Scenes on March 8 for a female company.

Arrangement of the site 24.09.2019
Arrangement of the site

Gifts for women.

A treat.

Props for contests.

Musical accompaniment.


Congratulations, presenting gifts

The holiday begins with the presentation of gifts for women and congratulations. It is desirable that congratulations are not too tightened and official. It is better to fulfill in a poetic or song form.

Be sure to mention every woman, make it a compliment and say a few special words. Also on this holiday can not do without presenting colors.

After congratulations and presenting gifts, all participants are sitting at the table. It is desirable that on this day the participants are delivered from both the preparation of treats and from the cleaning of the table after the end of the banquet.

Competition-Test "Real Women"

As a festive entertainment, you can offer a contest of real women. The competition will be funnier and more interesting if several men who dressed in women will be attended. At the same time, the outfit may be sufficiently conditional (hat, apron or paper fan, covered beard), the main thing is that the participants in this presentation try to copy women's behavior.

After the emergence of men (enough 2-3 people), arguing that they are women, several participants are chosen, and various contests are held between them. Despite the beability of the plot of dressing up a man in a woman, this idea will be popular with the public.

Who is bigger

The presenter sets some women's theme (For example, "Flowers", "Cosmetic Firms", "Clothing Elements", "Decorations"). The task of participants is to call in an arbitrary order of words related to this topic. The participant who will call the last word receives a prize point.

Women's logic

Lead calls several items. Participants must call the subject, superfluous on this list, and explain their decision. For each correct response, the participant receives a prize point.

Women's logic. Examples of tasks "What is superfluous?":

Hair-hanna hair, bass, paint "Vella". (Color "Vlala", because Henna and Basma -Natural paints)

Vanilla crackers, breadcrumbs, crackers with raisins. (Breadcrumbs, since they are not ready to use the product)

Viscose, cotton, polyester. (Polyester, because viscose and cotton - natural material)

Toilet water, lotion, perfume. (Extra lotion because it is used in hygienic purposes, and toilet water and perfume

As perfumery)

Lock, machine line, overlock. (Mark, as it is done manually, the rest - on the sewing machine)


For the competition you need a large set of various cosmetics. All of them laid out on the table. The presenter gives each participant a task, according to which it must choose right subject from "cosmetics". Time to choose from the subject is limited.

For the correct response, the participant receives a prize point.

Examples of objects:

Nail polish.



Lipstick of neutral color.

Bright lipstick.

Lip pencil.


Cream-contour for the age.

Nail polish remover.

Brush for eyelashes.

Cosmetic milk.



Face tonic.

Foot cream.

Job examples:

Take the eye.

Tint lips for a business meeting.

Wash out makeup.

Touch your eyebrows.

Touch your eyes (choose at least two items).

Hide freckles.

Prepare a person to apply cosmetics.

Make up nails

Rock nail polish.

Divide the slipping cilia.

Non-standard situations

The presenter offers each participant complex situationFrom which it should find the original output. Participants who gave the most interesting answers, get a prize point.

Competition of unusual sculptures

This contest is offered to men. From balloons of various sizes and shapes, they should with the help of a scotch to cut out a female figure. It is desirable that for this contest the men divided into teams of 2-3 people.

Women can also offer to make a male sculpture.

Part of the balloons can already be inflated, in addition, it is necessary to stock up with a sufficient amount of bad balls and threads. It is interesting to use balloons different sizes and forms.

In order for those present not bored, from time to time the conversation is interrupted by games and entertainment.

You can offer the next original game.

The game involves couples (man and woman). In addition, a bottle is needed (glass or plastic) and flower (real or artificial) for each pair.

Women clamps under the mouse, and men taking flowers in the teeth. The task of each pair - without the help of hands as quickly as possible to put a flower in a bottle.

Completes the holiday, noisy open bottle of champagne!).


This script will suit men who wish beautifully and with humor to congratulate their female colleagues from March 8. The scenario of the holiday is easy to execute, but requires a small preliminary preparation. Fascinating contests creative ideas, fun jokes - all this is in the scenario presented.

Design: decorate a room festive. It will be appropriate to be beautiful tablecloths, bugles of live flowers on the tables, posters on the walls with festive congratulations.

