Characteristics of wave motion. wave analysis

Site arrangement 23.09.2019
Site arrangement
Logic diagram on the topic "Mechanical waves".

transverse waves.

Longitudinal waves .

Flat wave.

Spherical wave.

  • There is an elastic shear deformation.

  • body volume
does not change.

  • Elastic forces tend to return the body to its original position. These forces cause vibrations in the medium.

  • The shift of layers relative to each other in liquid and gas does not lead to the appearance of elastic forces, therefore, PVs arise only in solids.

  • Occur when compressive deformation.

  • Elastic forces arise in solid bodies, liquids and gases . These forces cause fluctuations in individual sections of the environment, poet. Ex.V. distributed in all environments.

  • In solids, the propagation velocity is greater.


  • The vibrations propagate in the form of waves in the direction normal to the plate.

  • Surfaces of equal phase are called. in wave surfaces.

  • A line normal to the wave surface, called. beam.

  • Under direction of dissemination waves understand the direction of the rays.

  • Beams for plane waves -
parallel lines.

Energy transfer occurs along the rays.

In PW, the dimensions of the wave surfaces do not change with distance from the source, so the energy is not dissipated, and the amplitude decreases only due to friction.

Occurs when a pulsating sphere is placed in a medium.

  • Rays are extensions of radii.

  • The amplitude decreases with distance from the source.

  • The energy emitted by the source is evenly distributed over the surface of the sphere, the radius of which increases as the wave grows.

Lesson 1

Story. We have all seen waves on the surface of the water. How can they be depicted? How does a wave come about?

The medium in which the wave occurs consists of particles. Particles come into oscillatory motion.

Consider the process of transmitting vibrations from point to point during the propagation of a certain wave. To do this, let's turn to the figure, which shows the various stages of the propagation process. shear wave through 1/4T.

The figure shows a chain of balls symbolizing the particles of the medium. Let between the balls, as well as between the particles of the medium, there are forces of interaction, in particular, when moving away, an attractive force arises.

If the first ball is unbalanced, i.e. make it move up and down from the equilibrium position, then due to the forces of interaction, each ball in the chain will repeat the movement of the first, but with a delay. When the first ball passes ¼ of the path of a complete oscillation, deviating as much as possible upwards, the fourth will only begin to move from the equilibrium position. The seventh will lag behind the first by ½ oscillation, the tenth - by ¾ oscillations, the thirteenth from the first - by one full oscillation, i.e. will be in the same phase with him. The movements of these balls will be the same.

This is how a wave is created.

Oscillations propagating in space with time are called wave.

Consider the occurrence of longitudinal and transverse waves.

Let the spring be fixed at one end. Hit the other end with your hand. From the impact, several coils of the spring come together, an elastic force arises, under the influence of which these coils begin to diverge. As the pendulum passes through the equilibrium position in its movement, so the coils, bypassing the equilibrium position, will continue to diverge. As a result, some vacuum will already occur in this place of the spring. If the end of the spring is struck rhythmically, then with each impact the coils will approach each other, forming a thickening, and move away from each other, forming a vacuum, i.e. the coils will oscillate about their equilibrium position. These vibrations are gradually transmitted along the entire spring. A wave will run along the spring, the so-called traveling wave.

The main common property of traveling waves of any nature is that propagating in space, they carry energy. Thus, the oscillating coils of a spring have energy. Interacting with neighboring coils, they transfer part of their energy to them, due to which a mechanical wave propagates along the spring. This wave is called longitudinal wave, because the occurrence of waves in the spring occurs along the direction of wave propagation.

In a traveling wave, energy is transferred without transfer of matter.

Waves in which vibrations occur along the direction of wave propagation are called longitudinal.

In addition to longitudinal waves, there are transverse. Consider experience. One end of the rubber cord is fixedly fixed, the other is oscillating in a vertical plane by hand. Due to the elastic forces arising in the cord, the vibrations will propagate along the cord. Waves will arise in it, and the fluctuations of the particles of the cord occur perpendicular to the propagation of the waves.

Waves in which vibrations occur perpendicular to the direction of their propagation are called transverse.

There are also plane and spherical waves. Using the table, we will write down what types of waves are distinguished and what they are, under what conditions and where they arise.

Lesson 2. "Physical quantities characterizing waves."

Story. Let's remember how a wave arises. (From the material of the last lesson) ...

Draw a wave and associate a coordinate system with it. If the displacement of particles from the equilibrium position is plotted along the vertical axis, and the distance over which the wave propagates along the horizontal axis, then the following characteristics of the wave can be shown: amplitude and wavelength.

Amplitude - the maximum displacement of particles from the equilibrium position.

Wavelength - the distance between the nearest points that oscillate in the same phases.

The wavelength is denoted by the Greek letter λ ("lambda").

