Home decorative pepper how to care. Growing ornamental peppers

Landscaping and planning 24.05.2019
Landscaping and planning

In the cold season, you want to create a special comfort in the house, and edible and ornamental plants grown on the windowsill at home are ideal for this. Room pepper is no exception, it not only adds originality to the interior, but also allows lovers of spicy food to spice up their dishes.

Features of growing hot peppers in an apartment on the windowsill

Growing peppers on a windowsill is quite an exciting activity. As for the purpose of such an unusual landing, he o can be a big plus forinterior decorating,Kolka plant, densely strewn with bright ripened fruits, looks very decorative.

And, of course, it will not be superfluous when eaten.

Advice! You can use hot pepper for salting, pickling and canning, as well as a spicy addition to the first (soups) and second courses (especially meat).

For the successful cultivation of pepper on the windowsill, you need to create optimal conditions for its growth and development, because this culture is rather capricious. Therefore, it is required to familiarize yourself in advance with the features and preferences of the plant, as well as with the rules for planting and further care.

By the way! With proper care and regular feeding, indoor pepper is able to fully grow and produce a stable crop for 5-10 years, because it is a perennial plant.

To grow hot peppers at home, you need to consider the following factors:

  • seeds of a suitable variety from a trusted manufacturer or freshly cut cuttings;
  • the choice of the optimal place for the growth of the plant, its lighting, the need for additional lighting;
  • selection of planting containers and a suitable substrate;
  • features of watering and top dressing;
  • knowledge of diseases and pests of pepper.

Important! Observing all the rules of care, from one plant you can get 10-20 or more fruits at the same time.

Choosing a bitter variety for planting in an apartment

The following varieties decorative pepper ideal for growing on the windowsill in the apartment:

  1. Twinkle. This variety has long been popular due to its compact bush, which reaches a height of 40 cm. It was bred by crossing chili and cayenne pepper. It forms fruits up to 5 cm, which at the base have a diameter of 1-1.2 cm. As they grow, they change their color: green, yellow, red. The fruits ripen within 120 days.
  2. Aladdin. An ultra-early compact variety, the height of the bush reaches 35-40 cm at home. It forms cone-shaped multi-colored fruits, the length of which does not exceed 3 cm. In the process of growth, the shade of the fruit changes: green, purple, red. Fruit ripening occurs within 105 days.
  3. Garda Firevox. One of the new indoor varieties. Forms compact bushes 30 cm high. The length of the pods is 5 cm. The peculiarity of the pepper is that the fruits stick out with their tips up. As they ripen, they change their color, so the plant can simultaneously have fruits of green, lilac, orange and red. The ripening of the pods occurs within 115 days.
  4. Explosive Ember. The unusual variety is that the foliage of the plant has a dark purple color. It forms cone-shaped small fruits 2.5 cm long. As they grow, the shade of the fruit also changes: purple, pink, scarlet. The bush is formed compact, 30 cm high. The variety is considered early ripening, fruit ripening occurs after 115 days.

Also for growing at home, such varieties of hot peppers as Black Prince, Five-colored, Medusa, Ornament, Orange Round, Phoenix, Fakir, Falcon's Beak, Queen of Spades, Firework.

Depending on individual preferences, you can choose one or more varieties at the same time.

As a rule, the most popular varieties for growing on the windowsill are peppers. Ogonyok and Chile.

Important! You can not use seeds from a store-bought pod to grow pepper on a windowsill, as it is an industrial variety and it needs completely different conditions.

Video: decorative indoor hot pepper - an overview of the various varieties

Features of planting bitter pepper at home - step by step instructions

To grow Pepper Spark on the windowsill, you need to prepare for the procedure by studying the preferences and features of growing this crop in room conditions. Only by observing all the stages of the landing, you can finally achieve the desired result.

Sowing Timing: When to Sow the Seeds

It should be understood that hot pepper grows for a very long time, as well as any pepper, for example,

In the case of growing indoor hot peppers, you can start sowing it at any time, that is all year round. For example, if you sow in the winter, in December-January, then you can get a harvest in the summer - in June-July.

Choosing the right place and creating optimal conditions for growing

Hot pepper is very picky about light and heat, so for its full growth and development it is necessary to choose south or southeast (or west) window sill. During the period of active sun in spring, the plant needs light shading. In summer, the plant should be taken out to the balcony or loggia, but it is recommended to exclude drafts.

Important! Pepper does not tolerate cold drafts, so when airing the room, it is best to keep it away from the open window. You should also repair (glue) all holes if you have old window frames.

For full growth and development, the plant needs 12-16 hours of daylight. During the period of short days from early October to March, hot peppers are especially in need of in additional lighting with phytolamps or full-spectrum LED lamps in the morning and evening, as well as on cloudy days.

