Desktop jigsaw do-it-yourself drawings. Homemade desktop jigsaw

Decor elements 15.06.2019
Decor elements

A very nimble and fairly compact tool, it can be incredibly useful for cutting straight and curly shapes. Appearance and the functionality of the jigsaws sold, is impressive, making you believe in the incredible complexity of the design of these devices. In fact, to recreate such a mechanism, it is enough to understand the principle of its operation, have instructions and a desire to do something with your own hands. It is not at all necessary to be an expert in technology with many years of experience (although this will not be superfluous). Next, we will carry out detailed analysis the average jigsaw model with drawings, and provide two detailed guides for self-production a similar tool.

How does an electric jigsaw work

Although the jigsaw device does not differ in particular complexity, its mechanism has certain features that require familiarization. To understand how to make a jigsaw, you first need to figure out what makes the saw blade reciprocate. For a clearer understanding of the principle of operation of the device, we will give the main components that make up the mechanism of the tool and describe their interaction with each other.

At the heart of any jigsaw with an electric drive are the following components: an electric motor, a gearbox and a rod with a saw clamp. To minor, but not less important elements, include the start button, support roller, cooling fan and outsole. As additional functionality, many models have a pendulum stroke, dust collector, backlight and laser guide. We will not touch on the principle of operation of the latter, and proceed to describe the interaction of the main elements of the mechanism.

High frequency movements saw blade jigsaw, originate from an electric motor, started by pressing a button or directly from the mains. Rotation is transmitted along the shaft to a special mechanism "reducer" with an eccentric, which interacts with the rod, forming reciprocating movements. In the mount, installed at the end of the rod, a saw is fixed, making a cut. To minimize the load on the stem with the gear, the rear edge of the saw blade rests against the support roller. Thus, all the components of the device are involved in order to perform the main task of sawing all kinds of materials.

Electric bolts drawings

A detailed study of any device is much easier when available detailed diagram with a description of each item. Thanks to the exact names of parts with dimensions, a general understanding of the principle of operation of the mechanism becomes clearer. Below we have placed several detailed illustrations, since it is much easier to assemble an electric jigsaw with your own hands with detailed drawings than to rely only on your own idea of ​​the design features.

We hope that the presented diagrams will fully clarify your understanding of the structure of such a mechanism and provide useful food for thought in assembling your own jigsaw.

Making a jigsaw with your own hands

For a craftsman who understands the principle of operation of any mechanism, it will not be difficult to reproduce it, especially if there is detailed instructions... The bicycle has already been invented, and to make it yourself, it is enough to have a set of necessary parts and tools available. The guide below will show you in detail how to make a jigsaw with a complete listing of the elements and tools required for the job. The created product is not a stationary device, but a mobile file with an electric drive. There is not so much power in the device, but it is enough for cutting wood, up to 5 mm thick.

Required materials:

  • Wooden block - 150x75x25 and 75x25x25 (width, height, thickness in mm)
  • Metal plates - long and rectangular (as pictured)
  • Jigsaw saw with U-shaped shank
  • Electric motor RS-540 12V (any similar is possible)
  • Electrical circuit close button
  • Nozzle gas stove
  • Bicycle spoke
  • Plastic circle with a diameter of 260 mm
  • Plywood - 120x50x5
  • A set of screws, bolts and nuts
By instrument:
  • Hacksaw for metal
  • Triangular file
  • Pliers (2 pcs)
  • Screwdriver or drill with a set of drills
  • Metal scissors
  • Pencil
When collecting materials, it is important to understand that the above components do not claim to be absolutely accurate and can be replaced with similar ones. When making a homemade jigsaw for cutting, you should be guided by the presented guide, but do not forget about ingenuity and improvisation. If the specified element cannot be found, you can always replace it with something.

Assembling the jigsaw will begin by sawing out the handle from the larger block. To do this, it is enough to cut, giving a rectangular board G-about different shape as in the photo. The dimensions of the cut part are set "by eye", based on the preferences and sizes of the operator's brush.

