What indoor plants are good for health? Healthy indoor plants. Houseplants that should be in every home

Encyclopedia of Plants 15.10.2018
Encyclopedia of Plants

For the health of the body, beneficial houseplants, which have medicinal properties, can provide significant support in the fight against a number of diseases. It is almost impossible to find residential or office space, where these silent natural healers are completely absent.

There is a houseplant, at least one, in any apartment. Moreover, most owners, when choosing, give preference to the appearance of the plant, since, of course, even the simple contemplation of a beautiful indoor flower significantly improves the microclimate of the room. The mood improves, calmness and tranquility sets in, and a positive emotional background is created.

Other studies have shown that performing tasks around plants resulted in higher degrees of accuracy and better performance on the task at hand. Memory retention and concentration also improved in this study. Researchers found that exposure to plants improved memory performance by 20 percent.

Research has also shown that indoor plants placed close to personal space in the workplace have a statistically significant impact on the number of sick days and their productivity levels. These associations may have practical significance applied to a large number of workers time.

Each housewife (usually women prefer to plant and decorate the house with indoor flowers) has her own green “favorites”, which she is proud of and carefully takes care of.

Of course, the selection criteria are purely individual; at a minimum, the plant must be safe for health and simply attractive in appearance. Right choice will allow you to create a unique comfort and interior in the room.

Plants can also be used for phytoremediation, or the mitigation of air, soil and water pollution. Scientists from the National Aeronautics and Research Administration outer space The University of Georgia and Pennsylvania State University have demonstrated that potted plants in your home can improve the air quality.

Plants You Can Use to Decorate and Improve Air Quality

Plants remove pollutants by absorbing them into their leaves and roots, much in the same way they clean the outside air of pollution emitted by factories, cars and heating systems. Majority leafy plants skillfully eliminate pollution from your indoor air.

However, not everyone is familiar with the medicinal properties of some household plants familiar to the eye, which can sometimes help out at the right time, very effectively replacing a medicinal drug.

The benefits of indoor plants

In addition to aesthetic advantages (beautiful, cozy, pleasing to the eye), growing indoor flowers can improve the atmosphere of the room by creating and maintaining beneficial to the body natural microclimate.

Researchers continued to explore the abilities different plants purify indoor air from pollutants. Most of us have flowers or plants, but we don't always understand their excellent health benefits. Did you know that the air in your home can contain unhealthy, invisible toxins that can be eliminated by plants? And that strategically placing a plant or two in your teen's bedroom can help them focus better when they're studying?

About the benefits of indoor plants

See how you can use potted plants and flowers inside. The aloe vera plant is also known as the "lily of the desert", the "plant of immortality" and the plant of medicine. The aloe vera plant has many medicinal properties, including its ability to purify the air.

General properties:

  • Phytoncides secreted by the plant have a detrimental effect (destroy or suppress the growth and development) of airborne pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, fungi), which are the causative agents of various pathological processes.
  • Saturate the air in the room with precious oxygen for breathing - absorb carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, nicotine, trap dust, harmful substances, toxins. Absorb formaldehyde released synthetic materials, cope even with heavy metals. Reduce negativity electromagnetic radiation.
  • Maintain room humidity at a level acceptable for the health of the body.
  • Strengthening the immune system - in a house (clean, moderately humidified, comfortable to breathe) helps to increase resistance to infections.
  • They create additional positive emotions, which allows you to quickly recover from mental stress.
  • They help to calm down and relax, reducing stress levels, reducing feelings of anxiety and sadness.

Medicinal indoor plants

Health benefits of indoor rooms flowers very impressive, allowing you to solve various therapeutic problems.

The gel inside the aloe plant can help heal cuts and is also very effective for soothing burns including sunburn. The ancient Egyptians recorded the use of this herbal plant in the treatment of burns, infections and parasites. The leaves of this super plant can also help relieve asthma symptoms by boiling the leaves in water and breathing in the steam.

Unhappy design requests make dreams come true

You are sabotaging your sleep

The spider plant is one of the plants on the list. This is one of the most popular and easiest houseplants to grow. The spider plant will clear the air in your home of benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene. These are all common volatile organic compounds that are released into the air in our homes by everyday items such as furniture, carpets and general Appliances.

However, it is worth remembering that treatment folk ways- a secondary measure to combat the disease, enhancing the drug effect on the body.

Before use, be sure to consult a specialized accredited medical professional.

The reaction to the components of the recipe is different; it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body. To avoid complications, self-medication without the consent of the attending physician is categorically unacceptable.

They are popular ornamental plants with leathery, glossy oval-shaped leaves. Rubber plants rank highly on the list of houseplants that eliminate toxins such as formaldehyde from the air in your home. Over time, the rubber plant becomes even more efficient at removing toxic compounds from the air.

