Dosing principles of manual classical massage. All about classical massage: description, indications, contraindications, technique and effect! Video lesson: the basic techniques of classical massage

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(I. M. Sarkizov-Serazini, A. F. Verbov, V-K. Kramarenko, N. A. Belaya, L. A. Kunichev, A. A. Biryukov, A. M. Tyurin). However, as a rule, the presentation of this technique is designed for professional professionals and is loaded with a large number of modifications of various techniques and the technical subtleties of their implementation. In practice, specialists use fewer techniques, depending on their individual tastes and the task of the upcoming session. It does not follow from this, of course, that massage can be performed with high quality, knowing two or three techniques, just as it does not follow that the use of a large number of techniques guarantees a high efficiency of the session.

At the same time, a study of the techniques of various specialists shows that many techniques have a fairly common physiological basis and, in essence, differ only in names. There are often cases of insufficiently substantiated use of various modifications of the same techniques. Therefore, based on the goals of this book, only the main ones will be outlined below, the knowledge of which is necessary for everyone who wants to master the practical technique of performing massage manipulation. We single out five main groups of techniques: 1) stroking; 2) rubbing; 3) kneading; 4) squeezing; 5) shock techniques and vibration.


This is the most common technique, its physiological effect on the body is very diverse. Under its influence, the local body temperature rises, a pleasant feeling of warmth arises, vasodilation occurs, which causes an influx of arterial blood to the massaged area and an outflow of venous blood and lymph from it. Stroking improves the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands, increases skin elasticity and nutrition. It has a relaxing effect on the muscles, relieving excessive muscle arousal. Rhythmically conducted stroking reflexively relieves pain. Under its action, nervous overexcitation disappears. The very name of the technique suggests that stroking should be performed smoothly, without much pressure on the muscle. When performing this technique, the following basic rules must be observed:

the massaging hand should move in the direction of the flow of venous blood and lymph to the nearest lymph node;

the massaging hand should move at a speed of 10-15 cm per second calmly, without jerks, pushes, pressures;

the massaging hand should not stick to the skin, and the pressure on the muscle should only slightly exceed the pressure from the weight of a calmly lying hand;

stroking is always performed on a completely relaxed muscle;

stroking begins and ends the session, any independent part, the treatment of a muscle or muscle group, almost every technique.

The main varieties of stroking in domestic massage include: ordinary - with one hand, alternate - with two hands, spiral - with one hand, concentric - on the joints. Of the additional stroking techniques, comb-shaped, the tips of one or more fingers, and tongs are more often used.

Ordinary stroking is the simplest technique, which is performed as follows. The masseur's hand with closed four fingers tightly clasps the muscle in a transverse position in its distal section, i.e., the most distant from the body. When stroking, for example, the gastrocnemius muscle, the brush is superimposed on the Achilles tendon, while the index and thumb are on the side of the movement of the brush (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Stroking with one hand the calf muscle

Then the hand from the distal end of the muscle slides freely along the muscle to its proximal section, i.e. closest to the body, in the direction of the nearest lymph node, in this case to the popliteal fossa. Then the brush comes off, and the movement is repeated. Similarly, stroking is carried out on all muscles that can be fully grasped by the hand. In the same case, when large muscles are stroked (front and back surfaces of the thigh, gluteal muscles and back muscles), then stroking with one hand is performed in two or three directions (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. Stroking with one hand the latissimus dorsi

Varieties of ordinary stroking include simultaneous stroking with both hands of symmetrically located muscles, for example, the left and right latissimus dorsi muscles (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. Simultaneous stroking with both hands of the latissimus dorsi

The alternating two-hand stroke technique is also very simple and is used to save time. When performing the reception, the hands of both hands are superimposed on the muscle, as in stroking with one hand, but alternately. First, stroking with one hand is performed, then, as soon as the movement with this hand is completed, the second hand is superimposed, which repeats the movement in the same direction (Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. Alternate stroking with both hands of the calf muscle

Moreover, if one hand goes forward with the index finger in front, then the second hand * - in reverse with the little finger in front. Both hands tightly grasp the muscle, fingers are clenched, the hand is relaxed. Similar movements are performed on large muscles in two or three directions.

The technique of performing spiral stroking is slightly different from stroking with one hand. The hand also tightly wraps around the muscle, and the hand is relaxed. The only difference is that the hand does not go in a straight line, as with ordinary stroking, but in a spiral (Fig. 16).

Rice. 16. Spiral stroking with one hand of the calf muscle

Concentric stroking is used when the joints are massaged. When performing this technique, both hands of the massage therapist tightly wrap around the joint and carry out movements resembling stroking a ball. In this case, the hands do not come off the massaged area, and the palm fits snugly against the surface of the joint. Concentric stroking is performed on the ankle, knee, elbow and shoulder joints, more often in case of injuries in the area of ​​these joints or the need to cause warming up of the articular ligaments.

Comb-like stroking is performed only on large muscles covered with fascia or a significant fat layer. In this case, the fingers are tightly compressed into a fist and stroking is carried out by its back surface, protrusions formed from the side of the interphalangeal joints.


This is a more intense technique, in which hyperemia of the massaged area and local blood circulation increase. Rubbing techniques have a pronounced calming effect on the central nervous system. Rubbing promotes desquamation of obsolete superficial skin cells, improves its respiration, stimulates the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

This technique is a powerful tool that promotes faster resolution of hardening in the muscles, decay products accumulated in them after active work, as well as various deposits, effusions, hemorrhages resulting from diseases or injuries. Rubbing is indispensable as a means of warming up the joints. Under its action, the temperature of the skin and the surface layers of the muscles increases by 2-5 ° C, which protects the ligaments and muscles from sprains, increases their elasticity and range of motion in the joints.

