Indoor plants that are useful. Useful indoor plants - the air is cleaner, there are fewer diseases

Encyclopedia of Plants 11.10.2018
Encyclopedia of Plants

Many connoisseurs of indoor plants turn their own home into a real one. blooming garden capable of surprising and captivating the eye with its uniqueness colors and whimsical forms. Some people simply decorate their home with individual flowers or houseplants, wanting to make their home more comfortable.

But houseplants, in addition to aesthetic appeal, they can also benefit the owners of the house.

About the benefits of indoor plants

  1. Of course, indoor plants are a natural decoration of a house or apartment. Many of them have a rich green shade of leaves, bright flowers. Psychologists say that green color very beneficial effect on the human psyche. The color of green is able to act soothingly and give a person more confidence.
  2. Even in ancient times, the positive influence of various flowers of indoor plants on the psychological and emotional well-being of people was noticed. Today there is even a whole trend in psychology called color therapy.
  3. The second unconditional useful quality of home flowers is their bioenergetics. She represents natural processes nature, affecting the environment as a whole. Many people know that a kind and positive-minded person literally charges those around him with his energy. When interacting with him, other people's mood improves, efficiency increases. On the contrary, angry and negatively inclined people seem to draw out the energy that belongs to them from those around them. As a result of communication with this kind of people, others can feel oppression, depression, fatigue, and even headaches.
  4. Plants, on the other hand, have an unambiguous property of this kind. Indoor flowers always only give energy and never take it away from a person. As a result of this, being in a room filled with indoor flowers, the psychophysical state of a person normalizes and improves.
  5. Indoor flowers and plants actively influence the microclimate. Being at home, we have to inhale not only dust particles, but also the so-called phenols, which are harmful substances. Phenols can be released from furniture, varnishes, aerosols, detergents, building materials and other components for chemical basis. Most phenols are classified as carcinogenic. Obviously, they have a negative impact on human health, in particular on the state of the heart, blood vessels, liver, kidneys and respiratory system.
  6. Besides room air may contain a large number of pathogenic bacteria, mold fungi and other harmful trace elements. This, in turn, can provoke the appearance of asthma or other viral diseases. Indoor plants in this regard act as real saviors. Thanks to them, indoor air is disinfected, purified and becomes healthier.

What plants to choose for an apartment?

If you decide to acquire indoor plants, then plant myrtle in your home first. Its presence reduces the number of airborne pathogens. In addition, myrtle perfectly strengthens the human immune system.

Approximately the same qualities have a coffee tree. This plant has pronounced cleansing properties. The coffee tree has a wonderful effect on the work of the human heart.

Fans of indoor flowers have unfairly forgotten about such a useful plant as noble laurel. Its properties are truly unique. The substances they secrete can lead to the destruction of the tubercle bacillus. Remarkably affects given plant and on cardiovascular system person.

If you are tired of fighting dust in the house, then plant ordinary ivy. This plant has been found to reduce indoor dust by forty percent. If you regularly moisten the ivy leaves, the effect will be even more pronounced.

Another useful plant that many homes have is called aloe. It not only remarkably cleans the surrounding air, but also saturates it with oxygen particles. Aloe is one of the medicinal plants. It is often used for practical purposes to combat colds, purulent inflammations, or as a cosmetic.

If your house has a lot of different household appliances working constantly, then you will need a plant such as juniper. This plant is able to absorb harmful waves emitted by technology and neutralize chemical elements floating in the air.

A lot of biologically active and useful substances, as well as oxygen, are able to release ficus leaves. This plant also has medicinal value. With the help of ficus juice, it is quite easy to eliminate warts from the surface of the skin. And if you make gruel from ficus leaves and mix it with flour and honey, then this mixture can cure mastopathy. In addition, ficuses are able to save a person from increased irritability, reduce manifestations of aggression. In a house where there are many ficuses, an atmosphere of calm and stability always reigns. Ficus can also give confidence to indecisive or very timid people.

are very useful and citrus species indoor plants. The essential oils released by them in the process of development and growth nourish and saturate the surrounding air with beneficial particles. This, of course, has a positive effect on the psychological state of a person. People who are in the environment citrus plants normalization of blood pressure is observed. Also, many people feel more energized. Mental and physical activity is activated.

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A small list of herbal products that are not only incredibly rich in vitamins and minerals, but also can seriously improve our health and morale.

Acai berry is a small, round, dark purple berry that resembles grapes or blueberries in shape, but with a modest amount of pulp, but a large seed. The berry grows in clusters on palm trees, in the northern part South America in the Amazon Delta, most common in the Brazilian state of Para. Palm trees grow in groups of 4-8 trees. The height of the trees is from 12 to 20 meters, and the diameter is modest, only 15-20 cm.

