Pickled cucumbers for the winter in jars. Pickling cucumbers for the winter in liter jars

Decor elements 18.10.2019
Decor elements

Pickled cucumbers are rightfully considered an integral part of the menu in the winter season. Preservation of vegetables in this way helps to preserve their beneficial properties, due to which the product has a high value. Let's consider the important aspects in order.

  1. In order for the pickles to turn out to be of high quality, use only young fruits. The so-called “piculi” are considered smaller in size - green cucumbers about 5 cm long. They are followed by gherkins, their length is about 7 cm. Fruits 10-12 cm long will be the best option for pickling. , but they take up a lot of space, and cutting them lengthwise is not supposed to.
  2. Often you can find canned cucumbers that can be salted together with oak, blackcurrant or cherry leaves. Due to the content of tannins in these plants, cucumbers retain their structure, remaining crisp and dense throughout the entire shelf life.
  3. If you are focusing on a variety of pickling cucumbers, give preference to Ryabchik, Vyaznikovsky, Dolzhik, Nezhinsky, Borshchagovsky. In cases where a decision is made to preserve vegetables for the future, choose only those fruits that grow in open ground. Greenhouse cucumbers, in turn, are tasteless and watery, they are categorically not suitable for pickling.
  4. In cases where, after sorting through the fruits, you did not weed out the extra ones (withered, large in size), add granulated sugar to the brine at the rate of 1.5-2% for the entire jar. Such a move must be made in order to speed up the fermentation process, which will not allow the cucumbers to “turn sour”. As a rule, small vegetables (5-10 cm) are salted in a 6-7% solution, while larger fruits are preserved in an 8-9% solution.
  5. Since cucumbers do not have a pronounced aroma and taste, they must be salted in combination with seasonings and herbs. Such a move will add saturation to the fruits, due to which the latter will not seem insipid. Depending on personal preferences, choose a bouquet of spices yourself, focusing on the taste preferences of household members. The most popular and proven seasonings are coriander, garlic, parsley, allspice (peas), dill, celery, tarragon, horseradish, savory.
  6. The taste of canned cucumbers is directly dependent on salt. If you use old or stale products, the granules may not dissolve in water. Crystals, in turn, will begin to squeak on the teeth, spoiling the impression of using the product. Cucumbers will be covered with a white coating similar in consistency to mold.

  • cucumbers (length 5-7 cm) - 2.3 kg.
  • crushed sea salt - 160 gr.
  • sugar (preferably beetroot) - 155 gr.
  • citric acid - 2 sachets (about 22-25 gr.)
  • purified drinking water - 3.2 liters.
  • allspice - 8 peas
  • garlic - 8 teeth
  • horseradish leaves, currant leaves
  • parsley dill
  1. Sort the cucumbers, sort them by size and degree of ripeness, wash thoroughly with a foam sponge. Type cold running water into a large basin, place the fruits there for 3-4 hours. After that, collect ice (preferably melted) water in another container, move the cucumbers into it.
  2. At this time, start processing the greens. Wash dill, parsley, currant and horseradish leaves to remove all dust and foreign microorganisms. Place the listed ingredients on a towel or paper towel and dry thoroughly.
  3. Sterilize jars of soda by boiling them in a saucepan for 5-7 minutes. At the end of the period, dry and leave to air at room temperature so that excess moisture evaporates.
  4. Put the washed greens on the bottom of the sterilized jar, start preparing the brine. Mix sea salt, granulated sugar (both beetroot and cane sugar are allowed), citric acid powder in one loose composition. Pour filtered water into the mixture, put the pot on the stove and bring to a boil.
  5. When the granules are completely dissolved, turn off the burner, wait 10 minutes, then turn it on again. Boil for another quarter of an hour, then remove from the stove and cool slightly. Put chopped parsley and dill on the bottom of the jar, send currant and oak leaves here. Peel the garlic and cut the cloves into 2 equal parts, send to the container.
  6. Lay out the cucumbers, arranging them in a convenient way (vertically, horizontally, diagonally), pour the fruits with the resulting brine, let it brew for 10 minutes with the lid open, then roll up and turn the jars upside down. Cover with a towel, cool to room temperature. Take it to the cellar or basement for at least 1 month.

