Are there any benefits to vitamin fortified foods? Healthy drinks A healthy drink that is enriched with vitamins.

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Can your favorite drink affect your health? What do people who look and feel so great drink? There are several similar habits that can give longevity. The most useful drinks for health are described below.


For a person, a certain amount of water is extremely necessary so that all processes in the body take place correctly. Many celebrities say that they drink it quite a lot. But how much fluid do you need to feel great? Scholars are still arguing on this issue. These disagreements are related to the fact that the amount of water consumed depends on gender, age and region of residence. Scientists agree on one thing: on average, you need to drink one and a half to two liters of liquid per day. Approximately 20% of the required norm people get from food.

The benefit of water is that it speeds up the metabolism. In the body, the metabolism is much faster, which does not allow a large amount of toxins and waste products to accumulate in it. Therefore, to be healthy and beautiful, you need to drink plenty of water.

lemon water

Warm lemon water is becoming more and more popular among celebrities. And that's why. Lemon juice is high in vitamin C, which aids in digestion and the rapid absorption of fluids in the gastrointestinal tract. It is not necessary to add lemon to the water. Vitamin C can be obtained from fruits or vegetables. But if strawberry water tastes good, then warm liquid with cabbage is unlikely to be to the taste of many.

As for the temperature of the water, there are also considerations in this regard. If it is cold, the body will need additional efforts to warm it up. Because of this, part of the liquid is not absorbed in the stomach. But warm water enters the bloodstream much faster and begins to act.


Disputes over the benefits of alcohol also do not stop. Some people say that a glass of wine before dinner is a good way to improve your health. Others argue that all alcoholic beverages should be avoided, because each of them causes irreparable harm. But most people agree that alcohol should only be consumed in moderation.

For women, you should not drink more than one glass of a medium-strength drink per day. Men are allowed to drink up to two. This prevents many diseases of the cardiovascular system. Alcohol also protects against type 2 diabetes and gallstone formation. A glass of wine before a meal improves digestion.

But the abuse of alcoholic beverages will not have any positive effect and will cause a whole bunch of serious diseases. Doctors rarely recommend drinking alcohol for prevention purposes. And all because it has a strong influence on systems and organs. Therefore, before using it, you should take into account your own health, family history and a number of other important factors.

beetroot juice

Not many people like this drink. But its health benefits are undeniable. Scientists have proven that one glass of beetroot juice a day lowers systolic and diastolic blood pressure, removes cholesterol from the body, increases endurance during exercise, and can prevent cancer. It has a lot of potassium, calcium, iron, manganese and vitamin C. Therefore, it makes sense to fall in love with this vegetable in order to experience its health benefits.


Coffee lovers, rejoice: this is the information for you. Scientists have proven that this drink is good for health. It has a lot of antioxidants. With coffee, the inhabitants of almost the entire planet get more of them than with vegetables and fruits. Scientists have conducted studies in which a useful amount of the drink has been studied.

To reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, you need to drink at least 3 cups a day. Four or more servings prevent cirrhosis, improve mental health, and reduce the risk of suicide. People who drink about 5 cups a day may live longer than those who do not like this drink or consume it in smaller quantities. But it is worth remembering that coffee is useful in its pure form: without sugar and cream.


Those who do not like coffee can turn their attention to tea, especially green tea. It also has a lot of useful substances. To begin with, it is worth saying that there are a lot of polyphenols in the drink. They fight inflammation and even prevent cancer. Green tea contains 30% polyphenols. The drink is also high in catechins, which are considered antioxidants.

People who want to stop drinking coffee can safely switch to green tea. It also has enough caffeine, although a little less than in the black drink. Tea also perfectly tones up and adds energy for the whole day. Many celebrities prefer tea because it is tasty, varied and healthy.


This is also a controversial drink. Its peculiarity is that there are people who cannot tolerate dairy products. For them, they are very harmful to health. If a person can drink milk normally, he will enrich his body with calcium, potassium, vitamin D. The drink is good for brain function and bone health. To feel great, you need to drink 300-400 ml of cow's milk per day. It is also worth remembering that the most healthy foods are not fat-free and do not contain sugar.

