Red cabbage salad - delicious recipes. Fresh Red Cabbage Salads: Recipes

Engineering systems 17.10.2019
Engineering systems

To make it easier for you to navigate in a rich selection, we arranged the salads in order of increasing cooking time. Let's start with simple and versatile! The most summer or long salads are closer to the end of the article.

A few words about the need for special processing of raw cabbage. Reinforced prominence is only beneficial in a pure red cabbage salad.

For the above recipes, this is not necessary, because most often the shredder is very thin, there are several ingredients, the sauces are sour, and before serving, we let the salad brew for 15 minutes.

If you will use classic way“chop, salt, knead”, do not make a mistake - DO NOT CRUSH WITH FORCE! Lightly and gently fluff the cabbage strips - salt or sprinkle with vinegar - and let them stand for 3-5 minutes.

Cook light and with pleasure - success is guaranteed!

And feel free to scroll through the comments. Thanks to our readers! They added tasty and budget ideas.

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Two cabbages and an eternal classic

The case when a simple, beautiful and very tasty red cabbage salad cannot do without white cabbage. The method of cutting is very important: long live a sharp knife and a thin shredder! Although in our kitchen eternal praise is addressed to the Berner grater, with which we chop cabbage instantly and very carefully.

For 8-10 medium servings we need:

  • Red cabbage - 200-250 grams
  • White cabbage - 200-250 grams
  • Carrots - 2-3 pcs. (medium)
  • Finely chopped parsley - 3-4 tbsp. heaped spoons
  • Mayonnaise - 150 ml
  • Apple cider vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Mustard weak (or sweet with grains) - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - ½ teaspoon
  • Ground black pepper - ¼ tsp
  • Optional: sunflower seeds or black raisins - 2-3 gummies
  • Soak both additional ingredients in water 30 minutes before cooking

enjoy quick cooking a huge bowl of salad - 20 minutes.

Thinly chop the cabbage, three carrots on a coarse grater, combine vegetables with parsley, mix.

Sauce: whisk together mayonnaise, mustard, vinegar, salt and pepper. Add 2/3 of the sauce to the salad, mix, try. Add the rest to taste or not.

The beauty of this salad and sauce is that separately from each other they are perfectly stored in the refrigerator - up to 1 day. If you are very busy, you can cut the vegetables for future use and always leave a third of the dressing. A quick healthy breakfast is guaranteed! Especially if you take 2 servings of salad as an independent dish - in company with the 1st boiled egg.

Such a salad will be ideally dietary by replacing mayonnaise with thickened yogurt or classic Activia curd (low rectangular boxes).

Two cabbages with apple and poppy

Let's take the previous recipe as a basis (2 cabbages + carrots), but make a different sauce and add to the ingredients green apple, cut into thin strips (or other hard sweet and sour apple variety).

For the sauce mix:

  • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoons
  • Juice of 1 medium lemon
  • Poppy seeds - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

Voila! "Two cabbages" delight gourmets with a new variation!

The calorie content of the salad is not high - up to 150 kcal per 1 serving, from where we will get up to 8% of the daily fiber (!)

Minute Salad with Cucumber

Colorful and delicious red cabbage salad with cucumber and green onions. We hope you enjoy repeating the recipe photo by serving the vegetable mix on a green bowl. The color of hope and natural strength!

Shred white and red cabbage. The proportion of ingredients is 2:1, for example, 200 grams of white and 100 grams of red.

Add a thin straw of cucumber and finely chopped green onion. We take cucumber to taste, we took it on a par with colorful cabbage - 100 grams. By increasing its quantity, you will further lighten the taste of the finished dish.

Salad dressing is also not difficult:

  • Z Art. spoonfuls of fragrant vegetable oil(any aromatic cold pressed)
  • 1 st. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar
  • ¾ teaspoon fine salt

The salad is irreproachably light and refreshing! He will gladly accept small cubes of garlic or a little chopped mint and will not resist if we replace the onion with the traditional set of Slavic cuisine - parsley + dill.

Minute salad with tomatoes and corn

Cooking time - up to 15 minutes.

Check out this cute salad. He crosses out the dogma of many grandmothers about the compatibility of raw vegetables - "You can not interfere with cabbage and tomatoes!". How else can you! And it is not necessary to take cherry tomatoes (although this time we used them). The main thing is to cut the tomatoes not coarsely and mix gently. And for special tenderness, you can remove the skin from the tomato. Vivat to the contrast of tastes!

For a juicy and very tasty revolutionary, we need:

Shred, cut and mix, season, salt, pepper - enjoy!

Russian style with apple and sauerkraut

A simple composition option, where cutting is again very important.

Take 1/4 of a medium head of red cabbage and chop finely.

Peel one large sweet apple and 2 medium pickled cucumbers and cut into strips. Sprinkle the apple with lemon juice immediately so that it does not have time to darken before being sent to the salad.

If you like fresh herbs, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of chopped cilantro or parsley. But don't overdo it!

Cooking French sauce using a mixer or blender (!):

  • We put mustard (2 tablespoons) on the bottom of a deep bowl, pour in water a little bit (3 tablespoons) and beat the ingredients. Next, add olive oil (100 ml), continuing to drive it in small portions into the mixture. At the end - heavy cream or sour cream (4 tablespoons). Salt, pepper, add 1-2 teaspoons of sugar and the same amount of lemon juice.

Combine vegetables and sauce. As a result, we get a very tasty red cabbage salad recipe with an idyll of sour and sweet. Even in the photo you can clearly see the appetizing contrasts of the components. Together with an unusual dressing, they turn a commonplace snack set into a savory concoction worthy of a festive table.

Red cabbage salad with cashews

Cooking time - 10 minutes.

For 7-8 servings we need:

  • Red cabbage - 120-150 grams
  • Cashews (fried) - 80-120 grams
  • Honey mustard sauce with a simple composition:
  • Honey (1 tsp), low or medium mustard (1 tsp), olive oil (3 tsp), apple cider vinegar (2-3 tsp), salt and pepper (to taste)

Loudly speaking - we are cooking, but in fact - we have fun and relax for the next 10 minutes.

Mix the sauce ingredients with a whisk. Shred cabbage and combine with cashews. Pour the sauce - in parts, first 2/3 of the composition.

