Industrial and domestic accidents. What is an industrial accident

reservoirs 21.09.2019
January 8, 2018

Is it possible to prevent injuries at the enterprise and what is an accident at work? It is not always possible to answer these questions quickly, because in each individual case it is necessary to take into account the prevalence of incidents. The classification of accidents is clearly regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, which fully displays all the methods of occurrence of this incident, which ultimately helps to correctly assess them.

What is meant by an accident at work?

An accident at work is an unpleasant event that happened to a person during the performance of job duties which led to a deterioration in health and entailed the consequences provided for by law.

The consequences of such an incident may be: transfer to another job, complete loss of ability to work or professional skills, as well as fatal outcome.

Types of accidents

Before considering the classification of industrial accidents, it is necessary to understand their types:

  • manufacturing incidents. Cases that occurred with workers, pupils, students performing work on the territory of the enterprise on the instructions of the head. This also applies to those who go to or from the place of work on the transport of the enterprise, when performing work on holidays and weekends by order of the management. Also as a result of poisoning, heat stroke, frostbite that occurred at work.
  • Work related misfortunes. Incidents that occurred in the performance of public or state duties, following to the place of work on their own personal transport or public transport, while participating in training and competitions, disability due to donor functions, during business trips.
  • Household. This category includes incidents that occur outside the enterprise, outside of working hours and not while driving to or from work.

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Classification of accidents

All accidents that occurred at work can be divided into several classes:

  1. By the number of victims: single or group.
  2. For the reasons that caused the injury: mechanical, chemical, electrical and thermal.
  3. Classification of accidents by severity:
  • light: abrasions, scratches, injections and cuts;
  • severe: fractures, concussion;
  • with a fatal outcome.

Severity of accidents

It is impossible to determine the severity of an accident without conducting a specific investigation.

During it, an analysis of the circumstances of the incident is carried out, but the main aspect is the analysis of the factors that provoked the accident. The classification of the causes of an incident at an enterprise is a necessary basis for further investigation. There are several nuances organizational plan that provoked an incident that caused injuries at the workplace, including:

  • improper organization of work;
  • uncontrollability labor process;
  • disorder in the workplace;
  • poor quality training of workers;
  • untimely conduct of safety briefing;
  • lack of overalls and protective equipment;
  • untimely repair of equipment;
  • violation labor discipline.

Each of the above reasons can be a catalyst that provoked an accident.

Actions of the head in case of injury at the enterprise

If an accident occurs, the classification of which is presented above, the employer must:

  • Provide first aid to the injured, if necessary, then deliver them to a medical facility.
  • Do everything possible to prevent an accident and prevent injury to other workers.
  • Record the situation, take a photo or video.
  • Report the incident to the relevant authorities within 24 hours.

Where to report if people died?

If an accident at the enterprise led to the death of a worker, then notifications must be sent to several structures at once:

  • prosecutor's office;
  • Rostrud;
  • Rostechnadzor;
  • trade union;
  • local government body;
  • relatives of the victim.

In those situations where the accident occurred during a business trip, the direct employer of the victim is also notified.

Injury rate at the enterprise

To classify and record an accident at work, the injury rate must be applied:

  • Frequency factor. Allows you to determine the number of injuries for a certain period of time at a particular enterprise, expressed as a percentage.
  • severity factor. Determines the relationship between the number of days of incapacity for work and the number industrial injuries.
  • Disability rate. Specifies the value obtained by multiplying the frequency factor by the severity factor. This indicator allows you to qualitatively assess the consequences of an emergency at work.

Features of an accident investigation

During the investigation of an accident, an occupational safety inspector is necessarily involved.

If the incident occurred as a result of an accident, then the materials collected by the representative of the traffic police must be attached to the investigation. Also, the commission, which is specially created to classify the accident and identify the perpetrators, must conduct a survey:

  • the victim, if there is such an opportunity, in other cases a special act is created;
  • eyewitnesses of the accident;
  • persons who allowed the onset of an emergency;
  • persons who violated safety regulations;
  • the head of the enterprise where the incident occurred.

