The passive part of fixed assets includes. The concept of the active and passive part of fixed assets

landscaping 14.10.2019

Fixed assets - tangible assets that an enterprise holds for the purpose of using them in the process of production or supply of goods, provision of services, leasing to other persons or for the implementation of administrative and socio-cultural functions, the expected useful life (operation) of which is more than one year ( or operating cycle if it lasts longer than a year). The cost of fixed assets less accumulated depreciation is called net fixed assets or residual value. Fixed assets are accepted for accounting at their original cost, however, in the future, fixed assets are reflected in the balance sheet at their residual value. The residual value of fixed assets is determined as the difference between the original cost and depreciation. Accounted for as non-current assets.

Table 4 - Structure of fixed assets, thousand rubles


1. Fixed assets (total)


2.Buildings and structures

3.Machinery and equipment


5.Production and households. inventory

6. Land plots and objects of nature management

Table 4 shows that fixed assets, in the reporting year, increased by 85 million rubles, because. there is an increase in indicators for almost all items.

2.3 Analysis of fixed assets Share of fixed assets in assets

The indicator is a summary of the structural analysis and characterizes the degree of capitalization of assets into fixed assets.

Calculation formula:

Share of fixed assets in assets = value of fixed assets / balance sheet total

Share of fixed assets in assets=256,575/574,661=0.45

The active part of the OPF represents those types of means of labor that most directly and actively affect the objects of labor in the process of their processing into a finished product. The active part of the BPF includes machinery and equipment, transmission devices, special types of tools. The passive part of the OPF- these are the types of means of labor that do not have a direct impact on the objects of labor in the process of processing raw materials into the finished product. At the same time, the presence of such types of OPF is objectively necessary. The passive part of the OPF includes buildings, structures, vehicles and inventory.

Share of the active part of fixed assets

Shows what part of the total cost of existing fixed assets is their active (participating in the production) part. The active part of fixed assets is machinery, equipment and vehicles. The growth of this indicator in dynamics is usually regarded as a favorable trend.

Calculation formula:

Share of the active part of fixed assets = value of the active part of fixed assets / value of fixed assets

Share of the active part of fixed assets (2014)=473,734/474,684=0.998

Share of the active part of fixed assets (2013)=388,593/389,550=0.998

Fixed assets and their use

The main element of the production process is the means of production, which form the production assets of the enterprise. Production assets are understood as the means of production, expressed in the form of value and functioning in the sphere of material production. The production assets of the enterprise are divided into basic industrial production assets and working capital.

Fixed assets are the most significant component of the property of the enterprise and its non-current assets. Fixed assets are fixed assets expressed in terms of value.

Fixed assets are a set of material assets that operate in kind for a long time both in the sphere of material production and outside the production sphere. Participating in the production process for a long time, fixed assets, as they are used in parts, transfer their value to finished products while retaining its natural form.

However, not all means of labor are fixed assets. Not related to fixed assets and are accounted for as low-value and wearing items:

    regardless of their service life, construction mechanized tool tools, which are classified as fixed assets, regardless of their value;

    items that last less than one year, regardless of their value;

    special tools and special devices, overalls, including uniforms, special shoes, as well as bedding, rental items, regardless of their cost and service life.

The main defining features of fixed assets of the enterprise are as follows:

    they are used by the enterprise for the production of goods and services, for leasing to other organizations;

    participate in economic activity enterprises for more than one year;

    retain their natural-material form for a long time;

    their value is transferred to the manufactured products gradually, in parts, over a number of cycles.

Structure of fixed assets

For the correct organization of fixed assets accounting great importance have their classification. For accounting, evaluation and analysis, fixed assets are classified according to a number of criteria.

Depending on the functional purpose, fixed assets are divided into production and non-production.

The main production assets repeatedly participate in the production process, while maintaining their natural material form.

Fixed non-production assets do not participate in the production process of production and do not transfer their value to the finished product; they are designed to meet the everyday and cultural needs of the people.

Depending on the material-natural composition, the main production assets are divided into the following groups:

    buildings - production and non-production buildings, residential buildings;

    facilities - hydraulic structures, dams, bridges, cableways, etc.;

    transmission devices - with their help, energy is transmitted various kinds, as well as liquid and gaseous substances;

    mechanisms and equipment - power machines and equipment, heat engineering equipment, turbine equipment, electric motors, tractors, etc.;

    vehicles - railway rolling stock, sea and river fleet, industrial and municipal transport, rolling stock of road transport, etc.;

    tools - drilling and jackhammers, spray guns, etc.;

    production and household inventory and accessories - containers, inventory of hotels and economic organizations etc.;

    working and productive livestock - horses, camels and other livestock, except for oxen and deer;

    perennial plantations - cherry, plum, vineyards, etc.

According to the degree of impact on the object of labor, the main production assets are divided into active and passive.

Active funds serve the production process, directly affect the level of technical equipment of labor at the enterprise.