When carrying out rubbing, it is necessary to take into account the following main features of this group of techniques:

rubbing can be performed in all directions and not necessarily along the course of venous blood and lymph, while using a greater pressure force than when stroking;

all rubbing techniques can be performed in a straight line, spirally and circularly with one or both hands simultaneously or alternately;

any rubbing technique can be performed with weights, i.e., increase the force of pressing the hand on the massaged area by placing the other hand on top;

between rubbing techniques, stroking is necessarily performed;

when rubbing, skin irritations are most frequent, the danger of which increases sharply with abundant hair.

If lubricants are used during rubbing and techniques are carried out with a large amplitude, then the effect will mainly be directed to the skin and subcutaneous fat layer. In the event that it is necessary to rub the muscles or soften the hardening formed under the skin, it is better not to use lubricants. Rubbing in this case is carried out in small areas without vigorous displacement of the fingers over the skin. At the same time, fingers should try to penetrate as deeply as possible under the skin and rub the subcutaneous muscle layers.

In practice, the following rubbing techniques are mainly used: with pads and tubercles of the thumbs; pincer-shaped; rubbing on the muscles; pads of four fingers, comb-shaped.

Rubbing with pads and tubercles of the thumbs is carried out, in particular, on the Achilles tendons, joints, neck. This technique is performed in two versions, depending on the position of the massage therapist's hands. In the first version, rubbing is performed with the pads of four fingers clasping the joint, and the thumb clasping the joint on the other side serves as a support. In this case, the movements can be performed in a straight line, according to Fig. 21. Rubbing with the base of the spiral (Fig. 17), along the palm on the back in a circle, simultaneously in a spiral and in a circle. This technique can be performed with weights, placing the brush of the other hand on top of the massaging fingers (Fig. 17a). In the literature, this technique is often called rubbing with the fingertips supported by the thumb.

Rice. 17. Concentric rubbing with the pads of the four fingers of the ankle joint

Rice. 17a. Concentric rubbing with the pads of four fingers with weighting of the knee c; stava (position massaged on the back)

In the second version of this technique, rubbing is performed with the thumb resting on four fingers (Fig. 18, 19, see also Fig. 53). This technique is effective for massaging the ankle, elbow, knee and shoulder joints.

Rice. 18. Concentric rubbing with the thumb of the elbow joint

Rice. 19. Simultaneous longitudinal and concentric rub! thumbs of the knee from the stav

In the reception, the forceps-like rubbing of the massage therapist's hands takes the form of "forceps", i.e. the thumb and the remaining four fingers are straightened parallel to each other. "Tongs" produce longitudinal (Fig. 20) or transverse rubbing with the advancement of the hand along the tendons. In sports practice, this technique, performed on the knee or elbow joint, is called the "arch". This technique is often performed with both hands with the movement of the hands towards each other (Fig. 20a, see also Fig. 46).

Rice. 20. Forcep-shaped longitudinal rubbing of the Achilles tendon

Rice. 20a. Forcep-shaped rubbing of the knee joint with two hands moving towards each other (position massaged on the back)

Rubbing on the muscles is performed to warm the muscles and skin, as well as to accelerate the resorption of effusions, exudates and other superficial hardening. In this case, mainly two variants of this rubbing are used: with the base of the palm (Fig. 21) and rake-like (see Fig. 47).

Rice. 21. Rubbing the base of the palm on the back

Rubbing with the base of the palm is used when rubbing such large muscles and muscle groups as the back, chest, thighs and buttocks. When performing this rubbing, the massage therapist's hand with fingers raised upwards is applied along or across the muscle and performs a straight, spiral or circular rubbing

the entire massaged muscle in different directions. If it is only necessary to increase the temperature of the skin, then rubbing is carried out quite intensively, with an average pressure force and without burdening. If it is necessary to influence the deeper layers of the muscles, rubbing is carried out with weights, but less intensively. In this case, subcutaneous displacement of the muscle should be achieved.

Rubbing with the pads of four fingers allows you to perform a detailed massage of small muscle groups (see Fig. 51, 53, 54), as well as penetrate deeply into the muscle mass. When performing this technique, the slowly moving hand of the massage therapist is located along the muscle. In this case, the base of the palm plays the role of a support, and the pads of four fingers, displacing the skin, rub the subcutaneous layers of the muscles (Fig. 21 a).

Rice. 21a. Longitudinal rubbing with the pads of four fingers with burdening of the sacral region

Rubbing the lower back and sacrum is of particular importance, since most of the static load falls on these muscles and they are, accordingly, the most tired. Consider a specific version of this technique, which in sports practice is called gimlets "and is used mainly for lumbar massage. Here, it is advisable to start processing the lower back from the side of the back that is farthest from the massage therapist. The pads of all four fingers are superimposed on the lower back at the sacrum and, making drilling movements, gradually move across the sacrospinous muscles from the muscle area to the groin and abdomen. As soon as the fingers pass the "roll" of the sacrospinous muscle, the entire palm rests tightly on the lower back and slides freely down to the groin (see Fig. 54). Reception can be performed with weights.

Similarly, with the pads of four fingers, the intercostal spaces are rubbed. In this case, the pads of four fingers fall directly on the intercostal spaces (Fig. 22, 23, see also Fig. 48).

