Do-it-yourself septic tank from eurocubes: without pumping out, how to make from cubic tanks, video. How to make a septic tank from eurocubes with your own hands - an easy way to install a treatment plant Installing a septic tank from eurocubes

The buildings 20.06.2020
The buildings

Wastewater from a private house in the absence of access to the central sewer can not only be collected in a cesspool, but also disposed of using septic tanks.

These devices are available in different sizes and shapes.

But they can be made independently, for example, by taking already used containers - eurocubes.

Eurocubes are cubic containers made of plastic and placed in a frame in the form of a metal mesh made of galvanized steel. The most common volume of such containers is 1 m3.

The primary purpose of these tanks is the transportation of various liquids, including technical ones: sodium hypochlorite, acids, alkalis, water, etc. In addition, such plastic containers are used a second time for various purposes, for example, for septic tanks. This is due to the positive properties of the macrocubes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cubic plastic tanks - An excellent option for arranging local sewage due to a number of characteristics:

  • light weight, which contributes to simple installation without the use of special equipment;
  • low price;
  • the possibility of using used products, which further reduces the cost of the finished structure;
  • the stability of the walls of the eurocube to the effects of aggressive environments, which is especially important when arranging sewerage;
  • the speed of preparing the tank for installation;
  • the presence of a metal frame that reduces soil pressure and is durable, as it is made of galvanized steel;
  • container tightness;
  • ease of operation and maintenance.

But when choosing such tanks for the construction of a septic tank, it is necessary to take into account their disadvantages.

  1. Due to the lightness of plastic, the container can float under the action of groundwater. To avoid this, you need to prepare a concrete base to which to fix the Eurocube.
  2. The metal frame does not always cope with the pressure of the soil, which ultimately leads to deformation of the container. The prevention of this is to fill the space between the containers and the walls of the pit with concrete.

Otherwise, the septic tank, with a simple device and principle of operation, copes with its task quite effectively.

How does a septic tank from Eurocubes work and work?

To equip the wastewater treatment system, 2 containers are used, connected to each other by an overflow system.

The processes taking place in the tanks themselves do not provide absolute purification. Therefore, it is necessary to equip soil filtration, after passing through which the effluents become safe for the environment. This is one of the nuances of arranging such wastewater treatment plants.

What should be considered during installation?

Both during the preparatory measures and during the installation of such a cleaning device, several general and particular rules must be observed.

  1. Any local waste disposal station must be located on the site in accordance with the regulations. The distance from the house to the septic tank should be at least 5 m, from drinking underground sources - 50 m, from surface water - 30 m, from trees and shrubs - 3 m.
  2. In addition to sanitary standards, it is also necessary to take into account the possibility of access to the station of a sewage truck to pump out the resulting sediment.
  3. When building a cesspool, care must be taken to install a ventilation riser.
  4. It is better to install containers on a concrete base, which has metal eyelets for attaching tanks with cables. This will save the septic tank from surfacing.
  5. When preparing the pit and trenches for pipes, the freezing point of the soil must be taken into account. Pipelines and their inlets must pass below this mark.
  6. Tanks are recommended to be additionally insulated.
  7. When choosing tanks, it must be taken into account that the tanks should not be as full as possible, otherwise cracks may occur in the walls under pressure.

In connection with the last factor, it is important to correctly calculate the volume of the septic tank.

Calculation of the volume of tanks for a cesspool

Eurocubes are standardly produced in a volume of 1000 liters, but there are containers of 800 and 1200 liters.

To determine which tanks are right for you, you need to make standard calculations.

  1. The required daily output can be determined by multiplying 200 liters by the number of residents.
  2. To calculate the required volume of chambers, the resulting performance value must be multiplied by 3, because the drains are on average three days in the septic tank.
  3. It is recommended to increase the volume by 10-20% to take into account the possible arrival of guests.

This is how the calculations of the size of a septic tank look like for a house in which there is no sanitary equipment that produces large volumes of effluents: baths, dishwashers and washing machines. But in practice, for a family of three, two tanks of 0.8 m3 are usually enough.

After the calculations, you can proceed to the purchase of materials and equipment.

What is needed to install a sewer system?

In addition to Eurocubes, for installing the system, you need to buy other material, as well as prepare tools.

  1. Plastic sewer pipes with a diameter of 100-110 mm for leading drains to a septic tank and connecting treatment stages, as well as a ventilation riser.
  2. Fittings for plastic pipes.
  3. Cement, sand, gravel for concrete preparation.
  4. Sand for filling the bottom of trenches
  5. Pipe cutting tools.
  6. Joint sealant.
  7. Insulation for wells, and, if necessary, for pipes.
  8. Fittings for connecting cubes.
  9. Waterproofing.

You will also need materials for soil treatment equipment. The set will depend on which filter stage option you choose.

How to make a septic tank from eurocubes with your own hands: step-by-step installation instructions

After choosing a place for installing a septic tank and purchasing materials and tools, you can begin the installation process.