Perhaps, for your taste, you need less dressing when immediately served on the table. We have processed maximum amount ingredients and described the recipe with the condition that the salad is infused before the meal - up to 15 minutes.

Naughty mandarin with red cabbage

Cooking time - 12-15 minutes.

For 5 bulk servings we need:

  • Red cabbage - 150 grams
  • Slices of 2-3 juicy tangerines (which ones to prefer - read below)
  • Walnuts - 100-120 grams
  • Vinegar oil sauce:
  • Olive oil (2 tablespoons), balsamic vinegar (3 tablespoons), a pinch of salt and pepper each

Cooking is not complete without a stove. But first, about the shredder: the case when you can shred a little thicker, and at the end cut into short strips.

In a deep frying pan with a thick bottom, heat salted oil, vinegar and add shredded cabbage. Keep 5-7 minutes on medium heat, stirring. Our goal - lightly sauté the cabbage without losing the crunch.

We choose sweet tangerines, from which it is easy to remove the thin inner skin that envelops the slices. The presence of seeds is not important, we will still clean each slice, and remove the bones. Abkhazian, Moroccan, Clementine orange hybrid, as well as Spanish ones (the latter with seeds) will do.

We clean the tangerine slices from the skin on the sides, if they are too large, cut them in half. Lightly chop the walnuts with a knife. We combine all the ingredients.

If it seems to you that there is not enough sweetness, honey helps out (a couple of teaspoons).

Colorful, juicy, easy, original and fast!

Chinese salad with chicken breast

Salad tzimis - marinated chicken breast, it will take a little more than an hour(5+30+30 minutes). The salad itself is assembled in 7-8 minutes.

We need:

  • Chicken breast - 2 pcs. medium size

For marinade: soy sauce(3 tbsp), sesame oil (1 tsp), ground black pepper (1/4 tsp)

  • Carrot - 1 pc. (medium)
  • Red cabbage - 100-120 grams
  • Leaf curly lettuce - 1 bunch
  • Green onions - 1-2 sprigs

For sauce:

  • Sesame seed oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Sugar (sand) - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Vinegar (rice or apple) - 4-5 tbsp. spoons
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves (finely chopped!)

How to cook.

We heat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and stew the meat until cooked in a deep form - right in the marinade (!). This will take up to 30 minutes. Cut the cooked breast into small pieces.

Prepare the sauce: Whisk all the ingredients with a whisk until smooth.

We chop the vegetables: we tear the lettuce into short but wide strips, cut the carrots into thin strips, chop the cabbage, and the onion into a small cube. As always, the fastest way to work is with a Berner grater.

We mix the vegetables, pour over half the sauce, scatter the meat slices and complete the extravaganza of taste with the second half of the sauce.

Traditional Chinese topping - almond flakes and special straws. It is easy to replace them: the same almonds, but crushed to crumbs and any crunchy crackers.

In addition to new dishes, watch a video on how to properly chop cabbage with a knife.

Any housewife tries to cook dishes for her family that are not only healthy, but also tasty. At the same time, you need to monitor the diversity of the diet so that the home does not get bored with the menu. Cabbage is very loved by all nationalities. If you are mainly used to white cabbage, then try replacing it partially on your table with red. It's useful and delicious vegetable, available throughout the year, not too expensive for the price, and yet very useful! Red cabbage is most useful when raw, and therefore prepare an unusually healthy red cabbage salad. Before cooking, be sure to remove the top leaves of red cabbage, and after you chop the cabbage, salt it and remember with your hands. This will allow the cabbage to be juicy crunchy and juicy in your salad. The salad will be tastier the finer the cabbage is chopped.

Red cabbage salad - preparing food and dishes

Wash all ingredients well before cooking. As a rule, vegetables and fruits are added to salads, most of which do not require thermal preparation. For red cabbage salad, prepare three deep containers, made of plastic or aluminum, after pouring boiling water over them. In one container you will put the shredded cabbage, in another you will put the other ingredients, and in the third you will mix and dress the red cabbage salad.

Red cabbage salad recipes:

Recipe 1: Red Cabbage Salad

Can there be a product healthier than cabbage, especially if this cabbage is red cabbage? A close relative of the white cabbage we are used to, it differs primarily in the unusual color of the leaves - lilac-pink. The color of the leaves is due to the presence of anthocyanin in the cabbage. When released into the blood, anthocyanin contributes to the thickening of the walls of blood vessels, the elasticity of capillaries and serves as a preventive measure for the development of anemia. Eating red cabbage is most beneficial when fresh. One of the most delicious and at the same time simple meals It's a red cabbage salad. Such a salad is ideal for any type and method of nutrition (it can be used by both vegetarians and raw foodists), it can serve as a separate dish, or it can be a great addition to a meat dish.

Required Ingredients:

  • red cabbage - 0.5 kg,
  • onion - 1 piece of medium size,
  • parsley and dill - 5-6 sprigs,
  • salt,
  • sugar,
  • lemon juice for dressing - 1 teaspoon,
  • olive oil or sunflower oil for dressing - 1 tablespoon.

Cooking method:

Preparing a salad is very easy and fast. Remove the top leaves from the head, wash, remove the stalk. Chop finely, put in a separate container, sprinkle with salt and remember with your hands to make the cabbage softer.

Cut the onion into thin half rings, chop the greens finely. Add to cabbage, season with lemon juice and oil. Give preference to olive oil, as it is healthier. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 2: Red Cabbage Salad with Egg

Red cabbage came to the tables of the Slavs in the 17th century. More than one century has passed since then, and the housewives still respect this product and cook from it. various dishes. Despite the fact that the size of a head of red cabbage is somewhat smaller than the usual white cabbage, the “red-cheeked” beauty also has its advantages. It is a source of vitamins and nutrients and minerals (magnesium, iron, potassium) phytoncides, fiber. Today it is known that the ancient Romans cured many diseases with red cabbage and its juice. To double the benefits of red cabbage, you can make a salad with an egg. An egg is an excellent source of protein and healthy animal fat, so red cabbage salad with egg is an excellent example of a balanced diet. Such a fat is very satisfying, ideal for breakfast in terms of protein, fat and carbohydrate content.

