Skin antiseptics for hands, wounds and mucous membranes. Antiseptic hand gel: which one to choose? Review and reviews

Engineering systems 12.06.2019
Engineering systems

Hand sanitizer can be isopropanol, ethanol, n-propanol, or povidone-iodine. Excipients typically include a thickener such as polyacrylic acid, humectants such as glycerin as well as propylene glycol, and plant essential oils. Alcohol-based antiseptics are considered more effective tool for the destruction of microorganisms than soap, and dry the skin of the hands less. Alcohol-free hand sanitizers contain either low concentrations of the nitrogenous cationic surface-acting agent benzalkonium chloride, chlorinated aromatic triclosan, or povidone-iodine.


The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers hand sanitizers to be an appropriate alternative to soap and water for maintaining hand hygiene.

Alcohol-based hand sanitizers may not be effective at low amounts or concentrations. Although isopropyl alcohol is effective in killing most bacteria, the exposure time required to destroy cells is not respected because the alcohol typically evaporates in less than 10-15 seconds.

The researchers state that using 0.3 ml of alcohol-based hand sanitizer is no more effective than normal hand washing with soap and water, but increasing the volume to 0.5 ml increases the effectiveness of alcohol significantly. In a work environment with high level lipid or protein waste (for example, food industry) the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizer alone may not be sufficient to ensure proper hand hygiene.

Alcohol destroys both pathogenic (pathogenic) microorganisms and permanent bacterial microflora, which usually does not cause diseases. Research shows that alcohol-based hand sanitizers do not pose a threat to the "good" germs that are naturally present on the skin. The body quickly replenishes the hands with so-called "good" microbes, often moving them from the upper arm, where there are fewer bad microbes.

Alcohol also removes from the skin upper layer fats, which can adversely affect the protective functions of the skin. However, handwashing with detergents, such as commonly used soaps, further destroys the skin's defenses compared to alcohol-based handwashes, causing significant loss of skin lipids.


In intensive care units, nosocomial infections affect about 30% of patients, and mortality can be as high as 44%. In various hospitals around the world during the swine flu pandemic, infection of healthcare workers ranged from 20 to 60% [ ] .

Hand antiseptics in the hospital environment have two main uses: hand hygiene and surgical hand disinfection.

Hygienic treatment of hands with an antiseptic is recommended when exercising medical treatment and in all circumstances where hand disinfection is necessary (during contact with a sick or environment patient, in particular before a medical examination between each medication, if it is broken up).

Surgical hand antisepsis: before using the drug, hands and forearms are thoroughly washed beforehand, twice, with warm running water and toilet soap for 2 minutes, dried with a sterile gauze. Then 5 ml of the drug is applied to the hands and rubbed into the skin of the hands and forearms (back and inner side palms, fingers, areas between fingers) for 2.5 minutes; the procedure is repeated twice, keeping the skin of the hands moist. The total processing time is 5 minutes. Sterile gloves are put on after the drug has completely dried. The product has a prolonged action for 3 hours.

Treatment of the skin of the surgical field and the elbows of the donor's arms: the skin is wiped twice with separate sterile gauze swabs, abundantly moistened with the preparation. The holding time after finishing processing is 2 minutes. Treatment of the skin of the injection field: the skin is wiped with a sterile cotton swab, abundantly moistened with the preparation. The exposure time after the end of processing - 1 minute.

In medical practice, as a rule, antiseptics are used in polyethylene bottles with a volume of 300-500 ml with a dispenser.

domestic use


Alcohol-based gel may ignite and burn with a dull blue flame. This is due to the fact that the gel contains flammable alcohol. Some gel sanitizers may not have this effect due to their high concentration of water or humectants. Several rare cases are known in which alcohol has caused a fire in working area, including a case where alcohol, used as an antiseptic, accumulated under surgical drapes in an operating room, caused a fire when using a cauterizing instrument (thermal cautery). To minimize the risk of fire, users of an alcohol-based hand sanitizer should be instructed to rub the product into their hands until they are completely dry, indicating that the flammable alcohol has evaporated.

Cases have been reported of people drinking antiseptic gels (with mixers) in prisons and hospitals to relieve hangovers - leading to their use being canceled in some establishments.

JSC "Chistovye" offers antiseptics for manicure wholesale and retail at a bargain price. Processing the hands of the master and the client before starting work is the same mandatory procedure as the use of specialized liquids for disinfecting instruments at the end of the session. Modern compositions are characterized by hypoallergenicity, ease of use, high disinfection speed (less than 5 minutes) and prolonged antimicrobial action (up to 3 hours or more). Hand sanitizers are most effective alcohol based containing at least 60% ethanol. This concentration creates an unfavorable environment for most known microorganisms. They are widely used both in everyday needs and in medical and cosmetic procedures. Alcohol-based antiseptics provide a high degree of protection against pathogens, various kinds viruses and bacteria. In order to protect the skin from drying out and microtrauma before manicure, which can lead to further inflammation, disinfectants include components that restore the protective fatty membrane of the epidermal layers.

