The 13 labors of Hercules is a summary of each labor. "The thirteenth feat of Hercules" main characters

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The new math teacher did not scold or punish the misbehaving students, he simply ridiculed them.

One day main characters did not learn his homework and was very afraid of ridicule from the teacher and classmates. Therefore, when doctors came to the school to vaccinate against typhus, he convinced them to start not with 5\"A\" class, but with 5\"B\", in which he himself studied. The doctors agreed, and vaccination was carried out during the whole lesson.

After the doctors left, there was still time until the end of the lesson, and the teacher called the “hero” to the blackboard, where everyone was convinced that the boy was not ready for the lesson. Then the teacher told about the exploits of Hercules, which he performed out of noble motives. And our student accomplished his "feat" out of laziness and cowardice.

Conclusion (my opinion)
This lesson left a deep imprint in the boy's soul, he realized that the teacher brought them up with laughter better than with any notations and teachings. The author remembered this lesson for the rest of his life and wrote his story in order to teach others by his own example.

Author of the reader's diary

Electronic reader's diary

Book Information

Title and author of the book Theme, idea of ​​the book main characters Plot Date of reading
The thirteenth feat of Hercules F. Iskander Laugh at human flaws Fifth grader and his teacher Kharlampy Diogenovich The new mathematics teacher Kharlampy Diogenovich never punished his students, with the help of humor he achieved perfect discipline in the lesson and homework. homework, did not want the teacher to give him a deuce and ridicule him in front of his classmates. By chance, a doctor and a nurse came into the classroom, they were looking for 5A in order to get vaccinated. Our hero volunteered to help and see the doctors, but while they were looking for the right office, the boy persuaded him to get vaccinated at 5B. As soon as the medical process was completed, the teacher called the boy to the blackboard. Of course, the young hero could not answer and received a deuce. The teacher compared him with Hercules, but the "thirteenth feat" turned out to be false and useless. “Since then, I have become more serious about homework ... Later, I noticed that almost all people are afraid of seeming ridiculous. Women and poets are especially afraid of seeming funny... Of course, being too afraid to look funny is not very smart, but it's much worse not to be afraid of it at all. 18.06.2015

book cover illustration

About the author of the book

Iskander Fazil Abdulovich (b. 1929), prose writer, poet. Born on March 6 in Sukhumi in the family of an artisan. graduated high school received a library degree. In the 1950s, Iskander came to Moscow, entered the Literary Institute, from which he graduated in 1954. Already in his student years, he began to publish (first publications in 1952). Writes poems. Works as a journalist in Kursk, then in Bryansk. In 1959 - editor in the Abkhaz department of the State Publishing House. The first poetry collections - "Mountain Paths" (1957), "Kindness of the Earth" (1959), "Green Rain" (1960) and others - receive good feedback critics and reader acclaim. Since 1962, his stories began to publish the magazine "Youth" and "Nedelya". In 1966, from these stories, the author collects the first book, Forbidden Fruit. However, the publication in the "New World" "Constellation of Kozlotur" (1966) brings him truly wide fame. The stories and novels were warmly received: "On a Summer Day" (1969), "The Tree of Childhood" (1970). Of particular interest in his work was the cycle of short stories "Sandro from Chegem" (1973). In 1979, for "Metropol" Iskander gave the satire "The Little Giant of Big Sex". Peru Iskander owns children's stories - "Chick's Day" (1971) and "Chick's Defense" (1983), which formed the basis of the book of stories "Chick's Childhood" (1993). In 1982, the magazine "Youth" published the work of the writer - "Rabbits and boas", which had an extraordinary success. In 1987 he published a book of poems "The Way"; in 1990 - the story "Human Parking"; in 1991 - the book of journalism "Poets and Tsars"; in 1993 - "Poems" and the novel "Man and his surroundings". In 1995, the story "Sofichka" was published in the Znamya magazine. F. Iskander lives and works in Moscow. Brief biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. Brief biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.


The mathematician Kharlampy Diogenovich was noticeably different from his slovenly colleagues. With his appearance in the class, strict discipline was established. The lessons were so quiet that the principal could not believe that the students were in their places and not in the stadium. Silence reigned as soon as the teacher entered the classroom, and lasted until the end of the lesson. Sometimes there was laughter. Kharlampy Diogenovich allowed himself to joke, and the guys laughed merrily. For example, he could show the greatest respect to a late student by giving him the way to class and calling him after him the Prince of Wales. The teacher never cursed, never called parents to school. The guys did not write off the control ones, because they knew that Kharlampy Diogenovich would immediately recognize such a work and ridicule a negligent student. The narrator did not escape the fate of being funny in front of the whole class.