Rice. 22. Longitudinal rubbing with the pads of four fingers with burdening of the intercostal spaces (position massaged on the chest)

Rice. 23. Spiral rubbing with the pads of four fingers, resting on the thumb of the intercostal spaces (position massaged on the chest)

When rubbing from the back, the reception begins from the spinous processes of the spine towards the chest. To avoid irritation of the skin being massaged, it is better to perform spiral rubbing (see Fig. 49). For the lumbar region, this technique is also used without resting on the palm (Fig. 24).

Rice. 24. Spiral rubbing with pads of four fingers with burdening of the lower back

The technique of performing comb-like rubbing is close to stroking: the fingers are bent into a fist and the massage is performed with a rib formed from bent phalanges. The technique is used when rubbing muscles covered with dense fascia (plantar region of the foot, tibial muscles, outer surface of the thigh, gluteal muscles) or a significant fat layer. The movements are rectilinear, spiral and circular.


Under the action of kneading, the decay products that accumulate in them during work are removed faster from the muscles. Kneading improves blood circulation in both superficial and deep muscles, increases tendon mobility, and also helps to dissolve various hardening in the muscles and increase their tone. This technique increases the elastic properties of muscle tissue and enhances its contractile function. Kneading to the greatest extent contributes to the excitation of the nervous system and is used as the main means of combating nervous fatigue.

Currently, two main technical varieties of kneading are used: classical and Finnish. In the classic version, kneading is carried out with the whole hand, in Finnish - with only one thumb. In the first case, the massage therapist’s hand grabs the muscle and, as if separating it from the bone, kneads it in the fingers, and in the second, the muscle, on the contrary, is pressed against the bone with one thumb and kneaded in a circular motion with the hand moving forward.

When conducting classic kneading, you must adhere to the following basic rules:

the muscles of the person being massaged should always be relaxed;

the direction of the massage therapist's hand should correspond to the movement of the flow of venous blood and lymph from the periphery to the center;

kneading on the lymph nodes is unacceptable;

kneading is carried out at a slow pace;

the masseur's hand moves smoothly, without jerks, pushes, pressures;

the masseur's hand should tightly grasp the muscle and, without releasing it, carry out kneading from the distal to the proximal;

the muscle, if possible, should be separated from the skin bed and kneaded in the fingers, but always painlessly (flat muscles are kneaded by pressing against the bone);

when mastering the technique of performing any kneading technique, it is especially important to avoid pinching and grasping movements in order to prevent skin irritation, especially with significant hairline.

For large muscle groups, it is better to use classic kneading, and for flat muscles - Finnish. Of the most commonly used and effective methods of classical kneading, we single out: kneading with one hand (ordinary); kneading with two hands (double ring); long kneading ("herringbone"); kneading with fingers; kneading with the base of the palm. Of the additional classical techniques, kneading with the edge of the palm, fist, felting is used.

Rice. 25. Kneading with one hand thigh muscles

Kneading with one hand (ordinary) is the simplest technique, the development of which, however, requires some training. It is performed as follows: the hand tightly clasps the muscle, located, as with ordinary stroking, across it in the distal section. Then the hand tries to lift the muscle above the bone bed and knead it between the thumb and four fingers. It is very important to give the hand a smooth forward movement without separation from the muscle, while four fingers should be tightly compressed (Fig. 25, see also Fig. 60, 62). If the hand cannot completely grasp the muscle (for example, the thigh), then kneading is carried out in 2-3 directions. In this case, the massage therapist's brush should capture as much muscle mass as possible (“a full arm of muscles”). Reception can be performed on the abdominal muscles.

A very common version of kneading with one hand is the “double bar”, performed with weights due to the other hand (Fig. 25 a, 25 6).

Rice. 25a. "Double bar" when kneading the hip joint

Rice. 25b. "Double bar" when kneading under the shoulder blade

The "double bar" is most often used in sports massage and is considered as an independent technique.

A variation of the same technique is kneading simultaneously symmetrical muscles with both hands, the execution technique is the same, but good coordination is required to master it.

Kneading with two hands, or the so-called double ring kneading, is the most effective technique for massaging the calf, latissimus dorsi, trapezius muscles, as well as the muscles of the abdomen and thigh. Sports masseurs most often resort to this kneading technique. Both hands tightly grasp the massaged muscle at its beginning, while the thumbs and forefingers of both hands do not touch. Then both hands pull the muscle up and, slightly twisting, begin alternate circular movements moving forward. It is very important that the muscle does not let go of the hands and that the movements are not sharp and intercepting, but continuous, smooth and sliding. In this case, the hands should move synchronously with a small gap (Fig. 26, 26a).

Rice. 26. Double ring kneading with fingers of the anterior tibial muscle

Rice. 26a. Double circular kneading of the rectus femoris

The essence of the reception is that the interstitial fluid can move in only one direction - from the periphery to the center. It is very important to achieve kneading the muscle with the fingers of both hands gently, without jerks and exaggerated twists (see Fig. 66, 67, 68).

Long kneading (“herringbone”) is performed mainly on the hips and calf muscles. The technique of its execution is as follows: with four closed and bent fingers of the right hand and four of the left hand, they lift the muscle, and the thumbs are placed on top, then, moving both hands continuously along the muscle, with the thumbs push the muscle fibers apart and knead the muscle with herringbone movements (Fig. 27, see also Fig. 69).

Finger kneading is used to massage small and flat muscles that are tightly attached to the bone bed and are inseparable from it, while kneading is performed directly on the bone with the thumb or four fingers (Fig. 27a, 27 6).