Tea mushroom

This drink is obtained in a special way. Colonies of special bacteria are added to ready-made sweet tea, which ferment the drink. Because of this, probiotics are formed, and the tea itself becomes carbonated. At the same time, it acquires a special sour taste.

The health benefits of it are enormous. Firstly, the body receives all the benefits that are in simple tea. Secondly, the fermentation process fills it with beneficial bacteria that act as probiotics and destroy harmful microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract. Studies on rats have shown that this tea drink improves both good and bad cholesterol in just 30 days of consumption.

Tomato juice

It is quite a popular drink all over the world. But his problem is that too much salt is added to the juice. And this is not the ingredient that should enrich the diet. But if you use pure tomato juice, you can avoid the risk of getting many dangerous diseases, including prostate cancer in men and stroke. This property of the drink is associated with the antioxidant lycopene contained in it. If a person consumes few tomatoes in the daily diet, you can safely replace them with tomato juice without salt.


Chocolate lovers will be delighted by the fact that hot cocoa has even more benefits compared to a chocolate bar. It is much lower in saturated fats, which adversely affect human health. Cocoa beans contain a lot of antioxidants that remove free radicals from the body - the cause of many diseases. Therefore, it is better to drink a cup of warm chocolate drink on a frosty day than to gnaw on a chocolate bar.

What kind of drink should be preferred in order to always feel healthy and strong? Experts say that all of them can be combined. For example, it makes sense to drink a cup of hot green tea in the morning, treat yourself to sweet and fragrant cocoa in the afternoon, and dilute dinner with a glass of good red wine in the evening. Of course, each person can choose their own combinations, the main thing is to stick to moderation in everything and not to abuse sweeteners.

Beer is not only delicious, but also a very healthy drink.. Beer contains B vitamins, which are very important for the full functioning of our body. It is difficult to say which vitamins are most important for us, each of them plays an important role. But we tried to highlight the five most important vitamins that we need for life and which are contained in our favorite intoxicating drink. Vitamins pass into beer from malt, in which they are formed during the germination of barley grains and are preserved during roasting.

Let's start with vitamin B1.. This trace element regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats in all organs and tissues of the body at once. It is thanks to thiamine that energy is produced in each cell, thanks to which our vital activity is carried out. In addition, B1 is involved in the process of cell reproduction. This vitamin prepares cells for the complex process of division. Simply put, B1 provides us with energy, without which our life is simply impossible.

Lack of thiamine entails many violations in the work of almost all organs and systems. First of all, our nervous system suffers. By the way, it is this vitamin that the body needs to transmit nerve impulses along the fibers from cells to the brain. B1 is able to improve the mental abilities of a person - improve his memory, thinking, etc. This vitamin will help improve your mood, improve brain function. In addition, if you have enough of this trace element in your body, then your muscles and bones will be in excellent condition, and the aging process will slow down.

The second vitamin in order, but by no means in importance - vitamin B2 or riboflavin. It helps the body burn sugar, and also improves the functioning of energy mechanisms. Combining with proteins and phosphoric acid with the help of trace elements such as magnesium, B2 creates enzymes that are necessary for the metabolism of saccharides or for the transport of oxygen, but we will not go into such deep details.

Essentially, this means that riboflavin helps our cells breathe. That is why this vitamin is very important for vision and brain function, respectively, and for the functioning of the entire nervous system. In addition, this vitamin contributes to the speedy healing of wounds, because riboflavin promotes the growth of epithelial cells.

This is also followed by vitamin B, or rather B5. Pantothenic acid (B5) is also essential for the overall functioning of our body. This microelement is able to save us from various diseases and ailments. It is necessary for the functioning of our nervous system. Indeed, with the participation of B5, substances are synthesized, due to which both the normalization of the state of the nervous system and its harmonious development are achieved. Pantothenic acid activates mental activity and normalizes metabolism in the body.

