Ficus bloom. Indoor ficuses: description and types. Indoor ficus flower at home

Encyclopedia of Plants 08.10.2018
Encyclopedia of Plants

When the beginning of the day started with positive feelings, then the whole day is better tolerated and easier. The maintenance of vegetation is a desirable activity for many, which provides pleasant sensations not only for relatives, but also for many passers-by. Walking next to a beautiful courtyard, it is impossible not to pay attention to some exotic fruit. And as a rule, a thought flies by, or maybe you can think of planting a garden at home? Flowers are a stylish addition to your design.

The figures are small fibrous root species, although depending on the location, the roots can spread transversely and vertically. Shapes can have one stem tree, such as growth or multi-stem shrub growth, and often send out suckers from the base of the tree and spread branches that are low to the ground. Wood rice is weak and decays quickly. Rice fruits are laid on new spring growth, although some plants produce two crops, known as the bryba crop.

The fruits of the bryba develop at the nodes or leaf axils of last year's wood.

Some trees produce so-called breba, which are fruits that develop in the spring against the growth of the last year's shoots, and then the main fig crop, which develops with new growth of the shoots and ripens in late summer or autumn. In cold climates, fish crops are often destroyed by spring frosts.

Many-sided ficuses: trees, shrubs, lianas

Ficus (Ficus) - the most numerous genus of plants of the Mulberry family (Moraceae), which includes trees, shrubs, lianas. The most famous representative of the genus is the fig tree, or fig, or fig, or fig, Ficus carica (Ficus carica L.). Homeland: tropical Asia, West Africa, India, Himalayas, Sri Lanka.

The fruits of rice are an important food source for much of the fauna in some areas, and the tree owes its expansion to those who feed on its fruits. The seed is dispersed by birds and mammals, which scatter the seeds into the litter. We often find various bees and wasps feeding on holes in fruits made by birds. We will leave some fruit on the tree for other organisms and will always have plenty of figs.

Drawings can be divided into four different categories. Over 750 varieties can be found within these categories! Fig contains more natural varieties than any other tree crop. Phytocene varieties have many unique characteristics such as compactness and spreading growth, fruit color, shape, taste and size, plant hardiness, etc.

This genus contains about 800 species and 2000 varieties, among which there are trees of impressive size with large leaves, and there are ground cover ficuses with small leaves and ampelous ones. About 20 species are grown indoors. Most of them are evergreen, some are deciduous. Their color and shape depend on the particular variety. From small-leaved ficuses can be grown bonsai in bonsai technique - see photo: "Benjamin's ficus in bonsai style".

Young figs are more sensitive to cold winters than large figs, so young plants are best in winter, perhaps even growing in a pot until a good root system is established, especially if you are growing rice on the borders. climatic conditions to which they are accustomed.

According to some sources, figs less than two to five years old are likely to die back to the ground during a very cold winter. Very wet winter soils make rice more likely to die. A good choice locations and soil preparation along with generous winter mulch can go a long way to prevent this.

Forms and varieties of ficuses

Among the ficuses there are both evergreen, deciduous, semi-deciduous and also ampelous forms and varieties. Here are some of them:

See more detailed description all varieties of ficuses on a separate page: "Types and varieties of ficuses"

It is quite possible that one of the most dangerous figs on the planet was developed here in Bulgaria. In hot, dry summers, like this year, fruit can be left on the tree to dry and hold up well in the winter. Picking them ripe, splitting them in half, and leaving them in a car parked in the sun for a few days is also very effective.

Cultivation: how to grow rice

The long hot summers here provide a good reliable crop from these plants every year. We also grow the Turkish variety Izmir.

Rice requires full sun all day to ripen. delicious fruits. Some cultivars can become huge and shade lower plants, so choose a site where the tree can grow. Attempting to reduce the size by cutting the length of the branch causes yield loss.

