What hormonal drugs treat PMS. Treatment of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in women

The buildings 30.06.2020
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Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a complex of symptoms that occurs a few days (from 2 to 10) before the onset of menstruation and disappears in its first days. At other times, there are no PMS symptoms.

The condition includes neuropsychiatric disorders, vegetative-vascular and metabolic manifestations. Almost every woman has experienced the symptoms of PMS at some point. However, it is severe only in every tenth patient.

How and why premenstrual syndrome occurs

In the middle of the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs in the ovary - an egg is released from a mature follicle. She begins to move through the abdominal cavity to the fallopian tube to meet with the sperm and fertilization. In place of the bursting follicle, a corpus luteum is formed - a formation with high hormonal activity. In some women, in response to such endocrine "bursts", the parts of the brain responsible for emotions, vascular reactions, and metabolic regulation react. Often this individual response is inherited from mother to daughter.

Previously, it was believed that PMS occurs more often in women with disturbed hormonal levels. Now doctors are sure that such patients have a regular ovulatory cycle, and in all other respects they are healthy.

Theories for the development of PMS:

  • hormonal;
  • water intoxication;
  • dysfunction of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system;
  • lack of vitamins and fatty acids in the diet;
  • hyperprolactinemia;
  • allergy;
  • psychosomatic disorders.

With PMS, the relative content of estrogens increases with a relative decrease in the level of gestagens. Estrogens retain sodium and fluid in the body, causing swelling, flatulence, a headache, and chest pain. Estrogens activate the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, causing additional fluid retention. These sex hormones directly affect the area of ​​the brain responsible for the formation of emotions (the limbic system). The level of potassium and glucose in the blood also decreases, which causes weakness, pain in the heart, decreased activity.

It depends on the level of gestagens how many days before menstruation PMS occurs. These hormones delay the onset of menstruation. They also determine how long premenstrual syndrome lasts.

As a result of a violation of the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, fluid retention occurs, which causes swelling of the intestinal wall. There is bloating, nausea, constipation.

The development of PMS contributes to the lack of vitamins, magnesium and unsaturated fatty acids in food. Some scientists believe that the result is depression, chest pain, irritability, and elevated body temperature.

Of particular importance in the mechanism of development of PMS is an increase in the level of prolactin in the second half of the cycle, an allergy to internal progesterone, as well as interconnected bodily (somatic) and mental (mental) changes.

Clinical picture

There are three groups of main symptoms that determine the severity of the condition:

  • neuropsychiatric disorders: tearfulness, depression, irritability;
  • vegetative-vascular changes: nausea and vomiting, headache and dizziness, palpitations, pain in the heart area, increased pressure;
  • metabolic disorders: breast enlargement, swelling, bloating, thirst and shortness of breath, itching, chills, fever, pain in the lower abdomen.

An aggravating factor in the course of PMS is depression. With her, women feel more pain and other unpleasant sensations, which can smoothly turn into painful menstruation and migraines.

Forms of premenstrual syndrome

PMS can occur in the following clinical forms:

  • neuro-psychic;
  • edematous;
  • cephalgic;
  • crisis.

The neuropsychic form is accompanied by emotional disturbances. Young women have a reduced mood background. In adulthood, aggressiveness and irritability become the leading sign.

The edematous form is accompanied by swelling of the legs, face, eyelids. Shoes become tight, rings don't fit well. Sensitivity to odors increases, bloating, skin itching appears. Due to fluid retention, weight increases (by 500-1000 g).

In the cephalgic form, the main symptom is a headache in the temples with spread to the orbit. It has a jerking, pulsating character, accompanied by dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Most of these women have changes in the pituitary gland.

The crisis form is manifested by sympathoadrenal attacks: blood pressure suddenly rises, pressing pain in the chest appears, fear of death. At the same time, a strong heartbeat, a feeling of numbness and coldness of the hands and feet are disturbing. The crisis usually occurs late in the day, ends with the release of urine in a large volume. This form is more often observed as an outcome of untreated previous variants.