Attributes for the holiday:

  • Chips for quiz (You can use any items as chips: beautiful buttons, paper flowers, crashes cut from color cardboard);
  • The medals of the "smartest of the smartest", "the most intelligent", "female riddle", "the best dancer", "Master for all hands", "the most caring", "the most sensitive", "best hostess";
  • Watman, to which children's photos of participants are attached;
  • White sheets of paper for the manufacture of airplanes;
  • Live or Paper Flowers For the competition "Star of the dance floor";
  • Great posters with the image of various characters for the contest "Who am I?";
  • 20 round caramel and 5 nasal headscarves or napkins for the "Princess on Gorochina" contest.

Event flow

In the hall there are 2 leading (men) and tell the parable "created the God of a woman."

Lead 1: Dear womenYou have the best. And when passing around the corridor (office), busy days, you want to exclaim: "Oh, what a woman!".

Lead 2: Today we gathered in this room to congratulate our cute ladies with an amazing spring holiday, and give a wonderful mood that evening.

Lead 1: Every woman on March 8 wants something unusual, interesting, and we guarantee that everything today will be so, but first we suggest filling the glasses and drink for our most charming and attractive colleagues, for lovely ladies (you can proclaim any toast in the poetic Form dedicated to the female holiday)!

Lead 2: And now the word is granted a man who can almost all (the toast says the director, deputy department, enterprises).

Lead 1: Dear women, now you will be congratulated by the most partable man of our team, able to charm with his smile with any woman (in such a style, the word for all men team wishing to congratulate the female colleagues from March 8).

Competitive program

Quiz "Check the erudition"

Leading conduct a quiz consisting of 8 questions. For the correct response, the participants receive 1 chip. Wins one who scores the greatest number chips.

Questions Quiz:

  1. Name movies, In the title of which the Word Woman is found.
  2. Spread the line from the song, in which is mentioned female name.
  3. List the wines called women's names.
  4. Name plants who remind of female names.
  5. What a female name mentioned in children's poem About the ball?
  6. Name movies, In the title of which there are female names.
  7. What varieties of grapes Named in honor of women?
  8. What chocolate named female name?
  9. Name the only lady Among the signs of the zodiac.

The presenters calculate the chips and determine the winner of the quiz. She is awarded the medal "Master of the smartest" (if the team is large, you can reward medals in the first three places).

Musical surprise from men: Male colleagues prepare a musical number because of their abilities - you can sing, dance, play guitar).

Competition "Send email"

Leads are offered to find out which of the participants can work and hands, and head. According to the leading signal you need to make a paper airplane (file) and fix it e-mail (Throw into a box standing at a distance of 4 meters from the participant. The winner is awarded to the medal "Master for all hands." In the Big team, all participants who abandoned the airplane can be awarded with medals.

Competition "Get on the photo"

In the competition, children's photographs of the women's half of the team participate. All participants of the holiday brought their children's photos in advance and carefully attach them to Big Watman. Men are invited to carefully consider photos and determine who is depicted on them. The winner becomes the participant who was the harder to learn everything in the photo. She is awarded the medal "Woman's mystery".

Contest "Star of the dance floor"

Women offer to become a circle and show their dance abilities. For this contest you need to make a selection of dance music in advance different styles. The roles of the jury are male colleagues. They carefully watch the dancing and give the flower of the one that, in their opinion, is dancing better than everyone (you can give both live flowers and flowers made of paper). The winner becomes a participant who gathered the greatest number of colors. It is awarded the Medal "Best Dancer."

Competition "Who am I?"

For the competition, great posters are preparing in advance with any characters drawn on them. It can be cartoon characters, fairy tales, famous actors, singers, animals. In the middle of the sheet carved the circle of such a magnitude so that the player's face is placed in it. Two men or wooden racks can be used as a poster holders. The participant tie his eyes, unfold a poster with a picture with a picture to the audience, then the eyes are unleashed and offered to the player insert the face into the cutting hole.

Task for player: With the help of clarifying questions, find out what is drawn on the poster. Spectators are allowed to answer only "yes" or "no", "you can and so to speak." To make a task easier, you can immediately suggest which category the character needs to be solved (for example, it is a bird, a pet, a plant).

Examples of wording of questions:

  • Am I cartoon character?
  • Am I he / her?
  • I am fat?
  • I'm tall?
  • I am old?
  • I'm small?
  • I am a girl?
  • Do I have a friend of Bear?
  • Do I have a pink sundress?
  • Am I Masha from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear?"

