How to be a soul company at work. How to learn to be a soul of any company

The buildings 23.09.2019
The buildings

It happens, we really want to somehow stand out in the company of our friends and girlfriends, I want to become at least a little brighter and more interesting to pay more attention to us than on others. It is very pleasant to feel that your appearance is happy, and communication with you gives friends a pleasure. Is it possible to learn this, or is it not available to everyone? And if you can still learn how to become a soul company, what features need to be developed in yourself for this?

At the very beginning, we noted that it is necessary to be in the spotlight - it is necessary to be brighter and more interesting. We all appreciate the meeting with interesting people, and most of us hoped that others also consider fascinating communication with us. In any case, it makes sense to work on myself to become a truly interesting person. And we will try to help you.

Who can be called an interesting person?

What makes someone more interesting than other people? Answer this question is not always easy. There are many subjective points of view that it is difficult to apply to everyone and everyone, especially when it comes to the qualities of the person. But there is I. common featuresmarked in people such a warehouse:

  • Ability to risk. We all have to solve some problems. But no one pays special attention per person who always prefers a safe, easy way. A person who is capable of extraordinary solutions and actions always risks something; But he gets some new memorable experience, which adds a new face in his personality.

Our life is full of examples of people who play with fate only in safe games. They live measled life without claiming something better. Of course, these are not at all the people about which we usually hear or speak. Those who are talking about, usually do something that no one has done to them, or achieve something, despite all the difficulties. Making something extraordinary, we always face risk element. We start our business, write the first book or make other similar things - we risk. Dedicate yourself to some hobby - tourism, mountain Ski, Parkura or collecting Teddy bears, - here also has its own risk. Yes, just try to buy and wear a supermodic dress - don't you risk running on mockery not understanding fashion trend surrounding? One thing is clear: interesting people are not the same type of people who are all their free time Quietly sit at home, spending every night in front of a TV or computer monitor. The latter is clearly not understood, how to become a soul of the company. They and companies are most likely there is no!

  • Curiosity. By the way, it is one of the catalysts for risk. If you are interested in knowing how bulls are passing in Spain, then you have much more chances to go there. Curiosity makes us know the world and look for your place in it. It makes us leaving the position of the passive observer to become more active. In addition, curiosity is key moment for the development of imagination, because some of best ideas Come when we just give the will of your fantasy.
  • Own opinion on various issues. Actually, each person is able to express an opinion on a particular occasion. But a bright, extraordinary person is characterized by the fact that his point of view on many things is often a unique inherent in him. If you just repeat what others say, then you will not say anything new and interesting. The same applies to those people who are afraid to express their opinions. Each person has the right to his own judgment, and it is quite natural that the worldview of different people can vary significantly. But if you hold your views with yourself, fearing that they will not be popular or lead to conflict, it will make you boring and predictable.
  • The ability to designate your presence. For this you need your self-confidence, an expressive body language, the ability to interact in society. Is not required condition In order to become an interesting person, but it helps it very much. Imagine, for example, that you are looking in the live speech of the rock band. If the musicians go on stage and simply play and sing, without showing any emotions and practically not moving, then you will be bored at this concert, even if the songs they sing not bad. And when are you interested? When the artists cry and laugh on stage, move and dance, and around them are dynamically flashed, color lights are blurred and twisted.

The ability to stay in the company and interact with its participants can highlight you among others. There are people who know how to tell even about everyday life, everyday things so brightly that everyone will listen to them with great interest. And even the most funny joke Tell me that he will seem boring. That particularly this difference in the ability to file ourselves and does not allow to understand the last thing they do not have enough to cause interest among friends.

Well, in general, we figured out that it distinguishes interesting people from people ordinary, unremarkable people. And what can be done to work out the same qualities? And then, the boy's boyfriend of the company and the girl's soul company is probably not the same thing? How to become a girlfriend a company? For wonderful young ladies, we have prepared the following tips:

  1. Try not to lose the charm of femininity in any situation. Be friendly and friendly, more often smile. Sincere, warm smile will lay down to you and friends, and girlfriends.
  2. Try to follow the fashion. At all, it is not necessary to spend big money to buy all new and new things, but to be aware of the main trends still stands. Strive to develop the taste and feeling of style. Beautifully, skillfully selected clothes will emphasize your individuality and help you arouse interest. And, of course, do not forget about the care of hair, skin, body. Fashionable and dearly dressed, but an untidy girl is able to push away from himself!
  3. Do not be monotonous. If you today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow they are ready to speak only about the same thing, then after a few days everything will be stolen from you. Expand the range of your interests, and at the same time your horizons. Remember: the more interesting events you do not miss, the more interesting people you will meet there.
  4. Be fun and childish playful. Do not try to seem more adult than you really are! Fun and the kiddenness are very contagious, and you will give others the opportunity to liberate. It is remembered, and you will always meet with joy.
  5. Watch people. Make a list called "Ten most interesting people I know." And write down at least three traits of each of them, which, in your opinion, make these people interesting for others. Remove the key ideas from this list that would accounterate to the characteristic of the perfectly charming person. This characteristic will and will be a guide to action!

