Massage for children up to a year: basic rules. Children's massage from zero to eighteen years old General strengthening massage with gymnastics

garden equipment 30.06.2020
garden equipment

For a six-month-old child, it is normal when he can roll over, sit, crawl, try to pronounce simple words ... If, after reaching this age, the baby has not yet learned to take a vertical position (at least sit), this is a sign of underdeveloped dorsal and abdominal muscles.

In this case, he is shown a home massage for general strengthening purposes.

Conditions for baby massage

Before starting any type of baby massage, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. Babies can only be massaged in a well-ventilated room.
  2. The air temperature should not be lower than 22 degrees (if it is hot at home, it is better to undress the baby completely, if, on the contrary, it is cold, then only that part of the body that is currently being massaged should be left naked); Be sure to keep a clean diaper handy.
  3. Hands should be thoroughly washed and warm. It is recommended to pre-spread them with baby cream or oil (preferably odorless), it is better to remove all jewelry from your hands.
  4. Massage can be done no earlier than 40 minutes after a meal or 30 minutes before a meal. Before going to bed, this procedure can not be carried out.
  5. The duration of the massage is usually from 2 to 30 minutes (depending on its intensity and variety).
  6. If the baby is dissatisfied with something, distract him: give him a toy, talk, sing.
  7. Start the procedure with easy exercises, gradually moving on to complex ones.
  8. If there is skin redness, do not massage these places.

Remember, massage should not be done if the child is sick (with fever, viral diseases, hernia, severe diathesis and rashes), hungry or has prolonged crying.

Revitalizing massage for babies

In addition to strengthening the back and abdominal muscles, general strengthening massage for young children can be carried out in order to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the immune and nervous systems, metabolism and increase immunity.

Such a massage is suitable for babies whose level of development corresponds to their age.

Execution features

  • the child’s back should be lubricated with a product that will not cause allergies or poisoning if it accidentally enters the mouth;
  • it is necessary to correctly calculate the force of pressing on the baby's skin (no more than if you decide to rub your eyes with your fingers);
  • the best time to do it is before bathing, once a day, the process should take from 5 to 10 minutes;
  • done in 3 stages: rubbing, kneading and stroking (massage the whole body from the handles to the feet);
  • use the techniques of flexion and extension of the limbs, turning the child from the stomach to the back and back, raising the head and torso, kneading the feet and hands (including all fingers).

General strengthening home massage technique for young children

In a huge variety of varieties and techniques of general strengthening massage, physicians distinguish several, the simplest and most suitable manipulations for homework with a child.

Note that parents can perform them at home without any special doctor's prescription:

  • turning from back to stomach and back (we help the baby roll over: slightly turn the pelvis, then the child himself completes the turn);
  • bringing and spreading the arms on the chest, lying on the back (the action is repeated 8 times per session);
  • extension and flexion of the legs: you can bend synchronously and apart, the starting position is lying on your back;
  • imitation of crawling: the child lies with his stomach down, we bend and unbend his legs, over time he himself starts to push off and crawl;
  • massage of the buttocks and back, as well as the abdomen (you can use the “rails-rails, sleepers-sleepers…” technique);
  • squats with holding hands;
  • lifting straightened legs from a position lying on your back;
  • lifting the body from a position, lying on the back and on the stomach;
  • chest massage.

Remember that at the age of 6-7 months, children learn to move independently, during this period the muscles responsible for posture develop. Massage not only strengthens the muscles, but also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the heart.

In addition, exercises are an element of hardening the body and strengthen the baby's immune system. Also at this age, tactile contact with the mother is very important for children, and massage is a great way to satisfy this innate need.

Children's acupressure: how and why to perform it?

Acupressure is carried out by pressing the pads of the thumb and forefinger and rotational movements on certain parts of the baby's body, as well as rubbing and kneading them.

It is worth pressing lightly (fingers are perpendicular to the area that we are massaging), so that the baby does not hurt, the duration of pressure on one point should not exceed 5-7 seconds, and the entire massage should last no more than 2-3 minutes.

Doctors recommend doing this type of massage 3 times a week. It is used mainly to strengthen the child's body and additionally stimulate the development of limbs, for colds, to relieve pain during colic and teething, to prevent postural disorders.

However, this type of massage needs to be learned, since it is important to correctly calculate the pressing force (too weak - it will help to relax, and not raise the tone, and too strong - can cause pain). Therefore, before “testing” it on children, it is better for parents to consult a doctor so that he can show what is being done and how.

On what parts of the baby's body is acupressure performed?

