What sugar is better reed or. Cane sugar against beet

The buildings 30.06.2020
The buildings

Sugar is one of the main products that is in every home. Baking, cooking, canning and even simple evening tea does not pass without the participation of this ingredient.

All your life Parents teach us that there are a lot of sugar - harmful. Yes, and the winged folk wisdom: "Sugar is a white death," for surely familiar to everyone. Its surplus in the human body is really able to lead to a violation of fat and carbohydrate metabolism and, as a result, to such consequences as an overweight body and the development of atherosclerosis. That is why it is impossible to abuse sugar and there is it in unlimited quantities. To date, cane and beet sugar can be found on the store sheets. Which one is better? Perhaps it is impossible to give an unequivocal answer to this question, but let's try to understand at least what these species of sweet sand differ.

What is Sugar.

Reed sugar is obtained when processing the juice of the almost same name plant - sugarcane. The production of this type of sweet product began in ancient India and from there gradually spread to other states. Up until the beginning of the XIX century, cane sugar was a luxury and a sign of consistency. Cane sugar can be sold in two types:

  • not refined, which has brown color;
  • rafire (white color).

Brown's brown, crude reed sugar due to the fact that crystalline is covered with a specific substance - molasses. Such sugar is now actively advertised and can sometimes be called "coffee" or "tea".

The raw material for the production of beet (beet) sugar is sugar branches. To get sugar from this root, for the first time, began in Europe at the end of the 18th century, after which the production volumes were only increased, and in 1802 the first plant for the processing of beets in Russia would be launched. Beet sugar comes on sale only refined and always in color is snow-white. The reason why unrefined beet sugar can not be found on the counters, it lies in the fact that the crude product has a specific taste and aroma.

Interesting! Almost two thirds of sugar on the planet produced precisely from sugar cane.

Sahara production

The process of refining sugar is the purification of the product from extraneous impurities in order to increase the concentration in the product of sucrose itself and bring it to compliance with all state standards. The cleaning procedure consists of several stages and may differ depending on the used raw materials. So, for example, the content of sucrose in raffinade is 99.9%, while in unrefined sugar the same indicator is about 96.2%. Therefore, if we talk about raffinade, it is absolutely no important, from which raw materials it is obtained, as it is practically clean sucrose.

Oddly enough, based on the above, the cost of the production of unrefined sugar should be lower than raffinad, due to the absence of a pumping stage. However, the facts talk about the opposite - the price of crude cane sugar in stores is higher than on refined. In fact, it is explained simply enough: first, the reed in our latitudes is practically not growing, so the raw material needs to be imported, and secondly, in our time, the high demand for environmental and natural products, which include this type of sweetness.

It is worth noting that the crude cane sugar contains less calories than beetroot, but this difference is insignificant, because the energy value of white refined sugar - 387 kcal, and unrefined brown - about 377 kcal. Therefore, lose weight, replacing one sweetener to another, will not work.

Brown sugar is more useful because it contains a lot more useful trace elements, including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin and other minerals. Nevertheless, their concentrations in unrefined sugar are not regulated by any standards and can differ significantly in different batches. In addition to the presence of vitamins and minerals in it, it is endowed with a pronounced aroma and taste.

Important! Unfair manufacturers can paint white sugar with food dye, giving it for unrefined cane, so be careful not to buy a fake.

The label of the real brown sweetener should indicate that it is unrefined. Cane sugar production of Sweden or England will be an excellent choice, since it is precisely in these countries a sugar cane is processed.

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Sugar is an indispensable source of energy. During digestion, all food carbohydrates (and sugar consists of them of them), disintegrate on glucose molecules, which falls into the blood flow from the intestine, thus the energy required for the regulation of cell functions in the work of the spine and brain. In other words, we can say that without daily use of sugar, the human body could not fulfill its functions. And with full failure to eat sugar, irreversible sclerotic changes will occur.

The largest content of sucrose is located in beet and cane sugar. It is produced by separating from its vegetable materials - sugar beets and reeds on an industrial scale. The production of sugar from them is almost identical, differences only in obtaining raw materials.

Sugar beet grows in temperate climate conditions, because a plant for growth and ripening requires a large amount of moisture. The harvest is collected late autumn or at the beginning of winter. The assembled roots are cleaned from the tops and remnants of the Earth, carefully wash and remove raw sugar by pressing. Then the resulting juice passes the filtering process, drying and after that the obtained crystals are ready to use. Sugar beet is an annual root plant, so it needs to plant it every year.

Sugar cane is growing in abundance in countries with a tropical climate. Collect it by cutting stems, leaving the roots, and the reed can grow for several years in a row without additional planning. At the factory, the collected stems are crushed to separate the juice from the pulp. Then it is filtered, the resulting syrup is heated, as a result of which the formation of crystals begins.