Formaldehyde can be released into the air from furniture and floor coverings, as well as common household items you might not think about, such as air fresheners, hair products and nail polish. Snake plant, also known as Mother-in-Law Tongue, is low in content and one of the toughest of all houseplants. It has stiff, upright leaves and makes a great statement in any room.

Next, we’ll talk in more detail about the medicinal qualities of some “popular” indoor plants that can (under appropriate conditions) become a worthy alternative to counteract the pathological process.


Beautiful and unpretentious to watering, it enjoys the well-deserved respect of flower growers. The medicinal properties were not considered officially confirmed for a long time. The situation subsequently changed as it was discovered that the plant helps against diabetes. The composition is enriched with substances similar in action to insulin.

As we all know, plants do the opposite of what we do when we breathe - they take carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen. Most plants do this during the day, but the snake plant is one of the few plants that releases oxygen into the air at night, making it an ideal plant to have in the bedroom while you sleep.

Other useful qualities

Place the plants in a breathing zone that is about two square meters around where you usually sit or sleep to get the full benefits. About 10 percent of the moisture in the air we breathe comes from plants. On the other hand, plants such as cacti and succulents retain water and therefore release very little water into the air. Use aromatic plants, such as dwarf kaffir bodice to fill your home with a wonderful fresh smell instead of using artificial air fresheners.

Similarity physical properties, allows Tradescantia to “pacify” high ones, reducing them to acceptable values.

The ability to fight pathogenic microorganisms, and even resist viruses, adds another plus to the medicinal qualities of Tradescantia.

Among other advantages:

  • protecting the premises from dust and tobacco smoke
  • toxic substances
  • wound healing, hemostatic effect

The species classification is varied, but recipes use a subspecies called zebrina (shoots and foliage). Cooked folk remedies, infusions and decoctions, used against:

It's a natural and chemical-free way to freshen up your home, not to mention being convenient for cooking. Research has shown that having plants in your home or even your workplace has a positive effect on the occupants, which can help reduce stress and fatigue and increase productivity.

Place some houseplants, especially those with broad leaves, on your desk, in your home office, and in any area of ​​your home where children study or do homework. Any palm such as bamboo palm or weeping will regulate humidity and reduce carbon emissions in your home or office.

  • colds
  • infectious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, bloating, dysentery)
  • bleeding, hemoptysis
  • whiter
  • (accelerates ripening)
  • purulent wounds (cleanses)
  • calluses, abrasions

Green first aid kit recipes

  • Diabetes - fill the leaves cold water, the required ratio is 1000 ml./100 g., boil for two minutes, leave for two hours. Single serving 100 ml. before meals.
  • Periodontal disease - chew Tradescantia leaf thoroughly before meals and after meals. Rinse the mouth with the infusion, massage the gums, rubbing the juice into them.
  • Sore throat - use a decoction of leaves and stems (50 g/1500 ml) to gargle, or during a runny nose, rinse your nose, drop it juice(diluted 1:1).
  • Colitis, hemorrhoids - the decoction is used for microenemas


Natural antibiotic - has a wide range of medicinal properties (antibacterial, antiviral), the composition contains extremely strong, biologically active substances. An excellent immunostimulant, a source of natural vitamins.

Getting the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep can be difficult, especially when our minds are busy thinking about what happened during the day and what we need to do tomorrow. Research has shown that steam from certain plants, especially lavender and jasmine, can lead to more restful sleep. Keep lavender or jasmine plant by your bed. The scent of these plants induces a state of calm that will help prepare you for a restful night's sleep.

When you're feeling under weather conditions, nothing nourishes you like the gift of a plant or bright flowers. Studies have shown that sick patients who have flowers or plants in their room, or who look out into the garden from their room, often recover faster than those who do not have plants around them.

The smell of foliage is a combination of pine and lemon aromas. Such unobtrusive herbal medicine creates an atmosphere of unique comfort in your home, purifies the air, and lifts your spirits.

The following raw materials are used:

  • young shoots
  • foliage
  • flowers
  • fruit


  • bronchopulmonary pathologies
  • ENT diseases
  • skin lesions
  • genitourinary infections
  • diphtheria
  • tuberculosis


Plants for the bedroom

Plants help increase positivity levels and make us feel safer and more relaxed. They can also help with loneliness and depression. Caring for a living thing gives us purpose and rewards, especially when the plant you lovingly care for grows. Choose easy-to-care plants such as African violets. They are blooming all year round with little effort.

Detox your home with indoor plants

Certified Physical Fitness Specialist

One of the things I like about where we live in rural areas Texas is an array of vegetation; wildflowers, cactus, thistles and various grasses grow freely in our big weekend.

