Choosing wallpaper for a teenager's room: what to look for (24 photos). Decorating a teenage boy's room: choosing wallpaper Wallpaper for a teenager's room

The buildings 05.10.2023
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Wallpaper for a teenage room is a special line of canvases through which you can express the inner world of a child, as well as indicate a certain interior style. We will consider in detail how to choose a wall covering so that the space conveys the desired mood, noting the nuances of decorating the space of a room for children of different sexes.

Features of the interior of a teenage bedroom

A teenager's room is a special world. To make it look stylish and modern, meeting the child’s hobbies, a lot of effort must be made. Often this is hampered by design features, for example, niches, asymmetrically located projections, lack of footage and low ceiling height. All this leaves its mark on the choice of texture and wallpaper pattern.

For example, the plot and size of the wallpaper depend on the presence of protrusions, because in the right place they should look correct, without visual distortion. It is impossible not to take into account the side on which the children's windows face. It is this feature that affects the perception of the shade, which may seem darker or colder than what it actually is. Other nuances include the location of the main zones of the room, as well as the central and auxiliary lighting, because often it is this that makes the accent zone special.

The choice of wallpaper for a teenager's room today has no strict boundaries. At the same time, adolescence involves the use of bright and sometimes rebellious colors. However, for harmony of perception there should not be too many of them. Otherwise, this will create emotional tension, which over time will begin to irritate the child himself. You also need to pay attention to the arrangement of furniture, since often it is the design flaws that do not allow rearrangement.

Color solution

The choice of wallpaper color for decorating the walls of a teenage room is usually made in accordance with the interests of the child. If at the age of 11 boys still choose blue and blue tones of wallpaper with a marine pattern, older guys like gray, beige-gray, brown tones, as well as combinations:

  • blue and white;
  • brown with white and beige;
  • gray with white;
  • taupe with white and wood;
  • brick, white and orange;

  • khaki, brick and white;
  • white, gray and black;
  • gray-blue with terracotta;
  • green with light gray.

The greatest riot of colors in color schemes appears when wallpaper with a graffiti print is chosen to accent one of the areas of a teenager’s room. Green, red, black, orange, blue, yellow, lemon and gray tones can overlap here. They look especially unusual on a textured basis (for example, imitation brickwork). These colors are unique and expressive in themselves. They stand out noticeably among the entire interior composition of the room.

Material selection

The wallpaper market offers a lot of rolled and bagged wallpaper, as well as options that are applied like plaster. Products may differ in composition, type of manufacture, complexity of gluing and joining, as well as durability. However, among all the variety, not every canvas or wallpaper mass is worthy of purchase. This is explained by the lack of breathability and the presence of harmful toxins in the composition, which begin to be released indoors.

Among the products worthy of choice, you can consider paper, textile options, canvases for painting and photo printing. It’s worth mentioning right away: simple glossy paper products for decorating children’s walls will look rustic. In addition to the fact that they are difficult to glue, such canvases fade over time and turn blue. It is better to purchase options for the walls of a teenage room in the middle price segment and with a slightly embossed texture.

Non-woven wallpaper has an elastic structure, which simplifies the process of joining. They are thinner than vinyl products, can serve as wall decoration for about 15 years, and have a wide range of noble shades that are distinguished by their purity of color. Even the bright colors of such wallpaper look special, which cannot be said about simple types of paper wallpaper. In addition, non-woven ones have a convenient meter width, which simplifies the procedure for gluing walls.

Teenage boys are not so demanding when choosing texture options. In this regard, you can soften the bright contrast with painting options. If it is necessary to update the wallpaper, you can simply paint it, and some types require up to 20 paintings with great durability (about 20 years). Of course, the most striking accent for decorating a guys’ room can be called photo printing. Moreover, it can be either ready-made from a store or made to order, which allows you to decorate a child’s room taking into account his hobbies.

How to choose?

When choosing this or that wallpaper to decorate a teenager's room, it is worth considering a number of factors. One of them is the size of the print. It's no secret that it can visually change the perception of space. For example, a large drawing on the walls of a small room visually reduces its size, making the walls lower and narrower. At the same time, a small drawing can increase the space, and even more so if it is made in light colors of the color palette.

You should not buy equal amounts of monochromatic colored companions, since usually more monochromatic ones will be spent on pasting. The number of accent canvases is calculated in accordance with the size of the pasting area. This could be a ledge on both sides, the inner walls of an open shelving unit, a headboard area, a seating area, or a space above a desk. Some people like to emphasize the sports area if it is included in the design of the room.