The application of the disinfecting composition is carried out on pre-washed and dried skin. Excessive moisture of the hands slows down the effectiveness of antibacterial treatment, and also negatively affects the condition of the epidermal layers. A portion of the antiseptic is drawn into the recesses of the palms, after which the liquid is evenly distributed over all areas of the skin, including the fingers and the spaces between them, areas around the nails, etc. If necessary, the procedure for applying the disinfectant composition can be carried out twice. After the hand treatment is completed, means light massaged into the skin until completely dry.

In order to clarify the details and purchase a professional antiseptic for manicure rooms, contact the specialists of Chistovye JSC.

Careful hygiene avoids many problems. This is why hand sanitizers have become very popular lately. The range of such products is quite large. The product is available in the form of sprays, wipes, soaps and gels. This allows you to purchase the product in a small package that fits perfectly in your purse. What is the difference?

Antiseptic: what is it?

Disinfectants for hands are composed of many components that can destroy pathogens that have accumulated on the surface of the skin. Most often, these products are called antiseptics. What is it? If you describe it in a nutshell, then the antiseptic is a disinfecting liquid. The main purpose of its use is to destroy and prevent the growth of pathogens.

Such substances have been known for a long time. These include hydrogen peroxide, iodine and brilliant green. Without such disinfectants for hands and other parts of the body, doctors did not risk performing surgery, since often an operation performed without antiseptics led to the death of the patient.


Additional components of the composition

Antiseptic and hand sanitizers may contain additional additives. They often add:

  • lactic acid;
  • extracts of lavender, citrus fruits, aloe vera and tea tree oil;
  • a variety of vitamins designed to improve the condition of the skin, for example, vitamin A and E.

On sale you can find products that practically do not contain alcohol. They are intended for those who have very sensitive skin. Most often, such compounds are used in children's institutions, restaurants and cafes. Such antiseptics contain a minimum percentage of ethyl alcohol. Salt solution and some anti-allergic synthetic substances are taken as the basis for their manufacture.


Today, many varieties of hand sanitizers are produced: with a dispenser, with an aerosol, in solid, gel and liquid form. You can buy formulations not only in a pharmacy, but also in any specialized store. For consumers, antiseptics are offered in the form of:

  • sprays;
  • soaps;
  • napkins;
  • gel.

Each form has its own characteristics and advantages. In addition, its cost also depends on the type of tool.


Antiseptic in the form of a spray is the latest novelty of cosmetic companies. Its main purpose is the processing of hands. It can be used not only at home, but also in a cafe, in the office, on the street, in a medical facility and so on. By spraying, the agent covers large areas skin without forming a film. However, it is worth considering that such substances can greatly dry the skin, as they contain a large number of alcohol.

The most popular product is the Protect hand spray. Its cost is 75-100 rubles. Emital also produces similar products. The cost of its products varies from 270 to 300 rubles.

Antiseptic gel

Another popular type of antiseptic and hand sanitizer is gel. Such a tool is much more convenient to store in an office desk shelf. It takes up little space. However, this form has some drawbacks. When in a hurry, too much or too little of the drug can be poured onto the hands. By negligence, a loosely closed lid leads to damage to things or a bag.

Sanitelle antiseptic occupies the leading place among products of this kind. Its cost is from 70 to 80 rubles per 50 ml jar. The second place is occupied by the tool "Velvet Hands". The cost of a bottle with the same volume is from 80 to 90 rubles.

Antibacterial soap

The disinfectant produced in this form is the most effective. However, it is designed for home use only. The most popular brands are Dettol and Safeguard. The approximate cost of one bar of soap is about 50 rubles. If necessary, you can purchase such an antiseptic in liquid form in a container with a dispenser. This attribute is easy to use. Liquid soap with antibacterial effect - a popular attribute in almost all bathrooms of restaurants and honey. institutions.

Bottle of hand sanitizer in cosmetic bag modern woman hardly less than a lip balm or powder box is needed. The abundance of contacts, frequent movement around the city in public transport - infections lie in wait everywhere, and careful hygiene is practically the only way to protect your health and the health of loved ones.

Why are disinfectants needed?

