How to build a small country house with your own hands (47 photos): Methods of construction. Frame construction and houses from containers

Gardening 30.08.2019

Everyone who purchased small plot land under the cottage, seeks to build in short time House, or similar easy-to-erected design. To have a place where to rest after difficult labor dayOr hide from rainy weather. Well, get a job in byetime naturally. The house is preferably desirable to build, to accommodate the whole family, and guests who came for the weekend. The task is certainly ambitious, but quite perfectly, if you have a clustered savings for the construction of a country house, because a large amount of new building material is required.

If possible, you can hire hired workers to build this structure.

A clear business is significantly adding financial spending for your family, and if there is no such possibility, you will have to build a country house with your own hands.

Basically, the owners of the cottages will build their homes personally, in order to save money for the camp of the construction team and invite relatives and friends to the construction worker to help that the construction of the construction itself should be cheaper.

More dackets are sometimes used by the materials used, which can be purchased at the floor price compared with market prices, but this will reduce the durability of the design, as half.

The author during the construction of his country house decided not to save on the main material and buy everything on construction marketSo that the age of exactly enough and the house I stood for a long time, pleased with my comfort and aesthetic kind of family and its guests.

The main material for construction was chosen of course a tree that could be better and beautiful tree. The author purchased the bars, and boards on the local siltraum, which came out much cheaper than in a construction store.

Starting the construction pre-drilled the well under the carrier pillars, inserted and poured cement mortar. I made the strapping of pillars board and left for a day to dry the solution. Then he started the construction, step by step going to the cherished goal.

And now let's consider in detail how he erected his country houseiK, and that he needed for this.

Materials: 30 mm board, 100 per 100 bar, 40 by 60 timber, batten 50 mm, insulation, prof-leaf, rail, fiberboard.
Instruments: a circular saw, Boer, drill, screwdriver, hammer, shovel, electrical plans, corner, ruler, roulette, disc cutting saw.

And so first of all invited a neighbor and together they drilled well to install the poles.

Then I installed the columns, and poured the pits with cement mortar.

Made a tie down at the bottom and at the top, so that the posts stood exactly, after the day after the solution scored hardness, began to further build.

The author makes the top strapping.

Then goes to the creation of a roof skate.

Next makes the roof crate.

Shows the attachment knot rafters.

The residues from sawing will also use anywhere.

Next proceeds to the installation of the roof from the prof-sheet.

Then goes to the household device.

So it turned out a place to store boards from atmospheric precipitation.

Prepares a batch of boards, embaning them on a circular saw.

And starts finishing the cornice.

Sheets walls with boards, and the cracks between the boards close up by rails.

Next proceeds to the ceiling sheat. 442 views

Having received the long-awaited country plotMany of its owners immediately decide to acquire house. However, build a country house, even with your own hands, is inexpensive. However, if we are talking about a small structure, then it will take less moneyif you do all the work yourself.

Preparation for construction

First of all, the project should be made. Given the fact that in order to build even a small house in the country, it is necessary to obtain a construction permit, its manufacturer is better to entrust specialized organizations that will make a drawing, not only with relevant all standards and requirements, but also agree on all the necessary instances. In the presence of approved project, Getting a building permit will not be difficult.

Project of the country house.

Composite parts of two-storey cottages.

When developing the drawing, immediately decide on the material from which it is planned to build a house in the country, since the load on the foundation is calculated based on this. Everyone has its pros and cons:

  1. A tree is inexpensive and environmentally friendly material, but requires constant care and special processing that prevents rotting and fire.
  2. Brick is a durable and good, but it is expensive, and its high-quality stacking is only for professionals.
  3. Foam blocks - easy to use, cost cheap, environmentally friendly and do not require heavy foundation devices. Have optimal thermal conductivity, but prone to destruction.

To build a small country house, you should choose the cheapest and easy-to-handing material. You can build using a tree and insulation or sandwich panel.

When developing a project, you can immediately estimate how much it will cost, because depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe structure calculates the number of materials to learn current prices Will not work.

Marking and construction of the foundation

There are several types of foundations, but the most practical is a bandage, which will endure and evenly distribute the load of the house built from any material. Before the start of the future giving with their own hands, you must apply marking. To do this, remove all the vegetation in the place where the base of the house will be located. Many experts recommend even removing fertile layer Soil. If the land has obvious irregularities and slopes, then it is necessary to align the platform. This can be done manually or with the involvement of special equipment.