You need to choose wallpaper for both the main part and the accent. This will make it easier to choose approximately the same thickness, shade and texture, which is also important for the wallpaper to look cohesive and stylish. If it is possible to purchase companions, this will minimize the mismatch of tones. It is undesirable to opt for a floral theme and a satin shiny surface: this is alien to a teenage boy’s room. Such wallpaper can bring discomfort to perception. There should not be any pictures here that are inappropriate for age or gender.

Pay attention to the features of the ceiling design. For example, if it is colored and goes from the ceiling to the walls, the color hit is especially important. It can be related, but should not differ in temperature.

Nuances of contrast

You need to combine wallpaper in a teenager's room correctly. You should not simplify the space with transverse stripes or borders with straight lines. It's not just boring, but it simplifies the design. Beautiful combinations can be created by highlighting, say, the space above your desktop with wallpaper with a print. Pictures in frames will not look beautiful in a boy’s room, so framing photo wallpaper in molding is inappropriate here.

A picture with a photo print on the entire wall will look much more interesting in a guy’s room than inserts that imitate several panels. You can cover a niche with photo wallpaper of a certain theme or, conversely, a ledge. If the room is equipped with a podium bed, you can highlight this space with contrasting wallpaper.

You won’t be able to do without plain wallpaper: they will smooth out the bright colors of printed wallpaper. You need to select the right option taking into account the style provided by the design. If this is a loft, you cannot do without a deliberately rough texture of the panels, combining them, say, with abstract paintings simply placed against the wall. If modern or high-tech style is chosen as the basis for the interior design, the wallpaper should be plain, but high-status. In this case, it is important to rely not on them, but on the details of the furniture.

Differences from wallpaper for the opposite sex

Teenage girls' rooms are different from those for boys. Here you can use wallpaper with the theme of glamor, urban sketches, images of London, Paris in the form of sketches. Wallpapers for guys in their teens also tend to show off their interests. If for girls it’s manga, anime, then guys will like the theme of football, sports, and graffiti more. Moreover, the older the boy, the greater the difference will be in the choice of not only the design on the panels, but also the texture itself. In the boys' room, you should not use wallpaper with embossing, mother-of-pearl, or glitter. A matte type of texture would be the best solution here. Roughness and relief are welcome.

Common room solutions for mixed-sex teenagers

There are times when two children of different sexes have to get along in a teenage room. The situation, of course, is not the best, however, with a lack of separate rooms, there is nothing left to do but divide the available space with a partition or correctly place accents. This can be done perfectly in an attic room equipped as a teenager’s room. In this regard, the presence of partitions and structural protrusions will play the role of separation, plain wallpaper will soften the perception of the background design of the walls, and contrasts will indicate zones for the guy and the girl.

In order not to break up the unified design of the room, it is preferable to agree on which neutral option will suit both children. You should not separate functional areas with wallpaper of different temperaments, as this will completely ruin any stylish idea. You can choose a general picture or photo wallpaper for the recreation area. For example, this could be a place to watch movies or a corner for music lovers.

For a teenage boy’s room, like any things for him, it is not at all easy to choose because of the wayward nature of a child at this age, as well as because of the frequent and sudden changes in tastes and preferences. At the same time, it is impossible to leave children's decoration in the bedroom in a situation where the son has already reached adolescence, because it will be uncomfortable for him to be in the room.

Of course, when choosing wallpaper, you need to consult with the boy himself, but you cannot completely let go of control over the situation, as well as make rash decisions.

What should the wallpaper be like?

Teen wallpapers have several criteria that make them stand out from the rest. These points must be taken into account when choosing:

  • Adolescence is characterized by non-standard ways of self-expression, the craving for which quickly passes. Many adults are often even embarrassed about some of their teenage hobbies, which at one time they considered an integral part of their lives. Don’t force yourself into a situation where your son wants to change the interior of the room, but you feel sorry for almost new wallpaper - if you lack finances, it’s better to buy inexpensive wallpaper.