When does PMS start? With a mild course, 2-10 days before menstruation, three to four signs appear, one or two of which are most pronounced. In severe cases, symptoms appear 3-14 days before menstruation. There are more than five of them, and at least two are pronounced.

The course of PMS in all patients is different. For some, symptoms appear at the same time and stop with the onset of menstruation. In other patients, more and more signs are recorded over the years. The condition is normalized only after the end of menstrual bleeding. In the most severe cases, the symptoms persist even after the cessation of menstruation, and the period without complaints is gradually reduced. In such a situation, a woman may even lose her ability to work. In some patients, cyclic ailments continue after the onset of menopause. There is a so-called transformed PMS.

The mild course of PMS is accompanied by the appearance of a small number of symptoms, mild malaise, without limiting the normal rhythm of life. In more severe situations, the signs of this condition affect family life, working capacity, conflicts with others may appear. In severe cases, especially during a crisis course, a woman cannot work and needs to issue a certificate of incapacity for work.


PMS is a clinical diagnosis based on the analysis of symptoms, their severity, and the cyclical occurrence. An examination by a gynecologist is prescribed, the genital organs are performed. For proper hormonal therapy, it is necessary to determine the level of sex and other hormones in the blood.

The patient is consulted by a neurologist, if necessary - a psychiatrist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist. She may be assigned to such studies as electroencephalography, computed tomography of the brain, ultrasound of the kidneys,.

Only after a comprehensive examination and observation, the gynecologist makes such a diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

PMS treatment

How to relieve premenstrual syndrome? To this end, the following scheme is recommended:

  • psychotherapy;
  • proper nutrition;
  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • treatment of premenstrual syndrome drugs.


Rational psychotherapy helps to get rid of such unpleasant symptoms as excessive emotionality, mood swings, tearfulness or aggressiveness. For this purpose, methods of psycho-emotional relaxation are used, stabilizing behavioral techniques. A woman is taught how to relieve PMS, help to cope with the fear of the onset of menstruation.

It is very useful to conduct psychotherapeutic sessions not only with a woman, but also with her relatives. Relatives learn to better understand the patient's condition. Conversations with the close environment of the patient improve the microclimate in the family. Through psychosomatic mechanisms, it is possible to improve the physical condition of the patient, to alleviate the objective manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

Lifestyle and nutrition

In the diet, it is necessary to increase the content of vegetable fiber. It normalizes the work of the intestines, removes excess fluid from the body. The daily diet should consist of 75% carbohydrates (mostly complex), 15% protein and only 10% fat. The use of fats must be limited, as they affect the participation of the liver in the exchange of estrogen. It is better to avoid beef as well, as it often contains small doses of artificially introduced hormones. Thus, fermented milk products will be the most useful source of protein for PMS.

It is useful to increase the consumption of juice, in particular, carrot juice with the addition of lemon. Recommended herbal teas with the addition of mint, lemon balm, valerian. Herbal sedative for PMS helps to cope with emotional disorders, improve sleep and overall well-being.

You should abandon the excess of salt, spices, limit the consumption of chocolate and meat. Alcoholic beverages should not be consumed, as they reduce the body's content of B vitamins, minerals, and change the metabolism of carbohydrates. The work of the liver suffers, which can lead to a violation of estrogen metabolism and an increase in the severity of the condition.

You do not need to take many drinks with caffeine (tea, coffee, Coca-Cola) during PMS. Caffeine causes fluid retention, disrupts sleep, and contributes to neuropsychiatric disorders. In addition, it enhances the engorgement of the mammary glands.

Preparations for the treatment of PMS

If you have symptoms of PMS, you should consult a doctor. He will tell you how to deal with his symptoms using medications. Consider the main groups of drugs for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome.