Rice. 27. Long kneading (“herringbone”) of the calf muscle

Rice. 27a. Spiral kneading with fingers of the sole.

Rice. 276. Finger kneading with weighting of the triceps muscle

Rice. 27th century Kneading with fingers with weighting of the hip joint of the lower leg

Such kneading differs from rubbing only in that when rubbing, they act on the muscles lying under the skin, and when kneading, pressing the muscle to the bone, they try to move it to the side and knead it, as if separating the muscle fibers (Fig. 27 c, see also Fig. 67).

Kneading with the base of the palm is carried out on large muscles, sometimes with weights. The palm is tightly superimposed on the muscles and with a rotational movement moves to the nearest lymph node, pressing the muscle to the bone and kneading it (see Fig. 71).

Similar movements can be performed when kneading with the edge of the palm, fist (see Fig. 72), as well as comb-like kneading (see Fig. 74).

Felting is a specific technique that combines kneading, rubbing and shaking, performed on the muscles of the thigh and shoulder. The technique for performing it on the thigh is as follows: the leg of the person being massaged, lying on his back, is bent at the knee, the massager grabs the thigh muscle from the outer and inner sides, slightly squeezes it and, performing circular movements, moves from the knee to the inguinal region.

Felting on the shoulder is performed as follows: the person being massaged sits facing the person massaging, then a slightly bent at the elbow joint and a relaxed hand is placed on the shoulder of the person massaging, the latter wraps his hands around the shoulder of the person massaged on both sides, slightly squeezing and, making movements reminiscent of rolling a plasticine roller, moves forward. from the elbow to the deltoid muscle.

Finnish kneading with your thumb allows you to penetrate deep into the muscle layers and influence them in detail. At the same time, as already noted, the use of the technique is quite laborious, often associated with painful sensations. This technique is the main one in the treatment of muscles covered with dense fascia and difficult to separate from the bone. By pressing the thumb on the muscle and pressing it against the bone with spiral rotations away from oneself, they move along the muscle from the periphery to the center. Reception is performed without weights (Fig. 28, and also see Fig. 73) and with weights (Fig. 29).

Rice. 28. Finnish spiral kneading with the thumb of the calf muscle

Rice. 29. Finnish kneading with weights on the biceps femoris


Squeezing is a group of leading techniques that are performed energetically and affect not only superficial, but also deep-lying tissues. It is most effective if it is necessary to activate the outflow of stagnant blood in the extremities, remove metabolic products from the muscles or accumulations of blood, lymph, and salt deposits formed there. Squeezing improves metabolic processes in the muscles, makes them elastic, and warms them up well. This technique improves the tone of the skin and muscles, improves their nutrition.

The technique for performing the tricks is relatively simple. The hand is set along or across the massaged muscle and, pressing on it, moves forward to the lymph node. With hand pressure on the massaged area, emphasis can be placed on the entire palm, the base of the palm, the edge of the palm (from the side of the little finger or thumb). The name of the techniques will also depend on this: with a brush, the base of the palm, the edge of the palm (see Fig. 75). Push-ups are performed with and without weights, with one hand or two. When performing squeezing with two hands, their simultaneous or alternating movements are used. The general rules for squeezing are the same as for kneading.

Shock and vibration

Percussion techniques include tapping, patting and chopping. Their action on muscles, blood vessels, nerve endings is different depending on the strength of the blow, frequency and duration. Blows applied with high frequency and sufficient intensity cause excitation of the muscles and nervous system, while the blood vessels expand, causing skin hyperemia, increased muscle tone and their contractility. Weak blows, produced with a low frequency, contribute to a decrease in muscle tone and nervous relaxation. Accordingly, shock techniques are used in a massage session. All techniques can be performed with different amplitudes of movement of the massage therapist's hand: from the hand, from the elbow and from the shoulder. Accordingly, the impact force is determined.

Patting is performed with a relaxed hand, fingers bent into a fist. The blows are applied across the muscle fibers with a relaxed hand (Fig. 30), while there should be a popping sound. The frequency of strokes is 60-80 beats / min.

Tapping is also done with a brush.

Rice. 30. Straight pat

Rice. 31. Tapping on the back of the thigh muscle

The fingers are bent into a fist, the hand is relaxed. Blows are applied across the muscle fibers with a brush from the side of the little finger (Fig. 31). Frequency - 100-200 beats / min.

Chopped is performed along the muscle fibers. When chopping, the fingers are slightly apart and relaxed. "Blows are applied with a sharp whip of the brush with advance

arms along the muscle (Fig. 32).

Figure 32 Chopping on the back tooth tea muscle

The frequency of movement is maximum. The group of vibration techniques includes shaking, performed mainly on the muscles of the thigh, lower leg, gluteal and latissimus dorsi. Shaking promotes better muscle relaxation, REMOVAL of fatigue OR overexcitation and is usually performed in the middle and at the end of a massage session. When shaking, the massaged muscle group should be as relaxed as possible. The shaking technique is simple: the massage therapist takes the massaged muscle with one hand and makes light shaking movements (Fig. 33).

Rice. 33. Shaking the calf muscle

Manual vibration massage is performed with one, two or all fingers, palm, supporting part of the hand, fist. The physiological effects of vibration are varied. Vibration reduces the pulse rate, increases the power of cardiac contraction. Low frequency vibration (15-20 Hz) promotes relaxation.

