Rules of the game in classic Russian checkers. What is important to know

Reservoirs 20.09.2019

Russian checkers are the most popular appearance of checkers in Russia. The rules of the game of the game in Russian checkers correspond to the Gashek Code of Russia, approved by the Conference of the Federation of Checkers of Russia on October 5, 2002, as well as international Rules Games in Russian checkers. In accordance with them, all official tournaments are held, including various championships.

Russian checkers board

Before you start writing about a skeleton board, it strives to mention that two are played in Russian checkers. And now we will proceed to the description of the combat field, on which two opponents will fight. The game board consists of 64 identical squares, alternately light and dark fields. The game is carried out only on dark fields.

A row of dark fields from one edge of the board to another forms a diagonal. The greatest diagonal consists of 8 black fields and crosses the board from left to right, it is called a big road.

A coarse board is located between the players in the checkers so that to the left of each of the players there was a dark corner field. In other words, the big road passes from left to right. If there is a markup on the board: Latin letters are horizontally: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, and vertically - numbers from 1 to 8, then it's easier to understand the location of the players behind the board - one sits there where the letters are located, and the second opposite and most easily found, it starts on the A1 field and ends on the H8 field.

Checkers in the game

Each of the game partners has 12 flat checkers round shape, one they white color, Other is black.
Checkers are placed on black fields of the first three horizontal rows on each side of the playing. White occupy fields from the first horizontal, and black with the eighth on the sixth.

In the initial placement on the board, all checkers are simple. But simple checker Maybe the lady. If, during the game, the checker reaches one of the latter fields, eighth (counting from itself) horizontal row, it turns into a lady. On the chalkboard, the ladies are denoted by double raids, that is, set alone on the other.

Moves in russian checkers

The first move is made by white

The rules of the game in Russian checkers say that the first move in the party makes playing with white checkers, unlike English checkers, where the game opens black. The move is the movement of the checkers from one board of the board to another. Partners alternately make one go until the game is over.

A simple checker walks only forward to a nearby field diagonally and only on the fields that are not engaged in other checkers.

If the checker is on one diagonal near the rival's checker, behind which there is a free field, it must be transferred through this checker on the free field. And in this case, the rival shack is removed from the board - this process is called taking. If in the process of taking a checker again turns out to be on one diagonal near the other side of the opponent, behind which there is a free field, it must be transferred through the second, third, etc. checker.

Rules of the game in Russian checkers clearly regulate what taking the rival checkers is mandatory and produced both forward and forth. Take is considered one played. Taking your checkers is prohibited.

Mandatory pick of the opponent's checkers back

The lady, unlike the simple checkers, can walk in any direction, both forward and back and on any of the free fields diagonally. But it can become, like a simple checker, only on free fields, and it can not jump through their checkers.

If the lad is on one diagonal with a rival's neck, behind which there is one or more free fields, it should take it, that is, being transferred through this checker on any free field. The rival checker in this case is removed from the board.

In the process of consistent take, it is allowed to pass several times after the same field, but it is forbidden to transfer a checker or a lady through the same checker (lady) of the opponent more than once.

If the capture is possible on two or more directions of a lady or a checker choose what exactly to take, regardless of the number or quality of the filmed checkers (ladies or simple), is provided to receiving, unlike where the player should take a maximum.

If a simple checker, when taking reaches the last (eighth of themselves) horizontal series, it turns into a lady. And if she is given the opportunity to further take the rival checkers, then it is obliged to do that.

If the checker reaches the last horizontal series without taking, then on this move ends.

The purpose of the game in Russian checkers

The main goal in the game is a victory. Although there are cases when they put on behalf of a specific game in checkers in a draw, for example, in a checker tournament in the last round playing a rather none result. Or a player in checkers just does not want to offend the opponent, so purposefully plays a draw. But these cases are rather exclusion from the rule. Participation in the game is good, but the victory is much better!

Black can not make a move

So who can you recognize the winning party? The winner is confessed The one who first reaches the situation in which his opponent:

1) recognizing his position lost, stated that it was surrendered;

2) will not be able to make another move;

3) There is not a single checker.