Following in order, we cannot fail to mention vitamin B6. This is an indispensable element for the regulation of protein metabolism. The vitamin is not only essential for the functioning of amino acids, but also for their transport to organs and tissues. Under the influence of vitamin B6, the metabolism is accelerated, respectively, the metabolism is faster, maintaining the youth and health of the whole organism.

Together with calcium, B6 contributes to the full functioning of muscles and the heart and their effective relaxation. This vitamin is also called the "pantry of enzymes." This is due to the fact that it takes part in many chemical processes of our complex mechanism.

Well, and finally, we remember that beer also contains vitamin B7.. The special value of biotin lies in the regulation of the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, which helps to maintain normal human hair and skin. That is why beer masks are very useful for maintaining the beauty of curls. Biotin can be called a skin, hair and nail vitamin. This compound is involved in the active synthesis of collagen, which maintains these structures in a healthy state.

As you can see, beer is rich in vitamins that are vital for our health. Of course, their amount in our drink is minimal, but even this is enough to maintain good health.

What we drink has the same impact on health as what we eat. Throw away bottles of soft drinks. They do not help a healthy lifestyle. There are many useful and affordable alternatives. After studying the recommendations of nutritionists and various Health Institutes, we offer you the top 10 most useful drinks for health, weight loss and good mood.

10. Water

Did you also think of water first thing when you read the title of this article? Even if not, know that water is one of the healthiest drinks in the world. It contains no calories, is important for digestion, and is necessary for the absorption of vitamins B and C. In addition, water helps in detoxifying the body and is a very important component of the blood.

Scientists do not have a single estimate of how much water the average person needs each day. Instead, the American Institute of Medicine has set an adequate daily intake of 15 cups for men and 11 cups for women. Please note that this is not a hard requirement, but a recommendation.

For most people, about 80% of this volume of water is in drinks; the rest is for food.

9. Pomegranate juice

This delicious drink is made from pomegranates, rich in sugars, fiber, tannins, various minerals and vitamin C. Pomegranate juice is recommended for people with anemia, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. This drink is a powerful antioxidant, similar to red wine and green tea.

A study published in Clinical Nutrition examined the consumption of pomegranate juice by patients with carotid stenosis. This is a narrowing of either of the two key arteries located in the front of the neck, through which blood from the heart enters the brain.

  • Participants who consumed pomegranate juice reduced their blood pressure by more than 12 percent and had a 30 percent reduction in atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Participants who did not drink the juice had a 9 percent increase in atherosclerotic plaques.

Before buying juice, make sure it does not contain sugar.

8. Beet juice

This is not the most popular of healthy drinks, but its taste is more than offset by the properties of beet juice. It not only lowers blood pressure, but also increases stamina and increases blood flow to the brain in adults. Beetroot juice contains large amounts of calcium, iron and magnesium. It is difficult to find beetroot juice in stores, so it is better to make it at home.

7. Cranberry juice

It is the prevention of the formation of kidney stones, urinary tract infections. It also protects against various types of cancer and heart disease.

Cranberry juice is rich in antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress. It also contains vitamin C and salicylic acid.

Let's say you consume 253 grams or a cup of unsweetened cranberry juice daily. Here's what it contains:

  • 116.4 calories;
  • 5.1 mg sodium;
  • 30.9 g of carbohydrates;
  • 8 g potassium;
  • natural "set" of vitamins (C, B, PP and K);
  • 3 g fiber;
  • 1 gram of protein;
  • a large number of minerals (magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, etc.).

The drink is healthier if it is unsweetened or is pure cranberry juice with no other drinks added.

6. Ginger tea

Ginger is a natural remedy for a variety of stomach problems. Not only does it effectively prevent indigestion, but it also provides relief from motion sickness, indigestion, and nausea associated with pregnancy. To make ginger tea tastier and healthier, you can add a few drops of honey to it.

5. Hot chocolate

To the delight of the sweet tooth, we have included the most delicious hot chocolate in the list of the most healthy drinks in the world. One of the best ways to deal with muscle cramps is to drink a cup of hot chocolate. And all because it has a very high magnesium content - 282 mg per 100 grams of drink.

