Building bussiness. New technologies of building materials New ideas and materials in construction

Encyclopedia of Plants 06.10.2023
Encyclopedia of Plants

Construction companies, as a rule, do not complain about the lack of orders, especially for enterprises involved in the construction of log houses. Today, in just a few months, you can buy from a construction company an erected building without finishing, or even a ready-made, turnkey wooden house. Construction is carried out by a whole staff of people - from contractors who provide the construction with everything necessary, to [...]

  • Business idea: Construction and renovation company

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  • Business idea, how to make money as an artist

    Real artists can not only paint still lifes, landscapes and portraits, but also help in decorating your room, making significant changes in the design of walls and other significant elements. Design services are always popular and well paid. Design services Designer wall painting is an entire art of transforming the appearance of your home. Despite the fact that execution of such orders requires [...]

  • Anyone who has decided to start building their own country house may simply be confused by the abundance of technologies that exist today. Advertisements are literally full of their loud names - Finnish, Canadian, American, German, etc. What are modern technologies for constructing private houses, and which one to choose? Let's try to understand this issue.

    Foreign experience

    Many of us are familiar with traditional construction technologies. However, along with their use, our developers are increasingly adopting foreign experience in the construction of buildings. That is why, before construction of a house begins, new construction technologies, which are sometimes more economical and efficient, must be studied.

    To begin with, it is worth noting that individual houses, according to their design scheme, are divided into the following:

    Wall, including block and wooden, monolithic and panel;
    - frame, built on the basis of PSTC and wood;
    - modular.

    Let us consider all these modifications and the modern construction technologies and materials used in their construction in more detail.

    Wooden log houses

    It is this natural material that is traditional. It has been used in the construction of houses for centuries. And today, the construction of residential low-rise buildings from solid wood remains a very popular technology, despite its high cost.

    Currently, in the construction of wooden houses the following is used:

    1. Round wood. Previously it was the cheapest material. That is why it was used in the construction of residential buildings. However, today it is almost impossible to find a specialist who would perform quality cutting.

    2. Profiled timber. The use of this building material, which has natural moisture, was an attempt to reduce the cost of finishing the house. A groove and tenon are profiled on the edges of such a beam (top and bottom). An inter-crown seal is placed in them. Some manufacturers also perform comb profiling. The presence of these elements does not allow the timber to twist, which prevents displacement of the laid material.

    3. Rounded log. This material is similar to profiled timber. Only its corner joints are made in the factory using special equipment and sawed “into the cup”. This material is a budget alternative to a log house.

    4. Glued laminated timber. This is an expensive material, the construction of a house from which costs about twice as much as using galvanized one. The main advantage of such buildings is the absence of shrinkage. However, it is worth keeping in mind that a house whose walls are made of laminated veneer lumber does not “breathe”.

    Recently, in Europe and Russia, modern technology for the construction of residential buildings has begun to find its application, when wooden log houses are made from vertical timber. The Alps became the birthplace of such development.

    Houses that require a vertical arrangement of timber are assembled like a construction set. Holes in which air is located are pre-drilled in the building material itself. It is due to this that the walls of such houses have excellent thermal insulation properties and do not shrink. Is it worth going this route when building a house? New construction technologies are sometimes not without their drawbacks. The method of constructing walls with vertical beams also has disadvantages. Among them it is worth noting:

    Impossibility of arranging an attic due to the small slope of the roof;
    - the appearance of cracks when the wood dries out, which will subsequently have to be caulked periodically;
    - inability to replace the lower crown if it rots.

    Block houses

    Today, private housing is usually built from this material. After all, blocks are cheaper compared to wood and have a standard heat transfer resistance coefficient.

    For the construction of this type of house the following is used:

    - foam concrete;
    - aerated concrete;
    - ceramic brick/block;
    - gas silicate;
    - wood concrete.

    Despite the fact that private developers still use brick in large quantities, modern building blocks are becoming increasingly popular. So, an interesting building material is wood concrete. It consists of 90% wood chips. The remaining 10% is a hardener and high-grade cement. The physical properties of wood concrete make it possible to compare it with wood. This is a low thermal conductivity similar to natural material, good sound insulation and air exchange. Wood concrete walls do not require additional insulation. Their optimal thickness is 38 cm.

