Dream of a married girl. Why can a woman dream of a wedding with a stranger or her own husband? The general meaning of a dream

Engineering systems 28.06.2020
Engineering systems

A wedding is always a joyful and happy event in the life of any woman. Traditionally, by this moment they choose a chic white dress, order a banquet and invite many guests. It is not customary to save on this celebration, because it is assumed that the couple marries once and for all. Why a married woman dreams of getting married, we find out in proven dream books.

Marrying a married woman in a dream is a good sign if the chosen one is her own husband. A wedding in night vision caused you a storm of positive emotions and delight from memories - which means your relationship should be a pleasant continuation. In this case, the love of a married couple can strengthen the conception of the baby. Pregnancy can be a long-awaited surprise for those who have long-term plans to become parents.

For those who have not yet planned to replenish the family and want to devote more time to their spouse's attention, such a vision will be a hint of a transition to a new level of relationship. More warmth, care, tenderness will be required from you. Light flirting, intimate conversations can support the romance of love, passion and mutual interest.

A negative sense of interpretation is to be expected from a dream in which you married a stranger. This indicates the imminent betrayal of the spouse, his betrayal and deception. If you dreamed of getting married for the first time, but in reality you are already in your second marriage, this can predict professional burnout. This diagnosis is typical of business women striving for successful career growth. You may feel a decrease in emotional tone, psychological exhaustion, loss of interest and a positive attitude towards others.

Suffering from melancholy at your own wedding in a dream - in reality, to show detachment, indifference, a cynical attitude towards people. You were asked to make a toast of thanks from the bride to the guests, but you could not find what to say - you will think about a negative assessment of your abilities, productivity and competence. You are cramped in a wedding dress and your shoes are tight - in reality you experience severe fatigue, a lack of psychological resources in order to cope with stress.

The future husband will ask you to wash off the wedding makeup - such a dream reflects the question of the spouse's trust in you. Excessive suspicion can turn your life into a tyranny with total control of every step. It is in your best interest to reassure your spouse of his exclusivity and your loyalty.

What else to expect from your own wedding for a married lady in a dream

  • to measure the wedding dress of a friend - to fleeting intrigue and temptation;
  • the young groom is unfamiliar - in reality, light flirting will become a reason to believe in your own attractiveness for the opposite sex;
  • to see yourself as the bride of a man, in reality married to another - do not make big bets on your plans. Most likely, these goals are not destined to be realized;
  • guests joke and have fun - to good news;
  • the invitees are bored and do not pay attention to you - the marriage will be short-lived and cause a lot of worries;
  • an expensive and luxurious wedding dress that you cannot afford - an unjustified expense. These costs can have a significant impact on the overall well-being of the family;
  • to attend the wedding of the ex-husband as a bride - to a reassessment of values ​​and their own actions. It may seem to you that the divorce was a premature decision and can still be reversed. But this opinion is wrong;
  • the groom is much older than you - there will be a meeting with a wise and educated person who will teach you to value life and enjoy simple trifles;
  • your daughter dreamed of your wedding - for her first date with a pleasant young man. This will not be a fatal meeting, but it will give her the opportunity to appreciate her beauty and youth.

Author's dream books

Gustov Miller

Pleasant events and changes are foreshadowed by a dream where a married woman saw her own wedding. To go through this significant event again means to plunge into a storm of new relationships with your spouse. He will kindle new feelings for you that will benefit both spouses. These emotions can influence the general way of life in the family, change values, attitudes and tasks for the future. Material wealth will only grow in proportion to your desire to be together.

A single man dreamed of a wedding dress on a married lady - in reality it will bring a romantic date with a beautiful person. She will have a meek disposition, docile character, wisdom and feminine intuition. A good chance to find a faithful and reliable life partner.

For a man bound by the knot, such a plot foreshadows a difficult struggle with temptation. There will be many reasons to test the sincerity and devotion of your feelings.

