Ficus rubbery (Ficus elastica) is a familiar stranger.

Decor elements 12.06.2019
Decor elements

Ficus melanie belongs to the rubber house plants that come from Holland. It has dwarfism, the leaves are smaller, its veins are colored red, which indicates a lack of biochemical processes. This variety has multiple formation of lateral buds that create volume. All these shortcomings of the main species have become the advantage of a new variety of an unusual ornamental plant.

Ficus melanie is a variety that has all the signs of degeneration of the species. changed in the plant genetic code, and he acquired external data that distinguishes him from other plants related to him. Ficus of this species can live up to 50 years. It needs to be monitored and, if necessary, carried out the necessary care. Then it will be an integral part of the interior for many years and will become a symbol of stability.

Ficus melanie has a compact appearance, and it is convenient to grow it in small spaces. AT young age this ficus looks like a low, up to 80 cm, highly branched plant with a lignified stem. It has many large leaves, which have a reddish tint on the reverse side, which makes the plant decorative.

The dark green leaves of ficus melanie are about 15 cm long. They have an elliptical shape, slightly pointed at the end. The leathery dense leaf structure is traditional for all types of ficuses. Ficus leaves are arranged alternately. The young leaf on the back has a reddish-brown tint. The leaf is covered with pores, in which poisonous milky juice appears due to microtrauma. The plant needs it to restore broken bonds. Juice is dangerous for humans. After hitting the surface upper layers epidermis, it corrodes them. In people with delicate sensitive skin, ficus juice can cause dermatitis.

After pruning, lateral buds begin to appear on the trunk, and branches actively develop from them, at the base of which aerial roots. They can be broken off and planted in the ground, where the plant will begin to grow.

At home, the ficus does not bloom, but forms tiny fruits, which are called syconiums. They should not be eaten because they are just as toxic as the sap of the plant.

The plant propagates by cuttings and layering. You can always get a lot planting material, which fully preserves the characteristics of the variety. In the conditions of a city apartment, young plants of this type of ficus are grown, timely replacing the overgrown bush with a new planting unit.
Large bushes require a lot of space and are more suitable for offices, landscaping corridors educational institutions, shops chemical production. All types of ficuses actively purify the air from benzene, phenol and trichlorethylene.

Ficus elastica melanie does not require special conditions of detention. It can be grown by all lovers of large tree-like house plants.

How is the plant cared for?

For ficus, home care consists in timely watering, cleaning the leaves from dust, feeding, pruning, transplanting. These plants love a humid, moderately warm microclimate. They need a temperature from + 5ºС to + 30ºС. In the wild, this plant creates dense thickets that do not let in drafts. Therefore, the ficus has not formed mechanisms that would protect it in adverse conditions.

Drafts cause the development of ficus diseases. So that it does not suffer, it is installed in the corner, on tables, high flower stands. AT winter time you need to put the ficus so that sunlight falls on it, but the cold air bypasses it. In order for the leaves to be properly nourished, they must be clean. They need to be dusted regularly. Ficus loves water procedures, responds positively to spraying and pouring.

The underground part of the plant, unlike its ground part, does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. From constant moisture, the root system of the plant dies. Water the ficus with warm water when the topsoil becomes dry.

Along with irrigation, useful substances are introduced into the soil. In summer, universal fertilizer for flowers is dissolved in water and watered under the root 2 times a month. In winter, watering is reduced, and top dressing is carried out once a month.

Breeding technique

In nature, these plants often reproduce when their trunks are bent under the weight of branches and leaves, and their tops reach the soil. There, the upper bud shoots up and takes root into the ground. A similar situation can be created at home and get a new landing unit. To do this, you need to bend the top of the head and fix it in the ground with a hairpin. For these purposes, you can use an additional pot.

In February, the ficus is pruned so that it gives lateral branches. The apical part can be cut up to 5 internodes and try to root it. Any ficus cutting can be used to get a new planting unit. To do this, he needs to stimulate root growth with the help of root stimulants.

First, the cut crown is cleaned of lower leaves, leaving 2 pieces at the very top. The stalk is placed in clean water and they are waiting for it to stop secreting milky juice. After the stalk is cleaned, it is placed in a solution of a root growth stimulator for 2 days, after which it is planted in the soil. To do this, select a pot, the height of which will be equal to 2/3 of the length of the stem.

