Ficus Melanie: what to do if the leaves fall? Melanie: rules for the care and reproduction of rubber ficus at home.

The buildings 12.06.2019
The buildings

Ficus Melanie refers to varieties of elastic () ficus.

According to the beliefs this flower provides family well-being in the house.

With proper care, it will decorate an apartment or office, but some precautions must be taken due to the fact that the plant contains toxic juice.


The young plant has a normal root system, but as it grows, aerial roots form on the branches and stem, which, having reached the ground, form new trunks.

It grows not in height, but in a bush, which makes it possible to experiment with its crown, forming any shape from it.

The leaves are dark green in color, pointed at the end, have the shape of an ellipse. Young foliage has a burgundy or reddish tint.

With the right care each new leaf grows in 7 days.

The composition of the juice includes alkaloids, enzymes, latex. These components protect the plant from pests and help heal damage to the trunk and leaves. Previously, rubber was produced from ficus juice.

Carefully! Pores with poisonous juice can form on the foliage, which can cause an allergic reaction when touched.

Ficus melanie: care

Care at home will not cause trouble even for a beginner grower. The plant does not like direct hits. sun rays and dry air.

The flower is usually sold in a small temporary container. One week after buying it need to be transplanted into a pot 2 cm larger than the previous one.


Ficus Melanie prefers to grow in a bright place, but without direct sunlight. The scorching sun can lead to the formation of burns on the leaves.

With a lack of lighting, the leaves fall off.

In the natural habitat of ficuses, daylight hours last 12-14 hours, therefore, in winter period you need to turn on the backlight from fluorescent lamps.

In order for the crown to be evenly spaced, you need to regularly rotate the flower pot relative to the light source.


The plant withstands a temperature range of 16 to 30 degrees.

The optimum winter temperature corresponds to 17-20 degrees, summer 22-27 degrees.


Water about 2 times a week, after the soil dries 3-4 cm from above. The pot should be half saturated with water. Moisture should not stagnate, as this will lead to decay of the root system.

In winter, watering is reduced to once every 7 days.

Ficus needs regular spraying and dust removal from the leaves.

Important! Ficus Melanie tolerates drought better than stagnant moisture. If water leaks into the pan, it must be drained immediately.

Fertilizer and soil composition

The soil is purchased ready for ficuses or prepared independently.

The soil should consist of the following components, mixed in equal proportions:

  • turf (deciduous) land;
  • river sand washed and steamed in the oven;
  • humus;
  • peat.

To avoid root rot, a drainage layer of expanded clay or pebbles is laid on the bottom.

As fertilizers use:

  • ready-made top dressing;
  • wood ash;
  • nettle decoction.

Important! AT summer period the plant is fed once every two weeks, in winter once a month.


Ficus grows quite quickly, so young plants are transplanted once a year into a larger container.

Adult flowers are transplanted every three years., when root system will completely fill the container and begin to grow into the drainage holes.

In the spring, the flower is transplanted by transshipment along with a clod of earth into a wider pot.

Free space is filled fertile soil store bought or homemade.

Pruning is carried out to form a beautiful flower shape. Gradually lower leaves fall, the appearance of the plant is lost. Cut in February-March upper part with 4-6 internodes. Cut off the top of a small plant. The cut stem is placed in water for further reproduction.

Advice! You do not need to transplant the ficus immediately into a large pot. Otherwise, the root system will begin to develop to the detriment of the aerial part of the plant.

Diseases and pests, methods of treatment

Ficus can be affected by pests: spider mites, scale insects, thrips. They must be selected manually and sprayed with a solution of Phytoferm.

With a lack nutrients, light, moisture ficus leaves fall off.

To stop leaf fall, you need to find its cause and eliminate it.

If the leaves are drooping, raise the temperature of the content and increase the humidity in the room.

Brown spots indicate a sunburn or an overabundance of fertilizers.


To get a full-fledged plant, ficus is propagated in two ways:

  • aerial roots. The shoot that has taken root is cut off from the main plant. After the appearance of leaves on it, transplanted into a separate container.
  • Choose healthy, beautiful cutting, cut it off, placed in a container with water. After the juice stops flowing from the stem, the water is changed, a growth stimulator is added and left in the water until the roots sprout. After that, they are transplanted into a container with soil.

It will not work to propagate by a leaf, it will grow for some time, but a full-fledged plant will not work out of it.

Briefly about the main points of care in this video:

Ficus care is quite simple. Subject to simple rules the plant will serve as a decoration for a house or public space.