Rules of the game in Russian checkers point to moments when fixed draws in parties:

1) If it is impossible to win a single opponent;

2) if, for 15 moves, players did only in the ladies, without moving simple checkers and without taking;

3) if a participant in the game in checkers, having three and more ladies in the party ending and more dams against one rival lady, its 15th stroke (it is considered since the establishment of such a relationship) does not take the enemy's lady;

4) if the participant is having a party at the end of the party:

Only 5 moves to win

- three ladies or

- Two ladies and a simple checker or

- Dame and two simple checkers or

- Three simple checkers

against the lonely lady of the opponent, located on a big road, will not be able to achieve a won position.

5) If one and the same position on the board (the same location of the checkers) is repeated on three or more than the location of the checkers), and the stroke queue each time will be over the same side.

Now you are familiar with the rules of the game in Russian checkers. But not to forget them, be sure to practice: disassemble on the board various options Take checkers Look at what positions are possible for victory or draw, well, of course play several parties in Russian checkers.

The party is considered ending in an draw in cases:

7.2.1. If one of the players offers a draw, and the other accepts this proposal.

7.2.2. If it is impossible to win a single opponent.

7.2.3. If three (or more) repeats the same position, the same position is repeated, and the turn of each time will be over the same side.

7.2.4. If a player, having three ladies (or more) at the end of the party, against one enemy lady, its 15th stroke (counting from the moment of establishing the balance of forces) will not beat the dash.

7.2.5. If, during 15 moves, players did only the ladies, without moving simple checkers and does not produce takes.

7.2.6. If in the position in which both opponents have ladies, the ratio of forces has not changed (that is, there was no taking, and no checker has become a lady) throughout:

In 4 and 5 figured endings - 30 moves,

In 6 and 7 figured endings - 60 moves.

7.2.7. If a player, having three ladies, two ladies, and a simple, lady, and two simple versus a lonely lady, who is on a big road, will not be able to achieve a won position.

7.2.8. If the player, having two ladies, one lad at the end of the party, one lady and a simple, one lady against a lonely lady will not be able to achieve a won position.

7.2.9. In the case of the use of time monitoring until the end of the party without adding "Fisher's" seconds for each position of the position: three ladies, two ladies and one simple, or one lady and two simple, against a lonely lady of the opponent, located on a big road; Two ladies, one lady and simple, or one lady against a lonely lady of the opponent play, immediately recorded a draw, except for the case when the game has an obvious continuation and a player can demonstrate victory.

For many years, checkers were known as very exciting and simple game. Despite the seeming rectinence, it requires certain knowledge and skills, because there are many strategies and styles of the game.

When studying the strategy, you first need to understand the marks themselves and learn how to create a plan of your game. Many Shashists draw their knowledge from literature, magazines or watch the results of tournaments and matches. Beginners in the checkers often think that experts have some secret mathematical rules that solve all situations arising on the checkered board. This idea is false, since the number of possible positions is almost unlimited, and no one will ever lit-raid checkers in this way.

How to win in checkers - the first move

In almost all modern checkers, the launch rules of the game are the same: dark color Begins to move first. Decide on the color of checkers usually helps a coin or sequence. Moving forward the first checker need to learn exactly and quickly analyze the situation, visualizing changes in a position for several moves forward. We must not forget that the enemy will also try to make the best stroke. Know that having at the beginning of the game in your arsenal one checker more, you can safely count on a victory, the main thing about the battle without slipping.

How to win in checkers - make an opponent work on you

Make the opponent to move checkers in your favor - this is one of the secrets of victory. To apply forcing tactics you need to know something about formations, traps, shots and risks at the end of the game. When planning your game, use the distillation principle, hoping on the opponent's mistake.

How to win in checkers - set traps

Quite often, at the beginning of the game, newcomers practiced traps - this is one of the guarantees of victory in a desktop game. Such tactics can disrupt the opponent's plans, however, to understand its goals - a difficult task.

How to win in checkers - develop the tactics of the game

In some respects, the game in the checkers is similar to war. Each player can be called the twelve people commander on the battlefield from thirty-two squares. War's leaders maneuver forces with military accuracy, attacking, sacrificing, trying to overcome the enemy or suppress them superiority. Remember that the army is not moving into battle is unsystematic.