Passive funds take an indirect part in the production process, create conditions for its implementation.

By ownership, fixed assets are divided into own and borrowed. Own funds wholly owned by the company. Loan funds, being the property of other enterprises, are temporarily used at this enterprise in accordance with a lease or leasing agreement.

By industry, fixed assets are divided into fixed assets of industry, construction, transport, communications, etc.

According to the age composition, fixed assets are grouped depending on the service life: up to 5 years, from 5 to 10 years, from 10 to 15 years, from 15 to 20 years, over 20 years.

The above classification of fixed assets shows that not all of their types play the same role in the production process. For example, some are directly involved in the production process, while others have an indirect influence on it. In this regard, the ratio of individual fixed assets in their total value, or their ratio in structure, is of great economic importance.

Initial cost

The initial cost is the cost of acquiring fixed production assets, including construction and installation works, transportation costs for the delivery of equipment, customs payments and other costs associated with the commissioning of an inventory unit of fixed assets.

At their original cost, fixed assets are included in the balance sheet of the association, enterprise. This value underlies the calculation of depreciation, payments to the budget, profitability and return on assets. The advantage of this assessment method is its simplicity, since the initial cost is always known, and the disadvantage is the lack of consideration for the degree of moral and physical deterioration. This disadvantage is manifested in the long-term use of funds. For such types of funds, their actual value does not correspond to the initial value, and, consequently, significant distortions are introduced into the calculation of economic indicators.

replacement cost

Replacement cost is the cost of manufacturing fixed assets in modern conditions, which is determined in the time of revaluation as the product of the initial cost of fixed assets and the coefficient of recalculation of the cost of fixed assets, taking into account changes in prices for similar types of fixed assets.

In conditions of inflation, the revaluation of fixed assets at the enterprise allows:

    objectively assess the true value of fixed assets;

    more correctly and accurately determine the costs of production and sale of products;

    more accurately determine the amount of depreciation charges sufficient for simple reproduction of fixed assets;

    objectively set sales prices for fixed assets and rents being sold.

residual value

Residual value is the initial or replacement cost minus the actual accrued depreciation, that is, this is that part of the cost of fixed assets that has not yet been transferred to manufactured products.

Evaluation of fixed assets at their residual value is necessary, first of all, in order to know their qualitative state, in particular, to determine the coefficients of suitability and physical depreciation and to draw up a balance sheet.

Thus, the residual value implies the exclusion of that share of the value of fixed assets that is transferred to the products in the manufacturing process of which they took part.

Depreciation of equipment

In the process of operation, fixed assets gradually become unusable, losing their consumer value. In this regard, there is a need to replace them with new, more modern ones. The loss of value by fixed assets comes in two forms - physical and obsolescence.

Physical depreciation is the result of material depreciation of fixed assets both in the process of their use and during inactivity due to natural and climatic conditions, corrosion, changes in the structure of metals, etc. Under the influence of a number of factors, depreciation of fixed assets occurs in different dates. In this regard, a distinction is made between complete and partial depreciation of fixed assets. Full physical depreciation involves the liquidation and replacement of worn-out fixed assets with new ones at the expense of the depreciation fund. Partial wear is compensated by repair at the cost of production.

Moral depreciation of fixed assets does not depend on their physical depreciation. A physically fit machine can be so morally obsolete that its operation becomes economically unprofitable.

The essence of obsolescence lies in the fact that the means of labor remain efficient, but their exploitation becomes economically inexpedient earlier than physical wear and tear sets in, before the end of the term. beneficial use. To the greatest extent, obsolescence is characteristic of the active part of fixed assets - machinery and equipment and is due to scientific and technological progress.

There are two types of obsolescence. Obsolescence of the first kind consists in the loss of value of machines as their reproduction becomes cheaper. The obsolescence of the second kind of existing machines and equipment is due to the emergence and introduction of new, more progressive machines into the economy of the national economy.

To replace depreciated fixed assets, enterprises must accumulate certain funds. Accumulation is carried out by accruing depreciation. To compensate for the cost of depreciated fixed assets, a depreciation fund is used, which is formed at the expense of depreciation deductions.

The concept of "wear and tear" is primary in relation to the concept of "depreciation". First of all, depreciation is material, measurable and does not depend on the methods of accounting. Depreciation is intangible, it cannot be measured, but can only be quantified, that is, accrued, moreover, in one way or another, which is laid down in the accounting policy of the organization.


Depreciation - it is the process of allocating the depreciable cost of an asset between accounting periods over its useful life and systematically transferring the depreciable cost of an asset to the value of the products it produces.

The enterprise independently determines the methods and methods of depreciation.

The straight-line method consists in uniform accrual of depreciation by the enterprise over the entire standard life of fixed assets. With the straight-line method, the annual depreciation rates in the first and each subsequent year are the same. The annual amount of depreciation is determined based on the depreciable cost of the fixed asset and the standard service life by multiplying the depreciable cost by the accepted annual linear rate of depreciation.

