Ostrovsky His people with a reader's diary. Your people - to think

Encyclopedia plants 01.10.2019


Most Samson Stolech - Komepet

Agraphen Kondratyevna - his wife

Lipochka - their daughter

Podkhalyuzin - Clause

Ustinya Naumovna - Swash

Fominishna - Keystitch

Rispalinsky Sysova PSOCH - Stryatchy

Tishka - Boy

First action

The living room in the house is Bolshaya.

Ostrovsky. His people will consider. Spectacle

Phenomenon first

Lipochka (sits by the window with a book). What a pleasant occupation these dances! After all, how good! What can be delicious? You will come to the collected Ali to whom to the wedding, sit, naturally, - all in colors, spooled like a toy Ali picture magazine, - Suddenly the cavalier: "Will happiness, madam!" Well, you see: if a person with the concept of Ali Army, which will take and sit down, answer: "If you are pleased with pleasure!" Oh! (with heat) Ocha-Ro-Va-Tel-but! It's just a mind incomprehensible! (Sighs.) I don't like to dance with students with orders. Whether it's different with the military! Ah, charm! Delight! And the mustache, and the epoles, and the uniform, and others have even spurs with the bells. One murderous that saber is not! And why do they decide it? Strange, to God! They themselves do not understand how to shine fascinating! After all, they would look at the spurs, how they ring, there isctive, if Ulan Ali Colonel as it sneaks - a miracle! To admire - cute-expensive! Well, and he is still a saber: just do not see anything more curious, one thunder has better music. So what is the comparison: military or civilian? Military - this is now visible: and dexterity, and all, and the staff is what? So some kind of inanimate! (Silence.) I wonder why this is many ladies, pushing the legs, sit? Formally there is no difficulty learn! I have already consumed by the teacher consumed, and in twenty lessons it all resolutely understood. Why not learn to dance! This is one only superstition! Here Mama, it happened, it is angry that the teacher is all for the knees. All this from non-forming! What is the importance! He is a dancer, and not someone else. (Thinks.) I imagine myself: Suddenly, the military will be launched for me, suddenly we have a front conspiracy: they burn candles everywhere, waiters in white gloves walk; I, naturally, in a tulle either in a gas dress, here will suddenly play waltz. Well, how am I ended in front of him! Oh, what countries! Where to go then? What will he think? That will say, the fool is uneducated! No, how can it be! However, I haven't danced for a year and a half! I will try now at leisure. (Bad waltching.) Once ... two ... three ... times ... two ... three ...

Second phenomenon

Sticky and Agrapan Kondratyevna.

Agraphen Kondratyevna (entering). So, so, shameless! As if the heart felt: neither the light either dawn, not so much of the bread of God, and even for the dance immediately!

Lipochka. Like, Mama, I and the tea drank, and chewing chewing. Look, good? Once, two, three ... times ... two ...

Agraphen Kondratyevna (pursuing her). So what did you bored? I need to look very much like you are a sinful! .. I tell you, do not turn! ..

Lipochka. What kind of sin is! Now they have all this. - Once ... two ...

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Better about the table of forehead knock, and no legs do not bother! (Runs behind her.) - Why are you, why did you not obey!

Lipochka. How not to obey who told you! Do not interfere, let it cake, how is it necessary! One two Three…

Agraphen Kondratyevna. For a long time I have been running for you in old age years! Wow, tortured, barbart! Hear, stop! Father compete!

Lipochka. Now, now, Mama! Last circle! You created you to complain about. You yourself are not very significant for me! Once, two ...

Agraphen Kondratyevna. How! You're still dancing, but still you swear! I quit a minute! You will be worse: I'll catch a skirt, the whole tail is torn.

Lipochka. Well, let go on health! You will have to sew! That will be! (Sits down.) Fu ... Fu ... how I climbed, as if WHO was lucky! Wow! Give, mammy, sweat sweat wrap.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Wait, I myself am watching! Iha, worried! But also to say, as if they were inconvented. If you don't read the mother, so the wall would meet! Father, darling, through the great power of the leg moves, and you jump here like a jula!

Lipochka. Will you with your advice! Well, I do, in your opinion! He himself, what do you want to feel better? Here is another manner, I was a doctor! Wow! What is you for your disgusting concepts! Oh! What are you, mammy, she, God! Right, I sometimes have to blush from your nonsense!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. What is the brainchiev something beloved! Please think about how she is chisel! Oh, you, a stupid bolt! Do you can displacing parents with such speeches? Yes, really, I then gave you to the light, did you learn how the strawsinki was trained?

Lipochka. Not you learned - outsiders; completeness, please; You yourself, confess to say, are not raised by anything. Well? Did you give birth - I was then what? A child, child without a concept, did not mean circulation. And it grew yes I looked at the secular tone, so I see that I am much more formed. Well, to indulge in your nonsense! How! There is a bona.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Uy, hey, dumb, shameless! You will bring me out of patience, right to your father I will go, so in my feet and bother, living, I will say, no from my daughter, Samsonushko!

Lipochka. Yes, there is no live! Imagine. - Do I have live from you? Why did you refuse the groom? What is not a unparalleled party? What is not Kap? What did you find in it lung?

Agraphen Kondratyevna. And even lung, that caudal! I arrived, broke, broke, spit, spit. Eka Nevidal!

Lipochka. Yes, you know a lot! It is known, he is a noble person, and acts delicately. In their circle, always do that. - Yes, how else do you dare to squeeze such people you do not know the concepts? He is not a checklist of some. (Whispering to the side.) Dushka, cutie!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Yes, good is the cut! Tell me please! It is a pity that they did not give you for the jester for the pea. After all, you are, thank something in you; After all, you called the mother under the nose whisper.

Lipochka. Visible reason that you do not want my happiness. You are with a thoughty only blusses to build yes thien.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Well, how do you want, think there. Lord you judge! And no one cares about her brainchild as the maternal womb! You get shine here and different nonsense is supplemented, and my father and my father and my father and I care about it, no matter how good a person to find you to attach you as soon as possible.

Lipochka. Yes, you can easily talk, but let me ask what I like?

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Isn't I sorry you, do you think? Yes, what to do something! Be careful, I waited for many years. After all, you can not suddenly find the groom; Soon only cats catches.

Lipochka. What do I do to your cats! I need my husband! What it is! Cuzz met with friends, in whole Moscow could not choose the groom - all others and others. Who will not like the living: all girlfriends with husbands have long been, and I like an orphan what! The one was found, and so refused. Hear, find me the bridegroom, touch it! .. Forward you say, you are right away, and it will be worse for you: on purpose, you called, in secret, the worshipers of the admirer, I will lose weight with Gusar, and we will get sly.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. What, that, bless! Who driven into you such brands! Vladyko Merciful, I can not get together with the Spirit ... oh you, a dog grizzle! Well, nothing to do! It can be seen, the father will have to call.

Lipochka. Only lack that the father da father; Boychi you talk with it, but try it yourself!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. So, I'm a fool, do you think that? What are your hussars there, shameless your nose! Ugh you, the devilish obsession! Ali do you think I'm not authorized to order? Speak, shameless your eyes, where do you feel something so envious? What are you hiding mother you want to be! After all, I will not go to the kitchen to go to the kitchen. You are! You are! A! .. Ah Mother You are mine! Naughty sundress sushi yes that's head and put on your head! With piglets you, instead of parents, let's put!

Lipochka. How! Let me command a command! Here's another news!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Silent, silence, Tarant Egorovna! Top Mother! Eco seed nasty! The word will be picnu, so the language below the heels appear. The Lord sent a consolation! Girl habial! The boy you, the shelle, and on your mind you have everything not female! Ready, tea, here is a soldier's horse to jump!

Lipochka. You, I imagine, coat soon all the boat. It would be silent better, if they are not so raised. All I am a bad, and you yourself are what after that! What, you like to shoot me on that light before, lime with your whims? (Crying.) Well, perhaps, I'm just like a fly, coughing. (Crying.)

Agraphen Kondratyevna (standing and looking at her). Well, fully, full!

Lipochka crying louder and then spares. Well, full of you, full! Talk to you, stop! Well, I am guilty, stop only, I am guilty. Sticky crying. Lipochka! Linden! Well, will be! Well, stop it! (Through tears.) Well, do not be angry with me (crying) ... Babu is stupid ... Unaccounted ... (Cry both together,). Well, forgive me for me ... I will buy earrings.

Lipochka (crying). What are your earrings for me, I and so full of the toilet. And you buy bracelets with emeralds.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Buy, buy, only you cry, stop!

Lipochka (through tears). Then I will stop how to get married. (Crying.)

Agraphen Kondratyevna. You will leave, you will leave my dove! Well, kiss me! Kiss. Well, Christ is with you! Well, let me tear look like a look. (Wipes.) So now I wanted to quietly Naumovna come, we also ceilement.

Phenomenon third

The same and fominishna.

Fominishna. Guess-ko, Mother Agrapan Kondratyevna, who will free to complain to us?

Agraphen Kondratyevna. I do not know how to say. What am I to you, grandmother-guess, or Fominichna?

Lipochka. Why don't you ask me that I'm more stupid, what are you with mammy?

Fominishna. I do not know how to say; In words, you hurt us jump, but in fact, there is no you. I asked, I asked, not Tokmo so that there was, there is at least a handkerchief, you are lying around you two without charity, so everything is not, all someone else's stranger.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. That's already, Fominichna, I am not a sort of scatter.

Lipochka. I'm watching! Know, the beer bored after breakfast, shoodled the wonders here in Serete.

Fominishna. Vestimo so; What to laugh? What is the cut, Agraphen Kondratyevna, it happens and start worse than the end.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. You can't eat! You still start to interpret, so only the ears clap. Who is such a thing there?

Lipochka. Male Ali woman?

Fominishna. You have all men in the eyes are jumping. But where is it possible to see that a man goes to a cape? WDD case - how to call?

Lipochka. Natural, unmarried, widow.

Fominishna. Will be my truth? And it turns out that a woman!

Lipochka. EKA TELLOW! Who is a woman?

Fominishna. So that, smart, but not guessed: no one else and be, as not Ustini Naumovna.

Lipochka. Ah, Mama, like this, by the way!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Where is she still? Arranges it soon, Fominishna.

Fominishna. He herself goes into a second: he stopped in the yard - with the janitor, it was sculpting: no wicket outper.

Fourth phenomenon

The same and Ustinya Naumovna.

Ustinya Naumovna (entering). UV, Fa, Fa! What is it, Silver, the staircase, what is cool: we climb, we climb, the nation is crayled.

Lipochka. Ah, so she and she! Hello, Ustinya Naumovna!

Ustinya Naumovna. Do not hurry hurry! There are older than you. Here with Mama, it is shining before. (Kissing.) Hello, Agraphen Kondratyevna, how did it stand-spent the night, is everything alive, the bragistic?

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Glory to the creator! I live - bread; In the morning, here with my daughter's balanchal.

Ustinya Naumovna. Tea, about all the way. (Kissing with a sticky.) So the turn has reached you. What are you like a ceiling, emerald? Send, Creator! What is better how not to bloom!

Fominishna. Ugh you, Zerechodnitsa! Still smoothing, perhaps.

Lipochka. Oh, what nonsense! This seemed to you, Ustinya Naumovna. I am all scenes: then colic, then the heart beats, like a pendulum; Everything seems to be climbing you in the sea, so I'm ripples melancholy in the eyes.

Ustinya Naumovna (Foubroom). Well, with you, God's old woman, we kiss by the way. True, in the yard, they greet, silver, therefore there was nothing to grow their lips.

Fominishna. As you know. It is known, we are not the owners, Lycom Schita Melkota, and in us, too, the soul, and not a couple!

Agraphen Kondratyevna (Sitting). Sit down, sit, Ustinya Naumovna, that as a gun on wheels cost! I saw us, Fominigan, to warm the samovarchik.

Ustinya Naumovna. Saw, saw, pearl; Fall on the spot - I drank and slaughter something like that by a minute.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. What are you, Foubness, are you going? Run, my mother, more more.

Lipochka. Allow, Mama, I will run away, see what kind of cattle it is.

Fominishna. I'm not Finti, where they do not ask! And I, Mother Agrapan Kondratyevna, that's what I think: Will it beg liked to serve Balstsans with a herring.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Well, Balsan Balsan, and Samovar Samovar. Al do you feel sorry for someone else's good? Yes, as it will be enough, I led to bring here.

Fominishna. How too! Listen! (Goes out.)

Phenomenon fifth

The same without fominic.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Well, there is no new one, Ustinya Naumovna? Clear, I had a girl at all.

Lipochka. And in fact, Ustinya Naumovna, you walk, go, but there is no sense.

Ustinya Naumovna. Yes, you are, you will not soon understand, the bragistic. Tattime is yours getting laid for the rich: I say, at least Fedot from the passing gates, if only the money was found, and the dowry smallerly lomil. Mama, who, Agraphen Kondratyevna, thoroughly strives for his own pleasure: give her the merchant to her, so that there was a pitiful, and the horses would be good, and the forehead would be baptized in an old one. You also have your own mind. How do you please?

Phenomenon of sixth

The same and fominic, enters, puts vodka with a snack on the table.

Lipochka. I will not go for the merchant, I will not go for nothing, - by the way I am so raised: I studied in French, and on the piano, and dance! No no! Where you want to take, but get noble.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Here you are and push with her.

Fominishna. Why did you give these noble? What is in them for a special skist? Naked on his goal, and there is no Christianity: it does not go to the bath, no pies on holidays are not bake; But even though you will be married, but you get tired of your sauce with a gravy.

Lipochka. You, Fominichna, was born between the men and the legs stretch to the peasant. What is in your merchant! What can he have weight? Where does he have ambition? Surrounding him, what, do I need?

Fominishna. No urging, but God's hair, madam, so-s!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. After all, both your ash is not wounded, and the beard is also not afraid, but you kiss him somehow.

Lipochka. One thing is aunty, and another thing is a husband. What are you stuck, mammy? I said that I will not go for the merchant, I will not go! It is better to die now, to the end all my life I will pay: tears will miss, pepper is underway.

Fominishna. Will you cry get selected? And think not Mogi! And you like a hunt to tease, Agraphen Kondratyevna!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. And who teases her? He herself picks up.

Ustinya Naumovna. Perhaps, if you have such an appetite, we will find you and noble. What do you mean by Ali Podjarius?

Lipochka. Nothing is bothered, I would not be small. Of course, it is better enough than any mukhortic, and the most common, Ustinya Naumovna, so that it does not cure, it would be brunette; Well, a clear thing, so that it is dressed in a journal. (Looks in the mirror.) Ah, Lord! And myself is now everything like a broom, disheveled.

Ustinya Naumovna. And I now have the bridegroom, here's exactly the same as you, the Bralyante, sign: and the noble, and the conquest, and Bruel.

Lipochka. Ah, Ustinya Naumovna! Not at all Bruel, but brunette.

Ustinya Naumovna. Yes, I really need, at old age years, the language is to break in yours: as it has affected, it lives. And the peasants are, and the Order on the neck; You look like dressed, and we are mamming about this business.

Lipochka. Oh, Golubushka, Ustinya Naumovna, go to my room: I need to talk to you. Let's go, Fominichna.

Fominishna. Oh, you're me, Ineza! Get used.

Seventh phenomenon

Agraphen Kondratyevna, Naumovna and Ustinya

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Do we do not drink the Balshants to us, Ustinya Naumovna?

Ustinya Naumovna. You can, brallyant, can be.

Agraphen Kondratyevna (pours). Kushai-ko on health!

Ustinya Naumovna. Yes, you would have been before, yachone. (Drink.)

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Still aside!

Ustinya Naumovna. Ohah! Fu! Where are you taking a potion potory?

Agraphen Kondratyevna. From the wine office. (Drink.)

Ustinya Naumovna. Buckets, tea?

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Buckets. What is my little, they are attacking? We have a big consumption.

Ustinya Naumovna. What to say, Mother, what to say! Well, I have troubled, I have troubled for you, Agraphen Kondratyevna, granted, granulated the bridge, and already dug the groom: Ahnete, Bralyante, and only.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Nasil is a smart little verbel.

Ustinya Naumovna. Noble origin and significant person; Such noble that you did not see in a dream.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. It can be seen, I can ask for a couple of Arabists a couple of Arabists.

Ustinya Naumovna. Nothing, pearl, take. And the peasants are, and the orgen is on the neck, and the smart one is just a golden golden.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. You would, Ustinya Naumovna, ahead reported that we didn't have mountains for my daughter, they say gold.

Ustinya Naumovna. Yes, he has no hope for him.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. It would be good that it hurts well; Only this is what, Ustinya Naumovna, you herself, Mother, assumed that I will be with a noble son-in-law! I and I don't know how to tell him, as if in the forest.

Ustinya Naumovna. It is accurate, pearl, wildly first, well, and then you get used to, hurt somehow. Yes, with Samson, the power must be forced, maybe he knows him, this man.

Eighth phenomenon

The same and rispalinsky.

Rispalodsky (entering). And I am to you, Mother Agrapan Kondratyevna. It was believed to Samson to the Soluchu, yes busy, I see; So I think: I'll go, they say, I am Kondratyevna to Agraphen. What is this vodka? I, Agrapan Kondratyevna, I drink a glass. (Drink.)

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Kushai, Batyushko, on health! Sleep mercy asking; How do you live-?

Rispalodsky. What our live! So, the sky is kid, Agraphen Kondratyevna! You know: the family is large, the divids are small. And not a pope, rapid sin, Agraphen Kondratyevna.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. This is, Batyushko last thing.

Rispalodsky. Who wops, it means that God opposed, Agraphen Kondratyevna. That was the story ...

Agraphen Kondratyevna. What is your call, Batyushko? I am all forgetting.

Rispalodsky. Sysh PSOCH, Mother Agrapan Kondratyevna.

Ustinya Naumovna. How is it like this: Pinsic, silver? What is it?

Rispalodsky. I do not know how to tell you for certain; The father was called Psoy - well, I began to be PSOCH and go out.

Ustinya Naumovna. And Pinsic, so Pinsich; Well, it's nothing, and worse happens, the bragistic.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. So what are you, Sysh Pinsic, I wanted to tell the story?

Rispalodsky. So, Mother Agrapan Kondratyevna, there was a story: not the parable of Ali fairy tale, but a true incident. I, Agrapan Kondratyevna, I drink a glass. (Drink.)

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Kushai, Batyushko, eat.

Rispalodsky (sits). There was an old man, a masted old man ... So I, Mother, forgot, where, and only aside such ... uninhabited. He had, madam you are mine, twelve daughters - Mal Mala smaller. Itself is not able to work, the wife is also old old, children are still small, but drinking is needed. What was good, everyone lived for old age, to ride, to feed some! Where to go with small guys? So he think so, this is to think - no, my madam is, you can't think of anything here. "I'll go, says I'm on the dissipation: there will be anything from the good dachetors." The day sits - God will give, another sits - God will give; So he, Mother, and revorted.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. A, Batyushka!

Rispalodsky. Lord, says not Mazomets I, not Lyhoimets, I ... Better, says, put on my hands.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Oh, My Batyushko! Rispalinsky. And to see him, madam you are mine, sleep in new ...

Enters large.

Ninth phenomenon

The same and most.

Bolshe. BUT! And you, Barin, here! What are you preaching here?

Rispalodsky (bow to). Are you all healthy, Samson power?

Ustinya Naumovna. What are you, yahontte, lost weight like? Al injection affiliated?

Bolshe (Sitting). I was cold, it must be either hemorrhoids, or something, diverged ...

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Well, so, Sysh Pinsich, what was hen on something?

Rispalodsky. After, Agraphen Kondratyevna, after shelling, on freedom somehow I drove on the twilight and tell.

Bolshe. What are you, Ali for holiness took! Ha, Ha, Ha! It's time to be felt.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Well, you will start! You do not give the soul to sill.

Bolshe. I like it! .. Ha, Ha, Ha ... And you ask, how he was gone from the court; This story will tell you better.

Rispalodsky. And no, and not gone! That's not true, Samson power!

Bolshe. And why did you abandon you?

Rispalodsky. But for what, Mother Agrapan Kondratyevna. I took one thing from the court home, but a dear one with a comrade and was wrapped, the man is weak, well, you know ... With the permission to say, at least in the cellar ... there I left him, and I forgotten it. Well, with all sorts can happen. Then, my madam, in court and had enough of this case: I was looking for, I was looking for, I went to the house twice with an executor - no, no! I wanted to betray me, and then I remember that, I must have forgotten him in the cellar. Let's go with the executor - it is there.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Well! Not Tokmo with drinking, and with non-drinking it happens. Well what kind of trouble is!

Bolshe. How did you not exist in Kamchatka?

Rispalodsky. And in Kamchatka! And for what, let me ask you, for what to send to Kamchatka?

Bolshe. For what! For disgrace! So really you indulge? So you cut with a circle.

Rispalodsky. They were forgiven. Here, Mother Agrapan Kondratyevna, wanted me to betray me for this. I am now to the general to our, bowed to his feet. Your, I say, Excellency! Do not destroy! Wife, I say, children are small! Well, says God is with you, there is no sleep, give, say, in resign, so that I did not see you here. So forgave. Well! Give him a health! He does not forget me now; Sometimes you kill him on the holiday: what, say, are you, Sysh PSOCH? With the holiday, they say, your excellency, congratulate came. So I recently went to Trinity, I brought him a wiring. I, Agrapan Kondratyevna, I drink a glass. (Drink.)

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Kushi, father, on health! And we and I, Ustiny Naumovna, let's go, tea, samovar is ready; Yes, I will show you, we have something from the dowry new.

Ustinya Naumovna. You, tea, and so heavy, prepared, brallyante.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. What to do something! The new things came out, and it's not like to pay money for them.

Ustinya Naumovna. What to say, pearl! Your store is like grows in the garden.


The tenth phenomenon

Most and Rispalinsky.

Bolshe. And what, Sysh PSOCH, tea, are you with this hooks on your century a lot of ink made?

Rispalodsky. Hehe, Heh ... Samson power, the material is not expensive. And I started to go, like your divishes.

Bolshe. You walked! And you hurt you need! So here you are a sneaky people such, some kind of bloodshots: only you pour something like a kind, so you and you go here with your devilish debt.

Rispalodsky. What may happen, Samson power, from me for a responsibility? And what am I for a teacher, when you yourself maybe, ten time me smarter? I will ask me, I will do. Well, not to do! I would have been a pig when I didn't do, because I could say, with the guys with the kids. And I'm still quite stupid to advise you: you yourself know your whole thing.

Bolshe. You know! That's the trouble that our brother, a merchant, a fool, he does not understand anything, but such a leech, like you, it's in hand. After all, you now all the thresholds will somehow dragging something.

Rispalodsky. How can I not drag something! I did not love you, I would not drag to you. Don't I feel? Well, in fact, cattle, what kind of cleaner?

Bolshe. I know that you love - all of us love us; Only beyond you will not achieve anything from you. So I am going to revealed, I wonder with the case, so Izmutsed, whether you believe, only by this one. Already at least as soon as possible, or yes from my head.

Rispalodsky. Well, Samson power, not you first, not you last; Near others do not do?

Bolshe. How not to do, brother, and others do. Yes, as they do something: without shame, without conscience! On the lying grasses ride, in three-storey houses live; Another such Belvedere with the columns will output that he has been referred to him there. And there and the capture, and take nothing to him. These strollers will be discouraged by unknown where, all the houses are laid, there will remain, whether there are old pairs of creditors. Here you have all short. And he also deceives anyone: so, the poor will let some of the world in one shirt. And I have creditors all people rich that they will be done!

Rispalodsky. Famous matter. Well, Samson power, all this in our hands.

Bolshe. I know that in our hands, can you do this business? After all, you are populs too! I already know you! In words, you jump, and there I went to blot.

Rispalodsky. What are you, Samson power, merry, it's not my first time! Even this is not to know! He, he, heh ... Yes, if I did, I did ... Yes, from the hands came out. Other things would have seen such things for a long time, where Makar did not chase.

Bolshe. Oh? So what kind of mechanics are you sweeping?

Rispalodsky. And there, looking in circumstances. I, Samson Power, I drink a glass ... (Drink.) Here, the first thing, Samson Stolech, is needed a house yes shops lay either to sell. This is the first thing.

Most. Yes, it is definitely necessary to do in advance. Who would be just this burden to dump? Yes, right to my wife?

Rispalodsky. Illegally, Samson Power! It is illegal! The laws show that such sales are invalid. After all, it is not long done, so that the hooks after did not come out. To do, so it is necessary, Samson power, stronger.

Bolshe. And the fact that there was no care for.

Rispalodsky. How to secure on someone else's, so it's not what. Arriving after, appear, against genuine paper.

Most. Only that's what trouble is; How to secure on someone else's house, and he, perhaps, is stuck there like a flea in war.

Rispalodsky. You are looking for, Samson Stolech, such a person so that he can know.

Most. And where will you find him now? Now everyone strives, as you grant you, and you wanted conscience.

Rispalodsky. And I'm like Mekay, Samson Stolech, you want to listen to me, you want - no: what is the person we have a clerk?

Most. Which the? Lazar, or what?

Rispalodsky. Yes, Lazar Eliarych.

Bolshe. Well, nor Lazarre, and let him on it; He is small with the concept, and there is a capital.

Rispalodsky. What do you need, Samson power: mortgage or bumping?

Bolshe. AC What is less percent, then Vargan. How to do everything in Akurat, such a cherry psech, Mogarych, I will simply say that you will understand.

Rispalodsky. God be deceased, Samson power, we know our business. Do you have been talking about this business with Lazari or not? I, Samson Power, I drink a glass. (Drink.)

Bolshe. Not yet. This is now the ceiling. He my boyfriend is a good one, he only migne, he understands. And I will do something that you will not slip your finger. - Well, we put the house, and then what?

Rispalodsky. And then we write a registry that, they say, so, and so, twenty-five kopecks for the ruble: Well, and step by creditors. If anyone hurts, so you can add and pay another angry and pay everything ... You pay him, and he - to write that he received twenty-five kopecks for the transaction, so for visibility to show the other. Here, they say, so, well, and others, looking at them, will agree.

Bolshe. This is accurate, it does not interfere with: they will not take twenty-five, they will take so half; And if the pfts do not take, so for seven hryvnia, both hands grab. Still, Barysh. There, even tongue, and I have a bride's daughter, at least now from the floors in the floor and the yard. And the brother you are myself, it's time to relax; We would have rushed on my side, and trade all this to hell. Yes, here and Lazar goes.

Eleventh phenomenon

The same and podkhaluzin (included).

Bolshe. What do you say, Lazar? Are you from the city, what about How are you there?

Podkhalyuzin. Glory to God-C, goes small. Success PSOich! (Lay.)

Rispalodsky. Hello, father Lazar Elizarych! (Lay.)

Most. And goes, so let him go. (Sorry.) But you would, Lazar, when at leisure the brand for me went, would take on the retail on the Panish part, well, and the rest is there still. And then trading, trading, brother, and the benefit of neither penny. Ali Sidelts, or sin, tack out native and mistresses; They would be melted by Maleichko. What so, without a lady, the sky smoke? Al Snorzki do not know? It's time, it seems.

Podkhalyuzin. How can it be, Samson power, so that the skill do not know? It seems that it is in the city itself in the city, I, and ever intervene them.

Bolshe. Why do you interpret something?

Podkhalyuzin. The famous business, I try to all right and how it follows. You, I say guys, do not yaw: You see a little more suitable, the buyer, or what the cobster turned up, alie's color with a pattern of which ladrichna liked, took, say, and threw the ruble Ali two on Arshin.

Bolshe. Tea, brother, you know how the Germans in the stores of our bar are offended. We put that we are not the Germans, but the Christians are Orthodox, but I eat pies with stuffing. Is it so?

Rispalinsky laughs.

Podkhalyuzin. Clear business. And measure something, I say, it is also used as the most as well: Traniya Dae. Only, just that, God is saved, as it did not burst, because we are not, I say, after wearing. Well, and they are shared, so no one is to blame, you can, I say, and simply through the hand, the extra Arshin once to shine.

Bolshe. All the only thing: because the tailor will steal. BUT? Does it decorate?

Rispalodsky. Store, Samson Stolech, touchy, the fraudster, steals; I know these tailors.

Bolshe. That's it; All of them are fraudsters around, and we are fame.

Rispalodsky. It's for sure, Samson Power, otherwise you will tell you the truth.

Bolshe. Eh, Lazar, bad two lashes: not former times. (Sorry.) What, "Vedomosti" brought?

Podkhalyuzin (Having removed from the pocket and feeding). Please get-s.

Bolshe. Dava, let's see. (Puts on glasses and looks through.)

Rispalodsky. I, Samson Power, I drink a glass. (Drinks, then puts on glasses, sits beside the big and looks in the newspaper.)

Bolshe. (reads loud). "Ads of stateless and different societies: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, from an educational house." It is not in our part, we can not buy peasants. "7 and 8 from Moscow Novservitte, from the provincial boards, from orders of public charity." Well, and that pass. "From the city hexagonal Duma." Well, Tko-sm, there is no one! (Is reading.) "The sim declared from the Moscow City Hexagonal Duma: whether anyone will wish to take the following observational articles." Not our business: Pledges to pose. "The Office of the Widest House of Sim invites ..." Let it invite, but we will not go. "From the orphan court." Neither your father nor mother. (Looks at further.) Ege! Won it goes! Listen, Lazar! "Such a year, September of such a day. By definition of a commercial court, the first guild is a merchant Fedot Seliversters of Pleskov declared an insolvent debtor; As a result, ... "what to interpret here! It is known that what happens. Here and Fedot Seliversch! What was the ace, and flew into the pipe. And what, Lazar, should he have it?

Podkhalyuzin. MUST MUST-C. Sakhara for the house was taken by the puddles alike thirty, not that forty.

Bolshe. Bad business, Lazar. Well, yes, I will give my friend in full.

Podkhalyuzin. Breaking-s.