Let's build another graph of the wave, where we show the displacement along the vertical axis, and the propagation time of the wave along the horizontal axis, then you can see the period of the wave on the graph, i.e. the time of one complete oscillation.

Since the oscillation period is related to the frequency by the dependence Т=1/ν, the wavelength can be expressed in terms of the wave speed and frequency:


V=λ/T V=λν

Lesson notes.

Lesson 1. . "Mechanical waves".

Lesson type: introduction to the topic , explanation of new material.

Target: to acquaint students with the concept of mechanical waves, their main types and the mechanism of their occurrence and propagation.





Technical means:

A computer;

- multimedia projector;
- photo and video materials on magnetic and optical media;
- demo screen

Information Technology:

  • multimedia demonstrations

  • use of animations from Internet sites
During the classes:



Student activities

Teacher activity

Work organization

1-2 minutes

Preparing for the lesson

Topic update

3-6 min

Answers to teacher questions requiring knowledge in various subjects

Acquisition of new knowledge

7-20 minutes

Presentation of new material in the form of a dialogue with students

Physical and emotional release

5 minutes

Physical exercises that simulate the propagation of waves

Organization of unloading and commenting on the actions of students

Consolidation of new knowledge

5-7 minutes

Questions about the topic of the lesson.

Student activity control

Summing up the lesson, grading,


3-5 minutes

1. Organization of work.

2. Actualization of knowledge. Before moving on to get to know new theme, let's remember what we know about mechanical vibrations and what quantities characterize the oscillatory motion.

We have all seen waves on the surface of the water.

remember the lines from poetry, where waves would be mentioned.

For example:

“And the waves are getting higher, and the waves are getting steeper, and the waves go under the very clouds” (K. Chukovsky)

“On the shore of desert waves, he stood, full of high thoughts” (A.S. Pushkin)

“The waves roll one after another with a splash and a deaf noise” (M.Yu. Lermontov)

Waves in painting:

(Painting symbolizes the rapid growth of a career, waves active - climbing ...)

Teacher question: Which of the artists depicting the sea do you know?


What is the name of Aivazovsky's most famous painting?

- "The Ninth Wave".

..Aivazovsky K.A., " Ninth shaft"1850

In 1898 Aivazovsky I.K. wrote picture"Among waves", which almost repeats the Ninth Wave. .

Waves on planet Earth

Photos of tsunamis and dunes are shown on the screen. The question is discussed that the movement of sand in the desert also obeys the laws of wave propagation.

The arrival of the devastating tsunami.

Presentation of new material.(According to the logic diagram).

Accompanied by a screening of the film "Longitudinal and transverse waves" -5 min.

Students conclude that mechanical waves can propagate in various environments and write it down in their notebooks.

Types of elastic waves.

Demonstrates a wave on the surface of a liquid. The teacher draws attention to the fact that it is neither longitudinal nor transverse.

Students write down a table of wave types in a notebook.

problem question

The teacher poses a problem to the class: does the transfer of matter occur during the propagation of waves?

As a rule, opinions are divided. The teacher invites the class to do a “self-experiment”.

4. Physical and emotional unloading.

The class is divided into 2-3 groups. Students line up in a line, holding hands, or in a column one at a time, placing their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. At the command of the teacher, one of the students begins to make periodic movements in the indicated direction. The vibrations are transmitted to other students and a “wave” occurs, which the students observe. The second group of students is modeling a different kind of wave.

At the same time, the teacher draws the attention of students to the fact that when vibrations propagate in space no material transfer occurs. The students remain in place while the vibrations are transmitted from one to the other.

Thus, when conducting a kind of “physical education minute”, the acquired knowledge is consolidated.

5. Consolidation of new knowledge - frontal survey.

(demonstration of security questions on the screen)

Which picture shows a transverse wave? Longitudinal wave?

Longitudinal wave is excited :

A. In solids

B. In liquids
B. In gases

The transverse wave is excited :

A. In solids.

B. In liquids.
B. In gases.

In longitudinal waves, vibrations propagate

BUT . In planes perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation.

B. In the direction of wave propagation.

In transverse waves, vibrations propagate

BUT . In planes perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation

B. In the direction of wave propagation

6. Summing up the lesson and homework.


According to the textbook:

A.V. Peryshkin, E.M. Gutnik, "Physics - 9" §§ 31, 32, notes in a notebook. Repeat the main characteristics of harmonic oscillations: period, frequency, amplitude, phase.

Lesson 2 "Physical Quantities Characterizing Waves".

Lesson objectives:

Lesson type: combined.

Target: to acquaint with the main characteristics of waves - propagation speed, wavelength, wave frequency.



  • Obtaining new knowledge about waves propagating in an elastic medium.

  • Consolidation of skills of individual work.

