The minimum credit limit on the Tinkoff card. How to find out the credit limit on a Tinkoff bank card? Increase credit on the Tinkoff card

Decor elements 25.10.2022
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It's no secret that you can get a credit card at Tinkoff Bank without getting up from the couch. All that a potential borrower needs to do is fill out an online form, after which the card will be brought directly to your home or work, in extreme cases, it will be sent by mail. It remains only to sign the contract, and then activate the plastic.

This simplicity attracts many. Rubbing his hands, a person orders a credit card, receives it and ... experiences terrible disappointment when he realizes that he was approved for a limit of 10 or even 100 times less than the expected amount! What to do in this case?

Is it possible to increase the Tinkoff credit card limit?

According to TKS, a promotion is possible if you:

  1. often use a credit card;
  2. Pay off debt on time.

But this can happen no earlier than 4 months after the activation of the card. In the future, the maximum amount is reviewed after the same period of time (ie, no more than once every 4 months).

The saddest thing is that the increase is possible only at the initiative of TKS, and even then there are no guarantees. Some clients have been waiting for years to no avail.

So, at the request of the client, the available limit is not increased. Why? Because that is the policy of the bank. In principle, this is not a secret even before issuing a credit card: on the TCS website, in the description of any card, you can see a warning that an increase is possible after some time solely by the decision of the bank.

Despite this, for many clients it comes as a surprise that instead of the expected 300 thousand, they received only 30, or even 3 thousand rubles. Here the trick is that the limit is announced to a person only when the card is activated, i.e. at the time of signing the contract, he is unknown.

How to increase the Tinkoff credit card limit?

So, pleas, tears and threats against the bank will not help. What to do? It's simple - try to influence the robot that analyzes your credit history and decides your fate every 4 months.

To increase your chances of increasing your credit limit, follow these guidelines:

  • Use your credit card as often as possible

Make transfers, withdraw cash, pay for purchases in stores, make payments via Internet banking, etc. (According to the TCS, you need to recruit about 50 operations per month).

  • Operate with amounts that exceed the credit limit

Put your money on a credit card and use it to pay for purchases. It is desirable that the turnover be at least 10-30 thousand more than the amount that you were approved. The bank benefits from your activity (both quantitative and qualitative), respectively, this will be an additional plus during the next review.

  • Actively use other Tinkoff products

Open deposits, debit cards, auto insurance, etc.

  • Make transactions for which the bank takes a commission from you

Withdraw money from ATMs, periodically transfer them to a debit card or to other organizations. You understand that if you pay only by bank transfer, and pay off all the debt during the grace period, then the bank does not see much benefit from you. Why would he raise your limit?

  • In no case do not allow delays in payments!

Never leave the repayment of the next payment to the last day - remember that the repayment date is the date the funds hit the bank account, and not the day you deposited them. And these dates do not always coincide.

  • Repay loans in other banks

Please note that by requesting your credit history from the BCI, TKS can learn about most of your loans from other credit organizations. And who wants to raise the limit on the ears of a credited borrower?

  • Inform the bank about the increase in income in a timely manner

Did you increase your salary, transfer to a highly paid position, get a second job, even an unofficial one? It is in your interest that the Lender finds out about this as soon as possible! Call the operator who will enter the information into the system, and perhaps the next time you review, luck will smile at you.

  • Make large and "status" purchases

Buy perfume, jewelry, cars, airline tickets, tours. So the TCS will see that you are not living paycheck to paycheck, but living life to the fullest. Such a client is much more trustworthy.

What if the credit limit is still not increased?

Are you sure that you are doing everything right, but there is still no promotion? This means that there are factors that prevent the robot from making a positive decision.

Here is some of them:

  1. Are you in arrears with loans from other credit institutions?

Even if they are already closed, there is no trust in you yet. Therefore, you will have to earn it again, i.e. long and hard to follow the above recommendations.

  1. Your employer is blacklisted

Credit organizations carefully monitor the financial condition of organizations, and if they have information that your employer is doing so-so, then you can not even expect an increase in the amount.

