Decembrist white-pink. Schlumbergera - description, varieties, care and reproduction

reservoirs 28.05.2019

Schlumbergera popularly has many names: Decembrist, Rozhdestvennik, Zygocactus, Varvarin color. Often, ripsalidopsis, which looks very similar in appearance, is mistakenly attributed to it.

This is a relative of the Decembrist, but only a novice grower can call them the same.

Schlumbergera has elongated segments with serrated or rounded protrusions along the edges.

Ripsalidopsis has no scalloped or serrated segments.

Decembrist dissolves by Christmas, a ripsalidopsis - for Easter hence its common name, easter flower.

However, both the appearance and care requirements of these plants are quite spartan. Both require a period of rest, that is, being in a cool place with little or no watering, otherwise you can not wait for the flowers.

Earlier in nature, Decembrists were found only with red and white flowers. The remaining varieties of Schlumberger are the result of the work of breeders.

Quite inconspicuous in summer, this zygocactus amazingly transforms in winter, during the flowering period.

Below will be presented photos of varieties of flowers and types of the Decembrist.

Species, hybrid varieties and their photos


This kind of Schlumberger, Buckley can grow up to 40-50 cm, it is distinguished by a dark green color of the stems and large, up to 8 cm, flowers of pinkish-purple or lilac- Pink colour. The segments are small, with indistinct marginal projections.

Considered the most persistent from the Decembrists.

Varieties derived from this species group are distinguished by a variety of colors and the shape of stem segments.


Blooming white Schlumbergera look very elegant and gentle. With good care under the flowers, the stems are almost invisible. In cold winter, this type of zygocactus reminds of spring, cherry blossoms and pleases the eye of the owner. Some flower growers compare it with a white swan.

Below in the photo is a flower of a zygocactus species with a name White Decembrist.


If you plant several varietal Schlumbergers in one flower pot, then it will work fantastic multi-colored composition - mix.

Home care for the Schlumberger mix is ​​the same as for other types of zygocactus.

Below is a photo of a Schlumberger mix.


Zygocactus truncated grows up to 50 cm, leaf segments up to 6 cm long and up to 3.5 cm wide are painted light green and end with sharp teeth, and two-tier flowers with petals bent back have a delicate shade from purple and lilac to white-pink.

The most common are bright crimson flowers, but shades can vary, there are even plants with a smooth transition from pale orange to pale crimson.

Schlumbergera truncated after flowering, in place of the flower, a fruit is formed in the form of a pinkish-red berry.


Zygocactus of this variety does not exceed 30 cm, characterized by glossy stems and flat leaf segments without spines and sharp corners.

The flowers have many elongated pointed petals in purple, red or pink and have a greenish peduncle tube.

Rousseliana hybrids and truncated are gradually becoming more widespread: due to their increased stability, unpretentiousness and greater elegance, they are gradually replacing Buckley, who has more traditional look and, perhaps, bored by discerning flower growers.

Blooming pleases owners large flowers from yellow to golden. With a snowy monochrome December, it reminds of the warm summer sun.

Interestingly, the derivation yellow flowers became for flower growers one of the most difficult tasks associated with the hybridization of Schlumbergera: this color was absent in the Decembrist palette.

This variety of Zygocactus has white to faint pale pink double petals and a long tube with yellow stamens at the end.

When something blooms resembles a carnation.

Multi-tiered flowers of rich red-lilac color enliven the view outside the window, add color to the gray dominant of November-December everyday life. The shape of flowers and leaves Jagged Pasadena reminds me of Buckley.

Interesting variety cultivar has a yellow and white margin of the stem segments. The flowers are white with a lilac-crimson border, as if spreading to the edges of the petals.

Madonna Danse

The variety stands out among others with the unusual color of its flowers. The pale shade gradually intensifies towards the edges of the petals, which gives the plant a delicate and at the same time expressive appearance.

Madonna Danse- decoration of the collection of zygocactus lovers.

Schlumberger Gaertner- a fairly popular pet among other types of zygocactus, it is distinguished by bright red-orange flowers, resembling multi-tiered bells, on large shoots.


Schlumbergera is quite unpretentious and little susceptible to diseases. With unpretentious care, the Decembrist is able to bloom and delight the owners from December to February, and the variety of species and varieties made many gardeners fall in love with this cactus.

Useful video

The video below will tell you in detail how to properly care for the Decembrist:

We want to introduce you to the unusual indoor flower. It is a cactus that does not like heat and direct sunlight, has no thorns and blooms in December, when all other flowers prefer winter rest. The botanical name of this cactus is Schlumbergera. It is also called Zygocactus. Due to the flowering time, which peaks in December, on Christmas Eve, this plant is most often called Decembrist or Rozhdestvennik. In this article, we will introduce you to the features of caring for the Decembrist at home. Moreover, the agricultural technology of growing this flower is fundamentally different from the agricultural technology of all other cacti.

The pot with the Decembrist is best placed in partial shade. Flower loves good lighting, but does not tolerate bright direct sun, from which its stems can get burned, and the final leaf segments can dry out and die. Therefore, the window sills of the southern and western directions will not work. It is better if these are east windows. If you have an ampelous view of Zygocactus, then instead of a pot, you can grow a flower in hanging planter close to windows. V summer time we recommend that you take the flower to the balcony or loggia and place or hang it there in partial shade. You can find a well-lit place for it, but protected from the direct rays of the sun and wind, in your garden or in the country.