Ficus plant in the house - fortunately

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui ascribes magical properties to the ficus tree: it absorbs negative energy It helps to solve protracted life problems. Isn't that why we also had a belief: "If there are no children in the family, and the spouses really want to have them, then it is imperative to have one." According to modern astrologers, indoor ficus is a Capricorn plant. He, like a vacuum cleaner, cleanses the atmosphere of the house from anxieties and worries, and it becomes easier to breathe in it - see "Magic Ficus".

Ficus care at home

Drawings can be successfully grown in pots and this will reduce the size of the plant. For container grown plants, replace every three years. most soil in the tank and keep the sides of the tub in the shade to prevent overheating in the sunlight. In areas with short, cool summers, chic trees against a south-facing, light-colored wall to take advantage of the reflected heat. In coastal climates grow in the warmest spot, on a sunny wall or in a heat trap.

The roots of fig trees are usually very invasive, although much depends on the cultivar. seat and general soil quality. Most fig trees, if planted in optimal conditions, spread their roots everywhere, and sometimes the roots can drown out other plants and can damage sidewalks, driveways, and other objects in their paths. Fig trees are usually best on the edge of a garden or surrounded by large quantity open space. To minimize root invasion, some growers will plant trees in pots or build underground retaining walls to keep the root structure.

Growing some types of ficus

Sometimes homemade ficuses suddenly shed a lot of leaves. This happens due to a sudden drop in temperature in a draft or a sharp change in lighting. Most of them are very sensitive to waterlogging and drafts. It should be remembered that baby ficuses are more moisture-loving, unlike trees, they need moist air and a constantly moist clod of earth, also not forgetting that waterlogging can kill them.

Sinesti or Maltese fig trees usually hold their root systems more or less contained, larger trees such as brown fig trees tend to dominate the space. Pruning is only recommended in the early years when trees need to be trained according to fruit use, such as low crown for fresh figs. When growing a log crop, because the crop is transferred to the leaf axils of the previous year's wood, winter pruning will result in a loss of next year's crop.

Crown formation - main way maintaining the decorative ficus for many years. You should restrain the growth of shoots upward by pinching the main shoot of the plant at the desired height, remembering that in nature ficuses reach a height of 30-40 m. Large ficus leaves collect a lot of dust, which must be regularly removed and wiped with a damp cloth. And to give the plant a special shine, its leaves are usually polished in offices with special compounds.

Reproduction of ficus at home

If a mature tree dies in cold winter, next spring will bring many new shoots from a buried tree just below ground level. In such cases, we have found that it is good practice to reduce them to 10-12 stems. Further thinning will help improve access to the fruit picking crown, improve air circulation and result in fewer higher quality fruits. We remove any mature stems that are touching or appear crowded.

Fig branches and leaves contain a milky sap that irritates human skin, so it's a good idea to wear gloves when pruning and cleaning. In most countries mediterranean sea figs are grown as rain figs, but the most critical irrigation period is early spring before rapid shoot and fruit development. 750 mm of annual rainfall is considered sufficient to obtain good harvest. Rain or heavy irrigation during fruit development and ripening can cause splitting.

With the onset of intensive growth (from spring), the plants should be fed once every 2-3 weeks with complex mineral fertilizers for ornamental plants. In August, feeding is stopped. In winter, in warm conditions, the roomed ficus continues to grow slowly, but it should not be fed at this time.

The figures must be allowed to mature fully on the tree before they are selected. They will not mature if they are picked when they are immature. The ripe fruit will be slightly soft and begin to bend at the neck. Remove the fetus carefully to avoid bruising. Fresh figs do not keep well and can only last 2 to 3 days in the refrigerator. Some varieties of finna are delicious when dried. dried figs can be stored for six to eight months.

Homemade ficuses and their photos

We have found that our figs require very little attention. We used to add 20 liters of mature compost to the base of the trees and mulch with a bale of straw before winter. Problems mostly arise when trees are stressed and good practice will prevent most problems. We have never experienced any diseases or pests, but have lost some of the crop for the birds.