    Considering the latest construction technologies and materials, it is worth mentioning the ceramic block. Wood shavings are added to its composition during production. As a result of its gradual burnout during the technological process, voids filled with air are formed in the blocks. It is this that is an excellent heat insulator. Interestingly, this modern material is capable, unlike cellular concrete, of accumulating heat.

    Panel houses

    To construct this type of structure, SIP panels connected to each other are used. They are the supporting element of the entire structure.

    SIP panels have a multilayer structure. They consist of 2 OSB boards separated by a layer of expanded polystyrene. The walls of such a house do not require additional insulation. Moreover, they can be erected in the shortest possible time.

    This technology is usually used in the construction of houses intended for temporary residence (for example, dachas).

    Monolithic housing

    This technology involves the installation of either removable or permanent formwork. In those places where the walls will be erected, blocks with cavities are installed. They are filled with concrete and reinforced. Such walls will not require additional insulation.

    Permanent formwork is made from:

    Chip-cement slabs;
    - fiber cement boards;
    - panels made of expanded polystyrene sheets.

    As for cement fiberboard, it is a composition containing mineralized shavings and cement. In its properties it is very similar to wood, differing from natural material in its low degree of flammability.

    Removable formwork for the construction of monolithic houses is usually used from laminated plywood. It is installed until the foam concrete hardens, after which it is removed and transferred to a new section of the wall. This technology is considered quite economical, but at the same time labor-intensive.

    Frame houses

    Technologies for the construction of low-rise buildings may be more common or used quite rarely. This, for example, is used in the construction of 60-90% of individual houses in Western Europe. The technology of building a frame house involves the construction of a metal or wooden frame of the building. The openings are filled with a variety of materials. Among them are:

    Various insulation materials;
    - panels (OSB, DSP and others);
    - gypsum boards of increased durability;
    - sandwich panels;
    - foam concrete.

    This technology came to us relatively recently. However, despite this, it is rapidly gaining popularity due to the speed of construction of houses and their cost-effectiveness.

    The technology for constructing a frame house involves the use of materials such as laminated veneer lumber or solid wood. When constructing a metal frame, steel is used, which is coated with zinc or aluminum-zinc for greater stability.

    In the West, the technology for constructing houses with a PSTK frame has been used for half a century. Today, in Canada and the USA, it has completely replaced the wood-frame method.

    The introduction of new technologies in construction is constantly happening in Russia. Thus, the Russian program “Dilapidated Housing” involves the eviction of people from barracks houses into new ones. To carry out these activities, metal frame houses are built. The first private dwellings of this type are also appearing in our country.

    Modular houses

    Such structures are completely manufactured in factories. Afterwards they are brought to the site of housing construction and installed on foundations, usually piles.

    What is this type of house construction? New construction technologies make it possible to create a ready-made box with internal and external finishing, in which all the necessary communications have already been laid. The finished house is delivered to the site. In order to live in it, all that remains is to connect the communications available in it to external networks.

    A similar technology was born in the USA. In this country in the 50s of the 20th century. A state program was implemented, within the framework of which the mass construction of individual one-story residential buildings began. The modules were produced by automobile factories. Relatively recently, this technology began to be used in Russia.

    Construction of the foundation using TISE technology

    As you know, its reliability and durability will largely depend on the quality of the foundation of the house. That is why the method of its construction is so important.

    Today there is a technology for building the foundation of a house, which is called “adjustable formwork”, or “folk formwork”. Unlike many other methods that came to us from abroad, it is a purely Russian invention. The main advantage of this technology is the ability to carry out work independently, which is especially important when building a private house with your own hands.

    What are the main features of this method? A similar technology is used in the construction of pile or columnar foundations. Another option is their variety with a grillage. The main working tool in this case is a drill, which is specially designed for this technology.

    The foundation walls are erected from hollow blocks, the formation of which is carried out directly at the construction site. To do this, formwork modules are taken, which will only need to be rearranged from time to time. They are fixed on the segment where the wall will be installed. After this, the solution is loaded into the modules. After it dries, the modules are dismantled and installed in a new area.