The victim must explain in writing why the accident occurred. If he cannot write on his own or he refuses to give any explanation, then a special act is drawn up, which will make it possible to determine that all actions relating to the victim were carried out correctly and in compliance with all norms and standards.

Documentation for an accident investigation

In order to properly classify and investigate an accident, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents:

Additional documents may be requested by members of the commission if the standard package of documents did not allow for a qualitative study and a verdict.

The persons responsible for the accident must be identified. Classification by severity allows you to determine whether the victim will be able to continue working in the future or whether he needs to be assigned a regression - unemployment benefits resulting from an accident at work.

Measures to prevent accidents

In every production, even if only a few people work on it, there must be a qualified specialist who monitors safety. He must regularly instruct not only the newly hired worker, but also those who have already been working on him for a long time. The labor safety instructor keeps a journal, where each employee puts his signature, confirming that he is familiar with safety precautions. This log can be requested by a commission representative if an accident occurs. Types and classification of incidents will help to identify the perpetrator and prevent injuries in the future.

It is easier to prevent an accident than to deal with its aftermath. Therefore, prevention methods are important. If a labor protection inspector noticed that an employee violates safety precautions, for example, does not wear protective equipment, then he can not only be suspended from work, but also punished financially.

Safety instructions are regularly updated every 5 years, but they can be updated more often if new equipment suddenly appears in production.

The briefing can be carried out at any time, especially if the safety officer has detected violations. It is also carried out if the employee comes out of vacation or changes the object of work.

Good prevention of accidents at work are stands and corners for labor protection, where all incidents are described and measures are indicated to help prevent their occurrence. Posters, pictures, constant reminders will make the worker think about whether it is worth violating safety standards.

Compliance with all safety regulations will help preserve not only the health of the employee, but also his life. The head of the enterprise and the labor protection inspector bear criminal liability if a worker is injured in their production, even if it is minor.

Not all severe accidents are accompanied by severe pain. Not all minor accidents are painless. The nature of bodily injury is assessed not by pain at the time of injury, but by consequences over time. Therefore, the occupational safety specialist must know which injuries will necessarily be regarded by experts as severe, and which as minor.

Let's define terms. What is a severe industrial accident? To do this, we will study the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated February 24, 2005 No. № 160 "On approval of the degree of severity of damage to health in industrial accidents". This document, approved by the Ministry of Justice of Russia, provides a scheme for determining the severity of health damage in industrial accidents.

All accidents at work are divided into light and heavy, and the main sign of these differences is the severity of damage to the health of the victim, the consequences over time. If this consequence entails further development and deterioration (aggravated over time) by the development of diseases and exacerbation of chronic diseases that the employee had at the time of injury, if the consequences of the injuries result in permanent disability. In the presence of one of these signs, it is enough for the medical examiner to establish the category of severity at work.

Minor accidents at work include injuries that are not included in paragraph 3 of the Scheme approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated February 24, 2005 No. 160.

Classification of industrial accidents

Item 1 of the Scheme: damage to health, the acute period of which is accompanied by: 1-shock; - coma; - blood loss (volume more than 20%); - embolism - acute insufficiency of the functions of vital organs and systems (CNS, cardiac, vascular, respiratory, renal, hepatic and (or) a combination of them);

Item 2 of the Scheme: damage to health, qualified during the initial examination of the victim by doctors of a hospital, trauma center or other healthcare organizations as:

  • - penetrating wounds of the skull;
  • - fracture of the skull and facial bones;
  • - contusion of the brain;
  • - intracranial injury;
  • - wounds penetrating into the lumen of the pharynx, trachea, esophagus, as well as damage to the thyroid and thymus;
  • - penetrating wounds of the spine;
  • - dislocation fractures and fractures of the bodies or bilateral fractures of the arches of the I and II cervical vertebrae, including those without impaired function spinal cord;
  • - dislocations (including subluxations) of the cervical vertebrae;
  • - closed injuries of the cervical spinal cord;
  • - fracture or fracture-dislocation of one or more thoracic or lumbar vertebrae, including without impaired function of the spinal cord;
  • - injuries chest penetrating into the pleural cavity, pericardial cavity or mediastinal tissue, including without damage to internal organs;
  • - abdominal wounds penetrating into the peritoneal cavity;
  • - wounds penetrating into the cavity Bladder or intestines;
  • - open wounds of the retroperitoneal organs (kidneys, adrenal glands, pancreas);
  • - rupture of the internal organ of the chest or abdominal cavity or pelvic cavity, retroperitoneal space, rupture of the diaphragm, rupture of the prostate gland, rupture of the ureter, rupture of the membranous part of the urethra;
  • - bilateral fractures of the posterior half-ring of the pelvis with a rupture of the iliac-sacral joint and a violation of the continuity of the pelvic ring or double fractures of the pelvic ring in the anterior and back parts with a violation of its continuity;
  • - open fractures of long tubular bones - humerus, femur and tibia, open injuries of the hip and knee joints;
  • - damage to the main blood vessel: aorta, carotid (general, internal, external), subclavian, brachial, femoral, popliteal arteries or accompanying veins, nerves;
  • - thermal (chemical) burns: III-IV degree with a lesion area exceeding 15% of the body surface; III degree with a lesion area of ​​more than 20% of the body surface; II degree with a lesion area of ​​more than 30% of the body surface; respiratory tract, face and scalp - radiation injuries of medium (from 12 Gy) severity and above;
  • - abortion.

Item 3 of the Scheme: injuries that do not directly threaten the life of the victim, but are serious in consequences:

  • - loss of vision, hearing, speech;
  • - loss of any organ or complete loss of its function by the organ (in this case, the loss of the most functionally important part of the limb (hand or foot) is equated to the loss of an arm or leg);
  • - mental disorders;
  • -loss reproductive function and ability to bear children;
  • - indelible disfigurement of the face.

Also, a sign of a severe accident at work is damage to health that threatens the life of the victim. Prevention of death from providing medical care does not affect the assessment of the severity of the injury. What does this phrase mean in practice? Fracture of the tubular bone - femur, tibia. Despite the provision of qualified assistance, the bone will never be like new, but it will hurt every time the weather changes, and it will no longer be possible to put a load on it. This is a sentence for athletes. But even for a person who is far from sports, this sharply worsens the quality of life, and in some cases, its duration. The consequences of an injury can either aggravate a chronic disease, or be a detonator for irreversible processes in the body, and especially oncological ones.

A good example of such consequences (point 2 of the diagram) is the tragic fate of the world-famous and beloved by the people Polish and Soviet singer Anna German. During a terrible car accident in 1967 in Italy, the singer received numerous bone fractures. The singer was able to organize her first tour only five years later, in 1972. Ten years later, in a halo of glory, Anna Herman died of sarcoma, an oncological disease of the bones that were damaged during the accident. In addition, the singer all these fifteen years took painkillers and was treated for thrombophlebitis, which was also a consequence of that terrible car accident.

Here is an example of a severe industrial accident received - death, delayed in time, but accompanied by pain for the entire length of life remaining after the accident.

Thus, the medical examination of the nature of the wounds received at work, comparing the actual presence of injuries and their outcome, the prognosis for the future, establishes one or another category as an accident.

Often there are cases when an initially established minor accident during treatment, in-depth examination, monitoring of the state in dynamics require reclassified accident to severe. In this case, the investigation of the accident begins to conduct a labor inspector. The date of notification of retraining is the receipt of a medical opinion on the nature of the injuries received.