Wins the one who best and quickly coped with the task. The winner is awarded the medal "the most intelligent".

Competition "Princess on the pea"

In the middle of the hall put 5 chairs. Each of them is put on several round candy (from 1 to 5), covered with thin napkins or nasal scarves. These manipulations need to be done so that guests of the event see how many sweets on each of the chairs.

5 women are invited to participate in the competition (it is desirable to take those who have no medals). Task for participates: To sit on the chair and determine how many "peas" hidden under the napkin. Copying with the task is obtained by the medals "the most sensitive".

Contest "Thoughtful Wife"

Men and women participate in the competition. They are distributed over pairs. Near each man on a chair laid strap, tie, shirt, jacket, glass, water bottle. The task of women "Collect a husband to work": To put on it all objects, fill the glass with water, drink a man and kiss the cheek. Who can cope with the task faster, he will win. The winner is awarded the medal "the most caring".

Dance pause.

Competition "Small tricks"

All women present are involved in the competition. They need to answer questions. For each correct answer, the presenters are handed 1 chip.


  1. What is the name of the proprietary dish of the forty crows (porridge)?
  2. What kind of word can be called fruit kefir (yogurt)?
  3. Dish, which can be prepared with the participation of chicken and cow (omelet)?
  4. Bird, which fell into soup for his thoughts (turkey)?
  5. Apricot, long sitting on a dry diet (dried)?
  6. How to clean the bow so as not to cry (hold the knife and onions in cold water)?
  7. What needs to be done so that saved soup become delicious (add purified crude potatoes into it)?
  8. What do you need to add to the water so that the egg during cooking does not burst (salt)?
  9. Ka quickly cook potatoes (after the water boils, add a piece of butter into the pan)?
  10. What you need to do so that the beets during cooking keeps your color (add to the water in which it is brewed, slightly slightly vinegar)?
  11. What needs to be done so that the eggs can be shot down faster (use chilled eggs with the addition of pinching salts)?
  12. How to find out whether a baked cake or a pie is ready (pierced it with a wooden skewer or match: if the dough stuck, then not ready)?

The participant who received the greatest number of chips is awarded the medal "Best Mistress". It is also necessary to provide for the option when several participants scored same number Points. In this case, there should be several additional questions in stock to determine one winner or make some additional medals.

The corporate party on March 8 traditionally includes a banquet with toasts, contests and fun stonsions. At the celebration there may be a guest presenter, but it is easy to organize a holiday and on their own.

We picked up a few scenarios for corporate party on March 8, so that the evening was cheerful and memorable.

Corporate begins with congratulations on the festive table.


"We all know that the most volatile and changeable on Earth is not the weather, but the mood in women. I wish you that your mood change from raised to good, from a good - to the joyful, from joyful - to fun, and from the fun - to happy. And no more other changes! From March 8! "

After the banquet, it is proposed to play a fairy tale. Participants receive cards with phrases.


The text of the fairy tale - impromptu reads the presenter, the others beat the heard and pronounce their phrase every time their character is mentioned.

Acting faces and replicas:

  • Mirror: "Vidal and better!"
  • Mary: I want to marry! "
  • Joe: "We will not catch up!"
  • Horse: "Let's drink me!"
  • Cat Murka: "I am in myself!"
  • Pie Barbos: "Well, Gav, and Che!"

Morning. In a small cozy Salun sits a lonely mistress Mary and from boredom continuously looks in the mirror. Murka's cat gently rubs her legs, then Mary sits down on his knees and also looks in the mirror. At the entrance to the saloon heats on the sun.

And somewhere in the prairies jumps on his faithful horse the elusive cowboy Joe. And suddenly, Joe stops his faithful horse, because he recalls that today is a male holiday, and it would be nice to look at the beauty of Mary, skip a couple of cups. The cowboy sharply turns the horse and jumps to Mary. Mary continues to look at the mirror and sigh.

Joe drives up, gets off with a horse, gives him a drink, and here he notices the dog of Barbos, Joe scratches him behind the ear, the dog pretty that is glad. Joe approaches Mary, looks in the mirror, strokes the cat Murku and hints Mary, which would be good to skip the cup. Then I scored with hoof and called the horse, apparently, he also wanted to drink, from this the dog slightly moved his ears, and the cat wisered the tail. And Mary looked again in the mirror, sighed, stroked the cat, shook the ps, mad a horse and finally poured Joe.

