How is the theme of the female share presented in the lyrics of N. A

reservoirs 24.09.2019

The image of a Russian woman, a difficult female lot, occupy a significant place in the work of Nekrasov. The heroines of his poems and poems were both simple peasant women and princesses. All of them created a unique image of the Nekrasov "stately Slav", in appearance which embodied folk ideas about a real beauty:

The beauty of the world marvelously,

Blush, slim, tall,

Beautiful in every dress

Dexterity for any work.

The Russian woman at Nekrasov is also distinguished by spiritual wealth. In the image of a Russian peasant woman, the poet showed a person of high moral qualities, not losing faith, not broken by any sorrows. Nekrasov sings of her resilience in life's trials, pride, dignity, care for her family and children.

These qualities of a Russian woman are most fully revealed in the image of Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina in the poem “Who should live well in Russia”. This woman herself from the pages of the poem tells us about her difficult fate. In her story, there are the hardships of life for all Russian peasant women of that time: constant humiliation, separation from her husband, suffering of a mother who lost her son, eternal poverty ... But she can endure everything:

-Walked with anger in my heart,

And the Word did not say too much to anyone.

But Matrena Timofeevna did not lose her self-esteem, protest is also heard in her story (“They have no darling in their chest ... There is no cross on their neck!”). not easy woman's destiny she compares it with three loops of white, red and black silk and tells the wanderers: “You didn’t start a business - look for a happy woman among the women!”

Three heavy shares had fate,

And the first share: to marry a slave,

The second is to be the mother of the son of a slave,

And the third - to obey the slave to the grave,

And all these formidable shares lay down

On the woman of the Russian land.

Caring for the family, raising children, housework and field work, even the most hard work- all this lay on Daria. But she did not break under this weight. In the image of Daria Nekrasov showed best features Russian woman, in which external attractiveness was combined with internal moral wealth.

This is what the poet admires. He says about Russian peasant women that "the dirt of the miserable situation does not seem to stick to them." Such a woman "endures both hunger and cold." There is still room in her soul for compassion. Daria went many versts behind a miraculous icon that could cure her husband, and Matryona Timofeevna forgives Savely the bogatyr for his oversight, which led to the death of her child.

The heroine Nekrasova is capable of a moral feat. This is also confirmed by the images of the princesses Trubetskoy and Volkonskaya, created in the poem "Russian Women". In this poem, Nekrasov sang the feat of the wives of the Decembrists, who shared the sad fate of their husbands. We see how all the governor’s arguments in a conversation with Princess Trubetskoy (“Let it be your husband - he’s to blame ... But you have to endure ... why?”, “You run after him. Like a pitiful slave”) are broken against the hardness of the accepted princess solutions. In a difficult moment, she should be next to her husband. And no hardships on this path will stop her. The same can be said about Princess Volkonskaya, whose life is full of "sad losses." “I shared joy with him, I have to share the prison too ... So it pleases the sky! ..” - says the heroine. In her words - both love and a sense of duty.

The fact that Nekrasov replaced the original title of the poem "Decembrists" with the generalized "Russian Women" speaks for itself. Best qualities inherent in the heroines of this poem - fortitude, the ability to sacrifice oneself, will - these are the features of a Russian woman, to whatever social class she didn't belong. The poet pays tribute moral beauty and the feat of a Russian woman:

Oh my mother, I am moved by you,

You saved a living soul in me.

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The image of a woman has always attracted the attention of readers and connoisseurs of Russian classical literature.

The heroines of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov have a wide variety of characters with all sorts of shades. These are children, naive and charming, not knowing life, but, undoubtedly, decorating it. These are practical women who know the value of material wealth and are able to achieve them. These are ready-made toys for the first person they meet, who will say the word of love to them, these are coquettes playing with someone else's love, these are sufferers, meekly fading away under oppression, and strong natures. Some of them are able to overcome all the hardships and hardships, and someone no longer finds the strength for later life.

Each time, creating the image of a woman, Nekrasov tried to understand the mysterious uniqueness of the soul of the beautiful half of humanity, and each time he discovered something new for himself. His heroines are always colorful and as natural as possible. They not only exist in literature, they live on the pages of his works.

Issues: why is the image of a Russian woman in the lyrics of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov always a tragic image of a strong, strong-willed, but deeply unhappy woman?

Object of study: poems and poems by N.A. Nekrasov.

Subject of study: female images in the lyrics of N.A. Nekrasov

Objective: revealing the features of the image of a Russian woman in the lyrics of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov


1. read the biography of N.A. Nekrasov;

2. analyze individual episodes of poems and poems by Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov;

3. characterize each of female images;

4. identify the means of artistic expression in the depiction of female images.

This study can expand the modern reader's understanding of the fate of a Russian woman in the 19th century.

1. Theoretical part

1.1 Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov - poet of female fate

A special place in the works of Nekrasov is occupied by the image of a Russian woman. He always writes about her with deep sincere feeling. This is confirmed by such works of the poet as the poem “In full swing the village suffering ...”, episodes from the poems “Coma in Russia to live well” and “Frost, red nose”.