Sigmund Freud

To marry a married lady in dreams means to wish for variety in intimate life. Perhaps a bed for a spouse lately has caused only one desire - to get enough sleep. You are not satisfied with his workload or frequent business trips. There will be an interest in flirting with other men. Who knows, sometimes this can also help defuse a tense family situation.

I dreamed of wearing someone else's dress for my own wedding - after years it may seem to you that your spouse is not the person who is able to give you a lot of pleasure. This connection does not seem so exciting to you and suggests that this is not the man with whom you expect to make an ideal couple.


Own wedding for a married young lady dreams of making a fateful decision. Your future depends on how seriously you take this difficult situation. At the same time, a large number of guests in a dream may indicate how many destinies you will influence.

I dreamed of dancing with the groom as a bride - expect a lot of pleasant events that will inspire you to new deeds and actions. The case when it is not worth wasting time on mediocrity and everyday life. You can achieve a lot in any area of ​​life, especially since there is always reliable support and support from loved ones next to you.

I dreamed of seeing parents in dark clothes at my own wedding - a bad sign. This portends the illness of someone close. Any minor symptom should be taken very seriously. The illness of a loved one can become unexpected and debilitating for you.

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At different times, people believed that a married woman could dream of treason or great sin.

In this article, we will look at what a married woman dreams of for a man and a woman, based on the interpretation of different dream books.

What a married woman can dream about

Different dream books converge in many ways. In particular, according to Miller's dream book and Freud's dream book, a married woman for a man and a woman may dream of the need to find a partner.

  • The newest dream book claims that a married woman means failure for a man. At the same time, if a man sees that a married woman does not recognize him in a dream, this means great luck in his personal life.
  • For a woman, the interpretation of the Newest Sonic of this dream comes down to the need to find a friend.
  • The ABC of dreams says that a married woman dreams of separation for a man and a woman. If a married woman holds out her hands to you, then you are deceiving yourself.
  • The dream book from A to Z offers the following interpretation. You are very tense and need rest, you need to save energy. Moreover, for a woman, this dream book indicates that she needs to prepare for the unexpected.
  • A modern dream book in relation to a woman indicates uncertainty in her personal life. You still doubt your choice, although you convince yourself that you are doing everything right. For a man, this dream book offers a different interpretation. You bought into deception, now it will be difficult for you to avoid the consequences.
  • If a man or woman saw in a dream another married woman lying on the bed and sleeping, it means that the person will have great happiness in family life. Seeing in a dream a married woman who wants to kiss you (man or woman) is a symbol of erroneous actions (the Wanderer's dream book).
  • A family dream book does not bode well for either man or woman. Most likely, this dream is just a good image.

Dreams don't just appear. Any dream is associated with a waking experience. Women much more often than men are interested in the question of what this or that dream means. As natures, more emotional women attach importance to night visions, trying to unravel their meaning by analyzing the messages of the subconscious.

If you do not pay attention to the signals of the inner world, sooner or later the problem will still come out, turning into a conflict, quarrel or depressive mood.

Dreams can mean real desires that are not advertised to others in the real world. In a dream, getting married says that a woman dreams of starting a family in order to live happily ever after.

Dream interpretations differ depending on the key points. Namely: whether the wedding takes place in a dream with your own husband or with someone else.

A married woman's dream of getting married to her husband

A dream about a wedding that has already taken place also suggests that a married girl has completely cloudless times in her already held family life. To relive once again the day of marriage a dream, meaning that the real choice of a woman and a man was absolutely correct. So getting married again in a dream for a married woman is quite auspicious sign that does not bode well.

Still, it is worth remembering the details by which you can understand the meaning of the omen. Namely, the number of guests, the interior, the weather and the general emotional color.

If you dreamed that your own husband acts as the groom, this suggests that the woman is happy with everything and enjoys every day of family life.

Option when dreaming of a past wedding with a real man, sometimes speaks of the possibility of new circumstances in family life. One of the possible pathways for the development of events is pregnancy, which has already occurred or is about to occur.

Wedding with your own husband in a dream - the expectation of a new stream in a relationship, which may become the birth of a child. A new stage in the relationship is periodically necessary for all couples. A dream about a wedding that has already taken place suggests that the relationship needs to be refreshed and filled with new sensations.

