Esieving even one unwashed strawberries, the child can pick up an intestinal infection. Strawberry passion

Landscape design and layout 12.06.2019
Landscape design and layout


  • Strawberry fresh

How to clean strawberries from the tails

Fragrant, juicy strawberry is a great summer treat. From her prepare lemonade, ice cream, smoothie. With her bake patties, tarts, pies and rolls. Breaking jam, jams and compotes. It is served with desserts, where it serves simultaneously with decoration and delicious part of the dessert. And for the preparation of all these delicacies you need to know how to clear the berrhea correctly and quickly.

Basically, in the process, how to clean strawberries, the removal of the fruit. It is done easily and quickly.

It turns out that remove this fruit can be easier simple. It is enough to use for this an ordinary tube for cocktails. With the tube work will move very quickly. And remember: strawberries should be rinsed well until the frozen is removed, and not after. In this case, strawberries will remain juicy, will not lose much juice, it will not become a water. So, in front of you simple instructionHow to clean strawberries quickly and without unnecessary trouble.

How to clean strawberries Step-by-step instructions with photos:

Step 4.

With the help of a tube to squeeze the fruit, pushing the tube in the strawberry. The process itself occurs quite easily. As a result, you will get a clean strawberry with a neat opening.

Strawberry very useful berrythat contains in yourself great amount Vitamins and trace elements. But due to the fact that the structure of the berry is very porous and mild on the surface of strawberries multiply malicious bacteria. Aggravates the situation also the proximity of mature berries to the ground. Considering all these factors, there are strawberry berries are not very dangerous. Therefore, to the question, how to wash the strawberry, you need to approach very seriously, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Berries of strawberries, purchased or ownly assembled, it is necessary to put in a deep plate and fill cold water. If the water is poured from under the tap, then you need to trace so that the jet is not very strong, since the berries can be mounted with strong pressure. It is recommended to leave strawberries for 10 minutes in water. This will allow dirt that is present on the surface of the berries, move away and settle down on the bottom of the dish. By the way, wash the berries is better with the fruits, but if you tear them off, then the berries during the stay in the water can "ride" and become not tasty. After the strawberry swallowed in the water, it must be pulled out and decompose on a cotton towel to allow berries to dry. This is only one, the easiest way to wash the strawberries, but there are other options that in the view of many housewives are more efficient.

Now problems with how to wash the strawberries should not arise, as the article reflects the most popular and effective methods Cleaning berries used millions of hostesses. The main thing is not to be lazy and follow the recommendation. Only then the summer season of strawberries will only bring joy, without poisoning and stomach pain.

Before fell on berries, fruits and vegetables, they need to rinse with running water, and then quench the boiling water

"Mom, let's try at least one berry," the baby canno. And mom, tired by shopping and care, stretches him just purchased strawberry or a cherry. Naturally, unwashed ... such a picture can be seen in our markets every day. Many of these little ladches are already required for the next day. Experts take tens of children affected by intestinal infection every day.

Even one unwearing berry can cause the child's maleness, "says the pediatrician of the Junior Childhood of the Ukrainian Children's Specialized Hospital" Okhmatdet "Svetlana Oysko. - Berries and fruits growing from the Earth, falling from the tree apples - sources of microorganisms and bacteria. Therefore, the fruits before use you need to be thoroughly washed under running water, and for children up to three years old to even be boiled.

What symptoms say that the child fell ill?

If at least once a day the chair was liquid, the kid has changed the behavior, complaints appeared on abdominal pain, lethargy, drowsiness, the body temperature rose, there is vomiting, you need to immediately consult a doctor. Non-acclaimed intestinal infections in children under three years can lead to severe kidney diseases and other complications. And if the doctor prescribes an antibiotic, it needs to be given according to the scheme, without refusing treatment after the disappearance of symptoms. The course must be withstanding at least five days. Otherwise, chronic carriage of microorganisms and bacteria is developing. In this case, the child does not get sick, but infects others.

But it happens, the child does not rise the temperature, although there are diarrhea

If the baby feels normally, it may not be infection, but simply the reaction to the heat. Then you need to give a bigger drink and feed the child during the day rice porridge or decoction.

Do I need to observe a diet with an intestinal infection?