  1. You work for a private

As a rule, borrowers working for individual entrepreneurs do not enjoy special love, because it is not known at what point they will be without funds.

  1. You are an IP

Individual entrepreneurs themselves often do not inspire confidence, either. their income and expenses are not always transparent and understandable to the bank.

  1. You are not the same age

Too young and old customers are very reluctant to increase the limit. In women of reproductive age, single mothers and young men who have not served, the chances are also small.

  1. Have you paid off your debt with another bank recently?

Perhaps the information in the BKI has not yet been updated, so it remains to wait at least another 4 months.

And finally the most interesting!

As we have already seen, TKS assures that the maximum amount is not increased manually. BUT! There are many examples when, when a client tried to close a card, he was suddenly offered to increase the limit! Moreover, there were cases that a person had previously used a credit card only a couple of times, or even did not touch it at all. Unbelievable, but such cases really exist!

Similar stories are described by users and in the TKS group on VKontakte:

But the most interesting thing is not even this, but the answer of a representative of Tinkoff Bank:

It turns out that there is still a “manual” regulation of the limit? Apparently, yes. Therefore, do not despair, try all means!

The loan products provided by Tinkoff Bank are in great demand in the consumer lending market. A distinctive feature of the bank was the absence of branches in the regions of the country. A single branch and call-center of Tinkoff Bank are located in Moscow, and all interaction with customers takes place via the Internet.

This applies to all stages - from contacting the organization, to the termination of using its services. The bank credit card itself is either sent by mail or can be delivered through an authorized representative. Courier her to the applicant's doorstep.

Before you start using Tinkoff Bank credit products, you must first activate the card. Until the activation of any obligations to the creditor, the holder will not arise.

After activation, funds will be transferred to the credit card. It can be used in any convenient way: you can use it to pay in shops, cafes, airports and other places by bank transfer or withdraw cash from an ATM.

Card limit

How to find out the credit limit on the Tinkoff card? This issue may concern both people who are just thinking of using it, and those who have long been holders of the card. Tinkoff cares about its customers and has created comfortable information conditions for them.

You can find out what limit Tinkoff gives in three ways. The easiest and most reliable is to call the Tinkoff Bank call center by phone 8 800 755-11-10 . The call is free. This can be done even before the card is activated, that is, at the time of application, when its owner does not bear any obligations to the organization.

After confirming the information about personal data, the operator will inform the client about what credit limit on the card he can count on. If its size does not suit the borrower, you can simply refuse the Tinkoff credit card. At the same time, you do not need to return it, until the moment of activation it is just plastic.

The second way to find out what limit Tinkoff Bank provides is to activate the card. At this moment, an SMS notification will be sent to the borrower's mobile phone confirming the action and receipt of funds to the client's account.

From this message, you can find out what initial credit limit was set on the Tinkoff Platinum card. The downside of this method is that a person gets a "pig in a poke".

He becomes a client of the bank and begins to bear the obligations established by the agreement. In this case, the size of the limit may turn out to be less than the holder expected. For example, the initial limit may be only 10,000 rubles, while a person counted on 20,000 rubles.

After activation, the online banking function will be available to the holder. This is the most modern and fastest way to make money transfers. By activating the Internet banking service on the company's website, the borrower will be able to receive information about the card limit provided by Tinkoff Bank, cash flow and much more around the clock. The offer to register and use the online bank is received at the time of activation.

It is important to remember that the data for logging into your account must be protected from prying eyes. Otherwise, they can get to intruders. You can use this service only from trusted devices.

What is a credit limit and what affects it?

The credit limit on the card is the amount of money provided by the bank that the client can spend. Loan limits vary: from 10,000 to 300,000 rubles. A number of parameters affect the amount approved:

  • Having a credit history.
  • Use of other bank products.
  • Regular income.
  • Age, work experience.
  • Promotions and special offers.

The minimum Tinkoff credit limit of 10,000 rubles is provided upon initial independent application to the organization in the absence of a credit history.