One of the most important parts of the device, which serves as a movable rod and a saw blade retainer, requires increased reliability. This element is made from a long metal strip, 1 mm thick. At the end, outline the contour of the saw shank, after which a triangular file is cut to create a pressure plate. Part of the metal strip is bent with pliers along the contour of the shank, after which a file is installed in an improvised mount and a through hole is drilled for additional fixation with a bolt.

The saw blade, which is attached to the stem, must be attached to the device using a guide. This part is made from metal plates rectangular... Using the pliers, we bend the center of the plate into a flat groove for the stem with lateral fixing lugs. To prevent erasure of wood and facilitate the movement of the saw, we apply a similar piece of metal to the front side of the prepared handle and twist it together with the groove. As a result, the following construction should be obtained.

At the end of the rod, carefully bend the metal, until we get a kind of loop, into which the end of the lever of the crank mechanism will be inserted.

We fasten the previously sawn-off wooden rectangle to the upper part. It will serve as a support for the motor, creating additional space for mounting the crank elements.

The transformation of engine rotations into reciprocating movements will take place using an elementary mechanism made of a round plate, a gas injector and a weight of a bicycle spoke. In the center of the circle, we drill a hole with a diameter equal to the threaded part of the nozzle (so that it fits as tightly as possible). Next, we install the nozzle in place and fix it with epoxy resin... We put the dried structure on the shaft of the electric motor. If the nozzle hole is too narrow, you can widen it with a drill of the required diameter. Between the center and the edge of the circle, drill another small hole with the diameter of the bicycle spoke.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find a modernized gas stove nozzle with a side screw used in the instructions. If only an ordinary one is available, it can be fixed on the shaft using a tin and a soldering iron, as in the photo below.

By combining the motor with the round plate, it's time to turn it into a real crank. To do this, we take a bicycle knitting needle and bite off the bent cap and the threaded part with pliers to make an even metal rod. Next, we retreat from one end 10 mm, and bend it at an angle of 90 °. We insert the bent part into the previously prepared eyelet in the rod and lift it up so that the screw for fastening the file rests against the metal plate.

The accuracy of the next step is most important, since the range of motion of the saw depends on it. It is necessary to determine the exact location for the second bend of the rod so that the crank and rod connected by it work most efficiently. To do this, we put the engine in the place of the future mount and place the extreme hole of the circle up. Next, we bring a rod to the hole, the opposite edge of which is inserted into the eyelet of the rod raised to the stop and mark the bend point. We bend it at an angle of 90 °, insert it into the hole of the circle and check the operability of the mechanism. If the crank is working properly, we fix the motor in place with a metal plate.

The next structural element will be the installation of the sole, which also serves as a support for the saw blade. You can make a similar part from ordinary plywood, 5 mm thick. In the center of one of the ends, we make a small cut (20-30 mm) and pass the file of our jigsaw into it. We fix it with a self-tapping screw with a countersunk head.

The final step will be to install the start button and connect the wires. The button can be brought out to any place convenient for you. The author considered it necessary to put it on hot melt glue in the corner of the handle. We create an elementary electrical circuit(motor-button-network and motor-network) and connect to a 12 volt power supply.

For a smoother ride, it is recommended to lubricate the stem with oil.

A more visual demonstration of this instruction, but unfortunately, without comments, can be seen in the video below.

Homemade jigsaw for polystyrene

Assembling a rather convenient and reliable device for sawing thin pieces of wood and polystyrene. This method is almost similar to the previous one, but has a more functional design. Make up detailed description How to make this electric jigsaw with your own hands is not necessary, since the design of the device is similar to the previous assembly. We will bring full list necessary materials and tools for making.
  • Plywood 200x200x5 mm
  • Wooden block - 120x50x50
  • Spatula or sheet of metal, 1 mm thick
  • Metal terminal for connecting wires
  • Metal rod (spoke)
  • Hacksaw blade
  • Electric motor (DC) 12 volts
  • A piece of thin, flexible plastic
  • Fixing metal corner
  • A piece of PVC pipe as a handle
  • Contact closure button
  • 12 volt power supply with DC plug
  • DC power jack
  • Self-tapping screws, bolts and nuts
The above list of materials is only a subjective choice of the author of the instructions and does not claim to be absolutely accurate. When you do something with your own hands, you need to improvise and come up with non-standard applications for various details. If you do not have any element in stock, perhaps another one can cope with its function.

