States in whose territory the strength of resistance. Resistance movement

Decor elements 22.09.2019

Nazi " new order" in Europe

In the captured countries where almost 128 million people lived, the invaders introduced the so-called "new order", seeking to implement main goal The fascist block is the territorial section of the world, the destruction of entire peoples, the establishment of world domination.

The legal position of the countries occupied by the fascists was different. Austria Nazis included in Germany. Part of the regions of Western Poland was annexed and settled by German farmers, mainly "Folksdoch" - ethnic Germans, several generations of which lived outside of Germany, and 600 thousand Poles were evicted by a violent way, the rest of the territory was announced by the German governor-general. Czechoslovakia was divided: the sudan region was included in Germany, and Bohemia and Moravia declared the "protectorate"; Slovakia has become independent state" Yugoslavia was also divided. Greece was divided into 3 occupation zones: German, Italian and Bulgarian. In Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands have formed puppet governments. Luxembourg was included in Germany. In a special position, France was: 2/3 of its territory, including Paris, Germany were occupied, and the southern regions with the center in the city of Vichy and French colonies were part of the so-called Wishistical state, whose puppet government, headed by the Old Marshal Peten, collaborated with the Nazis.

At the conquered lands, the occupants robbed national wealth and forced the peoples to work on the "Ra Lord". Millions of people from the occupied countries were violently taken to work in the Reich: Already in May 1941, more than 3 million foreign workers worked in Germany. To strengthen its domination in Europe, the Nazis obedized collaborationism - cooperation with the occupying authorities of representatives of various layers local population To the detriment of the interests of the nation. For the content of the peoples of the occupied countries in humility, a system of hosting and mass ramping over the civilian population was widely used. The symbols of this policy were the complete destruction of residents of the village of Oradur in France, Lidice in Czechoslovakia, Khatyn in Belarus. Europe covered the network of concentration camps. Prisoners of the concentration camps were forced to perform hard work, Morious hunger, was subjected to rawly torture. In general, the concentration camps were 18 million people, 12 million of which died.

The policy, which was carried out by Nazis in different zones of the occupied Europe, had some differences. The Nazis announced the peoples of Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Greece and Albania "lower racial", which was subject to complete enslavement, and to a large extent and physical destruction. Relations of the Northern countries and Western Europe The invaders allowed more flexible policies. In relation to the "Nordic" peoples - Norwegians, Danes, Dutch - planned their complete numbers. In France, the invaders first carried out a policy of gradual involvement in the orbit of their influence and transformation into their satellite.

Fascist occupation policy in different countries Europe carried national oppression, the extreme growth of economic and social oppression, mad rampant reactions, racism and anti-Semitism.


Holocaust (eng. "Unborn") is a common term, denoting the persecution and destruction of Jews by the Nazis and their accomplices after the arrival of Hitler and before the end of World War II.

The anti-Semitic ideology was based on the program of the National Socialist Party of Germany, adopted in 1920 and sounded in the book of Hitler "My struggle." After coming to power in January 1933, Hitler carries out consistent policies of state anti-Semitism. Her first victim was the Jewish community of Germany, which had more than 500 thousand people. By 1939, the Nazis were trying to "clean" Germany from Jews with all possible methods, forcing them to emigrate. Jews are systematically excluded from the state and public life of the country, their economic and political activity Prohibited laws. Not only the Germans followed such practices. Anti-Semitism was infected with all Europe and the United States. But neither in one country of Western democracy discrimination of Jews was not part of the systematic government policy, since it was in incision with basic civil rights and freedoms.

Second world War Wrapped for the Jewish people of the terrible tragedy in his history. After the capture of Poland began new stage Anti-Jewish Policy of Nazis. Under their control, there were more than 2 million Jews living in this country. Many of Polish Jews died, and all the rest of the Jewish population, the remaining alive were angled in the ghetto - the part of the city, the fell apart and police cordon, where the Jews were allowed to live and take care of themselves. The two largest ghetto were in Warsaw and Lodz. Thanks to the ghetto, the Germans provided themselves to the practically slave labor of the Jews. The lack of food, disease and epidemics, unbearable labor led to the huge mortality of ghetto residents. The Jews of all countries occupied by the Nazis were subject to registration, they were obliged to wear bandages or stripes with a six-pointed star, pay the conference and donate jewels. They were deprived of all civil and political rights.

After the German attack on the Soviet Union, the planned universal destruction of all Jews began. On the territory for the destruction of the Jews, 6 death camps were created - Auschwitz (Auschwitz), Belzhets, Helmno, Sobibor, Tskilka, Majdanek. These camps were equipped with special equipment for the daily murder of thousands of people, usually in huge gas chambers. Few who managed to live in the camp for a long time.

Despite the almost hopeless position, in some ghetto and the camp, the Jews still resisted their executioners with the help of a weapon that managed to secretly get. The symbol of Jewish resistance was the uprising in Warsaw Ghetto (April - May 1943) - the first urban uprising in the occupied Europe's fascists. There were uprisings in the death camps in Trevilki (August 1943) and in Sobibor (October 1943), which were brutally suppressed.

As a result of the ruthless war of the Nazis against the unarmed Jewish population, 6 million Jews were killed - more than 1/3 of the total number of this people.

Resistance movement, its political orientation and form of struggle

The resistance movement is the liberation movement against fascism for the restoration of independence and sovereignty of the occupied countries and the elimination of reactionary modes in the countries of the fascist block.

The scope and methods of struggle against the fascist invaders and their accomplices depended on the nature of the occupying regime, natural and geographical conditions, historical traditions, as well as from the position of those social and political forceswho participated in resistance.

In the resistance of each of the occupied countries, two directions were determined, each of which was inherent its own political orientation. There was a rivalry for leading the anti-fascist movement in general.

