Dracaena in the house folk omens. Dracaena bordered - photo. Medicinal properties of dracaena

Encyclopedia of Plants 15.10.2018
Encyclopedia of Plants

Home plants, flowers, from ancient times were considered a home decoration, a tool for creating comfort and stateliness of a home. Not many people like home flowers, but a sufficient number of those who subconsciously bring these elements into their lives.

Any furniture, things used in household use have their own energy and functional role in the life of a person living in this dwelling. Through them, you can also expel an unwanted person from your home or, on the contrary, attract him into your life. But this is the realm of esotericism, magic. In this article we will talk about one indoor plant - dracaena why not keep at home her?

So, let's study the functional mood of the plant itself.

Dracaena functionality

Dracaena is an evergreen plant from the asparagus family, which has an extravagant appearance and longevity. It is popularly called the dragon tree, which emits red resin, which is associated with dragon blood.

Dracaena is native to Central America, Africa and South Asia. There are more than 150 types of dracaena. Many of its species reach great heights, up to twenty meters. With a strong stem, they are used in the manufacture of ropes and other twisted things.

How indoor plant grown no more than five of its species, respectively, no more than 80 centimeters in height and scattering of leaves no more than half a meter.

Not loving either shadow or light, dracaena, like a houseplant, is located away from the window, from the bright sunny color. But at the same time, the color of its leaves and flowers depends precisely on the presence sunlight.

Its functionality is due to already formed signs:

Where did you get dracaena from?

  • if it was donated by a loved one, positive changes in personal relationships await you;
  • finding a dragon tree in a room makes it possible to develop mindfulness and speed of decision-making, which promises good luck in gambling and other ways to make money on luck.
  • How does the dracaena feel in your home?
  • if the flower begins to wither, one of the household members has health problems;
  • if the dracaena dies, one of the older spouses will die. Although it depends on its location.

How do people feel in the presence of dracaena?

  • she gives household members self-confidence and relaxation in her presence;
  • superfluous negative people, it creates a feeling of not comfort in its location.
  • dracaena attracts the right people in the life of a lonely person.

On this basis, considering positive characteristics, it is worth considering its negative impact on those living in its location.

Dracaena why can not be kept at home?

Despite the many positive factors of finding dracaena in your home, it is worth noting that:

  1. Any plant like creature, recycles the energy of nearby energy sources - people, animals, plants. On this basis, it is quite worth considering her energetically as a vampire. Since there are a lot of people around her, unless of course one person is always next to her. At the same time, someone comes to visit him.
  2. The plant is quite jealous. This is due to its ability to expel unnecessary people from the premises, that is, from life. According to this, the choice of a bachelor should coincide with the choice of a dracaena. But it is worth considering that dracaena, like a plant, has female energy and, accordingly, a female outlook on life, on the people around it.

The decision to place the dracaena in the apartment should be made by each person individually or jointly with other residents of the apartment. With that said, everything will depend on your goal and the desired direction of change in it.

A miniature palm tree in a flower pot decorating a home or office is nothing more than a dracaena. This flower is native to the south and is not like the others - a stiff, even trunk, narrow and long green leaves hanging from the crown of the plant can reach 50 cm.

Flowering is characterized by the appearance of white flowers of small size and can bring with it a cloying smell. However, at home, this phenomenon is extremely rare.

Dracaena or the tree of happiness came to our flower growers from Africa and South Asia. From where exactly? Dracaena is native to the Canary Islands. However, the exact country of origin is unknown.

It is widely believed that this plant of the Asparagus family was originally brought from the Congo or Cameroon forests. Based on the types of dracaena and the places where they grow, sizes can vary significantly. The length of these plants varies from 1 to 20 meters.

Since dracaena comes from warm countries, then it should be kept exclusively in greenhouse conditions.

If in summer period temperature will be optimal. around 20-25 degrees, then in winter it should not fall below +12 degrees. Due to the hot African climate, so familiar to our plant, sharp fluctuations should be avoided. temperature conditions and drafts. Otherwise, the dracaena is in danger of death.