  • Activation of cognitive activity of students.

  • Expanding students' horizons.

  • Developing skills to work with additional sources of information.

  • Establishment of intersubject communications.
Technical means:

A computer;

- multimedia projector;
- photo and video materials;
- demo screen

Information Technology:

  • multimedia demonstrations

During the classes:



Student activities

Teacher activity

Work organization

1-2 minutes

Preparing for the lesson

Announcement of the topic of the lesson and the order of work in the lesson

Topic update

6-8 min

Answers to teacher questions that require knowledge of the previous topic of the lesson

The teacher offers students questions aimed at updating the topic.

Acquisition of new knowledge

7-15 minutes

Perception and recording of new material

Presentation of new material in the form of a story


1 minute

Performing physical exercises

Exercises are aimed at relieving fatigue of the muscles of the back, eyes.

Consolidation of new knowledge

10-12 minutes

A) Problem solving

B) Ex. 28 - oral decision.

We decide together

Summing up the lesson, grading.


3-5 minutes

Listen to the explanations of the teacher, write down the task in the diary

Lesson analysis. Homework, commenting on it, grading.

1. Organization of work. Announcement of the topic of the lesson, the order of the lesson.

2. Actualization of knowledge.

a) A conversation according to a logical scheme that reflects the material of the last lesson.

b) Frontal survey.

What is period and frequency? How are these quantities related to each other?

What is the amplitude, phase of oscillations? What is the oscillatory motion schedule?

3. Acquisition of new knowledge. Story (see attachment above). Continuation of the logical scheme with an entry in a notebook.

4. Consolidation of new knowledge.

Ex. 28 orally.

5. Summing up the lesson and homework.


According to the textbook:

A.V. Peryshkin, E.M. Gutnik, "Physics-9", rep. §§ 31, 32, relying on the logical scheme; §33, ex. 28 in writing.

Lesson 3 Solving problems "Mechanical waves".

Lesson objectives: to form the ability to solve problems on the use of formulas for calculating the wavelength, period, connection of wave speed and frequency.

Materials for the lesson:

Middle level tasks.

Sufficient Level Tasks

1. a) Why in liquid and gaseous environments no transverse waves?

b) In a traveling transverse wave, the particle velocity BUT directed upward. In which direction is the wave moving?

2. a) Why can transverse and longitudinal waves propagate in solids?

b) The transverse wave is moving to the right, in which direction are the particles moving BUT and AT?

3. a) In what elastic media can transverse waves occur?

b) In what direction does particle B, shown in the figure, move in a transverse wave moving to the left?

2. The figure shows a transverse wave at some point in time. Wave speed 20 m/s. What is the speed of the point at the initial moment FROM? What is the modulus of the coordinate y points BUT through 0.25 s? Points move in the same or opposite directions at the initial moment BUT and AT?

3. What is the difference between a wave motion graph and an oscillatory motion graph? Determine the direction of motion of the transverse wave if the particle FROM has the direction of speed shown in the figure.

Report on the conduct of 2 classes.

In the course of the 2 lessons conducted on the topics “Mechanical waves” and “Physical quantities characterizing waves”, a systematic approach was used, which made it possible to make lesson materials accessible and easily digestible. In these lessons, it was implemented in the form of a logical diagram. At the first lesson, there was also a table (an element of the system-functional approach) with the types of waves, which appeared, in this case, part of the logical scheme and allowed to highlight the elements of knowledge in the studied material.

In addition to getting acquainted with transverse and longitudinal waves, in order to broaden their horizons, students were offered information about plane and spherical waves, which was also contained in the logical scheme.

The beginning of a conversation about waves - lines from the literary works of the classics and paintings by famous artists depicting waves, which were also used as screensavers using computer technology in the next lesson when solving problems.

The explanation of the new material in the lessons took place in the form of a heuristic conversation and story.

The physical minute spent at the first lesson carried the function not only of physical and emotional unloading, but at the same time solved the problem posed by the teacher “Does the transfer of matter occur during the propagation of a wave?” In the course of solving this problem, we also set up an experiment.

Consolidation of the acquired knowledge took place in the form of a frontal survey using ICT and problem solving by the teacher with the involvement of students, oral problem solving by students, followed by their recording at home.

As a result of 2 lessons, most students easily mastered the introductory material "Mechanical Waves" and are able to independently reproduce a logical diagram, building a story based on it. A smaller part of the class reflects the main points of the topic quite successfully finished scheme. A little longer memorization was subject to information about the types of waves placed in the table. However, the placement of the information is such that the distinguishing features of the wave types are clearly visible.

Students learned how to work with wave graphs: to determine the quantities characterizing the wave, to apply the graph data to find other, unknown wave parameters.