  1. Head: temples, ears and behind them are massaged (to calm the baby and normalize blood circulation); bridge of the nose, forehead, along the nose (with a runny nose or nasal congestion).
  2. Hands: brushes are rubbed (at the base of the thumb), wrists, the inside of the elbow.
  3. Legs: feet (the pad of the first toe is massaged to relieve headache and / or toothache; the second - to eliminate pain in the solar plexus; the third and fourth - against pain in the tummy; the last - from pain in the pelvic region); lower leg, inner side of the knee and above (knead for proper development of muscles and joints).
  4. Back: massage between the shoulder blades, along the spine, sometimes (only on the recommendation of a doctor) in the pelvic area (allows you to tone the back muscles responsible for straight posture).
  5. Neck: knead from all sides (the protective functions of the body, the work of the glands and blood circulation increase).
  6. Sternum: the entire area is rubbed from the collarbone to the level of the nipples (such an effect contributes to the healthy development of the bronchi and lungs in general).
  7. Abdomen: circular movements around the navel in a clockwise direction (improve digestion, relieve colic).

Drainage massage for babies: technique and features

Execution features

To speed up the withdrawal of sputum from the lungs with bronchitis, drainage (expectorant) massage is often prescribed for young children. Its peculiarity is that it is carried out only during the period when the baby is already on the mend, that is, on the 5-6th day after the disease and provided that there is no elevated body temperature.

The time for babies from six months is about 15 minutes, for older children - 20-25 minutes.

At the beginning of the illness, such a massage is usually not done, but to facilitate the child's breathing process, simply place a small pillow under the head and torso, so the body rises by about 20 degrees and the child becomes easier to breathe.

You also need to turn the baby over in bed as often as possible so that sputum does not stagnate in the lungs. So, the purpose of drainage massage is to help in the speedy removal of sputum from the body when coughing.

Technique of carrying out children's expectorant massage

Drainage massage is carried out as follows:

  1. The child is placed on the tummy, a roller is placed under the chest (you can use a towel rolled into a tube) so that the head is lower than the body.
  2. Then they begin to warm up the back: first, rubbing until a pinkish tint appears on the skin, then stroking with your fingertips (synchronously with both hands) along the ribs, from the spine to the sides.

  1. With slow massaging movements, lead from the lower ribs to the shoulders, do this action 20 times (you can’t go in the opposite direction, since we expel sputum from the lungs, and not vice versa).
  2. Light tapping from the bottom to the back up (again, make sure that the baby does not hurt).
  3. Exercise "wheelbarrow": from a position lying on your stomach, lift the baby's legs, let him try to move, leaning on one hand (develops the respiratory and cardiovascular systems).

This type of massage stimulates expectoration and is an excellent alternative to expectorants, the use of which at a young age is often problematic or impossible. In addition, it improves the functioning of the respiratory and circulatory systems in babies.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of massage for a child's body, and it is just as important to carry it out correctly. This is one of the most affordable ways for parents to develop and improve the health of children.

Among other things, massage is much more pleasant than bitter potions and powders, and every mom and every dad can learn how to do it. Therefore, treat this procedure reverently and with soul!

Harmonious development and good health to your kids!

When to start doing
massage and gymnastics for children up to a year?

The child of the first year of life has an important and difficult task: he needs to adapt to the world in which he finds himself.
Usually, in the first 4 weeks, doctors do not recommend giving the child's body additional stress.

It is better to start massage and gymnastics for children under one year old from the age of one and a half months, while the child is awake.
To conduct a massage session, you need to invite a doctor or exercise therapy nurse.
You will see how to properly massage, in the future you will be able to do it to the child yourself. If it is not possible to invite a doctor to your home, visit the room of a healthy child in a children's clinic. Ask to be shown how to do baby gymnastics for newborns on your own.

How do massage and gymnastics help children under one year old?

The massage therapist acts on the receptors of the skin, muscles, joints, and impulses appear in the cerebral cortex,
which extend to neighboring areas responsible for various functions of the body.
Directly in the skin, the massage causes the renewal of the epithelium, improves the blood supply to the massaged area, activates the lymph flow and stimulates the metabolism.
A massage of the abdomen, for example, normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Special gymnastics for newborns contributes to the development of the child's musculoskeletal system.

Massage and gymnastics bring new sensations into the life of the baby, contribute to the physical harmonious development of the child, and the child receives the necessary stimulus for mental development.
During gymnastics and massage, thermoregulation mechanisms are improved: the child takes an air bath and hardens.

Is it possible to do without gymnastics and massage for children under one year old?

If the doctor prescribed the child gymnastics for newborns and massage, and you decide not to do them, this is a serious mistake.
Hypertonicity not eliminated in time will slow down the development of motor skills, and this is motor awkwardness, clumsiness, impaired posture and gait.
A delay in motor development that has not been eliminated with the help of massage will slow down the formation of intelligence: a baby who has not learned to sit by six months is forced to survey the square of the ceiling for hours, while sitting would consider many interesting things around.
The inability to crawl and walk when the time has come exacerbates this intellectual hunger, delaying the child's exploration of the world around him. Massage and gymnastics are very useful for children, try not to refuse them.

Tips for massage and gymnastics for children up to a year

When conducting massage sessions for a child of the first year of life, you need to remember:

* If the child does not feel well, do not try to "entertain" him with a massage. Wait until the baby gets better.

* Usually children are happy to take massage and gymnastics. If the child first shows displeasure, it's okay. Distract him with a bright toy, calm him down with a kind word.
If your child does not like a particular exercise, do it at the end of a set of classes or reduce the number of repetitions.