The most useful berry on Earth - that's it! Such a concentration of nutrients contained in just one berry is almost impossible to find in any product.

  • Vitamins - A, B1, B2, B3, C, D
  • Minerals - potassium, magnesium, copper, calcium, zinc
  • Amino acids – omega 3, omega 6, omega 9

Helps with:

  • allergies,
  • diabetes,
  • obesity
  • high blood pressure,

Aloe vera- medicinal perennial. The plant lives on the Arabian Peninsula, the island of Barbados and Curacao. Currently, the plant is often grown as a houseplant. AT medicinal purposes leaves, fresh juice, extract, sabur (dried juice) are used.

  • Vitamins - B, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, E, folic acid
  • Minerals - potassium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, selenium, calcium, zinc

Helps with:

  • removing toxins from the body,
  • diabetes,
  • gout,
  • skin problems,
  • obesity, high blood pressure,
  • enhances immunity,
  • has antibacterial properties.

Cowberry- shrub up to 25 cm high with pale pink flowers.There are many fruits, they are spherical, bright red. Grows in coniferous and mixed forests, shrubs, tundra, dry peat bogs.

  • Vitamins - A, C, E
  • Minerals - potassium, calcium, iron

Helps with:

  • urinary tract infections,
  • inflammation of the gums.

Chia seeds- Seeds of the Sage plant, which has been grown in Mexico since the Mayan and Aztec times. According to scientists, unprecedented harvests were previously collected. It is possible that the local name of the plant comes from the Aztec word "chian", which means oily. The word "chia" implies strength, and the folklore of these cultures reflects that the small black and white seeds were used as a tonic, giving almost superhuman strength. Most likely, there is some truth in this, because chia seeds - a concentrated product containing omega-3 fatty acids, carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, calcium and antioxidants - is not quite a typical set of "usefulness" for one plant. Flaxseed has a similar composition, which, unfortunately, is more difficult to digest by the body. The seeds have a mild nutty flavor.

  • Minerals - potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium
  • Amino acids - omega 3

Helps with:

  • diabetes,
  • psoriasis,
  • migraine,
  • obesity
  • constipation
  • enhances immunity.

Chlorella- green algae. Chlorella is constantly found in muddy puddles, ditches and ponds. A related algae is not rare in the home. AT modern world it is steam-compressed into tablets, while it can be taken as a "vitamin" - this is for those who do not really like the taste of algae. Others can sprinkle it on food.

  • Vitamins – A, D, B2, B3, B12, folic acid
  • Minerals - iodine, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, chlorophyll

Helps with:

  • afta (on mucous membranes),
  • asthma
  • removing toxins from the body,
  • stress,
  • constipation
  • inflammation of the gums
  • enhances memory and immunity.

Unroasted cocoa beans- these are hand-picked raw beans from wild trees, while preserving all the amazing life-giving properties of this plant and its fruits. Non-roasted cocoa beans are fundamentally different from common industrial cocoa, as they are not subjected to severe heat treatment.

  • Vitamins - A, B1, B2, B3, B5, C, E
  • Minerals - magnesium, manganese, sulfur, zinc, iron

Helps with :

  • depression,
  • high blood pressure,
  • favors correct work brain and central nervous system.

kombu- edible kelp, common in Southeast Asia. Previously, only very rich people ate it, but at the beginning of the 20th century, a method of cultivating it was invented, due to which its value fell several times.

  • Vitamins – A, B2, B12, C
  • Minerals - potassium, phosphorus, chromium, iodine, sodium, calcium, zinc, iron

Helps with:

  • thyroid disease,
  • arteriosclerosis,
  • kidney disease and Bladder,
  • high blood pressure.

Turmeric is a plant from the ginger family.The root systems and stems of many species of this genus contain essential oils and yellow dyes (curcumin) and are cultivated as spices and medicinal plants. The ground root of this plant is known as the spice Turmeric.

  • Vitamins – B1, B2, B6, C, E, K
  • Minerals – potassium, copper, selenium, calcium, zinc, iron

Helps with:

  • arthritis,
  • diabetes,
  • skin diseases,
  • obesity
  • high blood pressure,
  • high cholesterol.

maca peruvian is a plant of the cabbage family. It grows in the mountains of Bolivia, Peru and northwest Argentina at an altitude of 3,500-4,450 meters above sea level. The plant has aphrodisiac properties (stimulating sexual desire and sexual activity).

  • Vitamins – B1, B2, C, E
  • Minerals - iodine, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iron

Helps with:

  • anemia,
  • infertility,
  • stress,
  • rheumatism,
  • high blood pressure.

