Recipes Chinese cabbage pak choy. Growing Pak Choi

Garden equipment 29.05.2019
Garden equipment

Pak choi cabbage is one of the most ancient vegetable crops and a close relative of Chinese cabbage, but it is grown quite rarely. Pak choi is a bit like lettuce and chard. This early-ripening vegetable plant is popular in Chinese and Asian cuisine.

To grow such a plant there is no need to be a professional grower. Pak choi cabbage is very unpretentious and requires compliance with simple agrotechnical measures when growing.

Characteristics of pak choi cabbage

The agrotechnical requirements for growing Chinese cabbage are somewhat different than for most of the cabbage plants we are used to. Pak-choi is practically not demanding quality composition soil and perfectly forms a crop when grown on poorly fertilized land.

The Chinese variety of cabbage does not form heads and is similar in appearance to exotic greens or salad vegetables. Refers to early ripening species that, after planting, seedlings ripen thirty days later. The warm Asian climate allows pak choy to be grown and harvested many times in one season.

In Russia, you can grow two varieties of pak choy:

  • having a dark green leaf part and white petioles;
  • having all parts completely light green.

Health benefits of pak choi cabbage

The main feature of this cabbage crop is its high performance, which is very useful for human body an amino acid called lysine. An important advantage is the rich composition of vitamins, as well as essential minerals, which have a beneficial effect on human health.

Pak choi has a very wide scope use in cooking. Most often this vegetable crop used in a variety of salads, as a vitamin green culture. Pak choy can be stewed and used as a side dish for a variety of meat or fish dishes.

Growing seedlings

For faster and more friendly germination of pak choi seeds, the soil for planting should be very loose and light. If seedlings are grown in the warm season or in a room with high temperatures, then the seeds are sown in the last days of March.

It is very convenient to grow pak choi in several stages, leaving intervals between sowing seeds of two weeks. After the formation of five true leaves on the plant, the seedlings are transplanted. This period occurs in the third week after sowing the seeds in a container with soil. Particular attention should be paid to the poor survival rate of seedlings when transplanted to a permanent location.

Of particular importance for productivity is right choice varieties. It is very important to choose a pak choi variety that has been bred by breeders for cultivation in similar weather conditions, and is also not susceptible to pests or diseases.

Landing Features

Experts recommend either transshipping seedlings with an earthen ball with extreme caution, or growing pak choy on ridges by directly sowing seeds. Sowing seeds on ridges is done in an ordinary way. The gap from one row to another should be at least thirty centimeters.

The ridges with crops need to be covered with a covering film and then the first entrances can be observed in a week. It is very correct to cover the plantings with ordinary wood ash, which perfectly protects the seedlings from the invasion of the worst enemy of cabbage crops in the form of the cruciferous flea beetle.

The most effective way is to prepare the soil for sowing seeds in the fall of last year. Preparation consists of deep digging, no less than a spade's length, combined with the application of fertilizers. Good results are shown by applying organic fertilizers in quantities not exceeding ten liters per square meter of beds. To obtain good harvest To the organic matter you need to add superphosphate fertilizers and a little lime.

In early spring, fertilized ridges should be covered with a dark, dense film, which will help the soil to quickly thaw and warm up to a temperature comfortable for growing plants. Next, the thawed soil is dug up with the addition of urea.

Rules of care

Pak choy cannot be grown as a follow-on crop after plants such as cabbages, radishes and other cruciferous vegetables. The cabbage root system is located in the surface layers of the earth and does not go deeper than fifteen centimeters.

During the growing season of the plant, it is very important not to treat or spray with chemicals and agents that can accumulate in parts of pak choi that are eaten. The process of cross-pollination with Peking cabbage is allowed. Despite its exotic nature, pak choy is very unpretentious to growing conditions and does not require any special care from the grower.

There are still some features when growing pak choi cabbage, and if you adhere to them, the harvest will be very high.

  • The most important thing is not to forget that Chinese cabbage can bolt and bloom at a stage when daylight hours increase significantly.
  • The most best time cultivation time is from the end of April. It is at this time that the active formation and growth of the vegetative mass occurs. Growers who plant pak choi from mid-May risk ending up with a plant that blooms and goes into the stem. Have a good time The time to grow Chinese cabbage is the end of July, when daylight hours are waning and the plant produces a very high yield.
  • The basis of care is weeding, which can be replaced by mulching plants with pine needles, grass clippings, straw or sawdust. It is also important to carry out timely watering and protective measures against diseases and pests.