  1. After examination by a gynecologist, if an increased content of estrogens (absolute or relative hyperestrogenism) is detected, gestagens are prescribed. These include Duphaston, Norkolut and others. Gonadotropin-releasing factor agonists, in particular, Danazol, also have an antiestrogenic effect.
  2. Antihistamines are prescribed in connection with an increase in the level of histamine and serotonin in such patients. Tavegil, Suprastin are usually used at night starting two days before the expected onset of PMS and ending with the first day of menstruation.
  3. To normalize the functioning of the brain structures responsible for vascular regulation and mental disorders, nootropics are prescribed - Nootropil, Aminalon, starting from the first day of menstruation for two weeks. Such courses are repeated for three months in a row, then they take a break.
  4. If, after determining the level of hormones, an increase in the level of prolactin is detected, Parlodel (bromocriptine) is prescribed, starting two days before the expected onset of PMS, for 10 days.
  5. In the presence of pronounced edema, the appointment of a diuretic with a potassium-sparing effect of Veroshpiron, which is an aldosterone antagonist, is indicated. Assign it 4 days before the deterioration of health and stop taking it with the onset of menstruation. If the edematous syndrome is manifested by a headache, visual impairment, it is recommended to use Diakarb.
  6. In the presence of pain, the main means for the treatment of PMS are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in particular, Diclofenac. It is prescribed two days before the deterioration of health. These drugs inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins, biologically active substances that cause many of the symptoms of PMS. Course treatment is carried out for three months. The effect of such a course lasts up to four months after its termination. Then PMS symptoms return, but are usually less intense.
  7. Excessive emotionality, depressive disorders, neurosis may be an indication for the appointment of tranquilizers. There are special "day" drugs that do not suppress normal activity, in particular, Grandaxin and Afobazol. Antipsychotics and antidepressants may be used. These drugs are prescribed by a psychiatrist. They need to be taken continuously for 3-6 months.
  8. Vitamins A and E have a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system, including reducing the severity of premenstrual syndrome. They are taken orally or injected intramuscularly for a month, alternating with each other. With the appearance of anxiety and depressive disorders in the second half of the cycle, magnesium preparations and vitamin B6 are prescribed.

PMS is treated in cycles. In the first three months, a diet, herbal sedatives, vitamins, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. Then make a break in treatment for 3-6 months. When the symptoms of PMS return, other drugs with more serious effects are added to the treatment. Don't expect a quick effect. Therapy should be carried out for a long time, accompanied by a modification of nutrition and lifestyle.

PMS - how to deal with it, whether it needs to be treated - is an important issue for many girls and women. Some time ago, the symptoms of this condition were considered monthly ailments.

Today it is an independent disease, which requires examination and treatment.

What it is?


The reason for PMS in most cases is a change in the hormonal balance in the body of a woman during and the reaction of the body.

In addition, there are other factors that cause not very pleasant symptoms:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • malnutrition, which leads to fluid retention, swelling, as well as headaches and other manifestations.

PMS: how to deal with it?

Before wondering how to deal with PMS for a woman or girl, you need to consult a doctor.

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe therapy, which is complex and consists of the following:

  • Hormonal agents. The purpose of the application is the normalization of hormonal levels. May be prescribed, Utrozhestan. Combined contraceptives are effective - Yarina, Logest, Zhanin.
  • Calming drugs. If the question arises with PMS - how to deal with nervousness, sedatives and psychotropic drugs will help. Duration of application is at least two months.
  • Diuretic. Assign in the presence of edema that occurs before menstruation.
  • Antihypertensive drugs. Indications - increased blood pressure.
  • Symptomatic therapy. It is an addition to the main therapy, aimed at eliminating concomitant manifestations. These include anti-allergic drugs, vitamin complexes.
  • Homeopathy. No less effective means that can eliminate chest pain, improve the psycho-emotional state. They are herbal based. How to deal with PMS depression and other manifestations? You can take Remens, Mastodinon.