  • fresh cucumbers (length about 7-10 cm) - 1.7 kg.
  • fresh dill - 1 bunch
  • dill (seeds) - 35 gr.
  • horseradish root - 4-6 gr.
  • wild garlic - 2 stalks
  • hot pepper - 3 gr.
  • fine food salt - 155 gr.
  • purified water - 2 liters.
  1. Sort the cucumbers by size, shape and variety, wash them under cold water, put them on a towel to dry completely. Pour running water into a bowl, add ice cubes, place the fruits there for 6 hours.
  2. While soaking is in progress, proceed to sterilize the jars. First, put each of them in a saucepan, pour water and boil. After that, wipe dry, leave until the moisture evaporates. When the soaking time is up, remove the fruit and cut off the “butts”, wash them well with a kitchen sponge to remove bacteria.
  3. Take an enamel pan, pour salt (food, not sea) into it, add filtered water. Put on the stove, boil so that the granules dissolve completely. After that, pass the pre-chilled brine through 3 layers of gauze.
  4. Peel the horseradish root, wash and chop the dill. Place cucumbers on the bottom of the jar, alternately shift them with spices (ramson, pepper, horseradish, seeds and a bunch of dill).
  5. Pour the brine into the container, put the pressing circle and oppression. Take the jar to a warm place for 1 week to start and mark lactic acid fermentation. After the specified period, remove the resulting foam, film and mold, add more brine.
  6. After updating the composition, take the container to a dark and cold place, the fruits should be thoroughly salted. At the same time, do not forget to remove moldy formations every day and wash the oppression.
  7. After about 1 week of pickling, remove the cucumbers from the jar, wash them in cold filtered (!) Water. Now place in new (sterile) containers, fill with the brine in which the preliminary preservation was made (first it must be passed through a cotton-gauze filter).
  8. When all the cucumbers and spices are stacked, close the jars with clean lids. Pour water at room temperature into a wide saucepan, put a jar / jars there, send it to the stove. To prevent the glass container from cracking, it is recommended to put a block of wood or a piece of cloth on the bottom of the pan.
  9. When the composition begins to boil, note the time, after half an hour, remove the cucumbers from the stove, cork the jars with tin lids. Turn the containers upside down, cool, then take to a cool place for long-term storage.

  • short-fruited cucumbers - 1.8 kg.
  • fresh dill - 1 bunch
  • garlic - 5 teeth
  • red pepper (ground) - 2 gr.
  • horseradish root - 5 gr.
  • blackcurrant (leaves or fruits) - 5/10 gr., respectively
  • tarragon (leaves) - 4 gr.
  • fine sea salt - 160 gr.
  • drinking water - 2.3-2.5 liters.
  1. Pour sea salt into a thick-walled saucepan, add water, put the container on medium heat and bring the mixture to a boil. When the first bubbles appear, turn down the power, simmer the composition until the crystals are completely dissolved, then remove from the stove and cool. Pass the resulting brine through a gauze fabric folded in several layers, wait 1 hour.
  2. Sort the cucumbers, leave specimens about 9-10 cm long for preservation. Wash them under the tap, then send them to the basin and soak in ice water (the holding time is about 3-5 hours). After the specified period, wash the fruits again, cut off the “butts”.
  3. Peel and chop the dill into medium sprigs, cut the garlic cloves into 2 equal parts. Place the spices on the bottom of the container, add red ground pepper, currant berries or leaves, horseradish, tarragon here.
  4. Lay the cucumbers in a vertical way over the entire cavity of the jar, pour in the saline solution, close the nylon lid. Take the containers to a warm place for 2 weeks, wait for the end of fermentation.
  5. Remove the film and mold, add the brine to the top, step back from the neck by 3-4 cm. Put the jars in a saucepan, add water, boil for about a quarter of an hour with the lid open. After that, immediately roll up, turn the vessel upside down, cool. Take it to the basement or cellar for 2 months.

  • tomatoes - 10 pcs. medium size
  • cucumbers - 0.7 kg.
  • ground salt - 40 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 110 gr.
  • horseradish leaves - 5 pcs.
  • dill - 0.5 bunch
  • parsley - 0.5 bunch
  • hot pepper - 1 pod
  • garlic - 0.5 heads
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • currant leaf - 5 pcs.
  • fragrant cloves - 4 stars
  • black pepper (peas) - 5 pcs.
  1. Wash the tomatoes with cold water, wipe them with a kitchen sponge, dry with a towel. Pass through a meat grinder, after removing the peel. Send the resulting porridge to a thick-bottomed pan, put on the stove, simmer (do not boil) over low heat for about half an hour.
  2. Prepare jars: wash them with soda, then boil for 7 minutes, dry. Soak cucumbers in a bowl of ice, preferably melted water, leave for 5 hours. After this period, cut off the ends, wipe with a towel.
  3. Wash the dill, parsley, horseradish and currant leaves, peel and chop the garlic into slices. Send the greens to the bottom of a sterile jar, add cloves, peas and hot peppers, bay leaf.
  4. Mix tomato juice with sugar and salt, wait for the crystals to dissolve completely. Pour the cucumbers with the resulting mixture mixed with boiling water in a ratio of 2: 1. Send the jars to the pan and put on the stove, boil for 10 minutes. Next, screw the containers with a tin lid, cool and transfer for long-term storage.

Like any other business, the preservation of cucumbers has a number of features that must be taken into account without fail. The main rule that you should pay attention to is the correct preparation of the brine, which sets the tone for the whole dish.

