What is bonsai? How to grow a miniature tree at home? How to grow a bonsai: a miniature garden on the windowsill.

Landscaping and planning 14.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

Self-employment is a very time-consuming and difficult task. Its implementation is not within the power of every grower. When growing, you must get along with your plant and understand how to properly care for it. Everything existing species bonsai are individual in their own way and do not look alike, so first of all you need to decide on the variety of the plant being grown and its future style.

Existing species


This plant has several names. Some call it karmona, others tea tree, and the rest - eretiya. Quite often, this interesting plant is grown at home as a bonsai, and tea is often brewed from its leaves. How to take care of this interesting plant to grow him beautiful and healthy?


First of all, karmona begins with a choice right place for its cultivation. This plant is thermophilic. V summer period must be kept under open sky in a shaded place.

In winter, it is necessary to choose a warm room for him with maintenance high level air humidity. To do this, a container with a carmon tree must be installed on hydraulic balls, but only so that the soil and water do not touch. Water must be constantly changed or topped up with fresh water.


The lion's share of the species of these trees comes from China, so all supplied specimens are transported in containers with a high content of clay. This type of soil tends to compact with regular watering, which prevents ozonation of the root system.

After acquiring this plant, it is best to transplant it into nutrient soil so that the karmona can get all the necessary nutrients. Such soil can be purchased in specialized stores or prepared independently in an apartment environment.


Carmona loves when the moisture is uniform. For this, settled water is used. If you miss a watering session and the karmona begins to dry out, then it is very difficult to save the plant.


Karmona must constantly receive nutrients, especially during the period of active growth.

Fertilization begins in early spring and ends in autumn.

You need to fertilize the soil every 14 days, in winter - monthly. Perfect for this process. organic top dressing for bonsai.


Karmona can be grown to create any style of bonsai. Young branches easily lend themselves to any change in their shape and direction. To do this, you can use a wire with a thick braid or special supports.

If you purchased a bonsai from a store and the karmona already has a characteristic style direction, then you can change or improve it and grow it at your discretion.

bonsai myrtle

This is a small copy of a huge tree from the tropics. Growing it at home is quite simple. The main thing is to provide spraying and watering. Myrtle bonsai is highly valued by specialists in this field. Therefore, acquiring its cuttings is not always easy, and not at all cheap.

Myrtle has a number of features:

  1. The place for growing should be not very wet, but sunny.
  2. can grow no more than 90 centimeters.
  3. When growing myrtle in garden conditions, for the period of wintering it must be transferred to the room.
  4. Myrtle has a fairly fast and rapid development.
  5. The leaves of this tree are leathery and small.
  6. If you get closer to the plant, you can hear its soft and pleasant aroma.
  7. Myrtle begins to bloom at the beginning of the summer period.
  8. Allergy sufferers may not worry about volatile secretions. They don't pose any danger.
  9. Myrtle has fruits that are incredibly healthy, but not very tasty.
  10. Some housewives add dried berries and leaves to their dishes.

To provide the world with the right care and grow it strong, you need to follow a few existing rules:

  1. Flowering can only occur with sufficient light. And the fruits will certainly appear on it, it is only necessary to carry out pollination on their own or with the help of insects.
  2. If in winter period the room is warm enough and the tree does not freeze, then you need to take care of uniform watering and spraying. The container in which the myrtle tree is located should not be placed near heating appliances or batteries. Be sure to drain excess water from the pan after watering.
  3. Myrtle in natural conditions grows in subtropical climates. That is why he must survive the winter in a warm place that does not freeze through. Optimal temperature regime is a mark not lower than 5 degrees Celsius.
  4. It is very important when growing myrtle bonsai to choose the right soil. It should not contain a lot of lime. The soil should be slightly acidic.
  5. Throughout the summer period, the myrtle tree must be washed regularly under a warm shower or sprayed.

Remember! Myrtle bonsai should be transplanted once every few years, only in the spring.

bonsai pomegranate

Often at home, dwarf is used to create and grow bonsai. In order for the pomegranate, or rather its small copy, to grow up healthy, it is necessary to provide him with quality care.


Pomegranate is able to survive drought, but will not tolerate excessive moisture. Excess water can lead to rotting of the root system and death of the plant.

Temperature regime

Home pomegranate is able to develop indoors, where the temperature does not fall below -10 ° C.


Pomegranate is a deciduous tree, so with the onset of the winter period, it begins dormant time.

Watering should be much less frequent than in other seasons of the year. In summer, you can feed the pomegranate tree with mineral fertilizers; in winter, they do not feed. Such manipulations will help to grow healthy tree.


When growing, it is very important that the pomegranate bonsai stand in a well-lit place without direct sunlight. Lack of lighting can be more harmful than too much. And then the pomegranate can get sick.


Pomegranate must be trimmed in a timely manner to form its crown. The spring period is the ideal time to carry out this process.

cedar bonsai

Quite often, flower growers choose cedar for growing bonsai, due to its endurance and neat needles. Cedar is a large coniferous tree with gray bark.

For growing cedar, you can choose one of its several types. Care must be taken to ensure that the care of this tree is good enough.


Cedar belongs to light-loving plants, so it is desirable to grow it outdoors.

Temperature regime

Cedar must be protected from hot temperatures and extreme cold.


In the summer, you need to moderately water the cedar, in the rest of the annual seasons, watering is significantly reduced.