Bear's garlic(ramson) - herbaceous plant, growing in damp groves, in beech forests and in shady mountain forests in damp places. The plant blooms in May-June, forming dense thickets. In pharmaceuticals and nutrition, both the onion and the herb are used.

  • Vitamins - A, C
  • Minerals - magnesium, iodine, sulfur, iron, manganese

Helps with:

Spirulina- a genus of blue-green algae. In addition to the fact that the algae is a frequent inhabitant of both salt and fresh water bodies, it is cultivated in a number of countries. As well as chlorella, it is often sold not only in leaves, but also in steam-compressed tablets, which does not affect its properties. It is the most protein-rich plant on Earth.

  • Vitamins - A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12
  • Minerals - potassium, magnesium, chromium, manganese, selenium, calcium, zinc, iron

Helps with:

  • diabetes,
  • removing toxins from the body, Green tea- tea undergoing the least possible fermentation (oxidation). Both green and black tea are made from the leaves of the same tea tree just different processing methods. Both teas contain caffeine, which stimulates nervous system. Drinking at night is not recommended. However, modern green teas are also produced without caffeine.
    • Vitamins – B1, B2, B3, B7, E, C
    • Minerals - manganese, potassium, flor, calcium, zinc

    Helps with:

    • depression,
    • diabetes,
    • caries,
    • high cholesterol.

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by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Man has always tried to make his home cozy and comfortable, using various ways. One of them are indoor plants that refresh the interior, enliven the room and delight the eye.

However, this is not all the useful properties that houseplants have. Among other things, they have a positive effect on our health by purifying the air, enriching the room with oxygen, neutralizing toxins and reducing carbon dioxide levels.

Which plants should be preferred, and which ones are the most useful, you will learn from this article.


The leader among indoor plants is ficus. It is he who is considered the champion in air purification. Ficus leaves absorb such harmful substances like formaldehyde, ammonia and benzene. In addition, ficus literally attracts dust from furniture, clothes, and even from the human body. It is also worth noting that ficus has a positive effect on the human psyche, providing a calming and relaxing effect.

This plant does not require special care, it loves light and moisture, but can grow in partial shade with moderate watering.


The next plant on the list of the most useful is geranium. A feature of geranium can be considered that it is able to normalize blood pressure. Geranium relieves stress, calms and helps to fall asleep, so it is recommended to put it in the bedroom.

Another good place to place geraniums is the kitchen. This is due to the fact that this plant perfectly neutralizes odors and prevents them from spreading throughout the house. It is also believed that geranium neutralizes unfavorable energy zones in the room.


Not so long ago, it became known about the benefits of cactus and its positive impact on the atmosphere in the room. If you want to get the maximum effect, give preference to cactus species with long needles.

This plant is indispensable in those rooms where there is a computer and other equipment, as the cactus is able to reduce harmful air ionization and protect human body from electromagnetic radiation. It is best to place the cactus near the computer, TV and printer.


Such a houseplant as dracaena, which belongs to the palm family, will not only decorate the interior and add exotic touches to it, but also purify the air of harmful substances emitted from linoleum, furniture, varnish coatings, thermal insulation and other synthetic materials.

Dracaena is able to completely clean and renew the air in a room in a day, neutralizing it from formaldehyde. Optimal conditions for dracaena are partial shade and moderate watering, so putting it on the windowsill is not recommended.


Aloe or, as it is popularly called, agave, can be attributed to the number of useful indoor plants. Aloe has practically no effect on indoor air, but it can replace a home first aid kit. The juice of this plant helps with burns and skin diseases, heals purulent wounds and has a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition, aloe juice is often taken internally to combat chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and intestinal diseases. Aloe improves appetite and has a mild laxative effect.

Sansevieria or mother-in-law's tongue

The Sansevieria plant, better known as mother-in-law's tongue, is often kept in the kitchen, as its main ability is to absorb unpleasant odors.

It absorbs sansevieria and exhaust gases well, so it is also recommended for those who live near the road or on the ground floor.

In addition, this is one of the most unpretentious plants in the care, which does not require much attention. It is enough to water it once every two days, and you can keep it both on the window and in a dimly lit room.

Ekaterina Makhnonosova

Indoor flowers and plants have a certain bioenergy that can improve the aura of each dwelling. Without exception, all indoor plants have a certain effect on the microflora of the apartment and are able to release and absorb various substances. Let's look at those that affect us positively. Chlorophytum can be considered a record holder for a beneficial effect on housing.

It is much more efficient than technical devices designed to purify the air. As a result of the tests, it was found that in a medium-sized apartment, 10 chlorophytums are required to absorb formaldehyde, which is released by thermal insulation. Chlorophytum - beautiful unpretentious plant. With proper care, Chlorophytum gives a lot of whiskers with babies. In terms of their useful cleansing properties, spathiphyllum, ivy, and aloe approach chlorophytum.