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg red cabbage,
  • 2 eggs,
  • fresh parsley - 3-4 sprigs,
  • wild garlic - 4-5 leaves,
  • salt,
  • mayonnaise or sour cream for dressing

Cooking method:

1. Chop the cabbage, after clearing the head of cabbage from the top sheets and stalk. Put in a separate deep plate, sprinkle with salt and lightly press with your hands - this will make the cabbage softer.

2. Hard boil eggs - place two eggs in a saucepan, pour over cold water, salt, and from the moment of boiling, cook for 8 minutes, then drain the boiling water and pour over the eggs with cold water.

3. Peel the eggs, chop them and greens, add to the cabbage and mix.

Recipe 3: Red Cabbage Salad with Carrots and Apples

Spring has come and summer is on its way. The usual winter snacks no longer cause appetite, I want something fresh and low-fat. Try fresh salad from red cabbage with carrots and apples. This is a full-fledged charge of vitamins for any organism, which can be consumed as an independent dish or a side dish for meat products. Freshness and piquant sweet and sour taste will please even the most demanding gourmet, but that salad is not considered a dessert. Carrots are very useful due to the huge presence of carotene, but the subtlety of its proper use is the addition of vegetable or animal fat to a dish with carrots. If you don't know English saying: "Eat one apple a day and you won't need a doctor," you can just take on faith the fact that eating one apple a day, you provide invaluable benefits to your body. Red cabbage prevents the development of cancer and especially breast cancer in women. When you eat red cabbage, you can feel a slightly bitter taste of the leaves - this is glucosinolate, a substance that does not allow division cancer cells.

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg red cabbage,
  • 2 medium unsweetened apples (Granny Smith, Semirenko)
  • 1 large carrot
  • a handful of walnuts,
  • olive oil,
  • parsley, celery.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the cabbage, remove the top leaves. Chop as finely as possible. After that, in order for it to be softer and juicier in a salad, salt and squeeze with your palms.

2. Wash carrots and apples, remove ponytails and seeds. Grate on a coarse grater.

3. Clean walnuts from the shell, finely grind them in a blender or rolling pin.

4. Chop parsley and celery. Mix all ingredients, season with olive oil. Red cabbage salad is ready to eat!

Recipe 4: Salad of red cabbage, cranberries and apples

There are foods that, despite their great taste, are literally medicine, that is, so healthy dish that can just heal. Try the red cabbage salad with cranberries and apples. If you suffer from hypertension, then you should definitely include fresh red cabbage in your daily diet. Its property is to lower blood pressure and have a preventive effect on blood vessels. The benefits of cranberries for the body can hardly be overestimated, it is a natural antibiotic, so feel free to add a few berries to any salads and cereals. An apple contains more vitamins than any pharmacy tablet - vitamin A, B1, B2, folic acid; minerals in the form of iodine, iron, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Salad will appeal not only to adults, but also to children - for a special sweet and sour taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg red cabbage,
  • 2 medium sized red sweet apples
  • 100 g fresh cranberries,
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 tablespoon sour cream for dressing
  • 50 grams of almonds.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, you need to prepare the red cabbage. To do this, remove the top leaves from the head of cabbage and wash it. Chop as finely as possible, shake hands and put in a separate container.

2. Wash the cranberries, cover the berries with half of the granulated sugar.

3. Wash the apples, remove the tails and seeds and cut into small strips or rub on a coarse grater.

4. almond grind with a blender or chop.

5. Mix all the ingredients, season with sour cream and the remaining sugar, mix thoroughly again.

Recipe 5: Red Cabbage Salad with Grapes and Watermelon

The warm season has come, and so you want to please yourself with healthy and light desserts. Nature herself kindly provides us with the most necessary ingredients, our task is only to combine them correctly. Try a light red cabbage dessert salad with grapes, apples and watermelon.

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.3 kg red cabbage,
  • 200 grams of green grapes
  • 200 grams of watermelon pulp,
  • 2 medium green apples
  • 5 lettuce leaves
  • lemon juice,
  • powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Finely chop red cabbage, after cleaning the head of leaves and washing it running water.

2. Separate the watermelon from the peel, peel the apples from the seeds and tails, cut into square pieces.

3. Wash the grapes, separate the grapes.

4. Stir apples and grapes with cabbage.

4. Place lettuce leaves on the bottom of the salad bowl, red cabbage salad on it, and place watermelon pieces around it.

5. Make the dressing - mix lemon juice with powdered sugar and drizzle over salad before serving.

Red cabbage salad - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

- Red cabbage can be stored for a long time, so nutritionists advise using it fresh all year round.

- It is better to use red cabbage not in its pure form, but with other fruits and vegetables in its raw form.

- Make a red cabbage salad and eat it several times a week; especially will useful influence red cabbage on a growing organism.

3 recipes

Red cabbage, brought to Russia in the 17th century, immediately fell in love with the people, who, due to of blue color dubbed it blue cabbage. Residents immediately appreciated the benefits of this vegetable: it improves health, rejuvenates, has a bactericidal effect, prevents leukemia, restores the walls of blood vessels, and improves eyesight. And all thanks natural dye anthocyanin, which enters the body only with food, is not produced by itself. Therefore, if you want to stay alert and healthy, be sure to include red cabbage salads in your diet. Here are some of my favorite recipes.


(4 servings)

  • 300 gr. red cabbage
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1/3 tsp paprika
  • 1/3 tsp ground coriander
  • salt to taste
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice or 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
  • vegetable oil

  1. But the name blue cabbage salad is more suitable for this salad, since the cabbage retains its natural blue-violet color. By the way, in the previous salad, cabbage has a redder tint due to the presence of acid in it (anthocyanin turns red in an acidic environment).
  2. Finely chop the blue cabbage, rub it with your hands so that it releases the juice and becomes more juicy and soft.
  3. We cut cucumber. If the peel is bitter, then we pre-clean it.
  4. Mix cabbage and cucumber. We dress the salad with mayonnaise. Sprinkle chopped herbs on top. It turns out a very tender and juicy salad with a mildly pronounced spicy taste.

Red cabbage salad with corn and cucumber


  1. A very simple and beautiful salad, which is prepared in just a couple of minutes. Take half a small red cabbage, chop. By the way, we choose summer or, in extreme cases, autumn varieties of red cabbage for salad, winter varieties will not work (winter cabbage has a very hard leaf).
  2. Grind chopped cabbage with salt.
  3. We cut cucumbers. If the peel is dense, pre-cut.
  4. We combine red cabbage, cucumbers and canned corn. Fill with vegetable oil. Voila! A beautiful and healthy red cabbage salad is ready! Serve immediately on the table.