Video: a step-by-step recipe for pickled cucumbers for the winter

Every hostess wants to surprise her guests and loved ones with delicious cucumbers. But it is not always possible to preserve cucumbers so that they are spicy and crispy. It seems that everything is done as it should, but the cucumbers are far from the desired result. And try new recipes every year to achieve the desired result. A couple of tips before canning cucumbers:

For pickling, green cucumbers are selected, not quite ripe, with dense pulp and underdeveloped seed chambers. To obtain a good product, the quality of fresh cucumbers is of great importance, and therefore overgrown, sluggish, damaged or diseased fruits should not be salted. It is best to pickle cucumbers on the day they are picked or on the second day. The fruits are divided into large, medium and small: (9-12, 7-9, 5-7 cm).

And so, I offer you the top ten recipes and tricks:

1. "Crispy" recipe
for 1 liter of cold water (boiled or filtered) - a little more than 1.5 tablespoons of salt
For a 3 liter jar:
1-2 cloves of garlic (cut into circles on the bottom), then cucumbers,
on top of cucumbers - greens: several inflorescences of dill, currant leaves, cherry leaves with sprigs, horseradish leaf


Wash the cucumbers and pre-soak them in cold water for 4 hours (we do not cut the buttocks of the cucumbers).
Then put the cucumbers in clean jars with spices, pour in brine, close the jars with plastic lids and put in a cool place (the temperature in the room should be about 20 ° C).
After a few days, when the fermentation process begins (the plastic lids on the jars will swell), open the lids to let the air out - then the cucumbers will be crispy. After a day, close the lids again and pickles can be put in the refrigerator.
Such pickles should be stored in a cold place (for example, in a cellar or refrigerator). So they are perfectly preserved all winter and remain crispy (and quite spicy - due to garlic).

2. Mom's recipe

Spices are placed at the bottom of the jar - dry dill, dill greens, horseradish leaves, garlic, black peppercorns, bay leaf.

Then cucumbers are laid and poured with marinade.

The marinade is prepared in a separate saucepan: for 1 liter of water, 2-3 tablespoons of salt, 2-3 tablespoons of sugar. Boil the whole mixture well and add 1 tablespoon of vinegar essence.

3. Spicy cucumbers


1 kg of cucumbers, 30 g of dill, 10 leaves of celery or parsley, blackcurrant, 1 black pea and 1 pod of red hot pepper.

For brine:

1 liter of water, 3 tbsp. spoons of salt.

Cucumbers are often salted in enamelware and glass jars. Seasonings are laid at the bottom, in the middle and on top. Pick up small cucumbers.

The brine is poured with some excess. A wooden circle (not plywood) or a porcelain plate and oppression are also placed on top.

The dishes with cucumbers are covered with a clean cloth and kept at room temperature for several days.

Then they are transferred to a cold and dark room.

After 10-15 days, brine is added to the brim and covered with lids.

4. Old recipe

They take 10 kg or more cucumbers, wash them in cold water, put them in a bowl and dissolve salt in hot water in proportion to their number (about 50 g of salt per 1 liter of water). Cucumbers are poured with this brine, sprinkled with dill, a blackcurrant leaf, 2-4 cloves of garlic are added.
When the brine has cooled, they take out the dishes with cucumbers in the cellar and put them on ice. A wooden circle is placed on top of the cucumbers and pressed with a clean stone. After 3-4 hours, the cucumbers are ready.

A different ratio of cucumbers, spices and salt gives pickles different taste qualities. Cucumbers pickled according to these two, also old, recipes are very tasty.

Method number 1

For 10 kg of prepared cucumbers, 600-700 g of salt and 500-600 g of spices are taken (including spices 40-50% dill, 5% garlic, and the rest is tarragon, leaves and horseradish root, celery, parsley, basil, leaves cherry, black currant, oak, etc.).

For a sharp taste, it is good to add dried red hot pepper or 10-15 g of fresh.

Method number 2

Prepared cucumbers are placed in jars with a capacity of 3 liters, poured with brine at the rate of 50-60 g of salt per 1 liter of water, covered with lids and kept for 3-4 days at room temperature until lactic acid fermentation begins. Then the brine from the jars is drained and boiled.

Cucumbers are washed, washed greens are added: for a 3-liter jar - up to 40 g of dill, 6-8 cloves of garlic, etc. and pour hot brine. Banks are pasteurized at a temperature of 90 degrees for 12-15 minutes, removed from the water, immediately corked.

5. Aspirin cucumbers

Instead of vinegar - aspirin. There are six aspirin tablets per three-liter jar.

Dill, horseradish, currant leaves, cherry leaves, black pepper (peas) are not put in jars, but are poured with salt water (2 tablespoons of salt per liter of water) in a saucepan and brought to a boil. And with this hot brine, cucumbers are poured twice.

Dill cuttings and leaves remain in the pot.

Before rolling up the jar, vegetable oil is added. Brine never becomes cloudy, jars never explode, can be stored at home. Cucumbers are obtained as if they were plucked from the garden yesterday, as if they were fresh.

6. Sweet and sour cucumbers

Fresh spicy greens are placed in a jar: horseradish leaves, dill, tarragon, parsley, celery, etc. Large greens are cut into 2-3 parts. Peel small heads of onions and garlic.