In addition, in order to form a bush harmoniously developed on all sides, the pot must be turned to the light in different directions. This can be done all summer, until the beginning of autumn, while the Decembrist is actively growing shoots. If the bush stands all summer with one side towards the light, then by the time of flowering it will be one-sided. But during this period to correct appearance it’s too late for a cactus - you can’t unscrew the extra shoots or turn the pot the other side towards the light during flowering.

With the onset of cool nights, the Decembrist should be brought into the room. In winter, during the set of buds and flowering, it is advisable to organize additional lighting for the flower with a fluorescent lamp or phytolamp.


It is necessary to designate several different periods in the life of the Decembrist, when the irrigation regime should be changed. The common thing is that Schlumberger should be watered with warm settled water, preferably boiled. The substrate should dry well between waterings. Cold hard water and abundant watering, after which the earth does not have time to dry out, can cause root rot and plant disease with fungal infections.

Now about the features. During the set of buds and flowering, from November to February, the Decembrist should be watered with such regularity that the soil is constantly moist. After flowering, from February to March, the next watering is done after it dries well upper layer substrate to a depth of 2 cm. It is impossible to dry out the soil completely. Observe the same watering regimen during the Decembrist dormancy period before flowering (September-November). In the summer, watering should be regular and moderate, two to three times a week. Make sure the soil dries out almost completely between waterings.


Christmas loves wet Fresh air. If the air in the room is dry, it is necessary to spray the flower several times a day with warm, clean water using a fine spray bottle. A pot with a Decembrist can be placed in a deep pan with wet pebbles or expanded clay. In the summer, arrange a regular shower for Zygocactus - it will not only wash away dust from the leaves of the plant, but also nourish them with moisture.


The Decembrist normally refers to the usual room temperature of the content - from 18 to 26 gr. Celsius. When the room is too hot, spray it more often and keep an eye on the humidity indicators - this cactus was born in the tropics. During his rest before flowering (September - November) and after flowering (February - March), it is desirable to reduce the temperature of the content to 12 - 16 gr. During the set of buds and flowering (November - February), avoid drafts and sudden changes in temperature. Well, if it is constantly within 16 - 18 gr. Then the Decembrist will bloom longer and more abundantly.

Temperatures above 37 and below 2 degrees Celsius are considered critical for Zygocactus.


Pruning of the Decembrist is called the careful unscrewing of the leaves-segments of the plant by hand. This removes excess shoots, damaged segments, stems growing in the wrong direction. This work must be done at the beginning of summer, firstly, to give the bush the desired beautiful shape, and secondly, to abundant flowering in winter, because the buds are formed on healthy young shoots.


The Decembrists are transplanted at the end of February, after the end of flowering. Young bushes are transplanted annually, and adult plants less often - once every 3 to 4 years. New pots should be a couple of cm larger than the old ones.

soil and pot

The soil for Schlumbergera is slightly acidic, loose and light. Ready-made substrate for succulents or cacti can be purchased at the store. It is also not difficult to prepare the soil yourself. Recall that in nature, these cacti grow on trees, where there is no soil, in the usual sense of the word. Mix peat, leafy and soddy soil with coarse sand in equal proportions. For disinfection, add a little crushed coal, and for good water permeability - vermiculite or brick chips.

Choose a container for planting not deep, as root system The Decembrist is superficial, and not too wide, since the Decembrist blooms more readily in a narrow pot. One third of the pot should be occupied by a drainage layer. In the bottom - drainage holes, under the pot - a pallet. A ceramic pot would be preferable to others. For transplanting, each time pick up a container two to three cm wider than the previous one.

top dressing

The Decembrist needs feeding. Suitable complex fertilizers for epiphytic plants. If you can’t find these, buy ordinary liquid complex fertilizers for decorative and deciduous indoor flowers. Only use a dose half that recommended on the package. In the spring it is enough to feed once a month. In the summer, when the stems begin to actively grow, feed the plant more often, twice a month. Stop fertilizing in the fall to allow the plant to rest before bud formation. At the same time, it is desirable, in order to prevent fungal diseases, to treat the Decembrist with some fungicide.

Conditions for the annual flowering of the Decembrist

Many people wonder why the Christmas tree does not bloom? The fact is that in order to make the Zygocactus Decembrist bloom in December, it is necessary to prepare it for this from the beginning of September. Reduce the watering of the flower, stop feeding it, move it to a cooler, but not dark room. There, at a temperature of 12 - 16 gr. Celsius, it should be at rest for about three months.

At the end of November, return the flower to its original place - light and warm. Start watering regularly - The Decembrist should wake up and feel that it is time for him to bloom. At this time, you need to rotate the plant around its axis to evenly illuminate its shoots from all sides. Watch the cactus.

As soon as you see that buds have begun to form at the ends of its leaf-segments, stop disturbing the flower: do not move it to other places anymore, do not turn it in different sides, especially do not transplant into another pot - he can panic and drop the long-awaited buds. Warn your family about this. And yet, make sure that the substrate in the pot is always slightly damp.