  • pregnancy
  • lactation
  • insomnia

Green first aid kit recipes

  • For problems caused by a cold, after eating, carefully chew the leaves, 2-3 pieces.
  • Buy myrtle tincture at the pharmacy, dilute five drops in half a glass of warm water and gargle regularly.
  • Abrasions, scratches - treat the problem area with undiluted tincture.
  • For minor ulcers on the skin, apply a gauze pad moistened with tincture to the affected area and bandage it. Change the bandage when dry.


The plant is a perennial succulent (stems and foliage are able to “save” moisture) and belongs to the Crassulaceae family. Among the large (over 200) species diversity, the most studied medicinal properties subspecies called Cirrus.

Nature offers Fresh air, and he invites us to relax quietly on the porch to enjoy its healthy properties. Did you know that the same healthy aspects of the outdoors can happen inside your home by inviting nature? When you shop for home cleaning products, consider adding large-leafed plants for every room in your home. They reduce unhealthy pollutants as well as airborne bacteria and fungi, adding moisture needed to combat respiratory and allergic conditions.

Used in official medicine, pharmacological preparations (medicines) are made. Components of this type are considered the optimal, safest raw materials for home recipes.

Action provided:

  • anti-inflammatory
  • regenerative (healing, restorative)
  • disinfectant

Useful qualities of a completely unpretentious, able to take root in a variety of climates, indoor Kalanchoe plants, have been successfully used in traditional medicine.

By adding indoor plants to your living space, you improve the air quality and health of your family. Plants can purify and renew our saturated indoor air by filtering the toxins, pollutants and carbon dioxide we exhale, replacing them with life-sustaining oxygen.

Plants for the workplace

It is suggested that one indoor plant be allowed per 100 square feet of living space for the most effective results. The more vigorous a plant is, the more air it can filter. Pollutants are absorbed through leaves, so keep leaves away from dust by wiping gently damp cloth. For best results, space plants where they have good air circulation around them.

Helps in the fight against numerous skin lesions (burns, abrasions, ulcers), diseases of the ENT organs, and pathologies that attack the female body.

Green first aid kit recipes

  • Kalanchoe juice, very effectively eliminating increased congestion. Take two drops into each nasal passage once, be sure to dilute with water first. The required proportion is 1:1, in addition, mouth rinses are acceptable.
  • Lotions of gauze moistened with Kalanchoe juice (folded up to five layers) are applied to an abrasion, cut, burn, or severe scratches. Secure with a bandage. Change the dressing after twelve hours, after moistening the lower layers of gauze. Possible discomfort (the appearance of a strong burning sensation) is reduced by diluting the juice in a 1:1 ratio with a one percent novocaine solution.


The secondary name for this very useful indoor plant - Money Tree(crassula), since the “fleshy” leaves look like a coin, and the plant is a small tree.

You can check if they need water by testing the dirt with your finger, gently push the dirt an inch into the soil, if your finger comes out of the moisture, you're good, unless it's time to water. Pinch growing tips to encourage new shoots to branch. You can choose from several varieties, including Heart Leaf and Lace Leaf. They look great in the corner of the room, and large leaves very effective for cleaning large rooms. Gerbera Chamomile and Chrysanthemum: Effective in removing benzene, a known carcinogen. Moms prefer sunlight and well-drained soil. There are a lot of them, so you can literally match them with your decor, or at least in a complimentary manner. Palms, ferns, ivy and rubber plants are good.

  • Water is free when they are in the heavy phase.
  • Falling leaves are a good indicator for watering.
Visit your local nursery with the whole family.

It has a set of medicinal properties:

  • antibacterial
  • anti-inflammatory
  • relieves pain
  • antiviral

The noticeable regenerative effect characteristic of Crassula makes it possible to use this “popular” houseplant for gastroenterological disorders.

Crassula will provide significant support to the body in the fight against skin diseases, bruises, abrasions, and shallow cuts. Helps cure inflammation of the mucous membrane and neutralize pain. Used to treat sore throat, upper respiratory tract.

Make it possible for each family member to choose their own plant to match the bedroom or family room. Ask the experts what they recommend and write down a watering and feeding schedule for each baby. But be careful: many of these plants are poisonous if ingested, and some cause skin irritation.

Staying healthy is more than lifting weights, running, and eating a healthy diet. Taking action to promote health also includes our environment; what we look at, listen to and surround ourselves with. Since God surrounds us with the beauty and blessings of nature, it only seems right that they bring the same indoors.