At the head of the first direction were the emigrant government or bourgeois-patriotic groups, sought the expulsion of the occupiers, the elimination of fascist regimes and recovery in their countries political Systems. The leaders of this area was characterized by an orientation on western countries liberal Democracy. Many of them initially adhered to the Tactics "Atanism" (expecting) - that is, they were shouted their strength and expected liberation from the outside by the forces of the Anglo-American troops.

The position of the communist parties in the occupied countries was complex. The Soviet-German Pact for non-fire (1939) actually paralyzed the anti-fascist activities of the Communists and led to an increase in anti-communist sentiment. By 1941, no interaction of the Communists with anti-fascists could not have any speech. Only after the German attack on the Soviet Union, the Comintern called on the Communist Party to resume the anti-fascist struggle. Mushroom struggle soviet people Against fascism led to the growth of sympathies for the USSR, which weakened and anti-communist sentiment. Accepted in 1943 under the pressure of the Allies The decision to dissolve the Comintern allowed the Communists to act as an independent national forces and actively engage in the movement of resistance. Thus, another direction in resistance was determined. He was headed by communist parties and the political forces close to them, which selflessly fought for national liberation and expected to implement deep political and social transformations after the end of the war. The leaders of this flow focused on military assistance Soviet Union.

An important condition for the deployment of resistance movement was to combine anti-fascist forces. General resistance movement governing bodies began to form. So, in France, they united under the leadership of General Charles de Gaulle.

The anti-fascist resistance of the population of the occupied countries turned out to be in two forms: active and passive. The active form consisted in partisan wrestling, acts of sabotage and diversions, assembly and transfer to the allies antihytler coalition Intelligence information, in anti-fascist propaganda and more. The passive form of resistance to the invaders was to refuse to carry out agricultural products, listening to anti-fascist radio programs, reading forbidden literature, boycott of propaganda events of fascists and more.

The resistance movement in France, Italy, Poland, Yugoslavia and Greece received the greatest scope. In Yugoslavia, for example, by the Communists, the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia in early 1943 freed 2/5 of the country's territory from the occupiers. The resistance movement played an important role in the fight against fascism and accelerated his defeat.

The national-patriotic forces of countries occupied by Herman-Italian troops played a big role in the fight against fascism. The "Free France" movement, headed by General de Galer, was the most important power of resistance participating in the liberation of the country along with the Anglo-American troops. In Yugoslavia, the liberation movement, whose leader was I.Btito, when the allied troops approaching the garrisons of invaders in the country. In Greece, the attempt of the British to disarm local detachments resistance led to civil War. The USSR was very cool related to non-communist fractions of the resistance movement in Poland. Their attempt to liberation Warsaw, not agreed with the Soviet command, was suppressed german troopsthat subsequently gave the basis for serious mutual reproaches.

The occupied countries of Europe and Asia suffered significant territorial changes. New states appeared on the world map: Slovakia (1939), Croatia (1941 p.), Burma (1944), Indonesia (1945). But the independence of these states was discredited by collaboration with aggressors. States such as Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Luxembourg, Greece were eliminated. In Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, France came to power came profasciic (collaborationist) governments. The Allied States of Germany, Italy, Japan received significant territorial acquisitions. Thus, Hungary received Carpathian Ukraine, Transylvania, part of Slovakia and Yugoslavia, Romania - Transnistria, Bulgaria - part of the Dobrudji, Macedonia, Frakia, Finland returned to the territory lost in 1940. Occupation policy on the territory captured of Eastern Europe And the USSR was carried out according to the "Ost" plan. The occupied Soviet territories were divided into three parts. The rear areas of the German groups of the armies were transferred under the management of the military command, while others are subordinated to the Eastern Ministry led by Rosenberg and is divided into two Reichskisseed - "Ostlata" (Baltic States and most Belarus) and "Ukraine". West Ukrainian lands were attached to the Polish Governor-General. The Nazis sought to create a living space for the German nation in the territories conquered by them. The local population should be transformed into the essence of slaves, the intelligentsia is eliminated. In the occupied territories, about 10 million Germans were planned. The local population was supposed to leave about 14 million people. All others were subject to destruction. One of the first colonies of German immigrants was created in the region of Vinnitsa. The main funds with which the fascists enjoyed in the approval of their domination were straightening one nations to other and physical destruction. Such peoples like Gypsies, Jews, were subject to complete destruction. From the occupied territories in Germany, food and raw materials were exported to Germany, other material values. The population in the occupied territories at first did not receive anything at all, then it began to receive a meager soldering for work on the occupiers. In terrible conditions there were 5.5 million Soviet prisoners of war, 3.5 million of them died. For use in Germany, the working strength was deported to the working-age population. About 4 million inhabitants of the occupied regions were in a foreign land in difficult conditions. In total, 10 million Soviet people became victims of the occupation. The economy of the occupied countries has become an appendage of the German military car. In Europe, there were about 30 concentration camps. The largest of them, Dachau, Buchenwald, Maidan, Auschwitz. The head of the resistance movement has become socialist, communist, radical and nationalist parties. As a result of victories at the fronts of the troops of the anti-Hitler coalition, the movement of resistance against the occupiers in Europe is significantly enhanced. Many of them have created partisan detachments, underground organizations. But there were those who walked to cooperate with the occupiers, becoming collaborators. In France, the partisan detachments and underground groups headed by the Communists and Socialists struggled in France with the fascist occupation and the collaborationist government of Marshal Perepen. Created by de Galer, the organization "Free France" in 1942-1943 set control over African colonies of France. In November 1942, the French underground concluded a joint agreement with de Gaulle. In May of next year, the National Council of Resistance was created, which united all the forces that fought with the invaders. In June, the French Committee of National Liberation, who announced himself with the government led by de Galer. Significant scope scored a people's liberation movement in Yugoslavia. Since 1941, active martialctions against fascists. In 1943, the Government of New Yugoslavia was created - the Anti-Fascist Veche of National Liberation of Yugoslavia led by Tito. The partisan armies were formed in Greece and Bulgaria. Communists played a significant role in this process. Increased anti-fascist sentiment and in Germany. A group of officers and government officials attempted to the public coup in order to destroy the fascist regime and the termination of the war. On July 20, 1944, Colonel Stauffenberg left a portfolio with a slow motion bomb in a room where Hitler was located. The bomb exploded, but Hitler stayed alive. The presentation of the rebels was brutally suppressed. In 1944, anti-fascist uprisings were held in a number of European countries. The defeat was completed by the uprising, raised on August 1 in Warsaw Army Craiova. On August 29, a Slovak national uprising began with the participation of partisans and the Slovak army. The price of great efforts to the Hitlerians managed to suppress him. In the USSR, the struggle of the Folk Avengers reached a particularly large scope. Her headed by the central headquarters of the partisan movement. The main partisan base was Belarus. There were the most connections and large partisan areas. In Ukraine, the center of the partisan movement was in the northern regions. The fight against the fascists was also conducted by the detachments of the Ukrainian Rebel Army. The partisan struggle had not only military and political importance. Wide-scale sabotage operations partisans, fighter raids made a significant contribution to victory over the fascists. Significant operations conducted partisan compounds Kovpak, Fedorov, Saburov, Naumova and others. In total, over 6 thousand partisan detachments were operating in the USSR, which destroyed about 1 million Nazis. The most large-scale sabotage was held in the summer of 1943 during the Kursk battle under the name "Rail War" and in September 1943 called "Concert". The fascists were forced to protect their communications from partisans to keep significant forces in their rear. Armed struggle with invaders usually passed several stages. Initially, these were the actions of individual combat groups and detachments, which gradually became more numerous and powerful. In some countries, the development of the partisan movement led to the creation of folk armies. In the summer of 1941 in Yugoslavia, under the leadership of the Communist Party, an open armed struggle against the fascist invaders began. She took a mass character from the very beginning, at the end of 1941 A special brigade and up to 50 partisan detachments were formed. In the future, divisions and corps appeared, and the armed forces became referred to as the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia (Noah).