How to win in checkers - go in the ladies

The first of the players who reached opposite side The enemy, has a lady in his arsenal, and she is quite a formidable weapon. Her long-range possibilities and ability to move on the diagonal of the board can destroy the whole group of rival checkers.

How to win in checkers - strive for a chap

Cut the opponent to give you your checkers or knock them out. To do this, you can apply the reception when two rival checkers are not protected, and your gets up between them (approaching the "Lyubovka") or to determine the weak checker and attack the opponent.

How to win in checkers - central control

In advance, analyze the dangerous zones that you need to avoid the opponent to push you into them. Remember that the control of the center is to control the entire board. A checker standing at her board is much weaker than central. In addition to speed, central squares have wider coverage: you can overcome any flank from them. If the internal squares are so desirable in the game, then the side in many cases become unsafe. Your checker will not be clamped in the corner if there is a number of colleagues nearby.

How to win checkers - play thoughtfully

Always try to play slowly and thoughtfully, considering every possible move. Having moved his stroke in a hurry, you quickly finish the batch, but the result may be on the opponent's side. It is better to play one good gamethan one hundred negligent. Always expect your opponent can make the best course.

How to win in checkers - play with professionals

Practice the game with professionals. No need to go far to find a specialist. Local experts can be students who disassembled in the game and capable of drawing tough competition or disciples from a checkered club.

Remember that checkers help develop traits of character necessary for a successful life: caution, concentration, self-control, balance, accuracy, patience and even methodical judgment.

The game invented the centuries back to which is played to this day, conduct competitions and international championships. The game in which it will be easy to learn to play and cannot be forgotten. On our site collected free games online checkers. If you do not know how to play, see the rules and then quickly learn. They have nothing complicated in them, but they are very interesting. Games for two checkers will be useful not only to you, but also your partner.

Checkers - board games. They were invented to play at the table for two. The yard championships are very often suitable for this game when familiar people are going and playing each other from the championship. On our site presented free games online checkers. You can play, both with a computer and two. Invite your friends to visit us and fight them and board games checkers.

After you learn to play classic checkers, you can move to more complex. Where the field is more and the number of chips is also more. There are such rules for the game in checkers, where you can not beat back, or, reaching the extreme enemy line, the chip does not turn into a lady. Different rules Meet different strategies.

Checkers online with real people via the Internet

In our system is provided online game Checkers with classic rules. You can play absolutely free to it through the Internet with live players - the most real, real people from around the world or with a computer. You will have the opportunity to play without registration, for this you need to click the "Going Guest" button in the game interface, or you can log on to our service through one of the popular social. Networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Google + or Twitter, then all the possibilities of the system will be available. There are also great way Play with your friend, relative or just a close man, for this you need to create a private table in the game and invite your acquaintance, telling him the password.

What is important to know

  • to start the game, you need to go to the game interface and wait for download within a few seconds and choose a game from the list
  • in our system you can play checkers without registration, for this you need to click the "Guest Guest" button
  • you will have the opportunity to play with live people - real rivals or with a computer
  • to play with a friend, relative or acquaintance - create a private table and inform the opponent Special Password

Play checkers with computer

Play checkers against the computer right in the browser in online mode, you do not need to download anything!

Game varieties

There is a simple classification of checkers. First of all, this game is classified by the size of the playing board (the number of cells):

  • Canadian Playing Board (12x12)
  • International Playing Board (10x10)
  • Standard Playing Board (8x8)
  • 80-cell (10x8)

Also, checkers are classified according to the features of the game:

  • The initial location of the checkers.
  • Throughout vertical, horizontal or vertical.
  • Possibility or lack of way back.
  • Stage of the capabilities of the ladies (vertical, horizontal or vertical).
  • Rules Transformation of ordinary checkers in the lady.

Rules game Shashki.

The playing field is a square cell size of 8x8 cells, similar to chess. The columns are denoted by Latin letters from "A" to "H", and the lines are numbers from "1" to "8". Only dark fields are counted game.

Starting position

At the beginning of the game, each player has 12 checkers. Checkers are placed on three, closest to players, horizontals. White checkers are located on the fields A1, C1, E1, G1, B2, D2, F2, H2, A3, C3, E3, and G3, and black, on the H8 fields, F8, D8, B8, G7, E7, C7, A7, H6, F6, D6 and B6. Two central rows of fields remain free.