The use of these approaches in the study of the material realized to a sufficient extent the consistency, strength, accessibility to mastering and assimilation of information, stimulated and activated cognitive activity, contributed to the development of speech in the process of storytelling according to a logical scheme.

Option number 1
1. Does the transfer of matter and energy occur during the propagation of a traveling wave in an elastic medium?
A) energy - no, matter - yes;
B) energy and matter - yes;
C) energy - yes, matter - no.
2. The period of oscillation of water particles is 2s, and the distance between adjacent wave crests is 6m. Determine the propagation speed of these
A) 3m/s
B) 12m/s
C) 1/3m/s
3. What is the difference between a wave motion graph and an oscillatory motion graph?
A) the graph of the oscillatory motion depicts the position of different points of the medium at the same moment in time, and the graph of the wave
movement - the same point at different points in time;
B) the oscillatory motion graph depicts the position of the same point at different points in time, and the wave motion graph -
different points of the environment at the same time;
C) graphs of wave and oscillatory motions depict the position of the same point at different points in time.
4. In what elastic media can transverse waves occur?
A) in gaseous bodies;
B) in liquids;
B) in solids.
5. What physical quantities does the speed of wave propagation depend on?
A) on the wavelength;
B) on the frequency of wave oscillations;
C) from the medium in which the wave propagates, and its state.
6. On what physical quantities does the frequency of wave oscillations depend?
A) on the speed of wave propagation;
B) on the wavelength;
C) on the frequency of the vibrator that excites the oscillations.
7. Waves with a frequency of 5 Hz and 10 Hz propagate in the same medium. Which wave travels the fastest?
A) 5Hz;
B) the speeds are the same;
C) 10 Hz.
Option number 2
1. The distance between the nearest wave crests is 6 m. The wave propagation speed is 2 m/s. What is the frequency of waves hitting the shore?
A) 1/3 Hz;
B) 3 Hz;
C) 12 Hz.
2. Determine the smallest distance between adjacent points that are in the same phases if the waves propagate with
speed of 10 m/s, and the oscillation frequency is 50 Hz?
A) 1.5m;
B) 2m;
C) 1 m.
3. In what elastic bodies can there be longitudinal waves?
A) only in gases;
B) only in liquid media;
C) in solid, liquid and gaseous bodies.
4. Does the transfer of matter occur during the propagation of a transverse wave?
A) no;
B) yes;
C) only at high wave propagation speeds.
5. What physical quantities does the wavelength depend on in the same media?
A) only on the speed of wave propagation;
B) on the speed of propagation of the wave and the frequency of the vibrator;
C) only on the frequency of the vibrator.
6. Determine the wavelength if the speed is 1500 m/s and the oscillation frequency is 500 Hz.
A) 3m;
B) 1/3m;
B) 750000m
7. Two waves propagate in the same medium, the first has a length of 5m, and the second has a length of 10m. Are the frequencies of the vibrators the same,
exciting these waves?
A) the frequencies of the vibrators are equal;
B) the frequency of the first vibrator is 2 times less;

Waves and vibrations are common phenomena in the world around us. Consider what they are and how a wave differs from oscillations.


Wave- a disturbance that has arisen in any medium and propagates in it over time.

Waves on the water

fluctuations- movements of a reciprocating nature, performed by a certain body or particles.



In both cases, the process of displacement occurs. But the difference between a wave and oscillations lies in the nature of such movement. A wave propagates over a certain distance relative to the place of its origin. In this case, an alternation of maximum and minimum parameters (for example, density or temperature) is observed. In the geometric representation of such a phenomenon, there are ridges and depressions.

The wave may appear in different environments. It is easy to see it, for example, by throwing a heavy object into the water. Seismic waves act in the thickness of the earth, light waves act in the air. A characteristic property of such perturbations, whatever their nature, is the transfer of energy from one zone to another. In this case, the substance, as a rule, is not transferred, although this option is not excluded.

Meanwhile, during oscillations, there is no extended movement of energy. Here there is a transition of the latter into one form, then into another. The process itself is carried out in a limited space and is characterized by a periodically repeating change in the state of the system that it takes on relative to the equilibrium point. With mechanical vibrations, the movement of a substance is observed (a pendulum, a swing, a load on a spring). With electromagnetic, only particles move. In the latter case, an example would be a process occurring in an oscillatory circuit.

It should be noted that the discussed phenomena are not considered completely isolated from each other. A wave can be figuratively represented as a “stretched” oscillation, in which, with phase alternation, more than one material point, but a set of such interconnected elements.

To better understand the difference between a wave and oscillations, the following example will help. Let's imagine that the body is mechanical system under the influence of force is thrown out of balance. There is a movement of the object with a constant change of direction, or oscillation. The process involves environment. The substance in it begins to shrink and discharge. The perturbation propagates at a certain speed farther and farther from the source. Such a process is already a wave process.