Ficus Melanie is a representative of a large group of rubber-bearing ficuses - the most popular group of indoor pot plants. Caring for it is no different from caring for all ficuses, that is, it will take a minimum of your attention and effort to make the green tree feel great. Undemanding content, as well as a bright appearance, explain the popularity of Melanie's ficus among beginner flower growers and plant lovers.

This variety of ficus was bred by Dutch breeders from the Decora variety.

The plant is compact in size, it does not grow up, but to the sides with the whole bush, which makes it possible to form a beautiful crown and give the plant even more decorative value.

Due to its small size, Melanie's ficus is most often chosen for placement on window sills or other small areas.

In nature, rubber-bearing ficuses grow to impressive sizes (30-40 m), however Melanie's variety grows to a height of only 30-60 cm, bushes well.

At the beginning, the tree consists of one stiff trunk, after some time the usual root system begins to take aerial roots, because of which the plant has acquired the nickname "snake tree".

This plant is great for lovers of greenery, not flowers, as at home, ficus Melanie does not bloom which must be taken into account when buying.
However, subject to simple care rules, the ficus is able to produce new leaves very quickly - one per week, while all the lower foliage is preserved.

The leaves are very dense, leathery, oblong in shape with pointed tips, slightly bent down, do not exceed 15 cm in length, 6-8 cm in width.

The upper part of the leaves is dark green glossy, with a light vein, the back side is painted in a light olive color, matte and rough to the touch, beautifully dissected with red veins.

On the stem, the leaves are located very densely, the internodes are only 1-2 cm, on average, up to 6-8 leaves are located per 10 cm of the stem.

Did you know?In some parts of India, aerial roots rubber ficus used to create living suspension bridges. Some particularly strong structures are able to withstand the weight of fifty people. For cultivationbridgeit may take 10-15 years, but the structures are capable of self-renewal, so their service life reaches 500-600 years. This kind of art is called arbosculpture and has been practiced for many centuries.

Origin and distribution

In nature, it grows in countries with a warm and humid climate - in the northeast of India, the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Java.

In Buddhism, it is believed that the ficus is a sacred tree that brings love, prosperity and happiness to the house.

Choosing a pet in flower shop follow these tips:

  1. Give preference to a young plant, as over time, the adaptive properties of the ficus decrease, and it can be problematic to take root in a new microclimate.
  2. The best season to buy is spring-summer, since at this time it is easier for the plant to adapt to the conditions of a new home.
  3. Be sure to inspect the ficus leaves from the outer and back sides: they should not have any brown or white spots, growths - these signs indicate a disease.
  4. Shake the plant a little or run your hand against the growth of the leaves - in a healthy specimen, all the foliage should remain in place, otherwise refuse to buy this plant.

Important!For a new green tenant, you should definitely quarantine for 2-3 weeks. Watch for pests or diseases on the plant (this will protect other vegetation in the house from infection).

Conditions for growing ficus

There are most optimal conditions growth for ficus. However, you remember that the main feature this plant- unpretentiousness, so even small errors and inaccuracies in care will not affect the beauty and condition of your pet.

To grow ficus, Melanie should find a well-lit place in the apartment where direct sunlight does not fall, which can burn the foliage. Also, the place should be without drafts.
Daylight hours should be about 12-14 hours, therefore, with a winter deficiency of ultraviolet radiation, it is necessary to resort to additional lighting. Gradually, the ficus will pull all the leaves towards the light source, so for a beautiful and symmetrical crown formation, the pot will need to be rotated periodically.

The plant is optimally placed on the south side of the apartment, but if this is not possible, it will feel good even on the north window. If the light is critically small, the plant slows down in growth and may even throw off the foliage.

Ficus Melanie is able to withstand temperatures in the range of + 16-30 ° C. However, average indicators are optimal - 20-25 ° С. If in summer time thermometer readings rise higher, provide additional spraying and wiping the foliage with a damp sponge.

AT winter time you need to keep the bush at + 16-18 ° С. Lowering the temperature below + 12 ° C can lead to freezing of the root system, loss of foliage and death of the plant.

There are no special requirements for air humidity - the ficus feels quite good at an average humidity of 40-60%. However, on particularly hot summer days or during the heating season, the leaves should be wiped with a damp sponge, showered or sprayed with a spray bottle.

Prefers nutrient-dense soil with good drainage and breathability, pH should be neutral to slightly acidic.