    Experience of Finnish builders

    Recently, manufacturers are increasingly adapting to the prevailing economic conditions in the country. In this regard, the number of companies offering their clients budget housing options that use Finnish house construction technology has increased. Moreover, such a structure will have all the necessary qualities.

    The differences between Finnish technology are that it provides the following:

    Using only natural building materials for floors and walls in the form of laminated veneer lumber, edged boards, plywood and mineral insulation;
    - construction of a not too deep and large foundation due to the low weight of the structure;
    - construction of a gable roof to ensure rapid snow melting, which reduces the cost of purchasing roofing materials and significantly speeds up the pace of construction;
    - construction of one- or one-and-a-half-story housing, which will allow owners to save on heating costs.

    According to experts, houses built using Finnish technology can last more than a hundred years.

    Technologies of German builders

    Houses built in Germany are characterized, first of all, by the use of high-quality materials that can last for many years. That is why German house construction technology is becoming increasingly popular in our country.

    It involves the construction of frame houses with a wooden “skeleton” and insulated panels installed in it, capable of withstanding the harshest winters. The main advantage of this technology is the speed of construction of buildings.

    The house is being built in just a few months. At the same time, it has the following advantages:

    Warmth thanks to proper thermal insulation, which will significantly save on heating in winter;
    - long service life;
    - environmental safety due to the use of environmentally friendly materials;
    - aesthetic appeal, which is characterized by minimalism;
    - simplicity and ease of operation due to the thoughtful layout of the rooms.

    3D technology

    Relatively recently, engineers from many countries around the world began to develop construction printers, the use of which would make it possible to quickly and at the same time inexpensively build low-rise residential buildings. What makes low costs for such housing possible? The fact is that the solution used to create a house, which is produced by a construction 3D printer, consists of waste from the construction industry. After grinding, they are mixed with cement. Such a dwelling with an area of ​​two hundred square meters will have a cost of less than 5 thousand dollars. That is why such houses are especially relevant for low-income people.

    What is the essence of this technology? It consists in the fact that a construction 3D printer receives a task through a computer to create the configuration of a building or structure. This allows the nozzle, from which an elastic and at the same time thick solution is continuously supplied, to move along a certain trajectory. It is the outline of the future design. As the construction printer passes its path, it increases the height of the contour layer by layer. In this case, the walls turn out to be hollow. Their thickness is 30 cm. The internal spaces are subject to reinforcement and filling with foam concrete. This way you get a very durable and at the same time warm and economical house.

    So, we looked at how house construction is carried out today. New construction technologies often reduce costs without compromising quality.

    Construction technologies are constantly being improved. New discoveries differ in their scope of use, but the developers pursue a common goal: to make the construction process easier, and life in new-style buildings more comfortable and modern. Let's look at the most interesting know-how of 2017.

    Salt blocks

    The author of the idea was an architect from the Netherlands, Eric Jobers. The building material looks unusual, but very impressive. Salt is extracted from water using solar energy. Natural starch obtained from algae is used to hold the particles together. Essentially waste-free production. Such blocks can be used even in countries with arid climates. The mixture is also suitable for designing flexible arched structures. To protect against external factors, the blocks are coated with an epoxy resin-based composition. It remains to be seen whether the new product will become widespread.

    Isoplat Plates

    Invented in Estonia by specialists from the Skano Fiberboard company. This is a natural thermal insulation material made from fibers of coniferous trees. They are pre-soaked in boiling water, pressed and cut into sheets of different thicknesses. To make the boards moisture resistant, they are treated with paraffin. Isoplat has high vapor permeability and sound insulation, protects from wind, and retains heat. Thanks to their fibrous structure, the boards are fireproof and resistant to pests and protozoa (mold, fungi). The elements are connected to each other using a tongue-and-groove type and are suitable for insulating roofs, floor coverings and frames. Width varies from 60 to 120 cm, thickness - from 12 to 50 mm.

    Lego blocks EverBlock

    Outwardly, they really look like elements of a popular children's construction set. Perhaps American engineer Arnon Rosan was inspired by him. The blocks are made of foam concrete and are connected in a tongue-and-groove manner without the use of adhesives. Only vertical seams need to be treated. The water permeability of the material is less than 3%. For the construction of two-story or more buildings, the Lego block is reinforced through technological holes. The most common block size is 25x25x50 cm.