Hot chocolate is one of the home remedies for colds. To do this, add cinnamon and a small pinch of red pepper to it, as well as honey to taste.

In addition, hot chocolate is rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, as well as potassium, phosphorus and calcium. And from a cup of this invigorating drink, life becomes more fun for a while, due to the fact that cocoa beans contain phenylethylamine. In the brain, it affects emotions and mood, and increases mental focus.

4. Water with lemon juice

Drinking a glass of lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning is very beneficial for your body. It not only aids digestion, but also cleanses the liver.

It is best to add lemon to warm water. While vitamin C isn't heat-stable—meaning it can break down when it reaches a certain temperature—even the boiling point isn't high enough to negate lemon's benefits. However, warm water is ideal as it is easier to drink in large quantities.

However, people who have problems with their teeth should not drink water with lemon juice, because its regular consumption can thin the enamel of the teeth. It is also worth giving up this drink for those who have a lot of iron in their blood, as lemon can increase the body's ability to absorb iron.

3. Hibiscus tea

In 2010, the Nutrition Journal published an extensive study on the total antioxidant content of over 3,100 foods, drinks, spices, herbs, and supplements used worldwide. This study included 283 drinks. Of all the beverages included, hibiscus tea has been found to contain the most antioxidants.

One unusual way to make this ruby ​​herbal tea even healthier and tastier is to make a variation of the classic Mexican drink called Agua Fresca. It is traditionally made with watermelon, lime and sugar.

The flavonoids in watermelon are anti-inflammatory and reduce muscle soreness after exercise. Watermelon is also rich in citrulline, which is metabolized into arginine, an essential amino acid. The consumption of citrulline helps to improve the symptoms of erectile dysfunction in men.

2. Orange juice

This drink contains vitamin C and quercetin, a flavonoid that inhibits the production of histamine and serotonin (the two main substances that cause allergy symptoms), as well as reduces swelling and itching.

However, orange juice by itself is not a universal remedy for seasonal allergies. It is only an addition to the drugs that the allergist will prescribe.

1. Green tea

This is perhaps the healthiest hot drink in the world. Green tea boosts metabolism, protects skin from UV damage, reduces inflammation, and keeps teeth and gums healthy. According to one Japanese study, drinking two cups of green tea a day reduces the risk of age-related cognitive decline by 50 percent.

And in green tea without sugar, there are practically no calories (no more than 5 per 100 ml of drink). All other things being equal, if you drink 1-2 cups of green tea daily instead of one can of soda, for a year, you will save your body more than 50,000 calories that could be stored as fat.

The biggest benefit of green tea is its high content of catechins, antioxidants that can help prevent the harmful effects of oxidation on your body's cells, which is the cause of many types of cancer. They may also help fight inflammation — a condition closely linked to heart disease and diabetes — and improve immune function, researchers at Pennsylvania State University say.

Everyone knows the fact - a person consists of 80% of the water! Therefore, without the liquid component of the diet, we certainly can not do in everyday life. You need to drink a lot, you need to eat only healthy drinks. But how to determine what is useful and what is harmful? Are there drinks that can be considered mandatory in the diet of a person leading a healthy lifestyle? Let's try to figure it out.

Delicious and healthy drinks for the health of the body

Pure water can be called an impeccable variety of liquid that a person must use every day! Without water, our body cannot function normally. And if you do not drink water for more than a day, then a life-threatening condition may occur! It is recommended to drink clean, non-carbonated water. Melt waters are good for our health, artesian water from wells, of course, natural mineral water from a source. But at home you can get by with ordinary purified water. It is advisable to drink at least 1 liter of plain water per day. But don't forget about healthy drinks! What is meant by these drinks? There is a huge number of healthy drinks that are a sin to refuse.

For example, it could be:

  • Herb tea;
  • fresh juice;
  • fruit drink;
  • compote;
  • non-alcoholic refreshing cocktails;
  • water with additives (lemon, mint water);
  • fruit and berry mixes.

There are many varieties of drinks. But it is worth considering the fact that juices, teas, cocktails can be prepared in different ways. This means that each type of drink has its own specific level of usefulness. Often there is no benefit at all! But everyone can prepare a healthy drink that is enriched with vitamins. You just need to choose a more interesting recipe and make sure that the result of the culinary experiment will be really worthwhile.