"Diseases of dirty hands" have long been considered not only intestinal infections and hepatitis, but also influenza and other respiratory viral diseases, conjunctivitis, various skin diseases. When shaking hands, touching money, a handrail in a bus, a trolley in a supermarket, a lot of pathogenic bacteria get on the skin of the hands, and then they easily migrate to Airways or in the digestive tract, causing a variety of diseases. A computer keyboard, an office telephone receiver, a TV remote control - all of these items harbor as many germs as under the rim of a toilet bowl.

It is especially difficult for mothers of young children - kids pick up objects they like from the ground, try to take a closer look and touch absolutely everything, and then touch their faces with dirty hands, pull fingers or toys into their mouths.

Disinfectants are also indispensable for minor injuries - scratches, abrasions received where there is no first aid kit at hand

There is also a delicate side of the problem, concerning exclusively women. According to gynecologists, in some cases, inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs are associated with a violation of hygiene standards - the reason for this is touching the genitals with insufficiently clean hands when changing a sanitary napkin or tampon.

The simplest and affordable way Protect yourself from infections by washing your hands regularly with soap and water. However, there are situations when it is not possible to wash your hands immediately, for example, on the street or in a store. In such cases, a variety of disinfectants specially designed for use in everyday life come to the rescue. They should be used by those who, out of necessity, often contact people, touch money or food, travel a lot in public transport, visit hospitals and clinics.

Problem of choice

Health care workers use disinfectant solutions and skin preparations all the time, but these products are usually designed to combat large quantity dangerous microorganisms resistant to external influences - hospital microflora, as you know, is less sensitive to many antiseptics. Special antiseptics are also used in beauty salons, on food production. There is no need to use such tools in everyday life - for everyday use There are effective and easy-to-use disinfectants.

Hand sanitizers come in several forms - gels, liquids, wipes and sprays.

The choice depends on your personal preferences, the conditions in which the disinfectant is supposed to be used, the characteristics of your skin.

As an active ingredient in such products, as a rule, ethyl or isopropyl alcohol is used, there are products containing a combination of various alcohols, triclosan, lactic acid, chlorhexidine.

Sprays usually contain more alcohol and can dry out the skin. The sprayed antiseptic is distributed over large area, does not form a film, but does not last long - until the alcohol completely evaporates from the surface of the skin. There are also alcohol-free sprays.

Gels and liquids are less convenient for constant use and carrying with you: in a hurry, more or less liquid is poured out than necessary, a loosely closed bottle can lead to damage to clothes or things in the bag. In addition, many do not like the feeling of the film that occurs after using the gel. It is convenient to keep such antiseptics in a desk drawer at work. Liquid products usually contain not only disinfectants, but also moisturizing and caring components.

For those who lead an active lifestyle, antibacterial wipes impregnated with an antiseptic composition are ideal. The choice of such products is now huge, they can wipe not only hands, but also various objects - for example, a simulator in the gym. Antibacterial wipes do not take up much space, they can be taken with you on a trip, but disposal of used wipes sometimes causes problems.

Each of us during the day comes into contact with various objects that are potential carriers of bacteria and infections. Pathogens can be transmitted through handshakes, money, objects in crowded places, etc. Soap is a good and proven tool for cleaning hands and disinfecting them, but it only temporarily removes bacteria from the skin. For this reason, hand sanitizers have appeared on the market for household hygiene products.

What is hand sanitizer?

Hand sanitizer is special remedy which has an antimicrobial and antiviral effect, through which you can cleanse the skin at any time, thereby preventing infection various diseases. As a rule, a high-quality household antiseptic can protect a person from pathogenic microorganisms for 5-6 hours after hand treatment.

Modern manufacturers of personal care products have developed a wide range of products that have their own characteristics and specific applications. For example, for people who are constantly faced with a bill of money, there are special antiseptic preparations that are aimed at destroying the bacteria most often present on banknotes.

Antiseptics have long been used in medicine, but products for household use have only recently begun to be produced.

According to the Ministry of Health, since the mass distribution of antiseptics among the population, cases of acute infectious diseases. This confirms the high relevance of drugs in this group and the need to use them for domestic purposes.

Composition of hand sanitizers

The composition of hand antiseptics is determined by their type. At the same time, products of the same type may include several active ingredients that increase the effectiveness of the drug for everyday use among the population. A number of components should be distinguished that determine the type and purpose of a particular antiseptic drug:

  • based on alcohols;
  • based on organic acids;
  • with surface active components;
  • guanidines;
  • bispyridines;
  • oxygenated;
  • halides, etc.

A feature of household antiseptics, in contrast to the means general use is the absence of chlorine as a component. In this case, antiseptic hand tools may look like this:

  • liquid soap;
  • spray;
  • processed wipes;
  • solutions, etc.

It is important to remember that any type of product can be used to treat the hands, but if there is damage to the skin, then alcohol-containing liquids should be discarded.