Between watering procedures, you need to maintain an interval so that the soil can dry out. With excessive moisture, the cedar will be covered with yellow needles.


Top dressing in the spring will allow the cedar plant to activate the growth of young shoots, and in the fall it will increase the level of frost resistance.


This process should be carried out with thick braided wire. Be careful if you tighten the wire too much - it can cause wounds and the cedar will be covered with scars. Usually, the wire is applied for 1 annual cycle, or even more.

New young shoots need to be pinched during the growing season, but pruning is best done in August and then your cedar will radiate a healthy appearance.

Azalea bonsai

The main advantage of this plant is its numerous flowering. Azalea at home is grown only in two forms. One of them is the Indian Azalea. Growing a blooming live bonsai at home is not so easy, so read all the points so that the azalea gets proper care.


The soil should be acidic and contain a lot of nutrients. When transplanting, you need to partially change the soil.


Azalea belongs to light-loving plants. It is best to choose a well-lit place for its cultivation, without the presence of direct sunlight.

The temperature regime should vary from 6 to 8 degrees Celsius in winter and from 10 to 15 in summer. During the flowering period, it is necessary to spray the azalea with warm water.


The soil in the container must be constantly wet. Azaleas need regular and abundant watering. To do this, we need soft or melt water at room temperature.


Azalea as a bonsai should be pruned at the end of the spring period. Azalea, like all flowers, is quite fragile, so you need to use wire with extreme caution to form its crown.

bonsai wisteria

Many flower growers go out of their way to grow bonsai from the wisteria plant at home. You need to carefully study all the rules for care so that wisteria will delight you with its beautiful flowering and beautiful shapes.


Wisteria belongs to light-loving plants, therefore, the place for its cultivation must be chosen accordingly.

Temperature regime

If the temperature drops below -5, in this case, the wisteria may freeze, so you need to take care of additional measures to warm the plant. Do not forget to ventilate the room where wisteria develops.


To make wisteria feel comfortable for growing it, ceramic containers are chosen.


After the end of the flowering period, wisteria begins to bear fruit. It is necessary to rid the plant of these beans as early as possible so that they do not take a lot of energy. Only a few pieces are allowed.


Wisteria should every year, after flowering is completed, “move” into a new container. At the same time, you need to take a good look root system and remove damaged parts. Otherwise, wisteria after transplantation may get sick.

In addition to all these presented types of bonsai, the following varieties are grown in apartment conditions: boxwood bonsai, birch bonsai, oak bonsai. Often, flower growers who are fond of Feng Shui prefer to grow bonsai from a fat woman to attract money supply to your house.

How to make and grow a money tree bonsai at home?

You can plant bonsai yourself. The main thing is to choose the right plant so that it feels comfortable in environment. The cultivation technology is not at all complicated, but it requires regular monitoring of the formation, a lot of time and effort. Bonsai must be properly cared for. It is important to create favorable conditions that affect the appearance and growth - light, humidity and air temperature, watering, soil.

The bonsai growing kit includes:

  • Instruction;
  • Pot;
  • Priming;
  • plant seeds;
  • Fertilizer.

Some kits have a wire and a special pallet in their completion. In principle - "any whim for your money."

You can buy a ready-made set in a store or order it online. In this case, you can at the same time choose any seeds at your discretion.

How long does a bonsai tree grow from seeds

The growth period of bonsai is determined according to the type of tree. Growing such a miniature tree from a seed at home will require a lot of effort and patience.

Bonsai growth periods:

  • Seed care. This process, on average, takes several years.
  • Germ care. From this point on, the process becomes more interesting.

All subsequent time, bonsai grows and pleases its creator. In Japan, such plants have been grown for centuries and millennia, passing the tree by inheritance. Some bonsai trees live up to 4,000 years.

The most durable are coniferous bonsai.

Today it is available to purchase a ready-made sprout and immediately plant it. In this case, you can save several years. But you will not receive guarantees that this is actually the same tree, and not a dwarf fake. The cost of a bonsai tree directly depends on the type of plant and how old it is. Seeds are inexpensive - from a few rubles apiece. And for comparison, a maple bonsai 30 cm high costs approximately 1,900 rubles, and the same plant 65 cm costs 11,900 rubles.

How to transplant a bonsai yourself: a step-by-step guide

Simultaneously with the transplantation of the tree, the soil and the bowl are replaced. Bonsai should be repotted approximately every 1-2 years, as evidenced by its appearance and growth process.

Bonsai Transplant Steps, Beginner's Guide:

  • Drainage holes should be reinforced;
  • Carefully clean the roots of the tree from the soil;
  • Place the bonsai in a new environment and spread the roots;
  • Cut the roots with scissors about 1/3 or step back from the edge of the bowl by 2 cm;
  • Place the plant firmly, pressing the soil with your fingers.

Plants under the age of 5 years should be transplanted every year in the spring. The soil is changed every time. First formative pruning of the tree after about 5 years. Bonsai, whose age is from 10 years old, should be transplanted once every 10-15 years.

Bonsai in new ground do not succumb to bright sunlight during the first two weeks.

How to grow bonsai (video)

Bonsai has gained wide popularity in countries around the world. Needlework lovers could not help but notice such art. Miniature trees are made from various gem stones or beads. The process of making bonsai and stones is quite creative and difficult, requiring care with the use of imagination. Recreating the original in such a performance hides a mystery and a special energy.