In a liter jar put 2 tbsp. tablespoons of 9% table vinegar, onion, 1-2 cloves of garlic, 2-3 black peppercorns, cloves, bay leaf, 15-20 g of fresh herbs and ½ teaspoon of mustard. Cucumbers are laid and poured with hot filling.

For pouring 1 liter of water, 50 g of salt and 25 g of sugar are required. Sterilize in boiling water liter jars - 10 minutes, 3-liter jars - 15 minutes.

7. Canning with currant juice

Pick up small cucumbers of the same size. Rinse well and cut off the ends.

At the bottom of each jar, put 2-3 black peppercorns, cloves, 1-2 cloves of garlic, a sprig of dill and mint.

Cucumbers set in a jar vertically. Pour in a filling prepared from 1 liter of water, 250 g of ripe currant juice, 50 g of salt and 20 g of sugar.

Bring to a boil and pour into jars. Close the lids immediately and sterilize for 8 minutes.

8. Cucumbers with mustard seeds

For 1 jar - small cucumbers, 1 onion, 1 small carrot, seasonings for pickling, mustard seeds.

For 2 liters of water - 1 tbsp. vinegar, 2 tbsp. l. salt, 8 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Wash the jars well, sterilize (in the oven), boil the lids.

Wash the cucumbers, do not cut off the buttocks and nose, put in a colander to drain the water.

Peel the onion, wash, cut into rings, put on the bottom of the jars. There also put carrots (circles), pepper, cloves, bay leaf and 1 tsp. mustard (peas).

Fill the jars with cucumbers, pour ordinary boiling water, cover with lids and let stand until the water is warm.

Drain the water into a saucepan, boil again, add salt, sugar, vinegar. Be sure to remove the foam. Pour boiling brine over cucumbers and quickly roll up.

Turn jars upside down and wrap until cool.

9. Vigorous cucumbers

Put tightly cucumbers, greens (leaves of black currant, horseradish, cherries, dill stalks and baskets), bay leaf, garlic in sterilized jars.

Pour cold brine (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water). Leave the jars for 3-5 days without a refrigerator, cover with gauze.

Remove the resulting white coating, pour the brine through a sieve into a saucepan and boil for 20 minutes (it is advisable to measure how much brine turned out). Cucumbers, without removing from the jar, rinse under running cold water 3 times.

Add 0.5 liters of water per 3 liters to the brine + add 1 tbsp. salt. Pour over cucumbers. Roll up. Turn over, leave until the next day.

10. Spicy pickled cucumbers

While the jars are being prepared, you can cook the marinade.

1 liter of water
2 tbsp salt without a slide
1 tbsp sugar also without a slide
Bring it all to a boil and remove.

So we get a hot jar. At the bottom we put prepared greens (leaves of blackcurrant, horseradish, cherries, dill stems and baskets), bay leaf. We lay the cucumbers tightly to each other (very tightly!), Black peppercorns on top, allspice 1-2 peas, again greens and red hot pepper (here attention: if the pepper is whole, then you can put it all, if there are cuts, cracks, then put a thin strip, otherwise then the cucumbers will simply be impossible to swallow because of the sharpness).

Add vinegar 9%:
1 liter jar-2 tbsp.
2 liter jar-3 tbsp.
3 liter jar-5 tbsp.

Pour the marinade in a thin stream

At the bottom of the pan, a tray (or a rag), pour warm water so that the jar is more than half immersed in water. Place lids on top of jars. Cook for about 20 minutes 2 liter jar. You can check the readiness like this: the lids have become hot, the cucumbers have changed color from light green.

We take out the jars, put them on a wooden board. Lay garlic, black peppercorns and a couple of peas of allspice. Marinade topped up to the brim. Roll up. Put the jars upside down, wrap and leave for a day.

Little culinary tricks

Pickled cucumbers should be medium-sized, fresh, with black spines. Cucumbers with white spines are not suitable for canning - they are dessert, perishable varieties. Banks with such cucumbers tend to "explode". Sluggish, "cork" cucumbers are also not suitable. They have lain too long. It is better to salt them for food, without rolling them into jars.

Soak cucumbers in water for 2-6 hours. This procedure will "make" the cucumbers crunchy.

To avoid an "explosive" situation, add a few mustard seeds to the jar. Sometimes use 1 spoon of alcohol or aspirin.

Also, for crispy cucumbers, they add shrimp, and sometimes oak bark.

Cucumbers will not grow moldy, and their taste will even improve if you put horseradish still cut into shavings on top.

The so-called garlic pickles have a sharp and spicy taste - when they are salted, twice the amount of garlic and horseradish is used.

Well, once again about the blanks? I offer the recipe “salted crispy cucumbers for the winter”, which can be safely called lightly salted cucumbers, since it produces crispy cucumbers for the winter. Here I made a couple of jars from, probably, the last ones from our garden this year. And this will be all for this fall.

The trick is, there's nothing to sterilize here. Cucumbers are salted for several days without any addition of vinegar. Only salt, as we usually do with salted cucumbers.

This recipe is from one of my mom's neighbors. She makes pickled crispy cucumbers every year for the winter. So I decided to check it out this year.