This method is easy to use, involves a straight-line accumulation of depreciation. At the same time, it weakly stimulates an increase in the efficiency of the use of fixed assets, there is a possibility of underdepreciation due to insufficient consideration of the impact of obsolescence, etc. these problems can be solved by using the accelerated depreciation method.

Non-linear methods consist in the uneven accrual of depreciation by the enterprise over the useful life of an item of fixed assets. With the non-linear method, the annual amount of depreciation is calculated using the sum of the number of years method or the declining balance method. Depreciation rates in the first and each of subsequent years of the period of application of the non-linear methods may be different.

The enterprise has the right to establish a non-linear depreciation method in relation to: transmission devices, power machines and mechanisms, laboratory equipment, computers, tools, working livestock, intangible assets.

The non-linear depreciation method does not apply to machines, equipment, vehicles with a standard service life of up to 3 years, unique equipment intended for use only under certain conditions, interior items, leisure.

With the non-linear method, the annual amount of depreciation is calculated using the sum of the number of years method or the decreasing balance method with an acceleration factor in the interval.

Useful life

The inclusion of a fixed asset in one or another depreciation group depends on the useful life, that is, the period of time during which the depreciable property serves the purposes of the owner. This period is set by the taxpayer when the fixed assets are put into operation.

You can change this period upwards by carrying out reconstruction, technical re-equipment or modernization. It is possible to increase the useful life only within the years established for this depreciation group.

If, as a result of the improvements made, the useful life has not changed, then the remaining useful life will be used in the calculations.

The useful life of intangible objects is established by the validity period of the certificate, patent, agreement in accordance with the legislation of Russia or other states. If it is impossible to determine the period of use of an intangible asset, then 10 years is taken into account by default (but not more than the period of the owner's activity).

For such intangible assets as the exclusive right to a utility model, industrial design, invention, computer program, selection achievements, topology of integrated circuits, the owner has the right to set the operating time independently, but not more than 2 years.

Enterprise performance indicators

To determine the efficiency of the use of fixed assets, a number of generalizing indicators are used.

The return on assets is defined as the ratio of the volume of production in monetary terms to the average annual cost of fixed assets, that is, it determines the output per 1 i of fixed assets.

In practice, when planning the need for fixed assets, the capital intensity indicator is used products, which characterizes the required amount of fixed assets to obtain products for 1 i.

The level of provision of employees with fixed assets is determined by the capital-labor ratio. It shows how much the cost of fixed assets falls on each worker.

Efficiency indicators for the use of fixed assets can be improved due to the following factors:

    improvement of the organization of production and labor and the elimination of unscheduled downtime;

    reducing time and improving the quality of repairs;

    involvement in the work of inactive fixed assets;

    modernization and automation of equipment;

    professional development of personnel;

    improvement of engineering and technology.

Fixed assets (non-current funds, fixed capital)- part of the property of the enterprise used as a means of labor in the production of products. Fixed assets are material values ​​created by labor, functioning long time.

In the literature, a number of related concepts are often used - non-current assets, fixed capital, means of production, fixed assets, fixed assets. The concept of "non-current assets" is used mainly in financial reporting and presented in section 1 of the asset balance. This is the broadest concept, because they include all PP assets used to generate profit for a long time (usually more than 1 year).

The part of the SP capital invested in non-current assets constitutes the fixed capital.

Fixed assets include: buildings, structures, working and power machines and equipment, computers, vehicles, tools, production and household inventory and accessories, working, productive and breeding livestock, perennial plantations, on-farm roads, etc. relevant objects . Tools, production and household inventory and various accessories in the event that their value exceeds 100 minimum wages at the time of their purchase.

For the purpose of a more reliable analysis, fixed assets are classified into several groups according to their purpose.

Group name Composition of the group a brief description of
Building Industrial buildings, premises of services, laboratories, warehouses, shops Create comfortable conditions for the normal course of the production process, protect machines and equipment from the effects of the external atmospheric environment
Structures Mines, gas and oil wells, overpasses, bridges, tunnels, hydrotechnical, water and sewer facilities, viaducts Perform functions for maintenance production, not related to a change in the object of labor
Transfer devices Power transmission and communication devices: electric and heating networks, pipelines, cable lines, overhead communication lines, sewer networks, plumbing. Produce the transmission of electrical, thermal and mechanical energy to working machines.
cars and equipment Metal cutting and woodworking machines, presses, thermal furnaces, electroplating equipment, forging and pressing machine tools, electrical equipment, energy, working and information machines and equipment They are directly involved in the production process, during which, when exposed to the object of labor, a finished product is formed
Vehicles Railway rolling stock, means of water transport, cars, air transport, subway cars, trams, means of floor industrial transport. Designed to perform production, household functions, transportation of goods and people, as in-house intra-shop transport.
Tool All types of tools for processing metal, wood: mechanical, pneumatic, electrified tools Participates in the implementation of the production process and performs the functions of its maintenance
Measuring and regulating instruments and devices, laboratory equipment Control and verification, measuring and testing equipment, control panels, signaling and blocking Designed for automation of production management, testing and laboratory research finished products, semi-finished products, raw materials and components
Industrial and economic inventory Production equipment - technical items: containers for storing liquids, containers, furniture. Household inventory - office and household items, sports equipment Participate in the implementation of the production process (excluding household inventory)