First you need to prepare trenches for pipes and a foundation pit for Eurocubes. The pit should be approximately 30-40 cm larger in width and length than the dimensions of the tanks. When deepening, it is necessary to take into account the concrete base and the insulation layer, as well as the zero temperature point.

After digging the pit, the bottom is leveled and poured with concrete. The concrete layer must also be even. At the same stage, it is necessary to install metal loops for attaching containers.

When digging and preparing trenches, it must also be taken into account that the pipes will run deeper than the zero temperature of the soil and pass at a slope of 2-3 cm per linear meter. At the bottom of the ditches, before laying the pipeline, a sand cushion is poured with observance of the slope.

While the concrete base dries, you can start preparing the eurocubes for installation.

Tank Modification

Before installation, the tanks are connected together using fittings welded to metal frames. But pre-produce another preparation of cubes.

  • Additionally, the factory drain holes of the tanks are covered with sealant.
  • In the side walls of each container, holes are made for inlet and outlet pipes with a slope. This means that each subsequent hole in the path of flow must be lower than the previous one. Here it should be taken into account that the second container will be installed deeper than the first by 0.2 m, which will allow better use of its volume.
  • A tee must be placed in each tank. If the fitting does not fit in the factory neck of the cube, then it must be temporarily enlarged. As a result, an inlet pipe will need to be connected to one hole of the tee. From the opposite opening of the fitting - the drains will merge into the compartment, and the third - should be directed to the upper edge of the tank for connection to the ventilation riser.
  • They connect the pipes with a tee and with Eurocubes, and also install a branch pipe for an outlet pipe going to the soil aftertreatment.
  • Treat joints with sealant.
  • Repair and seal the top hole that was used to insert the tee.

Now you can strengthen the connection of the tanks with each other using fittings. Tanks are ready for installation.

Direct installation

After the completion of the preparatory work, they begin to install tanks and lay pipes.

  1. The septic tank is carefully lowered to the bottom of the pit.
  2. Secure the tanks to the concrete base with slings.
  3. Pipes are laid in trenches, checking the slope.
  4. Connect the pipelines to the septic tank, install a ventilation riser.
  5. Close the containers on all sides with insulation, for example, foam sheets.
  6. Fill the compartments with water.
  7. Gradually and carefully fill the space between the septic tank and the walls of the pit with concrete.
  8. Fall asleep pipes and a septic tank from above.

It will also be necessary to equip a soil filtration stage at the installation stage, and pour biological preparations into the septic tank. The wastewater disposal system is ready for operation.

Video on how to make a septic tank from eurocubes:

Tank Maintenance

The sewage treatment station does not require frequent calls for a sewage truck, but once a year it is necessary to pump out the sediment from the tanks, the level of which can be checked with a wooden stick.

It is also necessary to periodically add preparations of microorganisms. Especially if there is a smell around the septic tank.

Otherwise, this inexpensive design does not require any care.

The cost of a septic tank from eurocubes

Cheapness is the main trump card of the waste disposal system, made of eurocubes. A used tank in good condition costs about 4-5 thousand rubles. You must also add shipping to the total amount, which depends on the distance of your site from the city and supplier, as well as the price for sand, cement, sealant, gravel and plastic pipes.

For digging a pit, you can hire equipment, which will increase the installation price, but save money.

As a result, you will get a good and inexpensive waste disposal device, which is especially suitable for small country houses.

For the construction of a septic tank, it is not at all necessary to build volumetric concrete containers. A local treatment plant with low productivity can be made with your own hands from eurocubes or nylon containers. This article will focus on the design and installation stages of such a septic tank.

Home-made septic tanks inherit the principle of operation of ready-made solutions, such as "TOPAS" or "TANK", but they are structurally very different. It is almost impossible to divide the container into chambers: polyethylene is difficult to glue in artisanal conditions, and the narrow neck makes it difficult to work. Therefore, several adjacent containers are used, interconnected.

What containers can be used

For a septic tank, it is advisable to use used containers without damage to the body with the shape of a vertical cylinder or parallelepiped. The wall thickness of the container must be at least 3.5 mm, and the eurocube - at least 2 mm.

Eurocubes, due to their low capacity (1000-1050 liters), are used in septic tanks with a daily capacity of up to 1 m 3 per day, in other cases nylon containers are used. Their volume is not difficult to calculate - the total capacity of the septic tank is chosen equal to three times the daily drainage. And with the number of discharges over 5 m 3 per day, the total volume of the septic tank chambers should be 2.5 times higher.

The dimensions of the aeration tank and the primary settling tank are related as 1.5:1, the second and third chambers are equal in volume. For example, a 6 m 3 septic tank has the following chamber capacity:

  1. Primary sump 1500 liters.
  2. Aerotank - 2250 liters.
  3. Deep cleaning chamber - 2250 liters.

In treatment facilities with a volume of more than 10 m 3, all chambers have the same volume.

Features of installation at high groundwater level

It is reasonable to mount home-made septic tanks from plastic containers at low sewage loads - up to 6-8 m 3 per day. Unlike sewage treatment plants with concrete tanks, they have a number of disadvantages.