If a question arose during PMS - how to deal with it, only the attending physician prescribes medications based on the results of the examination. The therapy is complex, long-term, lasts up to six months, depending on the severity of the syndrome.

Diet and lifestyle

When answering the question - what is PMS and how to deal with it, you need to know about the diet and recommended lifestyle that are necessary for a faster recovery.

  • Nutrition. It is important to exclude coffee, salty foods from the diet. Useful vegetables, fruits, fish, legumes, dairy products.
  • Lifestyle. It is necessary to observe the mode of wakefulness and sleep, try to avoid stress and emotional upheaval.
  • Physical activity. Regular exercise increases the level of endorphins in the blood. But they should not be overly intense, this can aggravate the severity of the disease.

As an aid, you can use folk remedies - the so-called herbal medicine:

  • warm decoction of chamomile flowers;
  • mint tea;
  • motherwort tincture.

Complications and preventive measures

The lack of high-quality treatment for premenstrual syndrome contributes to the transition of the pathology to a decompensated form. The consequence may be:

  • constant excess of blood pressure indicators;
  • heartache;
  • vascular problems;
  • severe depression.

After the expiration of time in the absence of medical assistance, the number of asymptomatic days between menstrual cycles becomes significantly less than the number of days when they appear.

To avoid the development of the syndrome or the appearance of its complications, preventive measures will help:

  • regular sex life;
  • the use of hormonal contraception;
  • refusal of alcohol, nicotine;
  • physical activity;
  • stress prevention.

On the video about the syndrome

With the onset of premenstrual syndrome, about 75% of females experience various ailments that appear a few days before the onset of the cycle. Therefore, any little thing can cause premenstrual irritability during PMS. If a hundred years ago such a phenomenon was under a veil of mystery, then today doctors know how to get rid of PMS or get an investment.

Unpleasant symptoms

Since the body of each woman is individual, premenstrual syndrome begins to appear 1-14 days before the onset of menstruation. Therefore, the main symptoms of PMS are:

  • arises;
  • the mammary glands become coarse and acquire a state of soreness;
  • swelling occurs and thirst increases;
  • there is an unstable heart rhythm and pain in the region of the heart;
  • appetite completely disappears or, conversely, increases;
  • there is a feeling of nausea and dizziness;
  • sometimes there is a chill or rises sharply;
  • allergic rashes appear;
  • there is constipation or diarrhea;
  • acne appears;
  • noticeable weight gain.

In addition to the physical manifestation of discomfort, one has to deal with such symptoms of PMS as:

  • the first signs of PMS are irascibility, nervousness, irritability;
  • memory impairment;
  • increased tearing;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increase or decrease in libido (sexuality).

Usually, relief comes after the onset of menstruation. Often, people who are engaged in mental work or who have chronic illnesses are familiar with PMS.

What caused

The good functioning of a woman's body directly depends on the balance between sex hormones - progesterone, androgen and estrogen. With the onset of the premenstrual period, their imbalance occurs, causing certain symptoms.

There are other factors that provoke the appearance of PMS syndrome:

  1. Lack of magnesium.
  2. Insufficient amount of vitamin B6.
  3. Smoking.
  4. Excess weight.
  5. Decreased serotonin levels.
  6. Heredity.
  7. Complications during abortions, difficult childbirth, gynecological diseases and stressful conditions.

To relieve PMS, you can drink medications. However, if a woman has a severe form of premenstrual syndrome, then hormonal drugs are used as therapy.

How to relieve PMS

Premenstrual syndrome is considered to be only a woman's ailment, so there are several steps that point to how to relieve PMS.