In Czechoslovakia, the struggle against the fascist invaders acquired a particularly wide scale in the spring and summer of 1944. Under the leadership of the CCP, the proletariat has become a leader of all the liberation forces united in the National Front. The country actively acted by partisan detachments. In August 1944, a Slovak national uprising occurred, and later the May uprising of the Czech people in 1945 in Poland in the fight against german fascist invaders First, small partisan detachments were joined, the kernel of which were workers. Later, an armed struggle against the occupiers included the initiative of Polish workers' Party Guard of Ludov (ch), transformed into the army of Louis (al).

In October 1941, a military center of resistance was established in October 1941, transformed into the Central Committee of the People's Liberation Army (ELAC). In Albania, with the leading role of Communists, the partisan couple in the summer of 1943 were transformed into a national liberation army (NAAA).

The resistance movement in the countries of the Hitler coalition had its own characteristics, but compared with the occupied states. The anti-fascist struggle was carried out in the most severe conditions of mass repression and executions, the brutal persecution of all Democrats. Moreover, the terror regime and political cure in the countries of the Hitler's coalition were combined with a particularly sophisticated nationalist and militarist demagogue, which extremely hampered the anti-fascist struggle. Based on the branched system of ideological and political foliations, the Nazis sought to erase democratic ideas from the consciousness.

An important role in the consolidation of the anti-fascist forces was played by the USSR All Svestilian Committee, the National Committee "Free Germany", the Union of Polish Patriots and other organizations. In October 1941, in October 1941, a Committee of Action was established under the Committee for the Union of Patriotic Force within the country and abroad. Countering the terrorist fascist regime intensified in Germany and other states. In the countries who joined the fascist block, the Bulgarian people rose first on the mass armed struggle against the reactionary regime. At the end of June 1941, under the leadership of the Communist Party of Bulgaria, partisan groups were organized, the number of which in the future increased rapidly. In the spring of 1943, the People's Liberation Rebel Army was formed and a plan of armed actions and a nationwide scale was developed. In early September 1944, partisan forces were over 30 thousand armed fighters and operated with the support of more than 200 thousand assistants partisans.

The transfer of the actions of the Soviet army into the territory of the countries of Central and Southeast Europe and the successful implementation of its liberation mission was even more inspired by patriots, instilled faith in them in the final defeat of the fascist regimes. All new and new participants have included in the resistance movement. So, the entry of the Soviet army into the territory of Bulgaria created favorable conditions For deploying mass revolutionary actions. In those controlled by the people's liberation rebel army, the national authorities were established. On September 9, 1944, as a result of a nationwide, anti-fascist armed uprising in the country, the monarch-fascist regime was overthrown and the government of the Patriotic Front was formed.

In Romania, in the process of preparing for an armed uprising, which was headed by the Communist Party, a large number of combat patriotic groups were created. In the summer of 1944, a national-democratic unit was formed, which included the Communist, Social Democratic, National Liberal and National Taranted Party. He made the immediate overthrow of the fascist government and the cessation of an aggressive war. The successes of the Soviet Army, first of all its outstanding victory in Yaszskinsky Operations, accelerated the development of the anti-fascular struggle in the country. On August 23, an armed uprising occurred in Bucharest, which led to the overthrow of the fascist dictatorship.