Bolshe. Throw somehow. (Is reading.) "The Moscow First Guild of the merchant Antip Sysoev Retotov declared an insolvent debtor." There is nothing for it?

Podkhalyuzin. For lean-s oil, a barrel from three-s took about the great post.

Bolshe. Here is a dry one, the postmen! And God to be pleased with someone else's account. You, brother, degree, do not believe it! This people are baptized with one hand, and the other in someone else's sinus climbs! That's the third: "The Moscow Second Guild of the merchant Ephraim Lukin Silvershnikov declared an insolvent debtor." Well, this is how?

Podkhalyuzin. There is a bill!

Bolshe. Distributed?

Podkhalyuzin. Tested-s. Self is hidden-s.

Bolshe. Well! And the fourth here, self-resorts. Why did they say, or what?

Podkhalyuzin. Such a drinking people-s.

Bolshe (Spinning sheets). Yes, they do not reread them until tomorrow. Take away!

Podkhalyuzin (takes a newspaper). The newspaper is just package. On all merchants, Morals, and.


Rispalodsky. Farewell, Samson Stolech, I am now to run home: Deliche is somehow.

Bolshe. Yes, you would sit a little.

Rispalodsky. No, she, God, Samson, not time. I'll come to you tomorrow early.

Bolshe. Well as you know!

Rispalodsky. Farewell! Goodbye, Lazar Elizarych! (Goes out.)

The phenomenon of the twelfth

Most and Podkhaluzin.

Bolshe. So you know, Lazar, what is trade! You think that! So for nothing and take money. How not money will say, see how frogs jump. On-ko, says bill. And on the bill with another you take! Here I have tangling thousand to a hundred, and with protests; Only things are that every year put up. Though for the half of the silver I will give everything! The debtors are on them, tea, and with dogs you will not be ourselves: which are rapidly, and who have been sought, some and in the pit to plant. And and put something, Lazar, so he himself is not happy: the other will refrain that he does not smoke him from Kurov. I, he says, is good here, and you fail. Is it so, Lazar?

Podkhalyuzin. It's as usual.

Bolshe. All bill and bill! What is this bill? So, paper, and that's it. And you will give to the discount, so the percentages will answer that in the abdomen it takes, and even after his good answer. (Sorry.) With urban, it is better not to contact: all in debt and debt; And whether it will bring, there is no blind trigger, and you will look like a blind man, you will see - no legs, no head, but there are no time for little things for a long time. But you're like you! It is better not to show the local traders: in any Abar will take up, only the matter is that sniffs, sniffs, docking, docking, and away will go. There was no product to the product, which else would become trading. One shop moskal, other red, third with grocery; So no, nothing luckies. Do not be a bidding: they are knocked down the prices of the trap knows what; And you put on the clamp, and I also give a mating, yes Moganychi, yes treat, and there are no shortcomings there. Won it! Do you feel it?

Podkhalyuzin. It seems to feel-s.

Bolshe. That's what is trading, here and trade! (Sorry.) What, Lazar, what do you think?

Podkhalyuzin. Yes, how to think-s! It's like you. Our business is percent.

Bolshe. What is the arrogant here: you say the soul. I ask you about business.

Podkhalyuzin. This is again, Samson power, as you please-with.

Bolshe. I set up one thing: as you please. Yes, how are you?

Podkhalyuzin. I can't know it.

More in (packed). Tell me, Lazar, for conscience, do you like me? (Silence.) Do you like to? What are you silent? (Silence.) I saw, fed, in people removed, it seems.

Podkhalyuzin. Eh, Samson Power! Yes, what is there to talk about something, you really don't mean in me! One word: That's how it is, all here.

Bolshe. Why are you all?

Podkhalyuzin. I certainly, and either that, so you will be satisfied: I will not regret yourself.

Bolshe. Well, there is nothing to talk. For me, Lazar, now the present time; We are pretty cash with cash with us, we have approached all the time limits. Why wait something? You will wait, perhaps, that some kind of brother, a dog son, wrap you with Dapper, and there, you look, will make a deal in hryvnia for the ruble, and it sits in the milliona, and do not want to do not want to do you. And you, an honest merchant, and see yes execute, clap eyes. So I think, Lazar, suggest creditors something such an article: Will they take me kopecks for twenty-five per ruble. What do you think?

Podkhalyuzin. And for me, Samson Power, if you pay twenty-five, so decent does not pay at all.

Bolshe. What? After all, the truth is. You will not be surprised by courage, and it is better to delages a quiet manner. There, after the judgment of Vladyko at the second coming. The trouble is just a bunch. House and shop I'll put on you.

Podkhalyuzin. It is impossible without hassle-s. Here is a bill of exchange for something to sell, with, the goods to transport much away. We will bother-with!

Bolshe. It is so. Yes, old ages, I'm becoming a bit blind. Will you help you?

Podkhalyuzin. Sweet, Samson Power, in the fire and in the water we will climb-s.

Bolshe. Edak is better! Damn it there on the pennies something! Waved immediately, yes and Shabash. Only on, let the god of courage. Thank you, Lazar. Freamed! (Rises.) Well, cotton! (Suitable for him and Treplet on the shoulder.) You will do it carefully, so we will share our ladies. Reward for life. (Goes to the door.)

Podkhalyuzin. To me, Samson Stolech, the rubbing of your calm, nothing is needed. How cavities with you from youngsters and see all your good deeds, you can say, the boy is taken-from the shop sweeping, therefore, I must feel.

Second action

Office in the house of Bolshev a. Straight door, on the left side of the staircase upstairs.

Phenomenon first

Tishka (with a brush on the outstandence). Eh, live, live! That's the light here you are the floors of Meta! And my business is revenge! We all do not like people! Other owners, if a boy, lives in the boys - it became at the shop there. And we are there, then here, the whole day of Sharbai on the pavement as a tremendous one. Soon do the hand, hold the pocket. You have a good janitor with good people, and he with kittens on the stove lies either with a kitchen smoking, and will ask you. Others still have a volotion; Another hour will be stratified by or-batchto, the youngstole is descended to you; And with us - if not the one, so the other, if it is not myself, so I myself will task the impulse; And then here is the Lazar's order, and then Fominichna, and then here ... Any Swalle is commanded above you. Here she is a burning, what anathema! And so it is to get up when from the house, with buddies in three leaves, Ali in the tribe to fight - and do not think better! Yes, and in the head, right, not that! (Climbs on the knee chair and looks into the mirror.) Hello, Tikhon Savostyanych! How are you? Are you glory to God? Well, tishka, throw the knee. (Makes grimace.) That's it! (Other.) Overall it is like ... (Laugh.)

Second phenomenon

Tishka and Podkhaluzin (stealing and grabs him per gate).

Podkhalyuzin. And this is you, detect, what are you doing?

Tishka. What? it is known that! Dust washed.

Podkhalyuzin. The language was erased! What are you for dust on the mirror found! I'll show you dust! Iha, breaks! But I'll make you a prison, so you will know.

Tishka. Will know! Would it be for what?

Podkhalyuzin. And for what why! Speak, you will see, for what! Here are picni yet!

Tishka. Yes, Picni still! After all, I will say the owner, you won't take!

Podkhalyuzin. I'll tell the owner! .. What do I have your owner ... I, if I went ... the owner I am yours! .. You and the boy, to teach you, and you thought that! You will shoot, do not beat, so do not see good. The prochetic is this known. I, brother, and fires, and water, and copper pipes passed.

Tishka. We know what passed.

Podkhalyuzin. Czishch, devil! (Wax.)

Tishka. Skill, try! I won't say, she, God, I will say!

Podkhalyuzin. Why do you say something, damn the pepper!

Tishka. What will I say? And what you go!

Podkhalyuzin. Important Kushan! You are what a barin is what! Poditko-smo! Was the Sysh PSOCH?

Tishka. It was known.

Podkhalyuzin. Yes, you, prune, say acknowledged! Watch it, wanted?

Tishka. I wanted to go!

Podkhalyuzin. Well, so you run away at your leisure.

Tishka. Ryabinovka, or what?

Podkhalyuzin. Yes, Ryabinovka. It is necessary for the ramp of PSOCH, poverty. (Gives money.) Buy half faces, and the surrender to my gingerbread. Only you, look, more promptly, so that you are not enough!

Tishka. Crazy braids do not block. So you need to flutter - a living manner.

Tishka leaves.

Phenomenon third

Podkhalyuzin (one). Here is the trouble! Here it is where the trouble came to us! What now to do something? Well, bad thing! Not to transfer now insolvent to appear! Well, put something to the owner and will remain, and I will have it? Me where to go? In the passage row of dust trading! He served, served twenty years old, and there they go to the bridge face. How now it is necessary to judge this? Goods, what? Here the bill ordered to sell (takes out and believes), There must be to use it. (Walks around the room.) They say it is necessary to know the conscience! Yes, a well-known thing, it is necessary to know the conscience, so in what sense to understand? Against a good person, any conscience is; And if he himself deceives others, so what conscience here! Samson power the merchant richest, and Terecherich is all this business, it is possible to say, so, to transmit time. And I am poor man! If we accepted anything else in this case, there is no sin; Therefore, he himself is unfairly coming, against the law is coming. And what should I regret it? The line came out, well, not a bad thing: he leads his policy, and you are your article Goney. Even I would do with him, but I do not have to. Hmm! After all, it climbs a fantasy person to man! Of course, Alimpiiyad Samsonovna The young lady formed, and, we can say which there is no in the world, but this groom will not take it, say, give money! And where to take money? And not to be her now for noble, therefore there is no money. Is it too late, late, and you have to give a merchant! (Silently walks.) And in the bands of the money, and I walked to Smysson to Power: I say, Samson Stolech, in such years, which should think about the continuation of the offspring, and I, say, Samson Stolech, for your tranquility, Pota-blood did not regret. Of course, they say, Alimpiiyad Samsonovna the young lady formed, yes, because I, Samson Stolech, not a scroll, they decide to see, I have a capital and I can restrict myself to this subject. - Why not give me for me? What am I not a man? Not noticed, to the eldest respect! Yes, with all the way, Samson Power and shops, and the mortgage can be frightened. And I knew the character of Samson, the hardship, what it is, it can really happen. They have such an institution: if they hit them, they can't fuck out. Anyway, how in the fourth year they wanted to cut the beard: how much Agraphen Kondratyevna asked how much we were crying, "no, he says, after going to let him go, and now I put it on my own, they took it and out. So this is the case: I am on them, or so to go to mind - tomorrow, for the crown, and Basta, and talk no dare. Yes, you can jump away from Ivan the great pleasure from Ivan the Great!

Fourth phenomenon

Podkhaluzin and Tishka.

Tishka (included with the shtof). Here he came!

Podkhalyuzin. Listen, Tishka, Ustinya Naumovna here?

Tishka. There at the top. Yes, and the striker goes.

Podkhalyuzin. So you put vodka something on the table and snacks.

Tishka puts vodka and pulls out snacks, then leaves.

Phenomenon fifth

Podkhaluzin and Rispalinsky.

Podkhalyuzin. And our you, s!

Rispalodsky. To you, Batyushka Lazar Elizarych, to you! Right. I think they say, you never know what, maybe what you need. Is it a vodka? I, Lazar Olizarych, I drink a glass. Something hands began to shake in the morning, especially the right; How to write that, Lazar Elizarych, so all the left hold. By God! And you drink vodka, as if better. (Drink.)

Podkhalyuzin. Why are you shaking your hands?!

Rispalodsky (sits down to the table). From care, Lazar Elizarych, from care, father.

Podkhalyuzin. So-s! And I suppose that it hurts the people rob. For a lie, God punishes.

Rispalodsky. Eh, Heh, Heh ... Lazar Elizarych! Where we rob to us! Delickens are small we, like birds of heaven, with a grain with a key.

Podkhalyuzin. You will be more in small things |

Rispalodsky. You will be in the trifles, if you have nowhere to take something. Well, not yet, kaba one, but then I have a wife and four kids. Everyone is asked, doves. He says - Tyatna, give, the other says - Tyatnaka, give. One thing to the gymnasium was determined: the uniform is needed, then another! And the Domishko is Evono where! .. What the boots are alone, we go to the Resurrection Goal with the bottles.

Podkhalyuzin. This is exactly-s.

Rispalodsky. And why walk something: to whom the request is depicted, whom we are imparted in the carriage. There will be no other day and crawled in silver home. By God, not LSU. What is there to live? I, Lazar Olizarych, I drink a glass. (Drink.) And I think: I will run, they say, I'm to Lazar Elizarych, whether he will not give me a moneyman something.

Podkhalyuzin. And what kind of provinciality are it?

Rispalodsky. How for what provinces! Here are sin, Lazar Elizarych! I do not serve you? By the coffin of the servant, what you want to make. And the mortgage you overturned.

Podkhalyuzin. After all, you are paid! And to interpret, you don't have to interpret one and the same!

Rispalodsky. This is accurate, Lazar Elizarych, paid. That's for sure! Eh, Lazar Elizarych, poverty overwhelmed me.

Podkhalyuzin. Poverty overwhelmed! This happens, s. (Suitable and sits down to the table.) And here we have too much, s: Deal nowhere. (Puts the wallet on the table.)

Rispalodsky. What are you, Lazar Elizarych, are it really extra? I suppose, kidden?

Podkhalyuzin. Rumble of all sorts of jokes-s.

Rispalodsky. And if extra, so why the poor man does not help. God will send you for it.

Podkhalyuzin. Do you need much?

Rispalodsky. Give three custaries.

Podkhalyuzin. What is so little?

Rispalodsky. Well, give five.

Podkhalyuzin. And you ask for more.

Rispalodsky. Well, if the mercy will be, give ten.

Podkhalyuzin. Ten-s! So, the task?

Rispalodsky. How the task! Having deserved, Lazar Elizarych, someday alkaline.

Podkhalyuzin. All this beech - s. Street rides, yes it will be. And now we are with you here which matter is headquartered: Do you have a lot of Samson Polech in all this mechanics?

Rispalodsky. It's a shame to say, Lazar Elizarych: a thousand rubles Yes, an old fur coat. Almost no one will take me, by God, here, at least ask.

Podkhalyuzin. Well, that's what, Sysh PSOCH, I will give you two thousand-s ... For the same item, s.

Rispalodsky. Benefactor you are mine, Lazar Elizarych! With his wife and with children in the Kabalu I will go.

Podkhalyuzin. One hundred silver is now-s, and the rest after, after the end of this incident, with.

Rispalodsky. Well, as for both of the people and God do not pray! Only some kind of pig uneducated may not feel it. I worship you in the legs, Lazar Elizarych!

Podkhalyuzin. This is what-s! Only, the Sysh PSOCH, it's not to twist there and here, but we go to Akurate, "got on this point and turn on this line. Do you understand?

Rispalodsky. How not to understand! What are you, Lazar Elizarych, small, or what, I! Nora understand!

Podkhalyuzin. What do you understand something? That's what's some things. You first listen to. We come with Samson for power to the city, and this registry was brought, as follows. So he went on creditors: he is not. I agree, the other disagree; Yes, so neither one and naughty on this thing. Here it is what article is.

Rispalodsky. What do you say it, Lazar Elizarych! BUT! Here are like you! Here is the people!

Podkhalyuzin. How would Tronicha with Estim do not be patronized! Do you understand me ali not?

Rispalodsky. That is, about insolvency, Lazar Elizarych?

Podkhalyuzin. Insolvency is there in itself, but at the expense of my business.

Rispalodsky. He, he, hee., That is, a house with shops ... Edak ... House ... He, Hehe, Hee ...

Podkhalyuzin. What about?

Rispalodsky. No, s, I'm so, Lazar Elizarych, in stupidity, as if for a joke.

Podkhalyuzin. So for a joke! And you do not joke, s! There is no fact that the house, I now have such a fantasy in my head about this subject that you need to extensively cake with you! Come to me, s, Tishka!

Phenomenon of sixth

The same and tishka.

Podkhalyuzin. Surrive here all this! Well, let's go, Sysh PSOCH!

Tishka wants to clean the vodka.

Rispalodsky. Wait, wait! Eh, brother, what are you stupid! You see that they want a thread, you wait. You and wait. You are still small, well, so you will be guided and indulgent. I, Lazar Eliarych, a glass of emergency.

Podkhalyuzin. Drink, yes, only Sorechah, that's time, he will come.

Rispalodsky. Now, Batyushka Lazar Elizarych, now! (Drinks and bounce.) Yes, we will take it better with you.

Go. Tishka takes out something; Ustinya Naumovna and Fominichna are approaching from above. Tishka leaves.

Fominishna. Oh, you need her need, Ustinya Naumovna! You are, the girl is spent at all, but it's time, Mother. The youth is not a bottomless pot, and that, they say, is fermented. I know this by myself. I walked around the thirteenth year, and she was a month later nineteenth avenge. What to tomtracts it in vain. Others at her time have long increased children. That's, my mother, that is her tomorrow.

Ustinya Naumovna. Itself, all this understand, Silver, yes, it was not profitable for me; I have a groom that dogs are greyhound. Yes, you are, laying up very much with mammy.

Fominishna. What to disassemble them! Well, a well-known thing, so that there were fresh people, did not fly, so that it does not smell anything, but there is no one - all the person.

Ustinya Naumovna (Sitting). Sit down, silver. I was angry at the day, the day of the day, from the early morning, as if the otmalka was mocking. But it is impossible to promote anything, everywhere, it became necessary for the necessary person. The famous business, silver, anyone - a living creature; That bride was needed, that groom at least, yes, yes, and there is somewhere in the wedding. And who is writing - I'm still. Think over one for all Ustinya Naumovna. And why throw out? Because it is so clearly arranged, - from the beginning of the world, a particular wheel is headed. For sure, you need to tell the truth, do not bypass and us for the works: who is on the dress to you the matter, who shawl with a fringe, who can't make the cap, and where and the golden, where and more will turn out, - it is known that what stands, looking at strength .

Fominishna. What to say, Mother, what to say!

Ustinya Naumovna. Sit, Fominichna, - the legs are old, broken.

Fominishna. And, mother! once. After all, what sin something: Something about something out of the city does not go, we walk everything under the fear; Togo and looked, drunk will come. And what good one, Lord! It will be born after all by Edaki mischievous!

Ustinya Naumovna. The famous business: with a rich man, that with a hell, do not come soon.

Fominishna. I'd selected from him from him. Last week, at night, drunk came: it was overlooked so much that Passion and only: Kotolitit's dishes ... "Y! - Says - you and such a kind, kill at once! "

Ustinya Naumovna. Non-formation.

Fominishna. So the truth, Mother! And I run, native, upstairs - the Agraphene, I have one there alone. You, how to go home, so wrap me, - I'll get up to you. (Goes to the stairs.)

Ustinya Naumovna. I will come, silver, come.

Podkhaluzin enters.

Seventh phenomenon

Ustinya Naumovna and Podkhaluzin.

Podkhalyuzin. BUT! Ustinya Naumovna! How old is how much winter-s!

Ustinya Naumovna. Hello, live soul, what do you jump?

Podkhalyuzin. What we are doing-with. (Sits down.)

Ustinya Naumovna. Mamzelka, if you want to spend!

Podkhalyuzin. Poorly thanks to us - we are not required yet.

Ustinya Naumovna. Himself, silver, do not want, - to the buddy. After all, you have tea, familiar in the city that dogs.

Podkhalyuzin. Yes, there are, so-s.

Ustinya Naumovna. Well, if I have and glory to you Lord! A little bit of little fiance, whether he was idle, unmarried whether widowed led, - right and dragging to me.

Podkhalyuzin. So you marry it?

Ustinya Naumovna. So I'm wife. Why not to marry, and do not grow like Zhenya.

Podkhalyuzin. This is good-s. But Tronicha I will ask you, Ustinya Naumovna, why do you painfully hurt to us often?

Ustinya Naumovna. And what kind of sadness are you! Why would I go. After all, I'm not stolen, not a sheep without a name. What are your demand?

Podkhalyuzin. Yes, so-s, do not go in vain?

Ustinya Naumovna. How in vain? Why are you, silver, invented! Look, what groom found. "Noble, peasants are, and well done."

Podkhalyuzin. What is the matter what happened?

Ustinya Naumovna. For nothing! I wanted to come tomorrow to be learned. And there will be wished, and the whole is short.

Podkhalyuzin. Increase, try, "he will ask you after Sopot.

Ustinya Naumovna. What are you, is it healthy, yichont?

Podkhalyuzin. Here you will see!

Ustinya Naumovna. Until evening do not live; You, diamond, either drunk, either dried out at all.

Podkhalyuzin. You don't help you worry about this, you'll think about yourself, and we know what we know.

Ustinya Naumovna. What do you know something?

Podkhalyuzin. You never know what to know-s.

Ustinya Naumovna. And if you know, I tell us; Avos Language will not fall off.

Podkhalyuzin. That's the power that it is impossible to say something.

Ustinya Naumovna. Why not, I can not, I am conscientious, bragistic, nothing, say, there is no need.

Podkhalyuzin. There is no about conscientious. And you tell me, you, perhaps, break.

Ustinya Naumovna. Anathema I want to be, if I say - I give a hand to the clip.

Podkhalyuzin. The same-s. A pavement is better than money.

Ustinya Naumovna. Famous matter. Well, what do you know?

Podkhalyuzin. But what-s, Ustinya Naumovna: whether it is impossible to refuse to refuse your groom!

Ustinya Naumovna. What are you, whlen, what else did you go?

Podkhalyuzin. Nothing! And if you want to speak in my soul, according to the conscience, so this is what kind of business-s: I have one familiar merchant from the Russians, and they are in love with Alimpiyad Samsonovnu-s. What, says nor give, just to marry; Nothing, says I will not regret.

Ustinya Naumovna. Well, you first, Diamond, did not say?

Podkhalyuzin. It was nothing to say, according to that very much that I myself had recently learned-with.

Ustinya Naumovna. Now it's late, bragistic!

Podkhalyuzin. So what bride, Ustinya Naumovna! Yes, he from you to the head of the golden sick-s, from the living Soboloi Socar will save you.

Ustinya Naumovna. Yes, darling, it is impossible! I would be glad to joy, yes I gave the floor.

Podkhalyuzin. Well, as you like! And for this, you will drive, so the troubles are causing that after and do not break,

Ustinya Naumovna. Well, you yourself regulate, with what I will show my digger to SAMSON? He talked to them with three boxes, which is rich, and the handsome one, and in love, so that it cannot live, and now what I say? After all, you yourself know what you can have Self-Samson something, because he is uneven an hour, and the cap will stop.

Podkhalyuzin. Nothing will stop-with.

Ustinya Naumovna. Yes, and the girl was angry, he sends twice on the day: what is the groom, yes as the groom?

Podkhalyuzin. And you, Ustinya Naumovna, do not run from your happiness-s. Would you like two thousand rubles and a sober's fur coat so that only the wedding to upset this-s? And for matchmaking, we will have a special conspiothe. I tell you, with that the groom is such that you have never specified, only one thing is one - from: the origin is not noble.

Ustinya Naumovna. Are they noble? That's the trouble, yachonte! Today, this establishment has gone that any Lapothns to the nobility torments. That, at least Alimpihyda, Samsonovna, of course, give her God of good health, complains of the princely, and the origin is supposed to be worse than our. Father, Samson Stolech, Golitsa traded to Ba. TC-D Fig; Good people are silent, they fed undernowels. And Mother's Agraphen Kondratyevna is a little bit of Paneuced, from Transfiguration taken. And the capital has passed and the merchants got out and the daughter in the princess torments. And all this money. So I, the worse it, and watch her tail. The upbringing is also not God knows what: writes how the elephant belly crawls, in French Ali on the Fortopians, too, crazy, and there is nothing; Well, the dance will break down - I myself and dust in the nose.

Podkhalyuzin. Well, you see whether there is a much decent one for a merchant.

Ustinya Naumovna. Yes, how can I be with the fiancé, silver? I really hurt him that such an alimpiyad Samsonovna beauty that real was a pitt on you, and educated, I speak, and in French, and knows about different manners. Why am I telling him now?

Podkhalyuzin. Yes, and now, you say the same to him that, they say, and beauty, and educated, and for all sorts of manners, just, they say, they were reproached with money, so he refuses himself!

Ustinya Naumovna. And what, after all, the truth, bragistic! No, wait! How! After all, I told him that Samson had the power of money, the chickens did not peck.

Podkhalyuzin. So here, jumps you very talk. And how much do you know how much money does Samson have the power, you were not necessary?

Ustinya Naumovna. Yes, this is someone who knows, everyone knows that Samson Stretch the merchant richest.

Podkhalyuzin. Yes! Many you know! And what will happen after that, how to drive a significant person, and Samson power will not give money? And after all this, it will come in will say: I, they say, is not a merchant that you can deceive me! Yes, as much as a significant person, give a complaint to the court, because there is a significant person everywhere, s: We fell away from Samson, and they will not leave you. After all, you know yourself - you can deceive to our brother, it will come down from the hands, and a significant person to deceive - then, so after and you will not leave.

Ustinya Naumovna. It is full of you to scare me! He confused completely.

Podkhalyuzin. And here, take the cover of a hundred silver, and by hand, s.

Ustinya Naumovna. So you, yichont, say that two thousand rubles and a sober's fur coat?

Podkhalyuzin. Exactly so So be deceased! "And there is a sabol who is a fur coat, Ustinya Naumovna, and it will pass on to a walk," the other will think, what a general one.

Ustinya Naumovna. And what do you think, and indeed! As I put on Sable Socar something, I will get up, yes, yes, then your brothers, bearded, RTy, disintegrate. Silenced in such a way that the fire pipe will not fill; Women from jealousy, all the noses are bothering you.

Podkhalyuzin. This is exactly-s!

Ustinya Naumovna. Come on the deposit! Was not!

Podkhalyuzin. And you, Ustinya Naumovna, Free Spirit, do not robet!

Ustinya Naumovna. What are you going to rob? Just look: two thousand rubles and sobat the fur coat.

Podkhalyuzin. I tell you from the living firm. Already to interpret!

Ustinya Naumovna. Well, goodbye, emerald! Bringing now to the bridegroom. Tomorrow I'll see, so I get all your departure.

Podkhalyuzin. Wait! Where to run something! Go to me - vodka drink-s. Tishka! Tishka!

Cycle is included.

You look, if the owner will come, so you are in those pores to feed me.


Eighth phenomenon

Tishka (sits down to the table and takes out money out of his pocket). Poltina Silver - this is now Lazar. Yes, Jednie, as the Bell Tower fell, Agraphen Kondratyevna Dali Dali, yes, the fourth won in the Orel, and the owner's terteth forgot about the sewer. Evos, that money is! (Considers to himself.)

Tishka. What else is there?

"Houses, what Li-Cha, Laaro?"

Was, and all came out!

"Yes, where is he going something, Lord?"

And I know how much; Has he asks me! Here I asked, - I would know.

Fominishna comes off the stairs.

What do you have there?

Fominishna. Why, Samson Stolech arrived, yes, no bit.

Tishka. FU! Caught!

Fominishna. Run, Tishka, for Lazar, Blue, Run more!

Tishka runs.

Agraphen Kondratyevna (Shows on the stairs). What, Fominichna, Mother, where is he going?

Fominishna. Yes, Matushka, here! Oh, I reserve I do the door, by God, to the constraint; Let him up the top go, and you're, Golubushka, sit here.

Look, father, sitting together, Christ with you!

Bolshe. (Behind the doors). What are you, old karga, crazy, what did you want?

Fominishna. Ah, dove you are mine! Oh, I'm blind! But show me sffou-what you arrived. I apologize to me, the dechah was in old age.

Samson power is included.

Ninth phenomenon

Foubness and most.

Bolshe. Strangy was?

Fominishna. And it was angry, father, soup with a wilderness, roasted goose, drashen.

Bolshe. Yes, you are whites, that, it was smoking, the old fool!

Fominishna. No, father! The kitchen itself was punished. Large. Go away! (Sits down.)

Fominishna goes, in the door, Podkhaluzin and Tishka are included.

Fominishna (Return). Oh, I'm a fool, fool! Do not let down on bad memory. - Cold piglets quickly jumped out.

The tenth phenomenon

Podkhaluzin, Most and Tishka.

Bolshe. Rather to the pigs! Fominishna leaves. (Tishka.) What did you get my mouth! Al are you doing?

Podkhalyuzin (Tishka). They told you, it seems!

Tishka leaves.

Bolshe. Strangy was?

Podkhalyuzin. Was with!

Bolshe. Did you say with him?

Podkhalyuzin. What, Samson Power, does he feel? It is known ink soul-s! One gets - to declare insolvent.

Bolshe. Well, to appear, so declared - one end.

Podkhalyuzin. Ah, Samson power, that you will love to talk!

Bolshe. Well, money to pay? Yes, why did you take it? Yes, I'm better all fire, and they will not give a penny. Transporting goods, sell bills, let them take, steal who wants, and I do not pay them.

Podkhalyuzin. Sweet, Samson, the institution, we had such an excellent institution, and now everything should come to the disorder.

Bolshe. What is the case? Not yours. You're trying only - you will not be forgotten from me.

Podkhalyuzin. I do not need anything after your blessing. And in vain you have such a plot about me. I am a Terecherich is ready to give all soul for you, and not that Falp is to do. You are moving towards old age, Agraphene Kondratyevna Lady Freamed, Almpiiyad Samsonovna The young lady formed and in such years; It is necessary to attach care about it. And now such circumstances: you never know what can happen from all this.

Bolshe. What can happen? I am alone in response.

Podkhalyuzin. What about you to interpret! You, Samson power, talked to their century, thank God, lived, and Alimpihyda, Samsonovna, a famous business, a young lady, which in the world is not. I am, Samson Power, I say on conscience, that is, how it is all my feelings: if I try to tearchi for you and all my diligence, you can say, I do not regret the blood, I apply - so it's more and more because it's a pity I have your family.

Bolshe. Full, is it?