It is worth taking into account that the soil for a young and adult plant differs in composition - young ficuses prefer looser soil, but after 2-3 years, soddy soil or humus must be added to the soil.

You can save time and effort and buy ready mix for ficus. It's also not hard to cook. correct composition from these components:

  1. For a young plant: 1 part of humus, peat and sand.
  2. For an adult plant: 1 part each, sand, sod and leafy soil.
  3. For an adult plant (option 2): 2 parts of humus and sod land, 1 part of sand.

Be sure to make good drainage from expanded clay, wood sand, coarse sand or gravel. It is preferable to choose expanded clay - this clay material is able to absorb excess liquid and fertilizers, and if necessary, give them back to the soil.

Important! W The soil should not be clayey - this component retains moisture, impairs drainage, which has an extremely negative effect on the root system and the entire plant as a whole.

Ficus Melanie: home care

Melanie's ficus care consists of watering as needed, regular feeding, annual pruning and transplanting. Let's take a closer look at each procedure below.

There is no strict schedule for watering ficus - the need to moisten the soil will depend on the humidity in the room, air temperature, composition and properties of the soil, the age of the plant and the lighting of the room.

It is necessary to be guided by the basic rule: the earth in the pot should dry out completely or remain slightly damp.

To make sure that moisture is needed, you can deepen your finger into the earth mixture by 3 cm - if the earth remains on your fingers, then there is enough moisture, but if it crumbles or is too hard, it's time to moisten your pet.

In the summer, watering should be plentiful - water must be poured into the pot several times so that it begins to appear on the pan. After half an hour, remove the water from the pan. In winter, watering should be very moderate, since an excess of moisture is extremely detrimental to the plant, especially if it is kept at low temperatures.
Spraying should be carried out with insufficient air humidity, that is, during the period of heating and very high temperatures in summer. For watering and spraying it is necessary to use settled water at room temperature.

top dressing

Ficus Melanie needs to be fed 2 times a month in the warm season, and 1 time per month in the autumn-winter period. You can apply fertilizer on the day of watering or the next (it is very important that the soil is moist).

It is better to give preference to liquid mineral mixtures. Within 1 month after transplantation, it is impossible to fertilize a pet. Feeding can burn the roots, and fresh potting soil has enough nutrients.

It is recommended to prune the plant in late winter or early spring. It is enough to cut up to 5 internodes from the top of the stems. Thanks to this procedure, the plant will begin to branch and bush beautifully, it will become more lush.
This effect can be achieved if for some time the ficus is fixed in the tilt position - then not the upper bud, but the lateral bud will grow, so the plant will increase in breadth.

Important! It is desirable to carry out pruning with gloves - the juice of the plant contains toxic components that can cause severe skin irritation.


It is necessary to transplant a pet every year, at the end of winter. It is important to choose a pot only slightly larger than the previous one (2-3 cm). If you immediately plant a young plant in a large container, its root system will grow, but the ground part will lag significantly behind in growth.

For an adult plant (after 4 years), a transplant is necessary every 3 years, but at the same time, 3-5 cm of the upper globe of the earth can be changed annually. You can understand that a plant needs a more spacious pot by the following signs:

  • the soil dries out very quickly after wetting;
  • the roots have filled the pot completely and have started to grow through the drainage holes or the top.

Ficus Melanie must not be transplanted, namely, transshipped, that is, not separated from the roots of the earth ball in the process of changing the pot. To do this, you need to choose a new container, lay a layer of drainage and pour a little soil mixture (ready-made or made according to the above proportions).

Video: ficus transplant Melanie Next, using a spatula, the plant must be carefully removed from the old container, without disturbing the roots. After putting in a new container, fill the rest of the space with soil and water.

Ficus Melanie can be propagated in several ways:

Despite the unpretentiousness of this plant, in the process of growing it, you can encounter certain problems, pests and diseases. The most common complaints when growing a plant:

Because of improper care the plant may also be attacked by pests or infected with infections.

Ficus Melanie is an excellent choice for landscaping an office or apartment. It does not take up much space, is very easy to clean, looks beautiful in any interior and effectively cleans the air.

If you have no experience in growing indoor plants, such an instance will become suitable option for the beginner in floriculture.

Rubber ficus grows in tropical Asia from India to Indonesia.

In nature, these are large tall trees with aerial roots, 30-40 meters high.

Ficus elastica Melanie is the most compact type of rubber-bearing ficus.