Fixed assets participate in a number of production cycles, transferring its value to manufactured products as it wears out, retaining its natural-material form during the entire useful life of fixed assets.

Under useful life understand the period of time during which the object of fixed assets is intended to generate income for the enterprise and serve the main goals of its activities.

The main defining features of fixed production assets:

Natural and value measurement

Gradual transfer of value to the product produced in parts as it wears out

Preservation of the natural-material form during the service life

There are different ways of receiving fixed assets to the enterprise:

Purchase, manufacture

Capital contribution

Receipt under a donation agreement or free of charge as assistance

Receipt under an agreement for payment in non-monetary means, or netting

OS can be divided into tangible and intangible. NMAs include:

1. Rights of use land plots, natural resources, software products, monopoly rights and privileges, completed research and development, carried out at its own expense - depreciable assets.

2. Patents, licenses, know-how, trademarks, trade marks- non-depreciable assets.

NMA have a number of characteristic properties that distinguish them from MA: duration of operation; no useful waste; high risk

Fixed assets include active and passive parts, which play a different role in the production process. Their ratio depends on the type of activity of the enterprise.

Structure of fixed assets- the ratio of individual groups in value terms.

Active part (production funds)- means of labor directly involved in the production process and in the creation of a product of labor: machinery and equipment, measuring and control devices, computing and org. equipment, vehicles, tools, production and household inventory.

Passive part (non-productive assets)- means of labor that contribute to the creation of a product: buildings, structures.

The passive part prevails in the clothing industry, the food, meat and dairy industries, and the building materials industry.

The following factors influence the structure of fixed assets:

1. Design and technological features of the manufactured products - in the production of large-sized products with a large mass, the passive part of the OS increases, in the manufacture of products with a simple configuration, the active part of the OS increases.

2. Type of production - in the mass production of a certain type of product, the share of their active part increases. A single production is characterized by a decrease in the share of the active part.

3. The character of technological processes and the technical level of production - new technologies and a high technical level cause a decrease in the passive part in the OS structure.

4. The level of concentration, specialization, cooperation and combination of production of large specialized subsidiaries with developed cooperative ties with an increase in production volumes, the share of the active part of the OS increased.

5. Geographic location of the substation of the industry - the location of the substation close to sources of raw materials, consumers has an impact on reducing the share of the passive part of the fixed assets in the form of storage facilities, fuel tanks, etc.

The functioning of fixed assets and intangible assets is limited by their service life, after which they are no longer in circulation, which necessitates their renewal, replacement or modernization.

Fixed assets are reflected in the financial statements depending on the purpose of the initial, replacement, residual and salvage value.

Initial the cost of fixed assets acquired or built for a fee, as well as those created at the point of sale, is recognized as the sum of the actual costs of the point for the acquisition, construction or manufacture, excluding VAT. The initial cost of fixed assets is not subject to change, except for cases of completion, additional equipment, reconstruction, modernization, partial liquidation and revaluation.

Restorative the cost of OS is the cost of similar OS in the current conditions of reproduction. Replacement cost is important in determining the amount of costs that will be required for replacement.

liquidation cost is the possible cost of selling an asset or their remains after the expiration of the operating life.

The use of fixed assets can be estimated using the following. coefficients.

Reproduction of fixed assets implemented in the form of capital investments.

The result of equipment replacement is evaluated by the following indicators:

1. Renewal coefficient Kob = OS in / OS k.g., where

OS in - the cost of the introduced fixed assets, OS k.g. - the total value of fixed assets at the end of the year.

2. Retirement rate Кvyb = OS vyb / OS n.g., where

OS select. - cost of retired fixed assets, fixed assets n.g. - the total cost of the main average at the beginning of the year.

3. Growth coefficient Kpr \u003d OS in / OS n.g., where

OS in - the cost of the introduced fixed assets, OS n.g. - the total cost of the main funds at the beginning of the year.

The excess of input over disposal provides an increase in fixed assets.

The problem of the growth of fixed assets is relevant today ... ..

The process of growth of fixed assets is influenced by two fundamental factors: the investment activity of the enterprise and retirement.