What comes into the house with a dracaena flower

Before you get a home plant, you need to study in detail its characteristics and properties, weigh all the pros and cons of his being in the house. To the question of interest to many, “is it possible to keep dracaena at home?” the answer is: of course you can graceful plant will not cause any harm or damage to the house and its inhabitants.

Is indoor dracaena useful at home?

Dracaena does not contain any toxic and poisonous substances, it is absolutely safe for both people and pets. And even if a cat or a dog wants to taste it original plant- nothing bad will happen. Dracaena will not do harm, but in this case it is useless to wait for a useful result. At the same time, do not allow the pet to feast on the leaves of the plant. Due to their rigidity, the animal can choke.

The residents of the apartment in which this wonderful plant appeared, after a while will feel how the air in the room has been purified.

Dracaena frees the air space from harmful impurities and microbes, promotes better recovery after intestinal diseases and operations.

Wounds on the skin will heal faster, and skin diseases will completely cease to occur. Also dracaena takes care of strengthening your musculoskeletal system. You yourself will not notice how your posture and spine will gradually straighten. People who have been growing this plant for more than one year note that dracaena has a positive effect on the condition of their teeth.

Along with all the advantages, dracaena, like many plants, has some disadvantages. For example, it can cause allergic reactions in those people who are most predisposed to this.

Taking dracaena leaves as food is fraught with indigestion.

But in comparison with all the pluses, you can easily avoid the negative effects of the plant on the human body. To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Timely care for dracaena and rub the leaves preventing dust from collecting on the surface.
  2. If a person prone to allergies, do not keep dracaena near his bed.
  3. Limit access pets and young children to the plant.
  4. Do not consume dracaena as food.

Does it bring benefits or harm to a person? Do you need it in the bedroom?

Over the many years of its existence, dracaena has managed to gain not only popularity among flower lovers, but also associate many signs and superstitions with its “name”.

So, this tree gained the fame of a “happy” plant, because most people are sure that dracaena brings happiness, love and material well-being to the house.

  • As esotericists assure: dracaena cleans the aura in the house and neutralizes negative energy.
  • Positively affects your psychological climate, getting rid of irritation and bad mood.
  • Helps fight insecurity, giving new emotional strength.
  • Prevents the occurrence conflict situations in family. And if those have already happened, it helps to find a common language.
  • If you received a dracaena as a gift, know: soon you will find your love. And the growth of leaves (fast, slow) will indicate an increase in the feelings of your chosen one for you.
  • The house in which the dracaena grows is doomed to find comfort and harmony.
  • The flowering of this plant (which happens extremely rarely) will indicate immediate progress in the material sphere. It can be anything: a lucky lottery ticket, a career take-off, luck in gambling.

There are also bad omens associated with dracaena. So, if the plant for some reason died in the house, this portends the imminent death of one of the spouses.

The most successful is the location of the dracaena in the bedroom or living room. This is where it has the most positive impact. After all, if you believe the owners of this plant, it absorbs negative energy, turning it into positive.

How to care at home

There are a lot of varieties of dracaena, namely, about 150 species. This includes both indoor and outdoor plants. The most common and popular types of dracaena for home cultivation are presented to your attention.

  1. . This is the most common resident of our apartments and offices. Outwardly similar to a palm tree, it has a long stocky trunk, oblong thin leaves are collected in a bunch. The largest size that Marginata can reach is 2 meters, but apartment conditions rarely make it possible to roam like that.
  2. , outwardly resembling bamboo, is planted in several shoots in one container. spinning top part gives the whole composition an original decorative look.
  3. so named for the sweet fragrance of its flowers, which are very difficult to grow at home. Despite the thickness of the trunk, it needs support, and the width of brightly colored leaves can reach 10 cm.
  4. characterized by a lignified trunk and thick leaves. Increasing in length, the dracaena sheds the lower leaves, which can grow up to 50 cm. Over the years, the thick and elastic leaves of the deremskaya dracaena become lethargic and drooping. During flowering, a peculiar aroma is heard from white flowers with a red frame.

In order for the plant to continue to please you for more than one year, you need to know the rules for it. Standard conditions for growing a plant in an apartment sound like this:

  • temperature regime
  • watering
  • plant enrichment or top dressing
  • lighting
  • draft

Providing an evergreen plant with the right temperature is not difficult. 18-22 degrees in the summer in closed areas is created naturally. This can be achieved with an air conditioner. Finding dracaena on the balcony will not pose a danger to her life.