Yes. Nutrition is limited very strongly. Every fifteen minutes of the patient need to give one (!) Alkaline teaspoon mineral water Or sweet warm tea with lemon. Large quantity Calls another vomiting. But such a tough diet lasts for a short time - half a day - day. Then it can be expanded with white breadcrumbs, porridge, vegetable soups.

The other day we had to advise two sisters who were visiting a cake. At one girl found salmonelles, the second did not suffer. This happens quite often. The company eats the same thing, and someone is sick. It depends on the individual characteristics of the body. And, by the way, in summer time Children are better not to use not only cream cakes, but also yogurts. Because of the heat, storage conditions are quickly violated, which affects the quality of the product. Before giving a baby any food, adults need to try it. And if the taste is unusual, it is better to throw away.

With the onset of the first spring days Gardeners, rushing to their sites, proceed to processing landings. And if berries grow on the site, then such a hassle is always full. And especially much effort and attention requires strawberry processing in early spring. After all, a rich harvest depends, above all, from the correctness of spring work on the beds.

Sadic culture

Strawberry care is needed primarily for the most basic result - good harvest. This berry is very capricious sadroom culture. Many of those who love to enjoy her, but have never been engaged in gardening themselves, believe that it is enough to simply plant the seedlings in the garden, wait a bit, and the harvest can already be collected.

In fact, if you do not know how it cultivation can bring alone with chagrins, and not juicy red delicious berries. This culture is very difficult to pour. She needs to constantly cut the mustache, try so that old leaves do not interfere with growing new and so on. But if in the end they become too small, and the fruits do not differ at all, it means only one thing: the gardener did not study to the end, in the spring. At the same time it must be said that work lasts to deep autumn.

After a cold winter

For the normal development of strawberries in the spring when landing, you need to choose the solar and reliably protected from the wind place where the soil will be rich in microelements. And although this berry can not be called winter hardy, but during the cold season of the year, they are preferably extinct and already well-developed plants, while young mostly survive. At the same time, it is necessary to know that early planted or non-timely disclosed plants may die from frosts.

Anyone who at least once saved vegetables, fruits or flowers, knows that since March, every day, until the end of May, in the account. This time is an important sometimes for the care of many berries. You need to know how to care for strawberries in the spring. The processing process includes getting rid of last year's shoots and leaves, and the struggle against pests, and feeding, and watering.

Cleaning and loosening

The very first work should be the cleaning of the site. How to treat strawberries in the spring? You must first gently shit last year's foliage in a handful. In this case, it should be known that the leaves cannot be burned in any case, since the dry vegetation allocates a very dangerous substance - dioxin. Therefore, it will be more correct to all last year's subftitude together with the pests successfully in it simply to collect and take out. Experienced gardeners It is known that this cleaning is the use of double: first, pests are as destroyed as much as possible, and secondly, the roots begin to warm up better for a non-strong Martam Sun.

Before the spring to handle strawberries, immediately after bringing the beds in order, they need to be carefully loosen. It is impossible to leave the trails made between them. Simultaneously with loans, we need to remove the weeds, and finishing, to make feeding.

Chemical processing of strawberry spring from pests

After loosening and weeding immediately before the flowering of berries, as well as after harvesting, activities are held to process plants with such chemicals as "Caesar" or "Taurus". During the appearance of the promise or collection of berries, another means is used - the biological preparation "Akrofit". In case there are a lot of dry leaves on bushes, right way Pest fighting is the transfer of strawberry planting to another, cleaner place. Infected bedding is mounted and sprayed chemical preparationIn order not to allow the disease to capture the entire area. When landing, you need to use clean, not having damaged material.

Spring restoration

Strawberry processing in the spring helps plants easier to recover after winter. To do this, clean the bushes from dry leaves. It must be deleted upper layer On the soil, which was mounted with a strawberry in the fall. Two or three centimeters of remote land will take with them a huge number of different pests settled in a mulch over the winter. It is not worth a thick layer of soil from spring from the spring, because sprouts in this case will be rapid enough to grow. So, berries can mature with an impressive delay.

Some gardeners have their own special approach to how to care for strawberries in the spring. It lies in the fact that they do not remove the autumn submet. In this case, experts advise a well loose aisle, up to seven centimeters in depth. And then, very soon on the plant, juicy berries will appear, which love not only children, but also adults. Only such a processing of strawberries in the spring, in combination with the efforts attached to it, will definitely revise the gardener with an excellent harvest.