Reasons for leaving may include:

Complete wear or inability to continue operation



Transfer as a founding contribution to the mouth. capital of other organizations;

Free transfer under an exchange or donation agreement;

Liquidation in case of accidents, natural disasters;

In the process of managing non-current funds, the following indicators are of great importance:

1. Capital productivity \u003d B / OS cf., Where B is the sales proceeds, OS cf - \u003d cf. the cost of the main funds in the analyzed period

2. Capital intensity \u003d OS cf / V

3. Profitability \u003d P / OS cf, where P - profit, OS cf - \u003d cf. the cost of the main funds in the analyzed period

4. Capital-labor ratio \u003d OS cf / H cf, where OS cf - \u003d cf. the cost of the main funds in the analyzed period, H cf - the average number of employees.

Information on the availability and movement of fixed assets and other non-financial assets is contained in the special. reporting form developed by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 127. It includes the following sections: availability, movement, composition of fixed assets of the main activity, availability of fixed assets of other types of activities, depreciation and capital repairs of fixed assets, average annual cost OS.

Fixed assets are indicated by balance sheet, replacement (including revaluation) and residual value, which makes it possible to assess the degree of their deterioration. Due to wear and tear of the OS, they require periodic reassessment

Wear- this is a partial or complete loss of the OS of its consumer properties and value.


1. Physical wear:

1.1 Wear in service

1.2 Wear and tear during inactivity

2. Obsolescence:

2.1 Conditioned by an increase in the productivity of social labor

2.2 Due to the use of economical and productive machines.

Revaluation of fixed assets carried out using the following methods:

Expert method - repricing is carried out by a special commission from among highly qualified specialists.

The index method is a revaluation carried out by multiplying the book value of the object by the price index, which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In order to compensate for depreciation, enterprises create a fund, the source of which is depreciation.

Depreciation of fixed production assets is the process of gradually transferring their value to the product produced.

Sinking fund- a special monetary reserve intended for the reproduction of fixed assets in their entirety.

Depreciation rate (On)- the annual percentage of deductions to the fund, which is the percentage of reimbursement of the cost of fixed assets.

Fixed assets ( , fixed capital) is a part of . They are created in the process, reused in production (economy) and gradually (in parts, by) transfer their value to the created products and services without changing their natural-material form.

The fixed assets are essential element national wealth.

The essence of fixed assets

Fixed assets are production assets, as they are created and used in the production process.

Fixed assets include items that serve at least a year and cost above a certain value, established depending on the dynamics of prices for products of capital-creating industries (Fixed assets include objects whose value is determined in the amount of fifty times the minimum monthly wage established by law as of the date of their acquisition).

The essence of fixed assets:
  • they are materially embodied in the means of labor;
  • their cost is transferred in parts to the products;
  • they retain their natural shape for a long time as they wear;
  • are reimbursed on the basis of depreciation at the end of their service life.
Signs of fixed capital
  • Operates for a long time, repeatedly participates in the production of products and services
  • Transfers its value to the result of labor in parts, as it wears out
  • Does not change its material form during operation

Classification of fixed assets

To study the composition of fixed assets, groupings are used according to the following criteria:

  • by sectors of the economy - fixed assets of industries that produce goods and provide services;
  • by forms of ownership - fixed assets owned by the state, private and other types of property;
  • according to the system of participation in the production process - fixed assets directly used in the production process of products (works, services), and inactive fixed assets, including those in reserve, for conservation, repair, reconstruction;
  • by ownership - own and leased fixed assets;
  • on a territorial basis - the fixed assets of districts, republics, territories, regions and cities.
Sources of data on fixed assets:
  • regular statistical reporting on the presence and
  • one-time statistical reporting on the revaluation of fixed assets
  • business register data and sample survey data.

By affiliation fixed assets are divided into own and rented. Basic production assets depending on the degree of their impact on the subject of work divided into active and passive.

Tangible and intangible fixed assets

According to the all-Russian classifier, fixed assets are divided into tangible and intangible.

Tangible fixed assets include:

  • Buildings (other than housing).
  • Structures.
  • Dwellings.
  • Cars and equipment.
  • Vehicles.
  • Tools, production and household inventory.
  • Working and productive livestock.
  • Perennial plantations.
  • Other fixed assets.

Building- buildings and structures in which the processes of the main, auxiliary and ancillary industries take place; administrative buildings; economic buildings. The cost of these facilities, in addition to the construction part, also includes the cost of heating systems, plumbing, electrical fittings, ventilation devices, etc. The cost of buildings in the composition of the main industrial and production assets of Russia is 28%.

Structures. The group of structures, respectively, 21% includes engineering and construction facilities that are necessary for the implementation of the production process: roads, flyovers, tunnels, bridges, etc.

cars and equipment— power machines and equipment, including all types of power units and engines; working machines and equipment that directly affect the object of labor or its movement in the process of creating products; measuring or control instruments and devices and laboratory equipment intended for measurements, regulation of production processes, testing and research; since 1972, computer technology has been allocated into a separate subgroup: electronic computers, analog control machines, as well as machines and devices used to control production and technological processes; other machines and equipment that are not included in the listed subgroups.