Despite the most severe terror, prepared for an armed uprising in Hungary, who in March 1944 was occupied german fascist troops. In May of the same year, the call of the Communists was created by the Anti-Fascist Hungarian Front, which united almost all parties and the organization of trade unions. As the country's liberation Soviet army Local committees were transformed into public authorities, who played an important role in democratic and socialist transformations.

Under the influence of the success of the Soviet Armed Forces, as well as the actions of the American-British troops, landed in the fall of 1943 in southern Italy, the first partisan formations in the northern part of Italy arose. At the initiative of the Communist Party, they managed to unite them in June 1944 to the People's Army - the Corps of Volunteers of Freedom, at first there were 82 thousand, and by April 1945 - already 150 thousand people. The mass movement of resistance turned into Italy under the leadership of the working class. The presentation of the armed forces of resistance in the second half of April 1945, supported by the call of the Communists with a universal strike, led to the fact that in many industrial centers and cities of Northern Italy, almost all German-fascist troops and blacks folded the weapons before the arrival of the Anglo-American troops.

Fascism resistance existed in Hitler's concentration camps, camps for prisoners of war and foreign workers, where the Nazis used them as slave power. Prisoners, despite the inhuman conditions of existence, committed sabotage and sabotage at military enterprises, conducted anti-fascist propaganda, organized mutual assistance. Soviet officers and soldiers, who headed many underground organizations and groups played an active role in this struggle.

The resistance movement was an integral part of the liberation struggle of peoples. This struggle was associated with large victims.

Occupational mode in enslaved countries. Resistance movement

Nazi "New Order" in Europe

In the captured countries, where almost 128 million people lived, the occupiers introduced the so-called "new order", seeking to implement the main goal of the fascist block - the territorial section of the world, the destruction of entire peoples, the establishment of world domination.

The legal position of the countries occupied by the fascists was different. Austria Nazis included in Germany. Part of the regions of Western Poland was annexed and settled by German farmers, mainly "Folksdoch" - ethnic Germans, several generations of which lived outside of Germany, and 600 thousand Poles were evicted by a violent way, the rest of the territory was announced by the German governor-general. Czechoslovakia was divided: the sudan region was included in Germany, and Bohemia and Moravia declared the "protectorate"; Slovakia has become an "independent state." Yugoslavia was also divided. Greece was divided into 3 occupation zones: German, Italian and Bulgarian. In Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands have formed puppet governments. Luxembourg was included in Germany. In a special position, France was: 2/3 of its territory, including Paris, Germany were occupied, and the southern regions with the center in the city of Vichy and French colonies were part of the so-called Wishistical state, whose puppet government, headed by the Old Marshal Peten, collaborated with the Nazis.

At the conquered lands, the occupants robbed national wealth and forced the peoples to work on the "Ra Lord". Millions of people from the occupied countries were violently taken to work in the Reich: Already in May 1941, more than 3 million foreign workers worked in Germany. To strengthen its domination in Europe, Hitlerians were imposed by collaborationism - cooperation with the occupying authorities of representatives of various layers of the local population to the detriment of the interests of the nation. For the content of the peoples of the occupied countries in humility, a system of hosting and mass ramping over the civilian population was widely used. The symbols of this policy were the complete destruction of residents of the village of Oradur in France, Lidice in Czechoslovakia, Khatyn in Belarus. Europe covered the network of concentration camps. Prisoners of the concentration camps were forced to perform hard work, Morious hunger, was subjected to rawly torture. In general, the concentration camps were 18 million people, 12 million of which died.

The policy, which was carried out by Nazis in different zones of the occupied Europe, had some differences. The Nazis announced the peoples of Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Greece and Albania "lower racial", which was subject to complete enslavement, and to a large extent and physical destruction. With regard to the countries of Northern and Western Europe, the invaders allowed more flexible policies. In relation to the "Nordic" peoples - Norwegians, Danes, Dutch - planned their complete numbers. In France, the invaders first carried out a policy of gradual involvement in the orbit of their influence and transformation into their satellite.

The fascist occupation policy in different countries of Europe has carried national oppression, extreme growth of economic and social oppression, mad rampant reactions, racism and anti-Semitism.


Holocaust (english "burnt") - A common term denoting the persecution and destruction of Jews by the Nazis and their accomplices after the arrival of Hitler and before the end of World War II.

The anti-Semitic ideology was based on the program of the National Socialist Party of Germany, adopted in 1920 and sounded in the book of Hitler "My struggle." After coming to power in January 1933, Hitler carries out consistent policies of state anti-Semitism. Her first victim was the Jewish community of Germany, which had more than 500 thousand people. By 1939, the Nazis were trying to "clean" Germany from Jews with all possible methods, forcing them to emigrate. Jews are systematically excluded from the state and public life of the country, their economic and political activities were prohibited by law. Not only the Germans followed such practices. Anti-Semitism was infected with all Europe and the United States. But neither in one country of Western democracy discrimination of Jews was not part of the systematic government policy, since it was in incision with basic civil rights and freedoms.

The Second World War turned out for the Jewish people of the terrible tragedy in his history. After the capture of Poland began a new stage of the Anti-Indian Policy of the Nazis. Under their control, there were more than 2 million Jews living in this country. Many of Polish Jews died, and all the rest of the Jewish population, the remaining alive were angled in the ghetto - the part of the city, the fell apart and police cordon, where the Jews were allowed to live and take care of themselves. The two largest ghetto were in Warsaw and Lodz. Thanks to the ghetto, the Germans provided themselves to the practically slave labor of the Jews. The lack of food, disease and epidemics, unbearable labor led to the huge mortality of ghetto residents. The Jews of all countries occupied by the Nazis were subject to registration, they were obliged to wear bandages or stripes with a six-pointed star, pay the conference and donate jewels. They were deprived of all civil and political rights.