    Light blocking glass facade

    Transparent glass facades easily transmit sunlight, increasing the temperature in the rooms. The development of scientists from the Frankfurt Institute makes it possible to regulate the light transmission of glass. Theoretically, the facade consists of many circular segments. Each of them contains a fabric disk with wires made of titanium and nickel alloy - they have shape memory and respond to ambient temperature. If the room temperature drops, the material curls, returning transparency to the glass; when the temperature rises, it darkens the glass.

    "Live Tile"

    Liquid tiles that respond to steps or touches by changing their pattern. The surface is made of tempered glass. It can be used to decorate not only floor coverings, but also walls and countertops. It absorbs sounds well and suppresses vibration. You can walk on such tiles almost silently. Among the disadvantages are instability to high loads, fear of sharp objects (chips may remain). But this tile looks great.

    Conductive Concrete Shotcrete

    The brainchild of a team of scientists from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Conductive concrete that absorbs and reflects electromagnetic waves of various origins. The standard concrete filler has been replaced by magnetite, a natural mineral with excellent ferromagnetic properties. Metal and carbon components are also present. The material was originally designed for runway hair, but can also be used in residential areas. Can be applied by spraying.

    Thermal wallpaper

    Their trick is that when the air temperature in the room changes, the pattern on the canvas also changes. The invention of a designer from China responds to changes in thermal conditions. Under the influence of heat, buds appear on the wall, and then flowers bloom. The inventor applies special thermal ink to the surface. Wallpaper reacts to both sunlight and touch, but is afraid of moisture and cannot be washed.

    Flexible wood WoodSkin

    An amazingly flexible material that can be given any abstract shape. Consists of sandwich tiles. Polymer mesh, composite nylon composition and plywood are used. The new product is available in rolls and sheets. The shape is given using special three-dimensional machines, connecting small elements together. Sheet thickness can vary from 4 to 30 millimeters.

    Insulation with sheep wool

    A new product that has been available in Russia since November 2017. Environmentally friendly fiber insulates noise well, does not burn, and is suitable for insulating any premises. Oregon Shepherd currently produces two types of insulation - Batt and Loft. Insulation is also good because it absorbs harmful substances emitted by furniture, synthetic finishing materials and other interior elements.

    Plaster that regulates humidity

    Condensation is a problem familiar to many. Developers from the Swiss company STO AG presented innovative material. Plaster effectively absorbs excess water vapor from the air (about 90 g per 1 sq.m.). The thickness of the applied layer is up to 2 centimeters. There is no condensation, no mold and fungi, but there is an even, environmentally friendly coating.

    Naturally, the developers are not going to stop there and new interesting discoveries await us. Perhaps they will change your life for the better!

    The new decade has already been marked in the construction market with the active emergence of a large number of unusual materials and technologies. Innovations in the field of building and finishing materials have changed both the process itself and general trends in construction.

    "Warm" wall blocks made of polystyrene concrete.

    Manufacturers of the new generation of blocks have tried to deviate from traditional multi-layering. The fact is that a number of existing building masonry materials for low-rise construction are a combination of concrete with thermal insulation materials. The tightness of the contact in such a combination raises many questions among specialists and amateurs.

    After all, if the contact between the insulation and the concrete is not absolute, then condensation may form on the surface of the concrete due to the temperature difference, which will lead to “corrosion” of the concrete and its subsequent destruction. The service life of such a multilayer structure is also questionable. The working life of almost any insulation rarely exceeds 50 years, and in Siberian climatic conditions even less. What awaits the wall block when the insulation is destroyed?

    As an alternative, manufacturers offer wall blocks made of polystyrene concrete with ready-made facade finishing. Polystyrene concrete refers to cellular lightweight concrete. Its porosity is achieved by introducing foamed polystyrene granules with a density of 8-16 kg/m5 into the cement mixture. In addition, unlike foam concrete and aerated concrete, the pores of polystyrene concrete have a closed structure. Thanks to this, it has higher heat-shielding properties than foam concrete and aerated concrete. Its thermal conductivity coefficient is from 0.55 to 0.12 W/m C.