Similarly, make a list "Ten most unpleasant peoplewith whom I know. " And in the same way, make a list of those character traits that you would like to prevent yourself. This is very useful list, do not forget sometimes look into it.

AND last Council - Chat as much as possible with interesting people, and then you can become a soul of any company!

In any environment there are people who are leaders. They want to be friends and communicate. They become their everywhere and quickly establish contacts with people.

Surely every person has such a friend who is instantly poured into the team. It seems that you are about to led him to our company, and he already fun tells jokes and sings under the karaoke. Why some can not tie a conversation with strangers, and others with ease come to contact? From where in simple person so much knowledge is taken on the topic "How to become a leader in the team?". What exactly sole of company attracts to himself? If you specify such questions, read this article. Here are collected the best advice For those who want to be the center of attention. Read, analyze and adjust yourself.

Meet for dressing

If you want to like people, watch your external species, After all, as you know, a person is met for clothes. To create a pleasant impression about yourself, you should look neat: wearing clean tailored things, have a neat hairstyle and please smell. With a well-kept person, it is more pleasant to be in society, so be aete in life.

People do not bite!

Before learning to the sediousness of communication, you must answer the question: Do you have an inner fear of people? In order for you to make it easier to understand this, imagine the situation: you have to speak at a meeting or go to an unfamiliar company, do you feel the inner trembling? If so, learn to control your speech, facial expressions and gestures.

Remember that discrepancy is an important aspect of any communication. Man, indifferent to the jacket buttons, is unlikely to look confident. All you need is to overcome the excitement. Getting acquainted with new people, remember that they are no better than you. They have their advantages and disadvantages, fears and ambitions. You are thinking about how to become a soul companyand therefore your task behave freely with different people.

Do not skimp on words!

How to be a soul company? In fact, it is not so difficult. It is enough to be a sociable person and with ease to make new contacts. The team leader warmly welcomes new people, throws them the topic to conversation, thereby washing the face of alienation. Main characteristic The company's souls - the ability to rally people. If you want to be in the appreciation - be prepared to make contact not only with comrades, but also with strangers.

So, the first rule! In order to become a soul of the company - boldly convert with friends and colleagues, familiar and strangers. If you help join the team of a newcomer, he will be grateful to you. Remember that your task is to make it so that every person of the company is as comfortable as possible, so leave someone aside is a bad idea.

If you feel the inner barrier, communicating with strangers, start practicing in stores, buses, queues, and so on - to talk to any topics and with time the fear of such situations will come to "no".

The soul of the company will always find time to chat with friends. Organize meetings with comrades, call them not only on holidays, but also on ordinary days. Go to visit and invite guests to yourself. The team leader is often the initiator of communication, but never becomes obsessive, because his task is to stir up people, and not to tire.

Rules of communication

The ability to communicate is not only to eloquently express his thoughts, but also to listen to the interlocutor. As practice shows, this task is not easy for everyone. Get rid of the habit of interrupting - this is an indicator of non-competitance. Show interest in the story of the opponent. During the conversation, ask clarifying questions, let the interlocutor understand what you listen to it.

Make compliments!

Do not be afraid to praise people: pay attention to their appearance, emphasize the advantages.

Have a sense of measure, because if you overdo it in compliments, a person can decide that you flatter him.

If you can do so that even the company drew attention to the "gray mouse", you will definitely be considered the leader.

How to learn to be a soul company? - Correct yourself!

In order to become a team leader, you must be self-improvement. In addition to the appearance, you need to establish our own souls. Think what qualities of your character repel the people, and try to get rid of them. Become better, and you will want to be equal!

Sadness to side!

If you are in the team, you should not be downloaded by your problems, release them for a while. The oppressed person not only does not give rise to the desire to talk, but also repels at all. Be in the positive location of the Spirit and people will begin to stretch!

How to be the center of attention?

Each person has its own talents, just many did not reveal them. Show what you can, feel free to draw attention. Sveay well? Invite friends in karaoke. Do you know how to dance? - Go to the disco. Read poems, strike around them with your pictures - let people appreciate you.

Share your smotes ...