Diseases and pests

The greatest damage is caused to Chinese cabbage pak choi by cruciferous flea beetles. This very small pest can completely destroy all plantings. The pest begins its flight in early spring, after the air warms up to fifteen degrees Celsius. During the same period, very active and massive egg laying occurs.

Cruciferous flea beetles, awakened from hibernation, immediately begin to intensively feed on young plants and can completely consume a plant that is beginning to actively grow in a couple of days.

There are several very effective methods and means that will save plants from death. During this period, abundant watering of seedlings becomes important. This pest does not tolerate high humidity, since plants growing in well-moistened soil are perfectly protected from cruciferous flea beetles.

A very good result is obtained by the method of pollinating young and already mature plants with any mixtures, the base of which is represented by ordinary wood ash or tobacco dust.

The best infusions against pests of pak choi:

  • solution from liquid soap with sifted wood ash;
  • infusion based on garlic and fresh tomato leaves;
  • infusion of dandelion root and liquid soap;
  • vinegar water solution;
  • infusion of green wormwood and garlic arrows.

If the grower does not have the opportunity to spray or pollinate the plants, then it is possible to briefly cover fragile plants with a light non-woven covering material such as spunbond, agrospam or lutrasil.

And tall nutritional properties Many people in our country have begun mass cultivation of this variety of cabbage. About secrets correct landing and caring for pak choi we will talk about in the article.

Description of culture

Mid-season varieties include “Lebedushka”, “Swallow”, “Chill”, “Four Seasons”, “In Memory of Popova”. The growing season of mid-season varieties is 50-55 days.

Did you know? IN Asian countries With ok pak choi is used in cosmetics. It is an excellent remedy for skin rejuvenation.

Bak choy not particularly demanding on soil. It can grow even in an unfertilized area. But best place sandy loam or light loam will be suitable for planting. Soil acidity should range from 5.5 to 6.5 pH. Best predecessor– . It is not recommended to plant pak choi in a place where another variety grew last year.

It is also undesirable to plant bok choy in one place for more than two years in a row.

How to plant pak choi cabbage in the country

Now we will understand the main question: how to grow pak choi cabbage at home? Cultivation begins with planting.

Planting and caring for seedlings

To grow seedlings, cabbage seeds are planted in peat cups at the end of March - mid-April. Soil for seedlings can be mixed with humus for better seed germination.
After planting, water the seeds with water (cold watering is not advisable). Cups with seedlings are best placed in a sunny place.

Every four to five days, the seeds need to be watered with water whose temperature is not lower than 15ºC. After 15-20 days, when three leaves form on the seedlings, it needs to be added.

Pour a little soil under each sprout, then the plant will quickly form the fourth and fifth leaves. After the seedlings have five leaves, they can be planted in a pre-prepared area along with the cups.

In order for pak choi seedlings to take root faster, you need Spray regularly with water(2-4 times a day; spray for 5-7 days).
It is best to plant cabbage in partial shade. Until the roots of the seedlings get stronger, hot Sun rays could harm her. It is better to plant seedlings in the ground in the evening or on a cloudy day.

The distance between the rows of cabbage should be 25-30 cm. Bury into the soil until the first true leaves.

Features of cultivation

Pak choi cabbage can be grown in almost any type of soil. It does not require special and careful care. However, if you follow some nuances, you can increase productivity.

Watering and soil care

It is better to refrain from adding it (since even if the cabbage grows, it will lose its taste).

More about the features of caring for pak choi

The crop is prone to the formation of shoots and flowering, so when growing you need to take into account some biological features cabbage
The processes of formation of shoots and flowering are usually observed with a constant lengthening of daylight hours. To avoid this, some agronomists advise plant pak choi no earlier than July.

For better yield, the soil around the cabbage can be mulched with rich compost or grass clippings. This will better retain moisture (this is especially necessary during dry periods of summer).

Control of plant diseases and pests

Important!To control pests, pak choi also uses a solution of wood ash and laundry soap, an infusion based on fresh tomato leaves and a solution of vinegar water,infusion of liquid soap and dandelion root,infusion of garlic arrows and green.These solutions are suitable for both spraying and watering.

To combat cruciferous flea beetle, it is allowed to use aqueous solution based on the drug. The drug is diluted in water according to the instructions and sprayed in the evening or morning.

