Where to install a hot water tank, depending on the type of bath? How to choose a water tank for a bath? What to pay attention to? Remote tank in the bath above the ceiling.

Encyclopedia of Plants 25.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

No traditional bath can exist without one obligatory component - a water tank. A bath without water cannot be complete, so the water that is in without fail needed both cold and hot, must be in a special tank.

  1. For hot water.
  2. For cold water.

Tank parameters

To know which water tank you need to purchase for your bath, you need to know how many people will steam and wash in the bath at the same time. If you intend to go to the steam room one at a time, then you don’t need more than 50 liters of hot water. If you are planning a joint vacation in the bathhouse, a family trip or a vacation with friends, then you need a larger water tank. In any case, a tank of 70-120 liters will be enough even for a company of five people.

Depending on the size of the tank itself, the thickness of its walls also depends. For example, if you purchase a tank with a volume of up to 50 liters, then the thickness of its walls will be about one millimeter. This is the optimal thickness for such parameters. For a larger water tank and the walls should be thicker. The thicker the walls of the tank, the longer the water temperature will remain in the tank. At the same time, it should be taken into account that it is not only important to maintain optimum temperature in the tank, but also do not forget about the weight of the tank itself. The thicker the walls, the more massive it will be and have a higher price.

Types of hot water tanks

Consider the types of water tanks that maintain a high water temperature:

  1. built-in. It is considered standard because the tank is built directly into the furnace.
  2. Remote. The tank is taken out of the steam room and placed away from the stove.
  3. A tank that is installed directly on the pipe itself.

Consider the action and location of each tank. The tank, which is built directly into the oven itself, is considered the most optimal and familiar. The tank is installed on top of the firebox. The water in the tank heats up faster and keeps the temperature for a very long time. But there is one thing, the tank is in constant contact with the upper part of the stove and the bottom of the tank can quickly become unusable. Water is taken by scooping it out of the tank with a convenient scoop, lifting the tank lid, or installing a water tank with a built-in tap.

A remote tank is more convenient, as it can be installed directly in the shower itself or washing room. The furnace for such a tank must be equipped with a heat exchanger that will connect the furnace with the tank. The tank for heating and storing water is not tied directly to the tank itself. The principle of operation of the remote tank is such that cold water descends into the heat exchanger, while hot water rises back.

In the case when the bath is used almost constantly and there is a need for frequent consumption of hot water, then it is better to buy a water tank with a “on the pipe” device. The water in it will constantly heat up to the temperature you need. Such a tank will not take up much space, and the water will heat up faster and warm up evenly. The principle of such a tank is that it is installed on a pipe that comes out of the furnace itself. Choose a tank with a large volume.


When choosing a tank for a bath, first of all, you need to consider the material from which the tanks are made.

Types of water storage tanks that can be installed in the bath:

  1. Steel.
  2. Cast iron.
  3. Enameled.
  4. Plastic.

The most popular is the steel tank. It has a number of advantages, in comparison with a plastic water tank.

Steel tank advantages:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • does not corrode;
  • the water in the tank will heat up faster;
  • resistance to temperature changes;

When choosing a hot water tank made of steel, you need to consider that an ordinary metal tank will be unsuitable. He certainly has low price, but it is better to immediately purchase a high-quality stainless steel tank to get rid of corrosion problems.

It is undesirable to install a stainless steel water tank that is covered with paint. Under the constant influence of hot water, it will quickly begin to peel off, and the tank will be prone to corrosion.

The cast iron tank was quite popular 50 or more years ago. Then our grandparents installed in the bathhouse exclusively cast-iron tanks for hot water, and for cold water - ordinary wooden tubs. A cast iron tank is considered the most acceptable, since it maintains a temperature for a long time. For example, if you heat a bathhouse and take a steam bath in the evening, then in the morning the water in the cast-iron tank will remain hot and can be used to wash clothes.

Advantages of a cast iron tank:

  • water temperature is maintained for a very long time;
  • durable;
  • does not give in to corrosion;
  • does not deform.

Of the shortcomings noted:

  • has a lot of weight;
  • has a high price;
  • hard to find for sale.

Enameled containers for water are also quite suitable for a bath. But keep in mind that they are not as durable as cast iron and steel. Among the shortcomings, the appearance of enamel chips was noted, as a result of which an unprotected place will slowly succumb to corrosion. These places, to increase the service life, process special paint which is heat resistant. This is permissible in the case when the tank will not be built into the furnace, but will be installed outside.