It was found in a greenhouse in one of the cities of Holland and is a mutation from another type of ficus elastica - Decora.

From the cuttings taken from him, new plants were grown, which completely retained the properties of their progenitor, which made it possible to isolate Melanie into a new variety.

Video about the variety of ficus "Melanie":

Home care

Ficus elastica Melanie does not need to create special conditions for him, and therefore it can be advised to beginner flower growers.

Post-Purchase Care

Plants are usually sold in small shipping pots filled with temporary substrate.

Ficus Melanie is best transplanted 1 week after purchase.

new pot choose larger size 2-3 centimeters than the previous one.

It can be filled with universal soil for ornamental plants, but it is best to take a special one for ficuses.

Watering in the early days should be done in small portions. In the future, they switch to a regular schedule with moderate watering.


Ficus is drought-resistant, and watering should be done only after the earthen ball has dried out. by 2-4 centimeters.

Average frequency - Two times per week. In winter, you can water weekly 1 time.

These plants are more likely to suffer from overwatering than from lack of water. If liquid remains in the pan after the procedure, it must be drained.

ATTENTION! The main signal of excessive watering is the appearance of brown spots on the leaves, after which they begin to massively fall off.


Almost never blooms at home.

crown formation

In order to give the plant necessary form and to avoid stretching the branches, it must be pruned.

The best time is late winter or early spring.

You need to do this correctly - if you just cut off the crown, then new leaves will begin to develop nearby, but the flower itself will continue to grow upwards.

To stimulate branching, cut at least 4-6 sheets down.

The shoots that have arisen in this way can be rooted.

Soil and soil

Specialized soil for ficuses is best suited.

But you can also use any slightly acidic or neutral soil, or you can make the substrate yourself.

To do this, you need to mix one part of leaf, sod land, humus, and half of the sand.

Expanded clay drainage is necessarily poured down with a thick layer.


Ficus is a fast growing plant and needs regular transplanting into a larger container.

The best time for this is early spring.

The procedure must be performed when the roots have completely filled the space in the previous pot or have grown into the drainage holes.

The new one is selected 2-3 centimeters larger than it was before, from any material.

5-6 summer plants can not be completely transplanted, but only replace about 3 centimeters of the topsoil.

A photo

In the photo ficus "Melanie":


It occurs by cuttings, which are cut in the spring 10-15 centimeters long from the top or trunk fragments with 2-3 leaves.

After cutting, it must be placed in a glass of water for some time to drain the milky juice.

You can root the cutting by sticking it into the substrate, or by placing it in a glass of water.

In the first case, the pot must be covered with a film to create favorable conditions. You can also dip the bottom tip into the stimulator root growth.


The best temperature for keeping ficus elastica Melanie is +18-25 degrees.

If the plant is in warmer air, then the leaves must be periodically sprayed with settled water, treated with a damp sponge, or bathed in the shower.

in winter best temperature will +16-18 degrees.

It is undesirable to let her fall below +12 degrees, because the root system can freeze, and the plant will shed its leaves in response.

Benefit and harm

This variety can be isolated in environment rubber, which can cause problems for people with latex allergies and asthma.

At the same time, it actively purifies the air from a large number of harmful impurities, which include benzene, phenol and trichlorethylene.

Diseases and pests

Ficus elastica Melanie is prone to infection with thrips, spider mites and scale insects.

To combat them, it is necessary to wash the leaves of the plant with a damp sponge with a mild soapy solution, and then treat them with chemicals.

In addition, the plant may experience the following problems associated with improper storage conditions:

  • drooping leaves - the room is hot, the air is dry. It is necessary to regularly spray the flower;
  • leaf shedding - this may be due to two reasons: low air temperature or improper watering.

In the first case it is necessary to rearrange the pot in a warmer place, remove from the draft.

In the second- normalize watering. It is worth checking the condition of the soil and the root system, it may be necessary to transplant with the removal of rotten roots.

Brown spots on the leaves - burns from direct rays. It is necessary to create a shadow in the daytime.

Ficus elastica Melanie- one of the most popular types of ficus.

It grows like a bush, and therefore gives great opportunity for experiments on the crown.

The plant does not require any special conditions for itself, and therefore it can be recommended to those who are just starting to breed. indoor flowers.