Healthy drinks at home

The question of what healthy drink to prepare today, sooner or later arises in the head of a healthy lifestyle adherent. Someone has a list of favorite drinks, and someone is just looking for tasty and healthy types of drinks for their diet. Let's figure out what makes the liquid useful? Of course, rich in vitamins and minerals! What makes a drink delicious? The presence of tasty and fragrant ingredients. The secret to making beverages with health benefits is simple! You need to choose the most delicious ingredients and combine them in the recommended proportions. And yet this is far from everything you need to know about healthy drinks. There are rules and little culinary tricks to help you get the most out of your homemade drinks.

1. Compotes cooked from fresh berries and fruits are undoubtedly useful. However, it should be remembered that during heat treatment, some of the vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body are destroyed. The less heat exposure to herbal products, the more their benefits are retained. Therefore, compote, of course, yes! But fresh smoothies and juices are superior in some ways!

2. Canned drinks can't be healthy! Contrary, by the way, to already outdated beliefs, jars and three-liter bottles with compotes should be removed from your diet away. First, preservatives. Yes, it can be regular sugar and citric acid! But in what quantities? Secondly, does anyone really think that like this, in a closed jar with a huge amount of sugar and fruit acid, you can save the most valuable thing - vitamins for months? Something will undoubtedly remain, but such a drink, for example, will not be able to compete with a freshly prepared smoothie.

3. Whatever healthy drink you are planning to prepare, take only fresh ingredients, without any processing. Although you can choose dried fruits, frozen berries. Most importantly, no canned food, you should not take jams and jams. Oversweetened purchased syrups will not work either. The secret of any benefit is in naturalness and the absence of chemistry!

4. If you want to make a healthy and tasty drink at home, you do not need to take a lot of additives. You can add a piquant note to drinking with a sprig of mint, a slice of lime or lemon, a drop of honey, cinnamon sticks, vanilla beans. But by putting these components in one container with the ingredients all at once, you can irrevocably spoil your creation and get by no means healthy and tasty, but absolutely inedible drinking option.

5. Do not add salt and sugar to drinks. As a sweetener, it is quite possible to choose healthy products, such as honey, stevia products (concentrate, powder). Often sweetening the drink is not required at all. If you are making smoothies from summer berries, then you don’t have to worry. Juicy raspberries, ripe strawberries, cherries and currants will make any dish sweet. The same can be said about fruits and dried fruits. Apricot, dried apricots, ripe plums, pears, apples will give your culinary creation harmless, natural sugar, which will make the drink taste good.

6. If you are making herbal tea, do without sweeteners. Herbal teas are usually drunk unsweetened. Sometimes, you can add a spoonful of natural flower honey. But this option is not suitable for all recipes. It is also important to remember that we add honey when the drink has cooled down a bit (no higher than 35 degrees), because the high temperature destroys the beneficial qualities of honey. Herbal tea is always drunk fresh. The brewed drink should not be left “for tomorrow”. In the morning it is better to brew a new tea!

7. Juices are very useful! But only if it's natural. It is better to prepare some fresh juice for yourself than to drink a drink from a paper or plastic package bought in a store. In purchased juices, little is preserved. And the share of a natural product is negligible, and sometimes it is completely absent. There is no difficulty in squeezing out some vegetable, fruit or berry juice. This can be done using special kitchen appliances or using simple improvised means (mortar, gauze cloth, sieve, etc.).

8. You should never prepare a healthy drink for the future! This is a relic of the past. Today it is considered correct to consume fresh, freshly prepared food and drink. Moreover, healthy drinks are not stored for a long time. Smoothies, herbal teas, water with additives - all this is worth drinking right away, next time you can cook it again. Compotes and fruit drinks should not be cooked in large portions either.