* Do not exert excessive force when massaging. The child will remember unpleasant sensations for a long time.
If redness occurs on the baby's skin as a result of exposure to your hands during massage, it should be moderate and uniform.

* The best time to practice is in the morning, an hour before feeding or two hours after it.

* The hands performing the massage should be warm!

* During the massage, the child should be naked, and during gymnastics, in a vest and panties or a diaper.

Gymnastics for children up to a year:
set of exercises

Exercises from 1.5 to 3 months:
-Massage of hands and feet by stroking
- Laying out on the stomach - a reflex exercise
- Back massage - stroking
-Crawling - reflex exercise
- belly massage - stroking
- Foot massage - rubbing
-Exercise for the stop - flexion and extension

You can also use a large bouncy ball for practice. Children love the exercises on it.
It is better to lay a diaper on the ball.

Ball exercises:

Exercise 1: I.P .: the child lies on the ball with his stomach, his legs are bent “like frog legs” and pressed to the ball. The assistant holds the child’s legs so that they remain in this position, you take the child’s hands in yours and pull them towards you, then return them to the I.P. We repeat 10 times.

Exercise 2: I.P. as in No. 1. The assistant spreads the child's hands so that the fingers are straight and presses them to the ball. You hold the child by the shins, pull towards you, then return to the I.P. We repeat 10 times

Exercise 3: I.p. as in #1. The assistant presses the child's hands to the ball. You take the child's feet in your hands, turn him down on the ball, placing his feet on a horizontal surface (on the floor, on the rug). The baby's body remains on the ball. You need to keep an eye on it. In order for the support to be on the entire foot, it is also impossible to put the child on the inner or outer edges of the foot. The feet touch the horizontal surface for a very short time. Touched - and immediately transfer the ball to its original position. We repeat 10 times

Exercise 4: I.P .: as in No. 1. Take the child’s hands in yours and tilt the ball forward so that the child touches the table with open palms. Make sure that the child does not hit his forehead! We repeat 10 times

Exercise 5: IP: the child lies with his back on the ball. You hold it by the sides and gently rock it to the right and left and back and forth. Repeat 10 times in each direction.

Exercises from 3 to 4 months:

Hand massage - stroking
- Crossing arms over chest
- Foot massage - stroking, rubbing, kneading
- Back massage - stroking and kneading
- Abdominal massage - stroking and rubbing
- Foot massage - rubbing and patting
- Exercises for feet reflex
- "Boxing" - flexion and extension of the arms
- Vibration chest massage
- Turn from back to stomach through the left and right sides.

Exercise 4 to 6 months:
- Crossing arms over chest
- Foot massage
- "Riding a bike" imitation of pedaling
- Turn from back to stomach right-left
- Back massage: stroking, kneading, patting
- Abdominal massage
- Foot massage

And at the end of the lesson, let's dance a little!
You need to take the child under the armpits and let him rest well with his feet. He will begin to bend and unbend his knees.

Exercise 6 to 9 months:

Crossing the arms over the chest
-Let's ride a bike
-Turn from back to stomach right-left
-Back massage
- Abdominal massage
- Sitting down with the support of both hands
- Raising straightened legs
- chest massage
- "Boxing". After 8 months, the child can perform this exercise while sitting.

Exercise 9 to 12 months:
- "Let's ride a bike"
- Turn from back to stomach
-Back massage
- Sitting down with support by one hand or independently
- Raising straightened legs

Baby massage consists of rubbing, kneading and stroking his arms, legs, neck, back, and abdomen.

If you properly massage your child, he can correct many health problems. Good massage:

  • improves digestion and relieves colic;
  • makes sleep longer and more restful;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • leads muscles to tone, develops coordination of movements;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • boosts immunity.

How often should a baby be massaged?

Pediatricians recommend giving a child a massage in courses of ten procedures at three, six, nine and 12 months. A favorable time for massage is the first half of the day, an hour after feeding or an hour before it. Massage can be started from two to three weeks of age if the child is healthy and in a good mood. The room should have a comfortable temperature - 22–26 ° C.

If a mother does a massage to a child, the baby calms down and tunes in a positive way. How to massage a three-month-old child so that he quickly begins to roll over on his stomach, and then sit down, how to massage the legs of a child of 12 months so that he walks faster - we will talk about this in more detail in this article.

How to massage a newborn baby?

Newborn babies are delicate and fragile, so many mothers worry about how to massage a baby so as not to hurt him. Touching the baby's body should be light and gentle. Before the massage, it is important to warm the hands, cut off the nails or at least round them, remove the jewelry so as not to accidentally injure the baby's thin skin. To glide your hands over the skin, you can use baby cosmetic oil.

The rules on how to massage a month-old baby, as well as a child weighing up to 5 kg, are universal. Stroke the legs, back, tummy and chest of the baby with light movements, returning to each part of the body three to four times. Stroke the tummy clockwise, do the “bicycle” exercise with the baby, pressing his legs to his chest. The total duration of the massage for children of this age is about five minutes.