The theme of a difficult female fate runs through many of Nekrasov's works. The poet constantly emphasizes that a woman bears a double oppression: landlord and family. Nekrasov deeply sympathizes with the difficult female lot and admires the stamina, endurance and hard work of a Russian woman. She knows how, throwing off everyday worries, to relax and have fun, but during work she is dexterous, strong, collected. Such a woman "endures both hunger and cold." She is strict towards the lazy, towards the poor, but this does not mean that she does not have love, compassion for people. The main advantage of a Russian woman, Nekrasov considers her ability to be a real, sensitive mother. Caring for children forces Daria to relocate her grief and somehow support her family. The heroine of the poem “In full swing the village suffering ...” “is exhausted” so that her child is fed. Matrena Timofeevna Korchagina, “the long-suffering mother”, brings up her children by her personal example.

In order to better reveal the image of a Russian woman-sufferer, a loving mother and a person in love, it is necessary to reveal several images of women in the lyrics of N.A. Nekrasov.

1.2 The image of the mother in the lyrics of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov

The image of the mother is one of the most revered in world literature. Russian prose writers and poets paid tribute to his embodiment. But by the middle of the 19th century, it was not often found in Russian literature, and before N.A. Almost no one wrote about Nekrasov about his mother with such warmth and love.

Little evidence has come down to us about the poet's relationship with his mother, which suggests that Nekrasov was connected with her by a feeling of deep affection and love. He sympathized with her suffering share, her hard life with a harsh husband, and always remembered her with great warmth and tenderness.

In different poems, the poet repeatedly draws her portrait. Portrait of a sufferer with a quiet voice, pallor, a sad look and tears in her eyes. This is a touching portrait of a kind and meek woman who has “stood under a thunderstorm” all her life.

But for all her outward weakness, the mother in the image of Nekrasov is endowed with extraordinary stamina and inner strength. She not only protects her children from the arbitrariness of her breasts, but also gives them an example of humanity, in her difficult lot finding warmth and words of comfort for all those who suffer.

The works of Nekrasov reflect the images of mothers who are at different levels of the social ladder. Princess Volkonskaya is the wife of a Decembrist exiled to Siberia and mother. Her son was born when her husband was already in prison. The princess is going through a painful struggle between the duty of a wife and the duty of a mother. Despite the resistance of her relatives, the condemnation of society, power and law, she decides to follow her husband. But this means not only her rejection of everything she was used to - the rejection of the rights of the nobility, but also the renunciation of her son, whom she may never see again. It is not without internal hesitation that a woman-mother decides to take such a step. It is not easy for her to agree to separation from her son. But, ultimately, she comes to the conclusion that as an adult, her son will understand and justify her.

According to the poet, the mother serves as a high moral example for her son, and thus, even without being next to him, she conveys to him all the best that is in herself.

The images of peasant mothers are reflected in many of Nekrasov's works. This is the nameless young woman from the poem “The village suffering is in full swing”, and the stately worker Daria from the poem “Frost, Red Nose”, and female images from the poem “Who Lives Well in Russia” - Domna, Mitenka's mother, Matryona Korchagina. All of them are disenfranchised and crushed by a heavy female share, which, according to Nekrasov, is difficult to find, nevertheless, they amaze with their high moral qualities, spiritual strength, and most importantly - strength maternal love. Nekrasov considered a mother's love for her child to be the only, truly sincere, pure and devoted love.

Only a mother, in his deep conviction, will never betray and forget her child in case of misfortune. As long as she lives, her pain will never subside and her tears will never dry. In a small, but surprisingly capacious and significant in depth and strength, the poem “Listening to the horrors of war ...”, the poet reflects on the death of a soldier in battle and the suffering that this death causes to loved ones. The poet, who lost her son in the war, evokes the greatest sympathy from the poet.

From the pages of various works by Nekrasov, a generalized portrait of the mother of an entire nation rises, a majestic and steadfast worker, a long-suffering sufferer, selflessly devoted to her children and ready for any sacrifice for them.

1.3 The image of a peasant woman in the lyrics of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov

In the image of a Russian peasant woman, Nekrasov showed a man of high moral qualities. The poet sings of her resilience in life's trials, pride, dignity, care for her family and children.

This type of woman is most fully revealed by Nekrasov in the poem “Who should live well in Russia?” in the image of Matrena Timofeevna Korchagina. She tells about all the everyday hardships of a Russian peasant woman: the despotism of family relations, separation from her husband, eternal humiliation, the suffering of a mother who has lost her son. She also talks about material need: fires, loss of livestock, crop failures and the threat of remaining a soldier. But these trials did not break her spirit, the woman retained her human dignity. True, before the force of circumstances created by the social structure of that time, when the "daughter-in-law in the house" was "the last, last slave", "intimidated", "cursed", Matryona Timofeevna had to bow her head. But family relationships, humiliating her and demanding unquestioning obedience and obedience, she does not take for granted. The character of the heroine is tempered in difficult trials.