Having, of course, positive energy, it is able to purify indoor air from toxic compounds of nitrogen, sulfur, phenol and formaldehyde, therefore chlorophytum is especially useful in kitchens with gas stoves and in apartments new furniture. In addition, chlorophytum releases into the room air a lot of phytoncides, biologically active substances that can fight certain types of harmful microorganisms. These completely unpretentious houseplants are highly effective air purifiers.

The same wonderful cleansing properties, in addition to chlorophytum, are endowed with sansevieria, better known to the people under the name "pike tail", aka "mother-in-law's tongue", and common ivy and aloe. By the way, aloe, in addition to its wonderful air-purifying properties, can be useful in the treatment of colds and purulent inflammations, thanks to its life-giving juice, it is also often used for cosmetic purposes.

Various citrus plants have an amazing effect on health and, which is not unimportant, on the mental state and performance. Many of us grow lemons, tangerines, oranges and grapefruits at home in order to harvest these trees sooner or later. However, the oils secreted by citrus fruits are no less useful than their fruits. Particularly essential oils lemon tree can lower blood pressure. All citrus fruits increase the ability to mental activity, increasing the amplitude of brain biocurrents. They also fight stress and fear, give vigor. Citrus fruits can practically sterilize the air, lemon is especially famous for this. Myrtle, eucalyptus, Kalanchoe also sterilizes the air well.

A very important plant for health is geranium (pelargonium). She is a real family doctor for cancer patients, and helps everyone else to prevent their occurrence. Like ferns, they ionize the air, reducing the effects of free radicals on the body, and have antimicrobial properties. By stimulating the work of the adrenal glands, they contribute to the hormonal balance set by nature, relieve premenstrual syndrome, put the adrenaline system in order, fight depressive and fussy conditions, help gain self-confidence, calm, improve mood, and facilitate the onset of menopause.

People with problems of the respiratory system, bronchial asthma, colds, especially with complications in the respiratory tract, will be extremely useful at home rosemary officinalis. Mint, lavender and sage actively resist Klebsiella, which can provoke sinusitis, meningitis and pneumonia. Cherry laurel and laurel are able to fight E. coli, and the latter is also a good doctor in spastic conditions, especially with spasms of the biliary tract and intestines.

When cleaning the air of an apartment from pathogenic factors, remember that your green assistants need care, the leaves need to be wiped from dust more often. In any case, all useful plants are best combined to achieve maximum effect. What is the cost of modern comfort in our homes? Modern building and Decoration Materials, household chemicals; Appliances, without which no housewife can do - all this constantly pollutes the air in our apartments, generously adding phenol, formaldehyde, ammonia, acetone, carbon and nitrogen oxides, aerosols that are harmful to health heavy metals(only about a hundred toxic compounds). About 80% of harmful substances "floating" in the atmosphere of our houses emit building and finishing materials. Studies show that the concentration of harmful substances in indoor air exceeds by 1.5 - 4 times the same indicator for outdoor, "street" air.

In addition, the “rectangular” style has an unfavorable “pressing” effect on the psyche and on human health in general. modern interiors. But there is a way out. Healthy indoor plants will help you cope with the adverse effects of the benefits of civilization. First of all, the very appearance of indoor plants for health has a calming effect and helps relieve stress.

Houseplants as a result of their vital activity, they emit oxygen, ionize the air, which is very beneficial for human health. In addition, plants increase the concentration of light ions and, accordingly, reduce the concentration of heavy ions. The fact is that light negative ions, which are lacking in polluted air, have a positive effect on human metabolism, the activity of respiratory enzymes, the acid-base balance of the blood, and prevent an increase in blood pressure, increase muscle tone, help strengthen the immune system.

The amount of light ions is significantly reduced in a room where a TV or computer is installed. Here it would be useful to place coniferous plants(thuja, cypress), cacti. Cacti help to neutralize the harmful radiation effects of a TV kinescope or computer monitor.

Houseplants are very effective at purifying the air. This property of plants, useful for our health, is explained by the fact that they (plants) are sensitive to changes in environment. Air pollution harms not only humans, but also the plants themselves, which “try” to purify the air and are very successful in this. Some harmful elements are released into the soil or used by plants for life.

A very useful property of indoor plants is their ability to secrete special formations - phytoncides that destroy microbes and neutralize toxins. Where there are plants such as myrtle, geranium, fig, rosemary, citrus fruits, there are much fewer microbes in the air. However, the “record holder” is the usual agave, which reduces the number of microbes by almost 4 times.