Under the influence of vibration, blood pressure decreases, and muscle blood and lymph flow increases, which contributes to the reduction and disappearance of congestion and edema. Manual vibration massage is performed mainly along the nerve trunks, relieves pain, relaxes muscles. The technique of performing vibration comes down to the fact that the massage therapist puts one or more fingers, palm, fist on the treated area and begins to produce light trembling movements. Vibration is performed in one place on the area of ​​pain points (see Fig. 76) or with the advancement of the hand (Fig. 33 a).

Rice. 33a. Longitudinal vibration on the biceps femoris

Mastering the technique of vibration manual massage requires training, the ability to perform frequent and rhythmic shaking movements with a completely relaxed hand. Manual vibration massage is time-consuming, poorly dosed in terms of effort and frequency, and therefore it is especially often replaced by hardware massage.

In conclusion, we note that although the technique of classical manual massage, in contrast to therapeutic gymnastics, provides for maximum relaxation of the person being massaged, i.e., the passive function of the latter, and the tension of the massage therapist (i.e., his active function), in some cases techniques with little resistance are also used. massaged or even with his active role in the passive function of the massage therapist. Such special techniques are effective for increasing joint mobility, increasing the elasticity and strength of the ligamentous apparatus, strengthening muscles and improving their nutrition. But in any case, movements and techniques should not cause pain and exceed the capabilities of the joint at the time of the movement. This mixed technique should be used in sessions conducted by professional massage therapists or under their supervision.

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General principles and hygienic basics of a massage session. Main contraindicationsHardware massage

Stroking- a technique in which the massaged hand only glides over the skin without shifting it into folds. This technique is performed with varying degrees of pressure. Stroking is usually performed at the very beginning of the massage lightly, without tension, in the middle of the session (after hard techniques) and at the end of the massage as a calming effect.

Stroking :

  • cleanses the skin of horny scales, the rest of the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands, which cleanses skin respiration, activates the excretory function of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • improves skin trophism, as microcirculation improves due to the opening of reserve capillaries (hyperemia), metabolic processes increase; tones and trains blood vessels, facilitates the outflow of blood and lymph, which helps to reduce swelling;
  • increases the temperature and tone of the skin, the skin becomes smooth, elastic, elastic;
  • promotes muscle relaxation;
  • renders

Basic massage techniques - Kneading

kneading- the main and most difficult technique for any massage. More than half of the time of the entire session is allotted for its implementation. Kneading is intended mainly for influencing the muscles (increases their tone, contractility, improves blood circulation, relieves muscle fatigue). It consists in continuous or intermittent grasping (phase I), pulling, squeezing (phase II), squeezing, “rubbing” of tissues (phase III).

Basic stretching techniques:

  • longitudinal;
  • transverse.

Longitudinal kneading performed with one or two hands along the muscle fibers, starting from the junction of the muscle to the tendon. Rectified fingers with the thumb retracted are located on the massaged surface so that the thumb lies on one side, and the remaining fingers on the other side of the massaged area. This is the first phase


Basic massage techniques - Rubbing

Trituration consists in shearing and stretching tissues in different directions. In this case, the skin moves. Rubbing has a deeper effect on tissues: lymph flow increases, pathological formations soften and dissolve, edema is eliminated, pain in injuries, neuritis, and neuralgia decreases, the contractile function of muscles improves, and the range of motion in the joints increases. Vigorous rubbing in the area of ​​nerve trunks and endings reduces the excitability of the nervous system. Rubbing prepares tissues for kneading, is performed slowly, carried out along the massage lines.

Basic rubbing techniques carried out in rectilinear, circular and spiral directions, these are:

  1. rubbing with fingers;
  2. palms;
  3. the base of the palm.

Finger rubbing used for massage of the face, scalp, intercostal spaces, back,


General information about massage, therapeutic massage

Massage- this is a set of methods of mechanical dosed impact on the surface of the human body with hands or special devices (vibration, vacuum vibratory massager, ultrasonic, etc.).

The effect of massage on the body

Mechanisms of action:

  1. neuro-reflex. Mechanical stimuli excite mechanoreceptors of the skin, muscles, joints, tendons. Mechanical energy is converted into a nerve impulse. Nervous excitation is sent along sensory pathways to the central nervous system, from where it is sent along efferent pathways to various organs and tissues, changing their functions;
  2. humoral. Biologically active substances (histamine, acetylcholine) are formed in the skin, which are carried throughout the body with blood flow and participate in vasodilation and transmission of nerve impulses;
  3. mechanical action at the point of direct impact: increased flow of blood, lymph and tissue fluid (which facilitates

Basic massage techniques - Vibration

Basic techniques of classical massage

Types of massage

What does massage mean?

"Massage" comes from the Greek word "Massain" ("kneading").

The profession of masseur is the second oldest profession in the world. Already about 5,000 years before our era, first among the Persians, Greeks and Romans, later among the Chinese and Japanese, massage was recognized as a therapeutic method of treatment. Today's massage originated from lymphatic drainage, which is still used today.

Modern classical massage has developed from the "Swedish massage", registered by a resident of Stockholm, P. H. Ling in 1800.

However, massage became truly famous in Western industrial countries only in the second half of the 19th century. The Dutch physician J. Georg Metzger did his best to emphasize its importance in numerous reports and articles.

Massage is not only a combination of various techniques. When it comes to prevention, we also talk about massage.


Today, massage is one of the most popular methods of disease prevention. Doctors all over the world prescribe courses of therapeutic massage to their patients, since classical massage can not only improve muscle tone, but also become a good tool in the fight against pathological diseases.

1 hour - 1500 rubles.