    Therefore, a wall made of polystyrene concrete blocks is lightweight and does not require additional insulation. But the main thing is that due to the closed pore structure, polystyrene concrete absorbs less moisture, i.e. has less water absorption than other cellular concretes. Thanks to the presence of an outer layer of heavy concrete on the wall block, work on the exterior of the house can be kept to a minimum. All this together allows you to save on the construction of the house as a whole. Scope of application: construction of low-rise residential buildings, outbuildings, garages, fences.

    Granular and block penozeolite and foam glass

    These are thermal insulation materials produced on the basis of natural raw materials from the Siberian region. The production of products is based on low-temperature foaming (up to 850°C) and local raw materials. Penozeolite and foam glass are environmentally friendly, biologically stable and very warm materials with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.06 - 0.09 W/(m°C). They have virtually zero water absorption, are characterized by good frost resistance and are ideal for use in Siberian climatic conditions. Their service life is more than 100 years, which is twice as long as the working life of thermal insulation materials used today.

    In addition, their production requires simpler and cheaper raw materials, which is why the product has a relatively low cost. So far, Tugan sands are used for its production. In the future, according to scientists, it will be possible to produce glass-crystalline foam material from other, even more accessible types of raw materials.

    Expanded clay is a direct analogue of granulated penozeolite. However, compared to expanded clay, the new product has better performance characteristics. Scope of application: backfill thermal insulation and strengthening of thermal protection of ceilings, floors, well masonry walls in civil and industrial buildings. Block version of granulated foam zeolite and foam glass - in civil, residential, low-rise construction.

    New products in the segment of thermal insulation materials are focused on one of the main trends in the construction market - environmental friendliness. Linen is an environmentally friendly material, which, thanks to modern production technologies, has received a new form of execution, improved heat-shielding characteristics and a wider range of applications.

    Starch is used as a binding component; for fire and bioprotection, the material is impregnated with natural boron salts. Flax boards do not support combustion and are characterized by excellent thermal conductivity and sound absorption, providing home protection from heat, cold and noise. The thermal conductivity coefficient of the material with a thickness of 5 cm and a density of 32-34 kg/m3 is 0.038 - 0.04 W/mK. Sound absorption coefficient - 0.98.

    Flax fiber, unlike mineral wool, is able to absorb and simultaneously release moisture without accumulating condensation, which makes its heat-protective properties stable; when using such thermal insulation, an internal vapor barrier layer is not required. The service life of linen thermal insulation material, according to manufacturers, is more than 60 years. The material retains its performance properties throughout the entire service life of the structure.

    Scope of application: insulation and sound insulation of walls, roofs, attics, floors, ceilings, internal partitions in individual houses, apartments, public and industrial buildings and structures.

    Everything is in order

    NGASU specialists proposed their solution to the problem of the high cost of a square meter of housing. Namely, when constructing a house, use building materials made from man-made waste. Thus, cement is an expensive raw material. Moreover, there is always a shortage of it in the construction market. The use of industrial waste in the production of building materials makes it possible to partially or completely replace cement and thus reduce the cost of construction.

    Industrial waste included in the formulation of building materials, among other things, improves a number of their technical characteristics. For example, they reduce thermal conductivity, increase water resistance and more. Finished building materials are characterized by high strength qualities, environmental friendliness and durability.

    Of course, not all man-made waste is suitable for the production of building materials and not all building materials can be produced using such technology. To obtain data on possible cement substitutes, a number of studies need to be carried out. Research by NGASU specialists and obtaining samples were carried out using the example of diabase - a fine powder formed when crushing diabase rock to produce crushed stone (deposit in the village of Gorny, Novosibirsk region).

    When it is introduced into the composition of a masonry building material, the appearance of efflorescence on the surface of such a block or brick is practically eliminated, the quality of the product itself improves, and the material gains strength in the early stages of hardening. Complete replacement of cement with diabase in the composition of building masonry or finishing materials ensures the production of waterproof products.