No less important are all the previously described rules for keeping a flower. If you have followed these rules all year, your Decembrist will definitely bloom.

To make flowering last longer, remove faded buds in a timely manner. Watch the temperature - it should be within 16 - 20 gr. and no sudden changes. Watering should be regular and plentiful with soft boiled water at room temperature.

After the Decembrist has faded, begin to gradually reduce watering. Again, transfer the flower pot to a cool place with a temperature of about 15 degrees. Do not feed, let the flower rest and gain new strength. The vegetative period at Rozhdestvennik begins at the end of March. At this time, return the flower to its former bright and warm place. Start the new season with more watering and fertilizing.


Zygocactus in the wild live a very long time. There are cases when the life expectancy of individual specimens of Schlumbergera in the botanical garden ranged from 120 years or more. At home, the Decembrist can please his owners with lush flowering for about 20 years, but only if he is comfortable.

Reproduction Schlumbergera cuttings

The Decembrist is very easy to propagate by cuttings. Unscrew from the mother plant a stalk with two to three extreme leaf segments. Dry them for a day - two on a plate in the shade and then plant them in a moist substrate of peat and sand. To speed up root formation, you can use special preparations: zircon or root. Cover the container with the handle with something suitable for creating greenhouse effect. Keep the temperature around 20 degrees. Celsius. Find a place for your greenhouse in partial shade. Once a day, open, ventilate. The Decembrist successfully takes root in spring and summer for a month.

Decembrist cuttings in cups

Specialists usually root those cuttings that were obtained during the pruning of the Decembrist.

Note that cuttings take root in a glass of water in the same way. After the appearance of a new segment on the handle, rooting can be considered successful. The bush is ready for transplanting into a pot with suitable soil in accordance with all the rules.

Propagation of the Christmas tree by seeds

In the wild, Schlumbergera reproduces by seeds. Pollinated by insects, the flowers form an ovary, which thickens and lengthens during the development of the fetus, and reaches its final size - about 2 cm in length. Within a month, the fruit will ripen, but will stay on the plant until the next flowering. The color of ripe fruits is orange or pinkish. Their shape is pear-shaped. Morphologically, the fruit of the Decembrist is a berry with large quantity seeds in juicy pulp. The Decembrist, like all types of cacti, has edible fruits. They are juicy and sour in taste. They are pecked with pleasure by birds, and the seeds, having passed through their intestines, along with excrement, will be carried to various places.

Decembrist seeds begin to germinate inside the fruit

Interestingly, the seeds begin to germinate right in the overripe fruits of the plant. If this fruit is cut, then inside the pink pulp you can find a tiny emerald cactus. And when the fruits finally fall down to the ground, they begin to rot, creating a substrate suitable for the roots of the young Decembrist. The cactus takes root well and grows further on its own.

At home, it is possible to grow a Decembrist from seeds bought in a store. It is not realistic to get seeds on your own, so we will not describe this process. Note that the timing of seed germination is very different. Some germinate within 20 to 30 days, while others wait for something in a wet greenhouse for many months. If you need all the sprouts, keep moistening the substrate in the greenhouse, and most likely all the seeds will come out. After two or three months, germinated sprouts with two or three segments can be carefully planted in an independent pot.

Diseases of Zygocactus

Most often, the Decembrist is affected by fungal diseases, the pathogens of which enter the plant tissue from contaminated soil. The root neck of the flower suffers the most. A diseased plant becomes lethargic, loses color, elasticity of the stem. Leaf segments fall off. These fungal diseases, phytium, fusarium and late blight, are treated with fungicides. Transplant the fungicide-treated plant into a new substrate, and do not make mistakes when watering.

Why is the Christmas tree withering? If you water your Zygocactus cold water from the tap, the root system of the plant can get sick from hypothermia. The flower will lose stability, begin to sway, the shoots will wither. This must not be allowed.

The same effect can be obtained from the fact that the flower is in the sun in a plastic pot. Its root system may suffer from overheating.

The root system of the flower also suffers from too high a concentration of fertilizers in the soil. In nature, cacti usually live on trees without soil, their roots are not able to absorb much nutrients instantly. A high concentration of minerals can destroy the root system in short time. Do not overdose fertilizer when top dressing. Use a substrate suitable for cacti for planting and transplanting the Decembrist.

In all these cases, get rid of the unsuitable soil and transplant the diseased plant into a new substrate, after examining its roots, removing all rotten and damaged ones. Spray the flower with a suitable fungicide and start taking care of the Decembrist in the right way.

Sometimes the Decembrist's leaf segments begin to crumble. There may be several reasons for this.

If you have not fed your cactus for a long time, the reason may lie in the lack of nutrients in the soil. Feed the flower with flowering fertilizer indoor plants under the root and spray its leaves with a solution of fertilizers for epiphytic cacti. The Decembrist should soon restore his strength and stop the leaf fall. If top dressing did not help, change the soil.

The stress transferred by the flower in the form of a sharp temperature drop, drafts or transplantation can also cause the leaves to fall off.