The variety of massages is really amazing - about 500 techniques and hundreds of different techniques for working with muscles throughout the body.

Each of the techniques is certainly useful, but doctors and massage therapists often use the most practical and popular technique of classical massage. It is the classical massage that does not require hundreds of different movements, but uses only techniques honed over decades, allowing you to feel a surge of fresh energy in your whole body.

The essence of the procedure is simple: during the massage, all the tissue muscles of the body are involved, transmitting signals to the central nervous system. The central nervous system, being one of the most important organs, is the vital support of the whole organism. The impulse flow gives a useful shake-up to the nervous system, bringing it into tone, which gives a relaxing effect.

General massage

It should be noted right away that different massage therapists can use different, but very similar massage techniques. Carrying out the procedure, the main thing is the direction and slight pressure in the direction of the lymphatic tract.

The first massage option:

  1. To begin with, the tissues are heated up, which takes up to 50% of the entire procedure.
  2. Massage starts from the neck, moving to the back, then to the arms, games and shins.
  3. Next, the patient rolls over on his back, after which the chest massage begins, passing to the arms, forearms and hands.
  4. At the end of the procedure, the abdominal area is gently massaged.

Second massage option:

  1. As in the first case, up to 50% of the time is spent on warming up muscle tissue.
  2. Massage begins with the neck, smoothly moving to the back and chest.
  3. Next, the pelvic part, sacrum, gluteal muscles and lower limbs are massaged.
  4. At the end of the procedure, as in the first version, the abdominal area is gently massaged.

Note that the head area is not massaged. Also, for hygiene reasons, massage therapists massage the feet last.

Massage is not in vain compared with a full-fledged physical activity. In addition to a direct improvement in metabolism, there is an increased functioning of capillaries. Studies have shown that blood circulation during the height of the massage procedure increases tenfold. But at the same time, unlike conventional physical activity, the production of muscle lactic acid is minimized.

The most effective result is considered to be the passage of the entire course of procedures, which may vary depending on the age of the patient, the presence of motor and movement diseases and simply preventive tasks. Basically, the procedure takes about one hour, but often the doctor individually prescribes the time.

An important nuance.

Tell your massage therapist all your personal preferences or show your outpatient card. Doctors will definitely take an interest in your state of health before the procedures. Quality massage directly depends on the state of health.

In some cases, you have to go through a special diagnostic session, which reveals reflex contracting muscles and sore spots. In areas with particular discomfort, massage is done with measured force. In the case of the prevention of certain diseases, the distribution of time and emphasis on areas in need changes.

In total, massage techniques include about three hundred special techniques. Fortunately, all the tricks are not required at all. In the arsenal of a massage therapist doing a general classical massage, there is a range of the most significant and useful techniques.

If we assume that your massage session will last 60 minutes, then the time is broken down like this: vibration movements and stroking - 15% 10 minutes; rub and squeeze muscles - 25%, 15 minutes; kneading - 60% 35 minutes.

You should also be aware of the presence of contraindications. There are quite a few of them, so we will list only the main ones. Masseurs will not work with a cold, flu or SARS, inflammation in the body and relapses of diseases of the subcutaneous tissue. Massage is strictly prohibited in the presence of enlargement or inflammation of the lymph nodes, as well as pain in the abdomen.

Classical massage techniques include: stroking, squeezing, rubbing, kneading, shock techniques (vibration), shaking techniques, movements (Table 1). Each method of classical massage has its own varieties. A rational combination of these techniques, combined with the duration and intensity of their implementation, makes it possible to solve the problems of preventive, health-improving and curative medicine in sports, cosmetic and other practices.

Table 1

Varieties of classical massage techniques





1. Straight line. 2. Alternate. 3. Zigzag. 4. Combined. 5.One hand. 6. Two hands. 7. Embracing. 8. Concentric. 9. Rake-shaped. 10. Comb-shaped. 11. Forceps. 12. Ironing.

The hand slides over the surface of the massaged body without exerting special mechanical pressure on the subcutaneous fat. The predominant effect of the reception is carried out on the surface of the skin.


1. The edge of the palm. 2. Hillock of the thumb. 3. Rake-like. 4. Forearm 5. With the pad of the thumb. 6. With one hand. 7. With two hands. 8. The base of the palm. 9.Girthing, wrapping with twisting.

Squeezing is done with effort, weighting. The hand exerts pressure on the skin, subcutaneous fat, muscles. As a result, blood, lymph in the vessels, tissue fluid, exudate, transudate are squeezed out.


1. Forceps. 2. With fingertips (4 to one and 1 to four). 3. Mounds of the thumbs. 4. The base of the palm. 5. Thumb pad. 6. Sawing. 7. Crossing. 8.Comb-like.

9. The edge of the palm

When rubbing, the hand should not slide over the surface. The hand moves the skin in different directions or is screwed inward. It affects joints, ligaments, tendons, scars, adhesions, muscles.


1.One hand. 2. Pads and phalanges of bent fingers. 3 base of the palm. 4. Fist. 5. Longitudinal.6. Forcep-shaped. 7. Shift. 8. Move in. 9. Ordinary, double ordinary. 10. Double ring.11. Double neck. 12. Felting. 13. Stretch

Reception is directed to the muscles. Technique options. The muscle can, pressed down, shifted, stretched. And also to grab and rise with its displacement towards the little finger, then return to its original position. Then the cycle repeats


1.Papping. 2. Patting. 3. Chopping. 4. Punctuation. 5. Quilting

Techniques are made with relaxed hands on the palmar surface or the ulnar edge of the hand (palm edge)


1.Stable. 2. Labile. Both one and the other, can be intermittent and not intermittent

Small, frequent oscillatory movements are performed with pressure on the underlying tissues with one or two fingers, the base of the palm, the entire palm, fist, etc. Techniques have a versatile effect on various tissues and organs.