    In tandem with other industrial waste (flax fire, sawdust), diabase can significantly improve the thermal conductivity characteristics of thermal insulation and structural thermal insulation materials.

    This material has been offered on the market for several years, but it still remains a novelty. This is the name for a class of paints and varnishes that form an energy-saving coating when dry. In composition and method of application, it resembles ordinary paint, although it differs from ordinary paints and varnishes in its heat-protective properties. Just like paint, liquid insulation is applied to the surface with a brush, roller or airless sprayer.

    After drying, it forms a homogeneous, even, elastic coating that works like a thermos. The principle of operation of the coating is that it reflects and dissipates heat, preventing it from leaking from inside the building and preventing it from entering the house from the outside. In fact, this is how an energy-saving effect is achieved. The house saves on thermal and electrical energy spent on its heating and cooling.

    The thermal insulation material includes calibrated ceramic and silicone microspheres with rarefied air. When polymerizing the material, they create the necessary “vacuum”. Thermal conductivity coefficient of microspheres is no more than 0.00083 W/mK. The basis of liquid thermal insulation is an acrylic binder, plus catalysts, fixatives and additives.

    The paint and varnish material has excellent adhesion to almost any type of surface (concrete, metal, plastic, wood) of various architectural shapes. The elasticity of the coating allows the use of thermal protection technology in new construction, as well as on surfaces subject to thermal expansion. No “web-like” cracks are formed on the walls of the house due to the subsidence of the building structure.

    In addition, this method of insulating a building allows you to reduce the load on the foundation. It is repairable, and its repair is less labor-intensive and costly than using traditional insulation. In addition, when insulating structures with liquid thermal insulation from the inside, the usable area of ​​the room is not lost. Its service life is at least 15 years.

    Finally, this line of paints and varnishes can be tinted, which means they can be used as “thermal insulation” and finishing at the same time. Areas of application: insulation of building facades, roofs, elimination of freezing of walls, insulation of concrete floors, pipelines, steam lines, various containers, tanks, elimination of condensation, etc.

    The impossible is possible

    Italian builders tried to make porcelain stoneware flexible, lightweight, impact-resistant and universally applicable. They developed a new material - thin and flexible large-format ceramic slabs that can be used for interior and facade solutions. Externally, such slabs are practically no different from ordinary porcelain stoneware. They have all its properties - fire resistance, moisture resistance, frost resistance, durability. However, having a thickness of only 3 mm, they also have extraordinary impact resistance - it is quite difficult to break them with a hammer, even if desired. Compared to porcelain stoneware, large-format slabs are lightweight and can be bent. The material is cut using a conventional glass cutter.

    In the production of slabs, a mixture of clay, feldspar, quartz sand and mineral dyes is pressed, not in a mold, but by rolling. The sheet obtained in this way is fired in a special furnace at a temperature above 1220°C, which ensures the homogeneity of the ceramic mass and the finished product.

    Plates made using the new technology are distinguished by an exceptionally high degree of flatness and the absence of internal stress in the material. The new material hardly wears out, does not scratch, is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation and does not change its color. Constant cleaning does not harm it. The plates are environmentally safe and hygienic because they do not emit harmful substances. Scope of application: without restrictions for external and internal decoration of the house.

    No to labor-intensive installation

    Manufacturers of new waterproofing materials today rely on ease of use of products with high performance characteristics. It was this idea that formed the basis for the development of rolled self-adhesive waterproofing material. It is made on the basis of reinforcing fiberglass, impregnated with a bitumen-polymer composition with targeted additives that improve performance properties. This structure has many advantages. Thanks to this base, the material is quite flexible, which greatly facilitates the installation of waterproofing. The top bitumen-polymer layer protects the waterproofing from all kinds of damage. With the help of the lower one, the waterproofing fabric is glued to any base.

    A distinctive feature of the material is its ease of installation. So, in order to glue it, you do not need to heat and heat the lower bitumen-polymer layer. It is enough to remove the release anti-adhesive paper or film from the material, apply it to the surface, press and roll it with a roller. Thus, the process of installing waterproofing fiberglass fabric is reminiscent of gluing a decorative sticker to a surface.