Rules of travel

Opponents walk alternately by moving the checkers of their color through the game fields. The first begin white. The party wins the side that it was possible to destroy or block the movement of all the enemy's checkers.

Stroke Game

At the beginning of the game, all the checkers are simple. A simple checker can make a move moving to one field forward diagonally. The move is possible if the corresponding field is free and anywhere on the board is not required to take the tick of the enemy checkers. The fight or taking the enemy's checkers is carried out by moving into two fields forward or backward diagonally, through the enemy's checker. During my progress, the checker is obliged to beat (take) the enemy's checker if that is located on the next (diagonal) field and if the field next to it is free. The tavering checker becomes a free field, jumping through an enemy checker, which is removed from the board.

Taking can be made not only forward, but also back. If, after taking one checkers, it is possible to beat another checker of the enemy, the take continues, that is, in one course, the checker should beat so many rival checkers as they stand on her way. Take mandatory. With the possibility of capturing in different directions same number checkers selection is provided to a taking player, otherwise you need to take maximum amount Checkers.


If a simple checker reaches the last row, it becomes a lady. The ladies, in contrast to ordinary checkers, are able to move to an arbitrary number of fields on the selected diagonal, and both forward and forth. Damka, at his time, must take a rival shack (both forward and forth) regardless of the number of free fields to it, if only this checker is on one diagonal with a lady and for this checker there is one or more free fields. Moreover, in the latter case, the lady, having taken the enemy's checkers, can stop at any of them. If, when taking on any of the intersecting diagonals, there are also checkers of the opponent, followed by free fields, then the lady must continue the capture of these checkers, no matter how much they were on its path.

Also, as in the case of simple checkers, the take is mandatory. With the possibility of taking in different directions of the same number of checkers, the choice is provided to a receiving player, otherwise you need to take the maximum amount of checkers.

If the checker reaches the last horizontal as a result of the battle of the enemy checkers (after which turns into a lady), and if it is given the possibility of further taking enemy checkers, then it is obliged to continue the battle, but already under the rights of the ladies. This rule is valid only if the checker reaches the last horizontal as a result of the shock stroke. In the event that a simple checker reaches the last row without taking and after that, after this, the possibility of battle will be presented, then it must beat (if such an opportunity is preserved) only by the following course.

Completion of the game


The party loses the player who did not have any checkers.


  1. The party ends in a draw if 50 is not perfect moves
  2. The party ends in a draw, if the players remained on one lady and made 3 non-characteristic stroke

History of the appearance of checkers

Checkers today is the most ancient game, which in modern times not only did not lose its relevance, but also acquired great popularity. Historical fact It is the one that the checkers were known in the ancient Egypt and the pharaohs played in her. The Egyptians believed that the checkers invented the Egyptian God of Wisdom - he, and the ancient Greeks believed that he created this game - Hermes.

Historical fact is also the fact that the checkers existed in Kievan Rus XX century and this is evidenced by a number of objects of archaeological excavations. It is believed that the checkers hit the Kiev Rus from the wicker tribes of the Vikings. This is natural, because it is believed that the checkers themselves are the entrance of the peoples of Sweden, Iceland and Norway.

After the Kiev Rus, in the Moscow State, the king Peter I paid enough attention to the development of this game. At the secular receptions of the king necessarily attended separate roomin which guests of His Majesty could play checkers.

An interesting fact that the Great Conqueror Napoleon Bonaparte preferred checkers chess and almost never parted with his miniature pearl board. He believed that checkers allow him more scrupulously to train intelligent knowledge, create strategies and calculate all his steps.

In 1847, the first champion of the world in the game was held for the first time. However, at that time, specific rules did not exist, and the participants of the tournament played on the principle of "go how like". The first winner of the championship was Scotlandec - Andrew Anderson. After that, such tournaments began to pass annually.

Games Checkers Today is a popular game not only among older generation, but also the younger. Adults and children are glad to develop their intellectual opportunities with this game.


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Are you ready to beat your relatives and friends in checkers? Learn the foundation, and you will have a big advantage when playing with other lovers of checkers. If you are ready to begin to improve in the game of checkers, in this article you will find a description of some strategies whose use will increase your chances of winning. In addition, we will tell you how to play tournaments and constantly improve your skill.