Red cabbage - very beautiful, with red-purple leaves, a close relative of white cabbage. More different high content vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and other useful substances.

red cabbage keeps well, so it can be used fresh throughout the winter.

Red cabbage makes delicious and beautiful salads.

Red cabbage leaves are tougher than white cabbage, so you need to cut it very thinly for salads.

To red cabbage salad became more tender, it is thinly chopped, salted and ground. You can achieve softening of the leaves in another way - pour chopped cabbage with boiling water, cover and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then recline in a colander, cool and use to prepare a salad.

To preserve the brightness and rich color of red cabbage, you can add a little red wine, vinegar or lemon juice to the salad.

The slightly spicy, tongue-tingling flavor of red cabbage can be enhanced by adding garlic to a salad or dressing with horseradish or mustard.

Adding even a small amount of walnuts to a red cabbage salad will add sophistication to the dish and make the salad suitable for a festive table.

An interesting combination of red cabbage with pomegranate or black currant.

Red cabbage can be used to decorate salads with other products.

red cabbage salad recipe

500 g red cabbage, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of salt.

Finely chop the cabbage, scald with boiling water, cover, let stand for 20-30 minutes, then drain in a colander. Pour cabbage with cold water, squeeze, season with vinegar, salt, sugar, mix and let stand for another 20-30 minutes. You can not douse the cabbage with boiling water, but salt and grind with your hands until the juice is released, then squeeze, season with vinegar, sugar and mix.

Red cabbage salad with vegetable oil

400 g red cabbage, salt, ground black pepper, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar, 50 ml of vegetable oil.

Sprinkle shredded red cabbage with salt and pepper. Grind with your hands until the juice begins to stand out and the cabbage becomes soft. Vinegar and oil mix, pour cabbage over them and mix thoroughly. Put in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

red cabbage salad recipe with powdered sugar

400 g red cabbage, 25 ml vegetable oil, 50 ml 3% vinegar, 2 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar, 1 tsp. a spoonful of salt.

Clean the cabbage top leaves, remove the stalk, chop, sprinkle with salt, grind until juice appears. Put in a bowl, pour vinegar. Before serving, squeeze and season with vegetable oil and powdered sugar.

Red Cabbage Salad with Cranberry Juice - Recipe

400 g red cabbage, 50 ml corn oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cranberry juice, salt, sugar.

In a saucepan with a small amount of boiling water, add salt, sugar, chopped cabbage, close the lid and simmer until softened. Then throw the cabbage in a colander, cool, put in a salad bowl. Season with juice (after adding sour juice, the cabbage becomes beautiful bright color), oil. It is advisable to prepare the salad an hour before serving, so that it has time to infuse.

Red cabbage salad with apples in mustard sauce

300 g red cabbage, 100 g apples, 50 ml olive oil, 25 g mustard, 30 ml lemon juice, salt.

Chop the cabbage, remove the core from the apples and cut them into strips. Rub mustard with warm olive oil. Then add lemon juice and mix. Combine cabbage with apples, add salt to taste. Put in a salad bowl and pour over the prepared sauce.

Red cabbage salad with apple juice

300 g of red cabbage, 100 g of apples, 100 ml of apple juice, 50 ml of vegetable oil, 30 ml of vinegar, 1 cloves, cinnamon powder, salt, sugar - to taste.

Shred cabbage and stew apple juice, salt, sugar, spices, vinegar. Combine the cooled cabbage with apples, grated on a coarse grater, and season with oil.

red cabbage salad recipe with garlic

400 g of red cabbage, 3 cloves of garlic, 50 ml of vegetable oil, 30 ml of lemon juice, salt - to taste.

Chop cabbage, add garlic, grated on a fine grater or passed through a press, salt, lemon juice, vegetable oil.

Red cabbage salad with horseradish

400 g red cabbage, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated horseradish, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice, 50 ml of vegetable oil, salt, sugar, black pepper - to taste.

Finely chop the cabbage, dip in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, put in a colander and pour cold boiled water. Mix the remaining products and season the cabbage with the resulting sauce.

red cabbage salad recipe with apples and honey

300 g red cabbage, 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, 100 g of apples, 50 ml of olive oil, salt.

Mix chopped cabbage with honey, apples, peeled and core and cut into slices, salt. Fill with olive oil.

Red cabbage salad with apples and nuts

300 g of red cabbage, 100 g of sweet apples, 25 g of horseradish, 25 g of chopped walnut kernels, juice of 1 lemon, 100 ml of strong red wine, 2 pinches of salt, 1 pinch of sugar, 1 pinch of black pepper.

Shred the cabbage finely. Grate the unpeeled apples on a coarse grater, removing the seeds. Grate horseradish, mix with cabbage and apples, sprinkle with lemon juice mixed with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water, salt and sugar. Stir well, drizzle with wine and stir again while adding black pepper. Sprinkle salad with crushed nuts.

Recipe for red cabbage salad with apples and walnuts

300 g of red cabbage, 1 stalk of celery, 100 g of apples, 30 ml of wine vinegar, 50 ml of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of sugar, salt and ground red pepper - to taste, 25 g of chopped walnuts.

In a large bowl, whisk vinegar, oil, sugar, salt and pepper. Add shredded red cabbage and chopped celery. Mix thoroughly so that the cabbage starts up the juice. Remove the peel from the apples and cut them into 1 cm cubes. Add to the salad and mix. Sprinkle the salad with nuts before serving.

Red cabbage salad with apples and almonds

300 g red cabbage, 50 g onions, 50 g almonds, 100 g apples, 100 ml table red wine, 50 ml olive oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard, parsley, sugar, salt, black pepper - to taste.

Thinly chop the cabbage and salt, cut the onion into thin half rings, peeled apples - into strips; Scald almonds with boiling water, peel, thinly slice. Mix cabbage, onion, apples and almonds. Grind mustard with vegetable oil, add greens and, rubbing, slowly introduce wine. Add salt, sugar, pepper to the resulting sauce and season the salad. Mix everything thoroughly and put in a salad bowl.

red cabbage salad recipe with apples and garlic

300 g of red cabbage, 100 g of apples, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 50 ml of vegetable oil, salt - to taste.