Useful, hardy, unpretentious and easy to grow marigolds are irreplaceable. These letniki have long moved from city flower beds and classic flower beds to original compositions, decorated the beds and potted gardens. Marigolds with their easily recognizable yellow-orange-brown colors and even more inimitable aromas today are able to pleasantly surprise with their variety. Firstly, among the marigolds there are both tall and miniature plants.

Our grandmothers, growing strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, were not particularly worried about mulching. But today this agricultural practice has become fundamental in achieving high quality berries and reducing crop losses. Some might say it's troublesome. But practice shows that labor costs in this case pay off handsomely. In this article, we invite you to get acquainted with the nine the best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very versatile. Despite the fact that “kids” have always been considered more fashionable, the assortment of succulents with which you can decorate modern interior, it is worth taking a closer look. After all, colors, sizes, patterns, degree of pricklyness, influence on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article, we will talk about the five most fashionable succulents that surprisingly transform modern interiors.

Mint was used by the Egyptians as far back as 1.5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils with high volatility. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article, we will look at the most interesting varieties mint, and also talk about the features of growing this plant in the open field.

People began to grow crocuses 500 years before the advent of our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the heralds of spring next year. Crocuses - one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins as soon as the snow melts. However, the timing of flowering may vary depending on the species and varieties. This article focuses on the earliest varieties of crocuses that bloom in late March and early April.

Shchi from early young cabbage in beef broth is hearty, fragrant and easy to prepare. In this recipe, you will learn how to cook delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup with this broth. Early cabbage cooks quickly, so it is placed in the pan at the same time as the rest of the vegetables, unlike autumn cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Real cabbage soup is tastier than freshly cooked.

Blueberries are a rare promising berry crop in gardens. Blueberries are a source of biologically active substances and vitamins, have antiscorbutic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, tonic properties. Berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyanins, trace elements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. The taste of blueberries resembles a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

Looking at the variety of varieties of tomatoes, it is difficult not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced gardeners he is annoying sometimes! However, it is not so difficult to understand the basics of selecting varieties “for yourself”. The main thing is to understand the peculiarities of culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest tomato groups to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been appreciated by those gardeners who do not have much time and energy to care for the beds.

Once very popular under the name of indoor nettles, and then forgotten by everyone, coleuses today are one of the most striking garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking primarily for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant supervision. But if you take care of them, bushes of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon backbone baked in Provence herbs is a "supplier" of delicious pieces of fish pulp for light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. The mushrooms are lightly fried olive oil and then drizzle with apple cider vinegar. Such mushrooms are tastier than ordinary pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Ramson and fresh dill coexist perfectly in one salad, emphasizing the flavor of each other. Garlic sharpness of wild garlic will saturate both the flesh of salmon and pieces of mushrooms.

A coniferous tree or shrub on the site is always great, and many conifers are even better. emerald needles various shades decorates the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils secreted by plants not only flavor, but also make the air cleaner. As a rule, most zoned adult conifers are considered to be very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics in the shade flowering trees have long been an integral attribute of the meeting of spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year here begins on April 1, when magnificent cherry blossoms bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But sakura also grows well in cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

It is very interesting for me to analyze how people's tastes and preferences for certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and traded lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century BC. e. about 6 varieties of quince were known and even then the methods of its reproduction and cultivation were described.

Make your family happy and make themed Easter egg-shaped cottage cheese cookies! Your children will be happy to take part in the process - they will sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration how the pieces of dough turn into real Easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read in our step by step recipe!

There are not so many decorative and deciduous favorites among tuberous crops. And the caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of the interiors. Not everyone can decide to start a Caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all - to care. But still, the rumors about the unusual capriciousness of the Caladium never justify. Attention and care allow you to avoid any difficulties when growing caladiums. And a plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

The art of bonsai in translation into Russian means "a tree in a pot". This art appeared in 200 BC. e. in China, more precisely, it originally sounded like “pan-san”. A few centuries later, the Japanese, along with Buddhism, mastered this art, brought it to perfection, and now it is considered traditionally Japanese.

The first images of bonsai, literally - hatitue, are found on scrolls of the late Kamakura period (1249-1382). The love for dwarf trees is explained simply - not having a large territory and the opportunity to grow a garden near the house, the Japanese wanted to find a corner of nature at home, and small trees did not take up much space. At first it was a mass hobby, mainly among the common people. Much later, after the victory over China in 1885, bonsai became the subject of fashion, scientific study and collecting. Various schools of bonsai and cultivation styles began to appear.

About 400 species of plants are suitable and bred to create bonsai. A real bonsai has dimensions from 20 cm to 1.5-2 m. A special direction is the creation of miniature landscapes, where not one tree is grown in a bowl, but a whole piece of nature, with a lake, stones, miniature mountains and even waterfalls. The art of bonsai does not tolerate fuss, it requires patient care. Bonsai care is a kind of ritual and meditation. Trees have been grown for decades and centuries. V imperial garden in Japan, there are specimens of bonsai, which are about 300-400 years old.

Recently, bonsai-style compositions have become very fashionable. Bonsai is a miniature copy of a small part of nature. Trees with mossy roots, stones, moss - all this in a reduced form. Of course, we adapt the ancient Chinese and Japanese cultivation culture dwarf trees according to our climatic conditions and taste.