Align the top layer of the soil.

After the site is prepared, marking is made. To do this, you need to take 4 kids, which is better to use reinforcement rods. Put one to the ground, denoting the first angle, the length and width of the structure are measured from it and the remaining 3 kids are installed and the rope is connected around the perimeter. As a result, a rectangle or square should be obtained (depending on the project). Corners must be straight. To check the accuracy, you should connect opposite pegs with a rope, while both diagonals must be equal to each other.

Perimeter markup.

After applying markup, you can proceed directly to the tape base device. The process of work will be as follows:

  1. There is a trench of 30-50 centimeters wide depending on the thickness of the walls. Depth should be calculated in the project, taking into account loads and the degree of soil freezing.
  2. At the bottom of the trench, a mixture of sand and rubble and tampering.
  3. Next you need to install a formwork. It is made from the boards and the backups are installed between the walls.
  4. To impart the necessary stiffness, the base should be made the reinforcement grid inside the formwork.
  5. A concrete mixture is poured.

For a set of strength, the foundation should stand out, so it is not recommended to begin the construction of walls within 30 days. It is during this period that concrete is gaining the necessary marching strength. To prevent the destruction of the foundation, it should be treated with a bitumen mixture, and top The base is covered with rubberoid, which will perform the role of waterproofing.

Schematically, the ribbon foundation looks like on the photo represented:


The process will depend on the selected material. The principle of building walls from foam blocks and bricks is similar. At the same time, it is necessary to comply with certain rules:

  1. Laying produced in chess orderSo that the subsequent layer covered the vertical seam.
  2. Start laying is necessary from the corner. First, output the exact straight line and only after that exercise longitudinal installation of blocks or bricks.
  3. Seam thickness - 1 centimeter.
  4. The glue composition for foam blocks and bricks should be the same in composition throughout the entire construction process.
  5. The laying of each layer should be checked and monitor their verticality.

If it is decided to build a house from a tree, then first of all it is necessary to take care of the workpiece quality bar. The tree should be solid, well dried, not to have chips, cracks and other mechanical damage. Special attention You should pay for the absence of blue. It is very important to correctly lay the first crown. At the corners, the bars are fastened by knocking and fixed long nails. Between each near the passage should be laid.

There are several options corner fastening Bruus, which can be clearly viewed in the photo:

Frame construction A small house is considered the fastest and cheap, especially if you do from a tree. To do this, you need to install vertical angular and intermediate racks that are attached to the foundation. At the same time, the base should be pre-made a strapping from wooden Bruschev. Vertical racks are mounted using a metal corner or by cutting. To strengthen the supports, the top strapping from the bars around the perimeter is performed. The result is a framework consisting of rectangles. To predict the structure of the necessary rigidity, opposite angles are connected by diagonals from the boards. Then the voids are filled with insulation, for example, foam or mining.

The construction process of the house from the sandwich panels can be viewed on the video:

Roof construction

The roofs are several species. Flat are done quickly and easily, but require continuous care, since snow and water will constantly delay on the surface, and the risk of leakage is quite high.

Most practical and cheap for a small summer cottage house are considered single or duct roofs. The construction process is simple, and you can make it yourself. To do this, it is necessary to follow the following sequence:

  1. Malelalate installation is the roof base that is wooden beaminstalled on opposite walls.
  2. Next is the installation rafter system, the order of which will scold from the chosen type of roof. To create a duplex, it is necessary to secure vertical rafters on Mauerlat in a step of 0.8-1 meters, connecting them at the top of the skate beam.
  3. On top of the rafter, a suit of the boards with a thickness of about 4 centimeters is made.
  4. Waterproofing is laid on the frame, for example, rubberoid.

The material for the roof can be chosen any. More cheap option - This is slate. More expensive and at the same time having an attractive appearance - This is a metal tile or Ondulin.

Sketchy device duscal roof Looks like in the photo:

At this, the main construction of cottages can be considered completed. It remains only to insert windows and doors, perform internal partitions, as well as finish the facade.


If you think that the small area of \u200b\u200byour country house is a good reason for which it cannot be beautiful, comfortable and cozy, then think again! We picked up photos of amazing country housesThe area of \u200b\u200bwhich does not exceed 40 sq.m. And most of them are much less! You will see inspiring examples of a successful organization of a small space.