Asians are big fans of greenery. The more leaves and flowers on the table, the better. But who said it’s not tasty?! Properly prepared leaves can give a head start to any meat dish. Today I'll tell you about amazing plant, which is called pak choy. It is also called Chinese mustard cabbage.

Pak choy can be eaten raw, stir-fried with other vegetables, and even pickled. If you have ever eaten the Korean dish kimchi, which no true Korean meal is complete without, then you are already familiar with pak choi. It is this cabbage that is the main ingredient of the pickled Korean delicacy.

How to choose pak choi cabbage at the market?

Pak choi cabbage is usually sold in the market and in stores in small heads of weight and size. Thin stalks of cabbage are attached to each other at the base, while green leaves begin to grow closer to the middle of the stem.

When choosing pak choy, you should follow the same criteria as when choosing any other cabbage or greens. The leaves should be clean, green, evenly colored, without damage. If the leaves have holes, it means that the cabbage has been eaten by insects and there is a risk that the farmer has sprayed the plant with chemicals in an attempt to get rid of them. Do not take too large and massive heads of cabbage. Much tastier is young cabbage, the leaves of which do not exceed 15-20 cm in length.

Do not store pak choi cabbage for a long time. It’s better to immediately after coming from the market or store, separate the stems from the head of cabbage, put everything in a bowl and pour cold water. This way the cabbage will be well cleaned of any remaining soil and dust. If you are not going to cook the cabbage right away, dry the leaves, wrap them in a towel and put them in the refrigerator.

What to cook with pak choi cabbage?

Korean pickled cabbage kimchi

1. Wash a large pak choi cabbage, separate the leaves, add salt, stir and leave for an hour and a half. Then wash the cabbage again.

2. In a blender, grind two heads of garlic, the pulp of half a pineapple, green chilies (to taste), a medium-sized onion and 5 cm of ginger root. Add fish sauce. Try what happened. If you need to add more salt, add fish or soy sauce. Koreans add another 5-6 tablespoons of ground red chili to this mixture. But if you don't like it spicy, you don't have to put it in.

3. Mix cabbage with sauce. Place in a bowl, cover tightly and refrigerate for two days. When the smell of pickled vegetables appears, the dish is ready. Store the prepared kimchi in the refrigerator.

Pak choi cabbage in oyster sauce

1. Separate the pak choy leaves and wash them well.

2. Cut the onion into quarters and carrots into rings.

3. Add oil to the pan and turn the heat to high. Fry the onions and carrots for a few minutes, stirring constantly.

4. Add pak choi cabbage to the vegetables, do not leave the stove, because you need to stir all the time.

5. Mix the sauce in a bowl: 5 tablespoons of thick oyster sauce, 3 tablespoons of salted fish sauce, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 30-50 grams of water. The sauce should have a uniform consistency.

6. Add the sauce to the frying pan, stir all the vegetables and wait a couple of minutes until all the water has boiled away and the sauce thickens.

What are the benefits of pak choi cabbage?

This low calorie product, only 13 kilocalories per 100 grams. Pak choy dishes can be an excellent dinner for those who want to lose weight.

Pak choi cabbage is high in fiber, so rest assured that a salad made from this vegetable is very beneficial for good bowel function.

Cabbage is rich in vitamins A, C and folic acid, it contains calcium, iron, sodium and magnesium. Cabbage juice has a bactericidal effect, so pak choy is applied to wounds and burns.

It is known that the Chinese are talented and hardworking farmers. For thousands of years they have been cultivating their favorite varieties of vegetables. One of them is pak choy - early variety cabbage The main reasons for the widespread distribution of this crop in China, and more recently in Japan, are the unpretentiousness of this cabbage, its excellent germination and high nutritional properties.

What's special about pak choi?
Despite the fact that pak choy is the closest relative of the familiar white cabbage, it differs from it in almost everything.

Firstly, the agricultural technology for growing Chinese cabbage is somewhat different than what Russians are used to. Pak choi is much less demanding on soil quality; medium- or low-fertilized soil is quite suitable for it. Secondly, this Chinese cabbage does not form heads, so it is often perceived as an exotic green or salad vegetable. Thirdly, pak choi cabbage is an early ripening variety; after planting in the garden, it is ready for use within 25-30 days. Therefore, it enjoys great success in Asian countries, whose warm climate allows the cultivation of pak choy several times per season.