Important! The lack of light is manifested by a light shade of foliage, which can eventually lead to leaf fall. In this case, the duration of artificial supplementary illumination must be increased.

For normal plant growth winter time air temperature should not fall below +18 degrees, and starting from spring optimum temperature is +20-24 degrees.

Do not forget! In summer, pots of indoor pepper can, and even need to, be taken outside.

planting container

Hot pepper forms a relatively compact root system which is closer to the ground surface. For growing indoor pepper, it is recommended to select pots with a volume of at least 3 liters, and preferably 4-5 liters.

Important! Pepper is grown, as a rule, with a pick, therefore, for the initial sowing, very shallow wide (rectangular) containers (4-5 centimeters in height) are first harvested. Of these, the grown plants are subsequently transplanted into already larger individual containers, and then to a permanent place (in large pots).

A prerequisite is an drainage holes in the bottom of the pot which helps to remove excess moisture. Before planting on the bottom, it is necessary to fill the drainage with a layer of 2-3 cm, which will prevent stagnation of water in the pot.

Suitable substrate

For sowing hot pepper seeds, you can purchase seedling substrate in a specialized store. But you can prepare a nutrient mixture for planting yourself. This will require the following components:

  • 2 parts of peat;
  • 1 part river sand, perlite or vermiculite

Immediately before planting hot pepper seeds, it is necessary to disinfect the soil by spilling it with a biofungicide or potassium permanganate, which will prevent the development of fungal diseases. And you can disinfect the soil in advance by heating it in the oven.

Pre-sowing preparation of seeds

Pepper seeds before planting is recommended germinate in a humid environment. To do this, you need to spread the seeds in a damp gauze (or use cotton pads) and carefully wrap the fabric. And then put them in a container and close the lid so that the moisture is retained longer.

For germination, place in a dark and warm place (+25-27 degrees) for several days(1-2 days will be enough), periodically opening, moisturizing and examining for the presence of sprouts. As soon as most of the seeds hatch, they will need to be planted in prepared soil.

Important! Seeds should not be allowed to dry out during germination, otherwise they will die.

Although, in principle, you can sow dry seeds.

Growing hot peppers from cuttings indoors

In some cases, to save all view properties it is recommended to carry out cuttings of pepper. Cuttings must be cut from green young shoots without fruits, 7-8 cm long. Each of them should preferably have at least a leaflet, but not necessarily.

Before planting in the ground, they must be soaked in advance in a solution of zircon (3 drops per 100 ml of water) for 12-24 hours or powdered with root root powder.

For more information on growing indoor hot peppers from cuttings, see the video below.

Video: growing hot peppers on a windowsill from cuttings - pruning and propagation

Step-by-step instructions for sowing seeds and planting (rooting) cuttings

To grow pepper on the windowsill, you must initially plant it correctly. Only if all the necessary conditions of the procedure are met, you can achieve the desired result in the end.

Step-by-step instruction sowing pepper seeds at home:

  • Prepare seeds.
  • Fill containers (pots) with the necessary substrate and level the surface.
  • Moisten the soil with plenty of water and allow it to completely soak.
  • Make small grooves (rows) up to 1 centimeter deep.
  • Place the seeds at a distance of 0.5-1 cm from each other.
  • Sprinkle with earth.
  • Moisturize upper layer from a spray bottle.
  • Cover containers with glass or cling film to preserve high humidity air inside the landing container (to create greenhouse conditions).
  • Put the containers in a dark and warm place (22-26 degrees) until shoots appear.

Video: how to grow bitter indoor pepper - proper sowing and further care

Features of further care for hot pepper in the apartment

After the appearance of pepper sprouts, it is recommended to rearrange the seed container on the windowsill and lower the temperature to + 20-22 degrees. Glass or film should be removed completely and be sure to start lighting up to 12-16 hours of daylight with the help of lamps.

In order to exclude warm air from heating appliances, pepper sprouts should be covered with a layer of foam or a blanket.

Pepper cuttings take root within 2-3 weeks.


When 2-3 true sheets appear it is necessary to plant (dive) pepper in separate containers.

The first planting should be carried out in pots (it is optimal to take cups) with a diameter of no more than 5 cm, up to 10 cm high.


  • Before diving, spill the container with seedlings so that you can carry seedlings with an earthy clod.
  • The new soil should be even more airy and fertile, so prepare a substrate based on peat, humus and river sand (perlite), taking the components in approximately equal parts.
  • After picking, spill the transplanted seedlings with water (preferably with the addition of root for better rooting).

Further transplanting young seedlings is necessary as they grow. As soon as the roots begin to crowd in the pot, it is recommended to transship the plant, increasing the diameter of the pot. A container for an adult plant should be about 10-15 cm high and about 20-30 cm in diameter.