In the video, the appearance of the ficus elastic "Melanie":

Useful video about watering and home care for ficus "Melanie":

In order for peace to always reign in the family, according to popular beliefs, it is necessary to plant Melanie's ficus. If followed by proper care, then it can decorate any home. However, some caution should be exercised as the plant contains toxic sap. Therefore, it is important to take some precautions so as not to harm yourself when caring for such an instance of a flower.

Characteristics and features

A young plant is characterized by the presence of a conventional root system, however, over time, the branches and stem are covered with aerial roots, they come off and, reaching the soil, take root.

The leaves of the plant have a dark green color with a pointed end. For young foliage, the presence of a burgundy hue is characteristic. Growth occurs in a bush, so many are experimenting with a crown, which can be given a different shape.

The sap of the plant is incredibly toxic, which helps it defend itself against pest attacks, as well as heal itself. In earlier times, liquid was used to create rubber. Care should be taken when touching the leaves, as they may contain poisonous pores, so an allergic reaction may occur.

Required Care

There is nothing particularly complicated in the process, which means that almost everyone can take care of the flower. ficus Melanie can most often be purchased in a small pot, so after a week it will definitely need to be transplanted into another container, which will be slightly larger.

Creating the necessary lighting

Ficus loves places where there are many sunlight but should not be exposed to direct sunlight. If the sun burns, then burns can form on the leaves. If the lighting is not enough, then the leaves will begin to fall off.

For the correct location of the crown, it is necessary to periodically rotate the pot so that one or the other side of the flower is turned towards the light in turn. To create additional lighting, you can use fluorescent lamps.

Temperature regime

Variety Ficus Elastica Melanie (elastica ficus), as well as other varieties, such as the Black Prince, Tricolor and Rubbery, are able to exist at a temperature of 16-30 degrees. In winter, the temperature should not be below 17-20 degrees.


The plant will need to be watered twice a week, at a time when upper layer dries up a few centimeters. However, do not flood the root system, as this can lead to the fact that it will begin to rot.

In winter time different types flowers, including ficus Abidjan and teak, do not really need watering, so it will be enough to water them once a week. It is regularly required to spray the flower and remove dust from its foliage.

Ficus Melanie is characterized by the fact that drought is not as terrible for him as an excess of moisture. That is why water should be poured out of the pan, if it formed there. Otherwise, the plant may die.

Selection of the necessary fertilizer and soil

In order for the ficus to develop properly, it is important to prepare the necessary composition of the soil for comfortable flowering. This is very important to prevent the formation of rot on the roots, as well as protect the plant from other problems. Such a composition is considered optimal for the soil, all components of which are taken in equal parts:

  • sod land;
  • sand, it will first need to be washed and steamed in the oven;
  • peat;
  • humus.

First, a layer of pebbles is placed in the pot to provide drainage to the plant, only after that the prepared composition is used. If you do not make a drainage layer, then a sufficient amount of oxygen will not penetrate to the roots. Do not forget that for the flower you will also need top dressing:

  • finished products;
  • wood ash;
  • a decoction of nettle leaves, which is made from dry grass and boiling water.

Feeding will be required during the drought period twice a week. For the winter months, fertilization once every 30 days will be sufficient. Fertilizers can be applied alternately. It is important not to overdo it with the amount of fertilizer, otherwise, instead of benefiting, you can only harm the plant.

Transplanting and pruning a flower

Each variety of ficus grows very quickly, the same can be said about Belize resilient, and Shriveriana. That's why large flower have to be transplanted every year to a larger pot. This allows the ficus to continue to develop, and growth does not slow down. When the plant reaches maturity, this procedure can be done every 3 years.

When spring comes, you can safely proceed to transplanting. To do this, it is necessary to remake the flower, along with the earth on the roots, into a larger container. With a remainder free space it is filled with soil, which can be purchased at ready-made or do it on your own.

Pruning and venation are simply necessary for the formation beautiful shape ficus. Since after some time the leaves below begin to fall off, the appearance of the plant becomes unsightly. At the end of winter, they start pruning, which consists in cutting off the upper part with 4-6 internodes. What was cut off is recommended to be placed in water in order to land later.

Diseases and pests

The flower is often affected by various pests. To get rid of them, you should collect them manually, then you will need to spray using the Fitoverm solution. A lack of any nutrients or moisture can affect the health of the ficus, the plant begins to shed its leaves. To stop this, you will need to identify the cause and try to eliminate it.

With drooping leaves, you should raise the air temperature, as well as increase the humidity. If spots of a brown tint form on the leaves, this means that the plant received sunburn or was used a large number of fertilizers. In this case, it is important to move the ficus to a place inaccessible to the sun and try to make fewer top dressings.