When the groundwater level (GWL) is below 1.5-2 meters, the septic tank is mounted according to the standard scheme. But if the groundwater is higher, there is a real threat of backflow and flooding. In this case, a buffer tank with a higher level is required, into which purified water is supplied by an airlift or a drainage pump.

A variant of a septic tank at a high level of groundwater: 1 - sewage inlet; 2 - the first container; 3 - second container; 4 - drainage pump; 5 - ventilation; 6 - buffer capacity; 7 - drainage field

If the GWL is too high (less than 50 cm), there is a possibility of flooding the septic tank through the caisson or the gaps of the drainage channel. These problems are solved in the following ways:

  1. Laying an inlet drainage pipe above the groundwater level, followed by insulation.
  2. The device of a sealed sewer channel.
  3. Sealing the caisson, using containers with elongated necks.
  4. Installation of a septic tank close to the soil surface and its insulation.

The last point implies the minimum distance of the septic tank from the riser, but not closer than three meters from the foundation of the building.

Earthworks and tank installation

The installation of a septic tank begins after the laying of the sewer channel. For a home-made septic tank, unlike factory VOCs, the height of the tie-in of the inlet pipe is important - optimally 20-25 cm from the top. With this in mind, determine the depth of the pit. The containers are placed in the right order on the planned soil, then the contours of the future excavation are marked, retreating from the walls of the chambers 25-30 centimeters for backfilling.

The bottom of the pit is poured with concrete, reinforcing with a metal mesh with 4 mm rods and a cell of 60x60 mm. Concrete hardens in 2-3 days, after which it is possible to install the first and third containers, insert the inlet and outlet pipes, respectively. To insert a pipe, it is convenient to use a wooden block with two self-tapping screws screwed through it, the distance between the tips of which is 1-2 mm less than the radius of the pipe. With this “compass”, a perfectly round hole is scratched out at the entry point and the pipe is inserted. You need to make an effort, but this method makes the adjunction of the walls more dense.

At the pipe entry points, the connection is treated with hot-melt adhesive: first with a white transparent rod, and then with a translucent black one. Tees with a direct outlet are put on the ends of the pipes and placed vertically, the lower end is extended to the middle of the height of the chamber.

Backfill and device of the caisson

After installing all the tanks, a mixture of five parts of sand and one part of cement is prepared, and the gaps between the walls of the tanks and the pit are filled with it. They do this in several stages. First, they fall asleep and tamp the lower layer 1/4 of the height, filling the septic tank with water by a third. In the future, backfilling is carried out to half, and then to 2/3 of the height.

When installing at a shallow depth, it is reasonable to overlay the septic tank with expanded polystyrene plates before backfilling. When the backfill covers the inlet pipe, the PPS boards are cut and laid horizontally, then the septic tank continues to be filled up to the level of the upper wall of the tanks.

The caisson is a technical chamber designed to accommodate equipment. The walls of the caisson are laid out in half a brick so that they protrude 10-15 cm above the ground level, the bottom is poured after inserting the bushings into the upper wall of the chamber. When pouring the screed, the neck of the septic tank is protected by an annular formwork, for example, made of plastic. The caisson can be common or individual for each chamber. In the latter case, bushings for pipes and hoses are laid in the partitions.

The interior of a septic tank

Of the electrical equipment in the septic tank, only a compressor is used, such as Pondtech A-85. An airlift system is used to transfer the mass. The airlift for pumping liquid from the primary clarifier is placed at the level of the inlet pipe, and in the aeration tank it is located 10-15 cm from the top of the chamber. Dropping taps are lowered to the middle of the height of the container. For pumping activated sludge from the aeration tank and the deep cleaning chamber to the primary clarifier, two separate airlifts are used with a common discharge point of 70-100 cm from the bottom. The suction nozzles of the airlift are located 10-15 cm from the bottom, and the pump itself is placed at a third of the height of the chamber.

Corrugated spiral hoses 32 mm are excellent as transfer channels, they can be easily laid without sharp turns. The connection with airlifts is sealed with screw clamps or nylon ties.

1 - inlet pipe; 2 - membrane diffuser (aerator); 3 - concrete pouring; 4 - airlift pumping into the water; 5 - compressor; 6 - cement-sand backfill; 7 - caissons; 8 - airlift pumping sludge; 9 - outlet pipe

Airlifts can be made by hand. To do this, take a piece of PVC pipe 32 mm 15-20 cm long, drill two 15 mm holes in it in the middle and screw fittings for a 12 mm hose with a 1/2 thread into them. The connection is quite tight, if desired, it can be treated with hot melt adhesive. Two pieces of hose are put on the fittings and connected with a tee.

From the compressor, air is supplied to membrane diffusers located 40 cm from the bottom of the first and 25-30 cm from the bottom of the second chamber. To power airlifts, tee bends are made, air is passed through flow regulators. Airlifts for pumping sludge are additionally equipped with cranes or electrovalves for automatic control.