Video: how to plant indoor pepper


Hot pepper is very picky about soil moisture and does not tolerate watering cold water. It is necessary to water the plant moderately, with water at room temperature, as the top layer in the pot dries out, but allowing it to absorb moisture from the pan. If water remains in the pan 30 minutes after watering, it should be completely poured out.

Important! The higher the air temperature, the more often the soil should be moistened.

In conditions of low air humidity it is worth carrying out additional spraying of foliage with a spray gun.

top dressing

For the full growth of hot pepper on the windowsill, it is required carry out regular feeding. During the period of active vegetation (gaining green mass), preference should be given to mineral fertilizers with a high content of nitrogen or organic fertilizers. And when forming buds and fruits, it is worth using fertilizers with large quantity potassium. It is even better if you use complex mineral supplements, which also contain phosphorus. It is required to feed the plant 1 time in 7-14 days.

Shaping (stepping) and pinching

As a rule, indoor hot peppers grown on the windowsill do not stepchild.

And to make the bush branch better, you can pinch its top.

Major diseases and pests

Pepper, including indoor pepper, is susceptible to fungal diseases and various pests. Therefore, you should know in advance what problems may arise and how to deal with them.

  • Aphid. This pest loves to feast on young shoots of pepper, so it is on them that a large accumulation of pests is formed. To combat them, it is necessary to treat the plant with a biopreparation fitoverm or bitoxibacillin.

By the way! The folk remedy for aphids is ammonia. You need to prepare a solution (dissolve 5-10 ml of ammonia in 1 liter of water) and simply pour under the root.

  • Spider mite. It is characterized by stunting of the plant and curly young leaves, on which a small cobweb appears later. To combat the pest, it is necessary to spray with Actellik, although at home it is still better to use biological products (fitoverm, bitoxibacillin).

Advice! Another folk way pest control is tobacco. You just need to pour the tobacco from the cigarette on top of the soil in the pot.

  • Blackleg. Attacks pepper seedlings initial period germination. The stem at the base of the seedlings becomes thin and blackens. Appears as a result of the overflow of the plant, which leads to its death. The plant cannot be saved. To prevent the disease, it is recommended to shed the soil and spray the sprouts with the fungicide previkur.

Important! After the treatment with drugs, it is necessary to adhere to the waiting period indicated on the packaging of each product; it is not allowed to use pepper during this period for cooking.

Video: how to get rid of aphids on indoor hot peppers

Timing of germination and first harvest of homemade hot peppers

Hot pepper seeds germinate for a long time, which is why this feature must be taken into account when planting. Seedlings appear within 14-21 days, subject to all recommendations for their sowing.

The first crop of pepper on the windowsill ripens in 105-150 days from the moment the first sprouts appear, depending on the variety chosen.

As soon as the pepper turns red (ripe), the fruits should be removed promptly. from the bush along with the stalk. Then in the same place some time later will appear flower, in other words, the plant will continue to bear fruit - to tie new fruits.

What to do with indoor hot peppers after harvesting in the fall, when the foliage begins to fall

Since indoor hot pepper is a perennial plant, when its leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off, and as a rule, this happens in late autumn-early winter (November-December), you will need to cut the pepper, leaving only 8-10 centimeters .

Interesting! From dormant axillary buds and dormant branches, new shoots will begin to develop. The cycle will repeat itself, by March the plant will bloom, and in May you will get the first fruits.

If all recommendations are followed, grow spicy pepper on the windowsill will not be much of a problem. But it is necessary to understand that further care of the plant must meet all its needs, since the pepper will grow and bear fruit only taking into account all the required conditions.

Video: detailed instructions(master class) on growing extra hot peppers on the windowsill in 2 parts

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In order to grow fresh vegetables yourself, you do not need to have Vacation home. Decorative indoor pepper - unpretentious plant, occupying a minimum of space on the kitchen windowsill or on the balcony. Planting and growing a vegetable is not difficult and can be done independently if you follow the recommendations and advice of specialists.

Varieties of indoor peppers

Indoor peppers, like their counterparts for open ground, are divided into many varieties. Greater importance when choosing, as a rule, is given to the fruits of the plant - size, color, taste: spicy or sweet. No less important factors are the time of flowering and ripening, fruitfulness. Some varieties require special care, conditions of detention. The most popular varieties of decorative indoor pepper for self-growing:

  • Twinkle;
  • Chile;
  • Small miracle;
  • multi-colored indoor pepper - Garda Firevoks;
  • Purple bullet.

Room peppers are interesting not only for fresh vegetables grown on the windowsill of the apartment, but also for their interesting, enchanting appearance. The leaves and fruits on the bushes of each variety have their own shades, structure, shape, abundance of flowering and the appearance of flowers. Some housewives plant indoor pepper on their windowsill exclusively for the interior. A properly selected plant variety favorably complements the design of the room, especially such as the kitchen.