By instrument:

  • File (file)
  • Metal scissors
  • Pliers
  • Drill or screwdriver with a set of drills
  • Core drill for wood with a diameter of 44 mm
  • Soldering iron
  • Thermal gun
To more clearly understand the assembly process of all of the above elements, watch the detailed video “how to make a jigsaw with your own hands”. Most of the questions related to the design of the device will disappear by themselves.

Also, there is one more manufacturing option homemade jigsaw... Principle of operation of this product, similar to the two previous ones, there are some nuances in the design. We hope that the following video will be useful and give you fresh ideas to create your instrument.

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If you are carving and making figures or parts out of wood, plastic or similar material, you cannot do without a tool whose name recalls the distant Soviet past: a jigsaw.

Jigsaw jigsaw strife, now on sale there are also "pioneer" elementary hand models, and modern electric tools that only vaguely resemble the usual files.

You can make a jigsaw yourself: in the technical literature and the network, many diagrams and drawings of electric jigsaw machines are offered.

It is not difficult to make such a device, and you will get significant benefits from it. You will be able to independently manufacture the furniture you need and realize the most daring creative ideas for the interior.

An example of making a jigsaw machine.

Homemade jigsaw will help you professionally make even details of the most bizarre shapes. First, you need to decide on the most suitable design for you.

Technical description and components

The schematic diagram of any jigsaw is the same for different models.

It must include the following parts:

  • file;
  • drive with a power of about 150 W;
  • a rocker for tensioning the file;
  • working surface with graduation;
  • drilling unit, etc.

Consumables are fixed on the working surface. In advanced models, there are special devices for rotary movements of the part, in which the working surface can change the angle of inclination.

Surface dimensions will depend on your production and creative plans: how large sizes the parts you are going to cut, the larger your production table should be. Traditional sizes are usually around 30 - 40 cm.

The types of files are very diverse. They depend primarily on consumable... Sizes of parts for sawing also matter. Conventional saws for working with wood have a length of about 35 - 40 cm. They are able to cut parts made of wood or plastic with a thickness of no more than 100 mm.

FROM different types materials change and files, mainly it concerns their width: from 2 to 10 mm. Saws can differ in the type of their tails - with or without pins. They are fixed in special device for their tension and smooth cutting... For this, they have spring-type springs.

One more the most important detail machine tool: crank assembly. Its function can hardly be overestimated: it is he who transfers the movement from the drive to the file, turning rotary motion into translational.

Jigsaw assembly drawing.

Due to this, the file begins to oscillate at a high frequency, the speed of such oscillations is on average about 800 - 1000 rpm. It is important to remember about the amplitude of vertical vibrations, it should not exceed 50 mm.

In advanced modern jigsaw models, the speed varies depending on the type of consumable. Most of desktop models operate in two speed modes. Most often these are 600 and 1000 rpm.

Range of jigsaw machines

Most often, machines differ in their electric drive power, the range of values ​​is huge: from 90 to 500 watts.

Also, these devices are subdivided into varieties based on their fundamental design:

  • universal;
  • on a suspension;
  • graduated;
  • with a support in the lower position;
  • with a double support.

Jigsaws with lower support

Diagram of machine tool construction elements.

The most used and popular models are machines with a lower slide. Their feature is the division of the working bed into upper and lower parts.

If in upper section there is only one device for sawing and cleaning, then in the lower section there are many working elements: an electric motor, a switch, a transmission unit and a control unit. This design makes it possible to cut sheets of materials of almost any size.

