How to get rid of the smell of burning in the apartment, furniture, appliances. How to get rid of the smell of burning in the apartment? How to remove the smell of burnt food in the apartment

reservoirs 16.06.2019

The unpleasant smell of burning after a dish forgotten in the oven permeates everything around and does not allow you to live in peace. Do not wait for the burnt smell to disappear on its own. At home, you can use improvised means that will help to remove it quickly. There are also ways to burn after a fire and heavy smoke. But in such a situation, you need to take more serious measures.

If food is burned in the house, you should immediately remove its remains from the house. Do not throw such food in the trash. You need to throw it in a garbage container located on the street.

Then the room should be thoroughly ventilated. To do this, you need to open all the windows and doors in the apartment, arranging a draft. If there is an air conditioner, then you can turn it on at full power. In addition, it is recommended to put open windows fans.

In the kitchen, you can hang towels soaked in water. Moisture will help weather the smell of burning faster. A steam humidifier can be used for the same purpose.

How to remove the smell of burning from a burnt dish?

After airing, you can get rid of the remaining smell of burning in the apartment with the help of folk remedies.

Some products absorb unwanted odors, while others interrupt with their aroma.

If a pie or meat burned out in the oven, then you can use this method:

  • put foil on a baking sheet;
  • top with 1 tablespoon of cinnamon and sugar and add 1 tablespoon of butter;
  • remove the baking sheet in the oven;
  • heat it up to 100 degrees;
  • wait a couple of hours and turn off the device.

After that, the apartment will smell like freshly baked goodies.


Vapors of vinegar are able to absorb the smell of burning and purify the air.

Action algorithm:

  • mix vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 3;
  • place the container with the solution on the stove;
  • bring the liquid to a boil;
  • leave the vinegar solution simmering over low heat for 2 hours.

After the vinegar boils, it is necessary to leave the apartment, as vinegar vapors are harmful to the human body.


In almost any first aid kit you can find ammonia. This tool will also help remove the smell of burning. For this you need:

  • pour starch into a small saucer;
  • pour a little ammonia on it;
  • arrange plates with the resulting mixture throughout the apartment.

After a while, ammonia will absorb unwanted odors.


Perfectly cope with an unpleasant smell and lemon.


  • pour water into a saucepan;
  • bring it to a boil;
  • cut the lemon into slices and throw them into boiling water;
  • wait 10 minutes and turn off the stove.

This method will help eliminate the smell after a burnt pan.


You can kill the smell of burning with natural flavors. They are used as fragrant herbs, coffee, citrus fruits, essential oils and scented candles.

How to use herbs:

  • pour mint, lemon balm or dried cloves into small bowls;
  • pour containers with boiling water;
  • arrange bowls with herbs in different parts Houses.

Sometimes it is advised to hang dry spices around the apartment. But the effectiveness of this method is much lower.

You can brew coffee and pour it into small cups. Containers with a fragrant drink are placed throughout the apartment.

If you have an orange, grapefruit and other citrus fruits on hand, then you need to cut their peel and spread the pieces around the house. In addition, you can dry the zest in the oven or microwave and set it on fire.

You can also use special air fresheners by choosing the scent you like.

Soda, charcoal, salt

Baking soda can be used to absorb the burnt smell. You will need:

  • pour soda into bowls;
  • sort them into rooms.

Salt can be used instead of soda. To do this, you need to prepare a concentrated saline solution and pour it into cups.

Has absorbent properties Activated carbon. All you have to do is grind 20 tablets of charcoal into powder and spread it around the house.

How to remove the smell of burning after a fire?

If there is a fire in the apartment, then the above means will be ineffective. After a local fire and heavy smoke, soot and an unpleasant odor remain on all surfaces. To get rid of such consequences, you need:

  1. Conduct wet cleaning premises. Use vinegar diluted with water to clean affected surfaces. In this case, it is necessary to protect your hands with thick rubber gloves.
  2. If the soot has accumulated on the walls, ceiling and floor, then the coatings will have to be replaced.
  3. Also need to buy new furniture if the old one is covered with fumes. Even if she suffered slightly, it is worth contacting specialists who will replace the upholstery and filler. It is almost impossible to remove the smell of smoke after a fire in a different way.
  4. Toys, clothes, and other items that are saturated with a burnt smell will have to be thrown away or dry-cleaned.