Drainage is placed at the bottom of the selected container, and to obtain a suitable soil, mixtures of high-moor peat and river sand are mixed in equal amounts. The stalk is covered glass jar, which is periodically removed to check whether the plant has taken over. If the leaves after 2 weeks are elastic and juicy, then the jar can be removed, but if they wither after opening, you should put it in place and wait another 2 weeks.

You can try to force the milky to release aerial roots on a damaged branch. To do this, a branch is chosen, an incision is made 2 cm higher from the base of the branch, sand is poured into it so that the wound cannot heal with the help of milky juice, which pours out abundantly through the cut and freezes over time. From above, the place of damage is covered with wet peat and bandaged with food-grade polyethylene.

After 3 weeks, at the site of damage, you can see how white roots break through the peat.
The branch is cut so that the roots remain on the cut handle, the bandage is carefully removed and the resulting planting unit is planted in the finished container.
The best time for all layering activities is the end of winter. The transplantation of the formed process to a permanent place successfully takes place in early June.

Plants that arrived from the manufacturer are sold in shipping pots filled with a nutrient substrate. In these containers, the ficus will not grow actively, and it needs to be transplanted. This should be done after the plant adapts to new conditions.

The pot is selected by 2-3 cm over size the container in which it arrived. For selection right size the old container must be included in new pot for ficus so that their walls are in contact. If it is much larger than before, the plant will begin to grow underground part so active that it will negatively affect the ground part. The leaves will begin to fly around, the growth of the stem will stop.

The bottom is covered with expanded clay for drainage. Soil for ficuses is poured on top. If it is not available, a universal mixture will do. To make the substrate yourself, you need to mix one part of soddy soil, leaf humus and river sand.

Ficus grows rapidly after transplantation, and its pot becomes cramped for him. Annually in early spring a new pot is picked up for him and transplanted along with a clod of earth, sprinkling fresh nutrient mixture. A signal that the plant needs help is the roots that look out of the drainage holes.

In order for the crown to form correctly in ficus plants, they do not change the pot until they are 5 years old, but partially replace the upper soil. It is carefully removed and the nutrient mixture is poured to the top.

If it is impossible to add soil to an old pot, then you can shed the soil well, take out the ficus, remove part of the earth from the root ball and supplement the resulting deficiency with a freshly prepared dry nutrient mixture.

Ficus Melanie can be attributed to the rubber-bearing species of these plants. The birthplace of the flower is considered to be the south of Indonesia. In nature, the tree usually has an average height of about 20-30 meters. With the beginning of growth, it seems that the ficus has only a stiff stem, but after branching, aerial roots make themselves felt and the plant changes completely.

Given this feature, the ficus elastica was nicknamed the "snake tree". Melanie is very unusual leaves: they are elongated, quite dense and have a dark green tint. At home, the bush grows only a few tens of centimeters, so it will fit well in any corner of the house or office.

Home care includes the simplest aspects.

They concern:

  1. Air temperature and lighting.
  2. Glaze.
  3. Top dressing and soil.
  4. Transplants.
  5. trimmings

All these points are very important for the ficus to grow and have a decent appearance.

Lighting and temperature

Ficus does not like the bright sun, but you should not keep the flower in the shade either. Best to find golden mean. You can do this if you put the flowerpot with Melanie on the window, "looking" to the east. Alternatively, the south side is also suitable, only in summer time during the day, you will need to hang something like blinds on the window to protect the ficus from the scorching sun.

Some people believe that a flower has enough light, which can be provided by an ordinary lamp running a couple of hours a day. If Melanie's ficus elastica grows well at the same time, then everything is fine. However, in most cases, the leaf plates begin to lighten, which indicates a lack of sunlight. In this case, it is urgent to save the flower, otherwise it will die.

The same can be said about the excessively high temperature in the room and the installation of a flower pot near a heater or radiator.

Important! In summer, the temperature in the room should not exceed +25..+27 °C, and in winter it should fall below +19 °C.

If for some reason the temperature indicators do not meet the standards, then in the first case it is necessary to take care of high humidity air. And in the second - reduce watering to a minimum and still try to provide heat to the ficus. Ficus melanie will not grow in the cold.


