Presentation on the geography of the population of Africa. Presentation on the topic "Population of Africa"

The buildings 30.06.2020

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There are 25 presentations in total in the topic

This presentation allows you to form an idea of ​​students about the peoples inhabiting Africa. The developed tasks are aimed at developing the skills to work with the "Peoples and Population Density" map, as well as to compare the "Population Density" and "Natural Zones of Africa" ​​maps. There are many thematic maps in the presentation, which allow developing cognitive skills of working with the map.

The existing test is aimed at monitoring the knowledge of students obtained during the lesson.



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The population of Africa MKOU Skatinskaya secondary school Geography teacher Levanova V.A.

The objectives of the lesson: to acquaint students with the characteristics of the indigenous population of Africa, with the racial and ethnic composition of the mainland, to identify the relationship between natural areas and population density, the relationship between races and natural areas.

Africa - the ancestral home of man On the territory of modern Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania, the remains of a man and his tools, whose age is more than 20 million years, were found.

What are the main races of the world's population?

Characteristics Main characteristics Race Equatorial (Negroid) Mongoloid Caucasoid Main characteristics Dark color of skin, hair and eyes, spirally curled or wavy hair, broad nose, thick lips Dark skin with a yellowish tint, straight black hair, large face, narrow eye slit Skin from light to dark with a pinkish or reddish tinge, hair soft, wavy or straight Races Equatorial (Negroid) Mongoloid Caucasoid Races - these are historically formed groups of people, connected by a unity of origin, having similar characteristics that are inherited. How do representatives of each race differ from each other?

What races live on the African continent? 2. In what part of the mainland do representatives of the Caucasian race live? 3 . What race is the majority of the population of Africa?

Give examples of nations for each race

The population of Africa is 1.1 billion people.

Population density The average population density of the continent is about 30 people / km 2

Population distribution How is the population distribution shown on the map? How are uninhabited areas depicted on a map? Where on the mainland is the population density more than 100 people per 1 km 2? Where on the mainland is the population density less than 1 person per 1 km 2? What is the population density in the Congo Basin? What is the population density in the east of the mainland? Map in the atlas - p.12-13

Compare maps: natural areas of Africa and population density. Which natural areas have the highest population density, the lowest? Explain the pattern.

What natural areas are these dwellings typical for? Why are there no windows in buildings?

Colonial past By the beginning of the 20th century. - Africa has become a continent of European colonies. (only Liberia and Ethiopia were free) In the middle of the 20th century. Africa became the mainland of the national liberation struggle At the end of the 20th century. Africa has become a continent of independent states A colony is a country deprived of political and economic independence.

Consolidation of the studied material 1. What continent do scientists consider the ancestral home of modern man? 2. What race is the majority of the population of Africa? 3. What peoples live in the semi-deserts and deserts of South Africa? 4. These "forest people" are distinguished by yellowish skin color, very wide nose, small stature? Who is it? 5. Where does the alien population of the Caucasian race live within the mainland? 6. What is the population of Africa? What is the average population density of the mainland? 7. What is the name of a country deprived of political and economic independence?

THE PERSON LIVES IN AFRICA. a) less than 500 million, b) 500 million - 850 million, c) more than 1 billion. a) Negroid, b) Caucasoid, c) Mongoloid. 3. POPULATION OF NORTH AFRICA: a) Malagasy, b) Arab peoples, c) Bantu peoples. 4. THE LOWEST PEOPLES OF AFRICA ARE CALLED: a) Pygmies, b) Lilliputians, c) Bushmen. 5. THE MOST ANCIENT HUMAN REMAINS WERE FOUND IN: a) Egypt, Libya, Algeria, b) Nigeria, Gabon, Chad, c) Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia. 6. ONE OF THE HIGHEST PEOPLES OF AFRICA: a) Bushmen, b) Masai, c) Arabs. 7. THE ALIEN POPULATION OF AFRICA LIVES: a) at the equator, b) on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, c) on the northern and southern coasts of the mainland. Test