Part 1

How to increase chances of winning

    Try to spend more checkers in the ladies than your opponent. In checkers, the advantage of one who has more ladies. Therefore, set a goal to get as many ladies as possible - it will increase your chances of winning.

    • In order to practice this advice in practice, move the checkers in the board of the board, where your opponent has less checkers or checkers more scattered and vulnerable. If possible, they are insight into the neck with neighboring checkers, even the price of their victims to increase the chances of carrying out the lady.
    • In the second part of the article we will tell you how to "redirect" the enemy's checkers and get into the ladies.
  1. Do not move the last row of checkers as long as possible. The opponent will not be able to spend the lady if the last cells will be occupied by your checkers, so such a strategy will prevent him from achieving the benefits in the early stages of the game. And when you finally begin to walk the last next to the checkers, you will have more options.

    • You will not be able to hold the last row all the time. When you still have little checkers or the opportunity will appear for a favorable sharing shacking, do not be afraid to move the checkers of the last row.
  2. Move the checkers with compact groups and pairs. Two checkers "in tandem" stand next to each other diagonally. Keep the checkers close enough to each other so that you can make a tandem with one move, having complicating your poverty to take your checkers.

    • "Follow" behind the baby nominated earlier before walking on, covering it. Safety pushed forward with two checkers even more reliable, as you can protect it from hitting from two sides.
    • In the second part, we will tell how to put "paired traps".
  3. Exchange with checkers when it is profitable for you. Obviously, it is advantageous for you to change one of your checker on two poles of the opponent, but even the exchange of one checkers for one is beneficial if you have more checkers on the board than the opponent.

    • For example, if you have 5 checkers, and your opponent has 4, there are almost equal strength on the board. But when you exchange even three more checkers, you will have a double advantage over the opponent (2 to 1)!
  4. Control the center of the board. Keep a few checkers closer to the center, and you will have the opportunity at any time to quickly transfer the strength on one of the flanks on which you should focus. Similarly, try not to let the rival checkers take the center of the field to deprive its advantages.

    Part 2

    Tactics and Strategy Games
    1. Sacrifice checkers for advantage. According to the rules of "mandatory strike", the opponent must take your checker if he has such an opportunity. Cover the consequences of your moves, representing what position will be created on the board after taking your checkers, and it is thereby determining whether to put it under the blow.

      Use "paired traps". For this type of bell traps on the board must be located in a certain way. The first checker (1) occupies an extreme right or left cell diagonally, and right in front of it on the same diagonal becomes your second checker (2). Next along this diagonal there is an empty cell, behind it - a rival checker (we denote it a), followed by another one checker B.

      • Go like a checker 2 towards the rival checkers, substituting it under the punch of the checkers A.
      • According to the rule of the mandatory strike, the opponent must be a checker and beat your checker, but he cannot beat your checker 1, as she stands at the edge of the board.
      • After the enemy takes your checker 2, you can beat your checker A.
      • Upon this standard scenario, there is not a very interesting exchange of one checkers to another. Nevertheless, you can install such a trap, "waiting" the possibility for a double impact.
    2. "Redirect" rival checkers. To do this, from the very beginning of the party, decide that six of your checkers on one side of the boards will be a group A, and six on the other - B. B. This will be useful to you in order to determine what checkers should go on one or another stage of the game.

      • At the beginning of the party, try to walk exclusively by the grooms of the group A, moving the bakes of the group B only if there are good strokes for checkers.
      • When entering the rival in exchange, try to change the grooms of the group A, leaving the group B untouched.
      • After several exchanges of the checkers of your opponent, most likely, will be focused on half of the boards, where there were checkers of the group A. Now begin to promote a group of group b: So you can take good positions to break into the ladies through weakened protection on this site.

    Part 3.

    Preparation for the tournament
    1. Determine what rules a tournament is being held. On alone tournaments act standard rules Checkers, which are reduced to an arbitrary move or free style. On the other there is a rule 3 movesThrough which players must limit ourselves to the start of the batch with a certain sequence of 3 moves. Rule 3 moves reduces the likelihood of a draw in a party between two experienced players.

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