Double slide machines

A home-made jigsaw machine with a double support differs from the lower support by the presence in the upper section of a special additional bar and a desktop with the ability to change the angle of inclination and overall height.

These models are designed to work with oversized parts. Such a machine is easier to make than the previous model. There are limitations in the materials with which you can work on it: their thickness should not exceed 80 mm.

Suspended machines

The name speaks for itself: the model is mobile, it works without a bed. The fundamental point in this design is the movement of the cutting file, not the consumable. The module itself is fixed to the ceiling, the file is set in motion by hand.

All this gives serious advantages: in this way you can create the most complex patterns, the size of the surface is not limited by anything.

Devices with graduation

The presence of stops and a degree scale make it possible to work according to technical drawings, without the slightest error.

Universal machines

Such devices are usually called jigsaw. Their feature is the ability to perform several operations such as grinding, polishing, sawing, etc.

How to make a jigsaw with your own hands?

We will not dwell on the manufacture of the simplest machines: you can easily find such manuals with video support on the net. Let's talk about homemade jigsaw machines.

Do-it-yourself machine assembly.

Here is the sequence of works for their manufacture:

  • We make the frame from plywood sheet or plastic.
    The main thing is that the thickness is at least 12 mm. The function of the bed is a foundation, a working surface and a place for fixing mechanisms and an electric motor.
  • We place with opposite side a special rocking chair with an eccentric.
    We connect them using a metal bar with bearings. All fasteners in the structure are screw.
  • We install the intermediate shaft.
    To do this, you need to prepare two bearings, push the pulley onto the shaft as tightly as possible, then carefully fasten with screws. Similar actions are performed with an eccentric.
  • At the rocking chair, the range of motion should change.
    To do this, you need to change the location of the screw, for which we drill exactly four threaded holes on the eccentric flange. The holes should be located at different distances from the axis. With the change of the screw attachment point, the swinging amplitude of the rocking arm will change.
  • We make a rocker: this is nothing more than a wooden rocker, into whose rear ends the screws that you built in the previous paragraph are inserted, these are tension screws.
    The rocker arms themselves are hinged to the rack. We fix the file on the front ends of the rocker arms. The previous and current steps must be performed with special attention and thoroughness. The fact is that the fastening of the file is a fundamentally important thing. Rocker arms with plates are subjected to constant stress during movement due to their rigid tightening with screws.
  • You need a rack for a rocking chair.
    It will be better if it is made from a whole piece of material. We make a groove for the first rocker arm on the top of the rack. At the bottom end we place a special rectangular opening for the second rocker arm.

Your machine is ready. We wish cool ideas and their quality implementation.

A jigsaw machine is a device that provides high-precision implementation of operations related to the processing of workpieces from different materials... With the help of such a machine, you can make a smooth or curved cut of varying complexity on sheet blanks... Sawing on the inner surface does not change the outer edge of the material. On such a machine, you can work with timber, plastic, some types of metals. If you have to use a jigsaw often, the machine is perfect better fit for this purpose.

Design and operation

The main components of the entire structure of the machine are the table, the motor, the saw, the crank and tensioning mechanisms. In addition, there are additional functional elements.

The material to be processed must be on the work table. The material from which the tabletop is made is very important. Choose a cast over a stamped table. There may be additional rotary mechanisms on the working surface, with which you can change the angle of inclination of the table and cut. The dimensions of the table are determined maximum dimensions the workpiece to be processed. Most models have a saw with a length of 300 to 400 mm.

The power of the power unit affects the list of materials that can be processed on a jigsaw. If you plan to process not only wood, then you need to choose models with a power of more than 200 watts. Home master a 150 W device will suffice.

The jigsaw is the main working unit of the equipment. The saw is selected depending on the type of cut and the density of the workpiece, in addition, the width and thickness must be taken into account. Small-sized devices can cut timber up to 50 mm thick, more powerful professional machines can cope with workpieces up to 100 mm thick.