If you are in the company, you understand that comrades are bored, cheer them. You apply for the title of "Soul of the Company", so you should not wait until everyone themselves dispel. Use such moments as the ability to express: Tell interesting stories And relevant jokes.

How to become a leader in the company?

If you want to become a leader, then make people listened to you. Keep your clear position, but do not impose it around it - it repels. Your task is to be the center of attention, if you take a habit to adapt to someone else's opinion, you risk becoming someone's shadow.


One of the main characteristics of the soul of the company is the ability to speak various themes. Such people are interested in many people, gladly learn something new and share it with others. They do not say "I am not interested in me, let's change the topic," and opposite the interlocutor falling asleep with questions and by the end of the dialogue have a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe conversation.

Be open everything new: Integet to various music, literature and cooking. Expand your everyday preferences and become a versatile person!

In any friendly company, there are people with whom you communicate very little, and indeed, even no idea what to talk about. You do not know at all what they are "breathing," live and enjoy. How to behave in such a situation? In order to find out, we decided to devote this publication such a topic called: "How to become a soul of any company? "

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Photo Gallery: how to become a soul of any company

So, before finding out how to become a soul of any company, you need to exclude all the extremes and frameworks from your life. Stop in your company to be strongly self-confident, boastful and neglect to treat people. In other words, give and pop up your inner "I". In order to become an important person among friends, it is not necessary to give everyone to understand that you are the most extraordinary person, a special interlocutor, and communication with you is equal to "on the weight of gold." You need to completely change your style of communication. If you, from the very first day of appearance in the company, trying for everyone and everyone separately, become best friend, the adviser or so-called "lifeguard from any turmoil." Remember, such a behavior in any situation will cause distrust by your friends and will even begin to be able to annoy them. The best way out of this situation will be if you accept full neutrality. This will become your main goat on the way to gaining honorary status, which will help you "become soul" in this company. The main thing, always be observant and, as often as possible, look after your friends, studying them. This will undoubtedly help you understand what they live, their hobbies and tastes. Thanks to which you can become much closer to them.

Of course, in order to become significant for your company by a person, you need to be very high quality and can be able to present yourself. But remember that you don't need to hit everyone with your knowledge and stories of "about yourself. The best way Confess respect - it is to show what you really are not in words, but on business. And most importantly, in order to become a soul of the company, you should always have an excellent sense of humor. Namely, be able to joke on time and successfully. Remember that such people are always very valued and to them, as a rule, the whole majority stretches. The boring and boring people do not like. Not at all perceive, as I would like.

The first rule, on the way to the development of one of the first places among friends, is your skill never to let and always be honest person. In order not to happen, remember that you have certain responsibilities in front of your friends. And even in the case of force majeure circumstances, you need to behave adequately and judiciously. For example, going with the company to rest, you all distributed our duties between each other (who needs to be taken or done). You got the most basic - buy bread or something else, without which your vacation in nature simply cannot be perfect. And it is on this day that valid reasonYou can't go with friends. In such a situation, you should not talk about it at the very last moment or, even worse, to hump. Let me know as early as possible that you can not fulfill the task, thereby showing that you are a responsible, honest and caring person. By the way, as life experience shows, if you, at least once we will bring our company or somehow you guide friends, there is a very high probability that all subsequent "negative nuances" will be attributed to your address. There is already thinking about becoming a soul of the company, there is no point.

Another important indicator, which will help you achieve respect, is your refusal to public condemnation addressed to your friends. It is not necessary to constantly point to friends on their mistakes and disadvantages. In such a situation, firstly, it is very difficult to relate to a person who has already tortured everyone who has already tortured and the efforts to constantly emphasize on the fact that everything happens on the wrong scheme. And secondly, most importantly, your friends are hardly unlikely, after all your comments, they will miss themselves any of your mistake in actions or words.

Thieme itself to identify and recognize your personal mistakes. Of course, in this case, it is not at all necessary absolutely always and in all blame only one alone. And after everyone unsuccessfully made by you step, ask for forgiveness from friends for her imperfection. Remember that a person who knows how to calmly and correctly recognize his mistake and, with all this successfully and to analyze it, revealing the main reasons, always creates a positive impression of himself.

Also in order to become a soul of the company, you need not to be afraid and adequately perceive criticism in your address. First of all, learn to distinguish decent comments from evil paddes. Tips of friends who wish you only good, you should always listen carefully and take up. These comments and tips may be very useful in the future. But evil chefs from people who are negatively perceived, should not deserve any attention from your side or cause anger feeling.

Never try to be perfect. Remember that the surrounding is very hard to stay next to a person who is everywhere and trying to be perfect and perfect. Remember that ideal people do not exist and therefore this mask does not at all at all.