But main feature this cabbage is high content it contains a very useful amino acid - lysine, which is found in large quantities in this vegetable. Another advantage of this cabbage is the presence of vitamins A, B1 and B2, PP and C in high concentrations. The presence of iron in it is also important. citric acid, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. There are two main types of Chinese pak choi cabbage: one with dark green leaves and white petioles, and the other which is completely light green.

Growing seedlings
In order for the seeds to germinate quickly and produce strong seedlings, the soil in the seedling containers should be made very loose. In warm climates, seeds should be sown at the end of March, in several stages, with a break of 8-10 days. As soon as the plant forms 4-5 true leaves, and this happens 20-25 days after planting the seeds, it can be planted in the soil. It is believed that pak choi cabbage may not take root when transplanting seedlings into the ground. Therefore, many people prefer to plant it with seeds in the garden. In this case, this cabbage is sown in even rows, the distance between which should be at least 30 cm. After planting the seeds, the bed must be covered plastic film. Friendly shoots usually appear on the 7-10th day. After planting cabbage, it is advisable to sprinkle the bed with ash to protect the plants from their worst enemy - the cruciferous flea beetle.

Soil preparation when planting in the ground
It is best to prepare the soil for planting Chinese cabbage seeds in the fall. First of all, of course, it should be dug up while simultaneously applying fertilizer. For this purpose, organic matter is most often used, at the rate of one bucket per 1 square meter. m. You can put one tablespoon of superphosphate in the fertilizer container. If the soil requires it, then it is advisable to add a tablespoon of lime. With the onset of spring, after the snow has melted and the ground has thawed, the bed should be loosened. The same must be done before planting seeds. However, immediately before planting cabbage, the soil must be dug to a depth of 15 cm, without turning the layer over and at the same time adding a teaspoon of urea per square meter. If the soil was not fertilized in the fall, it is advisable to saturate it with humus in the spring.

Pak choy is not recommended to be planted in the place where any other types of cabbage were grown last season. Every amateur gardener knows that diseases and pests of all cabbage species are similar. Root system in Chinese cabbage it is located shallowly, up to 15 cm from the soil surface. The roots themselves are quite thin and very branched. During the growing season, the plant is not recommended to be treated with chemicals. Cross-pollination of this species is possible only with Chinese cabbage. Chinese pak choi is very unpretentious and can grow well in cool climates.

Growing pak choi has its own peculiarities. First of all, you should know that this Chinese cabbage bolts and blooms at a time when daylight hours are increasing. If planted in April, pak choi will have excellent vegetative mass. But if this cabbage is planted in May, the plant will grow very quickly and can quickly go into stemming and flowering. Pak choi planted in mid-July produces the largest yields. In the southern regions it can be planted in the second half of August and early September. Experienced gardeners throughout the season, new rows of this wonderful crop are gradually being planted

Pest control
Known pests of all cabbage plants are cruciferous flea beetles. They are especially dangerous for young pak choi sprouts, as they overwinter in top layer land, and if pests a large number of, they can destroy the plant even before shoots appear. The easiest way to minimize the damage from them is frequent, abundant watering and loosening the soil.

Growing pak choy cabbage is not very common, unlike another Asian crop -. However, this plant has many advantages, so gardeners should pay attention to it. In addition, it can be used to prepare a variety of dishes.

Beneficial features

Pak choi cabbage is valued for useful material which it contains. Among the vitamins the following stand out:

  • vitamin C, necessary for strengthening the immune system and improving the condition of blood vessels;
  • vitamin K, which has a positive effect on blood composition;
  • vitamin A, used in cell renewal processes and supports vision;
  • B vitamins, which have a calming effect on nervous system and improve appearance.

This cabbage also contains microelements that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It contains a lot of fiber, which cleanses the body of toxins and has a positive effect on digestion.

Features of cultivation

The advantages of pak choi cabbage include not only its valuable qualities, but also its ease of cultivation.

  • The crop grows quickly, and within a month after planting it can be eaten. There are varieties that ripen even faster.
  • Growing is possible even on poorly fertilized soil.
  • The plant gives a good harvest. It can be collected at any stage, since it is a stall-type crop.

Another peculiarity of pak choi cabbage is that it does not form heads of cabbage, but compact rosettes on thick petioles, closely pressed together. There are two varieties: plants of one type are completely colored green color, others have white petioles and green leaves.

Cultivation of the crop should begin in the fall with soil preparation. It is recommended to dig it up and fertilize it. Will fit well organic fertilizers. With the onset of spring, the soil needs to be loosened. If in the fall it was not possible to fertilize the soil, then in the spring with the help of humus it will be possible to correct the situation.