A married woman's dream of being married to another

Unfortunately, if among the dreams there is a plot about the fact that a married woman has to marry a stranger or acquaintance man who is not a husband, this is a bad sign. There is no definite answer to the question of why you dream of getting married again, but it is absolutely certain that the subconscious mind sends a signal about the problems existing in the relationship.

The interpretation of dreams differs in different dream books. One should not take the meaning of sleep from one source as the only possible one. It is worth taking into account your own situation, familiarizing yourself with all the interpretations, and choosing the most suitable one.

Dream Interpretations give the following interpretations to dreams if you dream of marrying an unfamiliar man:

  • treason, infidelity of a spouse;
  • betrayal;
  • unpleasant conversations, conflict.

From a psychological point of view, a dream means that a woman does not trust her other half, suspects treason and fears betrayal.

Obviously, in real life, such a couple has real problems that need to be solved in order to keep the family together. Having received a message from the subconscious, you need to start acting.

It is advisable not on your own, but to resort to the help of a specialist who will help determine how justified the suspicions are and what to do if it really exists. In general, the appearance of a stranger in a dream speaks of a woman's insecurity in her companion. Perhaps she suspects that she does not know him as well as she previously thought.

If you dreamed that the wedding took place with an ex-man, this is information from the subconscious that, deep down, a woman regrets about a long-ended relationship. It is quite possible that the final point was not once set, the last conversation did not take place, therefore, in the depths of my soul, there is hope, if not to restore the relationship, then at least to finally find it out.

Having seen a former lover in a dream, you should not immediately break off existing relationships, you need to try to sort out your own experiences, disappointments, dissatisfaction and doubts about yourself and your partner. The process of digging into oneself is not easy, so you should understand with the help of a psychotherapist, or a family psychologist. Engaging a specialist will help you avoid rash actions and rash steps.

If the dream reminded of a deceased person, that is, a woman is marrying someone who is not alive, this dream suggests that there is a powerful patron who will help solve problems and keep out of trouble.

For a more accurate interpretation of the dream, key details are important, for example, the style and color of the wedding dress.

White dress for a married woman in a dream, a symbol of desire to start something from scratch. With the existing problems in the relationship, a snow-white outfit is a signal that the relationship is at an impasse, but with efforts on both sides, it is still possible to sort out everything and correct the mistakes made.

Red color always means sexuality, so if a wedding dress in a dream is scarlet or red it says only one thing, its owner clearly lacks brightness in intimate life. Perhaps in real life, a woman does not attach importance to the lack of sexual desire for a partner. The subconscious mind, with the help of a dream, sends a signal that you need to pay attention to this area of ​​life.

Green color- a symbol of new life, rebirth and growth. If the wedding dress in a dream is green, it means that the relationship is developing and strengthening harmoniously. A kind of signal that the pair has nothing to worry about, since only prosperity and further growth are predicted in the future.

Blue color a wedding dress speaks of a deep emotional attachment of partners to each other. Such a dream only confirms full agreement and mutual respect between the spouses. A blue dress in a dream is a sign of the complete emotional compatibility of spouses, which also means that people are really made for each other. Such a dream occurs quite rarely and is a real happy omen.

You should not take dreams as an unconditional guide to action. Dreams are subconscious hints from the inner self that not everything is well in real life. Having received such a signal, it is necessary to act competently and carefully. Do not cut the relationship off the shoulder, but try to comprehend the disagreements that have arisen and find solutions. The ability to understand oneself and solve the problem in time is the way to a harmonious personal life, preserving the family and reviving fading relationships.

Of course, you don't need to completely trust dreams, but you definitely need to listen to your own self, try to understand and accept yourself in order to fill your everyday life with harmony and happiness.
Timely consultation with a psychologist can really help maintain and improve existing relationships.

Talking openly about fears, worries, and dissatisfaction is not easy. However, taking this step can really help yourself to understand and accept a relationship that may be on the verge of breaking down. In this case, listening to yourself, paying attention to the dream, you can save and revive the relationship.