Salt a little finely chopped cabbage, grind until juice is released, add chopped garlic and grated apples on a coarse grater. Fill with oil.

Red cabbage salad with apples and tomatoes

300 g of red cabbage, 30 ml of vegetable oil, 100 g of ripe tomatoes, 100 g of apples, 2 teaspoons of 3% vinegar, sugar, parsley and dill, ground pepper, salt.

Peel red cabbage, dip for 10 minutes in salted water (30 g of salt per 1 liter of water), rinse, cut along the stalk and chop. Salt, let stand for 15 minutes, then squeeze, season with vinegar, sugar, pepper and mix well. Drizzle with vegetable oil. Put the prepared cabbage in a pile on a dish, garnish with slices of tomatoes, put sliced ​​apples on top, sprinkle with dill and parsley.

Recipe for red cabbage salad with apples and pickles

300 g red cabbage, 100 g apples, 100 g pickled cucumbers, 50 g onions, 50 ml vegetable oil.

Chop the cabbage, grind a little to make it softer. Cucumbers and peeled apples cut into cubes. Onion cut into thin half rings. Mix everything and season with oil.

Red cabbage salad with apples and beans

300 g red cabbage, 100 g beans, 200 g apples, 50 g green onions, 50 ml olive oil. 1 st. a spoonful of sugar, 30 ml of apple or wine vinegar, salt.

Finely chop the cabbage, dip in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, drain in a colander and cool. Add boiled and chilled beans, grated apples, chopped green onions, vinegar, salt, sugar, olive oil and mix everything.

Red cabbage salad with apples, grapes and watermelon

300 g of red cabbage, 150 g of grapes, 100 g of apples, 200 g of watermelon, 12 leaves of green salad.

In the middle of the salad bowl on the green lettuce leaves, put a blanched, thinly chopped red cabbage in a slide. Place apples and grapes around the cabbage. Between them put a piece of watermelon. When serving, drizzle with a dressing of vinegar, olive oil, sugar and salt.

Red cabbage salad with apples and pears

300 g red cabbage, 100 g apples, 100 g pears, 50 ml liquid honey, 100 ml olive oil, salt.

Shred the cabbage finely. Peel apples and pears, remove the core, cut into strips. Mix all the ingredients, salt the salad, season with honey and vegetable oil.

Spicy red cabbage salad with carrots

400 g red cabbage, 100 g carrots, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, 250 ml of vinegar, 200 g of sugar, 2 tbsp. minced fresh ginger, 1 teaspoon chopped hot pepper, coriander leaves.

Finely chop the cabbage. Mix shredded cabbage with salt in a colander. Place a plate on top of the cabbage and place a weight on it. Let stand at room temperature for 3 hours. Whisk the vinegar, sugar, ginger and red pepper in a large bowl until the sugar dissolves. Wash and dry cabbage. Put it in the vinegar mixture along with the carrots, cut into strips. To stir thoroughly. Close the lid and refrigerate for 8-24 hours. Serve the salad cold, garnished with coriander.

Spicy red cabbage salad with carrots

300 g red cabbage, 100 g carrots, 50 ml apple or wine vinegar, 1 tbsp. spoonful of sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of finely chopped dill, 1 teaspoon of grated horseradish, 1/2 teaspoon of dry mustard, salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

Mix shredded cabbage with grated carrots in a large bowl. Add sugar, dill, horseradish, mustard, salt and pepper to the vinegar, beat. Pour over the salad and mix. Close the lid and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Red cabbage salad with carrots and cucumbers

300 g of red cabbage, 100 g of carrots, 100 g of cucumbers, 50 g of dill, 50 g of parsley, 50 ml of vegetable oil, juice of 1 lemon, salt.

Shred the cabbage finely. Combine with carrots, grated on a coarse grater, and finely chopped cucumbers, salt. Put in a salad bowl and season with a mixture of oil and lemon juice. Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Red Cabbage Salad with Carrots and Citrus Recipe

300 g red cabbage, 50 g carrots, celery greens, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of red wine vinegar, 30 ml of orange juice, 50 ml of vegetable oil, salt and ground black pepper - to taste, 100 g of orange, 150 g of grapefruit (red or pink), 50 g of lightly roasted walnuts.

Chop the cabbage, grate the carrots, cut the celery stalks into thin circles. In a large bowl, mix cabbage and carrots. Add vinegar, orange juice, oil, salt and pepper. Mix. Put in the refrigerator for a day. Before serving, peel the oranges and grapefruit, divide them into slices, peel the slices. Cut half the grapefruit slices into halves and add them to the salad. Then put half of the orange slices into the salad. Mix. Serve garnished with the remaining orange and grapefruit slices and sprinkle with toasted nuts.

Red cabbage salad with citrus fruits, pears and figs

200 g of red cabbage, 100 g of oranges, tangerines, pears, figs, 75 ml of orange juice, 50 ml of olive oil.

Finely chop the cabbage and grind until the juice is formed. Divide oranges and tangerines into slices and peel them from the film. Slice large orange slices. Peel fresh pears, remove the core and cut into slices. Cut figs into small cubes. Mix the prepared products, season with orange juice and olive oil. Put the finished salad in a salad bowl, garnish with fruit.

Beetroot Red Cabbage Salad Recipe

300 g red cabbage, 200 g beets, 50 ml vegetable oil, salt, 1 tsp. a spoonful of coriander seeds (cilantro), 50 g of walnuts.

Cut the beets into thin strips and fry in vegetable oil. Finely chop the red cabbage and mix with the prepared beets. Salt to taste, add ground coriander and chopped walnut kernels.

Red cabbage salad with sweet pepper

400 g red cabbage, 1 red Bell pepper, 50 g red onion, 50 ml wine or apple cider vinegar, 50 g sugar, 1/2 teaspoon curry powder, 50 g raisins, salt and ground black pepper.

Chop the cabbage, cut the pepper and onion into thin half rings. Put in a bowl and mix. Heat vinegar and sugar in a small saucepan. Sugar should be completely dissolved. Then pour the hot marinade over the vegetables. Cool slightly. Season to taste with curry powder, salt and ground black pepper. Add raisins. Put the salad in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. Before serving, drain excess liquid and mix the salad again.

red cabbage salad recipe with mushrooms

300 g of red cabbage, 200 g of mushrooms, 100 g of pickled cucumbers, 50 g of onions, 50 ml of vegetable oil, salt and sugar - to taste, 50 g of dill.