The plastic water tank can be used for cold water bath needs only. The photo shows a tank made of plastic. Such a tank with an imitation of a wooden barrel will be in harmony with the interior of the bath.

Plastic is an excellent and inexpensive material. Advantages of plastic water tanks:

  • durability;
  • have very little weight;
  • have a low price;
  • do not rust;
  • durable;
  • it is possible to repair the tank if a leak is discovered.

Among the disadvantages of water tanks, it is noted that it is impossible to install a water tank in rooms with a high temperature, and it is impossible to use a tank for storing hot water.

Tank size and shape

The storage tank for water plays an important role when choosing a container for a bath. The shape of the tanks are:

  • in the form of a cylinder;
  • in the form of a circle;
  • rectangular.

Each tank shape has its own characteristics. So, for installation on the stove itself, one of the hardiest will be a tank that has the shape of a cylinder or circle. Such a tank will withstand the load (pressure) on the walls and it can be strengthened both on the pipe and installed near the chimney.

After choosing the material of the tank, it is necessary to determine the dimensions. The capacity of the tank is calculated from the calculation of water consumption per person. So, for one adult, about 20 liters of heated water are spent on one visit to the bath. If the bath will be used by a family consisting of two people, then a tank of 50 liters is enough. For a company of four or more people, you will need a tank with a capacity of up to 100 liters or more.

About prices

The water tank has a different price range. So, for a tank of of stainless steel you will have to pay from two to five thousand rubles, depending on the volume of the tank.

A cast-iron tank is considered the most expensive, but it is almost impossible to buy it in stores, and if you succeed, the price will be very high.

Enamelled water tanks will be inexpensive. The price range ranges from one and a half thousand to two rubles or more. They are sold with or without a lid. There are models that have a built-in faucet and even a shower fixture. By the way, in many models on the Russian market, you can buy stainless steel metal tanks with built-in taps and a shower hose.

Plastic containers for water have the most pleasant price. A cold water tank can be bought from 500 to several thousand rubles, depending on the shape and size.

To purchase a quality tank model, you need to get advice from a specialist. There are a lot of tanks on the market and it is better to immediately buy one that fits the size of a lice bath.

If you need a volume of hot water in excess of 200 liters, then it will be better to purchase a tank with a heat exchanger. Such a tank will work in tandem with storage tank. It is connected to plumbing and electricity.

It is undesirable in the cold season, especially in severe frosts, to leave water in the tank. This applies to those baths that are not constantly heated in winter. If the water is not drained, it can freeze and deform the tank.

From ancient times, a bath in Russia was valued much more than just special place to cleanse the body. It was a whole ritual, which was associated with the complete liberation of a person from the superfluous spiritually and physically. In many ways, it was thanks to the bath with a birch broom that Russia was famous for its red maidens and heroes. Buck with hot water, bath heat and steam helped the Slavs to be healthy and strong, protected from many diseases, invigorated the body and spirit.

The popularity of bath procedures does not fall, it only increases every year. And this applies to the whole world. After all, the person who visited the bath absorbs all the healing and healing power of the steam, and comes out with good mood and rejuvenated.

What bath without normal? And in order to heat it, you don’t need a boiler at all, since there is a stove and a full-fledged fire in the stove. Well, the water will be heated through a special heat exchanger.

However, first it is necessary to determine which tank for a bath will be better: remote, built-in or on a pipe, what material it will be made of. In general, what exactly should it be so that at the time of using the bath it definitely does not have to be changed to some other tank.

You can, of course, find it already with a tank, but what to do when there is an oven, but there is no special container for heating? In this case, you can find special bath tanks on the market, or you can make them yourself using a completely ordinary welding machine.

Bath tanks are various kinds. The most famous are built-in, remote and on the pipe. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Compare and evaluate - which one is right for your bath.

Advantages of a tank that is built into the oven

Once upon a time, water tanks in the bath were always built into the stove - in such a way that the entire lower part of the boiler was in the upper part of the furnace - the hottest. The bottom of the tank in this case is in direct contact with the stove fire. Water from this tank can either be drawn directly or removed through a special built-in tap.

Remote bath tank: main advantages and disadvantages

Thanks to the excellent opportunity to install a special heat exchanger in the oven, the tank can not be tied to a specific place - it can be installed even in the washing room. According to all known laws of physics, cold water will go down into the heat exchanger, but hot water will go up.