Green pharmacy

  • Varicose veins are combated by gently rubbing the juice squeezed from the leaves into the problem area of ​​the skin. Pure or mixed in an arbitrary ratio with baby cream.
  • When your lips suffer from herpes, use the help of fatty herpes. Taking a leaf, remove the skin and squeeze out the juice. Apply a moistened cotton wool to the problem area every hour. By starting treatment in a timely manner, herpes manifestations recede and the cold subsides.
  • An alcoholic infusion of Crassula can help with joint pathologies. Grind the leaves until mushy (at least twenty leaves), add 200 ml. vodka, leave for a week. Treat the sore joint before going to bed, or apply a compress.
  • If you have a sore throat or other throat problems, use a gargle. The ratio of warm water to juice is 2:1, rinse regularly, every two hours.
  • An infusion of Crassula foliage helps with, prepare as follows. Five leaves, crushed to a pulp, are poured with boiling water, 250 ml. After steeping for an hour, take a tablespoon before meals.
  • Troubling, aching calluses and abrasions, insect bites will also help overcome the money tree. Apply a bandage soaked in juice to the problem area and wrap something warm on top. Change every three hours.


The plant is a succulent (the ability to “save” moisture), multi-species (over five hundred variants), belongs to the Xantorrheid family. It occupies a leading position in popularity among ornamental medicinal plants.

However, despite the significant classification diversity, medicinal properties are inherent in only one dozen subspecies. The maximum degree of utility is “fixed” for two representatives:

  • Agave (tree-like)

Priority, pronounced properties:

  • anti-inflammatory
  • antibacterial

Secondary action

  • analgesic
  • regenerative
  • anti-burn

The combination of the qualities of aloe mentioned above allows us to achieve noticeable positive dynamics during therapy.

Aloe juice helps increase the concentration of gastric acid. In conditions of high PH (a unit of measurement of acidity), oral use is permissible only after consultation with a doctor, with extreme caution.

Green first aid kit

  • Use aloe juice (instillation, rinsing) if problems occur in the ENT organs (rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis). Mix equal parts with honey, celandine, or Kalanchoe, drop a drop at a time into each external nasal opening.
  • Use in combination with honey helps strengthen the immune system. The components are taken in equal parts, take 1/3 tsp, half an hour before meals. The course duration is three weeks.
  • Reduced acidity of gastric secretions - grind (with a meat grinder) the foliage, you will need 300 grams, add to the resulting mass one hundred grams of finely ground propolis. Combine the resulting mixture with pre-prepared honey, weighing 0.5 kg. Then, after thoroughly mixing the components, you need to add a liter of vodka. Place in a dark place and store for ten days at room temperature, remembering to shake the contents periodically. Take one tablespoon before meals.
  • When the pH is elevated, this is often accompanied by heartburn, then the prescription is changed, and consultation with a gastroenterologist is required. The medicinal mixture consists of aloe juice, honey, taken in equal proportions of two tablespoons, plus 200 ml. potato juice. A single serving is a quarter glass, on an empty stomach, in the morning.
  • Cosmetic masks are another opportunity to effectively use agave. Youth is preserved and, providing protection from withering, narrowing pores, cleansing the epidermis.
  • Burns, abscesses, boils, eczema, non-healing wounds, aloe will help to cope with these problems. Take a leaf, break it, squeeze the jelly-like contents into your palm, and treat the affected area of ​​skin.


Multispecies, perennial herbaceous plant, blooms beautifully and has a wide range of useful properties. Home option chlorophytum, more well-groomed compared to natural ones, has confidently “entrenched” itself in residential premises.

Among the secondary names, “Green Lily” is very common, due to the cascade structure appearance The plant is lush and elegant. Reminds me of a green fountain.

It has the ability to absorb formaldehyde, neutralize nitrogen compounds, ammonia, acetone, carbon dioxide. The leafy structures of chlorophytum absorb unfavorable particles of dust, dirt, and burning. Instead of “captured” harmful fumes, the room air is filled with pure oxygen. For lung health, you will agree that this is a very profitable exchange.

The bactericidal effect is the distinctive ability of chlorophytum, and in order to obtain maximum “disinfection” of the room, it is advisable not to place flowers together. The radius of action (air purification) of each instance is about three meters.

The chlorophytum flower is an excellent assistant for a modern city dweller, but requires regular watering and removal of dust and mud particles from the foliage.

After all, it is impossible to expect adequate regulation of the level of humidity in the room, if the flower experiences a moisture deficiency, the leaves are not cleared of dust.

Under such conditions, stable absorption of harmful substances from the air becomes an extremely problematic task. To eliminate this scenario, regularly wash the foliage structure of the flower with warm water.


Belongs to the geranium family, unpretentious to care, loves sunlight, easily reproduces, has a special aroma.

For many who like to grow indoor plants, the name geranium is firmly attached to this flower, although such a comparison is difficult to consider as a correct point of view.

By external signs Of course they are similar, but the difference exists, although it is not always noticeable at first glance.

Plants have different genetic characteristics: They cannot be crossed together; they will not produce common seeds.