Prickly pear (a cactus with flat-shaped stems) helps to reduce by 6-7 times the number of mold fungi "flying" in the air of the apartment. Laurel, lemon, coffee tree, ivy, ficus also have useful antifungal properties. The best place for these plants - in damp and darkened rooms.

Myrtle has an additional beneficial effect during the treatment of bronchitis. Variegated Dieffenbachia purifies the air of toxins. It is best to place this plant in a room overlooking a freeway, some kind of factory, boiler room, or something like that. It is noteworthy that phytoncidal plants are especially active in showing their beneficial effect on health in winter and spring, just during the period of the greatest number of colds.

Useful indoor plants everything needs to be provided the necessary conditions for their normal life (optimal for each type of lighting, humidity, temperature, soil composition). It is very important to regularly wash off the dust from them. Only then will plants benefit us. First of all, they must be loved. Plants feel your attitude towards themselves, and will always give you health and good mood.

Since time immemorial, in order to protect themselves from ailments, people have resorted to the help of various indoor plants. Egyptian and Roman craftsmen made decoctions, potions and balms from plants. The Chinese used an unusual medicinal plant called ginseng. AT ancient india There were over 700 medicines that were made from plants. The main thing is to be able to distinguish useful indoor plants from the rest.

We know that the most useful indoor plants live in forests, gardens, orchards and other places. Many indoor plants also have healing properties. Modern researchers are beginning to use most such plants in modern medicine, as many of them are becoming very important for health. In plants, you will find many useful substances: saponins, coumaric substances, a large amount of essential oils, phytoncides, vitamins, etc.

Indoor plants can cure internal diseases, as well as purify the air, enriching it with oxygen and many substances useful to humans. Plants release volatile organic matter, which can kill pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. Useful plants that can synthesize such substances are the topic of interest for many flower growers. Such flowers can improve the atmosphere in your home.

Useful indoor plants will become a worthy decoration of your home, which symbolize the connection between man and nature. You will be able to experience clean and fragrant air. With their help, autumn depressions and illnesses that overcome you can never harm you again.

If your job is to communicate and work continuously, and there are only gray walls and the same faces of colleagues around, then you should certainly change the situation by giving your workplace a small part of wildlife. Any indoor plants allow you to relax, give the impression of harmony and unconsciously protect a person from various troubles. You will definitely be satisfied with the achieved result.


  • have maximum air-purifying abilities: crested chlorophytum, pinnate epipremnum, asparagus, monstera, spurge, tree-like krasula.


  • absorb formaldehyde and phenol from the air, released from new furniture, destroy microbes: aloe vera, chlorophytum, climbing philodendron
  • successfully cope with benzene: common ivy,
  • dracaena purify the air from carbon oxides: chlorophytum, epipremnum pinnate


  • destroy staphylococcal infection: ruellia, sanchetia, dieffenbachia, myrtle, psidium
  • destroy streptococcal microorganisms: begonias, aglaonema, Japanese euonymus, Anthurium Andre and Scherzer
  • fight with Escherichia coli: cherry laurel, noble laurel, poncirus
  • able to defeat Klebsiella, which causes pneumonia, meningitis, sinusitis, etc.: Monarda, mint, lavender, hyssop, sage
  • reduce the total content of microbial cells in indoor air: begonias, myrtle, pelargonium, rosemary, anthurium, dieffenbachia, sansiviera, arboreal krasula, tradescantia, epipremnum, aglaonema

According to studies, houseplants produce more 300 volatiles, which have a beneficial effect on the human body and have phytoncidal properties - can fight harmful bacteria. This family doctor can be chlorophytum, asparagus, monstera, myrtle and eucalyptus.
Some plants help relieve tension, fatigue and arousal they soothe and improve sleep. it rosemary, lemon balm, monstera and the well-known geranium. But azalea, or rhododendron - very nice blooming large pink flowers perennials help to remove not only fatigue, but even hangover syndrome. To do this, it is enough to stay in the same room with such a “green doctor” for half an hour.

Considering that many types of plants edible, and they can be grown in pots on the windowsill, then their usefulness becomes even more obvious. These plants include: parsley, dill, cilantro, onion, garlic, mint, lemon balm, basil, tarragon, rosemary and others. The presence of flowerpots with these herbs will not only saturate the apartment with fragrance, but will also expand the range of culinary dishes that you cook.

Indoor plants are found in almost every apartment, in every house, they not only purify the air and saturate it with oxygen, they decorate the interior, make the home atmosphere much more comfortable and nicer. Moreover, there are plants whose benefits are special, and for a favorable atmosphere in the house, you must definitely put a couple of flowerpots on the windowsill.