Chop cabbage, salt a little, grind until juice is formed. Cut boiled mushrooms into strips, cut cucumbers and onions into cubes. Mix all the products, add sugar to taste, pour over with oil. Sprinkle with dill.

Red cabbage salad with potatoes

300 g of red cabbage, 200 g of potatoes, 50 ml of vinegar, 100 g of onions, 50 g of pickled cucumbers, 100 ml of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, herbs, salt.

Chop red cabbage, pour boiling water, after 20 minutes put it in a colander, salt, pour half of the prepared vinegar and vegetable oil. Boil potatoes in their skins, cool, peel, cut into cubes, salt. Fill the potatoes with the remaining vegetable oil, pepper, pour over the remaining vinegar, sprinkle with herbs. Add finely chopped onions and diced potatoes to the potatoes pickle. Place the cabbage on the dish in the center, and spread the potato salad around. Decorate with green sprigs.

red cabbage and cauliflower salad recipe

300 g of red cabbage, 300 g of cauliflower, 1 onion, 50 g of lettuce, salt, 75 ml of vegetable oil, 50 g of coriander or parsley.

Cut the red cabbage into checkers, blanch and cool. cauliflower boil for 3-5 minutes in salted water, cool and divide into small inflorescences. Onion cut into rings. Lay the vegetables in layers on lettuce leaves, salt each layer to taste, pour over with vegetable oil, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Red or, more precisely, red cabbage is delicious and very useful product. It differs from white cabbage in a reddish-violet hue, and in taste and structure it is similar to the most ordinary cabbage. On the other hand, red cabbage is not only more beautiful, it is a little more delicate in taste, and also richer in vitamins and microelements, in comparison with the white cabbage we are all used to.

Another advantage of red cabbage is that it can be kept fresh much longer than white cabbage. Even in the dead of winter, you can always get and cook a red cabbage salad, and it will be the same as if it had just been in the garden.

Red cabbage will give any salad not only a pleasant taste, but also a bright beautiful shade. It is used as a decoration, and even as a "dye" for salad.

With all the advantages of this variety, the leaves of red cabbage are somewhat tougher than those of white cabbage, and therefore they need to be cut as thin as possible. Most best salads red cabbage will come out if the leaves are chopped, salted and mixed separately from all other ingredients, and only then the salad is mixed.

Another way to get a delicious salad is to chop the cabbage and pour it only with boiled water, then leave it under the lid for half an hour. Then the water is drained with a colander, and the cabbage is left to cool. This will soften the leaves and get a very tender cabbage.

When scalded, red cabbage may lose some of its color, to avoid which a little red wine or lemon juice is added.

In salads with red cabbage, spicy seasonings are wonderfully combined - horseradish, garlic, mustard. You can also add walnuts, but this is more suitable for holiday dishes.

Here we have collected for you some delicious and healthy recipes that your family and friends will surely love.

How to cook red cabbage salad - 15 varieties

Delicious red cabbage salad

This vitamin salad is often prepared from white varieties of cabbage, but from red it will be even healthier, brighter and more beautiful.

  • red cabbage (1 small or ½ large)
  • a quarter cup of vinegar
  • 1/2 spoon of sugar.

Cooking sequence:

First, the cabbage is divided into four parts and the head is separated so that it does not interfere during shredding, then it is chopped with a sharp knife.

Shredded cabbage is poured with boiling water and left for half an hour. After that, it is filtered through a colander, squeezed and put in a salad bowl.

Now it remains to pour the cabbage with lemon juice or vinegar, salt to taste and finish off the sugar. Mix everything well and leave for half an hour. Salad ready!

Some cooking points can be changed, it depends on your preferences. To soften the kaputa, it is not necessary to pour boiling water over it, you can add required amount salt and mix well with your hands until it starts up the juice. You can also add a small amount of vegetable oil at the end, about a tablespoon. Such a salad will be brighter and more aromatic. Also, in some cases, onion, cut into half rings, is added to the cabbage, which also adds spice and flavor.

For details on how to properly prepare this salad, see the video:

Red cabbage salad "Miracle"

It is not difficult to guess that red cabbage is needed to prepare this salad, but cooking will take longer than the previous salad, and the set of ingredients will most likely surprise you a little.

The Miracle salad contains the most interesting combination of products - vegetables, delicious dressing and crackers. The salad is hearty and crispy.

What products will be needed:

  • red cabbage - 300 g;
  • rye crackers - 100 g, you can use ready-made or dry them yourself;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • greens - half a bunch;

For salad dressing use:

  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil - 5-6 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, ground pepper - to taste.

Let's start preparing the salad:

Cooking begins with shredding red cabbage, but before it should be washed and cleaned. The onion must be peeled, cut into two equal halves and cut into half rings.

We wash half a bunch of greens, throw away stale branches and finely chop. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces (ideally - medium cubes).

Now the turn of crackers has come, if there are no ready-made ones, then they need to be dried on their own. Since the salad should be beautiful, we take 2-3 slices of bread, cut them into small cubes. We dry the cubes in a pan, stirring constantly. Make sure they don't burn. You can also dry the crackers in the oven, also briefly and gently. Mix the finished crackers with the rest of the ingredients.

Salad dressing preparation:

Peel the garlic cloves and crush them with a garlic press or rub them on a fine grater. Add oil, vinegar, salt and pepper, mix everything well and leave the dressing to brew for about 5 minutes.

It remains to season the salad, close the lid and shake several times so that everything mixes well. After 5-10 minutes you can serve on the table, the salad is ready and soaked!

Another red cabbage salad. It is suitable not only for the daily table, but also for the festive table, since upon completion of cooking it looks very beautiful and even elegant. The salad will come out tasty and light, so it is best to use it as an appetizer.

Products that are useful for cooking:

  • red cabbage in the amount of 400 grams, (1/4 of a medium head);
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 1 small bunch of herbs (parsley and dill);
  • 1 large apple (about 200 grams);
  • ½ teaspoon ground coriander (by no means whole!);
  • 1/2 lemon, its juice will be used;
  • unrefined vegetable oil (fragrant) - to taste;
  • salt - to taste, in original recipe- sea, but normal is also suitable.