Room pepper Spark

The most common type of hot indoor pepper is Spark. It is widely used in apartments for growing in winter. It has a relatively short ripening period - the bush begins to bear fruit 3-4 months after the first shoots appear in the pot. The size of the plant is small - the bush grows up to 30 centimeters, but the news is covered with fruits. During one flowering period, about 50 peppers ripen on a bush.

Indoor hot pepper Spark is a long-term culture: with proper care, the bush lives up to 6 years. The plant does not require special care, in the apartment it will have enough regular watering. AT summer period and in warm spring days it is recommended to take the plant to the balcony. The light is propagated by seeds, they are harvested in the fall, when the fruits become bright scarlet.

Room chili pepper

Varieties of hot indoor chili pepper or cayenne pepper came to us from Bolivia. They are successfully grown in apartments and houses in any region, but they require special soil - a mixture of peat, sand and earth. Fruits in 90 days after germination. Ripe fruits are bright red in color, oblong in shape, up to 5 cm in length. The height of the bush is 30-40 cm. Room chili pepper is used not only in cooking, but also in traditional medicine. From mature pods make various tinctures for headaches, colds. Chili peppers contain vitamins A and C and are especially useful in winter.

Room Pepper Little Miracle

The variety of hot indoor pepper Little Miracle is unpretentious, fertilizers are not necessary for it, it grows well and bears fruit in ordinary soil. The bush reaches no more than 30 cm in height, the fruits are obtuse, in a mature form - a light red hue. Often, the indoor plant Pepper Little Miracle is used only as an element of decor: the bushes, although low, are very lush, with small pointed dark green leaves. The fruits do not grow at the same time, therefore, at the time of their ripening, the bush is decorated with colorful ripples of multi-colored pods: red, orange, green, yellow.

Sweet Room Pepper Peak

Almost all types of indoor peppers have a sharp taste, but Peak is an exception, its fruits are sweet, in a soft and delicate peel. Bushes grow up to 50 cm, the leaves are dark green, wide at the base. With proper care, pepper in the room lives 2-3 years. At the same time, up to 15 fruits ripen on a bush - 2-4 chamber cone-shaped peppers, weighing 100-150 g. Indoor Peak pepper is resistant to many diseases characteristic of plants of this species. It needs minimal care, does not require pest prevention. Grows well even in poorly ventilated areas.

Indoor colorful pepper

Multi-colored room pepper Garda Firewox is one of the most extravagant species. The bushes are low 25-30 cm, but very lush branches with foliage begin close to the base. The leaves are long and narrow. The fruits are thin oblong up to 5-6 cm, they, like the foliage, stick out in different sides. Pepper pods are sharp with a slight sourness. During its ripening, the fruits change color several times: green, yellow, purple, orange, red. During periods of fruiting, pepper in a pot as a houseplant is especially attractive, so balconies and cornices are often decorated with bushes.

Indoor purple pepper

The most popular variety of purple indoor pepper is Explosive Amber. When ripe, its fruits are red, but during the ripening period they change colors: from pale lilac to dark purple. main feature of this variety - the color of the leaves of the plant. The foliage of an adult bush has an unusual purple tint, diffused in the center and saturated at the edges. The bush grows no more than 30 cm, the size of the fruit is 2.5 cm, 10-15 g. Purple pepper in a pot is a houseplant, but it grows better on windowsills on the sunny side. In summer, it is recommended to expose the pot to fresh air.

Room pepper - planting

Growing and caring for indoor pepper is a simple matter, and every housewife can do it. Planting a plant at home can be done in two ways: purchase ready-made seedlings, grow a pepper bush from seeds yourself. It will be faster and more convenient to take seedlings, but there is a risk of buying the wrong variety that was promised by the seller. Another plus in seed cultivation- at home it can be carried out at any time, seedlings, as a rule, are sold only in the spring. Recommendations of professional vegetable growers when planting:

  1. For planting, it is better to take seeds from ripe indoor pepper pods than packaged factory ones.
  2. Use only natural ingredients as fertilizers - vegetable compost, bird droppings, manure.
  3. Indoor pepper loves water, but excessive watering is also harmful to him: the soil must be moist and loosened.
  4. If landing is in winter period, then the soil can not be fertilized, but planted seeds in ordinary land taken from the garden.

One of the main advantages of this houseplant is that pepper in a pot can be planted all year round, but planting in winter and autumn periods has its own nuances. When there is a short daylight hours outside, the root system develops more in the sprout. The stem of the bush will begin to grow actively with the arrival of spring sunny days. Therefore, it is recommended to place the pepper pot indoors on the sunny side.

How to grow indoor peppers from seeds?