After the German attack on the Soviet Union, the planned universal destruction of all Jews began. On the territory for the destruction of the Jews, 6 death camps were created - Auschwitz (Auschwitz), Belzhets, Helmno, Sobibor, Tskilka, Majdanek. These camps were equipped with special equipment for the daily murder of thousands of people, usually in huge gas chambers. Few who managed to live in the camp for a long time.

Despite the almost hopeless position, in some ghetto and the camp, the Jews still resisted their executioners with the help of a weapon that managed to secretly get. The symbol of Jewish resistance was the uprising in Warsaw Ghetto (April - May 1943) - the first urban uprising in the occupied Europe's fascists. There were uprisings in the death camps in Trevilki (August 1943) and in Sobibor (October 1943), which were brutally suppressed.

As a result of the ruthless war of the Nazis against the unarmed Jewish population, 6 million Jews were killed - more than 1/3 of the total number of this people.

Resistance movement, its political orientation and form of struggle

The resistance movement is the liberation movement against fascism for the restoration of independence and sovereignty of the occupied countries and the elimination of reactionary modes in the countries of the fascist block.

The scope and methods of struggle against the fascist invaders and their accomplices depended on the nature of the occupying regime, natural and geographical conditions, historical traditions, as well as from the position of the social and political forces participating in resistance.

In the resistance of each of the occupied countries, two directions were determined, each of which was inherent its own political orientation. There was a rivalry for leading the anti-fascist movement in general.

At the head of the first direction were the emigrant government or bourgeois-patriotic groups, they sought the expulsion of the occupiers, the elimination of fascist regimes and restoration in their countries of pre-war political systems. The leaders of this area were characterized by an orientation for Western countries of liberal democracy. Many of them initially adhered to the Tactics "Atanism" (expecting) - that is, they were shouted their strength and expected liberation from the outside by the forces of the Anglo-American troops.

The position of the communist parties in the occupied countries was complex. The Soviet-German Pact for non-fire (1939) actually paralyzed the anti-fascist activities of the Communists and led to an increase in anti-communist sentiment. By 1941, no interaction of the Communists with anti-fascists could not have any speech. Only after the German attack on the Soviet Union, the Comintern called on the Communist Party to resume the anti-fascist struggle. The courageous struggle of Soviet people against fascism led to the growth of sympathies for the USSR, which weakened and anti-communist sentiment. Accepted in 1943 under the pressure of the Allies The decision to dissolve the Comintern allowed the Communists to act as an independent national forces and actively engage in the movement of resistance. Thus, another direction in resistance was determined. He was headed by communist parties and the political forces close to them, which selflessly fought for national liberation and expected to implement deep political and social transformations after the end of the war. The leaders of this flow focused on military assistance to the Soviet Union.

An important condition for the deployment of resistance movement was to combine anti-fascist forces. General resistance movement governing bodies began to form. So, in France, they united under the leadership of General Charles de Gaulle.

The anti-fascist resistance of the population of the occupied countries turned out to be in two forms: active and passive. The active form consisted in partisan wrestling, acts of sabotage and sabotage, assembly and transfer to the Allies on the anti-Hitler coalition of intelligence information, in anti-fascist propaganda and more. The passive form of resistance to the invaders was to refuse to carry out agricultural products, listening to anti-fascist radio broadcasts, reading forbidden literature, boycott propaganda events of fascists and more ..

The resistance movement in France, Italy, Poland, Yugoslavia and Greece received the greatest scope. In Yugoslavia, for example, by the Communists, the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia in early 1943 freed 2/5 of the country's territory from the occupiers. The resistance movement played an important role in the fight against fascism and accelerated his defeat.

Great Patriotic War The Soviet Union, his decisive contribution to the achievement of victory over the fascist-militaristic unit has played an extremely important role and ascent and further deploying the liberation struggle of peoples against aggressors. This struggle, which entered the history as a movement of resistance, testified to the huge growth of the political self-consciousness of masses who rejected fascism as deeply reactionary political flow And the cordial shame of his criminal acts incompatible with the universal morality. Freedom, national independence, equality, justice - these and other humane moral and political principles inspired patriots of all countries.

The movement of resistance, which in its socio-political content was anti-fascist, communion-ceratic, big influence on the character, the move and the results of the Second World War. Its main goals were to destroy fascism, reviving national independence, restoration and expansion of democratic freedoms. It was also aimed at the internal reactionary forces, traitors of national interests. In a number of countries, the fight against aggressors has gone into a speech against the foundations of the existing bourgeois landlord, for the establishment of truly national authorities.

The ideas and objectives of the resistance movement responded to the interests of the wide masses. It was attended by workers and villages, patriotic circles of bourgeoisie (small and medium), as well as intelligentsia, officers, officials. Not only the communist and working parties, but also representatives of the bourgeois parties were included in the anti-fascist struggle. The most active role in the resistance movement was played by the working class, led by communist parties, is the most consistent and courageous fighter against fascism.

Resistance movement covered many countries I united people of various nationalities. For example, in the composition of the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia, there were 03 of special international and national formations, staffed by citizens of many states. In the ranks of Polish resistance wrestlers, representatives of 34 nationalities fought. Among the participants of the Slovak National uprising were the wrestlers of more than 20 nationalities. Mass character took resistance foreign citizens aggressors in France, in Italy and other countries. At least 40 thousand Soviet citizens participated in the liberation struggle of the peoples of Europe, and many foreign antifascists (Poles, Czechs and Slovaks, Yugoslav, Hungarians, French, Germans, and others) became Bonds of Soviet partisan detachments.