Another reason may lie in the too dry air of the room with the flower. It is necessary to increase the humidity in any way available to you:

  • place a container of water near the pot with the Decembrist;
  • put the pot in a tray with wet pebbles;
  • spray the flower and the surrounding area with warm water;
  • use a humidifier;
  • move the pot away from heating appliances;
  • cover the battery with a damp towel.

Another reason for leaf fall can be considered with a magnifying glass if a spider mite settled on the Decembrist. How to get rid of it, we will tell a little lower.

If you brought home a blooming Decembrist bought in a store, and he began to drop buds and flowers, do not worry. The plant has been stressed. It will take a little time, and Schlumberger adapts to new growing conditions.

Pests of the Decembrist

  1. If brownish tubercles about 4 mm in size appear on the leaf blades, these are most likely scale insects. They feed on the juice of the plant, the leaves wither and fall off.
  2. If you notice thin cobwebs between the shoots of the Decembrist, the stem was covered with a rusty coating, and the leaves began to crumble, then most likely the flower was struck by a spider mite. These insects are very small, brown, yellow or reddish in color. They appear on plants in rooms with dry air and feed on their juice.
  3. If you notice whitish lumps between the leaf segments that look like flour or cotton wool, most likely your pet has been attacked by mealybugs.

If you can provide your pet good care, then the Decembrist will delight you with his healthy and attractive appearance for many years. According to legend, this unusual cactus is able to melt the coldest heart and fill it with warmth and love. For some, it helps to normalize blood pressure, for others it relieves insomnia. And literally everyone the Decembrist brings joy on the eve of Christmas and New Year holidays with his colorful flowering.

In our country. Most of them he is better known as a Decembrist. Schlumbergera flower - beautiful flowering plant that does not require complex care. It got its name in honor of the French florist, big fan and collector of cacti Frederic Schlumberger. Another name for the flower is zygocactus. It is translated from Greek as "rocker". The stems of the flower really bend in the shape of a rocker.

flower description

Despite the fact that this plant belongs to the genus, it is not from a hot and arid desert. Under natural conditions, the Schlumberger flower grows in moist forests Brazil and South America. These flowers live on the trunks and roots of trees growing in the highlands. Hummingbirds pollinate flowers under these conditions.

Flower growers often call him a Christmas or Decembrist. The names of these plants are not accidental. This amazing flower blooms around Christmas. However, zygocacti are so unpredictable that they can kick out numerous buds in spring, and even in the middle of summer. But most often, flower growers manage to make the Decembrist bloom in winter.

Schlumberger's indoor flower is epiphytic. Each stem of this beautiful plant flattened-segmented, branched, flower buds appear at their ends. They have a somewhat drooping shape and can be dyed in different colors.

Breeders are constantly working to improve this plant and new hybrids appear every year. Over time, the Decembrist may show corking of trunks. So that the Schlumberger flower is not one-sided, it must be periodically turned towards the light source.


Today at indoor floriculture Three types of Decembrist are most commonly used:

  • Gertner;
  • truncated;
  • Bookley.

The first variety is quite large plant with numerous leaf-like segments, up to seven centimeters long. Beautifully blooms in a scattering of bright red-orange flowers in the form of bells, which have petals pointed at the edges.

The next variety has stems consisting of leaf-like segments, with sharp teeth on the edges. The flowers are symmetrical, the central tube is slightly slanted, and the petals are wrapped back. The color of the flowers is diverse: pale pink and white, purple and lilac.

Stems of the third grade consist of small segments of light green color, which have small protrusions along the edges. Symmetrical purple-pink flowers.

decorative properties

Schlumberger flowers, the care of which will not be difficult even for beginners, thanks to their attractive appearance, organically fits into any interior of the room. They look best in a hanging planter, because they are. If you do not have such an opportunity, the Decembrist can be installed on an inverted pot.

The soil

The soil mixture is prepared from leafy, soddy soil and sand. Acidity must be neutral or slightly acidic. A little powdered charcoal should be added to the prepared mixture (activated tablets are also suitable). Drainage (pebbles, expanded clay) is laid at the bottom of the pot. The container for planting should be low and wide: the diameter should be greater than the height of the pot. Decembrists grow well and look impressive in original wicker baskets.

crown formation

For a thicker and more lush crown, Schlumberger's home flower is pinched and cut off. Twigs that do not branch should be shortened. Due to the fact that buds often appear on new young shoots, frequent cutting is justified, as it contributes to rapid and abundant flowering.


Schlumberger flowers, which are surprisingly easy to care for, love bright areas of the room, but protected from direct sunlight. In summer, the flower must be protected from heat, which it does not tolerate well. In the summer, the flower can be taken out into the fresh air. However, it must be remembered that direct Sun rays can harm the plant: the leaves turn yellow, the growth of the flower stops.

The plant feels quite comfortable on the northern, western or eastern windows. And in winter, the Decembrist can be rearranged on the windowsill of the south window. But this must be done before flowering, otherwise the Decembrist may drop the buds.


To temperature extremes and conditions environment the Decembrist is quite tolerant. The plant survives at temperatures from +2 to + 7 °C. But do not abuse this feature. In order for the Schlumberger flower to delight you with its beauty, home care must certainly include control of the air temperature in the room. The thermometer readings will be optimal in the range from +18 to +25 ° C.