1. Shaking. 2. Shaking.

3. Felting

A separate muscle is shaken locally. She is captured by the thumb and little finger, not releasing the muscle, shaking it all over. Shaking is done on the limbs. The masseur shakes the straightened limb with both hands in a horizontal plane

The noted techniques are aimed at reducing the tone of muscles and blood vessels.


1. Active.

3. With resistance.


Passive movements should be preceded by rubbing and kneading techniques, as well as determining the amount of active movement. To stop passive movement, you should focus on the appearance of pain.

Movements are aimed at developing joints, preventing stiffness in the joints, muscle atrophy, improving functions, etc.

There are some general rules for performing both individual techniques and the entire massage procedure.

For example, stroking usually begins and ends a massage session. In addition, other massage techniques (rubbing, kneading) are well combined with stroking. After stroking, if they are performed on the muscles, it is advisable to perform the squeeze technique.

Then, techniques, kneading are performed, the latter are well combined with shaking. This is followed by shock techniques, vibration, passive movements. The massage ends with stroking and shaking the muscles.

During the massage of the joints, after stroking, rubbing techniques follow, then kneading the muscles surrounding the joint. At the end of the session, passive movements and manual therapy techniques are performed.

When performing a massage, the patient should be in a position that would contribute to the maximum relaxation of his muscles and, at the same time, would be convenient for the massage therapist. During the massage procedure, the masseur stands in relation to the massaged area transversely or longitudinally, massages on the far or near side, near or far hand, forward or backward. In this case, the hand can move in a straight line, zigzag, spiral, circular, dashed, etc. (Fig. 3).

The mechanisms of action of massage are manifested:

 in mechanical action (pressure, displacement, tension, friction, etc.),

 in neuro-reflex action (stimulation of receptors, afferent and efferent stimulation of the central nervous system),

 in neuro-humoral influence (penetration of biologically active agents into the liquid medium).

A - rectilinear

B - Zigzag

B - Spiral

G - Circular

D - Dashed

When mastering massage techniques, students inevitably encounter specific terminology. It includes the concepts: transverse and longitudinal position, near and far side, front and back, procedure and session, massage and massage.

Transverse and longitudinal position . We are talking about the location of the masseur and, mainly, his working hand in relation to the subject, to his massaged surface.

Transverse position, rice. 4. The masseur's working hand is located across the massaged surface of the subject and performs a reception in this direction.

Rice. 4 The transverse location of the massage therapist in relation to the subject or massaged area (shoulder).

Rice. 5 Longitudinal position of the massage therapist in relation to the subject or massaged area (shoulder)

Longitudinal position. The working hand or hands of the massage therapist are placed along the massaged area. Usually a massage procedure, a session begins from a transverse position.

The near and far side of the massaged area . If you conditionally draw a line on a subject lying on his stomach, along the sagittal groove, along the spine, and the intergluteal fold, then everything that is located behind this line will be called the far side for the massage therapist. And, conversely, everything that is next to it is designated as the near side. Based on these positions, the near limbs are always massaged, and all other parts of the body are distant (half of the neck with shoulder girdle, torso, gluteal region).

forward and reverse, (Fig. 6.7) Forward stroke - the brush moves along the massaged area with the thumb in front. Reverse stroke - the brush moves forward on the massaged surface with the little finger.

Rice. 6 Forward stroke of the arm. Rice. 7. Reverse arm.

Classical massage of the whole body or back can be performed for the purpose of treatment or as a preventive measure, and such a session provides the patient with emotional relaxation. However, only an experienced specialist can carry out such a procedure, otherwise significant harm can be done to human health through ignorance. With many spine-related diagnoses, this is an auxiliary therapeutic measure to speed up the recovery process. The technique of classical massage is designed so that after the first course passed, complaints disappear and relief comes.

What is classic massage

This is a set of measures by a professional massage therapist, aimed at working out the tissues and muscles of the body. With the correct implementation of the basic techniques, you can permanently get rid of pains of different localization, adhesions, increased swelling, while stimulating systemic blood circulation, and normalizing the process of regeneration of injured tissues.

With the help of the massage technique being implemented, many patients manage to increase vitality and performance, strengthen joints without the participation of conservative methods of treatment. If we talk about anti-cellulite procedures, with their help you can achieve the correction of excess weight, quietly and without much effort to get rid of extra pounds, sagging skin.


In diseases of the joints and severe pain in different areas of the spine, doctors strongly recommend mastering the basics of classical massage. With a mechanical effect on the alleged foci of pathology, a long period of remission can be achieved in other, no less dangerous diseases. The main indications for a classic session are presented below:

  • violation of the systemic circulation of the body;
  • congestion;
  • migraine attacks;
  • radiculitis;
  • consequences of stretching tendons, ligaments, muscles;
  • arthritis of different stages;
  • paralysis;
  • decreased motility of the large intestine;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • rehabilitation after fractures of limbs;
  • metabolic disease;
  • emotional upheaval, stress, increased fatigue.