Completion of installation and start-up

At the highest points of each container, usually in the lids, it is necessary to install exhaust ducts to remove ventilation gases. After that, the septic tank is filled with water and its operation is tested in a “clean” mode: the air supply to the airlifts is regulated and the pumping speed is checked. If the operating mode suits you, the septic tank can be started.

A Eurocube septic tank is a hermetic structure for cleaning used dirty water. It is installed in household plots where there is no centralized sewage system. It is more convenient and more efficient than a cesspool. Recently, many are interested in the device and the principle of its operation.

Why is a septic tank from eurocubes popular

Human life is associated with the observance of hygiene rules: washing clothes, washing dishes and food, cleaning rooms, bathing, visiting the restroom. This necessary activity leads to the formation of effluents. A septic tank from eurocubes helps to equip the conditions at the modern level. It has a number of advantages:

  1. Made from thick plastic.
  2. It has a simple and compact design.
  3. Prevents the appearance of unpleasant odors.
  4. Filters waste water.

What is eurocube

This is a container with rectangular edges made of white, blue or black plastic. Each has openings that are used in the system to draw in and drain liquids. The eurocube under the septic tank is buried in the ground, where it is subjected to pressure, but the plastic with reinforcement does not lose its tightness during prolonged operation. Its strength is enhanced by rigid ribs and a metal frame, which increases the reliability of products.

The walls of the cube are able to withstand the load and not deform, even if sewage is supplied under pressure. The material of the cube does not interact with aggressive substances and does not change its properties due to changes in temperature and humidity. Cracks do not appear in the body under mechanical stress. You don't have to worry about harmful effluents getting into the environment.

The main parts of the eurocube:

  • 1) Plastic walls.
  • 2) Filling pipe with a cap, its diameter is 150 mm.
  • 3) The vent valve, it is next to the filler neck.
  • 4) Drain cock located at the bottom.
  • 5) A metal crate that encloses a plastic container (flask).
  • 6) Pallet made of metal or wood.

Parameters of standard eurocubes:

The principle of operation of a septic tank from Eurocubes and the stages of filtration

The contaminated liquid after cleaning becomes safe for release into the environment, as it first passes through several stages of filtration:

  1. Drains enter the first chamber, where large debris is screened out.
  2. After rough cleaning, sewage enters the chamber with biological products. Here, organic matter is processed by microorganisms.
  3. The liquid enters the filtration field for finer cleaning.
  4. Purified water is thrown into the soil on the plot.

The filtration field for thorough cleaning can be omitted. After passing through the main stages, the drains lose their unpleasant odor and become safe for nature.

Important Calculations

It is easy to build a septic tank from a Eurocube in the country with your own hands. Before starting work, preliminary calculations and preparatory work are necessary.

The official norms for the consumption of cold water per day per person: 200 liters of cold and 100 liters of hot. Multiply the standard by the number of people in the family and by 3 days required for settling and cleaning. Divide the resulting volume by the volume of one cube and round up to a whole number. The table shows the standards and calculation results for cubes with a volume of 1 m3.

Water consumption per day for 1 person, l Number of people in the family The volume of water consumed per day, l The volume of water consumed in 72 hours, l The number of eurocubes for a septic tank according to the calculation of the volume, pcs. The number of eurocubes for a septic tank, taking into account the biochamber, pcs.
1 100 1 100 300 1 2
2 100 2 200 600 1 2
3 100 3 300 900 1 2
4 200 1 200 600 1 2
5 200 2 400 1200 2 2-3
6 200 3 600 1800 2 3
7 300 1 300 900 1 2
8 300 2 600 1800 2 3
9 300 3 900 2700 3 4

It is cheaper and easier to get a septic tank from one Eurocube, but when calculating it is better to take into account not only personal needs, but also the possibility of visiting guests. Calculate the volume for a septic tank with a margin. Add another cube for incremental filtering.

Actual water consumption usually does not meet the standards, so take into account your individual needs when calculating. Use water meters for calculations.


You can not arbitrarily build a septic tank even on your own site. It must comply with sanitary and building codes. The distances from the designed treatment plant to the nearest objects of the site are taken into account:

  • Source of drinking water, well ─ 50 m.
  • Medium-sized fruit trees ─ 3 m.
  • Shrubs ─ 1 m.
  • Reservoir, lake ─ 30 m.
  • Road with active traffic ─ 5 m.
  • Streams and rivers ─ 10 m.
  • House ─ 4-5 m.
  • Outbuildings─ 1m.
  • Neighbor's plot ─ 3 m.
  • Gas pipeline 5 m.

When designing, the composition of the soil, its filtering ability, the depth of freezing, and the features of the relief are taken into account. On sloping terrain, the septic tank is located below the drinking well.

In order for the supply pipeline to function successfully, an artificial slope is created, and revision wells are made at the corners. There is also a free access for sewers, who will periodically inspect and clean the septic tank from silt.

Marking, earthworks and foundation

You can learn the technology of how to make a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands, then follow the workflows, but first you have to perform a few simple and important activities.