Is wave analysis difficult? Not!
Only seven rules and one illustration explaining them - all on one page!
However, in practice, traders immediately face the problems of mastering the classical waveanalysis and its application. To solve these problems, we developed a system for classifying wave patterns with more stringent rules for their recognition and wrote an Elliott advisor programWave Maker (EWM), which allows you to carry out wave analysis with control over all the actions of a trader.

In classical wave analysis, a wave model can be considered valid if it satisfies the following 7 rules:

  1. The wave model should consist of five waves, the lengths and extents of which are in the relationship described through the Fibonacci numbers and obeying the rules for location in the corresponding types of Andrews Pitchfork (the DML Wave Models rule).
  2. Three out of five waves should have signs current movement, forming a unidirectional price change.
  3. At the end of the first wave of the current move, there is a smaller movement in the opposite direction (the second wave is formed), while the second wave can never overlap the bottom of the first wave.
  4. The third wave of the active movement, having in the overwhelming majority of cases the greatest dynamics among other active waves, can never be the shortest of them and must always be longer than the second wave. It most often develops elongations.
  5. At the end of the third wave of the current movement, there is a smaller movement in the opposite direction (the fourth wave is formed), while according to the OVERLAPPING RULE, the fourth wave cannot overlap the top of the first wave (unless we are dealing with an initial or ending Diagonal Triangle in which the price projections of the second and fourth waves should always overlap and should never reach the bottom of the third wave).
  6. Corrective waves in the driving pattern obey the RULES OF ALTERNATION (extended and deep correction, simple and complex).
  7. The fifth wave of the current movement will almost always be longer than the fourth wave. When the fifth is shorter than the fourth, it is called a "failed" or "truncated" wave. In any case, its length can never be less than 38.2% of the length of the fourth.

If at least one of the above rules (1-7) is not met, the analyzed model should be considered corrective in nature:
Wave-(A), The most convincing signal of the appearance of this wave is its segmentation into five waves of a younger wave level.
Wave-(B), reflects a “bounce” of prices in the direction of the previous trend and is confirmed by its characteristic low volume. In this case, a "double top" can be formed. Sometimes wave-(B) can overlap the bottom of wave-(A).
Wave-(C), often develops much further than the top of wave-(A), in particular, when drawing a trend line along the tops of wave-(4) and wave-(A), a “head and shoulders” pattern is revealed on the chart.
Further, as we have already noticed in paragraphs 5 and 7, “IF” begins. Interpretations of "if" for each author are different, everything is somehow generalized, non-specific, approximate, also in the description of wave models. For example, what does “substantially further” or “sometimes” mean? What should a trader do about it?

Such vague definitions forced us to abandon classical principles wave analysis and create a DML&EWA Technique with the following advantages:

First difference: the simplest, it is difficult to call it a difference. This is a systematic list of rules for recognizing driving and corrective patterns. The most serious differences between the DML & EWA Technique rules and the EWP are in paragraphs 1 and 7, 5 and 8, 10.
Identification of wave patterns in DML&EWATechnique is conducted based on the analysis of the followingdata:
1. Wave model class.
2. The structure of the wave model.
3. Description (basic recognition rules) of the wave model, location among adjacent waves.
4. Ratios of wavelengths of the internal structure of the model.
5. Ratios of wave durations of the internal structure of the model.
6. External relationships (denoted with the prefix ER (external relationships)).
7. Rules for constructing wave channels.
8. Rules of alternation.
9. Segmentation rules (structural complexity).
10. Expected aftereffect of the market.

Second difference: wave analysis is impossible without automated means of monitoring the actions of a trader. Otherwise, numerous errors are inevitable.
How else to accurately recognize 49 wave patterns of unidirectional movement and the same number of mirror ones. Each model is recognized by the 10 rules listed above, and each rule is a set of a number of conditions?! Work without automated control will be reduced only to the uncontrolled placement of wave top symbols, and not to the analysis of the nature of the price movement.

Third difference: classification and catalog of wave models in DML&EWA Technique have undergone a significant change. Many will ask the question: “Why even bother with this? The main thing is to trade!!!.
Have you ever wondered why, speaking of wave analysis, so often pops up: "subjectivity" and "multivariance"? What are the problems?
In a trader who cannot find a markup option? Or in the system itself, not fully developed and justified.
Oddly enough, but it is in the system that the root of evil lurks! If we scrupulously compare all wave models and the rules for their recognition, it turns out that some rules overlap each other, and “white spots” form between others. Nothing empty space. Still others are generally so blurred that everyone interprets them in their own way. There is no clear systematization of models, because how many authors, so many options for classifications.
In this regard, an analogy with the table of elements of D.I. Mendeleev: empty cells were and still remain. But gradually the elements are found and the cells are filled. There are no stains, since a clear, justified classification was originally developed. So it is in the wave theory: we need a coherent classification system, we need to remove the rules that imply discrepancies and make up the missing ones. The main thing is not to follow the path of simplifying life for yourself: I can’t recognize the wave pattern, which means that in this case I will change the rules for the situation. If you change the rules, then change them everywhere, and not for a specific case - otherwise these are not rules, not a law, but “concepts”, you interpret it the way you want.
Then the subjectivity of the wave analysis will also disappear - there will be no need to “invent” a marking option where there is a clearly identified model.
That is, a revision is not needed for the sake of revision, a revision is needed to tighten and formalize the rules.