In winter, the optimum temperature is 15°C. An exemplary process of dracaena functioning is observed in the temperature range from 8C to 27C.

Creating conditions as close as possible to the homeland of dracaena– subtropics, will provide healthy life and beautiful plant appearance.
Therefore, you should always monitor the level of humidity in the room where the dracaena is located, and do not forget to water it.

The best option will be spraying the leaves with settled water. In hot weather, abundant watering is recommended; in winter, such actions are excluded due to the risk of root rotting in moist soil.

Valuable principle for most indoor flowers and plants - you can dry it, but in no case flood it - it hits the target aptly, speaking of dracaena.

Suitable as a fertilizer universal means fluoride-free. Otherwise, the plant will simply dry out.
For most dragons best solution will be a place in partial shade. It can also be placed in a brightly lit area. In this case, you need to beware of direct sunlight.

For dracaena, the leaves of which are variegated, shade and penumbra will not work: the leaves will easily lose their original color. The lack of light is manifested by the slow growth of the plant.

The best option for providing the necessary lighting is a window sill on the east or west side. On the other hand, there will be a significant shortage or excess of sunlight.

Try your best to avoid drafts that can destroy the dracaena. But light brief airing of the room will only benefit her.

Diseases and pests. Methods of dealing with them

Failure to follow the rules for caring for dracaena can cause significant damage to the plant, up to its death.

Signs of dracaena disease:

  • yellowed leaves, which is often caused by waterlogging;
  • leaf dryness(spots, dry ends or border) - the result of watering the plant cold water, uneven distribution of fertilizers in the soil, mechanical damage;
  • falling leaves(improper transplantation, prolonged lack of care);
  • leaves and roots start to rot(plenty of water during irrigation, small size pot, unsuitable soil).

Among the most common diseases that affect dracaena, the following prevail:

  1. Alternariosis. It is characterized by the appearance of yellow-brown oval spots. If you do not respond in time, the spots will turn black, and the fungus that causes this disease will multiply in them. As soon as the lesion is identified, isolate the dracaena from other plants. Treat with the Fundazol solution (1 g per 500 ml of water). The therapy lasts 4 times for a month after every 10 days.
  2. Phyllostictosis. Dracaena leaves are affected by rich brown spots. Effective means in the fight against this disease, Bordeaux liquid (1%) will become, which is also sprayed with an interval of 10 days. The fungicides Horus, Delan, Tersel, Topsin-M, " Strobe". Be sure to get rid of the infected areas of the plant and reduce the amount of watering.
  3. heterosporiosis. Symptoms are expressed by damage to the leaves on both sides. Yellow spots appear, growing over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe leaf, and leading to its death. This disease appears due to lack of watering. As in other cases, one cannot do without spraying with fungicides, which include copper or zinc.
  4. bacteriosis. Incredibly insidious and dangerous infection. It is characterized by rotting leaves, massive covering of the stem with ulcers. At the final stages, a bright yellow strip extends along the entire length of the leaf. The causes of bacteriosis lie in high humidity air and soil, lack nutrients. If this disease is detected, spraying of the plant should be stopped immediately. Alas, dracaena cannot be cured of bacteriosis, and the only way out that remains is to destroy it.
  • thrips
  • scale insects
  • ticks
  • mealybug

Thrips can attack dracaena if there is low humidity in the room and fever. This manifests itself as follows: white dots form on the upper part of the leaves, due to which the leaves turn gray-brown.

From the upper zones, the "rash" gradually infects the lower parts of the leaves. The solution to this problem is the use of insecticides. For spraying (carried out until the dracaena fully recovers), use decis, actellik, inta-vir and fitoverm.

If shields in the form of growths are found on the plant, you should know that this is a scale insect.

It covers almost the entire plant from stem to leaves, taking their cell sap. As a result, the leaves become discolored, dry and fall off. In such situation a sponge dipped in soapy water will help. After wiping the leaves of dracaena with it, spray them with actellik diluted with water (2 ml of product per 1 liter of water).