It is worth preparing that wet cleaning with acetic solution will have to be repeated several times.

After a fire in the apartment will have to carry out overhaul, replacing damaged furniture and refinishing the walls, floor and ceiling. This is the hard way, but it will definitely get rid of the smell of burning.

Get rid of the burning smell not an easy task. However, it is really possible to do it yourself. Simple ventilation is usually not enough. Therefore, you can use proven improvised means.

Sometimes you just need to be distracted for a minute, and the food has already begun to burn. As a result, the smell of burning is heard throughout the house. But I know how to get rid of the smell of burning in the apartment in a matter of time, I will share the secrets with you.

Generic Method

Let's say something burned. Regardless of what exactly it was, the room will instantly fill with smoke and it will become difficult to breathe. For this case there is helpful tips, which will not aggravate the situation:

Image Procedure

Step 1

First of all, you need to without fail quickly ventilate the room from smoke by opening windows and doors.

Step 2

Do a wet cleaning. Wipe the floor and upholstered furniture, if necessary, remove the curtains and send to the laundry.

Step 3

To kill the smell of burning, you can use an air freshener or aroma candles. Spray the air freshener around the room and after a couple of minutes the unpleasant smell will disappear.

These are the first actions to be taken and which will be able to remove the smell only after small fire. Ventilating the apartment and using air fresheners is not enough to get rid of the effects of a prolonged fire.

Getting rid of burning smell

Getting rid of the smell of burning in the room is not so simple. smoke behind a short time manages to seep into all rooms and saturate all objects with its pungent aroma. Before you figure out how to eliminate the smell of burning in an apartment, you need to analyze the extent of the problem - at least approximately:

  • If the consequences are small- we will cope with the help of ventilation, high-quality wet cleaning and improvised adsorbents.
  • If a lot of things were damaged by the smell of a fire- We will use technical devices.

Method 1. Airing

How to weather the smell of burning from the apartment? As soon as you feel that something is burning, the first thing to do is to put out the fire and open all the windows as quickly as possible.

If a pan burns in the kitchen or a pie burns, it is enough to turn on the hood at full power.

If after the fire there is a lot of smoke, ventilate the room thoroughly. Instruction:

  1. Open all windows and doors so that a draft appears;
  2. Collect all burnt items in bags and take it outside;
  3. If possible, turn on the air conditioner or fan to speed up air circulation.

Method 2. Wet cleaning

Wet fabric absorbs odor well. Wet some large towels and hang them up in the room where the fire broke out. You can enhance the effect if you place containers with water in the room and put pre-moistened towels on top.

spring-cleaning using a washing vacuum cleaner and a mop significantly accelerate the disappearance of the smell of burning in the apartment. Wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth and mop the floor. All textiles that have been soaked with smoke must be washed.

Make weak ammonia and vinegar solution(tbsp. ammonia + tbsp. 9% vinegar + a glass of water) and use for wet cleaning.

Method 3. Adsorbents

Very often, the smell has time to eat into not only interior items, but also in Decoration Materials- wallpaper and linoleum. To make it possible to comfortably use the room where the fire occurred, use fresheners or adsorbents.

Adsorbents- These are substances that absorb all odors well. We have many of them at our fingertips. The most popular are presented in the table:

Image Adsorbent

Activated carbon

Grind activated charcoal to powder. Then lay it out in paper or plastic bags and, without tying, place them in the corners of the room.

Baking soda

Pour soda into several containers and place on the floor during wet cleaning. The baking soda will gradually become moist and absorb the smell.


Dilute 2 tablespoons of salt in a glass of water and leave the solution overnight. In the morning it will be noticeable that the water will darken due to the absorbed smell.

Aroma oils and candles

Soak some fabric napkins or towels with aromatic oils and spread them around the room. You can light aroma candles.

Coniferous and citrus oils absorb the smell of burning best.

You can make a great DIY freshener: spread cinnamon and citrus peels on a baking sheet and turn on the oven at 150 ° C. After 15 minutes, turn off the heat supply and open the door - a pleasant aroma will spread throughout the kitchen.