Scientists comparing wave characteristics The DNA of plants and human speech found that they coincide by 30%, and, therefore, it turns out that the DNA of plants (and not only plants) contains the characteristics of human speech. Work with linguists and mathematicians at Moscow State University showed that the structure of human speech, book text and DNA sequence structures, i.e. chromosomes, mathematically close. This proves that the human body can be influenced through the language. And our kinship with plants gives us the opportunity to influence plants through our language. By the way, good gardeners and gardeners always talk to their pets. Plants feel our disposition towards them and respond in kind (see the articles “Knowledge from Na_chal” and N.V. Levashov - “Source of Life, 1-10”; “SvetL-Flora”. From theory to practice). Perhaps Academician Lysenko was right when he spoke of the "education" of plants.

Indoor plants that should be in every home

We spend most of our lives indoors: at home or in the office. This post is about how to improve the air in your home with common houseplants.

Properties of indoor plants:

· Relieve stress and contribute sleep normalization lemon balm, monstera, lavender, geranium, basil, jasmine - these plants can be safely placed in the bedroom.

· Disinfect the air lavender, thyme, eucalyptus, sage, cinnamon,

· Improve memory and tone up lemon, bergamot, thyme, rosemary, mint, basil.

· For diseases respiratory tract it is useful to inhale phytoncides secreted by rosemary, as well as citrus fruits.

· Kills viruses and bacteria- laurel, geranium, peperomia, cypress, citrus (Panderose) ..

Many plants are considered energy cleaners, for example, improves energy in the house nephrolepis, pelargonium, ivy, passionflower. It is believed that if you plant an avocado seed, then love will come to the house.

For example, asparagus, white-spotted begonia and monstera - reduce the concentration of salts of heavy metals and harmful microorganisms in the air.

Other plants emit useful phytoncides, purify the air from impurities and heavy metals (for example, geranium, chlorophytum, myrtle, asparagus, etc.).

Geranium. Beneficial features geraniums known since ancient times, this plant has unique properties destroy bacteria and viruses (streptococci, staphylococci) in the air. In addition, geranium releases substances into the air that have anti-stress activity. In the summer, the plant will protect the room from mosquitoes, midges and flies.

Dracaena- an unpretentious plant that will take root in any apartment, releases phytoncides that kill many pathogenic bacteria.

Cacti are wonderful protectors from electromagnetic radiation, so most often cacti are placed next to working equipment (TV, computer monitor).

Chlorophytum- able to purify the air from many toxic substances, which emit pieces of furniture from chipboard and some polymers (benzene, xylene, toluene, ethylbenzene, formaldehyde, etc.), perfect place for chlorophytum - kitchen, more than two thirds carbon monoxide, which is released during the combustion of gas, will be absorbed by this plant.

Spathiphyllum, ivy, ficus Benjamin- removes phenol and formaldehyde particles from the air.

According to NASA research, plants can not only absorb carbon dioxide, but also remove significant amounts of benzene, formaldehyde and xylene, and researcher Kamal Meattle found that using just three houseplants, you can easily "grow" a healthy and healthy home in your home. fresh air. Here is a list of plants that will not only decorate your home or office, but also make the air better.

Lemon- perennial. Least frost-resistant evergreen tree compared to other citrus species cultivated in our country. It will always decorate your apartment. When it blooms lemon, it immediately becomes noticeable in the wonderful aroma. This fragrance exudes its white waxy flowers, which for quite a long time will delight you with their beauty. Each sprig of lemon, when flowering, is covered with a large number of these magnificent flowers.

Citrus fruits are evergreen trees or shrubs up to 1.5 m tall. They are remarkable for their evergreen dark green leaves, snow-white, as if waxy flowers, emitting a delicate delicate aroma, and decorative yellow-golden or orange edible fruits. They grow fast, bloom and bear fruit. all year round. At the same time, you can see buds, flowers, ovaries and fruits on them. Phytoncides from the leaves of citrus plants have bactericidal properties against many bacteria that are harmful to humans.

Citrus love scattered sunlight, it is best to place them on a window facing the southeast or southwest side. And remember: the higher the temperature in the room, the more intense the lighting should be.

AT room conditions possibly grow lemon, orange, mandarin, kinkan, panderose.

Panderose (Ponderose)

A variety of room culture, belonging to a natural hybrid between lemon and pompelmus or citron, at room conditions it is a small compact bush with a beautiful decorative shape, very resistant to high temperature and dry air, it begins to bear fruit in the 2nd year. The branches are strong, the leaves are dark green, smooth, hard, rounded.