Specify the location of the boundary and the coordinates of your personal plot, and then proceed to the internal marking of the future object. Transfer the main points from the project to nature, mark them on the site with pegs and stretch a string between them.

Now, in the area marked with pegs and twine, dig a pit. The levels for the compartments are made different so that the liquid flows freely from one cube to another. Make the perimeter of the pit wider than each cube by 0.3 m, and the depth of the trench is greater than the height of the cube by 0.5 m, excluding the upper embankment. If possible, the first tank is placed below the freezing depth of the soil.

Add sand to the bottom of the pit, then gravel and tamp. The height of each bedding is approximately 30 cm. Install a removable formwork from boards and pour concrete 0.2 m high. Cover the surface with polyethylene and wait for complete drying. The drying period depends on the environmental conditions, its duration is approximately 1 month.

Soft soil under the weight of full flasks can sag, then the tightness will be broken at the joints. Do the backfilling, tamping and concrete pad more carefully.

Connecting eurocubes to the system

For installation you will need: sealant, liquid waterproofing, insulation, steel elements, tees and plastic pipes (d = 150 mm). Start with the first cube, make a hole in it with a grinder at a distance of 0.2 m from the top and connect it to the sewer pipe. Then, on the opposite side, measure 0.3 m from the top surface for the second hole. Connect the first and second cubes.

On the second and subsequent flasks, also make two holes at a lower distance from the top edge. Connect a pipe to the outer cube to drain to the filtration field (well). Leave holes on top of each tank for ventilation pipes and periodic cleaning. Insert a control pipe into the neck of the first cube. Secure it with a rubber sleeve and hot glue.

Cubes are placed at a distance of 20 centimeters, connected with metal parts or welded. You should get a single rigid structure. Treat the joints of pipes with walls with silicone sealant and liquid waterproofing.

Insulate the outer surface of the cubes and the pipeline with mineral wool or foam plastic. Connect the sections of the system so that the liquid overflows freely. Fill the system with water to check the tightness and prevent soil pressure on the walls during backfilling.

Is it possible to make a septic tank from one eurocube? The system must have at least two chambers that perform settling functions. You can divide one container with an internal partition.


The system must be covered with earth. Masters offer several options for finishing work:

  1. Prepare a mixture of sand and dry cement 5: 1, then pour it in layers into the sinuses between the walls of the pit and cubes. Water each layer.
  2. Pour liquid concrete, using the crate of eurocubes as reinforcement.
  3. Insert sheets of corrugated board or slate around the cube around the perimeter of the pit.
  4. Connect the reinforcement of the concrete pad to the frame of the system.

Choose the method that will be optimal in terms of price and features of the soil and climate. From above, cover the system with foam insulation and penoizol, backfill and level the soil.


Waste creates an environment for decay and bad smell. Add bacteria to the second chamber to speed up the breakdown of wastewater into simple substances (gas, water, nitrates). The use of anaerobic bacteria together with aerobic bacteria is effective.

Under their action, solid waste first breaks down, then it is converted into fertilizers. With microorganisms, the septic tank works more efficiently, cleaning is less often required, there is no smell. Stores sell formulations suitable for the processing of contaminants that differ in composition and conditions.

Perfect cleaning

You can improve the purification of water after it passes through the septic tank. Dig a filtration well, and fill its bottom with sand and gravel. So the water will undergo natural purification and gradually seep into the soil. Or make a filtration field, it resembles an irrigation system. Effluent will circulate through pipes with holes, gradually seeping through and at the same time irrigating the soil.

For the device of the field, use a central pipe with a diameter of 150 mm or more, lay it at a slope of 2 cm per 1 linear meter. Irrigation pipes up to 20 m long and 100 mm in diameter. At the end of each water pipe, make a riser for ventilation.

Constructive decisions

Use plastic containers to reinforce an existing system or in conjunction with concrete rings. You can make a septic tank with your own hands from one Eurocube, but according to the device, it will resemble an ordinary cesspool for a village restroom. Plastic reliably protects the soil from impurities, but the flask will have to be cleaned regularly. If you cut off the bottom of the eurocube and put it on a pillow of sand, gravel and geotextile, you get a pit with filter layers.

The Eurocube is universal, it is convenient for various household needs: rainwater collection, a small pool, a shower device, food storage, a greenhouse and aquaponics device, a cesspool and a septic tank.

If there is a desire or need to equip a local sewage system for a summer cottage or a house intended for permanent residence as quickly and cheaply as possible, then a good solution could be do-it-yourself septic tank from eurocubes . When using ready-made plastic containers, a septic tank can be built as quickly and simply as possible. However, an installation diagram must first be drawn up, for this you will need to correctly calculate the volume of the septic tank and correctly carry out the installation, only in this case a home-made septic tank will work smoothly.

Having decided to build a septic tank yourself, you need to choose the material for building the chambers. One of the popular solutions is a septic tank assembled from European cubes. Such an installation is going to be quite simple, and the reviews about its work are mostly only good.