The torque generated by the motor is converted by the crank mechanism into the movement of the saw unit. Stretching device carries out tension of the file in the process of its movement along the material.

The principle of operation of this device is quite simple. The workpiece is mounted on the table, then, under the supervision of the master, the saw makes a cut.

The jigsaw for wood has a number of advantages over other simpler devices. First of all, the device guarantees a high quality cut. The machine makes it possible to carry out longitudinal, cross or angular sawing with maximum accuracy, with the formation of a smooth edge. Another advantage can be called the fact that the hands of the master remain free, therefore, the workpiece is easier to control, therefore, at a certain level of skill, the most complex bends can be obtained. It is also worth noting that the presence of protective covers minimizes the possibility of getting grass.

Jigsaw blades are most often up to 35 cm long and can cut material up to 10 cm thick. The width of the files can be very different - from the thinnest two-millimeter to the coarse ten-millimeter, with a thickness of 0.6 mm to 1.25 mm. Please note that even the thickest and widest files will easily break if the required tension of the file is not provided along the entire length. Spring and coil springs are responsible for tension.

Quite often, such a machine has air pump, cleans the cutting line from sawdust by blowing, as well as the drilling unit. The block is extremely useful, because if it is available, the master is not distracted by the connection electric drill and drilling holes - everything is done on the working plane of the machine. But such machines are also more expensive.

There are several options for creating a do-it-yourself jigsaw machine. For the most simple machine a jigsaw table can be created quite quickly. The main plus is simplicity. The device is simply mounted on a tabletop or workbench and is also easily disassembled at the end of the work. Minus is small area... The simplest machine has the following components:

  • plywood sheet
  • fixing screws
  • several clamps.

As a working base, you can take a sheet of film faced plywood, in which you need to drill holes for mounting fasteners and for the file itself. Plywood should be taken over 10 mm thick. In this case, in the sole of the jigsaw, it is also necessary to drill holes for the fastening screws. Homemade construction fastened to the workbench with clamps. It is worth noting that the heads of the screws for fastening must be immersed in the surface of the sheet so that they do not interfere with the work. Such a device can easily cope with the processing of small workpieces, the thickness of which does not exceed 30 mm. A drawing of such a machine can be found on the Internet, and assembled with your own hands in your workshop or garage.

The second version of the machine has the following components:

  • frame made of chipboard
  • vacuum cleaner tube
  • a piece of film faced plywood for the cover of the machine
  • confirmants.

This option is a little more difficult to assemble, however, and this task is quite solvable. The frame is made of chipboard. It has a back wall and two sidewalls. In order to get to the power button, it was not difficult, the front wall did not need to be installed. In the back wall, you need to drill holes for the vacuum cleaner tube and cord. It is better to cut the cover for the device from a piece of laminated plywood 10 mm thick. After that, the entire structure is fastened with confirmants. The jigsaw itself can be installed in the same way with the previous option. On a machine created in this way, you will be able to machine larger workpieces. Of the minuses, we note that when working with large workpieces, the jigsaw saw can deviate in both directions and even back. Consequently, the quality of the cut is reduced. However, this can also be dealt with. One has only to install on homemade machine bracket, which is an emphasis. In this case, the jigsaw blade will move between two 11mm bearings screwed to the L-shaped steel strip. The back of the canvas rests against the wall of the bracket itself. Such a system will prevent the web from deviating from the specified path.

The bracket must be attached to the frame, which is created from 50 x 50 mm bars. The frame is lowered or raised, it all depends on the length and thickness of the workpiece being processed. To ensure the mobility of the frame, together with the emphasis, it is not necessary to fasten it tightly to the side of the machine, but to press it against it with a hardboard, steel or textolite plate. Next you need to install upright rack frame between hardboard and bed. The machine will become even more convenient if you attach an additional limit bar to it, with which you will cut the material into blanks of the same thickness and length. This stop is attached to the machine with clamps. It can be made from a wooden bar, as well as an aluminum or steel corner.