When the Schlumberger flower blooms, the photo of which you can see in this article, gray winter days seem to brighten. Bright delicate flowers, like multi-stage fountains, cascade down the stems. And if you plant several plants in a pot, and even with multi-colored flowers, it seems as if magnificent fireworks broke out on the windowsill. New Year holidays with such decoration they become more colorful, brighter, and happier.

The Schlumbergera flower forms buds only when the temperature drops and the daylight hours decrease. Therefore, it must be taken into account that in spring and summer, as well as during the heating season, when the temperature in the apartment is from +20 to +23 ° C, the plant grows foliage. Buds in such conditions either do not form at all, or immediately fall off.

What is needed in order for the Schlumberger flower to bloom, how to care for it? First of all, it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the room, not exceeding +20 °C.


Despite the fact that Schlumberger flowers are called cacti, the care and reproduction of these exotics is not much different from other equally popular indoor plants. Water the flower with warm settled water, since cold water can damage the root system. At the same time, watering should be moderate - the Decembrist does not tolerate overdrying or waterlogging of the soil. In both cases, this is fraught with the death of the root system, and then the whole plant.

After the appearance of the buds, it is necessary to carefully monitor that the soil in the pot is always moderately moist. In the period from late April to mid-September, when the plant is actively growing, the root system requires moisture only when the topsoil dries up.

From the second half of September, watering is reduced, and the plant is transferred to a cool room. In the heat, the Schlumbergera cactus evaporates from the leaves a large number of moisture, so it should be sprayed with soft water. Periodically, it is necessary for the Decembrist to arrange a warm shower.

top dressing

So that the Schlumberger flower grows well and pleases for a long time lush bloom, do not forget about regular top dressing. From February to October, organic and mineral fertilizers for cacti are usually applied to the soil, which can be purchased at a specialized store. During the formation of buds, the flower is watered with nutrient compounds for flowering plants.

rest period

For active development and lush, a period of rest is necessary. After the end of flowering before the beginning of the growing season, the flower must be placed in a cool place and watering should be reduced to a minimum.


If you decide to breed your beautiful flower, it is necessary to do this in late April or early May with cuttings from stems consisting of two or three segments. Carefully unscrew the cuttings from the mother plant and dry them for two days. After that, they will easily take root in moist soil, sand or water. You can grow a Decembrist from seeds, but this is a rather troublesome and lengthy process.


Fans of experiments can grow a grafted Decembrist, in the form of a small tree. As a rootstock, you can use other cacti: cylindrical cereus, prickly pear, pereskia. Vaccination is done at the beginning of summer. The top of a rooted young cactus is cut off with a very sharp knife, the top of the stem is slightly split, and a Decembrist cutting, consisting of three segments, is inserted into the split. The graft is fixed with a thin needle and tied with a thread.

When the sections grow together, spines and leaves are removed from the cactus. After that, the bandage can be removed. As soon as the flower develops a crown, it should be tied to a peg to prevent breaking off. Owners need to be aware that grafted plants are short-lived: they grow very quickly and soon lose their shape. In addition, they are often affected by various rots.

Diseases, pests

If the Decembrists begin to wither or die off the stem segments, they have appeared yellow spots, which means that the flower was struck by a flat red tick. The disease causes excessively dry indoor air.

The direct rays of the sun make the stems of the plant sluggish, the color of the segments turns pale. But this may also be a sign that the root system has begun to rot in the absence of regular watering, or affected by pests.

If the flower sheds segments, buds, then the air temperature in the room is too low. The plant can give the same reaction when insufficient watering, pest damage and root rot. Lack of light or nutrients in the soil leads to the cessation of flowering.

Often, the Decembrist is amazed by the scale insect. In this case, the leaves first turn pale, then dry and fall off. If you notice wounds on the surface of the stem, then fungal diseases are probably introduced with infected soil: phytium, fusarium, late blight. To get rid of the disease, use fungicides.

If slippery and wet spots appear on the flower, then it is infected with a bacterial infection. The action of antibacterial agents is not always effective, therefore it is more expedient to remove the affected stem or part of it.

Many acquire a Decembrist, tempted by beautiful flowering, without knowing how to care for it. Therefore, we will reveal to you some of the secrets of growing this flower.

  1. The Decembrist has a very poorly developed root system, so it should be grown in low pots.
  2. If you have purchased a flowering plant, then do not rush to transplant it immediately. Wait until it blooms.
  3. Young flowers are transplanted every year, and adult plants - after three years.
  4. After flowering is complete, the plant can be plucked (not trimmed) at the top of the stems to give nice shape crown. The stems will become more branched, many new shoots will appear.

The blooming Schlumbergera flower is unusually beautiful: bright, attracting attention. At this time, it becomes a decoration of any interior. If under natural conditions the Decembrist has only red flowers, then in indoor floriculture today plants are grown that delight with multi-colored buds. The flower belongs to centenarians. With proper care, it will decorate your apartment for twenty years.

Probably, many people know such a plant as the Decembrist or Schlumbergera. But not everyone knows that it is a cactus, and one of the synonyms for its name is zygocactus.

Representatives of the genus Schlumberger are epiphytes that came to us from the tropics. They got their name "Decembrist" or "Christmas" due to the fact that they bloom in December and their flowering often falls on Christmas for the old style.

