Apple history of creation and development. The history of the creation and development of Apple

landscaping 11.10.2019

Steven Paul Jobs is a man who is one of the universally recognized authorities of the global computer industry, who largely determined the direction of its development. Steve Jobs, as he is known all over the world, became one of the founders of Apple, Next, Pixar corporations and created one of the most odious smartphones in history - the iPhone, which has been the leader in popularity among mobile gadgets for 6 generations.

Founder of Apple

The future star of the computer world was born in the small town of Mountain View on February 24, 1955.

Fate sometimes throws out very funny things. Coincidence or not, but in a few years this city will become the heart of Silicon Valley. The biological parents of the newborn, an emigrant from Syria, Steve Abdulfattah, and an American graduate student, Joan Carol Schible, were not officially married and decided to give the boy up for adoption, setting future parents only one condition - to give the child a higher education. So Steve got into the family of Paul and Clara Jobs, nee Hakobyan.

Passion for electronics captured Steve back in school years. It was then that he met Steve Wozniak, who was also a little "obsessed" with the world of technology.

This meeting became a kind of fateful one, because it was after it that Steve began to think about own business in the field of computer technology. Friends implemented their first project when Jobs was only 13 years old. It was a $150 BlueBox device that allows you to make long distance calls absolutely free. Wozniak was responsible for the technical side, and Jobs was in charge of sales finished products. This distribution of duties will continue for many years, only without the risk of thundering into the police for illegal actions.

Jobs graduated high school in 1972 and enrolled at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Studying bored him very quickly, and he dropped out of college immediately after the first semester, but left the walls completely educational institution didn't hurry.

For another year and a half, Steve wandered around the rooms of friends, slept on the floor, handed over bottles of Coca-Cola and had free lunch once a week at the Hare Krishna temple, which was located nearby.

Still, fate decided to turn its face to Jobs and pushed him to enroll in calligraphy courses, attending which made him think about how to equip the Mac OS system with scalable fonts.

A little later, Steve got a job at Atari, where his duties included developing computer games.

Four years later, Wozniak will create his first computer, and Jobs, according to old habit, will be engaged in its sales.


The creative union of talented computer scientists very soon grew into a business strategy. April 1, 1976, the well-known April Fool's Day, they founded Apple, whose office is located in the garage of Jobs' parents. The history of choosing the name of the company is interesting. It seems to many that there is some very deep meaning behind it. But, unfortunately, such people will be bitterly disappointed.

Jobs suggested the name Apple because it would appear right before Atari in the telephone directory.

Officially Apple company was registered in early 1977.

The technical side of the work, as before, remained with Wozniak, Jobs was responsible for marketing. Although, in fairness, it must be said that it was Jobs who convinced his partner to refine the microcomputer circuit, which later served as the beginning of the creation of a new market for personal computers.

The first model of the computer received a quite logical name - Apple I, the sales of which in the first year amounted to 200 units at $666.66 each (witty, isn't it?).

Quite a good result, but the Apple II, released in 1977, was a real breakthrough.

The stunning success of two models of Apple computers attracted serious investors to the young company, which helped it to take a leading position in the computer market, and made its founders real millionaires. Interesting fact: Microsoft was formed six months later, and it was she who developed software for Apple. This was the first, but not the last, meeting between Jobs and Gates.


After some time, Apple and Xerox entered into a contract between themselves, which largely determined the future of computer technology. The developments of Xerox even then could be called revolutionary, but to find them practical application company management could not. The alliance with Apple helped solve this problem. It resulted in the launch of the Macintosh project, under which a line of personal computers was developed. Everyone technological process, from design to sale to the end consumer, was handled by Apple Inc. This project can be safely called the period of the birth of the modern computer interface with its windows and virtual buttons.

The first Macintosh computer, or simply Mac, was released on January 24, 1984. In fact, it was the first personal computer, the main working tool of which was the mouse, which makes machine control extremely simple and convenient.

Before that, only "initiates" who knew the intricate "machine" language could cope with this task.

The Macintosh simply did not have competitors that could even remotely come close in terms of their technological potential and sales volume. For Apple, the release of these computers was a huge success, as a result of which it completely stopped the development and production of the Apple II family.

Jobs leaving

In the early 80s, Apple became a huge corporation, releasing successful new products to the market over and over again. But it was at this time that Jobs began to lose his position in the company's management. Not everyone liked his authoritarian management style, or rather, no one liked it.