Refined, that is, the past all stages of cleaning sugar, obtained from cane or sugar beet, will be absolutely the same - the composition and the other for 99.9% of sucrose. The remaining impurities and minerals in reed and beet sugar may differ slightly, but they are so minimal that there is practically no difference between sugar that produce from cane or beets, no.

Many believe that the use of crude sugar is much more useful to the sugar that has been cleaned. And this is true, it contains a large number of useful minerals.

But if we talk about beet sugar, then, perhaps, it is unlikely that someone can use sugar raw in food - the result of the first spin. The thing is that at the first stage of purification, the unpleasant smell of roots will still be present, and therefore it will affect his taste.

And the resulting syrup of cane sugar, not past filtration, will be a pleasant brown with a light caramel flavor. And it will keep all useful trace elements: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, etc.

Nevertheless, in order to get the daily rate of the beneficial substances that are contained in the crude cane sugar, it needs to be eats daily in pretty large quantities, which will eventually affect health and appearance.

Is there any difference when choosing?

Of all the above, we can conclude that there is no difference between refined reed and beet sugar. But unrefined sugar can be found on sale only reeds. When purchasing it, it should be carefully examined by packaging, it should indicate that it is "unrefined" sugar. Very often on the shelves you can see the "brown" or "caramel" sugar for pretty price, however, in the package there can actually be beet sugar painted in brown color. And all this is because the price of reed sugar is much higher than on beet.

What else is the difference between beet and cane sugar?

There are some more nuances that should be considered when choosing sugar. Some of them will be pleasant:

  • If the reed sugar is added to tea or coffee, then with it the familiar fragrance will become brighter and saturated;
  • For the manufacture of confectionery products, the most appropriate is unrefined cane sugar. In this case, it is also necessary to add that at high temperatures, it is well caramelized at high temperatures, thereby giving the crispy texture ready-made products.

However, it is worth noting that the amount of calories per 100 grams of cane and beet sugar is almost the same, about 400-410 kcal. It has already been said that cane sugar is more useful than beet, but it does not mean that it is less a calorie. Regardless of which sugar you have chosen, do not forget about the rate of consumption per day - this is 30-40 grams per day, while you should not forget that sugar is contained in many products. And the last thing I would like to mention - when growing reed sugar do not use GMOs.

But the beet sugar can be obtained from genetically modified plants. It is permissible not to indicate the label designation on the use of GMOs.

Interesting video comparison of white and brown sugar:

In this comparison, we did not mention sugar from other raw materials, such as maple sugar, palm and sorrible sugar. We did, first of all, for the reason that we are for sale for the most part, cane and beets are realized. Consider a little more in detail.
Cane sugar
Reed sugar is sugar, the raw material for the production of sugar cane served.
In 1490, Columbus transferred sugar cane from the Canary Islands to Santo Domingo (Haiti), and from that time the culture of him in West Indies and Central America began to grow rapidly, and colonial sugar sand began to cover the overall need for him in Europe in which Starting from the XVI century, refinery appeared for cleaning it. Nevertheless, sugar is still long, until the XIX century, remained the subject of luxury. Most of the sugar consumed in the modern world is made from sugar cane.
Sugar cane refers to perennial herbs, cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions. It requires an smudgeous climate with a sufficient amount of precipitation during the growing season in order to fully use the enormous plant growth potential. The crop is harvested mechanically or manually, the stalks are cut into pieces and are quickly transported to the processing plant. Here, raw materials either crushed and extracted with water juice, or sugar is extracted by diffusion. The juice is then subjected to cleansing by extinguishing lime (defecation) and heated to kill enzymes. As a result, liquid syrup is passed through a series of evaporators, after which the remaining water is removed by evaporation in the vacuum container. After that, the suspension solution is crystallized to form sugar crystals. The pattern, which is a by-product of the process of production of sugar and fibers from stems, known as cake, is burned in order to obtain energy for the process of sugar extraction. Cheese Sugar Crystals have sticky brown raids and can be used in food as it is, or they are bleached with sulfur dioxide or coal acid (saturation) to produce a white product.
Beet Sugar.
Beet (beet) sugar is a sugar, a raw material for the production of sugar branches.
In 1747, Andreas Marref published their observations in the memoirs of the Berlin Academy of Sciences about the possibility of extracting sugar from the root of beets and indicated even the order of work, which in significant features was preserved to the present. A huge impetus for the development of the production of beet sugar gave Napoleon, which thus tried to get rid of the dependence of the import sugar delivered in those days of Great Britain.
In Russia, the first plant for obtaining beetrations, mainly for processing in alcohol, was founded by Major General Blankengel in 1802 in the Tula province, then the sugar factory was arranged by Ivan Akimovich Maltsov in 1809, the further development of Russian beetroot production is obliged to many of the Counts of Bobrin . In 1897, 236 factories worked in Russia, the performance of which was up to 45 million pounds per year.
Regarding the difference between beet and cane sugar, let's say the following: the maximum cleaning from impurities, refined cane, just like the refined beet, sugar is purely white, absolutely the same taste and composition and is completely different from each other. It is such sugar that is mainly present in our diet every day.
The difference can only be in unrefined sugar, and quite weighty. Crude reed sugar is highly appreciated due to its beautiful brownish color and a pleasant caramel taste. But you need to be careful when buying, searching on the packaging the inscription "unrefined", and not "caramel" or "brown sugar" (often attackers just paint the usual refined sugar and sell it more expensive). In the crude cane sugar, calcium, potassium, iron, chromium, copper, sodium, phosphorus and magnesium are contained, and vitamins of group B and vegetable fibers.
But in the production of sugar from beets, the raw material is subjected to more complex processing, in the crude, the beet sugar is not too edible, since the source product - the raw, resulting in the root of the plant's juice, has an unpleasant odor and quite memorable taste. It is difficult to find such sugar on sale, only if the sugar beet recycling plant works with violations of technology.