To create a table for a jigsaw machine from chipboard, you need to have certain carpentry skills, because the process of connecting its tsars with legs must be carried out in a thorn-groove. The spike-groove itself can be replaced with a connection using dowels, wood glue and self-tapping screws. The cover must be removable to guarantee access to the tool during repairs. To create a multifunctional machine, it is worthwhile to provide a place for attaching a milling manual typewriter... The following materials will be needed for the table:

  • bar 80 by 80 mm
  • bar 40 by 80 mm
  • a piece of film faced plywood or Chipboard dimensions 900 by 900 mm.

First you need to measure the gap between the legs. The optimal distance is 60-70 cm. Bars for projectiles and side bars are obtained by longitudinal sawing of bars of 80 by 80 mm. The height of the legs is selected at the discretion of the master. Each end of the prongs and tsars should have two holes for dowels. Similar holes should be present on the sidewalls of the legs. Next, you need to spread the dowels with glue up to half and insert into the ends. After that, you can assemble the entire frame. In this case, the frame will not be disassembled.

All surfaces at the contact points must be coated with glue. However, self-tapping screws also do not hurt. They will make the structure more durable. Holes for self-tapping screws must be prepared in advance. The lid is attached to one of the drawers with hinges. A slot must be made in the cover in order to facilitate the removal and installation of the jigsaw.

In the back of the tabletop, you need to screw two strips in which a quarter is selected. It includes the sole of the jigsaw. The strips should have holes for further installation of bolts or clamping screws. As a result, you get a fairly simple and spacious table. To achieve high strength cover will help thick chipboard or plywood. Sheets should be thicker than 20 mm.

A standard jigsaw is not suitable for creating intricate patterns in plywood. For these purposes, a thin nail file is required. It can be attached to hand power tool, using an unusual device. The jigsaw, as in the previous versions, is attached to the tabletop. But the thin file must be tight easy installation a pendulum will not fit. To facilitate the tensioning of the canvas, it is worth creating a rocker from the bar. In this case, the tension of the file will be provided by a spring. The lower spring hinge should be put on the cross pin, and the upper hinge inserted into the adjusting screw that changes the damper tension.

Note that all wooden blanks for such machines must necessarily be created from hard wood. Since the jigsaw does not have the ability to attach a thin section blade, you can remake a piece of an old blade by drilling a hole in it in advance and completing it with a screw and nut, as well as a clamping plate. The rocker arm should have a vertical slot into which the second steel plate is inserted. It is attached to the rocker arm with screws.

The jigsaw is comfortable and useful tool on the farm. Electric jigsaw greatly speeds up the work and expands the possibilities of using such a tool. But real quality can be achieved only by establishing stationary device- jigsaw table.

By turning a hand tool into a small machine tool, you can create original creations from a wide variety of materials. This table allows you to make the most complex patterns and ornaments. The device will undoubtedly appeal to lovers of high-quality manual labor.

Features of the electric jigsaw

A jigsaw is a type of saw with a reciprocating movement of the cutting element (blade), in which the rotational movement of the electric motor is converted into translational movement of the saw in the form of oscillatory movements with a frequency of up to 50 cycles per second. Such a jigsaw allows making cuts inside a flat sheet in any direction, incl. with a turn in an arc with a diameter of at least 3 cm.With it, you can saw many materials: chipboard, wood (up to 70 mm thick), a metal sheet(steel - up to 3 mm, copper, aluminum - up to 20 mm), tiles, plastic, natural and artificial stone.

Sawing of the material is carried out when the file moves upwards. In addition, the file is provided with lateral vibration due to the presence of a pendulum mechanism. This improves the quality of straight lines when sawing. The tool provides for adjusting the speed of the file, which is important when cutting different materials.

So, when cutting in a tree, you can set the highest speed; when working with plastic or aluminum, use the medium speed range; for steel and tiles, the speed must be reduced to a minimum. A special mechanism allows for cutting when the file is inserted at an angle.