An open conflict with the board of directors led to the fact that in 1985, when Jobs was only 30 years old, he was simply fired.

Having lost his high post, Jobs did not give up, but, on the contrary, plunged headlong into the development of new projects. The first of these was the company NeXT, which was engaged in the production of complex computers for higher education and business structures. The low capacity of this market segment did not allow for significant sales. So this project cannot be called super successful.

With the graphics studio The Graphics Group (later renamed Pixar), which Jobs bought from LucasFilm for just $5 million (when it real value was estimated at 10 million) everything was quite different.

During Jobs' tenure, the company produced several feature-length animated films that were a huge hit at the box office. Among them are Monsters, Inc. and Toy Story. In 2006, Jobs sold Pixar to Walt Disney for $7.5 million and a 7% stake in the Walt Disney Company, while Disney's heirs own only 1%.

Return to Apple

In 1997, 12 years after his exile, Steve Jobs returned to Apple as an interim director. Three years later he became a full manager. Jobs was able to take the company to the next level by closing several unprofitable lines and completing the development of the new iMac computer with great success.

In the coming years, Apple will become a true trendsetter in the high-tech market.

Her developments have consistently become bestsellers: the iPhone phone, the iPod player, the iPad tablet. As a result, the company reached the third place in terms of capitalization in the world, surpassing even Microsoft.

Steve Jobs Speech to Stanford Graduates


In October 2003, during a medical examination, doctors diagnosed Jobs with a disappointing diagnosis - pancreatic cancer.

The disease, which in the vast majority of cases is fatal, the head of Apple developed in a very rare form that can be treated through surgery. But Jobs had his own personal convictions against meddling in human body, so at first he refused the operation.

The treatment lasted 9 months, during which none of Apple's investors even suspected that the founder of the company had a fatal illness. But it did not give any positive results. Therefore, Jobs nevertheless decided on a surgical intervention, having previously publicly announced his state of health. The operation took place on July 31, 2004 in medical center at the Stanford Institute, and was very successful.

But the health problems of Steve Jobs did not end there. In December 2008, he was diagnosed with a hormonal imbalance. In the summer of 2009, he underwent a liver transplant, according to representatives of the Methodist Hospital at the University of Tennessee.

Steve Jobs quotes

Designs, manufactures and markets mobile communication and storage devices, personal computers and portable digital music players, and markets a variety of related products. software, services, peripherals, network solutions, and third-party digital content and applications. The company belongs to technology sector

The Company's products and services include iPhone®, iPad®, Mac®, iPod®, Apple TV®, a suite of consumer and professional applications, iOS, OS X® operating systems, iCloud® service, and various ancillary items, service and technical offerings. In September 2014, the Company announced the launch of the Apple Watch™, expected to launch in early 2015, and the launch of Apple Pay™, which became available in the United States in October 2014. The company also sells and distributes digital content and applications through the iTunes Store®, App Store™, iBooks Store™ and Mac App Store.

Computer science, cybernetics and programming

Apple Inc is an American corporation, a manufacturer of personal and tablet computers, audio players, phones, and software. One of the pioneers in the field of personal computers and modern multitasking operating systems with a graphical interface.

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Apple is one of the largest and most famous corporations that produces personal and tablet computers, software, phones and players.

Apple is deservedly recognized as the most valuable brand on Earth. In 2011, this brand became the leader in the ranking of the international research center Millward Brown. And the iphone 6s plus model showed some of the best results in several test results.

Use of innovative technologies and exclusive design created the company's unique reputation among electronics consumers. Apple products are recognized worldwide as a cult.

Foundation of the company

Its creators in 1976 in California were Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. As students, they built their first PC, which was based on the MOS Technology 6502 processor. They were able to sell several dozen such computers, after which they were able to receive decent funding and on April 1, 1976 officially registered a company called Apple Computer, Inc.

The first mass-produced product released by the company was the Apple I, which appeared in 1976. This model did not become the first personal computer in the world, but with the release of the Apple II, Jobs and Wozniak were able to achieve a long-awaited breakthrough in the high-tech market.

It was the Apple II that became the first PC in history to sell a million copies. From 1977 to 1993, the company continued to produce various models from this line. It was after the advent of this model that the manufacture of computers became an industry.

Black line

The 80s became less successful for the company. The Apple III failed. Because of the losses, Jobs had to lay off 40 employees. Things got more complicated when Wozniak was in a plane crash and went out of business.

