The path of spiritual development. How to survive among unpleasant people

Reservoirs 20.09.2019

Mages, especially those who in magic for a long time, are often extremely attractive. What is the secret here? IN increased level Energy? In their attitude towards him, control and awareness? In the ability to form events streams and direct them on the right side? All this is so, and also - in their mysteriousness, in their lifestyle, in their attitude to the world ...
Real magicians are good, but their kindness, as well as in humans, also has limits. True magicians are small, they are rare, and they need to be preserved.
And know how to behave with them, because lately I come across a number of mistakes that people are committed, entering them into contact.
It happens that somewhere in society, knowing that there is a magician, a person allows himself to respond disdainting about healers, sorcerers, stupid superstitions, etc. And sometimes and sometimes directly declare him in the face: "Yes, I don't believe it all You are all charlatans and deceivers! "

The magician listens calmly, the type will not give, but can make it so that in a week you will sit and guess - where did you suddenly take so much problems at once? Therefore, communicating with the magician, you need to remember that it is still not just a person, even if it looks completely usually. By the way, it tries not to stand out in the crowd, and if you saw a man in a raincoat with the stars, know, it is not a magician. This is crazy.
Magi-professionals are always like in the shade. They just have no need to "glow" - excessive flow Forces. The energy potential with which they dealt requires a very careful distribution and replenishment. Therefore, you will not meet them in nightclubs, idle or aimlessly stubbling shop windows. They simply do not have time. Almost all of their time is employed.
The main principle of magical ethics is the same as in medicine: "do not harm". And just as a doctor, a real MAG is needed by some share of cynicism. Otherwise, he will burn very quickly. To love their customers, he is not obliged to patients. Quite a benevolent relationship, attention and professionalism. Require miracles, charity (although the magicians do a lot for free, another question is that it is not appreciated and perceived as proper), to disturb the magician in a spontaneous hour, at least it is impolite. Yes, and stupid. How to wait for the place where the sorcerer accepts, the crystal ball, the altar cup, magical wand and other "professional" attributes will be. I have long been noticed - the more in the office of the magician, to which you turned, similar to "Ritualschina", less effect From his work. Magic Tool - the thing is actually very sacral, it in principle should be hidden from prying eyes, but the templates of perception of many customers still define the success of the magician in terms of such "things" in his house. The same stereotypes are superimposed on the expected image of the magician - this is either an old man, with a white beard, with the owl on the shoulder, in the apparel of the alchemist, in the room, dated books - a sort of old old hottabych, or a demonic man with a fiery eye, in a shamanic journey. Although I do not argue, there are also such.
However, the modern magician - the creature is quite social. The tendency to introversion, privacy arises from him due to a certain way of life, to create and maintain its energy form, for communication with magical egregor ... Calm and confidence, the high level of personal strength is distinguished by the magician from most people, and, of course, very strongly attracting Him women.
The relationship of the magicians and women is a special topic.
Not always for the magician of their interest in Him - this is a plus. To it, as a magnet pulls lonely, divorced, victimy, problematic ... and less often - just a cheerful, cute girl who briefly decorates his house, gives him some pleasant hours. Why for a while and somewhat - I have a poor thing at me at the reception, swallowing on a novel or even marriage with sorcerer. This is a suicide project, for many reasons:
1. Magician protects his independence, its loneliness and its territory. This is not a fault, but a vital necessity.
2. Is a magnificent psychologist and strategist. Workshops translates relationships with women from friendship - no, not in love, got married! - In sex.
3. Does not consider itself obliged to take responsibility for "those who have tamed" "All people adults, no one forced." Honestly warns about it.
3. Perceives women as an energy resource. But in return can give a lot of bonuses, important of which are: health, neutralization of old bindings, magical support ... He has a lot of women. Jealous here - meaningless.
3. His freedom and independence, as well as a certain energy configuration, sometimes create the illusion of an affordable object, which simply has not yet met real love and does not recognize about the joys of family life. So think is a big mistake. Read the magician easy prey - it's like going on the roof with tied eyes. He does not need family bonds. And loses interest in a conversation at the first mention of the registry office.
4. Mages, as a rule, beautiful lovers, that sometimes creates physical, energy and psychological addiction. Watch your emotions if you do not want to get caught - please, without illusions! In addition, the real sorcerer has a strong biofield in which it is extremely comfortable.
5. Absolutely no matter how old he is in your taste - Magic attraction can work at any time. "Safe" magicians does not happen.
In general, it is necessary to know that sex or energy exchange with sorcerer (magical affiliate practices) inevitably entails the emergence of affection and, as a result, thoughts about love. But this is not love. This is a clear, distinct need to be next to this source of energy. There is a connection, similar to the sensations of the probative. Unfortunately, women are completely and take it around for a big and bright feeling and bring it on the head of Magu.
Here is the magician and turns his dark Party. Arctic Cold, Ice Look, Steel Protection ... The word "love" is generally better to pronounce more thanks, because it is an alarming signal for him: "Well, again!".
At the same time, magicians are capable of very strong feelings.But prefer not to demonstrate them until they are confident that they are mutual. Not by chance Magic Magic, the first senior arcan means in of different combinations Magic abilities, diplomacy and at the same time - the explosion of instincts, primitive passions. And if the sorcerers and witches are able to control this ancient energy, then the unprepared young lady can easily demolish all the barriers.
Lose in relationships with a magician easily. Therefore, do not be arrogant, listen to your intuition until it became too late. But there is another (rare) option - you turned out to be next to him as a companion. Good luck This or the test - will show time.