Podkhalyuzin. Allowed, s: Well, we put it all safely end, s, good-s. It will remain with you than attaching Alimpiyad Samsonovna. Well, there is nothing to interpret about it; There would be money, but the grooms will be found. Well, some sin, Save the Lord! As you can go, let it begin to drag on the courts, but for the whole family, the Edaki Morality will go, and, perhaps, the estate is all take away: they will have to endure it, and coldly tolerate and without any charity, as chicks that defenseless. Yes, it will save Lord! What will it be then? (Crying.)

Bolshe. Yes, what are you crying something?

Podkhalyuzin. Of course, Samson Stolech, I say this for example - in good time it should be silent, it will not be in thin, it will not be from the word; But the enemy is silent - the mountains are fascinated.

Bolshe. Well, to do something, brother, really know, such the will of God, you will not go against her.

Podkhalyuzin. It's for sure, Samson power! But after all, in my stupid reasoning, to attach to the time before the time of Alimpiyad Samsonovna for a good man, so then she will be, in extremes, as behind the stone wall, with. Yes, the main thing is that there is a soul in a person, so he will feel. And then Won, which was woven for Alimpiyad Samsonovna, noble, - and rose back turned back.

Bolshe. How back? Why did you invent?

Podkhalyuzin. I, Samson, did not invenue, - you ask Ustinao Naumovna. Must be something he asked who he knows.

Bolshe. Well! According to my cases, now it is not necessary.

Podkhalyuzin. You, Samson Power, take in reasoning: I am an extraneous person, not native, - And for your well-being, no day, I do not know the night to yourself, and I have everything out of my heart; And for him give the lady, you can say, the beauty is incospaid; Yes, and they are still given money, and he breaks yes it does not matter - well, is there a soul after all this?

Bolshe. Well, not wants, it is not necessary, I do not pay!

Podkhalyuzin. No, you, Samson Power, judge this: Is there a soul in a person? I am completely outsider, but I can not see all this without tears. Understand you, Samson power! Another would not have taken attention to so to kill because of someone else's business; But now you are at least driven, even though Bates, and I will not leave you; Therefore I can not - my heart is not.

Bolshe. Yes, how do you leave me: only after all and the hope is now that you are. I myself am old, things came closely. Wait: Maybe you will do this thing that you do not expect.

Podkhalyuzin. Yes, I can not do this, Samson power. Understand you from this: I'm not like this very man! Another, Samson Power, of course, it's all the same, with him, though the grass does not grow, and I can't, I know, see, with, I don't have a cotton, with. As the hell, I kill Terecherica because of your business, because I'm not like this man-s. Regulations you are done, and not so much of you how much is your family. Ourselves ourselves to know, Agraphene Kondratyevna Lady Warm, Alimpiyad Samsonovna Baryshnya, which in the world is not-with ...

Bolshe. Is it really not in the world? You, brother, not that? ..

Podkhalyuzin. What-s? .. No, I'm nothing, with! ..

Bolshe. That's, brother, you really speak better. Are you in love, what, in Alimpiyad Samsonovna?

Podkhalyuzin. You, Samson Stolech, may not have a joke.

Bolshe. What a joke! I ask you without joking.

Podkhalyuzin. Sweet, Samson Power, dare, I dare to think about it.

Bolshe. And what would not like this? What she, princess, what kind of?

Podkhalyuzin. Although not princed, but as a lot you are my benefactor and instead of my father's father ... No, Samson Power, you have a mercy, how can I don't feel it, I really don't feel it!

Bolshe. So you, it became, do not love her?

Podkhalyuzin. How not to love, s, merry, it seems most of all in the world. Yes No, s, Samson Stolech, how can it be with.

Bolshe. You would say that I love, they say, most of all in the world.

Podkhalyuzin. Yes, how do not love-s! Allow themselves to judge: a day I think, night I think ... then you mean, the famous business, Alimpiyad Samsonovna the young lady, which in the world is not ... yes no, it is impossible, with. Where do we, s! ..

Bolshe. What can not be a head-head?

Podkhalyuzin. How can I, Samson power? As I know, I am you like my father's father, and Alimpiyada Samsonovnu-s, and again, I know yourself what I mean, - where does I have a swarm-s?

Bolshe. Nothing sundon. Floated as a fig. There would be a mind in my head, "and you don't care about you, God awarded this kind. So, Lazar, to wipe you alimpiyada Samsonovna, eh?

Podkhalyuzin. Yes, hind, do I dare? Alimpihyda is Samsonovna, maybe, I don't want to look at me, s!

Bolshe. An important thing! Do not dance to me on her twirl in old age. For whom Vella, he will go. My brainchild: I want to have it, I want to smell but oil. - You're with me something.

Podkhalyuzin. I do not dare, Samson Power, talk about it, s. I do not want to be a scound against you.

Bolshe. Eccoa you, brother, stupid! Can I not love you, I would not talk to you so much? Do you understand that I can love you for all my life!

Podkhalyuzin. And I do not like you, Samson Stolech, more than his father's father? Yes, God is punished! .. Yes, what I am for the cattle!

Bolshe. Well, do you like your daughter?

Podkhalyuzin. Oglot all-s! All Dutie turned over for a long time - s!

Bolshe. Well, I quit the soul, so we will fix you. Wosya, Faddia, Pasha Malanie.

Podkhalyuzin. Tyat, for what you complaining? But I stand it, I'm not standing! And I don't have a physiognomy at all.

Bolshe. Well, her, physiognomy! But I will translate all the estate on you, so after the creditors will regret that twenty-five kopecks did not take.

Podkhalyuzin. How to regret something-with!

Bolshe. Well, you are going to the city now, and you turn to the bride too much: we will make a joke on them.

Podkhalyuzin. Listen, Tyatna-C! (Goes out.)

Action third

Decoration of the first action.

Phenomenon first

Bolshe (enters and sits on the chair, looks a few times in the corners and yawns). Here it is, life is; Truly said: the bustle of fuss and all sorts of fuss. The hell knows, and you yourself will not disobey what I want. That would be bored something, and lunch will spoil, and it will take someone to sit in the way. Ali a seagull would be, pamping. (Silence.) That's that, and that's all: lived, a man lived, yes suddenly died - so everything goes and go. Oh, Lord, Lord! (Yawns and looks at the corners.)

Second phenomenon

Agrapan Kondratyevna and Lipochka (discharged).

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Go, go, my tiny; The door is the coast, not causing. Looking - ko, Samson Power, admire, sir you are my daughter stood out! Fu you, away like! What is your Rosan Pion! (To her.) Oh, you, my Angelika, Tsarevna, Cherimchik you are mine! (To him.) What, Samson power, is it true, or what? If only she had a gear in a carriage.

Bolshe. East and a couple - not a great flight of the landowner!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. It is known, not a Genaral daughter, but all as it is, beautiful! .. Yes, the child's nice thing is that the bear will be shaking.

Bolshe. And how can I still cheer? Pens, what, licking, put in the legs? What unprecedented! We saw in advance.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Yes, what did you see something? So something, but this is your daughter, the child is a blood, the stone you are.

Bolshe. What is a daughter? Thank God - shod, dressed, fed; What else do you want?

Agraphen Kondratyevna. What do you want! Yes, you, Samson Power, wondered if? Feed! Like what is fed! According to the Christian law, everyone feels like; And others prize, not tokmo that their own, - But it is and in people to say a sin: like there is a native brainchild!

Bolshe. We know that the native, and why is she still? What do you give these parables? Do not do it in the framework! We understand that the father.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Yes, if you, the father, father, so do not be a beet! It's time, it seems to come to feel; It is necessary to part soon, and you and you will not survive a good word; It would be enough to advise something such a life. There is no custom of the parent!

Bolshe. But no, so for trouble; Therefore, God created.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. God created! Yes, what are you? After all, she seems to create a divine, Ali not? Not an animal, I'm sorry for God! .. Yes, I ask her something.

Bolshe. What am I for the demand? Goose pig is not comrade: I want to do it.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Yes, in a matter, I really do not ask, you're pokes, here. A person will come someone else's outsiders, after all, as you want, try, and a man is not a woman - for the first time he will go, not seeing him.

Bolshe. It is said that leaving.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Father you are a fad, and also called your native! Oh, you, my abandoned dietatko, however, as if what kind of syrophop, with the face. Retreated from you, and do not want to know; Side, sticky, snealing, shower, beloved my treasures! (Seats.)

Lipochka. Ah, leaving, mammy! Remembered at all.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Well, I'll look at you from the beatings!

Lipochka. Perhaps, see, but do not fantasize! FP, mammy, you can not dress decently: you will immediately get along.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. So, so, dyatyko! Yes, as a look at you, so this pity is like.

Lipochka. Well, it's necessary someday.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Still, it's a pity, fool: Rostili, Rostili, and have grown up - yes, no matter how in someone else's people in other people's people, as if you were tired of we bored with stupid little guys, with my meek behavior. Here you will survive you from the house, as if the spell from the city, and there they capture it so they spoil, and there is nowhere to take. Judge, the people are kind, which is how to live in someone else's faces, you will get a stranger, a fist of the tears of rubbing! Yes, a lot of God, Nerovnyushka will go out, Al-Fool is impaired by Al Fool What - Stupitsky Son! (Crying.)

Lipochka. Here you suddenly loose! Right, as not ashamed, Mama! What is there for a fool?

Agraphen Kondratyevna (crying). Yeah, this is said, - by the way I had to.

Bolshe. And what would you hear it, smash? Now ask you, so you do not know.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. I do not know, the father, oh, I do not know: I found such a verse.

Bolshe. That's something sffura. Tears you have cheap.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Oh, cheap, father, cheap; And I know myself, what is cheap, so what to do something?

Lipochka. Fi, Mama, how you suddenly! Fullness! Well, suddenly come - what good!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Stop, dyatyko, stopped; Now stop!

Third phenomenon.

The same and Ustinya Naumovna,

Ustinya Naumovna (entering). Hello, golden! What are you sad - hung noses?


Agraphen Kondratyevna. And we have come on with you.

Lipochka. What, Ustinya Naumovna, will soon come?

Ustinya Naumovna. It's guilty, now fall, to blame! And our business, silver, are not very good!

Lipochka. How? What is the news?

Agraphen Kondratyevna. What have you invented there?

Ustinya Naumovna. And then, the brilliance, that the bridegroom is different.

Bolshe. Ha, Ha, Ha! And the Swash! Where do you suck!

Ustinya Naumovna. Superfered as a horse - neither TPRU, nor well; Words from him will not achieve a pretty.

Lipochka. Why is it, Ustinya Naumovna? Yes, how are you, right!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Ah, Patty! Why is it to be?

Lipochka. Yes, how long have you seen him?

Ustinya Naumovna. Today it was in the morning. Came out as it is in one salafour; And I used to do - you can assign the honor. And Kofiy ordered, and Romka something, and I diluted with sugar - apparently invisible. Eat, says Ustinya Naumovna! I was about doing something, you know whether it is necessary, they say, to shake something; You, I say, now I wanted to ride to help me; And he did not say anything worth it to me. - Here, says, think, yes, I will advise, and I just sucks it myself.

Lipochka. What is he there after the sleeves santimals? The right, so sick, how it all continues.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Is it really that he breaks something? Are we worse than him?

Ustinya Naumovna. A, the frog will arrange him, we will not find another other?

Bolshe. Well, you really do not look for another, otherwise it will be again. Other I find you myself.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Yes, you will find, sitting on the furnace; You really forgot, it seems that you have a daughter.

Bolshe. And you will see!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. What to see something! You have nothing to see! Do not tell me, please do not upset me. (Sits down.)

Most laughs. Ustinya Naumovna moves with a sticky on the other side of the scene. Ustinya Naumovna examines her dress.

Ustinya Naumovna. You are, as you snapped, - a dress on you what is an estate. Isn't it smart?

Lipochka. That's terribly needed! What are we, beggars, what do you think? And Madama something?

Ustinya Naumovna. Fu you, already beggars! Who tells you such nonsense? It turns out about the economy, which is not myself, they say, sewed, - and then, a well-known business, and your dress is rubbish.

Lipochka. What are you, what are you! I got lost my mind? Where is your eyes? Why did you confuse?

Ustinya Naumovna. What are you so concerned about?

Lipochka. Here is the principle! I will endure such in vain. What am I, Girl, what, what kind of uneducated!

Ustinya Naumovna. Why did you get it? Where did you find on your edaki whim? Do I fuck your dress? What is not a dress - and everyone will say that the dress. Yes, it is not suitable for you, your beauty is not at all necessary, - the disappearance of the soul, if LDA. For you, gold is small: give us a shied with pearls. - So smiled, Emerald! I know what I say!

Tishka (included). Sysh Pinovic ordered to ask if it was possible, they say, to climb. They are Tamotka, Lazaror Elizarycha

Bolshe. I went, call him here, and with Lazar.

Tishka leaves.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Well, no wonder the appetizer is cooked - here and snatch. And you, tea, Ustinya Naumovna, would you like long ago vodka?

Ustinya Naumovna. The famous business is the Admiral hour - the present time.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Well, Samson Power, Touch from the place, something to sit.

Bolshe. Wait, you will fit ones - still have time.

Lipochka. I, Mama, I will go apong.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Look, Dietyatko, appear.

Bolshe. Wait to undress something - the bridegroom will come.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. What is still the bridegroom, - to fully fool.

Bolshe. Wait, Lipa, the groom will come.

Lipochka. Who is that, toy? I know him or not?

Bolshe. But you will see, maybe, and you know.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. What do you listen to him, what a jester will come back! So language scratches.

Bolshe. They tell you what will come, so I, it became, I know what I say.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. If someone actually arrives, so you would say the way, but it will come, will come, and God knows who will come. That's always so.

Lipochka. Well, so I, Mama, stay. (Suitable for the mirror and looks, then to the Father.) Tyatna!

Bolshe. What do you want?

Lipochka. A shame to say, Tymnik!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. What is for shame, fool! Speak, if you need.

Ustinya Naumovna. Shame is not smoke - the eyes did not heather.

Lipochka. No, God, shame!

Bolshe. Well, close, if you are ashamed.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Hat, what do you want a new one?

Lipochka. So I did not guess, not at all the hat.

Bolshe. So what are you?

Lipochka. Walk to marry the military!

Bolshe. Ek after all that took out!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Ask, bless! Christ with you!

Lipochka. Well, - after all, others go out.

Bolshe. Well, let them go out, and you sit by the sea yes wait for the weather.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Yes, you and I do not dare to stutter! I and the parent blessings do not give you.

Fourth phenomenon

The same and Lazar, Rispalinsky and Fomiyishna (at the door)

Rispalodsky. Hello, Samson Polech's father! Hello, Mother Agrapan Kondratyevna! Samsonovna Olympiad, Hello!

Bolshe. Hello, brother, hello! Sit down, please ask! Sit down and you, Lazar!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Do you want to eat? And my snack is prepared.

Rispalodsky. Why, Mother, not to eat; I would have drank a glass now.

Bolshe. But now let's go all together, and now while you talk to manneco.

Ustinya Naumovna. Why and not talk! Here, my gold, I heard, as if in the newspaper was printed, is it true, there is no other Bonaparte, and as if, gold mine ...

Bolshe. Bonaparte Bonaparte, and we all hope on the mercy of God; Yes, and not about now now.

Ustinya Naumovna. So about what, yichont?

Bolshe. And about the fact that our summer moves old, health is also interrupted every minute, and one the creator only knows what will be ahead: then we put our daughter in marriage in marriage, and in the reasoning of the dowry we can also hope that she not the uratramis of our capital and origin, but evenly and before other other

Ustinya Naumovna. You are after all how sweetly tells, the bragistic.

Bolshe. And since now the daughter is obvious here, and with all that, being confident in honest behavior and sufficiency of our future son-in-law, that it is very sensitive to us, in the reasoning of the divine blessing, then I appoint him Teverit in general sizes. - Lipa, come here.

Lipochka. What do you, aunty, please?

Bolshe. Look to me, I do not bite, - I suppose. Well, now you are, Lazar, Pollya.

Podkhalyuzin. For a long time ready-with!

Bolshe. Well, linden, come on hand! Lipochka. How, what is this nonsense?

Lipochka. Why did you invent?

Bolshe. Worse, how to take force!

Ustinya Naumovna. So you, grandmother, and yuriev day!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Lord, so what is it?

Lipochka. I do not want, I do not want! I will not go for such a nasty.

Fominishna. With us the crop!

Podkhalyuzin. It can be seen, toy, not see me of happiness in this world! It can be seen, not to be-with your desire!

Bolshe (takes a sticky for the hand and Lazarus). How not to be, if I want it? What is I and Father, if not to order? Various, what did I feed it?

Agraphen Kondratyevna. What are you! What are you! Soon!

Bolshe. Know the cricket your sixth! None of your business! Well, linden! Here you are the fiance! Please love yes to complain! Sit down in a row yes, they base the poke - and there an honest tyrku and yes for the wedding.

Lipochka. How, - I need to sit very much with the unrecord! Here is the principle!

Bolshe. And you will not sit, so forcibly sit yes I will make it be chewed.

Lipochka. Where is it seen that the raised young ladies go out for their employees?

Bolshe. Silence better! We will leave Vella and the janitor. (Silence.)

Ustinya Naumovna. Inceckers, Agrapan Kondratyevna, what kind of trouble it is.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Herself, native, eclipsed, exactly the chunned. And I can not understand, how did it come from?

Fominishna. Lord! I live in the seven of the top how many weddings celebrated, but I didn't have such a brand.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. For what are you, shielding, girls disorished?

Bolshe. Yes, I really need to listen to your fanberry. I wanted to give daughter for the clerk, and put on my own, and do not dare talk; I do not want to know anyone. Now go for a bite, and they let them be afraid, maybe they are afraid somehow.

Rispalodsky. Come, Samson Stolech, and I will drink with you for the company. And so, Agraphen Kondratyevna, the first duty, so that the children listen to parents. This is not us of us, we do not end.

It gets up and all, except for sticky, podhaluzin and aggrafes of Kondratyevna.

Lipochka. What is it, Mama, is it? What am I them, cook, what did you get? (Crying.)

Podkhalyuzin. Mama-C! You have a son-in-law of this that would respect you and, it means, the old age has restned your old age, "I don't find it, not to find it.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Yes, how are you, Batyushka?

Podkhalyuzin. Mama-C! God has invested such an intention, because he himself, with that another you, Mama-s, and does not want to know, and I am in my coffin of my life (crying) must feel-s.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Ah, Batyushko! Why is it?

Bolshe. (from the door). Wife, come here!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Now, Batyushko, now!

Podkhalyuzin. You, Mama, remember this word that I said now

Agraphen Kondratyevna leaves.

Phenomenon fifth

Lipochka and Podkhaluzin.


Podkhalyuzin. Alimpiyad Samsonovna-s! Alimpiyad Samsonovna! But, it seems, you bend me! Tell me at least one word-C! Let your knob kiss.

Lipochka. You are a fool uneducated!

Podkhalyuzin. Why are you, Alimpiyad Samsonovna, to offend ignite-s?

Lipochka. I will tell you forever once that I will not go for you, "I will not go.

Podkhalyuzin. It will be like you - with! Forcibly MIL will not. Only I am what I'm talking about ...

Lipochka. I do not want to listen to you, leaving me! How would you have a courteous cavalier: you see that I don't want to go for you for any treasures, "you should refuse.

Podkhalyuzin. Here you are, Alimpiiyad Samsonovna, please speak: refuse. Only if I refuse, then will it be-s?

Lipochka. And it will be that I will come out for noble.

Podkhalyuzin. For noble-s! Noble, something without dowry will not take.

Lipochka. How without dowry? What are you sitting something! Look, how I have a dowry, - in the nose rushes.

Podkhalyuzin. Ragged-s! Noble cloth will not take. Noble money needed-s.

Lipochka. Well! Tattime and money will give!

Podkhalyuzin. Well, how to give-s! And how to give something nothing? You do not know about Tyatnaiki, and I know them well, but I know well: Tattime is your bankrupt-s.

Lipochka. How bankrupt? And the house, and the shops?

Podkhalyuzin. And the house and shop - mine, s!

Lipochka. Are yours?! You're! What do you want to fool me? Found more stupid!

Podkhalyuzin. But we have legitimate documents! (Takes out.)

Lipochka. So you bought aunty?

Podkhalyuzin. Bought-C!

Lipochka. Where did you get money?

Podkhalyuzin. Money! We, thank God, the money is more than that noble.

Lipochka. What is it doing with me? Brought up, brought up, then went bankrupt!


Podkhalyuzin. Well, put, Alimpiiyad Samsonovna, that you will go out for noble - yes what will be the point in this? Only one glory that ladies, but no nice-s. You will be expected to judge-s: the ladies are often on foot on foot go-s. And if you leave where, so only glory, that the quantity is, but worse than one, with a merchanet. By God, worse-s. Dress up either does not hurt the magnificent. And if for me, you, Almpnade Samsonovna, come out, with, so the first word: you and at home will be in the silk dresses to walk, and in the guests of Ali to the theater-C - the grocery of velvet, and do not wear. In the argument of hats or salopov - we will not look at different noble decency, and we put on what is wonderful! Horses head with Orlovskiy. (Silence.) If you are about the physiognomy, it will be like you, with, we are also a fracture to wear yes a beard doomed, either trimmed by fashion-s, this is all one and s.

Lipochka. Yes, you are all before the wedding, and there and deceit.

Podkhalyuzin. From the spot not to go away, Alimpiyad Samsonovna! Anathema I want to be, if LSU! Yes, it is something, with, Alimpiiyad Samsonovna, are we not enough in the house of the house? In the regime row, you buy-s, we write down as: on the ceilings it is paradise birds, sirens, the capions of different - to look only to give money.

Lipochka. Nowadays, Capions do not draw.

Podkhalyuzin. Well, we will let the bouquets. (Silence.) It would be only on your part of consent, otherwise nothing is needed in life. (Silence.) As I unhappy in my life, I can't talk any compliments.

Lipochka. Why do you, Lazar Eliavich, do not speak French?

Podkhalyuzin. And for what we are not for what. (Silence.) Capture, Alimpiiyad Samsonovna, reed acknowledgment-s. (Silence.) Order knees to become.

Lipochka. Stank!

Podkhaluzin becomes.

Here you have some vest is bad

Podkhalyuzin. I will give this tishka-C, and I will order myself on the Kuznetsky bridge, just do not destroy! (Silence.) What is Alimpiyad Samsonovna-s?

Lipochka. Let me see.

Podkhalyuzin. Yes, what about thinking?

Lipochka. How can you not think?

Podkhalyuzin. Yes, you do not think.

Lipochka. You know what, Lazar Elizarych!

Podkhalyuzin. What do you need, s?

Lipochka. Take me slowly.

Podkhalyuzin. Why, why slowly, when, when so as aunt with Mama agrees?

Lipochka. Yes, so do it. Well, if you do not want to take away, "there is probably so.

Podkhalyuzin. Alimpiyad Samsonovna! Let the knob kiss! (Kisses, then jumps up and runs up to the door.) Tyatna-s! ..

Lipochka. Lazar Eliarych, Lazar Elizarych! Fit here!

Podkhalyuzin. What do you like?

Lipochka. Oh, if you knew Lazar Elizarych, what I live here! Mama Seven Fridays at the week; Tyatnaka, how not drunk, so silent, but how drunk, so it will be boosted and look. What is it to endure the abrasive lady! That's how I came out for noble, so I would have left the house and forget about all this. And now everything will go old again.

Podkhalyuzin. No, with, Alimpiyad Samsonovna, will not be this! We, Alimpiiyad Samsonovna, as soon as we play a wedding, so let's go to your house-s. And we will not give them to command them. No, now it's over-s! Will be with them - made in your century, now it's time for us!

Lipochka. Yes, you are so timid, Lazar Elizarych, you will not dine aunty to say anything, and with noble, they would say a little.

Podkhalyuzin. Because timid-s, what was the case Podnaya - not-with. Stop not dare. And how to heal with your home, no one is decree. But you are all about noble say. Do you love you so much noble, how will I love? Noble in the morning in service, and in the evening the clubs are walking, and the wife must sit alone without any pleasure. Did I dare to do that? I have to try all my life as you can deliver any pleasure.

Lipochka. So look, Lazar Elizarych, we will live by ourselves, and they themselves. We will start everything in fashion, and they - as they want.

Podkhalyuzin. It's like us, s.

Lipochka. Well, now call as aunty. (It gets up and hijacked in front of the mirror.)

Podkhalyuzin. Tyatna-C! Tyatna-C! Mama-s! ..

Phenomenon of sixth

Podkhalyuzin (It goes to meet Samson to the Tower and rushes to his arms). Alimpiyad Samsonovna Glasna-s! |

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Run, Batyushko, run.

Bolshe. Well, that's the point! The same. I know what I do, I don't teach me.

Podkhalyuzin (Kondratyevna Agraphene). Mama-C! Let the knob kiss.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Kiss, Batyushko, both clean. Oh, you, dyatyatko, how much is it like that, and? By God! What is it? And I did not know how this business and to judge something. Oh, a beloved you are mine!

Lipochka. I am completely, Mama, did not imagine that Lazar Elizarych is such a courteous cavalier! And now suddenly I see that he is much more respectful than others.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. That's the same, fool! I won't wish my father thinly. Oh, you, my baby! Eka is a parable, and? Ah, Mother you are mine! What is it? Foubness! Foubness!

Fominishna. Run, run, Mother, run. (Enters.)

Bolshe. Wait you, Taranta! Here you get alongside, - and we will see you. Yes, we give us a bottle bottle.

Podkhaluzin and sticky sit down.

Fominishna. Now, father, now! (Goes out.)

Seventh phenomenon

The same, Ustinya Naumovna and Rispalinsky.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Congratulate the groom with the bride, Ustinya Naumovna! That God led to the old age years, they lived to joy.

Ustinya Naumovna. Yes, how to congratulate you, emerald? Dry spoon mouth man.

Bolshe. But we are rummaged to you.

Eighth phenomenon

The same, fominichene and tishka (with wine on a tray).

Ustinya Naumovna. This is the case of another kind. Well, give you God to live yes younger, get fatty and rich. (Drink.) Gorky, bralyanted!

Lipochka and Lazar kiss.

Bolshe. Let me congratulate. (Takes a glass.)

Lipochka and Lazar get up.

Live, as you know, is your mind. And so that you were not boring to live, so you, Lazar, the house and shops will go instead of dowry, and they count out of cash.

Podkhalyuzin. Sweet, Tymnik, I am so pleased with you.

Bolshe. What is there to freeze something! His good, I myself was profitable. To whom I want - I give it. Pull up!

Tishka pours.

What is there to talk about something. There is no court for mercy. Take all, only us with older feeds and lenders to pay kopecks for ten.

Podkhalyuzin. Is it worthy, toy, talk about it, s. I do not feel nonsense? His people to think!

Bolshe. They tell you, take everything, and the case is over. And no one is a decree! Pay only creditors. Pay?

Podkhalyuzin. Sweet, Tyatna, first debt!

Bolshe. Only you look - they don't mind much. And then you, tea, pleased with everything to give everything.

Podkhalyuzin. Yeah there, Tyatna, somehow thrown out. Mix your people.

Bolshe. The same! You don't give them more than ten kopecks. It will be with them ... Well, the kiss!

Lipochka and Lazar kiss.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Ah, doves you are mine! Why is it so? Almost like a polulmy.

Ustinya Naumovna. And wherever it is seen, and where it is somewhat dumbfounded so that the bitch's chicken gave birth to, the Egg cerebral piglets!

Plips, wine and comes to Rispalodsky. Rispalinsky bow and refuses.

Bolshe. Drink, Sysh PSOCH, on joy!

Rispalodsky. I can not, Samson Stolech, sway.

Bolshe. Full you! Drink on joy.

Ustinya Naumovna. Still there, breaks!

Rispalodsky. Petit, Samson power! To her God, emit. Here I am a vodka glass drink! And this nature does not accept. Such a weak complex.

Ustinya Naumovna. Oh, you, a wire neck! You're you - he does not take nature! Yes, let me in the collar of a collar, if I will not drink.

Rispalodsky. Indecent, Ustinya Naumovna! Dama is indecent. Samson power! I can not-s! Would I refuse? He, hehe, he, yes, what am I for the fool, so I did such an ignorance; We saw people who know how to live; So I will never give up from the vodka, perhaps, even now I will drink a glass! And I can not - because it rests. And you, Samson Stolech, do not allow unless, offended, not good, but not good.

Bolshe. Prettyly his, Ustinya Naumovna, pretty!

Rispalinsky runs.

Ustinya Naumovna (puts wine on the table). Do you need a fire soul, you will not leave! (Presses it into corner and grabs the collar.)

Rispalodsky. Guard!!

All laugh.

Fourth action

In the house of Podkhaluzin richly furnished living room.

Phenomenon first

Samsonovna Olympiad sits at the window in a luxurious position; On it, a silk blouse, the carriage of the last banner. Podkhaluzin in the trendy surtuk stands in front of the mirror. Tishka follows him and overshoot.

Tishka. You are how it will drive, just right!

Podkhalyuzin. And what, Tishka, look like a Frenchman? but? Yes, I was looked away!

Tishka. Two drops of water.

Podkhalyuzin. That's fool! Here you are now and look at us! (Walks around the room.) So-s, Alimpiyad Samsonovna! And you wanted to go to the officer-s. What are we not well done? Here is the curtail newly taken and put on.

Olympiad Samsonovna. Yes, you, Lazar Elizarych, do not know how to dance.

Podkhalyuzin. Well, no, they will not learn; Still as learning something - the most important manner. In winter, we will go to the merchant collection. So I know our-s! Polka will be dancing.

Olympiad Samsonovna. You, Lazar Elizarych, buy that stroller what they watched the Arbat.

Podkhalyuzin. How, Ayanmpiyad Samsonovna-S! Note to buy, set-s.

Olympiad Samsonovna. And I brought a new mantle, so we would be on Friday and went to Sokolniki.