Breakthrough - Macintosh

Another breakthrough came in 1984, when the 32-bit Macintosh computer entered the market. Subsequently, it will become the main product of the company.

The "golden years" of the company should be called the 21st century. In 2001, Apple introduced the audio player iPod In 2007, the first touchscreen smartphone was released. iPhone. Tablet PC introduced in 2010 iPad.

Apple Inc. ("apple") is a corporation with a special reputation. Thanks to innovative technologies, exceptional quality and aesthetic design of its products, this company has become a real cult among electronics consumers. Tablet and personal computers, phones, audio players, software Apple- everything enjoys constant popularity in all corners of the planet. How was this legendary corporation created? Who was the ideological inspirer of its appearance? What was the original name of Apple? You will learn about all this from this article.

First corporate name

Apple's Apple logo has become one of the most recognizable in the world. There are many rumors and legends around its name. Among the most common versions, there are some really interesting ones. There is no disagreement about how Apple was originally called. The officially registered first name of the company is Apple Computer. It existed under this name for 30 years until it was renamed simply Apple. This step was quite logical, by that time the corporation produced not only computers. But why did the company get the "apple" name? This is discussed ahead.

Why Apple?

According to one version, Steve Jobs decided to stop at the “apple” name because it automatically appeared on the first lines of telephone directories, immediately before the name of Atari, a computer game manufacturer. In addition, the apple symbolized the environmental friendliness of the company's products. Apple was one of the first to recycle old computer components. All this is true, but if you look at the first logo of the corporation, then other answers will arise to questions about how Apple was originally called, why it was named that way. The symbol of the corporation was a man sitting under a tree, over whose head an apple hung menacingly. The plot is reminiscent of the story of Isaac Newton, right? This means that the name of the company also hinted at the extraordinary ingenuity inherent in its creators. In addition, the company name contains biblical motifs. A bitten apple symbolizes temptation. Apple's popular Macintosh product line was also named after the variety of apples favored by its creator, Jeff Raskin.

How it all began

The history of the creation of Apple is covered in rumors and legends. It all started back in 1970, when two comrades, Steve Jobs, created a personal computer based on the MOS Technology 6502 microprocessor. He was essentially motherboard and looked very unrepresentative. However, enterprising friends, one of whom (Wozniak) was a gifted electronics engineer, and the second (Jobs) had an outstanding commercial streak, managed to sell several dozen of their products. On the proceeds in 1976, on April 1, a new company for the production of personal computers was officially registered. We already know how Apple was originally called.

Computer for every home

In 1976, the first Apple 1 microcomputer was released. Apple's original products were not revolutionary at all. In parallel with it, personal computers were produced by Tandy Radio Shack and Commodore. However, it was the creators of Apple who managed to make their products so bright and desirable for people that they were happy to buy. Steve Jobs introduced into the mind of the consumer the idea that a personal computer is a thing necessary in every home. He ensured that the computer became interesting not only to professional electronics engineers, but also to ordinary people. Apple has managed to make its brand legendary. Second-generation computers produced by this company became the best-selling globe. At the turn of the 1970s and 1980s, more than five million Apple-branded electronic machines were sold.

Sales problems

In 1980, the office where Apple was located was in disarray and vacillation. Steve Jobs had to lay off forty employees of the company, as the release of third-generation computers was extremely unsuccessful. True, at the same time, the company made the largest initial public offering in the history of the stock exchange. But this did not help the situation. The press predicted the imminent disappearance of Apple. In 1983, Scully John, a talented top manager who had previously held a similar position at PepsiCo, was invited to the post of president of the company. Friction immediately began between the main ideological inspirer of the corporation, Steve Jobs, and the new leader.

Company development in the 1980s

In 1984, the original Apple products were supplemented with a line of new 32-bit products The production and sale of such equipment determined the main activity of the company for two decades. It produced computers based on Motorola processors with installed on them operating system Apple, compatible only with branded products of the corporation. In addition, the company has traditionally had strong positions in educational and government organizations, design and publishing. A little later, Apple won a leading position in the music industry. The company was the first to equip its equipment with a computer mouse and a graphical user interface. In 1985, Reagan awarded Wozniak and Jobs with medals for the development of technological progress.