As a rule, failures in the operation of the septic tank and various emergencies arise due to errors that were made in the process of drawing up the scheme and during the construction of the septic tank. Let's consider how to make a septic tank from European cubes with your own hands for a summer residence or at home.

What is Eurocube?

First of all, you should understand what a Eurocube is, and why this particular capacity is considered the most suitable for the construction of septic tanks. It is customary to call a Eurocube a container made of plastic, designed to transport various liquid media.

This container is made of polyethylene. It is quite strong, since the walls of the container are quite thick, and on top of the plastic is protected by a reinforcing metal grill. The capacity of the yerocubes is standard and is 1000 liters.

Advice! Eurocubes can be purchased at hardware stores, where it is sold as containers for water. In addition, if it is possible to purchase used eurocubes, it is worth doing this in order to save money, since used containers are also suitable for building a septic tank. The main requirement for used products is their tightness. The container must not have cracks or other mechanical damage.

Preparation for construction

Construction must begin with planning. If there is a desire to make a septic tank from eurocubes with your own hands without pumping out, then at the first stage an installation diagram should be drawn up with calculations to determine how many containers will be required to build a septic tank. The main indicator for making calculations is the water consumption in the house or in the country.

According to building codes, it is important that the volume of the septic tank is able to accommodate the amount of waste that is generated in the house in three days. At the same time, it is important that the chambers are not filled “under the lid”, since overflow pipes will be located in the upper part.

It is believed that about 200 liters of wastewater per person per day. Therefore, to determine the number of containers, you need to calculate what will be the total water consumption in the house.

Advice! An example of a calculation for the construction of a septic tank for a private house in which 4 people are planned to live. In this case, about 800 liters of water will be consumed per day in the house (4 x 200 = 800), respectively, for three days the consumption will be 2400 liters. Considering that the volume of one eurocube is 1000 liters, and the containers should not be completely filled, in our example, three eurocubes will be required to build a septic tank. If it is planned to build a treatment plant for a summer residence, on which there is no bathtub and a minimum set of plumbing equipment is installed, then it is possible to take a lower rate of water per person in the calculations.

Construction of a septic tank

After the calculations are made and the scheme of the treatment plant is drawn up, the construction of a septic tank from Eurocubes can begin.

Pit and trench preparation

At the first stage of construction, it is necessary to carry out earthworks. If possible, it is better to use earthmoving equipment. But if this is not possible, you can get by with digging pits with a shovel.

  • Prepare a trench leading from the exit of the sewer from the house to the location of the septic tank;
  • Prepare a pit in which eurocubes will be installed.

When preparing a trench, it is important to remember that the pipe of the external pipeline must be laid with a certain slope, this is necessary so that the drains can move under the influence of gravity. It is very important to maintain the slope correctly, otherwise, blockages will form in the pipe more often. The degree of inclination of the pipe depends on its diameter.

Advice! If a pipe with a diameter of 110 mm is used for the external pipeline of the local sewerage of a house or cottage, the slope should be 2 cm per meter. For example, if the septic tank is 7 meters away from the house, then the difference in the level of the beginning and end of the pipeline should be 14 cm.

The construction of a pit for the installation of eurocubes also has its own characteristics. Here are the main recommendations:

  • The size of the pit should be such that after installing the eurocubes, the gap between the walls of the container and the pit is at least 20 cm. This is necessary to make it easier to install the containers. In addition, care will need to be taken to protect and strengthen the outer walls of the containers, since plastic can be deformed under the action of soil;

  • At the bottom of the pit, a layer of sand and soil with a height of 20 cm is added (when calculating the depth of the pit, the height of this pillow must be taken into account). Then, at the bottom, a screed is poured from a concrete solution with the installation of metal embedded parts for attaching eurocubes;
  • The inner walls of the pit also need to be strengthened. This can be done by installing sheets of slate or metal, but it is best to build formwork and pour the walls with concrete.

Advice! If the measures described above are not carried out, then it is highly likely that due to pressure and ground movements, plastic containers will be damaged or moved. And this will lead to the destruction of the entire system.

Assembly of a septic tank

The next stage is the assembly of a septic tank from eurocubes. It is produced before the installation of containers in the pit. The order of operations is:

  • The place of draining from the eurocube is sealed. To do this, unscrew the cover, lubricate the threads with sealant and screw the cover into place;
  • Since the size of the neck of the eurocube does not allow a tee to be inserted into it, then with the help of a grinder, a temporary hole should be cut in place of the neck by making a cut from three sides and bending the cut out part. After installing the tees, the hole will need to be sealed with rivets and sealed with high quality;

  • Next, you need to take a short piece of pipe and process its edge so that you can then attach it to the tee;
  • In the upper part of the side wall, where the installation of the incoming pipe is planned, a hole is cut out equal in size to the diameter of the prepared section.
  • A piece of pipe is inserted into the hole, with the socket outward. A tee is inserted into the hole at the neck and it is connected to the inserted pipe section;
  • Above the installation site of the tee, you need to cut a hole measuring 50 mm. Here you will need to install a pipe for ventilation and cleaning;
  • A hole is cut in the opposite wall of the eurocube for installing an overflow pipe. It must be placed lower than the inlet pipe is installed. Connecting pipes must be provided with tees and ventilation pipes;

Advice! All pipe installation points must be sealed using silicone sealants.