  • Uniqueness. Every teenager is sure that he is unusual, not like everyone else. All his behavior is aimed at expressing himself - to show why he is unusual. Your own room should fully correspond to the immediate interests of the teenager. Later, an adult guy will want wallpaper “like someone else’s”, but now uniqueness is much preferable. It is often advised to choose bright wallpaper, but in reality this is only interesting to younger teenagers.
  • Lack of taste. The concept is, of course, conditional - everyone has their own. However, teenagers are distinguished by their own vision of everything around them; their ideals often seem tasteless to their parents, as well as vice versa. If your child suddenly wants something ordinary and something that you like, don’t refuse, but ask yourself whether your son’s peers will call him too old-fashioned and boring. It may be better to hint that you are not against daring experiments.

If the teenager himself wants this, but you are exactly against it, it is better to give in at a certain moment, otherwise you can seriously ruin your relationship with your son over a trifle.

Which ones are better to glue?

If we talk about varieties, wallpaper can be classified according to several criteria:

  • Material. Perhaps you shouldn’t choose anything more expensive than ordinary paper or non-woven fabric. Firstly, they are inexpensive, which is very appropriate in view of the boy’s frequent changes in tastes. Secondly, they offer the widest possible choice of design solutions, which will allow them to match the child’s tastes.

  • Color palette. Most often, it is recommended to choose light, cheerful colors for the bedroom, but teenagers are unusual in that they are ready to abandon any generally accepted standards. They may prefer a strict black and white color scheme, a distinctly gloomy atmosphere, a childishly bright multi-colored design, or quite classic pastel colors. In case of a destructive choice, you can try to defend the good old classics, but remember that it is undesirable to insist on your own too much.
  • Visual design. Since originality is needed, many parents are sure that photo wallpaper is a must in a teenager’s room, but this is not entirely true. Even a completely one-color finish is acceptable, and posters will play the role of decoration.


With the help of style, you can very advantageously emphasize the child’s hobbies, which he will undoubtedly like. This is exactly what you should start from. The following popular styles among young people should be considered:

  • Loft. Deliberate abandonment, “industrial” interior, which will appeal to lovers of computers and other equipment, tough athletes, and even bohemians.

  • High tech. Emphasized technology and a focus on maximum interior convenience at the expense of its brightness are the ideal habitat for a computer geek, although in recent years high-tech has, in principle, turned into a typically masculine style.

  • Ethnic style. In a global world, you often meet a teenager who is passionate about the culture of a particular country. In recent years, the passion for Japan can be called widespread; the USA and Great Britain are also popular among young people.

  • Sea style. Constantly hints at movement and long-distance travel, which is suitable for those who cannot sit still for a long time. Teenagers are rarely experienced travelers at this age, but dreaming and making plans is much more pleasant in the right surroundings.

  • Kitsch. This is the most complex of all possible styles, since it is an analogue of what is called “casual” in clothing. The point is to combine completely unexpected things, but you are unlikely to be able to do this in a way that your child will appreciate.

More precisely, the result may evoke a certain sympathy, but you can bring kitsch to an ideal state only for yourself.

Color and design

The choice of colors has already been mentioned above - there are no specific requirements for it, teenagers are too capricious to drive themselves into any kind of framework. Another thing is that there can be room for choice thanks to various design options.

The simplest solution is ordinary one-color wallpaper. Only at first glance they don’t fit into a teenager’s bedroom - in fact, that’s where they belong. The fact is that they themselves, without being flashy and individual, allow you to freely hang any posters on top of them without harming the background, which still allows for the durability of the repair - not the finishing will change, but only the accessories on top of it, which is much cheaper and allows the interior to always be relevant.

A relatively common option is simple geometric shapes or discreet stripes. The advantages are the same as those of plain wallpaper, although additional difficulties may arise due to the fact that the color scheme with changing accessories on top of it may increasingly contrast with the overall palette of the room.

Photo wallpapers are naturally very appropriate in a teenager’s room. You need to choose them according to the taste of the young man - these can be both idols (football players, boxers, musicians) and urban landscapes (skyscrapers of a night city, bridges, masterpieces of world architecture).

In general, the choice of photo wallpaper is limited only by the client’s imagination, because they can even be made to order - with such a picture as you can provide for a sample.

Wallpaper layout and zoning options

It will be much easier to achieve originality if you use not one type of wallpaper, but two, for decoration.

In addition to the purely visual effect, there will be a direct benefit - a room divided into zones will allow you to more effectively engage in one or another activity. For the recreation area, light and soothing colors are more appropriate, and if your son plays sports at home, then you can, on the contrary, put bright, provocative wallpaper in the work area of ​​his room.