Schlumbergera species and varieties

This genus is not numerous, it includes only six species, the remaining names are most often synonyms or varietal forms.

The shoots consist of flat elements, on the sides of which two or three blunt teeth are placed. One gets the impression that the elements that make up the sheet are truncated, which is why the view is called so. The flowers are large - up to 8 cm in length, can be of various tones.

In the past, it was classified as a subspecies of the Truncated, but later separated into a separate species. Segments of cladodies (modified shoots) are smaller. The flowers are purple in color, slightly smaller in both length and diameter. The fruits are yellowish with red.

On the segments of this Decembrist, teeth stand out well. The elements themselves are slightly larger than those of relatives. Flowers pale pink. The fruits are yellow-green, ribbed. It is valuable for gardeners because it blooms three times a year: in early spring, late summer and late autumn.

The elements of the cladodii are also rather large; they begin to become woody with aging. Flowers up to 6 cm long, up to 5 cm in diameter. Blooms in mid-spring. The fruit is green in color, round and ribbed.

All types of zygocactus are demanding on the conditions of detention and it is difficult to grow them in a room; if the rules of care are violated, the plants die quickly. Therefore, great value for gardeners, especially beginners, in this matter, is Zygocactus Buckley , which is a hybrid form and has greater unpretentiousness than pure species.

Since almost all species have their own characteristics in care, this particular hybrid is mainly grown in floriculture.

There are also many varieties with various colors petals, among which there are variegated.

  • Aspen - large white double flowers.

  • brazil - the center of the petal is white, and the edges are yellow.

  • Frances Rolanson - in the center it changes from white to yellow, and the edges of the petals are red.

  • beauty dragon - peach color of petals.

  • salsa dancer - the middle of the flower is white, and the edges are lilac.

  • Polka dancer - delicate light lilac color.

Schlumberger home care

As already mentioned, in terms of care, the Decembrist is a whimsical plant. Although its hybrid form is most often grown by flower growers, it is less demanding, but it also needs to be well looked after.

In terms of lighting, the zygocactus needs partial shade with weak diffused light. Direct beams can be fatal. If the shoots began to turn red, then most likely this is a symptom of excessive lighting. It is worth paying attention to the fact that lighting by artificial sources is excellent for the Decembrist.

Both in summer and winter, the Decembrist must be kept at a temperature close to 19 ° C. This plant does not have a pronounced dormant period.

Hybrid Schlumberger blooms in winter with oblong pink or white (but the color may vary depending on the variety) flowers that are placed at the ends of the cladodes. When grown in a room, pollination is not possible, since in nature they are pollinated by birds.

Pachypodium is an interesting succulent with beautiful flowering, grown at home care without special trouble but still some rules should be observed. You can find all the necessary recommendations for growing and caring in this article.

Watering Schlumbergera

In the warm season, watering is carried out approximately once every 4 days, plus or minus one, depending on the air temperature. Do not allow the soil to dry out or the presence of excess moisture.

Starting from mid-autumn, watering begins to be carried out every 7 days. When the buds are formed, watering is resumed to the summer level. After the end of flowering, the number of waterings is again reduced to once for 14 days.

Primer for Schlumbergera

To grow a Schlumberger, you need soil with a lot of humus. To make the mixture yourself, take turfy soil, leaf humus, peat and coarse sand in equal proportions.

Also, do not forget about a good drainage layer. A small pot is selected for growing, otherwise all the strength of the bush will go to the roots and flowering will not come soon.

Schlumberger transplant

Transplantation is carried out after the end of flowering or at the beginning of spring every 2-4 years, depending on the need.

The procedure, as a rule, does not cause difficulties and does not require special skills, you just need to be careful not to damage the root system. A pot for transplanting is taken only 1-2 cm larger than the previous one.

Fertilizer for Schlumbergera

It is necessary to fertilize the zygocactus once every 20-30 days with top dressing for decorative flowering houseplants or cacti.

Schlumbergera Growing Mistakes

  • Sometimes you can find completely disastrous tips for caring for a Schlumberger. For example, the advice to keep the soil always moist will not lead to budding, but to rotting of the root system.
  • Reproduction of zygocactus at home is available only by cuttings.

    Cuttings root very easily, even if it is just one element of the cladody. To get a cutting, several segments are carefully unscrewed from the rest of the shoot; they cannot be cut off.

    Within seven days, the material is dried, approximately in this period of time, callus should appear on the cuttings, after which they can be planted for rooting in peat mixed with sand.

    When the cuttings grow, they are transplanted into separate pots with soil for adult plants.

    Also, the cuttings can be rooted in a hydrogel, already swollen balls are poured into a small vase and cladodes are inserted between them. The cutting will suck moisture from the hydrogel as needed. Transplantation is carried out as the roots grow.

    Diseases and pests

    Despite the high sensitivity to the conditions of detention, pests and diseases rarely disturb the Decembrist.

    Sometimes an attack can happen spider mite - in this case, the shoots are washed with soapy water or they resort to insecticides, for example, Aktellik. Similar with mealybug - this pest is harvested by hand, and with a large invasion, they resort to chemical preparations.