With watering, you need to be extremely careful not to flood the flower. Flower growers are advised not to listen to various tips from "experts" who make special irrigation schedules. Each gardener in the room has its own temperature and its own humidity, so general rules in this case it can't be. It is best to level on the substrate. To do this, you need to pierce the top layer of soil with a stick for a couple of centimeters and look at the result. If the soil is dry, then there will be no earth left on the match, therefore, you can water it.

From time to time it is necessary to loosen the soil mixture so that the soil does not rot and does not turn into a dry lump.

As for water for irrigation, only pure water is used. In addition to watering, it is recommended to occasionally irrigate and do not forget to wipe the leaves.
Some gardeners are too lazy to do this, because the ficus is small-leaved, so by the time you wipe each leaf plate, the night will already come. True, without this procedure, photosynthesis will worsen at times, and the flower will not be able to purify the air in the room.

Soil and top dressing

A porous and nutritious substrate is what the ficus needs so much. The soil can be bought, or you can do it yourself.

For this you will need:

  • peat (1 part);
  • sod land (1 part);
  • humus (1 part);
  • river sand (1 part).

The components are mixed and on this the manufacture of the soil mixture can be considered a completed process.

At the time of active growth, the flower is fed twice a week. Natural compounds are used as fertilizers. These include wood ash or nettle decoction.


Young ficuses are transplanted once for several years. Adult specimens require manipulation much less frequently. As for flowers that are more than 7 years old, they are usually not transplanted, only the top layer of soil is changed for them.

Important! You should not transplant the ficus into a pot that is much larger than the "native", this will stop the growth and development of Melanie.

Transplant manipulation is performed only in the spring.


Ficus Melanie is pruned in order to activate the growth of certain parts of the flower. The procedure is usually performed in February or March. If you want the plant to grow to the side, then you will need to cut off the top. By cutting off 5-6 upper buds, you can achieve the shape of a beautiful and branchy bush.

Some flower growers tilt the ficus to the ground, fix it in this position for a while. During this period, lateral buds begin to activate, which give new twigs and leaves.

How ficus Melanie reproduces

If you want to breed ficus Melanie, then it is best to propagate by cuttings. This is one of the best and effective ways to date.
The procedure is carried out in early spring.

It is done like this:

  1. With a sharp knife, the shoot is cut off, on which there are several leaves.
  2. The tip of the cutting should be dipped in a solution of Heteroauxin or Kornevin. These compounds will allow shoots to take root faster.
  3. The stalk is planted in a separate container and covered with glass or a tight bag. In such a greenhouse, the shoot should “sit” until it takes root. This usually happens within a few weeks.

Sometimes reproduction is carried out with the help of air layering. Variegated ficus is quite capricious in this regard, so this method is perfect for him.

To do this, an incision is made on the trunk of a bush, a small stick is inserted into it, moss is applied to this place, and then everything is well wrapped in a film. After a while, you can notice the appearance of roots. After that, the cutting is cut off and planted in the prepared substrate.

Diseases and pests

If Melanie's ficus care was provided appropriate, then there should be no problems with it. Otherwise, it may start to hurt or be attacked by pests.

To prevent this from happening, the flower should not be moved from place to place, it is necessary to carefully monitor watering, control the air temperature in the room, the level of humidity and the flow of light.

In the event that some mistakes were made, then the rubber-bearing ficus can become a "tidbit" for:

In conclusion, I would like to say that Melanie's ficus is beautiful flower, requiring a minimum of attention and capable of decorating any room to the maximum.

Ficus Melanie refers to varieties of elastic () ficus.

According to the beliefs this flower provides family well-being in the house.

At proper care will decorate an apartment or office, but some precautions must be taken due to the fact that the plant contains toxic juice.


The young plant has a normal root system, but as it grows, aerial roots form on the branches and stem, which, having reached the ground, form new trunks.

It grows not in height, but in a bush, which makes it possible to experiment with its crown, forming any shape from it.

The leaves are dark green in color, pointed at the end, have the shape of an ellipse. Young foliage has a burgundy or reddish tint.

With the right care each new leaf grows in 7 days.

The composition of the juice includes alkaloids, enzymes, latex. These components protect the plant from pests and help heal damage to the trunk and leaves. Previously, rubber was produced from ficus juice.

Carefully! Pores with poisonous juice can form on the foliage, which can cause an allergic reaction when touched.

Ficus melanie: care

Care at home will not cause trouble even for a beginner grower. The plant does not like direct hits. sun rays and dry air.