Example: The worker received an electric arc injury. After lying down for several days in the hospital, the worker felt an improvement, his ability to work fully recovered. However, studies have shown that as a result of electrical injury, the reproductive function was irreversibly impaired (point 3 of the diagram). The accident was reclassified as severe.

Even seemingly mild accidents can become severe or fatal. When the lower leg was fractured, fat from the bone marrow entered the circulatory system and caused a fat embolism, from which the worker died two days after receiving a minor, at first glance, injury.

Also read with this:

Accident is an event resulting from which employees and other persons involved in production activities when performing lawful actions due to labor relations with the employer or performed in his interests, received bodily injuries, injuries, mutilations.
Accidents have various classifications in Art. 227 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, they are described as follows:
1. Accidents at work.
Cases that occurred with employees, pupils, students working on the territory of the enterprise and outside it, if the work was carried out on the instructions of the management; on the way to the place of work on the transport provided by the organization, as well as when performing work after hours, on weekends and holidays by order of the head or authorized persons. Also as a result of acute poisoning, heat stroke and frostbite that occurred at work.
2. Work-related accidents. These are cases that occurred while performing state and public duties, going to and from work by personal and public transport, participating in sports competitions and training, disability due to the performance of donor functions, on business trips.
3. Household accidents. These are accidents that occur outside the premises of the enterprise, outside working hours and not while driving to and from work.

Classification by the number of victims

1. Single (one person injured).
2. Group (simultaneously injured two or more people).

Classification by cause of injury

1. mechanical
2.thermal, electrical, chemical.

Severity classification

1. Light (shots, scratches, abrasions, etc.).
2. Severe (bone fractures, concussion, etc.).
3. Lethal (associated with the death of the victim).

Determining the severity of health damage in case of accidents at work is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation of February 24, 2005 N 160 "On determining the severity of damage to health in industrial accidents" and is displayed in the Appendix:

Determining the severity of health damage in industrial accidents

1. Accidents at work according to the severity of health damage are divided into 2 categories: severe and light.
2. Qualifying signs of the severity of damage to health in an accident at work are:
- the nature of the health injuries received and the complications associated with these injuries, as well as the development and aggravation of existing chronic diseases in connection with the injury;
- the consequences of the resulting health damage (permanent disability).
The presence of one of the qualifying features is sufficient to establish the category of severity of an accident at work.
Signs of a severe accident at work are also damage to health that threatens the life of the victim. Prevention of death as a result of medical care does not affect the assessment of the severity of the injury.
3. K heavy accidents at work include:
1) damage to health, the acute period of which is accompanied by:
- shock;
- coma;
- blood loss (volume more than 20%);
- embolism;
- acute insufficiency of the functions of vital organs and systems (CNS, cardiac, vascular, respiratory, renal, hepatic and (or) a combination of them);
2) damage to health, qualified during the initial examination of the victim by doctors of a hospital, trauma center or other healthcare organizations as:
- penetrating wounds of the skull;
- fracture of the skull and facial bones;
- contusion of the brain;
- intracranial injury;
- wounds penetrating into the lumen of the pharynx, trachea, esophagus, as well as damage to the thyroid and thymus;
- penetrating wounds of the spine;
- dislocation fractures and fractures of the bodies or bilateral fractures of the arches of the I and II cervical vertebrae, including those without impaired spinal cord function;
- dislocations (including subluxations) of the cervical vertebrae;
- closed injuries of the cervical spinal cord;
- fracture or fracture-dislocation of one or more thoracic or lumbar vertebrae, including without impaired function of the spinal cord;
- wounds of the chest, penetrating into the pleural cavity, pericardial cavity or mediastinal tissue, including without damage to internal organs;
- abdominal wounds penetrating into the peritoneal cavity;
- wounds penetrating into the cavity of the bladder or intestines;
- open wounds of the retroperitoneal organs (kidneys, adrenal glands, pancreas);
- rupture of the internal organ of the chest or abdominal cavity or pelvic cavity, retroperitoneal space, rupture of the diaphragm, rupture of the prostate gland, rupture of the ureter, rupture of the membranous part of the urethra;
- bilateral fractures of the posterior half-ring of the pelvis with a rupture of the iliac-sacral joint and a violation of the continuity of the pelvic ring or double fractures of the pelvic ring in the anterior and posterior parts with a violation of its continuity;
- open fractures of long tubular bones - humerus, femur and tibia, open injuries of the hip and knee joints;
- damage to the main blood vessel: aorta, carotid (general, internal, external), subclavian, brachial, femoral, popliteal arteries or accompanying veins, nerves;
- thermal (chemical) burns:
III - IV degree with a lesion area exceeding 15% of the body surface;
III degree with a lesion area of ​​more than 20% of the body surface;
II degree with a lesion area of ​​more than 30% of the body surface;
respiratory tract, face and scalp;
— radiation injury of medium (from 12 Gy) severity and above;
- abortion;
3) injuries that do not directly threaten the life of the victim, but are serious in consequences:
- loss of vision, hearing, speech;
- loss of any organ or complete loss of its function by the organ (in this case, the loss of the most functionally important part of the limb (hand or foot) is equated to the loss of an arm or leg);
- mental disorders;
- loss of reproductive function and ability to bear children;
- Indelible disfigurement of the face.