Of course, it also happens that the bath is used not at all for a couple of hours, but for the whole day - for example, when washing, but time has already passed after the furnace. Then the most best optionbath tank on the pipe, where the water will be constantly heated to the required temperature. This is on the pipe through which smoke comes out of the furnace - and its temperature can reach 500 degrees. Such tanks can be quite large, since the heating area of ​​the pipe is very large, and the water will be heated evenly and quickly.

There is also another advantage of this design - in this bath, smoke leakage through a crack in the pipe is absolutely impossible, since the tank in this case serves as a full-fledged fuse.

Steel, cast iron or stainless steel?

From building material From which the tank was made, a lot depends - both the durability of the tank itself, and the rate of heating and cooling of the water in it.

Cast iron: hot water all day

Since ancient times, the tank in the bath was made exclusively of heavy cast iron - the water in it was heated for a long time, and it took quite a lot of firewood, but there was hot water until the evening and the whole family could wash all day. In addition, cast iron is not afraid of either high temperatures or corrosion. But its big drawback, of course, is obvious.

Stainless steel bath tanks: durable and lightweight

However, stainless steel bath tubs are becoming more and more popular these days. Moisture does not need to be isolated from it, its thermal conductivity is simply excellent, and the deformation index due to very sharp temperature fluctuations is extremely small and cannot be compared with the qualities of ferrous metals.

Most best brands for these tanks - 08X17 (430) and 8-12X18H10 (304), which are also used to create dishes. They are absolutely resistant to extreme temperatures, completely hygienic and do not give in to deformation or corrosion.

Such tanks are made for a bath of thin and durable stainless steel. sheet steel, where special water supplies are installed Ball Valves. Caring for these tanks is extremely easy. Therefore, if you definitely do not want to spend your time on caring for water tanks in the bath, feel free to choose this variety.

Enamelled tanks - suitable with proper handling

Enamelled tanks will completely save you from unpleasant rust. Their only drawback is possible chips that can lead to corrosion. True, they can always be treated with a special heat-resistant paint - if the tank itself is not inserted into the oven.

Heating scheme: from a furnace or a heating element?

Whether it is more profitable to heat the stove in order to heat the water or, in this regard, the heating element is much more efficient depends only on how many people in the future will simultaneously steam in the bath and how quickly they will need hot water for washing. For example, for one person, a capacity of approximately 50 liters is enough, and for the whole company - at least 70 liters.

The ability of the tank to warm up quickly enough also depends on its walls - the thicker they are, the longer it will warm up and it will also weigh more. For a bath tank with a volume of up to 50 liters, it is 0.8-1 mm, for a larger one, walls are definitely not thinner than 1.5 mm.

How to install the water tank correctly?

So, how to correctly install a tank in the bath? If the water in the washing room will come from the tap, under pressure, you need closed system water supply. by the most ideal option for this, a furnace with a coil inside is considered, a tank will be connected to it. However, the following method can also be implemented: the tank will be suspended on the furnace itself. Suitable for this is the simplest design of approximately 50-120 liters, which is not difficult to weld on your own. Most the best option- this is a tank of about 80 liters made of special non-galvanized iron, which can be purchased at any specialized hardware store or on the market.

A well-connected bath tank will look like this in a bath: the water in the register heats up and rises into the tank, where it cools down a little and soon sinks down into the register. This is how circulation occurs, and in order to improve it somewhat, it is better to take water from the return line - although this is not very convenient, since in this case you will have to wait a long time until the tank heats up normally. But water can be used as soon as the stove is heated. However, it is more thoughtful and effective if a full-fledged opportunity to switch water intake from direct to return is thought out - it is much more convenient. If the entrance and exit to the tank is made from below, then the circulation will be somewhat slower.

The sequence of operations performed

  1. The tank is mounted in the steam room, just under the shelves, it is connected by pipes to the stove coil.
  2. At the tank for stable circulation, the upper outlet is connected to the upper outlet of the coil, and the lower one is connected to the lower one. The hot water outlet will go from above, and the cold water will go from below.
  3. At the inlet of cold water, a safety and check valve It's also called an explosive.
  4. The pressure of the automatic triggering of the blaster is set.

This whole structure will work in this way: the filled tank will be heated through the coil, when warm water is consumed, it will automatically fill up through the cold water supply. As cold water heats up, if it is not used for the time being, this pressure will constantly increase, and when it reaches its critical point, the blaster will automatically work, which will relieve all pressure.

If everything is done correctly, then the hot water in the bath will then be in the amount as necessary - and under pressure, under which it will be convenient to wash after the steam room.