Be sure to be carried out at this time mulching and give feeding plants. To do this, you need to sprinkle a garden with sawdust or shallow straw. Sometimes the usual humid, feeding fertilizers, including nitrogen, is used.

To increase yields

Experienced gardeners, already well-known as the spring to handle strawberries, are recommended before the start of the flowering process to perform a spraying of bushes with urea solution. It is prepared by dilution of 30 g of substance on 10 liters of water. Similar processing of strawberries in the spring almost a quarter increases its yield.

With the possible danger of frosts, it is necessary to take care of the preservation of the first harvest. With such a threat to save the planting of the berries you need to smoke: burn grass or dry leaves. And start this work It is necessary even before the start of frosts from the night and continue almost until the sun appears.

Spring subcord

Old leaves with strawberry crops are immediately not recommended. It is more correct to wait until young shoots come out. And their appearance, in turn, is a signal speaking on the occurrence of the need for first feeding. It is a peculiar care for strawberry early spring. It is prepared as follows: in 10 liters of water to dissolve a tablespoon of ammonium sulfate with two glasses of liquid cowboat. Each plant should get 1000 mg of feeding.

Before the flowering of many berries, including strawberries, you need to use another solution: in the declined dishes, it is possible to dissolve a small spoon of potassium sulfate with two glasses of nitroposki. You need to water this composition, each bush is needed, spending on half liters of feeding.

Experienced gardeners know how to care for strawberries in the spring. They are with dry weather once, even before the start of flowering, the bushes are thickened. Then the water should be made only as needed. And the beds before the start of flowering is better to water the way to sprinkle so that the leaves develop better. In the future, it will remain moisturize the soil.

In those sites whose hosts know how to care for strawberries in the spring, with sufficient use of fertilizers and competent protection from different pests of the plant will be strong and resistant to disease. It will be easier for them not only to be overwhelmed, but also recover from the cold. After all, frosts will not harm them.

Strawberry can withstand the temperature in winter to thirty degrees of frost in the presence of a layer of snow 20 cm. If the snow cover is a bit, then the plants even with weaker cold frozen and even die. If the snow fell quite a little, then the spring planting, covered by straw, should be opened, and as soon as possible to avoid the appearance of mice.

Spring spraying

But on this work does not end. Many vegetables are asked than to treat strawberries in early spring. Experts believe that after the appearance of fresh shoots and leaves under the yoke, it is necessary to make a solution of sodium sulfate with a cowboat, and already in early May - mineral fertilizers. And when the kidneys dissolve, the beds need to be processed, can avoid many diseases.

Features of care

Watering berry plants It is advisable to spend once a week, and at night or early in the morning. Experts recommend using drip irrigation: in this case, water will not fall on the plant, the sun will not burn it, and the plant will not die. In addition, it is necessary to follow the appearance of weeds. And although mulching does not allow weeds to germinate, however it is necessary to get rid of them very carefully so that the water freely falls into the root system. If a thorough care for strawberry early spring will be carried out on the site every year, then you can be sure that the berries will be large, and the result, i.e. The collected crop will definitely please their abundance.

Required tools

For spring treatment of strawberries, you will need:

  • bucket;
  • garden sprayer;
  • secator;
  • sack.

From fertilizers you need to stock chicken litter, a cow potash Selievera, "Nitroammophos" or other mineral feeders, colloidal gray, "phytoosporin" and other drugs to combat disease and pests.

Types of strawberries, fruitful late spring

There are several types of strawberries, classified by the time of obtaining crop:

  • June. Fruits late in spring, gives a lot of berries, but has some drawbacks. Berries on it appear only once. In addition, in the first year it is necessary to destroy all the flowers so that the plant subsequently fixed.
  • Year-round. In fact, it brings a harvest just in spring and autumn, while in June it needs to turn the inflorescences on it so that in the fall of the plant again covered berries.

Diseases and pests

The processing of strawberries in spring from diseases is not only the plant and harvest, but also increases it. Golden Rule Gardeners: better prevention of the disease, rather than the struggle with her.

Gray rot in early spring

There are quite a large number of diseases affecting the strawberries. Among them are very common gray rot, which is considered enough dangerous fungal disease. It appears with prolonged raw and cool weather. Methods of combating gray rotting in the spring are to destroy patients with plants on the beds, since, together with the wind or rain, the disease can spread to the plantation.