Rice. 40. Composition in the style of bonsai.

Russian amateurs have brought many innovations to classical compositions, but this is not about matching our compositions to the originals, but about creating our style, which is closer to us and more in line with our climatic conditions and cultural traditions. We are engaged in the art of bonsai, in comparison with its thousand-year history in China and then in Japan, only about 20 years. A huge selection of indoor plants presents unlimited possibilities for growing miniature compositions.

Reference: bonsai (from the initial "pan-san" or "pan-ching") originated in China around 200 BC. e. - 400 AD e. It is absolutely rightly considered a cultural phenomenon in Japan, since it was there, in Japan, that the art of bonsai grew, developed, survived its formation, and has since spread widely in the world.

V Japanese the word "bonsai" refers to the whole process of breeding on a tray or in a shallow pot a certain type or group of plants. Obviously, if a tree can be grown on a tray, then there must be a method of cultivating miniature specimens of one species or another. Bonsai in the classic version can be imagined as a tree or any plant viewed through a diminutive lens. The main elements of bonsai are plants, soil and a pot. All this together creates a wonderful live composition, which for a long time amuses the eye of its creator. So, the goal is not only to grow a healthy plant in a container, but also to create a whole of these three elements that absolutely fit together, while each of them should have its own personality and attract attention. For beginners, it can be advised to collect landscapes and make sketches, observe natural landscapes.

Bonsai has all the signs of its prototype in nature: it has a trunk, bark, branches, leaves, flowers, fruits, it also grows in the soil, exposing protruding roots, in general, repeats the model of a living tree of a certain type of natural size. The ground should look like a natural part of the terrain. For this, the selected stones - “rocks” and moss will evoke an association with a forest natural landscape. The container should be chosen simply, i.e. the color and shape should not be catchy, then it becomes a natural component of this three-dimensional design. If you follow these recommendations, then the resulting bonsai will be able to create the mood that we have when we look at a wonderful landscape, grove, etc.

The culture of bonsai provides for some first decisions, agricultural techniques and methods that must be considered before moving on to the main and detailed description. Some bonsai grow and develop from seeds, others start from cuttings and cuttings. First of all, you should choose a certain type of plant. You need to start with those types of plants that grow in the area. In regions with a cool climate, this may be coniferous plants, flowering and fruiting species.

Modern compositions include not only miniature trees. These are creepers, ferns, and others houseplants that are included in the composition. Many indoor plants have all the features of the original bonsai - small leaves, small trunks. Ferns seem to be created in order to create an imitation of the carboniferous landscape. Remember - plants with small foliage and delicate small flowers in a miniature bonsai look much more spectacular than plants with large leaves and flowers.

Rice. 41. Composition imitating bonsai.

But back to the original, "real" bonsai. There are various styles in which bonsai can be grown. Such knowledge is necessary when choosing. Lovers of majestic conical shapes will look for a young tree whose growth pattern matches the correct upright style. Others are looking for the wrong structure of the tree, which in the future can create the appearance of overhanging a cliff.

For beginners, it is necessary to understand the purpose of some accessories - a container, bonsai decoration products, tools needed for care.

So, the first question is where to start growing bonsai. There are several available ways and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most difficult, and at the same time extremely satisfying way over time, is to sow a seed and watch how a seedling grows from it, then a young tree, which, with your help, turns into an elegant bonsai of a certain shape.

The second way is to grow bonsai from cuttings and cuttings, including from air cuttings. This method is especially good for climbing plants- Shrubs and some tree species. You need to choose a branch in which the future bonsai would already be visible. Air layering can be done at will to grow the roots of the bonsai, and the branch should be cut off after the roots have developed well. Then the tree is transplanted into a container. In this model, the plant can be cultivated for several years. Difficulties lie primarily in finding a suitable branch, and shallow roots extending along the ground with natural growth develop very slowly.

Rice. 42. Choosing a branch for bonsai and separating the layering.

The third method used in bonsai is the use of grafting. Its advantage is the use of a short shoot as a scion. This method is especially suitable for flowering and fruit trees. Its disadvantage lies in the fact that the place of vaccination remains noticeable. However, this defect can be hidden by crown formation or by using grafted plants in a bonsai style where it is not conspicuous.

Rice. 43. Grafted tree.

The fourth method, which is definitely best for beginners, is the selection and purchase of a suitable tree from the nursery, which already has a fairly thick trunk and a certain number of branches. It is they who allow you to give the final shape to a bonsai that has already lived in a container for several years and, therefore, has adapted to life in a limited space. After careful shearing and wrapping with wire, the outlines of the future bonsai will appear in this plant in just an hour, then it will take another two years to bring it to a mature state.

Fifth method. You drive out of town and look for small trees there that have withstood all the storms. If you find such a tree, dig it out and, shaping it, transplant it, then it will already be good foundation for bonsai. Perhaps the roots of the tree will not be sufficiently developed. In this case, it is useful to plant it in the ground for a year or more so that the plant develops as many shallow roots as possible while continuing to work on its shape. After that, the tree should be dug up and placed in a container already as a bonsai.

When choosing a tree for bonsai, it must be borne in mind that the size of the leaves (or needles - in conifers) should initially be small, the flowers should also not be large, since big flowers on a small tree they look disproportionate.