The main thing is not to treat dreams as a panacea that can indicate all existing problems. Disagreements and problems need to be resolved in a timely and phased manner.

The history of each marriage is unique. Problems in family life are inevitable, they should be solved in stages, in no case alone.

You need to remind yourself more often why once a positive answer was given to a marriage proposal, and a woman married this particular man. The joint resolution of disagreements speaks of a mutual desire to preserve the family and return harmony to the relationship.

Efforts made by both sides will surely be crowned with success. Sleep can help save relationships, the main thing is to listen to yourself and your own inner voice in time, which is reflected in our dreams.

A very interesting dream is marriage. Why is this event dreaming, the dream books tell. Sleep does not always mean a quick wedding, however, for its correct interpretation, all the details must be taken into account. It often happens that other dreams indicate a close marriage to girls. What dreams of marriage is not always directly related to it. For example, when an unmarried person dreams of a fish, this can portend a close wedding and replenishment in the family. Dreamed dough or earrings donated by someone may indicate an imminent marriage. Below we will talk about how the dreaming marriage itself is interpreted.

Eastern female dream book

If a lady dreamed that she was hesitant to make a decision about marriage, then in reality the people around her consider her a frivolous person. When a girl dreams that she married another person on the eve of her wedding, it means that her choice is correct.

Modern dream book: marriage, why are you dreaming?

For a guy, a dream in which some of his relatives got married means that he himself doesn't have much time left to go bachelor.

Female dream book: marriage, why are you dreaming?

A dream does not bode well, in which a lady cannot decide in any way about her own marriage. This dream is considered to be an unambiguous warning that she should analyze her own behavior. Thanks to some actions, others consider the girl limited and frivolous.

Dream interpretation of summer dreams

If a lady gets married in a dream, in reality she needs to prepare to meet her future spouse.

Dream interpretation of autumn dreams: marriage, why are you dreaming?

This dream suggests that the girl is not destined to get married. She will remain forever an old maid.

Dream interpretation of spring dreams

If a widow dreams of marriage, then in reality it portends loneliness. For a girl, the same dream promises a new acquaintance.

Grandma's dream book: why is marriage dreaming

If a girl in a dream is married to a widower - to danger, and if she marries a foreigner - to trouble.

Gypsy dream book

As a rule, for a young lady, a dream in which she accepts an offer to marry from her beloved suggests that there will be some delay with her wedding.

Dream interpretation of a bitch

As a rule, marriage is a dream of joy, peace, happiness and pleasure.

The interpreter: marriage, why are you dreaming?

This dream portends some kind of unexpected pleasure.

Freud's dream book

In a dream, marriage is an unfavorable sign. It speaks of the trouble and disorder of personal life. The person who had this dream does not want or cannot find a partner for himself.

Interpreter of dreams from A to Z

For a young unmarried lady, the dream of marriage is a harbinger of deception and sadness. For a woman who is already married, this dream can be considered a warning of intrigue in a women's team or some kind of community. For a widow, this dream speaks of disappointed hopes and expectations.

Modern dream book

If a lady sees herself in a dream in a wedding dress, this is a warning that she needs to take care of her health. Wedding hairstyle - money, profit, winning. Trying on a wedding ring that is not yours is bad luck.

Dream Interpretation Marriage

Why dream of Marriage in a dream according to a dream book?

Seeing marriage in a dream promises pleasant surprises. A bright journey, a joyful meeting, a wonderful surprise awaits you - the future is filled with pleasures and happy moments. Appreciate these sensations, there are not so many of them in fate.

I dreamed of getting married - family life will turn into an idyll. The future husband will unconditionally cope with the role of a prince, and every day next to his beloved will bring joy and awareness of the value of the family.

What did you see in your dream about marriage?

An unmarried girl dreamed of a wedding

A dreaming of your own wedding is an unpleasant sign for a young unmarried girl. Anxieties and resentments are expected. There is a high probability of getting sick, therefore, carefully monitor your health.