You can also combine finishes of different colors to create accents. It is possible both in simple ways, such as combining plain wallpaper of different colors or two different discreet patterns, and with the help of photo wallpaper. The latter can occupy either an entire wall or a relatively small part of it, acting as a kind of picture without a frame.

Photo wallpapers help with zoning; different types of them can even be arranged, choosing an unobtrusive seascape for a recreation area, and a photograph of a famous boxer for motivation to work with a punching bag and a barbell, or an equally famous musician for inspired guitar rehearsals for a work area.

How to choose?

When choosing decoration for the walls of a teenager’s room, you should definitely listen to his opinion, but you can promote your point of view or simply give him good advice only if your position is sufficiently reasoned. When choosing, follow a few simple tips:

Choose plain or striped options only if the boy’s preferences change with stunning speed, and he has no specific hobbies or noticeable achievements in any area. This will allow the owner of the room to instantly switch from one hobby to another with the help of new posters, which is especially typical for a boy of 14-15 years old, who is still very impetuous and abrupt.

Photo wallpaper, especially expensive ones, should be chosen only if the teenager has one very stable hobby - for example, a musical group or a football player.

The nursery is the first room in which a child’s life begins. This is the world of his hobbies and interests. Here the child studies, relaxes, plays his favorite games and dreams. And it must be designed taking into account the interests of its inhabitant. Parents should involve the boy himself in developing the design of the children's room, find out what he wants to see around him, how to arrange furniture and toys.

As he grows up, the boy’s room will change. With a change in interests and preferences, he will want to change his children's pictures to others.

Simply painted walls in a boy's room are unlikely to contribute to games and the development of imagination. Wallpaper for a boy's room can turn the room into the place that a young pirate or astronaut, explorer or athlete dreams of. Boys are no less prone to fantasies than girls.

But before you start decorating the walls in the nursery, you need to remember the general points in choosing a color:

  • red and orange colors have a stimulating effect on the psyche;
  • blues and greens are calming;
  • yellow and pink colors are good for brain function;
  • The dark colors of a boy's room are depressing.

Types of wallpaper in a boys' room:

  • The texture of the wallpaper should be quite practical - boys often play with a ball, throwing it against the wall. If there are scratches from sabers and daggers, they should not be very noticeable on the wall. Therefore, it is better to choose textured bases with a pattern.

  • Vinyl wallpapers. What is their advantage? They are easy to clean, affordable, safe for health and therefore quite suitable for covering a boy’s room. On high-quality vinyl wallpaper you will find a mark indicating the presence of micropores that allow air to pass through and do not create a greenhouse effect. The basis for them is non-woven fabric or paper. And the top is PVC. They are resistant to moisture and can be cleaned with a damp sponge.

  • Paper- the most familiar and old way of pasting walls. Such wallpapers are safe because... made of paper. The porous base prevents moisture from accumulating. Lets air through. Such wallpaper is easy to stick and remove from the walls. For the nursery where the boy lives. such wallpapers can be very relevant. Due to their low price, they can be replaced without much expense if they get very dirty. The absence of synthetic materials guarantees the absence of fungal infections. If mold develops on the wall, it is immediately noticeable on paper wallpaper. You can take action and eliminate it.

  • Non-woven wallpaper is similar in appearance to paper, but more durable and of higher quality. They are a non-woven synthetic base that does not get wet. Their structure is thicker and more textured, so they can be used to mask minor defects on the wall. The width is larger than paper ones, which means there will be fewer joints on the wall and the surface will look more monolithic. But they are more difficult to glue than vinyl or paper. Non-woven wallpaper is heavier and more expensive than the analogues described above.

  • Liquid or textile It makes sense to stick wallpaper in the nursery if the tastes and preferences of your child have formed, and the wallpaper is designed to last for several years. They are more expensive, but also look more presentable.

Color selection

The main thing is that the child likes the selected wallpaper. But once again it must be emphasized that the character of the young resident is also taken into account. If a boy is constantly on the move, he is often excited and active, then the colors of the nursery should calm him down, relax him, and give rest to his nerves. Blue wallpaper with small boats is very suitable.

If the child is quiet and calm, feel free to add bright, large drawings to the design.