Another important rule in order to become an important person for the company, is your ability to think about others, and not exclusively about yourself. Remember that all friends who are near you need attention, understanding and support. Says to notice the fact that someone expects you to give him a help hand and help an important advice. Learn to listen carefully and understand friends. Says to create such an atmosphere so that the person can tell you about what is worried. The ability to listen will necessarily help you get close to the company. And finally, remember that your smile and positive emotions will always attract friends to you, and thanks to this you will always be the focus of your company.

The person who is always waiting and meet with a delighted smile. These are lovers for everyone, and the subject of the secret envy for many. It seems that everything is easy for him, because everyone is happy to support his endeavors. What does it mean to be a company? How to become a soul company?

How to become a soul company

First of all, a specific purpose should be determined. Become a soul of the company is pretty abstract. Usually this concept includes several details:

After concrete targets are delivered, motivation will be required. As you need to really change your identity, and it is difficult, the motive must be very strong.

Then it would be nice to determine which company to start. This can be a completely new society, for example, in a new workplace. And maybe a class in which no one year has already been held.

The first changes will be little noticeable to others, because they affect the internal traits of the person's personality.

Qualities of this leader

Although every person is individual, and what unites them - is different, there are several universal qualitiesthat will help attract attention and keep it. The company is a person who possesses the following features:

  • courage and confidence
  • naturalness
  • modesty,
  • positive thinking.

Courage and confidence. These qualities simply hypnotically affect people. Near the bold and confident they themselves feel more confident. Courage and confidence will not come immediately and unexpectedly. In addition, for each of your concept of courage: some needed courage to speak with the most influential person in the company, others - just to come to a party on which he will be. It is worth put for myself goal: every day behave a little bolder than in the previous one.

Naturalness. It helps to conquer confidence, because no one wants to communicate closer with those who hide their true face. In addition, naturalness helps to relax others - and this means that they will be nice in such a society.

To behave naturally, you need to think less about yourself, and how people will treat one or that things. It is better to focus on what good can be done for this group.

Modesty. It may seem that it is not quite quality for the leader. However, the position "whatever it is - I have better" does not attract. Rather, on the contrary, you can leave the impression of "attachment". Over such usually more fooling than admire. A person who, without prejudice for pride, is able to admit that he cannot cause anything more than respect - such behavior is a sign of confidence.

These are not theatrical abilities of clown and not even knowledge huge number Anecdotes. This ability to find something good in any situation, do not be upset because of the smallest things and focus on the positive qualities of each person. In the world of bad news more than good, so positive people necessary in each society.

In addition to work on the features of the person, it will take a lot to work on external factors.

Develop the ability. To quickly flutter from one company to the other and in each of them to be in demand, there will be a lot of skills. People usually combine common interests and hobbies. Even if in a particular case, a newcomer, it does not prevent him from becoming a soul of the company in the presence of desire to learn from other qualities. No need to be afraid: if you open yourself for new beginnings, new people will also appear.

Stay yourself. Remind of naturalness - not too much. Do not try to be in all similar to the other members of this circle of communication - you can easily lose your personality and at the same time it is ridiculous. However, naturalness does not mean the lack of flexibility: sometimes you need to adapt to the views of people and respect their feelings. In addition, the disconnecy and vulgar behavior in most cases are also per feature of the naturalness.

Communicate with each other. Nothing teaches the skill of communication as practice. Well, if it turns out to pay at least a little attention to everyone: personally or by correspondence. Communicate at all means a lot to talk; Much more often you need to listen to, showing sincere interest and specifying details.

In addition to its circle of communication, it is good to learn to talk with strangers. These are short, do not have anything obliging conversations about the weather, prices or other things. Such conversations will help to know their idea in a short and interesting phrase - invalid skill.

Follow the appearance. To anyone interested in rich inner worldThe appearance should also position. So neat clothes, a pleasant smell of mouth and from the body is an integral part of the image.

It is not necessary to be on the crest of fashion wave. It is much better for its own style, in which there will be no established stamps, for example, exclusively black clothes With underlined dark way.

Probably, efforts will be required to become more attractive. But since the first impression produces an external image, it's worth work on it.

Clothing according to the figure, tightening, skillful and relevant use of makeup - all this helps to be interesting for others.

Wellow to your gestures and look. Many pay a lot of attention non-verbal communication. And no wonder: sometimes the views and gestures can say a lot. Therefore, let the eyes smile, and smiles will be sincere.

It is noticed that people with a more interesting interlocutors rich more interesting companions than owners of serious persons.

