Ceramic oil lamp with their own hands. Oil lamp do it yourself

Decor elements 14.06.2019
Decor elements

Each hostess dreams that the house was warm and cozy. But sometimes it is difficult to choose accessories to create the most necessary comfort. A special role in creating a literate interior is played by choosing lighting. Today there is a lot of options for this: sconium, original chandeliers and plaffones. And the oil lamp is perfect for fans and romantic setting perfectly. Unlike all the above options, it is more like an original decor element than as lighting. Although it all depends on the size and wick. Some such lamps are quite bright.

What is the oil lamp?

A familiar name that immediately causes a certain image in my head, is it not true? In fact, the oil lamp was not always like that we used to represent it. It is clear from the name that such a lamp works due to the combustion of fat or oil. The principle of its operation is similar to the kerosene lamp device - a container with fuel, wick and physics, according to the laws of which, oil or fat are always rising by fibers.

On the use of lamps

The first oil lamps appeared in the era of Paleolithic, only made them then from clay, stones, copper, and later than other metals. Such lamps were popular with Eskimos, and until the 19th century, slightly modified, they were used as fireproof clocks (by analogy with sunny).

In Russia and Canada wide application Found the so-called kudliki - stone cups with phytyl lowered in them and poured with fat, butter or lar. In some way they are still used, and the peoples of the North with the help of such lamps learned how to heat their home.

Today, the oil lamp is no longer so popular, and it looks differently: all sorts of candles, bottles, banks with decorations and even the original lamps in the form of ordinary lamps and spirals. Yes, and the functionality has changed - instead of lighting - decor.

Fitil and oil for the correct lamp

It doesn't matter, you decided to buy a lamp or make it yourself, it is important to choose the right oil for the oil lamp correctly, since it depends on it the quality of the product and the brightness of the lighting.

Today you can find a special lamp oil in the store. It happens two types: on a vaseline basis (pure, transparent in appearance) and olive with impurities (more muddy), and if necessary, even the usual sunflower is used. But in order for the oil well and evaporated, it is important that the wick for the oil lamp is high-quality.

Oil lamps do it yourself

Any souvenirs handmade Always appreciated much higher than the factory and common in the masses. It concerns this and oil lamps, which make it easy with their own hands. Even if before you did not do Hand Made, you can easily handle, and your loved ones and friends will be pleasantly surprised. To work, you will need:

  • oil tank;
  • fitil or lace;
  • big needle or hook;
  • support for wick (wire, lid or cork).

The container will suit any: it can be a beautiful little vase, a glass bottle or even a regular bank. As an decoration, you can apply glue to the outer side of sequins, drawings, etc. In general, which will come to mind. In the meantime, the capacity dries, go to the creation of a wick.

To do this, take a woolen lace or special wick that can be bought in stores. If you make a lamp in the form of a bottle, it is better to use a plug or metal cover, and a cork material is suitable for a vase, since it does not sink and almost lit. Using a needle or hook for knitting it to thread it through the selected base so that the lace shall stick to 1.5-2 cm up, and the long end was no less than the distance to the bottom of your future lamp.

It remains only to fill the oil capacity, fasten the wick and give it to soak some time. Your gift is ready!

How to make an oil lamp

Oil lamp - This is such a self-made lamp, which used our distant ancestors. The basis for it is oil and wick. Of course, the need for such a lamp has now disappeared, but she will serve you yet in the country or can become an interesting element of interior decoration, especially if you use aromatic oils. Make a miniature oil lamp is not so difficult.

For the manufacture of a miniature oil lamp we will need:

  1. match
  2. copper wire
  3. thick woolen thread
  4. butter
  5. tin plug

The thread will serve as a phylet. The thicker she is the better. Any thread quite easily absorbs any liquid, and the laws of physics raise this fluid on the thread up - this is useful. First you need to make the basis for the thread - the column to which it will be wound. To do this, take a match and wind it with a dense ring of wire.

Gradually, wrapping a spiral with a wire on a match, we get the basis for the future wick.

When we wrap the whole almost all the matches, take it out of the spirals. Leave the tail at the bottom - it is needed for stability. Copper wire It is best suited for such manual creativity - it is easy to sleep, and quite beautiful.

Now you need to hide the thread on this spiral.

From the bottom up tightly wound the thread on the spiral, slightly selling it between the rings of the spiral. From above, leave a small end of the thread, having fluffing it on the fibers. If this design is put into the container with oil at the bottom, then the oil, impregnating the thread, will rise to the end up. Here for this you need a tin plug. Drip into it some oil and put in the wick.

The oil itself does not burn, but here's a wick, impregnated with them, burns very well. Of course, not all butter is suitable - you need to buy in the store what is intended for aromatic lamps and a candle. It remains only to set fire!

It is not necessary to use a plug - any metal container suitable in which you can pour the oil spoon and put the wick that we have done.