Well, let's get started?

Salted cucumbers for the winter - ingredients

  • cucumbers
  • 100 g salt (per 3 liter jar)

Greens for pickling:

  • Dill
  • currant and cherry leaves
  • horseradish root
  • a few black peppercorns
  • horseradish leaves

Crispy cucumbers for the winter - cooking

Before starting pickling cucumbers, prepare jars (they should just be clean, they do not need to be sterilized).

Then wash the cucumbers and cut off their “butts”: this will make them pickle faster, and when you open them later, you won’t need to make extra gestures.

Wash the greens, which you then need to put in each jar (one jar needs 1-2 sprigs of “mature” dill with a colored umbrella, a few leaves from a cherry tree and a currant bush, 5-6 black peppercorns, one horseradish leaf).

Peel the horseradish root, wash and cut into pieces from 2 to 3 cm. Add a few of these pieces of this fragrant root to each jar.

Now it's the turn of the cucumbers themselves.

And then pour a jar of cucumbers and salt with cold water, cover the top with a lid, without twisting.

And so let them stand for three days at room temperature in your kitchen, or in another place (on the balcony, for example, the main thing here is that it should not be too hot there and not forget about them completely).

During this time, they will become lightly salted: such as we need.

After three days, pour the water from the jars of cucumbers into a saucepan, boil, and then pour the jars of cucumbers back with this boiling water.

After that, the jars need to be rolled up, cooled, as usual, upside down, covered with a “blanket” on top and, after cooling, stored where you store other preservation for the winter.

And then you will have these pickled crispy cucumbers for the winter to delight with their “crunch” in bite with other goodies.

I want to specifically draw your attention to the fact that I took the photos immediately on the first day of salting. Before they stood for three days. The brine in them will then be cloudy, but the cucumbers are delicious.

And one more - this time my mother's - I love him very much! In this recipe, pickled cucumbers are also crispy, but the brine is light. If you like these, follow the link for the recipe).

Good luck with your autumn blanks and inspiration for spinning them!

And finally - a very interesting video on how to fold a shirt beautifully quickly and without unnecessary gestures. I'm about to start training: manual dexterity is impressive!

Every housewife in the summer tries to stock up on vegetables for the winter. Pickled cucumbers are always in demand during the cold season, so many people harvest them. However, preparing a delicious snack is not so easy. Here you need talent and, of course, delicious recipes for pickles, which you simply cannot do without.

Cooking cucumbers for the winter is a delicate issue. There are many recommendations in the literature. And there are many delicious recipes for pickled cucumbers. Each of them has its supporters and opponents. And at the same time, each of them is right in its own way. But among such a variety of recipes, you can choose the right option for yourself.

In addition, it is worth knowing the basic principles of proper salting. We will talk about them now. For harvesting, you need to choose the right cucumbers. The variety of vegetables is not so important, but the size matters. For pickling, it is best to use small cucumbers. It is better to choose pimply with small spines. Cucumbers must certainly be fresh, if they have lain a little in the refrigerator, then it is better not to take such vegetables. In the market for pickles, you need to choose even cucumbers, the correct shape. It is more convenient to put them in containers. Before salting, they must be soaked in water for 6-12 hours. This will help get rid of excess nitrates and prepare the vegetables for further salting.

As a material for blanks, you need to take only beautiful specimens, hooked and yellow are not suitable: they can ruin everything.

good pickle

Much of the salting depends on the brine. If it is too concentrated, then the cucumbers will lose their taste properties. A small amount of salt will lead to fermentation of the solution. To prepare the brine, it is necessary to take coarse rock salt. Small "Extra" or iodized are not suitable.

When choosing delicious recipes for pickles, it is worth considering the place of future storage of blanks: an apartment or a cold cellar.

Carefully add garlic, dill stalks and seeds, horseradish greens, peppercorns and other spices. All sorts of additional components increase the likelihood of spoiling the taste. Before laying, all herbs must be thoroughly washed.

Preparatory stage

No matter how different the recipes for delicious pickles are, they have one thing in common: first you need to go through the preparatory stage.

Experienced housewives recommend soaking cucumbers in plain water before rolling. In the meantime, you can prepare the banks. They must be thoroughly washed with soda and sterilized with lids. Some recommend using aspirin tablets for salting. Whether it's worth it is up to you. Next, lay the cucumbers in clean jars, after washing them well and cutting off the edges. In each container, you need to put horseradish greens, currant and cherry leaves, a couple of peppercorns and, of course, a dill umbrella. In principle, other spices can also be used. It all depends on the recipe you choose. Delicious pickles are a very individual concept, many housewives also add garlic to the roll.

Recipe for the most delicious pickled crispy cucumbers

For a three-liter jar you will need:

  • medium-sized cucumbers - 1.1 kg;
  • 3 art. l. salt;
  • pepper (its quantity can be adjusted) - five peas;
  • you should not get carried away with garlic, on average 5-6 cloves are enough;
  • bay leaf - enough 3 pcs.
  • currant leaves.
  • tarragon (gives a special smell).
  • horseradish greens (leaves).