Samo conclusion on the severity of the work injury has the right to give only clinical expert commissions (CEC) of a medical institution where the treatment of the victim is carried out. This conclusion is provided at the request of the employer or the chairman of the commission for the investigation of an accident at work. KEK is obliged to provide a conclusion within 3 days from the date of receipt of the request. In addition, the conclusion must necessarily be drawn up in the discharge summary, regardless of the nature of the treatment performed.

If the victim was hospitalized, then the Medical Report is issued by the head of the department medical organization where treatment takes place. At the same time, the attending physician makes an entry about the issued Medical Report in the Medical Card of the outpatient patient or in the Medical Card of the inpatient, indicating the date of issue. At the end of the treatment of the victim in the hospital, an extract from the medical record of the outpatient, inpatient patient makes a note about the nature of the injuries received and their severity at the time of admission and at the time of discharge from the hospital.

No labor organization, unfortunately, can completely eliminate the possibility of accidents (AC) at work. These are regrettable moments, sad both for the victim himself and for his employer. They can be very versatile. Meanwhile, in order to investigate and further prevent such situations, as well as to pay compensation to the victim and build further labor relations It is important to find out to which category to attribute what happened. In this article, we will consider into which groups occupational accidents can be divided in terms of official regulations.

Definition of an accident

Accident at work, he is work injury is an unforeseen, unhealthy incident that occurred to an employee at his workplace, on his way to or from work (subject to delivery by the enterprise), or in another place during the performance of official duties or tasks. characteristic feature an accident is damage to the health of the victim. A medical examination establishes whether the loss of health is irreversible (total loss) or partially, determining the severity.

Regulatory bases for the classification of accidents

Features of the division of industrial injuries into classes are regulated by a number of legislative norms:

  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Russian Federation dated February 24, 2005 No. 160 - establishes a scheme for determining the severity of the resulting harm to health;
  • Order Federal Service state statistics (Rosstat) dated July 19, 2013 No. 216 - approves the annex to Form No. 7, which lists and groups the causes that led to an industrial injury;
  • The Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 227) - speaks of the obligation to investigate the National Assembly and the payment of compensation, depending on the severity of the consequences.

NOTE! A single generally accepted classification of industrial accidents has not yet been approved.