The share of the "machinery and equipment" group in 2002 was 43% in the total value of industrial fixed assets.

Vehicles(owned by enterprises rolling stock railways, water and road transport, as well as intra-factory vehicles: autocars, trolleys, carts, etc.). share Vehicle rose to 18%.

Tools and fixtures. Fixed assets include instruments of all types with a service life of more than 1 year. Tools and inventory that have been used for less than 1 year are classified as working capital.

Transfer devices(6%) - plumbing and electrical network; heating network, gas networks, steam pipelines, i.e., objects that transfer various types of energy from engine machines to working machines (oil pipelines, gas pipelines, etc.)

Production and household equipment and accessories, designed to store materials, tools and facilitate the performance of production operations - workbenches, racks, tables, containers, office and household items (furniture, fireproof cabinets, duplicators, fire-fighting items, etc.).

Working and productive livestock. Working cattle (horses, bulls, oxen, camels, etc.) have been separated into a separate group since 1996. The composition of fixed assets also includes productive livestock - adult animals that produce products and offspring (cows, ewes, sows, etc.). The cost of young animals, livestock and fattening animals is included in the working capital agricultural enterprises.

perennial plantations. The main funds include perennial plantations: fruit-bearing orchards, berry fields, windbreaks.

On-farm roads.

Land owned by the enterprise.

Other fixed assets.

Under the influence of scientific and technical progress, directions of economic and depreciation policy of the state, the classification of fixed assets is periodically reviewed.

The above classification of material fixed assets is specified for each sector of the economy. That is, the classification of industrial fixed assets is different from the classification of fixed assets Agriculture, and the classification of the OF in agriculture differs from the classification of the OF in construction.

In-kind classification of fixed assets allows you to analyze the change in their structure, to determine the share of the active and passive parts of fixed assets. The assignment of one or another type of fixed assets to the active or passive part depends on the specifics of the industry activity. Usually, buildings and structures are included in the passive part of fixed assets. But in a number of industries, for example, in the oil and gas industry, wells (included in the group of structures) are part of the active part of fixed assets.

Intangible fixed assets (intangible produced assets):

  • Expenses for mineral exploration.
  • Computer software and databases.
  • Original works of entertainment genre, literature and art.
  • Science-intensive industrial technologies.
  • Other intangible fixed assets that are objects of intellectual property, the use of which is limited by the rights of ownership established on them.

Fixed assets include not only operating fixed assets, but also the cost of unfinished objects that pass in such a state from the manufacturer to the user's property or, when they are paid in stages, are actually financed by the customer. Consequently, assets are accounted for as part of fixed assets from the moment they become the property of the owner. As a result, fixed assets increase by the value of the value of unfinished produced tangible assets, i.e., by the value of the value of equipment in progress (with a long production cycle) in the part paid by the customer, uninstalled equipment paid by the customer. This group also includes livestock, young animals, plantations of perennial plantations that have not reached fruiting age, grown for repeated production of the corresponding products, as well as bee colonies, poultry and fish, grown for the production of livestock products and breeding purposes.

See also

    Essence, classification and structure of fixed assets of the enterprise

    Types of valuation of fixed assets

    Depreciation and reproduction of fixed assets

    Depreciation methods

    Indicators of the use of fixed assets

    Essence, classification and structure of fixed assets of the enterprise

The totality of all elements involved in the process of manufacturing products is defined by the concept of "means of production", which can be divided into means of labor (machines, machine tools) and objects of labor (raw materials, materials).

Fixed assets (PF) - these are the means of labor owned by the enterprise and use them in the process of production and supply of products, provision of services, implementation of socio-cultural and administrative functions.

Fixed assets are characterized by a long period of use (more than a year). At the same time, they do not change their natural-material shape and size, and also gradually transfer their value to the cost of finished products (depreciated).

To account for and evaluate the effectiveness of OFs, they are classified according to a number of criteria:

1. By function distinguish between production (OPF) and non-production fixed assets.

Production fixed assets function in the sphere of material production, repeatedly participate in the production process, wear out gradually, and their value is transferred to the manufactured product in parts as it is used. They are replenished through capital investments. They are divided into the following groups: buildings, structures, transmission devices, machinery and equipment, vehicles, tools, production equipment.

Non-productive fixed assets - residential buildings, children's and sports institutions, other objects of cultural and community services that are on the balance sheet of the enterprise. Unlike production assets, non-production assets do not participate in the production process and do not transfer their value to the product, since it is not created.

2. By industry one can single out the fixed assets of industry, construction, and other branches.

3. By use allocate fixed assets that are in operation (operating), in reserve (conservation) and inactive.

4. By ownership Distinguish between own and leased fixed assets.

6. By degree of participation in the production process allocate:

a) active part- fixed assets directly take part in the production process;

b) passive part - fixed assets create the conditions for the implementation of the production process.