We put washed cucumbers and spices in sterilized jars. Pour water into a separate bowl and dissolve salt in it, after which it is better to drain the liquid so that there is no sediment. Pour cucumbers with cold brine. Next, we close the jars with nylon lids, which must first be boiled.

We send the finished seaming to the cellar or refrigerator, where it will roam. It is worth noting that during the process the brine will come out from under the lid, so you can substitute a plate under the jar. This recipe for delicious pickles is not a quick one. Vegetables will be ready only after 2.5 months. During storage, the brine in the jars may become a little cloudy, but there is nothing to worry about. Cucumbers will still remain crispy and tasty. Seaming can be stored for up to two years.

Sunset with barrel flavor

Many people only recognize pickles that have a barrel flavor. It was these blanks that were once made by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Of course, at present, for a long time no one has been making preparations in barrels, since in the conditions of modern apartments this is simply impossible, and there is no need for so many salted vegetables. However, there are recipes for delicious pickles for the winter with a barrel taste.


  • young cucumbers with thick skin - 1.3 kg;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • pepper - 10 peas;
  • horseradish is recommended to take young - 1 leaf;
  • coarse salt - 3 tbsp. l;
  • cherry leaf - 5 pcs;
  • dill - just add 3 umbrellas;
  • three branches (optional) of greenery.

We put the washed cucumbers in any suitable container or pan, soak them for 3 hours (or overnight) in cold water. We wash all the greens well and cut them, add chopped garlic and mix all the spices. Next, pour a third of the mixture to the bottom of the jar. Now you can lay the cucumbers. In the middle of the container and on top you need to put the rest of the seasonings. We prepare the brine according to the standard recipe at the rate of 3 tablespoons of rock salt per three-liter jar. Fill them with cucumbers, after which we cover the top of the jar with several layers of gauze. In this form, the workpiece is infused at room temperature for at least two days. After two days, we drain the brine, which we then use for salting. Bring it to a boil and let it cool down. And only cold re-fill the cucumbers. We cork the jar hot and store it in a cool place. As you can see, the recipe for delicious pickles for the winter is quite simple and does not require much time.

"Long-playing" cucumbers

To prepare a three-liter jar, you should take:

  • fresh cucumbers (medium-sized) - 2 kg;
  • 3 art. l. salt;
  • bay leaf - at least 4 pieces;
  • black pepper - five to six peas;
  • currant leaves - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • dill 2-3 umbrellas, stems can also be used;
  • young green horseradish.

Before pickling, cucumbers should be soaked in water for five hours. We put all the spices and leaves at the bottom of the jar, and lay cucumbers in rows on top. In order to accurately maintain the proportions for preparing the solution, you need to pour water into a jar of cucumbers, and then drain it into a separate container.

In this way, you will determine exactly how much liquid you need. Dissolve salt in cold water. Then pour cucumbers with brine. We cork the finished jar from above with a boiled nylon lid. Next, the pickle must be sent to wander in a cool place. Such a simple recipe for delicious pickles allows you to get the finished product in 2.5 months. But after three or four days you can taste lightly salted cucumbers. If you do not have a cellar or basement, then you can store the jars in the refrigerator, but then you need to use a liter. It is important to maintain proportions correctly. There is a tablespoon of salt per liter jar.

Pickles with oak leaves

We offer for consideration another recipe for very tasty pickles.

Ingredients for two three-liter jars:

  1. If you take young vegetables, then three kilograms is enough.
  2. It will take about 5 liters of brine. You need to prepare it at the rate of 1.5 tbsp. l. salt per liter of liquid.
  3. We take no more than 3-5 horseradish leaves.
  4. Currants of any variety - 20 leaves.
  5. Cherry (young leaves) - 15 leaves.
  6. Oak leaves (for a crispy crust) or walnut - 10 pcs.
  7. 5 dill umbrellas are quite enough.
  8. With red hot pepper it is important not to overdo it - 4 pods.
  9. Horseradish root is optional in this recipe.

To get delicious crispy pickles for the winter (recipes are given in the article), you need to choose the right varieties of vegetables. For this purpose, it is better to use cucumbers with pimples and thick skin. In addition, you need to put the root or leaves of horseradish, as well as oak or walnut leaves.

All spices, like vegetables, are thoroughly washed. Large leaves can be divided into several parts. Before pickling, soak the cucumbers in cold water overnight. This is done so that after salting the vegetables are not empty and do not take away excess liquid. It will also help make the pickles crispy.

After the preparatory stage, the water is completely drained, and the vegetables themselves are washed. Grind hot pepper and horseradish root. We put the components and spices standard for salting into the pan, then a layer of cucumbers, then spices again. Thus, we add all the vegetables and leaves, alternating layers.

Dilute salt in cold purified water and pour the solution into a saucepan. The brine should completely cover the vegetables and spices. We put a plate on top, and put a three-liter jar of water on it so that the cucumbers do not float up and are well salted. In this form, the workpiece is left at room temperature for two to five days (it all depends on the temperature in the room).