Method 4. Technical devices

swiftly emerging technologies delight us with useful inventions. On sale you can find many devices that can clean, disinfect and enrich the air in the room.

Among the most effective devices, I would single out:

  1. air cleaner. Cleans and humidifies the air. The price of the device depends on the size of the covered area.
  2. Filter vacuum cleaner. Some modern models Vacuum cleaners are equipped with an air filter.
  3. Ionizers and Humidifiers. Compact devices that, through the evaporation of moisture, disinfect and enrich the oxygen of the room.
  4. Air conditioning. Due to the constant air circulation, all unpleasant odors leave the apartment for fresh air.

At the end

We figured out how to remove the smell of burning from the room. I personally checked some methods, as a result, the unpleasant smell quickly disappeared. The video in this article will show you a few more options on how to freshen the air. If you have any questions - I'm waiting for them in the comments


Burnt pizza and burnt trousers, blowing out candles for an anniversary or a local fire unite backfire- smoke and smell of burning in the apartment. Fortunately, it is possible to eliminate them.

Fires are always accompanied large quantity smoke and leave a terrible smell. Experts cite one of the main reasons everyday cases fires careless handling of fire and household appliances.

Any fire in the house leads to a large number acrid smoke and a persistent smell of burning

How to get rid of smoke

The simplest thing that can and should be done is to ventilate the room well:

  • Open all windows and doors wide open to let in a draft. If the air movement is weak, the procedure will take several hours.

    Open the windows wide open and the draft will blow the smoke out of the house

  • Use a fan. When the smoke dissipates a little in the center of the room, place the device so that the air stream is directed to the area where the draft from the windows does not reach. Leave for 15-20 minutes and change the position of the fan again, blowing all corners of the apartment in this order.

    Hang wet towels and sheets around the room: textiles will absorb some of the smoke

    Open windows and ventilate the apartment only after the fire is completely extinguished. If you do this during a fire, the influx of air will only increase the source of ignition and the flame will flare up with renewed vigor.

    Eliminate burning smell

    Sometimes housewives try to disguise it with scented candles and various air fresheners. It is not right. The smells mix and the problem only gets worse. It is necessary to eliminate the cause:

  • Get rid of burnt appliances and interior items. Things damaged by fire emit a burning smell. Throw away everything that is not recoverable without regret. If the item can still be saved somehow, pack it in a plastic bag and put it on the balcony.
  • If possible, take carpets and clothing outside for ventilation.
  • Carry out a wet cleaning of the entire apartment:
  • Use an ozonizer: after 10-15 minutes of its operation, the air will be fresh, like after a thunderstorm. Manufacturers recommend leaving the premises for this time.

    Ozonator - a device that will freshen the air in the room in 15 minutes

  • To remove the smell of burning, use and folk remedies. Prepare a decoction of herbs and spices:
    • type 2-3 liters of water into the pan, put on fire;
    • put the herb of lavender, lemon balm, mint, chamomile, thyme, cumin into the boiling liquid, add the spices of cloves and cinnamon: these plants are combined with hot water very well purify the air from unpleasant odors;
    • reduce the heat to a minimum level and cook for 1.5–2 hours: the aroma of herbs will spread throughout the apartment, and the burning will recede;
    • turn off the burner and leave the broth to cool natural way on the stove or place the pot in the place where the smell is strongest.
  • A good natural absorbent is ordinary salt. Arrange small containers around the apartment filled with a dry substance or a concentrated solution (10 tablespoons per 1 liter of water).

    You can remove an unpleasant odor with ordinary table salt.

  • The above methods will effectively eliminate the smell of burning in case of local ignition. In the event of a large fire, such measures will not be enough. We will have to do a full-scale repair with the replacement of plaster, wallpaper, flooring.

    Video: ways to get rid of the smell of burning

    We fill the apartment with pleasant aromas

    When the fresh air in the room is more or less restored, you can fill it with your favorite aromas. Here are some options:

  • Coffee is good for bad odors.. Spread the grains around the apartment, and after 10–12 hours the room will be filled with a unique aroma. Natural ground coffee will solve this problem much faster - in 2-3 hours, but it is better not to use instant coffee.