Types of accidents at work

Depending on the base taken as the basis for the classification, several groups of NS in production can be distinguished:

  1. By the number of affected participants:
    • individual - happened to 1 person;
    • group - two or more people took part in them at the same time.
  2. According to the severity of the consequences received (the characteristics of the injuries received, their possible consequences, reversible or not, their extent in time):
    • microtraumas - the ability to work is not lost, health is quickly restored completely within 1 working day or a little more;
    • lungs - injuries of mild and moderate severity, allowing you to fully restore your ability to work over time;
    • severe - some consequences are irreversible, that is, a person becomes disabled as a result of the National Assembly;
    • fatal - the result of the incident was a fatal outcome.
  3. Due to an injury:
    • technical (engineering) reasons - depend on the imperfection of technologies, materials and means of protection, as well as on the lack of provision with mechanisms;
    • organizational reasons - caused by the level of labor organization at the entire enterprise and at a single workplace;
    • personal (psychophysiological) reasons - what is called the "human factor".

A complete list of possible causes of NS is given in Appendix No. 1 to Order No. 21 - this is a special classifier designed to fill out forms and acts when investigating work-related injuries.

Modern production is complex and multifaceted. Most often, a combination of several causes or a coincidence of events, called a case, leads to an industrial injury. In the first place among the factors - committed violations of labor protection requirements. Even safe individually, they can together under certain conditions lead to an accident. They are united by participation in human events - this is always an unpredictable factor.

NOTE! Whatever the cause of the accident, it will still be led by a person: his wrong / untimely action / inaction.

Classification of accidents in terms of investigation

Each accident must be investigated, which is documented in accordance with the law. Be sure to indicate the degree of harm caused to the health of the victim. Because the this document will have effect and further legal consequences, it is impossible to indicate the severity of the case arbitrarily. That's what medical expertise is for. Legislative justification - the already mentioned order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 160.

He does not consider possible reasons industrial injury, paying attention only to two characteristics of what happened:

  • how much the employee’s health was damaged and whether the damage affected the course of existing chronic diseases;
  • how long this damage will persist over time, i.e. whether the effects on disability will be permanent or irreversible.

IMPORTANT! Any of these signs, even in the singular, is qualifying for establishing the degree of severity.

According to this principle, all the consequences of industrial injuries are divided into mild and severe.

Not heavy means light

Leading in this division is the principle of exclusion. The order regulates heavy NS, all the rest are automatically classified as light. Consider what the Ministry of Health means under the severe consequences of work-related injuries.

Severe degree damage to health during industrial NS implies a sharp violation of the normal state, which causes disability for a period of more than 1 month, possibly with lifelong consequences (disability).

NOTE! The first sign of the undoubted severity of the case is a threat to the life of the employee due to damage to health. If, due to his injuries, he could theoretically die, then the case will definitely be recognized as serious, even if help was provided on time and the person survived.

In a special table in this Order, the possible severe consequences of an accident at work are described.

3 severity of damage

Severe consequences are divided into 3 stages in descending order of the danger of bodily harm and the irreversibility of their consequences:

  1. Injuries that were initially caused by shock, bleeding (blood loss), problems with vital organs (liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, cardiovascular and central nervous system). NS is considered severe, even if the person recovered fairly quickly from such injuries.
  2. Delayed consequences - not manifesting immediately, but identified by an ambulance doctor, trauma center, resuscitation, etc. Examples are skull fractures and injuries, spinal injuries, organ lacerations, miscarriage during pregnancy, burns affecting more than 15% of the body, and other severe injuries.
  3. Serious consequences, irreversible, but not life-threatening, for example:
    • blindness (in 1 or both eyes);
    • numbness and/or deafness;
    • loss or cessation of functioning of any body;
    • disfigurement (facial injury);
    • mental disorders.

A special case

Sometimes the injury itself is not so dangerous that it can be considered severe. But it becomes a catalyst for processes that can no longer be stopped, and they can lead to death. In such a situation, the National Assembly is also recognized as severe.

An example is the unfortunate case of the singer Anna German, who was in a car accident. Having received many fractures, she suffered for 15 years from severe pain, thrombophlebitis and eventually died of sarcoma - an oncology in the bones. The forensic medical examination proved that all these problems occurred as a result of the injury.