9. Juices can and should be prepared with pulp, but strained juice, purified from dietary fiber, is not forbidden. This is a matter of taste, and much depends on the goals. If you want to cleanse the intestines a little and stimulate the digestive system, you should give preference to juice with pulp. And if you just want to freshen up and quench your thirst, you can choose juice purified from pulp. It is worth remembering that the pulp of vegetables and fruits performs a completely different role for the body than juice. It is impossible to equate the use of fresh vegetables with the saturation of the body with healthy juices! A person does not have enzymes that help digest juices contained in fiber. Therefore, in order to benefit from juices, they must be prepared, that is, extracted from the fruits in any way suitable for this.

10. You can saturate drinks with cereals, grated nuts, seeds, if appropriate! There are smoothie recipes that include oatmeal flakes, other cereals. It's really healthy and delicious. The main thing is to prepare such drinks correctly, observing the recommended soaking time for cereals and using grinders to obtain nut crumbs.

Healthy drink recipes

As an example, here are 3 recipes for healthy drinks. These will be different drinking options. Each of the drinks performs a specific function and has its own unique taste and aroma.

Green refreshing smoothie

This drink is not only refreshing, but also gives a quite tangible feeling of fullness. After drinking a glass of such a cocktail, you can satisfy your hunger for two hours, as well as get a boost of vitamins.

  • Juice of half a lime.
  • 1 medium stalk celery.
  • 1-2 leaves of spinach.
  • 1 ripe banana.
  • 1 medium-sized apple (it is better to choose a fruit of a green variety).
To get the desired consistency, you should take a blender or other chopper option for the listed products.


Squeeze lime juice and send to a container. Peel the apple and banana and cut into cubes. Also cut the celery into pieces. Wash spinach leaves and tear. Mix all the ingredients in a blender bowl and mash for 2-3 minutes. If the mass is too thick, you can add a little clean water. Pour the finished drink into a serving glass and garnish with a sprig of mint. You can add some crushed ice. This will give the drink a cooling effect.


This smoothie option will relieve fatigue, energize, give a feeling of satiety. Drinking such a drink is useful during an active day. This cocktail is also good in the evening.

Cranberry juice

Perhaps, fruit drink is a universal cold remedy! And cranberry juice is also a classic. If you have frozen cranberries on hand or there is an opportunity to buy them, you should definitely use them. After all, it is an invariable component for creating tasty and healthy drinks.

For cooking you will need:

  • Fresh or frozen cranberries - 1 cup
  • Cane sugar - ½ cup.
  • Water is clean - 3 liters.
  • Natural flower honey - 1 tablespoon.
  • Fresh mint - 1 sprig.


Pour water into a fireproof container and boil. Rub the cranberries well. When the water boils, send sugar there and wait for it to dissolve completely. Then turn off the fire and let the water cool down to 30-35 degrees. Send honey and cranberries to the cooled water. Mix well. Tear a sprig of mint and put into a drink. Let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Can be served!


Cranberry is a well-known natural antibiotic! Cranberry juice with honey and mint will help protect the immune system, restore strength after an illness, give a boost of energy and vigor. You can drink such a fruit drink for lunch, dinner and just during the day. The taste is richly sour-sweet! It is very tasty, but it is worth remembering that cranberries are rich in vitamin C. If there is an individual intolerance to this berry, you should not cook such a fruit drink.

citrus water

To cheer up and refresh yourself in the hot summer, you should prepare citrus water for yourself and your loved ones! This is a completely natural, healthy drink that is easy to prepare at home.

For cooking you will need:

  • Chilled purified water - 2 liters.
  • Ice - 300-500 grams.
  • Slices of one orange, lemon, lime.
  • Fresh mint - 1 sprig.


Send chopped citrus fruits (orange, lemon, lime) to a tall glass container. Send ice there. Pour it all with water and add mint. Water needs to be infused for about 20 minutes. Then the container can be sent to the refrigerator or immediately poured into portioned glasses.


Citrus water perfectly quenches thirst and refreshes! This drink has a bright pleasant taste. You can drink such water as much as you like, if there is no individual intolerance to citrus fruits. This is a life-giving moisture for a hot day!