One day he could not solve the problem. Without doing his homework, he came to school. After making sure that the other guys did not agree with the answer either, the boy ran to play football. Just before the start of the lesson, he learned that the excellent student Sakharov had coped with the task. And at the desk neighbor Adolf Komarov, the problem was also solved. The narrator froze in anticipation of what would be asked of him. A doctor and a nurse entered the classroom. They were looking for a fifth "A" class to vaccinate. Out of fear, the boy volunteered to show where the class was and the teacher gave him permission. On the way, he learns that their class is scheduled to be vaccinated in the next lesson and informs the medics that the class will go to the museum. Running into the classroom in front of the doctor, the narrator saw that Shurik Avdeenko was solving the problem at the blackboard, but he could not explain the solution. The teacher sent him to his place, and praised Adolf for the solved problem.

When the doctors returned, they said that the children needed to be vaccinated and the teacher allowed them to take a lesson. Avdeenko was the first to be vaccinated. He did it without fear, because the vaccine saved him from a possible deuce. Adolf Komarov was pale. The neighbor on the desk consoled him, but it did not work. The injection made Alik even paler, and the doctor had to give him ammonia. The narrator was proud of Alik that he did not feel the prick, although this was not true. The doctors are gone.

There was little time left before the end of the lesson. Kharlampy Diogenovich thoughtfully began a story about the twelve labors of Hercules and about a certain young man who decided with his thirteenth feat to correct Greek mythology. The teacher said that this feat was accomplished out of cowardice, and for the sake of what it was done, he asked the narrator to explain, calling him to the blackboard. Kharlampy Diogenovich asked the boy to tell how he solved his homework. The student tried to play for time, but he looked more and more ridiculous and ridiculous. Since then, the boy has become more serious about doing homework. Reasoning, he came to the conclusion that the worst thing is that a person ceases to be afraid of being funny. This may bring misfortune upon him. The arrogant Roman emperors did not see in time how ridiculous they really were, and that is why the great empire perished.

Option 1

A new mathematics teacher Kharlampy Diogenovich appears at the school. From the first minutes of his appearance at school, he manages to establish "exemplary silence" in the lessons. Kharlampy Diogenovich immediately intrigued his pupils by the fact that he never raised his voice, did not force him to study, did not threaten to call his parents to school. Humor was his main weapon. If the student was somehow guilty, Kharlampy Diogenovich joked with him, and the whole class could not help laughing.

Once a student of the 5th "B" class (from whom the narration is being conducted), having not learned his homework, came to a lesson with Kharlampy Diogenovich. The boy was very afraid that after going to the blackboard with his homework, he would become a target for his teacher's sparkling humor. Some time after the start of the lesson, a doctor entered the classroom along with a nurse who were vaccinating against typhus among the students of the school. They were looking for 5 "A", but mistakenly entered a parallel class. To protect himself from going to the blackboard, the student-narrator volunteered to take the doctors to the lesson by 5 "A". Moreover, while they were walking through the corridors of the school, the "valiant" fifth-grader managed to convince the doctors to start vaccination in 5 "B". Thus, he managed to save himself and his classmates from the inevitable deuce and humor of the teacher.

After the doctoral "executions" that disrupted the lesson, there was very little time left before the bell bell, and during this period Kharlampy Diogenovich decided to listen to the solution of the homework from our fifth grader. The hero, who had just saved the class, could not escape either the sarcasm of his teacher or the laughter of his classmates. Since then, he has become much more responsible in approaching homework. This feat was not due to courage, but due to cowardice, due to the fact that he did not do his homework in mathematics.

Option 2

In Fazil Iskander's story "The Thirteenth Feat of Hercules", the story is told on behalf of a boy who studies in the fifth grade of a men's school in Georgia.

The story takes place during the war. We learn about this from the narrator himself, who teases his desk mate named Adolf.

The protagonist of the story is a smart, mischievous and crafty boy. He, like many boys, loves to play football, sometimes he cannot cope with the task, laughs with everyone at his classmates, whom Kharlampy Diogenovich, the teacher, puts in a ridiculous position.

The hero treats his classmates in a friendly manner, with irony. The narrator is observant and accurately describes the main features of his friends. He notices the constant well-being of Sakharov, who, even laughing, tries to remain an excellent student, notices the modesty and invisibility of Alik Komarov and the gloom of Shurik Avdeenko. But Kharlampy Diogenovich has no favorites in the class. Anyone can be funny. And then the moment comes when the class laughs at the main character.