    Scope of application: steel, wood, concrete horizontal or vertical surfaces, metal, soft roofing, swimming pools, foundations, pipelines, etc. Temperature range - from -50 to +60 C.

    Constructive conversation

    The range of construction materials (plasterboard, glass-magnesium sheet, etc.) has been supplemented by a new product made from extruded polystyrene foam. With its help, you can build any structure, including walls, partitions, floors, and ceilings. The fundamental difference between extruded polystyrene foam boards and other structural materials is that the new product has high heat and sound insulation properties.

    The new construction material is easy to work with. Expanded polystyrene boards do not crumble, do not get wet, fungus and mold do not form on them, and their structure does not deform from dampness. Using cuts on the slab, and making them is much easier than on drywall, you can build any bent structure. Also, extruded polystyrene foam can be used on objects for various purposes and with different humidity levels.

    For rooms with high humidity and facade work, manufacturers have developed a special option - slabs made of extruded polystyrene foam with reinforcing fiberglass mesh and a polymer-cement composition, which have minimal water absorption.

    The attractiveness of any home depends on the interior decoration of the room. It is the finishing touches in furnishing an apartment or house that make it comfortable and cozy. Most often, consumers prefer familiar materials that are time-tested and guarantee reliability and durability. However, construction thought does not stand still, and new, more efficient and less costly technologies in finishing work are constantly appearing.

    In a modern interior there is no longer a place for simple lamellas, “lining” and clinker stone. Of course, in general, the materials for interior decoration remained the same: wallpaper, tiles, various plaster panels, varnishes and paints. However, manufacturers have improved their quality: now familiar materials have new properties that are valuable in use and unusual shapes, allowing you to create innovative interior design. Repair materials that have appeared quite recently are gaining popularity.

    Protective coatings

    The latest types of protective coatings have proven themselves well in various types of finishing work - more and more craftsmen are giving preference to modern materials due to their reliability and safety.

    We have selected four modern protective wall coverings that will allow you to use non-standard solutions in decorating your apartment:

    • Slate paints;
    • Antibacterial paints
    • Magnetic paints.

    Thanks to the properties of some substances added to marker paints, after the surface has completely dried, about a week after finishing work, you can safely draw on the walls with markers, like on a marker school board. Such paints are an excellent solution for the walls of children's rooms.

    Slate paints

    Another option for children’s interiors is slate paints. By using this material, you will be able to avoid the unpleasant hassle of washing painted walls. Children can safely paint on a surface covered with slate paint with crayons, without fear of consequences, because drawings and inscriptions can be erased, just like on a regular slate board.

    Antibacterial paints

    Antibacterial paint cleans and disinfects the air, destroys harmful microbes. It is used in children's rooms and medical institutions. The action of the paint is based on the principle of photocatalysis, which is triggered when exposed to light. This coating also helps to avoid allergic reactions.

    Magnetic paint

    Magnetic paint contains small particles of metal, which allows you to attach various things with magnets to it - now travel souvenirs can be hung not only on the refrigerator!

    Wallpaper has enjoyed stable popularity for many decades, and today new, more convenient options for this coating continue to appear - for example, thermal wallpaper.

    In some characteristics they resemble ordinary vinyl or paper wallpaper, but under the influence of any heat source they change color and a pattern appears on the surface. The secret is in the use of special paint, which reveals its properties when heated.

    Another innovation in the field of renovation is seamless wallpaper. They resemble decorative tapes that are glued horizontally to the walls.

    In the production of wallpaper, new materials are used that replace the standard ones - paper, textiles and vinyl - for example, cork. To make cork wallpaper, compressed cork chips are used. The main advantage of this material is environmental friendliness, but a significant disadvantage is its high cost. No adhesive additives are used for gluing such wallpaper to walls. The heat-treated material releases natural juice, which reliably holds the mass together.

    Liquid wallpaper is also used as a protective covering for walls. Behind the strange phrase lies a material that is decorative plaster, which is applied to the wall with a spatula and then leveled in an even layer over the surface of the wall. This coating hides unevenness and small cracks in the walls, but at the same time allows the walls to breathe, which prevents the appearance of mold. Disadvantages of use include high cost and solubility in water: you should avoid getting water on the coating and additionally fix the “liquid wallpaper” with a special varnish.