So, the main difference between the reed and beet sugar (besides the fact that they are made from different raw materials) is that cane sugar is suitable for refined as in crude, and beet sugar only in purified.

Cane sugar - Sweet crystalline product obtained from the juice of sun and thermo-loving plant called sugar cane, externally similar to Bamboo and famous mankind since ancient times. In fact, the manufacture of cane sugar is much older than beet. His homeland is considered to be India, from where he gradually fell and cultivated in other countries of the Middle East and the Mediterranean with the help of travelers and merchants, who have always pleased the residents of overseas delicacies. Subsequently, thanks to the Spanish and Portuguese conquerors, it was distributed in a new light, in the Caribbean Islands, Madeira and Cape Verde. To the pore of the cane sugar has extraordinary distribution over the whole globe.

Nowadays, in almost every supermarket or food store you can find this wonderful product. Photos of cane sugar are very often decorated with various articles and publications on the topic of useful nutrition, and the popularity of this sweetener is gaining more and more turns, calling for fans of a healthy lifestyle to closely monitor the used products and get rid of their own diet from harmful and useless ingredients.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of reed sugar, and rather, their large number and explains the popularity that this type of product has acquired in our time. And indeed, if you compare the familiar beet sugar with reeds for us, the results of laboratory research, as a rule, the palm of the championship is transmitted to the overseas fellow. Consider what cane sugar are useful:

What cane sugar is better?

In order to solve for yourself which reed sugar is better, it is necessary to first deal with the process of manufacturing this product, as well as with what different types of sweetness of the cane differ from each other.

The main two types that are found on store shelves is:

  • Refined reed white sugar - such a product passes all the rafination stages: from converting into syrup, followed by filtration before evaporation and drying of the resulting white mass.
  • Unrefined brown cane sugar - such has a different saturation of the brown shade and is subjected to very small cleaning.

It is the last, referred to as "reed sugar raw", and is becoming increasingly popular. A varieties of an unrefined sweetener there are several:

Cane sugar gur.

Talking that GUR is a natural cane sugar, a little wrong. This product came to us from India together with the popularity of the Ayurvedic ways of lifestyle and is a condensed natural juice, squeezed very slowly (for about 3 hours) from sugarcane stem.

The consistency and the color of this sweetness resemble a soft sherbet, which, however, does not exclude the presence of a small amount of sugar crystals in the composition of the product.

The production of a gur, popular mainly in India, is a thorough tissue of raw materials, cleaning and condensed with cooking. This method allows to preserve the maximum amount of beneficial substances as part of the product consumed.

How to distinguish fake?

To distinguish the fake of cane sugar from the natural product, you must learn to each consumer. Falsifiers are very often in our time trying to disguise the usual refined white sugar with caramel, giving it a brown tint. This is done for the sake of profits, because the reed sugar is an order of magnitude more expensive than its beeturized peeled brother. Consider a few possibilities how to check the cane sugar on the originality:

Use in cooking

The use of cane sugar in cooking has many diverse traditions associated with the cultural and culinary features of each country. In addition, the diversity of this product does not make it possible to combine all varieties in one row, because each is so unique (including the combination with various products), which can be considered a separate type of additive:

The benefits of cane sugar and treatment

Many, thinking about the healthy lifestyle, are asked about the benefits and danger of reed sugar, and make sure that the reed sugar reviews only positive. That is why the question is whether the reed sugar buy, for them, as a rule, is not worth it. And it is right, because it is not only a delicious delicacy. Proper regular use of this product can help in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

If you just replace in your diet to any sweetener with reed sugar, then the risk of such complications as:

  • cough;
  • sore throat;
  • pulmonary infections.