The main character did not cope with the task in mathematics. Instead of asking for help from his comrades, he played football before the lessons, convincing himself that the answer in the textbook was wrong. Then he tried to evade responsibility for his actions by tricking and deceiving doctors into giving injections during a math lesson. When he finds himself at the blackboard and does not find the strength to honestly admit that he did not solve the problem, then Kharlampy Diogenovich understands why the doctors came specifically to the mathematics lesson.

The teacher does not punish the student with laughter, but his cowardice. He says that the narrator performed "the thirteenth feat of Hercules", that is, a feat that actually did not exist, which is not a feat at all. Yes, he changed the situation, but he changed it not out of noble motives, but out of cowardice.

"All the mathematicians that I had to meet in school and after school were slovenly people, weak-willed and quite brilliant."

But one mathematician in our school was different from all the others. He was neither weak-willed nor slovenly.

“His name was Kharlampy Diogenovich. Like Pythagoras, he was of Greek origin. He appeared in our class since the new school year ...

He immediately established exemplary silence in our class. The silence was so terrible that sometimes the director frightenedly opened the door, because he could not understand whether we were still there or had fled to the stadium.

The stadium was next to the school yard ... "

Children often ran to the stadium, which irritated the headmaster very much. But not from math lessons!

The teacher knows how to subtly ridicule a delinquent student. No one wants to be the object of his wit.

He “imperiously and calmly held the class in his hands ... It was almost useless to copy from him, because he immediately recognized the copied work and began to ridicule it ...

student retreating from school rules, - not a lazy person, not a lazybones, not a bully, but just a funny person. Or rather, not just funny, perhaps many would agree to this, but some kind of offensively funny. Funny, not realizing that he is funny, or the last to know about it ...

The whole class is laughing at you. Everyone laughs against one."

Once the object of ridicule is the hero-narrator. He failed to solve his homework. And he waved it off: probably the answer in the textbook is wrong!

“Next to me sat a quiet and modest student. His name was Adolf Komarov. Now he called himself Alik and even wrote Alik on his notebook, because the war had begun and he did not want to be teased by Hitler. All the same, everyone remembered his name before, and on occasion reminded him of this.

I liked to talk, and he liked to sit quietly. We were put together to influence each other, but, in my opinion, nothing came of it. Everyone stayed the way they were."

Adolf solved the problem. The hero becomes more and more uncomfortable. But suddenly a nurse comes into the classroom. The school is vaccinated against typhoid. It's better to be vaccinated than to be ridiculed with your unsolved problem!

“I was not afraid of injections, because they gave me a lot of injections for malaria, and these are the most disgusting of all injections in existence.”

But the white coats are looking for the fifth "A". The boy is studying in the fifth "B".

- Can I show them where the fifth "A" is? I said, emboldened with fear.

This class was in one of the outbuildings at school yard, and the doctor could really get confused ... "

The doctor says that class "B" will be given injections in the next lesson. The boy, hoping to avoid embarrassment in the math class, invents that class "B" in the next lesson is going to the museum in an organized manner.

The doctor and nurse decide to go to the fifth B. Many children are afraid of injections, especially Alik Komarov.

“With every minute he became stricter and paler. He kept looking at the doctor's needle...

His back was as hard as a board from the tension...”

Alik almost fainted during the injection. The narrator, nicknamed the "painter" by the doctors, behaves heroically.

But here is the procedure.

“Open the window,” said Kharlampy Diogenovich, taking his seat. He wanted the spirit of hospital freedom to leave the classroom with the smell of medicine.

- As you know, Hercules performed twelve labors ... - he said. — One young man wanted to correct Greek mythology.

And accomplished the thirteenth feat...

We immediately understood from his voice what a false and useless feat it was, because if Hercules needed to perform thirteen labors, he would have performed them himself, and since he stopped at twelve, it means that it was necessary and there was nothing to climb with your amendments.

— Hercules performed his exploits like a brave man. And this young man did his feat out of cowardice ... "

The trickster is still called to the board. In the home task, we are talking about an artillery shell.

“An artillery shell…” the schoolboy mutters.

Kharlampy Diogenovich makes fun of him:

- Did you swallow the projectile? Then ask the military instructor to clear mines for you ...

The whole class laughed.

“Sakharov laughed, trying not to stop being an excellent student during laughter. Even Shurik Avdeenko, the gloomiest person in our class, whom I saved from the inevitable deuce, laughed.

Komarov laughed, who, although he is now called Alik, but as he was, he remained Adolf.

“Since then, I have become more serious about homework ... Later, I noticed that almost all people are afraid of seeming ridiculous. Women and poets are especially afraid of seeming ridiculous...

Of course, being too afraid of looking funny isn't very smart, but it's far worse not to be afraid of it at all."

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