Juniper (Juniperus prostrata) is a coniferous shrub that is very suitable for bonsai. It is hardy, easy to shape in accordance with the chosen style, although it develops slowly. The hardy Roxburgh pine (Pinus roxburqhii) has very long needles and is only suitable as a garden bonsai, where it reaches a height of two meters. However, this hardy species can also be grown as a miniature if the needles are trimmed to an appropriate size. Cedar, spruce, fir - all these conifers great for bonsai. Some types of cypress (Cupressus) and yew (Taxus) are also suitable.

Deciduous species. First of all, trees of the genus ficus (Ficus) of the mulberry family. They are stable, take a given shape well and grow so quickly that they turn into very interesting bonsai within a few years.

Ficus greenish quickly branches and forms thick big roots protruding above the soil surface.

Ficus bengal also gives ground roots very quickly, and soon develops into an adult columnar tree, occupying an impressive area. At the same time, the leaves decrease over time, and in the future, from this breed, you can get the right, from the point of view of bonsai, small tree given form.

Rice. 44. Ficus for bonsai.

A small tree that grows easily and freely in a container is a persimmon from the ebony family. Already in the process of growth, a wonderful umbrella shape is very easily attached.

Ginkgo biloba is a member of the Ginkgoaceae family. oldest species trees on the ground. Its modern form grows on fossils that are 175–200 million years old. Fossilized prints of the leaves of this tree have been found in India. In Japan, this plant is called "girl's hair", as it resembles a fern, and it is often used in bonsai. The tree looks especially beautiful in autumn, when the leaves turn bright yellow before falling off.

It lends itself well to growing camphor cinnamon, camphor laurel (Cinnamomum camphora) of the laurel family, as well as oak (Quercus).

Among deciduous trees, we note several types of maple, birch, alder and hornbeam, which are suitable for bonsai. You can try to grow chinara, or weeping willow, in bonsai.

Flowering and fruit trees. All trees are either flowering or fruiting trees. The exception is a small group belonging to the family of tree ferns, sporonos. You should be aware that the flowers and fruits in bonsai do not decrease in size if all methods are followed correctly, so it is recommended to select trees that produce small flowers and fruits so that they look proportional to a miniature tree. Some types of peach, plum and apricot look good, blooming before the leaves develop.

It is also good to grow Japanese pear and almonds. And yet preference is given to the apple tree. The forest apple tree is especially good in white and pink color or with an abundance of small red apples. Many varieties of cherries are quite suitable for our climate. The hawthorn is also suitable - a small tree strewn with bunches of tiny fragrant white flowers.

The mulberry family is represented by two main types of trees. Mulberry, both wild and cultivated, is an exceptionally stable breed and adapts well to development in confined spaces. With a careful haircut, a beautiful rounded crown shape with graceful branches is achieved. Small leaves are in proportion to the scale adopted in bonsai. The edible fruits of the cultivated species of this tree are very appetizing and taste sweeter to bonsai owners than any other. The only drawback is that the leaves are difficult to reduce in size.

Dwarf guava is very suitable for bonsai. It attracts beautiful white flowers and small purplish-red fruits, which is why this type of guava is sometimes called a strawberry.

Some types of acacias belonging to the mimosa family are also suitable for growing bonsai. This is, first of all, the fragrant Farnesi acacia. The small leaves of this plant form a kind of graceful plumage (not even during the flowering period) of small golden spherical flowers. It grows in abundance on the streets of cities, where it is used to create hedges.

Shrubs. Malpighia ranks first among the shrubs that can be used by the bonsai lover. This hardy, hardy plant is highly branched, leaving room for the imagination to find form. The small leaves are dark green and glossy. The shrub produces many delicate pink flowers throughout the summer. The plant is so strewn with graceful flowers that it seems as if the trunk, branches, leaves only shine through them. The fullness of the picture is completed by powerful roots spread over the earth. This plant needs constant pruning to maintain its desired shape.

A small shrub called Chinese lime, myrtle, also belongs to the rue family, has beautiful dark green trifoliate leaves. It blooms small white fragrant flowers that turn red as they mature and give bonsai a unique charm.

The representative of the rue family is muraya, or Chinese myrtle. It is a beautiful shrub with dark green foliage and fragrant flowers that appear during the rainy season. Leaves can be easily reduced with regular shearing.

The cotoneaster is adapted to even cooler climates and can produce red or yellow berries depending on the species.

There are many beautiful shrubs that are hardy in cool climates, such as many types and varieties of azaleas, which are very popular with bonsai enthusiasts in Japan.

The camellia belongs to the tea family. Some of its species and varieties are characterized by small flowers and look great in bonsai culture.

Gardenia prefers warm climatic conditions combined with cold winters. Its dwarf G.fortunei species with small leaves and flowers makes an excellent base for bonsai.

Also suitable for miniature and hibiscus, or Chinese rose, the mallow family, although its leaves are somewhat large for the size of a bonsai.

Brunfelsia - a shrub that is popularly called "Yesterday, today, tomorrow" - an excellent object for bonsai. Flowers that appear several times a year are deep purple on the first day, turn pale on the second day, and completely lose color on the third, turning white and justifying their name with these metamorphoses. Change colors very beautiful in bonsai.

The dwarf form of the common pomegranate, the pomegranate family, blooms and bears fruit without requiring any additional care. Flowers - bright red, small, proportional to a miniature tree. A small flowering and fruiting pomegranate tree always evokes a feeling of admiration. The twice flowering variety of pomegranate is excellently cultivated in bonsai.