Healthiest drinks for health

Let's sum up a little. The healthiest drinks are those made from fresh ingredients provided by nature itself. Each version of fruit drink, juice, smoothie, compote has its own benefits. It all depends on what products are included in the composition of the prepared drink. But if everything is done correctly and used in accordance with the needs and recommended norms, the benefits will certainly be obtained. Of course, tasty, healthy, fresh drinks are indispensable in the diet of a person adhering to a healthy lifestyle. However, drinks alone are not enough to get the effect of healing the body and spirit. It is necessary to approach such issues comprehensively. So, it is important to pay attention to physical activity, nutrition and the right way of thinking. This is the only way to be healthy and learn to live happily!

Winter is definitely a tough time. This is the extreme point of the pendulum of nature: the coldest time of the year, which accounts for most of the colds and viral diseases, as the immune system is weakened due to a number of reasons: weather conditions, an abundance of holidays and feasts generous in calories, lack of movement, a meager selection of high-quality seasonal local products. The situation worsens significantly if you live in a metropolis where modern ecology undermines the immune system, regularly experience stress, have not very healthy habits, a sedentary lifestyle…

Unfortunately, many are still looking for a “magic pill” and other easy ways to improve: they abuse antibiotics even as a preventive measure, use antibacterial soap and drink synthetic drugs, believing in their “miraculous power” without consequences. The role of these funds for prevention is so ambiguous that it causes more concern.

During the period of an epidemic of diseases, it is sometimes reasonable to refuse even group yoga classes, where the risk of getting infected or infecting others is undoubtedly higher, and to stay at home and do yoga at home through online resources or video complexes. And then make a wonderful immune tea!

The basic principles of these recipes are:

  • simple - you can easily cook them at home, spending a maximum of 30 minutes;
  • natural: the ingredients are clear and understandable. If you cook yourself, you are always confident in the composition and naturalness of the product and can control the process;
  • available: all components are available for central Russia or they can be bought on delivery sites, for example, on;
  • effective: the effectiveness of the components is confirmed by the centuries-old tradition of use in Ayurveda, KTM and traditional medicine;
  • seasonal: ingredients are stored until the end of winter in the refrigerator, frozen or dry, which eliminates the use of pesticides if they grow out of season. Seasonal products with proper storage retain almost all useful properties;
  • traditional - the so-called "superfoods" are not used in the recipes. The term has no scientific basis, and the proven benefits of superfoods refer to a very narrow list of foods that have been scientifically researched (for example, tomatoes, coffee, nuts, cocoa, avocados, brown rice, flax seeds, green tea).

Herbal tea for the respiratory system

This tea contains the most powerful herbs to support respiratory health. Mint contains menthol, a decongestant and antihistamine that has a calming effect. Licorice root is an expectorant. Lemon myrtle is used for headaches, colds and sore throats. Raspberry leaves contain ascorbic acid, flavonoids, healing agents, salicylates, which act similarly to aspirin. Raspberry leaves are used as an antipyretic and diaphoretic.


  • 1 tsp peppermint leaves
  • 1 tsp lemon myrtle leaves
  • 1 tsp licorice root
  • 1 tsp linden blossoms
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 3 slices fresh ginger
  • 1 lemon slice
  • honey to taste


1. Combine herbs and ginger in a teapot. Slice the lemon and place it in a mug. Pour boiling water over the herbs and leave for 10 minutes.

2. Pour into a mug, let cool. Add honey to taste.

golden milk

This warming drink is a great alternative to coffee and black tea! The traditional Ayurvedic golden drink contains cow's milk, which causes food intolerances of varying degrees in many people, autoimmune diseases, skin problems, etc.

This recipe uses coconut milk and honey.

Coconut products contain lauric acid, which helps fight viruses such as influenza, HIV, herpes, and measles, as well as certain types of bacteria.

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are essential for preventing and treating colds, headaches, sore throats, and joint and muscle pain.

Black pepper aids in the absorption of curcumin, an anti-inflammatory compound found in turmeric. It is best to drink a glass of warm milk in the evening a few hours before bedtime. It saturates well, so it can even be used as a substitute for dinner.