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  1. Visit a specialist:
  • gynecologist;
  • neurologist;
  • endocrinologist.
  1. You should start taking medications 2-3 days before the start of PMS, focusing on the severity and duration of pain:
  • with severe pain - antispasmodic drugs;
  • medicines aimed at restoring the activity of the autonomic nervous system;
  • sedatives for the normalization of the central nervous system - tablets of plant origin: motherwort, mint, valerian, peppermint;
  • it is possible to take oral contraceptives that eliminate discomfort even on the eve of critical days;
  • against severe bleeding, a decoction of raspberry leaves is considered an effective remedy.
  1. The key rule is to follow the basic principles of nutrition a couple of days before the onset of menstruation:
  • do not abuse strongly strong tea and coffee;
  • fluid intake is not more than 1.5 liters per day;
  • eat less salty food;
  • reduce the intake of foods rich in calcium;
  • reduce the amount of fatty foods in the diet;
  • it is recommended not to use spices, hot spices and alcoholic products;
  • reduce meat and dairy products to the minimum portions.
  1. Especially important is the intake of multivitamins, including A, B, E.
  2. As a prevention of PMS, a woman's body needs proper rest and sleep.
  3. Walk more often in the fresh air and exclude heavy physical labor.
  4. It is advisable not to smoke.
  5. Taking a contrast shower in the morning and evening will reduce stress.
  6. Exclude feelings.
  7. It is forbidden to visit the bath and sauna both before PMS and during menstruation.


Every woman is familiar with the symptoms of the premenstrual period and should know how to relieve the condition during PMS. The main measure is the therapy of chronic diseases, such as:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disorders of a nervous nature and other diseases present in the anatomy of the individual.

It is also necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle, the use of vitamin and mineral complexes.

In other cases, treatment is focused on getting rid of the symptoms of PMS before the menstrual period.


Sometimes there come times when medication is the only right solution to relieve PMS. As painkillers are used:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:
  • Aspirin;
  • Paracetamol;
  • ibuprofen;
  • indometracin;
  • Piroxicam;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Naproxen;
  • Ketolong.
  1. Spasm medications:
  • Papaverine;
  • Buscopan;
  • No-shpa;
  • Drotaverin.
  1. Analgesics:
  • Analgin;
  • Spazmalgon;
  • Peretin;
  • Minalgin;
  • Baralgin.

Tablets that relieve PMS are used according to the instructions. For example, antispasmodics begin to act after 20 minutes, analgesics, which act as relief drugs for PMS, relieve pain after 7 minutes.

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An equally important role is played by sedative pills. Often such remedies and infusions consist of medicinal herbs:

  • Herb motherwort;
  • Valerian;
  • Glod;
  • Novo-passit.

In more severe cases, antidepressants such as glycine are used.

The most effective medications for the treatment of PMS are hormonal drugs:

  • Duphaston, Utrozhestan;
  • Contraceptives: Logest, Yarina, Janine;
  • If a woman feels discomfort in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands, then Danazol is used;
  • Buserelin, Zoladex act on the principle of turning off the function of the ovaries, leading to the rapid annulment of PMS symptoms;
  • At the time of the onset of the premenopausal period, Dostinex, Parlodel are often prescribed.

In case of edema, a specialist prescribes diuretics for treatment, with high blood pressure - antihypertensive drugs, during the manifestation of an allergic rash - antihistamines.

Treatment at home

Most females at home manage to alleviate PMS with folk remedies. Only in critical cases resort to the help of doctors. Also help:

  1. Taking a bath. Bathing in a warm bath helps relieve tension, relax muscles, and soothe pain.
  2. Foot bath. In this case, the composition of the decoction includes: lemon balm, chamomile, cudweed. Add a few drops to water. The procedure improves blood circulation, relieves spasms, soothes and relaxes.
  3. Relaxation to music.
  4. Doing what you love.
  5. The use of tea from: lemon balm, mint, thyme, elderberry.

To alleviate the condition and normalize the menstrual cycle, the following fees are used:

  • A decoction is being prepared with the addition of 3 tablespoons of chamomile, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of melissa and yarrow. For the day, the reception is divided into 3 stages;
  • Used 2 tbsp. spoons of acacia leaves and fever. The mixture is poured with boiling water and infused for ¼ hour. Such a medicinal tea should be consumed within a week before the onset of menstruation.