Damage to dracaena can be caused by an insect such as aphids. The lower parts of the leaves and shoots suffer to a greater extent. The result is yellowing, twisting and falling of the leaves. To prevent this, use decis, fitoverm and derris. The frequency of use of these funds depends on the degree of damage to the dracaena.

The appearance of white "cotton" guns on the dracaena is a sign mealybug. To neutralize defeat, follow simple rules:

  • remove all fluff using cotton swabs dipped in soapy water;
  • rinse dracaena under a gentle pressure of water;
  • wipe the pot and the place where it was located with a soapy solution;
  • use a spray bottle to spray the soap-alcohol essence.

The procedures are carried out until the complete disappearance of the disease.

Thus, dracaena is a popular and original houseplant, suitable both for personal purchase and for a gift. Dracaena is covered with many signs that promise happiness and love to its owner. Whether or not to grow such a plant is up to you. And the owners of the dracaena have already fully enjoyed the beauty and pickyness of this miniature palm tree.

Plants to help purify and humidify the air at home

13.01.2011 Natalia Morozova

We have chosen for you 6 plants that can give not only beauty and harmony, but also purify the air from harmful impurities and microbes, moisturize it and have a positive effect on human energy.



A wonderful plant that purifies the air of harmful impurities. Absorbs formaldehyde. Chlorophytum also has a significant bactericidal effect. Experts have found that in 24 hours this plant completely purifies the air of harmful microorganisms. The cleansing properties are noticeably enhanced if put in flower pots Activated carbon. During hard work, it gives new strength and energy.



Aloe purifies the air of formaldehyde and reduces the content of protozoa in it. At night, it releases oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide. Aloe is very good to have in a house where there are people with chronic diseases, weakened people or people with a weak biofield. Aloe increases and purifies the general energy of the atmosphere, protects everyone from precisely the disease that threatens him. In a house where there is aloe, people get sick less and recover faster.



Dracaena purifies the air of the room in which it is located. Removes from the air more than 70% of benzene, ammonia, formaldehyde, xylene, toluene and other harmful impurities that can be released from low-quality synthetic coatings, linoleum and chipboard. Dracaena process all these harmful compounds, and also destroy half of all existing microbes. Dracaena helps to avoid complications after diseases associated with the intestines and abdominal cavity. Due to the presence of dracaena in the apartment, the household will quickly heal wounds on the skin, any skin diseases will be cured faster. Dracaena imperceptibly for you will strengthen your musculoskeletal system. Under its influence, the spine straightens, it is easier for a person to keep a straight posture. The presence of dracaena in the house also favorably affects the condition of the teeth.



Ficus leaves are able to actively absorb formaldehyde - up to 10 mg / hour. In addition, ficus affects the energy balance - it works as an immune psychotherapist, transferring to a person his state of peace and stability. Better fit for the office.



Perfectly moisturizes the air. Spreads peace and harmony, protects sleep from the influence of bad weather.



Spathiphyllum purifies the air of harmful compounds such as formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylene, trichlorethylene. Significantly reduces the number of microorganisms in the air. He is especially active in fighting mold fungi.

This unusual plant was born on the coast of Africa. It looks like a tree with a huge trunk and long leaves on top. Indoor dracaena much smaller in size, but no less attractive. It will give comfort and decorate the interior of any room.

  • Types of dracaena
    • marginata
    • reflex
    • Durham
    • Fragrant
  • Rules for transplanting dracaena
  • Dracaena diseases. How to treat
  • Care rules
  • Medicinal properties dracaena
  • Interesting Facts
  • Designers advise

Types of dracaena


The most common type of plant. It grows up to 3 m in height, on top are growing in different sides thin long leaves.


Dracaena, which has a weak stem and leaves growing almost from the very root. Reflexa has bright green leaves with yellow long stripes along.


Large dracaena with a tree-like three-meter trunk. Grows in the wild, blooms with red flowers that have bad smell. Does not grow at home.


Most large plant, reaches up to 6 m in height with long wide leaves. It blooms with white flowers with a strong smell.