Seeing a wedding that is planned in a dream means doubts of the bride. Perhaps this is just a pre-wedding fever, but if the subconscious mind refuses to trust the chosen one, it is worth figuring out why.

See a married life in a dream

According to Felomena's dream book, married life symbolizes changes for the better, which will affect both work and personal relationships. Your career will take off, and luck will invariably accompany you on the love front. Make the most of this period of luck.

Why does a married woman dream of a wedding

If a married woman dreamed of a wedding, expect replenishment in the family. The coming days will be the most successful for those who are planning to conceive a child - the stars favor this.

Whose marriage did you dream about?

Dreamed of a girlfriend's marriage

To congratulate a friend on marriage in a dream is a good sign. Life will be filled with new emotions and impressions that successfully diversify life and give energy for fateful achievements. All dreams promise to come true, and plans to come true.

In the future, a lot of entertainment awaits you - pleasant acquaintances and a wonderful company will not let you get bored. For fun, do not forget about work - then financial well-being will be added to good impressions.

Why dream of your marriage

The one who dreams of his marriage is mired in the abyss of idleness and entertainment. Remember that while you are mindlessly wasting time on pleasure, every day is wasted. Someday the whole life will come to an end, and there will be nothing to be proud of. Maybe it's time to change something?

Dream Interpretation Wedding, why dream of a wedding in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of Meridian Why dream of the wedding of the former in a dream:

The wedding of the ex - to a proposal to get married unexpectedly and very soon.

Seeing the wedding of an ex-boyfriend and her girlfriend for a girl means that these people or her friends are hiding something from her.

Ex-boyfriend's wedding, where you are the bride, to marry an ex-boyfriend in a dream - to a quarrel with friends.

Marrying an ex-husband in a dream is a quarrel with family.

Why dream about the wedding of your ex-husband with the other - you have to make a difficult choice in life, on which your fate will depend.

To be at the wedding of the one in a dream - someone asks you for help.

A friend's wedding is a symbol of good news, fulfillment of desires.

What is the dream of a friend's wedding - to new acquaintances, cheerful gatherings with friends. But if the wedding of a friend is riotous, loud, such a dream can not mean that a black streak will soon come in your life.

A friend's wedding - to be a witness at it - your personal life will change, you will get to know the person with whom you will connect fate.

A guy dreams of a wedding to a quarrel with a girl, and if there is none, with his mother, if he sees himself on her in the role of the groom.

Why is a guy dreaming of a wedding - if he is a guest at it, then changes await him, which will depend not on himself, but on other people. Seeing yourself in the role of the groom - the guy will have to rely exclusively on himself in solving all life issues.

A married woman dreams of a wedding before the conception of a child, if she has not yet had time to do this after her own wedding.

Why is a married woman dreaming of a wedding - you have to make a very important decision that will change your whole life.

An unmarried girl's own wedding dreams of illness, anxiety, resentment.

Why is an unmarried woman's own wedding dreaming - they will soon make an offer to you.

Autumn dream book Why dream of a wedding according to a dream book:

Wedding - Serious bullying.

Folklore dream book What does it mean if a wedding is dreaming:

Dreaming of a wedding - To meet the bride and groom is bad.

Summer dream book Why dream of a wedding according to a dream book:

Wedding - For family squabbles.

Small Velesov dream book Why is a wedding dreaming in a dream:

  • Wedding - Funeral, not good, quarrel, treason (married), sadness (single), loss;
  • to get married yourself - nothing will happen, the soul flaunts // to get sick, the wife or husband dies, the husband and wife quarrel, illness or death (married);
  • to marry your husband is death;
  • to be at a wedding - the birth of children (married), wedding (single) // regret, longing;
  • dancing at a wedding - beware of the opposite sex;
  • to be at a wedding either among men or only among women - confusion in life;
  • wedding train - love.