Let's start cooking:

First, finely chop the cabbage with a special knife. The pieces that were obtained as a result of shredding are also cut across several times so that they are not too long.

Now it's the apple's turn. We cut it into quarters, remove the middle, peel the peel. Cut the apple into thin beautiful straws.

We cut the sweet pepper in half, remove the middle and clean it well from the internal seeds. Next, the pepper must be cut into the same strips as the apples.

We clean the radish from the peel and send it to a medium grater. We chop the greens with a sharp knife. We mix all the products together, add some salt and try whether everything turned out delicious. You also need to carefully add coriander to the salad.

In no case should coriander in salads be poured into one point, it is scattered over the surface of the salad, after which it can be mixed, otherwise it will be difficult to evenly distribute it.

Lemon juice is squeezed directly into the salad, try to also sprinkle it over the entire surface, so it will disperse better. It remains to fill the salad with oil, mix again, it is better to do it with your hands, so that all the products let the juice flow.

This salad has such a name for a reason! Its ingredients and preparation will surprise many, since not everyone will agree that meat and many other components of this salad go well with raw vegetables, but an experiment is an experiment. And the result will pleasantly surprise you!

Products for cooking:

The number of products is designed for six, respectively, you can increase the number of servings, but do not forget about proportionality.

  • Half a red cabbage;
  • 100 grams of boiled chicken breast;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • mayonnaise - to taste;
  • 1 can of canned corn, preferably about 100 grams;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 medium tomato;
  • parsley and dill - a small bunch, tails are cut off;
  • salt and pepper are added to taste.

Let's start cooking:

Because chicken breast must be boiled, then cooking begins with it. The chicken is washed well under running water. cold water. Then they are thrown into lightly salted water and boiled for half an hour until fully cooked. The chicken is cooled on a plate, after which the meat must be cut into cubes.

Finely chop the red cabbage, then add salt and mix with your hands until the juice is released.

Rinse the bell pepper, remove the seeds and chop into thin strips. Tomatoes also need to be cut into small pieces. The onion also needs to be chopped as finely as possible. Parsley and dill should be cut as small as possible, but only leaves are used in the salad, without ponytails.

Now you need to open the corn, separate the required amount. We mix all the products together, add salt, pepper and mayonnaise, mix again. It remains to let it brew a little and the salad is ready!

For cooking we need:

  • red cabbage;
  • a jar of tuna and peas;
  • fresh dill;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground pepper to taste;
  • olive oil or mayonnaise;
  • lemon juice (optional)

Like beets, red cabbage can color other ingredients in the dish, to avoid this, it is recommended that you first chop the cabbage and mix it with olive oil. They are allowed to brew, and then other ingredients are added.

Let's start cooking:

The salad is simple as there is virtually nothing to cut apart from the cabbage. It should be finely chopped and mixed with sunflower oil in advance. On the other hand, if you like "red" salads, then you can immediately mix the cabbage with other products.

Next, open the canned fish, chop the tuna with a fork and add to the cabbage. We also open the peas, drain the liquid from it and send it to the salad. We clean the onion, finely chop and also add to other products.

Now the food must be salted (do not forget that the fish already has enough salt, do not overdo it!), Pepper a little, add olive oil and lemon juice or mayonnaise. Both this and other dressing options will be very tasty. Salad can be served.

For more information on how to prepare this salad, watch the video:

From the name it is already clear which products will be the main ones when cooking. Cooking begins with red cabbage, it is softened by scalding with boiling water, as described above.

For cooking we need:

  • 0.5 kg of red cabbage;
  • 2 medium apples;
  • 1 small horseradish root;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • ½ cup of vinegar;
  • ½ teaspoon salt.

Let's start cooking:

We start cooking with cabbage shredder. It is very important that your cabbage turns out thin and beautiful, and therefore it is better to use a special knife. Now we need to soften our cabbage, for which we mix it with salt by hand until the juice is released.

Also, additional processing is used for this salad: cabbage is poured with vinegar with boiled water, after which it is thoroughly mixed.

Double-processed cabbage can be stored for much longer, so the salad can also be stored longer.

Next we need an apple, lemon juice and horseradish. Grate the horseradish root, peel the apples and cut into small cubes. Add all this to the cabbage, mix, add lemon juice, oil and salt. Salad ready!

You can prepare this salad very quickly and simply, and its taste will delight your loved ones. Also, do not forget that cabbage is a storehouse of vitamins, which is especially important in winter. Such a salad is perfect for an ordinary table, and for a holiday, especially since there are cheese and crab sticks, products that we are already accustomed to seeing in holiday salads.

For the salad we need:

  • Red cabbage - 400 g;
  • Crab sticks - 200 g;
  • Canned sugar corn - 1 can;
  • Hard cheese - 100-150 g;
  • Liquid mustard - 1 tablespoon;
  • Boiled egg - 1 pc.;
  • Green onions - 1 bunch;
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream for dressing - to taste.

Let's start cooking:

The egg must be boiled for 8-10 minutes. Shred the cabbage finely. And get rid of the crab sticks from the packaging and cut into small cubes. We rub the cheese, it is better to take a coarse grater for this, and faster, and tastier.

We mix the products.

Open the corn, rid it of liquid and add to the salad. The egg, which has already been cooked and cooled (under cold running water), is divided into protein and yolk. Protein can simply be eaten, it is not required for a salad. And rub the yolk together with mustard and mayonnaise or sour cream (whatever you like to dress the salad with). Add this mixture to the salad and stir. Salad can be served!

For more information on how to cook such an interesting salad, see the video:

This salad is one of the low-calorie and vitamin ones, it is perfect for those who like to count calories and go on diets. But if you are preparing such a salad for the whole family, use it as an appetizer for the main course. Two types of cabbage will be used in the salad: white and red.

For the salad you will need:

  • white and red cabbage in equal quantities - 300 grams each;
  • 2 cups dried cranberries;
  • 1 glass sunflower seeds(fried, best - peeled);
  • 1/3 wine vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoons cane sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt.

Let's start cooking:

Finely shred red and white cabbage. We take a large bowl, put both varieties there at once, after which we add cranberries and peeled seeds to the same bowl.

