Why dried figs are useful, how to choose the right one, use it deliciously and store it for a long time. About the healing properties of figs

Decor elements 18.10.2019
Decor elements

Figs grow in warm and dry climates around the world. It is eaten fresh or dried.

Sweet fruits contain a lot of sugar. In the Mediterranean countries, figs are so popular that they call them "poor people's food".

Figs have been used to treat diseases for thousands of years. It contains many vitamins and minerals.

The composition and calorie content of figs

Figs are rich in fiber, which is good for digestion and preventing thrombosis.

Composition 100 gr. figs as a percentage of the daily value:

Calorie content of figs - 74 kcal per 100 gr.

For centuries, figs and extracts from them have been used to combat constipation, bronchitis, disorders, wounds and warts.

For muscles

Figs contain magnesium, which is important during physical exertion. It is involved in energy production during muscle contractions. During intense exercise, magnesium requirements increase by 10-20%.

For the heart and blood vessels

Figs relieve stress on the walls of the veins.

Thanks to magnesium and potassium, figs help keep blood pressure normal. The element removes sodium from the body through urine.

For nerves

Useful properties of figs protect nerve cells from destruction and age-related death.

Magnesium in figs prevents migraines, helps fight depression, insomnia and improves mood.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Doctors advise adding figs to the diet of people suffering from chronic constipation.

For the pancreas

The leaves of fig trees are valuable for health due to their antioxidant properties. Taking fig leaf extract lowers blood sugar levels.

Figs increase insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.

For the reproductive system

Figs are good for women because they contain magnesium and vitamin B6. They reduce the appearance premenstrual syndrome, which occurs 1-2 weeks before menstruation. This manifests itself as mood swings, weight gain, food cravings, fatigue, irritability, chest pain, and digestive problems.

For skin

Fig leaves prevent the development of skin cancer. Creams with fig extract reduce wrinkles on the face, thanks to antioxidants. They can be used for hyperpigmentation, acne and freckles.

For immunity

Figs contain antioxidants that prevent aging and cancer. The fruit relieves inflammation in all organs.

Useful properties of dried figs

Dried figs contain 19% of the daily value of potassium, which regulates blood pressure. With regular use of dried fruit, you will protect yourself from the development of hypertension.

The fruit contains a lot of fiber, which protects against overeating. If you want to lose weight, replace sweets in your diet with dried figs.

Dried figs are rich in iron. Women aged 19 to 50 should receive 18 mg. iron per day, and over 51 years old - 8 mg. A glass of dried figs contains 3 mg. gland. If the body lacks an element, you become vulnerable to infections and constantly feel weak.

Harm and contraindications of figs

Contraindications to the use of figs:

How to choose figs

Figs are sold in grocery stores and markets, they are supplied all year round. It is advisable to eat the fruit from mid-June to mid-October - so the benefits from it will be maximum. Choose figs with a rich color.

How to store figs

Fresh figs are best eaten immediately after picking from the tree. In the refrigerator, its shelf life will increase by a couple of days. After purchasing a fig, take it out of the package immediately.

Jams and marmalades are boiled from figs or dried. You can freeze figs up to 12 hours after harvest to extend their freshness.

Drying fruit is the easiest way to preserve fig fruits. traditional method drying in the sun gives products with different quality. Drying the fruit in special "dryers" ensures healthy dried figs. In most commercial growing areas, figs are harvested as they fall and placed on trays to dry.

Figs are full of beneficial compounds, so they can be used as a healthy alternative to sweets.

figs- This is a deciduous tree, belongs to the Mulberry family and is included in the genus Ficus. The plant came into human use quite a long time ago, starting from the end of the eleventh century BC. Today, figs are a common crop in the Mediterranean countries, the Carpathians, Georgia, Abkhazia and the Black Sea coast.

Figs are called differently: "Fig", "Common fig tree", "Fig tree", "wine berry", "fig". So the name "fig tree" is quite often found in the text of the Bible and the Old Testament. The tree has a smooth bark with a light gray tint. The hard leaves of the plant are large, located on the branches in turn, have from three to seven lobes that resemble the fingers of a palm.

Figs: how it grows, description

Inflorescences develop on shortened shoots located in the leaf axils. The inflorescences are divided into male caprifigs and female figs, appearing on different trees. Male inflorescences look like a bouquet of small flowers, while female flowers in the inflorescence are quite large.

After pollination, female flowers form seedlings, where each fruit is a nutlet. In the process of pollination of most species of figs, small, black blastophagous wasps play an important role. Only some parthenocarpic varieties obtained in the breeding process can do without pollinating insects.

The fig is covered with a thin, delicate peel with tiny hairs. To taste it is fragrant, meaty and sweet. The color of the fruit can be different: purple, yellow, yellow-green and dark blue. Ripe, fresh fruits contain a lot of sugars. According to some sources, this is about 24%, according to others up to 75%. Also in figs are fats, organic acids, proteins and coumarin. Unripe fruits are not eaten because of the content of milky juice in them.

The economic value of figs is due to its nutritional value and excellent palatability. In cooking, figs are used to make various jams and preserves. They are dried and preserved and used in baking bread. The fruits of the fig tree are also used in medicine. To do this, after harvesting, the leaves are collected from the tree, dried and crushed. From the raw materials obtained, a drug is made for the treatment of skin diseases (baldness and skin pigmentation).

The fruits themselves have medicinal properties that help in the fight against diseases of the throat, bronchi and lungs. Due to the fact that the fruits of the fig tree contain a large number of iron, they are used in preparations for patients with anemia.

Because of the elegant and showy foliage, the fig tree is often grown as an ornamental, indoor crop. The tree is planted in a large tub or pot and carefully looked after. However, it is almost impossible to achieve flowering and fruiting at home.

Useful properties of figs, composition and calorie content

Surely, those who have visited the Mediterranean countries at least once, as well as Uzbekistan, Armenia, Turkey or China, did not miss the opportunity to try the valuable and tasty fig fruit.