Reduces bleeding and spotting infusion of 0.5 tsp. knotweed, 1 tsp lungwort with the addition of 1 tbsp. spoons of chamomile, yarrow and horsetail. After adding boiling water, the mixture is steamed for several minutes. Take 1 glass before bed.

To get rid of PMS, you need to start eating foods containing calcium (spinach, cabbage, parsley, lettuce) a week before the onset of critical days and stick to a diet.

Treatment after 40-45 years

PMS continues to function in women after a decrease in childbearing function. This period is considered the most dangerous. Therefore, the relief of PMS at the age of 40 is a complex treatment:

In women, this condition usually develops a few days before menstruation and is called premenstrual syndrome.

Unpleasant symptoms

This condition is familiar to most women. Many of them a few days (from one to 14) before the onset of menstruation complain of:

  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • soreness and engorgement of the mammary glands;
  • dizziness and nausea;
  • swelling and constant thirst;
  • poor appetite or, conversely, an irresistible desire to eat;
  • sensation of palpitations, pain in the region of the heart;
  • chills, fever.

In addition to physical discomfort, women may feel:

  • irritability and aggressiveness;
  • tearfulness, bad mood;
  • a sharp increase or decrease in sexuality;
  • memory impairment;
  • sleep disorders.

These manifestations disappear immediately after the onset of menstruation or in the first days after it.

Where does it come from?

It is believed that the condition is based on hormonal disorders, namely, excessive production of female sex hormones, which leads to a violation of the neuroendocrine regulation of the work of various organs and body systems.

There is a point of view that the pulling pain in the lower abdomen appears because the endometrium has already begun to reject in the uterus, which occurs during menstruation, and the cervix has not yet opened, which leads to the accumulation of blood and fragments of the mucosa in the uterus, its overstretching and, accordingly, pain .

How to relieve PMS

PMS is a typical female ailment and, unfortunately, we cannot get rid of it, but we can alleviate it. To make it easier to defeat premenstrual irritation, a woman should monitor her health not only on the eve of menstruation.

1. Contact the experts:

  • visit a gynecologist and take tests to identify hormonal disorders;
  • in case of severe emotional disturbances, consult a neurologist;
  • since diseases of other endocrine glands can worsen the condition, visit an endocrinologist.

2. Depending on the severity and duration of PMS manifestations, start taking the drugs prescribed by your doctor in advance (2-3 days in advance):

  • with severe pain, antispasmodic drugs will help you;
  • good means aimed at normalizing the activity of the autonomic nervous system;
  • normalize the work of the central nervous system during PMS simple sedatives - preparations of plant origin: motherwort, valerian, peppermint;
  • your doctor may recommend that you take oral contraceptives, which also eliminate discomfort on the eve of menstruation;
  • with excessively heavy menstrual bleeding, a decoction of raspberry leaves (or adding them to brewed tea) gives a good effect.
3. It is important to observe some nutritional principles a few days before the onset of menstruation:
  • try to drink less strong tea, coffee;
  • limit fluid intake (up to 1.5 liters per day);
  • add less salt to food;
  • limit the intake of potassium-rich foods: raisins, dried apricots, potatoes;
  • try to eat less fatty foods;
  • exclude spices, hot spices, alcohol from the diet;
  • try to avoid meat and dairy products.

4. At least a week before the onset of menstruation and during it, the diet should include a large amount of calcium-rich foods. There is a lot of calcium in fresh green leafy vegetables: spinach, lettuce, cabbage, parsley. It is recommended to take multivitamins (especially those containing vitamins A, B and E). It is equally important to consume seafood, grains and nuts, which are rich in macro- and microelements.

5. Good rest and sleep are important for the prevention of PMS.

6. It is important to fall asleep before 23.00, because it is at this time that hormones are produced and later falling asleep disrupts the processes of neuroendocrine regulation. Sleep better in a cool room. AT Get enough sleep and plenty of rest before and during your period.