For flowering geranium, a temperature of 10 degrees is acceptable, and serve pelargonium under greenhouse or room conditions.

Apartments and balconies are optimal places for comfortable cultivation of pelargoniums. The leaves emit a pleasant subtle aroma, especially when touched.

Essential oils secreted by pelargonium help with neurotic disorders and insomnia. Streptococci and staphylococci present in indoor air are neutralized by active substances from the oils.

Pelargonium has hypertrophied antibacterial and antiviral qualities. This amazingly useful indoor plant will provide all possible assistance in the fight against many pathological conditions:

  • gout
  • bronchitis
  • rheumatism
  • gastritis with high acidity
  • diseases of the ENT organs (otitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis)
  • hypertension
  • arrhythmia
  • diarrhea
  • migraine
  • external, internal bleeding - strong astringent effect
  • salt deposits in the kidneys
  • toothache
  • normalizes sleep

The usefulness of pelargonium is due to its composition:

  • flavonoids
  • fructose
  • pectin
  • tannin
  • vitamin E
  • carotene
  • organic acids
  • tannins
  • minerals
  • essential oils
  • starch

WITH therapeutic purpose leaves, stems, colors are used. Based on them, they are made, which are characterized by an anti-inflammatory, astringent effect.

However, pelargonium, like almost any green healer, has a number of contraindications:

  • individual intolerance (different susceptibility to smells and aromas emitted by geranium)
  • an allergic reaction of the body, expressed by severe headaches
  • chronic gastrointestinal pathologies (ulcers, gastritis with low pH)
  • thrombophlebitis
  • hypotension
  • tendency to constipation

Pregnant, elderly, or childhood categorically does not accept the internal use of geranium. Exclusively external use is permissible, and with great caution, and only after receiving adequate medical advice.

Recipes for the piggy bank

  • Hypertension: a geranium leaf placed on the wrist in the pulse area will help pacify high blood pressure.
  • Otitis media: a pelargonium leaf carefully kneaded with your fingers, located in the external auditory canal of the problem ear, will help reduce inflammatory manifestations and ease the pain syndrome.
  • Rhinitis: squeeze the juice from the leaf, soak cotton wool, inhale.
  • Eczema, psoriasis - use geranium oil (buy at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself). Fill a half-liter container with chopped flowers and leaves (2 tablespoons). Add 200 ml. purified sunflower oil, leave in dark place for a week. Then leave the container on the windowsill for a month and a half, with good access to sunlight. After 45 days, strain the mixture, fill a dark bottle with oil, close tightly, and store in the refrigerator. An absolute contraindication is pregnancy.
  • Osteochondrosis, radiculitis: compresses at night, with crushed leaves on the problem area.
  • Diarrhea: pour thoroughly crushed leaves with vodka (ratio 3 tbsp. l / 0.5 l.). After leaving for 24 hours, strain, squeeze, take 20 drops, diluting with 30 ml of water.
  • Hemorrhoids: suppositories (roll the leaf into a tube, moisten with oil), lotions with warm broth.
  • Toothache: rinse the mouth with a decoction. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of dry raw materials, boil for two minutes, leave for half an hour, strain and drink 20 ml during meals. When rinsing, keep the broth in your mouth longer.

The list of useful indoor plants listed above is far from complete (Ficus, Monstera, Asparagus and many other representatives flora), telling about everyone is simply an impossible task. Every indoor flower has distinctive properties, of course, not only positive ones.

It is important to remember that in order for flowers to consistently perform their functions, they need to create optimal and comfortable conditions for full growth, provide careful care. Humidity, lighting, temperature, soil composition - there are plenty of factors, only then the flower, “feeling” your attention, will reciprocate, improve your well-being and mood.

Take an interest in health, goodbye.

According to studies, houseplants emit more 300 volatiles which have a beneficial effect on human body and have phytoncidal properties - can fight harmful bacteria. Such a family doctor can become chlorophytum, asparagus, monstera, myrtle and eucalyptus.
Some plants help relieve tension, fatigue and agitation, they calm and improve sleep. This rosemary, lemon balm, monstera and the well-known geranium. And here azalea, or rhododendron - very beautiful blooming large pink flowers perennial plants help to remove not only fatigue, but even hangover syndrome. To do this, it is enough to spend half an hour in the same room with such a “green doctor”.

Considering that many plant species edible, and they can be grown in pots on the windowsill, then their benefits become even more obvious. Such plants include: parsley, dill, cilantro, onion, garlic, mint, lemon balm, basil, tarragon, rosemary etc. the presence of flowerpots with these herbs will not only saturate the apartment with fragrance, but will also allow you to expand the range of culinary dishes that you prepare.