Dracaena care at home

Any kind of this plant does not require any special requirements for existence. Dracaena needs to provide sunlight, so its "residence" is the south side of the room. However, in the hottest weather, the flower is transferred to the shade, this is especially important for a plant with green leaves.

Watering should be frequent, but not plentiful. Once every two days - in the summer, in the cold season - less often, because the plant is "sleeping". Water for irrigation is boiled or passed through a filter. With all the moisture-loving, dracaena should not be flooded. To improve the appearance of the flower, to give brightness to the leaves, it needs to be fed with special fertilizers several times a week.
Breeding methods: apical cuttings, stem pieces, air layering.

Rules for transplanting dracaena

Powerful root system in a cramped pot can have a bad effect on flower growth. It is necessary to transplant dracaena once a year, at the end of March-beginning of April. A plant bought in a store must be transplanted immediately. To do this, use soil for palm trees.

To prevent rotting of the root system, drainage is poured into the bottom of the pot. After transplantation, the dracaena should be watered with a liquid containing a growth stimulator. But, if you do not take care of the flower at least minimally, pests will destroy it.

Dracaena diseases. How to treat

  1. Shchitovka - the most common disease. Slows down the growth of leaves, affects the stem. As a result of the disease, the plant turns yellow. If you do not start treatment, the flower will die. In case of minor damage, it is necessary to wash the leaves with soapy water, adding a little vodka to it. For large injuries, special preparations are used.
  2. Spider mite infects dracaena in dry rooms. Affected leaves dry and turn yellow. Treatment is carried out by spraying the plant with vodka or special chemicals.
  3. Thrips - small insects black leaves stains on the leaves and slow down the growth of dracaena. To get rid of thrips, the flower is washed with soapy water and insect traps are set.

Most often it is improper care behind the flower is the cause of his disease. from dry air or insufficient watering the plant's leaves are drying up. Dracaena suffers from drafts and cold. Normal for older plants is the process of falling of the lower leaves.

Care rules

In order for the dracaena to please with green leaves and a healthy look, the following rules must be observed:

  • Water often and little by little
  • Provide adequate sunlight and, in hot weather, shade
  • Transplant on time
  • Spray the leaves regularly with water
  • Protect from drafts
  • Do not place in rooms with dry air

When buying dracaena, you should pay attention to the leaves: they should be clean, their tips should not be dry. Cropped tips indicate that the plant was kept in inappropriate conditions. Dracaena bordered or Canarian is chosen by those who do not have enough time for care. These species withstand both coolness and insufficient care.

Medicinal properties of dracaena

From the resin that stands out on the trunk, they used to make an ointment for healing wounds. Dracaena juice for medicinal properties is equated to aloe vera juice. It is able to have an antioxidant effect, strengthens the heart muscle and the immune system. For the treatment of skin diseases and stomach ulcers, dracaena juice with grape alcohol is used. There is a belief that dracaena saves family members from muscle pain and osteochondrosis.
This flower is considered a symbol of power, prosperity and prestige.

  1. "Dragon female" - the second name of the dracaena
  2. "Tree of Happiness" - this is the name of the dracaena in South and Central America.
  3. The sap of the plant serves as the basis for the varnish that is applied to the metal. It is also used to make fabric dyes.
  4. Dracaena juice is used to color wines.
  5. Dracaena juice is also used to give the hair a stable golden hue.
  6. From big leaves trees make fiber for ropes
  7. Scientists identify 40-50 species of dracaena

Plant life is divided into 3 periods: youth, maturity and old age. Up to 35 years - youth, then maturity, when the plant bears fruit, and then comes a long period of old age.

To decorate the room, you need to plant 3-4 cuttings together in one container. The roots will intertwine and can be transplanted as one. With the help of wooden struts, side plants deviate from the center, and the bush takes on a more magnificent shape. To form a branched tree, the shoot of the plant is pruned. This top can be used for rooting.
Dracaena will give a very special mood to any room - from office to apartment. The rich greenery of the leaves of the plant will purify the atmosphere, relieve stress and soothe nervous system. With its help, the air will be humidified, the content of formaldehyde in it will decrease.