On the one hand, it costs less at home, and on the other hand, they are used to importing it to Europe exclusively in dried form, because fig fruits are very sensitive to even minor mechanical stress, which is why they deteriorate almost instantly. It is now that manufacturers carefully pack the fruit in separate cardboard containers and export it to other states where there is no such “miracle” of nature.

Of course, doctors recommend, if possible, to use the fruits of wild varieties. But “tasting” them will be possible only in the homeland of figs, which not everyone can go to. Therefore, you have to buy a cultivated version. It was created in order to obtain large yields, which is why the plant does not contain male inflorescences and, as a result, inedible caprifigs.

Seriously, the consumer does not always pay attention to rounded or pear-shaped juicy fruits, modestly reclining on store and market stalls, covered with light gray skin (although, depending on the variety, it can be brown, and green, and even bright orange) with honey taste and numerous small seeds inside, called nuts. Indeed, in appearance they are unattractive, but in terms of their “useful” composition they are priceless.

dried figs

Fig fruits are characterized by:

  • almost complete absence of fats and, as a result, cholesterol; it contains only carbohydrates and some proteins;
  • high content of various sugars (they make up about 70% of the total composition of the pulp) and useful organic acids;
  • the presence of vitamins of groups B, C and A (although the latter is represented in a negligible percentage, which allows people who are allergic to carotene to use this fruit);
  • the content of such important trace elements as potassium, calcium, manganese, iron.

So what are the benefits and harms of figs in its use?

If we evaluate the impact of all these components, then we can indicate a number of useful properties from eating fresh figs:

  1. Normalization blood pressure. Doctors point out that the main cause of hypertension is an imbalance of potassium and sodium in the human body. And if you include figs in the diet, then the pressure will not only normalize, but will also acquire a stable rate.
  2. Strengthening the skeletal system. Due to the fact that a tasty fruit contains a sufficient amount of calcium, a person has the opportunity, without the use of special calcified preparations that adversely affect the kidneys, to maintain bone density and strength. After all, the use of one fruit fills the daily need of the body for this microelement. Figs are especially useful for pregnant women and those who have crossed the threshold of menopause, when dangerous osteoporosis most often develops.
  3. Removal of toxic substances. Figs are included in the group of antioxidant fruits.
  4. Treatment of urinary and gallstone disease. It was found that the juice and pulp of this fruit gently and painlessly crush stones in the gallbladder and kidneys.

Useful properties of figs for weight loss


Scientific developments of scientists recent years allow to draw a conclusion about the qualitative impact of figs on weight loss. Initially, in Asian countries, where the berry comes from, figs were used not only to improve health, but also to lose weight.

The ability of figs to perfectly cleanse the blood vessels of the body from cholesterol, to have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, makes this berry valuable in a healthy diet. Vitamin composition(vitamin B complex), carotene, nicotinic acid - all these are the “jewels” of the “wine berry”. For example, nicotinic acid can normalize the work of the stomach, become a means of preventing atherosclerosis.

Nutritionists appreciate the minerals in figs, which play a leading role in eliminating extra pounds. Losing weight is not an easy burden, which is why the fig-based diet is so attractive in this regard. Potassium, which is contained in the berry, normalizes water balance body, reduces accumulated fatigue, is responsible for the work of all blood vessels and muscles. Moreover, it is potassium that makes a significant contribution to the prevention of atherosclerosis.


Nutritionists in their pure form do not distinguish a diet based solely on figs. The berry itself large quantities contains sugar, for example, 3 fresh berries are 50 kilocalories, but 100 grams in dried form is already 250 kilocalories.

Experts, based on the data obtained, came to the conclusion that the abuse of figs is dangerous for the figure, but 10 berries a day is the norm for healthy and wholesome food. For example, eating 2 figs half an hour before dinner, you can provoke the disappearance, dull the feeling of hunger and reduce the amount of food during the lunch meal.

Figs in an amount of up to 8 pieces can be a great treat for dinner or an afternoon snack. It is known that nutritionists recommend sometimes, if possible, to arrange days of unloading based on figs. So, it is more expedient to eat only figs and any, but unsweetened drink for an afternoon snack.

Figs - a source of energy

Juicy fig fruits perfectly quench thirst and hunger for long time. The daily need of the human body for potassium and life-affirming calcium, giving strength to the gland is satisfied by eating 20 fruits of this berry.

The properties of figs are invaluable to consumers during the berry harvest period, since at this time (1 month) you can easily arrange unloading snacks. A diet based on figs copes with excess weight, allows muscles to strengthen, and vitality to recover. Experts have found that figs improve immunity.

The harm of figs for the body

There are also contraindications to the use of this product:

First of all, diabetes. It is also important to know that people suffering from gout should not consume this fruit in large quantities, because it contains a large amount of oxalic acid.

Due to the high fiber content, people who suffer from inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should also stop using this, although healthy fruit, because it can aggravate and exacerbate the underlying disease.

Along with having beneficial properties, this fruit is considered harmful to eat for people suffering from pancreatic diseases.

It is contraindicated to use figs for pancreatitis. Also, if you have indigestion, then you should take care of yourself, because having good effect in constipation, it will have the opposite effect in diarrhea, thereby causing dehydration of the body.

You can’t eat figs even before driving (it turns out that it synthesizes alcohol in the blood).

Useful properties of figs for women

Skin and hair care: recipes for homemade cosmetics with figs

What is useful figs for women? Oriental beauties actively include figs in their delicate skin care program. To feel the amazing effect of rejuvenation, just cut the fruit into two halves, and then gently massage your face and neck. After fifteen minutes, you can wash yourself with clean water without adding soap.

All over the world, cosmetologists love and appreciate figs for such "talents":

It remarkably strengthens the hair, protecting them from damage and overdrying;
fruits contribute to deep hydration, cleansing and toning the skin;
figs effectively smooth wrinkles, give the skin firmness and elasticity;
it literally erases blackheads, pimples and other unattractive rashes from the face;
fig tree fruits noticeably improve the condition of the nails: they gain strength and strength.