    Most often, problems begin precisely because of improper care.

    plant wilting in most cases it occurs due to excess moisture, it may seem that the bush is drying out, but, as a rule, this is not the case. To test your guess, lightly pull the bush - if it is weakly held in the ground, then it is unlikely to be saved. It is better to put the bush on the cutting material.

    Redness of the cladodes , as already mentioned, indicates an excess of light. Place the plant in a more shaded place and everything will gradually return to normal.

    There is also the question of lack of flowering zygocactus . Buds are laid best at a temperature of 11 to 17 ° C. If the room is above 23 or below 10 degrees, flowering will not occur. To make the buds better, lower the temperature in the room with the Decembrist to 16-18 degrees in October, or a little lower if this is not a problem for you. Also, in order to stimulate budding, it is advised to pinch the extreme segments on shoots that have already bloomed in the past.

Before the onset of the New Year, a flower blooms on the windowsills of many flower growers, which is called the white Decembrist, Zygocactus, Rozhdestvennik, Schlumberger or Cancer Neck. Consider the features of caring for a plant and learn about its homeland.

Scientific flower name -Schlumbergera. This is a Latin name, but today it can be called both the original version of Schlumberger and figurative ones - Decembrist, Zygocactus, Rozhdestvennik.

The plant has beautiful original flowers and is distinguished by unpretentiousness, for which gardeners fell in love.

With proper care, the Decembrist can delight with its New Year's flowering for 20 years.

Decembrist care at home

Despite the fact that the plant as a whole is unpretentious, home care behind it has a number of features that must be observed. Decembrist or zygocactus, although it belongs to the family of forest cacti, conditions are very different if they are not opposite.

Humidity for a flower: how to water

Watering requires moderate. You should not water the flower too often to avoid stagnant water in the ground and so that the ground is not constantly excessively wet.

If the room temperature is less than 14 degrees, then watering should be reduced. If the room is hot, then watering should be done with water at room temperature, do without cold water. It may negatively affect the root system Decembrist.

Spraying helps to compensate for the dryness of the air in the apartment

Dry air can be compensated in two ways:

  • spraying;
  • Fill the tray under the flower pot with moss or peat.

Lighting for zygocactus

As for the light, the zygocactus is not a fan of it. Therefore, it should be placed in dark places. Ideally suitable east window. In no case should direct sunlight fall on the plant, otherwise the segments of the stems will begin to turn yellow and fall off.

You can put a flower on the loggias and terraces, but you should still choose places where there is more shade than light.

Temperature regime

The optimum temperature for good growth and development varies from 18 to 25 degrees. When the Decembrist blooms, as well as during its active growth, the temperature is 20 degrees. Before flowering, it should be lowered to about 15 degrees.

Proper soil and top dressing

The soil should be light and loose. The ideal substrate, which consists from:

  • Peat;
  • fertile soil;
  • Sand with large granules.

The components must be taken in a ratio of 2:1:1. To prevent the development of infectious diseases and fungus, crushed coal is added to the soil.

To ensure good water resistance, it would be nice to add some crushed brick.

With the onset of the spring period, the Decembrist is required feed every month. As top dressing, you can use complex fertilizers that are intended for flowers.

It is necessary to apply fertilizer twice as much as indicated in the instructions on the package.

V summer period the flower needs to be fed more often - twice a month, and in the fall it is not necessary to feed at all.

Choosing a potty and a place in the house

The Decembrist cannot be called a capricious plant. You can grow it on a light windowsill. flower shouldn't be hot therefore it is impossible to have hot heaters and radiators nearby.

From the beginning of spring to the end of autumn, the flower can be taken out to the balcony or veranda. Can be kept outdoors as well.

The pot for the Decembrist can be large, while its depth should not be too large. This is due to the structure of the root system. The roots of the Decembrist grow superficially.

The pet manages with a shallow pot

How can a Decembrist bloom

The flowering of zygocactus begins in November. Flowering ends in February. For the forest cactus to bloom and pleased with its flowers all winter, it is necessary to provide the right conditions.

First, the plant must be prepared for this stage. Before the flowering stage, the plant has a dormant period. At this point, it is necessary to reduce the watering regime and stop fertilizing. There should be more cool and fresh air.

If all summer the Decembrist was on the balcony, then with the onset of autumn and until November, you should not bring him into the house if there are no frosts on the street. This is due to the fact that a slight freezing contributes to the laying of the kidneys.

Schlumbergera is able to withstand lowering the temperature even up to 3 degrees, so keep the flower in the fall at a temperature of about 15 degrees - this will contribute to flowering.

For watering during dormancy, use brewed tea instead of water. Watering with tea contributes to the bright and spectacular flowering of even those Decembrists who have never bloomed before.

Sprinkling tea has a peculiar effect on Christmas

Secondly, by providing the plant comfortable conditions during the dormant period, it is necessary to continue to properly care for him at the flowering stage.

When November comes zygocactus must be brought into the house. Watering should be plentiful. Instead of water, you can continue to use brewed tea. It is also required to make top dressing.

They are suitable for feeding with a high content of phosphorus and potassium.

In order to form strong buds, it is very effective to water the plant with a solution of calcium nitrate or an infusion of eggshells.

During the flowering period, the temperature in the room during daylight hours it should be from 18 to 22 degrees and at night 15-20.