In the movement of resistance almost everywhere two main directions were distinguished: People's Democratic and Bourgeois. Representatives of the People's Democratic Destiner set their tasks not only the expulsion of the hated enemy and the revival of national independence, but also the establishment of national authorities, the struggle for socio-economic transformations. The leading, organizing and mobilizing force of this direction was the Communist and Workers Parties. Clarity and concreteness of software targets and slogans, their consonance of the fundamental interests of the masses, the loyalty of the communists by the national and international interests of the working class, all workers, selfless courage in the fight against fascism provided the high authority and confidence of the people with communist parties. In a number of countries, the People's Democratic Direction remained dominant until the end of the war and ultimately won.

The bourgeois direction was headed by the figures of bourgeois parties and organizations, and in individual countries - emigrant governments. Their political programs have come down mainly to the requirement to restore lost independence, as well as the restoration of pre-war socio-economic and political orders. Not only representatives of the so-called medium-sized layers were joined to this direction, but also a part of the working people, which was attracted by national-patriotic slogans, promises of post-war democratic reforms. However, the bourgeois leadership was striving to prevent the development of mass movements, pursued the policy of "Atanism" (waiting), the essence of which was to fight the occupiers to limit to a minimum, and the existing forces to save for future fights for power.

The ratio of the leaders of this wing of the resistance movement to the People's Democratic area was hostile. In some countries, it came to political and armed provocations and even armed clashes between heterogeneous social forces. However, in these conditions, the Communist Parties sought uniting all organizations and resistance groups regardless of their political platform. It is thanks to the efforts of the Communists during the liberation struggle possible creation Wide nationwide anti-fascist fronts.

Scope and form of resistance movement were defined as internal factors Each country and external, primarily the successes of the Soviet Armed Forces. Being prepared by the entire course of previous events, it depended on the political system, the level of socio-economic development, the relationship, as well as from natural-geographical and other conditions. During World War II, the resistance movement took the character of a powerful, organized and conscious struggle of peoples.

The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union was deeply influenced by the development and activation of the struggle. As a result of the failure of Blitzkrig in the Soviet-German front, the weakening of the military power of Hitler's Germany, its allies and satellites, the resistance movement became massive, the partisan struggle was launched, the guidance role of the Communist parties increased.

The form of resistance movement was the most diverse. The most active - armed struggle included the fighting of regular and semi-regular liberation armies, as well as nationwide and local uprisings, sabotage. Wide distribution received such forms of non-equipped resistance, like sabotage, strikes, evasion from mandatory labor service and different work for invaders, ignoring orders occupation authorities, boycott, their propaganda events, anti-fascist propaganda.

Communist parties skillfully and flexibly used various forms In order for the folk masses, the wider layers of the public deeply realized the need for an active struggle against enslavers. Under the leadership of the Communist Party, with their participation resistance became more decisive. Under the leadership of the Communists, all major mass anti-fascist performances of workers were carried out.

Armed struggle with invaders usually passed several stages. Initially, these were the actions of individual combat groups and detachments, which gradually became more numerous and powerful. In some countries, the development of the partisan movement led to the creation of folk armies. In the summer of 1941 in Yugoslavia, under the leadership of the Communist Party, an open armed struggle against the fascist invaders began. From the very beginning, it took a massive character, at the end of 1941 a special brigade and up to 50 partisan detachments were formed. In the future, divisions and corps appeared, and the armed forces became referred to as the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia (Noah).

In Czechoslovakia, the struggle against the fascist invaders acquired a particularly wide scale in the spring and summer of 1944. Under the leadership of the CCP, the proletariat has become a leader of all the liberation forces united in the National Front. The country actively acted by partisan detachments. In August 1944, a Slovak national uprising occurred, and later the May uprising of the Czech people in 1945

In Poland in the fight against the German-fascist invaders, the small partisan detachments were first joined, the kernel of which were workers. Later, the Armed Fight against the occupiers was included on the initiative of the Polish Workers Party Guard Lyudov (ch), transformed into the army of Louis (AL).

In October 1941, a military center of resistance was established in October 1941, transformed into the Central Committee of the People's Liberation Army (ELAC).

In Albania, with the leading role of Communists, the partisan couple in the summer of 1943 were transformed into a national liberation army (NAAA).

The political consolidation of the forces of resistance in France allowed in early 1944 to create internal armed forces most combed and active part who were the French and partisans leading communists.

Resistance wrestlers made a significant contribution to the victory over the fascist invaders. They broke out the plans of the Nazi leadership on the transformation of Western Europe into reliable and stable rear. Patriots applied tangible blows but communications and garrisons of the enemy, disorganized work industrial enterprises, distracted part of the armed forces of the Hitler coalition. They destroyed tens of thousands of enemy soldiers and officers, expelled the invaders and their accomplices from settlements, cities and extensive areas, and in some countries (Yugoslavia, Greece, Albania, France) freed almost all the territory or a significant part of it.

The value of the resistance movement is not exhausted only by its military side. It was an important moral and political factor in the fight against fascism: even the most modest stocks were converted against the entire "new order" system, strengthened the moral forces of peoples in the fight against fascism.

During the war, there was no such single center for the coordination of the forces of resistance in Europe. However, the political influence of resistance movement was extremely great. This manifested that it united the patriots of all occupied countries in the overall anti-fascist front. The establishment of combat cooperation between the participants of the resistance of various countries indicated its international character. Thus, in the process of liberation of the peoples of Central and Southeast Europe, the Soviet partisan detachments were redesigned to the territory of their countries and fought shoulder to shoulder with Polish, Slovak and Czech partisans. In the course of the anti-fascist struggle, an agreement was concluded about the combat interaction of French and Italian partisans. Partisans of France and Belgium, partisans of Yugoslavia with partisans of Bulgaria, Greece and Italy were collaborated.