Conclusion: Such multifaceted properties of figs make it possible to lay it in the basis of delicate tonics and scrubs, as well as face and hair masks.

Mask with figs for all skin types

This care product allows you to use both fresh and dried fruits. In the case of dried figs, it must first be soaked in milk or boiled water - for only fifteen minutes.

Next, 2 pieces need to be chopped in a blender, then combined with 1 yolk, a tablespoon of bee honey and a similar amount of any vegetable oil(better than olive or grape seeds). The composition is applied to clean, dry skin.

In addition to the face, you can also pamper the décolleté and neck. The active action of the mask takes about twenty-five minutes, then it must be removed with a damp cloth soaked in mineral water.

Mask with figs for aging skin

If you combine figs with mango, you get an excellent tool to maintain youthful skin. To prepare a smoothing mask, you will need the following components:

fig fruits (2 pieces),
peach oil (1 tablespoon),
ripe mango (1 piece),
egg(1 piece),
cottage cheese (half a cup),
honey (20 ml).

After all the ingredients are well mixed, the mask is applied to the face for half an hour (the composition must be warm). Remove it with a cotton swab moistened with fresh milk. Then the face is additionally rinsed with warm water.

The duration of application of the nourishing mask is 2 months, the optimal number of procedures is 1-2 during each week.

Mask with figs for dry skin care

Figs allow you to quickly and easily cope with inflammation on dry skin. It intensively moisturizes, gives velvety and heals all microdamages of the skin.

It will take only 1 ripe fruit of a fig tree. It should be cleaned, kneaded and combined with 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese. Curd - fig mask is left for twenty to thirty minutes, you need to remove it with milk and warm water.

Moisturizing mask with figs

This tool perfectly copes with the tasks of moisturizing and nourishing, while improving complexion. You will need:

Almond oil (1 tablespoon)
figs (3 pieces),
honey (1 tablespoon),
egg (1 piece),
milk (200 milliliters),
oatmeal (half a cup).

Figs must be peeled and boiled in milk. Then, after mixing with the rest of the ingredients, it is thoroughly whipped with a blender.

The mask, aged for forty minutes, is best used in the autumn - winter season (when the skin needs enhanced care). The frequency of repetitions is up to two procedures per week for a couple of months.

Mask with figs for puffy skin

Aging skin, prone to inflammation and puffiness, will be strengthened by a mask based on figs, apples and bananas. The composition is as follows:

figs (2 pieces),

fatty cottage cheese (2 tablespoons),
banana (1 fruit),
egg (1 piece),
sour apple (1 piece),
peach oil (20 ml),
oil solution of vitamin E (10 drops).

Cottage cheese, an egg and the pulp of each of the fruits must be properly chopped in a blender. Vitamin can be added both before and after whipping, the main thing is to achieve a homogeneous, thoroughly mixed consistency.

The presented mask is used not only on the skin of the face and neck, but also in the décolleté area. It can also be used as a nourishing hand cream. The composition should be applied in a dense layer, the duration of the procedure should not be longer than forty minutes. It is recommended to remove the remnants of the care product first with a napkin, and then alternately with warm and cool water (ideally mineral).

The traditional course is 2 months, 3 procedures per week. The mask works especially well in winter.

Fig Toning Lotion

In order for the skin to acquire a healthy, delicate and radiant appearance, it should be treated more often with a useful fig lotion. It is prepared extremely simply: you just need to make an infusion at the rate of 25 grams of fruit per glass of boiling water. It takes several hours for the components to come into active action, after which the infusion is filtered.

You need to wipe your face with this natural lotion daily, in several approaches.

Figs for teeth whitening

Achieve a dazzling smile? There is nothing easier! All you need is fig ash and some glycerin. The components are combined with each other to the consistency of a thick paste. You should brush your teeth with it every day.

Fig hair mask

Useful goodies perfectly manifests itself in hair care. To improve the quality of the hair and cure split ends, you will need a couple of dried figs and 200 ml of milk.

The fruits must be poured with milk and brought to a boil over low heat. Then, still in slow mode, the composition is boiled to a homogeneous consistency. After some cooling, the mask can be applied to the hair. Daily use is allowed.

Obviously, such a delicacy as figs is worthy of the title of a tireless fighter for female beauty!

Fig jam

Fig jam will become a real ray of light in winter, which will fill your home with a bright aroma and exquisite taste.

To make fig jam, you need to peel 100 green figs. Remember to wear gloves before cleaning. Boil until half cooked in plenty of water. Rinse the cooked figs in cold water and squeeze lightly.
Boil 1 kg of sugar in three glasses of water until a thick syrup is obtained.

When ready, add the figs and cook over medium heat until the water is completely absorbed into the figs. And finally, add 1 tbsp. lemon juice. Boil and remove from fire. For more flavor, you can put an asterisk of cloves or vanillin.

Figs in syrup

For 2.5 liters:

- a kilogram of figs;
- 700 g of sugar;
- two or three star anise stars;
- one and a half glasses of water;
- a teaspoon of vanillin;
- lemon;
- cinnamon stick (4 cm).

Cooking progress.

  1. Wash the figs and put them in a colander, dip in boiling water for a minute, then transfer to cold water.
  2. Combine water with sugar, mix and put on fire. When bubbles begin to form, remove from heat, squeeze lemon juice into it, mix. Immerse all the figs and spices in the syrup, cover with a lid and leave for six to eight hours.
  3. Boil figs in syrup for three to five minutes (count from the moment of boiling), remove from heat, cover with a lid and leave overnight. In the morning, boil again for five minutes (from the moment of boiling), remove from heat.
  4. Fill prepared jars with figs, pour syrup on top. Roll up, can be closed with plastic lids. Store figs in syrup in a dark place.