Well, I think it will be worth it. I, Eutalion Deer "Amarel Helgelm, a fifteenth generation magazine this moment among ordinary people. He was exiled to the world the Earth by the Council of Saints Mages. And what's the little thing !? Well, I wanted to capture one of the low-level worlds, and what? I didn't do it alone! And what, what am I the leader of one of the most dangerous gripped gangs!? The same thing! I am not the chapter of the council killed wanted, in fact! But I was distracted, here I go all such harmless and cute with three-day bristles, undesicious hair, with a brutal expression of a person (for nefig stuff) in the city and looking for housing. Yes, yes, I, Magician in the fifteent generation, is forced to suck in a single room and look far away from the city. With money, the question decided quickly, they are here some strange, nor gold, nor silver. To fake them with the help of labor magic did not compile with documents as well. I had to take a local name, so now I am Eduard Helsky. But the technologies are harder, I can not understand their principles of work, no gram of magic, and everything works. Probably, this is a special form, not studied. Brrrr, how cold it is. Terrible world! The cold firing, the wind in the face blows, also these huge boxes that people call home! How can I live in this?! One please - magic here is full, as if it do not use it at all, although why as if? For the month of living in this Mirka, I have not seen a single conductor, not to mention the magicians, but everything would be nothing if it's all the fool! Even the spell does not save!
... a couple of days later ...
So, with housing, the question finally decided and I became the owner of a three-story house outside the city. But then there was another problem: neighbors. How do they annoy me. The distance from my house to their no less than fifty meters, but even here I hear their permanent quarrels, wearing music in the morning and the eternal roar of their child. It seems that the wife has changed the peasant and suffered from the dragon! But this is just a lyrics. I equipped your home with all possible magic defensives. Especially basement. I will spend my experiments there.
... a couple of days later ...
Dranny demons! The experiment failed! This man I found on the street running out! And inside it the most dangerous virus that will destroy humanity for any couple of years ... The Council will kill me ... I and ten years from the last 100 did not live here, but the population of this planet is at risk. Need to do something! But what, the demon will take, here to do!? Oh ... in vain I thought about demons badly ... a portal opened right in front of me
- Sold? - asked in one voice of 8 demons.
-Ho-no ...
-Well, then we will go, said these .... Demons, the number of koi was significantly added, and flew into the window. K, already deadly sick people.
What did I do!? The advice will definitely give me ...
... a mounth later...
Events developed worse nowhere. People ducked like flies, they helped them demons. Bunkers against the virus and demons were created, but it did not help much. I disappeared all day in the laboratory along with one of the volunteers. Nothing helps! All my experiments ends with failure. The only thing I found out - the virus is striking the cells of the brain and the person just goes crazy.
To find the medicine left two more months. Two days before:
Conducting another experiment, I accidentally sent a person to the portal and lost it. Oh, how I was angry! Dranny demons! In vain I remembered the demons ...
- Speed? - Again asked these .... Demons
- Speed! - I was still like that they will do with me. The Punishment of the Council will still be worse.
-What order, lord? - What!? In the sense? They will not kill me?! That is what I hurried to ask.
-You called us to this world. You are our lord. We must obey you and perform any of your capric. Order, Mr., - say that I was shocked - nothing to say.
- Hold me my experimental.
"It's done, Mr.," they said, and retired, and I got tired of my library. Must be some explanation to their behavior! They can not obey the simple Magu, without binding! Maybe ... in this demon world can ... Well, I'm better. Lowing for me of my experimental, the demons received the order temporarily not touch the population.
And again the experiments reached out. The medicine was unexpected. Cold. Enough frost -10 and the virus is completely removed from the body. Great, it remains to put a little with the weather and there will be frost.
... a couple of hours later ...
Great, everything turned out, the virus dies. True, now in this world, the temperature above fifteen degrees will not rise, but is it not scary? It remains to deal with demons. Although ... why? Let and then serve me. I smiled, appreciating the prospects. And this is this moment the dogs of the Council were chosen to appear. I groaned ... Well, what else!?
-Evtalion Deer "Amarel Helgelm?
Yes, this is me - and the point to unlock, oh, what will happen now ....
- Site decided to send you home and make you the executioner of the worlds.
-What!? - To say that I was shocked, it means nothing to say - but why!? They are...
"The presents of the Council are not discussed," these ... these ... these .. and threw me into the portal.
... a couple of years later ...
The Council decided that I was so terrible that I kill any world on which I was. Well ... so it happened. The world is guilty - they are sent for a couple of months there and ... In general, everything itself turns out. For multiple violations of laws, I was discharged a huge fine, which I worry, and I will work out for another forty, and even more. But despite all the minuses, I like this work and, it seems, I found my place in my life.