Joe drank, flushed, looked into the mirror, then on Mary, who nervously stroking the cat, looking at the dog and horse. Then he began to wrap up in front of the mirror, Joe drank again, then also ... I did not agree with the mirror about Mary. And decided Joe, the holiday is a holiday, and it is better to spend it in cheerful company Mary, faithful horse, cats and dogs than to jump, like a fool, by prairies.

Holding March 8 in the women's team

Planning the script on March 8 in the women's team, it will be necessary to build a program in which it would be merry contestsWhat makes the celebration of interesting. In this case, no one will be bored.

To carry out the event, you can choose a cafe suitable for the number of participants. The holiday is carried out by the lead. The feast of the celebration in the women's team is the presence of only ladies, which should be taken into account when planning a festive program.

Leading: Dear women, I invite you to celebrate our holiday! Today we will spend your bachelorette party dedicated to the holiday Spring and beauty. At the very beginning, the word is provided to the head of our company.

Leading: We - women are very important to always be beautiful. Let's check, which of us knows how to make makeup.

To carry out the next competition, it is necessary to prepare posters to which a female person will be drawn. It is also necessary to make cosmetics - mascara, blush, lipstick, and so on. The task is to make a face with the help of cosmetics. The competition is held under merry music. The volume of the applause is determined by the winner. She is awarded the prize - a set of cosmetics.

Leading: In our team there are many girlfriends. In proof of his friendship, you need to perform a song about the faithful female friendship.

After that, the script on March 8 in the women's team involves the performance of a song about female friendship. For this, it is necessary to prepare a musical composition in advance. The song is performed by all employees.

Leading: Despite the fact that our female team, on this day we can not remember about men. For this, a fun competition is offered.

After this scenario on March 8 in the women's team includes festive program Competition for whom one of women is invited. The task is to show one of the men's professions. It is necessary to do this without words, that is, only gestures. The name of the professions to the participant who will show words says the lead. That woman who guesses the word will show the following.

As an example of professions that will be shown, you can offer such options as a locksmith, driver, tractor driver, plumbing and many other options.

Leading: Now let's remember about classes that are purely female. This offers an excellent option - an interesting game.

Then the game is held. One of the women calls the Word, for example, "washing", then a person who is sitting with her must call another female lesson. At the same time, the condition is to call the word that should begin with the letter, which the previous one has completed, that is, this case This is the letter "A". You can call funny options.

Leading: I suggest a drink for such a festive day and congratulate the ladies with their holiday.

Leading: What holiday without dancing? Everyone is invited to the dance floor.

Merry and dance music sounds and all guests go dancing.

Leading: Each of us wishes again at least for a moment to be in childhood. Today we will have such an opportunity - this is a contest that will provide the opportunity to feel the sweet taste of childhood.

In order to carry out the next competition, it is necessary to prepare children's sets in the form of designers.

The challenge is that for the allotted time, while the music sounds, collect the constructor. The one who cope with the task becomes the winner.

Leading: Now it's time to check the culinary abilities and tasting, which is so important for every woman.

There are several women in this competition. It is necessary to prepare dishes that should not be on festive table Previously. Eyes are tied to participants. Their task is to guess which ingredients are included in the dishes, which will be tastened. The one who calls the most accurate answer will become the winner.

Complete the celebration is offered by a sweet table. To do this, it will be good to prepare a festive cake that can be decorated accordingly.

Scenario with contests

The holiday begins with the presentation of gifts for women and congratulations. It is desirable that congratulations are not too tightened and official. It is better to fulfill in a poetic or song form. Be sure to mention every woman, make it a compliment and say a few special words. Also on this holiday can not do without presenting colors.


Depending on the number of participants and the premises in which the holiday passes, the nature of the banquet may change. Guests can be accommodated at one large table or small tables. Participants may take their places immediately at the coming for a holiday or after official greetings.

After congratulations and presenting gifts, all participants are sitting at the table. It is desirable that on this day the participants are delivered from both the preparation of treats and from the cleaning of the table after the end of the banquet.

Competition-Test "Real Women"

As a festive entertainment, you can offer a contest of real women. The competition will be funnier and more interesting if several men who dressed in women will be attended. At the same time, the outfit may be sufficiently conditional (hat, apron or paper fan, covered beard), the main thing is that the participants in this presentation try to copy women's behavior.