Figs: planting and care in the open field

When choosing a seedling, you need to choose the right fig variety.

Violet Sukhumi, Sochi-7, Kadota, Solar- these varieties of figs with their tasty and juicy fruits are suitable for growing in open and closed ground, or indoors. Brunswick, Panashi, Brown Turkey, red Bordeaux, Crimean black, Dalmatian, very often found in different regions and can withstand up to 20 degrees below zero.

To protect the fig from icing, it must be wrapped in paper, film or bent to the ground for the winter and sprinkled with foliage and covered with spunbond.

Different varieties differ in their requirements for pollination. There are varieties that are self-pollinating, requiring pollination or are self-fertile.

Figs can be propagated by seeds, cuttings, roots or layering. When buying a seedling, you need to find out by what method it was propagated, and whether the parent tree had fruits.

Seeds rarely take root, and the grown plant produces small fruits, because of this, this method is rarely used. To breed from seeds, you need fruits from a self-fertile tree or a tree that is pollinated male flowers from a nearby fig tree.

A stalk with four buds should have oblique cuts on both sides. It is planted in a container with a mixture of peat, earth and sand, which is pre-calcined and watered with a solution of potassium permanganate. To form a good root system, small notches are made above the cut.

The lower cut should be deepened to the second eye from the bottom. The upper one, rise above one, two kidneys above the ground.

Also, the cutting can be placed in a jar of water with the addition of growth accelerators, this method allows you to quickly root the plant and transplant it immediately into the ground.

A planted cutting in the ground or a container should be covered with polyethylene or a cut bottle.

Fig cuttings require constant moisture. The direct rays of the sun should not fall on the plant, but it should not grow in the shade either. After half a month, the film or bottle can be removed for a day and eventually removed for good. To adapt, it needs to be sprayed with water from a spray bottle several times a day.

Transplanting into the ground from a container can be done when green leaves appear and the plant is fully rooted. Fruiting begins after two years. Until this moment, the plant grows intensively, then growth stops.

In the spring, top dressing is carried out with nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers. In summer and early autumn, you can fertilize with humus, superphosphate fertilizers and potassium salt.

Basal shoots and layering, sprinkled with earth, take root and grow best. The branches are dug in and watered, after a couple of months the plant can be separated from the mother and transplanted. In a couple of years, these layers will bear fruit.

For a transplant, you need to choose a place on the south windless side. The roots of the plant, if they are without an earthen coma, are dipped in liquid diluted clay. In cool climates, figs are recommended to be planted in a trench.

For good fruiting, you need to form the crown of a tree or bush. With a growth of 30 centimeters, the central shoot pinches. mature plant should have 4 main branches. To form a small bush, excess branches are removed.

Figs, at proper care, can grow in different latitudes and on different soils. It belongs to cold-resistant plants, and when good choice planting material, grows into a beautiful bush or tree that produces healthy and tasty fruits up to two times a year.

Video: Figs benefits for the body

Fig (aka fig tree, fig tree, fig tree)- deciduous subtropical tree of the Mulberry family. His historical homeland- Asia Minor, but now figs are distributed throughout the Mediterranean.

In our country, it is cultivated on Black Sea coast Krasnodar Territory and in the Crimea. Figs are considered one of the most ancient cultivated plants.

Its fruits are of great value.- sweet juicy seedlings with many seeds-nuts.

Fresh figs are rarely found on store shelves. The fact is that the keeping quality and transportability of these fruits leaves much to be desired.

They must be consumed within 6 hours of collection. otherwise the figs will spoil. That is why even in ancient times people learned to dry figs.

Dried figs are an exceptionally nutritious product. It was not for nothing that the soldiers of Alexander the Great stocked up on them, going on a campaign.

The calorie content of figs per 100 g of dry fruits is 257 kcal. Of these, proteins account for 12.4 kcal, fats - 7.2 kcal, and carbohydrates - 231.6 kcal.

There are a lot of sugars in figs. The fruits of some varieties can contain up to 70% glucose and fructose.

The vitamin composition of figs fluctuates- the content in fresh and dried fruits is different:

Thus, some vitamins are lost during drying of figs (C, B5), while the content of others, on the contrary, increases.

Of the minerals in the fruits of figs are:

  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus.

In terms of the amount of useful potassium, figs are the champion and are second only to nuts.

Unripe figs should not be eaten. They contain a very caustic milky juice. This "milk" in the old days removed warts and treated acne.

How to choose figs, how much to store, what are they beneficial features, the program “Live healthy!” will tell:

The benefits and beneficial properties of figs

Record potassium content makes figs a particularly valuable product for people suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Namely, vascular disorders cause a number of diseases in both men and women.

For the body of men

Damage to the vascular system, hypertension and heart disease often cause erectile dysfunction.

The usefulness of figs for men was well known in the East in antiquity. To improve potency, golden figs with milk and saffron were used.

Helps figs and for the prevention of early heart attacks and strokes in men. It also quickly restores mental and physical strength during hard work.

For Women's Health

Fig fruits solve a serious vascular problem familiar to many women - varicose veins veins.

With swelling of the legs and cramps calf muscles , which lovers of high heels often suffer from, dried figs relieve unpleasant symptoms. This is due to the replenishment of the deficiency of potassium, calcium and magnesium.

The ability of figs to improve the regeneration of skin cells is useful for women who care about their appearance. Fresh fruits can be used in diet food for weight loss and detoxification of the body.

Can children eat?

In the absence of allergies, figs can be safely given to children. This valuable product improves digestion and appetite of babies, will be a useful source of energy.

Figs are rich in folic acid necessary for children for the normal development of the immune, nervous and circulatory systems.

To cover the daily need for this "vitamin of joy", it is enough to give the child a few pieces of dried figs a day.

Usefulness during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant women can eat figs unless there are individual contraindications. The vitamin-mineral complex contained in these fruits will provide the body of the expectant mother with everything necessary for the formation of the fetus.