With the help of folklore genres - songs, lamentations, lamentations - the emotional impression is enhanced, they help express pain and longing, show more vividly how bitter the life of Matryona Timofeevna is. The speech of the heroine is full of folklore expressions, uniquely individual, alive, concrete and emotional. The saturation of her speech with sayings, songs, laments speaks of the creative warehouse of her soul, wealth and strength of feeling. The image of Matrena Timofeevna is the image of a strong-willed, gifted and talented peasant woman.

Matrena Timofeevna's story about her life is a story about the fate of any peasant woman, a long-suffering Russian woman, and the fate of the heroine is not an exception to the rule, but the same as the fate of millions of Russian peasant women. In the poem "Frost, Red Nose" we are talking about the tragic fate of a peasant woman who took on all the men's work. The admiration of the author for the beauty of Daria inextricably merges with admiration for her dexterity and strength in her work. Daria is the ideal of female beauty that Chernyshevsky wrote about as a popular, democratic ideal. Daria is the heroic image of a Russian woman, a Russian peasant woman, in whom the best features of the national character, "the type of a majestic Slav" appeared.

The external attractiveness and beauty of this simple peasant woman are combined with her inner, moral wealth, with her selflessness and mental stamina.

The harsh share of the Russian peasant woman is embodied in the concrete, vitally truthful image of Daria. Daria escaped one of the "hard fates" - "submit to the grave to the slave" - ​​her husband loved her with a restrained, slightly harsh love, characteristic of peasant families. The heroism of Daria is in her courageous, steadfast struggle with misfortunes and hardships. Caring for the family, about some, at least modest, prosperity, raising children, working around the house and in the field, the hardest work - all this lay on the shoulders of Daria. But she did not bend, did not break under this unbearable weight. Nekrasov considers the main advantage of a Russian woman to be her ability to be a real, sensitive mother. It is the care of children that makes Daria overcome her grief and somehow support her family.

Describing the type of "stately Slav", Nekrasov finds such women not only among the peasantry. The best spiritual qualities - willpower, the ability to love, selflessness and fidelity - make Matryona Timofeevna related to the heroines of the poem "Russian Women". The first part of the poem is dedicated to Princess Trubetskoy, the second - to Princess Volkonskaya.

The poet showed that the image of the "stately Slav" does not belong to one social stratum. This type of woman is universal, it can be found both in a peasant's hut and in a high society living room, because the main component of this image is spiritual beauty. Speaking of the bitter fate of women, Nekrasov never ceases to admire the amazing spiritual qualities of his heroines, their great willpower, self-esteem, pride, not crushed by difficult living conditions.

1.4 The image of the beloved in the lyrics of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov ("Panaevsky cycle")

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is almost never perceived as a poet who worked in line with love poetry. His primordial and familiar works are "Peasant Children", "Women in Russian Villages" and other works of civil lyrics. However, with a close study of Nekrasov's love lyrics, as well as his life path, it turns out that Nikolai Alekseevich, like many other poets and creative people, was very loving. A passionate nature, constantly in a creative search, in need of a muse, a comrade-in-arms and a friend - such was the poet and, accordingly, Nekrasov's love lyrics developed in the same vein.

Insane, passionate, all-burning love, the embodiment of which in Nekrasov's life was the unsurpassed, languid and self-aware Avdotya Panaeva, to whom he devoted a whole cycle of his poems. She was his only muse. Nekrasov's love lyrics, written for Avdotya and about Avdotya, are unparalleled among the love lyrics of other masters of the pen. He loved her madly, was ready for anything for her. Nekrasov's love lyrics, dedicated to Panaeva, are entirely autobiographical - the poet simply transfers to paper what is raging and raging in his soul.

The cycle opens with the poem "You are always good incomparably ...". This is the brightest and most optimistic of all Nekrasov's love poems. It is so different from the subsequent ones that literary critics for a long time did not dare to classify it as "Panaev's". The love of the heroine in it is joyful and sparkling, hot and tender. And the heroine herself is not only “incomparably good”, but smart and witty, cheerful and mocking, coquettish and sly, feminine and charming. This is exactly what the young Panaeva was like.

The verses addressed to Panaeva are a kind of novel that has a beginning and an end. In it, lovers meet, quarrel, reconcile, part, write and burn letters, remember and try to forget.

With his mind, the poet understood and felt with his soul to what state their complex relationship had brought his closest woman, how his beloved had changed internally and externally since they had known each other. In verse, he repented before her.

What is left of a cheerful, flirtatious and attractive woman, of her “incomparable” beauty and charm?! No one can truly explain the metamorphoses of loving relationships.

Nekrasov's love lyrics was a new word in the development of Russian poetry. She destroyed the usual ideas. In Nekrasov's poems, the poet's beloved acts not only as an object of adoration and worship, but above all as a friend and like-minded lyrical hero, equal to him in everything.

In Nekrasov's poems love feeling appears in all its complexity, inconsistency, unpredictability, and sometimes routine.

2. Practical part

2.1 The originality of the Nekrasov method in the depiction of female images

The main motive of Nekrasov's poetry, mournful in general tone, is love. This humane feeling is first expressed in the depiction of the image of the poet's mother; the tragedy of her life made Nekrasov especially sensitive to the fate of a Russian woman in general.