Finally. What does Feng Shui say about dracaena

Dracaena sander - happiness bamboo. Feng Shui experts call its twenty stems twisting "Tower of Love". In order to become happy, the pot with the Tower must be placed in the eastern or southern part of the house. This is the best amulet and source of well-being for the family. But it has nothing to do with real bamboo.

No matter how this plant is called in different parts, everywhere it gives people beauty and benefit.

Jun 14, 2016 Sergei

Tropical plant dracaena in vivo growth is a large multi-meter tree. At home, this flower grows much smaller, but retains its specific qualities and features. Dracaena are popular for their exotic look, beautiful multi-colored foliage and unpretentious care. Because of this, they are often used to decorate apartments, houses and offices.

Dracaena are trees or succulent shrubs that belong to the genus of the Asparagus family. According to various data in nature, there are from 40 to 150 species. Most of them grow in Africa.

This evergreen tree has a tree-like, straight and even trunk, which thickens with age due to the activity of stem meristems. As an indoor culture, dracaena is grown because of its beautiful leaves. In some plant species they are narrow, in others they are quite wide. But all leaves have original colors. In young trees, they are directed upwards. With age, the leaves first deviate to the sides, and then bend down. They are located in bunches on the upper rosettes of the trunk. lower leaves as the tree grows, they fall off, leaving behind scars on the trunk.

Dracaena - meaning

In the countries of Central and South America this plant is called happiness tree". The name appeared thanks to the legend of the Aztecs, according to which, who fell in love with the daughter of the high priest, the war was given the task of growing a tree from an ordinary stick in five days. Only in this case the girl's father agreed to give his daughter in marriage to him. All five days the warrior watered the stick stuck by the priest, and, fortunately, leaves appeared on it. As a result, the dracaena grew, and the warrior and the priest's daughter got married. Since then, many have believed that if, on a full moon at midnight, a part of the trunk is cut off from the dracaena and planted, then this bring happiness in love.

Other signs and beliefs are also associated with dracaena:

It is believed that these beautiful ornamental leafy plants help to improve life, increase energy, help maintain optimism, warm and benevolent relationships in the house.

According to Feng Shui, dracaena sensitive to negative thoughts and begin to fade in an unfavorable psychological environment. Therefore, if you keep a plant in the conditions necessary for it and properly care for it, but it still fades, then you should think about the psychological situation in your home.

Single people who want to start a family are advised to purchase this houseplant and grow it in their home.

Dracaenas have some useful properties - have a good effect on people prone to depression, help cleanse the body of toxins, neutralize benzene, formaldehyde and other chemicals.

A tropical plant has female energy and may not take root well in the house and refuse to grow in male flower growers who have a tough character .

Dracaena - types

All types of plants are divided into two groups:

  1. Trees with strong trunks and comprehensive hard leaves.
  2. Shrubs with slender flexible stems and belt-shaped leaves.

The most popular for growing at home are only six species of these beauties.

Dracaena bordered - photo

The most famous indoor variety of this exotic tree, which in nature grows up to 6 meters. The bordered view of flower growers is called - dracaena marginata.

V room conditions slender tree is different:

  • bare trunk, which gradually lengthens;
  • narrow pointed hard leaves located on the tops of the shoots;
  • contrasting border on the leaves;
  • leaf length up to 70 cm.

Marginata has several varieties that differ in foliage color:

  1. Variety Colorama combines several shades of white, pink and green.
  2. Bicolor- a variety with light foliage and a pink border. The main color is white and green.
  3. Tricolor characterized by foliage, which is dominated by a red hue. Also available in gold and white.

V natural conditions Dracaena Marginata blooms and forms fruits. At potted plant wait for the formation of inflorescences is not necessary.

Dracaena deremskaya - photo

A tall, slow-growing plant that can reach up to 3 meters at home. Is different:

  • powerful trunk;
  • densely decorated foliage located along the trunk;
  • variegated leaf plates up to one and a half meters long;
  • leathery, smooth, linearly expanded leaves.

The following varieties are distinguished, differing in the color of the leaf plates:

  1. Shriveriana variety with leaves, along the edge of which there is a wide white-yellow border.
  2. Bausei distinguished by a wide white stripe in the middle.
  3. Warneckii has gray-green leaf plates and narrow white stripes along the edge.
  4. Janet Craig Compacta- This is a miniature kind of tree. It has a straight dwarf trunk and elastic leaves.