Russian folk dream book What is the dream of a wedding in a dream:

Interpretation of a dream by a dream book: Wedding - It may arise in your dream, because in reality some serious changes are taking place with you. Being a groom or a bride in a dream at a wedding is a sign that you will soon make a serious decision that will affect your future life. If you are attending a wedding as a guest, it means that the changes that are taking place will not affect your life in any way.

Dream interpretation of the writer Aesop Dream interpretation: wedding what does it mean

  • To see a wedding in a dream - There are many folk expressions dedicated to this wonderful event in a person's life: "Snow and rain on the wedding train - live richly", "Red wedding day - live red, but poor", "Snowstorm on the wedding train - the whole blizzard blows out "," Throw money under the wedding foot - the young will be rich "," They cherish the wedding candle, and light it to help with the first childbirth "," There is no wedding without divas "(without miracles)," When young people meet at the gate, fire is laid (from damage) ".
  • The wedding could have arisen in your dream, because in real life some changes have happened to you.
  • Being a groom or a bride in a dream at a wedding is a sign that soon you will make a very important decision that will affect your entire future life. Perhaps it will help change your life for the better.
  • If you are attending a wedding as a guest, then such a dream means that the changes that are taking place will not affect your life in any way. You will strive to be in the thick of things, but your attempt will be in vain. If in a dream you saw yourself at a wedding as a witness to one of the young, then you are expecting quick changes in your personal life, and these changes will be for the better.
  • If you dreamed that you are a toastmaster who is holding a wedding, then in reality you have to wait for now with entertainment and finish your difficult work, otherwise you will not be able to achieve your goals for a long time. Seeing a wedding cortege in a dream is a prophecy that no changes in your life are expected in the near future. Interfering with the passage of the wedding in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream means that someone around you is hostile to you and wishes you harm.

Explanatory dream book Why dream of a wedding according to a dream book?

Why to see a Wedding to see in a dream - To be at a wedding is a spiritual sadness; to witness a quarrel at a wedding - the news of death; to marry a spouse or spouse is death; to witness a wedding in a church is a sad state of mind.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist A. Meneghetti Why Wedding Dreams:

Wedding - Ambivalent image. Since a wedding is a ceremony. preceding a new life in social, emotional and personal terms, it can testify to the expectations of positive changes in the situation, transformations of oneself. But on the other hand, since a married person has more restrictions and a number of responsibilities, the wedding is also a symbol of enslavement, loss of flexibility.

Erotic dream book Why dream of a wedding in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see a Wedding - The wedding that you dreamed means that you will have a rather frank conversation with a loved one about your past intimate relationships. He may not like the conversation, so choose the soft words and phrases you are going to use beforehand. If you see your own wedding in a dream, this suggests that your relationship with your loved one is at an impasse or has come to a logical conclusion. In ancient times, superstitious Russians believed that if a girl dreamed of herself in a wedding dress, a long illness and grief awaited her. Currently, in such dreams, they prefer to see the good.

Dream interpretation of esoteric E. Tsvetkova Dream interpretation: Wedding what does it mean

What is the dream of a wedding - To be at a wedding is sadness, the death of the one who marries, for the sleeping person is an illness.

Wedding - Sadness, death.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Z. Freud Why Wedding Dreams:

Wedding - Seeing someone's wedding in a dream is good news, which, although not directly related to you, will still affect you too. If you dreamed of your own wedding, it means that soon you will be presented with a surprise, and you will need to treat it with maximum understanding and guess what it means, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when a wedding is dreaming:

  • A wedding is a funeral.
  • To marry is to die.
  • Dreaming of a wedding and a gulbische - there will be a dead man in the family.
  • To be at a wedding is a great grief, to marry your husband is death.
  • To take part in the wedding: for the unmarried - they will soon marry; for married people - children;
  • to dance at a wedding - beware of persons of the opposite kind;
  • seeing your own wedding is family happiness;
  • to be at a wedding among men or women is a confusion in life.
  • Seeing a wedding train - you will kindle someone's female heart with love or seduce a man;
  • a treat at a wedding - meeting with friends.