The nursery will become a boy’s favorite room if you use photo wallpaper with your favorite fairy-tale or movie characters to decorate one wall. If the nursery allows it, you can use colors to separate different areas - play, bedroom, work. But if the room is small, such a division may look “clumsy”. The play area encourages activity. Bright colors and images are appropriate here. The sleeping area can be decorated in blue tones. The student’s desk can be placed against a wall covered with plain wallpaper in beige or sand color. Of course, the colors of different zones should be combined. The walls should not be colorful.

Plot and style

In the boy’s room, he should be surrounded by subjects that are familiar and interesting to him.

The design theme may be as follows:

  • cars, racing competitions;
  • sky, planes, rockets;
  • favorite cartoon characters - dinosaurs (but not monsters);
  • marine theme - ships, sea spaces, dolphins;
  • pirates, treasure caves, tropical islands.

Of the listed subjects, the most popular is the marine one. There is plenty of imagination here for both the child and the parents. The room can be decorated in the form of Captain Flint's vintage yacht. Cover the walls with plain wallpaper in blue and sand colors. Photo wallpapers depicting the ocean shore or a cabin would be appropriate. Accordingly, furniture and household items are selected in the same style. The bed can be ordered or purchased in the form of a ship. You can sleep on it at night and play pirates with your friends during the day. In an additional resting place, do not place a chair, but hang a rope hammock.

The sports corner should be decorated not with a wall bars, but with rope ladders on the mast.

It is good to decorate the walls (even if they are fake) with a steering wheel and a compass. As the boy ages, the color of the wallpaper, furniture, and interior accessories will change. The young man will not want to live in a room with sea wallpaper or boats on the walls. At this age, interests go into the field of fashionable music, sports, motorcycles and auto racing.

Photo wallpaper for a teenager can be made from more expensive materials. Posters of rock musicians or sports heroes may well appear on the walls.

And the background for them can be gray or black. And parents will have to come to terms with this. But the son will feel comfortable among his favorite heroes. And over time, he will appreciate the tolerance and delicacy of his parents.

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Decoration plays a significant role for any person; the place where you often stay should be comfortable and cozy; wallpaper for a teenager may differ from those used to decorate the rest of the room. Colors can be brighter and designs bolder. In addition, this is a great way to get to know your child’s tastes and interests.

What type of wallpaper is best to choose for a teenager?

Teenagers are not particularly thrifty with furniture and interior items; when choosing wallpaper for decoration, it is worth taking this fact into account. Certain types of wallpaper will be the best choice for a teenager's room, some are more practical and durable, while others are cheaper.

  • Liquid wallpaper is good for its composition; the material allows air to pass through well and does not emit harmful substances. A big plus is the possibility of local repairs; places of heavy contamination or wear can be replaced. Liquid wallpaper can be successfully combined with other finishing methods and materials.
  • Non-woven wallpaper They are convenient because they can be repainted many times. A teenager's tastes can change frequently and this will be a good way to quickly change the environment and update the interior.
  • Vinyl covering differs in durability and a variety of choice. Production uses different techniques, which allows you to recreate a variety of external effects, such as silk-screen printing, embossed top layer or hot stamping. All species differ in appearance and have different characteristics and are presented in a huge variety.
  • Another suitable option for a teenager is paper wallpaper. It is lightweight, breathable and inexpensive. Paper wallpaper is not very durable and difficult to clean, but this is compensated by its low price. This finishing method is suitable for repairs for a couple of years. However, for a teenager this is just right.
  • Photo wallpapers will be an excellent opportunity for self-expression. Drawing has no restrictions; technology allows you to apply absolutely any image to the canvas. For greater surface durability, photo wallpapers are made with a laminated coating. It allows you to easily get rid of traces of a pen or marker.

Design photos and drawings

Rear photo wallpaper

Wallpaper with 3D images is an excellent option for decorating a modern nursery.

The most successful option would be to use 3D wallpaper as an accent on one of the walls.

A realistic image can be in different styles, such as flowers, landscapes or abstraction.

The photo shows a boy's room decorated with 3D wallpaper. The interior is diluted with bright orange details.

Under the brick

For many years, brickwork has remained a popular method of interior decoration. Brick can support the fashionable urban loft style or become an accent for a more relaxed Provence style.


It is certainly associated with teenagers, something fashionable and young. To decorate a teenager's room, the most convenient way to decorate would be photo wallpaper with graffiti images. The pattern will be combined with plain wallpaper.

The photo shows a compact children's room with a comfortable work area. Despite the modest size of the room, bright colors are used in the decoration.