Steve Jobs

In 1985, another fateful event in the history of the corporation happened. - Steve Jobs - was forced to leave it due to disagreements with management. This man was distinguished by frenzied enthusiasm, intolerable character, wild unscrupulousness and incredible charm. He knew how to inspire the most insane enterprises. Only Jobs could convince the board of directors to give $750,000 to a newfangled director (Ridley Scott) for making a commercial for the Apple III computers and pay even more for one minute of super-expensive airtime during the broadcast of the American football Super Bowl. The original Apple products at that time were an order of magnitude worse than those of competitors. But they bought it! It took several months for the consumer to understand that a very mediocre computer with a black-and-white interface and only fifty programs was hidden behind a bright advertising wrapper. And the story of how crazy Jobs leaked into the Xerox PARC secret research center and took out several revolutionary ideas from there (computer mouse, text editor etc.), is still the largest theft in the history of the computer industry. However, the methods used by the legendary co-founder of Apple were too original. So when sales of Apple III computers plummeted, Steve Jobs was asked to leave the company.

Company development in the 1990s

Under the strategically correct and technically sound leadership, Apple Corporation lasted for many years. The development of the company, however, slowed down every year. And by the end of the 1990s, things got really bad for her. Within two years (from 1995 to 1997), sales losses rose to $1.86 billion. Apple was worried better days. Her mastermind, madcap and adventurer Steve Jobs was invited to return. He took another giant step in the development of the company. He began to look for new markets, not related to the production of computer equipment, and in this area surpassed himself.

Multimedia revolution in the 2000s

The chronicle of events at this time looks something like this:

  • 2001 - iPod audio player - Apple introduced a portable media player to consumers. It struck the imagination of people with its minimal size and impressive capabilities.
  • 2003 - iTunes Store - the company opened an online multimedia store where, for a minimal fee, you can download media content in AAC format that can be played on Apple devices.
  • 2007 - iPhone - the company entered the market with its own mobile phone. This touchscreen smartphone was swept off the shelves for any money. It is still very popular today.

Our days

In the 2010s, the authority of Apple in the field of multimedia technology has become recognized and undeniable. In order to finally establish itself in this field, the corporation released in 2010 a tablet computer, the famous iPad. This product has broken all records in terms of sales. Over 1 million tablets were sold in 28 days. For comparison: the first iPhones were bought almost three times slower. They passed the one million mark in 72 days. Steve Jobs claimed that 300,000 iPads were sold on the first day, 250,000 were downloaded e-books and approximately 1 million applications. In the wake of unprecedented demand for Apple products, its financial situation has improved dramatically. In 2011, it was recognized as the most valuable corporation in the world by market capitalization, overtaking the well-known oil company ExxonMobil. In 2012, Apple's share price growth peaked at $705.07. However, by 2013, the company's market capitalization had fallen by 37.6% and now constantly competes for the title of the most valuable company in the world with ExxonMobil.

The company constantly surprises the consumer with innovative products. In 2013, Apple released a 64-bit dual-core ARM microprocessor. In 2014, a new personal device appeared on the market - Watch.

Apple headquarters

Cupertino - the city where Apple is located, is located in the corporate headquarters is sometimes also called the "campus" due to large sizes and superficial resemblance to American college campuses. It occupies about sixty buildings. The six largest of them, on Infinite Loop Street, are the main offices. They are the face of Apple. Everything here calls for "thinking differently": bright offices filled with cutting-edge technology, laboratories in which wireless communications are tested, billboards and stands in huge lobbies flooded with light. There are also GYM's, a cafe and a store selling branded products that are instantly bought up by clouds of tourists. The place where Apple is located will soon be replenished with a second campus, designed for 13 thousand people. He will look like spaceship silver light. Inside it is planned to break the park. This amazing project was developed with the direct participation of Steve Jobs.

Who is the CEO of Apple?

In August 2011, Steve Jobs had to step down as president of Apple for health reasons. This position was taken by the current CEO of the company - Tim Cook. After the departure of the main ideological inspirer, the value of Apple shares fell by 7%. Steve Jobs died after a long illness on October 5, 2011. His death was a resonant event that shook the whole world. Since then, the company's business has been moving with varying degrees of success. In 2013, for example, there was a message that due to the fact that the market value of Apple fell by almost half (from 702 to 390 billion dollars), Tim Cook could leave his post. However, the company still manages to maintain a leading position in the mobile industry, and the demand for "apple" products remains consistently high. Now you know where Apple is located, and not only.

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