Each type of ficus has some features. See more details on a separate page:

As you know, ficuses do not bloom in culture, with the possible exception of some, but even those do not set full-fledged seeds without pollination. Siconia inflorescences in ficuses are a unique phenomenon among various flowering plants. Many of us have ever tasted figs, and we know that the fig tree (Ficus carica) is a deciduous ficus. However, juicy sweet "berries" with an abundance of small seeds inside, are first an inflorescence, and then a pear-shaped fruit with a hole at the top. Nature did not endow them with beautiful petals. Flowers develop on the inner surface of the wall of syconia and can be seen only if the inflorescence is broken.

In some cases, a young, healthy fig tree undergoes proper pollination and fruit set and then suddenly drops all of its fruit. This phenomenon is usually caused by overfeeding. It can take three to four years for the rice to recover from over-fertilization and produce a crop that matures and stays on the tree. Avoid using store-bought liquid food instead use good compost plant-based, and you should not experience this.

Drawings are commonly propagated by cuttings and commercial plantations through tissue culture. We also had good results from splitting and layering. The key to success is good cleaning of the cuttings during dry periods. Another good method that can be practiced at any time of the year is to take 15 cm cuttings of the 2nd age and then place them in 10 cm of water. Clean up the water when it starts to turn green and plant it when a good root system begins to form.

Ficuses have three types of flowers, which consist of stamens (male), short pistils (female), long pistils, which turn into an edible fruit. In wild ficuses, all inflorescences are on the same tree. Only in cultivated forms of the fig tree, the inflorescences that form the fruit are found on female trees, called figs ...

Pruning: A number of ficus species are excellent for shaping pruning.

Primordial pollination is exciting but not great news for vegetarian-loving ingredients. What we call a fig fruit is actually a flower, or more accurately, an inflorescence - a cluster of many flowers and seeds contained within a bulbous stalk. Because of this unusual arrangement, seeds - technically fig ovaries - require a specialized pollinator that is adapted to move within the fruit, and this is where the story of the relationship between fig trees and fig trees begins.

Rest period: winter. Plants are kept in a bright room, watered moderately.

Repotting: Young ficuses should be repotted annually. Older plants are transplanted after 1-2 years, in March. In tub specimens, transplantation can be replaced by an annual replacement of the topsoil.

Once inside, the queen travels in the chamber, laying her eggs and simultaneously shedding the pollen she carried with her from another fig. This last task, although not the main objective queen, is important: it fertilizes the fig ovaries. After the queen has laid her eggs, she dies. When the queen's eggs hatch, the male and female wasps take on very different roles. First they mate with each other and then the females collect pollen and the wingless males start carving their way to appearance fig.

Propagation: mainly by cuttings, rarely by seeds. It is permissible to propagate plants by air layering.

Ficus L.) has up to 900 plant species and belongs to the mulberry family. Ficuses are widespread in tropical and subtropical zones.

This activity is not for one's own escape, but to create an outlet for women to escape. Females will pollinate other figs as queens. Males will spend all their life cycle within one fetus. Bad news for vegetarians, so when you eat rice, you are probably eating wasps, however, common types dates have all female flowers that do not need pollination to bear fruit, since the fruit can develop through parthenocarpic means. Black mission, brown turkey, Brunswick and Celeste are some typical varieties.

Evergreens, trees and shrubs, rarely with falling leaves, as well as creepers. The leaves are alternate, entire or lobed, glossy or pubescent. Ficus inflorescences (syconia) have a unique structure. They represent an overgrown axis of a capitate or pear-shaped shape, hollow inside and with a hole at the top. Flowers are located on the inner surface of the wall of the inflorescence and are pollinated by insects. After pollination, numerous small fruits develop from the flowers - drupes, which, with the overgrown dry or juicy wall of the inflorescence, form a seed. In room culture, ficuses almost do not bloom. Plants contain milky juice.

Among the representatives of the genus are fruit crops, however, these are mainly park and deciduous ornamental plants suitable for cultivation in the greenhouses of botanical gardens, in winter gardens and rooms.