Indoor plants are found in almost every apartment, in every house; they not only purify the air and saturate it with oxygen, they decorate the interior, making the home atmosphere much more comfortable and nicer. Moreover, there are plants whose benefits are special, and for a favorable atmosphere in the house you should definitely put a couple of flowerpots on the windowsill.

Scientists have compared wave characteristics The DNA of plants and human speech has been found to coincide by 30%, and, therefore, it turns out that the DNA of plants (and not only plants) contains the characteristics of human speech. Work with linguists and mathematicians from Moscow State University showed that the structure of human speech, book text and DNA sequence structures, i.e. chromosomes mathematically close. This proves that the human body can be influenced through the tongue. And our relationship with plants gives us the opportunity to influence plants through our language. By the way, good gardeners always talk to their pets. Plants feel our disposition towards them and respond in kind (see articles “Knowledge from Na_chala” and N.V. Levashov - “Source of Life, 1-10”; “SvetL-Flora”. From theory to practice). Perhaps Academician Lysenko was right when he spoke about the “education” of plants.

Houseplants that should be in every home

We spend most of our lives indoors: at home or in the office. This post is about how to improve the air in your home using common indoor plants.

Properties of indoor plants:

· Relieve tension and contribute normalization of sleep lemon balm, monstera, lavender, geranium, basil, jasmine - these plants can be safely placed in the bedroom.

· Disinfect the air lavender, thyme, eucalyptus, sage, cinnamon,

· Improve memory and tone lemon, bergamot, thyme, rosemary, mint, basil.

· For respiratory diseases It is useful to inhale phytoncides secreted by rosemary and citrus fruits.

· Kills viruses and bacteria– laurel, geranium, peperomia, cypress, citrus fruits (panderosa)..

· Many plants are considered energy cleansers, for example, nephrolepis, pelargonium, ivy, passionflower improves the energy in the house. It is believed that if you plant an avocado seed, love will come to your home.

For example, Asparagus, white-spotted begonia and monstera – reduce salt concentration heavy metals and harmful microorganisms in the air.

Other plants release beneficial phytoncides, purify the air of impurities and heavy metals (for example, geranium, chlorophytum, myrtle, asparagus, etc.).

Geranium. Beneficial features geraniums known since ancient times, this plant has unique properties to destroy bacteria and viruses (streptococci, staphylococci) in the air. In addition, geranium releases substances into the air that have anti-stress activity. In the summer, the plant will protect the room from mosquitoes, midges and flies.

Dracaenaunpretentious plant, which will take root in any apartment, releases phytoncides that kill many pathogenic bacteria.

Cacti are excellent protectors from electromagnetic radiation, so most often cacti are placed next to working equipment (TV, computer monitor).

Chlorophytum– is able to purify the air from many toxic substances that are emitted by pieces of furniture made from chipboard and some polymers (benzene, xylene, toluene, ethylbenzene, formaldehyde, etc.), perfect place for chlorophytum - kitchen, more than two thirds carbon monoxide, which is released during the combustion of gas, will be absorbed by this plant.

Spathiphyllum, ivy, ficus benjamina– remove phenol and formaldehyde particles from the air.

According to NASA research, plants can not only absorb carbon dioxide, but also remove significant amounts of benzene, formaldehyde and xylene, and researcher Kamal Meattle discovered that using just three indoor plants you can easily “grow” healthy and healthy plants in your home. fresh air. Here is a list of plants that will not only decorate your home or office, but also make the air better.

Lemon– perennial. Least frost-resistant evergreen tree compared to other types of citrus fruits cultivated in our country. It will always decorate your apartment. When it blooms lemon, this is immediately noticeable by the wonderful aroma. This aroma is exuded by its white waxy flowers, which will delight you with their beauty for quite a long time. Each lemon branch when flowering is covered with a large number of these magnificent flowers.

Citrus fruits are evergreen trees or shrubs up to 1.5 m tall. They are remarkable for their evergreen dark green leaves, snow-white, waxy flowers that emit a subtle delicate aroma, and decorative yellow-golden or orange edible fruits. They grow quickly, bloom and bear fruit all year round. At the same time, you can see buds, flowers, ovaries and fruits on them. Leaf phytoncides citrus plants have bactericidal properties against many bacteria harmful to humans.

They love citrus fruits diffused sunlight, it is best to place them on a window facing the southeast or southwest. And remember: the higher the temperature in the room, the more intense the lighting should be.

IN room conditions maybe grow lemon, orange, tangerine, kincan, panderosa.

Panderosa (Ponderosa)

An indoor variety, a natural hybrid between lemon and pompelmousse or citron, in indoor conditions it is a small compact bush with a beautiful decorative shape, very resistant to high temperatures and dry air and begins to bear fruit in the 2nd year. The branches are strong, the leaves are dark green, smooth, hard, round in shape.