City landscapes

Teenagers most often like the landscapes of big cities or recognizable landmarks of the capitals of the world, such as the Eiffel Tower or Tower Bridge.

Sports theme

Wallpaper with sports patterns can convey the passions of young people. Teenagers aged 14-16 years often engage in some kind of sport and this becomes a real way of life. The image on the wallpaper can be in the form of small patterns or large photo panels, for example with your favorite football team.

The photo shows a minimalist teenage bedroom with a sports theme. One of the walls is decorated with backlit photo wallpaper.


Wallpaper depicting technology is more suitable for young people, although girls may also be interested in this topic. The equipment can be different, airplanes or cars.

Heroes and plots of films, TV series, games

Teenagers often choose hobbies that they devote a lot of free time to. Heroes of your favorite TV series or films can decorate the wall on photo wallpaper. In addition to heroes, these can be plots of computer games or movie episodes.


Geometric patterns not only look stylish, but also help change the perception of the room, namely, make it taller or “pull apart” the walls of a narrow room.

The most versatile pattern– this is a strip, depending on its direction the space will change.

Circles, diamonds and more complex geometric shapes will also be appropriate for decorating a teenager’s room.

The photo shows a modern bedroom for a teenager in neutral natural colors.

Wallpaper in a circle is also often used; they create a simple and unpretentious flavor in a girl’s bedroom.

The photo shows a children's design in a Scandinavian style. The interior uses a light palette and yellow accents.


A map of the world, the starry sky or a fabulous pirate map is suitable for decorating the room of a throwing and inquisitive teenager. Depending on the way the card appears, the design may correspond to different stylistic trends.

Color spectrum


The stylish gray tone harmonizes well with other colors; combinations can be calm and laconic or bold and bright. The shade successfully emphasizes bright details, “highlighting” them and making them more noticeable.

The photo shows a stylish teenage bedroom in a sporty style. The color palette and logos of your favorite team are used in the interior decor.


Always relevant and fashionable tone. The purest color of all. It can become the basis, background or decoration element of a teenager’s room. White is a symbol of innocence, purity and lightness.


A striking and bold tone that is best used in details, since decorating a room entirely in black can have a negative effect on a teenager. An excellent solution would be to finish with chalk wallpaper; they are a black fabric with an adhesive base.


Wallpaper in a beautiful and mysterious purple tone will be a real decoration for a teenager's room. The color is captivating and rich, but you should be careful with it; too much use can cause a depressive mood.


Calm and elegant color will be a good choice for classic and modern nursery design. It can be complemented by delicate colors, such as pink or blue, or bright details of a rich shade.


A positive shade is associated with summer and sun, which cannot but affect the child’s mood. Calm shades improve well-being and have a positive effect on the mind.


The red color can also improve your mood and lift you out of depression. However, too much use may have the opposite effect. Orange has many shades from delicate light to bright dark orange.


The red tone is emotional and exciting; it is not the best choice for a teenager or children's room. It can be used as interior accents in decoration or decoration.

Design ideas in various styles


For a teenager, modern style will be a good solution. The combination of different colors and textures perfectly conveys the character and nature of adolescence. The walls can be decorated with wallpaper with large 3D patterns, companion wallpaper or bright inscriptions. By combining contrasting wallpaper or different materials, you can zone the space, separating the sleeping area.

The photo shows a cozy sleeping area, separated from the rest of the room by a podium.


Marine themes are often used to decorate a children's room. Wallpaper can be with a beautiful fantasy pattern or have classic stripes. The palette that best conveys the marine atmosphere is filled with shades of blue and sand and white. You can use themed details as wall decor, such as a lifebuoy or an anchor.


Provence style is light and romantic. It is perfect for decorating a room for a young, gentle lady. The main role in design is played by details; pieces of furniture and decor can be aged, but retain their graceful shapes and beautiful delicate color.


The classic design will be appropriate for decorating a room for any age. In any case, teenagers will fill the space with little things and pictures that will reflect their character.


Trendy urban style with bold finishing details. However, for a teenager this is exactly what is needed. The walls can be decorated with brickwork, wallpaper with imitation concrete or rough plaster.

Combining wallpaper

Combining wallpaper with different colors and textures gives the room individuality, and will also help to divide it into several zones.

There are two main ways of combining: vertical and horizontal, depending on the gluing method. The most popular is the vertical one; in this case, the wallpaper strips are joined in the usual way, simply replacing one with the other.