What is included in a full body massage

Massage is carried out with the participation of individual techniques, according to medical indications. Improving tactics are aimed at eliminating increased muscle tension, relaxing and stretching the vertebrae, and achieving emotional balance. The movements should be unhurried, but intense, and the fingers should be rigid and focused on the focus of the pathology. The principle of the classic session is based on:

  • pressure;
  • rubbing;
  • strokes;
  • tingling;
  • vibrations;
  • kneading.


Varieties of masseur movements completely depend on the final result. The technique is determined individually, based on the specific area of ​​the skin that was involved in the pathological process. Doctors distinguish the following official classification:

  1. Performing hygienic massage provides health promotion, prevention of various diseases. More often the session is carried out in combination with hygienic gymnastics.
  2. Being interested in sports massage, it is useful to know that a session can be training (with a deep effect on the muscles), restorative (in order to properly relax the muscle corset), and preventive (from the consequences of increased loads).
  3. A treatment session effectively eliminates the symptoms of certain diseases, accelerates and prolongs the period of remission.
  4. Cosmetic massage works on the patient's skin, maintaining its health and beauty, preventing premature aging, correcting a number of cosmetic imperfections. This includes an anti-cellulite procedure.

How to prepare the body for a massage

During the preparatory activities, patients should use massage oils, which must be applied to a previously cleaned and dried body. Such aromatic agents have a relaxing effect on the nervous system, have a therapeutic, preventive effect. Other self-preparation measures for the classic procedure are presented below:

  1. When processing the face, the first step is to remove makeup, after which the skin is thoroughly cleaned and dried.
  2. When working on the neck and collar zone, clean problem areas, avoid local reactions in the form of irritation.
  3. To safely strengthen the pectoral muscles (especially in women), it is important to exclude the presence of tumors in the breast.
  4. If this is a session after an injury or to strengthen blood vessels, you must first consult with highly specialized specialists for contraindications.
  5. Relaxing massage is required to be carried out using aroma oils, which significantly improve the final result.

Massage technique

The benefits of such therapeutic and preventive procedures are obvious, the main thing is to strictly adhere to the chosen technique, not to overdo it with the intensity of exposure with brushes and fingers. Here are the basic rules during this procedure:

  1. Before taking it, it is important to lie on your stomach and ensure complete relaxation of the muscles.
  2. During the procedure, the lymphatic system (nodes) is prohibited to work out.
  3. When working on individual zones of acute attacks of pain should not occur.
  4. Massage should begin with large areas, which helps to quickly “put into operation” stagnant vessels.
  5. The duration of the sessions is determined on a purely individual basis.

Basic techniques of classical massage

To strengthen the back, improve vascular permeability and increase elastic muscle tissue, it is important to know the basic secrets of classical massage, which, with special education, can be safely put into practice. Below is a set of simple movements that works every muscle in the body and justifies the cost of a massage.


This is the first and last exercise of classical massage, which helps to relax the body as much as possible, to set it in the right way. Such a leisurely and even pleasant movement is equally recommended for adults and children, moreover, parents should perform it almost from the first days of a baby's life. First, it is recommended to work out the back, then go down to the lower limb, do not forget about the arms and neck.


The massage therapist uses this exercise already in the middle of the session, it provides for the displacement of the skin without harm to health. These should be progressive manipulations with both hands in one direction and the other, while the patient feels an internal feeling of heat, the skin turns noticeably red. This kind of rubbing is necessary for young children aged 3-6 months, however, it is recommended to choose circular movements of moderate intensity.


This technique includes several manipulations at once. Among these are stretching, squeezing, squeezing and lifting tissues. Muscles begin to work productively, systemic blood circulation increases, congestion and visible edema disappear. Movements should be unhurried, classical kneading is allowed for children from the age of one, earlier - exclusively for medical reasons. With quick and sharp manipulations, tissues and blood vessels can be injured.


This is the attraction of oscillatory movements to enhance the effectiveness of a classic massage. In this way, you can work out the muscles not only of the back, but of the whole body. The technique involves the massage therapist grabbing the upper layer of the epidermis or muscle with the fingertips. The classical procedure itself is not complicated, but very effective for patients of any age.


The performance of the classical procedure depends on the affected area. These are the valuable recommendations that a knowledgeable specialist gives, but at the same time he strongly does not recommend superficial self-treatment. So:

  1. Foot massage should be carried out from the feet to the knees, from the knee joint to the intimate areas.
  2. When working out the back, it is required to move from the sacrum to the neck, and along the lateral surfaces of the back - to the armpits.
  3. The classic chest procedure is carried out from the sternum to the armpits (knots).
  4. Massage of the pelvic, lumbar and sacral regions is carried out towards the inguinal lymph nodes.
  5. The rectus abdominal muscles are supposed to be worked out from top to bottom, oblique ones - from bottom to top.


Classical massage is not allowed for all patients. In some clinical pictures in this way, you can only complicate the course of the pathological process, cause serious health complications. Existing medical restrictions to the session are detailed below:

  • disturbed temperature regime, fever;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • tendency to bleeding or thrombosis;
  • trophic ulcers, gangrene;
  • hypertensive or hypotensive crisis;
  • nervous disorders;
  • complications after surgery;
  • state of alcoholic intoxication;
  • violation of the digestive function;
  • pathology of the peritoneal organs;
  • allergic diseases;
  • atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • stage of relapse of a chronic disease.


The cost of the session varies depending on the choice of classical massage, the rating of the medical center and the masseur himself. If the patient is to undergo a treatment course, below are approximate prices for Moscow and St. Petersburg. Regular customers, as a rule, are given good discounts, but this happens upon registration. Here are the approximate prices for the procedure:


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