Calamondin or Citrofortunella

Calamondin(×Citrofortunella microcarpa) belongs to the rue family; his homeland Southeast Asia. This fast-growing and well-branched evergreen tree is a hybrid of a tangerine tree with a kumquat (fortunella). The plant is very decorative, blooms profusely and bears fruit, grows well at home. It tolerates both cool wintering and warmer content equally well. Needs for growth and flowering good lighting, with shading from straight lines sun rays. Watering is plentiful, without waterlogging, with periodic top dressing. In the summer, the plant can be taken out to the balcony. During the spring transplant, it is advisable to prune the branches to give the plant a magnificent shape. Calamondin looks especially beautiful, because fruits and flowers bloom on it at the same time.

Kinkan (kumquat, fortunella)

The genus consists of 4 species, of which only one - Hong Kong Fortunella - is found in the wild. These miniature citrus fruits are also called Japanese oranges. Kinkan blooms, unlike other citrus fruits, in autumn, the fruits ripen in February - March. It is a small shrub, reaching 50 - 60 cm in height in apartments. The flowers are small, white, collected in brushes, with a pleasant, delicate aroma. The fruits are bright orange, small - from 2 to 5 cm. They are tasty fresh, but especially jams and jams made from them.


Pomegranate fruits are associated with the fruits of love and kindred union.
In order to have a beautiful and luxurious dwarf pomegranate tree at home, which would annually bloom with bright red flowers and be full of red fruits, a trace should take into account a number of its biological features. So, this light-loving plant, looks quite impressive on brightly lit sunny windows, needs temperate watering, temperatures should be up to +10 C in winter. The plant is transplanted once every two years into nutritious leafy soil.



Figs are also called figs, fig tree, fig tree (in Latin - ficus carica). This is a subtropical fruit tree belonging to the mulberry family (Mogaseas). Figs are a dioecious plant in which male inflorescences grow on the same trees (male, sometimes called caprifigs), and female flowers- on other trees (figs).

Useful properties of figs. The juice contains a large amount of vitamins and up to 20-25% sugars (glucose and fructose). Therefore, fig seedlings are not only an excellent dessert fruit, but at the same time they also have great medicinal value. Especially useful fresh fig fruits children suffering anemia and respiratory disease.

Plants for the bedroom

Sansevieria (mother-in-law's tongue)

Although this plant is called mother-in-law's tongue”, it is best to put it in the bedroom. It actively produces oxygen in the evening. Another plus of Sansevieria is its unpretentiousness. The plant withstands well any conditions, both shade and bright light, both dry and humid air.

Ficus rubber (Rubber plant)

The thick and dark green leaves of this plant help filter formaldehyde, benzene and ammonia from the air. Ayurveda also recommends growing ficus at home, as it has a beneficial effect on the energy of the room.

Greenhouse in the children's room

You can, of course, after getting acquainted with the properties of some plants, throw all the flowers out of the house - God saves the safe. But instead, it is better to pay more attention to the placement of plants in the house and in the children's room. Do not deprive your child of the opportunity to grow his first garden on his own. Children love to care for flowers and rejoice at each new bud and green leaf as their victory. There are also flowers that are absolutely safe, even if the baby tastes them. These are aralia, bamboo, carnation, chrysanthemum, coleus ("nettle"), dandelion, fern (most species), hawthorn, gardenia, hibiscus ( Chinese rose), honeysuckle, hoya (wax ivy), laurel, calendula, lavender, mint, mother-in-law's tongue (agave), decorative pepper, pilea, rose, rubber, bashful mimosa, snapdragon, tulip, violet, barberry, dogwood, common viburnum, mountain ash, chamomile, forget-me-not.

In the nursery, try to put plants stronger, with dense leathery leaves that will not break off from shocks. Flower pots must be stable so that children cannot knock them over while playing. large plants it is better to place it on the floor, near a cabinet or wall: there they will stand more reliably.

Plants for the workplace

Epipremnum or Golden Scindapsus (Money plant or Golden pothos)

Epipremnum absorbs carbon dioxide, removes formaldehyde and other volatile organic chemicals. It can be placed on the desktop, near the computer. The plant grows quickly, and it can be watered infrequently. Epipremnum is also toxic to cats and dogs.

Dracaena (Dracaena)

Dracaena absorbs benzene, taluene and xylene from the air, neutralizes harmful substances that pollute the air with laser printers and photocopiers. Dracaena is also believed to have a calming effect, relieving stress, stiffness, and self-doubt.

In order not to destroy coniferous trees on the New Year, dracaena may well pass for a Christmas tree if it is decorated accordingly. And if you want to have coniferous smells, then plant a dwarf spruce in your room or Araucaria excelsa.