After the emergence of men (enough 2-3 people), arguing that they are women, several participants are selected and various contests are held between them. Despite the beability of the plot of dressing up a man in a woman, this idea will be popular with the public.

Who is bigger

The presenter sets any female theme (for example, "Flowers", "cosmetic firms", "elements of clothing", "decorations"). The task of participants is to call in an arbitrary order of words related to this topic. The participant who will call the last word receives a prize point.

Non-standard situations

The presenter offers each participant a difficult situation from which it should find the original output. Participants who gave the most interesting answers, get a prize point.

Examples of situations:

You have been preparing for a party for a long time, bought a specially elegant dress to produce an impression on all. However, when you came, the outfit of the hostess of the house was like two drops of water similar to yours. What to do?

You wait for your husband's parents arrival. To impress you, you decide to cook something special. However, you can't do anything - the soup you register, roast burns, and the pie is similar to the sole. You do not have time to fix something, because the guests are already calling on the door. What to do?

Before an important date, you went to the hairdresser. As a result of a terrible mistake, you painted hair in green color. Goodbye one hour remains. What to do?

On business buffet you came in a knitted dress. You are talking to a very important partner and suddenly notice that one of the guests clung to a jacket buttons for the thread of your dress and the farther he moves, the more dismissed your dress. An important conversation is not yet completed. What to do?

The participant who scores more than all glasses receives a prize. At the same time, it is desirable to expose disguised men and make them perform a free-quality task (sing a song, to dance, etc.).

Competition of unusual sculptures

This contest is offered to men. From balloons of various sizes and shapes, they should with the help of a scotch to cut out a female figure. It is desirable that for this contest the men divided into teams of 2-3 people.

Women can also offer to make a male sculpture.

Part of the balloons can already be inflated, in addition, it is necessary to stock up with a sufficient amount of bad balls and threads. It is interesting to use balloons of various sizes and shapes.

It doesn't matter what size is a team, whether there are men in it or it consists only of the beautiful half of humanity - a cheerful scarlet on March 8 will help to hold a good mood and involvement in the holiday of all employees.

Video with ideas on how to congratulate women in the team on March 8


There are no men in your team, but you need to somehow congratulate yourself, loved on March 8? We will tell you a lot of ideas, how to spend fun party In the women's team on their own, and without the participation of the male half of humanity. Holiday in a purely female team can also be very interesting if you prepare not only congratulations on March 8, but also fun scenes, cool games and contests, chastushki, riddles, fun questions with answers, quiz, humorous performances and alteration songs. Our full Scenario of Corporate on March 8 in the women's team without men You can add other competitions to the female day at your discretion.

Scenario corporate on March 8 in the women's team without men

By the way, a good idea to spend on March 8 in the team can be a thematic party. For example, in retro style, or 80s style, in the form of a masquerade, ballast, rock parties, with the appropriate dress code.

What you come in handy for this funny scenario:

  • Potatoes;
  • Dolls and clothes;
  • Objects of women's clothing;
  • Male and school portfolio;
  • Bathrobes and buttons, threads, needles, scissors;
  • Fruits vegetables;
  • Comic giant panties;
  • Chocolate coins;
  • Boxes with pieces of paper;
  • Prizes for beauty contest: tights, varnish, mascara, beads, pillow, belt;
  • Contests for the female team on March 8 without the participation of men

    1 contest. Whose subject?

    The essence of the competition: One participant comes to, they are removed to the side, and without it the presenter collects on the subject of women from the team. It may be clock, rings, beads, belts, phones or covers from them, any jewelry, decoration, maybe even shoes! Our participant must guess where whose subject and make a conclusion, whether she knows his colleagues well.

    2 contest. Hostess.

    At least 2 participants take part in this competition. But you can and more. They will need to perform comic task At the speed and ability to be a good mistress. For example, there may be such tasks:

  • Clean 5 potatoes for speed;
  • Doll into clothes;
  • Getting well - in comic clothing items: a hat, beads, shoes, skirt, - over their clothes.
  • Sew 5 buttons for the speed to the bathrobe.
  • Disassemble the things of a husband and a child: Some of the husband's briefcase, others in a briefcase - a child.
  • Etc. Wins the most prompt woman participant and the hostess.