  • To exclude the possibility of displacement of eurocubes relative to each other, metal frames of containers are welded using reinforcement with metal rods. This work can be done using a household welding machine.

Installation of a septic tank

The assembled septic tank must be carefully installed in a pre-prepared pit. The next stage of work is the implementation of the insulation of containers. To do this, you can use any available heat-insulating material, but foam sheets are the best option. The material is lightweight, has good thermal insulation properties and does not collapse under the influence of moisture.

The last stage of construction is backfilling. It is best to fill the pit not with soil, but with a mixture of sand and dry cement. Such a mixture is prepared by mixing five parts of clean, free of large inclusions of sand with one part of dry cement.

Backfilling is carried out in layers with compaction of each layer. It is necessary to pour a layer about 20 cm high and compact it well with a manual tamper. After completing this stage, you can start backfilling the next layer.

It is very important to fill the containers with water at the same time as backfilling, this is necessary to prevent deformation of the plastic cases of the septic tank chambers. When performing work, you must constantly ensure that the liquid level in the containers is always higher than the backfill level. On top of the insulated top cover of the septic tank, the soil formed during the digging of the pit is poured.

So, a homemade septic tank assembled from Eurocubes is a practical and inexpensive way to build a local sewerage system. If the process of building a treatment plant is not entirely clear, you should not only read the description, but also watch a training video that shows in detail the entire process of building a septic tank.

One of the simplest and most affordable options for a treatment plant for a house or a summer residence is a septic tank from eurocubes. Combined with good drainage, it will effectively clean drains and run smoothly for many years. Let's look at how to make a septic tank with your own hands from Eurocubes, in detail with calculations and step-by-step instructions.

For those who are faced with the problem of choosing a treatment plant, the question often arises: is it worth spending money on a septic tank when you can get by with an ordinary cesspool. It is possible, but it may not withstand large volumes of water from all sanitary facilities, and the aromas hovering around it are not always acceptable in a private area, especially in a small one. In addition, untreated domestic wastewater can pollute groundwater, then you can feel their smell or even a slight taste at the nearest well, and this will not please the workers of the sanitary and epidemiological station.

With a septic tank, these problems can be avoided, but since the cost of industrial facilities is quite high, homeowners have to look for an alternative. And the most acceptable option in terms of cost and ease of installation was a Eurocube septic tank.

Construction and

A Eurocube septic tank is a single hermetic system that consists of one or more tanks. The sewer is connected to the first tank, and the effluents enter the tank, where they are rough cleaned.

The principle of operation of a septic tank from eurocubes

Sewage is settled and divided into several fractions with different specific gravity, namely, sediment, gases and clarified water, which is in the middle layers. Also, water purification is facilitated by microorganisms that feed on organic waste. To maintain them in the required quantity, special mixtures of bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools are added to the container. Through the overflow pipe, water from the first tank passes into the second, where it also settles and ferments.

The effluent clarified in the second tank is approximately 60% free of impurities. Further, the water goes into the drainage system, where it undergoes soil post-treatment. As a result of fermentation, a certain amount of methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide is released in the first and second chambers, they are removed through the ventilation pipe. Fluid is pumped out by a cesspool machine through a cleaning pipe.

The main element of the treatment plant is the eurocube

Eurocube is a plastic container made of high-density polyethylene, its wall thickness varies between 1.5-2 mm. In the upper part of the cube there is a filler neck with a diameter of 150 mm, a polyethylene cap is installed on it, in addition it can be equipped with a ventilation valve. A drain cock is located at the bottom of the tank.

The principle of operation of a septic tank from eurocubes

Each eurocube is enclosed in a metal crate and installed on a wooden, steel or plastic pallet. Like many other plastic containers, eurocubes have their own sizes, so the question: which one to buy rarely arises. The standard container is 1000 liters, its length is 1.2 m, width is 1 m, height is 1.16 m, weight is about 50 kg. The Eurocube is an almost ready-made tank and requires only minimal installation work, which is why sewerage with a septic tank made of polyethylene tanks is becoming more and more popular.

Norms and rules for the location of a septic tank on the site

The basic requirements for the installation of a septic tank are formalized in building, sanitary norms and rules, these are the main documents that determine the installation of a treatment plant, taking into account adjacent buildings and the characteristics of the territory. Before installing treatment facilities in a private house or country house, it is necessary to prepare and approve the project in the relevant organization.

During the construction of septic tanks, it is important to pay attention to some features of its installation in certain conditions.