How to massage a two month old baby?

If the baby already weighs 5 kg or more, the massage becomes more serious. While you are giving the baby a foot or back massage, add rubbing to the stroking movements. After preparatory strokes, you can also try gently “sawing” movements with the edges of the palms and pinching. It is better not to touch the knees, elbows, inner thighs and mammary glands during massage. The total duration of the massage is about 10-15 minutes.

How to massage small children weighing more than 8 kg?

Massage of children aged 6–12 months also begins with stroking and pinching, after which new movements are added - clapping hands or fingertips. The total duration of the massage at this age can already reach 25-30 minutes.

You can massage a specific part of the child's body or combine different types of massage within the same session.

How to give a relaxing massage to a child?

If the baby is naughty or tense, you can give him a stroking massage: start from the back, walk with light movements along the spine, and then massage the tummy with circular movements.

How to give a child drainage massage?

Drainage massage helps to remove phlegm from the bronchi or lungs, so it is indispensable if a small child coughs heavily. The technique of this massage is simple: put the child on his stomach (you can put a roller under his chest) and pat him on the back in the direction from the middle of the back to the shoulders.

Please note that drainage massage is contraindicated for children under the age of six months.

How to give a back massage to a child?

To conduct a firming back massage, you need to lay the child with his stomach on a hard surface or fitball and massage his back in the direction from the spine to the sides, using stroking, and then patting and pinching movements. Finish the massage with stroking.

How to give a hand massage to a child?

Take the baby by the hands and gently shake them, with rhythmic smooth movements, lift the baby's hands and shake them - this will help get rid of hypertonicity. Stroke the baby's hands, bend and straighten them. Knead each finger on the handle, “draw” with your fingers on the baby’s palms, tickle the fingertips - such a massage will not only relax the muscles, but will also indirectly stimulate the development of speech.

How to massage the feet and legs of a child?

Lay the child on the back, wrap your fingers around his ankles and gently shake his legs. Bend the child's legs at the knees, press them to the stomach, and then spread them to the side (frog exercise). Such exercises are effective as a prevention of colic.

The stroking massage of the legs is done with light circular movements from top to bottom, while avoiding the inner surface of the legs. Pay attention to the feet: massage all the fingers, bend and unbend them.

How to massage a child's abdomen?

To massage the child's abdomen, you need to put it on the back, and place your palms on his stomach, on both sides of the navel and lightly start stroking the abdomen from left to right - this massage also helps get rid of colic.

How to give a head and neck massage to a child?

This type of massage is not recommended for children in the first months of life, and even when the child grows up, it is better to have a head massage performed by a specialist. If you want to do this massage yourself, massage the baby's head and neck with very gentle movements, as if you were washing them with shampoo.

There are different methods for studying the techniques of how children are massaged: video tutorials, observing the work of a massage therapist, viewing diagrams and drawings in brochures on the development of a baby in the first year of life. But if, after studying the issue, you still have doubts about how to massage the child’s feet or how to massage his back, and also if your baby needs a course of professional corrective massage, you need to seek help from specialists.

Massage has been known to mankind for several millennia. There are many varieties of such effects on the human body - from traditional to exotic (hot, Thai, stone, African, etc.). Children's massage is always considered separately: it is a special type of treatment and prevention that helps parents in a wide variety of situations. In this material, we will tell you what a baby massage is and how to conduct it for a child on their own.

Benefits of procedures

Massage is an indispensable assistant for moms and dads who want to raise a healthy child. A small child needs it to relieve muscle hypertonicity, which is physiological, because the baby in his mother's womb for many months is not in the most comfortable position. A child is born with arms and legs that do not fully unbend, he almost does not open his fists. A newborn needs the help of parents in removing muscle tone so that he can grow and develop physically more harmoniously.

For older children, massage is necessary to support the musculoskeletal system and the muscular corset, since they have a huge load in the process of intensive growth of the child. Massage improves local blood circulation, increases blood flow to the skin, improves metabolism, promotes the development of the nervous system, because certain nerve receptors are intensely excited during massaging. Due to this, massage for hyperactive babies has a calming effect, and for slow and lethargic toddlers it has a tonic effect.

If the child is naughty, eats poorly, sleeps poorly, often gets sick massage will help improve his well-being. A properly conducted session will help with a wide variety of early age problems: regurgitation, colic, constipation, dacryocystitis, muscle hypotonia, and a runny nose.

Wellness massage is shown to all healthy children, because it strengthens children's immunity, and this, to be honest, is the main task of any loving parent.

Massage for a baby is not only a therapeutic and prophylactic procedure, but also communication with parents, because during the session, he feels tactile contact with his mother, which is so necessary for him in the first year of life. This communication has a beneficial effect on the development of the emotional, mental and intellectual spheres of the personality of the crumbs.


Massage for a child is carried out according to the same scheme as massage for adults, but only all the effects are more delicate, gentle and accurate.

Depending on the purpose of massage, there are several main types of it.