The flower is usually sold in a small temporary container. One week after buying it need to be transplanted into a pot 2 cm larger than the previous one.


Ficus Melanie prefers to grow in a bright place, but without direct sunlight. The scorching sun can lead to the formation of burns on the leaves.

With a lack of lighting, the leaves fall off.

In the natural habitat of ficuses, daylight hours last 12-14 hours, therefore, in winter period you need to turn on the backlight from fluorescent lamps.

In order for the crown to be evenly spaced, you need to regularly rotate the flower pot relative to the light source.


The plant withstands a temperature range of 16 to 30 degrees.

The optimum winter temperature corresponds to 17-20 degrees, summer 22-27 degrees.


Water about 2 times a week, after the soil dries 3-4 cm from above. The pot should be half saturated with water. Moisture should not stagnate, as this will lead to decay of the root system.

In winter, watering is reduced to once every 7 days.

Ficus needs regular spraying and dust removal from the leaves.

Important! Ficus Melanie tolerates drought better than stagnant moisture. If water leaks into the pan, it must be drained immediately.

Fertilizer and soil composition

The soil is purchased ready for ficuses or prepared independently.

The soil should consist of the following components, mixed in equal proportions:

  • turf (deciduous) land;
  • river sand washed and steamed in the oven;
  • humus;
  • peat.

To avoid root rot, a drainage layer of expanded clay or pebbles is laid on the bottom.

As fertilizers use:

  • ready-made top dressing;
  • wood ash;
  • nettle decoction.

Important! AT summer period the plant is fed once every two weeks, in winter once a month.


Ficus grows quite quickly, so young plants are transplanted once a year into a larger container.

Adult flowers are transplanted every three years. when the root system completely fills the container and begins to grow into the drainage holes.

In the spring, the flower is transplanted by transshipment along with a clod of earth into a wider pot.

Free space is filled fertile soil store bought or homemade.

Pruning is done to form nice shape flower. Gradually, the lower leaves fall off, the appearance of the plant is lost. Cut in February-March upper part with 4-6 internodes. Cut off the top of a small plant. The cut stem is placed in water for further reproduction.

Advice! You do not need to transplant the ficus immediately into a large pot. Otherwise, the root system will begin to develop to the detriment of the aerial part of the plant.

Diseases and pests, methods of treatment

Ficus can be affected by pests: spider mites, scale insects, thrips. They must be selected manually and sprayed with a solution of Phytoferm.

With a lack nutrients, light, moisture ficus leaves fall off.

To stop leaf fall, you need to find its cause and eliminate it.

If the leaves are drooping, raise the temperature of the content and increase the humidity in the room.

Brown spots indicate a sunburn or an overabundance of fertilizers.


To get a full-fledged plant, ficus is propagated in two ways:

  • aerial roots. The shoot that has taken root is cut off from the main plant. After the appearance of leaves on it, transplanted into a separate container.
  • Choose healthy, beautiful cutting, cut it off, placed in a container with water. After the juice stops flowing from the stem, the water is changed, a growth stimulator is added and left in the water until the roots sprout. After that, they are transplanted into a container with soil.

It will not work to propagate by a leaf, it will grow for some time, but a full-fledged plant will not work out of it.

Briefly about the main points of care in this video:

Ficus care is quite simple. Subject to simple rules the plant will serve as a decoration for a house or public space.

Ficus Melanie- This is a representative of the genus of rubber-bearing ficuses, often used for home breeding. The homeland of this plant is Indonesia, or rather, its southern part. In the wild, this type of ficus can grow up to 30 m in height, in room conditions usually no more than 3 m.

Ficus rubber Melaniecounts unpretentious plant care does not require special skills. But given that this is a representative of a tropical climate, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime and a certain humidity in the room.


To ficus melaniefelt good, he needs to provide optimal lighting. It is best to place the pot with this plant on the eastern windowsill.

Important! Do not allow direct sunlight to fall on ficus leaves, this can cause burns and death of the plant. If necessary, the window should be shaded.

If there is not enough light, the rich green color of the leaves is replaced by a pale tint, the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

Ficus Melanieis an evergreen, so good lighting also needed in winter. To do this, additional fluorescent lamps are used, which are turned on in the afternoon to extend daylight hours.