Psychoanalytic dream book Why the wedding is dreaming:

To see a wedding in a dream - The transition to a new life and renewal, transformation, however, and the limitation associated with marriage.

Spring dream book Why dream of a wedding according to a dream book:

Wedding - A wedding is a dream of a big event, after which your life will go completely differently.

Love dream book

Wedding - If you dreamed that you were getting married in secret, this can lead to unnecessary gossip around your good name. If in a dream you decide to get married, this is a sign that your dignity will find support from others. However, if at the same time your parents resist your choice, then you will not have to rely on the support of loved ones. If you became a bride, and you dreamed that your betrothed married another, you cannot avoid jealousy, which will not have any grounds, according to the dream book, this dream is deciphered in this way.

Modern dream book If you dream of a Wedding:

Solves the dream book: Wedding - Trouble, quarrel

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream interpretation: To see a wedding in a dream

What is the dream of the Wedding what is the dream - To a pleasant acquaintance

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Y. Longo Dream Interpretation: Wedding

Wedding - Seeing your wedding in a dream (for an unmarried / unmarried) means that you really want this to happen in your life. For a married / married woman, a dreaming wedding means a new relationship with the other half.

Dream Interpretation of Wangi What does it mean if you dream of a Wedding?

Dreaming a Wedding - walking in a dream at a wedding - to a fun party with your old friends. Perhaps at this party you will meet a person who will later become the meaning of your whole life for you. Being in a dream at your wedding is evidence that soon you will need to make a difficult decision. Most likely, your whole future life will depend on this decision. If you dreamed that you were attending a wedding as an honored guest, then in real life, someone close to you will really need your help. Do not refuse this person, because very soon you will also need his services.

Esoteric dream book If you dream of a Wedding:

Dreaming of a wedding - A public event. Seeing a wedding from the side of unpleasant events in the state, city, which will not affect you directly, but will make you worry. Being a guest of an event will affect you and worsen your situation.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Dreaming Wedding

What dreams in a dream Wedding guests what they dream about - Family happiness - train - see or take part in it - win someone's heart - celebrate - meet friends

Wedding - Trouble, discord - to take part - for unmarried - marriage soon - for married - children - dancing at a wedding - beware of the other sex - own wedding - happiness in marriage - being at a wedding - Your affairs will get confused

Numerological dream book Why is the wedding dreaming?

Dream to see about a Wedding - If you dream that you are getting married and cannot wait for the first wedding night, then in reality you will be accused of what you did not do. If your dream did not cause unpleasant emotions in you, then in real life, anxiety and experience will not last longer than one week, but if for some reason you suffered in a dream or felt uncomfortable, then expect sad changes in life. They will come in 19 days and will entail the most unpleasant consequences.

Vedic dream book Dream interpretation: To see a wedding in a dream

To see a wedding in a dream - This dream prophesies to you participation in the funeral. If you dreamed that you were married or married, then this will never happen in real life. If you dreamed that a sick person is getting married, then this means that he will soon die.

Dream interpretation of the witch Medea Wedding according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see in a dream Wedding (marriage) - This is a symbolic union of opposing circumstances, human qualities, a mystical wedding of soul mates. The dream in which you are getting married (without wedding fun) brings changes - good or bad, depending on the attitude towards your partner. Seeing wedding fun - loneliness, illness, death.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Wedding, marriage, what is dreaming of - Seeing the ceremony - to sadness; less often to death. For a single man, signing a woman is a new business, an agreement, a business contract. Wedding, engagement - acquaintance. To marry someone else's wife or husband is a failure in the planned plan. To be at someone else's wedding is a state of affairs depending on the details of the plot (what the bride looks like, what the table is). Your wedding - troubles, troubles. To get married is to be deceived; see Separately the groom, the bride (in the river People), this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book Why dream of a wedding according to a dream book:

  • Wedding, marriage - Walking in a dream at a wedding - to a fun party with your old friends. Perhaps at this party you will meet a person who will later become everything to you. Also, such a dream may mean that you will certainly find a way out of a difficult situation that endlessly worries you.
  • If you dreamed that you were attending a wedding as an honored guest, then in real life, someone close to you will really need your help. Do not refuse this person, especially since very soon you will also need his help.
  • If a woman dreams that her lover is marrying another, she will face senseless suffering and groundless fears. Finding yourself in a dream at your own wedding is a harbinger of the fact that soon you will have to make a difficult decision that will determine your future life.
  • If a young woman sees someone in mourning at her wedding, this means that her family life will be unhappy. If this happens at someone else's wedding, she will worry about the unfortunate fate of a relative or friend.