Now no one will not surprise the walkers on the roads of Nepal. Passed those times when everyone seeking his way spiritual development, I have definitely addressed the East in the hope of enlightenment.

Of course, the flow of "spiritual tourism" to the East is not dried, but for seekers, enterprising compatriots find all new and new places of power in any area of \u200b\u200bthe world. The farther from the house - the more spiritual.

And it is understandable. There, on the top of the mountain, you are one on one with the world or with the same enlightening brothers and sisters. Okay! Moreover, all surrounding, mainly owners visual vector , Pasten each other emotional wave of universal love. Actually, they go for emotions, so in order to get rid of fears. Occasionally falling on such ridges of sounds, against the background of all this splendor, they seem to others and quickly understand that this path of spiritual development is too "pop". However, some sounds who also have a skin vector wonderful find themselves in organizing such trips.

In general, today, no one wants to lose time for long-lasting longies, except for a few who devoted to the whole life with personal and spiritual development. Today, those who found their way of spiritual development of the masses, teach those who are interested in the "without separation from production." What offers only not! Develop what you want and how do you want! One problem is ninety percent offering spiritual development, they are not able to give anyone to any spirituality or development. Nothing, as they say, personal - only a business or, which is also not uncommon, sound fanaticism complete with visual fears. This is how whom is lucky.

Occasionally meet, if you look good, real teachers who can give a good stimulus for your development, Show an example, maintain in search of, teach something. As a rule, neither of spirituality, nor about development they do not even say.

The path of spiritual development. Good to be enlightened yoga on the mountain ...

Think I just write it all this? By no means. Widow has fun! And after all, really good in the protected areas of power. No one is noger, people around intelligent. What is not enlightened?

But here you have already almost acquired the spiritual state, return home from the dedicated to the spiritual development of leave or come from the occupation of any mega-spiritual practitioners, permeated with love for everything in the world ... Night. You immerse yourself in the world (of course, conscious) sleep ... And the neighbor on top of yells a TV at all with spiritual explosions and shower all your nirvana, and himself, who stays in the obvious surcharge, comments not the spiritual events of the film.

Who tried to engage in immersion, when Stepa's occupation passes in the floor above, it will also understand how it is difficult for spiritual development.

Will your love for a long time for peace for a long time? Once, two times ... And then the subway with a drunken bum, tormented to fall on your shoulder. Or "some kind of goat on the jeep" cut. You continue to love everyone, but more in habit. Some have frankly infect ...

Isn't it so strong the idea of \u200b\u200bleaving the worldly bustle?

One nuisance ... Man is a social and nature being so arranged that no development outside the society will be released. .

So what do you want to see your way of spiritual development? Lots of sentences. How not to make a mistake? How not to go to a dead end and not to realize on the slope of the years that life live in vain?
I will try to formulate some parameters for which anyone can determine the correctness of your choice.

Did the path of spiritual development?

To begin with, let's deal with what it is - spiritual development. Do we understand what we are looking for? And, most importantly, why do you need all this?