Good combination of iron and folic acid prevent the development of anemia during pregnancy. A large number of fiber normalizes digestion.

However, if a woman is gaining weight a lot, it is better to eat fresh figs, the calorie content of which is low.

Figs have the ability to stimulate lactation therefore can be used during breastfeeding.

In this case, care and measure should be taken: the use of large quantities of figs by a nursing mother can cause colic and bloating in the child.

Medicinal properties of fruits and leaves

For millennia of use of fig fruits ethnoscience accumulated great knowledge about its healing properties. Avicenna mentioned him in his treatises.

And to this day figs are used by naturopaths to treat many diseases:

  • bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, pneumonia (to relieve cough);
  • pharyngitis, tonsillitis (for gargling and lowering the temperature);
  • constipation (to stimulate intestinal motility);
  • depression (to increase tone);
  • anemia (to increase hemoglobin levels);
  • hypertension (to relieve vasospasm and as a diuretic);
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system (as a diuretic);
  • thrombosis, thrombophlebitis (for blood thinning).

The already mentioned warriors of Alexander the Great used dry figs to prepare a wound healing potion.

In addition to fruits in folk medicine successfully applied green leaves fig trees. They are used to treat boils, boils and eczema.

Fig leaves serve as raw material for the manufacture of the drug "Psoberan", with which vitiligo is treated.

Figs - from a hundred diseases:

Harm and contraindications

Fig fruits are not equally beneficial for everyone, they can be harmful to some. People should refrain from using it suffering from the following diseases:

  • hyperacid gastritis and peptic ulcers;
  • diabetes;
  • gout;
  • pancreatitis;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Allergic reactions to figs are rare. because there are very few essential oils in figs. But for people prone to allergies, it is better to be careful with figs and eat its fruits in minimal quantities.

Delicious homemade recipes

From the fruits of the fig tree at home, you can cook a lot of delicious and healthy drinks and goodies.

Milk fig cocktail. For 300 ml of milk, take 4 washed dried fruits, and boil them in milk for several minutes. Transfer the figs to a blender, add 1 tbsp. l. honey and 4 tbsp. l. chopped walnuts.

Grind and beat everything, gradually adding milk.

Fig broth. Take 200 g dried apples, 6 dried figs and 6 prunes. Rinse dried fruits and soak in warm water for an hour.

Drain in a colander, transfer to boiling water, boil for 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat and insist for an hour. Serve the drink with honey.

Fig compote for the winter. Wash fresh figs, remove the stalks and blanch for 5 minutes, then lower the fruits into cold water. Sort them into banks.

Cook required amount syrup at the rate of 300 g of sugar and 3 g citric acid for 1 liter of water. Pour hot syrup over figs, pasteurize at 85⁰С and roll up.

Figs baked with camembert cheese:

Fig jam. Wash fresh ripe fruits thoroughly, cut off the stalks and put them in a container. Cover the figs with sugar. The weight ratio of fruit and sugar is 1:0.7. Cover the container and leave for 3 hours so that the figs give juice.

Place the container on a small fire, bring to a boil, remove the foam and boil for 5 minutes with constant stirring. Remove from heat, cover with a towel and let it brew for 10 hours.

Then repeat the process again: boil, boil for 5 minutes and let stand for 10 hours.

At the final stage, boil the jam, boil for 10 minutes, add lemon juice to taste and a little vanillin. Remove from heat, pour into sterilized jars and seal.

Warm milk with fig jam relieves coughs and sore throats.

How much and how to eat?

Figs must be fresh and fully ripe- only in this case it will benefit health.

The skin color of the “correct” ripe figs, depending on the variety, is purple, burgundy, yellowish, etc. The pulp of fresh figs is tender, jelly-like, the smell is pleasant, without acid.

If the fig smells sour, you do not need to eat it - the fruit has deteriorated.

Rules for the use of fresh figs:

  • before eating, the fruits are thoroughly but carefully washed;
  • peeling is not necessary, you can eat with it;
  • if you do not like the skin, the fig is cut in half, and only the pulp is eaten;
  • a child can be given figs, scooping up the pulp with a teaspoon.

Before serving, the figs are beautifully cut into slices, pour over with yogurt, sprinkle with nuts. The culinary use of figs is not limited to desserts.

These fruits go well with meat., and you can use them to stuff duck or turkey, to prepare Mediterranean salads with mozzarella, asparagus, sweet pepper, pomegranate, nuts.

Figs are a fruit with many benefits.. It is nutritious and useful, has a number of medicinal properties, rarely causes allergies and has almost no contraindications.

The use of figs in cooking allows you to diversify the menu and add a spicy oriental touch to it.

This tree is mentioned in the Bible: Adam and Eve, expelled from paradise, were covered with its leaf, Christ cursed it, finding no fruit on it. But now we are all happy to find these juicy, sweetish fruits on store shelves. Figs - the same Fig tree from the Garden of Eden, the same Fig tree from the biblical parable. Eating fresh or dried fruits of this extraordinary tree, few people think about how important figs are for our health: everyone, especially women, needs to know the beneficial properties and contraindications of this fruit.

Useful properties of figs

All the benefits of figs are in their amazing chemical composition. Each of the substances contained in it, getting into the human body, does a huge, exorbitant work there, debugging the vital activity of many systems and organs. Since the fetus comes to our table in different types, the question is quite natural, how fresh figs are useful and whether they lose their properties when dried. Indeed, there is a difference.

1. Chemical composition and useful properties of fresh figs:

  • glucose makes figs an excellent antitoxic agent;
  • fructose enhances the breakdown of alcohol in the blood, prevents the formation of plaque on the teeth, controls the level of sugar in the blood;
  • organic acids promote the regeneration of cells and tissues, so the benefits of figs for women are obvious: it has excellent anti-aging properties;
  • tannins are known for their anti-inflammatory and soothing effects;
  • proteins activate all metabolic processes in the body and are the building material for cells;
  • fats are the main source of energy for humans;
  • vitamins: carotene, B1, B3, PP, C - nourish cells, strengthen the immune system;
  • minerals: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus - active participants in metabolic processes;
  • the calorie content of fresh figs is only 49 kcal, so the product is used in various weight loss programs.