THE PERSON LIVES IN AFRICA. a) less than 500 million, b) 500 million - 850 million, c) more than 1 billion. a) Negroid, b) Caucasoid, c) Mongoloid. 3. POPULATION OF NORTH AFRICA: a) Malagasy, b) Arab peoples, c) Bantu peoples. 4. THE LOWEST PEOPLES OF AFRICA ARE CALLED: a) Pygmies, b) Lilliputians, c) Bushmen. 5. THE MOST ANCIENT HUMAN REMAINS WERE FOUND IN: a) Egypt, Libya, Algeria, b) Nigeria, Gabon, Chad, c) Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia. 6. ONE OF THE HIGHEST PEOPLES OF AFRICA: a) Bushmen, b) Masai, c) Arabs. 7. THE ALIEN POPULATION OF AFRICA LIVES: a) at the equator, b) on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, c) on the northern and southern coasts of the mainland. CORRECT ANSWERS: 1.c 2.a 3.b 4.a 5.c 6.b 7.c Test

6 points - "5" 5 points - "4" 4 points - "3"

Homework. Paragraph 30 Make a crossword "Countries of Africa" ​​Make a presentation about one of the countries of Africa.

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Africa - the ancestral home of mankind

In East Africa, archaeologists have found the remains of an ancient man and tools of his labor, which are about 2.7 million years old. Such finds are the oldest on our planet. This gave grounds to assume that the first people on Earth were Africans, that it was on this mainland that humanity originated. From here, ancient people began to settle around the world.

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About a billion Caucasians live on Earth, who have DARK SKIN, plus black hair and black eyes - Arabs, Indians, Tuareg, Moroccans.

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Equatorial negroids

Most of the mainland (south of the Sahara) is inhabited by representatives of the equatorial (Negroid) race. In the conditions of the scorching sun, their skin acquired a dark color, which saves it from burns, and their hair became curly. The peoples and tribes of this race have significant differences in skin tone, height, and facial features.

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Pygmies live in the equatorial forests (In Greek, this word means the size of a fist). These are the small people of our planet - the average height of an adult man is only 145 cm. Instead of the Masai and Tutsis - the High peoples of Africa, their height reaches 200 cm.

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Pygmies are one of the shortest races, but they are not dwarfs. Purebred pygmies have an average height of 145 cm (men) and 133 cm (women), and this is not a pathology, like in dwarfs. Their body proportions are the same as yours or mine, so their head seems disproportionately large.

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Masai are considered the most beautiful among the natives of East Africa. Tall, muscular, with expressive faces, the Maasai are sure that they are the favorites of the gods and are very contemptuous of other inhabitants of Africa.

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The Bushmen and Hottentots live in the south of the mainland. They are undersized, have yellowish wrinkled skin, and a broad, bony face, which makes them similar to the Mongoloids. Bushmen differ from Negroids because they have lighter skin and thin lips.

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The inhabitants of the island of Madagascar - Malagasy - Descended from mixed Negroid and Mongoloid races. Also, Ethiopians, who have a lighter skin color with a reddish tinge than that of Negroids, are considered representatives of an intermediate race.

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Long before the arrival of Europeans, the peoples of Africa created a peculiar culture (Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Benin, Sudan). They built large cities where crafts and arts developed. Unique monuments have survived to this day: the Egyptian pyramids - a miracle of ancient construction technology, temples, ivory and wood carvings, bronze sculptures, etc.

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Compared to other continents, Africa has a relatively low average population density - about 20 people. / km2. The territory of the mainland population is distributed extremely unevenly. The coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, the Gulf of Guinea, as well as the southeastern coast of the mainland are densely populated. There are large ports that have arisen on the world's busiest trade routes. Many of them became the largest cities of coastal states, and often their capitals.

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colonial past

2. What peoples of Africa do you know? Where do they live?
3. How is the population distributed across the mainland? What factors influence the uneven distribution of the population?
4. Consider why the official language in many countries in Africa is French or English.

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§ 30, questions.

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