Consider an example of a graphical representation of impulse models from "classic" textbooks. Than these three
models differ from non-segmented wave? Is it necessary to exit trades with such a price movement? What is the meaning of these calculations?

Same models in real DML catalog viewWave Models. Definitely, you need to calculate the ratio of waves to make decisions about exiting tradingpositions in the correction phase
Consider corrective models of classical wave analysis Truncated ZigZag, Regular ZigZag, Extended ZigZag.
Some authors argue that wave-(B) in these models can be no more than 61.8% of wave-(A), others point to a maximum ratio of 80%, others claim that wave-(B) can reach the level of the base wave-(A), but do not cross it ... Who is right?

Consider the extended correction models Regular Flat, Running Flat, Expanded Flat.
There are even more discrepancies in terminology and in the number of varieties in this class of models.
Some of the authors have three models of this class, some have five. Someone calls Running, someone Special or Irregular. The Expanded Flat model has three more names Extension Flat, Extended Flat, Elongated Flat, but this is not a record.

The structure (internal structure) of the two presented classes of corrective models is different. And what to do if the wave-(B) is approaching the base of the wave-(A), while the structure of the wave-(A) is :5:3:5=:3? It cannot be attributed to the class of extended correction models in terms of its internal structure. It does not apply to deep correction models in terms of the ratios of the wave components, as some authors claim. What to do with such models, they seem to be absent, but there is a price movement?

And what if the price movement forms a model with a structure that is not in the catalog of classical models at all? A lot of mistakes are made due to ignorance about the existence of extended correction models with a weak wave-(C).
The upward wave-(B) in such cases is often marked as the first wave of the subsequent driving phase. But she troika, followed by five, and the level of the bottom of wave-(A) (which is taken as the entire correction) may not be blocked at all. That is, the developing correction is marked as a continuation of the driving trend, since in the classical wave analysis there are no such models.

The main problem of incorrect recognition of such patterns is that from the final top of the corrective wave model, you need to build tools to determine the purpose of the subsequent movement, and the anchor points of the tools are not correct!!! Targets in these cases are predicted incorrectly, or they cannot be determined at all from such pivot points of price movement.

Examples like this could go on for a very long time. We held a special conference to identify inaccuracies, inconsistencies, and contradictions in the rules of classical wave analysis presented by different authors, up to contradictions presented by one author on different pages of publications. Based on the results of the conference, it was concluded that using classic rules, it is simply impossible to compose an algorithm for the operation of a wave analysis program.
To avoid errors arising from the fact that the price movement cannot be attributed to any class of wave models of classical wave analysis, a refined classification of wave models was developed, and the DML Wave Models catalog was compiled on its basis.

Fourth difference: in the wave identification tools, the wave channels were replaced by the combined channels of the Andrews pitchfork and Schiff lines.
Moreover, the tool has turned from an auxiliary one into the main forecasting tool. Consider an example:

Wave channel 0_2//1 is clearly visible on the chart.
What does it give for predicting price movement by itself? Almost nothing.
But the wave channel 0_2//1 is essentially the initial and final lines of Schiff Lines, and if you build the channel extension using Fibonacci numbers, then this is not
nothing but Schiff Lines warning lines. At the same time, the base line of the wave channel 0_2//1 is the control line of the Andrews Pitchfork built from the same wave tops. Now, if we compare the price behavior in the wave channel in the above example and in the figures below, it becomes obvious that a complex and more advanced graphical analysis tool that combines the channels of the Andrews Pitchfork and the Schiff lines.
If we take into account the importance of using Andrews pitchfork reaction lines as a tool for time analysis, then the significance of the wave channel as the simplest tool in comparison with them will be reduced to zero.

Let's look at some examples of forecasting using merged pitchfork channels.
Andrews and Schiff lines.

Oil correction.
We work along the lines of Schiff ...
AUD USD, Andrews pitchfork built from the tops of the irregularcorrections made it possible to identify andthe purpose of the continuation of the upwardmovements, and support zonessubsequent descendingmovement.