It is worth noting that, as a rule, the initial minimum limit is much higher.

Maximum credit card limit Tinkoff Platinum- 300,000 rubles. You can earn it if you often use lending products and repay loans on time. In addition, it can be obtained by taking advantage of offers within any promotions.

Limit increase

The credit card limit can always be . After a certain period, the bank itself can notify its client that a new limit has been approved for him. A person who has repeatedly applied to lending products can take advantage of this advantage. Such an offer from the bank can be received more than once.

With a request to exceed the credit limit on the card, you can also apply on your own. This can be done four months after the activation of the credit card. Bank specialists will review the application and make a decision. It will be based on the client's credit history.

When withdrawing money from the card, it is important not to forget that they will have to be returned, and this must be done on time. Tinkoff Bank is loyal to its customers and tries to make the use of its products more comfortable. It provides an interest-free period of 55 days.

If the entire amount is paid within this period, you will not have to pay interest. After it expires, the deduction of interest begins. If you cannot return the entire amount before the end of the grace period, you can only repay the debt at an interest rate. The amount of payment is specified in the contract and usually amounts to 6-8% of the total debt.

A favorable impression on the bank's specialists can be made by the withdrawal of all funds from the card and the subsequent repayment of the debt. If this is not done, Tinkoff Bank employees will consider that the existing maximum is sufficient and there is no need to increase it.

An important role is played by the income received by the borrower. It is better to indicate the most complete and reliable information, since their size indicates whether a person will be able to return the funds received on time.

An important factor will also be if the borrower has a Tinkoff debit card. If it is available, activated and actively used, then bank specialists will have a more favorable opinion about the borrower.

In addition, this is a confirmation of its solvency, as well as a means to minimize financial risks for the company.

It is worth remembering that an increase in the credit limit is an additional risk for the bank. Therefore, if the amount increases, the interest rate may also increase. It is important for the borrower to always calculate their ability to repay the loan. Otherwise, you can simply delay the payment of the loan, lose money on interest for the delay and ruin your credit history.

The answer to the question of how to increase the Tinkoff credit card limit online is quite simple, even if the initial credit limit is only a few thousand rubles. In order to carry out the procedure, you will need to use the basic rules and recommendations.

The maximum initial limit on a credit card depends on information about the financial and credit condition of the borrower itself and is determined when filling out and considering an application for receiving plastic. The main data influencing the decision of a commercial organization:

  • the length of service of the potential borrower;
  • the amount of monthly official income (additional is also taken into account if it has documentary evidence);
  • possible borrowing costs from other financial institutions;

As a rule, an application for receiving plastic is transmitted via the Internet in the “online” mode. The highest limit is possible with a Platinum credit card. Here it will be up to 300 thousand rubles. If initially it turns out to be lower, the holder will have the opportunity to request an increase in the credit limit on the Tinkoff card.

What do you need to raise the limit?

  1. Consistently use plastic. The more funds are spent on a credit card, the higher the chances of increasing the loan.
  2. Avoid delays. Skipping payments negatively affects the state of the borrower's reputation, and therefore reduces the chances of increasing the balance.
  3. Answer calls from financial institution representatives. This is important so that customer information is constantly updated in the company's database.
  4. Update payroll and job information. This applies to cases in which there is a change of position.
  5. Buy expensive items. As a rule, when paying by credit card in stores, there is no commission. But at the same time, frequent purchases can demonstrate the presence of wealth.
  6. Avoid delays in other commercial organizations. Borrower rating data is systematically updated and shared with financial institutions.
  7. Use other products of the company that will demonstrate the wealth of the client.

If the client shows his interest in using the provided loan and systematically uses plastic, the limit can be increased automatically. However, it is also possible to independently and independently send a corresponding request to the company. To do this, you should call the contact center, ask the operator all the questions you are interested in and transfer information about the current state of the accounts.

