It is a mobile powerful air heater. A special a heating element, heating up to a high temperature. The air passing through it, forced by the built-in fan, exits into the room with a powerful air flow of high temperature. The combustion chamber is made of heat-resistant alloy steel. The outer casing almost never heats up due to the large air flow quickly passing through the diesel heater. The wear-resistant outer coating of the gun body is designed for long-term operation of the diesel air heater.

Depending on the method of heating the heating element, there are 4 types of heat guns:

- heat guns diesel;

Gas heat guns;

Heat guns without power control;

Direct heating heat guns.

Available in two types diesel heat guns : direct and indirect action. D excellent thermal cannon direct action can be used to heat air only in the absence of people, animals, etc. in a heated room. This requirement is due to the fact that the air repeatedly passing through the heat gun loses oxygen and is saturated with the products of its combustion.

Indirect heating air heaters are characterized by the absence of emissions of combustion products into the heated room, and can be used in places where people are located. Diesel guns indirect action have a special heat exchanger, which ensures the removal of harmful emissions beyond the heated area, whereas in workroom clean heated air flows in. Powerful indirect air heaters operating using diesel fuel, have a burner torch control system. To achieve complete combustion of fuel, a flame regulation mechanism is provided. Also, all units are equipped with overheating protection. Automatic maintenance of the set temperature is ensured by a built-in thermostat, which is equipped with most models of diesel air heaters.

Diesel heat gun, enough fuel, with non-stop operation, for 8-16 hours, depending on the model and the volume of the fuel tank.

Diesel heat gun during operation, it creates a powerful directed stream of hot air, the outlet temperature of which reaches 255 degrees (depending on the model and type of product). The heat transfer process of the air heater occurs almost instantly. High performance and forced air circulation when using a heat gun allow you to quickly heat and maintain the set temperature in a large room.

From this article you can find out what features a diesel heat gun used for quickly heating rooms has: the structure and types of structures, the scope of their application and the specificity of the operating process, average prices for popular models. The text contains an overview of the advantages and disadvantages inherent in these devices, descriptions of common types of breakdowns and ways to eliminate them.

With the arrival of the cold season, the problem of space heating arises. Moreover, this applies not only to living rooms, but also to industrial, warehouse and retail spaces. If the building does not have a centralized heating system, the lack of heat is compensated with the help of alternative heating devices. As such a replacement, you can buy an indirectly heated diesel heat gun with suitable characteristics.

Design and principle of operation of a diesel heat gun

The heat gun is universal device for heating rooms. The principle of operation of such structures is quite simple: diesel burns inside the heater, resulting in the formation of heat, which is supplied to the room by a powerful fan.

Diesel is used as fuel. Some models are capable of running on used and filtered oil or kerosene. Thanks to progressive internal structure these designs have high power and efficiency, which reaches almost 100%. All diesel heat guns are dependent on electricity. Some low-power modifications can operate on 12 V or 24 V, but most models require 220 V for normal operation.

Electricity is used to start the burner. In addition, it is necessary for transporting heat due to rotational movements fan The burner not only atomizes fuel, but also promotes air supply. This process results in a mixture that is highly flammable. Thanks to this, the flame is stable.

Affordable price of diesel guns and the ability to effectively heat rooms without central system heating, made these designs so popular. This type equipment is capable of generating a large number of heat, due to which the scope of its application has expanded.

Important! Guns powered by diesel fuel cannot be used to heat residential premises.

Scope of application of diesel structures:

  • heating of warehouse-type premises;
  • backup heating in poorly insulated facilities in cases where frosts uncharacteristic for the area occur;
  • heating construction sites where heating has not yet been installed;
  • organization of heating in hangars used for storing equipment;
  • installation of suspended ceilings;
  • heating of greenhouse structures used for growing crops.

In addition, you can buy an indirect heating diesel gun to organize heating in the garage.

Why is it profitable to buy a diesel gun: design advantages

Guns that heat rooms by burning diesel fuel have many undeniable advantages. They are compact in size and light in weight, while having excellent technical characteristics. These designs are easy to use. The mechanism is started with just one press of a button.
The user has the ability to control the temperature in the room.

Many diesel designs have a built-in system for connecting a rheostat. The operating principle of this mechanism is very simple. Before launching the gun, you just need to set the required parameter. When the air temperature in the room reaches this indicator, automatic shutdown equipment. If the temperature drops below the specified level, the structure will start on its own.

Diesel guns are economical; fuel consumption depends on the technical parameters of the device. Equipment with a power of 20 kW and a productivity of 550 m³/h will require about 1.5 liters of diesel fuel to heat this volume. Using such a gun, you can achieve quick results. According to the information stated by the manufacturers, diesel devices instantly warm up the room. The gun can raise the air temperature of +10°C in a room with a volume of 120 m³ to a level of +180°C in 15 minutes. Moreover, this speed is not the limit.