Euphorbia prickly from the Euphorbiaceae family, a well-known plant, studded with small red flowers. It is difficult to work with him because of the countless prickly thorns.

Arabic jasmine, sambac. This rather large shrub is exceptionally popular because of the small white and orange flowers that bloom at night and fall in the morning. The leaves are stiff and rather rough, but they are reduced and made more pliable with regular pruning.

Lianas. When cultivating vines in bonsai, you should know two rules:

1. Due to the large number of beautiful roots, it is better not to try to make the first transplant into a container.

2. Shaping with wire should be done at a time when the shoots are not lignified and can be easily bent.

Compact varieties are easier to keep in a small space than spreading ones. Some double-flowered species are especially impressive due to their profuse flowering and small flower size.

Climbing plants of herbaceous origin can also look spectacular as bonsai, such as Japanese honeysuckle. Particularly effective bonsai from this type of plant in the style of "cascade" or in the style of "a tree hanging over a rock."

Wisteria is grown for spectacularly hanging clusters of flowers - lilac, purple or white. The plant belongs to the subfamily of the legume family.

Bamboo can also be used in bonsai culture. First, small tender roots are planted in a container, and then thick roots with new shoots, selected as the basis for a future grove. Then they are watered and left in a container, allowing new stems to grow.

Cyperus umbrella, sedge family, convenient because in small container he doesn't grow up large sizes and therefore will look attractive, as will many flowering annuals.

Nandina domestica, from the barberry family, is attractive with its dark red leaves. Many succulents, in particular, crassula and euphorbia, can be a good find for the composition.

Herbaceous plants, mosses, lichens are usually included in the composition as companions to the main bonsai plant in order to emphasize the advantages of the main plant.

Calamus is a dwarf plant with green and white longitudinal stripes on the leaves, it looks great in a small container. The same can be said about some dwarf plants with small bulbs that grow well in small containers, such as muscari, mouse glacinth, zephyranthes species, some types of oxalis.


Let's name the following main styles:

"Bonsai in miniature";


· “a tree bent by the wind” (based on the previous style, but there are some differences);

"broom-shaped" tree;

a group of trees, or "grove";


compositions on the rocks;

a multi-stemmed tree

leaning tree

Incorrect upright


Correct upright.

V Eastern countries there are many more, but those listed here form the basis of all other styles and their sub-styles. However, you should not strictly adhere to the most stringent rules regarding them, since we use the breeds that grow with us, and they, of course, may differ from the breeds. flora East. Modern miniature compositions are distinguished by a wide variety of styles and plants. Can be distinguished:

pond and fountain in miniature;

· Latin American landscape;

· Carboniferous landscape with ferns and mosses.

As well as completely fantasy compositions, for example, a cactus entwined with ivy or a dracaena, on which blooming fuchsia is located, and below, around the trunk - lichens, stonecrops or saxifrage. We are talking only about the style of design, the landscape in miniature.

And yet, you should know the main principles laid down in the rules - they were developed in Japan so that everyone could be guided by them in the process of growing a natural-looking tree in miniature. And success can be achieved faster by adhering to a certain style. This is much more effective than trying to imagine at random how a particular tree can grow in natural conditions. By following the suggested recommendations, you will avoid many mistakes.

Correct upright style. Basic bonsai style. The tree is characterized by a straight trunk, which tapers upward, thick divergent roots, branches slightly inclined downward. The top of the tree is almost always conical or spherical.

Rice. 45. Correct upright style.

The main thing is the shape of the trunk. It is divided into three parts. The lower part is without branches and foliage so that the trunk, roots and bark structure are visible. Three main branches extend from the next third of the trunk. They are located in a three-dimensional projection, two branches - to the sides, and the third deep into the composition, enhancing the impression of perspective. This branch is the main one, and it should be beautiful in shape and decorated with leaves. Two side branches complete the picture. They can be slightly turned towards the viewer, but should not obscure the main one. The third, apical, part of the trunk forms the crown. Usually the branches are raised up, and the foliage on them is developed and dense. This style of tree looks best in an oval or rectangular container.

Several important conclusions follow from the above description:

1. It should be borne in mind that the front and back of the tree should be easily distinguishable. The foreground of the bonsai looks most spectacular and creates an immediate perception of it as a naturally growing tree. The viewer can easily determine the front, most spectacular bonsai plan by the following features: two-thirds of the trunk are freely visible, the second or third branches are directed away from the viewer and give the bonsai spatial depth.

2. The visual age and, consequently, the "impressive" appearance of a tree is determined by overgrown roots located on the surface and going into the ground. The roots give the impression that the tree has been growing for many years and is firmly held in the ground.

3. The large lower branches of many old trees slope downwards, while the small ones at the top point upwards. A similar arrangement in bonsai culture imitates natural look tree, creates a visual sense of its "age". In addition, the absence of branches in the lowest part of the trunk, their clearly visible branching in the middle part also give the bonsai a sense of "age", which distinguishes the miniature from a shrub or young tree.

The correct upright style is suitable for coniferous trees and trees with a spherical crown.

Wrong upright style. The main difference of this style is that the tree trunk must be curved. For better visual perception, the crown should be slightly turned towards the viewer. Branches, roots and leaves are arranged in the same way as in upright style compositions.

Rice. 46. ​​Wrong upright style.