7. Walk more, breathe clean air, but hard physical labor should be limited.

8. Try to quit smoking.

9. Take contrast showers in the morning and evening. Finish off with cool water. Premenstrual tension will help reduce a 15-minute bath with a water temperature of 38-39 ° C with a decoction of peppermint, chamomile and common shandra (1: 1: 1). After that, rub lavender or lemon wormwood oil into the lower back.

10. Try to be less worried and nervous.

11. During PMS, as well as during all periods, you can not go to the bath. A high temperature can provoke severe pain, and menstruation will be delayed.

12. Breathing exercises and relaxation are good for strengthening the nervous system. Relax, close your eyes, concentrate and try to mentally drive away the disease.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is usually called a pathological condition of the female body, manifested by mental and physical symptoms. In this case, they can be either subtle (blurry) or pronounced. Since there is no specific list of causes for the manifestation of the disease itself and its cyclicity, drugs for the manifestations of PMS should be used under the supervision of a physician.

The drugs used may vary in type, but are aimed at normalizing the functioning of the nervous system or are used to relieve disturbing pain and improve the general condition of the body. The drugs are usually taken during the preparation of the female body for the onset and should only affect the disturbing symptoms observed in women, since there is a big difference in increased irritability and increased soreness in the lower abdomen.

Forms and manifestations of PMS

Premenstrual syndrome in each of the patients manifests itself individually: if some have an excess of bad mood for no apparent reason, then others have to suffer from, and not only in the abdomen. Most often, the manifestation of PMS is also associated with the mental discomfort of women, when negative feelings cannot be caused by any obvious reasons. At the same time, there are some women who are in principle unfamiliar with the list of such manifestations.

In medical practice, it is customary to distinguish two main groups of symptoms characteristic of PMS:

  1. Behavioral-emotional. In such cases, PMS is more manifested by outbursts of anger and anger, which are quickly replaced by tearfulness. Often, before the expected onset of menstruation, there may be a sleep disturbance, an increase, or, conversely, a lack of appetite. A feeling of anxiety or depression, temporary intolerance to certain aromas is also allowed.
  2. physical manifestations. This category includes pain. PMS can be accompanied by migraines, temporary pain in the lower back, dizziness, swelling of the mammary glands, as well as swelling and even numbness of the extremities. One of the most common symptoms of PMS is a sudden drop in blood pressure that stops with the onset of menstruation.

Premenstrual syndrome can also manifest itself in varying degrees: mild, moderate or severe. The first case is characterized by the observation of 2 - 4 symptoms at the same time, and for a severe form - about 12 signs of disturbances in the body.

If the degree of deterioration is too severe and affects the ability to perform daily tasks, the disease is classified as premenstrual dysphoria.

There are also four main forms of manifestation of PMS, which differ in the nature of the predominant symptoms:

  1. Cephalgic, which is characterized by migraine, vomiting, nausea and severe dizziness, which often lead to loss of consciousness.
  2. Neuropsychic, manifested by emotions and behavior unusual for a person.
  3. Crisis, which is associated with jumps in blood pressure, the manifestation of tachycardia, panic attacks and well-palpable pain behind the sternum.
  4. Edema, which is accompanied by increased swelling of the hands (especially fingers), face and legs. In this case, you should not disregard the unusual swelling in the chest.

If a few days before the expected one there is an almost irresistible craving for sleep, one-sided weakening of the muscles, or an increase in body temperature, there are reasons to diagnose an atypical form of the disease, which requires a mandatory examination by a gynecologist and taking drugs that allow.

Remedies for PMS

The purpose of drugs depends entirely on the diagnosed group and the form of the disease itself. In this case, the severity of the violations themselves must be taken into account. For example, homeopathy for PMS is relevant for milder forms of manifestation of several characteristic signs. In such cases, a medicine with herbal ingredients may also be prescribed. With increased anxiety, sedatives are more effective. For general strengthening, vitamin complexes and magnesium preparations can be used.