Diesel devices are safe to use. If the room is well ventilated, inhaling burnt-out air does not cause such unpleasant consequences as headaches and dizziness. High-quality designs are able to work for a long time without additional refueling. The guns are equipped with large-volume tanks, thanks to which they are able to operate continuously throughout the day.

Note! The body of the structure is heated to a temperature of +30-35°C maximum. Therefore, accidental touching the gun will not cause burns.

Disadvantages of using diesel heat guns for garages

The customer reviews left about diesel heat guns for garages not only reflect the advantages of these designs. Sometimes they also contain shortcomings that were identified by users during operation of the device.

Often mentioned high level noise as a serious irritant to hearing. Although the presence of sounds is considered normal for heating equipment. Guns are not classified as silent devices. Some manufacturers offer models with reduced operating noise levels. For example, the Master BLP 15M diesel heat gun produces no more than 20 dB. This figure is considered very low.

Many users find the dependence of devices on the electrical network inconvenient. The gun really needs power for the fan and pump, and there is no way around these requirements. However, most often such structures are used in facilities where there is electrical wiring.

Among the disadvantages, the high price of diesel heat guns is also mentioned. However, it should be noted that the cost of such devices is fully justified by their reliability and comfortable operating system. Many are concerned about the cost of diesel fuel, the purchase of which is more expensive than the purchase of liquefied gas in cylinders. Although the fuel consumption of these devices is low.

How to choose a heat gun based on technical parameters

One of the most important technical parameters any heat gun is the level of its performance. In the specifications, manufacturers indicate the number of kilowatts that the gun is capable of producing in intensive operation. You can also calculate the performance level yourself.

On average, a power of 1 kW is enough to heat an area of ​​10 m², provided that the ceiling height does not exceed 3 m. This figure is conditional, since it depends on operating conditions room that needs heating.

Factors that affect heating efficiency:

  • wall thickness;
  • availability and quality of insulation;
  • condition of the ventilation system;
  • heat leakage (frequency of opening gates or doors);
  • number of windows and doorways, their size;
  • outside air temperature;
  • condition of the floors;
  • wind force, etc.

The price of a diesel indirect heating heat gun is not an indicator of quality. When choosing a device, it is advisable to pay attention to powerful modifications. The higher this indicator, the better. If there is a lot of heat, you can always reduce the intensity of work. And if there is a lack of heating, you will have to buy another device, which will significantly affect the budget. The efficiency of a diesel heater is also influenced by its installation location.

Helpful advice! In large rooms it is advisable to use several heaters. Arranging appliances diagonally will be more effective than placing them along the wall.

Cold air is always heavier than warm air, so it always accumulates in the lower part of the room. Based on this, it becomes clear that installing the gun on a hill or turning its working edge upward does not increase the heating efficiency. The most optimal position of the equipment is horizontal.

The performance of heating and ventilation equipment is another parameter that you should pay attention to. For the Ballu BHDN-20 indirect heating diesel gun, this figure is 500 m³/h. This means that the device is able to effectively heat the specified volume of air within 1 hour.

Not least important are the dimensions and weight of the structures. The mass of heat guns can vary between 3-30 kg. Most of them have a mobile design, so they are easy to use. The smaller the device, the easier it is to move.

Features of direct heating diesel heat guns

Direct heating guns are the simplest devices that can serve as heat sources. Such designs have an open combustion chamber. A pump equipped with a nozzle is installed inside, which ensures a torch effect. A fan is located behind these elements. All the heat that is generated during fuel processing is supplied to the room along with the products of its combustion.

  1. Diesel fuel from the tank is fed into the heating filter.
  2. The compressor transports fuel to the injector.
  3. Diesel fuel is ignited by a glow plug.
  4. A fan installed behind the burner draws cool air from the room into the combustion chamber, where it is heated.
  5. The protective mesh located in the front part of the device traps the flame, preventing it from penetrating beyond the combustion chamber body.
  6. After heating, the air is supplied back into the room.

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The operating principle of a direct heating gun is quite simple. It is efficient and clear. However, such guns have one significant drawback. All combustion products enter the room, so it is not recommended to use the devices in living rooms. Direct heating guns are suitable for open areas and spaces with a good ventilation system.

Average prices of diesel guns for space heating (direct heating designs):

BrandModelPower level, kWprice, rub.
ResantaTDP-2000020 11890
TDP-3000030 13090
BalluBHDP-1010 13590
BHDP-2020 14430
BHDP-3030 17759
MasterB 35 CEL DIY10 21590
B 35 CED10 21790
B 70 CED20 31260

Note! The use of fuel with impurities will lead to contamination of the injectors and other unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is very important to use high-quality raw materials to avoid expensive repairs and the purchase of spare parts for a diesel gun.

Consumer opinion about diesel heat guns: reviews of direct heating designs

Users of heating equipment often share their own opinions on forums. Some reviews can be found below:

“I have long heard about the advantages of Master diesel heat guns, so when the need arose to purchase a heater, I did not think twice and relied on this manufacturer. The gun works great and is completely worth the money spent on its purchase. With its help, I not only heat the garage, but also take this device with me to the dacha for the workshop.