Calamondin or Citrofortunella

Calamondin(×Citrofortunella microcarpa) belongs to the Rutaceae family; his homeland is Southeast Asia. This fast-growing and well-branched evergreen tree is a hybrid of a tangerine tree with a kumquat (Fortunella). The plant is very decorative, blooms and fruits profusely, and grows well at home. It tolerates both cool wintering and warmer conditions equally well. For growth and flowering it needs good lighting, with shading from straight lines sun rays. Water abundantly, without waterlogging, with periodic feeding. In the summer, the plant can be taken out onto the balcony. During spring replanting, it is advisable to trim the branches to give the plant a lush shape. Calamondin looks especially beautiful, because fruits appear on it and flowers bloom at the same time.

Kinkan (kumquat, fortunella)

The genus consists of 4 species, of which only one - Fortunella Hong Kong - is found in the wild. These miniature citrus fruits are also called Japanese oranges. Kinkan, unlike other citrus fruits, blooms in the fall; the fruits ripen in February - March. It is a small shrub, reaching 50–60 cm in height in apartments. The flowers are small, white, collected in racemes, with a pleasant, delicate aroma. The fruits are bright orange, small - from 2 to 5 cm. They are tasty fresh, but especially when jams and jams are made from them.


Pomegranate fruits are associated with the fruits of love and family union.
In order to have a beautiful and luxurious dwarf pomegranate tree at home, which would annually bloom with bright red flowers and be full of red fruits, you need to take into account a number of its biological features. So, this is a light-loving plant, it looks quite impressive in brightly lit sunny windows, it needs moderate watering, in winter the temperature should be +10 C. The plant is replanted once every two years in nutritious leafy soil.



Figs are also called wine berries. fig tree, fig tree (in Latin - Ficus carica). This is a subtropical fruit species belonging to the mulberry family (Mogaceas). Figs are a dioecious plant in which male inflorescences grow on the same trees (male ones, sometimes called caprifigs), and female flowers– on other trees (figs).

Useful properties of figs. The juice contains a large amount of vitamins and up to 20-25% sugars (glucose and fructose). Therefore, fig fruits are not only an excellent dessert fruit, but at the same time they also have great medicinal value. Especially useful fresh figs children, those suffering anemia and respiratory disease.

Plants for the bedroom

Sansevieria (Mother-in-law's tongue)

Although this plant is called " mother-in-law's tongue", it is best to place it in the bedroom. It actively produces oxygen in the evening. Another advantage of Sansevieria is its unpretentiousness. The plant withstands any conditions well, both shade and bright light, both dry and humid air.

Ficus rubber plant

The thick, dark green leaves of this plant help filter formaldehyde, benzene and ammonia from the air. Ayurveda also recommends growing ficus at home, as it has a beneficial effect on the energy of the room.

Greenhouse in the children's room

You can, of course, after becoming acquainted with the properties of some plants, throw all the flowers out of the house - God protects those who are careful. But instead, it’s better to pay more attention to the placement of plants in the house and in the children’s room. Do not deprive your child of the opportunity to grow his first garden on his own. Children love to care for flowers and rejoice at every new bud and green leaf as their victory. There are also flowers that are absolutely safe, even if the baby tastes them. These are aralia, bamboo, carnation, chrysanthemum, coleus (“nettle”), dandelion, fern (most types), hawthorn, gardenia, hibiscus ( Chinese rose), honeysuckle, hoya ( wax ivy), laurel, calendula, lavender, mint, mother-in-law's tongue (agave), decorative pepper, pilea, rose, rubber plant, bashful mimosa, snapdragon, tulip, violet, barberry, dogwood, viburnum, rowan, chamomile, forget-me-not.

In the nursery, try to place stronger plants, with dense, leathery leaves that will not break off from shocks. Flower pots must be stable so that children cannot knock them over while playing. Large plants It is better to place them on the floor, near a cabinet or wall: there they will stand more securely.

Plants for the workplace

Epipremnum or Golden pothos (Money plant or Golden pothos)

Epipremnum absorbs carbon dioxide, removes formaldehyde and other volatile organic compounds chemical substances. It can be placed on the desktop, near the computer. The plant grows quickly and can be watered infrequently. Epipremnum is also toxic to cats and dogs.


Dracaena absorbs benzene, taluene and xylene from the air, neutralizes harmful substances that pollute the air from laser printers and photocopying machines. Dracaena is also believed to have a calming effect, relieving stress, stiffness and self-doubt.

In order not to destroy coniferous trees on New Year, dracaena can easily pass for a Christmas tree if it is decorated accordingly. And if you want to have coniferous smells, then plant a dwarf spruce or Araucaria excelsa.