    3 contest. Dance.

    Call two participants who know how to dance Waltz, and offer them to dance to them. But the music begins to change in style, then rap, then jazz,

    4 Competition. Fruit temptation.

    You need to buy fresh strawberries, bananas, apples, oranges, kiwi, lemon and other fruits. Also cucumber, or potatoes. All cutting on large slices and mix in two sidiers.

    5 Competition. Characteristic.

    The organization's chief characterizes each colleague short on a piece of paper. Next, the leaves are stirred.

    6 competition. Try wearing.

    Call one of those who want to take part in the competition. She leaves the scenes leading to her gives gigantic rates, which Ta should wear over clothes. ................................................................

    7 Beauty Competition.

    All women of your team can participate in the beauty contest.

    Comic nomination:

    1.) The longest legs
    2.) The longest nails
    3.) The longest eyelashes
    4.) the biggest breast
    5.) The biggest ass
    6.) The thinnest waist

    The meaning of the competition is simple: the girls give the cardboard numbers of the participants on the ribbon, or glue round numbers on the back. You need to go beautifully on the podium, demonstrating all the nominations. The winner get small prizes.

    Long leg holder: Tights, long nails - varnish, long eyelashes - Mascara, big breasts - beads, big priests - pillow under the ass with Grech, thin waist - belt.

    Game: If ...

    The presenter prepares two boxes, in one box paper with the beginning of phrases, in another box - the end of phrases. The presenter gives every woman to pull over 1 piece of paper from each box. And after reading them in order. Merry questions with answers come to each other.

    Examples (beginning of phrases):

    1. If I were our boss, then ...
    2. If I knew the president personally, then ...

    Examples: (Ending phrases):

    1. That I would be the happiest in the world.
    2. I would not work here already.

    Scene on March 8 for the female corporate party on the motive: three girls under the window

    Three women take part in the scene - three girls. Which are sitting under the window on the bench and gossip about the seven.

    Leading: Three girls under the window, drank in the evening, speaking about the seven.

    1 Maiden: Can I get drunk now

    Leading: Says one maiden

    Scene on March 8 for the female corporate party on the motive: I write to you, what a big

    Text of the letter:
    We write to you, what a big
    What can we still say.
    Today on the corporate party,
    Of course, we will drink.

    Comic Scene with Disguise: Recognition in Love Women

    Leaves disguised in a man woman. The suit is so that it was ridiculous, the man is assumed that Macho.

    Macho: Good evening, dear ladies!
    I am Macho, the conqueror of female hearts.
    It will be fun with me, just pipets!
    I miss you and sadness
    Do not believe me? I'm still standing.
    All secular lionesses hunted me

    Chastushki for corporate party on March 8

    1.) We are sports beauty
    We love to sing yes dance.
    And we put the sneakers,
    You definitely do not catch up!

    2.) I have three Uhager,
    I'm attended.
    I can not choose someone
    Better I will be alone.

    Riddles for corporate party on March 8 (for adults, with trick)

    1.) Above the knee, below the navel, the hole - the hand will easily crawl. (Family: Pocket)
    2.) It happens long, it happens short, it happens thick, it happens thin. Everywhere it is, it is called for three letters. (Family: Nose)

    Song-alteration on the motive: "Let them run awkward ..." on March 8

    1 verse:

    Let all men run
    By morning in shops
    Buy bouquets of flowers.
    On this day - we are goddesses,
    Queen, Princess,
    Be to whims, a man, ready!


    End of a familiarization fragment. For purchase full version Scenes Go to Cart. After payment, the material will be available for download on the page with the material, and by reference that will come to the e-mail.

    Price: 199. r uB.

    Leading 1: Dear ladies! On the eve of a wonderful holiday, we gathered with you in our music hall. After all, our cohesive female team Already just with water do not overcome!

    Leading 2. : Let's have fun, talk about our little weaknesses, gossip about men and share women's tricks and secrets!

    Lead 1: As it comes in the song.

    Snow mests March-prank,

    Hearts will catch off from winter.

    Let's meet a female holiday

    So, as we can only!

    Word is provided For congratulations to the team ___________________.

    Leading 2: And now for us, Lyudmila "Woman who loves"

    Leading 1:

    Today the sun is happily shining,

    Singing Spring Breath,

    And all the dreams are beautiful in the world

    Today I need to come true!