    Drying, the herbs exude a pleasant smell, filling the premises with it.

  • Use essential oils such as clove or orange. Apply a few drops to dry herbs and enjoy the pleasant aroma. There is another way: add 2 cl to 1 liter of water. l. salt and about 10 drops of any oil, moisten a clean cloth, wring out and wipe the furniture in the apartment. Moisten curtains, carpets, sofas with fragrant water from a spray bottle.

    Essential oils can be used to add a pleasant scent to your home.

  • Make a homemade flavoring: take a small container, for example, a jar of cream, and pierce a few holes in the lid. fill it up baking soda, add 5-10 drops essential oil and close. Soda well not only absorbs, but also gives off odors. Put the jar in a closet with clothes or in another place.
  • Video: how to create a pleasant smell in the apartment

    Spoiled things or a burnt dinner are always unpleasant. These tips will help get rid of smoke and a persistent smell of burning. Use them, and in your apartment there will be only fresh air.

    One has only to sit up at the TV or computer, as it turns out that the cake in the oven has already turned black, and the meat on the stove has burnt. And instead of having dinner with your family, you get reproaches that it smells of burning and the kitchen is full of smoke. And now you have two questions on the agenda: how to feed the household and how to remove the smell of burning in the apartment after a burnt pot of meat or a frying pan of eggs. There are several methods to help get rid of the unpleasant odors of burnt food. The main thing is to act quickly, until things are saturated with a corrosive aroma.

    What needs to be done first?

    If your kitchen is captured by the smell of smoke and burning, then first of all, you need to do the following.

    Room ventilation:

    • First, remove the cause of burning - throw away burnt food. Take out a burnt pot or pan to the balcony.

    Important! Don't throw burnt food in your kitchen trash can, rather take it to a trash can outside the house.

    • Open all windows and doors to create a draft and ventilate the room well.
    • Turn on the fans and put them in different corners of the kitchen. If there is an air conditioner, then turn it on for half an hour.
    • Be sure to turn on the hood if your kitchen has one.

    Moisture increase:

    • Open all hot water taps and leave for half an hour.
    • Put water containers on all gas burners and turn on the gas. Boil them for as long as possible. Water, evaporating, will absorb all unpleasant odors.

    Important! Pinch citric acid or a couple of tablespoons of vinegar will enhance the effect. You can add fragrant herbs to the water: lemon balm, cloves, mint.

    • To absorb burning, you can hang wet rags and towels around the kitchen. This will also help to quickly get rid of smoke and burning. To enhance the effect, wet the rags in a water-vinegar solution.

    After we managed to weather the room from bad smell, move on to the next step.

    Wet cleaning:

    1. Wipe everything in the apartment with a damp cloth soaked in a weak solution of vinegar or ammonia.
    2. In the kitchen, it is necessary to process all the furniture, the floor and even the walls.
    3. Carpets and rugs will also have to be subjected to this procedure.
    4. All things that were in the affected area will have to be washed.
    5. If the dish was cooked in the oven, then you need to put a pot of water in it and let it boil for a while.

    Folk ways to remove the smell of burning

    In the fight against the smell of burning, all means are good, especially if they are folk and proven.


    Activated charcoal is always ready to help us. This excellent adsorbent will easily absorb all the unpleasant consequences of an unsuccessful dinner.

    Important! It can be combined with soda and salt and spread out in the corners of the apartment to remove the smell of burning after a burnt pot of meat.

    living needles

    If you have the opportunity to get live needles, then be sure to take this opportunity. It has a strong aroma that overpowers all other scents. In addition, it disinfects the air.


    In the question of how to remove the smell of burning in an apartment from a burnt pan, the citrus family is indispensable. Spread peels from oranges and lemons around the house.

    Important! To enhance the effect, you can grate the zest and lightly fry it in a pan. This little trick will help kill unpleasant odors and fill the kitchen with citrus aroma.

    fragrant herbs

    For a long-lasting effect, you can dry aromatic herbs indoors - lavender, cumin, mint, sage are suitable. Pick a variety of grass that smells good to you and spread it in different places on the newspapers. Drying, the herbs will share their wonderful aromas with you and fill the room with them.