    Flexible stone

    The coating imitates natural stone and is a durable and wear-resistant material. Walls lined with flexible stone look as if they are covered with natural granite or marble.

    Venetian plaster

    An unusual protective coating for walls, which is a liquid material that dries in an even layer and looks like natural marble.

    Energy-saving technologies for repairs

    One of the goals of innovations in interior decoration is the introduction of energy-saving technologies for renovation, which allows saving heat in the house.

    The most common way to reduce thermal energy consumption is to insulate the walls and ceilings of the building. In this regard, new technologies for repairing ceilings have emerged.

    Stretch ceiling

    A stretch ceiling is a polyvinyl chloride film stretched tightly over a mounted frame. Additionally, it is equipped with lighting fixtures of various shapes and configurations.

    A stretch ceiling consists of several elements:

    • PVC fabric;
    • Lighting;
    • Frame;
    • Decorative baguettes and plugs.

    Stretch ceilings have different appearances depending on the chosen material: some resemble a mirror-polished surface, others resemble a plastered surface.

    The following types of tensile structures are used:

    • With varnish texture: most popular due to its shiny surface, which well reflects light and interior elements of the room;
    • With a matte texture: the complete opposite of the previous type - the surface completely absorbs light; used primarily in government agencies;
    • Satin texture: combines a varnish coating and a grained surface, the room gets soft diffused light and beautiful tints;
    • Perforated texture: when the light is turned off, it imitates a starry night sky.

    Manufacturers are constantly offering new types of textures and many shades of stretch ceilings.

    Stained glass ceilings have a number of advantages over conventional materials:

    • Beautiful and unusual appearance;
    • Easy to install: installation of the structure is easy to do with your own hands - stained glass windows are installed using the assembly method.
    • Practicality in operation: the ceiling is made up of separate parts that are easily replaced in case of damage; they are easy to wash and wipe off dust;
    • Environmental safety: the stained glass window is made of metal and glass - no plastic!

    The undeniable advantages of such a ceiling covering include resistance to moisture - because of this, its use in bathrooms is popular.

    When choosing finishing materials for flooring, you should take into account the purpose of the rooms of the apartment or house. For example, wooden flooring looks especially authentic in the kitchen, but it requires special care there. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that some synthetic materials can cause allergies in people living in the house.

    Significant indicators include the appearance of the material, its moisture resistance, as well as the base on which the material will be installed.

    Unusual types of tiles

    For a long time, tiles have been the leader among floor coverings for bathrooms and kitchens; however, this is a rather “conservative” material that is difficult to improve. Only relatively recently have such variations of the usual surfaces appeared, such as volumetric, liquid and pebble tiles.

    The volumetric tile has bizarre shapes: it is concave on one edge and convex on the other. Such tiles look especially impressive on the wall, giving the room a stylish and status look. It should be noted that installation of the material is complicated and therefore an expensive service.

    Liquid tiles allow you to create a unique room design: they change color and image under mechanical influences. Liquid tiles are laid mainly on the floor - there their properties can be fully revealed.

    Pebble tiles are used to decorate bathroom walls. It consists of many stones glued to a tile base.

    Floor array

    High-quality flooring is made from solid wood. This material replaces parquet. Production is simplified by the fact that technological processes such as sanding and varnishing are carried out in the factory. The solid board is laid in the same way as parquet - by gluing it to the base.

    Modern technologies have also affected the production of parquet. Thus, artistic parquet is an expensive floor covering made from various types of wood. To create a pattern, panel parquet is used or decorative elements are combined with strips of piece parquet.

    An innovative flooring material is improved linoleum. This is an environmentally friendly coating made from natural raw materials.

    Marmoleum does not warp or fade, has good thermal insulation properties, is non-toxic, and can withstand heavy loads without loss of performance.

    Due to its low cost, this material will soon be able to replace the usual laminate.

    Innovative finishing materials that have emerged fit harmoniously into any interior. The advantages of such materials are obvious: safety for the health of those living in the house, environmental friendliness, high wear resistance, original appearance. Innovative materials are expensive, but these costs are worth it.

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