This type of exposure, as the name implies, is used if the baby has certain diseases that require conservative treatment, the scheme of which includes massage procedures. It is often prescribed for diseases of the internal organs and the nervous system.


Such a massage is very common, it belongs to the professional impact and is indicated if the child has problems with the musculoskeletal system. It is also carried out by professionals or by the parents themselves, previously instructed by professionals, under their control. It is indicated for flat feet, hip dysplasia, scoliosis, torticollis, kyphosis and lordosis, valgus and varus deformities of the feet.

General (classic)

This type of massage effect has many other names. It is called general strengthening or strengthening. This is the same type of procedure that can and should be carried out for children at almost any age at home. It is shown even to perfectly healthy children. But especially infants, excitable and inhibited babies, often ill children need it. In turn, the general massage is relaxing and tonic.


This type of massage came to us from the East. Acupuncture points, the stimulation of which is provided by the method, affect the work of certain organs and systems, the brain, and the nervous system. It is quite difficult for a layman, however, some types of acupressure can still be done at home, for example, massaging a child with a headache or a runny nose.


This type of exposure is one of the most complex - manual procedures. It requires the massage therapist to have excellent knowledge of the biological points on the patient's body. The peculiarity of emendic massage lies in the stimulation of the proper flow of lymph, due to which the body is cleansed. Children are massaged exclusively by experienced chiropractors; at home, if performed incorrectly, it can harm.

Drainage (percussion)

This type of massage is used to treat respiratory diseases. It is used in situations where it is necessary to facilitate the discharge of sputum, ease the cough, help the child cope with a wet cough at the stage of recovery after suffering the flu or SARS. At home, it is carried out quite successfully, it is simple and effective.


This is the informal name for lacrimal duct massage. Needed for children with dacryocystitis - inflammation of the lacrimal sac and obstruction of the nasolacrimal tract. It can be carried out by specialists, but more often it is recommended for doing it yourself, at home, for children of any age.

In addition, massage is divided into therapeutic, preventive and treatment-and-prophylactic. So, dacryomassage belongs to the category of therapeutic and prophylactic, because it can be done both in case of illness and for the prevention of relapses in the future. And the classic general massage does not apply to therapeutic, it is only preventive. Thus, massage for cerebral palsy, dysplasia, umbilical hernia, inguinal hernia, scoliosis, etc. are subspecies of therapeutic massage, the task of which is to help in healing, to improve the condition of a sick child.


Since massage can be useful to parents in a wide variety of situations, you should master the techniques of the most common and approved types for home use.


Purpose: to promote the physical and emotional development of the child, the development of new motor skills and abilities, the removal of hypertonicity, the increase in muscle tone with hypotonicity, the prevention of violations in physical development.

What you need: baby cream or massage oil, equipped massage place (table or changing table), paper towel, wet wipes.

The scheme of influence is the following.

Stage one - on the back

The child should be placed in the supine position. After he gets used to the temperature of the air undressed, you should begin to carry out a classic massage starting from the upper limbs. One by one, each handle is easily massaged, first stroked, and then rubbed in the direction from the fingers to the shoulder. The armpit cannot be massaged.

The legs are also massaged with stroking movements - from the fingers to the heel and above to the groin. Avoid rubbing and stroking the inner thigh, groin area. The ankle is massaged with two fingers, easily kneading the muscle. It is forbidden to massage the knee joint and popliteal cavity.

The baby's chest is rubbed with an open palm in the direction from the center of the sternum to the ribs, and the tummy is massaged with light circular movements, describing "circles" around the navel.

Stage two - on the stomach

Turn the child on his stomach, let him lie down a little, get used to the new position in space. Start massaging your feet. Gently stroke the back of the shins and thighs, go to the buttocks, finish rubbing them with light patting or pinching movements. The back is massaged, excluding the impact on the spinal column and the lumbar region.

The long muscles of the back are easily rubbed, after which rubbing and kneading are applied. The massage ends with flips on both sides from a prone position to stimulate the abdominal muscles and lateral muscles.


Purpose: to promote muscle relaxation, relieve hypertonicity in newborns and infants, the effects of stress, symptoms of hyperactivity, neurasthenia, improve sleep and appetite.

What you need: hypoallergenic oil for baby massage or baby cream, wet wipes, disposable diaper, equipped massage place (table or changing table), warm flannel diaper.

How to do: This type of massage does not require intense muscle kneading, rubbing. All influences must be careful, gentle, delicate. Put the undressed child on a disposable diaper, moisten hands with oil or cream. Start gently stroking the handles. Trying to stroke each finger of the baby with your fingers, stop on the palms and wrists, massage them in a circular motion. Stroke your forearms from bottom to top.

Foot massage begins with the fingers, feet, heels, massaging them with light circular movements. Next, you should go to the lower leg, without using kneading in the ankle and lower leg muscles. Iron in the direction strictly from the bottom up. In circular motions and in a semicircle, stroke the stomach, chest.

Turn the baby over on the tummy. Lightly massage the buttocks, back, collar area. Go to the head massage - massage the head with your fingertips in small circular motions, avoiding the fontanel area, if it has not dragged on due to age. Finish with a gentle massage of the earlobes.