Plants for the living room and office

Betel Palm (Areca Plant)

This plant produces oxygen during the daytime, helps to restore moisture in dry winter period and absorbs toxins, so it is good to use in the office and rooms where you are during the day. According to NASA, this palm also removes formaldehyde, which is often found in carpets and furniture today.

Spathiphyllum (Peace lily)

Absorbs contaminants such as formaldehyde, trichlorethylene (found in plastics), benzene (found in paint and exhaust), xylene (found in glue). At the same time, Spathiphyllum is not picky about lighting and can be excellent. useful decoration for the office and other rooms that do not have good lighting.

Unfortunately, this plant is toxic to cats and dogs, so be careful if you have pets.

Anthurium- a very beautiful evergreen semi-epiphytic plant. Exquisite and original in shape and color inflorescences give an exotic look to the plant, which is not accidentally called "flamingo flower"

Harmful and dangerous indoor plants

It must be remembered that most indoor plants are beneficial, but there are a number of plants that dangerous to keep in the house especially if you have children or pets. For example, plants of the Euphorbiaceae family - their leaves contain toxic milky juice, which causes severe poisoning. The leaves of plants such as monstera, dieffenbachia, anthurium, syngonium.

Dangerous plants: amaryllis autumn crocus azalea bird of paradise nightshade castor bean croton narcissus false wolfberry delphinium elderberry begonia english ivy foxglove hemlock hyacinth hydrangea tradescantia virginiana sweet pea (in large quantities) tomato seedlings (stems and leaves) wild mushrooms wild tobacco wisteria yew iris nightshade pseudo-pepper datura larkspur lily of the valley may mistletoe white morning glory narcissus oleander pias lily philodendron poison ivy sumac rooting sumac lacquer phytolacca american poppy rhudodendron rhubarb leaves (stems are edible) skefflera.

Flowers on the windowsill

What indoor plants bring family happiness?

Beliefs and signs

First place rightfully belongs to this list. spathiphyllum(popularly known as "Women's happiness").

This perennial plant is native to distant South American forests. Growing it is easy. The main thing: be sure to spray your Spathiphyllum every day, and in the spring - transplant into fresh soil.

How will it help us:

- unmarried will find their soul mate;

- who is already thinking about a child - will become pregnant;

- in a family where "Women's Happiness" is growing, there will always be love and mutual understanding.

2 . On the second place in our "rating" - very beautiful flower with an exotic name uzambara violet, or saintpaulia.

Hibiscus needs warmth, because it comes from the tropics, but not more than 35 degrees.

If Hibiscus appears in your house, expect passionate love soon.

4. . golden mean our list is myrtle.

This evergreen shrub blooms with small white flowers. It has, besides beauty, also healing properties. The word "myrtle" itself is translated from Greek as "balm".

It is believed that myrtle makes a marriage successful, and brings happiness and peace to an already established family.

In some countries, this plant is even considered the best gift for newlyweds.

5. Hoya (wax ivy) - fifth place.
Many varieties of this plant are grown in our apartments. However, hoya beautiful and hoya fleshy are especially popular.
Placed in the bedroom, these beauties will create an atmosphere of comfort and harmony.

6 . Aichrizon sixth place . Popular nicknames are “tree of love” and “tree of happiness”.

The homeland of this houseplant with beautiful patterned leaves is America. For the sake of beautiful foliage, many people grow calathea. But we now know that calathea helps us in our family life, because it is a symbol of domestic happiness.

8 . Who is next? Notorious chlorophytum, but simply - "family happiness."

Acid juice is present oxalic acid, which is why it has such a name. It can be grown both indoors and in the garden. And how many different healing properties!.. But this is another topic.

If you want to find your love, then get a sour. If you want to save a family, then start it yourself.

10 . And, finally, closes our list (forgive me men!) anthurium, or "male happiness".

This flower is presented in a variety of varieties. It does not tolerate direct sunlight, requires frequent spraying and has a weakness for high humidity(especially during growth). And what is very important - poisonous! (Our spathiphyllum next to it is an angel.)

But he gives men male power. And all together - success and happiness in love.

So get yourself one of these wonderful plants and believe: it will definitely bring you happiness!

Winter garden in the office

In a number of organizations there is a corner or room for psychological relaxation, and sometimes even " winter gardens”, where you can discharge yourself not only by listening to music, but also by communicating with plants. Here is an example of a real greenhouse in the office - a winter garden, where there are plants "for all occasions" that help relieve stress. All you need is the desire and the will to bring it all to life.

And for this we have everything we need: the SvetL-Flora complex and the experiment that has begun, with which it promises to take another step towards the restoration of Nature and solving issues related to the food program, and, most importantly, people's health. Such “winter gardens”, fueled by the Source of Life (“generator dark matter”), in all organizations where a person spends his working time,

To be continued…

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