  • 1 tbsp turmeric powder
  • 2 tbsp ginger juice
  • ½ liter of water
  • ¼ teaspoon black peppercorns
  • 1 teaspoon alcohol-free vanilla extract (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • ½ cup coconut milk


1. Bring turmeric, ginger and pepper to a boil in a small saucepan. Turn off the heat, cover with a lid and let stand for 5 minutes. Strain.

2. In a blender, combine the broth, coconut milk, and the remaining ingredients. Serve immediately.

ginger kombucha

Kombucha (Kombucha) is a healthy fermented live food that supports the intestinal microflora + when combined with ginger and turmeric, it kickstarts metabolism and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Numerous scientific studies have proven that the intestinal microflora directly affects our health, appearance and even food preferences. These small bacteria determine 80% of the body's immune response!


  • 3 liters of finished fermented tea
  • ginger root 5cm long
  • turmeric in the form of a spice or in the form of a root (1 root approx. 4 cm)


To make ginger kombucha, you need a ready-made fermented tea.

1. Cut the ginger into pieces. Add ginger and turmeric to kombucha.

2. Leave tightly closed at room temperature for 2-3 days to allow secondary fermentation to occur. Then you need to filter the drink through cheesecloth or a sieve and serve.

Store the drink in the refrigerator.

Rosehip infusion

Rosehip has a tonic and tonic that improves immunity, helps in the treatment of various inflammatory processes.

By the amount of useful substances, rose hips can be called a real Russian superfood! It is not inferior in vitamin C to exotic goji or kiwi berries. And in terms of the content of other vitamins, sea buckthorn, carrots and apricots and other products are ahead.


  • 100 g rose hips
  • 1 liter of water
  • lemon wedge for each serving glass
  • honey on request


1. Before preparing the infusion, the rose hips can be pre-crushed, then the infusion time is reduced.

2. Bring water to a boil.

3. Pour boiling water over rose hips in a thermos and let it brew for up to 12 hours.

Due to the presence of special substances, honey exhibits antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral properties. It has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, kills most bacteria, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The World Health Organization (WHO) has named honey as one of the best remedies for treating bacterial diseases in the throat and mouth.

cabbage kvass

During the fermentation of cabbage, vitamin C is formed, the content of which in the fermented product is ten times higher than in fresh cabbage. Even if you catch the virus, 1-2 days will be enough for the body to cope with it without drugs thanks to fermented superfoods.

Kvass can be drunk as a probiotic drink or used in recipes for okroshka, bread baking, etc. I talked about fermented products in detail at the Comfortable Winter webinar.

Fermented foods are a natural probiotic in its most natural form. Probiotic capsules often end up in the upper digestive system and don't make it to the intestines, while fermented foods will carry the beneficial bacteria to their destination.


  • ½ white cabbage
  • 2 sour apples
  • 2 cm ginger root
  • 1 tbsp pink Himalayan salt


1. Finely chop the cabbage.

2. Peel the apples from the core, finely chop.

3. Rub the ginger on a coarse grater.

4. Mix all ingredients and place tightly in a glass jar.

5. Pour clean cold water to the end of the jar.

6. Add salt.

7. You can add 1 capsule of live probiotic to speed up fermentation.

8. Close the lid tightly and leave in the kitchen at room temperature for 2-3 days.

9. Then strain kvass, add spices and salt to taste. Cabbage can be eaten as a separate dish with butter.

February 27 at 20:00 I'm hosting a free online webinar Spring Off-Season: Cleansing, Nutrition, and Health.

At the webinar, we'll talk about how to:
strengthen immunity and resist disease
do a spring cleansing
will come closer to the idea of ​​awakening, spiritual cleansing, rebirth along with Great Lent
take care of the appearance, condition of the skin, hair and nails
get rid of negative thoughts, stagnant emotions, bad habits and everything that prevents you from living a happy and healthy life!

The webinar will be held online. To receive an invitation, you need to fill in the data. An invitation will be sent to you a few days before the webinar.

Yulia Maltseva is a detox and nutrition specialist, a healthy lifestyle coach, and a certified yoga teacher.

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