The ratio of various types (groups) of fixed assets to their total value in an enterprise, industry, region or country's economy as a whole determines the structure of the means of labor used. There are the following types of structures:

A) production - is determined by the share of each group of OPF in their total value at the enterprise;

B) sectoral - characterized by the share of the cost of fixed assets by industry;

C) technological - is calculated by the specific gravity of various types of OF.

    Types of valuation of fixed assets

Accounting and evaluation of means of labor are carried out in natural and value (cash) forms.

In-kind valuation of fixed assets is necessary for: accounting and planning of individual groups of fixed assets; calculation of production capacities; developing equipment balances and determining the degree of its use.

Monetary (value) valuation of fixed assets is necessary to solve the following problems: determine their total volume, dynamics and structure; depreciation and calculation of the cost of production.

There are the following types of valuation of fixed production assets.

    initial cost - the actual cost of fixed assets at the time of their acquisition and taking on the balance sheet of the enterprise. This valuation type is used to calculate depreciation charges. It consists of the following costs:

Sn \u003d C + T + M + C

Where Sn is the initial cost of fixed assets, P is the purchase price of fixed assets, T is the cost of transporting fixed assets, M is the cost of installation and installation, C are indirect taxes, fees,.

2. replacement cost - assessment of the cost of reproduction of fixed production assets in modern conditions. The need for valuation at replacement cost is due to the fact that due to scientific and technological progress or inflationary factors, the same types of labor instruments (machines, furnaces, etc.) produced in different years are valued differently. This requires periodic revaluation of fixed assets.

where BC is the replacement cost of fixed assets, PS - initial cost of fixed assets, OS - residual value

    residual value - initial cost including depreciation, those. at the actual cost, which has not yet been transferred to the finished product.

Sun = PS - Wear

4. liquidation value - the cost of selling the object after the end of its useful life (operation). It is determined by the formula:

LS = sun– D

where sun - replacement cost of fixed assets, UAH; D - costs associated with the liquidation of the object.

5. average annual cost OF is calculated by the formula:


    Depreciation and reproduction of fixed assets

The main production assets are subject to physical and moral deterioration.

Under wear and tear understand the loss of their use value by fixed assets. For example, performance degradation, loss of some functions, etc.

Physical wear and tear occurs both during the functioning of fixed assets and when they are inactive (for example, the effect of corrosion). The degree of physical deterioration of the equipment depends on many factors: the design and quality of materials, the type of production, the specifics of technological processes, the qualifications of workers, the time of actual use and the productivity of the equipment.

The coefficient of physical wear can be determined by the following formulas:

    Kf = KR /Sn

    Where Kf-Physical depreciation, KR-the cost of the next major overhaul, Sн - the initial cost of the OF.

2) Kf \u003d A /Sn

Where A is the amount of depreciation deductions from the beginning of the OF service, UAH.

3) Kf \u003d (Tf / Tn) x 100%

Where Tf, Tn - respectively, the actual and standard service life of the equipment, years.

Obsolescence fixed assets is expressed in a decrease in their value, regardless of physical wear and tear.

Distinguish obsolescence of the first (I) and second (II) kind.

ObsolescenceIkind occurs when fixed assets with similar properties (productivity, operational characteristics) appear on the market at a lower price. Obsolescence of the first kind is caused by an increase in labor productivity in industries that produce fixed assets.

ObsolescenceIIkind occurs when fixed assets with higher consumer properties appear on the market at the same price. It is due to the fact that the release begins already more efficient machines and equipment (higher performance, more functions, less power consumption, etc.) at the same price.

The total wear coefficient is equal to: Koi \u003d 1 - (1-Kf) (1-Km)

    Depreciation of fixed assets

Depreciation- this is a gradual transfer of the value of fixed assets to manufactured products in order to accumulate funds for their full recovery over their useful life.

There are the following cushioning functions: economic; tax.

The economic role of depreciation is the actual reimbursement of existing fixed assets. The tax role of depreciation consists in the financial recovery of fixed capital by reducing taxable profit by the amount of depreciation and receiving a tax rebate.

Depreciation is carried out on the basis of annual depreciation rates.