The political significance of the resistance movement consisted also that it created internal prerequisites for deep socio-economic transformations. In the countries of Central and Southeast Europe in 1944 - 1945. It turned into an uprising, which were directed not only against the invaders, but also to the overthrow of the protashist regimes. In Yugoslavia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Albania have created organs of the people's authorities. After the war, the revolutionary processes continued to evolve.

The success of the resistance movement contributed to the change in the ratio of political forces and other occupied countries of Europe. "Resistance has been established as a powerful factor in political and economic transformations" (94). In France, the Communist Party, National Front, Trade Unions, Socialists and Some Left Resistance Organization put forward the tasks of the root restructuring of the country's economy and policies. In 1943 - 1944 The requirements of socio-economic transformations were included in the program of the right-hand organizations of French resistance. Even where the victory over fascism did not lead to revolutionary changes, a number of social and political reforms were carried out, not affected, however, the bases of the exploitative system.

The resistance movement in the countries of the Hitler coalition had its own characteristics, but compared with the occupied states. The anti-fascist struggle was carried out in the most severe conditions of mass repression and executions, the brutal persecution of all Democrats. Moreover, the terror regime and political cure in the countries of the Hitler's coalition were combined with a particularly sophisticated nationalist and militarist demagogue, which extremely hampered the anti-fascist struggle. Based on the branched system of ideological and political foliations, the Nazis sought to erase democratic ideas from the consciousness.

The negative impact on the anti-fascist movement in the countries of the Hitler's coalition, especially in Germany, have changed social structure population. Most of the working class was intended to be in the army, a significant number of the most active workers were thrown into fascist bunches and concentration camps. Personnel workers in production were replaced by representatives of medium-sized layers, the work of prisoners of war and stolen from the occupied civilians who were constantly under special supervision and control were widely used.

Nevertheless, the liberation movement in the countries of the fascist block during the war increased. Already at the beginning of it in deep underground, anti-fascists consolidated. Communists and other representatives of the progressive forces, exposing the criminal nature of the actions of aggressors, emphasized the inevitability of their military and political defeat. The organizational basis of the resistance movement was underground organizations and groups led mainly by the Communists.

The powerful impulse for expanding and activating the anti-fascist resistance gave the heroic struggle of the Soviet Union. The victories of the Soviet Armed Forces and their fundamental fracture during the war, the fascist system loosened, contributed to the change in the social and political views of various social groups, growth of rows of anti-fascists.

An important role in the consolidation of the anti-fascist forces was played by the USSR All Svestilian Committee, the National Committee "Free Germany", the Union of Polish Patriots and other organizations. In October 1941, in October 1941, a Committee of Action was established under the Committee for the Union of Patriotic Force within the country and abroad. Countering the terrorist fascist regime intensified in Germany and other states. In all countries of the aggressive block grew discontent internal and foreign Policy The fascist dictatorships are a further increase in the activity of the masses depended in many respects from the level of leadership by the Communist Parties. Where it was possible to achieve close cohesion of the rows of the working class and the association around the democratic forces, large anti-fascist organizations and partisan formations were created.

In the countries who joined the fascist block, the Bulgarian people rose first on the mass armed struggle against the reactionary regime. At the end of June 1941, under the leadership of the Communist Party of Bulgaria, partisan groups were organized, the number of which in the future increased rapidly. In the spring of 1943, the People's Liberation Rebel Army was formed and a plan of armed actions and a nationwide scale was developed. In early September 1944, partisan forces were over 30 thousand armed fighters and operated with the support of more than 200 thousand assistants partisans.

The transfer of the actions of the Soviet army into the territory of the countries of Central and Southeast Europe and the successful implementation of its liberation mission was even more inspired by patriots, instilled faith in them in the final defeat of the fascist regimes. All new and new participants have included in the resistance movement. Thus, the entry of the Soviet Army into the territory of Bulgaria created favorable conditions for the deployment of mass revolutionary actions. In those controlled by the people's liberation rebel army, the national authorities were established. On September 9, 1944, as a result of a nationwide, anti-fascist armed uprising in the country, the monarch-fascist regime was overthrown and the government of the Patriotic Front was formed.

In Romania, in the process of preparation for an armed uprising, which was headed by a compartment, a large number of combat patriotic groups. In the summer of 1944, a national-democratic unit was formed, which included the Communist, Social Democratic, National Liberal and National Taranted Party. He made the immediate overthrow of the fascist government and the cessation of an aggressive war. The successes of the Soviet Army, first of all, its outstanding victory in the Yaskovineal operation, accelerated the development of the anti-fascular struggle in the country. On August 23, an armed uprising occurred in Bucharest, which led to the overthrow of the fascist dictatorship.

Despite the most severe terror, prepared for an armed uprising in Hungary, which in March 1944 was occupied by the German-fascist troops. In May of the same year, the call of the Communists was created by the Anti-Fascist Hungarian Front, which united almost all parties and the organization of trade unions. As the country's Soviet army is released, local committees were transformed into public authorities, which played an important role in democratic and socialist transformations.

Under the influence of the success of the Soviet Armed Forces, as well as the actions of the American-British troops, landed in the fall of 1943 in southern Italy, the first partisan formations in the northern part of Italy arose. At the initiative of the Communist Party, they managed to unite them in June 1944 to the People's Army - the Corps of Volunteers of Freedom, at first there were 82 thousand, and by April 1945 - already 150 thousand people. The mass movement of resistance turned into Italy under the leadership of the working class. The presentation of the armed forces of resistance in the second half of April 1945, supported by the call of the Communists with a universal strike, led to the fact that in many industrial centers and cities of Northern Italy, almost all German-fascist troops and blacks folded the weapons before the arrival of the Anglo-American troops.