Podkhalyuzin. How-C, we will certainly go, s; And in the park we will go, s on Sunday. After all, the stroller is thousands of pastry stands, and the horse is a thousand whiskers and giving away the false silver, "so let them look. Tishka! Tube!

Tishka leaves.

(Self-sisons sits near the Olympics.) So-s, Alimpiyad Samsonovna! Let's look at yourself.


Olympiad Samsonovna. What is it you, Lazar Elizarych, do not kiss me?

Podkhalyuzin. How! Sweet-s! With our pleasure! Sick pen-C! (Kisses silence.) Tell me, Alimpiyad Samsonovna, I have something in French dialect-s.

Olympiad Samsonovna. What do you say?

Podkhalyuzin. Yes, Something say - so, the little thing is-s. I do not care-with!

Olympiad Samsonovna. KOM Wu Zeta frolic.

Podkhalyuzin. And what is it like?

Olympiad Samsonovna. How are you miles!

Podkhalyuzin (jumps out from the chair). Here it has some kind of wife! Ay yes Alimpiyad Samsonovna! Respect! Sick pen!

It includes tishka with a tube.

Tishka. Ustinya Naumovna came.

Podkhalyuzin. Why her still brought her!

Tishka leaves.

Second phenomenon

The same and Ustinya Naumovna.

Ustinya Naumovna. How do you live, you can, bragity?

Podkhalyuzin. Your prayers, Ustinya Naumovna, your prayers.

Ustinya Naumovna (kissing). What are you, as if it loose, popplul?

Olympiad Samsonovna. Oh, what kind of nonsense you are, Ustinya Naumovna! Well, why did you get it?

Ustinya Naumovna. What kind of nonsense, golden; This is the case. I am glad not glad - there is nothing to do! .. Love to ride, love and sosochki: .. What kind of you forgot me at all, bragged? Ali still did not look around? All, tea, admire each other and almonds.

Podkhalyuzin. There is that sin, Ustinya Naumovna, there is a sin!

Ustinya Naumovna. The same thing: what kind of sidarusch sudden to you!

Podkhalyuzin. Many are satisfied, Ustinya Naumovna, much satisfied.

Ustinya Naumovna. Still b not satisfied, golden! What to you! You are now, tea, all about the dresses are cotton. A lot of still fashionable?

Olympiad Samsonovna. Not so much. Yes, and then more because new matter came out.

Ustinya Naumovna. The famous case, pearl, it is impossible to Commissioner without pants: at least thin, yes bluish. And what kind of screwed - woolen silk?

Olympiad Samsonovna. Different - and woolen and silk; Yes, I recently stipped with gold sewed.

Ustinya Naumovna. How long do you have emerald?

Olympiad Samsonovna. But count; Wedding blond on satin chahle and three velvet - it will be four; Two gas and strong, shied with gold, is seven; Three satin and three grogrone - it is thirteen; Grodenplya da Grodafrikov seven are twenty; Three Marselin, two Muslinelinovy, two shinoilev - is it much? - three yes four seven, yes twenty - twenty seven; Four fasteners are thirty-one. Well, there are still kisiny, buffmusline yes calm pieces up to twenty; Yes, there is a blouse da hood - not that nine, not ten. Yes, I recently sewed from the Persian matter.

Ustinya Naumovna. You are, God is with you how much I gave it. And you can choose some sewing from Groodafrikov.

Olympiad Samsonovna. Groodafrikov will not give, only three of the most three; Yes, it will not come true on your waist; Perhaps, if you want, take the fastener.

Ustinya Naumovna. On what I can't trepurally: well, you can see nothing to do with you, I will come up on the satin, so be.

Olympiad Samsonovna. Well, the satin too - somehow not, those who are stitched in Balnom, openly very much - do you understand? And from the fasteners of the deed hood, spread the folds, and will be in the item.

Ustinya Naumovna. Well, let's get flushed! Your took, bragistic! Squeeze the cabinet.

Olympiad Samsonovna. I am now wait a little.

Ustinya Naumovna. I'll wait, golden, wait. I also need to talk your spouse with your wife.

Samsonovna Olympiad leaves.

What do you, the stalente, did you forget my promise at all?

Podkhalyuzin. How can you forget, with, remember! (Removes the wallet and gives it an appreciation.)

Ustinya Naumovna. What is this, diamond?

Podkhalyuzin. One hundred caskov-s!

Ustinya Naumovna. How so hundreds of casual? Yes, you promised me a half thousand.

Podkhalyuzin. What about?

Ustinya Naumovna. You promised me a half thousand.

Podkhalyuzin. Will it be no fat to get off?

Ustinya Naumovna. What are you, Kuritsyn Son, joke, what did you think with me? I, brother, and the lady herself is killed.

Podkhalyuzin. Yes, why do you give money? Divo would go for what!

Ustinya Naumovna. For the work of Lee, for the idleness, and come on, - you yourself promised!

Podkhalyuzin. You never know what I promised! I promised with Ivan the great jump, if I marry Alimpiyad Samsonovna, - so jump?

Ustinya Naumovna. What do you think, I will not find a court on you? The great importance is that you are a merchant of the second guild, I myself sit on the fourteenth grade, what is neither there is, after all, the official.

Podkhalyuzin. Yes, at least the general - I don't care; I do not want to know you, - that's the whole conversation.

Ustinya Naumovna. Annually not all: you still promised to me Salop.

Podkhalyuzin. What?

Ustinya Naumovna. Satisfy salop. What are you shoots, or what?

Podkhalyuzin. Soboli-s! He, he, hee ...

Ustinya Naumovna. Yes, Soboliy! What laugh is that the throat is stying!

Podkhalyuzin. I still did not get out of the sobbing salopas walk!

Samsonovna Olympiad puts out a dress and gives Ustinin Naumovna.

Phenomenon third

The same and Samsonovna Olympiad.

Ustinya Naumovna. What is it you really - rob me, or what do you want?

Podkhalyuzin. What a robbery, and go with God, that's all here.

Ustinya Naumovna. So you have driven me; Yes, and I am a fool of stupid, contacted you, - now it is visible: the blessing blood!

Podkhalyuzin. So-s! Tell me please!

Ustinya Naumovna. And if so, I do not want to look at you! For any treasures and, we do not agree with you! Around the circle of thirty miles, but you will not go past you! Early I squeeze yes on the horse stumble upon it to look at your lair! Spit wants, and then it is not certified into this street. Bulk at ten parts, if LSU! Fall in Tartarara, if you see me here!

Podkhalyuzin. Yes, you, aunty, lightly; And then we will send for a quarterly.

Ustinya Naumovna. I'm you, gold, print: you will know! I am so in Moscow, I will rush to you that it will be ashamed to show your eyes! .. Oh me, a fool, a fool, who contacted them! A lady with the title ... Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! (Goes out.)

Podkhalyuzin. You are watching the noble blood diverged! Oh, you, Lord! There is an official! Here is a proverb, it says: the thunder rattles not from clouds, and from the dung heap! Oh, you, Lord! So look at her, what a lady!

Olympiad Samsonovna. Hunting You, Lazar Elizarych, to contact her!

Podkhalyuzin. Yes, a murmur, a completely incomparable woman!

Olympiad Samsonovna (Looks out the window) Non aunt of the pit released - Look, Lazar Elizarych!

Podkhalyuzin. Well, no, s: From the pit, the aunt will not be released soon; And it must be assumed, he was discharged to the competition, so the home took place ... Mama-s! Agraphen Kondratyevna! Tattime goes-with!

Fourth phenomenon

The same, major and aggrafena Kondratyevna.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Where is he? Where is he?! Native you are mine, doves you mine!


Podkhalyuzin. Tyat, Hello, our respect!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Darling you are mine, Samson power, gold you are! You left me orproof at old age years!

Bolshe. Full, wife, stop!

Olympiad Samsonovna. What are you, mammy, exactly on the dead crying! Not God knows what happened.

Bolshe. It is accurate, daughter, God knows what, but still your father is sitting in the pit.

Olympiad Samsonovna. Well, toy, sit and better us with you.

Bolshe. Sit down sit, yes what to sit like! What is the street to go with a soldier! Oh, daughter! After all, me, forty years in the city, everyone knows, forty years all bowed to the belt, and now the boys show your fingers.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. And the faces are not on you, my dove is mine! As if you're from the next light!

Podkhalyuzin. E, Tyatna, God merciful! Everything grinds - flour will. What, toy, creditors say something?

Bolshe. Yes, that: agree on the transaction. What, they say, pull, "Will you take, don't, and you give something clean, and God is with you.

Podkhalyuzin. Why not give-s! Note to give-C! And a lot, aunty, ask?

Bolshe. They are asking for twenty five kopecks.

Podkhalyuzin. This is, aunty, a lot of!

Bolshe. And myself, brother, I know that much, so what to do something? Less do not take.

Podkhalyuzin. Like ten kopecks, so okay-s. Seven and a half to satisfaction, and two and a half for competitive expenses.

Bolshe. I said that, and he does not want to hear.

Podkhalyuzin. Survived painful! And they do not want eight kopecks at five?

Bolshe. Well, Lazar, you will have to give twenty-five, because we ourselves have previously proposed.

Podkhalyuzin. Yes, how, toy-s! After all, you were then deprived of saying, with, more than ten kopecks do not give-s. You yourself judge: twenty-five kopecks a lot of money. You, aunty, to eat what is unlike whether? Mama! Order the vodka to file da Major Samovarchik put, already we, for the company, drink-s. - And twenty five kopecks a lot, s!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Now, father, now! (Goes out.)

Bolshe. Why do you interpret me something: I myself know, that much, yes, how to be? Successful years of one and a half in the pit, and every week will be with a soldier on the streets of the streets, and even now look, I will go to the Ostrog: so happy to give and give a half. From one country, you do not know where to hide.

Agrapan Kondratsyan with vodka; Tishka demolides a snack and leaves.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Dove you are mine! Kushai, Batyushko, eat! Tea, you hunger there!

Podkhalyuzin. Drink, Tymnik! Do not approve than God sent!

Bolshe. Thank you, Lazarus! Thank you! (Drink.) Pey Ko himself.

Podkhalyuzin. For your health! (Drink.) Mama! Is it not possible? Make a favor!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. A, Batyushko, before me now! Acknowledgment! Oh, you, Lord my God! Oh, you, darling you are mine!

Podkhalyuzin. E, Mama, God gracious, somehow we finish! Not suddenly-s!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Lying God! And then I'm not looking at him, all I am broken.

Bolshe. Well, how, Lazarar?

Podkhalyuzin. Ten pennies, please, ladies-s, as they said.

Bolshe. And fifteen, where can I take? Not from Rogodi I melt them.

Podkhalyuzin. I, Tyat, I can not-s. God sees, I can not-s!

Bolshe. What are you, Lazaror, that you! Yes, where are you money?

Podkhalyuzin. Yes, if you please judge: I'm getting ready for commerce, Domishko separated. Yes, rushing something, Tyatna! So though Masterians, that Li-C! Mama! Cheese as aunty.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Kushai, Batyushko, Samson power! Drink! I am you, Batyushko, Punshik Nalu!

Bolshe (drink). Check, deubs, help out!

Podkhalyuzin. Here you are, Tymnik, please speak where I am money? How about? Judge yourself: they start selling, a well-known thing, without capital, it is impossible, with nothing; Here is a house bought, the head of everyone has a home, horses, then, more. Allow yourself to judge! About children should think.

Olympiad Samsonovna. Well, aunty, you can not have anything to stay. After all, we are not moving any.

Podkhalyuzin. You, Tymnik, please judge: now without capital, it is impossible, with, without capital, they will spin a little.

Olympiad Samsonovna. I have, Tyatnaka, for up to twenty years lived - I did not see the light. Well, tell me to give you money, and again, again in the sutsteen dresses go?

Bolshe. What do you! What do you! Come home! After all, I don't please alone, but my own good. Are you? ..

Olympiad Samsonovna. The famous business, aunty, people, and not beasts.

Bolshe. Lazarus! Yes, you remember those, because I gave everything to you, all the pusher; That's what left you, you see! After all, I took you to the boy in the house, you are angry! I saw, fed instead of my father's father, with people brought. Did I see thanks from you what? Did you see? Remember that Lazarar, how many times I noticed that you were not clean on your hand! Well? After all, I did not drive you as a cattle, did not let off the whole city. I made you the chief clerk, I gave all my state, yes to you, Lazar, I gave and my daughter my own hands. And do not happen to me at this closest, you would not bother to look at it.

Podkhalyuzin. Sweet, Tymnik, I feel very good and s!

Bolshe. You feel! You should give everything, as I, in one shirt stay, just to help out my benefactor. Yes, I do not ask for this, do not need me; You pay for me just what now follows ..

Podkhalyuzin. Why not pay, s, yes ask the price that is completely incomparable.

Bolshe. Yes, do I ask! I asked for each of your penny, asked, I bowed to the legs, but what should I do when you do not want to give anything?

Olympiad Samsonovna. We, aunty, told you that more than ten kopecks could not give, - and there is nothing to interpret about it.

Bolshe. You say, daughter: go, they say, you, old damn, in the pit! Yes, in the pit! In his width, old fool. And for business! Do not hunt for big, be pleased with what is. And you will chase in big, and the last one will take away, will obey your daughter. And you will have to run on the stone bridge yes rushing to Moscow river. Yes, and outstands for your tongue will be pulled out in the width.

All are silent. Most drinks.

And you think about what I now go into a pit. Well, I'm clogged, or what? I, Ilyinka, now for a hundred miles will seem. You only think about Ilyinka to go. It's like the sinful soul of the devils, forgive the Lord, in Naitaria, drag. And there by the Iverish, how do I look at her, on the mother? .. You know, Lazar, Judas - after all, he also sold for money for money, as we sell conscience for money ... And what was he for it? And there are physicians, the criminal chamber ... After all, I am malicious - deliberate ... After all, I will be filled with Siberia. Lord! .. If you don't give you money, let Christ give! (Crying.)

Podkhalyuzin. What are you, what are you, toy? Fullness! God gracious! What are you? We will straighten somehow. All in our hands!

Bolshe. We need money, Lazar, money. I have nothing else to correct. Or. Money or Siberia.

Podkhalyuzin. And Dadim-s money, just would be bother! I, so be, I'll add five more pennies.

Bolshe. Eki year! Are there Christianity in you? Twenty five kopecks you need, Lazar!

Podkhalyuzin. No, this is, aunty, a lot, with her a lot of God!

Bolshe. Snakes you pirrors! (Sleeping heads on the table.)

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Barbarian You, Barbarian! The robber you are a fad! There is no my blessing! Will we will witness and with money, we will withery, do not wait for the century. Rogue you, see a robber!

Podkhalyuzin. Fullness, Mama, God to amuse! What is you swear to us, do not disassemble the case! You see, Tyatnika Zhmelly the mannico, and you really.

Olympiad Samsonovna. You, mammy, silent better! And then you are happy to curse in three-way. I know: you will be on it. For that, it should be, and other children did not give God.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. You yourself are silent, bless! And one of you sent you to the punishment.

Olympiad Samsonovna. You have all the blessings - you are alone. I would have looked at myself, just on Monday, and then the day would not pass, so as not to get someone.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. You are! You are! Oh, ah, ah! .. Yes, I curse you at all cathedrals!

Olympiad Samsonovna. Curse, perhaps!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Yes! That's how! We die, do not hide! Yes!..

Olympiad Samsonovna. Very necessary!

Bolshe (rises). Well, forgive, children.

Podkhalyuzin. What are you, aunty, sit! It is necessary to finish something like a matter!

Bolshe. What is the end? I see that it's over. Myself a slave beats, if it does not feel clean! You really do not pay for me: let them want with me, then do. Goodbye, it's time for me!

Podkhalyuzin. Goodbye, Tymnik! God is merciful - somehow cost!

Bolshe. Farewell, wife!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Goodbye, Batyushko Samson power! When will you be in a pit in a pit?

Bolshe. I do not know!

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Well, so I visit: and then you die here, do not see you.

Bolshe. Goodbye daughter! Farewell, Alimpiyad Samsonovna! Well, now you will now be rich, heal in a barishment. On the fellings it is, on the balls - devil to tee! Do not forget you, Alimpiyad Samsonovna, that there are cells with iron lattices, there are poor-prisoners there. Do not forget us, poor prisoners. (Leaves with the Agrapne Condratic.)

Podkhalyuzin. Eh, Alimpiyad Samsonovna-S! Raughty-s! Sorry to the aunt, she, god, sorry-s! It is not hunt to go well with creditors! Al do not, s? He himself better will deteriorate them. BUT? Ali go? I'll go! Tishka!

Olympiad Samsonovna. As you wish, do it - your business.

Podkhalyuzin. Tishka!


Feed the old sector, which is not worse.

Tishka leaves.

And then think; Rich must be in those pores and you won't talk.

Phenomenon fifth

The same, Rispalinsky and Agraphen Kondratyevna.

Rispalodsky. You, Mother, Agraphen Kondratyevna, the cucumbers have not yet been disturbed to saline?

Agraphen Kondratyevna. No, Batyushko! What are the cucumbers now! Is I so? Did you leave?

Rispalodsky. How, Mother was satisfied. The road is very very; They say that frost enough. Lazar Elizarych, father, hello. Is it a vodka? I, Lazar Olizarych, I drink a glass.

Agraphen Kondratyevna leaves Samsonovna Olympiad.

Podkhalyuzin. And why did you come to the ladies?

Rispalodsky. He, he, hee! .. What are you jester-sch, Lazar Elizarych! Famous matter for what!

Podkhalyuzin. And what would it be desirable to know-s?

Rispalodsky. For money, Lazar Elizarych, for money! Who for what, and I'm all for money

Podkhalyuzin. Yes, you often hurt money for money.

Rispalodsky. Yes, how not to walk, Lazar Elizarych, when you give five kissing. After all, I have a family.

Podkhalyuzin. Well, you do not give it.

Rispalodsky. And I would give up, so I would not go to you.

Podkhalyuzin. So you are not a ear, nor a sniffer, but still hawpans. For what you give something!

Rispalodsky. How for what? - They promised themselves!

Podkhalyuzin. They themselves promised! After all, they gave you - to use, and there will be noness to know.

Rispalodsky. How is it time to know? Yes, you still have thousands of one and a half.

Podkhalyuzin. Should! The identity "should!" As if he had a document! And for what - for fraud!

Rispalodsky. How for fraud? For works, and not for fraud!

Podkhalyuzin. For works!

Rispalodsky. Well, yes there for anything, but let's money, and then the document.

Podkhalyuzin. What? Document! No, it's after come.

Rispalodsky. So, do you rob me something, do you want with small children?

Podkhalyuzin. What a robbery! But take five more casual, and go with God.

Rispalodsky. No, wait! You can't finish it from me!

Tishka enters.

Podkhalyuzin. And what do you do with me?

Rispalodsky. I have not purchased language.

Podkhalyuzin. What are you, licking, what do you want?

Rispalodsky. No, not licking, but to tell good people.

Podkhalyuzin. What to tell something, a fire soul! Who will believe you yet?

Rispalodsky. Who will believe?

Podkhalyuzin. Yes! Who will believe? Look-TKO you are on yourself.

Rispalodsky. Who will believe? Who will believe? And you will see! And you will see! My father, so what should I do something? My death! Robs me, robber, robs! No, you wait! You'll see! Burnt is not ordered!

Podkhalyuzin. What do you see something?

Rispalodsky. But what you see! Wait still, wait, wait! Do you think I won't find a court on you? Wait a minute!

Podkhalyuzin. Wait and wait! I was so waiting for pretty. You will fully empty something: not scary.

Rispalodsky. Do you think no one will believe me? Will not believe? Well, let it offend! I ... I'll do what: the most respectable public!

Podkhalyuzin. What are you! What are you! Fall!

Tishka. You are, with drunk eyes where you climbs!

Rispalodsky. Wait, wait! .. The most respectable public! Wife, four children - here are thin boots! ..

Podkhalyuzin. Everything is lying-with! The most empty person-s! Full you, full ... you first look at yourself, well, where are you climbing!

Rispalodsky. Let them! Testing rogged! And robs me ... Wife, four children, thin boots!

Tishka. You can throw up the backs!

Rispalodsky. What are you? You are the same robber!

Tishka. Nothing with, drove!

Podkhalyuzin. Oh! Well, what are you morally, they are fading!

Rispalodsky. No, you wait! I remember you! I'm in the Siberia stream!

Podkhalyuzin. Do not believe, everything is lying-s! So, the most empty person-s, not worth the attention! Eh, brother, what are you ugly! Well, I did not know you - for no well-being and not to contact.

Rispalodsky. What, took, and! What, took! Here you are, dog! Well, now fed up with my money, damn with you! (Goes out.)

Podkhalyuzin. What a hot-s! (To public.) You do not believe him, it is he who said, - it's all lying. There was nothing. It must be in a dream dreamed. But we open the shop, please help! Small child arrive - in the bulb is not in general.

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky

Your people - to think

OCR: Kamionsky K.A. SpellCheck: Dyachenko M.V. Most Samson power merchant adrapane kondratyevna his wife sticky their daughter Podhaliuzin clarifier Ustinya Naumovna Swash Fominichna Keystitch Rispalinsky Sysh PSOCH Strangy Tishka Boy

First action

Living room in the houseMajor.

Phenomenon first

Lipochka (Sits at the window with a book). What a pleasant occupation these dances! After all, how good! What can be delicious? You will come to the collected Ali to the wedding, sit, naturally, - all in colors, spoil, like a toy Ali picture magazine, - Suddenly the cavalier: "Will happiness, madam!" Well, you see: if a person with the concept of Ali Army, which will take and sit down, answer: "Exiss, with pleasure!" Oh! (with heat) Ocha-Ro-Va-Tel-but! It's just a mind incomprehensible! (Sighs.) I don't like to dance with students with orders. Whether it's different with the military! Ah, charm! Delight! And the mustache, and the epoles, and the uniform, and others have even spurs with the bells. One murderous that saber is not! And why do they decide it? Strange, to God! They themselves do not understand how to shine fascinating! After all, they would look at the spurs, how they ring, there isctive, if Ulan Ali Colonel as it sneaks - a miracle! To admire - cute-expensive! Well, and he is still a saber: just do not see anything more curious, one thunder has better music. So what is the comparison: military or civilian? Military - this is now visible: and dexterity, and all, and the staff is what? So some kind of inanimate! (Silence.) I wonder why this is many ladies, pushing the legs, sit? Formally there is no difficulty learn! I have already consumed by the teacher consumed, and in twenty lessons it all resolutely understood. Why not learn to dance! This is one only superstition! Here Mama, it happened, it is angry that the teacher is all for the knees. All this from non-forming! What is the importance! He is a dancer, and not someone else. (Thinks.) I imagine myself: Suddenly, the military will be launched for me, suddenly we have a front conspiracy: they burn candles everywhere, waiters in white gloves walk; I, naturally, in a tulle either in a gas dress, here will suddenly play waltz. Well, how am I ended in front of him! Oh, what countries! Where to go then? What will he think? That will say, the fool is uneducated! No, how can it be! However, I haven't danced for a year and a half! I will try now at leisure. (Bad waltching.) Once ... two ... three ... once ... two ... three ...

Second phenomenon

Lipochka andAgraphen Kondratyevna.

Agraphen Kondratyevna (entering). So, so, shameless! As if the heart felt: neither the light either dawn, not so much of the bread of God, and even for the dance immediately! Lipochka Like, Mama, I and the tea drank, and chewing chewing. Look, good? Once, two, three ... times ... two ... Agraphen Kondratyevna (pursuing her). So what did you bored? I need to look very much like you are a sinful! .. I tell you, do not turn! .. Lipochka What kind of sin is! Today, all this is having fun .-- Once ... two ... Agraphen Kondratyevna Better about the table of forehead knock, and no legs do not bother! (Runs after her.) - Why are you, why do you not obey! Lipochka. How not to obey who told you! Do not interfere, let it cake, how is it necessary! One two Three... Agraphen Kondratyevna. For a long time I have been running for you in old age years! Wow, tortured, barbart! Hear, stop! Father compete! Lipochka. Now, now, Mama! Last circle! You created you to complain about. You yourself are not very significant for me! Once, two ... Agraphen Kondratyevna. How! You're still dancing, but still you swear! I quit a minute! You will be worse: I'll catch a skirt, the whole tail is torn. Lipochka. Well, let go on health! You will have to sew! That will be! (Sits down.) Fu ... Fu ... how I climbed, as if WHO was lucky! Wow! Give, mammy, sweat sweat wrap. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Wait, I myself am watching! Iha, worried! But also to say, as if they were inconvented. If you don't read the mother, so the wall would meet! Father, darling, through the great power of the leg moves, and you jump here like a jula! Lipochka. Will you with your advice! Well, I do, in your opinion! He himself, what do you want to feel better? Here is another manner, I was a doctor! Wow! What is you for your disgusting concepts! Oh! What are you, mammy, she, God! Right, I sometimes have to blush from your nonsense! Agrapan Kondratyevna. What is the brainchiev something beloved! Please think about how she is chisel! Oh, you, a stupid bolt! Do you can displacing parents with such speeches? Yes, really, I then gave you to the light, did you learn how the strawsinki was trained? Lipochka. Not you learned - outsiders; completeness, please; You yourself, confess to say, are not raised by anything. Well? Did you give birth - I was then what? A child, child without a concept, did not mean circulation. And it grew yes I looked at the secular tone, so I see that I am much more formed. Well, to indulge in your nonsense! How! There is a bona. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Uy, hey, dumb, shameless! You will bring me out of patience, right to your father I will go, so in my feet and bother, living, I will say, no from my daughter, Samsonushko! Lipochka. Yes, there is no live! Imagine .-- Do I have live from you? Why did you refuse the groom? What is not a unparalleled party? What is not Kap? What did you find in it lung? Agraphen Kondratyevna. And even lung, that caudal! I arrived, broke, broke, spit, spit. Eka Nevidal! Lipochka. Yes, you know a lot! It is known, he is a noble person, and acts delicately. In their circle, always do it .-- Yes, how else do you dare to dispel such people you and the concepts do not know? He is not a checklist of some. (Whispering to the side.) Dushka, cutie! Agraphen Kondratyevna. Yes, good is the cut! Tell me please! It is a pity that they did not give you for the jester for the pea. After all, you are, thank something in you; After all, you called the mother under the nose whisper. Lipochka. Visible reason that you do not want my happiness. You are with a thoughty only blusses to build yes thien. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Well, how do you want, think there. Lord you judge! And no one cares about her brainchild as the maternal womb! You get shine here and different nonsense is supplemented, and my father and my father and my father and I care about it, no matter how good a person to find you to attach you as soon as possible. Lipochka. Yes, you can easily talk, but let me ask what I like? Agraphen Kondratyevna. Isn't I sorry you, do you think? Yes, what to do something! Be careful, I waited for many years. After all, you can not suddenly find the groom; Soon only cats catches. Lipochka. What do I do to your cats! I need my husband! What it is! Cuzz met with friends, in whole Moscow could not choose the groom - all others and others. Who will not like the living: all girlfriends with husbands have long been, and I like an orphan what! The one was found, and so refused. Hear, find me the bridegroom, touch it! .. Forward you say, you are right away, and it will be worse for you: on purpose, you called, in secret, the worshipers of the admirer, I will lose weight with Gusar, and we will get sly. Agraphen Kondratyevna. What, that, bless! Who driven into you such brands! Vladyko Merciful, I can not get together with the Spirit ... oh you, a dog grizzle! Well, nothing to do! It can be seen, the father will have to call. Lipochka. Only lack that the father da father; Boychi you talk with it, but try it yourself! Agraphen Kondratyevna. So, I'm a fool, do you think that? What are your hussars there, shameless your nose! Ugh you, the devilish obsession! Ali do you think I'm not authorized to order? Speak, shameless your eyes, where do you feel something so envious? What are you hiding mother you want to be! After all, I will not go to the kitchen to go to the kitchen. You are! You are! A! .. Ah Mother You are mine! Naughty sundress sushi yes that's head and put on your head! With piglets you, instead of parents, let's put! Lipochka. How! Let me command a command! Here's another news! Agraphen Kondratyevna. Silent, silence, Tarant Egorovna! Top Mother! Eco seed nasty! The word will be picnu, so the language below the heels appear. The Lord sent a consolation! Girl habial! The boy you, the shelle, and on your mind you have everything not female! Ready, tea, here is a soldier's horse to jump! Lipochka. You, I imagine, coat soon all the boat. It would be silent better, if they are not so raised. All I am a bad, and you yourself are what after that! What, you like to shoot me on that light before, lime with your whims? (Crying.) Well, perhaps, I'm just like a fly, coughing. (Crying.) Agraphen Kondratyevna (It costs and looks at her). Well, fully, full! Lipochka crying louder and then spares. Well, full of you, full! Talk to you, stop! Well, I am guilty, stop only, I am guilty. Sticky crying. Lipochka! Linden! Well, will be! Well, stop it! (Through tears.) Well, do not be angry with me (crying) ... Babu stupid ... Unaccounted ... (We cry both together). Well, forgive me for me ... I will buy earrings. Lipochka (crying). What are your earrings for me, I and so full of the toilet. And you buy bracelets with emeralds. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Buy, buy, only you cry, stop! Lipochka (Through tears). Then I will stop how to get married. (Crying.) Agraphen Kondratyevna. You will leave, you will leave my dove! Well, kiss me! Kiss. Well, Christ is with you! Well, let me tear look like (Wipes.) Now I wanted Ustiny Naumovna to come, we will ceil. Lipochka (Voice that has not yet calmed down). Oh! Kaba she came soon!

Phenomenon third

The same and fominishna.