2. Chemical composition and useful properties of dried figs:

  • the content of glucose and fructose in dried fruits increases by 1.5 times, so they remove toxins from the body several times faster than fresh ones;
  • the protein becomes almost 5 times more, so the benefit of dried figs is that a person receives much more energy;
  • the calorie content of dried figs increases to 214 kcal;
  • all other useful substances remain safe and sound even in dried fruits.

All these beneficial properties of figs make this fruit simply indispensable in some cases. Knowing its unique composition, doctors and nutritionists have long recommended its use for certain diseases and cosmetic problems. Therefore, every woman who seeks to preserve her youth and beauty should know how useful figs are.

The use of figs in medicine and cosmetology

The unique medicinal properties of figs make it possible to use fresh fruits as an aid in the treatment and prevention of many fairly serious diseases. Moreover, they are used not only in traditional medicine: doctors very often prescribe figs to their patients in the following cases:

  • with food poisoning and intoxication of the body, with diarrhea and dysentery;
  • as a prophylactic in the fight against diabetes and caries;
  • against fatigue, as a natural energy drink;
  • with stress, nervousness, depression;
  • to strengthen immunity and against beriberi;
  • as a diaphoretic and antipyretic;
  • with anemia, since figs promote hematopoiesis;
  • in the treatment of thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and various cardiovascular diseases;
  • with pain in the chest;
  • for coughs, colds and bronchial asthma rinsing with infusion of fig fruits is recommended;
  • the same infusion can be used for compresses in the treatment of abscesses of various origins, calluses, open wounds and tumors that do not heal for a long time (anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties of tannins in the composition of fruits work);
  • doctors prescribe it as a diuretic for nephritis;
  • it also helps with whooping cough.

Dry fruits also have all of the above properties, and besides, they are also used as effective remedy for weight loss, as they have a laxative effect. As a raw material for medicines, the fig leaf is used, which is the basis of the Psoberan drug used to treat baldness and vitiligo. Fig fruits can be found in the composition of the Kafiol laxative. Seed fruit, brewed in milk or boiling water, is used as a cough and sore throat remedy. In pharmacies, you can buy fig syrup - it tastes good and has very useful properties:

  • improves appetite and digestion;
  • relieves spasms of muscular rheumatism;
  • improves skin condition;
  • helps with colds of the female genital organs.

The beneficial properties of figs for women and in cosmetology have been used:

  • improves skin condition: smoothes wrinkles, makes it supple and toned;
  • nails cease to exfoliate, become strong and durable;
  • strengthens hair, prevents their loss, brittleness and section;
  • has cleansing properties, exfoliating dead cells and providing cells with full respiration;
  • moisturizes the skin;
  • eliminates acne, pimples.

Therefore, in modern cosmetology, fig extract is so actively used to create a whole line of masks, creams, lotions, tonics, healing and very effective cosmetics for hair and skin care products. From the pulp of this fruit, excellent anti-aging homemade masks are obtained.

So no matter how you turn this fruit - one sheer pleasure. But this is only at first glance. Given its powerful effect on the body, it is worth remembering that figs are good and bad in one shell. You need to know the contraindications to its use, so as not to harm your health.

Contraindications and harm

There are not as many contraindications for the use of figs as indications, but they still exist:

  • pancreatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammation of the stomach (gastritis, colitis, enteritis);
  • gout;
  • obesity.

With these diseases, figs can be eaten, but in very limited quantities.

Now you know if figs are good for you and if they are contraindicated for you. To make your skin shine with youth and beauty, your hair scattered in a thick cascade over your shoulders, and health cares have left you, do not neglect the fruits of a modest fig tree. She, like a life-giving source, nourishes your body the right substances and will not let him go astray in his work.

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Surely everyone has heard about the beneficial properties of figs. It has many names, the most common being “fig”, “vin berry” and “fig”. Fig tree, it is also a fig tree, is a fruit-bearing shrub tree that gives juicy, sweet and fragrant fruits. The color and shape of the fruits of this plant depends on the variety, of which there are more than 600.

The chemical composition of figs is so unique that it can be considered a truly “paradise tree”. Healing properties known since ancient times and traditional medicine effectively uses this plant for the treatment various diseases. The fruits of the fig tree are one of the strongest aphrodisiacs, which has given the plant considerable popularity. Figs are used in cooking to make jams, jams and drinks. Used dried and fresh.

Fresh figs are low in calories, which is why they are often included in various diets. There are only 54 kcal per 100 g of product. It is also very useful in its chemical composition, as it contains great amount various vitamins and minerals needed by the body. Black fig fruits are excellent antioxidants.

Figs contain:

  • Vitamins: Beta Carotene and B2; B1 and PP; WITH; BUT; E; AT 4; AT 5; AT 6; AT 9;
  • Trace elements: Copper; Iron; Manganese; Selenium; Zinc;
  • Macronutrients: Sodium; Phosphorus; Magnesium; Calcium; Potassium; Sulfur;
  • Sugars, starches and dextrins;
  • Pectins and fiber;
  • Fatty acids (Omega-3,-6) and organic.

The dried product is healthier, because with the disappearance of water, chemical substances concentrate more. In dried fruits, the calorie content also increases significantly: per 100 g of the product ranges from 250 to 350 Kcal. The berry is saturated with iron, which is 17.8% of the available useful substances.

Useful properties of figs

It is recommended to consume fig tree berries for absolutely all persons, regardless of gender and age. Packed with important vitamins and minerals, this product helps to positively influence the body's metabolism and improve overall health. immune system.

Studies have shown that the fruits of the plant can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Nutritionists advise women to include figs in their diets to maintain vitamin and mineral balance.