In this case, it is necessary even before the start of bloom to treat the plant with copper chloroxide at the rate: a tablespoon per liter of water. For each square meter The affected area needs a thousand milligrams of the solution. The second processing is carried out after the last collection of strawberry berries - in ten liters of water, two tablespoons of copper chloroxide and liquid soap are dissolved.

Another disease is spotty, which is white, brown and brown. The disease appears in summer and autumn. The leaves of the plant begin to warm and gradually fall. Fight with the disease twice: early spring, spraying leaves, and abundantly treating after the final harvest.

How to deal with pests in spring

Many gardeners before planning purchased seedlings, be sure to handle it. For this, it is lowered for fifteen minutes in comparatively hot water (temperature maximum forty-five degrees) to pests, if they are there, died. Seasy bushes, you need to trace that the distance between plants was more than thirty, and between the rows - at least seventy centimeters.

In the spring, some daches spray their strawberry plants with a decoction of tomato tops. Such a decoction is preparing since the autumn: a kilogram of harvested green tomatoes is filled with warm water, it insisters well. It is then boiled, fastened, the mixture soap is added to the mixture.

No less effectively on pests affects the spraying of strawberries with infant of the dandelion. Fresh leaves of this growing ubiquitous weed are crushed and flooded with fifty-degree water. Then a few hours all insisters, shakes, flickering. The leaves of strawberries are sprayed with the resulting solution.

Today we will learn how to wash vegetables and fruits. Each hostess will say that there is nothing complicated here that everyone knows how to do it. But in practice it turns out that the majority do it is not correct.

Nothing, if today it was not so dangerous. Often vegetables and fruits are specially processed chemicals, Used in food that can be easily "getting" departure, and in addition, products can be infected with various bacteria, the most dangerous of which is an intestinal wand from which you can even die.

How to wash cucumbers and tomatoes?

When there begins to infection by the enterohemorrhagic intestinal chopper, the cucumbers and tomatoes have vinyl. Therefore, you need to know how to correct them before use. First, cucumbers and tomatoes must be laundered from the ground in running waterAnd then you need to lose vegetables with a special brush for 2-3 minutes - so will leave the remnants of the mud and the harmful bacteria will.

How to torment the tuber vegetables?

Potatoes, beets, carrots, radishes, radish, horseradish is rooted, that is, fruits that have grown in the ground. They are not enough easy to rinse under running water. On the surface of them (for example, on carrots) there are a lot of snacks and spindles in which the earth and dirt remains, and therefore the microbes and bacteria too.

Therefore, in order to completely clean the root plates from the ground, you need to pour them with warm water and give a little to stand up to the dirt begging, behind the fetus and donkey at the bottom of the tank. After that, the brushes wash off what remained, and washed with vegetables warm and then cold water.

How to wash mushrooms?

There may be an intestinal wand on mushrooms, but still, there is such a chance, if, for example, mushrooms lay next to other infected vegetables.

I advise each mistress to have a special brush, which is designed for washing dishes. It is very convenient for her very comfortable brushed vegetables and fruits from a waxy or paraffin layer, which is specially applied to the fruit so that they do not spoil for a long time and had a vehicle.

Often imported vegetables and fruits are processed by a substance called diphenyl. IN large quantities This substance can cause allergies, vomiting, nausea, irritation of mucous eyes and respiratory tract, leads to various diseases Skin. Therefore, such vegetables and fruits need to be processed particularly carefully. Ordinary water will not be able to wash off chemistry from products, so you need to do soap water with the help of household soap, omit vegetables into it and rub them with a brush about 3 minutes. So you will remove the paraffin or wax layer, as well as clean the vegetables and fruits from the intestinal wand.

How to wash citrus?

All citrus fruits must be scolded with boiling water, and then rinse under running water.

How to wash strawberries and strawberries?

How to wash the greens?

The unwashed greenery is dangerous that there may be nematodes - helminths that cause the gastrointestinal tract in animals and man, as a consequence, diarrhea may arise, allergies. Nematodes can provoke laryngitis, bronchitis, lead to pneumonia. They affect the central nervous system, hitting it, leading to articular and muscle pain. But the intestinal wand may be on greenery too.

So today we learned how to wash vegetables and fruits. Remember that useful only those fruits that are carefully cleaned! Be healthy!

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