Finally, it should be remembered that the most important thing when installing and using the tank is to observe all the features of the installation described in the instructions for the tank. In addition, safety precautions must be taken independent creation tank. If you follow the operating instructions, the bath tank will serve you flawlessly and for a long time.

Any bath is simply unthinkable without hot water. But in order to heat it, it is absolutely not necessary to have a boiler, because there is a stove and a fire. However, it is necessary to decide which water tank for the bath will be better so that it does not have to be changed soon.

Tank types

There are three types of construction:

  • built-in,
  • Remote;
  • On the pipe.

Each type has certain advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss below.


At one time, bath tanks were made exclusively built-in, which were installed during the construction of the furnace. The lower part of the boiler in this case is located in the upper part of the furnace. Accordingly, its bottom is in direct contact with the fire in the furnace.

The main advantage of such containers is fast heating. Therefore, boilers for baths with a water tank are very popular.

The disadvantages of this design include the fact that the size of the tank is limited by the size of the furnace or boiler. In addition, a sauna heater with a water tank has a lower heat output, since the heat is largely used to heat the boiler.


Portable water tanks in the bath differ in that they can be placed anywhere, usually in the washing room. This is due to the fact that heating is carried out using a heat exchanger located in the furnace, which communicates with the tank through a system of copper and brass pipes.

According to the laws of physics, cold water goes down into the heat exchanger, and hot water goes up and enters the external water tank in the bath.

The disadvantage of the design is that the container can cause burns. This is especially dangerous if there are small children in the family.

On the pipe

If the bath is used not for an hour or two, but for example, for a whole day, then it is more expedient to use a water tank for a bath on a pipe through which smoke comes out of the stove. Such a design is mounted, as a rule, in the attic, less often - above the stove. The water in it will be hot for a long time even after the furnace is stopped.

Typically, such containers are quite dimensional as a result of the fact that large area the pipe itself has. Due to this, the water in them is heated quickly and evenly, besides, the heat transfer of the furnace does not decrease.

There is one more plus of this design - the leakage of smoke through the pipe is prevented, since the water tank in the bath serves as a fuse. The container itself will not spoil the interior of the room with its appearance, as it will be hidden in the attic.

Advice! , designed for a large number of people, as you can install a large capacity, and at the same time the water will heat up pretty quickly.

The choice of material for the container

The type of material from which the container is made depends on such characteristics as the rate of heating and cooling of water, as well as the durability of the tank itself.

Cast iron

At one time, only cast-iron products were used for hot water, and the tanks for cold water in the bath were ordinary wooden barrels.

The cast iron structure has a number of the following advantages:

  • The ability to retain heat for a long time, as a result of which the water in it after the furnace long time stays hot.
  • The material is resistant to sudden temperature changes.
  • Doesn't rust.

However, along with the advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • It takes a lot of time and wood to heat up.
  • Considerable weight of the structure.
  • The tank is almost impossible to make with your own hands;
  • Special protection against damp environments is required.

stainless steel

Very popular at present, which have several advantages:

  • No need for moisture protection negative impact environment.
  • Stainless steel has excellent thermal conductivity, due to which the water in the tanks heats up very quickly.
  • Stainless steel containers practically do not deform under the influence of large temperature changes.
  • The material is resistant to corrosion.

Among the shortcomings, one can single out rapid cooling, which is associated with the high thermal conductivity of the material.

enamelled steel

Enamelled containers have good resistance to corrosion. Their main disadvantage is the increased possibility of chips and cracks on the enamel, which lead to corrosion. But, if the structure is not mounted in the oven, then it can be treated with heat-resistant paint.

For cold water

The Russian bath implies the presence of two tanks - for hot and cold water. However, recently the tank in the cold water bath has been replaced by a centralized water supply.

If there is no centralized water supply, for example, when the bath is located in the country, then you can install another container. Minimum requirements are put forward for it, since thermal conductivity, heat resistance, etc., do not matter. The main thing is corrosion resistance, so a plastic product is an excellent option.

How to install and connect the tank

Depending on the conditions in the bath, the capacity connection schemes may be different. For example, if a water supply is installed in the washing room, i.e. water will be supplied under constant pressure, then a closed water supply system is needed.

In this case, the ideal option is a stove with a coil inside, which is connected to the tank. You can, of course, implement another way - hang the container on the stove itself. For this, the most suitable simple design a tank of 50-120 liters, which can be welded independently, in which case the price of the product will be formed solely by the cost of the material.

If the connection was made correctly, then the water heating circuit looks like this - the water is heated in the register and, according to the law of physics, rises. There it gradually cools down and falls back into the register. Thus, a natural circulation is obtained..