Which skin antiseptic is better to choose: a review of brands

Modern antiseptic preparations are no wonder for a long time, but a means of personal hygiene, without which it is hard to imagine life in big city. To facilitate consumer choice and increase the effectiveness of hygiene products, pharmacological and cosmetic companies develop highly specialized lines of products for personal use.

Below is a detailed list of household antiseptics that have different purposes, form and composition. After reviewing the most popular products, you can make a choice in favor of one or another tool that would be most suitable in a particular situation.

Antiseptic with dispenser Sterillium (Sterillium)

The antiseptic drug from Sterillium is an alcohol-based product, presented in the form of a gel with a dispenser. The composition is sold in a convenient container with a volume of almost half a liter and in small bottles for carrying with you. The tool is used to clean hands as part of personal hygiene, before surgery, injections, and even for the treatment of small skin lesions in order to prevent infection. The product is effective against group A herpes viruses, influenza, hepatitis, staphylococcus, Escherichia coli, etc. To use, apply the gel on the palms of your hands and rub them well. The active protection process is activated 30 seconds after the composition is applied to the skin of the hands.

Spray "Eco-breeze"

"Eco-breeze" is an alcohol spray, which is sold in bottles with a sprayer in a volume of 1000 milliliters. Use of hand sanitizer for medical institutions for the purpose of medical and preventive activities, in laboratory research and other areas of service. The tool is also relevant for domestic use. It has bactericidal and antimicrobial properties, which allows the component to be used to prevent various infectious diseases transmitted through direct contact with an object. You can use the product both for treating the surface of hands and for disinfecting objects that are resistant to alcohol.

Children's antiseptic gel Sanitelle Kids

This is a quality product that is an effective antiseptic for the treatment of hands and objects. The composition destroys in a few seconds 99 percent of all known infections and bacteria, which makes it indispensable for child care. The disinfectant component does not dry the hands of the baby, as it contains aloe extract and vitamins of group E. It has a pleasant smell of chewing gum, which is especially liked by children. The product does not cause allergic reactions and can be used for all skin types.

Antibacterial gel Dettol (Dettol)

Gel Dettol is an effective alcohol-based antiseptic. It has a specific alcohol smell, which quickly disappears. When applied to the hands does not cause discomfort in the form of stickiness, tightness and drying. In a matter of seconds, it destroys bacteria and microorganisms that are on the skin of the hands. After use, the effect of washed hands lasts for several hours, which is quite convenient for domestic use of the drug. It should also be noted that the tool is quite economical and has a low cost.

"Diamond hands" for medical personnel

The tool "Diamond Hands", designed for medical workers is an antiseptic preparation, which includes isopropyl alcohol, didecyldimethylammonium chloride and additional components. The product is intended for hand disinfection during surgical procedures and treatment and prevention activities. The composition allows you to destroy most of the known viruses and bacteria. The duration of action of the antiseptic product exceeds the period of three hours after hand treatment.

Hand gel "Velvet hands"

It is convenient to use the gel to disinfect hands before eating, if there is no running water at hand. Gel with a disinfecting effect kills many bacteria: E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, diploid fungus. Easy to use, quickly absorbed and does not leave a film on the hands.

Compared to others antiseptics Gel Velvet Hands does not dry or tighten the skin. To some extent, the tool resembles a regular hand cream, as it takes care of the condition of the dermis, moisturizing and softening it. The tool is more economical and practical to use compared to conventional napkins. Convenient to take on the road.

Antibacterial Gel Bath and Body Works

Brand Bath and Body Works presents a variety of sanitizers with different flavors for every taste. They are made in the form of a small plastic bottle with a well-closing lid. Inside is a colored gel with micro-granules. According to the manufacturer, the gel destroys up to 99% of bacteria, so they can replace washing hands with soap. The tool has additional properties - softens and moisturizes the skin of the hands.

The gel is easy to use. It is necessary to put a drop of the product on your hands and rub it. The sanitizer absorbs quickly and leaves a feeling of cleanliness.

Instructions for using antiseptics

  1. Antiseptics are used exclusively for external treatment of hands and surfaces.
  2. It is forbidden to treat the mucous membranes of the body and wounds with the substance.
  3. Avoid contact with open flame.
  4. Cannot be used after the expiration date.
  5. If the antiseptic gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, then they should be washed with clean water and drip 1-2 drops of a 30% solution of sodium sulfacyl.
  6. If a child or an adult accidentally gets inside, then it is necessary to take adsorbents: Activated carbon(10-12 crushed tablets) or burnt magnesia (1-2 tablespoons per 1 glass of water). Vomiting is not necessary, if you feel worse, you should consult a doctor.

Video: how to make an antiseptic at home

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