Tilt tree style. In this case, the tree is leaning or bent in one direction, while the lower branch is pointing in the opposite direction. All branches are bent towards the inclination of the trunk, the top is slightly inclined forward. The tree grows in the middle of the container so that the crown and branches do not extend beyond the container.

Rice. 48. Tree bent by the wind.

Styles "semi-cascade" and "cascade". The style of "semi-cascade" is also called "tree on a rock." The trunk first grows straight up, and then sharply bends to the side. In the "cascade" style, the trunk falls to the side, while hanging below the level of the container. To do this, the container is placed on the edge of the table or stand. The three main branches should be visible from the back of the cascade.

Rice. 49. Cascade.

Rice. 50. Half-cascade.

The composition will be more stable if the container is tall. The small branch of the top is usually directed away from the main body of the tree. This visually balances the composition, and gives the tree a more natural look. You can also point down not the trunk, but one of the main branches.

Style "broom" tree. This is an upright style. There are no lower branches, and all branches are directed upwards. Therefore, the tree resembles a panicle.

Rice. 51. Broom tree.

Bunjin style (elite style). This style is quite difficult to evaluate and describe. Its feature is the bend of the trunk. This is the main line of the composition, and the extent to which this line is refined and aesthetic determines the success of the composition. This style reflects the artistic traditions of Japan. Ancient images of trees, the trunk of which is curved and contains few leaves. But those leaves that are visible, have a clear and refined outline, allow you to appreciate the beauty of a single leaf.

Multi-stemmed tree style. A tree can have two or more trunks, but they must grow from the same point. Usually this is an odd number. There are a lot of options for such a composition, the visual impression can be based on the interlacing of trunks, or the creation of a multifaceted composition. The crown can be common or separate, the trees can be the same or different in height. You can achieve interesting combinations of side branches.

A group of trees. This style provides from two or three trees to a whole "grove". If a small number of trees are grown, they can be located close to each other. It could be the whole landscape. In such a composition, the use additional elements sure - it is they who will determine the color of the landscape and there are so many options that we will devote a separate chapter to describe them.

Rice. 52. A group of trees.

Compositions on the rocks. There are great opportunities here. The main thing is the stones, folded in the form of a natural rock. You can place the plants in such a way as to emphasize the plants themselves against the rock, but other things are also possible. The roots of the plant, which weave around the rocks, can be decorative and interesting in themselves. In the first case, the stones and the plants themselves should be visible, which have a well-shaped trunk, branches and crown, in the second case, the lower half of the plant should be transparent, with a minimum number of branches, to enable the viewer to see exactly the roots and stones. The crown may be smaller, but then there should be interesting few leaves. Both of these types of compositions on the rocks should be as naturalistic as possible, that is, close to natural landscapes.

Rice. 53. Trees on the rocks.

Bonsai in miniature. These are very tiny trees, the height of a mini-bonsai should not be more than 25 cm. The smaller the tree, the older it is, and the more it looks like mature plant- the more valuable such a plant. Miniaturization is achieved by planting in very tight containers. Growing such a plant is a long and painstaking task. There are specimens of 50–70 years of age. Design styles are the same as for the above bonsai. The growth and thickening of the stem is very slow due to the small amount of soil in the tiny containers. The main thing is proper watering - a small amount of earth in a container dries out very quickly, and the plant may die.

So, we can conclude - essential element Bonsai is the trunk of a plant. After all, every time you bend it, you can break it and all subsequent forms of bonsai absolutely depend on the shape of the trunk. To easily develop bonsai in accordance with the chosen style, the process of determining the shape should begin with a young trunk.

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The art of creating bonsai originated in ancient China over 2000 years ago. Then the Japanese adopted from the Chinese their method of creating miniature landscapes with trees. Over time, the popularity of bonsai grew, Japan created its own methods and styles. As a result, bonsai cultivation has actually become an integral part of Japanese culture. And only by the end of the 19th century, Japanese bonsai traditions began to penetrate Europe. The ancient oriental art of bonsai is more than just growing an exact copy of a real tree in miniature, it is the creation of harmony. A small tree in a bowl or on a dish should have harmonious proportions. big tree growing in the forest, on the banks of a river or on a mountain slope. Translated from Japanese, Bonsai means "a tree growing on a dish" "bon" (dish) and "sai" (plant).

Quality and location choice

At proper care can live much longer than humans. True, the prerequisites for this are good quality plants and the correct selection of its location. If you want to buy a bonsai for yourself or as a gift, then if possible, contact a specialized bonsai store. The age of inexpensive trees in flower shops is sometimes no older than one and a half years. You must have a clear idea of ​​what a good bonsai is worth. good money. So, in Germany, ordinary bonsai no older than 10 years old cost at least 100 euros, for an average quality bonsai you will have to pay 500 euros, but an extra class bonsai costs several thousand euros.

Bonsai from a beech forest at the age of 50 years

Depending on the natural area of ​​\u200b\u200bdistribution of a particular tree, bonsai are grown indoors, in a garden or in a cold greenhouse. Potted bonsai are typically tropical and subtropical mini trees - usually imported from South China or Taiwan. Plants such as, for example, are open ground plants there. Tropical and subtropical plants usually adapt differently to room conditions. Lighting and air temperature when keeping bonsai in room conditions must correspond to the climate conditions in their homeland. Subtropical types of bonsai (myrtle, rosemary) are kept at a temperature of 50-150C in winter, and taken out into the open air in summer. tropical species all year round contain at a temperature of 18 0 -25 0 C. But very often problems arise due to low humidity. In the summer, expose indoor bonsai to light, protected from direct sun rays window sill, or outdoors.