Submitting an application to a branch is not possible because the organization does not have offices in the regions. It is also possible to call the contact center through the official website

How long after the application Tinkoff increases the credit limit

Information about the state of the account and an application for a permanent or temporary increase should be submitted no earlier than six months after the start of active use of plastic. It is possible to count on a positive decision of the company only in this case, since by this time a sufficient picture of the financial well-being of the holder will have been collected. When submitting an application, it is important to provide the most reliable information about the current state of the accounts.

What to do in case of refusal of the bank

How to increase the credit limit in Tinkoff Bank if the operation was not completed even after contacting the company? It is far from always that a financial institution raises the limit immediately after receiving an application. However, the very interest of the borrower significantly increases the chances for further improvement in the ability of plastic. Operators will systematically monitor the status of accounts and, when the most favorable moment comes, the framework will be expanded.


Many credit card holders are interested in how long after the start of using the means of payment it is possible to increase the credit limit. This issue is considered on an individual basis, since several factors influence the expansion of the financial framework at once, including the activity of using plastic. In the event that the borrower systematically pays for purchases and services with his help, if the chances of increasing the loan amount increase. In addition, it is important to monitor the state of credit history and avoid delays.

Due to competition in this area, more and more profitable offers appear for buyers and customers. Issuing a credit card is one of the services that has gained popularity. Working with this tool is simple and understandable to everyone.

The possibility of increasing the limit on the card was no exception.

Here, the most important factor is information regarding the financial situation of the borrower, the workplace. Information is issued while applications for obtaining plastic are still being considered.

The following few indicators have the maximum impact on the decision:

  1. Availability .
  2. Registration of credit programs from other companies, which causes new expenses.
  3. Getting a stable income every month. But in this regard, any profit with official documentary evidence is checked.
  4. Work experience with a potential borrower.

How to improve credit history to get a credit card? Read.

Applications are usually submitted online. Credit cards of the Platinum series have a maximum limit of up to 300 thousand rubles. If the limit is lower initially, then the user adjusts the conditions if desired.

It is enough to write a relevant application. The standard limit amounts are from 10 to 300 thousand rubles. With a salary of 20 thousand rubles, the probability of loan approval is reduced to zero.

Under such conditions, Tinkoff gives up to 30-60 thousand, no more. The maximum amount of issuance is acceptable for salaries of 80 thousand rubles or more.

How to get the maximum limit

In the controlling organization, official confirmation of income is not required. But all statements are carefully checked. Clients themselves indicate the desired amount. They can be called starting points.

When the analysis of personal data is over, the decision may change, up or down. If the client has filled in only a couple of mandatory lines, the limit will remain minimal.

The more reliable information that is not in doubt, the better. The minimum available amount at the initial application, without a credit history - 10 thousand rubles. It will increase if you repay the debt on time. The interest-free period is 55 days.

When can I ask for an increase in the credit limit on the Tinkoff card

The first application should be submitted no earlier than six months after the purchase of plastic. An important condition is the active use of cards.

What is a credit card limit? Watch the video:

This time is enough for the company to collect all the necessary information regarding the financial well-being of an applicant. The main thing is that information regarding the status of accounts at the current moment is as reliable as possible.

How to get approved

The main condition remains active use.

What counts as active operations:

  • Money transfers between different cards, including from other banks.
  • Withdrawing money using ATMs.
  • Making purchases using stationary, online stores.

From time to time, spending the amount on the card in full is another condition under which the chances of a positive response are greater. After all, why strive to increase the limit if the amount is enough for all current expenses?

Opening deposits also increases the chances. Even if the contributions remain small in size. So there is a kind of guarantee of solvency of the client.

If the money is not transferred to the card in the required amount on time, then you should not expect a quick positive decision. It is recommended to repay debts no more than 55 days in advance. This is when you can pay without interest.

Apply online

Often the limit is automatically increased by the lender itself if the client shows sufficient interest in resolving the issue. But sending a corresponding request to the company allows for the option when the borrower is acting.

It is enough to call the operator to clarify all questions, information regarding the current state of accounts. Tinkoff has practically no offices in the regions.

How to increase the Tinkoff credit card limit?

Therefore, all problems are solved online. It is better to call using the phone, and use the official website to apply.