White flakes will soon appear on top of the brine. These are lactic acid bacteria. The readiness of cucumbers should be checked for taste. Next, pour the solution into a clean container, and wash the vegetables in running water. Spices and herbs can be thrown away, we will no longer need them.

Put the cucumbers in sterilized clean jars. Boil the brine and pour over the workpiece. In this form, leave the banks for fifteen minutes. Then drain the liquid again. In general, you need to pour cucumbers with brine three times, and for the third time, cork the jars with clean tin lids. We turn the containers upside down and send to cool. As with other types of blanks, it is recommended to wrap the jars until they cool completely.

The beauty of the recipe for delicious pickled crispy cucumbers is that it allows you to make a seam, which can be stored in the pantry in the apartment at normal temperature, the presence of a basement in this case is not at all a prerequisite.

At first, you will notice that the brine in the jars will be cloudy, but gradually it will become transparent, and sediment will appear at the bottom of the container.

Salted cucumbers with tomatoes

As we have already mentioned, a variety of recipes can be used for salting. Delicious can be cooked with tomatoes. Thus, you can immediately get two salted vegetables in one jar.


  1. Tomatoes (it is better to take medium-sized vegetables) - 1.2 kg.
  2. Let's take the same amount of cucumbers - 1.2 kg.
  3. Three umbrellas of dill.
  4. Carnation - 4 pcs.
  5. Currant leaves (young, topmost) - 4 pcs.
  6. Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  7. Sugar - 3-3.5 tbsp. l.
  8. We use salt, as in other recipes, no more than 3 tbsp. l.
  9. Water - 1-1.7 liters.
  10. Vinegar 9% - three tbsp. l.
  11. Pepper - 10 peas.

Before starting cooking, sterilize the jars. You can do it in pairs. To do this, put a pot of water on the fire, and put a grate above the liquid, on which the jar will be upside down. Ten minutes is enough to process the container in this way. Cucumbers must first be soaked in water for a couple of hours, then washed in water and cut off the tips on both sides. Next, wash the tomatoes. Now you can lay out layers in a jar: greens, cucumbers, tomatoes. Add bay leaf and pepper on top.

We put on fire an enameled container with liquid. As soon as it boils, pour it over vegetables and leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes. Next, pour the water into a bowl. For the convenience of the process, it is worth purchasing a plastic cover with holes. Such a simple accessory greatly simplifies the task. Bring the water to a boil and pour it again. Add vinegar to the jar and roll it up. We send the container to cool in a warm place, wrapped in a blanket. After the cans have completely cooled, we transfer the preservation to a place for further storage. Many housewives believe that this is the recipe for the most delicious pickles and tomatoes.

"Cold" Pickled Cucumber Recipe

The most “delicious” recipe for pickles for the winter allows you to cook pickles without much difficulty.

Ingredients for a three-liter jar:

  1. Dill - 2-3 umbrellas are enough.
  2. Oak leaves for a crispy effect - 4 pcs.
  3. Cucumbers - 2.5 kg.
  4. Cherry leaves - 3 pcs.
  5. The same number of currant leaves and grapes - 3 pcs.
  6. Garlic (no more) - 5 pcs.
  7. Water - 1.5 liters.
  8. Pepper - 10 peas.
  9. You should not experiment with salt, and therefore we take 3 tbsp. spoons.

This recipe allows you to make your own adjustments if, for example, you want to add your favorite spices. It can be tarragon, mint, savory, basil, etc. In order for the finished cucumbers to have a bright green tint, it is necessary to pour 50 grams of vodka into each jar.

We wash vegetables and herbs, after which we put them in jars in layers, and spices should be on top. We will pickle cucumbers with cold brine. In order for the salt to dissolve well, first stir it in a small amount of warm water until completely dissolved, and then add cold water. Ready brine must be filtered, for example, through cheesecloth. Pour pepper on top of the greens in a jar, and then pour the brine. The open container should be left to ferment at room temperature, covering the neck with gauze. Next, we transfer the jars to a cooler place (no more than +1 degree) for ten days. After that, it is necessary to add brine to the container to the very top and close them with hot plastic lids. Pickles are stored in a dark and cool place.

Cucumbers with bell pepper

The peculiarity of this recipe is that horseradish leaves and other greens familiar for such cases are not used to prepare pickles. But the result is wonderful salted vegetables.


  1. Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  2. Cucumbers - 1.4 kg.
  3. Two umbrellas of dill.
  4. Garlic - 5 pcs.
  5. Sugar - 2.5 tbsp. l.
  6. Tablespoon of salt.
  7. Water - 1 l.
  8. Vinegar - one tsp
  9. Pepper black and fragrant.
  10. Bay leaf.