Fominishna. Guess-ko, Mother Agrapan Kondratyevna, who will free to complain to us? Agraphen Kondratyevna. I do not know how to say. What am I to you, grandmother-guess, or Fominichna? Lipochka. Why don't you ask me that I'm more stupid, what are you with mammy? Fominishna. I do not know how to say; In words, you hurt us jump, but in fact, there is no you. I asked, I asked, not Tokmo so that there was, there is at least a handkerchief, you are lying around you two without charity, so everything is not, all someone else's stranger. Agraphen Kondratyevna. That's already, Fominichna, I am not a sort of scatter. Lipochka. I'm watching! Know, the beer bored after breakfast, shoodled the wonders here in Serete. Fominishna. Vestimo so; What to laugh? What is the cut, Agraphen Kondratyevna, it happens and start worse than the end. Agraphen Kondratyevna. You can't eat! You still start to interpret, so only the ears clap. Who is such a thing there? Lipochka. Male Ali woman? Foubroom. You have all men in the eyes are jumping. But where is it possible to see that a man goes to a cape? WDD case - how to call? Lipochka. Natural, unmarried, widow. Fominishna. Will be my truth? And it turns out that a woman! Lipochka. EKA TELLOW! Who is a woman? Fominishna. So that, smart, but not guessed: no one else and be, as not Ustini Naumovna. Lipochka. Ah, Mama, like this, by the way! Agraphen Kondratyevna. Where is she still? Arranges it soon, Fominishna. Fominishna. He herself goes into a second: he stopped in the yard - with the janitor, it was sculpting: no wicket outper.

Fourth phenomenon

The same and Ustinya Naumovna.

Ustinya Naumovna (entering). UV, Fa, Fa! What is it, Silver, the staircase, what is cool: we climb, we climb, the nation is crayled. Lipochka. Ah, so she and she! Hello, Ustinya Naumovna! Ustinya Naumovna. Do not hurry hurry! There are older than you. Here with Mama, it is shining before. (Kissing.) Hello, Agraphen Kondratyevna, how did it stand-spent the night, is everything alive, the bragistic? Agraphen Kondratyevna. Glory to the creator! I live - bread; In the morning, here with my daughter's balanchal. Ustinya Naumovna. Tea, about all the way. (Kissing with a sticky.) So the turn has reached you. What are you like a ceiling, emerald? Send, Creator! What is better how not to bloom! Fominishna. Ugh you, Zerechodnitsa! Still smoothing, perhaps. Lipochka. Oh, what nonsense! This seemed to you, Ustinya Naumovna. I am all scenes: then colic, then the heart beats, like a pendulum; Everything seems to be climbing you in the sea, so I'm ripples melancholy in the eyes. Ustinya Naumovna (Foubness). Well, with you, God's old woman, we kiss by the way. True, in the yard, they greet, silver, therefore there was nothing to grow their lips. Fominishna. As you know. It is known, we are not the owners, Lycom Schita Melkota, and in us, too, the soul, and not a couple! Agraphen Kondratyevna (Sitting). Sit down, sit, Ustinya Naumovna, that as a gun on wheels cost! I saw us, Fominigan, to warm the samovarchik. Ustinya Naumovna. Saw, saw, pearl; Fall on the spot - I drank and slaughter something like that by a minute. Agraphen Kondratyevna. What are you, Foubness, are you going? Run, my mother, more more. Lipochka. Allow, Mama, I will run away, see what kind of cattle it is. Fominishna. I'm not Finti, where they do not ask! And I, Mother Agrapan Kondratyevna, that's what I think: Will it beg liked to serve Balstsans with a herring. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Well, Balsan Balsan, and Samovar Samovar. Al do you feel sorry for someone else's good? Yes, as it will be enough, I led to bring here. Fominishna. How too! Listen! (Goes out.) Phenomenon fifth Same without fominic . Agraphen Kondratyevna. Well, there is no new one, Ustinya Naumovna? Clear, I had a girl at all. Lipochka. And in fact, Ustinya Naumovna, you walk, go, but there is no sense. Ustinya Naumovna. Yes, you are, you will not soon understand, the bragistic. Tattime is yours getting laid for the rich: I say, at least Fedot from the passing gates, if only the money was found, and the dowry smallerly lomil. Mama, who, Agraphen Kondratyevna, thoroughly strives for his own pleasure: give her the merchant to her, so that there was a pitiful, and the horses would be good, and the forehead would be baptized in an old one. You also have your own mind. How do you please?

Phenomenon of sixth

The same and fominic, enters, puts vodka with a snack on the table.

Lipochka. I will not go for the merchant, I will not go for nothing, - by the way I am so raised: I studied in French, and on the piano, and dance! No no! Where you want to take, but get noble. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Here you are and push with her. Fominishna. Why did you give these noble? What is in them for a special skist? Naked on his goal, and there is no Christianity: it does not go to the bath, no pies on holidays are not bake; But even though you will be married, but you get tired of your sauce with a gravy. Lipochka. You, Fominichna, was born between the men and the legs stretch to the peasant. What is in your merchant! What can he have weight? Where does he have ambition? Surrounding him, what, do I need? Fominishna. No urging, but God's hair, madam, so-s! Agraphen Kondratyevna. After all, both your ash is not wounded, and the beard is also not afraid, but you kiss him somehow. Lipochka. One thing is aunty, and another thing is a husband. What are you stuck, mammy? I said that I will not go for the merchant, I will not go! It is better to die now, to the end all my life I will pay: tears will miss, pepper is underway. Fominishna. Will you cry get selected? And think not Mogi! And you like a hunt to tease, Agraphen Kondratyevna! Agraphen Kondratyevna. And who teases her? He herself picks up. Ustinya Naumovna. Perhaps, if you have such an appetite, we will find you and noble. What do you mean by Ali Podjarius? Lipochka. Nothing is bothered, I would not be small. Of course, it is better enough than any mukhortic, and the most common, Ustinya Naumovna, so that it does not cure, it would be brunette; Well, a clear thing, so that it is dressed in a journal. (Looks in the mirror.) Ah, Lord! And myself is now everything like a broom, disheveled. Ustinya Naumovna. And I now have the bridegroom, here's exactly the same as you, the Bralyante, sign: and the noble, and the conquest, and Bruel. Lipochka. Ah, Ustinya Naumovna! Not at all Bruel, but brunette. Ustinya Naumovna. Yes, I really need, at old age years, the language is to break in yours: as it has affected, it lives. And the peasants are, and the Order on the neck; You look like dressed, and we are mamming about this business. Lipochka. Oh, Golubushka, Ustinya Naumovna, go to my room: I need to talk to you. Let's go, Fominichna. Fominishna. Oh, you're me, Ineza!


Seventh phenomenon

Agraphen Kondratyevna, Naumovna and Ustinya

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Do we do not drink the Balshants to us, Ustinya Naumovna? Ustinya Naumovna. You can, brallyant, can be. Agraphen Kondratyevna (pours). Kushai-ko on health! Ustinya Naumovna. Yes, you would have been before, yachone. (Drink.) Agraphen Kondratyevna. Still aside! Ustinya Naumovna. Ohah! Fu! Where are you taking a potion potory? Agraphen Kondratyevna. From the wine office. (Drink.) Ustinya Naumovna. Buckets, tea? Agraphen Kondratyevna. Buckets. What is my little, they are attacking? We have a big consumption. Ustinya Naumovna. What to say, Mother, what to say! Well, I have troubled, I have troubled for you, Agraphen Kondratyevna, granted, granulated the bridge, and already dug the groom: Ahnete, Bralyante, and only. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Nasil is a smart little verbel. Ustinya Naumovna. Noble origin and significant person; Such noble that you did not see in a dream. Agraphen Kondratyevna. It can be seen, I can ask for a couple of Arabists a couple of Arabists. Ustinya Naumovna. Nothing, pearl, take. And the peasants are, and the orgen is on the neck, and the smart one is just a golden golden. Agraphen Kondratyevna. You would, Ustinya Naumovna, ahead reported that we didn't have mountains for my daughter, they say gold. Ustinya Naumovna. Yes, he has no hope for him. Agraphen Kondratyevna. It would be good that it hurts well; Only this is what, Ustinya Naumovna, you herself, Mother, assumed that I will be with a noble son-in-law! I and I don't know how to tell him, as if in the forest. Ustinya Naumovna. It is accurate, pearl, wildly first, well, and then you get used to, hurt somehow. Yes, with Samson, the power must be forced, maybe he knows him, this man.

Eighth phenomenon

The same I.Rispalodsky.

Rispalodsky (entering). And I am to you, Mother Agrapan Kondratyevna. It was believed to Samson to the Soluchu, yes busy, I see; So I think: I'll go, they say, I am Kondratyevna to Agraphen. What is this vodka? I, Agrapan Kondratyevna, I drink a glass. (Drink.) Agraphen Kondratyevna. Kushai, Batyushko, on health! Sleep mercy asking; How do you live-? Rispalodsky. What our live! So, the sky is kid, Agraphen Kondratyevna! You know: the family is large, the divids are small. And not a pope, rapid sin, Agraphen Kondratyevna. Agraphen Kondratyevna. This is, Batyushko last thing. Rispalodsky. Who wops, it means that God opposed, Agraphen Kondratyevna. That was the story ... Agraphen Kondratyevna. What is your call, Batyushko? I am all forgetting. Rispalodsky. Sysh PSOCH, Mother Agrapan Kondratyevna. Ustinya Naumovna. How is it like this: Pinsic, silver? What is it? Rispalodsky. I do not know how to tell you for certain; The father was called Psoy - well, I began to be PSOCH and go out. Ustinya Naumovna. And Pinsic, so Pinsich; Well, it's nothing, and worse happens, the bragistic. Agraphen Kondratyevna. So what are you, Sysh Pinsic, I wanted to tell the story? Rispalodsky. So, Mother Agrapan Kondratyevna, there was a story: not the parable of Ali fairy tale, but a true incident. I, Agrapan Kondratyevna, I drink a glass. (Drink.) Agraphen Kondratyevna. Kushai, Batyushko, eat. Rispalodsky (Sitting). Housing An old man, a masted old man ... So I, Mother, forgot where, but only aside such ... uninhabited. He had, madam you are mine, twelve daughters - Mal Mala smaller. Itself is not able to work, the wife is also old old, children are still small, but drinking is needed. What was good, everyone lived for old age, to ride, to feed some! Where to go with small guys? So he think so, this is to think - no, my madam is, you can't think of anything here. "I will go, says I'm on the dissolve: there will be anything from a kind of kind". The day sits - God will give, another sits - God will give; So he, Mother, and revorted. Agraphen Kondratyevna. A, Batyushka! Rispalodsky. Lord, says not Mazomets I, not Lyhoimets, I ... Better, says, put on my hands. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Oh, My Batyushko! Rispalodsky. And to see him, madam you are mine, sleep in new ...


Ninth phenomenon

The same I.Bolshe.

Bolshe. BUT! And you, Barin, here! What are you preaching here? Rispalodsky (Lay). Are you all healthy, Samson power? Ustinya Naumovna. What are you, yahontte, lost weight like? Al injection affiliated? Bolshe (Sitting). I was cold, it must be either hemorrhoids, or something, diverged ... Agraphen Kondratyevna. Well, so, Sysh Pinsich, what was hen on something? Rispalodsky. After, Agraphen Kondratyevna, after shelling, on freedom somehow I drove on the twilight and tell. Bolshe. What are you, Ali for holiness took! Ha, Ha, Ha! It's time to be felt. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Well, you will start! You do not give the soul to sill. Bolshe. I like it! .. Ha, Ha, Ha ... And you ask, how he was gone from the court; This story will tell you better. Rispalodsky. And no, and not gone! That's not true, Samson power! Bolshe. And why did you abandon you? Rispalodsky. But for what, Mother Agrapan Kondratyevna. I took one thing from the court home, but a dear one with a comrade and was wrapped, the man is weak, well, you see ... With the permissible to say, at least in the cellar ... there I left him, and a black one must be And forgot. Well, with all sorts can happen. Then, my madam, in court and had enough of this case: I was looking for, I was looking for, I went to the house twice with an executor - no, no! I wanted to betray me, and then I remember that, I must have forgotten him in the cellar. Let's go with the executor - it is there. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Well! Not Tokmo with drinking, and with non-drinking it happens. Well what kind of trouble is! Bolshe. How did you not exist in Kamchatka? Rispalodsky. And in Kamchatka! And for what, let me ask you, for what to send to Kamchatka? Bolshe. For what! For disgrace! So really you indulge? So you cut with a circle. Rispalodsky. They were forgiven. Here, Mother Agrapan Kondratyevna, wanted me to betray me for this. I am now to the general to our, bowed to his feet. Your, I say, Excellency! Do not destroy! Wife, I say, children are small! Well, says God is with you, there is no sleep, give, say, in resign, so that I did not see you here. So forgave. Well! Give him a health! He does not forget me now; Sometimes you kill him on the holiday: what, say, are you, Sysh PSOCH? With the holiday, they say, your excellency, congratulate came. So I recently went to Trinity, I brought him a wiring. I, Agrapan Kondratyevna, I drink a glass. (Drink.) Agraphen Kondratyevna. Kushi, father, on health! And we and I, Ustiny Naumovna, let's go, tea, samovar is ready; Yes, I will show you, we have something from the dowry new. Ustinya Naumovna. You, tea, and so heavy, prepared, brallyante. Agraphen Kondratyevna. What to do something! The new things came out, and it's not like to pay money for them. Ustinya Naumovna. What to say, pearl! Your store is like grows in the garden.


The tenth phenomenon

Bolshe andRispalodsky.

Bolshe. And what, Sysh PSOCH, tea, are you with this hooks on your century a lot of ink made? Rispalodsky. Hehe, Heh ... Samson power, the material is not expensive. And I started to go, like your divishes. Bolshe. You walked! And you hurt you need! So here you are a sneaky people such, some kind of bloodshots: only you pour something like a kind, so you and you go here with your devilish debt. Rispalodsky. What may happen, Samson power, from me for a responsibility? And what am I for a teacher, when you yourself maybe, ten time me smarter? I will ask me, I will do. Well, not to do! I would have been a pig when I didn't do, because I could say, with the guys with the kids. And I'm still quite stupid to advise you: you yourself know your whole thing. Bolshe. You know! That's the trouble that our brother, a merchant, a fool, he does not understand anything, but such a leech, like you, it's in hand. After all, you now all the thresholds will somehow dragging something. Rispalodsky. How can I not drag something! I did not love you, I would not drag to you. Don't I feel? Well, in fact, cattle, what kind of cleaner? Bolshe. I know that you love - all of us love us; Only beyond you will not achieve anything from you. So I am going to revealed, I wonder with the case, so Izmutsed, whether you believe, only by this one. Already at least as soon as possible, or yes from my head. Rispalodsky. Well, Samson power, not you first, not you last; Near others do not do? Bolshe. How not to do, brother, and others do. Yes, as they do something: without shame, without conscience! On the lying grasses ride, in three-storey houses live; Another such Belvedere with the columns will output that he has been referred to him there. And there and the capture, and take nothing to him. These strollers will be discouraged by unknown where, all the houses are laid, there will remain, whether there are old pairs of creditors. Here you have all short. And he also deceives anyone: so, the poor will let some of the world in one shirt. And I have creditors all people rich that they will be done! Rispalodsky. Famous matter. Well, Samson power, all this in our hands. Bolshe. I know that in our hands, can you do this business? After all, you are populs too! I already know you! In words, you jump, and there I went to blot. Rispalodsky. What are you, Samson power, merry, it's not my first time! Even this is not to know! He, he, heh ... Yes, if I did, I did ... Yes, from the hands came out. Other things would have seen such things for a long time, where Makar did not chase. Bolshe. Oh? So what kind of mechanics are you sweeping? Rispalodsky. And there, looking in circumstances. I, Samson Power, I drink a glass ... (Drink.) Here, the first thing, Samson Stolech, is needed a house yes shops lay either to sell. This is the first thing. More in. Yes, it is definitely necessary to do in advance. Who would be just this burden to dump? Yes, right to my wife? Rispalodsky. Illegally, Samson Power! It is illegal! The laws show that such sales are invalid. After all, it is not long done, so that the hooks after did not come out. To do, so it is necessary, Samson power, stronger. Bolshe. And the fact that there was no care for. Rispalodsky. How to secure on someone else's, so it's not what. Arriving after, appear, against genuine paper. More in. Only that's what trouble is; How to secure on someone else's house, and he, perhaps, is stuck there like a flea in war. Rispalodsky. You are looking for, Samson Stolech, such a person so that he can know. More in. And where will you find him now? Now everyone strives, as you grant you, and you wanted conscience. Rispalodsky. And I'm like Mekay, Samson Stolech, you want to listen to me, you want - no: what is the person we have a clerk? More in. Which the? Lazar, or what? Rispalodsky. Yes, Lazar Eliarych. Bolshe. Well, nor Lazarre, and let him on it; He is small with the concept, and there is a capital. Rispalodsky. What do you need, Samson power: mortgage or bumping? Bolshe. AC What is less percent, then Vargan. How to do everything in Akurat, such a cherry psech, Mogarych, I will simply say that you will understand. Rispalodsky. God be deceased, Samson power, we know our business. Do you have been talking about this business with Lazari or not? I, Samson Power, I drink a glass. (Drink.) Bolshe. Not yet. This is now the ceiling. He my boyfriend is a good one, he only migne, he understands. And it will do something that you will not slip your finger .-- Well, we put a house, and then what? Rispalodsky. And then we write a registry that, they say, so, and so, twenty-five kopecks for the ruble: Well, and step by creditors. If anyone hurts, so you can add and pay another angry and pay everything ... You pay him, and he - to write that he received twenty-five kopecks for the transaction, so for visibility to show the other. Here, they say, so, well, and others, looking at them, will agree. Bolshe. This is accurate, it does not interfere with: they will not take twenty-five, they will take so half; And if the pfts do not take, so for seven hryvnia, both hands grab. Still, Barysh. There, even tongue, and I have a bride's daughter, at least now from the floors in the floor and the yard. And the brother you are myself, it's time to relax; We would have rushed on my side, and trade all this to hell. Yes, here and Lazar goes.

Eleventh phenomenon

The same I.Podkhalyuzin (enters).

Bolshe. What do you say, Lazar? Are you from the city, what about How are you there? Podkhalyuzin. Glory to God-C, goes small. Success PSOich! (Lay.) Rispalodsky. Hello, father Lazar Elizarych! (Lay.) More in. And goes, so let him go. (Sorry.) But you would, Lazar, when at leisure the brand for me went, would take on the retail on the Panish part, well, and the rest is there still. And then trading, trading, brother, and the benefit of neither penny. Ali Sidelts, or sin, tack out native and mistresses; They would be melted by Maleichko. What so, without a lady, the sky smoke? Al Snorzki do not know? It's time, it seems. Podkhalyuzin. How can it be, Samson power, so that the skill do not know? It seems that it is in the city itself in the city, I, and ever intervene them. Bolshe. Why do you interpret something? Podkhalyuzin. The famous business, I try to all right and how it follows. You, I say guys, do not yaw: You see a little more suitable, the buyer, or what the cobster turned up, alie's color with a pattern of which ladrichna liked, took, say, and threw the ruble Ali two on Arshin. Bolshe. Tea, brother, you know how the Germans in the stores of our bar are offended. We put that we are not the Germans, but the Christians are Orthodox, but I eat pies with stuffing. Is it so? Rispalodsky laughs. Podkhalyuzin. Clear business. And measure something, I say, it is also used as the most as well: Traniya Dae. Only, just that, God is saved, as it did not burst, because we are not, I say, after wearing. Well, and they are shared, so no one is to blame, you can, I say, and simply through the hand, the extra Arshin once to shine. Large. All the only thing: because the tailor will steal. BUT? Does it decorate? Rispalodsky. Store, Samson Stolech, touchy, the fraudster, steals; I know these tailors. Bolshe. That's it; All of them are fraudsters around, and we are fame. Rispalodsky, That's for sure, Samson power, otherwise you will tell you the truth. Bolshe. Eh, Lazar, bad two lashes: not former times. (Sorry.) What, "Vedomosti" brought? Podkhalyuzin (Having taken out of the pocket and feeding). Please get-s. Bolshe, DAVE, Let's see. (Puts on glasses and looks through.) Rispalodsky. I, Samson Power, I drink a glass. (Drink, then puts on glasses, sits downside and looks at the newspaper.) Most. (reads out loud). "Ads of stateless and different societies: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, from the educational house." It is not in our part, we can not buy peasants. "7 and 8 from Moscow Novservitte, from the provincial boards, from orders of public charity." Well, and that pass. "From the city six-chain mind." Well, Tko-sm, there is no one! (Is reading.) "The sim declared from the Moscow City Hexagonal Duma: whether anyone will wish to take the following observational articles in the content." Not our business: Pledges to pose. "The Office of the Widow House of SIM invites ..." Let it invite, and we will not go. "From the orphan court." Neither your father nor mother. (Looks at further.) Ege! Won it goes! Listen, Lazar! "Such a year, September of such a day. By definition of a commercial court, the first guild is a merchant Fedot Seliversters of Pleshkov declared an untenabolic debtor; as a result of which ..." What to interpret here! It is known that what happens. Here and Fedot Seliversch! What was the ace, and flew into the pipe. And what, Lazar, should he have it? Podkhalyuzin. MUST MUST-C. Sakhara for the house was taken by the puddles alike thirty, not that forty. Bolshe. Bad business, Lazar. Well, yes, I will give my friend in full. Podkhalyuzin. Breaking-s. Bolshe. Throw somehow. (Is reading.) "The Moscow First Guild of the merchant Antip Sysoev Retotov declared an insolvent debtor." There is nothing for it? Podkhalyuzin. For lean-s oil, a barrel from three-s took about the great post. Bolshe. Here is a dry one, the postmen! And God to be pleased with someone else's account. You, brother, degree, do not believe it! This people are baptized with one hand, and the other in someone else's sinus climbs! That's the third: "The Moscow Second Guild of the merchant Ephraim Lukin Silvershnikov declared an insolvent debtor." Well, this is how? Podkhalyuzin. There is a bill! Bolshe. Distributed? Podkhalyuzin. Tested-s. Self is hidden-s. Bolshe. Well! And the fourth here, self-resorts. Why did they say, or what? Podkhalyuzin. Such a drinking people-s. Bolshe (Spinning sheets). Yes, they do not reread them until tomorrow. Take away! Podkhalyuzin (takes a newspaper). The newspaper is just package. On all merchants, Morals, and. Silence. Rispalodsky. Farewell, Samson Stolech, I am now to run home: Deliche is somehow. Bolshe. Yes, you would sit a little. Rispalodsky. No, she, God, Samson, not time. I'll come to you tomorrow early. Bolshe. Well as you know! Rispalodsky. Farewell! Goodbye, Lazar Elizarych! (Goes out.)

The phenomenon of the twelfth

Bolshe andPodkhalyuzin.

Bolshe. So you know, Lazar, what is trade! You think that! So for nothing and take money. How not money will say, see how frogs jump. On-ko, says bill. And on the bill with another you take! Here I have tangling thousand to a hundred, and with protests; Only things are that every year put up. Though for the half of the silver I will give everything! The debtors are on them, tea, and with dogs you will not be ourselves: which are rapidly, and who have been sought, some and in the pit to plant. And and put something, Lazar, so he himself is not happy: the other will refrain that he does not smoke him from Kurov. I, he says, is good here, and you fail. Is it so, Lazar? Podkhalyuzin. It's as usual. Bolshe. All bill and bill! What is this bill? So, paper, and that's it. And you will give to the discount, so the percentages will answer that in the abdomen it takes, and even after his good answer. (Sorry.) With urban, it is better not to contact: all in debt and debt; And whether it will bring, there is no blind trigger, and you will look like a blind man, you will see - no legs, no head, but there are no time for little things for a long time. But you're like you! It is better not to show the local traders: in any Abar will take up, only the matter is that sniffs, sniffs, docking, docking, and away will go. There was no product to the product, which else would become trading. One shop moskal, other red, third with grocery; So no, nothing luckies. Do not be a bidding: they are knocked down the prices of the trap knows what; And you put on the clamp, and I also give a mating, yes Moganychi, yes treat, and there are no shortcomings there. Won it! Do you feel it? Podkhalyuzin. It seems to feel-s. Bolshe. That's what is trading, here and trade! (Sorry.) What, Lazar, what do you think? Podkhalyuzin. Yes, how to think-s! It's like you. Our business is percent. Bolshe. What is the arrogant here: you say the soul. I ask you about business. Podkhalyuzin. This is again, Samson power, as you please-with. Bolshe. I set up one thing: as you please. Yes, how are you? Podkhalyuzin. I can't know it. More in (Sorry). Tell me, Lazar, for conscience, do you like me? (Silence.) Do you like to? What are you silent? (Silence.) I saw, fed, in people removed, it seems. Podkhalyuzin. Eh, Samson Power! Yes, what is there to talk about something, you really don't mean in me! One word: That's how it is, all here. Bolshe. Why are you all? Podkhalyuzin. I certainly, and either that, so you will be satisfied: I will not regret yourself. Bolshe. Well, there is nothing to talk. For me, the flasher, now at the very present; We are pretty cash with cash with us, we have approached all the time limits. Why wait something? You will wait, perhaps, that some kind of brother, a dog son, wrap you with Dapper, and there, you look, will make a deal in hryvnia for the ruble, and it sits in the milliona, and do not want to do not want to do you. And you, an honest merchant, and see yes execute, clap eyes. So I think, Lazar, suggest creditors something such an article: Will they take me kopecks for twenty-five per ruble. What do you think? Podkhalyuzin. And for me, Samson Power, if you pay twenty-five, so decent does not pay at all. Bolshe. What? After all, the truth is. You will not be surprised by courage, and it is better to delages a quiet manner. There, after the judgment of Vladyko at the second coming. The trouble is just a bunch. House and shop I'll put on you. Podkhalyuzin. It is impossible without hassle-s. Here is a bill of exchange for something to sell, with, the goods to transport much away. We will bother-with! Bolshe. It is so. Yes, old ages, I'm becoming a bit blind. Will you help you? Podkhalyuzin. Sweet, Samson Power, in the fire and in the water we will climb-s. Bolshe. Edak is better! Damn it there on the pennies something! Waved immediately, yes and Shabash. Only on, let the god of courage. Thank you, Lazar. Freamed! (Rises.) Well, cotton! (Suitable for him and Treplet on the shoulder.) You will do it carefully, so we will share our ladies. Reward for life. (Goes to the door.) Podkhalyuzin. To me, Samson Stolech, the rubbing of your calm, nothing is needed. How cavities with you from youngsters and see all your good deeds, you can say, the boy is taken-from the shop sweeping, therefore, I must feel.

Second action

The office in the house is Most. Straight door, on the left side of the staircase upstairs.

Phenomenon first

Tishka (with a brush on advancement). Eh, live, live! That's the light here you are the floors of Meta! And my business is revenge! We all do not like people! Other owners, if a boy, lives in the boys - it became at the shop there. And we are there, then here, the whole day of Sharbai on the pavement as a tremendous one. Soon do the hand, hold the pocket. You have a good janitor with good people, and he with kittens on the stove lies either with a kitchen smoking, and will ask you. Others still have a volotion; Another hour will be stratified by or-batchto, the youngstole is descended to you; And with us - if not the one, so the other, if it is not myself, so I myself will task the impulse; And then here is the Lazar's order, and then Fominichna, and then here ... Any Swalle is commanded above you. Here she is a burning, what anathema! And so it is to get up when from the house, with buddies in three leaves, Ali in the tribe to fight - and do not think better! Yes, and in the head, right, not that! (Climbs on the knee chair and looks into the mirror.) Hello, Tikhon Savostyanych! How are you? Are you glory to God? Well, tishka, throw the knee. (Makes grimace.) That's it! (Other.) Overall it is like ... (Laugh.)

Second phenomenon

Tishka andPodkhalyuzin, (Fights and grabs it for the gate).

Podkhalyuzin. And this is you, detect, what are you doing? Tishka. What? it is known that! Dust washed. Podkhalyuzin. The language was erased! What are you for dust on the mirror found! I'll show you dust! Iha, breaks! But I'll make you a prison, so you will know. Tishka. Will know! Would it be for what? Podkhalyuzin. And for what why! Speak, you will see, for what! Here are picni yet! Tishka. Yes, Picni still! After all, I will say the owner, you won't take! Podkhalyuzin. I'll tell the owner! .. What do I have your owner ... I, if I went ... the owner I am yours! .. You and the boy, to teach you, and you thought that! You will shoot, do not beat, so do not see good. The prochetic is this known. I, brother, and fires, and water, and copper pipes passed. Tishka. We know what passed. Podkhalyuzin. Czishch, devil! (Wax.) Tishka. Skill, try! I won't say, she, God, I will say! Podkhalyuzin. Why do you say something, damn the pepper! Tishka. What will I say? And what you go! Podkhalyuzin. Important Kushan! You are what a barin is what! Poditko-smo! Was the Sysh PSOCH? Tishka. It was known. Podkhalyuzin. Yes, you, prune, say acknowledged! Watch it, wanted? Tishka. I wanted to go! Podkhalyuzin. Well, so you run away at your leisure. Tishka. Ryabinovka, or what? Podkhalyuzin. Yes, Ryabinovka. It is necessary for the ramp of PSOCH, poverty. (Gives money.) Buy half faces, and the surrender to my gingerbread. Only you, look, more promptly, so that you are not enough! Tishka. Crazy braids do not block. So you need to flutter - a living manner.

Tishka goes away.