    Leading 2: In the spring, always and breathes freely, and in the heart of more fun. In the spring, not only nature, but also feelings, hopes, good mood wake up. With the female holiday you and with a new spring!

    Leading 1:

    Do you know the girls that if you look at more carefully around, then you can see that the arrival of spring foreshadows and a lot of other life changes! And today we are waiting for many surprises!

    And now I am an excuse you go to the center of the hall waiting for usDance entertainment "Horovoda greetings"

    In each country and each people have their own traditions and rituals of greetings. I suggest try, but suddenly like it, and it will become our traditional corporate greeting.

    Guests form two circles:interior (Guests are moving, dancing,clockwise) I. outdoor (counterclockwise). When the music stops, the lead calls the country (prompts the movement), and all standing opposite each other shall be appropriate greetings.And here we are met by France

    Country and movements:

    France - hugging

    China - prayer movement of hands in front of the breast

    Norway - strong handshakes

    Chukotka - rub noses

    Samoa - intense sniffing

    Russia - bread, salt

    Japan - Low Powers

    New Guinea - Show Language

    Africa - patting hands in their hips and joyful facial grimaces.

    Leading 2: Dear ladies! The main integral sign of spring. On the eve of March 8, literally per day or two, in stores just do not push around. All because men choose gifts for us, as always, at the very last moment! And quite often, if not to say regularly, they give us completely wrong! Woman need what?

    Answers ......

    Lead 2: Think that best gift - This is the book - the lot of librarians. We know the correct answer with you. Fur coat? No, take above. Well? As he said, Dear Leonid Arkadyevich: Avt-Mo-BI !!! And so, now a new car will be presented to your attention. But I keep silent, silent: the word creators!

    There is one lady.

    Designer: Dear friends! In fact, we planned a presentation on the Motor Show in Geneva, but for the sake of the holiday (International Women's Day) we will tell you some insider information.

    And so, let Mikhail Prokhorov with his e-mobile biting elbows, we present the first female car M. Mobile!

    • Main characteristics. M. Mobile is refilled, like the hostess, from one glass of gasoline.
    • Unlike an ordinary car, a section has appeared for lipstick - where there was a cigarette lighter. The cigarette lighter itself was eliminated, in order to avoid unpleasant burning. There is a search function lost earrings in the cabin
    • Important moment: Machine - Chameleon. Automatically changes the color of the purse and boots.
    • M. Mobile - does not enter on the road, it just wins the bumper.
    • In the Mobile there is a disc with compliments. This is done specifically, what would be on a cry: "The fool where are there?" "You heard:" Umnichka, you do everything right. "
    • Zh-mobile has one drawback, it is too good at the pictures of the traffic police.
    • Roule M-Mobile in shape resembles Torso Brad Pit, from which he does not want to let go. The steering wheel automatically makes you a manicure, and the gas pedal is a pedicure and light massage feet.
    • The car feels where there is a new collection or discounts and it slows there.
    • Soft toy, pink pillow and velvet rag function have a good mood And the favorite smell of spirits are already in the basic configuration.
    • There is not only a rearview mirror, but also in full height in the cabin.
    • Well, it's probably all. Does anyone have questions in the hall?

    Man from the Hall : Here you are so colorfully described. Does your car have shortcomings?

    • In our opinion, only one: the trunk of the M. Mobile is made according to the principle of the handbag.

    A man from the hall: that is?

    • It has everything you need, just what FIG you will find.
    • Thank you! Wait for sales! Already soon in the Avon and Oriflame directories

    Lead2: We will wait with impatience. How many wonderful and interesting in our world! But nevertheless, the main miracle is a woman! After all, it is the great mystery of nature, an undivided mystery of the universe, which can only be compared with the brightest star! And today I suggest choosing a bright star of our kindergarten.

    Leading 1: And now we invite 10 participants.

    Game "Best Actor" Probably, we all know our favorite verse "Our Tanya bitter crying"?

    Task Simple: Now you have to tell this verse, but there is one thing: I will show on the screen, in which image it is necessary to state a poem, so that all nominees have been in the same conditions.

    For example, verse needs to be told if you do not utter the letter "P" (demonstrates how to tell the verse). Clear? Then they started!