Wrap the baby in a warm diaper and take it to bathe: water procedures are an indispensable attribute of a relaxing massage. After bathing and feeding, babies usually fall asleep perfectly and sleep stronger and longer than in situations where parents prefer to do without massage.

Duration: massage should be carried out about an hour before evening feeding and going to bed, the duration of the session is on average 10-15 minutes. For a child older than a year, you can increase this time to 20-25 minutes.


Purpose: during an illness in a child, excess bronchial secretion accumulates in the bronchi. In order to avoid complications, a vibration massage is performed, which is designed to promote sputum discharge in case of bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, wet lingering cough, at the stage of rehabilitation after a viral disease.

What you need: handkerchief.

How to do it: When performing a cough massage, take into account the age of the child and follow the following recommendations:

  • place the baby on your knees face down so that his head is slightly below the level of the buttocks;
  • with your fingertips, tap on the ribs and intercostal space, tap on the back and chest, avoiding the heart area;
  • lift the child to an upright position. If everything was done correctly, the baby will cough with sputum discharge.

An older child can be seated on the edge of a bed or sofa and asked to lean forward a little. Percussion tapping with the fingertips is performed in this starting position. After the procedure, the child is asked to rise sharply and cough. This is where a handkerchief prepared in advance comes in handy. The massage therapist's fingers do not need to be lubricated with anything, since only tapping movements are performed, there is no need to slide.

Duration: you can carry out such a massage up to 5-6 times a day, the duration of the session is 5-10 minutes. The general course is until the symptoms of a respiratory disease are relieved.

Vibration drainage massage is not carried out for children with a dry cough, which is unproductive, that is, sputum is not produced when coughing.

For colic and constipation

Purpose: to normalize intestinal motility, improve digestion, removal of intestinal gases, prevent their accumulation and the occurrence of pain, promote defecation with constipation.

What you need: hard surface as a massage place, oilcloth and disposable diaper, wet wipes, massage and vaseline oils, baby cream and a clean thermometer.

How to conduct: put the child on the back, with light movements in a circle, stroke the tummy ten times clockwise and the same number - counterclockwise. Around the navel (without affecting it), draw more intense, but gentle movements in a spiral - from the navel to the expansion to the sides. With one hand, bring the legs to the stomach, with the finger of the other, from the lower left corner, draw an imaginary letter "P" along the intestinal loops. This technique is performed several times.

Lay the baby on the tummy for a few minutes. This will be enough to eliminate infantile colic. If the problem is constipation, then return the baby to the back and help him empty his bowels. To do this, bring the legs to the stomach, lubricate the anus with vaseline oil and slightly irritate it with the tip of a clean thermometer. This usually helps to empty the intestines after the massage.

Duration: the massage lasts about 5-7 minutes, usually it is part of a relaxing or restorative session. For constipation, massage for at least 10-15 minutes. On an ongoing basis, abdominal massage is an excellent prevention of constipation and increased gas formation.

Do not massage with severe bloating of the abdomen, with its pronounced visual asymmetry, with the appearance of blood or thick mucus in the feces, with soreness of the abdomen, in which even a light touch causes severe pain to the baby. Surgical pathology is not excluded, in which massage will only harm, such a child must be urgently shown to the doctor.

Lacrimal canal massage

Purpose: restoration of the patency of the nasolacrimal canal, elimination of inflammation of the lacrimal sac in dacryocystitis, removal of edema and inflammation of the organs of vision, restoration of their function in full.

What you need: Miramistin, cotton pads, furacilin solution (1:5000) or chamomile decoction, a container for dirty disks, drops in the eyes or eye ointment prescribed by the doctor.

How to do: the child is placed on the back. With clean hands, after thorough washing and treatment with Miramistin, the mother cleans the baby's eyes from accumulated and stagnant tears and pus. For each eye, use a separate disk soaked in a solution of furacilin or chamomile decoction. The direction of movement is from the outer edge of the eye to the bridge of the nose.

After cleaning, the mother gropes for the lacrimal sac - a small protrusion between the bridge of the nose and the inner corner of the eye. With light vibrating movements with her finger, she presses the bag several times to provoke the discharge of pus, if there is suppuration. The pus is again removed with fresh cotton pads moistened with an antiseptic.

Go to the massage of the lacrimal canal. From the corner of the eye, following the nasolacrimal canaliculus, the finger quickly moves to the bridge of the nose. This is done 9 times, 10 times you should make the opposite movement - from the bridge of the nose to the eye. After that, drops prescribed by the doctor are instilled into the eyes, or an ointment is laid.

Session duration: duration about 5 minutes. Up to 6-8 sessions can be done per day. The general course of treatment is about two weeks. Special recommendations: dacryomassage is not performed with phlegmon, abscess, which have become a complication of advanced dacryocystitis, with some congenital anatomical features of the structure of the child's eyes, in which the discharge of pus is physically difficult (the presence of a membrane, for example).