Gynecologists and sexologists recommend that women consume figs, as it affects the pathogenic microflora of the genitals caused by the fungus. Helps to normalize get rid of pain during the menstrual period, is a wonderful natural aphrodisiac.

Very useful in the perinatal period. It helps to get rid of toxicosis and supply the body of the expectant mother and baby with the necessary macro and microelements and vitamins.

Fig berries contain melanin, which contributes to the acquisition of an even, beautiful tan in summer period and helping to get rid of vitiligo.

men fig brings great benefits. The macronutrients magnesium and zinc have a positive effect on reproductive health. Increase libido and help fight premature ejaculation.

The amino acids included in the composition help to maintain a good physical form during sports training.

Research in the field of cardiology suggests that men are more at risk of developing problems with the cardiovascular system. Figs contain a high concentration of potassium and magnesium, which helps to minimize the risks. Normalizes blood pressure and reduces the amount of "bad" cholesterol.

Both in men and women Figs improve digestion. A significant fiber content, relieves constipation, bloating pain. Helps stabilize sugar levels. Fig fruits should be consumed moderately: 3-4 pieces per day.

The antioxidant properties of fig fruit prevent damage to DNA cells and reduce the risk of developing cancerous tumors.

Figs are a natural antiseptic. The plant protects the genitourinary organs from pathogenic microbes and infections, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects in ARVI and acute respiratory infections.

It is used as an enterosorbent. Pectin contained in figs removes heavy metals and radionuclides from the body. Cleanses the hematopoietic system. Reduces cholesterol levels.

Vitamins C, E, A and the carotenoids in figs help improve vision and may halt the development of cataracts.

children it is recommended to eat fresh figs to strengthen the immune system, in order to prevent colds. Helps prevent anemia and liver problems. Very useful for improving digestion. Dentists say that children in whose diet the product is present suffer less from gum disease and dental problems.

How much can you eat a day?

Figs are a tasty, healthy vitamin fruit, but they should not be eaten too much. Especially when dry. Excessive consumption may cause harm to health instead of the expected benefit.

For an adult daily rate dried figs - 4-5 berries, 50 grams. Fresh fruits can be eaten three times more, due to the water content, sugars and active substances are not so strongly concentrated and they are less caloric.

For kids there are separate recommendations for the use of figs. Fresh figs are introduced into the diet from about a year. You can eat 2-3 fruits per day. It is not always possible to find fresh figs, the berries are soft and begin to deteriorate quickly. Most often found in dried form.

It is necessary to introduce dried fruit into the diet carefully. Starting with ¼ fruit soaked in boiling water. There are figs with a break of 1-2 days, so that there is no load on the baby's digestive tract. More than one berry should not be given to children under three years of age.

The benefits of figs during pregnancy

Figs during pregnancy are a very valuable product. It can perfectly satisfy sugar cravings without adding weight like confectionery. At correct use figs, the expectant mother and baby will receive the necessary vitamins and minerals.

For a pregnant woman, figs can be of great benefit based on their medicinal properties.

The benefits of figs during pregnancy:

  • Outputs ;
  • Stabilizes blood pressure;
  • Relieves stress and fatigue;
  • Stimulates brain activity;
  • Improves the functioning of the hematopoietic system, increases the level of hemoglobin;
  • Reduces varicose manifestations;
  • Improves the digestive system, eliminates constipation;
  • Removes swelling and toxicosis, cleansing the body of toxins;
  • Helps with colds;
  • Permanently eliminates the feeling of hunger.

Smokva allows you to strengthen immunity during pregnancy, but with certain chronic diseases and features of bearing a child, you can not use figs. May cause irreparable harm if used inappropriately.

Refrain from eating figs if you have diseases:

  • Individual intolerance;
  • Allergy of any nature;
  • Diabetes;
  • Pathologies of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract;
  • Obesity;
  • Hyperuricemia.

Nutrition during pregnancy plays an important role in the formation of the child. You should be careful about the products you buy. Because figs are an exotic and perishable fruit, chemicals are used when transporting fresh berries to keep them fresh. It is better to turn to dried fruits. You should not eat more than 2-3 berries a day, it is recommended to drink water for better absorption. Fig goes well with fermented milk products.

In alternative medicine, figs are very popular as a source of vitamins, macro- and microelements to combat various ailments. Based on the active substances included in chemical composition plants are created medications affecting the hematopoietic system. For example, essential oils figs contribute to blood thinning, it is enough to eat 1 berry a day.

Compresses and rinses are made from fresh figs. They have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect and help fight bacterial diseases.

A decoction of fig fruits drink with colds. He cleanses Airways and lowers the temperature. From fresh and dried berries, jams and compotes are cooked, useful for colds and weakened immunity.

Fig leaf decoction helps to destroy pathogenic microflora in the intestines with colitis, dysentery and others intestinal diseases.

Juice from fresh fig leaves and unripe fruits - an excellent cosmetic product recommended by traditional healers. They treat skin lesions, wounds and microcracks. Juice helps with acne, removes warts, brightens birthmarks. Promotes the fastest maturation of abscesses.

Fig wine helps to increase the amount of breast milk, helps with chronic cough, chest pain and tumors in the lungs.

For colds and flu

In diseases of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections with a high temperature, traditional healers recommend using decoction of dried figs. To do this, follow the recipe:

  • Grind 1 tbsp. fig berries;
  • Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  • Boil over low heat for 10 minutes;
  • Strain;
  • Take half a glass 4 times a day.

Relieves congestion and chest pain figs with milk. For cooking, you need to take 4-5 figs and pour 250 ml of warm milk. Insist 10-15 minutes. Grind everything in a blender into a single mass. Drink half a glass 2-4 times a day.