Dream interpretation of psychologist G. Miller Why dream of a wedding in a dream:

  • Wedding, marriage - seeing yourself in a dream at a wedding means that you will quickly find a way out of circumstances that can cause your anxiety and obstacles to your success.
  • If a young woman dreams of a secret wedding, this is very unfavorable for the characteristics of her nature. It is possible that the dream will lead her to the idea of ​​the need to curb herself.
  • If in a dream she accepted the offer, this means that she will rise in the opinion of someone standing above her, and the expected promises will not be deceived.
  • If in a dream she thinks that her parents do not approve of her marriage, this means that her engagement will not be approved by her relatives.
  • If she dreams that her lover is marrying another, the dream portends unnecessary suffering and empty groundless fears.
  • If you dream that you are already married, this is a sad omen.
  • If a young woman sees someone in mourning at her wedding, this means that her family life will be unhappy. If this happens at someone else's wedding, she will be saddened by the unhappy fate of a relative or friend.
  • Sleep can portend annoyance or illness instead of the expected happiness and health. The pleasant journey that will take place in reality after such a dream can be seriously upset by an unpleasant intrusion or other surprise.

Dream interpretation of the healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, what is the dream of the Wedding:

Wedding, wedding train, wedding (cf. "To marry damp earth") - Usually older women dream of death or the deceased. Very rarely valid for girls.

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when a wedding is dreaming:

Interpretation of the dream book: To see a wedding in a dream - To play means the deprivation of a faithful friend, and sometimes insanity in business, the patient is marked by death in this dream.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse Dream interpretation: Wedding in a dream

What is the dream of a wedding - To take part - for unmarried people - an imminent marriage; for married - children; dance at a wedding - beware of the other sex; own wedding - happiness in marriage; to be at a wedding in the company of men or women - your affairs will get confused.

Wedding guests - Family happiness; to see or take part in a wedding train - you will win someone's heart; wedding celebration - meet friends.

Dream interpretation of psychologist D. Loff Why dream of a wedding according to a dream book?

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Dream interpretation - Woman

Any dream about women is a harbinger of intrigue and quarrels. For a woman to see herself in a dream with a beard is a sign of imminent widowhood or separation from her lover. For a woman to see herself naked in a dream is a sign of dishonor and humiliation.

For a man to see a naked woman in a dream is a sign of big trouble because of the lies that he himself will come up with. Arguing with a woman in a dream means that you should not blindly believe what you are told. Trust but verify.

For a man to see a pleasant but unfamiliar woman in a dream is a sign that his chances of a successful ending of the affair are small; sometimes a dream predicts risky ventures and gambling, which you need to try to avoid. If a woman has red hair, then don't expect a quiet life.

Blondes dream of good news and a calm pastime. In general, to see a pleasant-looking woman in a dream smiling affably at you means that this day will bring you good luck and joy. Kissing a woman in a dream is a sign of grief or disappointment.

To see or meet an old and ugly woman in a dream is a harbinger of bad talk about you. Such a dream warns you that you should be more careful and not give rise to gossip. If you dream that you are attracted to a stranger, then be afraid of fake friends and do not trust strangers.

A laughing woman in a dream is a sign of grief because of unrealized hopes. Seeing a disheveled or ill-dressed woman in a dream is a sign that you should take care of your health and condition. A woman praying is a sign of consolation in misfortune; pregnant - to worries and troubles; with a child in her arms - to great trouble.

See interpretation: lady, girl, hair, eyes, clothes.

Interpretation of dreams from

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