Under depreciation rate refers to the share of the value of fixed assets that can be transferred to finished products during the year.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On taxation of enterprise profits", depreciation rates are established for four groups of fixed assets:

- group 1 - buildings, structures, their structural components and transmission devices, the cost of major land improvement;

- group 2- vehicles, including trucks and cars, furniture, office equipment;

- group 3 - other fixed assets not included in groups 1, 2, 4 (agricultural machinery, livestock, plantations);

- group 4- computers, software, telephones, microphones, walkie-talkies, the cost of which exceeds the cost of the MBP;

In accounting, depreciation is calculated for all funds, incl. non-productive and can be carried out by the following methods

1. Rectilinear (depreciation in equal amounts for the year): the cost of acquiring or producing an item is written off on a straight-line basis, based on the expected life of the item of property, plant and equipment. At the same time, the rate and amount of depreciation deductions remain unchanged during the depreciation period. To shortcomings uniform depreciation should be attributed to: a deliberately fixed constant value of the depreciation period; insufficient stimulating effect on improving the efficiency of the use of fixed capital;

The annual depreciation amount is determined by dividing the depreciable cost by the useful life of the item:

A = (PS- LS) / T

2. At depreciation method depreciation is calculated by applying a fixed percentage depreciation rate to the last residual value of the item. In this case, depreciation deductions gradually decrease, and there is never a complete write-off of the value of fixed assets. The deductions are always less than the residual value.

The amount of depreciation is equal to: A = Na * So

Where Na- depreciation rate (in shares), So - residual value of fixed assets.

Depreciation rate

Where n is the useful life of fixed assets, years.

3. According to cumulative method (sum of numbers method), the annual depreciation amount is determined as the product of the depreciable cost and the cumulative factor. The cumulative ratio is the ratio of the number of years that remain until the end of the expected life of an item of property, plant and equipment, to the sum of the number of years of its useful life. For this method, it is characteristic that the amount of annual deductions decreases and by the end of the period of use there is a complete write-off of the cost.

Amount of depreciation: A = (Sn -Sl) * C/Cs

Where K is the number of years remaining until the end of the expected life of the OF, Ks is the sum of the numbers of years of useful life of the OF.

    According to accelerated depreciation method (double rate method) the annual depreciation rate is calculated based on the useful life of the object and doubled. The annual depreciation amount is determined as the product of the residual value of the object at the beginning of the reporting year and the annual depreciation rate.

A = Na * So

Na = X 2

5. Manufacturing depreciation(depreciation depending on the production and degree of operation of the facility): in contrast to the considered depreciation methods related to the time factor, when applying this method, a depreciation quota is calculated for the initial value, depending on productivity.

A= Qfx CaCa \u003d PS-LS /Qpl

Where Q is the volume of production, Ca is the production depreciation rate.

Example: The company has acquired an object of fixed assets worth 10,000 hryvnia. At the same time, its liquidation value is 2000 UAH. In accordance with the technical passport, the equipment is designed for the production of 400,000 parts. In the reporting period, 800 pieces of parts were produced.

Decision: The production depreciation rate is equal to: (10000-2000): 400000 = 0.2 UAH/unit. Amortization amount: 800*0.2=160 UAH.

tax method. It is determined by multiplying the book value by the legally established depreciation rate (per tax quarter):

Depreciation charges are set as a percentage of the book value of each of the groups of fixed assets at the beginning of the reporting period in the following amount (per tax quarter):

1st group - 2% 2nd group - 10%

3rd group - 6% 4th group - 15%.

Not subject to depreciation: acquisition and fattening of productive livestock; cultivation of perennial fruit plantations; Earth; received free of charge OF.

    Indicators of the use of fixed assets

One of the main general indicators of the use of OF is the indicator return on assets , which shows how much UAH of the enterprise's products falls on 1 UAH of the cost of fixed assets:

Fo =Q / Ssg

Where Q is the volume of commodity (gross, net) production of the enterprise, UAH; Sсг – average annual cost of fixed assets, UAH.

capital intensity is the reciprocal of capital productivity.

F emk = 1/Fotd

capital-labor ratio: fv =Ssg / CR(average headcount)

To characterize the movement of fixed assets at the enterprise, indicators of updating and disposal of fixed assets are used.

Refresh rate represents the ratio of the cost of commissioned fixed assets to the cost of fixed assets at the end of the year:

K update =Scc /Skg

Retirement rate OF is the ratio of the value of withdrawn fixed assets to the value of OF at the beginning of the year:

K in =Sin /Sng

All indicators of the use of fixed production assets can be combined into three groups

1. Extensive use ratio equipment characterizes the level of its use in time and is determined for each group of the same type of equipment as the ratio of the time actually worked by the equipment to the time of possible use of the equipment

2. The level of use of machinery and equipment in terms of productivity or power is characterized by intensive use factor and is determined by the ratio of the actual output per unit of time to the technically justified output per unit of time.

3. Integral factor of use of OF is defined as the product of the two coefficients discussed above.

4. Shift ratio characterizes the degree of intensification of production. The actual shift ratio of equipment operation is determined by the ratio of the number of machine shifts worked out by the equipment of the enterprise, workshop per day, to the number of installed equipment

5. Equipment load factor is calculated as the ratio of the labor intensity of manufacturing all products on this type of equipment to the fund of the time of its operation. Thus, the equipment load factor, in contrast to the shift factor, takes into account data on the labor intensity of products. In practice, the load factor is usually taken equal to the value of the shift factor, reduced by a factor of two (for two-shift operation) or three times (for three-shift operation).

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