What are the possible reasons for rejection?

In most cases, the client is met halfway. Only those who have accumulated a serious debt can refuse. Or if it was found out that the information provided is not true.

Refusal is also acceptable in case of loss of the current job. It is better to call the consultants in case of any troubles.

What to do

Do not despair, even when a direct appeal leads to a negative result. Then the client is on the list of those who are really interested in increasing the limit.

Under what conditions does Tinkoff Bank offer to open a brokerage account? Look at .

This means that financial activity falls under close scrutiny by employees. The probability of a positive decision in any case is present.

But this will happen after a careful study of financial activity:

  1. The presence of debts.
  2. Exceeding the terms of free repayment of debt.
  3. The number of transactions completed in 30 days.
  4. Frequency of using the card.

How and when can I increase my credit card limit? Answers in the video:

The decision to take a second card, for one of the relatives, contributes to the increase in the limit. The main thing is that the citizens themselves give their consent. In addition, it is necessary to choose adult relatives who remain capable.

Otherwise, the transfer of personal data will be recognized as illegal, which will lead to negative consequences. In the most serious cases, the involvement of law enforcement agencies is acceptable.

The chances of increasing the limit are improved if the following rules are taken as a basis:

  • Spending large sums, regular.
  • Cooperation without delay. Credit history is always recorded.
  • The bank tries to avoid clients who postpone repayment until the last moment.
  • For the database, operational communication with customers is important. It is recommended to provide all contacts for contacts - mobile, home. It is worth informing the bank employees in case of a change in the number.
  • The more income information you have, the better. After all, the bank is interested in cooperating with paying customers. An increase in wages, additional employment, a new source of income - any information will be useful.
  • The use of goods of certain categories allows you to understand how wealthy the client is.
  • Payments in other banks are also recommended to be paid in a timely manner.
  • The number of credits collected is also taken into account, by the total amount. The more formalized programs, the less likely it is to approve applications for an increase.

Filling out an application for an increase.

After examining all the data, the computer program will make a decision. But bank employees themselves are not responsible for this process. The influence of the human factor on the solution of the problem is excluded.


A balanced approach helps to plan for limit increases. After all, at the same time, changes appear in other characteristics of the map. This applies to interest rates, minimum repayment amounts, and so on.

How to get a Black card at Tinkoff Bank? Find out.

The credit limit is always set individually. If the borrower honestly copes with his duties, then the initiative to increase funds may come from the lender himself.

In total, Tinkoff has 8 main types of cards, for each of them it will not be difficult to find favorable conditions. All that remains is to apply and then wait for a decision. The answer comes in a few minutes.

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What to do if you do not have enough money on a credit card

Michel Korzhova

financial advisor at Tinkoff Bank

The credit limit is the amount that the bank is willing to lend you on a credit card. Unlike a cash loan, this is a revolving amount: when you repay the debt, you can use the money again within the limit.

Let's say you got a credit card and thought to use it as an airbag. They expected that they would give a limit of 60 thousand, comparable to a monthly salary. And they brought a credit card with a limit of 10 thousand. The pillow turned out to be very flimsy, it’s easier to accumulate it yourself.

But if you were given a credit card for 10 thousand today, this does not mean that the limit is final and you will not receive more money. Banks review the credit limit on credit cards about once every 3-6 months: some more often, some less often - depends on the policy of the bank. This happens automatically.

If your current limit does not suit you, you can, of course, ask the bank to increase it - but we do not recommend doing this. First, the bank is not obliged to increase the limit. Secondly, some banks may perceive such an appeal as a wake-up call: “The client urgently needs money for incomprehensible purposes, why would it be?”

It is better that the bank itself decides to entrust you with more money. The limit is increased automatically for borrowers who meet certain criteria. Fitting yourself to these criteria is easy.

The bank can increase the credit limit by several dozen times.

Here's what to do.