Seeds for growing indoor peppers should be soaked in warm water: wrapped in a wet cloth overnight. While the seeds are soaking, prepare a container: lay drainage (expanded clay) on the bottom, fill it up and moisten the soil well. Place the seeds in the ground to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. A distance of at least 7-10 cm from each other so that future bushes do not intertwine and die if it is a permanent container, and it was more convenient to transplant them if it is a common box. The soil from above must be moistened again, for example, from a sprayer. You can cover the pot with a plastic cup to speed up the growth of the pepper.

How to care for indoor pepper?

Caring for indoor pepper at home does not take much time, but you still need to pay attention to the plant, regardless of the age of the bush. Indoor pepper is a heat-loving crop and grows best in the sun, but direct midday summer rays are dangerous for it: the leaves will burn. In a constant shade, the development of the bush will slow down, there will be less ovary. Therefore, it is recommended to keep indoor pepper on the windowsill on the sunny side, but in hot weather hide it in the shade or cover it from the rays. As the plant grows, it is transplanted into a larger pot, if this was not provided for in advance.

Indoor ornamental pepper easily tolerates pruning, you can shape its branches at your discretion. Pruning is carried out only at the end of summer, when the plant has gained strength, or in the spring, when it has come out of dormancy. Long branches are cut, the main trunk cannot be touched: the pepper will die. Inflorescences of indoor pepper do not require mandatory artificial pollination, but to speed up the process, you can lightly shake the pot during the flowering of the bush or help the flowers to be pollinated with a soft brush.

How to water indoor pepper?

Basic rules for watering indoor pepper:

  1. In winter, the main thing is to make sure that the earth in the pot is moist, water the indoor pepper once a week.
  2. In summer, you need to water every day, and bushes in small pots and young sprouts a little 2 times a day.
  3. It is useful for a bush when its leaves are sprayed daily with water from a spray bottle.
  4. After pruning, the bush needs abundant watering to restore strength.
  5. Do not fill the soil excessively or water the plant with cold water. Such actions can lead to decay of the root system and death of the plant. Moreover, the disease will manifest itself so late that it will be impossible to save the bush.
  6. Plants placed above radiators need to be watered more frequently. In such cases, it is recommended to put a container of water on the battery to humidify the air.

How to feed room pepper?

Indoor pepper is a hardy and not capricious shrub without special soil requirements, but, like every plant, with regular fertilizer shows much better results. Top dressing of indoor peppers begins two weeks after transplanting the seedling, and then is carried out once a month, depending on the condition of the plant, the conditions of its maintenance. As a fertilizer, both mineral factory fertilizers are used - superphosphate, potassium sulfate, and organic components - 100 g of bird droppings diluted in 2 liters of water.

How to pinch room pepper?

That was more abundant flowering and buds formed faster, pinching is carried out. Such care for indoor pepper is necessary, as a rule, at an early stage of cultivation before transplanting the seedling into a pot to a permanent place: the top bud is cut off as soon as 8-12 leaves have formed on the stem. So the bush will not grow in height, but in width, letting out fruitful shoots. It is not uncommon to pinch already mature plants, if the bush develops poorly or is sick, useless branches without inflorescences are removed to save plant resources.

Miniature room pepper grows well on the windowsill and is excellent source spices to prepare amazing dishes in the kitchen. Commonly used at home different kinds and varieties decorative culture. Decorative pepper is loved by many for its original look and ease of cultivation.

plant description

The biological name of indoor pepper is capsicum. Often decorative indoor, although it is permissible to grow it on open ground. Such species are used as a food product, and have some medicinal properties.

Decorative pepper was introduced from America and Asia. It contains a large number of nutrients and vitamins. In our country, peppers are mainly grown to obtain an ornamental plant with beautiful leaves and less often to obtain edible fruits.

Pepper in a pot has a variety of shapes:

  • small;
  • large;
  • pointed;
  • rounded;
  • pear-shaped;
  • elongated.

Depending on the varietal qualities, the fruits can grow up or down. Growing ornamental peppers takes time and care.

Important! Ornamental potted peppers can bear fruit at home for up to four years with proper care.

When growing pepper, there are some requirements for indoor conditions:

  1. The temperature in the room should be within 25 degrees Celsius.
  2. Air circulation.
  3. Sufficient lighting.
  4. Regular watering.
  5. Pruning.

Important: When the flowers are formed, it is necessary to pinch the sprouts, this has a great effect on the formation of a beautiful strong bush.

Caring for ornamental peppers also includes pruning, which is carried out after flowering. Peppers are very demanding on top dressing, so you should fertilize about 2 times a week. In winter, the plant does not require additional feeding, and therefore it needs regular watering and lighting.

To stimulate the plant to grow, develop and bear fruit, it is recommended to transplant it about once a year.