    Ammonia plus starch

    You can try to remove the nasty smell with ammonia and starch. Drop a few drops of ammonia on the starch and place containers with this mixture in the corners of the apartment.


    Well neutralizes any smells aroma of freshly brewed Turkish coffee. Pour it and put it in different corners of the room. You can simply scatter freshly ground coffee powder or spread out coffee beans.

    Lemon water:

    • Put a pot of water on the gas and boil the water. Cut the lemon into slices and throw into boiled water and leave on fire for 10-20 minutes.
    • Fill a spray bottle with water mixed with lemon juice in equal proportions. Spray this mixture over the area to be refreshed.

    onion water

    Cut the onion and put it in a container of water. Leave this container in the kitchen overnight. Onion water will quickly absorb all unpleasant odors. If necessary, you can put not one, but several containers.

    Bread and vinegar

    How else can you eliminate the smell of burning in the apartment after a burnt pan? Use bread and vinegar:

    1. Fill the pot with water.
    2. Pour two cups of vinegar into it.
    3. Bring the mixture to a boil and let it simmer for 15 minutes.
    4. Take some bread and dip in this solution.
    5. Put the bread on a plate. It will absorb all the extra flavors.

    Important! You can also place containers of vinegar around the house to absorb any odors.

    Freshener with essential oils

    To prepare such a freshener:

    1. Take a glass of water, add two tablespoons of alcohol, vodka, drip 20-30 drops of any essential oil that you like.
    2. Stir the mixture thoroughly and pour it into a spray bottle.

    Air freshener is ready! Just spray it on the right places.

    Scented candles and other household chemicals

    Bought for romantic evening Candles are great for scenting. Store chemistry will do an excellent job with this task, the main thing is not to overdo it.

    Important! It would be better if the tenants leave the premises during the processing, especially for small children.

    The usual comfort of a home can be disturbed by an unpleasant smell. For example, the smell of burning after unsuccessful cooking. To cope with it, sometimes you have to work hard.

    The first steps

    The most important thing after eliminating the cause of smoke is to release the remaining smoke and fill the room. fresh air. For this, it is better to make a draft. Open as many windows as possible, weather permitting, including adjoining rooms or front door. If you have a fan, place it in the center of the smoky room. And wait for the situation to improve.

    If your home has an air conditioner, an air cleaner, or both, do not rush to immediately put them into action. They will need to be turned on at the second stage of work, after the main ventilation, that is, with the windows and the front door closed.

    If you had a fire, you need to get rid of things irretrievably damaged as soon as possible, as most of objects around us absorbs odors very well. Especially textiles, paper (wallpaper in the first place), wood. The rest of the things need to be washed or washed with conditioner and taken out into the air. Carpets and outerwear will have to be dry-cleaned.

    To neutralize unpleasant odors, you can use air fresheners in the form of sprays. But be careful not to harm the health of your loved ones by overspraying. Follow the instructions on the packages

    Highly effective way removing the smell of burning is to hang a wet cloth in the apartment. Wet in cold water thick towels or sheets and hang them on doors, furniture, or pull ropes for this. When the fabrics are dry, repeat the procedure several times until the smell is completely eliminated. In a few hours, you will be able to restore freshness to your rooms. If your household has an air ionizer, turn it on at night. He will be you good help with significant smoke.

    Handy tools in your kitchen

    It is very useful in the fight against the smell of burning to arrange wet cleaning. Add nine percent table vinegar to a bucket of water, at a ratio of one hundred grams of vinegar per liter of water. And wash the floor, ceiling, walls, furniture and other items. Instead of vinegar, ammonia can be used.

    Coffee is also a good helper in the fight against odors. You will need roasted coffee beans. Put fifteen or twenty grains on plates and arrange them in your rooms.

    You can also get rid of an unpleasant smell with the help of aromatic herbs such as thyme, lavender, lemon balm, oregano. Put a larger pot on the stove and put the herbs in the water. Boil, uncovered, for thirty minutes, until the steam is fragrant. Add more if needed.

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