Of course, it’s a pity that you can’t work in a room where the gun is on, but I don’t really need that. It takes no more than 20 minutes to warm up the room. Otherwise, I am completely satisfied with my purchase."

Sergey Kostyuk, Ekaterinburg

“I bought myself a BALLU BHDP-20 diesel heat gun. A wonderful unit. For a month of operation, there were no failures in the automation, as was the case with my previous gun. I like that the design allows you to adjust the pressure on the compressor that supplies the diesel. There is only one drawback - with a full tank the device is slightly heavy.”

Igor Samoilov, Moscow

“To heat the garage, a neighbor advised us to buy a heat gun. I spent a long time looking through manufacturers and models. In the end, I settled on the Master B 35 CED diesel gun. Excellent device, very simple. It is economical and completely easy to maintain. I've been using it for more than a year now. One refill is enough to keep the gun working all day. A 5x8 m garage warms up in 15 minutes.”

Georgy Miroshnichenko, St. Petersburg

Features of diesel indirect heating heat guns for the garage, prices and reviews

This type of gun functions in much the same way as direct fired designs. The only difference is that the combustion products that are formed during the process of fuel exhaustion are removed outside the room. A chimney is used for this. Thanks to this, indirect heating guns can be used in almost any room with sufficient level ventilation.

A nozzle is installed in the design of the closed combustion chamber. In addition, the gun has a system designed to remove combustion products. The air pumped by the fan does not come into contact with the torch. Its heating is provided by blowing into the combustion chamber.

Average prices of indirectly heated diesel heat guns:

BrandModelPower level, kWprice, rub.
ProfteploDK-21N21 29930
DK-21R21 32250
DK-21N-R21 44920
KrollMAK 1515 34350
MAK 2526 41180
MAK 4038,5 44500
AuroraTK-55 ID17,5 37400
TK-80K ID25 43400
TK-240K ID70 70200

Helpful advice! Define thermal power space heating device can be used using this formula: Q (in kcal/h) = K × V × ΔT, where Q is the required level of thermal power, K is a coefficient reflecting the degree of heat dissipation, V is the total volume of the room, and ΔT is the difference between the outside temperature and the one required to create a comfortable indoor microclimate.

The Termomir store offers customers a wide range of heat guns. Fan heaters are sold wholesale and retail on the official website.

Heat guns (fan heaters) are a simple and compact type of heaters in a durable casing, inside of which there is a heating element and a fan.
Heat guns are divided into: electric, diesel, gas and water; are actively used in non-residential, household and production premises, on construction sites, in workshops, garages, warehouses, storerooms and basements, for heating and drying various materials and surfaces, etc.

Electric heat guns(fan heaters) - popular electrical appliances for heating and drying non-residential premises of small and large area. Such guns operate from a regular power supply, are compact in size and weight, are easy to move, and are equipped with overheating protection and control devices.
Household models with a power of up to 5 kW operate at a voltage of 220 V, more powerful industrial heat fans - at 380 V.

Gas fan heaters- liquefied gas (propane) appliances, which provide additional heating and dehumidification of large non-residential premises due to increased power and performance. Often gas guns used for warehouses, production workshops, trade pavilions and so on.

Diesel heat guns- these are powerful fan heaters liquid fuel for additional heating of large non-residential areas. Such liquid fuel guns are used exclusively in non-residential premises: on construction sites, hangars, large warehouses, workshops, and other industrial facilities, since they affect the state of the atmosphere indoors.
The range of these guns includes thermal gas guns of direct and indirect heating. Directly heated diesel guns are characterized by the fact that when such a gun operates, combustion products enter directly into the room, therefore they quickly warm it up, but at the same time mandatory constant ventilation of the room is necessary. Indirectly heated diesel guns are equipped with a chimney and all combustion products are removed through it, and, nevertheless, such a gun is also recommended for use in non-residential premises with constant ventilation due to the combustion of oxygen during the operation of the fan heater.

Water heat guns(fan heaters on hot water) are economical and powerful water devices for heating and dehumidification various rooms. Such water heat guns are particularly economical, the energy consumption during their operation is minimal, and the efficiency and productivity of the air flow are very high. The installation of such heat fans is stationary, they are not so easy to move from place to place, because they are connected to the main hot water, but of all types of heat guns they are the most profitable, especially when working in large rooms. The offered water guns are equipped not only with thermostats, but also with modern controls and a variety of additional functions and options for maximum convenience.

Modern heat fans are equipped with thermostats (temperature regulators) and power control, protection against overheating and tipping over, and are convenient and economical to use. Their advantage is their small size, free movement and ease of installation.

A large assortment of heat guns is presented below on the page and in the site menu. If you find it difficult to make a choice, contact our specialists for advice.

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