Ficuses are stable in indoor conditions, suitable for residential and office premises, winter gardens. Ficus trees are very beautiful in the interior. Climbing and creeping are spectacular in hanging ceramic vases. Grow quickly, relatively undemanding to light.


Fig tree. or Fig tree(Ficus carica L.) - photo. Grows on carbonate soils on the rocky slopes of mountains in the Mediterranean region, Transcaucasia, Central Asia, India, Afghanistan, Asia Minor, Iran. Deciduous trees 8-10 (up to 12) m tall. Leaves broadly ovate, 3-5 (up to 7) palmately lobed, 10-15 (up to 35) cm long and 6-12 cm wide, heart-shaped at the base (fall off in winter).

Inflorescences - siconia, round-pear-shaped, hollow, develop on the branches of a tree. In syconia, 3 types of flowers are laid and develop: male, female with short and female with long columns. female flowers with long columns develop into juicy fruits - seedlings, commonly known as figs. fig. or wine berry - photo of seed. Dioecious, rarely monoecious (in culture in a number of varieties).

The genus Ficus belongs to the mulberry family. It includes more than 900 species of tropical and subtropical plants growing in many countries. The fruits of many ficuses are eaten (figs). Some species are known as excellent rubber plants. The leaves are used as a medicine for skin diseases.

Ficus benjamina

Among the ficuses there are trees, shrubs, lianas and even a banyan tree (the form of a plant whose branches go down long aerial roots, reaching the ground, they take root and look like numerous trunks of one tree).

Ficus flowers are inconspicuous, but very unusual. Overgrown inflorescences look like a rounded fruit, empty inside, with a small hole. Inside it are small flowers.

Ficus fruits are nuts enclosed in a fleshy receptacle (fig).

When damaged, ficuses secrete white juice. It is not dangerous if it is not consumed internally.

The value of indoor ficuses is in the beauty of their leaves and the shape of the plant itself. It is also known that ficuses (Ficus benjamina, Ficus elastica) effectively purify the air.

Ficus rubber (Ficus elastica), or rubber tree - unpretentious evergreen tree with brown bark, covered with large oval leathery leaves. This ficus is able to maintain its decorative effect for many years and can quickly grow to the ceiling. To make side branches appear, the top is cut off (it can then be rooted). The young leaf of this type of ficus is brownish, as it grows older, the color changes to dark green. An adult leaf of rubber ficus can reach 30 cm in length. Varieties with variegated leaves have appeared, they have spots of yellow and white.

Ficus Microcarpa

This ficus has a dormant period, the leaves fall off in winter, it needs to be watered very little, if only the earth does not dry out at all. Figs are propagated by both winter cuttings (without leaves) and green summer ones.

Winter cuttings are cut from one-two-year-old shoots and planted in early spring, before bud break, in light sandy loam soil. green cuttings planted in late spring - early summer in the sand and kept until rooting in a humid environment under a glass or other glass cover. Both those and other cuttings in a warm place take root easily. Rooted cuttings are planted in pots.

It is best to cut off the stalk along the mesduode (where the leaf stalk is attached). The stalk is placed in warm water or dried to stop the secretion of milky juice. Planted in loose, moist soil for ficuses in half with sand. In order for the cutting to take root better, in thick cuttings it is recommended to make a split or incision at the bottom. Cuttings take root better under polyethylene, but make sure that water drops do not fall on the leaves.

Cuttings of ficus Benjamin, rubber ficus and tiny ficus take root well in water.

Pests. When the air is too dry, pests settle on ficuses: scale insects, mealybug, spider mite, thrips.

leaves fall - too dry, there was a sharp temperature drop (a cold draft, for example) or a flood of soil;

new leaves grow small, old ones turn yellow and fall off - the plant lacks nutrients, need to be transplanted;

The edges of the leaves turn yellow, and the leaves fall off - overflow, it is necessary that the soil has time to dry out; dry and shriveled leaves - drying of the soil and air, sunburn; sometimes fall off lower leaves- the norm, but the trunk should not be completely bare; brown spots on the edges and tips of the leaves - too hot or overfertilizing.