The saw is fixed in the jigsaw with its shank, in which a slot is made ( the best way- the shape of the cross). The shank is secured in the block with two screws. The design of the pressure pads (cartridges) for different jigsaws may be different. The files themselves have different tooth shapes for different materials.

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Features of a desktop jigsaw

Application hand jigsaw implies that the workpiece is permanently fixed, and the sawing is carried out by manually moving the jigsaw. The quality of the cut in this case depends entirely on the "hardness of the hand" and the skills of the master: line accuracy, sawing angle, etc. The table jigsaw changes the picture of the process: the electric jigsaw is fixed stationary in a vertical position from the bottom of the table, and the workpiece moves along the table surface only guided by hands.

In this case, firstly, the sawing process is physically easier; secondly, the quality of the cut increases due to the strict verticality of the saw and the accuracy of the workpiece movement when using the guides. In addition, the upward positioning of the saw blade reduces the risk of surface chipping at the edges of the cut. The saw has a stable movement due to the use of mechanisms that ensure its tension and accurate orientation. The jigsaw is securely mounted on a sufficiently massive and sturdy bed, which eliminates unwanted vibrations and tool movements.

In general table jigsaw is a stationary machine. Its design includes a table with an electric jigsaw attached to it, as well as a system for guiding and tensioning the saw and a system for fastening and guiding the workpiece. The simplicity of the design allows you to make a table with your own hands. The size of the table is selected based on the size of the workpieces and parts to be processed. For the installation of sheets of significant dimensions (for example, chipboard), additional extension systems can be provided.

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The simplest design

The simplest do-it-yourself table can be made very quickly. A plywood sheet with a thickness of at least 10 mm and a size depending on the dimensions of the workpiece being processed is used as a working surface. For small workpieces, it is enough to take a sheet of 50x50 cm in size. In the central part, stepping back about 20-25 cm from the edge of the sheet, a hole with a diameter of 20-30 mm is drilled for a jigsaw file. From the bottom of the sheet, using the hole as the center, the attachment of the jigsaw sole is marked. If there are no holes on the sole of the jigsaw, then they must be drilled on drilling machine in the amount of 4 pieces and cut the thread М8-М10. Four holes are drilled along the marks in the plywood sheet.

At the corners of the sheet, legs are attached from steel strips 3-4 mm thick and 30-40 mm wide. The height of the legs is determined by the size of the jigsaw body (up to the sole) with the addition of 2-3 cm. The legs of the legs at the bottom must be bent outward at right angles and 1-2 holes with a diameter of 6-8 mm drilled into them for fastening. The electric jigsaw is attached to the bottom of the plywood sheet so that the file comes out through the hole. Manufactured the simplest table do it yourself, which can be fixed to any surface (workbench, table, etc.) and work.

Even simpler, the design does not provide for legs, but is attached to the edge of the workbench with clamps (two on each side for strength). The jigsaw should be outside the workbench. Such a table with your own hands can easily cope with wooden blanks up to 3 cm thick.

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Slight complication of the design

You can make a slightly more complex table with your own hands. For this, a frame is made of three chipboard panels with a thickness of 12-15 mm (two sidewalls measuring 50x80 cm and a back panel measuring 70x80 cm). The structure is assembled using wooden block or furniture corners... At the bottom, it is advisable to make a reinforcing lintel of a wooden bar. The bed does not close at the front to provide access to the start button.

The top panel of a sheet of plywood with a thickness of 10-12 mm and a size of 70x100 cm is completed with a jigsaw in the same way simplest design... To eliminate the oscillation of the saw during cutting, a simple stabilization system is provided. The saw is passed between two bearings with a diameter of 10-12 mm. The bearings are mounted on a steel strip bracket, which in turn are secured to the table top. The worktop can be fitted with runners and bounding strips made of wood or aluminum profile... It is better to fasten them to the edges of the tabletop with clamps, which will make it possible to move them along the table. For precise movement at the ends of the table top, you can fix a scale from a tape measure.