When observing a mild degree of the disease, PMS treatment can be carried out using drugs such as:

  1. Magne B. Taking this medicine helps to relieve nervous tension and eliminate painful migraines, discomfort in the lower abdomen and muscle spasms. The drug is prescribed for the syndrome and to reduce swelling.
  2. Mastodion. The drug belongs to the class of homeopathic therapy and should be taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription. The main effect of the components is aimed at relieving mental stress, normalizing the menstrual cycle, as well as eliminating severe headaches.
  3. Cyclodynon. The drug helps to get rid of PMS due to the dry extract of the fruit of the rod. It is with its help that the process of producing sex hormones is regulated. Herbal components are also relevant for menstrual irregularities and the manifestation of pain in the chest area.
  4. . One of the effective homeopathic remedies, which is available both in drops and in tablets. With its help, you can reduce the abundance of secretions, restore the menstrual cycle familiar to the body, and also significantly reduce the intensity of the psycho-emotional manifestation of the disease itself.

If PMS is accompanied mainly by nervous manifestations and unreasonable anxiety, then it is necessary to treat the disease with sedatives, which include:

  1. Glycine is a remedy that allows you to improve the functioning of the brain and thereby remove excessive anxiety, nervous strain.
  2. Peony extract, which allows you to get rid of fears and calm your own anxiety, but is not recommended for people who require scrupulous attention, concentration and quick reactions.
  3. Preparations with valerian, thanks to which you can relieve irritability, calm the nerves and even improve sleep.
  4. Sedavit, which is another way of drug treatment of PMS based on herbal properties and vitamins. In addition to normalizing sleep and eliminating the obsessive feeling of fear, the drug has a slight antispasmodic property.

Each of the drugs has soy features of the reception and a list of side effects. That is why the attending gynecologist should prescribe a list of medicines and the order in which they are taken.

pain pills

Use is determined by the need to eliminate or at least reduce the degree of discomfort. It is in such cases that it is customary to prescribe PMS tablets made on the basis of paracetamol, ibuprofen or aspirin. Often in the prescription of a doctor there are analgesics such as aspirin. Depending on the nature of the pain, the attending physician may recommend antispasmodics. In the general list of drugs in the form of tablets, which are aimed at reducing bothersome pain and general discomfort, it is worth highlighting Nurofen, Piroxicam and Naproxen.

The most popular way is to take a drug such as. Papaverine and Drotaverine are effective analgesic tablets with a wide range of effects on the body.

The intake of the drugs themselves, as a rule, is limited to 1 - 2 tablets, which can be taken no more than 3 - 4 times during the day. The total duration of the fight against disturbing symptoms should not exceed 4-5 days. If the degree of soreness does not decrease or the pain does not stop completely, it is necessary to consult a doctor and adjust further treatment. PMS should be treated with antispasmodic drugs with extreme caution when diagnosing diseases of the liver and kidneys, as well as in the presence of gastric bleeding and hypertension.

Hormones and antidepressants

Increased irritability or, conversely, depression, manifested in a more severe degree, is the reason to take antidepressants for PMS. The sedatives used in this case are effective not only with increased irritability and anxiety, but also with the observation of panic attacks, manifestations of uncontrolled aggression.

The best way to soothe the nervous system is a drug made from plant extracts. Among the non-hormonal drugs that can be purchased at a pharmacy without an accompanying doctor's prescription are Deprim and Persen. More serious disorders in the functioning of the nervous system should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor. This is especially true of the need to choose a nerve-calming drug for premenstrual dysphoria. As a rule, we are talking about taking antipsychotics, self-treatment of which can only aggravate the situation, provoking dependence.

To alleviate PMS, a doctor may prescribe hormonal drugs such as Yarina, Logest, Jeannine or Rigevidon, which are simultaneously classified as contraceptives. The use of drugs is carried out only under the supervision of a physician.

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