Phenomenon third

Podkhalyuzin (one). Here is the trouble! Here it is where the trouble came to us! What now to do something? Well, bad thing! Not to transfer now insolvent to appear! Well, put something to the owner and will remain, and I will have it? Me where to go? In the passage row of dust trading! He served, served twenty years old, and there they go to the bridge face. How now it is necessary to judge this? Goods, what? Here the bill ordered to sell (takes out and believes) Here, it must be used to use. (Walks around the room.) They say it is necessary to know the conscience! Yes, a well-known thing, it is necessary to know the conscience, so in what sense to understand? Against a good person, any conscience is; And if he himself deceives others, so what conscience here! Samson power the merchant richest, and Terecherich is all this business, it is possible to say, so, to transmit time. And I am poor man! If we accepted anything else in this case, there is no sin; Therefore, he himself is unfairly coming, against the law is coming. And what should I regret it? The line came out, well, not a bad thing: he leads his policy, and you are your article Goney. Even I would do with him, but I do not have to. Hmm! After all, it climbs a fantasy person to man! Of course, Alimpiiyad Samsonovna The young lady formed, and, we can say which there is no in the world, but this groom will not take it, say, give money! And where to take money? And not to be her now for noble, therefore there is no money. Is it too late, late, and you have to give a merchant! (Silently walks.) And DOVING THE MANAGE, but to bow to Samson to Podlichu: Say I, Samson Stolech, in such years, which should think about the continuation of the offspring, and I, say, Samson Streak, for your calm, the Pota blood did not regret. Of course, they say, Alimpiyad Samsonovna the young lady formed, but after all, I, Samson Stolech, not a scroll, they decide to see, I have a capital and I can restrict myself to this item .-- Why not give me for me? What am I not a man? Not noticed, to the eldest respect! Yes, with all the way, Samson Power and shops, and the mortgage can be frightened. And I knew the character of Samson, the hardship, what it is, it can really happen. They have such an institution: if they hit them, they can't fuck out. Anyway, how in the fourth year they wanted to cut the beard: how much Agraphen Kondratyevna asked how much we were crying, "no, he says, after going to let him go, and now I put it on my own, they took it and out. So this is the case: I am on them, or so to go to mind - tomorrow, for the crown, and Basta, and talk no dare. Yes, you can jump away from Ivan the great pleasure from Ivan the Great!

Fourth phenomenon

Podkhalyuzin andTishka.

Tishka (enters with a ton). Here he came! Podkhalyuzin. Listen, Tishka, Ustinya Naumovna here? Tishka. There at the top. Yes, and the striker goes. Podkhalyuzin. So you put vodka something on the table and snacks.

Tishka puts vodka and pulls out snacks, then leaves.

Phenomenon fifth

Podkhalyuzin andRispalodsky.

Podkhalyuzin. And our you, s! Rispalodsky. To you, Batyushka Lazar Elizarych, to you! Right. I think they say, you never know what, maybe what you need. Is it a vodka? I, Lazar Olizarych, I drink a glass. Something hands began to shake in the morning, especially the right; How to write that, Lazar Elizarych, so all the left hold. By God! And you drink vodka, as if better. (Drink.) Podkhalyuzin. Why are you shaking your hands?! Rispalodsky (sits down to the table). From care, Lazar Elizarych, from care, father. Podkhalyuzin. So-s! And I suppose that it hurts the people rob. For a lie, God punishes. Rispalodsky. Eh, Heh, Heh ... Lazar Elizarych! Where we rob to us! Delickens are small we, like birds of heaven, with a grain with a key. Podkhalyuzin. You will be more in small things | Rispalodsky. You will be in the trifles, if you have nowhere to take something. Well, not yet, kaba one, but then I have a wife and four kids. Everyone is asked, doves. He says - Tyatna, give, the other says - Tyatnaka, give. One thing to the gymnasium was determined: the uniform is needed, then another! And the Domishko is Evono where! .. What the boots are alone, we go to the Resurrection Goal with the bottles. Podkhalyuzin. This is exactly-s. Rispalodsky. And why walk something: to whom the request is depicted, whom we are imparted in the carriage. There will be no other day and crawled in silver home. By God, not LSU. What is there to live? I, Lazar Olizarych, I drink a glass. (Drink.) And I think: I will run, they say, I'm to Lazar Elizarych, whether he will not give me a moneyman something. Podkhalyuzin. And what kind of provinciality are it? Rispalodsky. How for what provinces! Here are sin, Lazar Elizarych! I do not serve you? By the coffin of the servant, what you want to make. And the mortgage you overturned. Podkhalyuzin. After all, you are paid! And to interpret, you don't have to interpret one and the same! Rispalodsky. This is accurate, Lazar Elizarych, paid. That's for sure! Eh, Lazar Elizarych, poverty overwhelmed me. Podkhalyuzin. Poverty overwhelmed! This happens, s. (Suitable and sits down to the table.) And here we have too much, s: Deal nowhere. (Puts the wallet on the table.) Rispalodsky. What are you, Lazar Elizarych, are it really extra? I suppose, kidden? Podkhalyuzin. Rumble of all sorts of jokes-s. Rispalodsky. And if extra, so why the poor man does not help. God will send you for it. Podkhalyuzin. Do you need much? Rispalodsky. Give three custaries. Podkhalyuzin. What is so little? Rispalodsky. Well, give five. Podkhalyuzin. And you ask for more. Rispalodsky. Well, if the mercy will be, give ten. Podkhalyuzin. Ten-s! So, the task? Rispalodsky. How the task! Having deserved, Lazar Elizarych, someday alkaline. Podkhalyuzin. All this beech - s. Street rides, yes it will be. And now we are with you here which matter is headquartered: Do you have a lot of Samson Polech in all this mechanics? Rispalodsky. It's a shame to say, Lazar Elizarych: a thousand rubles Yes, an old fur coat. Almost no one will take me, by God, here, at least ask. Podkhalyuzin. Well, that's what, Sysh PSOCH, I will give you two thousand-s ... For the same item, s. Rispalodsky. Benefactor you are mine, Lazar Elizarych! With his wife and with children in the Kabalu I will go. Podkhalyuzin. One hundred silver is now-s, and the rest after, after the end of this incident, with. Rispalodsky. Well, as for both of the people and God do not pray! Only some kind of pig uneducated may not feel it. I worship you in the legs, Lazar Elizarych! Podkhalyuzin. This is what-s! Only, the Sysh PSOCH, it's not to twist there and here, but we go to Akurate, "got on this point and turn on this line. Do you understand? Rispalodsky. How not to understand! What are you, Lazar Elizarych, small, or what, I! Nora understand! Podkhalyuzin. What do you understand something? That's what's some things. You first listen to. We come with Samson for power to the city, and this registry was brought, as follows. So he went on creditors: he is not. I agree, the other disagree; Yes, so neither one and naughty on this thing. Here it is what article is. Rispalodsky. What do you say it, Lazar Elizarych! BUT! Here are like you! Here is the people! Podkhalyuzin. How would Tronicha with Estim do not be patronized! Do you understand me ali not? Rispalodsky. That is, about insolvency, Lazar Elizarych? Podkhalyuzin. Insolvency is there in itself, but at the expense of my business. Rispalodsky. He, hehe, he ... that is, a house with a shop ... Edak ... House ... He, Hehe, Hee ... Podkhalyuzin. What about? Rispalodsky. No, s, I'm so, Lazar Elizarych, in stupidity, as if for a joke. Podkhalyuzin. So for a joke! And you do not joke, s! There is no fact that the house, I now have such a fantasy in my head about this subject that you need to extensively cake with you! Come to me, s, Tishka!

Phenomenon of sixth

The same and tishka.

Podkhalyuzin. Surrive here all this! Well, let's go, Sysh PSOCH!

Tishka wants to clean the vodka.

Rispalodsky. Wait, wait! Eh, brother, what are you stupid! You see that they want a thread, you wait. You and wait. You are still small, well, so you will be guided and indulgent. I, Lazar Eliarych, a glass of emergency. Podkhalyuzin. Drink, yes, only Sorechah, that's time, he will come. Rispalodsky. Now, Batyushka Lazar Elizarych, now! (Drinks and bounce.) Yes, we will take it better with you.

Go. Tishka takes out something; Ustinya Naumovna and Fominichna are approaching from above. Tishka leaves.

Fominishna. Oh, you need her need, Ustinya Naumovna! You are, the girl is spent at all, but it's time, Mother. The youth is not a bottomless pot, and that, they say, is fermented. I know this by myself. I walked around the thirteenth year, and she was a month later nineteenth avenge. What to tomtracts it in vain. Others at her time have long increased children. That's, my mother, that is her tomorrow. Ustinya Naumovna. Itself, all this understand, Silver, yes, it was not profitable for me; I have a groom that dogs are greyhound. Yes, you are, laying up very much with mammy. Fominishna. What to disassemble them! Well, a well-known thing, so that there were fresh people, did not fly, so that it does not smell anything, but there is no one - all the person. Ustinya Naumovna (Sitting). Sit down, silver. I was angry at the day, the day of the day, from the early morning, as if the otmalka was mocking. But it is impossible to promote anything, everywhere, it became necessary for the necessary person. The famous business, silver, anyone - a living creature; That bride was needed, that groom at least, yes, yes, and there is somewhere in the wedding. And who is writing - I'm still. Think over one for all Ustinya Naumovna. And why throw out? Because it is so clearly arranged, - from the beginning of the world, a particular wheel is headed. For sure, you need to tell the truth, do not bypass and us for the works: who is on the dress to you the matter, who shawl with a fringe, who makes you a cap, and where and gold, where and more will turn out, - it is known that what stands, looking at strength capabilities. Fominishna. What to say, Mother, what to say! Ustinya Naumovna. Sit, Fominichna, - the legs are old, broken. Fominishna. And, mother! once. After all, what sin something: Something about something out of the city does not go, we walk everything under the fear; Togo and looked, drunk will come. And what good one, Lord! It will be born after all by Edaki mischievous! Ustinya Naumovna. The famous business: with a rich man, that with a hell, do not come soon. Fominishna. I'd selected from him from him. Last week, at night, drunk came: it was overlooked so much that Passions and only: Baby's dishes ... "U! - Says, - you and see such, I will kill at once!" Ustinya Naumovna. Non-formation. Fominishna. So the truth, Mother! And I run, native, upstairs - the Agraphene, I have one there alone. You, how to go home, so wrap me, - I'll get up to you. (Goes to the stairs.) Ustinya Naumovna. I will come, silver, come.

Podkhalyuzin Includes.

Seventh phenomenon

Ustinya Naumovna andPodkhalyuzin.

Podkhalyuzin. BUT! Ustinya Naumovna! How old is how much winter-s! Ustinya Naumovna. Hello, live soul, what do you jump? Podkhalyuzin. What we are doing-with. (Sits down.) Ustinya Naumovna. Mamzelka, if you want to spend! Podkhalyuzin. Poorly thanks to us - we are not required yet. Ustinya Naumovna. Himself, silver, do not want, - to the buddy. After all, you have tea, familiar in the city that dogs. Podkhalyuzin. Yes, there are, so-s. Ustinya Naumovna. Well, if I have and glory to you Lord! A little bit of little fiance, whether he was idle, unmarried whether widowed led, - right and dragging to me. Podkhalyuzin. So you marry it? Ustinya Naumovna. So I'm wife. Why not to marry, and do not grow like Zhenya. Podkhalyuzin. This is good-s. But Tronicha I will ask you, Ustinya Naumovna, why do you painfully hurt to us often? Ustinya Naumovna. And what kind of sadness are you! Why would I go. After all, I'm not stolen, not a sheep without a name. What are your demand? Podkhalyuzin. Yes, so-s, do not go in vain? Ustinya Naumovna. How in vain? Why are you, silver, invented! Look, how groom found .-- Noble, peasants are, and from themselves well done. Podkhalyuzin. What is the matter what happened? Ustinya Naumovna. For nothing! I wanted to come tomorrow to be learned. And there will be wished, and the whole is short. Podkhalyuzin. Increase, try, "he will ask you after Sopot. Ustinya Naumovna. What are you, is it healthy, yichont? Podkhalyuzin. Here you will see! Ustinya Naumovna. Until evening do not live; You, diamond, either drunk, either dried out at all. Podkhalyuzin. You don't help you worry about this, you'll think about yourself, and we know what we know. Ustinya Naumovna. What do you know something? Podkhalyuzin. You never know what to know-s. Ustinya Naumovna. And if you know, I tell us; Avos Language will not fall off. Podkhalyuzin. That's the power that it is impossible to say something. Ustinya Naumovna. Why not, I can not, I am conscientious, bragistic, nothing, say, there is no need. Podkhalyuzin. There is no about conscientious. And you tell me, you, perhaps, break. Ustinya Naumovna. Anathema I want to be, if I say - I give a hand to the clip. Podkhalyuzin. The same-s. A pavement is better than money. Ustinya Naumovna. Famous matter. Well, what do you know? Podkhalyuzin. But what-s, Ustinya Naumovna: whether it is impossible to refuse to refuse your groom! Ustinya Naumovna. What are you, whlen, what else did you go? Podkhalyuzin. Nothing! And if you want to speak in my soul, according to the conscience, so this is what kind of business-s: I have one familiar merchant from the Russians, and they are in love with Alimpiyad Samsonovnu-s. What, says nor give, just to marry; Nothing, says I will not regret. Ustinya Naumovna. Well, you first, Diamond, did not say? Podkhalyuzin. It was nothing to say, according to that very much that I myself had recently learned-with. Ustinya Naumovna Now it's late, bragistic! Podkhalyuzin. So what bride, Ustinya Naumovna! Yes, he from you to the head of the golden sick-s, from the living Soboloi Socar will save you. Ustinya Naumovna. Yes, darling, it is impossible! I would be glad to joy, yes I gave the floor. Podkhalyuzin. Well, as you like! And for this, you will drive, so the troubles are causing that after and do not break, Ustinya Naumovna. Well, you yourself regulate, with what I will show my digger to SAMSON? He talked to them with three boxes, which is rich, and the handsome one, and in love, so that it cannot live, and now what I say? After all, you yourself know what you can have Self-Samson something, because he is uneven an hour, and the cap will stop. Podkhalyuzin. Nothing will stop-with. Ustinya Naumovna. Yes, and the girl was angry, he sends twice on the day: what is the groom, yes as the groom? Podkhalyuzin. And you, Ustinya Naumovna, do not run from your happiness-s. Would you like two thousand rubles and a sober's fur coat so that only the wedding to upset this-s? And for matchmaking, we will have a special conspiothe. I tell you, with that the groom is such that you have never specified, only one thing is one - from: the origin is not noble. Ustinya Naumovna. Are they noble? That's the trouble, yachonte! Today, this establishment has gone that any Lapothns to the nobility torments. That, at least Alimpihyda, Samsonovna, of course, give her God of good health, complains of the princely, and the origin is supposed to be worse than our. Father, Samson Stolech, Golitsa traded on the Balchug; Good people are silent, they fed undernowels. And Mother's Agraphen Kondratyevna is a little bit of Paneuced, from Transfiguration taken. And the capital has passed and the merchants got out and the daughter in the princess torments. And all this money. So I, the worse it, and watch her tail. The upbringing is also not God knows what: writes how the elephant belly crawls, in French Ali on the Fortopians, too, crazy, and there is nothing; Well, the dance will break down - I myself and dust in the nose. Podkhalyuzin. Well, you see whether there is a much decent one for a merchant. Ustinya Naumovna. Yes, how can I be with the fiancé, silver? I really hurt him that such an alimpiyad Samsonovna beauty that real was a pitt on you, and educated, I speak, and in French, and knows about different manners. Why am I telling him now? Podkhalyuzin. Yes, and now, you say the same to him that, they say, and beauty, and educated, and for all sorts of manners, just, they say, they were reproached with money, so he refuses himself! Ustinya Naumovna. And what, after all, the truth, bragistic! No, wait! How! After all, I told him that Samson had the power of money, the chickens did not peck. Podkhalyuzin. So here, jumps you very talk. And how much do you know how much money does Samson have the power, you were not necessary? Ustinya Naumovna. Yes, this is someone who knows, everyone knows that Samson Stretch the merchant richest. Podkhalyuzin. Yes! Many you know! And what will happen after that, how to drive a significant person, and Samson power will not give money? And after all this, it will come in will say: I, they say, is not a merchant that you can deceive me! Yes, as much as a significant person, give a complaint to the court, because there is a significant person everywhere, s: We fell away from Samson, and they will not leave you. After all, you know yourself - you can deceive to our brother, it will come down from the hands, and a significant person to deceive - then, so after and you will not leave. Ustinya Naumovna. It is full of you to scare me! He confused completely. Podkhalyuzin. And here, then take the job of a hundred silver, and by hand-s. Ustinya Naumovna. So you, yichont, say that two thousand rubles and a sober's fur coat? Podkhalyuzin. Exactly so So be deceased! "And there is a sabol who is a fur coat, Ustinya Naumovna, and it will pass on to a walk," the other will think, what a general one. Ustinya Naumovna. And what do you think, and indeed! As I put on Sable Socar something, I will get up, yes, yes, then your brothers, bearded, RTy, disintegrate. Silenced in such a way that the fire pipe will not fill; Women from jealousy, all the noses are bothering you. Podkhalyuzin. This is exactly-s! Ustinya Naumovna. Come on the deposit! Was not! Podkhalyuzin. And you, Ustinya Naumovna, Free Spirit, do not robet! Ustinya Naumovna. What are you going to rob? Just look: two thousand rubles and sobat the fur coat. Podkhalyuzin. I tell you from the living firm. Already to interpret! Ustinya Naumovna. Well, goodbye, emerald! Bringing now to the bridegroom. Tomorrow I'll see, so I get all your departure. Podkhalyuzin. Wait! Where to run something! Go to me - vodka drink-s. Tishka! Tishka!

Cycle is included.

You look, if the owner will come, so you are in those pores to feed me.


Eighth phenomenon

Tishka (Sit down to the table and takes out money from his pocket). Poltina Silver - this is now Lazar. Yes, Jednie, as the Bell Tower fell, Agraphen Kondratyevna Dali Dali, yes, the fourth won in the Orel, and the owner's terteth forgot about the sewer. Evos, that money is! (Considers to himself.) Tishka. What else is there? "Houses, what Li-Cha, Laaro?" Was, and all came out! "Yes, where is he going something, Lord?" And I know how much; Has he asks me! Here I asked, - I would know.

Fominishna comes off the stairs.

What do you have there? Fominishna. Why, Samson Stolech arrived, yes, no bit. Tishka. FU! Caught! Fominishna. Run, Tishka, for Lazar, Blue, Run more!

Tishka runs.

Agraphen Kondratyevna (Shows on the stairs). What, Fominichna, Mother, where is he going? Fominishna. Yes, Matushka, here! Oh, I reserve I do the door, by God, to the constraint; Let him up the top go, and you're, Golubushka, sit here.

Look, father, sitting together, Christ with you! Most. (Behind the doors). What are you, old karga, crazy, what did you want? Fominishna. Ah, dove you are mine! Oh, I'm blind! But show me sffou-what you arrived. I apologize to me, the dechah was in old age.

Samson power is included.

Ninth phenomenon

Foubness and most.

Bolshe. Strangy was? Fominishna. And it was angry, father, soup with a wilderness, roasted goose, drashen. Bolshe. Yes, you are whites, that, it was smoking, the old fool! Fominishna. No, father! The kitchen itself was punished. Large. Go away! (Sits down.)

Fominishna goes, in the door, Podkhaluzin and Tishka are included.

Fominishna (Return). Oh, I'm a fool, fool! We do not charge on bad memory .-- The cold piglet is completely crazy.

The tenth phenomenon

Podkhaluzin, Most and Tishka.

Bolshe. Rather to the pigs!

Fominishna leaves.

(Tishka.) What did you get my mouth! Al are you doing? Podkhalyuzin (Tishka). They told you, it seems! Tishka goes away. Bolshe. Strangy was? Podkhalyuzin. Was with! Bolshe. Did you say with him? Podkhalyuzin. What, Samson Power, does he feel? It is known ink soul-s! One gets - to declare insolvent. Bolshe. Well, to appear, so declared - it is an end to the end. Podkhalyuzin. Ah, Samson power, that you will love to talk! Bolshe. Well, money to pay? Yes, why did you take it? Yes, I'm better all fire, and they will not give a penny. Transporting goods, sell bills, let them take, steal who wants, and I do not pay them. Podkhalyuzin. Sweet, Samson, the institution, we had such an excellent institution, and now everything should come to the disorder. Bolshe. What is the case? Not yours. You're trying only - you will not be forgotten from me. Podkhalyuzin. I do not need anything after your blessing. And in vain you have such a plot about me. I am a Terecherich is ready to give all soul for you, and not that Falp is to do. You are moving towards old age, Agraphene Kondratyevna Lady Freamed, Almpiiyad Samsonovna The young lady formed and in such years; It is necessary to attach care about it. And now such circumstances: you never know what can happen from all this. Bolshe. What can happen? I am alone in response. Podkhalyuzin. What about you to interpret! You, Samson power, talked to their century, thank God, lived, and Alimpihyda, Samsonovna, a famous business, a young lady, which in the world is not. I, Samson Power, I say on conscience, that is, how it is all my feelings: if I try to tearchi for you and all my diligence, you can say, do not regret the blood-blood, I applied - so it's more and more because It is a pity to me your family. Bolshe. Full, is it? Podkhalyuzin. Allowed, s: Well, we put it all safely end, s, good-s. It will remain with you than attaching Alimpiyad Samsonovna. Well, there is nothing to interpret about it; There would be money, but the grooms will be found. Well, some sin, Save the Lord! As you can go, let it begin to drag on the courts, but for the whole family, the Edaki Morality will go, and, perhaps, the estate is all take away: they will have to endure it, and coldly tolerate and without any charity, as chicks that defenseless. Yes, it will save Lord! What will it be then? (Crying.) Bolshe. Yes, what are you crying something? Podkhalyuzin. Of course, Samson Stolech, I say this for example - in good time it should be silent, it will not be in thin, it will not be from the word; But the enemy is silent - the mountains are fascinated. Bolshe. Well, to do something, brother, really know, such the will of God, you will not go against her. Podkhalyuzin. It's for sure, Samson power! But after all, in my stupid reasoning, to attach to the time before the time of Alimpiyad Samsonovna for a good man, so then she will be, in extremes, as behind the stone wall, with. Yes, the main thing is that there is a soul in a person, so he will feel. And then Won, which was woven for Alimpiyad Samsonovna, noble, - and rose back turned back. Bolshe. How back? Why did you invent? Podkhalyuzin. I, Samson, did not invenue, - you ask Ustinao Naumovna. Must be something he asked who he knows. Bolshe. Well! According to my cases, now it is not necessary. Podkhalyuzin. You, Samson Power, take in reasoning: I am an extraneous person, not native, - And for your well-being, no day, I do not know the night to yourself, and I have everything out of my heart; And for him give the lady, you can say, the beauty is incospaid; Yes, and they are still given money, and he breaks yes it does not matter - well, is there a soul after all this? Bolshe. Well, not wants, it is not necessary, I do not pay! Podkhalyuzin. No, you, Samson Power, judge this: Is there a soul in a person? I am completely outsider, but I can not see all this without tears. Understand you, Samson power! Another would not have taken attention to so to kill because of someone else's business; But now you are at least driven, even though Bates, and I will not leave you; Therefore I can not - my heart is not. Bolshe. Yes, how do you leave me: only after all and the hope is now that you are. I myself am old, things came closely. Wait: Maybe you will do this thing that you do not expect. Podkhalyuzin. Yes, I can not do this, Samson power. Understand you from this: I'm not like this very man! Another, Samson Power, of course, it's all the same, with him, though the grass does not grow, and I can't, I know, see, with, I don't have a cotton, with. As the hell, I kill Terecherica because of your business, because I'm not like this man-s. Regulations you are done, and not so much of you how much is your family. Ourselves ourselves to know, Agraphene Kondratyevna Lady Warm, Alimpiyad Samsonovna Baryshnya, which in the world is not-with ... Bolshe. Is it really not in the world? You, brother, not that? .. Podkhalyuzin. What-s? .. No, I'm nothing, with! .. Bolshe. That's, brother, you really speak better. Are you in love, what, in Alimpiyad Samsonovna? Podkhalyuzin. You, Samson Stolech, may not have a joke. Bolshe. What a joke! I ask you without joking. Podkhalyuzin. Sweet, Samson Power, dare, I dare to think about it. Bolshe. And what would not like this? What she, princess, what kind of? Podkhalyuzin. Although not princed, but as a lot you are my benefactor and instead of my father's father ... No, Samson Power, you have a mercy, how can I don't feel it, I really don't feel it! Bolshe. So you, it became, do not love her? Podkhalyuzin. How not to love, s, merry, it seems most of all in the world. Yes No, s, Samson Stolech, how can it be with. Bolshe. You would say that I love, they say, most of all in the world. Podkhalyuzin. Yes, how do not love-s! Allow themselves to judge: a day I think, night I think ... then you mean, the famous business, Alimpiyad Samsonovna the young lady, which in the world is not ... yes no, it is impossible, with. Where do we, s! .. Bolshe. What can not be a head-head? Podkhalyuzin. How can I, Samson power? As I know, I am you like my father's father, and Alimpiyada Samsonovnu-s, and again, I know yourself what I mean, - where does I have a swarm-s? Bolshe. Nothing sundon. Floated as a fig. There would be a mind in my head, "and you don't care about you, God awarded this kind. So, Lazar, to wipe you alimpiyada Samsonovna, eh? Podkhalyuzin. Yes, hind, do I dare? Alimpihyda is Samsonovna, maybe, I don't want to look at me, s! Bolshe. An important thing! Do not dance to me on her twirl in old age. For whom Vella, he will go. My brainchild: I want to eat with the porridge, I want to smell the oil .-- You are talking to me. Podkhalyuzin. I do not dare, Samson Power, talk about it, s. I do not want to be a scound against you. Bolshe. Eccoa you, brother, stupid! Can I not love you, I would not talk to you so much? Do you understand that I can love you for all my life! Podkhalyuzin. And I do not like you, Samson Stolech, more than his father's father? Yes, God is punished! .. Yes, what I am for the cattle! Bolshe. Well, do you like your daughter? Podkhalyuzin. Oglot all-s! All Dutie turned over for a long time - s! Bolshe. Well, I quit the soul, so we will fix you. Wosya, Faddia, Pasha Malanie. Podkhalyuzin. Tyat, for what you complaining? But I stand it, I'm not standing! And I don't have a physiognomy at all. Bolshe. Well, her, physiognomy! But I will translate all the estate on you, so after the creditors will regret that twenty-five kopecks did not take. Podkhalyuzin. How to regret something-with! Bolshe. Well, you are going to the city now, and you turn to the bride too much: we will make a joke on them. Podkhalyuzin. Listen, Tyatna-C! (Goes out.)

Action third

Decoration of the first action.

Phenomenon first

Bolshe (enters and sits on the chair, looks a few times in the corners and yawns). Here it is, life is; Truly said: the bustle of fuss and all sorts of fuss. The hell knows, and you yourself will not disobey what I want. That would be bored something, and lunch will spoil, and it will take someone to sit in the way. Ali a seagull would be, pamping. (Silence.) That's that, and that's all: lived, a man lived, yes suddenly died - so everything goes and go. Oh, Lord, Lord! (Yawns and looks at the corners.

Second phenomenon

Agrapan Kondratyevna and Lipochka (discharged).

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Go, go, my tiny; The door is the coast, not causing. Looking - ko, Samson Power, admire, sir you are my daughter stood out! Fu you, away like! What is your Rosan Pion! (To her.) Oh, you, my Angelika, Tsarevna, Cherimchik you are mine! (To him.) What, Samson power, is it true, or what? If only she had a gear in a carriage. Bolshe. East and a couple - not a great flight of the landowner! Agraphen Kondratyevna. It is known, not a Genaral daughter, but all as it is, beautiful! .. Yes, the child's nice thing is that the bear will be shaking. Bolshe. And how can I still cheer? Pens, what, licking, put in the legs? What unprecedented! We saw in advance. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Yes, what did you see something? So something, but this is your daughter, the child is a blood, the stone you are. Bolshe. What is a daughter? Thank God - shod, dressed, fed; What else do you want? Agraphen Kondratyevna. What do you want! Yes, you, Samson Power, wondered if? Feed! Like what is fed! According to the Christian law, everyone feels like; And others prize, not tokmo that their own, - But it is and in people to say a sin: like there is a native brainchild! Bolshe. We know that the native, and why is she still? What do you give these parables? Do not do it in the framework! We understand that the father. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Yes, if you, the father, father, so do not be a beet! It's time, it seems to come to feel; It is necessary to part soon, and you and you will not survive a good word; It would be enough to advise something such a life. There is no custom of the parent! Bolshe. But no, so for trouble; Therefore, God created. Agraphen Kondratyevna. God created! Yes, what are you? After all, she seems to create a divine, Ali not? Not an animal, I'm sorry for God! .. Yes, I ask her something. Bolshe. What am I for the demand? Goose pig is not comrade: I want to do it. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Yes, in a matter, I really do not ask, you're pokes, here. A person will come someone else's outsiders, after all, as you want, try, and a man is not a woman - for the first time he will go, not seeing him. Bolshe. It is said that leaving. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Father you are a fad, and also called your native! Oh, you, my abandoned dietatko, however, as if what kind of syrophop, with the face. Retreated from you, and do not want to know; Side, sticky, snealing, shower, beloved my treasures! (Seats.) Lipochka. Ah, leaving, mammy! Remembered at all. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Well, I'll look at you from the beatings! Lipochka. Perhaps, see, but do not fantasize! FP, mammy, you can not dress decently: you will immediately get along. Agraphen Kondratyevna. So, so, dyatyko! Yes, as a look at you, so this pity is like. Lipochka. Well, it's necessary someday. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Still, it's a pity, fool: Rostili, Rostili, and have grown up - yes, no matter how in someone else's people in other people's people, as if you were tired of we bored with stupid little guys, with my meek behavior. Here you will survive you from the house, as if the spell from the city, and there they capture it so they spoil, and there is nowhere to take. Judge, the people are kind, which is how to live in someone else's faces, you will get a stranger, a fist of the tears of rubbing! Yes, a lot of God, Nerovnyushka will go out, Al-Fool is impaired by Al Fool What - Stupitsky Son! (Crying.) Lipochka. Here you suddenly loose! Right, as not ashamed, Mama! What is there for a fool? Agraphen Kondratyevna (crying). Yeah, this is said, - by the way I had to. Bolshe. And what would you hear it, smash? Now ask you, so you do not know. Agraphen Kondratyevna. I do not know, the father, oh, I do not know: I found such a verse. Bolshe. That's something sffura. Tears you have cheap. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Oh, cheap, father, cheap; And I know myself, what is cheap, so what to do something? Lipochka. Fi, Mama, how you suddenly! Fullness! Well, suddenly come - what good! Agraphen Kondratyevna. Stop, dyatyko, stopped; Now stop!