Selection of planting material

To get healthy plants, first of all, you need to make a choice seed material. Ornamental peppers are best propagated by seeds, in order to understand how to grow plants from seeds, you need to consider some points:

  1. Seeds are collected from dried fruits.
  2. Seeds should be collected from the bush you like, given the shape of the fruit.

Seeds of hot pepper, as a rule, can be stored for five years, but seeds harvested a year before planting have the best germination. Therefore, it is better to plant seeds from last year, as this will ensure a good harvest.

Important! Seeds that are collected for storage should not have mechanical damage and traces of disease. Benign seed material should have a yellowish color.

Varieties differ in terms of ripening:

  • early ripeness;
  • medium ripeness;
  • late-ripening.

Varieties early term maturation bear fruit 70-95 days after planting in pots. Peppers from mid-season varieties appear after 110 days, late - after 130 days.

Pepper bushes, which reach a height of 35 centimeters, amaze with their magnificence. In general, the height of peppers grown in pots can vary from 20 to 100 cm tall.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

One pot is enough for planting. Landing consists of the following steps:

  1. Backfill at the bottom of the drainage tank. Small expanded clay stones can be used as drainage.
  2. Backfilling soil with neutral acidity, specially purchased soil is best, as the soil collected from the site may contain disease microbes or pest larvae that adversely affect seed germination.
  3. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in water at room temperature for about 2 hours. This time will be enough for swelling, biostimulants such as "EPIN" or "ZIRCON" can be added to the solution. These preparations stimulate the germination of healthy shoots.
  4. Distribution of seeds on the soil surface, observing the optimal distance between them. Seeds are planted in moist soil, but not wet.
  5. Sprinkle the seeds with soil by 50 millimeters.
  6. Moisturizing the soil with a spray gun.
  7. Cover with foil to create a greenhouse effect.

After the emergence of seedlings, they must be regularly inspected and moistened, avoiding waterlogging.

Every day, the film should be lifted for a while, the ventilation is increased every day, and after the appearance of strong young shoots, the greenhouse effect is removed and the plants are allowed to adapt to normal conditions.

As the above-ground mass of plants increases and when 2 true leaves appear, the peppers are transplanted to a permanent place. If the plant is planted in a separate pot, then it should be transplanted into a container with larger area nutrition, this will ensure the full growth and development of ornamental peppers.

In general, when growing ornamental peppers, you need to follow this rule: "one plant - one pot." Mass plantings are unacceptable for indoor pepper.

Stimulation of flowering and fruiting

Care to stimulate peppers to the appearance of flowers are the following activities:

  • to increase the number of ovaries, the pot with the plant should be shaken periodically;
  • providing access sunlight;
  • ensuring systematic irrigation.

Important! Usually, the first flowers on peppers fall off, but then new ones are filled, which bear fruit, so you should not despair and continue to provide care.

Growing conditions

Decorative pepper is picky about the sun, with a lack of leaf plates suffer and are damaged, as a result of which the plant may not develop and deform. Do not place pots of pepper on shelves, a refrigerator or a cabinet. If there is not enough light, you should take care of additional lighting.

Be sure to moisten the plant every day by spraying from a spray bottle. Water should be at room temperature, pepper does not tolerate cooling.

Between March and October, peppers should be fertilized; special fertilizers for nightshade crops are suitable for this plant. Fertilizers can be purchased at a specialty store and used according to the instructions on the package.

Around the end of summer, pruning can be done, but only if the pepper has formed fairly long branches. The pepper bush should be pleasing to the eye and be compact. When pruning, the main trunk does not need to be touched, otherwise it can lead to the death of the plant.

Caring for miniature peppers in winter

According to biological characteristics, decorative indoor pepper is perennial plant, which at good care can bear fruit for 4-5 years. The main care during this period is the transshipment of plants, in order to renew the soil. The soil needs to be updated every spring. For a comfortable overwintering, there are three growing options:

  • after fruiting, collect seeds for propagation, and mature plant throw away;
  • to save it should be placed in a bright place and provide regular watering;
  • to save an adult plant and harvest in winter, additional lighting should be provided, for this, lamps are installed and top dressing continues.


This paper discusses the main points of care and cultivation of ornamental peppers at home. The bush of such a plant will please with its appearance and piquant taste.

Kira Stoletova

In order to plant plants at home in winter, you do not need to make a lot of effort. We will analyze how to grow decorative peppers and how to care for them.

  • Growing in containers and pots

    If you plan to grow an ornamental plant in containers or pots, you can choose any plant variety. Capsicum, the second name of decorative pepper, is usually sown in early March, and in the summer you can take pots with a plant outside, for example, onto a balcony.

    As for the choice of a pot, it is worth taking a container with a volume of about 5 liters. Although, if you plan to grow vegetable or berry peppers, which are tall, you should take a larger pot.