Dracaena deremskaya is very unpretentious in maintenance and care. To ruin this type of plant, you need to try very hard.

Fragrant dracaena - photo

The plant is popular due to its wide leaves and the pleasant smell that the inflorescences that open on an adult tree emit. Is different:

  • sheet plate width of 10 cm;
  • thick, unstable trunk;
  • impressive size.

The following varieties are distinguished:

  1. Lindenii it is distinguished by creamy-white stripes along the edges of the leaves.
  2. Lemon lime has a thin trunk and grows quickly. Requires support.
  3. compacta- a compact palm-shaped tree. Leaf blades are dark green in color.
  4. Victoriae is different beautiful leaves light yellow with a green stripe in the middle.
  5. Massangeana is the most popular variety among fragrant dracaena. Decorative leafy plant in length reaches one and a half meters. It has large arched leaves, which are located in a bunch at the top of the stem. The leaf plate is distinguished by a light green color and a yellow stripe in the middle. To give the dracaena an attractive appearance, several branches are formed on its trunk.

Unfortunately, you can see the spectacular flowering of a plant only at home or in nurseries. A peduncle grows from the center of its rosette, reaching about a meter in length. It reveals fluffy flowers, reminiscent in their own way appearance pompoms.

External attractiveness and unpretentiousness in care have made this type of plant very popular among flower growers.

Dracaena bent (Reflex) - photo

The name of the flower was formed due to its leaf plates, curved in the shape of an arc. They gather in bunches and grow only at the ends of the shoots. "Reflex" is different:

  • branches extending from the very base of the trunk;
  • lanceolate leaves;
  • green foliage with pronounced veins and a light border;
  • an interesting form of a leaf plate, the length of which reaches 11-16 cm.

The main value of this species are bright leaves with rich color.

Popular varieties:

  1. « Song of Jamaica". A tree with dark green leaves with a white border.
  2. « Song of India» is distinguished by green leaves with cream stripes.

Due to the weak stem and exactingness to high humidity air in room culture, this type of dracaena is the least common.

Dracaena sander - photo

V flower shops often sold popular plant - "good luck bamboo". It consists of spirally curved cuttings connected together. Many people think it's bamboo. In fact, the correct name of the plant is Dracaena Sander or Sanderiana.

Found this beauty in the humid tropics of Africa. In the second century BC, it began to be widely grown in China. "Good luck bamboo" is considered a talisman that brings prosperity to the house.

Sandera's appearance is an upright stem, on which leathery leaves are located 3 cm wide and up to 20 cm long. At home, "good luck bamboo" can grow up to one and a half meters. May have varieties with variegated leaves. In nature, it blooms with white and pink flowers.

The plant is quite unpretentious. Able to grow in water or a special substrate in the form of helium balloons. Prefers good lighting and ventilated spaces.

Dracaena Godsefa or Surculosa - photo

Decorative and deciduous plant of an uncharacteristic species for dracaena. It is a bush up to 60 cm high, on which pointed oval leaves are located. Each leaf plate is covered with cream specks and specks. Its color depends on the variety:

  1. Panctulata has a dark background, on which a small dotted pattern is located.
  2. Milky Way or " Milky Way» it is distinguished by a bright white stripe around which dots are located.
  3. Juanita also has a white, but more washed-out stripe.
  4. Florida Beauty- the most common "Godsefa". Possesses yellow spots different size. As the tree ages, the spots lighten.

V young age the plant blooms with yellowish-green fragrant flowers. After them, red berries appear.

Godsefa does not require special care and growing conditions, so it is quite easy to grow it at room conditions.

From the entire range of these indoor decorative leafy plants, you can choose the most suitable for the interior of your apartment, house or office. It might be pretty a big tree or compact shrub with green or variegated leaves. Among other things, room Dracaena flower is one of the powerful green "filters". So, for example, bordered dracaena absorbs and neutralizes trichlorethylene, formaldehyde, benzene, xylene through its leaves and roots.

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