Phenomenon third

The same and Ustinya Naumovna,

Ustinya Naumovna (entering). Hello, golden! What are you sad - hung noses?


Agraphen Kondratyevna. And we have come on with you. Lipochka. What, Ustinya Naumovna, will soon come? Ustinya Naumovna. It's guilty, now fall, to blame! And our business, silver, are not very good! Lipochka. How? What is the news? Agraphen Kondratyevna. What have you invented there? Ustinya Naumovna. And then, the brilliance, that the bridegroom is different. Bolshe. Ha, Ha, Ha! And the Swash! Where do you suck! Ustinya Naumovna. Superfered as a horse - neither TPRU, nor well; Words from him will not achieve a pretty. Lipochka. Why is it, Ustinya Naumovna? Yes, how are you, right! Agraphen Kondratyevna. Ah, Patty! Why is it to be? Lipochka. Yes, how long have you seen him? Ustinya Naumovna. Today it was in the morning. Came out as it is in one salafour; And I used to do - you can assign the honor. And Kofiy ordered, and Romka something, and I diluted with sugar - apparently invisible. Eat, says Ustinya Naumovna! I was about doing something, you know whether it is necessary, they say, to shake something; You, I say, now I wanted to ride to help me; And he did not say anything worth it for it .-- So, he says, think, yes, I will advise, and I just suck out. Lipochka. What is he there after the sleeves santimals? The right, so sick, how it all continues. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Is it really that he breaks something? Are we worse than him? Ustinya Naumovna. A, the frog will arrange him, we will not find another other? Bolshe. Well, you really do not look for another, otherwise it will be again. Other I find you myself. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Yes, you will find, sitting on the furnace; You really forgot, it seems that you have a daughter. Bolshe. And you will see! Agraphen Kondratyevna. What to see something! You have nothing to see! Do not tell me, please do not upset me. (Sits down.)

Most laughs. Ustinya Naumovna moves with a sticky on the other side of the scene. Ustinya Naumovna examines her dress.

Ustinya Naumovna. You are, as you snapped, - a dress on you what is an estate. Isn't it smart? Lipochka. That's terribly needed! What are we, beggars, what do you think? And Madama something? Ustinya Naumovna. Fu you, already beggars! Who tells you such nonsense? It turns out about the economy, which is not myself, they say, sewed, - and then, a well-known business, and your dress is rubbish. Lipochka. What are you, what are you! I got lost my mind? Where is your eyes? Why did you confuse? Ustinya Naumovna. What are you so concerned about? Lipochka. Here is the principle! I will endure such in vain. What am I, Girl, what, what kind of uneducated! Ustinya Naumovna. Why did you get it? Where did you find on your edaki whim? Do I fuck your dress? What is not a dress - and everyone will say that the dress. Yes, it is not suitable for you, your beauty is not at all necessary, - the disappearance of the soul, if LDA. For you, gold is small: give us a shied with pearls. - So smiled, Emerald! I know what I say! Tishka (enters). Sysh Pinovic ordered to ask if it was possible, they say, to climb. They are Tamotka, Lazaror Elizarycha Bolshe. I went, call him here, and with Lazar.

Tishka goes away.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Well, no wonder the appetizer is cooked - here and snatch. And you, tea, Ustinya Naumovna, would you like long ago vodka? Ustinya Naumovna. The famous business is the Admiral hour - the present time. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Well, Samson Power, Touch from the place, something to sit. Bolshe. Wait, you will fit ones - still have time. Lipochka. I, Mama, I will go apong. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Look, Dietyatko, appear. Bolshe. Wait to undress something - the bridegroom will come. Agraphen Kondratyevna. What is still the bridegroom, - to fully fool. Bolshe. Wait, Lipa, the groom will come. Lipochka. Who is that, toy? I know him or not? Bolshe. But you will see, maybe, and you know. Agraphen Kondratyevna. What do you listen to him, what a jester will come back! So language scratches. Bolshe. They tell you what will come, so I, it became, I know what I say. Agraphen Kondratyevna. If someone actually arrives, so you would say the way, but it will come, will come, and God knows who will come. That's always so. Lipochka. Well, so I, Mama, stay. (Suitable for the mirror and looks, then to the Father.) Tyatna! Bolshe. What do you want? Lipochka. A shame to say, Tymnik! Agraphen Kondratyevna. What is for shame, fool! Speak, if you need. Ustinya Naumovna. Shame is not smoke - the eyes did not heather. Lipochka. No, God, shame! Bolshe. Well, close, if you are ashamed. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Hat, what do you want a new one? Lipochka. So I did not guess, not at all the hat. Bolshe. So what are you? Lipochka. Walk to marry the military! Bolshe. Ek after all that took out! Agraphen Kondratyevna. Ask, bless! Christ with you! Lipochka. Well, - after all, others go out. Bolshe. Well, let them go out, and you sit by the sea yes wait for the weather. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Yes, you and I do not dare to stutter! I and the parent blessings do not give you.

Fourth phenomenon

The same and Lazar, Rispalinsky and Fomiyishna (at the door)

Rispalodsky. Hello, Samson Polech's father! Hello, Mother Agrapan Kondratyevna! Samsonovna Olympiad, Hello! Bolshe. Hello, brother, hello! Sit down, please ask! Sit down and you, Lazar! Agraphen Kondratyevna. Do you want to eat? And my snack is prepared. Rispalodsky. Why, Mother, not to eat; I would have drank a glass now. Bolshe. But now let's go all together, and now while you talk to manneco. Ustinya Naumovna. Why and not talk! Here, my gold, I heard, as if in the newspaper was printed, is it true, there is no other Bonaparte, and as if, gold mine ... Bolshe. Bonaparte Bonaparte, and we all hope on the mercy of God; Yes, and not about now now. Ustinya Naumovna. So about what, yichont? Bolshe. And about the fact that our summer moves old, health is also interrupted every minute, and one the creator only knows what will be ahead: then we put our daughter in marriage in marriage, and in the reasoning of the dowry we can also hope that she not the uratramis of our capital and origin, but evenly and before other other Ustinya Naumovna. You are after all how sweetly tells, the bragistic. Bolshe. And since now our daughter is evident here, and with all that, being confident in honest behavior and adequacy of our future son-in-law, that it is very sensitive to us, in the reasoning of the divine blessing, then I appoint it Teverit in general sizes .-- Lipa, here. Lipochka. What do you, aunty, please? Bolshe. Look to me, I do not bite, - I suppose. Well, now you are, Lazar, Pollya. Podkhalyuzin. For a long time ready-with! Bolshe. Well, linden, come on hand! Lipochka. How, what is this nonsense? Lipochka Why did you invent? Bolshe. Worse, how to take force! Ustinya Naumovna. So you, grandmother, and yuriev day! Agraphen Kondratyevna. Lord, so what is it? Lipochka. I do not want, I do not want! I will not go for such a nasty. Fominishna. With us the crop! Podkhalyuzin. It can be seen, toy, not see me of happiness in this world! It can be seen, not to be-with your desire! Bolshe (takes a sticky for the hand and lipper). How not to be, if I want it? What is I and Father, if not to order? Various, what did I feed it? Agraphen Kondratyevna. What are you! What are you! Soon! Bolshe. Know the cricket your sixth! None of your business! Well, linden! Here you are the fiance! Please love yes to complain! Sit down in a row yes, they base the poke - and there an honest tyrku and yes for the wedding. Lipochka. How, - I need to sit very much with the unrecord! Here is the principle! Bolshe. And you will not sit, so forcibly sit yes I will make it be chewed. Lipochka. Where is it seen that the raised young ladies go out for their employees? Bolshe. Silence better! We will leave Vella and the janitor. (Silence.) Ustinya Naumovna. Inceckers, Agrapan Kondratyevna, what kind of trouble it is. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Herself, native, eclipsed, exactly the chunned. And I can not understand, how did it come from? Fominishna. Lord! I live in the seven of the top how many weddings celebrated, but I didn't have such a brand. Agraphen Kondratyevna. For what are you, shielding, girls disorished? Bolshe. Yes, I really need to listen to your fanberry. I wanted to give daughter for the clerk, and put on my own, and do not dare talk; I do not want to know anyone. Now go for a bite, and they let them be afraid, maybe they are afraid somehow. Rispalodsky. Come, Samson Stolech, and I will drink with you for the company. And so, Agraphen Kondratyevna, the first duty, so that the children listen to parents. This is not us of us, we do not end. All, apartments, Podkheluzin and Agraphena Kondratyevna come up and leave. Lipochka. What is it, Mama, is it? What am I them, cook, what did you get? (Crying.) Podkhalyuzin. Mama-C! You have a son-in-law of this that would respect you and, it means, the old age has restned your old age, "I don't find it, not to find it. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Yes, how are you, Batyushka? Podkhalyuzin. Mama-C! God has invested such an intention, because he himself, with that another you, Mama-s, and does not want to know, and I am in my coffin of my life (crying) must feel-s. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Ah, Batyushko! Why is it? Most. (from the door). Wife, come here! Agraphen Kondratyevna. Now, Batyushko, now! Podkhalyuzin. You, Mama, remember this word that I said now.

Agraphen Kondratyevna leaves.

Phenomenon fifth

Lipochka and Podkhaluzin.

Podkhalyuzin. Alimpiyad Samsonovna-s! Alimpiyad Samsonovna! But, it seems, you bend me! Tell me at least one word-C! Let your knob kiss. Lipochka. You are a fool uneducated! Podkhalyuzin. Why are you, Alimpiyad Samsonovna, to offend ignite-s? Lipochka. I will tell you forever once that I will not go for you, "I will not go. Podkhalyuzin. It will be like you - with! Forcibly MIL will not. Only I am what I'm talking about ... Lipochka. I do not want to listen to you, leaving me! How would you have a courteous cavalier: you see that I don't want to go for you for any treasures, "you should refuse. Podkhalyuzin. Here you are, Alimpiiyad Samsonovna, please speak: refuse. Only if I refuse, then will it be-s? Lipochka. And it will be that I will come out for noble. Podkhalyuzin. For noble-s! Noble, something without dowry will not take. Lipochka. How without dowry? What are you sitting something! Look, how I have a dowry, - in the nose rushes. Podkhalyuzin. Ragged-s! Noble cloth will not take. Noble money needed-s. Lipochka. Well! Tattime and money will give! Podkhalyuzin. Well, how to give-s! And how to give something nothing? You do not know about Tyatnaiki, and I know them well, but I know well: Tattime is your bankrupt-s. Lipochka. How bankrupt? And the house, and the shops? Podkhalyuzin. And the house and shop - mine, s! Lipochka. Are yours?! You're! What do you want to fool me? Found more stupid! Podkhalyuzin. But we have legitimate documents! (Takes out.) Lipochka. So you bought aunty? Podkhalyuzin. Bought-C! Lipochka. Where did you get money? Podkhalyuzin. Money! We, thank God, the money is more than that noble. Lipochka. What is it doing with me? Brought up, brought up, then went bankrupt!


Podkhalyuzin. Well, put, Alimpiiyad Samsonovna, that you will go out for noble - yes what will be the point in this? Only one glory that ladies, but no nice-s. You will be expected to judge-s: the ladies are often on foot on foot go-s. And if you leave where, so only glory, that the quantity is, but worse than one, with a merchanet. By God, worse-s. Dress up either does not hurt the magnificent. And if for me, you, Almpnade Samsonovna, come out, with, so the first word: you and at home will be in the silk dresses to walk, and in the guests of Ali to the theater-C - the grocery of velvet, and do not wear. In the argument of hats or salopov - we will not look at different noble decency, and we put on what is wonderful! Horses head with Orlovskiy. (Silence.) If you are about the physiognomy, it will be like you, with, we are also a fracture to wear yes a beard doomed, either trimmed by fashion-s, this is all one and s. Lipochka. Yes, you are all before the wedding, and there and deceit. Podkhalyuzin. FROM Seats do not go away, Alimpiyad Samsonovna! Anathema I want to be, if LSU! Yes, it is something, with, Alimpiiyad Samsonovna, are we not enough in the house of the house? In the regime row, you buy-s, we write down as: on the ceilings it is paradise birds, sirens, the capions of different - to look only to give money. Lipochka. Nowadays, Capions do not draw. Podkhalyuzin. Well, we will let the bouquets. (Silence.) It would be only on your part of consent, otherwise nothing is needed in life. (Silence.) As I unhappy in my life, I can't talk any compliments. Lipochka. Why do you, Lazar Eliavich, do not speak French? Podkhalyuzin. And for what we are not for what. (Silence.) Capture, Alimpiiyad Samsonovna, reed acknowledgment-s. (Silence.) Order knees to become. Lipochka. Stank!

Podkhaluzin becomes

Here you have some vest is bad Podkhalyuzin. I will give this tishka-C, and I will order myself on the Kuznetsky bridge, just do not destroy! (Silence.) What is Alimpiyad Samsonovna-s? Lipochka. Let me see. Podkhalyuzin. Yes, what about thinking? Lipochka. How can you not think? Podkhalyuzin. Yes, you do not think. Lipochka. You know what, Lazar Elizarych! Podkhalyuzin. What do you need, s? Lipochka. Take me slowly. Podkhalyuzin. Why, why slowly, when, when so as aunt with Mama agrees? Lipochka. Yes, so do it. Well, if you do not want to take away, "there is probably so. Podkhalyuzin. Alimpiyad Samsonovna! Let the knob kiss! (Kisses, then jumps up and runs up to the door.) Tyatna-s! .. Lipochka. Lazar Eliarych, Lazar Elizarych! Fit here! Podkhalyuzin. What do you like? Lipochka. Oh, if you knew Lazar Elizarych, what I live here! Mama Seven Fridays at the week; Tyatnaka, how not drunk, so silent, but how drunk, so it will be boosted and look. What is it to endure the abrasive lady! That's how I came out for noble, so I would have left the house and forget about all this. And now everything will go old again. Podkhalyuzin. No, with, Alimpiyad Samsonovna, will not be this! We, Alimpiiyad Samsonovna, as soon as we play a wedding, so let's go to your house-s. And we will not give them to command them. No, now it's over-s! Will be with them - made in your century, now it's time for us! Lipochka. Yes, you are so timid, Lazar Elizarych, you will not dine aunty to say anything, and with noble, they would say a little. Podkhalyuzin. Because timid-s, what was the case Podnaya - not-with. Stop not dare. And how to heal with your home, no one is decree. But you are all about noble say. Do you love you so much noble, how will I love? Noble in the morning in service, and in the evening the clubs are walking, and the wife must sit alone without any pleasure. Did I dare to do that? I have to try all my life as you can deliver any pleasure. Lipochka. So look, Lazar Elizarych, we will live by ourselves, and they themselves. We will start everything in fashion, and they - as they want. Podkhalyuzin. It's like us, s. Lipochka. Well, now call as aunty. (It gets up and hijacked in front of the mirror.) Podkhalyuzin. Tyatna-C! Tyatna-C! Mama-s! ..

Phenomenon of sixth

Podkhalyuzin (It goes towards Samson to the Tolluchu and rushes to him in the arms). Alimpiyad Samsonovna Glasna-s! Agraphen Kondratyevna. Run, Batyushko, run. Bolshe. Well, that's the point! The same. I know what I do, I don't teach me. Podkhalyuzin (Kondratyevna Agraphene). Mama-C! Let the knob kiss. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Kiss, Batyushko, both clean. Oh, you, dyatyatko, how much is it like that, and? By God! What is it? And I did not know how this business and to judge something. Oh, a beloved you are mine! Lipochka. I am completely, Mama, did not imagine that Lazar Elizarych is such a courteous cavalier! And now suddenly I see that he is much more respectful than others. Agraphen Kondratyevna. That's the same, fool! I won't wish my father thinly. Oh, you, my baby! Eka is a parable, and? Ah, Mother you are mine! What is it? Foubness! Foubness! Fominishna. Run, run, Mother, run. (Enters.) Bolshe. Wait you, Taranta! Here you get alongside, - and we will see you. Yes, we give us a bottle bottle.

Podkhaluzin and sticky sit down.

Fominishna. Now, father, now! (Goes out.)

Seventh phenomenon

The same, Ustinya Naumovna and Rispalinsky.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Congratulate the groom with the bride, Ustinya Naumovna! That God led to the old age years, they lived to joy. Ustinya Naumovna. Yes, how to congratulate you, emerald? Dry spoon mouth man. Bolshe. But we are rummaged to you.

Eighth phenomenon

The same, fominichene and tishka (with wine on a tray).

Ustinya Naumovna. This is the case of another kind. Well, give you God to live yes younger, get fatty and rich. (Drink.) Gorky, bralyanted!

Lipochka and Lazar kiss.

Bolshe. Let me congratulate. (Takes a glass.) Sticky and Lazar rose. Live, as you know, is your mind. And so that you were not boring to live, so you, Lazar, the house and shops will go instead of dowry, and they count out of cash. Podkhalyuzin. Sweet, Tymnik, I am so pleased with you. Bolshe. What is there to freeze something! His good, I myself was profitable. To whom I want - I give it. Pull up!

Tishka pours.

What is there to talk about something. There is no court for mercy. Take all, only us with older feeds and lenders to pay kopecks for ten. Podkhalyuzin. Is it worthy, toy, talk about it, s. I do not feel nonsense? His people to think! Bolshe. They tell you, take everything, and the case is over. And no one is a decree! Pay only creditors. Pay? Podkhalyuzin. Sweet, Tyatna, first debt! Bolshe. Only you look - they don't mind much. And then you, tea, pleased with everything to give everything. Podkhalyuzin. Yeah there, Tyatna, somehow thrown out. Mix your people. Bolshe. The same! You don't give them more than ten kopecks. It will be with them ... Well, the kiss!

Lipochka and Lazar kiss.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Ah, doves you are mine! Why is it so? Almost like a polulmy. Ustinya Naumovna. And where is it seen. And where is it dying so that the bitch's chicken give birth to, the eggs of the Egg demolished!

Plips, wine and comes to Rispalodsky. Rispalinsky bow and refuses.

Bolshe. Drink, Sysh PSOCH, on joy! Rispalodsky. I can not, Samson Stolech, sway. Bolshe. Full you! Drink on joy. Ustinya Naumovna. Still there, breaks! Rispalodsky. Petit, Samson power! To her God, emit. Here I am a vodka glass drink! And this nature does not accept. Such a weak complex. Ustinya Naumovna. Oh, you, a wire neck! You're you - he does not take nature! Yes, let me in the collar of a collar, if I will not drink. Rispalodsky. Indecent, Ustinya Naumovna! Dama is indecent. Samson power! I can not-s! Would I refuse? He, hehe, he, yes, what am I for the fool, so I did such an ignorance; We saw people who know how to live; So I will never give up from the vodka, perhaps, even now I will drink a glass! And I can not - because it rests. And you, Samson Stolech, do not allow unless, offended, not good, but not good. Bolshe. Prettyly his, Ustinya Naumovna, pretty!

Rispalinsky runs.

Ustinya Naumovna (puts wine on the table).Do you need a fire soul, you will not leave! (Presses it into corner and grabs the collar.) Rispalodsky. Guard!!

All laugh.

Fourth action

In the house of Podkhaluzin richly furnished living room.

Phenomenon first

Samsonovna Olympiad sits at the window in a luxurious position; On it, a silk blouse, the carriage of the last banner. Podkhaluzin in the trendy surtuk stands in front of the mirror. Tishka follows him and overshoot.

Tishka. You are how it will drive, just right! Podkhalyuzin. And what, Tishka, look like a Frenchman? but? Yes, I was looked away! Tishka. Two drops of water. Podkhalyuzin. That's fool! Here you are now and look at us! (Walks around the room.) So-s, Alimpiyad Samsonovna! And you wanted to go to the officer-s. What are we not well done? Here is the curtail newly taken and put on. Olympiad Samsonovna. Yes, you, Lazar Elizarych, do not know how to dance. Podkhalyuzin. Well, no, they will not learn; Still as learning something - the most important manner. In winter, we will go to the merchant collection. So I know our-s! Polka will be dancing. Olympiad Samsonovna. You, Lazar Elizarych, buy that stroller what they watched the Arbat. Podkhalyuzin. How, Alimpiyad Samsonovna-S! Note to buy, set-s. Olympiad Samsonovna. And I brought a new mantle, so we would be on Friday and went to Sokolniki. Podkhalyuzin. How-C, we will certainly go, s; And in the park we will go, s on Sunday. After all, the stroller is thousands of pastry stands, and the horse is a thousand whiskers and giving away the false silver, "so let them look. Tishka! Tube!

Tishka leaves.

(Self-sisons sits near the Olympics.) So-s, Alimpiyad Samsonovna! Let's look at yourself.


Olympiad Samsonovna. What is it you, Lazar Elizarych, do not kiss me? Podkhalyuzin. How! Sweet-s! With our pleasure! Sick pen-C! (Kisses silence.) Tell me, Alimpiyad Samsonovna, I have something in French dialect-s. Olympiad Samsonovna. What do you say? Podkhalyuzin. Yes, Something say - so, the little thing is-s. I do not care-with! Olympiad Samsonovna. KOM Wu Zeta frolic. Podkhalyuzin. And what is it like? Olympiad Samsonovna. How are you miles! Podkhalyuzin (jumps out from the chair). Here it has some kind of wife! Ay yes Alimpiyad Samsonovna! Respect! Sick pen!

It includes tishka with a tube.

Tishka. Ustinya Naumovna came. Podkhalyuzin. Why her still brought her!

Tishka leaves.

Second phenomenon

The same and Ustinya Naumovna.

Ustinya Naumovna. How do you live, you can, bragity? Podkhalyuzin. Your prayers, Ustinya Naumovna, your prayers. Ustinya Naumovna (kissing). What are you, as if it loose, popplul? Olympiad Samsonovna. Oh, what kind of nonsense you are, Ustinya Naumovna! Well, why did you get it? Ustinya Naumovna. What kind of nonsense, golden; This is the case. I am glad not glad - there is nothing to do! .. Love to ride, love and sosochki: .. What kind of you forgot me at all, bragged? Ali still did not look around? All, tea, admire each other and almonds. Podkhalyuzin. There is that sin, Ustinya Naumovna, there is a sin! Ustinya Naumovna. The same thing: what kind of sidarusch sudden to you! Podkhalyuzin. Many are satisfied, Ustinya Naumovna, much satisfied. Ustinya Naumovna. Still b not satisfied, golden! What to you! You are now, tea, all about the dresses are cotton. A lot of still fashionable? Olympiad Samsonovna. Not so much. Yes, and then more because new matter came out. Ustinya Naumovna. The famous case, pearl, it is impossible to Commissioner without pants: at least thin, yes bluish. And what kind of screwed - woolen silk? Olympiad Samsonovna. Different - and woolen and silk; Yes, I recently stipped with gold sewed. Ustinya Naumovna. How long do you have emerald? Olympiad Samsonovna. But count; Wedding blond on satin chahle and three velvet - it will be four; Two gas and strong, shied with gold, is seven; Three satin and three grogrone - it is thirteen; Grodenplya da Grodafrikov seven are twenty; Three Marselin, two Muslinelinovy, two shinoilev - is it much? - three yes four seven, yes twenty - twenty seven; Four fasteners are thirty-one. Well, there are still kisiny, buffmusline yes calm pieces up to twenty; Yes, there is a blouse da hood - not that nine, not ten. Yes, I recently sewed from the Persian matter. Ustinya Naumovna. You are, God is with you how much I gave it. And you can choose some sewing from Groodafrikov. Olympiad Samsonovna. Groodafrikov will not give, only three of the most three; Yes, it will not come true on your waist; Perhaps, if you want, take the fastener. Ustinya Naumovna. On what I can't trepurally: well, you can see nothing to do with you, I will come up on the satin, so be. Olympiad Samsonovna. Well, the satin too - somehow not, those who are stitched in Balnom, openly very much - do you understand? And from the fasteners of the deed hood, spread the folds, and will be in the item. Ustinya Naumovna. Well, let's get flushed! Your took, bragistic! Squeeze the cabinet. Olympiad Samsonovna. I am now wait a little. Ustinya Naumovna. I'll wait, golden, wait. I also need to talk your spouse with your wife.

Samsonovna Olympiad leaves.

What do you, the stalente, did you forget my promise at all? Podkhalyuzin. How can you forget, with, remember! (Removes the wallet and gives it an appreciation.) Ustinya Naumovna. What is this, diamond? Podkhalyuzin. One hundred caskov-s! Ustinya Naumovna. How so hundreds of casual? Yes, you promised me a half thousand. Podkhalyuzin. What about? Ustinya Naumovna. You promised me a half thousand. Podkhalyuzin. Will it be no fat to get off? Ustinya Naumovna. What are you, Kuritsyn Son, joke, what did you think with me? I, brother, and the lady herself is killed. Podkhalyuzin. Yes, why do you give money? Divo would go for what! Ustinya Naumovna. For the work of Lee, for the idleness, and come on, - you yourself promised! Podkhalyuzin. You never know what I promised! I promised with Ivan the great jump, if I marry Alimpiyad Samsonovna, - so jump? Ustinya Naumovna. What do you think, I will not find a court on you? The great importance is that you are a merchant of the second guild, I myself sit on the fourteenth grade, what is neither there is, after all, the official. Podkhalyuzin. Yes, at least the general - I don't care; I do not want to know you, - that's the whole conversation. Ustinya Naumovna. Annogy - I also promised Salop. Podkhalyuzin. What? Ustinya Naumovna. Satisfy salop. What are you shoots, or what? Podkhalyuzin. Soboli-s! He, he, hee ... Ustinya Naumovna. Yes, Soboliy! What laugh is that the throat is stying! Podkhalyuzin. I still did not get out of the sobbing salopas walk!

Samsonovna Olympiad puts out a dress and gives Ustinin Naumovna.

Phenomenon third

The same and Samsonovna Olympiad.

Ustinya Naumovna. What is it you really - rob me, or what do you want? Podkhalyuzin. What a robbery, and go with God, that's all here. Ustinya Naumovna. So you have driven me; Yes, and I am a fool of stupid, contacted you, - now it is visible: the blessing blood! Podkhalyuzin. So-s! Tell me please! Ustinya Naumovna. And if so, I do not want to look at you! For any treasures and, we do not agree with you! Around the circle of thirty miles, but you will not go past you! Early I squeeze yes on the horse stumble upon it to look at your lair! Spit wants, and then it is not certified into this street. Bulk at ten parts, if LSU! Fall in Tartarara, if you see me here! Podkhalyuzin. Yes, you, aunty, lightly; And then we will send for a quarterly. Ustinya Naumovna. I'm you, gold, print: you will know! I am so in Moscow, I will rush to you that it will be ashamed to show your eyes! .. Oh me, a fool, a fool, who contacted them! A lady with the title ... Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! (Goes out.) Podkhalyuzin. You are watching the noble blood diverged! Oh, you, Lord! There is an official! Here is a proverb, it says: the thunder rattles not from clouds, and from the dung heap! Oh, you, Lord! So look at her, what a lady! Olympiad Samsonovna. Hunting You, Lazar Elizarych, to contact her! Podkhalyuzin. Yes, a murmur, a completely incomparable woman! Olympiad Samson Aries (Looks out the window) Non aunt of the pit released - Look, Lazar Elizarych! Podkhalyuzin. Well, no, s: From the pit, the aunt will not be released soon; And it must be assumed, he was discharged to the competition, so the home took place ... Mama-s! Agraphen Kondratyevna! Tattime goes-with!

Fourth phenomenon

The same, major and aggrafena Kondratyevna.

Agraphen Kondratyevna. Where is he? Where is he? 1 relatives you mine, doves you are mine!