For runny nose and headache

Purpose: relief of nasal breathing in rhinitis of any origin, elimination of severe headache attacks.

What you need: a diagram of the location of acupuncture points, as well as essential oils (can be replaced with a Nozzle plaster or Golden Star balm), if desired and if the child has no allergies, a children's cream to soften the massage therapist's hands.

How to conduct: from a runny nose will help to get rid of a circular and light vibration finger effect on the biological points that are responsible in our body for the work of the nose. Each point should be massaged clockwise and counterclockwise 10 times. For rhinitis, choose the following points: the tip of the nose, the wings of the nose, the point between the eyebrows in the very center, the center of the auricles, the point above the first cervical vertebrae, the space between the thumb and forefinger on both handles, the point on the wrist at the base of the thumb, the center of the heels.

Symmetric bilateral points are massaged with two hands simultaneously, single points - with one hand.

From a headache, perform acupressure massage of acupuncture zones, which are responsible for reducing pain and normalizing blood pressure: points in the center of the temples, points above the eyebrows on both sides, a point in the parietal part of the head, two points on the chest. The principle of the technique is similar.

Session duration: acupressure is usually recommended for 5-15 minutes depending on the age of the child. It can be carried out as a problem occurs, as well as for prevention.

Acupressure is not done for children with a runny nose and headache in the acute period of illness, when the body temperature is elevated, as well as for children with an increased convulsive predisposition.

For the development of speech

Speech therapy massage is based on the stimulation of certain receptors that contribute to the activity of the speech areas of the brain. It is indicated for children with facial muscle tone disorders, mimic disorders, dysarthria, stuttering, vocal cord disorders, speech disorders caused by chronically inflamed adenoids.

What you need: set of massage speech therapy brushes.

How to conduct: start with a light relaxing massage of the shoulder girdle, neck, this will relax the muscles of the face for a more comfortable massaging. Facial massage begins with stroking the forehead, with both hands, the mother carefully draws horizontal lines from the center of the forehead to the edges of the face, then from the temples to the ears, after which they massage the cheeks and chin with divergent movements.

Mom needs to gently take the tip of the child's tongue and move it left and right and up and down, the tip can be massaged from above and below. Do this only with clean and dry hands without the use of creams and oils.

If the child becomes nauseous, discontinue exposure.

Move on to massaging your lips - you can easily rub them with your finger, carry out an asymmetric massage, pinch your lips and the space around them with your fingertips.

Next, massage the hands. Try to iron well with light pressure each finger and each phalanx. Pay attention to the palms of the child: in the center of the palm, linger and draw various figures and letters with your finger there.

The auricles should be rubbed from top to bottom, holding them between two fingers. Stop at the earlobe and massage it in a circular motion. Lightly rub behind the ear 5-6 times.

Use not only your own fingers, but also special massage brushes for speech therapy procedures.

Never make decisions about the need for a massage on your own. Even a general classical massage should only be started if your pediatrician does not mind. The fact is that there is a rather impressive list of contraindications for massage procedures, and therefore it is best to ask the doctor about the appropriateness and safety of sessions.

When it comes to medical therapeutic massage, then there are several options. You can do it in the treatment room of the clinic, invite a specialist to come to your home, ask a specialist to teach you a treatment procedure, especially if a long and expensive course is required.

If the child is healthy and he needs only a small “stimulus” to start walking, rolling over, crawling, sitting, then after consulting with the doctor, you may well use our recommendations and numerous video tutorials that are now available to everyone on the Internet.

Maternal massage is always more pleasant and beneficial, this is a proven fact. The child does not feel separation from the mother, perceives the manipulations as a game, nothing terrible happens for him.

Another situation develops if a child without urgent need begins to be massaged by a stranger with a massage therapist diploma. Here the kids scream and experience severe stress, their sleep and appetite are disturbed, sometimes mothers themselves are not happy that they started such prevention.

Always massage only when the child has had enough sleep, when he is in a good mood. Turn it into a game, remember the counting rhymes, “the train was late” and “A and B were sitting on the pipe.” Read anything, as long as the kid was fun, interesting. Massage through tears and under duress is not the most useful event for a growing man.

Always massage in a good mood. Make sure that your hands are clean, without signs of varnish and extended nails, without rings and bracelets. This is important because it greatly reduces the likelihood of injuring the delicate skin of the baby. Hands should be warm during any kind of massage. Cold touches are not pleasant to anyone, and they can generally bring a baby to hysterics.

Make sure that the air temperature in the room meets the pediatric requirements: no higher than 21-22 degrees with a humidity of 50-70%. Do not use dubious massage products that have a pungent odor, a strange color. Choose only hypoallergenic oils and creams for your child.

Massage on a hard surface. Not on a bed, not in a chair, not on your knees (the exception is drainage massage). Only a hard and even surface will ensure the correct position of the spine during the impact on the muscles and muscle groups.

Always put everything you might need during the session next to the table where the session takes place. This will help prevent severe injuries to the head and spine, which children often get when they fall off the table when the mother turns away for a tube of baby cream for just a second.