Growing pak choi cabbage occurs in two ways: using seedlings or directly planting seeds in the ground. The second method is preferable, since the crop does not tolerate movement very well.

To obtain seedlings, seeds must be sown in the second half of March. Good for this peat pots. To long time To enjoy fresh herbs, it is worth sowing in several stages with an interval of 10 days. After the fifth leaf has formed on the seedling, it is time to transplant it to a permanent place.

A characteristic feature of the crop: as the day lengthens, it begins bolting and flowering very quickly, and the leaves become unsuitable for food. Therefore, seedlings need to be planted in April. At the same time, you can sow the seeds in open ground, but they will have to be covered with film. Most big harvest It will be possible to harvest if you sow at the end of July.

Sowing and care

For seeds, grooves about 3 cm deep are dug. The distance between them should be 30 cm. The seedlings need to be thinned out after their first leaves appear. The optimal distance between bushes is 15 cm. Then large rosettes can form. Since the leaves of the plant quickly become hard, it is also recommended to sow them in open ground at intervals of several days.

To get a good harvest, you need to choose the right variety. It must be suitable for growing in appropriate weather conditions.

Further care is quite simple. The plant does not require special attention, it is hardy, cold-resistant and will give a good harvest with a minimum of effort. You just need to regularly pull out the weeds, water the bushes and loosen the soil. Feeding is not necessary, but will help achieve better results. It is worth using mineral fertilizers in the following quantities: ammonium nitrate - 15 g per square meter, potassium fertilizers and double superphosphate - 20 g each. The use of complex fertilizers from various manufacturers, as well as wood ash, is allowed.

Dangerous pests

Pak choy cabbage can be damaged by some pests. First of all, from the cruciferous flea beetle. This small insect can very quickly destroy an entire bush. It appears in early spring, when the sun begins to warm up. To protect plants, you need to take care of prevention. Fleas do not like wet soil, so plantings should be well watered. It is also necessary to loosen the soil.

Another way to combat pests is to pollinate pak choi cabbage bushes with wood ash or tobacco infusion. The procedure must be carried out in the morning. You can also use an infusion of garlic and fresh tomato leaves or a solution of vinegar water. If other means do not help, then use is allowed chemicals. For example, it could be Kinmiks. The instructions indicate exactly how to use it.

Some pests will have to be removed by hand collection. During the period when leaves are forming, you should inspect the bushes from time to time. If clutches of common cabbage white eggs are found, they must be destroyed immediately. Rain snails are also dangerous, especially if the crop is grown under open air. It is recommended to collect them manually. Special baits in which alcohol infusion is mixed with bran can also help. In some cases, the use of chemicals such as Rodax is justified.

Do not rush to use chemicals, as harmful substances, which they contain, can accumulate not only in the soil, but also in the leaves themselves. It is better to take preventive measures in time. Then there will be no problems with getting the harvest.

How to use

Growing pak choy cabbage is not difficult; it requires minimal care. At the same time, it is very healthy and has an unusual taste. It's no surprise that her popularity is growing. The plant is eaten both raw and stewed and boiled, as a side dish for meat dishes. The raw leaves are slightly bitter, reminiscent of arugula. They can be added to a variety of salads. If cabbage is heat-treated, it will acquire a sweetish taste.

The product is cooked like this: first, the petioles are thrown into the water, and after 5 minutes the leaves are added. The plant can be stewed and fried, even pickled and salted. It is widely used in Chinese cuisine. You can try making an unusual soup. First, marinate 300 g of chicken breast, cut into pieces, in a mixture of soy sauce with garlic and ginger. Let stand, then lightly fry in a frying pan. Next, you need to brew 50 g of rice noodles according to the instructions on the package, divide them into two plates, and also distribute the chicken. Bring 500 ml of chicken broth to a boil, add 200 g of pak choi cabbage and cook for a couple of minutes. At this time, chop the greens and chili peppers. Pour the finished broth into plates and add herbs.

You can prepare a simpler dish. For example, simmer pre-marinated chicken breast or pork with cabbage. There are many recipes, so you can choose the right one.

Growing pak choy cabbage will allow you to diversify your diet with a tasty and healthy addition. The product is low-calorie, so it is suitable even for a diet menu. The unpretentiousness of the plant will allow even beginners to get a good harvest.

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