Also, this sweet product leads to improved blood circulation and strengthening immunity.

This, however, is not surprising! The story of this product itself indicates his therapeutic nature. For a long time, cane sugar was available for purchase only in pharmacies as a drug, not a culinary product.

Harm of cane sugar and contraindications

Harm of cane sugar and contraindications to its use are subject to research by many modern scientists and nutritionists.

In fact, the contraindications of this wonderful product does not happen. Restrictions in the use of reed sugar can only be associated with its redundant amount in a daily diet, which leads not only to the appearance of excess fat in the human body, and also to additional loads on the pancreas, as well as to glucose blood surprise. And this, in turn, can lead to various other diseases. In addition, the unregulated consumption of cane sugar by people suffering from diabetes, can cause aggravation of this disease and deterioration in general human well-being.

The damage and benefit of this product are not known to many, although even more likely fans of healthy food buy it. It is believed that it is less caloriene and not so harmful. After all, the sugar is already called "white death" because of his ability to cause various diseases. Many are trying to abandon this product at all, because they are watching their health. But doctors warn that the body is needed glucose. It is very important for brain. Therefore, unrefined is an important product on the table for those people who want to be healthy. Moreover, you can buy it in any supermarket.

What is brown sugar

What is different from the usual beetroot - know a few. White peeled sugar is more accessible, because its production costs cheaper, and sugar beet, from which they do, grows everywhere. But in order for sugar to be suitable for use, it is subjected to a complex cleaning and bleaching process. That is why he is considered so harmful. And his brown variety is produced from sugar cane.

His homeland is India, and many hundreds of years ago he became popular in Europe. Get this sweet by roaring, and it does not need bleaching at all. Brown mass has a pleasant smell of molasses and ready to eat without additional processing. But still it costs more than ordinary sugar. The price of overseas sweetness is more than 100 rubles per kilogram.

What is useful brown sugar

Thanks to a gentle processing method, this sweetness is obtained not only delicious, but also useful. It retains all the vitamins and minerals contained in the cane. What is different from ordinary cane sugar? His harm and benefits are the subject of many disputes. But it has been proven that it has such advantages:

Can this product be harmful

Supporters of a healthy diet are trying to buy only it. They believe that it is best to preserve health and a beautiful figure that the cane and benefits of this product are exaggerated in many cases. After all, for example, the calorie content is not much lower than that of the usual. Therefore, those who want to lose weight should also reduce the norm of consumed sweetness, even if it is because it is in use in large quantities contributes to obesity. This is because glucose, which is in the cane sugar, immediately enters the blood and gives the body energy. If a person does not spend her, then she is postponed about the reserve. Therefore, the opinion that cane sugar can be used in large quantities is incorrect. Like white, it is able to cause metabolic disorders, disorder in the work of the pancreas, a decrease in immunity, diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis.

What can reed sugar

It gives a patho. Than it is more, the product is darker. Therefore, some manufacturers who want to earn, paint in brown color ordinary sugar. Its price is much higher, but no benefit is only harm.

The best is considered unrefined sugar, as it retains more useful substances. It is he who is popular with healthy food fans. There are several types of brown sugar:

  • The variety of Demrar is brought from South America. It is distinguished by sticky wet crystals golden-brown color. This sugar is the most mild effect and is considered the most useful.
  • Musselot variety has a pronounced caramel aroma. According to the consistency, it is wet and sticky, dark color.
  • Tourbepad variety - with large dry particles. During production it is partially purified.
  • Barbados black is valued most. He has a very dark color and wet, adhesive consistency.

Why cane sugar is so popular

After this product was brought to Russia for several centuries ago, it was only available rich. And in recent years, he appeared on the shelves of our stores. But not everyone now knows what cane sugar is. His harm and benefits are still subject to disputes. But experienced cooks add only it to the baking, because it gives patty and buns unique exquisite taste and fragrance. Also, bartenders prefer to make cocktails and coffee only with cane sugar.

How to distinguish fake

In order not to acquire the usual tinted sugar, you need to know what to pay attention to when buying:

  • on the package it must be specified that it is unrefined;
  • real reed sugar cannot be sold in the form of perfectly smooth briquettes or homogeneous sand, since all its crystals have a different form;
  • this sugar is produced only in South America, the United States or Mauritius.

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