Reproduction methods

In order to propagate the plant, you can use two methods, each of which will allow you to get a full-fledged flower. It is not recommended to perform this process with a leaf, since the growth of such a ficus will continue. certain time, but this will not lead to the formation of a quality plant. So, reproduction should be carried out in the following ways:

When watering young plants, only water should be used - warm or at room temperature. At first, watering will be required about 3 times a week. When the plants take root a little, the watering regimen is reduced and, as for adult plants, is 1 time per week.

If the ficus is properly cared for, it grows quite quickly. We should not forget about the annual replanting of the plant, otherwise the root system will simply have nowhere to develop.

It is not recommended to use a large pot for planting at once, because then the flower will direct all its diligence towards the formation of the root system, and the crown will begin to form much more slowly. Also, growth retardation can also be noticed if the ficus is placed in a dark place. Do not forget that the flower is very fond of illuminated areas.

Ficuses have long been growing in many apartments, they adapt perfectly at home. The main thing is to take proper care of such a plant and do not forget about safety measures: otherwise, you can suffer from allergies.

So that peace always reigns in the house, and family happiness is not overshadowed by anything, Melanie's ficus should be planted. Only he, if you believe the signs, is able to create harmony and comfort in the house, bringing with him a little bit of natural kindness and vitality.

ficus melanie

In nature, ficuses, among which there are trees, shrubs, and lianas, often reach a height of several tens of meters, but through the efforts of breeders, they have long been adapted for breeding in room conditions. Ficus Melanie is a vivid example of such a "tamed" exotic. His distinguishing feature is compactness. The small size of this ornamental tree makes it possible to grow it even in extremely limited areas.

With proper care, you will grow a hardy, long-lasting plant that can live as long as fifty years!

Ficus elastica Melany (Ficus elastica Melany) belongs to the species Ficus rubber. The variety was bred not so long ago and quickly gained popularity among lovers of indoor flowers, thanks to the exotic appearance and compactness.

The homeland of rubber-bearing ficuses is tropical Asia. In the wild, they are huge trees up to 40 m high with unusual aerial roots. Melanie is the most compact representative of her species, which appeared due to selection.

Rubber-bearing ficuses, including Melanie, are supplied to our market by the Netherlands, which specializes in the development of new varieties. On sale there are plants of various colors, sizes (from a couple of centimeters to two meters).

The description of its origin is not quite usual. In one of the Dutch greenhouses it was found interesting plant, independently mutated from ficus elastica variety Decor. They took cuttings from it, rooted them and propagated them. The result is a stable hybrid that fully retains the characteristics mother bush. This made it possible to separate it into a new bush variety who was given a poetic woman's name Melanie.

In a pot on the windowsill, Melanie grows on average up to 40-50 cm. main feature The structure of the variety is that it develops into growth not in the form of a tree in height, but to the sides in the form of a lush, but neat bush. This makes it possible to experiment with the shape of its crown, while maintaining its small size. Thanks to dense leaves and a stiff trunk, Melanie's ficus, even with a very small size, outwardly resembles a mature adult plant.

At the beginning of growth, ficus Melanie looks like an unbranched plant with a lignified trunk, but over time it begins to branch.

If we talk about flowering, then at room conditions the ficus Melanie does not bloom. At the same time, its leaves look so impressive that the absence of flowering does not affect its decorative characteristics at all.

The leaves of Melanie have an oblong-oval shape with pointed, bent down tips. They look very impressive: up to 15-20 cm long and 5-6 cm wide, dense, leathery, with a glossy surface. Mature leaves are dark green with light veins on the front surface and olive with red veins on the reverse side. Young leaves are reddish-burgundy. Such a play of color on one plant gives it additional decorative value.

This variety also has a variegated variety - Ficus elastica Melany variegata. The main difference is in the color of the leaves, it is the same, but with white inclusions and an uneven white border around the edges. In the rest (shape, size, cultivation features), Melanie's variegated rubber ficus is no different from its counterpart.

Inexperienced flower growers often take Melanie and Benjamin ficuses for comparison. This is quite difficult to do, because even outwardly they differ very much. Also, it is not rubbery.