Plants for the living room and office

Betel Palm (Areca Plant)

This plant produces oxygen during the daytime, helps restore moisture to dry winter period and absorbs toxins, so it is good to use in the office and rooms where you are during the day. According to NASA, this palm tree also removes formaldehyde, which is often found in carpeting and furniture today.

Spathiphyllum (Peace lily)

Absorbs pollutants such as formaldehyde, trichlorethylene (found in plastics), benzene (found in paint and exhaust fumes), xylene (found in glue). At the same time, Spathiphyllum is not demanding on lighting and can be excellent useful decoration for offices and other rooms that do not have good lighting.

Unfortunately, this plant is toxic to cats and dogs, so if you have pets, be careful.

Anthurium- a very beautiful evergreen semi-epiphytic plant. Exquisite and original in shape and color, the inflorescences give an exotic look to the plant, which is not accidentally called “flamingo flower.”

Harmful and dangerous indoor plants

It must be remembered that most indoor plants are beneficial, but there are a number of plants that dangerous to keep in the house, especially if you have children or pets. For example, plants of the euphorbia family - their leaves contain toxic milky sap that causes severe poisoning. The leaves of plants such as monstera, dieffenbachia, anthurium, syngonium.

Dangerous plants: amaryllis autumn crocus azalea bird of paradise nightshade castor bean croton daffodil false wolfberry delphinium elderberry begonia English ivy foxglove hemlock hyacinth hydrangea tradescantia virginiana sweet pea (in large quantities) tomato seedlings (stems and leaves) wild mushrooms wild tobacco wisteria yew iris nightshade false pepper dope larkspur lilac lily of the valley mistletoe white morning glory daffodil oleander piace lily philodendron poison ivy sumac rooting sumac lacquer phytolacca American poppy rhododendron rhubarb leaves (stems edible) scefflera.

Flowers on the windowsill

What indoor plants bring family happiness?

Beliefs and signs

First place rightfully belongs on this list spathiphyllum(popularly known as “Women’s Happiness”).

This perennial native to distant South American forests. It is not difficult to grow. The main thing: be sure to spray your Spathiphyllum every day, and in the spring, replant it in fresh soil.

How it will help us:

– unmarried people will find their soul mate;

– who is already thinking about a child will become pregnant;

– in a family where “Women’s Happiness” grows, there will always be love and mutual understanding.

2 . On second place in our “rating” – very beautiful flower with an exotic name Usambara violet, or saintpaulia.

Hibiscus needs warmth, because it comes from the tropics, but not more than 35 degrees.

If Hibiscus appears in your home, expect passionate love soon.

4. . Golden mean occupies our list myrtle.

This evergreen shrub blooms with small white flowers. In addition to beauty, it also has healing properties. The word “myrtle” itself is translated from Greek as “balm”.

It is believed that myrtle makes a marriage successful, and brings happiness and peace to an already established family.

In some countries this plant is even considered the best gift for newlyweds.

5. Hoya (wax ivy) – fifth place.
Many varieties of this plant are grown in our apartments. However, Hoya beautiful and Hoya fleshy are especially popular.
Placed in the bedroom, these beauties will create an atmosphere of comfort and harmony.

6 . Aichrizon sixth place . Popular nicknames are “tree of love” and “tree of happiness”.

This indoor plant with beautiful patterned leaves is native to America. Many people grow Calathea for its beautiful foliage. But you and I now know that calathea helps us in our family life, because it is a symbol of domestic happiness.

8 . Who is next? Notorious chlorophytum, but simply – “family happiness”.

Oxalis juice contains oxalic acid, that's why it has such a name. It can be grown both indoors and in the garden. How many different ones does she have? healing properties!.. But that's a different topic.

If you want to find your love, then get a wood sorrel. If you want to save a family, then start one.

10 . And finally, our list closes (may men forgive me!) anthurium, or “male happiness.”

This flower comes in a variety of varieties. It does not tolerate direct sunlight and requires frequent spraying and has a weakness for high humidity(especially during growth). And what is very important - poisonous! (Our spathiphyllum next to it is an angel.)

But he gives men male strength. And all together - success and happiness in love.

So get yourself one of these ASAP. wonderful plants and believe: it will definitely bring you happiness!

Winter garden in the office

A number of organizations have a corner or room for psychological relaxation, and sometimes even “ winter gardens", where you can unwind not only by listening to music, but also by communicating with plants. Here is an example of a real greenhouse in an office - a winter garden, where there are plants “for all occasions” that help relieve stress. All you need is the desire and will to bring it all to life.

And for this we have everything we need: the SvetL-Flora complex and the experiment that has begun, which promises to take another step towards restoring Nature and resolving issues related to the food program, and, most importantly, people’s health. Such “winter gardens”, fueled by the Source of Life (“generator dark matter"), in all organizations where a person spends his working time,

To be continued…

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