At the same time, in a separate bowl, mix vinegar, salt and sugar with oil. To make it tastier, beat this mixture with a blender or an ordinary fork. We received a shipment.

Now add this dressing to the salad bowl, mix everything well, close the lid tightly and leave for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator.

Salad can be served in a large salad bowl or in small portions, it is decorated with herbs and cranberry residue.

In that unusual salad you will find a combination of red cabbage leaves and fried egg pancakes, it turns out very interesting and tasty. Sour cream adds juiciness to the salad and delicate taste, and thanks to the coloring pigments contained in red cabbage, pancakes will also acquire a blue tint.

What you need for cooking:

  • 200 grams of red cabbage;
  • 3-4 eggs;
  • a little more than a teaspoon of starch;
  • 1 can of corn;
  • 4 tablespoons of sour cream;
  • salt - to taste.

Let's start cooking:

First of all, prepare the pancakes, as their preparation takes more time. To do this, mix the eggs with starch and a small amount of salt, beat everything together with a blender or mixer.

Now you just need to fry the pancakes in a pan, if possible, without oil (or with a minimum of fat so that the pancakes simply do not stick). For the salad, you will need 4 delicious egg pancakes. Fried? Let them cool, then we will cut them into medium strips.

Now let's move on to cabbage. It, like for any salad, needs to be chopped. Next, we make the cabbage softer and juicier, for which we mix it with salt and knead it by hand until the cabbage releases juice.

Mix together the cabbage, chopped pancakes and corn, previously rid of the liquid. Add sour cream, salt to taste and mix again. Salad should be served immediately.

And in the video you can see how this salad is prepared, in more detail:

The components of this salad are quite unusual and very interesting, and therefore such a colorful salad will be appropriate on any table, including a festive one. The composition contains two types of cabbage, as well as peanuts.

What you need for this salad:

  • Red and white cabbage in equal quantities - 200 grams each;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Tomatoes - 2-3 pieces;
  • Peanuts - 50 g;
  • Mayonnaise - no more than 6 tablespoons;
  • Dill - half a bunch;
  • Salt - to taste.

Let's start cooking:

Boil the eggs for 8-10 minutes, cool, peel and cut into strips. We also cut the tomatoes into strips, and chop the dill.

We mix all the products, add peanuts, mayonnaise to them and mix again.

The salad can be served immediately after preparation.

Turkish salad refers to light salads, it can be used for the table the next day after a grandiose holiday, when there is a clear overload of the body with "heavy" food. Such a salad is also very often used during unloading diet. It is really tasty, juicy and full of vitamins. Also, with such a salad, you can eat any dish, as a snack for potatoes, porridge or spaghetti, it is great!

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 medium red cabbage;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • half a lemon;
  • half a bunch of fresh parsley;
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • salt pepper.

Let's start cooking:

Shred the cabbage as thin as possible or rub it on a special grater. Carrots also need to be peeled and grated raw, you can coarsely. We mix them in one container. We also chop the parsley and add to the bulk of the salad.

In another container, we prepare the dressing, for which we mix the oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper, beat it all with a fork.

Add dressing to salad and mix well. Salad must be infused for 5-10 minutes and can be served at the table.

This salad is perfect for winter time, when the body lacks vitamins. Its preparation is not difficult, it will take no more than ten minutes.

What we need:

  • about 100 grams of red cabbage;
  • 80 grams Chinese cabbage;
  • 60 grams of white cabbage;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 2 red apples (they differ palatability);
  • 2 tablespoons of orange juice;
  • 2 celery stalks;
  • 2 tablespoons of raisins;
  • 50 grams of canned corn.

For refueling:

  • yogurt without additives, about four tablespoons;
  • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley;
  • crushed black pepper, added to taste.

Let's start cooking:

Finely chop the red cabbage and place in a large bowl. Peel the onion, cut into half rings, add it to the cabbage.

Peel and cut the apples into small pieces, pour over with orange juice and also add to the cabbage. Add all the remaining ingredients to this, then mix thoroughly.

Now let's prepare the dressing. In a separate container, mix yogurt, parsley, pepper. Mix everything together, you can even beat with a fork. The resulting mass is added to the salad. Enjoy your meal!

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 whole red cabbage;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 beet;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 hot pepper.

To prepare the marinade you will need:

  • half a liter of water;
  • ten percent vinegar, 100 grams;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 100 grams of sunflower oil.

Let's start cooking:

cabbage for this tasty snack you need to cut into medium pieces, peel the carrots and cut them into thin slices, and beets - just like carrots. Vegetables can be mixed in one container and marinated.

Add salt, vinegar and sugar to the water. We put the mixture on the burner, bring to a boil, and with such a hot brine we occupy the cabbage. After the dish has cooled, it must be refrigerated for 3 days. Appetizing, bright, crispy cabbage is ready! You can eat it just like that, you can chop it smaller, add onion and vegetable oil and put a bright and incredibly tasty salad on the table!

See how to cook this delicious cabbage:

For cooking we need:

  • 500 g of red cabbage;
  • 1 cup boiled white beans;
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 7 medium onions;
  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • sugar, salt, vinegar and red wine - to taste.

Let's start cooking:

Cabbage must be cleaned of excess leaves and chopped as thin as possible. Upon completion, put it in boiling water and boil for 3 minutes, after which the cabbage leans back in a colander and cools under running cold water. To prevent your cabbage from losing color so much after processing, add a little red wine to it.

Onions need to be peeled and cut into small pieces (as for frying), add to the cabbage. Add boiled beans to it. Season all this with salt, sugar, butter and mix well. At the end, the salad should be sprinkled with finely chopped boiled egg. It will complement the taste and decorate the dish at the same time. Enjoy your meal!

For cooking you will need:

  • Red cabbage - 100 g;
  • White cabbage - 100 g;
  • Apple - half;
  • Carrot - 1 pc.;
  • Red onion - 1 pc.;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Celery root - 50 g;
  • Salt and honey - to taste.

Let's start cooking:

First, chop both types of cabbage and mix it. Try to grate the carrots as they do for cooking Korean carrots. We clean the apples and also grate them for Korean carrots. To prevent the apples from turning brown, you need to drop a little lemon juice on them. The celery root is also sent to the grater. Cut the onion into half rings and mix with the whole mass. Pour the remaining lemon juice, salt and add honey.

See what a delicious salad turns out in the video:

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