The content of the poems corresponded to the special creative manner of Nekrasov. In his poems - a combination of prosaic, colloquial vocabulary with folklore and songs. Very often there is an intonation of crying, which was the new one that Nekrasov introduced into Russian poetry. The length and melodiousness of the verse Nekrasov achieved using three-syllable sizes - dactyl, amphibrach and anapaest.

Nekrasov's poems are characterized by polyphony, when poems are written on behalf of different heroes. Depending on the social origin of the character, the style, language and intonation of the verse changes. This allows us to talk about the presence speech characteristics heroes in the lyrics of Nekrasov, no less expressive than in the Russian realistic novel.

Russian woman mother Nekrasov

2.2 Aphoristic language, lyricism, pathos

Many lines of Nekrasov became popular expressions: “There were worse times, but it was not mean”, “Here comes the master - the master will judge us”, “Sow reasonable, kind, eternal”.

The works studied for the creation of this project are also distinguished by their special aphorism. The poem “To whom it is good to live in Russia”, scattered into quotes, most accurately reveals the image of a peasant woman: “A portly woman, wide and dense ...”, “For me, grievances are mortal Gone unrequited”, “Keys to female happiness ... God himself!”. Today, these expressions are used to describe women with a strong character who withstand all life's trials.

In each line of any poem, describing the image of the heroine and the events taking place around her, Nekrasov used great amount tropes. The most popular of them are comparisons, metaphors and epithets. If we talk about the artistic techniques used to create this image, then Nekrasov paid quite a lot of attention to inversion, gradation and portraiture. It is important to note that the image of the beloved is the prototype of the poet's real love. Therefore, Nekrasov not only endowed his image with all sorts of tricks and paths, but put his soul into it. That is why he is one of the most lyrical female images created by Nikolai Alekseevich.

Emotional coloring is the third characteristic used by Nekrasov to describe female images. But the degree of its expressiveness is different. The most striking female image was the image of the mother. The state of mind of the poet helped to make this image such.

The poet conveys the pathos of this image with the help of various artistic techniques: at the end of sentences he uses a large number of dots and exclamation marks - the author gives the reader the opportunity to penetrate and feel what, first of all, a mother feels.

Neither the mother nor the peasant woman are considered images endowed with lyricism. The author makes them think about their fate and life, and does not show it only from the side of emotional experiences.

2.3 Comparison of images

For comparison, the brightest works were studied, giving a complete picture of the disclosure of female images.

2. the use of folklore plays one of the main roles in the disclosure of images, since elements of oral folk art are present in every analyzed work;

In order to establish which of the images contains more aphorism, lyricism and pathos, an analysis was made of the author's use of tropes, artistic techniques, folklore. The following data has been received:

1. the greatest number of epithets and metaphors is found in the disclosure of the image of a peasant woman and a lover;

3. folklore genres are important in revealing the images of a peasant woman and a mother; in revealing the image of the beloved, they are of little importance;

4. each of the images has its own details, its own portrait, a different number of exclamations and dots, which significantly affects the reader's disclosure of any image;

5. The use of various tropes that do not repeat each other in the description of images indicates the originality of the poet's depiction of female images.


Based on a practical analysis of female images in the lyrics of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, the following conclusions can be drawn:

The most aphoristic is the image of a peasant woman;

· the image of the beloved is one of the most lyrical female images created by Nekrasov;

the image of the mother contains the greatest pathos;

· the images of a peasant woman, a lover and a mother are inextricably linked, since together they constitute the ideal of a Russian woman of the 19th century.

The image of a peasant woman

The image of the beloved

mother image

One of the most aphoristic images in Russian literature XIX century and the most aphoristic image of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov.

Endowed with lyricism like no other Nekrasov image.

Pathetics is what defines and reveals to the reader the image of the mother of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov.

There is pathos, but not pronounced, there is practically no lyricism in the image.

Less aphoristic than the image of a peasant woman - more pathetic, but no more than the image of a mother.

More lyrical than the image of a peasant woman, but the aphorism of the language is not traced.


1. Big encyclopedic Dictionary. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2002

2. N. Nekrasov. Poems. Poems. - M.: AST, 2002

3. G.A. Obernikhin, I.A. Bikkulova, I.M. Leifman - specialized level of literature. - M .: LLC "TID" Russian word- RS", 2011

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Women's theme in the works of N.A. Nekrasov is one of the most important. In my essay, I want to consider several lyrical works by Nekrasov, the main character of which is a woman.

So, the poem "I do not like your irony", written presumably in 1850, is dedicated to Avdotya Panaeva, the wife of Nekrasov's friend Ivan Panaev. The relationship between the poet and Avdotya Panaeva lasted almost twenty years, although they never acquired an official status. The connection between the lovers included both periods of cloudless happiness, and moments of violent showdown and even temporary cooling. One thing can be said for sure: Avdotya Panaeva became Nekrasov's muse for many years. Only the so-called "Panaevsky cycle" contains eleven works, but there are also unpublished poems. There is almost no historical data on the relationship between Nekrasov and Panaeva, so this cycle is of interest as a real history of the relationship between two people, it is a reflection of what has been experienced and suffered.