Sades create houses that are not just compact, comfortable and beautiful, but also incredibly original, and the photos of houses on these villages are truly unique.

Country house with two bedrooms at different levels: 7 photos

This house, with the exception of the porch and a carport for a car, has an area of \u200b\u200b37.6 sq.m. Despite the small size, he has two bedrooms - one below, the other in the attic.

From the main entrance along the whole wall, an indoor terrace is attached, which helps to hide from the heat. For maximum shading on the terrace, most windows of the house comes out.

The house combines the recreation area, dining room and compact kitchen, built along the back wall. When entering the house on the side of the carport, a wardrobe is provided for the machine.

In the other half of the house a small bedroom.

Next to the bedroom - a bathroom, which is available from both the living room and the bedroom.

On the attic above the bedroom and the bathroom there is a second bedroom.

Because The upper bedroom is sufficiently spacious, then if the family is small, but loves to receive guests, you can increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe living room on lower floorBy refusing there from the bedroom.

With the same purpose, you can make a wider terrace at the entrance to the house, which will also give more places To accommodate guests.

Modern cottage loft style: 6 photos

The area of \u200b\u200bthe house in the photo is a little more than 37 square meters, there is a living room, a kitchen-dining room, a bathroom and 2 bedrooms.
Looking at the photo of the interior, it is difficult to believe that all this fit in this tiny space.

Thanks large quantity Windows and lights, from the inside the house does not seem small. On the contrary, the feeling of space and coziness is created at the same time.

The kitchen is a bathroom and a bedroom. A place under the plane on the attic is used as a storage room.

A small bedroom below at the expense of large windows seems bright and cozy.

On the attic there is a fairly spacious children's bedroom.

Country house with a bright interior: 3 photos

And this cute house, drowning in greenery, built a married couple with their own hands. They performed absolutely all the work themselves (including the manufacture of furniture!), And on the construction of this house they have left six years!

The interior of the house is filled with retro staches and bright colors.

As well as original designer solutions.

Original Slash House: 4 photos

This pretty house at the cottage bribes its atmosphere: a tree in it everywhere, and it creates unique charm. But admit, you are from those who look at such at home and sighs: "Yes, original, but in such a house it is difficult to all and really plunder ..."

Let's see his interior, as everything is convenient placed in this small space. The staircase leads to a cozy bedroom.

And on the first floor is neat compact kitchen, Living room and surprisingly spacious bathroom.

The kitchen has access to the terrace on the back of the house.

But the main thing in this house is the spirit of privacy and a quiet life.

Practical cottage house 25 sq.m

Beautiful and functional - no extravagance. It is not difficult to imagine such a house standing in the most ordinary village or in the country area.

The same can be said about the interior.

The house has everything you need, while its area is only 25 square meters.

Country house from the construction trailer.

The construction trailer, it turns out, it is quite possible to turn into amazing dacha housing with an open layout.

In this case, the space inside such a structure can not be called close.

Inside there is absolutely everything for comfortable life Up to the shower and toilet.

Unusual country house in the form of a castle.

This house is rightfully wearing a proud name of a miniature castle. Being located pretty high in the mountains, he will shock not only with his design, but also picturesque views.

Despite the modest sizes, inside there was a place for everything, including a bedroom, modern kitchen, Fireplace and - Of course! - Rocking chair.

Country house from old windows.

We all change to new, throwing out many old windows of different degrees of wear. The hostess of this house is just engaged in installing windows, and it has always been tormented by the desire to find the use of still not bad old windows. So this country house was built.

Special charm of this house give different cozy little things: the iron bed, the old paintings. Huge windows are passed inside the sea of \u200b\u200blight, so sleeping to twelve in such a bedroom is unlikely to succeed!

Country house with bedroom attic: 9 photos

This summer cottage house is 31.2 square meters is made of used materials: wood and roofing iron, at the same time due to safety considerations, wiring and plumbing in the house are completely new.

At the bottom of the open-plan kitchen is connected to the living room. This small room is quite convenient for relaxing and accommodates a sofa and chair. Besides kitchen island From the rear wall there is a folded dining table.

It is also possible to place a dining area on covered veranda On the back of the house.