Psychological training

It is necessary to prepare before becoming a soul of any company. This includes several steps:

  • determine motivation;
  • put specific goals;
  • reflect on what attracts confidence.

In addition, it is worth thinking about what is appreciated in this group, what people make it and what they expect from the leader.


To be the focus of the company - it means to constantly waste yourself for each member of this team. It will take a lot of physical and emotional strength, patience and desire to support people at a difficult moment. If you do not know the limits of your capabilities, you can quickly bring yourself to emotional exhaustion.

Envy - what you have to deal with all popular people. Another seems to be such an attitude - an undesuned gift. They may try to spoil reputation, mood or provoke to conflict. It is important to be able to clearly and calmly put the instigators in place.

Give yourself the right to a mistake. You can easily lose joy and motivation, if you expect from yourself too much. First, you should not think that becoming the "heart of society" will work quickly. Secondly, it is necessary to understand that it will definitely happen a situation in which something will be said or done in the most well. And this is normal. Recognize that you can also be mistaken and able to live quietly with it - one of the main features of successful people.

Do not allow public opinion to form an opinion about yourself. The taste and color of all markers are different, and to please everyone will not work. Therefore, it is not necessary to focus on the opinion of the majority.

To attract others, you need to understand why it is necessary to be bold, confident and be able to maintain a conversation. Not necessarily everything will turn out quickly and immediately, but over time you can purchase the necessary charm.

Natasha, Vladivostok

How to become a soul company

The soul of the company is the "Motor of fun", which raises others, sets them on a fun way, says a lot and listens a lot, with each can find mutual language and general topic For conversation. How to become such a person?

1. Be a bit more flexible. We all change their behavior depending on the situation: on study or work, we behave like this, with parents, with friends so, alone with yourself so ... This is normal when we behave differently. Do not try to always be yourself - so you will only torment yourself. If you have mastered a new role for yourself, you have not changed yourself, just your life has become still multifaceted. Do not tell yourself that you will never become a soul of the company. No in man of such a gene - "Soul of the Company".

2. Pick up a little. What will happen if you become a soul of any company? Will you become a member of many parties? Do you have new friends? Do you have hot fans? Decide for yourself, as far as you really want to be a soul of the company.

3. Enter the role gradually. Do not hurry. As they say, hurry - people rush.

4. Overcome the barriers to communication. There is such good phrase: "Knock, and dispel you." This does not mean that everyone will assume your doors to you. This means that it is stupid to stand under the door and wait for it to operate by itself. If you have something to say to a person, just come and say it. Learn to talk with people with whom I did not communicate before: with classmates, colleagues, just random people.

5. Understand the meaning of Tusovok. Here, under the party, we understand any joint travelation of the company: Lee Party, a joint hike in a cafe, etc. As a rule, parties are arranged for joint recreation and entertainment. IN cheerful company A person rests differently than alone or a couple with someone else. In the company you can arrange, say, a game of football or dancing. Another important feature is rooted in our instincts: when everything is having fun, then we are fun, we stop feeling danger, we have anxiety and other discomfort. In addition, in a fun friendly company, we feel that they love us, and this is also very important. Observe yourself for different parties, try to find more meanings of them.

6. In a funny company all equal. People are so arranged that they do not like when they are commanded. It is especially unpleasant when people are commander (not chiefs). Therefore, on a fun party, you do not need to command by anyone. If you are commanded, you do not need to be offended, translate everything into a joke. If someone tries to command someone, then due to the possibilities of the situation, too, translate it into a joke. No one forces anything.

7. Do not be tedious. Do not educate anyone, do not read the notations. Do not say, for example, no one that he is time to go home that tomorrow to work, which can not be pester married woman etc.

8. Do not be offended. Someone happened to foot? Let even painfully hurt - overcome the insult, let your offender feel awkwardly. Translate your grievance into a joke. You can, for example, say this: "Now you have to. The next dance will dance with me. "

9. Be inventive. If you can - come up with some new joint entertainment. If you see that the company is a little hit, offer, for example, playing in the phantas: "When I lived in a hostel, we often played in the company. Once how much such a funny case happened ... "

10. Pay attention to everyone. It is better to say a lot and with different people. Ideally, everyone should hear from you at least one pleasant word for yourself. However, if someone approached you with a serious question, take time to him, do not regret your fun for him.

11. Close a lot. Tell the jokes, different cases from life. Commit funny draws, games.

12. Be brave. You with certain people in ordinary life Avoid physical contact - on a fun party to get in touch with him. Do not be afraid to tell people compliments, praise other people. Do not be afraid to look ridiculous or ridiculous - at the party it will come for your highlight.

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