The temperature regime for this flower is an important aspect in home care. Considering that the native climate of the plant is the tropics, the room temperature should not fall below 18 0 C, the following parameters are considered the most favorable:

  • in summer - from 240С to 260С, if the temperature is higher, it is necessary to use additional air humidification;
  • in winter - from 180C to 210C, if the temperature is low, the root system may suffer from hypothermia and excess moisture.

Attention! Low room temperatures can cause diseases and stun plant growth.

If the room is cold, you need to use additional heating radiators, but avoid the locationficus melaniein close proximity to them.

Air humidity

Ficus should be wiped with a wet cloth

Ficus Melanie, due to its dense leaves, practically does not need spraying. In winter, it is recommended to wipe the leaf plate with a damp cloth, it collects room dust and disrupts oxygen exchange.

In the summer, you should periodically (preferably once a week) bathe the plant. This can be done like this:

  • place a pot with a plant bath or basin;
  • water the crown from the shower with water at room temperature, the water should not be cold, this will badly affect the state of the flower;
  • leave for a while a pot of ficus in the bath so that excess water is glass;
  • put the plant in its usual place.

If the room is very hot, around the pot withficus melanieyou can arrange pallets with wet pebbles or spray water into the air from a spray bottle.

Watering ficus

Ficus rubber Melanieshould be watered only when the top layer of soil is 1.5-2 cm dry. Before watering the plant, it is necessary to immerse your finger in the soil, if the earth is still wet, you should not water the plant.

Important! An excess of moisture can cause water to stagnate in the pot and cause root rot. The plant may die.

In summer, it is recommended to water the ficus 2 times a week. Starting in October, watering should be reduced to 1 time per week. In winter, the ficus is watered even less often, only when the earthy coma dries up - the flower begins a dormant period, growth stops, and excessive moisture will have a detrimental effect on its health.

It is also necessary to remember that Melanie needs settled water at room temperature. Cold water from the tap is categorically not suitable for this purpose.

top dressing

When growing ficus melanie home careincludes mandatory top dressing, which is necessary to nourish the soil. Fertilizers begin in early spring (late February, early March). It's connected with life cycle plants, during this period, ficus Melanie begins to actively grow and develop, the plant needs strength.

Fertilizers can be in liquid form or dry, they are applied under the root, it is recommended to moisten the soil first, this will save root system from a burn. Can be used as fertilizer ready-made formulations sold in specialized stores.

At home, you can use wood ash, ficus needs nitrogenous fertilizers. The main rule is not to overfeed. Once every two weeks is enough.


A plant needs a transplant in the following cases:

  • after purchase in a store (it is necessary to transplant from a transport pot);
  • once every two years, a planned transplant into a larger pot;
  • if the plant is flooded or it is sick.

It is desirable to transplant ficus in the spring, the exceptions are cases when the plant is sick. The cause may be root rot, which most often develops due to waterlogging of the soil. The ficus must be removed from the pot, carefully remove the earth and check the roots. All damaged areas should be cut with sharp secateurs and sprinkled with wood ash.

If the ficus is transplanted to replace the pot, the procedure is standard:

  • the pot should be chosen 2 cm larger in diameter, plastic or ceramic are best;
  • there must be mandatory drainage holes in the bottom of the pots;
  • drainage (expanded clay) is poured at the bottom;
  • the soil should be light and porous, half mixed with compost;
  • the flower is deepened into the ground and the free space is covered with soil.

After transplanting, the plant must be watered and put in a permanent place. Ficus should not be fed immediately, the new soil has all the necessary nutrients.

If the ficus is very large and is contained in a floor tub, it is not necessary to transplant it. In this case, only the top layer of the soil changes. The adaptation period after transplantation is usually 2 weeks.


Most suitable way . For this you need:

  • cuttings are harvested in spring or summer;
  • with a sharp secateurs or a knife, the apical or lateral shoots are cut off;
  • the cut should be oblique, with a flat surface, a damaged trunk can cause a bacterial infection;
  • milky juice, which usually appears on sections of rubbery ficus, must be removed with a damp cloth or simply washed off with water;
  • treat the cut with Kornevin for quick rooting;
  • the finished cutting is rooted both in water and in the ground;
  • if the cutting is planted immediately in the soil, it must be watered and covered with transparent plastic or a glass jar on top;
  • as soon as a new leaf appears, the jar can be removed - the shoot has taken root.