The bathroom is located outside the kitchen and equipped with a toilet, sink and shower.

As can be seen on the plan, there is a storage room next to the bathroom, and on both ends of the house, the country house has sleeping attic.

One side sleeping place Located above the bathroom. Staircase up successfully combined with a kitchen rack.

At night, the house is lit by candles, oil lamps and electricity accumulated from solar batteries during the day.

Country house in the trunk of old ate.

But the first place in originality should be given this incredible construction. It is so small that it is very difficult to call it. But the story of his creation is truly fantastic! The fact is that this house is carved by hand from the barrel of a giant ate. All this huge work has done the work alone, the artist Noel Voten. He left for this 22 years.

So if you dream of a small cozy summer cottage, then know: Your dream is feasible!

Our company is building inexpensive garden housekeepers in Moscow and Moscow region. For many years of activity, we have collected many successful forms of houses from the economy class, to exclusive solutions at a reasonable price. In the site catalog you can find small options for purely utilitarian purposes and full-fledged country houses For long comfortable accommodation In the summer months.

Want to build a garden house on your own project? We will take on all the troubles - we will develop a unique design project, professionally embody it "in the tree", carefully deliver the kit to the site and will bring together the most quickly as possible. The garden house from Brous will certainly be decorated with your cottage and a favorite holiday destination.
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Order the construction of a wooden house - it is inexpensive, fast and blatant. We will help equip your country plot so to get from summer holiday Only unforgettable impressions.

House on land plot It is just necessary, because the cottage is not only a garden, but also a place to stay, and there will always be where to hide. As a rule, the design of such houses is not particularly difficult, so there will be no problems even with newcomers in construction business. Learn more about how to make a cottage house with your own hands in this article.

Choose the type of house with the budget

Not always the budget of the coming construction is unlimited, quite often financing the construction of the country house is carried out on the residual principle, but in this case you can choose a good option.

You can select such types of houses in the country areas:

  • small houses, as a rule, are used from wood - the framework of construction technology is used;
  • country houses from the container block are almost ready-made structures;
  • the mansion is the houses for children - it is rather a combination of a playground and a small arbor.

At the same time, temporary and financial costs of construction small house Compare with expenditures for the construction of a shed of medium sizes. And application modern technologies It will reduce the construction time to a minimum.

Start of construction

In case of use frame technology Construction The whole process can be divided into separate stages:

  • fundament device;
  • device lower strapping ;
  • fastening the elements of the carcass - racks and sidelines, installation of lag, if necessary, collecting the frame of the second floor;
  • wall sheath;
  • creating a roof frame and her cover;
  • laying of roofing elements interior decoration Houses, wood protection from climatic influences.

None of the listed operations require special equipment, so everyone can build a house in the country.

What should be the foundation?

Under brick house Alternatives reinforced ribbon foundation Simply does not exist. But if a tree is used, the main task of the foundation will consist not so much in the perception of a large load, but how much is to raise the house above the ground level.

Therefore, with the framework of construction, it is often capable of concrete or brick columns (pile Fundam), the top of which is located at 30 - 50 cm from the ground. It is important that the vertices of the pillars are in the same plane. it inexpensive option, especially compared to.

The base is erected from the brick after the construction of the house itself. It is not recommended to do it solid, it will lead to the fact that moisture from under the house will evaporate very slowly.

On the square, which will occupy the foundation, you need to remove the vegetable layer of soil and replace it with sand.
Thanks to this, the water will not be forced under the house and the tree will not bent.

Lower strapping

This is the basis for the future floor and support for the wall frame. Collecting from BRUSEV 10x15 cm and is attached directly to the foundation.

It is undesirable to connect the bars of jack in the corners - this will not provide the desired stiffness.
It is recommended to use a connection with deforestation, which is further enhanced with self-draws or anchor.

Sometimes in the foundation itself, in the process of masonry, reinforcement releases (10-15 cm) leave, on which the bars of the strapping simply are just put on. This method of fastening can be considered optimal from the point of view of stiffness and strength of the connection.

Frame for walls

At the planning stage, the focus is on working out the framework of the structure. You can prepare the drawings of the country house with your own hands, but you can pick up suitable option on our website.

The main element of the frame - vertical stand, rigidly connected to the top and bottom strapping. It is possible to fix it to the bars of strapping either using metal corners, or choose a groove in the strapping bar and just insert a rack into it.