Features of care

If you decide to grow “your own” rubber ficus Melanie, home care for this plant will not be burdensome for you. Even flower growers with a lack of serious experience do not experience problems with its content. When buying a “ready-made” green pet in a store, pay attention to the following points:

  • Choose young specimens. With age, the rubber ficus adapts worse to a new place, and an adult tree may not take root in you.
  • The best time for purchase - spring and early summer. This is the period of active vegetation, when it is easiest for the plant to adapt to new conditions.
  • Examine the leaves carefully. In healthy specimens, they should look fresh, healthy, without any stains.
  • Lightly shake the stem, run your palm against the growth of the leaves. If they fall off, the ficus is unhealthy, you do not need to take it.

The milky juice of ficuses has a strong irritant effect and even with a single contact can cause acute dermatitis or severe allergies. Therefore, all agrotechnical work with ficus should be carried out with gloves.


For ficus Melanie rare watering better than excessive. There is no specific watering schedule. It is necessary to focus on the condition of the soil in the pot: the soil should be dry, but not overdried and cracked. That is, watering should be carried out when the top layer of the earthen clod has dried up to a depth of 4-5 cm. On average, focusing on these indicators, summer watering is carried out approximately 2 times in 7-10 days, in winter 1 is enough for the same period of time. times.

Do not flood the soil. Ficuses do not tolerate stagnant moisture, therefore, when transplanting, it is necessary to provide a sufficient layer of drainage. In the hot months, water is poured into the pot until it comes through on the pan. In the cold period, Melanie is watered more moderately. The glossy surface of the leaves needs periodic wiping with a dry soft cloth from dust and water stains.

Temperature and humidity

Melanie tolerates air temperatures well from +18 to +30 °С, dies if the air in the apartment drops to + 12 °С, and the ideal temperature range for him is + 20-25 °С.

If the temperature in the apartment is above average or the air is too dry (on hot days or during the heating season), the crown is sprayed from time to time. To do this, use water at room temperature that has been separated for about 10 hours.


As mentioned above, caring for ficus elastic is easy, but some nuances must still be observed. The variety does not tolerate direct sunlight, so its lighting should be diffused. Melanie feels best on the western or eastern windows. In the winter season, it may need additional illumination with the help of phytolamps.

To form a beautiful symmetrical crown, the pot must be periodically turned to the light source. different parties. With a lack of lighting, Melanie's leaves may fall off, with an excess of light, burns appear on them.

The soil

  • neutral or slightly acidic;
  • moisture permeable;
  • breathable.

At self-training to make a mixture, take and mix:

  • 1 part of sheet soil;
  • 1 piece of turf;
  • 1 part of humus;
  • half of the sand.

Special requirements are imposed on drainage, which is used as:

  • expanded clay;
  • woody or coarse sand;
  • rubble.

Expanded clay is most preferable, since this material tends to absorb excess moisture. A layer of drainage is laid out with a volume of up to 1/3 of the pot.

You can use universal soil from the store, but most often they are made of the cheapest material: peat, seasoned with mineral fertilizers. They have little humus and a lot of fiber. Therefore, it is better to make the soil for the ficus yourself.

top dressing

During the period of active growth, the young ficus is fed 2 times a week. As fertilizers, it is best to use natural compounds, for example, nettle decoction, wood ash or liquid mineral mixtures. They need to be applied to moist soil - on the day of watering or the next day after.

In the future, top dressing is carried out 2-3 times a year: 1 time in the cold season (autumn - winter) and, accordingly, 1-2 times in the warm season (spring - summer).

During the first month after planting, it is not recommended to feed the ficus. At this time, its root system is in the stage of adaptation, and the substances that make up the top dressing can dry it out.


Ficuses grow very quickly, so for the first 5 years of their life they need to be transplanted regularly, focusing on the previous transplant date, which is ideally repeated once a year. A new pot is chosen 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. The best time to "move" is spring, when the ficus is actively forming new shoots and it will be easier for him to adapt to the new capacity.

In the future, transplantation becomes a vital necessity when the roots completely fill the space of the pot or even look out of the drainage holes. If this does not happen, specimens aged 5 years and older can not be transplanted entirely, but only replace the top layer of soil with a depth of about 3 cm, trying not to affect the roots.

Trimming and pinching

From the season when pruning is carried out, its result largely depends. As already mentioned, all important procedures should be carried out in the spring, best of all at the end of February - in March. It is during this period that the plant is most viable, and by removing excess shoots, you will stimulate it and help form a beautiful and lush crown.