You can use two or more colors, as well as combine regular and photo wallpapers. Another way involves joint of two types of canvases along a horizontal line which runs along the wall.

The photo shows a teenager's room in the new classic style. Different shades of blue were used for decoration.

Features of choosing wallpaper for a teenage bedroom

Teenagers are not afraid of something new and bold; they are open to experiments and extraordinary solutions. However, it is worth considering that the chosen color will affect the child’s mood.

  • It is better to choose a tone from a calm palette as the main color.
  • Dark shades can make you feel depressed.
  • A drawing can become the personification of a teenager’s inner world and convey the child’s hobbies and interests.
  • It is best to choose wallpaper together; in this case, the wishes of all parties will be taken into account, which is important for the transition period.

Features for a teenage boy

Teenage boys usually have a simpler attitude towards the interior features of their room, although they will certainly be happy with the cool design. The walls of a boy's room can be decorated with photo wallpapers of favorite musical groups, episodes of computer games or TV series. It can also be wallpaper with geometric patterns or cool patterns.

Features for teen girls

A girl's room can be decorated in light colors with cute designs or decorative details such as lettering or unicorns. The walls can also be decorated with themed photo wallpapers that convey the girl’s hobbies or companion wallpapers.

The photo shows a small bedroom for a young girl, made in light colors.

The nuances of decorating a room for teenagers of different sexes

In a shared room between a girl and a boy, you need to try to take into account the interests of both children and create an individual space for each; to do this, you need to divide the room into zones.

To delimit space, you can use different types of wallpaper. In this case, companion wallpapers are perfect; they will look harmonious together, while being radically different, for example, with a common texture and a completely different color.

Rules for choosing teenage wallpaper

When choosing wallpaper for a teenager, there are several nuances to consider.

  • In a small room, it is better to use a light palette; white and blue colors are the best colors to visually enlarge the space.
  • Striped wallpaper will also be an excellent helper; the direction of the stripes will make the room taller or wider.
  • In a room for children of different sexes, you need to try to take into account the interests of both; for this you can use wallpaper of different colors, which will be united by a common texture.
  • If the room is intended for two teenagers, then you can use a finish that will satisfy both parties, for example, chalk wallpaper, a neutral color or a photo panel.

The photo shows a teenager's room with a car theme. The design uses deep dark colors.

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A teenager’s room is the personification of the inner world; decoration and decorative details, without which not a single teenager’s room can do, show the child’s interests, hobbies and character. Considering that teenagers are not particularly thrifty, a good solution would be to use anti-vandal types of wallpaper.

Creating an interior for a teenager is not an easy task even for an experienced designer, and it often baffles ordinary parents. What wallpaper to choose for a teenage boy’s room, what to consider when making a decision, and how to create a truly cozy atmosphere - all this makes your head spin, and you definitely can’t do it without outside help.

The tastes and preferences of teenagers are extremely changeable; it can be difficult to fall into the current that would captivate your son. Therefore, the first condition for creating an ideal room for him is maintaining a good, friendly relationship with the child during this difficult period of his development. You shouldn’t pull the blanket over to your side and try to decorate the nursery only to your liking. By listening to the teenager’s opinion and taking into account his interests, you will ensure your trust and respect on his part.

The first thing that determines the style of a room and its atmosphere is the decoration of the walls. Wallpaper continues to be the most popular design method due to its availability, wide selection and ease of hanging. Even people with minimal experience in renovation and decoration of premises can decorate walls with wallpaper. But what kind of wallpaper to put in a teenage boy’s room is a question that not everyone can handle.

  • Plain. The most common option is plain wallpaper. It's a myth that they can look boring. You can add zest using an unusual texture that imitates, for example, fabric or stone. Textiles will play the role of bright accents, and multi-level light will diversify the atmosphere. Your teenage son will be grateful for the opportunity to place posters of idols on the walls, make drawings or notes, and attach a skateboard, snowboard, and other sports equipment.

    With an image. It is better to entrust the choice of wallpaper pattern to a teenager, or do it together. In a boy’s room, geometric patterns, stripes, and stars would be appropriate. If the child is passionate about something specific, you can choose a thematic drawing in accordance with his interests.