Advice! To improve circulation, the fence should be made from the return line, however, in this case, you will have to wait until the container heats up. Therefore, you can make a switch from a direct fence to a return line.

The connection instructions are as follows:

  • The tank is installed in and connected to the coil using pipes.
  • For normal circulation, the upper outlet of the tank must be connected to the upper outlet of the coil, and the lower outlet must be connected to the outlet from below. Thus, the removal of hot water occurs from above, and cold water will go from below.
  • At the inlet of cold water, check and safety valves are mounted, the latter is also called an explosive.
  • Then the threshold pressure is set according to the instructions of the storage tank, at which the safety valve.

Work this system will be like this:

  • The filled tank is heated through the coil and when the hot water is drained, it will automatically be filled through the cold supply.
  • If hot water is not used, then as it heats up, the pressure in the tank will increase. Upon reaching the critical point, the blaster will work and release the pressure.

If the system is done correctly, then the hot water in the bath will be in the amount you need, and at the same time there will be enough pressure to wash comfortably.


We have considered all the main types of existing tanks, as well as their pros and cons. At the same time, it is difficult to give an answer - which tank is better. Everyone decides for himself, in accordance with the tasks that this container must cope with.

You can get more information on this topic from the video in this article.

What is a sauna without hot water? But to heat it, you don’t need a boiler at all - after all, there is a stove and a fire in the stove. And the water will be heated using a heat exchanger.
But first you need to determine which particular bath tank will be better: for a pipe, remote or built-in, what material it will be made of - in general, what it should be like so that during the operation of the bath it does not have to be changed to another.

You can, of course, find bath stoves with a tank, but what if there is a stove, but no heating containers? Then you can find bath tanks to order or make them yourself using a conventional welding machine - and that's it.

Remote, built-in or on a pipe?

Tanks for baths are built-in, remote and on the pipe - and each has its own pros and cons. Compare and evaluate - which one is suitable for your bath.

Advantages of a tank built into the oven

Once upon a time, water tanks in the bath were only built into the stove - so that the lower part of the boiler was placed in the upper part of the firebox - the hottest. And the bottom of the tank in this case is in direct contact with the stove fire. Water from such a tank can be drawn directly, or it can be withdrawn through the built-in tap.

Remote tank for a bath: pros and cons

Thanks to the ability to install a heat exchanger in the oven, the tank itself can not be tied to a specific place - it can even be installed in a washing room. According to the known laws of physics, cold water will descend into the heat exchanger, and hot water will rise back.

Tank on the pipe - hot water without problems!

But it happens that the bath is used not for two or three hours, but for the whole day - for example, when they wash in it, but the time after the furnace has already passed. Then the ideal option is a tank on a pipe, in which the water will be constantly heated to desired temperature. This is on the pipe through which smoke comes out of the furnace - and its temperature can reach 500 ° C. Such tanks can be quite large - after all, the heating area of ​​​​the pipe is large enough, and the water will heat up quickly and evenly.

If you need to increase the humidity in the steam room, we advise you to read the article

There is another plus of this design - in such a bath, smoke leakage through a crack in the pipe is impossible, because. the tank in this case serves as a kind of fuse.

Cast iron, steel or stainless steel?

Quite a lot depends on the material from which the tank is made - both the rate of heating and cooling of water, and the durability of the tank itself.

Cast iron: hot water for the whole day

For a long time, the tank in the bathhouse was made of heavy cast iron - the water heated up for a long time, a lot of firewood left, but it was hot until the evening and the whole family could wash all day long. In addition, cast iron is not afraid of corrosion or high temperatures. But its solid weight is a disadvantage, of course, an obvious one.

Stainless steel bath tanks: light and durable

But today, a stainless steel bath tank is becoming increasingly popular - it does not need to isolate moisture from it, it has excellent thermal conductivity, and the deformation coefficient due to sharp temperature fluctuations is negligible and cannot be compared with the properties of ferrous metals.

The best brands for such tanks are 8-12X18H10 (304) and 08X17 (430), which are still used for making dishes. They are resistant to even extreme temperatures, are hygienic and do not corrode or deform.

Such bath tanks are made of durable and thin stainless steel sheet, where special ball valves are mounted to enter and supply water. Caring for such tanks is extremely simple.

Enamelled tanks - good when handled with care

Get rid of unpleasant rust and enameled tanks. Their only drawback is the possible chips, which will lead to corrosion. But they can be treated with special heat-resistant paint - unless the tank itself is inserted into the oven.