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Ficus is one of the most common houseplants. He took root in our homes so much that we forgot about his real homeland - the subtropical and tropical forests of Asia and Africa. There are more than 2000 species in total., but only about 20 species are domestic breeds. But can they bloom?

The plant belongs to the mulberry family and often called the rubber tree. The fact is that in its composition the plant contains about 15% of the rubber substance.

Ficus rubbery

For more than five thousand years of existence ficus adapted to any environment, and has acquired many forms and types. In their natural environment, they can grow in the form of full-fledged trees, shrubs or lianas wrapping around other trees.

Ficuses can grow on other representatives of the flora, forming adventitious roots and gradually merging with another plant into a single whole. Such species are called banyans.

What country is this home flower from?

Where does Ficus Benjamin come from? The plant is native to the forests of Malaysia, the Philippines., New Guinea, Indonesia. In New Guinea, for example, the largest ficuses grow - they can reach more than 40 meters in height and 4-5 meters in thickness. Such flowers have large shiny leaves, lowered down, and milky juice. He is famous in Latin America, where drugs that dissolve tumors are made from this juice.

Ficuses in their homeland: in Indonesia

In Indonesia, and especially in India, ficus is considered a sacred plant giving spirituality and enlightenment. It can often be seen in temples and places revered by the inhabitants. Tourists who managed to get to the peninsula tie ribbons on the table of this plant - it is believed that in this way cherished desires come true.

In nature, ficus can even grow from 1 to 40 meters in height, but at home it does not grow more than two meters in height. According to Eastern philosophy, they cultivate positive energy in the house, cleanse the home of negativity, help to concentrate on certain activities.

Where could the rubber ficus come from?

The most popular type of homemade ficus is the rubber species.. This plant easily adapts to the environment, has good immunity, and also has dark green oval-shaped leaves in the amount of 30-40 centimeters. It can grow up to two meters tall. A flower of such origin from the forests South-East Asia and West Africa.

Your ficus has potential to grow

Ficus care: the necessary soil composition, conditions for growth and flowering

Each species (deciduous or not) has its own care process, but there is some general rules contents of this plant:

  • Availability free space for growth in length or height;
  • enough sunlight , which would not fall directly on the leaves and flowers of the plant;
  • slight shading;
  • avoidance any draft;
  • finding in a warm climate or premises;
  • plentiful saturation with water(preferably key, rain or melted snow);
  • leaf care- removing already dead, dry leaves, wiping each sheet with a damp cloth, and so on.

Young ficuses need more careful care- monitor the soil, feed them with fertilizers and water them with warm water once or even twice a day. Dwarf and so-called creeping plants also need not only abundant watering, but also maintenance. humid air in room.

ficuses medium size , as a rule, are bush, reach a height of one or two meters. These grow slowly, so they need a lot of space up and careful care of the leaves.

Some ficus owners are concerned about the fact that the leaves on the plant turn yellow and fall off. This can happen both for natural reasons and for non-compliance with the necessary care regimen.

To identify the cause, take a close look at the ficus or consult a specialist.

Reproduction: how can your Benjamin bloom

Ficuses - flowering plants, but do not bloom indoors due to lack of natural pollination. Small insects pollinate the inflorescences through small holes located in the upper part of the future flower.

Women's and male flowers are negligible and do not represent any aesthetic value, but are suitable only for reproduction. At home, ficus can only reproduce vegetatively.- cuttings.

Since the plant is tropical, room conditions and the harsh winters of our country are unusual for him and incompatible with the existence of this plant. Flowering home ficus is not the most exciting process.

In order for the indoor ficus to feel at home, he it is necessary to create the appropriate conditions. Instead, he will good friend to its owner, ennoble and cleanse the space, because it is not in vain that in many countries of the world the plant is sacred.

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