Can be propagatedficus melanieair layers:

  • a transverse incision is made on a tree-like trunk and fixed with a sliver (you can use a match);
  • wet moss is applied around the incision, which is fixed after being covered with polyethylene;
  • throughout the month, the moss is periodically moistened;
  • when aerial roots appear, the shoot is cut off and rooted in the ground.

Further care is no different from an adult plant.


Diseasesficus melanie and home care are closely related. The plant can become sick only when improper care. To solve the problem, you need to find out the cause of the disease:

Pests most often infect ficus with insufficient air humidity, therefore, in the warm season, pots with ficuses should be taken out to the loggia and sprayed with leaves.


Pruning is recommended to be carried out annually, this is necessary for the formation of the crown and the improvement of the ficus. Pruning is carried out with a sterile sharp instrument, it can be a pruner or a knife, but in no case scissors. All sections must be processed activated carbon or wood ash, this will help to avoid infection of the plant with bacteria.

Important! Pruning ficus Melanie is carried out in the spring (late February - early March). If the plant is sick, it is pruned at any time.

The procedure is carried out in several ways:

  1. To activate the growth of lateral shoots, the top of Melanie's ficus is cut off, then the flower will begin to bush and the crown will become splendid. The cut is made under the sixth kidney. A cut shoot can be rooted for propagation.
  2. For the growth of the flower in height, cut off the side shoots. This must be done symmetrically from all sides, otherwise the crown will turn out to be one-sided. This method is used to give the foliage a pyramidal shape.

In order to wake up the side shoots, use the ficus fixation as low as possible to the ground. In this position, the apical shoots stop growing, and the side branches, on the contrary, grow.

Benefit and harm to humans

Ficus Melanie, like any plant, has its pros and cons. The undoubted plus is that, thanks to its wide dense leaves, the flower produces a lot of oxygen, which is necessary to purify the air in the room. In addition, it absorbs toxins and other harmful substances.

For reference! It has long been believed that rubbery ficus Melanie brings prosperity and material wealth to the house, especially if it is installed in the living room.

The disadvantage of this houseplant is that it secretes milky juice on sections, which can cause an allergic reaction in a person or animal. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to use rubber gloves when transplanting or pruning a plant. And also keep an eye on pets, many of them love to gnaw on the leaves of indoor flowers.

Ficus Melanie was bred quite recently, but has already managed to win the love of a large number of home plant lovers. Many flower growers began to actively breed such an interesting and beautiful outwardly plant.

The plant is considered compact in size and can be easily grown even in small spaces. This ficus is characterized by a wide, beautiful crown. And the leaves have a length of no more than 15 centimeters. The leaves themselves are located on the stems quite densely, which makes the plant very beautiful.

If you look in detail at Melanie's ficus photo, you can see that the leaves are slightly glossy, and the skin is dense and rather rough. The reverse side of the leaves is more matte, has greenish and reddish veins.

What is characteristic of this particular ficus is that it can be grown in any shape. If you want to get a tall ficus with long and large branches, you do not need to cut it. But if you want a small plant on your windowsill, it is enough to cut the branches near the crown and give the plant a certain shape.

Plant features

A young plant is often grown at home. This is very convenient, since everyone can take care of the plant. If you follow good conditions, during the vegetative period, you can get 1 leaf for every 7 days. The plant will not bloom at home.

In general, the plant has been known for a long time, but for many years it was simply forgotten. But, once the Dutch flower growers showed mature plant at one of the exhibitions, which attracted a lot of attention. Since then, the plant has been very popular both in Russia and in Europe.

Home care

Ficus Melanie is considered quite easy to care for, and often forgives some mistakes. But it is very important to properly care for the plant and therefore there is certain rules to be followed:

  1. Special microclimate. For any ficus, including ficus Melanie Maximum temperature should not go beyond the mark of 30 degrees. Such a hot climate can completely destroy the plant. It is also necessary to monitor minimum temperature, it should not be lower than 5 degrees. Ficus reacts very poorly to drafts and too wet soil, which can cause a large number of diseases. Ficus can grow well on the windowsill, and around it. The plant responds very well to spraying. Also, gardeners recommend doing a shower for a plant during a hot period;
  2. Irrigation and use of fertilizers. Ficus constantly needs moisture, it can be spraying, wiping the leaves with a damp sponge. You can remove dust from the leaves in time, and thereby improve the growth of the plant. But, it is not necessary to moisten the soil too much. It is the use of too much water that causes root rot.
    Watering is best done with warm water, which was previously settled. Water only when the top soil is dry. It is best to use the rule when growing this type of ficus: better soil will be over-dry rather than over-hydrated.
    Top dressing. Ficus is in great need of feeding. For this, universal fertilizers are best suited for indoor plants. You can buy them at any garden store. In spring and summer, fertilizer should be applied every two weeks. In winter, especially during frosty periods, it is worth limiting the supply of top dressing, and carrying it out no more than 1 time per month;
  3. Transplantation. There are certain transplant rules that are used for all types of ficuses. Following these rules, you need to replant the ficus once a year if the plant is young. The best time for transplanting spring, early summer. Mature plants can be repotted every three years. To make the transplant simple, you just need to place the plant with an earthy clod in new ground. This method is the safest for the plant and it is this transplant that is quick and efficient. It is very important to pay attention to the plant after transplantation, because this is a huge stress. Respect and quality care will help the ficus germinate faster in new soil;
  4. Pruning. Since the ficus grows quickly enough, this affects the rapid aging and death of the lower leaves. To preserve the beauty of the plant, you need to do a formative pruning at the end of winter. If you want to form a beautiful bush, you should cut about 5 internodes from the top of the plant.
    To get beautiful side shoots, you can fix the ficus to the height of the maximum slope. This allows the lower bud to be dominant, in which case the plant grows better to the side rather than up.
    If you do not have experience in pruning ficus, you can see a large number of articles and photos on various sites on the Internet. Where the pruning guide is described in detail and there are photographs;
  5. Reproduction. Many who have been caring for ficus for a long time are faced with the question of how to properly propagate it. After all, this great way get a few plants without spending a lot of money on it.

Important! It is worth remembering that ficus cannot be fully propagated using a leaf. And although after pruning and prolonged exposure to water, the leaf will take root, plants will not grow from it.

Reproduction can be carried out in the following ways:

  • cuttings. A prominent element from the plant must be carefully cut off and placed in a glass of water. You need to wait until the juice stops flowing completely. After that, the cutting must be left for 2 weeks in water with a special stimulant. After the branch roots, the plant can be planted in a pot. It is very important to make good drainage. Above you need to place a part of peat and sand. If the room in which you grow ficus is cool, you can cover the plant with foil and make a greenhouse. This will help the plant to take root and grow confidently;
  • air layering as a way to propagate ficus. In order for this method of reproduction to become successful, it is necessary to fence off any segment of the stem with a bag that must be securely fixed with adhesive tape. An incision is made on the process and sprinkled with sand so that the plant does not heal in this place. Wet peat should be placed on top and also closed with a bag. If the roots begin to break through the peat, this means that you can cut the stem below and plant it in a separate pot.

The second method of reproduction can be successful with professionals in their field. Such a process takes more time and requires good knowledge. And if we compare this method with cuttings, then it is still less successful.

Diseases and possible pests

Like other plants, Melanie's ficus lends itself various diseases and pests. The main danger for ficus is the appearance of: scale insects, ticks, thrips. To get rid of such insects, you need to use not only mechanical cleaning methods, but also spray with special solutions. It is better to buy all funds in specialized stores. Among the most popular means for eliminating pests from ficuses, the drug Fitoverm has become.

Sometimes, due to lack of moisture, the plant may have a slightly cloudy color. Slight drooping of leaves can occur due to frequent drafts and low temperatures.

Many who grow ficus have noticed that the plant has dark brown spots. This may occur due to the bright sun. In a simple way, the plant received sunburn. In this case, you need to reconsider the conditions where the plant is located and move it to a darker place.

If the ficus began to lose leaves

There are times when the ficus begins to lose leaves. And this is a direct signal that care is not of high quality or it is not enough. Most likely, the plant received a large amount of moisture for a very long time, or vice versa - it was too dry.
It is very important to improve the quality of the drainage system. There are also certain reasons that can cause leaf loss in ficus Melanie. It could be:

Ficus Melanie - can be an excellent plant even in the smallest apartment. Such a plant will always be a great addition to any interior. In addition, ficus is very easy to care for. The main thing is to water on time and observe a certain temperature regime. If you follow these rules, the plant will delight you for many years.

Read more about this species and its care here:

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