Consider the age and individual characteristics of the child. Hyperactive children need a relaxing massage more, and slow kids need a firming one. Anxious children especially need maternal massage; they will not tolerate a stranger.

Do not massage on an empty stomach and not immediately after eating, so as not to interfere with digestion. Perfect time is an hour after a meal or an hour before a meal.

Remember that any massage is a burden on the child's body. Be prudent and do not load the child too much, especially if you have just started a course of massage exposure. If the child is naughty, expresses with all his appearance that he is not in the mood for classes today, do not force the session, postpone it until better times.

Age features

When asked at what age children can be massaged, there is no definite and concrete answer. Most often, pediatricians recommend starting a general massage for healthy babies after the umbilical wound has healed. For premature babies, the procedure is usually shown a little later - they still need to gain weight so that even light touches of parental hands do not cause discomfort.

It is optimal to start massage from 3 weeks of age. To begin with, limit yourself to a relaxing type of procedure, then gradually introduce a general strengthening massage.

Children from 6 months old can add additional techniques to the execution technique - percussion technique, pinching, more intense muscle kneading.

From the age of 9 months, children are added a lot of active techniques in which they are involved as a full participant in the game process - they introduce various gymnastics techniques, exercises, age-appropriate exercise therapy complexes.

With massage, it is important not to overdo it, not to rush the child to grow and develop. It is stupid and dangerous to plant a baby at 3-4 months, because this poses a threat to the normal development of his spinal column. It is not necessary to put the baby on its feet ahead of time, to perform gymnastic and massage exercises, to which the child has not yet grown up.

Loads should increase with age. At six months, the child is only stimulated to crawl, and not planted, and at 8 months they are seated, but with great care. It is recommended to put on legs not earlier than 10-11 months, earlier - only if the child has already stood up on his own.

For older children, massage is necessarily combined with gymnastics.

Therapeutic massage is carried out for children of any age, with the exception of the first three months of life. But even here there are exceptions: there are medical complexes for the smallest with dysplasia, curvature of the legs, and birth injuries. But such an impact can only be carried out correctly and accurately by a doctor.


Each type of massage has its indications and contraindications. In part, we have already talked about them, describing the technique for carrying out each of the types allowed for home use. There are also general contraindications that are relevant for all types of massage exposure without exception. Here they are:

  • fever and febrile conditions (high or elevated temperature, several days after the decrease in high temperature);

  • the presence of skin rashes, pustules, vesicles, pustules and pimples, as well as allergic rashes, burns and abrasions, prickly heat on the skin in places of the intended massage effect;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • severe disorders of the central nervous system (only medical massage is indicated);
  • birth injuries, fractures, congenital diseases (only professional massage is indicated for medical reasons);
  • epilepsy and convulsive syndrome;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • large hernias - of the spine, inguinal, umbilical (massage is indicated only by a specialized medical one).

You should not massage your child during teething, during diarrhea and vomiting caused by various reasons. Massage should also be postponed if the child has stress - the family has moved, he has just gone to kindergarten, school has begun, the family has divorced, etc.

Massage is refused on the days of preventive vaccinations, so as not to provoke an already possible increase in body temperature.

Master in children's massage. Masseur.

- “Toltko completed a course of general strengthening massage for a child of 9.5 months. In the end, we were very satisfied and the result even exceeded our expectations! The child as a whole is very strong, he sat down on his own, stood on knees at the support, masters crawling on all fours and lifting at the support. In addition, Maria is a very pleasant, tactful person, a professional in her field, our child liked her very much and he behaved perfectly with her, always smiling, although he already distinguishes between friends and foes very well and rarely lets anyone in right away.»

“We just started classes. So far so good)"

— “We received one massage course and I am very pleased with Maria, the child began to sit, his posture became more straightened, the child never cried during the massage course. Maria is punctual and very polite. Let's have a little rest and start the massage course again. I recommend Maria, she is a master of her craft.

Hello dear parents, let's get to know each other! My name is Maria, for more than 10 years I have been doing only baby massage in all its manifestations. These are massage, exercise therapy, aqua gymnastics, fitball exercises, elements of acupressure, etc. Everything that helps the little man grow and develop harmoniously. Giving a huge bookmark for the future.
I always try to find a special approach to each kid in order to give him only positive emotions, working for the result.

20% discount

Two or more children at the same address, in the same or neighboring houses.

Departure: Center, North, MCC: East, North-East, East, MCC: North, MCC: North-East, Big Ring North, Mytishchi.

Children's massage: from 2000 rubles. / h ( Restorative for children up to a year - 2000 rubles.
Children's therapeutic massage for various disorders of muscle tone, hip dysplasia, varus, valgus feet and limb deformities, umbilical hernia, etc. The session includes massage, gymnastics, fitball exercises - 2000-2500 rubles.
Massage with aqua gymnastics - 2500 rubles.
Therapeutic massage with elements of exercise therapy for children from 1 to 14 years old (depending on age and pathology) - 2000-3000 rubles.

Massage: 2000 rub. / h

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