Podkhalyuzin. Tyat, Hello, our respect! Agraphen Kondratyevna. Darling you are mine, Samson power, gold you are! You left me orproof at old age years! Bolshe. Full, wife, stop! Olympiad Samsonovna. What are you, mammy, exactly on the dead crying! Not God knows what happened. Bolshe. It is accurate, daughter, God knows what, but still your father is sitting in the pit. Olympiad Samsonovna. Well, toy, sit and better us with you. Bolshe. Sit down sit, yes what to sit like! What is the street to go with a soldier! Oh, daughter! After all, me, forty years in the city, everyone knows, forty years all bowed to the belt, and now the boys show your fingers. Agraphen Kondratyevna. And the faces are not on you, my dove is mine! As if you're from the next light! Podkhalyuzin. E, Tyatna, God merciful! Everything grinds - flour will. What, toy, creditors say something? Bolshe. Yes, that: agree on the transaction. What, they say, pull, "Will you take, don't, and you give something clean, and God is with you. Podkhalyuzin. Why not give-s! Note to give-C! And a lot, aunty, ask? Bolshe. They are asking for twenty five kopecks. Podkhalyuzin. This is, aunty, a lot of! Bolshe. And myself, brother, I know that much, so what to do something? Less do not take. Podkhalyuzin. Like ten kopecks, so okay-s. Seven and a half to satisfaction, and two and a half for competitive expenses. Bolshe. I said that, and he does not want to hear. Podkhalyuzin. Survived painful! And they do not want eight kopecks at five? Bolshe. Well, Lazar, you will have to give twenty-five, because we ourselves have previously proposed. Podkhalyuzin. Yes, how, toy-s! After all, you were then deprived of saying, with, more than ten kopecks do not give-s. You yourself judge: twenty-five kopecks a lot of money. You, aunty, to eat what is unlike whether? Mama! Order the vodka to file da Major Samovarchik put, already we, for the company, drink-s. - And twenty five kopecks a lot, s! Agraphen Kondratyevna. Now, father, now! (Goes out.) Bolshe. Why do you interpret me something: I myself know, that much, yes, how to be? Successful years of one and a half in the pit, and every week will be with a soldier on the streets of the streets, and even now look, I will go to the Ostrog: so happy to give and give a half. From one country, you do not know where to hide. Agrapan Kondratsyan with vodka; Tishka demolides a snack and. goes away. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Dove you are mine! Kushai, Batyushko, eat! Tea, you hunger there! Podkhalyuzin. Drink, Tymnik! Do not approve than God sent! Bolshe. Thank you, Lazarus! Thank you! (Drink.) Pey Ko himself. Podkhalyuzin. For your health! (Drink.) Mama! Is it not possible? Make a favor! Agraphen Kondratyevna. A, Batyushko, before me now! Acknowledgment! Oh, you, Lord my God! Oh, you, darling you are mine! Podkhalyuzin. E, Mama, God gracious, somehow we finish! Not suddenly-s! Agraphen Kondratyevna. Lying God! And then I'm not looking at him, all I am broken. Bolshe. Well, how, Lazarar? Podkhalyuzin. Ten pennies, please, ladies-s, as they said. Bolshe. And fifteen, where can I take? Not from rogodi i melt them . Podkhalyuzin. I, Tyat, I can not-s. God sees, I can not-s! Bolshe. What are you, Lazaror, that you! Yes, where are you money? Podkhalyuzin. Yes, if you please judge: I'm getting ready for commerce, Domishko separated. Yes, rushing something, Tyatna! So though Masterians, that Li-C! Mama! Cheese as aunty. Agraphen Kondratyevna. Kushai, Batyushko, Samson power! Drink! I am you, Batyushko, Punshik Nalu! Bolshe (drink). Check, deubs, help out! Podkhalyuzin. Here you are, Tymnik, please speak where I am money? How about? Judge yourself: they start selling, a well-known thing, without capital, it is impossible, with nothing; Here is a house bought, the head of everyone has a home, horses, then, more. Allow yourself to judge! About children should think. Olympiad Samsonovna. Well, aunty, you can not have anything to stay. After all, we are not moving any. Podkhalyuzin. You, Tymnik, please judge: now without capital, it is impossible, with, without capital, they will spin a little. Olympiad Samsonovna. I have, Tyatnaka, for up to twenty years lived - I did not see the light. Well, tell me to give you money, and again, again in the sutsteen dresses go? Bolshe. What do you! What do you! Come home! After all, I don't please alone, but my own good. Are you? .. Olympiad Samsonovna. The famous business, aunty, people, and not beasts. Bolshe. Lazarus! Yes, you remember those, because I gave everything to you, all the pusher; That's what left you, you see! After all, I took you to the boy in the house, you are angry! I saw, fed instead of my father's father, with people brought. Did I see thanks from you what? Did you see? Remember that Lazarar, how many times I noticed that you were not clean on your hand! Well? After all, I did not drive you as a cattle, did not let off the whole city. I made you the chief clerk, I gave all my state, yes to you, Lazar, I gave and my daughter my own hands. And do not happen to me at this closest, you would not bother to look at it. Podkhalyuzin. Sweet, Tymnik, I feel very good and s! Bolshe. You feel! You should give everything, as I, in one shirt stay, just to help out my benefactor. Yes, I do not ask for this, do not need me; You pay for me just what now follows .. Podkhalyuzin. Why not pay, s, yes ask the price that is completely incomparable. Bolshe. Yes, do I ask! I asked for each of your penny, asked, I bowed to the legs, but what should I do when you do not want to give anything? Olympiad Samsonovna. We, aunty, told you that more than ten kopecks could not give, - and there is nothing to interpret about it. Bolshe. You say, daughter: go, they say, you, old damn, in the pit! Yes, in the pit! In his width, old fool. And for business! Do not hunt for big, be pleased with what is. And you will chase in big, and the last one will take away, will obey your daughter. And you will have to run on the stone bridge yes rushing to Moscow river. Yes, and outstands for your tongue will be pulled out in the width.

All are silent. Most drinks.

And you think about what I now go into a pit. Well, I'm clogged, or what? I, Ilyinka, now for a hundred miles will seem. You only think about Ilyinka to go. It's like the sinful soul of the devils, forgive the Lord, in Naitaria, drag. And there past the Iver, how do I look at her, on the mother? .. You know, Lazar, Judas - After all, he also sold for money for money, as we sell conscience for money ... And what was he for it? " And there are physicians, the criminal chamber ... After all, I am malicious - delightful ... After all, I will be filled with Siberia. Lord! .. If you don't give you money, let Christ give! (Crying.) Podkhalyuzin. What are you, what are you, toy? Fullness! God gracious! What are you? We will straighten somehow. All in our hands! Bolshe. We need money, Lazar, money. I have nothing else to correct. Or. Money or Siberia. Podkhalyuzin. And Dadim-s money, just would be bother! I, so be, I'll add five more pennies. Bolshe. Eki year! Are there Christianity in you? Twenty five kopecks you need, Lazar! Podkhalyuzin. No, this is, aunty, a lot, with her a lot of God! Bolshe. Snakes you pirrors! (Sleeping heads on the table.) Agraphen Kondratyevna. Barbarian You, Barbarian! The robber you are a fad! There is no my blessing! Will we will witness and with money, we will withery, do not wait for the century. Rogue you, see a robber! Podkhalyuzin. Fullness, Mama, God to amuse! What is you swear to us, do not disassemble the case! You see, Tyatnika Zhmelly the mannico, and you really. Olympiad Samsonovna. You, mammy, silent better! And then you are happy to curse in three-way. I know: you will be on it. For that, it should be, and other children did not give God. Agraphen Kondratyevna. You yourself are silent, bless! And one of you sent you to the punishment. Olympiad Samsonovna. You have all the blessings - you are alone. I would have looked at myself, just on Monday, and then the day would not pass, so as not to get someone. Agraphen Kondratyevna. You are! You are! Oh, ah, ah! .. Yes, I curse you at all cathedrals! Olympiad Samsonovna. Curse, perhaps! Agraphen Kondratyevna. Yes! That's how! We die, do not hide! Yes!.. Olympiad Samsonovna. Very necessary! Bolshe (rises).Well, forgive, children. Podkhalyuzin. What are you, aunty, sit! It is necessary to finish something like a matter! Bolshe. What is the end? I see that it's over. Myself a slave beats, if it does not feel clean! You really do not pay for me: let them want with me, then do. Goodbye, it's time for me! Podkhalyuzin. Goodbye, Tymnik! God is merciful - somehow cost! Bolshe. Farewell, wife! Agraphen Kondratyevna. Goodbye, Batyushko Samson power! When will you be in a pit in a pit? Bolshe. I do not know! Agraphen Kondratyevna. Well, so I visit: and then you die here, do not see you. Bolshe. Goodbye daughter! Farewell, Alimpiyad Samsonovna! Well, now you will now be rich, heal in a barishment. On the fellings it is, on the balls - devil to tee! Do not forget you, Alimpiyad Samsonovna, that there are cells with iron lattices, there are poor-prisoners there. Do not forget us, poor prisoners. (Leaves with the Agrapne Condratic.) Podkhalyuzin. Eh, Alimpiyad Samsonovna-S! Raughty-s! Sorry to the aunt, she, god, sorry-s! It is not hunt to go well with creditors! Al do not, s? He himself better will deteriorate them. BUT? Ali go? I'll go! Tishka! Olympiad Samsonovna. As you wish, do it - your business. Podkhalyuzin. Tishka!


Feed the old sector, which is not worse.

Tishka leaves.

And then think; Rich must be in those pores and you won't talk.

Phenomenon fifth

The same, Rispalinsky and Agraphen Kondratyevna.

Rispalodsky. You, Mother, Agraphen Kondratyevna, the cucumbers have not yet been disturbed to saline? Agrapan Kondratyevna. No, Batyushko! What are the cucumbers now! Is I so? Did you leave? Rispalodsky. How, Mother was satisfied. The road is very very; They say that frost enough. Lazar Elizarych, father, hello. Is it a vodka? I, Lazar Olizarych, I drink a glass.

Agraphen Kondratyevna leaves, with SAMSONOVY OLYMPIAD.

Podkhalyuzin. And why did you come to the ladies? Rispalodsky. He, he, heh! .. What a joker-s, Lazar Elizarych! Famous matter for what! Podkhalyuzin. And what would it be desirable to know-s? RFL Rolnogian. For money, Lazar Elizarych, for money! Who for what, and I'm all for money Podkhalyuzin. Yes, you often hurt money for money. Rispalodsky. Yes, how not to walk, Lazar Elizarych, when you give five zestoys. After all, I have a family. Podkhalyuzin. Well, you do not give it. Rispalodsky. And I would give up, so I would not go to you. Podkhalyuzin. So you are not a ear, nor a sniffer, but still hawpans. For what you give something! Rispalodsky. How for what? - They promised themselves! Podkhalyuzin. They themselves promised! After all, they gave you - to use, and there will be noness to know. Rispalodsky. How is it time to know? Yes, you still have thousands of one and a half. Podkhalyuzin. Should! The identity "should!" As if he had a document! And for what - for fraud! Rispalodsky. How for fraud? For works, and not for fraud! Podkhalyuzin. For works! Rispalodsky. Well, yes there for anything, but let's money, and then the document. Podkhalyuzin. What? Document! No, it's after come. Rispalodsky. So, do you rob me something, do you want with small children? Podkhalyuzin. What a robbery! But take five more casual, and go with God. Rispalodsky. No, wait! You can't finish it from me! Tishka enters. Podkhalyuzin. And what do you do with me? Rispalodsky. I have not purchased language. Podkhalyuzin. What are you, licking, what do you want? Rispalodsky. No, not licking, but to tell good people. Podkhalyuzin. What to tell something, a fire soul! Who will believe you yet? Rispalodsky. Who will believe? Podkhalyuzin. Yes! Who will believe? Look-TKO you are on yourself. Rispalodsky. Who will believe? Who will believe? And you will see! And you will see! My father, so what should I do something? My death! Robs me, robber, robs! No, you wait! You'll see! Burnt is not ordered! Podkhalyuzin. What do you see something? Rispalodsky. But what you see! Wait still, wait, wait! Do you think I won't find a court on you? Wait a minute! Podkhalyuzin. Wait and wait! I was so waiting for pretty. You will fully empty something: not scary. Rispalodsky. Do you think no one will believe me? Will not believe? Well, let it offend! I ... I'll do what: the most respectable public! Podkhalyuzin. What are you! What are you! Fall! Tishka. You are, with drunk eyes where you climbs! Rispalodsky. Wait, wait! .. The most respectable public! Wife, four children - here are thin boots! .. Podkhalyuzin. Everything is lying-with! The most empty person-s! Full you, full ... you first look at yourself, well, where are you climbing! Rispalodsky. Let them! Testing rogged! And robs me ... Wife, four children, thin boots! Tishka. You can throw up the backs! Rispalodsky. What are you? You are the same robber! Tishka. Nothing with, drove! Podkhalyuzin. Oh! Well, what are you morally, they are fading! Rispalodsky. No, you wait! I remember you! I'm in the Siberia stream! Podkhalyuzin. Do not believe, everything is lying-s! So, the most empty person-s, not worth the attention! Eh, brother, what are you ugly! Well, I did not know you - for no well-being and not to contact. Rispalodsky. What, took, and! What, took! Here you are, dog! Well, now fed up with my money, damn with you! (Goes out.) Podkhalyuzin. What a hot-s! (To public.) You do not believe him, it is he who said, - it's all lying. There was nothing. It must be in a dream dreamed. But we open the shop, please help! Small child arrive - in the bulb is not in general. 1849

The merchant will grow up his daughter, Bolshakova Olympics. Lipochka sits alone with a book and reflects on how she likes to dance. Lipochka is not held and begins to walt, since for more than more than a year they no longer danced, he is very worried about what can be disgraced. She understands that the dances are given with difficulty. Mother Agraphena comes into the room. And begins to bear that the daughter is so early, still not singing and not happing, dancing.

Olympiad and Agraphene quarrel. Mother scolds the daughter for the fact that all her friends are already married, and she is sitting in girls in girls. Lipochka requires her parents from parents. Olympiad cries. Parents comes Swash Naumova Ustinya. The Olympiad dreams of the husband of noble blood, and that he would be baptized on the forehead. Rispalinsky comes to visit, he worked in court, but because of a booze, he was kicked out from there. The whole family adds to him. But he is very important to the father of this family, he reflects on what to declare himself in an insolvent debtor. (By the way, the first name that Ostrovsky wanted to give this product - "bankrupt").

Ladies leave the room, and men families discuss the possible marriage in a more in-depth way. Stranky offers all the property to record on the Lazarus Pokhaluzin. Podkhaluzin enters the house and tells merchants about selling buyers. Big begins to read the newspaper. A number of bankruptcies occur in the capital, and as reported by the press, they all intend, since each of them does not want to pay debts. He believes that they are all in collusion, as they do not even seem to be counted. The owner of the house reflects on whether he chose the challenger correctly, she corresponds to property. Mr. Podkholusin sends a boy with a silence of a berry on the Ryabinovka for Sysh Psech, as they have a deal for him. He accidentally begins to reflect out out loud, that he is very poor and from the fact that he applies to something more superfluous, there will be no guilt there, since without him there is against the law.

Lazarus in love with the Olympiad begins to build plans for life in which he includes marrying in it, and finds a lot of joy in this reflection. He treats Strana, and asks the question as he is promised for the mechanics, and he himself gives a promise that he will twice as much. Swachh, he also promises a similar amount and a fur coat from a sable in addition, for that she was able to persuade her husband not to give a daughter a sticky for a noble groom, and that she told him that Mr. is ruined. Mostly gets to the house in which the real panic reigns, everything seems to everyone that he is drunk.

Mr. Lazar starts talking about the wedding, and it does not immediately, but only after he understands that he does not find a more beautiful bride. He begins to show modesty, explaining everything that he did not come out by a handsome man, and he will not like the Olympics. But in the interest of Bolshakova, to send a great honor to the future son-in-law than the order.

The whole house is busy with walling. Barina has a very festive mood. A lady appears on the threshold and reports a very unpleasant news "Groom Zakaprisnikal". Barin, reports that if this groom is so stupid that he does not understand what chance he falls in life, then his problems are not in this, but at the groom's competitions enough. To this discusing campaign, Rispalinsky with Lazarem and Fominishna are connected.

The owner of the house, in a very in a solemn atmosphere, reports that the fianc of the sticky will be Lazar. Olympiad This decision does not like and she starts to scandal. Father as the owner puts the daughter in place. Lazar is trying to find a defender from the mother, explaining that she is needed to sonar, which would respect the family of his wife and helped them in old age. Lazar and the Olympiad remain on one. He explains the wake-up bride that his father is now bankrupt, since all the property he rewritten on him. Lipochka in bewilderment, she does not understand why the father went bankrupt himself.

The Olympics does not see another reasonable exit, except for agreeing with Lazar. And accepts an offer to become his wife with the condition that their life will be completely isolated from parents. Watching took place, the whole family triumphs. Barin begins to distribute the dodged, and since the shops and the house he has already rewrote, he still remains to add only cash.

The only desire of Bolshakova is that they are not forgotten from the lady and ensure them to death. Mother of the groom overturns wine glasses behind collar strut. Begins the last action of the play. The house of underfroids is extremely thoroughly furnished with furniture. Samsonova's sticky sits at the window in a beautiful pose, she has a wonderful silk blouse and a beautiful hat. Mr. Podkholusion fits in front of the mirror.

The Olympiad wants to purchase a thousand stroller. Lazarus agrees. Lipochka awards with a compliment in French. Lazari does it very much. Mom sticky comes for money on the maintenance of her and her husband. But as soon as she addresses the promised money, Lazarus gives a turn from the gate. Mother leaves a hundred rubles instead of a thousand, and poor-quality dress instead of salop from a sable.

Mr. Mr. Bolshe starts seriously complaining about his health, which he always had a weak. He is trying to negotiate with creditors, that pays for debt but in a smaller volume (for each debt ruble, will give four times less). Lenders agree on how it is more profitable than to put him in prison and keep it for their own funds. But since the money is now all at Podkholusion, then it will be necessary to decide, and he can only hope that he will hold back promise.

Lazarlar refuses, and the daughter of Bolshakova supports her husband, as it does not want to live in the poor. And subsequently, more than ten kopecks are not going to give. Bolshakov understands that now the only way to the Siberian reference is. Podkholusion harvested horses to condemn everything with creditors again. Rispalodskiy, insists on debt pay. He loudly swears on the Podkholusion with the accusations of fraud against his testing. But Podkholusion replies that he did not promise anything Bolshakov. And the fact that all this test dreamed. Lipochka and he is going to open a store, in which, as they promise, even a penny will not be superfluous.

A brief retelling "His people, Oleg Nikov prepared in a reduction to the reader's diary.

Your people - to think

The nineteen-year-old merchant daughter is talking with him about how she likes to dance, but not with students: "Whether it is different with the military! And the mustache, and the epoles, and the uniform, and others have even spurs with the bells! "

In dreams of her - outfits, entertainment, brilliant Cavalers.

Lipochka - the girl is empty-headed, and she walps it bad, although he took twenty lessons from the local dance teacher.

Mama brazes the sticky for the fact that she spins-spinning, and the sticky is fighting off: "Not so much you, Mama, for me significant!"

Mother and daughter are worried. Lipochka really wants to jump married. Mother wants a fiance of a solid, and daughters need "Dushka, Milac, Capon"!

"Capidon" is called, derived from "Cupid", the Love God.

The speech of stickies, her mother and father is illiterate to comicness. They constantly insult each other. And if the Agraphen Kondratyevna nourishes the animal to the animal of maternal love for his daughter ("Daika, I give you a handkerchief to you a cloth!"), Then the sticky is rushing away from home - to meet free life, where only outfits and entertainment.

For the merchant, Lipochka does not want to go, only "for noble". And so that there was a brunette!

Swach comes, drinks a glass, promises a "bralyacy" groom.

And Samson has its own problems and care. He drawn to the Strana (the master to comprehend the judicial divisions) Rispalinsky ("Talking" surname - from "Drink to the position of Riz"), Gorky Drunkitsa, so that he helped him not pay debts, declare himself bankrupt (insolving debtor). In fact, Bolevova has money, that's just to give it not wants them.

Rispalinsky advises B Bolpow to sell or lay all his shops to someone who deserves confidence. And then declare that he goes like falcon.

Ensure, if you want, get twenty-five kopecks for the ruble debt, and then stay at all!

Samson Stolech believes that he may well trust his cradle. He swears in devotion, and on the mind has only his benefit. No wonder the last name of this casual young man Podkhalyuzin is not even podkhalim. And what can be waiting for him pain-seam, who took him to the shop by the boy and humiliated as he could, considering that he had blessing?

How did the podhaluzin do not surround your piece from the transaction?

He knows that Bolpov the merchant is rich, only from greed and even for entertainment, started the Asphar with bankruptcy.

Podkhalyuzin attracts to his side Rispalinsky, looked twice as much money than most of them.

And one more idea donates the clerk: and not to conclude a union with the sticky? Do not marry her?

For the matchmakers, he promises Ustini Naumovna Sable the fur coat and two thousand rubles. Award is just incredible!

And the groom, whom Swachy already found for the sticky, you just need to say that there is no dowry for the bride, because her father is bankrupt.

Ustinya, seduced by a sable to the fur coat and huge money, promises to help the podhaluzin.

Bolyov agrees to give a sticky for Pienejun: "My brainchild! I want - with the porridge I want - but the oil smells! "

Lipochka discharged in anticipation of the bridegroom's visit. Mother looks at her with tears of lunay, daughter pushes her: "Long, mamma! Fi! It is impossible to dress more recently, you will immediately grow out ... "

Swaha reports that the "bragistic" groom changed his mind.

Lipochka in despair. Mostly declares her daughter that the bridegroom is! And invites Podkhaluzin: "Polly!"

Lipochka refuses such an incomplete marriage, but his father does not listen.

Bolzov's daughter remains with a sub-haul alone. He shows her documents: "Your thymth - bankrupt-s!"

Podkhaluzin seduces it with the prospects for the future life:

"You and at home will walk in silk dresses, and to visit or to the theater, frozen velvet, and not worn-s."

And the house promises to buy Lazar Eliasarovich, and arrange him with a luxury-having eyes. And if I don't like his beard sticky, so he will change the appearance as the wife wishes.

And the parents will not obey themselves, they will heal themselves!

Samsonovna Olympiad agrees.

After the wedding, the sticky is very pleased with his life: there is a lot of new dresses, a good house, the husband of the promises did not violate!

But neither the Swash Ustiny, nor the Rispalinsky promised rewards did not receive. Deceived their podhaluzin.

Moreover, the majority is in prison - in the "Debt Pen." Podkhaluzin is not going to pay his debts, at least twenty-five kopecks for the ruble. Neither the Father, nor Mother, are not needed.

His people, and descended in their own way - the deceiver deceived the deceiver.

And Podkhaluzin opens the store and invites:

"Welcome! A small child will send - in the bulba is not in general. "

Plays "His People Three" Ostrovsky wrote in 1849. The initial names of the comedy were the "insolvent debtor" and "bankrupt". The play was written in the framework of realism (artistic direction in Russian literature). In Comedy, Ostrovsky is coming the merchant Moscow society of that time, exposing the confusion and silence of people living under the laws of deception.

main characters

Podkhaluzin Lazar Elizarych - Customer at the majority, then the husband of sticky. An calculating, thinking only about himself, ready to deceive anyone for his own benefit.

Lipochka (Olympiad Samsonovna) - Daughter Bolshaya, unlike parents had some education; She wanted a noble husband, sought to life, similar to the greatness.

Most Samson Stolech - merchant, father of sticky; "If they walked in the head, you can't choose an outstand."

Other characters

Agraphen Kondratyevna - Wife Bolshaya, Mother Sticky.

Ustinya Naumovna - Swaha.

Rispalinsky Sysova PSOCH - Strank.

First action

Phenomenon 1.

Lipochka sits with a book by the window argues how pleasant occupation is dancing. She learned dancing in just twenty lessons. Now it is experiencing that a year and a half did not dance and may be overlapped before the future husband, trying to remember movements.

Phenomenon 2.

Agraphen Kondratyevna, seeing that the sticky was dancing, begins to be angry. The girl is outraged that she sometimes has to blush for the "disgusting concepts" of the parents, because they are "not brought up."

Lipochka can not find the groom. It is saddened that "all girlfriends with husbands have long been, and I like an orphan what! The one was found, and so refused. " Lipochka threatens mother, which called parents secretly marks with some hussar.

Phenomena 3 - 5

Swash comes to Bolshaya. Lipochka and Agraphen are asked when they already have the groom. Ustiny Naumovna replies that they will "not soon understand." The father asks the groom rich, the mother - "the merchant", "that there was a" pitiful "and" the forehead would be baptized in an old one, "and the sticky herself is noble.

Phenomena 6 - 7

Lipochka does not want her husband to be a merchant, like father, because the merchants do not have ambitions.

Ustiny Naumovna tells Agraphen Kondratyevna, which I found the "diamond" groom, a noble person, "noble".

Phenomena 8 - 10

Bolshaya discusses their affairs with Rispalodsky. Most strongly owed creditors. Sysh PSOCH advises him to lay or sell shops, rewrite property on someone from "Aliens", for example, on the clerk of the Bolshai - Lazaror Elizarycha. Most agreed, because "he is small with the concept, and there is a capital of the capital." Rispalinsky says that after they laid the house, write the "registry" of 25 kopecks for the ruble and go to lenders.

Phenomenon 11.

Podkhaluzin brings "Case announcements" - many rich merchants became bankrupt.

Phenomenon 12.

Podkhaluzin assures the majory that is ready to help him get out of a difficult situation. Samson Stolech promises curate share of the lady. Lazar is responsible for him, in addition to calm, the majority is not necessary, because it should be for the fact that Samson took him to work yet by the boy.

Second action

Phenomena 1 - 3

Lazarra reflects that in the event of bankruptcy, he will have to trade in the passing row to trade "and you need to come up with something. It comes to his head that, although the Samsonovna Olympiad and the formed young lady, but no one will take it without a given it, so it is worth going for her himself.

Phenomena 4 - 5

Rispalinsky tells the Podkhaluzin that Mostly promised him for the device of affairs a thousand rubles and a raccoon fur coat. Lazarus promises two thousand, but you have to change the plans a bit.

Phenomena 6 - 7

Podkhalyuzin asks Ustinyu Naumovna to refuse the fiance she found for the Olympics, his familiar merchant is very in love with the Olympics. The only problem is non-dense origin. Swaha argues that the Olympiad itself is not a nobleman. Lazaror confirms: "Well, you see whether there is a much decent one for a merchant." Podkhaluzin promises Ustini Naumovna for this service two thousand rubles and sable a fur coat.

Phenomena 8 - 10

Podkhalyuzin is spoken with the Bolshaya about the Olympics: if the grooms learn that the family has a debt, "to drag on the courts." Lazaru advises to "attach up to the time before the time of Alimpiiyad Samsonovna for a good man" and says that the noble woven for the Olympics has changed his mind - apparently, he learned about the state of affairs. Lazar is recognized that she loves the Olympics. Mostly decides that Podkhaluzin is a good party, and the daughter "for whom Vella, for the same goes."

Action third

Phenomena 1 - 3

Most, Agraphen Kondratyevna and the dressed sticky await the promised noble groom. However, the Naumovna who came Ustinya informs that "the bridegroom is no matter." Samson Stolech says Svakha no longer search for the groom - he will find.

Phenomenon 4.

As soon as Lazarus comes to Bolshaya, Samson Stolech, not a medal, reports that Podhaluzin - chosen by the groom. The sticky of indignant says that he will not go "for such a nasty". Most forcibly takes a daughter for the hand. Agraphen asks him to come to his senses, but he answers: "What am I and Father, if not to order? For nothing, did I feed her? " . Lipochka is outraged: "Where is it possible that the brought up young ladies go out for their employees?" . Big orders her to silence: "We will leave Velo and for the janitor."

Podkhalyuzin assures an upset Agraphene that "you have a son-in-law, which would respect you and, it means, the old age has restrained," the rubbing of me, not to find-s. "

Phenomenon 5.

Alone with a sub-haulzine sticky calls him an uneducated fool and flatly refuses to go beyond him. Lazarar replies that no noble without giving her to marry - the father of her bankrupt, and the house and shops rewrote at him. The sticky is surprised, from where Podhalyuzin took the money, to which he answers: "We, thank God, the money is more than that noble." Lazarus promises a sticky that she will go at home in silk dresses, they will lead the eagle horses, he will walk in the trick and sked in fashion.

Thinking, the sticky asks to take her from the parental home: "Ah, if you knew, Lazar Elizarych, what I live here! Mama Seven Fridays at the week; Tyatnaka, how not drunk, so silent, but how drunk, so it will be boosted and look. What is it to endure the abrasive lady! " .

Lazarus promises that they will move to their home after the wedding. The sticky makes it: "So look, Lazar Elizarych, we will live by ourselves, and they themselves. We will start everything in fashion, and they - as they want. "

Phenomena 6 - 8

Lazarus everyone reports that the sticky agreed to marry him. Mostly announces that the house and shops will instead of the dowry, still "from cash": "Take everything, only us with older feeds and lenders to pay kopecks for ten. Podkhaluzin summarizes: "His people will tear!" .

Action 4.

Phenomenon 1.

Furnished living room in Podkhaluzin's house. Samsonovna Olympiad is dressed in the silk blouse of the last Liason, Lazar in the trendy surtuk. They discuss what you need to buy a new stroller, plan to go to Sokolniki and the park. The Olympiad at the request of the husband tells the phrase on a bad French than leads him to delight.

Phenomena 2 - 3

Olimpid who came Ustinin will boast the number of new outfits. Swaha asks Lazarus the money promised them. Podkhalyuzin gives only a hundred kischkov: "You never know what I promised! I promised from Ivan the great jump, I marvel on Alimpiyad Samsonovna, - so jump? ". Upset and outraged Ustinya Naumovna promises to "relax" them throughout Moscow.

Phenomenon 4.

Agraphen Kondratyevna and Bolshevna comes to the podhaluzin. Samson tells that he sits in the debt and he had to walk on the street with a soldier, "the boys with fingers show." Lipochka notices: "Well, aunty, sit and better us with you."

Mostly says that lenders are asking for 25 kopecks for the ruble. Lazarus says that it is a lot and it can only give 10 - he has no money. Mostly outraged, because he asks them "his own good". The Olympiad confirms that they cannot give more than 10 kopecks. Upset big says that he can be seen in Siberia. Agrapan Kondratyevna begins to scold Lazarus, but it is interrupted by the Olympics, accusing in Greobyness: "The day will not pass, so as not to get someone."

Upset big leaves with nothing.

Phenomenon 5.

For money to Lazari, Rispalinsky comes to Lazarovin - Podkhaluzin gives him only 5 casual, although there must be another and a half thousand. Lazar believes that nothing should "for fraud". The outstanding rispalinsky promises to put on a podhaluzine bad glory, cease to Siberia.

Podkhaluzin appeals to the public: "You do not believe him, it is he who said, - this is all lying. There was nothing. It must be in a dream dreamed. But we open the shop, please help! A small child will send - in the bulba is not in general. "


In addition to the moral cloak of the Moscow merchants, the Ostroesky affects the relationship between fathers and children, the Ostrovsky affects the relationship between fathers and children, compares the elder and the youth generation, while young people are even inferior to the elders. A merchant Samson Stolech, not interested in the opinion of his daughter, trying to turn the attire successful at first glance, gives her marriage for his clerk. But Podkhaluzin turned out to be his good student not only in the case merchant, but also in the question of deceptions, therefore, as a result, it turns out to be anything.

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