    1.You - Japanese;

    2. You are offended;

    3. Higher happy;

    4. You are a panic;

    5. You are old grandmother;

    6. You are a little boy who is just - what began to speak;

    7.You - hooligan;

    8. You are Georgians;

    9. You are very bold;

    10. You are Miss Universe 2015, and you just learned about it.

    What are the well done, in our kindergarten only the most bright stars, Spectators let's praise our actors. We have advised and decided that all our actors deserved the Oscar of our kindergarten Ascor.

    Leading 1: I ask you to get together, as we have to think now and guess the melodies that will now be wound. Little tip of cartoon melodies. So: sit comfortable, listen. The winners, or rather, the winners are awaiting prizes.

    Leading 2: Well done with cartoons coped.

    We continue nowYou need to guess what movie the winged phrases sound

    Leading 1: Questions:

    1) - I need to continue the banquet! (Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession)

    2) Get away from here! And then I have ... Spoons disappear! (Girls)

    1) - Live well, and well live - even better! (Caucasian Captive)

    2) - Write on our Kolyma, please, please, (diamond hand)

    1) - Stole, drank - in prison! Romance! (Gentlemen of Fortune)

    2) "You are lying, and you do not fight" (Beware of the car)

    1) - announce the entire list please (Operation s and other adventures of Shurik)

    2) - So always: you work, you work, and then - Batz! - Second shift (big change)

    1) What kind of nasty is your fading fish! IRONY OF FATE OR ENJOY YOUR BATH

    2) - Hey, citizen! You do not go there, you go here! Snow Baska will get ... (Gentlemen good luck)

    1) Hellow! The hostel listens! MOSCOW DOES NOT BELIEVE IN TEARS

    2) - Komsomolka, athlete and just Beauty (Caucasian Captive)

    Leading 1. : Well done and with this task coped! And now let's try to guess the riddle:

    Who is very strict

    But knows how and joke?

    Who are us from any commission

    Can protect?

    Who is subordinate

    Two hundred more dislike?

    Who is responsible for the kindergarten

    These long year

    And to whom we are at advice

    Always appeal?

    In all matters knowledgeable

    Of course ... (heading)!

    Leading 2: ......... .. We chose the words for so long to express to you our gratitude and admiration that it turned out a whole song!

    (on the motive of the children's song "Smile").

    From the smile of our lady boss

    Even the most lazy will wake up

    And no one will hang his nose

    If ours ............. Smile!


    And then probably

    Clouds fly away

    With blue stream2r.

    River begins,

    From the smile of our lady boss

    On the soul always becomes wonderful!

    Despite margin,

    We are accepted for work with the song!


    And then probably

    Clouds fly away

    Well, the plans are corrected by mistakes!

    With blue stream2r.

    River begins,

    And the bosses begins with a smile!

    Leading 2.

    What do you guys do?

    How to learn and when?

    How to walk and entertain?

    We do not know, so trouble!

    But a whole leaf

    Writes to children ...... ..!

    I hand the flowers ....................................................

    Leading 1.

    Doors, light bulbs, carpets,

    And sand for the defones

    Curtains and toys,

    Blankets and pillows,

    Furniture in kindergarten ours brought

    Wonderful .........!

    I hand the flowers ....................................................

    Leading 2.

    All in papers, in the tables,

    All in concerns and affairs.

    Need to run in control,

    Sign her statement.

    To do it all,

    Need wings to have.

    Good health wish we want

    Thank you so much!


    I hand the flowers ....................................................


    Why do we love spring days so?

    Why are they with hope and joy waiting?

    Because only they are filled

    Unusual, special happiness, warm ...

    Presenter1: ATTENTION, LADY! March eighth is made to give women gifts. Women flourish like roses! I will have to be a little in the role of Santa Claus, despite the fact that winter is already behind. Woman need what? All that makes her happier and more beautiful. And today, such gifts are suitable for you - the most necessary and practical in the world!Please approach the members of the trade union!

    Movement1: And now, you are waiting for another surprise video "Amazing life My"

    Lead 2: In our garden, an extremely beautiful team-bouquet! In it, all the flowers are so selected to each other that there is at least one replacements - and it will not be at all! ..

    Lead 1. Our most women are the most!

    Leading 2. The most cute, the most beautiful!

    Lead 1. The smartest, most tender!

    Leading 2. The most fun, the most creative!

    Together: We wish you to stay so always and in everything!

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