EUR USD, building Andrews Pitchfork channels and Schiff lines fromtwo wave levels allows you to clearly separate the pricemovement through the scale of two levels and identify targets on eachscale.

The fifth difference (in the future, development is underway):
introduction of automated checks according to the rules of segmentation, alternation and temporal analysis. But these are plans for the future, and in subsequent articles we will take a closer look at the already implemented tools.

Igor Bebeshin (Putnik)
Email: [email protected]
Skype: fibonacciclub

Having set the task to write an assistant program for wave analysis, we immediately ran into a problem: all
the literature on wave analysis is more like free-form writing than technical literature. The authors,
those who write about wave analysis do not particularly bother themselves with clear formulations, observing any
unified terminology, classification. Therefore, it was necessary to start virtually from scratch: to create a classifier of wave models.

Let's start with terms: wave, monowave, wave pattern, momentum, pattern in most publications
are taken as synonyms. In fact, as already described in one of the articles, these terms are not synonymous. Having understood the differences between these terms, it will be easier to understand the process of wave analysis itself.

Wave(monowave according to Glenn Neely) is a unidirectional price movement that occurs over a certain period of time, from one price reversal to another. The wavelength is its projection onto the price axis, the y-axis. The duration, or length of a wave, is its projection onto the time axis, the abscissa axis.

The current wave is the driving phase of the price movement. The counter wave is the corrective phase of the price movement. That is, a wave is just the name of a unidirectional price movement of a certain scale. There is such a movement as a result of an imbalance between supply and demand (between the number of orders to buy and sell). When the ratio of demand to supply increases, the price rises, forming an upward wave.
When the demand-to-supply ratio declines, the price falls, forming a downward wave.

Often the acting wave is identified with the momentum and the wave pattern. Let's introduce a distinction between these terms. Pulse- this is an active wave, that is, the driving phase of the market, which is distinguished by the dynamics and strength (length) of the price movement.
wave model- this is a combination of driving and corrective phases of the price movement, describing a certain stage of its development according to certain laws.
That is, a wave and a wave model are conditional definitions introduced to describe and correctly identify various stages(phases) of price movement development.

Consequently, all wave models should first of all be divided into classes that describe the formation of the driving and corrective phases of the price movement, and only then the differences between specific models in these classes should be described.
Let's start with the classification of driving (acting) phases of price movement. The classification is easiest to present in the form of a table (see Table 3.01).

The table shows thirteen driving wave patterns. This main list does not include options that differ in the detail of model generation. The main models can be classified according to several characteristics, combining models into groups with common properties:
wave patterns without characteristic properties wavesinternal structure(moving wave models - Motive Wave);
wave models with strong driving waves of the internal structure(impulse wave models - Impulse Wave);
wave models with weak driving waves of the internal structure(motive wave patterns with a weak or, as they are also called, failed fifth - motive wave witn 5-th failure);
wave models with disturbed mutual position of wave tops, when wave-4 crosses the level of the top of wave-1, but can never cross the level of the top of wave-2 (initial and ending diagonal triangles);
wave models with broken (incorrect)internal structure, when instead of the structure traditional for driving models: 5:3:5:3:5 = :5, the structure is formed: 3:3:3:3:3 = :5 (final diagonal triangles).

The standard set for designating wave tops consists of 15 wave symbols (see Table 03.02). AT simple cases it is enough.

But as shown above, driving wave patterns often have differences in their internal structure: elongated or failed (weak) waves, diagonal triangles. A consequence of differences in the structure and nature of the waves is both a difference in the internal target zones and a difference in the aftereffect upon completion of the formation of these models.

Also, as will be shown below, complex corrective wave patterns of deep and extended correction, denoted by the same symbols, W-X-Y-Xx-Z, have completely different properties. Compare, for example, a double or triple zigzag, a deep correction pattern, and double or triple threes, an extended correction pattern. Although both are denoted by combinations of symbols W-X-Y-Xx-Z, the properties of the models differ significantly, as do the methods for calculating goals upon their completion.
That is, such designations are not unambiguous for identifying a particular model, which is important for understanding the calculation of goals. This is especially true in the “reading” of symbols by wave analysis programs. That is why an extended scheme for designating wave models was developed.

Extensions of the name of the wave model (highlighted in red in the table) are displayed on the chart to the right of the main symbol and make it easy to identify not only the class, but also the category of the model. Such a "trifle" allows you to eliminate visual errors in reading the chart when analyzing the goals of the price movement and making trading decisions.

The names of some models have additional designations (t.1, t.2, t.3, ...) - this means that this wave model has several standard options its formation.
The general properties of such models are identical, it makes no sense to invent a new model only on the basis of some particular differences. However, to facilitate the identification of the model in the formation and identification of internal goals, such a division into options is quite justified.