The poem “I don’t like your irony” can be called prophetic: the relationship of lyrical heroes is a projection of Nekrasov’s relationship with Avdotya Panaeva. The lyrical hero, being in love, already anticipates the inevitable separation from the heroine:

The poem is filled with tragedy, although, as the author writes, both the heroine and the hero are still full of love. She is still striving to prolong the date, and jealousy and dreams are seething in him, but behind all this there is already the ghost of an inevitable “denouement”. Despite the fact that we have before us the recognition of the hero, his feelings, we can well imagine the heroine. The first line of the poem “I don’t like your irony” gives us reason to think that the heroine is a woman who knows her worth, who allows mockery and play in her communication with men. The poem outlines the image of a mysterious woman who loves the hero and at the same time torments him.

The motive of separation is also the main one in the poem "Farewell", where the hero admits that his break with the heroine was premature. And although it seemed that there would be no torment in the "last fatal" forgive ", this parting turned out to be fatal for the hero's heart:

The image of a woman tormenting the hero is also developed in other works of the Panaevsky Cycle. For example, “So this is a joke? My dear ... ”, where the hero cries over the “calculated-severe”, short and cruel letter of the heroine.

But at the same time, in the poems dedicated to A. Panaeva, we see: their heroine is a deeply unhappy woman. So, in the work “She got a heavy cross,” we hear the hero’s confession that his beloved got a difficult fate: to suffer, pretend, be silent and not cry. The one to whom she gave all the heat of her feelings became not only joy, but also endless pain, became her executioner:

In the poem “A hard year - an illness broke me,” the hero also prays the heroine to listen to him, not to accuse him unfairly, he assures her that he is not a destroyer, but a friend:

We meet a completely different image of a woman in the poem "Troika". The main character here is a peasant girl. The work has a two-part composition. In the first part, Nekrasov describes a young beauty with "black as night" hair, rosy cheeks and sly eyes. One glance of such a girl is able to “ruin the old man for gifts”, and in the heart of a young man to light a fire of love. The girl eagerly looks at the road in the hope that a passing young cornet will fall in love with her and take her away. In the second part, the author describes the true fate of a young peasant woman. After a free life with her parents, she will live with a “sloven-man” who will beat her, as well as with a hated mother-in-law who bends her daughter-in-law into “three deaths”. The lot of a peasant woman is "to nurse, work and eat." The whole poem is built on the contrast:

Nekrasov quite realistically portrayed the fate of a peasant woman, whose whole life is a series of endless household chores that are not like a “long sleep”, so very soon, instead of joy and movement, an expression of constant fright and “stupid patience” appears on her face. The poem ends sadly: the author advises the girl to drown out the dreary anxiety in her heart and not to look after the rushing troika, because she does not believe in the happy fate of the young peasant woman.

The poem "On the Road" is also dedicated to the tragic fate of a peasant woman. The work is a dialogue between a passenger and a coachman, who tells about his wife, who, by chance, was brought up with lordly children, who knows how to read and write, foreign languages, trained in singing and other "noble manners". But after the death of the old owner, the new owner sent the girl back to the village, where she was married to a simple peasant. The coachman complains about how much trouble he has had with his young wife:

Life in the manor house, according to the coachman, spoiled his wife: reading did not bring anyone to good. But the most terrible thing for a peasant is for his son, whom an educated woman

The coachman complains that, apparently, his wife will die soon, although he is perplexed why:

In another work - the poem "Who Lives Well in Russia" - Nekrasov also creates the image of a Russian woman whose life is full of grief, suffering and misfortune, and "happiness" is only rare moments in her life. Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina tells the wanderers about the endless work in her husband's family

the tragic death of her first child, hunger, her husband’s enlistment as a soldier “out of turn”, etc. But, despite all this, people consider her happy, because the rest live even worse. Depicting the plight of a Russian peasant woman, Nekrasov writes about her self-sacrifice, beauty of the soul, broad nature, strength of mind and ability to love infinitely. So, Matryona, in order to save her husband from unfair recruitment, and her children from imminent starvation, goes to the governor himself for protection.

The motive of unparalleled self-sacrifice and the feat of a woman in the name of love and devotion is also shown in Nekrasov's poem "Russian Women". Her heroines are the wives of the Decembrists, who followed their husbands to Siberia, refusing titles of nobility and all the benefits associated with it. It is surprising that, although the social positions of the wives of the Decembrists and Matryona Korchagina are completely different, these heroines have a lot in common - a bitter fate and the ability to sacrificial love.

In conclusion, I will say that female images play a significant role in Nekrasov's work. As a rule, telling about the fate of a Russian woman, the poet draws an unfortunate fate in his works. But, despite this, Nekrasov's woman is the embodiment of the Russian soul, ready, as V.G. Belinsky, to "all-sympathy" and "all-compassion".

Before you is an excellent essay on the topic "The Image of a Russian Woman in Nekrasov's Poetry." I hope it will help you and give you food for thought before writing your own essay.