In the Internet, I found such a definition: "Spiritual development is the service of spirit, this is the development of relations between a person (superficial individual" I ", which a person enjoys in everyday life) and his spirit (deeper" I ", which a person can realize as a constant center yourself). "

I, I, I ... So, we climb on the mountain to the great guru?

Social survival.

Social survival is different from ordinary life man in society and from survival in conditions natural cataclysms. In this case, I would not want to stop at the situation of survival in the social tragedies of war or the seizure of hostages. There are other specialists and other techniques and approaches are used.
Situations of social survival, about which I want to talk, most often called crises of life. In these psychologically extreme situations, people most often turn out to be one on one with the problem of choice or experiencing loss. It may be a serious conflict at work when you have to choose between your dignity, principles and money, providing family life. Neon understanding and cooling of love in a pair, when the question arises to look for possible ways to restore the previous relationship or go for a complete gap. Serious diseases of children, losses of parents or friends, attacks and violence. There are I. age crisesassociated with the revaluation of the entire last life, the so-called existential crises. Each person has memories of periods when it comes to feeling that he does not live, but forced to survive. When the phrases are spoiled in the head "just survive this day", "how to reach the next month," "the main thing to the new year".
At this time, a person loses the familiar support, the order of life and is forced to either return them or, more often, to look for new ones. This is a very difficult period. But tests give us the most great experience and strength. After them, a person can say: "I survived such that now I'm not scary." This is indeed the main outcome of the survival in the crisis.

Let's think together, share experiences, look for ways out and sources of support in crisis situations. Let be social survival will turn into the experience of personal development and strengthening.
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One of the elements Survival of man is survival among people, that is, social survival or adaptation in society. Consider several types of social adaptation and ways of human behavior.
Since birth The child, his body begins to adapt to his attitude with the surrounding people, whether they are the same children or adults. From this period, many features of his behavior in a complex setting are laid in mind. Somewhere you have to give up, and somewhere the child feels that those around him succumb to, and he begins to show his capabilities of the leader and leader. This is the first, and the most significant stage of the social adaptation of a person. The obtained initial knowledge of personal survival and self-affirmation is then smoothly transferred to the teams, such as kindergarten, school, studentism, work. In each of them, a person person is trying to find the most possible and comfortable form of its existence. For a person who does not have sufficient qualities of individual existence, there is a need to merge into groups. Finding the team makes it possible to manifest absolutely new personal qualities. Social adaptation chain links can be a lot, infinitely much, as a person does not live alone. Let's try to determine and consider the main of these links.
Relationships in the educational team.Conditions for members of the group similar, and starting levels have differences. In the learning process, sustainable and unstable groups are formed. Most simple form Survival is work on the interests of the team. In you need to need, even if you have to "tear off" something from yourself for others.
Behavior inside the family. Relationships of relatives, close and loving people. In essence, it is the most simple relationship for survival, since only close people are able to understand and forgive much. But sometimes it makes great harm for other relations, because a person is simply relaxing, and in other situations begins to allow himself a lot, considering it quite acceptable to others. It may clearly be understood by the critical self-assessment of the individual. Yes, what to say, and happens.
Relationship between families. One of the species of the most common relationships. In its development, these relationships have both positive and negative dynamics. Friendship can very quickly change the hostility. And the reasons for this can be the most different, from causing damage to pets to suspicion of marital treasures, both justified and not very.
Life of the working team(permanent and temporary). Work in a person's life plays a very important role, and sometimes survival in this situation determines the entire future life. In the working team, each has every chance to show all its qualities fully. Even in the temporary work team it is easy to adapt, manifesting its best and useful other quality.
Group of like-minded(for interest, one problem). Very simple, socially, the conditions for the existence of such groups. People join the fact that they are familiar most of all, and since the forms of knowledge are endless, then respect for each remains constantly at a high level.
Critical survival (without home, without family). This problem is now very acute. This is not only adult people who are on the street, but also tens of thousands of children of surviving, where they will have. And this survival is the rigid and cruel. The street does not forgive anything already, and for any embossing is inevitably waiting for heavy punishment.

I found personally good opportunities to be aware of the basic life events using a computer. At first, it began to study various applied programs, then he himself began to try to create something. So, for example, my site pilot was published. Where my stories and poems are posted, and just a little useful information According to the methods of human survival in various extreme situations.

Friends suggested me the address of another Internet portal addressed directly to disabled
I managed to get acquainted with many interesting people communicating in the forums, with some of them we became friends. After all, when you meet with a person who shares common interests with you, you can give a lot of useful to give each other, to learn something, get different tips.