Norms and rules for the location of a septic tank

  • The installation depth of the septic tank, no matter what design it will be, should not be less than the soil freezing limit, if the requirement is not feasible, the septic tank must be insulated.
  • The soil must have high permeability, sandy and
    gravel soils. In the case of clay soil, the construction of cesspools and the installation of a pump will be required.
  • If there is not enough territory on a private plot
    for ground filtration, the construction of an aeration well will be required.
  • When placing a septic tank on the site, it is worth considering that, like for cesspools, it will need to be pumped out and you need to take care of the possibility
    equipment entrance.

Calculation of the capacity of the septic tank

In order for the sewerage system to be functional, and the installation of a new septic tank in a private house is not in vain, it is necessary to calculate in advance the estimated volume of drains, and, accordingly, the volume and number of containers.

According to SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External networks and structures” per person, the volume of water consumed is about 150-200 liters per day.

The standard rate of water consumption per person per day is 200 liters, even if, in fact, they take this number into account less and multiply it by the number of people living in the house. The resulting figure is multiplied by 3. 3 days is the standard time for which the water in the septic tank is cleared and partially drained. Now, to determine the volume of the tank in m3, the amount received is divided by 1000. Thus, for a family of 3 people, the volume of the septic tank should be 1.8-2 m3, that is, 2 eurocubes will be needed. If there are guests in the house, it is recommended to add 200 liters to the total capacity.

Stages of installation of a septic tank from eurocubes

Sewerage with a septic tank from eurocubes differs from other treatment facilities in that additional arrangement will be required

Drainage and drain system

s, but with proper installation, such a design will be a reliable and durable solution in a private house or in the country.

Before proceeding with the installation work, they think over the design and location of the septic tank on the site, decide which one is better to install so that the sewerage system in a private house is functional and coordinate the plan in the SES.

Preparing a pit for a septic tank.

The length and width of the pit should correspond to the size of the septic tank assembly with a small margin of 15-20 cm around the entire perimeter. Thermal insulation and durable material that protects the septic tank from squeezing will fit into this gap.

The required depth is determined taking into account the size of the Eurocube and the slope of the common pipeline. They also take into account the height of the concrete base under the septic tank and the moment that each next container is installed 20-30 cm lower than the previous one, respectively, and the bottom screed is made with a step, and fastening loops for the eurocube are installed in the fresh solution.

Earthworks and concreting of the base for a septic tank

Anchoring will protect the structure from displacement in the event of a groundwater breakthrough.

An important point: so that the septic tank does not squeeze out in the spring with groundwater, it must be fixed to the concrete base with straps.

The next stage of earthworks will be the digging of cesspool trenches for a filtration field or well. Work may vary depending on the chosen method of soil post-treatment.

Septic tank drainage system

Soil treatment can be organized in several ways.

  • Filtration wells - a simple and inexpensive construction, is a well, the bottom of which is made in the form of a filtration cushion of sand and gravel. But it is forbidden to install it on many types of soil: sandy loam, sand, fractured soils and loams. The productivity of the wells is small, and the installation must be coordinated with the sanitary and epidemic service.
  • Underground or ground filtration fields are a kind of irrigation system through which wastewater processed by a septic tank passes and enters the soil. Arrange a system of ceramic or plastic perforated pipes laid on the filtrate. At the end of each channel, a ventilation riser is brought to a height of up to 0.5 m.

Filtration systems for a septic tank

  • Filtration trenches are pits up to 1 meter deep, in which pipes more than 30 meters long are laid, through which water flows by gravity into the existing network or storm sewer.

Assembly and installation of a septic tank

The septic tank is assembled according to a pre-designed scheme, adhering to the basic rule - all connections must be absolutely tight, builders have no consensus on which sealant is best to use.

The assembly begins with the preparation of the first container. From the upper edge of the eurocube, 20 cm recede down and make a hole for the pipe, which will connect the treatment plant to the external sewerage system. On the opposite side of the cube, at a distance of 30 cm from the top, a second overflow hole is made, through which the drains will pass into the second container.

Several holes are also made on the second Eurocube. The first is cut out for an overflow pipe that will connect the tank to the first tank. The height of the slot is calculated taking into account that the second tank will be located 20 cm below the first. On its opposite side, 15-20 cm lower, a hole is made for the second overflow pipe, it will divert pre-treated effluents to the filtration field.

On top of each tank, it is necessary to organize a cleaning hole and a ventilation duct. As a rule, only one hole is made from above, and a pipe is fixed in it for cleaning, and the ventilation riser is brought out using a ready-made filler hole. The pipe is selected with the appropriate diameter and raised to a height of up to 2 meters. Be sure to take into account the fact that the ventilation pipe should not be lowered into the tank below the overflow pipe.

Assembly and installation of a septic tank from eurocubes

Advice! If the ventilation riser is made collapsible, then in the future, liquid can be pumped out of the septic tank through it and an additional hole and pipe outlet for cleaning will not be required

Septic tanks are connected to each other with steel elements at a distance of 15-20 cm. The structure can be insulated with mineral, basalt wool or foam, do not forget about the insulation of pipes that are located above the freezing level of the soil.

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