Oil lamp or candle is one of the oldest forms of light sources for humanity. According to Wikipedia, there are stone oil lamps that were used from 10,000 to 15,000 years ago! Today we will talk about how oil lamps work, what kind of oil and wick it is better to use, and how to make a beautiful oil lamp from the can only in a few minutes!

Three reasons to fall in love with oil lamps:

  1. The lamp in the bank is easy to manufacture, but so attractive. Just just two minutes and a little vegetable oil And water!
  2. Such a lamp safer candles. If the oil lamp turns over, the flame immediately fades due to water with water. Nevertheless, you should not leave the lamp without supervision!
  3. Bright long burning. One tablespoon of oil can burn two hours!

These oil lamps can be an inexpensive light source, they also work perfectly for a dinner or holiday.

How do oil lamps work?

The earliest oil lamps used vegetable oil as fuel, and in later versions, kerosene or lamp oil was used, which was impregnated with capillar wick. This version is made with vegetable oil.

What kind of oil and wick use?

Lamps in which kerosene or lamp oil is used, have specially made phytilites. Long cotton phytilites are not suitable for vegetable oil lamps, because vegetable oils have a high viscosity.

Long philitis simply do not gain enough oil and go out. Floating phytili work perfectly with all vegetable oils!


  • large floating phytolites
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
  • bank or glass bottle
  • decorative elements (flowers, pine cones, pebbles, etc.)
  • herbs, spices or essential oils

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Collect glass bottles And banks, fill in them with flowers or other decorative elements. Fill with water.

Step 2: Pour some vegetable oil from above until the oil forms a layer of thickness about half acetimeter.

Large floating phytilites are supplied with discs and small fit wicks. Insert a piece of wick through the central hole in the disk and put it on top of the oil layer.

Now burn your oil candle and enjoy the wonderful light!

Flowers and fruits will last a whole week in the water.

Pine cones, pebbles, beads - also excellent additions! Red Berries Kalina, Cranberry and Paws coniferous rocks Great suitable for decor.

To repay the flame, just cover the candle with a lid from the can. Floating phytilites can be left inside.

After repeated use, the waxed wick burns, simply replace it with a small piece of pre-closed wick, which can be chopped into small pieces. The floating disk can work for a very long time.

Some flowers will pop up, but you can hold them down by other decorative elements.

Add a food dye into water to create a special effect!

Olive and sunflower oils are lit clean, without smoke.

Artificial plants can also be used for decor, just secure them from the flame.

The article is prepared on materials www.apieceofrainbow.com.

Water fittings are in every home. In addition to the fact that they can be applied in direct intended, you can make a variety of things with them. There are designers who use water reinforcements to create new masterpieces, decor elements. Such decorative element We will try to create exactly now.

Let's see the process of creating a beautiful and original oil lamp in a video:

So what do we need?
- plumbing fittings;
- tee;
- adapter 3/4 per 1/2;
- adapters 1/2 on the hose;
- Rubber gasket;
- Natural fiber cord;
- Santechnic tape;
- oil intended for lamps (can also be used kerosene);
- a penny in two rubles.

Materials are collected, proceed to work. We take a penny and insert it into an adapter along with the rubber gasket.

Now you need to take care of the holders for phytyl. To do this, we take 1/2 per hose adapters, in which we insert our cord from natural fibers. Such ropes can not be purchased in every store, but you need to look good enough to finally find the cord from natural fibers. The fact is that an identical cord from artificial or synthetic fibers is simply not suitable, because the synthetics melting and burns.

Holders of wick are ready, which means that they can be installed in their places, namely into the tee.

All materials are ready. You can collect our lamp. You can do this as shown in the picture, and it is possible to fantasize, creating your own unique and unique lamp.

That is the entire simple process of manufacturing oil lamps from water reinforcement. The finished lamp can be used so, and you can take a little galvanized acid and give it a little rusty and sweaty look, which will make the lamp more colorful and stylish.

It remains only to fill the oil and ensure that the tips of our wicks perform approximately one or a couple of millimeters. Otherwise, the flame will be very big and can cause serious harm to the lamp and subjects that will be nearby. Separately, it is worth noting that there will be no mechanism on the lamp that will allow you to regulate the flame, therefore it is better not to experiment with a length of wicks.

The oil lamp was created on the Internet spied on the Internet.

What is needed for the manufacture of such an oil lamp:

Step 1: Tools, Spare parts and means of protection

The reason for this product is not on sale or any variations there are light bulbs are very fragile. If you had to put it in production, it will be made from scratch, glass balls should be thicker.

I found a light bulb for work, but safety primarily. Eye protection and thick gloves Or wrap a light bulb into an old towel. Use boxes, cardboard, or plastic to catch glass fragments.

What do you need: Two blown incandescent bulbs, 2 magnets, 1 steel plates, black spray paint, rubber legs with adhesive base, and aluminum wick holders.

Fuel: Liquid paraffin oil for a smokeless lamp. At worst sunflower oilBut it can smoke when burning.

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