Examples of controversial cases in the classification of NS in production

In life, many unforeseen things happen, it is far from always possible to foresee all the scenarios for the development of events and unambiguously determine the severity of the NS. Let us consider examples of controversial cases when it is necessary to revise the initial verdict of the examination.

Example 1 The worker broke his leg. The doctor, having rendered assistance, put a cast and gave a conclusion about the mild form of the accident. However, adipose tissue from the bone marrow damaged during a fracture enters the bloodstream, an embolism develops, the outcome of which is fatal. The injury will be transferred to the category of severe, the prosecutor's office will join the investigation.

Example 2 The welder suffered an electrical injury. After receiving assistance, he felt better, a few days later he returned to work on a full working capacity basis. Later it turns out that the electric current damaged the reproductive system and the worker became infertile. The case turns into a serious one.

Another area of ​​controversy is the initial assignment of injuries to the category of industrial injuries marked by the doctor with the code “04”, and not household ones.

Are not accidents at work the events that:

  • happened in working time, but the victim at that moment committed a crime, for example, appropriated or deliberately damaged the property of the enterprise;
  • committed when the employee was drunk, intoxicated with drugs or other toxic substances;
  • occurred on the territory of the enterprise, but not during working hours (at lunchtime, etc.) - these cases are already domestic.

For example, if a carpenter decides to make a stool for himself after finishing work in the employer's workshop and injures himself, the injury will be recognized as domestic.

An accident at work is an unpleasant incident that happened to a person in the performance of his job duties and as a result of which his health was damaged, which entailed the consequences provided for by law. The latter can be expressed in the need to move to another job, in the loss of ability to work or professional skills, as well as in death.

Establishes a directive rule stating that such events are subject to investigation and accounting, since the same NLA establishes the obligation of the employer to compensate the employee for lost opportunities. At the same time, the amount of compensation depends on the consequences, or rather, on the degree of their severity. To this end, the legislator systematized them by type in the Scheme for determining the severity of health injuries in industrial accidents, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated February 24, 2005 No. 160.

Classification of industrial accidents in accordance with the designated scheme:

  • light and moderate;
  • heavy;
  • fatal;
  • group;
  • group with serious consequences.

An objective determination of the severity of any labor incident is impossible without an investigation, during which the nature and actual circumstances of the situation are analyzed. One of the key aspects of the study is the analysis of the factors that led to the incident.

That is why the classification of the causes of accidents at work is the basis that further determines the course of the investigation. It is necessary to highlight several prerequisites of the organizational plan, due to the direct or indirect influence of which accidents occur. It could be:

  • poor organization labor activity generally;
  • uncontrolled production processes;
  • disorder in the workplace;
  • poor quality staff training;
  • lack of instruction;
  • failure to provide workers with the necessary personal protective equipment;
  • equipment malfunction;
  • violation of any rules of labor discipline and so on.

Each of the indicated reasons, both technical and subjective, can become a catalyst for an industrial accident, and elementary safety measures taken in time can prevent trouble in advance.

It should be noted that a more specific classification of work-related injuries is also determined by the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation. All health damage is also divided into types depending on medical signs.

So, for example, there is the concept of a cut wound, the appearance of which is the result of exposure sharp objects. They, due to the peculiarities of the implementation of labor activity, a person must use in the process of work. Such injuries are usually accompanied by bleeding, sometimes damage to the tendons or blood vessels. Subdivided into chipped and not chipped. Of particular danger are injuries, as a result of which extensive tissue destruction occurs. human body they can cause the death of a person.

Occupational injury is an integral part of the work of any organization, occurs in almost all industries. The main task of the administration of each enterprise is to prevent the occurrence of situations that provoke the onset of accidents by observing safety regulations not only formally, as most often happens, but also in reality, because at the cost of non-compliance with elementary rules, maybe human life.

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