How to increase the credit limit on the card

  1. Use the card as often as possible.
  2. Don't delay.
  3. Make payments 2-3 days before the deadline or earlier.
  4. Notify the bank in a timely manner of any change in contact details.
  5. Tell the bank where you work and how much you earn.
  6. Pay by card for large purchases.
  7. Pay off the arrears in other banks.
  8. Make sure that loan payments take up no more than half of your income, and close other unnecessary credit cards.
  9. Use other bank products.
  10. Check your credit history.

What determines the size of the credit limit

For credit cards of the same type, the bank gives different limits to different people. For example, one - sixty thousand, and another - ten. Let's figure out why this happens.

The credit limit depends on the level of income and credit history of the borrower. The higher and more stable the income and the better the credit history, the larger the limit the bank can immediately approve. In the credit history, banks first of all look to see if there are other open loans and delinquencies.

Minimum limit. If a client first applies to a new bank for a loan, he has a small income and no credit history, the bank can first provide him with a minimum limit - 3000-5000 R. Then the bank looks at how the borrower uses this money: if he actively pays with the card and repays the debt in a timely manner, over time the bank will be able to increase the limit many times over.

Maximum limit- this is the amount to which the bank can increase the initial limit. In advertising campaigns and on the website, banks usually indicate the maximum credit card limit.

If an advertisement offers a credit card for 300,000 R, then this is its maximum limit. This does not mean that there will definitely be 300,000 R on the card. This is the maximum amount to which the bank can raise the limit.

Zero limit. Banks never indicate the lower limit of the limit - this is normal. A credit card can be issued even with a zero limit. The bank checks information about a potential client: if it suddenly turns out that since the moment of applying, he has taken another five loans or lost his job, after activating the card there will be no credit funds on it. When applying, the bank will say that it cannot yet approve any amount.

On such a card, the client can deposit his own funds and pay - perhaps, over time, the bank will approve some kind of limit. Moreover, if you withdraw even your own funds from a credit card, the bank may charge a commission.

What to do to raise your credit card limit

Use the map. It is important for the bank that payments go through the card: the more actively you use the card, the more the bank earns, for example, through commissions from merchants. If you do not use the money, the bank will decide that you do not need a loan and you do not need to increase the limit. The more money you spend from the card, the more likely it is to increase the limit. The same rule works if you have already been approved for a large limit, but you rarely use a credit card: they can lower it back.

Don't overdue your credit card. If you want to increase your limit, delays are absolutely unacceptable. If you allow delays, the chances of raising the limit are drastically reduced. Some banks may lower the limit for customers who do not pay on time. If you understand that sometimes you can simply forget to pay off your credit card debt on time, turn on auto payment.

Pay in advance. If you have made a habit of paying at the last moment, there is a risk that one day you will be late. The bank does not like those who pay at the last moment.

Be in touch with the bank. Even if you pay all your loans on time, sometimes the bank needs to contact you. For example, to check the relevance of contact information or propose new conditions. If the client cannot be contacted for a long time, this is a wake-up call for the bank. To prevent this from happening, always inform the bank in a timely manner about changes in contact details: e-mail, mobile phone, residential address.

Provide income information. To entrust you with a loan, the bank must be sure that you can pay it off. To do this, he needs up-to-date employer and income data. Notify the bank if you have changed jobs or received a pay raise. If you have unofficial income, please let me know as well. The bank is not a tax bank, it only cares about your actual earnings.

Pay with a credit card for items that show your income. The bank looks at the amounts and categories of credit card purchases. If you buy plane tickets, go to restaurants and dress in prestigious stores, the bank understands that you are making good money. If you only buy food with the card, the bank may decide that you have problems with earnings. Even if you buy caviar and champagne.

Pay off the arrears in other banks. The bank looks at credit history both when making a decision on issuing a loan, and in the process of servicing. If you received a credit card immediately with the desired limit, this does not mean that they will not be able to lower it. It is important to avoid delays both on the credit card itself, on which you want to increase the limit, and on loans from other banks.

Keep track of your credit load. If you have taken loans from different banks, there is a risk that one day you will not pay them off. The bank evaluates the ratio of all your monthly payments to income. The more open loans, the higher the payments on them, the less likely it is to increase the limit.