    Landing Features

    Before planting hot indoor pepper in the ground, you need to prepare it in a special way for planting. You will need:

    • substrate for potted plants
    • Dolomite flour

    It is desirable that horn shavings be included in the composition of the soil, if it is not there, you can buy it separately. As for dolomite flour, it should be applied to the ground every 7 days, the recommended amount is 1 tsp. on 5-6 liters of land.

    Decorative indoor pepper does not grow in dense soil, since such soil does not allow air to penetrate into the soil. Many growers add humus to the soil to increase the nutritional value of the soil.

    In order for the soil to be as prepared as possible for growing ornamental peppers in a pot, you can enrich the soil with vermiculite or agroperlite before planting. With these components, you can maximize the ability of the soil to retain moisture.


    The fruits of decorative pepper will be appreciated by those who like to treat themselves to something spicy and a little bitter, like chili peppers. When can the edible fruits of hot ornamental peppers be harvested?

    If you see that the pepper has changed its color, turned yellow or red, depending on the variety chosen, then the fruits are fully ripe and can be plucked.

    Which variety to choose

    You can plant any variety of homemade ornamental peppers at home. However, there is a list of varieties of decorative indoor peppers that are considered the least demanding in care, they are most often eaten:

    • goldfinger
    • red rocket
    • Jamaica
    • Python
    • Troll
    • black bride
    • Pearl
    • Queen of Spades
    • Filius
    • blue baby
    • Jellyfish
    • Aladdin
    • Pearl
    • Zorro
    • Sirius
    • salsa
    • Ampel mischievous

    If you are growing decorative hot peppers for the first time, then you should start with these varieties.

    plant height

    If a pepper bush grows in its natural environment, like bell pepper, for example, it manages to reach a height of 1 meter and even higher. Concerning room conditions, that is, growing on a windowsill, the plant is able to grow on average up to 30-60 cm, most high grade thought to be Aladdin. At the same time, the life of capsicum at home is not long, only 4-5 years.

    However, even for such short term, the bush will delight you with bright fruits more than once. In addition, you will harvest throughout the calendar year.


    The first thing worth mentioning is that the room should be bright enough, and also often ventilated, but drafts are categorically undesirable. It is better to choose window sills in the east or west, so you will take into account the requirement for lighting.

    Do not put pepper pots on the south side. The fact is that the plant can get burns on the leaves if it is in the sun for a long time.

    However, you do not need to keep the plant in the shade all the time. At least 3-5 hours a day, the bush should be placed under straight lines. Sun rays. If the weather outside the window is cloudy, you need to organize an artificial light source. If the sun is not enough, you will notice this in the appearance of the bush - the branches do not develop well, flowering is worse, and there are catastrophically few fruits.

    The most stressful period for ornamental peppers is considered to be the end of autumn - the beginning of winter, since this period is characterized by a short daylight hours. In order to maintain the growth of pepper, you need to organize additional lighting with the help of fitolamps.

    Temperature and Humidity

    The room should be 23-25 ​​degrees in the spring, in winter it can drop to 16-19 degrees.

    An important feature of ornamental pepper is that the plant loves temperature changes, this applies to the difference between morning and night temperatures. For this reason, growers recommend taking the pot out to the balcony.

    To grow peppers on a windowsill, a humidity level of at least 60-70% is required. Exceeding normal values ​​is not regrettable, in addition to this plant does not tolerate the dry period. If the hygrometer shows less than 50% humidity, it is recommended, in addition to watering, to also spray the bush with water from a spray bottle.

    Preparing seeds for planting

    In order for the plant to take root better, it is recommended to sow no earlier than February. It is necessary to prepare the seeds of ornamental pepper before sowing. For this you will need:

    • Disinfectant solution for seeds - Fitosporin or potassium permanganate
    • Growth stimulator, for example, Epin

    In the first case, the seeds are soaked, in the second, they are sprayed in accordance with the instructions for the preparation. If you are going to plant fresh seeds, then stimulation can be omitted.

    seed germination

    During germination, the seeds must lie in water for at least 12 hours. It is important that they are located at least 2 cm apart from each other. This is necessary so that the sprouted sprouts do not interfere with each other's growth. After germination, you need to sprinkle them with earth, covering them 1 cm from above. Make sure all seeds are covered.

    The next step is the mandatory spraying of germinated seeds with water from a spray bottle. It is important here not to overdo it so that the soil is not too wet, otherwise this can lead to mold and rot.

    Try to organize conditions that will resemble greenhouse as much as possible. To do this, cover them with a film, then put in a warm place with good lighting. In order for the seed to germinate, a temperature of at least 23 degrees is required.

    In no case should you put a pot of seeds under the sun's rays, so you risk creating a greenhouse effect under the film, after which the seeds will boil.

    As soon as you see the first small shoots, you must immediately remove the film. This usually takes about two weeks. Although under some conditions it may take longer, for example, if you did not prepare the seeds before sowing.