For example, Figures 3.1 and 3.2 show two of the three types of extended wave-x(3) impulse wave patterns. Differences in recognition are set by the wavelength-(1), from the top of which the generatrix of the wave channel 0_2//1//3 is constructed.
Accordingly, the expectations of the completion of wave-(5) with respect to these generators also differ.
In one case, the completion of wave-(5) is expected between generators //1//3, in the other wave-(5) should end before reaching generator //1.

As already noted, the wave model is a systematic description of a certain phase of the development of price movement. Such models can be formed at different operational scales. Accordingly, the model is identified immediately with reference to this scale - the wave level.
Let's consider one more table, which is not related to the classification of wave models, but is directly related to their identification by scales - wave levels.
In order not to reinvent the wheel, I used an identification table (notation, as it is also called) of wave levels, but introduced one significant difference: each wave level is rigidly connected to the chart of a certain time period of bar formation, subject to the maximum compression of the chart along the time axis. Thus, we received table 3.3.

Sets of symbols of wave peaks are grouped by wave levels in triads (color highlighting), in a triad, each set of symbols of one wave level is additionally distinguished by writing in lowercase or CAPITAL characters, and the symbols of active waves are distinguished by Roman or Arabic numerals enclosed in round, rectangular brackets or without them .
The symbols of corrective wave tops of simple wave patterns are denoted by letters A-B-C-D-E. The vertices of complex corrective patterns are designated as W-X-Y-Xx-Z.
Sequence numbers in the first column are used
for numbering scales (wave levels) when setting up an external interface for managing indicator platforms ZUP, in cases of analysis without wave marking.

Once again I want to emphasize: at DML&EWA Technique we
abandoned the use of relative scaling – wave levels are strictly related to the period of bar formation at the maximum compression of the chart along the time axis in MT4/5 terminals.

Why are these levels:
When principles were bornwave analysis graphicswere built on the basis of daytime,weekly and monthly, and even
annual bars. R. Elliott has the youngest levelthere was a Micro level, but it was placed a little "higher".
Time has changed and changed andanalysis, Glen Neely gotsub micro level. With the computerization of the process, it is possible
analyze even ticksgraphs, but in wave analysis such a goal is not set,and wave level SuperMicroas the smallest, formed on minute bars, is more than sufficient.
On the other hand, usingto analyze MT4 / MT5 client terminals, we haverestriction on the generateddepth of history, and consequently, the restriction onmaximum possible displayed wave level- Primary.
High wave symbolslevels can be once or twiceappear on charts, butinstruments cannot be built from these verticesdue to the lack of the necessary depth of the quotes history. Therefore, the Cycle, SuperCycle and GrandCycle wave levels are only reference for us.

The success of wave pattern recognition can be guaranteed if there are three components:
classification - a list of groups of models with characteristic distinctive features;
complete description individual properties and hallmarks each of the models of the group according to 10 basic rules (see PART 1: Differences between DML & EWA Technique and EWA);
graphical representation of each wave model.
This is an enormous amount of information. The catalog of wave models for the Elliott Wave Maker advisor program is 150 pages long. It is impossible to present such material within the framework of a short article; we only make an attempt to briefly describe the problems of creating a classification of wave models and their catalog.

So, we have 13 driving wave patterns. Each of them, in addition to the description, must have a graphical sample for comparing the generated model with the model described in the catalog. It is clear that it is easier to compare the model formed on the chart with a graphic image than with its textual description (the program will do the second for you).
Examples of graphical representation of impulse wave models from "classic" textbooks, in my opinion, look more than strange (see Fig. 3.03 - 06).

How is the structure of these models different from a non-segmented wave? Is it necessary to exit trades with this nature of the price movement structure? What is the purpose of calculating wavelengths?
The same models in the real representation of the DML Wave Models catalog (see Fig. 3.07 - 09): the internal structure of the model indicates the need to calculate the ratio of wave lengths and durations to make decisions about exiting trading positions at the beginning of the correction phase and opening new positions at its completion.

Compare also how the graphic representations of the initial and final diagonal triangle differ in the "classic" presentation (see Fig. 3.10 - 11) and in the DML Wave Models catalog.

Aren't there models with extension in the first, third or fifth wave among the diagonal triangles?
For some reason, this is silent, and such definitions as a “convergent” or “divergent” diagonal triangle are discussed in classical theory. But the direction of the generators in diagonal triangles is neither their defining property, nor the defining predictive tool. The defining features are: crossing the level of the top of the first wave by the fourth wave; and in which of the driving waves - in the first, third or fifth elongation is formed.

AT classic version only the graphical representations of the motive wave and the failed fifth wave are of interest. However, the description of the failed fifth discusses only how to call it: Truncated fifth or Failure fifth. But not a word about the place of its position, as a wave completing global cycles, or the principle of confirming its formation according to
reversal speed.

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