    Combination. The most advantageous option is to arrange two or more types of patterns on the walls. You can choose wallpaper companions yourself, or with the help of a designer. For example, you can cover one wall with plain wallpaper, or, conversely, highlight it with a dynamic pattern. The main condition is that companion wallpapers must be made of the same material and have a similar texture.

Design ideas

Despite the complexity, professional designers love to create projects for teenagers, as it is always interesting and allows you to apply many unusual solutions. The first thing interior designers start working with is choosing the style in which the room will be decorated. tion. This choice is based on the teenager’s character and hobbies. For example, for a lover of adventure and travel, a marine or safari style is suitable. For creative individuals - loft or avant-garde design. For guys with technical inclinations - high-tech.

If a teenager’s interests are focused on a narrower subject - for example, the culture of a certain country or one computer game, a style of music, it is not difficult to choose thematic wallpaper or photo wallpaper for him.

Several design ideas for decorating a teenager’s room are worth considering in more detail.

  • Sea style. This topic is quite broad, so creating a unique interior in a marine style is not so difficult. Wallpapers in white, blue, dark blue shades, as well as those reminiscent of wood in texture and pattern, are suitable. You can find options with nautical symbols (anchors, ropes, lifebuoys, steering wheels), or with a pattern in the form of waves. Such wallpapers go well with plain or striped ones - red or blue and white. The nautical theme is best suited for ages 10 or slightly younger.


  • High tech. Many may think that this style is too “cold” for a child, but at the age of 14-15 years old teenagers actively deny that they are still essentially children and strive for everything “adult”. If, moreover, your son is almost a computer genius, then a high-tech room will certainly please him. It is better to choose plain wallpaper. The color can be anything, even poisonous shades. Gray or light wooden furniture with metal elements will complement the interior.


    Loft. A room designed in this style should resemble a production or industrial space furnished as a living space. The walls are usually decorated with brickwork or cement. Wallpaper with such patterns and textures is not at all difficult to find. The interior in the loft style will be supported by simple lamps without lampshades, beams on the ceiling, and rough furniture without frills. To prevent the room from seeming too gloomy, you can choose curtains and other textiles with bright designs in the style of comics or pop art paintings. This style will appeal to older teenagers - 16-17 years old.


A great idea is to draw a design project for his future room together with your child. This way you can avoid conflicts at the stage of choosing materials for decoration, and you will find the ideal option for decorating the walls.


It is generally accepted that the traditional color for boys is blue and all its shades. However, adolescence is a time to break stereotypes and go against generally accepted norms. The color of the walls in a room is a great way to redirect a teenager’s aggressive energy into a useful direction. Let him choose the shade he likes - red, orange or neutral gray.

Interiors in which one bright accent is used look most advantageous. For example, three walls are a calm beige color, and the fourth is sunny yellow or turquoise. The accent can be supported by other interior details.

It is also important to follow the simplest rules for choosing wall colors. In small rooms, dark wallpaper should be avoided; it will only increase the feeling of crampedness.. If the ceiling is low, you need to choose a vertical arrangement of the picture or pattern - this will visually “raise” it.

Also, do not forget that adolescence tends to end as unexpectedly as it began. Consequently, after a few years, bold colors and interior solutions may begin to irritate a mature young man. Therefore, it is important to select combinations so that they can be easily replaced, or still choose a calm base color as the main one, against which you can create completely different interiors over time.

Which ones to choose

Currently, there is a huge variety of wallpaper types on the market. You should choose them based on the needs of the child and the financial capabilities of the parents.

  • Paper- the most budget option for wallpaper. But it’s not the worst - you can find some pretty interesting designs and textures. At the same time, the undoubted advantage is that such wallpaper can serve as a canvas for a creative child, he can express himself without causing serious damage to the parent’s wallet. Paper wallpaper is environmentally friendly and adheres well to any surface. The only drawback is that thin canvases are not able to hide wall defects, so they will have to be leveled to perfection.

  • Non-woven or vinyl- available on paper or without it. The paper side easily sticks to the wall. And wallpaper without this layer is more durable, hides wall unevenness better, and is also subject to wet cleaning. This property makes such wallpaper an excellent option for a child's room. This wallpaper does not contain any harmful substances, so you don’t have to worry about your child’s health.

    Liquid- wallpaper that is applied like plaster, and after drying forms a dense surface without seams or joints. The main advantage of such wallpaper is that any damage to it can be easily corrected by simply covering the area with a small amount of the mixture. There will be no visible signs of damage.

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