The decisive actions of the Soviet Army contributed to the strengthening of the struggle of German anti-fascists. In the spring of 1944, a political platform developed by the Communist Party of 1944 focused on the union in a wide anti-fascist front of the resistance. The operational leadership of the Communist Party of Germany (CSG) created on the territory of Germany (CPG) was achieving the unity of the actions of all the anti-fascist forces of the country. In the fight against Nazism, the increasing number of representatives of the middle layers in the rear and the soldiers at the front were included. A large detachment of the anti-fascist movement was formed among the German prisoners of war in the USSR led by the National Committee "Free Germany".

CPG has repeatedly appealed to the people of Germany with a call to take mass performances for the speedy cessation bloody war and preventing senseless destruction in German land. On the eve of the collapse of the fascist regime, the progressive forces managed to prevent a number of damage planned by the Nazis, tens of thousands of human lives. In the city of Eisleben, for example, the anti-fascist working group took power in their hands even before the arrival of the US-English troops. In a number of cities, anti-fascists managed to disarm the vermochet and folksturma divisions, paralyze the work of military factories. As the Soviet Army of Cities and settlements From the fascists of the CPG took the leadership of the progressive forces aimed at implementing a program to create a vision, democratic Germany.

Fascism resistance existed in Hitler's concentration camps, camps for prisoners of war and foreign workers, where the Nazis used them as slave power. Prisoners, despite the inhuman conditions of existence, committed sabotage and sabotage at military enterprises, conducted anti-fascist propaganda, organized mutual assistance. Soviet officers and soldiers, who headed many underground organizations and groups played an active role in this struggle.

The resistance movement was an integral part of the liberation struggle of peoples. This struggle was associated with large victims.

Hundreds of thousands of patriots gave life on the battlefields and in Hitler's docks. Particularly great were losses among the communists.

The mass growth of the rows of resistance movement and its effectiveness is inextricably linked with the struggle of the Soviet people, with the victims of the Armed Forces of the USSR. For peoples enslaved by fascist Germany, resistance was a kind of form of their participation in the fight against "new order". The resistance movement personified primarily the desire of peoples to freedom and national independence. It is on this basis that heterogeneous social and political groups collaborated in it.

The process of the struggle of the movement of resistance to people's democratic and socialist revolutions in a number of Central and Southeastern Europe countries occur due to the combination of favorable domestic political and external conditions. Internal conditions were to exacerbate the contradictions of the socio-economic and political life of these states, in the growth of the liberation struggle of the masses led by the working class against the fascist invaders and who collaborated with them the part of the national bourgeoisie. The victorious offensive of the Soviet Armed Forces was an external decisive condition that contributed to the weakening, increasing and final elimination of the existing regime in these countries.

In general, the anti-fascist movement continued the revolutionary traditions of the working masses, enriched their experience of liberation struggle. An arising in almost all countries occupied by the fascist powers, the resistance movement united wide sections of the population under their banners, which by the end of the war became genuinely nationwide force acting in the direction of progress and democracy.

The population of the captured countries of Europe and the Soviet Union did not support the political and military economic plans of the invaders. On the contrary, the anti-fascist resistance has grown every day, and not only in the occupied countries, but also in the countries of the Allys of Nazi Germany.

The spontaneous anti-fascist performances began to flash in many European countries from the first days of war. The struggle against the German fascist invaders in Europe was called resistance movement.

The resistance movement is a set of armed, economic and ideological forms of the population of seized countries against the German occupying regime for freedom and national-state independence.

The most effective forms of resistance to the German-fascist aggressors were partisan movement, underground struggle, agitation and propaganda activities, economic sabotage, non-fulfillment of decision-making instructions and orders of the military-occupation authorities. From the fall of 1939, the foci of antigherman resistance in Poland began to occur. It was a significant strength and developed in the form of various illegal trends. Polish resistance was supported by the Government of Poland, which was in emigration first in France, from 1940 - in the UK and headed by V. Sikorsky.

Patriots of France did not conquer. The forces of the French resistance movement in early July 1941 were united to the National Front, the purpose of which was the liberation of France from the fascist invaders. In May 1943, the National Council of Resistance, which united all the anti-fascist forces of France was formed. Armed detachments of the organization "Frances and Partizans" were involved in the fight against the occupiers. In the spring of 1944, the organization of French patriots united into the army of the French domestic forces, the number of which reached almost 500 thousand people.

The most wide range of antigherman resistance acquired in Yugoslavia. In the autumn of 1941, there were about 70 thousand people in the units of Yugoslavian partisans. They freed from the enemy a number of countries of the country. In November 1942, the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia was formed, which made a significant contribution to the struggle of the Yugoslav people against the German-fascist aggressors. During the war, more than 1.7 million Yugoslav patriots died.

Anti-fascist struggle unfolded in Albania, Belgium, Greece, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Czechoslovakia. Patriotic struggle unfolded even in those countries where pro-governments operated: Italy, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, Hungary. So, in the north and in the center of Italy, the partisan Garibaldian brigades operated. The unification of the Italian partisans of the freedom volunteers at the beginning of 1945 there were 350 thousand people. The anti-fascist resistance movement took place in Germany and Austria, as well as in neutral Sweden and Switzerland.

People of different social layers and groups, political and religious views participated in the resistance movement: intelligentsia and bourgeoisie, workers and peasants, communists and socialists, liberals, conservatives and non-partisan, Christians and Muslims. They were united by a common goal - to confront the German occupying regime and restore national-state independence. About 40 thousand of our compatriots participated in the resistance movement.

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