When the Decembrist blooms, it is better not to touch it at all. It is not recommended to move the pot from place to place, do not turn it to the light and do not wash it.

Why Decembrist does not bloom

In this case, you will need to force him to wake up. To do this, the pot must be moved to a bright and warm place and begin to water it abundantly. In order for the light to fall on the plant evenly, the pot must be twisted around the axis.

When the buds appear, watering does not need to be reduced, it is important to control that the soil is constantly wet. The pot no longer needs to be touched.

The reasons for the lack of flowering may be:

  • lack of moisture;
  • lack of light;
  • Cramping in a pot and the need for a transplant;
  • Few nutrients in the soil.

After the zygocactus blooms, the top division on the shoots is necessary unscrew. This is done to improve branching and the formation of flower density.

Watering should be reduced, but it is undesirable for the soil to remain dry for a long time.

Schlumbergera reproduction

The Decembrist propagates by cuttings, seeds and grafts.

Growing by cuttings

The method is popular because it is easy for them to root planting material.

Required for propagation by cuttings unscrew the upper segments from the escape(2-3 segments). Before planting for several days, the cuttings need to be dried a little and planted in a moist substrate.

From above, the container must be covered with glass, a film to create a greenhouse effect. Periodically, the cuttings need to be ventilated. It is desirable to put the container in the shade.

Covering helps create a mini greenhouse

Decembrist can be propagated immediately after cutting, since the cut parts of the stems are the propagation material.

The cuttings take root very quickly and simply, no additional steps are needed.

General about grafting and seeds

You can grow in other ways:

  • Vaccination allows you to receive original forms boles.
  • Seeds give good shoots, but do not retain varietal properties.

How to transplant a houseplant

Transplantation is necessary after the Decembrist stops blooming. Usually it is the end of February. Young specimens should be transplanted every two years, and adults will have enough once every five years.

When transplanting, it is necessary form a bush by plucking, rather than using clipping. Do not remove more than two apical stem segments. This is done by clamping the lower segment and unscrewing the upper one.

The pot for the transplanted Decembrist should be 2 cm larger in diameter than the previous one.

Diseases and pests: how to care

A lot of trouble can bring zygocactus fungal diseases. These include late blight, fusarium and others. The fungus enters the plant from contaminated soil. The fungus primarily affects the root system and the neck of the root of the plant.

The result of the fungus is that the color of the Decembrist becomes pale, acquires a gray tint, the segments fall off, and the Decembrist withers in moist soil. Late blight is treated with fungicides, and fusarium with drugs, for example, Topaz.

Among the pests should be highlighted:

  1. spider mite(reason - lack of moisture; treated with "Aktellik");
  2. Mealybugs(leave white lumps on the leaves and stems of the plant, zygocactus is treated with Aktara);
  3. Shchitovka(manifested in the form of spots Brown, are destroyed by wiping with an insecticide).

If insecticidal agents do not help, then the affected segments can be removed.

Problems: why it does not bloom and what to do

When growing a Decembrist, sometimes you have to face some problems. Consider the symptoms and what to do with Christmas:

  1. If Decembrist segments wrinkle, then the plant is watered excessively or, conversely, watered too little. With a lack of water, the plant can be watered and the next day the flower will look absolutely healthy.
  2. already flooded plant may start to rot, so it is advisable to pull it out of the pot, inspect it and, if the roots are damaged, remove them and start growing the plant again.

Redness segments speaks of the freezing of the Decembrist;

Falling buds says that the flower does not have enough moisture, it suffers from drafts. And also the reason may be that the pot was turned towards the light source;

No flowering- Wrong air temperature, poor soil and lack of color.

Varieties and types

Breeders have bred many varieties and varieties of this wonderful plant. So, the following types should be distinguished:

  • (variety with pink flowers purple or lilac hue, height not more than 50 cm);
  • (the species has white delicate flowers reminiscent of cherry blossoms);
  • Truncated(flowers have a bright crimson color and shades of color, height up to 50 cm);
  • Golden Cream or Yellow(hybrid, flowers are yellow or gold).


Pruning is necessary in June. Extra segments should not be cut, but unscrewed.

pruning stimulates branching and plant density.

Folk omens, superstitions and the birthplace of the indoor Christmas tree

Schlumbergera is a forest cactus native to the southeastern part of distant Brazil. Although the origin of the pet is from a hot country, creating the right climate at home is not particularly difficult.

If you believe the signs, then the Decembrist should not be kept in the house. This is due to the fact that the flower promises death. If the Decembrist begins to dry up and die for no reason, then it’s time for the owners to wait for their death or those of their loved ones.

On the other hand, many argue that this sign comes true only when there are sick people in the house.

The unreasonable illnesses of the Decembrist may indicate that the owner has enemies or guests who have a negative attitude towards the owner have entered the house.

Bloom Schlumbergers in due time says that the year will be good. And if the plant bloomed earlier or later, then the year will be bad.

Signs are largely based on the flowering of Christmas

Thus, the Decembrist, Zygocactus or Schlumbergera is beautiful and unpretentious plant. It will decorate the windowsill of any apartment. However, to achieve spectacular and timely flowering is possible only if you properly care for it.

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