    Seedling transplant

    When a few leaves have appeared on the seedlings, the seedling is ready for transplanting to a permanent place of growth. Each seedling must be placed in a separate container for growing decorative peppers. Otherwise, if there are 2 or more sprouts in the pot, the plant will become weak, you may not wait for the fruits.

    It is worth taking a pot of about 300 ml in volume. If the volume of the pot is larger, then the root system of the bush may oxidize after several waterings.

    It is important during transplantation to place the shoot exactly at the same depth at which it was located at the germination stage. Do not deepen the plant too deep into the soil, as this can lead to rotting of the root system.

    It is important to place a drainage layer on the bottom of the new pot. It must be laid carefully so as not to block the holes in the bottom.

    It is necessary to choose the land for potted plants. You can slightly press down the soil around the sprout itself, after which it is good to water. During rooting, it is recommended not to water the bush for at least a week.

    During transplantation, it is necessary to pinch the most important root. This will develop the lateral processes of the roots, and the root system will be stronger.

    Growing peppers from cuttings

    In the summer and in the spring, you can grow decorative peppers by cuttings. To do this, you need to cut off the lateral process, after which the resulting cut must be treated with a special growth stimulator. Next, the process must be placed in a mix of soil and sand, the components are taken in a ratio of 1 to 1. It is necessary to ensure maximum watering of the cutting, and then cover it with a plastic or glass cap. Place the cutting where it will be warm and light enough.

    It is important to periodically ventilate the spine, you need to do this at least once a day.

    You can pinch the top to make the rooting process go faster. It is worth taking care that the cutting grows in soil suitable for potted plants. If you chose sandy-earth soil for it at the rooting stage, at the transplant stage, you should give preference to the same mixture.

    Caring for ornamental peppers

    After the sprout has successfully rooted, it is important to provide the future bush proper care, which consists of the following steps:

    • Watering
    • Periodic spraying
    • top dressing
    • crown formation

    Watering the plant

    In summer and spring, the plant is watered as needed, that is, when you find dried soil in a pot. It is worth using only settled water, its temperature should be at room temperature.

    In no case do not allow a situation with the drying of the earth. If the bush withered, its leaves will soon fall off, there will be no more fruits on it.

    Spraying a bush

    If the temperature in the room is above 25 degrees, spray the bush at least 2-3 times a day.

    top dressing

    Top dressing is considered an integral part of caring for ornamental peppers, the plant reacts sharply if there is a lack of certain nutrients in the soil.

    If the color of the leaves turns purple, then there is not enough phosphorus in the soil. To say about the lack of nitrogen can be an excessively light color of the foliage.

    Top dressing should be done at least once every 10-14 days. At the same time, it is important to follow the application rules: potash and phosphorus mixtures should be applied strictly under the root, nitrogen fertilizers are applied directly to the leaves.

    We form a crown

    The procedure for crown formation, that is, trimming the upper part of the foliage, is a procedure that cannot be neglected. The fact is that the formation has a positive effect on the indicators of fruitfulness, and also gives the tree a beautiful and well-groomed appearance.

    It is important to pinch each shoot before the first shoots are formed. The most important branch, namely its crown, is pinched at the moment when the first flowers appear on it. This will help develop side shoots. All leaves and branches that stand out from the common crown are subject to pruning.

    Transplanting decorative peppers

    It is important to carry out the procedure as carefully as possible so as not to injure the root system of such a houseplant as an ornamental pepper. In order not to stress the plant, you can limit yourself to partial replacement of the earth in a pot without removing the pepper.

    Diseases and pests

    Most often, an ornamental plant suffers from spider mites and damage mealybug. The first disease affects only the roots, so find the problem on initial stage fails. It is quite difficult to deal with a spider mite, so it is better to do prevention, that is, to disinfect the earth in time.

    With poor care, the risk of damage to the bush by the mealybug increases, and deviations from the norms of humidity and temperature are especially detrimental to the condition of the plant.

    In winter, when the central heating system is working, containers with water are placed next to the pots to make up for the lack of liquid.

    If the soil is too moist, then the bush can become ill with late blight or root rot. If you notice brown or black spots on the foliage, you should immediately work out the leaves with a preparation with copper. Another sign of disease is wilting of the leaves. You can help decorative pepper by extracting the plant from the ground and completely transplanting.

    How to plant decorative pepper with boiling water?

    decorative pepper care

    How to grow small-fruited HOT PEPPER on the windowsill

    Difficulties in growing

    When growing ornamental peppers, great attention should be paid to the organization of lighting in the room.

    A small number of fruits can also be called a problem. In order to solve this problem, periodically shake the plant a little, this is especially effective during flowering. For the same purpose, you can brush the pepper flowers with a brush every two or three days to speed up reproduction.

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