Heating scheme: from a heating element or a stove?

Whether it is more profitable to heat the stove to heat the water or, in this regard, the heating element is more effective depends on how many people will steam in the bath at the same time in the future and how quickly hot water will be needed for washing. For example, for one person, a capacity of 50 liters is enough, but for the whole company - at least 70.

The ability of the tank to warm up quickly also depends on its walls - the thicker they are, the longer it will warm up and it will also weigh more. For a tank with a volume of up to 50 liters, this is 0.8-1 mm, and for a larger one, the walls are never thinner than 1.5 mm.

How to properly install and connect a water tank?

So, how to properly install the tank in the bath? If the washing water will come from the tap, that is, under constant pressure, a so-called closed water supply system is necessary. For this, the ideal option would be a stove with a coil inside, to which the tank itself will be connected. But this method can also be implemented: the tank will be suspended on the furnace itself. For this, the simplest design for 50-120 liters is suitable, which is not difficult to weld on your own. The best option is an 80 l tank made of non-galvanized iron, which can be purchased at any hardware store.

A properly connected tank in a bath will look like this: water is heated in the register and rises into the tank. In it, it gradually cools down and sinks down into the register itself. This is how natural circulation occurs, and in order to improve it, it is more expedient to take water from the return line - although this is not always convenient, because in this case it will take a long time to wait until the tank heats up. But the water itself can already be used as soon as the stove is heated. But it is more efficient and thoughtful if the possibility of switching water intake from direct to return is thought out - this is much more convenient. If the entrance and exit to the tank is made from below, then the circulation will be slower.

And the scheme itself will look like this:

1. The hot water tank is installed in the steam room, under the shelves and is connected by pipes to the coil of the sauna stove.
2. For proper circulation at the tank, the upper outlet is connected to the same upper outlet of the furnace coil, and the lower one to the lower one. So the hot water will go from above, and cold - from below.
3. A non-return and safety valve is installed at the cold water inlet - it is also called an explosive.
4. According to the instructions of the storage tank, the opening pressure of the safety valve is set.

And this whole structure will work like this: the filled tank will begin to warm up through the coil and when hot water is consumed, it will automatically fill up through the cold supply. As the water heats up, if it is not used yet, this pressure will increase, and when the critical point is reached, the fuse will work - it will relieve this pressure.

If everything is done correctly, then the hot water in the bath will be in as much quantity as necessary - and under such pressure, under which it will be comfortable to wash after the steam room.

In the oven, prepare brooms, wash after going to the steam room. Of course, dipping into cool water is healthier, but warm water in a bath is a must.

Most often, a bath is built in a country house, where there is no way to get hot water through the water supply. cold water you can heat it in a boiler or use a stove with a tank.

You can buy a ready-made oven with a container or purchase a tank separately.

Bath water tank: purpose and benefits

As already mentioned, the container is used to heat water, which is subsequently used for bathing and various household needs: washing, mopping, preparing a broom, etc.

The water in the tank increases the humidity in the room, which is especially useful and helps to avoid the problem of dry air.

Of course, today there is a huge selection of gas and electric water heaters, but at the same time, bath tanks do not lose their relevance. This is due to their savings: when using a boiler, gas / electricity is spent, when the water is heated by a sauna stove, then there is, in fact, no consumption at all, because in any case, in order to go to take a steam bath, you need to heat the stove. Also, the tank will be indispensable in the event that an accident occurs on the gas main or power line, and the use of the water heater becomes temporarily impossible.

How to choose a water tank for a bath?

You can make a tank yourself or buy a ready-made one. If you are closer to the second option, then pay attention to the tips below.

When choosing a container, you need to pay attention to the material from which the tank is made, type, dimensions, etc.

Hot water tanks for a bath: types and their features

In total, there are several types of containers: built-in, mounted, remote and on the pipe. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider them in more detail.

  • Built-in oven tank

The built-in tank is classic version. In this case, the tank is installed directly above the firebox, due to this, the water heats up as quickly as possible, and retains heat in the tank for a long time. To pour water, you can make a tap or top cover over the container.

If you are going to buy a built-in type, then you need to pay attention to the wall thickness of the container. It should be more than 0.8 mm. Make sure the seams are sealed.

The disadvantage of such a tank is that it cannot be left empty. In addition, boiling water forms heavy steam, which is not always good for a bath, as a result, during steam procedures, you have to regularly drain the heated water and fill in the cold one.

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