The essay analyzes the poems " Troika «, « In full swing… «, « Nightingales", as well as episodes from the poems" Jack Frost «, « Russian women " and " Who in Russia is good at living?


Nekrasov is a great Russian poet who has always rooted for the fate of Russia. He highly appreciated the Russian people for their free aspirations for happiness, freedom, " to whom there is no death - push do not push ". The central character of Nekrasov's works is the people. To pictures folk life were complete, the poet is not limited to episodes only from peasant life, but also describes the hardships of the urban poor, shows both the oppressors and the people's defenders.

A special place in the works of Nekrasov is occupied by image of a Russian woman. « Type of majestic Slav The poet always writes with great respect and love. The image of a Russian woman is dedicated to such poems as “ Troika «, « In full swing… ", episodes from poems " Jack Frost «, « Russian women " and " Who in Russia is good to live?

The first two verses overlap. V " Troika"The author only predicts the road, reminds the girl of the difficult fate that awaits her:

You will bloom, not having time to bloom,

You will plunge into a deep sleep,

You will babysit, work and eat.

Approximately such a life path is passed by all women-peasants of Russia. Poem " In full swing…”opens us a real episode from such a peasant life:

A cry is heard from the neighboring lane,

Baba there - kerchiefs were disheveled, -

Gotta rock the baby!

Nekrasov constantly emphasizes that a woman bears a double oppression: landlord and family. In the poem " Troika we read the bitter words:

Your picky husband will beat you

And the mother-in-law to bend in three deaths.

« Share you! - Russian woman's share! Hardly harder to find ," the poet says about the fate of a Russian woman.

In the poem " Jack Frost The peasant woman Daria could not bear the brunt of men's work and, finding no support in anything, died. Such frenzied selflessness in work is very characteristic of a Russian woman. Work is for her both a heavy burden and spiritual rest. Having no other sources of joy and ways to relax, she knows how to find them in her work, she knows how to find a piece of happiness in her deprived fate. So Matrena Timofeevna from the poem " Who in Russia is good at living? She is already happy that her husband does not beat her. And she compares women's fate with three loops of white, red and black silk. And at the end of her sad story comes the conclusion: You didn’t start a business - look for a happy woman among the women! »

Speaking about the fate of women, the poet never ceased to admire the spiritual qualities of all the heroines, their great willpower, self-esteem, pride, not crushed by difficult living conditions. In another of his poems, Russian women Nekrasov spoke about the heroic act of the wives of the Decembrists, exiled to Siberia, who went after their husbands, not fearing Siberian frosts, hunger, deprivation, and ignoring the loss of titles and fortunes. Here, too, the golden traits of the character of a Russian woman are revealed.

But the image of a peasant woman, enslaved by both serfdom and the despotism of her husband's family, worries Nekrasov more. The bitter fate of a peasant woman, eternally humiliated by poverty, overworking and not seeing happiness, causes deep sympathy in the soul of the poet, but at the same time, he notices in her human dignity, and pride, and unshakable moral purity. Nekrasov says about this side of the character of peasant women that “ the dirt of the wretched situation does not seem to stick to them ”.

They are strong in their inner foundations, and any of them, if necessary, " stop a galloping horse, enter a burning hut ”.

A Russian woman knows how, throwing off everyday worries, and relax, have fun, sing a soulful song, but during work she is dexterous, strong and collected. Such a woman and hunger, and cold endures ". She is strict with lazy people, but this does not mean that love and compassion are not characteristic of her. It is enough to remember how Daria is trying with all her might to cure her sick husband, how Matryona Timofeevna forgives her sick maternal heart Savely his neglect of the baby. Resentment did not dry her soul, Matryona loves and respects Savely, the Russian hero. She appreciates his wisdom, life and calm disposition, talks about him in an instructive intonation, calling him as role models.

The main advantage of a Russian woman, Nekrasov considers her ability to be a real, sensitive mother. Caring for children and a deep sense of responsibility for their lives makes Daria overcome her grief and somehow support her family. The heroine of the poem In full swing…”is exhausted so that her baby is fed.

The topic of motherhood is also touched upon by Nekrasov in the poem " Nightingales". A mother touchingly teaches her children to appreciate beauty, to love and protect nature. She, of course, wants her children to be happy. Expressing the dream of all mothers that if there were for the people of the land where they lived freely, " without taxes and recruitment ", then " all in the arms of their children would be taken there by peasant women ". Marya Timofeevna brings up children by her personal example. Her son Fedotka is already living his life. inner life: he knows the feeling of compassion and pity. His young fragile soul is already ready to help others: the boy took pity on the hungry she-wolf. And Marya Timofeevna, with her sensitive heart, understands her son, having accepted the shameful punishment upon herself.

The female characters of Nekrasov's heroines speak of the strength, purity and incorruptibility of the common people. Those inhuman conditions of life, against which these images emerge, glaringly point to the urgent need for changes in the order, style and way of life in the villages and cities of old-regime Russia.