Fig Berry Vitamin Blend with Honey and Cinnamon helps with sputum discharge, reduces runny nose and translates a dry cough into a wet one. For cooking you will need:

  • Grind in a blender 300 g of fresh figs;
  • Add 250 ml of honey and 1 tbsp. ground cinnamon;
  • Mix everything thoroughly;
  • Use 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

For the cardiovascular system

Traditional healers note that people of middle age and over 65 years of age should include figs in their diet. At this age, body problems and diseases begin to appear. of cardio-vascular system and blood pressure, and figs are incredibly useful in view of the contained vitamins, micro and micro elements.

Figs are used in the prevention of angina pectoris, thrombophlebitis, arrhythmia, tachycardia, hypertension and anemia. Several dried or fresh fruits should be consumed daily.

Can cook vitamin mixture of honey, figs and walnuts, which has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic system and increases the body's immunity. It is necessary to grind 200 g of fresh or dried figs in a blender. Add 250 ml of honey and 3-4 peeled nuts to it. Mix everything thoroughly and consume 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day.

In violation of venous blood flow in the lower extremities juice is prepared from fresh figs. Several fruits are crushed with a blender. Strain and squeeze through cheesecloth to obtain juice. The resulting juice is diluted with water 2:1 and taken 100 ml 2-4 times a day.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, traditional medicine recommends using decoctions of leaves and roots and jam. Figs are prohibited for use in acute inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract and the body.

Fig seeds used as a laxative. They can be taken with constipation, 10-15 pieces once.

For constipation, you can cook decoction of fig berries. To do this, pour 7-8 dried figs into 250 ml of water and boil over low heat for 20 minutes. Top up the evaporated volume of water to the initial volume. Pour into the decoction 1 tbsp. sugar, add the juice of half a lemon and 1 tsp. ground ginger. Take 2-3 tbsp. 30 minutes before meals for 2 weeks.

For diseases of the liver and gallbladder

In diseases of the liver and gallbladder, it is recommended to use fig juice or compote and consume it raw and dried. Fig berries cleanse the body of toxins accumulated in the liver. Eating figs can restore liver cells and suppress inflammatory processes. It is good to use figs for the treatment of cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia and cholelithiasis to remove stones.

To cleanse the liver and gallbladder it is recommended to use fig puree. It should be 4-5 berries pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for 5-10 minutes, chop and take 2 tbsp. 3 times a day.

Together with complex therapy with cirrhosis do medicine made from fig leaves and sugar. To do this, grind 4-5 fig leaves and grind with 50 g of sugar until smooth. Take 2 times a day for 1 tsp. The course is designed for two weeks.

For the urinary system

To cleanse the urinary system, folk healers recommend introducing figs into the diet. In acute inflammations (cystitis or urethritis), figs help relieve symptoms and remove the infection from Bladder and urinary canals. The product removes sand and stones from the kidneys (not of oxalate origin).

Fig medicine for cystitis prepared according to the recipe:

  • 4-5 figs pour 1 tbsp. boiling water.
  • Boil over low heat for 5-10 minutes.
  • The fruits are ground into a puree with a blender.
  • Use mashed potatoes half an hour before eating 2-3 tbsp.

The medicine has a diuretic effect and eliminates pain.

The use of figs in cosmetology

In cosmetology, fig extract is widely used. The vitamin composition of figs is able to restore, soften the skin and get rid of age spots. The sugars and polysaccharides included in the composition moisturize the skin, and ficin promotes the regeneration of the skin.

Based on the extract of fig berries, cleansing scrubs and masks, refreshing and rejuvenating face creams are created. It effectively eliminates the signs of aging, smoothes wrinkles and evens out complexion, improves cell microcirculation and fortifies the skin.

Regular use of fig eye cream will help get rid of dark circles under the eyes and puffiness.

Fig berry extract is used in the production of balms and hair masks as a tonic. Effective against hair loss, has a beneficial effect on strengthening the roots and hair growth. Adds shine and smoothes the hair cuticle.

For hair strengthening mask necessary:

  • Take 2 dry chopped figs;
  • Pour 250 ml of milk;
  • Boil and cook over low heat, stirring until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
  • Cool the mixture;
  • Apply to the scalp with light massage movements;
  • Wrap the head with a film and tie with a terry towel;
  • Keep an hour, rinse with shampoo.

To prepare rejuvenating mask for a face with figs, it is necessary to pour 25 g of dry figs into 250 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 1.5 hours and strain. Wipe the face with the resulting liquid twice a day.

Another variant rejuvenating mask prepared on the basis of fig berries, apple and banana as follows:

  • Grind 2 tbsp in a blender. fatty cottage cheese, 1 egg and 2 pieces of figs, 1 banana and a sour small apple without peel;
  • Add 20 ml of peach oil and 10 drops of vitamin E oil solution to a homogeneous mass;
  • Apply the mask on the neck, face and décolleté for 30 minutes;
  • Procedures are carried out three times a week for two months.

Contraindications and harm

Figs, despite their beneficial properties, can cause serious allergic reactions. Moreover, allergic pathology can occur suddenly and develop extremely quickly. This applies to dry figs, in which high level fiber and fructose. Fresh fruits rarely cause allergic reactions, but can lead to food poisoning due to chemical treatment before being transported for sale.

If a person suffers from acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract or allergies of any etymology, figs can enhance pathological processes.

Figs should not be consumed by people suffering from:

  • Individual intolerance to any of the constituent substances;
  • Hereditary allergy to figs;
  • Acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, enteritis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Gout and pancreatitis;
  • obesity;
  • Oxalate kidney stones;

When overeating dried fig fruit or ingesting one of the allergens, the following reactions may occur:

  • Skin rashes and itching;
  • Eye redness and rhinitis;
  • Muscle spasms;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Labored breathing;
  • Headaches;
  • Swelling of the nasopharynx;
  • Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock.

Children may have the same manifestations of an allergic reaction to fig berries as adults.
Infants can get an allergen from breast milk. May cause hyperactivity, anxiety, or vice versa lethargy and drowsiness.

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