The role is played not only by the number of loans and payments on them, but also by the type of loan and the place where it was taken. For example, having a mortgage loan and a credit card at the same time is normal, but if a potential client has two microloans at the same time, a cash loan and another credit card, the lender is unlikely to like it. Make sure that loan payments take no more than half of your income, otherwise you can not count on increasing the credit limit.

Use cards and bank deposits. The bank processes all the data about you that it has. If you use cards and deposits, the bank knows what kind of income you have, what kind of savings and how you manage them. And your trust grows.

Check your credit history. Sometimes there may be errors in the credit history, for example, delinquencies on already closed loans or debts of another person may be indicated.

We also have a series of videos about loans and credit history. In one of them, I also tell you how to increase your credit limit. Check it out if you have no time to read the entire article or have questions.

The decision is made by the robot

In almost all banks, decisions to increase the credit limit are made not by a person, but by a special automated system - scoring. At Tinkoff Bank, every day she selects new clients and analyzes information on existing ones. If the client meets the criteria described above, the program raises the limit.

Bank employees do not have access to this program, so it makes no sense to ask an employee to raise the limit manually. Moreover, not a single bank employee will tell you what the exact criteria for approving a loan or increasing the limit for a particular bank are: banks keep this information secret.

How to calculate credit card limit

From October 1, 2019, in order to issue a loan from 10,000 R or increase the credit card limit, the bank is obliged to calculate the borrower's debt load indicator - PDN. It is calculated as the ratio of monthly loan payments to the client's monthly income:

PDN = loan payments / income.

If more than 50% of the client's income goes to repay loans, the bank's capital adequacy ratio worsens. This indicator is also called H1. The more heavily leveraged borrowers that get loans, the lower the capital adequacy. If the bank's capital falls below a certain level and the bank cannot quickly remedy the situation, it may have its license revoked. Therefore, most likely, the credit limit will be given with the expectation that the PTI is no more than 0.5.

To figure out for yourself what credit limit you can count on, find out how many percent of the debt will be the monthly payment. Let's call this value N. Then add up all the payments on the remaining loans. Get the formula:

PTI = (Payments on other loans + N × credit limit) / income.

The maximum value of PDN is 0.5. Substituting it:

Payments on other loans + N × credit limit = income / 2

N × credit limit = income / 2 − payments on other loans

Credit limit = (income / 2 - payments on other loans) / N

A limit greater than this amount is unlikely to be approved.

For example, you are already paying 5000 R per month on loans and decide whether to apply for a credit card. Want to figure out how much will be approved at best. The bank told you that the monthly payment is 5% of the debt. Your income is 30,000 R.

Credit limit \u003d (15,000 - 5000) / 0.05 \u003d 200,000 R.

In this case, it is unlikely that you will be able to get more than 200,000 R of a credit limit.

These are approximate calculations - it is easier to apply and find out exactly your limit.

How to find out the credit limit

After submitting the application, the bank checks the data specified in the application, makes a preliminary decision on the application and informs the potential borrower about the size of the credit limit.

When the agreement is signed and the card is activated, you can find out the credit limit in the mobile and internet bank. You can also call the hotline.

Can the bank reduce the limit

The Bank has the right, at its discretion, to change the credit card limit both at the time of approval of the application and in the process of servicing, depending on the payment discipline and financial situation of the borrower.

Before signing the contract and activating the card, the limit can be changed in any direction: the bank can give more money, less, or even issue a card with a zero limit. This may be due to the fact that the position of the client has changed since the moment of filling out the application. The bank saw that the client took a few more loans or his income decreased, so he did not want to take risks and approved a smaller amount.

Credit limit canceled: what does it mean

The credit limit may be cancelled. For example, if the client is late and does not pay the loan for a long time. Until a person pays off the debt, the bank will not provide a new credit card limit.

In this case, you need to pay the debt in full as soon as possible. If after that a new limit is not approved within a week, contact the bank for advice.

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