Now it is possible to communicate and e-mail. Such computers are installed directly in the post offices. And to get acquainted with the Internet, as such, if you have no such opportunity at home, it is quite possible in specially equipped Internet clubs, or an Internet cafe. In cities there are usually a lot and you can choose the closest to your home. About how and what should be done on the computer there will always be prompted and helping and to enter the network and find the necessary addresses, and it will be not very expensive, but you will be delighted with communication and diversity.

It is possible that not everyone has the opportunity to use the Internet, then there are good books Helping to organize in life. First you can read Indolev "to those who are in the wheelchair and next to them." In the book, various questions and medical and practical questions are affected, it can be found a lot of useful and those who are in a difficult life and those who want to understand how everyone lives.

Science is now developing very quickly and even with severe injuries there is always hope for a cure. So recently began to study the use of stem cells to restore damaged areas spinal cord. Now even make operations and, in some cases, the results turn out to be very positive. It is probably early so far to talk about the possibility of using such a method in a wide range, but if it helps, even though a little, then it is also very good.

Such an approach in the organization own Life It is very useful and
It helps quite help, especially if you manage to organize everything right away. The questions of the physical condition are more in the competence of doctors' specialists, but the will to life and the ability to see the good side Genesis always remain in power of the person himself.
It is especially important to draw attention to the psychological state of apathy to the changed being, as it arises with indifference, which eats everything and, without the small, vitality. Here and it is necessary to learn to take realities as they have and begin to act in this, albeit an unstable and uncomfortable situation. It is necessary to be in society, walk, talk with people even unfamiliar .. Next, it is also necessary to take care of yourself - to be in good shape, dressed beautifully. It all takes a lot of time and requires big forcesTo look good and deliver joy to yourself and those who are near.
The opportunity to see the dawn and sit by the fire, in the morning to notice the haze of fog over the lake - such moments affect not only the physical stateBut also have a powerful positive impact on the psyche. Indeed, for any change in the state of health associated with the disease, injury and other, characteristic of the presence of stay in the revitalized space is very for a long time - Whether it is a hospital chamber or homemade. And this forced isolation contributes to focus on personal problems and its negative emotions. But it cannot continue indefinitely and once the crisis comes. It may even be broken by a very strong person. And in order for this to avoid you need a lot of work as the person himself, the same and all those surrounding his relatives, loved ones, friends.
The most important thing in everything is to love life very much and want to live. For if this is not, any advice, any help will still do not need - a person will not be able to use it without independent mobilization.
So I was lucky with my close people, with those who helped and was
Nearby providing the possibility of returning to a full life. Now I
Especially rushing relations and believe in life. I can benefit society, and not just do personal problems. After all, helping the same as I was myself, interior filling We get together. Yes, and difficulties cease to be unresolved. Sincerely, your Sergey.

Professional jokes.

*** Fits A peasant to a psychother and complaints himself:
- Dr., I do not have any dpuses !!! You see, well, not at all !!
Maybe you will help me, a small gap a hundred!

*** Caught Psychic killer, eleven murders in a particularly perverted form.
We put in a mental hospital, there are all sorts of tests on the tests:
- Winter and summer in one color? - asks the doctor.

*** Meetpsychologist with a friend. He complains of his uncle's illness. The psychologist asks to tell all the symptoms, and heard, says:
- Your uncle is not sick. He only thinks he is sick.
Having met buddy after a while, the psychologist asks:
- Well, how is your uncle's health?
- Now my uncle thinks he died ...

*** Fits Dad with son in Children's Mp. There are a loyal, and on it
Absolutely identical machines, only the PAZMP differ: Big, held
And small. Hu boy goes, I might want a big !!!
Dad will be explained in a good way that he has no money for big, but he will
It may well buy. The boy in Krik, they say only big and that's it !!!
Dad also raised voice, they say or a minimal or small!
The boy is already fighting, on the floor rides, squeezed ...
A crowd was accompanied, all of him cooked, he still sweat.
A trip comes to the daddy's dad and says:
- I'm psychoanalyst. Can I talk to your son?
- Yes, of course, maybe at least you perseve it!
Uncle comes to the boy and whispers something in his ear.
The boy immediately ships, comes up to the dad and pique him to buy him a little
Amazed dad catchies psychoanalyst:
- You are a real PPOFESSIONAL !!! What did you tell him?
- I said: "If you don't push up now, I'll get off your ear ear !!!"

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