With all the variety of themes of the poetic heritage of N. A. Nekrasov, with the angry accusatory power of his poems, the civil pathos of the lines, among the unforgettable images, I still put this theme in the first place in the poet's work. It seems to me that the Nekrasov muse herself not only breathed life into these images, but, having met them as if they were alive, she gave them a hand, brought them to the pages of books, merged with them together. No wonder the poet himself called his muse the sister of a peasant woman, oppressed and abused, but at the same time managed to keep love, kindness and strength in her heart in order to protect her neighbor and proudly endure the punishment.
Yesterday at six o'clock
I went to Sennaya;
They beat a woman with a whip,
A young peasant woman.
Not a sound from her chest
Only the whip whistled, playing ...
And I said to the Muse: “Look!
Your dear sister!”
("Yesterday, at six o'clock...")
Maybe that's why the "muse of revenge and sadness" seems to me not a mythological creature with white wings, but a Russian woman - either a beautiful girl with a bright blush, or a peasant woman - a puff with hard-working calloused hands. Whatever the image, then a generalization, a typical picture of Russian reality, and great love and great sadness are woven together in poetic lines.
Village suffering is in full swing...
Share you! - Russian woman's share!
Hardly harder to find.
No wonder you wither before the time
All-enduring Russian tribe
Long-suffering mother!
In this simple story - the whole life, with its bleak everyday life and overwork, which from time immemorial fell on the shoulders of a Russian peasant woman, who only has “eternal patience”, and at the same time so much tenderness and love, sympathy and warmth:
Are the tears salty, my dear?
With sour kvass in half!
(“In full swing, the village suffering ...”)
Like a short road song, life flies by, fleeting joys flash and disappear, only hopeless, gloomy remains forever. The poet does not entertain illusions - there are bitter realities in his poems:
Having tied an apron under the arms,
You will drag an ugly chest,
Your picky husband will beat you
And the mother-in-law to bend in three deaths.
From work and black and hard
You will bloom, not having time to bloom,
You will plunge into a deep sleep,
You will babysit, work and eat.
And in your face, full of movement,
Full of life - will suddenly appear
An expression of dull patience
And senseless, eternal fear.
And buried in a damp grave
How will you go your hard way,
A uselessly fading strength
And unwarmed breasts.
Nekrasov's lines are not only a requiem for a woman's share, a lament for a life that "has not had time to blossom", his heroine is first of all a wife and mother, her happiness depends on the happiness of her loved ones. One of the tragic images of Nekrasov's poetry is Orina, a soldier's mother who lost her son due to a terrible recruitment.
The sick son returned,
At night, the cough hits the soldier,
White boards in the blood mokrekhonek!
And he went out like a candle,
Wax, prey…
Few words, but grief river,
A bottomless river of grief!
(“Orina, mother of a soldier”)
We hear the voice of Nekrasov's heroines, their speech, like a song-lament, a folk tale-lamentation, as if the Russian land itself speaks through their lips.
The image of a Russian woman occupies a central place not only in the lyrics, but also in Nekrasov's poems. From the description of the peasant woman Daria, a young widow who had just lost her husband, the poet proceeds to a generalization:
There are women in Russian villages
With calm gravity of faces,
With beautiful strength in movements,
With a gait, with the eyes of queens, -
Can't the blind see them?
And the sighted one says about them:
“It will pass - as if it will shine with the sun!
If he looks, he will give you a ruble!”
And further:
In the game, her equestrian will not catch,
In trouble - he will not fail, - he will save:
Stop a galloping horse
Will enter the burning hut!
How much pride and love in these lines about simple peasant women - hard workers, mothers, wives, happy in their family and their work, high and strong in any manifestation of feelings.
Lies on it rigorously
And the seal of inner strength.
This is how the poet explains that all the happy dreams of Daryushka are connected with work in the field, with the work of the whole family, with concern for the future of children, dreams of their happiness, and her great love to Proclus (“I was afraid to tell him how I loved him!”), and her bold act, when she went to a neighboring monastery at night for a miraculous icon in order to save her husband. Even the fact that severe necessity forces her to go to the forest for firewood immediately after her husband’s funeral speaks of the greatness of her soul, her desire and ability to become a support for the family. In the poem “To whom it is good to live in Russia,” Nekrasov does not just show us a beautiful, strong Russian woman, a hardworking peasant woman who managed to become the mistress of her own destiny. Talking about a difficult female lot, the poet does not hide the oppression of a woman in a strange family, and petty nit-picking, and major troubles:
The family was big
Grumpy... I got it
From girlish holi to hell!
Husband went to work
Silence, endure advised:
Don't spit on hot
Iron - hiss!
We see how the heroine begins to understand that the reason for her bitter life is not in specific grievances, not in random coincidences, that the whole system of government is to blame here, and she will have only one destiny - patience.
Be patient, you bastard!
Be patient, long-suffering!
We can't find the truth.
- Why, Grandpa?
“You are a serf woman!”
Like an indestructible wall, the days and years of inescapable grief rise before Matryona Timofeevna:
For me insults are mortal
Gone unpaid
And the whip passed over me!
For me - quiet, invisible -
The storm has passed,
Will you show her?