The connection of the corners is characterized by little rigidity, so it is desirable to use it only in small houses. If the building is quite large, then these 2 methods can be combined.

In order for the assembly in the assembly process, the racks (as long as they are fixed only at the bottom), they are additionally fixed by temporary disclosures in the form of ordinary planks. Permanent discharges are installed only after working with the upper strapping is completed.

In the bars of the upper strapping, the holes should be accurately above the holes in the lower strapping.
The offset even for a couple of centimeters will cause curvature of the frame racks.

In the process of assembling the carcass, you need to not forget about the windows and doorway. The main rule is that the load from the design should not be transmitted to, (so as not to squeeze it). Therefore, the openings are always wider than the window itself or the door. The gaps are then just fought and hiding behind the platbands.

In the corners of the house for greater durability of the frame, it is not a framework plank, but a cross section of 10x10 or 10x15 cm. In the end of the bar and the grooves are dried in the strapping in which a wooden cylinder is inserted. Additionally, the compound is fixed with metal corners. In general, when assembling the frame, each connection can be strengthened with corners, but in this case the price of construction will increase.

In parallel with the collection of framework under the walls, you need to do a facility.

In frame construction, 2 options of the floor are possible:

  • when the grooves are chosen in the bars of the strapping and lagows are attached to them. Reduces the carrying ability of BRUSIV, is suitable only for a small construction;
  • when the lags are going to one whole (it turns out a kind of box), then it is fed over the strapping and attached to it by self-draws.

If the house is planned with his own hands for giving winter accommodation, then you need to warm the floor. For this suit ordinary Polyfoam, which simply stacked in the intervals between lags. The lumens formed after laying can be simply made by mounting foam.

Installation of upper strapping and walls

The instruction on the installation of the upper strapping contains the same items as when installing the lower strapping. After completing it, it is possible to remove the time digs and finally strengthen the framework of the walls with constant disclosures.

After that, in the bars of the upper strapping, samples are made for lags for the ceiling device. If desired, these lags can not be hidden, but on the contrary - to turn into part of the interior. Lags should go beyond the limits of the walls, it will be needed when mounting rafters.

As for the walls of the walls, it is possible to apply the usual board, lining or siding - the choice depends more from the budget. But regardless of the material chosen for the plating, you need to warm the walls, especially since the price of the insulation is not so high.

For this, the insulation, for example, minvat is simply embedded between the frame racks. Then a special film is fixed with the outer side (skipping moisture in one direction), the labels are stacked on top of it. And only after that the framework of the frame begins.

Roof frame device

The easiest and cheapest option - flat roof. In this case, it is enough to observe the desired slope at the stage of assembling the frame of the walls. But the classic duplex roof is much more common.

The rafter system is selected depending on the size of the house. So, for little structure You can use the hanging system. At the same time, the rafter legs are based on walls or lags.

The urban system will need if there is internal in the house bearing walls - Additional supports are installed without giving rafters.

Out of the rafter rolls the lamp (solid or lattice) and the waterproofing carpet is spread. After that, it will only remain to fix slate on the rods, tile or any other coating.

Children's country houses

There are a combination of a small house and a playground. Therefore, the main requirement here is the presence of fantasy among the parents. Build a house for a child in the country, with your own hands, you can literally for 1-2 days.

When working on the design of such a structure, you can use such tips:

  • you can make it 2-storey, and on the lower floor there is a sandbox;
  • not excess will be a slide, adjacent to the house;
  • obligatory external staircase on the second floor;
  • you can equip in it "Warehouse" for toys (blades, buckets and other things).

To live in such a house a child, of course, will not. The main purpose of the "new building" is a cheerful pastime with friends.

Container block in the role of a country house

Standard cargo containers can be used, unless, of course, do not confuse extracted form The future "house". If you wish, you can cut the side walls with a grinder, arm welding apparatus and use the container frame as the basis for the house. Welding will require electricity, but rent a diesel generator for giving will solve this problem.


House - an integral component of any cottage plotIn fact, this is exactly what distinguishes the cottage from a simple garden. Small house on the land plot will require a minimum of time and financial costsBut will make a vacation in nature unforgettable and will become a cozy corner for all relatives and loved ones.

In the video presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic.

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