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Bar table

A more complex design involves the manufacture of a table from wooden beams... In this case, the table is assembled from a bar (legs from a bar 80x80 mm, lintels from a bar 40x80 mm) with a joint according to the thorn-groove system.

To strengthen the structure, you must use wood glue, dowels and screws. The distance between the legs is 60-70 cm. The legs are reinforced with collets. At the junction of the bars and collets, holes are drilled and dowels are fixed. The table height is set by the manufacturer based on the ease of maintenance of the machine.

The table top is made of laminated plywood 18-20 mm thick, size 90x90 cm. For the convenience of changing the file, the table top is made in a lifting version. To do this, on one of the table grips, it is attached with hinges. It is more convenient to remove the file if there is a cut from the hole to the edge of the tabletop. It is recommended to make such a cut.

The attachment system of the jigsaw should be complicated to ensure its removal. The sole of the jigsaw is pressed against the tabletop by two wooden slats, on which a profile is made by cutting a quarter of the bar. This profile, like runners, includes the sole of the jigsaw. To fix it, holes are drilled in the bar and clamping screws with a thumb are installed.

The article will be primarily useful to those people who often work with wood as a hobby without earning money. The author presents a fairly budgetary project table jigsaw, which can be collected in one day, with minimal costs for materials.

To create a machine, you will need the following materials:
- Working manual jigsaw;
- Plywood;
- Self-tapping screws and bolts with nuts;
- Guides for furniture boxes;
- Two bearings;
- Retracting spring;
- A can of paint;
- Self-adhesive paper.

Materials and tools are standard, available in every workshop.

Step 1. Case.
The first step is to create a plywood case for a hand held jigsaw. Here you need to think in advance where the holes for the switch and the speed regulator will be located.
It should look something like this:

Step 2. Table top.
It is better to take a thick piece of chipboard with good coverage, since the workpieces will be rubbed on it during the operation of the machine.

A hole is drilled into the chipboard for a file. The jigsaw itself will be attached to the back of the tabletop.
An extension for attaching the boom is also made from furniture guides:

This is how it looks assembled:

And the table top is attached to the body:

Step 3. Arrow.
The boom itself will be made of two furniture rails. They are twisted together with bolts to increase rigidity.

Boom supports are made of chipboard. Before painting and installing them, the point of attachment of the boom to the support is measured. Before that, they must be installed in their place:

After that, holes must be drilled in the support for seats bearings.

Step 4. Painting.
Prepared supports are painted with a spray can.

While they are drying, the machine itself is glued with self-adhesive.

Step 5. Build.
Bearings are inserted into the supports, and they are screwed into place.

The boom axle will be made of two bolts screwed into the guides as shown in the photo. The diameter of the bolts is selected according to the diameter of the inner bearing race.

The bolts are tightened securely, after which the two halves are screwed together.

Here is a clear illustration of how the boom will be fixed in the supports:

The boom is set in place and secured with nuts.

Next, you need to install the tightening spring. It is necessary in order to return the boom to its original position after the jigsaw has pulled it down. Thus, the reciprocating motion of the file will be performed. It must be adjusted so that it is not too soft (this will complicate the machine's operation) and too hard (this can lead to overheating of the jigsaw motor).

How to fix it is shown in the photo:

Then, from a thin strip of metal (1 mm), it is necessary to make the attachment of the file to the arrow. They must rotate freely on the axis, since during operation the boom changes its angle to the jigsaw, and if they are static, this can lead to breakage of the saw.

This is how the bindings should look like:

The boom supports are additionally reinforced with a long bolt, which can be seen in the photo:

Step 6. Electronic part.
Since access to manual jigsaw limited, it is necessary to bring the controls to the outer part of the case.

To adjust the frequency of rotation of the jigsaw electric motor, the author used a phase power regulator. Here is its wiring diagram:

This is how it looks:

When installing the board, the heatsink must be screwed on to the seven-core, if this is not done, it can overheat and fail.

The jigsaw is disassembled and the power regulator is connected to electrical circuit.
It is also necessary to install the power button of the machine.

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