We wash the cucumbers, cut them on both sides and soak for two hours. Next, lay out spices and vegetables in jars, add sweet pepper, cut into slices. Bring water to a boil and pour it into containers. After ten minutes, drain the liquid. Next, we take clean water, boil it and pour it into jars. Again we leave the cucumbers to infuse. In the third approach, it is necessary to prepare a brine: you need to put a tablespoon of salt and 2.5 tablespoons of sugar per liter of water. Pour fresh marinade into jars and add vinegar. After that, we cork them with tin lids. We set the jars to cool in a warm place upside down, wrapped in a blanket. The result is very tasty pickles for the winter. The recipes given in the article allow you to prepare pickles in different ways, try one of them - and you will certainly receive a lot of praise from your relatives.

What could be tastier than crispy pickled cucumbers, which are served on an everyday or festive table in winter. Consider simple, proven and quick recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter in jars. It is most convenient to pickle cucumbers in three-liter jars, but it all depends on the desire of the hostess. In principle, cans per liter are also suitable, but there will be more trouble with them.

To make the cucumbers crunchy, but at the same time taste like from a barrel, they need to be salted exclusively in glass jars. If you follow all the tips presented below in the recipes, then the appetizer will definitely turn out even for those who are engaged in conservation for the first time. Despite the fact that there is no vinegar in the recipe and there is no sterilization process, the fruits are firm and incredibly fragrant. They will taste better than pickled options.

  • Small, but dense and fresh cucumbers. It is extremely important to choose the right fruits, do not use salad options, because they will quickly turn into porridge. Fruits for preservation, so that the cucumbers remain firm and crispy, must be dense and with pimples, in no case overripe.
  • You can use ordinary salt, it is best to choose a coarse-grinding product and without any additives such as iodine.
  • Water is suitable filtered or bottled, it must be of high quality.
  • Umbrellas of dill, in which there should be seeds. Leaves of horseradish, as well as leaves of cherries and currants, even walnuts or young grapes.
  • Garlic must be added to cucumbers, the more it is in the brine, the richer the taste of cucumbers will turn out.

Classic recipe (for a 3 liter container):

  • Two kilograms of cucumbers.
  • Two and a half liters of water.
  • A glass of salt.
  • The leaves are young at their own discretion which ones.
  • Garlic cloves.
  • Dill umbrellas, choose such that they must have seeds.

Important! The following rule must be remembered by every housewife so that the cucumbers are moderately salty. For every liter of water, exactly 80 grams of salt (two heaping tablespoons) is taken. That is, two and a half liters require 200 grams of salt.

Soak cucumbers in cold water for several hours, this procedure can be omitted if the fruits are only harvested from the garden. In a regular bowl, put the selected green leaves on the bottom, a layer of cucumbers on top, then greens again. It is enough to make several layers. Separately, the brine is boiled: two tablespoons of salt with a slide per liter of water. Pour the brine into cucumbers with herbs, put under pressure and leave for three days. The brine will begin to develop a white film, and this is normal - an indication that acidic bacteria are working, which make the fruits salty, but at the same time leave them firm and crispy.

Rinse the cucumbers under cold water, strain the brine through cheesecloth and put a separate pan with three liters of water on the stove, bring to a boil. Arrange cucumbers in clean prepared jars (lay the first layer vertically, and the second horizontally). Pour boiling water over and cover with a lid for a quarter of an hour. Put the saucepan with brine on the stove, bring to a boil and boil for five minutes, removing the foam. After a quarter of an hour, drain the water from the cans, pour boiling brine over it, repeat again and you can roll it up for the third time.

Important! Initially, the brine will be cloudy even after the jars are capped and inverted to cool. This is normal, after a while the brine will become transparent, the cucumbers should cool in a cold place.

in Hungarian

To fill a liter of water in this recipe, only a tablespoon of salt is taken. These crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter in jars are rolled into a one-liter bowl. Put a bay leaf, a few leaves of cherries and currants, young grapes, as well as a pod of hot pepper, horseradish root, a few peas of black pepper, two cloves of garlic and dill umbrellas in each jar.

Lay greens at the bottom, then spices, place cucumbers tightly to each other. Pour in brine, which should be at a temperature of about 80 degrees, put a crust of black bread on top. At room pace. the fermentation process will take place, you can try the cucumbers gradually and, if you like the taste, then stop the fermentation and start rolling.

Drain the brine and all the spices, herbs that have already worked out. Rinse the jars with hot water and dry. At the bottom put a large spoonful of plain flour, new greenfinch and spices, cucumbers. Pour in brine and pour Art. l. vodka, vinegar not more than 9% of the fortress. Roll up with sterile caps and, after cooling upside down, send for winter storage in a cool place.

Under the capron lid

If you have the opportunity to store a jar of pickled cucumbers in the basement or cellar, then you can safely roll them under a nylon cover. You need to fill a three-liter jar with cucumbers, shifting them with spices and herbs. Pour in brine and cover with a capron lid. At the bottom, put a bowl where the liquid will pour out. Keep only in the cellar.

Different methods of preparing crispy cucumbers for the winter in jars necessarily require, in addition to the right choice of the fruits themselves, salt, spices and various herbs. Feel free to choose any recipe from this material in order to pamper yourself with excellent cucumbers in the winter.

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