Indoor bonsai Podocarpus

Cold greenhouse plants, such as small-leaved elm, are naturally common in regions with moderately cold winters. For almost the entire year, they can be kept indoors, but for the winter they must be moved to a cool room. Plants kept outdoors in the summer will be full of life and energy, they are healthier and more resistant to various diseases than "home" bonsai. Besides, in enclosed spaces it is practically very difficult to create optimal climatic conditions for plants, which is why most bonsai connoisseurs prefer garden bonsai. All species of local shrubs, as well as some trees, are suitable for this.

Garden bonsai from small-flowered pine at the age of 60 years

overwintering bonsai

The aerial parts of the garden bonsai tolerate frosts down to -20 0 С without problems, but the root ball must be protected already at -5 0 С. In the garden, you can lower the tree into the hole, along with its container, so that it can be covered with earth just above the root collar. Be sure to pay attention to the fact that the bonsai is in the shade, otherwise it may happen that the winter sun will one-sidedly warm up a tree frozen at night. As a result of this, tissue tension is too strong, which leads to the death of entire parts of the tree. Garden bonsai for the winter can be transferred to an unheated, bright room, where the air temperature does not rise above +10 0 C.

Watering and fertilizing

The success of growing bonsai depends on proper watering. In a small container, the tree is usually given little space, nutrients and water are consumed by the plant very quickly. How often to water a bonsai depends on the type of tree, temperature, time of year, location, and the size of its container. In principle, the soil in the container should never dry out completely. For irrigation, it is desirable to use rain or melt water. If you watch your pet every day, then over time you will develop a feel for the frequency of watering and the amount of water needed for watering. Experienced bonsai growers, by adjusting watering, can affect the size of the leaves. The first dressing of a mini-tree is carried out in the spring, when the first shoots appear. Specialized stores offer solid organic fertilizers in the form of balls, made according to a traditional Japanese recipe. Regular top dressing is carried out every four weeks. In the middle of summer, a pause must be made to stop the growth of the shoots and allow them to harden. It is very important to feed the bonsai in late summer and autumn, when the buds are formed, giving new shoots the next year. In this way, the bonsai becomes stronger and will produce many buds and healthy shoots next year.

Shaping the Bonsai

The art of bonsai is the art of creating a miniature replica of an old majestic tree. The main method of bonsai formation is pruning, as well as changing the position and direction of growth of branches and trunk. To do this, use the usual wire. To give the desired shape to the deciduous bonsai, pruning is carried out. carried out mainly during the rest period. To do this, remove branches that spoil general form and aesthetics of bonsai - these are superfluous, crossing branches growing inside the crown or old shoots. To influence the shape and limit the growth of deciduous bonsai, they cut off last year's shoots for two or three eyes.

To give a relatively young bonsai the appearance of an old tree, a wire wrapping technique is used. If the branches of a young tree are directed upwards, then the branches of an old one, to a greater or lesser extent, either bend horizontally or hang down. To give the bonsai the necessary shape, its branches are wrapped with soft, but strong enough wire and bent in the desired direction. The wire is applied to the bonsai in the direction of growth, that is, the trunk is wrapped from the bottom up, and the branches are wrapped from the trunk. Wire laid on branches should never harm the bark. You can remove the wire after about a year - for coniferous tree, and three months later - for deciduous. The wire must not be allowed to "grow" into the wood. For winding, use either copper or aluminum wire.

Bonsai transplant

Bonsai need to be repotted every two to three years in the spring. Unlike conventional potted plants, when transplanting bonsai, the container is usually not changed. The main purpose of transplanting is to replace the soil with fresh soil and prune overgrown roots. To do this, the plant is taken out of the container and part of its roots is cut off, thus creating an additional free space. Regular pruning of the roots contributes to the formation of a dense crown of the tree, and the roots better supply the leaves with water and nutrients. As a result, the bonsai looks healthy and full of energy. Then they make a new drainage, fall asleep new land and strengthen the plant in its original position.

Five indoor bonsai for beginners

Crassula oval(commonly called "money tree") - the most unpretentious bonsai.

  • Handles pruning well
  • Can go weeks without water
  • During the year it is kept in a bright place
  • Not demanding in care
  • Easily propagated by leaves and stem cuttings
Ficus small-fruited(Ficus microcarpa) is classic plant for bonsai.
  • Handles pruning well
  • Has vigorous growth
  • Well propagated by cuttings
  • After a few years, the wood of the trunk takes on a serrated appearance, which gives a sense of the solid age of the tree.
  • The plant is easy to shape
African purslane(Portulacaria afra)
- also known as "elephant bush". Caring for purslane is identical to caring for Crassula oval.
ficus benjamina(Ficus benjamini)
Caring for Benjamin ficus bonsai is identical to caring for small-fruited ficus.

European olive(Olea europaea)
From the classic olive tree, you can create a Japanese bonsai. Its advantage is that in winter it is kept at temperatures from +5 0 to +20 0 C. And compared to other trees, European olive bonsai tolerates dry air well. This means that any heated bright room is suitable for such a bonsai.

Translation: Lesya V.
specially for the Internet portal
garden center "Your garden"

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