At thirty-eight years old, Matryona Timofeevna considers herself an old woman, talking about her life, as if summing up, being convinced that nothing but grief and trials should be expected anymore, because
Keys to women's happiness
Abandoned - Lost...
But, even having learned to silently endure troubles and reproaches, overwork and hunger, Matrena Timofeevna did not turn into a submissive slave. Enduring hardships when the matter concerned herself, she stood up for the children with a mountain, managed to save her husband from recruitment, just before the birth of the child, she went to the city at night for the intercession of the governor. It is very important this manifestation of disobedience in the “much-ruined and long-suffering woman”, this awareness of one’s dignity, one’s strength:
I bow my head
I carry an angry heart!
“Russian Women” - this is the name given by N. A. Nekrasov to a poem dedicated to the wives of the Decembrists - Ekaterina Trubetskoy and Maria Volkonskaya, who went for their husbands to distant harsh Siberia.
Russian women - this says it all: about the proud consciousness of their dignity, their rightness, and about the great power of love for their husband and respect for his work, about admiration for his suffering, about the steadfastness of the decision. The dialogue between Princess Trubetskoy and the governor of Irkutsk, who is trying to fulfill the highest order - to force the princess to return home, is full of drama. So you imagine this young, thin, deadly tired woman, tense with excitement, like a stretched string. How much will and self-control in her words:
Oh! Keep these words
You are better for others.
All your tortures won't extract
Tears from my eyes!
Leaving home, friends,
beloved father,
Taking a vow in my soul
Fulfill to the end
My duty - I will not bring tears
To the cursed prison
I will save pride, pride in him,
I will give him strength!
Contempt for our executioners,
Consciousness of being right
We will be a faithful support.
The princess agrees to go even on foot, in the general party of convicts. Bowing before her devotion to her husband, the power of love, the general cannot stand it:
Sorry! yes, I tormented you,
But he himself suffered
But I had a strict order
Barriers to put up for you!
And didn't I put them on?
I did my best
Before the king my soul
Clean, God be my witness!
Sharp hard breadcrumbs
And life locked up
Shame, horror, labor
milestone path
I tried to scare you.
You were not afraid!
And even though I can't hold on
On the shoulders of the head
I can't, I don't want
Tyrannize more than you...
I will take you there in three days ...
(Opening the door, screaming)
Hey! Harness now!
In the mouth of Princess Volkonskaya, the poet puts sympathy and love for the suffering, eternally characteristic of a Russian woman, the impossibility of stumbling, betraying in difficult times.
Last, best heart love
I gave it to him in prison!
In vain ink his slander,
He was more perfect than before
And I loved him like Christ...
In my prison clothes
Now he stands in front of me,
Shining with meek majesty.
Crown of thorns above his head
In the eyes - unearthly love ...
These are not just words, this is a conscious choice of a life path, almost the first serious decision of a woman, for whom her relatives used to decide. This is also a great sacrifice - for the sake of a husband to leave a baby son with his relatives. This is a natural continuation of the father's understanding of sacrifice and duty, when during the war with his young sons he went ahead of the army under fire. This is the only Possible Solution– “let us bear our cross worthily”, dictated by the consciousness of our high human destiny:
Now we have a good road ahead of us,
The road of the chosen ones of God!
We will find humiliated, mournful husbands.
But we will be their consolation,
We will soften the executioners with our meekness,
We overcome suffering with patience.
Support for the dying, the weak, the sick
We'll be in a hateful prison
And we won't lay down our hands until we've done it
A vow of unselfish love!
Our sacrifice is pure - we give everything
Our chosen ones and God.
And I believe: we will pass unscathed
All our difficult journey...
The symbolic gesture of the princess at the first meeting with her husband in the mine is striking:
... And before hugging her husband,
She put chains to her lips!
Among Russian women, in front of whose heavy lot one wants to bow one's head, whose big heart and bright memory one wants to honor, is the poet's mother. Her image of the great sufferer rises before us on the pages of the poem "Mother":
You could not give bread to the hungry,
You could not give freedom to a slave.
But once again no sense of fear
Her souls - you gave it to the slaves -
But once again from awe and dust
He raised his gaze more cheerfully to the heavens ...
Perhaps the gift is poorer than a drop in the sea,
But twenty years! But a thousand hearts
Whose ideal is subdued grief,
The frontiers of evil are finally open!
Nekrasov sees the main purpose of a woman in protecting the future, in raising children. In that - major feat and his mother:
And if I shake it off easily over the years
From the soul of my pernicious traces,
Correcting everything reasonable with your feet,
Proud of the ignorance of the environment,
And if I filled my life with struggle
For the ideal of goodness and beauty,
And wears the song composed by me,
Living love deep features -
Oh, my mother, I am inspired by you!
You saved a living soul in me!
The image of a Russian woman, who in Nekrasov's work has become the personification of a living soul, a symbol of the long-suffering Motherland and the poet's muse, rightfully occupies one of the main places in Russian 19th poetry century, resonates in the hearts of grateful readers.

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The image of a Russian woman in Nekrasov's poetry

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