Ficus Melanie is growing fast. If created the necessary conditions, new leaves in spring and summer bloom every 7-10 days, allowing you to easily give the bush the desired shape. To do this, it is necessary to pinch the upper shoots for 4-6 leaves. If you remove a smaller amount, the bush will develop side shoots, but its growth in height will not slow down.

Pinching and pruning in the autumn-winter period will lead to the fact that the ficus will develop one-sidedly. At this time, the plant lives due to the energy and nutrients accumulated over the summer. By removing the shoots, you will deprive him of these reserves.

Experienced flower growers know the trick, thanks to which the ficus gives side shoots. It is necessary to tilt it to the ground to the maximum and fix it in this position. Thanks to the same manipulations, the top stops growing, and the lateral buds begin to wake up.

Reproduction of ficus Melanie

How to propagate a ficus transplant better in spring when the vegetative forces of the ficus are at their peak. Reproduction at home is practiced in two ways: cuttings by apical shoots and air layering.
In the first case, a shoot about 15 cm long with 2-3 leaves is cut from the top with a sharp knife and placed in moist soil or in a glass of water. For speedy rooting, it is recommended to wash off the milky juice from the cut and dip the cut in the root solution.

The second method is more difficult and requires some experience. On the stem obliquely, 1/3 of the width, a transverse incision is made. In order for it not to grow together, a match or a toothpick is inserted inside. Then a piece of peat is placed on the notched area, wrapped with polyethylene on top and left in this form until small roots appear on the stem. After that, the peat is removed, the shoot with roots is cut off completely and planted in the ground in a permanent place.

Diseases and pests

Despite its viability and stamina, Melanie's ficus, which is not properly cared for or sheds leaves, can get sick or be attacked by pests.

As for green pet diseases, their main symptoms are as follows:

  • leaves turn yellow and fall;
  • brown spots appear on the leaves;
  • overall development slows down.

All these problems occur due to the same reasons:

  • high humidity or, conversely, dryness of the soil;
  • lack of light;
  • location in a draft;
  • sharp temperature fluctuations in the room.

In addition, the leaves often turn yellow on the plant due to root rot, which can also be caused by waterlogging or excessive fertilizing. And brown spots can be a consequence sunburn in the case when the ficus pot is under the direct rays of the scorching sun for a long time.

Pests that threaten the successful development of Melanie are typical for most indoor green pets:

  • Spider mite. Appears on leaves and between leaves white coating, or rather, the web. Its main reason is dry air, therefore, prevention consists in periodically spraying the crown with settled water at room temperature, and treatment in spraying with special biological preparations.
  • Greenhouse thrips. small insects with a body of dark brown, black or light yellow color, elongated up to 2 mm long, literally dotting the leaf plates. The fight consists in thoroughly washing the stem and leaves with warm water, spraying with biological products, processing the pot and completely replacing the earthen clod.
  • Shchitovka. characteristic feature this pest protective covering resembling a tortoise shell. Scale insects fit snugly with their bodies to the lower surface of the leaves and stems, as if growing into them. The areas damaged by scale insects are destroyed, healthy parts are treated with a solution of laundry soap or special preparations.

Beneficial features

Ficus Melanie is not only one of the interior decorations. It also has practical benefits. Its leaves are able to absorb vapors of phenol, benzene and trichlorethylene, which emit plastic household items and furniture made from non-natural materials, thereby healing the air in the apartment.

The leaves of rubber-bearing ficuses are also used in traditional medicine. For example, apply at night to boils, so that pus comes out of them. Melanie leaf juice helps with hemorrhoids, some diseases of the female reproductive system, has an antiseptic effect and promotes wound healing.

It is believed that ficus should be purchased exclusively on the growing moon, and be sure to give the donor something in return. Ficus, received free of charge, will bring trouble to the new owner. So thank the one who gives it to you, at least symbolically.

Many are associated with ficuses folk omens and superstition. For example, it is widely believed that the presence of ficus in the house promotes conception, so it is often recommended to start couples suffering from infertility. Also, according to popular beliefs, the ficus has a powerful energy that protects the house from evil forces. Naturally, these signs do not have a hundred scientific justification, but it is indisputable that the very process of caring for a green pet gives positive, healthy emotions.

Ficus Melanie does not take up much space and looks harmoniously in both residential and office space. It's spectacular exotic plant easily multiplies, quickly forms a lush crown, serves not only to decorate the interior, but also to purify the air from harmful fumes and, at the same time, it is completely unpretentious. Spending a minimum amount of work and time on caring for it, you will get the maximum benefit and positive emotions.

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